11-09-23 Agenda Packet OUR MISSION: To advise City government to ensure Federal Way is a community that is united amidst diversity, where everyone is equally respected, valued, needed, and cherished. Equality is not sameness; it is equivalent value. Staff: Levi Luft, Diversity Equity Inclusion Analyst *TIMES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY REGULAR MEETING Agenda Hylebos Room Thursday, November 09, 2023 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Notice: Meetings are held in-person. To request an accommodation to attend, please contact Levi Luft, levi.luft@cityoffederalway.com, 253-835-2653 no later than close of business the day before the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INTRODUCTION: Commissioners/Staff 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (2 Minutes/person) 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS: Topic Action or Info *Est. Time Presenter A. Approval of Minutes (October 2023) Action 5 Min All B. John and Mary Conna Recognition Project with Maisha Barnett Action 15 Min Commissioner Walker and Idahosa C. Chair Election Action 10 Min Vice Chair Wallace D. MLK Event Action 10 Min Commissioner Walker E. Representative Roger Freeman Award Action 8 Min Commissioner Abdullah F. Absenteeism on Committees Discussion 10 Min Luft, DEAI Analyst G. Questionnaire Action 8 Min Vice Chair Wallace H. Federal Way Community Festival Info 8 Min Commissioner Fine I. Commissions Involvement Subcommittee and Community Engagement Subcommittee Info 5 Min Vice Chair Wallace J. Community Listening Sessions Info 5 Min Vice Chair Wallace K. Monthly Expenditures and Revenue Report Info 3 Min CS Manager Bridgeford L. Community Safety Info 3 Min Commissioner Abdullah DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES October 12, 2023 Diversity Commission October 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 1 COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Saudia Abdullah in at 5:30 p.m. Allison Fine in at 5:30 p.m. Tirzah Idahosa in at 5:30 p.m. Shante Lane in at 5:30 p.m. Trenise Rogers in at 5:30 p.m. Ron Walker in at 5:30 p.m., left at 7:33 pm Lisa Wallace in at 5:30 p.m. Chika Onyejiaka in at 5:42 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Levi Luft (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Analyst) Sarah Bridgeford (Community Service Manager) Joanna Eide (Assistant City Attorney) CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. INTRODUCTION: Commissioner/Staff: Commissioners and staff introduced themselves. PUBLIC COMMENT (2 mins. /person): None. Commissioner Fine made a motion to amend the agenda to add the Parks, Recreation, Human Services, and Public Safety Committee meeting discussion as item B and discussion of city attorney as item C. Commissioner Idahosa seconded the motion. Discussed timing and staying within the meeting time. Discussed about 7 minutes per item. Motion carried, 5-0-1. COMMISSION BUSINESS: A. Approval of Minutes (August 2023): Commissioner Rogers discussed the request to have direct quotes from an exchange with Assistant City Attorney from the August 2023 meeting incorporated into meeting minutes. Staff clarified that meeting minutes are summary minutes, not a transcript of dialogue exchanged. Staff will follow up for further guidance on what level of information should be included based on City standards and practices. Commissioner Wallace made a motion. C. Fine seconded. 5-1. Approval of Minutes (September 2023): DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES October 12, 2023 Diversity Commission October 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 2 Commissioner Wallace; Commission Rogers seconded. 5-1. B. Parks Recreation, Human Services, and Public Safety Meeting Commissioner Fine requested that the Commission watch a particular part a video from the PRHSPS meeting on October 10, 2023, concerning disparaging, hurtful remarks against transgender performances at the PAEC. Discussed how the commission could respond and how to have set parameters and procedures for to how to respond in the future. Communication methods, not redress, are available to the Commission concerning these remarks. Assistant City Attorney Eide is unable to advise on other methods beyond communication methods. C. Assistant City Attorney Presence at Meetings Discussed attendance at commissions. Does not attend every meeting and it can vary by topic and needs. Commissioners indicated that they had not asked for legal guidance to be present. Assistant City Attorney Eide shared that Mayor Ferrell identified a number of issues that have come up recently with legal implications and requested legal support at meetings. Commented on amount of staff time for each meeting. D. Updating Annual Workplan for 2024: DEI Analyst Luft presented the draft updated workplan. Discussed the purpose of the Commission as reflected in the Federal Way Revised Code. Discussed code and that the purpose of the commission has changed. Commissioner Fine made a motion to approve the workplan. Commissioner Rogers seconded the motion. Motion carried, 6-0. E. Community Engagement Agreement Commissioner Fine made a motion to approve the Commissioner Engagement Agreements. Commissioner Lane seconded. Motion carried, 6-0. F. Recommendation on Public Comment to City Council Discussion regarding the recommendation and subsequent follow up. Recognized Mayor Ferrell’s follow up and if adding it on the form will have the intended impact. City Council rules and forms require City Council consideration. G. Chair Election DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES October 12, 2023 Diversity Commission October 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 3 No updates in terms of scheduling Commission interviews. Discussed the delay and that there are three vacancies. Question on alternates. Alternates may step in for the purpose of quorum, but cannot automatically be moved to a voting position. Commissioner Abdullah noted that the treatment seems unfair that other people have been appointed to voting position and there are vacancies. Commissioner Walker would like to ask City Council to move alternates to voting positions. H. MLK Event Commissioner Walker shared the former logo for the MLK event and requested the ability to use it in 2024. Commissioner Idahosa made a motion to use the logo and letterhead. Commissioner Rogers seconded the motion, Motion carried, 6-0. Commissioner Walker proposed having logos that are easily identifiable as part of the Diversity Commission and its workplan. In terms of events, if the Commission is trying to be beyond events, a slight concern that the logos may detract. Discussed that commissioners felt the other work should still be carried forward. Also identified that they will be called by the MLK Event Committee, as opposed to MLK Subcommittee. Commissioner Lane reached out to the school district regarding the arts contest and the RRFA and has a process for the Commission to move forward with sharing with teachers, students, and families. This process will involve utilizing Peachjar. I. Representative Roger Freeman Award: Commissioner Abdullah apologized for missing the subcommittee meeting. Will be meeting soon and will work on how to honor and reflect the significance of Representative Roger Freeman. J. John and Mary Conna Recognition: The Conna family shared information on the dedication of the Conna family mural on Friday, October 13, 2023, at the bus shelter located at 320th Street. The City Council has approved a resolution for naming process. Commissioners Walker and Lane prepared a packet with information and will share. Commission discussed process and working with the Conna family and community to determine the location. Commissioner Walker and Idahosa will develop and present a recommendation on the location that should be named after John and Mary Conna during the Commission meeting in November 2023. Assistant City Attorney Eide will provide Commissioners resources on the naming process via email. DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES October 12, 2023 Diversity Commission October 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 4 K. Commissions Involvement Subcommittee and Community Engagement Subcommittee In partnership with DEAI Analyst Luft, Vice Chair Wallace will draft a letter to the City Council, addressing the deficit in capacity due to three vacancies to perform and complete the goals and projects in the workplan. Commissioners requested that subcommittees will be referred to as committees. For Community Engagement, Commissioner Idahosa attended the African Chamber of Commerce event bringing representatives of all 52 countries. Would recommend considering it in the future and having a table. Met with the Economic Development Director Carter following the meeting. Recommended use of Language Bank. Commissioner Fine made a motion to extend the meeting by 15 minutes. Commissioner Idahosa seconded the motion. Motion carried, 5-0. L. Retreat: Discussed timing of retreat and when to have it and the purpose. One proposal was to have the retreat with the purpose of completing the workplan and that June 2024 may be appropriate. Recommended to revisit the item and prospect in February 2024. M. Federal Way Community Festival Commissioner Fine shared document with pertinent logistical information and engaged in discussion on the Federal Way Community Festival. Discussed the festival and length of time. Requesting to have the event from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., with setup at 8 am and teardown by 8 p.m. Sponsorship levels were $250, $500, and $1,000. Potential of partnering with the Youth Commission and Arts Commission. N. Community Listening Sessions Need a full Diversity Commission to implement. O. Monthly Expenditures and Revenue Report Community Services Manager Bridgeford reported that there were no expenditures or revenue in the month of September 2023. Community Services Manager Bridgeford will provide an update on ARPA funds during staff comment section of the meeting in November 2023. DIVERSITY COMMISSION MINUTES October 12, 2023 Diversity Commission October 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes Page 5 P. Community Safety. Discussed youth in a local detention center that is at risk of closing and that the majority of individuals detained are from Federal Way. The question is what will Federal Way do for the youth if the detention center is to close. Commissioner Rogers attended an event at Highline Community College in October 2023. 71% of youth in detention are youth of color. Recommend City Council fund more local programs for youth of color. STAFF REPORT (10 mins.): None. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS (10 mins. - 2 minutes/Commissioner): Commissioner Idahosa would like to thank the Commissioners who have left the commission. NEXT MEETING: Regular Meeting on Thursday, November 09, 2023, at 5:30 p.m., at Hylebos Conference Room, in City Hall, Federal Way, WA ADJOURN: The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. OUR MISSION: To advise City government to ensure Federal Way is a community that is united amidst diversity, where everyone is equally respected, valued, needed, and cherished. Equality is not sameness; it is equivalent value. Staff: Levi Luft, Diversity Equity Inclusion Analyst *TIMES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY 5. STAFF COMMENTS (10 minutes) • Recommendation on Public Comment to City Council and Mayor • ARPA Update • Comprehensive Plan Update 6. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS (10 min - 2 minutes/Commissioner) 7. NEXT MEETING • December 14, 2023, 5:30 p.m. in the Hylebos Room at City Hall in Federal Way, WA 8. ADJOURN Ques�onnaire for Clarifica�on of Commissioner Goals and Availability Name: Date: 1. Of the work plan goals listed below, please indicate your priority/interest in focusing your �me on the commission by ranking the list below from 1 (first) to 5 (last): • _____Connect with and receive informa�on from community organiza�ons and groups regarding their experiences, wants, and needs within the City of Federal Way. This includes preparing and facilita�ng a presenta�on to the City Council in May and October 2024. • _____Create an equity tool collabora�ng with city staff and other commissioners. • _____Coordinate, organize, and facilitate the MLK Event • _____Coordinate, organize, and facilitate the Roger Freeman Event • _____Coordinate, organize, and facilitate the Federal Way Community Fes�val 2. Are you willing to be on a subcommitee that meets, either in person or via zoom, outside of our monthly mee�ngs? • If yes, please list the best days/�me for addi�onal mee�ngs: 3. Are you willing to atend community events/mee�ngs as a representa�ve of the commission? • If yes, please list the number of days per year (i.e., once a month, quarter, 3 �mes a year, etc.) you would be willing to atend events/mee�ngs: 4. If you answered yes to ques�on 3, are there any communi�es’ events/mee�ngs and/or organiza�ons you would like to focus your aten�on on? 5. Are you willing to atend City Counsil mee�ngs and provide a report back to the commission on per�nent informa�on shared at the mee�ngs? • If yes, would you be willing to report via email versus sharing at our monthly mee�ngs? 6. Is there anything else within the scope and purpose of the Diversity Commission and our 2024 workplan goals/objec�ves that you would like to focus your aten�on on? 11/01/2023 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 1 9:47AM Page:expdetl.rpt Expenditure Detail Report 11/01/2023 through 11/30/2023 Periods: 11 through 11 GENERAL FUND001 HUMAN SERVICES7300 HUMAN SERVICES083 Prct Used Balance Year-to-date Encumbrances Year-to-date Expenditures Expenditures Adjusted Appropriation Account Number 0.00 0.00001-7300-083-562-21-311 BOOKS, MAPS, & PERIODICALS 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 78.45 0.00001-7300-083-562-21-312 OTHER OPERATING SUPPLIES 0.00 300.00 221.55 26.15 1,661.67 0.00001-7300-083-562-21-318 FOOD & BEVERAGE 0.00 800.00 -861.67 207.71 Total SUPPLIES 82.86 0.00 1,740.12 0.00 359.88 2,100.00 4,082.19 0.00001-7300-083-562-21-410 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 11,900.00 7,817.81 34.30 1,200.00 0.00001-7300-083-562-21-490 MISC SERVICES & CHARGES 0.00 0.00 -1,200.00 0.00 Total OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 44.39 0.00 5,282.19 0.00 6,617.81 11,900.00 50.16 0.00 7,022.31 0.00 6,977.69 14,000.00Total GENERAL FUND Grand Total 0.00 7,022.31 50.16 0.00 6,977.69 14,000.00 1Page: 11/01/2023 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 1 9:49AM Page:revdetl.rpt Revenue Detail Report 11/01/2023 through 11/30/2023 Periods: 11 through 11 GENERAL FUND001 NON-PROGRAM0000 HUMAN SERVICES083 Prct Rcvd Balance Year-to-date Revenues Revenues Adjusted Estimate Account Number 001-0000-083-367-10-000 CONTRIB/DONATION-HUMAN SVC 3,752.00 0.00 2,000.00 1,752.00 53.30 Total GENERAL FUND 53.30 0.00 2,000.00 3,752.00 1,752.00 Grand Total 0.00 2,000.00 53.30 3,752.00 1,752.00 1Page: