11-20-2023 HSC AgendaCommissioners Katherine Festa, Chair Kathryn Scanlon, Vice Chair Vivian Alexander Cynthia Ricks-Maccotan Mary Schultz Ken Stark Betty Taylor Aaron Walsh Grace Ssebugwawo, Alternate City Staff Sarah Bridgeford, Community Services Manager Kim Bachrach, CDBG Humans Services Coordinator Victoria Banks, Admin Assistant I www.cityoffederalway.com 253-835-2651 HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING November 20, 2023 5:30 p.m. *Times are estimates only Hylebos Conference Room AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT Katherine Festa Information 10 Min. 3. MEETING MINUTES a. October 16, 2023 Katherine Festa Action 5 Min. 4. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMUNITY SERVICES CHAPTER Kim Bachrach Sarah Bridgeford Discussion 30 Min. 5. ARPA GRANT UPDATE AND DEBRIEF Kim Bachrach Sarah Bridgeford Discussion 20 Min. 6. CDBG PLANNING AND 2025-2029 CONSOLIDATED PLAN TIMELINE Kim Bachrach Sarah Bridgeford Information 10 Min. 7. STAFF REPORT Kim Bachrach Sarah Bridgeford Information 10 Min. 8. COMMISSIONER COMMENT Katherine Festa Information 10 Min. 9. NEXT MEETING: a. Regular Meeting b. December 18, 2023 c. 5:30 pm d. Hylebos Conference Room Katherine Festa 10. ADJOURN e. *Times are estimates only. Katherine Festa