09-101031-UP; 09-101032-SECfrY OF Federal Way September 30, 2009 Mr. Harold LaDuke Mr. Jay Gordon St. Luke's Lutheran Church 5I5 South 312`h Street Federal Way, WA 98003 CITY HALL Fi L'C 33325 8th Avenue South Mailing Address: PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 (253) 835-7t3Qo www. cityoffederaJway.cvm RE: FII.E #04-101031-00-UP; PROCESS In PROS St. Luke's Community of Christ Wetland guf er Redact Mitigation AL Gentlemen: The City of Federal Way has completed the administrative review of the proposed for a church property located at 515 South 312 Street, in addition to installation of wetland buffer reduction buffer and the removal of non-native invasive materials adjacent to the wetland buffer. a trait in the wetland The site P� application submitted on March 18 2009 29, 2Q09, are hereby conditional) a ,and revisions submitted on June I I and September Y PP+'m'ed per the enclosed Exhibit A, Findings far Fro'ect remainder of this letter outlines future review processes required, gives a brief s the State Environmental Policy,Qct (SEPA} to date, and outlines procedure brief summary t f approval. The Periods for this decision.�mary of the process under relating ° appeals and approval CONDITIONS OF ApPRO VA1, 1. Prior to commencement of any work related to the wetland buffer reduction, maintenance bonding andlor assignment of funds for wetland buffer mitigation rf6rrmance and City in conformance with Federal Way Revised Code be submitted to the 2. Prior to commencement of any work related to the wetland buffer reduction the (f'WRC} I9.25.Q20. demonstrate to the City how specific wetland buffer mitigation performance, _applicant shall monitoring objectives will be achieved, including but notlimited to, Providing the City and copies of contract(s) with qualified wetland biologist(s) that eci a P��aance and monitoring objectives- identify �' with signed � �' approved wetland buffer restoration involved in the mitigation project. �' timelines for mitigation work, and identify all 3. Prior to commencement of any work related to the wetland buffer reductio t parties for the reduced wetland buffer planting areas shall be submitted to the City fvr review �. The applicant shall provide copies of the monitoring reports to the City �ie�gation plans month of receipt. eK' and approval. 5• Should the adjacent property ty °f Federal Way within one confirmation shad] be Provided andwet] e ] to oid buffmitigation n the land buffer reductionprogram, ps revised owner REVIEW PROCESSES SQUIRE]] The site is within the residential Single-Fanx] RS ) zoning district. subject to the provisions of Federal Wiry Revised Code (FWRC} 19.200.050. Usin e e RPPtoval, the CityPePrormitted M in this zone can adxninistrativeIy approve wetland buffer reductions pursuant t° FVVRGiI9 I75ct 5 subject to criteria, and can also approve pedestrian trail intrusions into wetland buff en Removal of invasive plant materials that is not Permitted outright can b (}' ere under FWRC e approved under St. Luke's Lutheran September 30, 2009 Page 2 pp ant license Pr ocess III project Approval pursuant to FWRC 19.120.030(4)(b).Process III a roval does not gr to begin any type of site work. SEPA PROCESS lion of N onsignificatice (DNS) on The responsibTh le official of the City of Federal Way issued a Determination er 9- 109, with no 2009 tlrsuant to the State Environmental Policy Ac � on S )t(b#09-1O1Q32-00-SE).e August 13, , P comment and appeal pet-iod for this determination was comp etc corrections to the City's initial determination. PROCEDURAL INFORMATION a oval is valid for a period of five years from the effective date Unless modified or appealed, tWs,p ro ]ecC PPS be a written request decision. If no fiirther action is taken within five year' Time ext ns�on� s, the decis' throughvoid. Ex.#ensigns may of the f p Oval expiration of the granted, pursuant to FWRC 19.15.11Q Lapse u it Development Services prior to the submitted to the City's Department of Community e#$ et the ex decision. The request must document haw the project me- request criteria, cal must be in the Person who received a copy of this decision- The appeal This decision maybe appealed by airy P Development Services (33325 81h Avenue South, form of a letter delivered to the Department of Community p the established fee, within 14 PO Box 9718, Federal Way, WA, 98063-9719) andbe accompanied by after the effective date of the decision. The effective wed and ae of lstatemen of the factual 9 The calendar dasion is Oct0b ys a Person filing the appeal letter xrnlst contain a clear reference to the matter Development be el appealed disputed by the P findings and conclusions of the Director of Cvmnauxrii3' °P appeal. y policies' and standards liance with future City of Federal Wa codes, p This decision shall not waive comp erforwance and maintenance and maybe relating to this development. Also, be advised that various p completed prior to required far the project. Any bonds or other agreemeio�al,as rand a cash uired depo sit isrequiredto cover the City's commencement of any work associated with this aPp thepro--deeds of any bond The cash deposit l� be potential expenses, if necessary, for obtaining and using errnit issuance. The cash deg percent ($100 minimum) Prior to building p posted for up to five p refunded following satisfactorY completion of all bond iequireanents. an or Planner Deb Barker at 253-835-2642. If you havey questions regarding this decision, please call Seni Sincerely, Z4,etl �(,� Greg Fewins, Director Community Development Services enc: Exhibit A, Findings for Project Approval Mitigation Plan, Planitng Plan and Mitigation notes dated March 2009, Approved St. Luke's Lutheran prepared by Sewall Wetland Consulting, lnc. Map showing area of invasive vegetation removal outside of the wetland buffer ❑: Deb Barker, Senior Planner Ann Dower, senior Engneering Plans Reviewer Covon WaySE, 42, Covington, WA 99042 Aaron Will, Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc., 26741 WA 9 092 Harold La Duke, 6420 Lindsay Avenue SE, Auburn, Tacoma, WA 98403 Mike Dyes, Gette Associates, 2102 North 3e Street, Suite Wa WA 98003 New Hope Christian Church, 31411 6'h Avenue South, Federal y, Doc. I.D. 51552 09-101031 CITY OF Federal Way I=iLE EXMIT A FINDINGS FOR PROJECT APPROVAL, ST. LUKE'S COMlVrfrrTlTV OF CMM WETLAND BUFFER REDUCTION AND MITIGATION, WETLAND BUFFER TRAIL, AND INVASIVE SPECIES REMOVAL File #09-101031-00-UP The following are findings for recommending conditional approval of a wetland buffer reduction proposal that includes wetland buffer mitigation, a pedestrian trail intruding into portions of the buffer and the removal of non-native invasive species throughout the site. 1. St. Luke's church owns a 499,196 square -foot (11.46 acres) property, consisting of parcels 9038, 9127, 9153 and 9157, and which includes a.sa etuary building, a school building, as welll04- as numerous social need programs. A regulated wetland extends over undeveloped portions of the site: and only parcel 082104-9038 is developed_ The applicant proposes to reduce portions of the wetland buffer and upgrade the remaining buffer with mitigation, install a pedestrian trail along and within -native vegetation in non developed portio Portions of the wetland buffer, and remove invasive non ns Of the site that are outside of the existing wetland buffer. 2. Zoning for the subject site is Residential Single -Family (RS-7.2). Church uses are permitted in this zone subject to the provisions of Federal Way Revised Code (FWRC) 19.200.050. The Federal W, Comprehensive Plan (FWCP) designation for the subject site is Residential Single-Fazr�ily. Wetland buffer reductions and trail intrusions into wetland buffers are subject to Process III Prnjeet Approval as provided in FWRC 19.175.040, while removal of non-native invasive vegetation is also subject to Process III Project Approval under FWRC 19. I20.030 when not permitted Outright. 3. SEPA — The responsible official of the City of Federal Way issued a Determination of Nonsigni_ficancrr (DNS) for the wetland buffer reduction on Au Environmental policy Act (SEPA). The Final Staff Evaluation for Envi Environmental pursuant t, Federal Way application number 09-101032-00-SE, is hereby i in full. Incorporated by reference as though set forth 4. Wetland Buffer Reduction — The 30,224 square -foot wetland `A' meanders through Coty Parcels #082104-9127, 082104-9I53, and 082104-9157 owned by St. Luke's ChurThe gwetland is also Iocated on King County parcel #082104-9039, which is owned by the New Hope Christian Church.' Wetland A meets the FWRC definition of a Category M wetland according to the St. Luke's Lutheran Property Wetland and Stream Analysis Report Functional Assessment and M'tzgation Plan" prepared by Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. (Sewall), dated March 6, 2009, and revised date May 30, 2009. The report notes that Wetland `A" is a pal dated at forested, 6, 200I,and New Hope Christian Church is Located at 31411 6' Avenue South, south of the St. Luke's Church site. As noted in the Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist, the New Hope Christian Church may opt to participate in the wetland buffer reduction and enhancement proposal at a future state. deciduous, seasonally flooded PFOIC) wetland under the Cowardian classification rating. It drains ntly into Puget sound. in a southwesterly direction into the Hylebos Stream the wescorridor tern propeertY lime of the St Luke's The Wetland `A' buffer is between 20 and 240eet Church property. Under FWRC 19.175.020(2)(c), Category III wetlands are regulated with a 50-foot buffer. 'Elie applicant has proposed to reduce this wetland buffer from 50 feet to 25 feet specifically along the ). Sewall also north and west portions of the wetland as Conce e[uaI Mitigation Plara,d under FWRC 19. 7Plantin g Plan and Mitigation prepared the St. Luke's Lutheran Church p Notes dated March 2009. This depicts removal of nnative vegetation in the wetland buffer, and within portions of a reduced we �d buffer installation of a diverse quantity of native vegetation as well as installation of a three -foot -wide pedestrian trail at the edge of and within the buffer planting areas. Under FWRC 19.175.040(5), the Director of Community Development Services can e buffer, but in n administratively approve a wetland buffer reduca buffer senhancemen plan that requt -up to 50 percent of thde ionstrates thato case less than 25 feet, only if the project includes an enhanced buffer will improve and provide additional protection of wetland functions and vaosuecs, and that existing buffer conditions meet conditions identified locaated in weandbuffers pursuant to FWRC Minor improvements such as pedestrian trails can b 19.175.040(4) under Process III and subject to specific criteria. See section #5 below for a discussion of the proposed pedestrian trail. _ eiland — Sewall observed that the current Existin Conditions o the Weiland �� the encroachment ❑fnora-native invasive species. They. condition of wetland `A' is degraded cautioned that although non-native invasive species within wetland `A' are not the dominant species, if action is not taken within the reasonably for>�eable future, the letland buffer also is dominated ority of wetland 'A' will be consumed by invasive Himalayan blackberry. Y noted that the by large swaths of invasive Himalayan lopeblackending a theand tw ch st edge of the m, and that The Sewall has been permanently altered from fill slope grading wetland report stated that the wetland `A' buffer meets critd has been eria 11a db human5 fill t existing conditions demonstrate that the wet actions and is dominated by non-native invasive species. Initially, the applicant proposed to extend the wetland buffer reduction proposalt he degraded wetland buffer located on King County parcel 082104-9039, belonging owHope Church, in order to an provide a comprehensive the approach a of theienvrronmental deation plan terminand ation for thiacts. To s at end, the New Hope property was included w the pnot project. New Hope staff subsequently notified the applicant that they were osal�ly committed to the project and did not wish to participate in the wetland buffer reduction prop The City's wetland consultant, Grette AssociatesP��'� Weiland and Stream Analysis Report d the revised May 30, 2009, St. Luke's Lutheran Property Functional Assessment and Mitigation Plan prepared by Sewell_ In a May 18, 0 Wtecetlh technical nd memorandum, Grette agreed that wetland A' met the definition of a Category for the concurred that the buffer conditions met ehggili criteria oco buffer reduction nety paz� 1 #0821 {)4on of wetland buffer on the southernmost portion of is not degraded Y filling or 9127. As this portion of wetland `A' buffer that t no be includedins intact �in the wetland `A' buffer reduction invasive species, Grette recommended request. 09-101031/Doc 1_D. 51553 Community of Christ St Luke's Page 2 Findings for Approval In response, Sewall revised the scope of the wetland buffer reduction request to eIiminate buffer reduction from King County parcel #082104-9039, and to maintain undisturbed the 50-foot wetland buffer for the wetland portion located on King County parcel #082I04-9127. The pedesft hail still proposed to extend through this portion of the Wetland `A' buffer. Enhanced Bu er — Sewall's wetland buffer mitigation planting plan shows that the 18,026 square feet buffer enhancement area is to be planted in native vegetation, including Douglas fir, Big leaf maple, Western Red Cedar and Vine maple trees, and a variety of native shrubs including Red Currant, Indian plum, Salmonberry, and Nootka Rose. Mulch is to be provided in all planting areas. As part of the buffer enhancement invasive non-native Himalayan blackberry and Scotch Broom wall be cleared from the enhancement planting areas as well as from those portions of property outside of the reduced wetland buffer (see section b below). A split raiI fence is intended to sepaarate the proposed pedestrian trail and the wetland buffer enhancement planting areas. According to the Sewall report, the proposed enhancement planting will increase the overall quality of the wetland and wetland buffer habitat through removal of non-native invasive species and installation of native vegetation in the buffer. There will also be increased opportunities for wildlife foraging and nesting with the installation of snags and large woody debris. This further improves the shelter and habitat functions of the wetland and buffer. The enhanced buffer will also provide improved water quality to stormwater runoff from the site before it enters the stormwater system Open rail fencing will discourage Duman intrusion into the mitigation area, while providing access for wildlife into the improved habitat. Crrette reviewed the revised wetland buffer planting plan and in a technical memorandum dated June 22, 2009, concurred with proposed plan revisions. Although the wetland buffer reduction proposal has been revised to include only those parcels associated with St. Luke's Lutheran Church, the initial Sewall plans that depicted wetland buffer property also met code reduction and buffer enhancement on the New Hope Christian Church requirements for wetland buffer reduction and buffer enhancement; especially as non-native invasive species also impact wetland `A' on the New Hope property. A b�'er reduction and mitigation concept on both properties is supported by staff in that contiguous treatment and removal of invasive materials along the length of a threatened wetland assists in the overall success of the buffer restoration program In the event that the New Hope Christian Church opts to participate in the wetland buffer reduction and mitigation program, the Project Approval can be modified to incorporate this area into the buffer reduction and mitigation phuL 1VIiti anon Plantin Plum — Sewall's Mitigation Planting Plata for St Luke' Lutheran Church dated March 2009, contains the planting list, plant details, wetland sign details and rail fence details for the reduced wetland buffer. Page W3 of the plan details mitigation concepts and goals, with specific construction and planting notes, maintenance and monitoring program requirements. Watering requirements notes in section 4.3.3 state that while watering is not needed for plantings installed between October and March IS, irrigation will continue through October 1st, or between June I" and October V for any subsequent year. Removal of blackberry varieties and Scotch Broom is to be on- going, and monitoring by a qualified wetland biologist is to be performed ten times over a five year period. In order to confirm that the applicant has obtained the services of a qualified wetland biologist to perform the project monitoring, prior to commencement of any work in the wetland buffer, the applicant shall submit to the city copies of contracts with a qualified wetland biologist signed by both parties. Community of Christ St Luke's Findings for Approval 09-101031/Do,. LD. 51553 Page 3 5. a Under FWRC 19.15.060, the City may require a bond under Chapter 19.25 to ensure compliance with critical area standards. Prior to commencement of any actions approved in the wetland buffer, a performance and maintenance band or assignment cent of the shall d will be be released eleased upon satisfactory conformance with FWRC 19.25tted to the City in .020• Seventy p ent o f the bond will be released completion of the Mitigation planting, and the remaining NAY Pere at the successfrnl conclusion of the monitoring period In addition, the applicant shall submit copies of all monitoring reports to the City of Federal Way within one month o£receipt. Pedestrian Trail - Minor improvements such as Ades hcant ails ran spro�osed a three-foot-dewiers pursuant to FWRC 19.175A40(4) subject to criteria. The 9p57, and 9038, while the trail would run trail along the mitigation plating areas on parcels 9153, through the outer portions of the wetland buffer on buffer sept rail fence would be i aratinglthe proposed trail from the nstalled along the outer edge of the 25-foot reduced wetlandwetland planting area. The fence would also be installed along aleaf the intrusra outer edge of the 4 to the wetia d buffer buffer. The Sewall report provides the basis for app criteria of FWRC on parcel 082104•-9127. The proposed trail intrusionemen#s and land meets the five surface�modificati ns within 19.175.040(4) (a) through (e) for structures, improvements, regulated wetland buffers. Pear to commencement actions approved trail including �� e th applicant must provide specific construction details o the proposed ropo d pedestrian construction methods, treatment of trail shoulders, and siting criteria so as to avoid trees. outside of Invasive Plant Removal -Tire applicant has pbu£erreduction proposal in ardto eliminate invasive ent assist in thee wetland buffer in conjunction with the wetland overall survival of mitigation planting. Approximately the76 square feet wetlandbuffer and e Avenue South. The Himalayan blackberries and Sco) of invasive tch Broom is ears to exceed exemption volume of material proposed to be removed under this action appears rove thresholds of FWRC 19.120.030(10)(b) and (d). However, using Process III, the City can approve removal of invasive materials subject to criteria, per FWRC 19.120.030(4)(b). The proposed ge vegetation removal will include erosion control practices that property, nensor change the t the rquality or velok does not city of the points where stormwater enters or exits the subject ns dvegetation removal maintains vegetation stormwater to adversely affect the wetland; the prop g control policies of the City as identified by the Cisy� de enforcement division; and removal o al o£ the wetland buffer mitigation planting. invasive plant material is necessary to ensure the receive an Erasion control details submitted by then epee serdocument o " oentrol hydraseed mixlat anlapplication rate application of Red Clover (Trifolium p of 15 pounds per acre following removal of blackberry and Scotch Broom vegetati am shall bee event that the hydroseed mix has not effectively mitigated soil disturbance, the applicant responsible for further immediate erosion control installation. 7. Storm Drainage System - The current storm drainage system for the church property is located at tin the northern end of the wetland buffer- Portions of feature r �� a wee in tland nbuffer. e exis However, as der. The applicant had we proposed to relocate flits fea relocation will require additional technical review including existbg p� d with buffer red►r engineering reports d lion and/Ore storm pond, the applicant has elected to not re buffer enhancement work. 8. As conditioned, the proposed site plan application and application attachments have been determined to be consistent with the Federal way Comprehensive Plan, all applicable provisions of this chapter, and with the public health, safety, and welfare. �he proposal, and the proposed access to d utilities in the area of the subject property are adequate to serve the anticipated demand from 09-1010311Do ID- $1553 Community of Christ St Luke's Page 4 Findings for Approval the subject property is at the optimal location and confi development is Consistent with process III, Pro 'ectA ati for access. The proposed FWRC 19.1 d5.100(2), FWRC 19.175.040(4) Miner mprov44 epics decisional C required �� r er Reduction. 1� The proposed site plan and application attachments have been reviewed for compliance with the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, pertinent zoning regulations, and all Oilier applicable City regulatiogulations , conditions ofns. Final constructian drawings will be reviewed for compliance with eeific re and Other applicable City requirements. This decision shall not waive compliance with future City ofval, Federal Way codes, policies, and standards relating to this development. Recommendation prepared by: Deb Barker, Senior planner Date: September 28, 2009 Community of Christ St Luke's Findings for Approval 09-101031/m, I.D. 51553 Page 5 CITY OF Federal Way DEPARTMENT OF COA&IMTY DE VEL OPMENT SERVICES FINAL STAFF EVALUATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST ST, LUKE'S COMMUNITY OF CIMST WETLAND BUFFER REDUCTION Federal Way File Number: 09-101032-00-SE Related File Numbers: 09-101031-00-Up Note: Technics! reports and attachments referenced below may not be attached to all copies of [his decision, reports, attachments, or other documents may be reviewed and/or obtained b lJevelo men# Services, 33325 8`h Avenue South, PO Box 9718, Federal Wa , WA 98063_917g phone; �g3-Coples of exhih�ts, Y �ntacting the I]epargrtent oFCnmmunity 35 7QQD. I• SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION The applicant has requested an administrative reduction of the Category III wetland bu feet to 25 feet with wetland buffer enhancement proposed. {Exhrht A). ffer from 50 H_ GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name: St. Luke's Community of Christ Wetland Buffer Reduction Applicant: St. Luke's Community of Christ Church Attn: Harold LaDuke 515 South 312" Street Federal Way, WA 98003 206-910-0853 Location: St. Luke's Church is located at 515 South 312" Street, Federal Way B), and the Church owns King County Tax Parcel plumbers: (303$�it 9I27, 9153, and 9157, which also contain the 082104 wetland. Only parcel,4- 9038 is developed. The wetland is also located on King County Tax Parcel 0821 d4-9039, which is owned by New Hope Christian Church located at 31411 6a' Avenue South, who may opt to participate in the wetland buffer reduction and entrancement proposal. n Parcel Size: St. Luke's parcel is 11.46 acres (499,197 square feet), while New parcel is 2.28 acres (99,316 square feet). Hope's Zoning: Residential Single -Family g Y (RS-7.2) Comprehensive Plan Designation: Single -Family High -Density (SFHD) The following information was submitted as part of the application for wetland buffer reduction request: 21, 200� SEPA Checklist, March 16, x009, and amended date May prepared by Sewell •20, 2009 Exhibit D} • Wetland Analysis Report, Functinrr 2� 9,ewith amendmen S Qn Mayes , ]Votes(Exhibit prepared Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 6, Planting Plan and Mitigation No ■ St. Luke's Luther Church Mitigation >t nc. Marh Plan,, 2009, amended on May 20 and June 10, 2009 by Sewell Wetland (.xhibit E) lication for SEPA and Process III project approval on March IS, M. Project History was The applicant submitted an application complete on April 2, 2009. The initial application 2009. The application was determined Church. This property, located south of St. Luke's, is submitted in partnership with the New Hop b this wetland and New Hope wished to partake in the wetland buffer reduction also impacted y an May 21 and rune i 1, 2009- process. is still under discussion, and while ot finalised, is reflected within t zis process. This partnersp staff report. Additional information was submitted for the project and a response to each: Iy. REVIEW o>� THE El'n'rRolvnz> MENTAL Cxnc�tsT e applicant's response to the SEPA checklist The following lists the elements of the environmentalr checklist ec(Exhibit G'}, 1} whether City staff concurs or does not item or 2} City staff s additional comments or clarification to each checklist item. A. BACKGROUND p osal is to reduce and enhance the regulated buffer associated with Wetland A. I- The pro 2_3. Concur with the checklist. d on May 21, 2009. March 6, 2009, and 4. The SEPA checklist was prepared on and New Hope hurchesereflects ongoing on and Communication from both St. Luke s responses in the March checklist. Should New discussion about a potential partnership esh respect to the'►vetland buffer re uc enhancement proposal, as supported w r p onsibility for the proposal, nor Hope not participate in the proposed wetland buffer reduction and enhancement proposal, New Hope does not have any obligation or resp he aridfathered status of the development on parcel 082104-9039 called into is t gi question. 5. The City of Federal Way has requested the SEPA checklist. appeal eriod followed by a 14-day comment period will commence once the 6. A 14-day pp P approval for the wetland buffer SEPA determination is issued. Administrative land use a p reduction would be granted under Process III following environmental review. date no applications for these improvements �. Future expansion of the Church progTn s and facilities will require Separate environmental and land use review. have been submitted. 0(g-101032/Doc. ID. 50967 Page 2 Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist St. Luke's Church Wetland Buffer Reduction 8-9. Concur with the checklist. 10. Permits required for any approved wetland buffer mitigation must be obtained before any clearing and grading work occurs. 11-12. Concur with the checklist. The wetland lies generally in the middle of the parcels owned by the St. Luke's Church and on the western portion of the New Hope Church property. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a-b. Concur with the checklist. C. Concur with the checklist. The 1973 King County Soils Survey map lists the soils type Of the majority of the site as Alderwood Sandy Gravelly Loam (AgB) with soils characterized as gravelly sandy loam, with zero to six percent slopes. d. Concur with the checklist. One portion of the subject site previously contained a residential structure that was recently removed by the Fire Department. e. A request to mow and remove invasive blackberries and Scots Broom vegetation outside of the wetland buffer in order to access the wetland buffer edge in preparation of mitigation was conditionally approved by the City in a July 8, 2009 decision. The area of mowing is generally a 30-foot-wide swath along 600 feet of western side of the . Conditions of approval include wetland, or approximately 18,000 square feet installation of erosion control in the event that ground is disturbed with removal of the invasive species. f-h. Concur with the checklist. 2. Air a-c. Construction activities, e.g., site preparation work, will contribute only to a short-term increase in local suspended particulate levels,as this activity contributes to carbon monoxide levels through the operation of construction machinery, delivery equipment and materials, and worker access to the site by automobile. These activities also involve emissions of hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen, potentially elevating the level of photochemical oxidants, such as ozone, into the ambient air. Compliance with local, state, and federal air duality standards provides sufficient mitigation of these potential impacts. Mitigation planting that enhances on -site vegetation will provide filtering of suspended particulates. The buffer reduction will not adversely impact air quality and no further mitigation is required. 3. Water a. 1. Concur with the checklist. No downstream analysis was required for the wetland buffer reduction request. According to the WYetland.lnalysis Report, Functional Assessment and Mitigation plan prepared by Sewell Wetland Consultg, Inc. revised date May 20, 2009, Wetland `A' meets the criteria for a category III in wetland. Category III wetlands contain 50-foot buffers per Federal Way Revised Code. Wetland A is a depressional wetland with forested and shrub vegetation communities and considered a Palustrine forested, broad -leafed deciduous Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist St. Luke's Church Wetland Buffer Reduction 09-101032/Do, LD. 50967 Page 3 d on seasonally flooded (PFCIC) wetland thee Alit basin assocaat d with the siteThe and it wetland is located on the east drains to the south into the Hylebos Stream, which drains to Puget Sound. 2. Work proposed within the 50-foot a soft surface pedestrian trail.includes removal of e species, restoration planting, andinstallation of The applicant has proposed to reduce th�o oh and west incl de the aspterortions of the n portion of the buffer from 50 feet to 25 feet, and elect wetland buffer in the request ce issues are Hand Analysis Reportd. Sewell, Fu ciia a Assessment and etland Consulting, Inc. prepared Mitigation Plan. The report ntes that the c no degraded by the encroachmentn-nail elinva�ve speciesr is (blackberries) and evidence of human alterations with graded fill slopes at the edge of the wetland. The proposes oos removal of non-native vegetation installation of a diverse quantity of native vegetation within the reduced wetland buffer. As provided for in Federal Way wont derv°d s{�an�use Prv�cess III to the Director of Community Development administratively approve a wetland buffer reduction request only if specific criteria are met and if it is demonstrated functions bons and values.nhanced buffIn nevi wr will �ng therove provide additional protection of wetland ssciates, note Sewell wetland report, the City's wetla meet the eligihil ty cr teria for bufferd that the buffer conditions of wetland reduction except for that portion of wetland ar�SAs this wetland buffer outhern most portion of the site, located on King County parcel #4$21Q4-9127 remains intact and is not degraded by grading, filling or invasive species, Grette recommended that it not be included tland buffer the reductianer rreque reduction maintain he applicant revised the scope of thew the 50-foot wetland buffer for the wetland portion located on King County parcel the #082104-9127, and continuethe June l0estrian Ofl9}fiFurt ail pough this portion of er analysis of the wetland wetland buffer (report dated > buffer reduction request and preview. d mitigation will be completed in conjunction with Process I 3-6. Concur with the checklist. b. 1-2. Concur with the checklist. C. 1-2. The current storm drainage system e for the church develpment locaed at straddling the buffepof wetland At The the ff northern end of the wetland buffer, applicant proposes to relocate this pond outside of the wetland buffer. Such relocation will require additional Process III review including engineering review and may involve potential upgrades to the storm pond. Alternatively, the pond caved remain in pier analysis will be conduntil reconfigured ucted ior n conjunction with the Process cated with future development. Furth Y III review. d. Concur with the checklist. 09-101032/Doc LD 50967 staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist Page 4 St. Luke's Church Wetland Buffer Reduction 4• Plants a-d Concur with the checklist. The removal of invasive species within the wetland buffer er and in the wetland. will enhance the existing native vegetation both in the buff 5• Animals a-d. Concur with the checklist. The site contains a wetland, which provides habitat for a variety of birds and mammals. The site is part of the pacific Flyway Migratory Route. The removal of invasive species within the wetland buffer together with the planning of native vegetation will enhance the wildlife habitat conditions both in the wetland and the buffer. 6. Energy and Natural Resources a-d. Concur with the checklist. 7. Environmental Health a• Concur with the checklist. 1-2. Culvert maintenance will be a topic for future storm drainage reports. 1-3. Concur with the checklist. Work times are regulated under FWRC 19.05.040. 8• Land and Shoreline Use a -I. Concur with the checklist. parcel 9039 also contains a church building and a parsonage. The Comprehensive Plan designation of the area is Single -Family High-Density(SFHD). 9• Housing a-c. Concur with the checklist. 10. Aesthetics a-c. Concur with the checklist. 11. Light and Glare a-d. Concur with the checklist. 12• Recreation a-c. Concur with the checklist. The Mirror Lake Elementary School is located one half block east of the subject property, 13. Historic and Cultural Preservation a-c. Concur with the checklist. 14. Transportation a-g• Concur with the checklist. The wetland buffer reduction proposal does not impact any of the current ttansportation systems. 15. Public Services a-b. Concur with the checklist. 16. Utilities a-b. Concur with the checklist. Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist St. Luke's Church Wetland Buffer Reduction 09-101032/Doc I D 50967 Page 5 V. CONCLUSION applicable City and Based on staff analysis of the application, sal can be fothe �undEo not have atp probable significant adverse county regulations and policies, theproposal impact on the environment. The DNS is based ai impacts identified d the above Staff Evaluation within the environmental checklist, attachments, exhibits, and supplemental p lens, policies, and regulations ,for Environmental Checklist Application, and is supported by p formally adopted by the City for the exercise of substantive authority under SEPA to approve, condition, or deny proposed actions. The City reserves the right to review any further revisions or nonsignifi ante of the p eject at that point in proposal in order to determine the environmental significance time. VI. EXHIBITS Exhibit A Reduced Scale Wetland Buffer Reduction and Mitigation Plan Exhibit B Vicinity Map Exhibit C SEPA Checklists, dated March 16 and May 21, 2��9 prepared by Sewell Exhibit D Wetland Analysis Report, Funs ti na Assessmentd date JuneIkn Mitigation Plan Wetland Consulttna, Inc Prepared by: Deb Barker, Senior Planner Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist St. Luke's Church Wetland Buffer Reduction Date: August 12, 2009 09-101032/D= I.D. 50967 Page 6 City of Federal way Department of Community Development Services 33325 a Ave South Federal Way, WA ,tune 11, 2009 Ann: Deb Barker, Senior Planner Planning Department Re: Sensitive Area Modification Request Community of Christ•, St Luke's Dear Ms Barker: Responding to your letter of May 27, 2009, the issues are addressed below in Blue, and copies as requested concerning the Grette findings are attached Background Community of Christ, St. Luke's is a vibrant part of Federal Way. Our church provides much -needed and highly regarded services such as daycare and preschool, space for community meetings and musical and theatrical Performances, social services such as on -site counseling, a food and clothing bank, as well as its weekly church services and Sunday school Since St. Luke's is growing in church attendance and in demand for community related functions, we again fmd a need to expand our facilities. In good faith, we purchased existing undeveloped property adjacent to our current church building, to provide space for building expansion, play areas, stone water detention ponds, parking, and access drives_ The Problem We are acutely aware of the impact of an existing wetland that runs through this property. Based on the current sensitive area ordinance, with its 50'buffer from the wetland, much of the property we last purchased to tie everything together is unusable. The Pre -Application Process helped us greatly in this process. We have an agreement with the new Hope Christian Fellowship, owners of parcel 082104-9039 to treat the problem as one issue under our permit. The flagging and grades have been completed and are included in the attached exhibits. 1 foder Process III, we respectfully request a modification to the critical area requirements to allow the 50' buffer to be reduced to 25' and relocate the three section holding which the current buildings sit, based on the attached criticalroeportlocated £room Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. It is our intent that our plan will not adversely impact or modify any abutting properties current condition other than the upgrading on Parcel 082104-9039. We would propose to mitigate the bul£er reduction by restoring/enhancing the currently highly degraded bufferto a functional buffer, by removing non-native invasive species and installing native tree and shrub plantings_ A monitoring program will be put into place to ensure success of the mitigation area. RESUBMITTED JUN 1 12009 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY BUILDING DEPT. This would allow the church to provide parking closer to the main buildings and therefore minim...parking overflow onto the street It would also substantially increase the useable land for what we consider io be purposes to the entire community. Achieving our Objectives The church is about to embark on an exciting building expansion pmjeck The lust phase will provide additional classrooms, Offices, circulation and seating on the northwest comer of the present site. We are cantering the linaI sragL�$ leading to construction plants, In the future, we plan to remove and replan; Malkaw Hall, czar aging gymnasium building, rather than spending money on upgrades and maintenance for a building that no ]anger serNw its purpose. The replacement building %vill be multipurpose Family life center that will meet the needs of the church and community much more effectively. Because the critical area regulations are undergoing changes that could impact what the church can do in the future phases of this expansion program, we are attempting to resolve the wetland butfer issue at this time. For parking it will undoubtedly be directly related to the first phase of the project. We need to think toward the future. Thanks for this partnership! At St Luke's Community of Christ, we understand that moving ahead to better serve our worshippers and city is impossible without the cooperation and support of City of Federal Way. e Thank you for your patan dthe hth in our past endeavors. Sincerely, Is/ Lind Simonsen President, Executive Leadership Team Community of Christ, St. Luke's See attachments Thanks for your continued availability and counsel through this process. Sincere dLLaDuke ('onrmunity of -Christ Committee member coordinating this request CITY OF CITY HALL A�k Federal Way 33325 8th Avenue South Mailing Address: PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 (253) 835-7000 www cityoffederalway. com Community of Christ - St. Luke's Church May 27, 2009 Mr. Harold LaDuke 515 South 312"' Street Federal Way, WA 98003 RE: FILE #09-101031-00-UP; FORWARD COMMENTS FROM WETLAND CONSULTANT St. Luke's Community of Christ Wetland Buffer Reduction, 515 South 312th Street Dear Mr. LaDuke: Grette Associates, the City's wetland consultant, has reviewed information submitted for the above -referenced application for wetland buffer reduction and mitigation. Their May 18, 2009 technical memorandum is enclosed. Grette reviewed technical information submitted in March 2009 for the environmental and Use Process III applications as well as the March 6, 2009, wetland report and proposed mitigation plans prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting. A summary of findings begins on page 2 of the Grette memo. According to the memo, Grette agrees with the wetland categorization and delineation; they agree that the footpath meets wetland buffer.intrusion criteria; and they agree with the wetland reduction and mitigation of all areas except on parcel 082104-9127. Grette states that the existing wetland buffer conditions on parcel 082104-9127 do not meet the criteria for wetland buffer reduction under Federal Way Revised Code (FWRC), 19.175.040. They have indicated that the proposal and wetland buffer enhancement plan should be modified to eliminate those portions of the wetland that are not eligible for wetland buffer reduction. Also, Grette has been made aware that an adjacent property owner has elected to not proceed with wetland buffer reduction and enhancement on their property in conjunction with the St. Luke's project. In a May 21, 2009 e-mail, Mike Layes with Grette Associates indicated that the findings do not change with parcel #082104-9039 removed from the scope of work. At this time, please review the enclosed Grette memo and revise related plans and reports accordingly. Please provide four copies of any revised plan or report. I will forward the revisions to Grette for review and comment. Based on the extent of changes, additional funding may be required for Grette to proceed with their review. Please don't hesitate to contact me at 253-835-2642 if you have any questions about this letter. Sincerely, Deb Barker Senior Planner enc: May 18, 2009 Grette technical memorandum May 21, 2009 e-mail c: Mike Layes, Grette Associates, 2102 North 30`h Street, Suite A, Tacoma, WA 98403 Doc I.D. 50126 CITY of t Federal Way May 4, 2009 Mr. Matthew Boyle Grette Associates 2111 North 30'h Street, Suite A Tacoma, WA 98403 1 6CFY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Mailing Address: PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 (253) 835-7000 www.cityoffederalway.com Re: File #09-101031-00-UP; AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED Community of Christ St. Luke's Wetland Buffer Reduction and Mitigation 515 Soouth 3121h Street, Federal Way, WA Dear Mr. Boyle: The purpose of this letter is to authorize the services of Grette Associates in verification of the wetland delineation and mitigation plan review for the Community of Christ St. Luke's property. Authorization to Proceed In an April 2, 2009, Wetland Consultant Authorization, the City requested an estimate from Grette for review of the wetland proposal on and adjacent to the church property. Your April 15, 2009, memorandum for project number 205.011 Revision 1, indicated that a budget of $3,832.00 would be appropriate for tasks which you identified as application review and site assessment, memorandum, and meetings. At this time, funds in the amount of $3,832.00 have been received by the City. Please sign and return a copy of the enclosed wetland consultant task authorizations. A final copy signed by the applicant will be forwarded to your attention. Please consider this letter as an authorization to proceed with your review as detailed in the City's April 2, 2009, task authorization form and per your April 15, 2009, memorandum. I can be reached at 253-835-2642 if you have any questions about this project request. Sincerely, Deb Barker Senior Planner Ene: Signed Wetland Consultant Task Authorizations c: Tamara Fix, Administrative Assistant Harold LaDuke, Community of Christ St. Luke's, 515 Soouth 31 P Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 Doc I D 49885 iImiLt CITY OF Federal Way Date: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY WETLANDS CONSULTANT AUTHORIZATION FORM April 2; 2009 City: City of Federal Way Department of Community Development Services PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 Consultant: Matthew Boyle Grette Associates 2111 North 30'h Street, Suite A Tacoma, WA 98403 Project: Community of Christ St. Luke's Wetland Buffer Reduction and Mitigation File No.: 09-10103 1 -00-UP, 09-101032-00-SE Project Proponent: Harold LaDuke Community of Christ St. Luke's Church 515 South 312`' Street Federal Way, WA 98003 206-910-0853 Project Planner: Deb Barker, Senior Planner (253-835-2642) Documents Provided: o One copy of a report titled "St. Luke's Lutheran Property Wetland and Stream Analysis Report Functional Assessment and Mitigation Plan" prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc. dated March 6, 2009 o One copy of an Environmental checklist prepared by Harold LaDuke o One copy of St. Luke's Lutheran Church Conceptual Mitigation Plan, Planting Plan and Mitigation notes prepared Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc. dated March 2009 o One set of color photographs with overview page prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc. dated March 16, 2009 o Copy of letter to Harold LaDuke dated April 3, 2009 Task Scope: The applicant proposes to reduce the wetland buffer through administrative processes and provide mitigation to the reduced wetland buffer as provided in Federal Way City Code (FWCC). The Process III proposal would be Doc. I.D. 49591 reviewed by the Director at the conclusion of the environmental process. This task scope requests the following: 1) Review submitted documents for conformance with the following provisions of FWCC Article XIV— Critical Areas, Division 7, Regulated wetlands:' Section 22-1356 Determination of wetland and regulated wetland including confirmation of the proposed wetland category and associated buffer based on FWCC; and ■ Section 22-1359 Structure, improvements and land surface modification within regulated wetland buffers including: ➢ FWCC 22-1359(d) -Minor Improvements -for the proposed trail located in the buffer; and ➢ FWCC 22-1359(f) -Buffer Reduction for the proposed buffer reduction from 50 feet to 25 feet. 2) Provide technical memorandum(s) identifying any additional information requested as necessary. 3) Conduct site visit(s) as necessary. 4) Possible meetings on site and/or with applicant's wetland biologist. 5) Provide written technical memorandum(s) regarding the proposal's conformance with FWCC. Task Schedule: Provide task cost estimate by April 17, 2009. Task Cost: Not to exceed $'f3z'°� without a prior written amendment to this Task Authorization. (The total task amount to be filled in by planner after the consultant returns this form with all items filled out including the total work estimate and said estimate has been approved by the Project Planner.) City of Federal Way (Planner) (Consultant) (Project Proponent) Date Date 1 Note that a code reorganization of the FWCC became effective on February 9, 2009. The reorganization included revision to the Definitions Chapter (22-1 et al) and the Critical Areas (Article XIV) chapter. While the City has not received codified versions of the reorganized code, a copy of the underline and strike out versions of 22-1 and Article XIV are enclosed for your files. Doc. I D. 49591 CITY OF Federal Way Mr. Harold LaDuke Community of Christ St. Luke's Church 515 SW 312' Street Federal Way, WA 98003 CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Mailing Address: PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 (253) 835-7000 www.cityoffederalway.com April 20, 2009 Re: File #09-101031-00-UP; CORRECTED WETLAND CONSULTANT REvrEw ESTIMATE Community of Christ St. Luke's, 515 South 312th Street, Federal Way, WA Dear Mr. LaDuke: Enclosed please find an April 15, 2009, corrected review estimate prepared by Grette Associates, LLC, for peer review of the proposed wetland buffer reduction and mitigation application. Grette Associates LLC (Grette), the City's wetland consultant, was asked to provide an estimate for their review of information submitted by you, including the March 6, 2009, St. Luke's Lutheran Property Wetland and Stream Analysis Report Functional Assessment and Mitigation Plan prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc., and March 2009, St. Luke's Lutheran Church Conceptual Mitigation Plan, Planting Plan and Mitigation notes prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, hic. Copies of the Grette estimate with task scope and the City's April 2, 2009, Wetland Consultant Authorization Form are enclosed. The normal course of action is for the City to set up an account to be funded by the applicant and drawn down by the work performed by Grette. If at the conclusion of the project review any of the funds are not used, they will be returned to the applicant. Please note that the Grette task authorization lists three separate tasks and does not include review of any documents other than those listed in the City's April 2, 2009, Wetland Consultant Authorization Form; review of any revision to those documents will require additional funding. At this point, please review the proposed Grette task authorization. If you agree with the cost estimate, a check in the amount of $3,832.00, payable to the City of Federal Way, must be submitted with the enclosed invoice before the wetland review will commence. Following receipt, I will authorize Grette to begin their formal review. Also, please sign and return to my attention the enclosed Wetland Consultant Authorization Form. I can be reached at 253-835-2642 if you have any questions about this letter or the corrected wetland review estimate. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, tO IUN�&L--, Deb Barker Senior Planner Enclosures as noted Doc I D 49772 CITY OF �- Federal Vida Mr. Harold LaDuke Community of Christ St. Luke's Church 5I5 SW 3121h Street Federal Way, WA 98003 CITY MALL 33325 8th Avenue South Mailing Address: PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9778 (253) 835-7000 www. cityoffederalway. com April 20, 2009 Re: File #09-101031-00-UP; CORRECTED WETLAND CONSULTANT REVIEW ESTIMATE Community of Christ St. Luke's, 515 South 312t' Street, Federal Way, WA Dear Mr. LaDuke: Enclosed please find an April 15, 2009, corrected review estimate prepared by Grette Associates, LLC, for peer review Of the proposed wetland buffer redaction and mitigation application. Grette Associates LLC (Grette), the City's wetland consultant, was asked to provide an estimate for their review of information submitted by you, including the March 6, 2009, St. Luke's Lutheran Property Wetland and Stream Analysis Report Functional Assessment and Mitigation Plan prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc., and March 2009, St. Luke's Lutheran Church Conceptual Mitigation Plan, Planting Plan and A itigation notes prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc. Copies of the Grette estimate with task scope and the City's April 2, 2009, Wetland Consultant Authorization Form are enclosed The normal course of action is for the City to set up an account to be funded by the applicant and drawn down by the work performed by Grette. If at the conclusion of the project review any of the funds are not used they will be returned to the applicant. Please note that the Grette task authorization lists three separate tasks and does not include review of any documents other than those listed in the: City's April 2, 2009, Wetland Consultant Authorization Form; review of any revision to those documents will additional funding. require At this point, please review the proposed. Grette task authorization. If you agree with the cost estimate, a check in the amount of S3,832.00, payable to the City of Federal Way, must be submitted with the enclosed invoice before the wetland review will commence. Following receipt, I will authorize Grette to begin their formal review. Also, please sign and return to my attention the enclosed Wetland Consultant Authorization Form. I can be reached at 253-835-2642 if you have any questions about this letter or the corrected wetland review estimate. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, k-i4 Deb Barker Senior Planner Enclosures as noted Dom LD. 49772 Cirette AssociatesLLO ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS TO: City of Federal Way Attn: Deb Barker Date: 04/15/09 Project Number: 205.011 Revision 1 Project Name: St. Luke's - Wetland 33325 8`h Avenue S Federal Way, WA 98003 Delineation and Mitigation Plan Review Phone (253) 835-7000 SENT VIA: ❑ Mail ❑ Fax DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Application Review and Site Assessment RE: Applicant: Harold La Duke City File Number: 09-101031-00-UP 09-101032-SE ❑ Hand Delivered ® Email Grette Associates will perform a thorough review of the Applicant's wetland report, wetland mitigation plan, wetland categorization, and associated documents provided by the City of Federal Way {City). The reports will be reviewed for completeness, accuracy, and compliance with the standards of the appropriate version of the City's Critical Areas Ordinance. Grette Associates will visit the Applicant's property and review the delineated wetland boundaries. The review will be based on the methodology of Washington State Department of Ecology's (Ecology) YYashingtnn State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual, the US Army Corps of Engineers, Yetlands Defineatfon Manual, and associated regional guidance letters. Based on these manuals, wetland boundaries will be verified using vegetation, soil characteristics, and hydrologic features. This Task assumes that wetland delineation flagging is present, readily visible, and accurately labeled and consistent with the delineation figure supplied with the wetland delineation report, The wetland categorization and buffer determination will also be reviewed for accuracy during the site visit. Areas proposed for buffer reduction and buffer enhancement actions will be evaluated during the site assessment. Staff Rate Biologist Units Principal Biologist 90.00 16155.00 M;Iea-" Or.� r� ) 1 (. and trig 0.60 40 Adm inlstratNe 70.00 1 _ TOTAL TASK 100 *lVileage will be charged at the current WSDOT or Federal rate plus applicable markup, 2102 North 30`h Street, Ste. A Tacoma, WA 98403 Ph: 253.573.9300 Page 1 of 2 Total Fx: 253.573.9321 1,440.00 155.00 24.00 70.00 1,689.00 205.011 St. Luke's Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Plan Review 04/15/09 Memorandum Grette Associates will prepare a Technical Memorandum containing the results of the document review and site assessment. The applicant will be responsible for providing any corrections or additional information not contained in the application materials, and assessing any additional critical areas discovered during the site assessment. If consensus can not be reached, a third party of the City's choice may be contracted to provide an additional Professional opinion. Staff Biologist Rate Units Total Principal Biologist 90.00 10 900.00155.00 Administrative 70.00 1 155.00 2 140.00 TOTAL TASK 200 1,195.00 Meetings If necessary, Grette Associates will attend meetings with the City, the applicant, and/or the applicant's consultants. Staff Biologist Rate Units Total 90 00 Milea e Two round tri sj 10 900.00 0.60 80 48.00 TOTAL TASK 300 948.00 ® TIME AND EXPENSE Estimated Amount*; S3,832,00 'Estimated budget includes one site visit two meetings, and the review or documents in possession of Grette Associates at the time 0Fcontract scoping. Revicnv oradd! donal or revised documents that exceed the stated budget will require an addendum to this contract. Field visit time estimates included in this scope are based on property conditions consisting of moderate Cover at lowing reasonable access to all areas of the property. Areas of extreme undergrowth, dense sal monberry and/or blackberry thickets. or Conditions di fFering from those listed may adversely impact the field time estimates and number of sitc visits necessary to complete the Ficld assessment. Grette Associates will seek authorization Fram the City prior to providing any additional rev iewservices that will exceed the estimated budget. CLIENT AUTHORIZATION: Page 2 of 3 205.01 l St. Luke's Wetland Delineation and [\litigation Plan Review COPY 04/15/09 The undersigned authorizes the above requested services and agrees to pay for these services within 30 days of receiving the invoice. Failure of payment within the specified 30-day period will result in a late payment penalty of a $70.00 processing fee and an interest charge oft% of the past due amount levied at each subsequent invoice cycle. In consideration of Consultant's agreement to perform the services set Forth above, Client and Consultant agree to limit the liability of Consultant to Client, and to all Other persons or entities, arising from professional acts, errors or are omissions Of Consultant, and for liability arising out of or relating to this contract, such that the total ate liability Of Consultant, including attorneys fees awarded pursuant to thg is . greego ment, that all those named shall not exceed $50,000 or the total Fee of Consultant for the services rendered under th is agreement, whichever is greater. This contract will expire if it remains unexecuted for 60 day and rate status. s after the above listed date. If client wishes to pursue this wow alter 60 days' time, Grette Associates staff may issue a new contract based current workload availability This agreement may be terminated at any lime by the Client upon written notice to the Consultant, or by the Consultant upon written notice to the Client. In the event of such termination by the Client, the Client shall pay to the Consultant all costs of work performed to the date of termination. Authorization to Proceed Deb Barker /r� City of Federal Way Date Grette Associates 1 attheiv Boyle, Principal Biologist Date Aril 15, 2009 Cc: Accounting GRETTE ASSOCIATES Page 3 of 3 CITY OF L Federal Way CITY HALLiLE 33325 8th Avenue South Mailing Address: PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 (253) 835-7000 www.cityoffederalway.com Community of Christ St. Luke's Church April 16, 2009 Attention: Harold LaDuke 515 SW 312"' Street Federal Way, WA 98003 RE: FILE #09-101031-00-UP; FORWARD WETLAND CONSULTANT REVIEW ESTIMATE Community of Christ St. Luke's, 515 South 312`h Street, Federal Way, WA Dear Mr. LaDuke: Enclosed please find a review estimate dated April 15, 2009, prepared by Grette Associates, LLC, for peer review of the proposed wetland buffer reduction and mitigation application. Grette Associates LLC (Grette), the City's wetland consultant, was asked to provide an estimate for their review of information submitted by you, including the St. Luke's Lutheran Property Wetland and Stream Analysis Report Functional Assessment and Mitigation Plan prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc., dated March 6, 2009, and St. Luke's Lutheran Church Conceptual Mitigation Plan, Planting Plan and Mitigation notes prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc., dated March 2009. Copies of the Grette estimate with task scope and the City's April 2, 2009, Wetland Consultant Authorization Form are enclosed. The normal course of action is for the City to set up an account to be funded by the applicant and drawn down by the work performed by Grette. If at the conclusion of the project review any of the funds are not used, they will be returned to the applicant. Please note that the Grette task authorization lists three separate tasks, and does not include review of any documents other than those listed in the City's April 2, 2009, Wetland Consultant Authorization Form; review of any revision to those documents will require additional funding. At this point, please review the proposed Grette task authorization. If you agree with the cost estimate, a check in the amount of $3,652.00, payable to the City of Federal Way, must be submitted with the enclosed invoice before the wetland review will commence. Following receipt, I will authorize Grette to begin their formal review. Also, please sign and return to my attention the enclosed Wetland Consultant Authorization Form. I can be reached at 253-835-2642 if you have any questions about this letter or the wetland review estimate. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Deb Barker Senior Planner Enclosures as noted Doc I D 49728 Cj`rette Associzat s t F .................•---...--........_..................................................., ........... ........................... E � V 1 R 0 ��€ N! E N 'T . �:: . GAF -0 N S U T A N .T. S TO: City of Federal Way Attn: Deb Barker 33325 8th Avenue S Federal Way, WA 98003 Phone (253) 835-7000 SENT VIA: ❑ Mail ❑ Fax DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Application Review and Site Assessment Date: Project Number: Project Name: RE: Applicant: City File Number: 04/15/09 205.011 St. Luke's - Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Plan Review Harold La Duke 09-101031-00-UP 09-101032-SE ❑ Hand Delivered ® Email Grette Associates will perform a thorough review of the Applicant's wetland report, wetland mitigation plan, wetland categorization, and associated documents provided by the City of Federal Way (City). The reports will be reviewed for completeness, accuracy, and compliance with the standards of the appropriate version of the City's Critical Areas Ordinance. Grette Associates will visit the Applicant's property and review the delineated wetland boundaries. The review will be based on the methodology of Washington State Department of Ecology's (Ecology) Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation Manual, the US Army Corps of Engineers' Wetlands Delineation Manual, and associated regional guidance letters. Based on these manuals, wetland boundaries will be verified using vegetation, soil characteristics, and hydrologic features. This Task assumes that wetland delineation flagging is present, readily visible, and accurately labeled and consistent with the delineation figure supplied with the wetland delineation report. The wetland categorization and buffer determination will also be reviewed for accuracy during the site visit. Areas proposed for buffer reduction and buffer enhancement actions will be evaluated during the site assessment. Staff Rate Units Total Biologist 90.00 16 1,440.00 Principal Biologist 155.00 1 155.00 Mileage (One round trip) 0.60 40 24.00 Administrative 70.00 1 70.00 TOTAL TASK 100 1,689.00 "Mileage will be charged at the current WSDOT or Federal rate plus applicable markup. 2102 :gib t€ .. 30`h Street, Ste A Tacor a, 1VA 98403 Ph: 253 573.930:11 Fv 253.573.932.1. Page 1 of 2 205.011 St. Luke's Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Plan Review 04/15/09 Memorandum Grette Associates will prepare a Technical Memorandum containing the results of the document review and site assessment. The applicant will be responsible for providing any corrections or additional information not contained in the application materials, and assessing any additional critical areas discovered during the site assessment. If consensus can not be reached, a third party of the City's choice may be contracted to provide an additional professional opinion. Staff Rate Units Total Biologist 90.00 10 900,00 Principal Biologist 155.00 1 155.00 1 � Administrative 70.00 2 140.00 11 TOTAL TASK 100 .1,195.00 ® TIME AND EXPENSE Estimated Amount*: $2,884.00 *Estimated budget includes one site visit and the review of documents in possession of Caette Associates at the time of contract scoping. Additional site visits and meetings (if required) or review of additional or revised documents may require an addendum to this contract Field visit time estimates included in this scope are based on property conditions consisting of moderate cover allowing reasonable access to all areas of the property. Areas of extreme undergrowth, dense salmonberry and/or blackberry thickets, or conditions differing from those listed may adversely impact the field time estimates and number of site visits necessary to complete the field assessment Grette Associates will seek authorization from the City prior to providing any additional review services that will exceed the estimated budget CLIENT AUTHORIZATION: The undersigned authorizes the above requested services and agrees to pay for these services within 30 days of ( receiving the invoice. Failure of payment within the specified 30-day period will result in a late payment penalty of a $70.00 processing fee and an interest charge of 2% of the past due amount levied at each subsequent invoice cycle. In consideration of Consultant's agreement to perform the services set forth above, Client and Consultant agree to limit the liability of Consultant to Client, and to all other persons or entities, arising from professional acts, errors, or omissions of Consultant, and for liability arising out of or relating to this contract, such that the total aggregate liability of Consultant, including attorneys fees awarded pursuant to this Agreement, that all those named shall not exceed $50,000 or the total fee of Consultant for the services rendered under this agreement, whichever is greater. This contract will expire if it remains unexecuted for 60 days after the above listed date. If client wishes to pursue this work after 60 days' time, Grette Associates staff may issue a new contract based current workload availability and rate status. This agreement may be terminated at any time by the Client upon written notice to the Consultant, or by the Consultant upon written notice to the Client. In the event of such tern ination by the Client, the Client shall pay to the Consultant all costs of work performed to the date of termination. Authorization to Proceed Deb Barker Date City of Federal Way Grette Associates Cc: Accounting Matihev.Bgvk,1'rhicipe. Biologist Page 2 of 2 Date April 15, 2009 FILE CITY OF Ak Federal June 16, 2009 Mike Layes Grette Associates 2102 North 30t` Street, Suite A Tacoma, WA 98403 Way CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Mailing Address: PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 (253) 835-7000 www.cityoffederalway.com RE: F LE #09-101031-00-UP; FORWARD REVISED INFORMATION St. Luke's Community of Christ Wetland Buffer Averaging and Mitigation Plan Dear Mr. Layes: The purpose of this letter is to forward resubmitted information for the above -referenced project. This information from the applicant reflects a revised project area and scope based on your previous comments on parcel #9127 as well as no work conducted on an adjacent non -St. Luke's Church parcel site. Please find: • Cover letter dated June 11, 2009 Revised Wetland Analysis Report, Functional Assessment and Mitigation Plan, prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, revised date June 10, 2009 • Revised Mitigation Plan, Planting Plan and Mitigation Notes, prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, revised date June 5, 2009 Please review the enclosed documents and provide comments as appropriate. Based on your invoice #29348, there is an outstanding balance of $1,400 available for your continued review. If additional funding is required for you to complete this review, please notify me of that as soon as possible. I can be reached at 253-835-2642 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Deb Barker Senior Planner enc: Resubmitted Information Doc. I.D. 50408 AgAidk, Grette Nrwwaamm Assoc TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Prepared by: Grette AssociatesLLc May 18, 2009 Prepared for: City of Federal Way Attention: Deb Barker File No.: 205.011 Senior Planner Re: St. Luke's Property— Wetland Review City File No.:09-101031-00-UP, 09-101032-00-SE 1.0 Introduction Grette Associates has contracted with the City of Federal Way (City) to assist in the review of a Wetland and Stream. Analysis Report, Functional Assessment, and Mitigation Plan (Report) Prepared by Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. dated March 6t', 2009 for the St. Luke's Lutheran Property. The property is located at 515 South 312'h Street in Federal Way, Washington (Subject Property). The Subject Property is recorded as King County Tax Parcels 0821049038, 0821049034, and 0821049127. 2.0 Review A Grette Associates biologist conducted a thorough review of the Report prepared by Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. The review focused on verifying the accuracy of the Report for compliance with the requirements of the Federal Way Revised Code (FWRC) Chapter 19.175 Regulated Wetlands. A site assessment was conducted on May 13, 2009. The site assessment included a verification Of the flagged delineated wetland boundaries and an assessment of current conditions within the wetland buffer. The delineation verification was based on the methodology of the Washington State Department of Ecology's (Ecology} Washington State Wetlands Identification and Delineation tllanraal, the US Army Corps of Engineers' Wetlands Delineation Manual, and associated regional guidance letters, including Interim Regional Supplement to the Carps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual.• Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region. The Subject Property was also assessed for additional wetlands and regulated streams not identified in the Report. In addition, wetlands were categorized and assigned appropriate buffers using the classification criteria detailed in FWRC 19.175.020 Wetland categories and standard buf ers. 3.0 Findings — Site Assessment, Delineation Verification The previously delineated wetland boundaries were verified during the site assessment. At the time of the assessment, the previously delineated boundaries appeared to be accurate. The on- 2 I 02 :Nara. 3t` Sfxr;c , ,pie:. , site wetland boundary of Wetland A was clearly defined by changes in vegetation and topography. Grette Associates recommends the City accept the delineated wetland boundary as surveyed. No previously unidentified wetlands or regulated streams were observed within the Subject Property or immediate vicinity during the site assessment. 4.0 Findings — Site Assessment, Wetland Categorization During the site assessment, wetlands were categorized wer as e classification criteria detailed in FWRC 19.175.020 Wetland categories and standard e (1) Category I wetlands meet one of the following criteria: a. Contain the presence of species or documented habitat recognized by state or federal agencies as endangered, threatened o r potentially extirpated plant, fish or animal species; or b. Contain the presence of plant associations of infrequent occurrence, irreplaceable ecological ftenctions, or exceptional local significance re �d awetlands`dgraundwaterg but not mited to exchange areas, rine systems, peat bogs and fens, f significant habitat or unique educational sites; or c. Have three or more wetland classes, one of which is open water. (2) Category H wetlands are greater than 2,500 square feet in area, do not exhibit the characteristics of Category I wetlands, and meet one of the following criteria: a. Are contiguous with water bodies or tributaries to water bodies which under normal circumstances contain or support a fish population, including streams where flow is intermittent, or b. Are greater than one acre in size in its entirety; or c. Are less than or equal to one acre in size in its entirety and have two or more wetland classes, with neither class dominated by non-native invasive species. (3) Category III wetlands are greater than 2,500 square feet in area and do not exhibit those characteristics of Category I or Hwetlands. (b) Standard buffer widths for regulated wetlands are established as follows: (1) Category I wetlands shall have a standard buffer width of 200 feet. (2) Category 11 wetlands shall have a standard buffer width of I00 feet. (3) Category 11I wetlands shall have in area$ andahalbuffer have at�andard ba�erfor width of 25 feet for greater than 10,000 square feet wetlands that are between 2,500 to 10,000 square feet in area. The rating of Wetland A as Category III by Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. is consistent with the rating by Crrette Associates and the City's wetland inventory. Wetland A meets the criteria of a Category III wetland as it is greater than 2,500 square feet and does not meet the criteria of Category I or ll wetlands. Wetland A requires a standard 50 foot buffer as it is greater than 10,000 square feet in size. According to the Ci as Federal CateWay Zoning Atlas, Wetland A is identified as Wetland 8-21-4-314 and is documented a3':1:,. l)t" :i:i;<.l.t'....'�,"epi r 7. . . 2 5.0 Findings — Site Assessment, Existing Wetland Buffer Condition During the site assessment Grette Associates inspected the existing buffer conditions of Wetland A. Buffer areas on parcels 0821049038, 0821049039, 0821049I53, and 0821049157, were dominated by a shrub plant community of invasive species including Himalayan blackberry (Rufus discolor) and Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius). Some sparse native tree species were Present, including red alder (141nus rubra), black cottonwood (Populus balsamifera), and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesit). Evidence of past fill and current dumping of yard waste was also Observed in buffer areas within these parcels. Buffer areas within parcel 0821049127 contained a forested plant community dominated by Douglas fir, bitter cherry (Prunus emarginata), and red alder over an understory of Indian plum (Cemleria cerasiformis), salal (Gaultheria shallon), and sword fern (Polystichum munitum). Himalayan blackberry was present, but did not dominate the understory plant community. Topography in this portion of the wetland buffer also contains fairly steep slopes. 6.0 Findings — Document Review, Wetland Assessment In general, the Report accurately describes background information, methods, and results of the wetland delineation, wetland categorization, and functional assessment as specified under FWRC 19.175.010 .Determination of wetland and regulated wetland. However, the Report does not include the required information of FWRC 19.175.01 e "A list of observed plant and wildlife species, using both scientific and common names, )a d a description of their relative abundance." In addition, data sheets included with the report do not list percent cover of vegetation or indicate dominance. The City may require this information be provided in an addendum to the Report. This information is to be included in all future reports prepared for the City. 7.0 Findings — Document Review, Proposed Buffer Reduction The applicant proposes to reduce the standard 50 foot buffer of Wetland A to a 25 foot buffer through Process III, provide mitigation through buffer enhancement actions, and develop a Pervious foot trail around the perimeter of the reduced buffer. According to FWRC 19.175.040 Structures, improvements and land surface modification within regulated wetland buffers, a wetland buffer may be reduced if the following criteria are met: (5) Buffer reduction. Through process 1r1, the director of community development may reduce the standard wetland buffer width by up to 50 percent, but in no case to less than 25 feet, on a case -by -case basis, if the project includes a buffer enhancement plan which utilizes appropriate native vegetation and clearly substantiates that an enhanced buffer will improve and provide additional protection of wetland functions and values, and where one of the following conditions can be demonstrated: (a) Existing conditions are such that the required standard buffer exists in a permanently altered state (e.g., roadways, paved parking lots, per7nanent structures, etc) which does not provide any buffer fiinction, then the buffer can be reduced for that portion where the intrusions are existing (b) Except for Category I wetlands, existing conditions are such that the wetland has been permanently impacted � � an,acent alterations oorrent tF!eadominanas evidenced e of nonnatbe such things as persist iv invasive species (c) A project on an existing single-family Iot platted prior to the incorporation of the city, where imposition of the standard buffer would preclude reasonable use of the lot. The director shall have the authority to determine if buffer averaging is warranted on the subject property and, if so, may require additional buffer area on other portions of the perimeter of the sensitive area. The Report states that a buffer reduction is warranted "due to evidence of human alterations (graded fill slope at edge of wetland) and dominance of non-native species" and the buffer enhancement plan provides "a slight increase in G out of 64 possible functions of the wetland and buffer from the mitigation proposal". Crrette5 Associates riagrees 2 with Sewall �$210490 9� Consultants, Inc. for proposed buffer reduction to 2 parcels 0821049153, and 0821049157. The buffer within these parcels is dominated by Himalayan blackberry and shows clear signs of recent alteration due to human activities. The buffer enhancement plan will improve wetland functions. Grette Associates does not agree with Sewall Wetland Consultants, Inc. regarding buffer reduction on Parcel 0821049127. Existing buffer conditions do not meet the requirements for buffer reduction as the buffer in this area is dominated by a nature forested plant community and has not been recently impacted by human alterations. There are some areas of invasive blackberry in the understory, but the dominant plant layer (forest) is primarily native species. In addition, the proposed buffer enhancement plan would likely displace and disturb many of the existing native understory species within this portion of wetland lbuffer. 8.0 Findings — Document Review, Proposed Foot Path The current development proposal is the construction of a footpath around the perimeter of the proposed reduced buffer, with a small Portion of the footpath extending into the proposed reduced buffer. No direct impacts to the wetland are proposed at this time, Any direct impacts will need to be approved through Process IV and meet the criteria detailed in FWRC 19.175.030 Structures, improvements and land surface modifications within regulated wetlands. According to FWRC 19.175.040 Structures, improvements and land surface modification within regulated wetland buffers, the following minor improvements are allowed within the buffer of a wetland: (4) Minor improvements. Minor improvements such as footbridges, walkways and benches may be located within the buffer from a regulated wetland if approved through process III, based on the following criteria: 4 (a) It will not adversely affect water quality; (b) It will not adversely affect the existing quality of the wetland's or buffer's wildlife habitat; (c) It will not adversely affect drainage or stormwater retention capabilities; (d) It will not lead to unstable earth conditions nor create erosion hazards; and (e) It will not be materially detrimental to any other property in the area of the subject property nor to the city as a whole. The proposed footpath meets the five criteria for minor improvements as detailed in the Report, and is an allowable use within the wetland buffer with City approval though Process III. As such, the construction of the proposed footpath does not require a reduced buffer. 9.0 Findings — Summary Grette Associates agrees with the wetland categorization and delineated wetland as marked in the field and surveyed Grette Associates agrees that the proposed footpath will not impact wetland functions and values and is an allowable use and meets the definition of minor improvement. Grette Associates agrees with the proposed reduction of wetland buffer areas within Parcels 0821049038, 0821049039, 0821049153, and 0821049157. Grette Associates does not agree with buffer reduction within Parcel 0821049127 because of the dominance of native forested vegetation within the existing buffer. Grette Associates recommends that the buffer reduction proposal and proposed buffer enhancement be modified to only include Parcels 0821049038, 0821049039, 0821049153, and 0821049157. The review of the Report and site assessment was conducted using the best available scientific information and methodologies and the best professional judgment of Grette Associates staff biologists. Final acceptance and approval of the Report, categorization, delineations, buffer reduction, and footpath is at the discretion of City staff. If you have any questions regarding this review please contact me at (253) 573-9300. Sincerely, GRETTE ASSOCIATES, LLC Mike Layes Biologist rz: c 3 �::'..�`.)Ti1:. ,} :etc+;ri, ��i.i . ;. "€�Eii;; iE1:, s^i: 98wi:, :'i:. .•., : �. J <'J � E'x:::...,.., 5 ,A*---Grette Associates= Xr ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM Prepared by: Grette AssociatesLLc June 22, 2009 Prepared for: City of Federal Way Attention: Deb Barker File No.: 205.011 Senior Planner Re: St. Luke's Property — Wetland Review (Revisions) City File No.:09- 10 103 1 -00-UP, 09-101032-00-SE 1.0 Introduction Grette Associates has contracted with the City of Federal Way (City) to assist in the review of Wetland and Stream Analysis Report, Functional Assessment, and Mitigation Plan (Report) Prepared by Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. dated March dt", 2009 for the St. Luke's Lutheran Property. The property is located at 515 South 312`" Street in Federal Way, Washington (Subject Property). The Subject Property is recorded as King County Tax Parcels 0821049038, 0821049034,and 0821049127. Grette Associates provided review services and submitted a Technical Memorandum dated May 18t", 2009. Results of this Technical memorandum are as follows: Grette Associates agreed with the wetland categorization and delineated wetland as marked in the field and surveyed. Grette Associates agreed that the proposed footpath will not impact wetland functions and values and is an allowable use and meets the definition of minor improvement. Grette Associates agreed with the proposed reduction of wetland buffer areas within Parcels 0821049038, 0821049039, 0821049153, and 0821049157. Grette Associates did not agree with buffer reduction within Parcel 0821049127 because of the dominance of native forested vegetation within the existing buffer. Grette Associates recommended that the buffer reduction proposal and proposed buffer enhancement be modified to only include Parcels 0821049038, 0821049039, 0821049153, and 0821049157. 2.0 Report Revision Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. submitted a revised Report dated .tune 10, 2009. The revised report removed Parcel 0821049127 from the buffer reduction proposal as requested. The revised report also proposes to relocate a stormwater pond in the northeastern portion of the proposed reduced buffer. This action does not affect the buffer reduction proposal and is an allowable use. As such, Grette Associates recommends the City accept the revised Buffer Reduction proposal. 2102 North 30"' Street, Ste. A Tacoma, WA 98403 1 Ph:253.573.9300 Fx:253.5739321 The review of the revised Report was conducted using the best available scientific information and methodologies and the best professional judgment of Grette Associates staff biologists. Final acceptance and approval of the revised Report, categorization, delineations, buffer reduction, and footpath is at the discretion of City staff. If you have any questions regarding this review please contact me at (253) 573-9300. Sincerely, GRETTE ASSOCIATES, LLC Mike Layes Biologist 2102 North 30"' Street, Ste. A Tacoma, WA 98403 Ph: 253.573.9300 Fx: 253.573.9321 2 .} STER LA^.i) USE APPLICATION RECEIVE V DEPARTMENTOF'COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENTSERVICES CITY OF 33325 8 Avenue South PO Box 9718 Fe �� �R `� 1 c+ Federal Way WA 98063-9718 y253-835-2607; Fax 253-835-2609 p ;( J n" °%;: r 'w:d 1�1G . %��p1Y www.ci offedera[wa .cam APPLICATION NO(S) © — IX EE Date Project Name Property Address/Location r= � 5 1 �" � > r,,*. le,+L Parcel Number(s)� ■ Project Description t>.. r PLEASE PRINT Type of Permit Required Annexation Binding Site Plan Boundary Line Adjustment Comp Plan/Rezone Land Surface Modification Lot Line Elimination Preapplication Conference Process I (Director=s Approval) Process II (Site Plan Review) Process III (Project Approval) Process IV (Hearing Examiner's Decision) Process V (Quasi -Judicial Rezone) Process VI SEPA w/Project SEPA Only Shoreline: Variance/Conditional Use Short Subdivision Subdivision Variance: Commercial/Residential Required Information r% • Zoning Designation . iI''t cL Comprehensive Plan Designation _Value of Existing Improvements Value of Proposed Improvements International Building Code (IBC): _Occupancy Type Construction Type Applicant Name: Address: City/State:" Zip: Phone: 02 S r/ V A� Fax: �. Email: L h _. AgMt (if different than Applicant) i ,. Address:, City/State: Phone:`rti Fax: Email: Signature: PRIM Owner - T Name: Address:; City/State: Fa r�?.,�i Zip: t'.� 0 1 , Phone: , yr 3 1 j Fax: ,$' �'! GI ► `:'i `�:. " Email: Signature: Bulletin #003 —August 18, 2004 Page 1 of 1 k:\1landouts\Master Land Use Application CITY OF FEDERAL WAY NOTICE OF LAND USE APPLICATION Project Name: Community of Christ St. Luke's - Wetland Buffer Reduction & Mitigation Project Description: Proposed wetland buffer reduction and buffer mitigation for a regulated wetland that is located on properties belonging to St. Luke's Church and New Hope Church; as provided in Federal Way City Code (FWCC) 22- 1359(e), requiring Process III Project Approval and environmental review (SERA). Applicant: Harold LaDuke, Community of Christ St. Luke's, 515 South 312th Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 Project Location: King County Parcel numbers 082104-9038, -9039, -9127 and -9153, all asso- ciated with the churches located at 515 South 312th Street and 31411 5th Avenue South, Fed- eral Way, WA. Date Application Received: March 18, 2009 Date Determined Complete: April 2, 2009 Date of Notice of Application: April 8, 2009 Permits Required by this Application: Process III Project Approval (File #09-101031-00-UP); and SEPA (09-101032-00-SE). No other permits at this time. Relevant Environmental Documents are Avail- able at the Address Below: X YES NO Development Regulations to be Used for Project Mitigation, Known at this Time: Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 18 - Environmental Chapter, FWCC Planning and Development Chapter 19, FWCC Zoning Chap- ter 22 Consistency with Applicable City Plans and Regulations: The project will be reviewed for consistency with all applicable codes and regulations including the FWCC; and King County Surface Water De- sign Manual. The official project file is available for public re- view at the Department of Community Develop- ment Services, 33325 8th Avenue South, Fed- eral Way, WA 98003. Any person may submit written comments on the environmental and land use applications to the Director of Com- munity Development Services by April 22, 2009. Only persons who submit written documents to the Director of Community Development Servic- es, or specifically requests a copy of the original decision, may appeal the Director's decision. Contact Person: Deb Barker, Senior Planner PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063 Telephone:253-835-2642 FWM 1523 Date of Publication: April 8, 2009 FEDERAL WAY -- .0, R A SOUND PUBIMING NEWSPAPER Affidavit of Publication Rudi Alcott, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is the Publisher of The Federal Way Mirror, a semi -weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is published in the English language continually as a semi -weekly newspaper in Federal Way, King County, Washington, and is now and during all of said time has been printed in an office maintained by the aforementioned place of publication of said newspaper. That the annexed is a true copy of a legal advertisement placed by City of Federal Way — Community Development Dept. L-1523 as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplemental form) of said newspaper once each week for a period of one consecutive week(s), commencing on the 8`� day of April. 2009 , and ending on the 8" day of April, 2009 both dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its readers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $121.13. which amount has been paid in full, or billed at the legal rate according to RCW 65.16.090. Subscribed to and sworn before me this 9th day of April, 2009. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at Federal Way NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON TERYL A. HELLER My Appointment Expires Sept. 04. 2012 1414 S. 3241h STREET, SUITE B210, fEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 m 253-925-5565 0 f A X: 253-925-5750 CITY OF ` ``�'•�``P Federal Way DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 33325 8th Avenue South PO Box 9718 Federal Way WA 98063-9718 253-835-7000; Fax 253-835-2609 www.ci offederalwo .coal DECLARATION OF DISTRIBUTION Z- CkcLri hereby declare, under penalty of perjury of the laws of the Sta e of Wa ington, t at a'. - Notice of Land Use Application/Action ❑ Notice of Determination of Significance (DS) and Scoping Notice ❑ Notice of Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (SEPA, DNS) ❑ Notice of Mitigated Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (SEPA, MDNS) ❑ Notice of Land Use Application & Anticipated DNS/MDNS ❑ FWCC Interpretation ❑ Other ❑ Land Use Decision Letter ❑ Notice of Public Hearing before the Hearing Examiner ❑ Notice of Planning Commission Public Hearing ❑ Notice of LUTC/CC Public Hearing ❑ Notice of Application for Shoreline Management Permit ❑ Shoreline Management Permit ❑ Adoption of Existing Environmental Document was ❑ mailed ❑ faxed ❑ e-mailed and/or posted to or at each of the attached addresses on 2009. Project Name 2" e'r avc We File Number(s) (0'3 1-C)07 V- --tOl � 2�� —SE Signature Date 4 rAl K:\Intern\Declaration of Distribution with Posting Sites.doc/Last printed 4/8/2009 10:53:35 AM Posting Sites: Federal Way City Hall - 33325 8th Avenue Federal Way 320th Branch Library - 848 South 320th Street Subject Site - St. Luke's & New Hope Church: 515 South 312th Street & 31411 6th Avenue South K. Intern\Declaration of Distribution with Posting Sites.doc/Last printed 4/8/2009 10:53.35 AM A 1% CITY 8F Federal Way NOTICE OF LAND USE APPLICATION Project Name: Community of Christ St. Luke's - Wetland Buffer Reduction & Mitigation Project Description: Proposed wetland buffer reduction and buffer mitigation for a regulated wetland that is located on properties belonging to St. Luke's Church and New Hope Church; as provided in Federal Way City Code (FWCC) 22-1359(e), requiring Process III Project Approval and environmental review (SEPA). Applicant: Harold LaDuke, Community of Christ St. Luke's, 515 South 312`h Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 Project Location: King County Parcel numbers 082104-9038, -9039, -9127 and -9153, all associated with the churches located at 515 South 312"' Street and 31411 6"' Avenue South, Federal Way, WA. Date Application Received: March 18, 2009 Date Determined Complete: April 2, 2009 Date of Notice of Application: April 8, 2009 Permits Required by this Application: Process III Project Approval (File #09-10103 1 -00-UP); and SEPA (09-101032-00-SE). No other permits at this time. Relevant Environmental Documents are Available at the Address Below: X YES _NO Development Regulations to be Used for Project Mitigation, Known at this Time: Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 18 - Environmental Chapter, FWCC Planning and Development Chapter 19, FWCC Zoning Chapter 22 Consistency with Applicable City Plans and Regulations: The project will be reviewed for consistency with all applicable codes and regulations including the FWCC; and King County Surface Water Design Manual. The official project file is available for public review at the Department of Community Development Services, 33325 8"' Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003. Any person may submit written comments on the environmental and land use applications to the Director of Community Development Services by April 22, 2009. Only persons who submit written documents to the Director of Community Development Services, or specifically requests a copy of the original decision, may appeal the Director's decision. Contact Person: Deb Barker, Senior Planner PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063 Telephone: 253-83 5-2642 Published in the Federal Way Mirror on April 8, 2009. Doc. LD. 49611 CITY OF Federal Way J CV Cw3 CO f _ 1 310 PL i t+ j Mf E PL St. Luke's Community of Christ Chruch Wetland Buffer Reduction and Mitigation ,.S 310 PL `N', _ ' ••Q V7 i > - S 312 ST_-- �� - - T 313 r.. ST - S 316 PL T F �- -7 ST S 314 ST 00 S 310 ST •� - I - � 1. � S 317 - ST _ -� •!, I _L File Ws 09-101031-00-UP 09-101032-00-SE N 100 0 100 200 300 400 Feet r E�� Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. CITY OF Federal Way DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 33325 81h Avenue South PO Box 9718 Federal Way WA 98063-9718 253-835-7000; Fax 253-835-2609 www.ci iyoffeder4lway.cam DECLARATION OF DISTRIBUTION 1, K hereby declare, under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington, that a: [0 Notice of Land Use Application/Action ❑ Notice of Determination of Significance (DS) and Scoping Notice ❑ Notice of Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (SEPA, DNS) ❑ Notice of Mitigated Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (SEPA, MDNS) ❑ Notice of Land Use Application & Optional DNS/MDNS ❑ FWCC Interpretation ❑ Other ❑ Land Use Decision Letter ❑ Notice of Public Hearing before the Hearing Examiner ❑ Notice of Planning Commission Public Hearing ❑ Notice of LUTC/CC Public Hearing ❑ Notice of Application for Shoreline Management Permit ❑ Shoreline Management Permit ❑ Adoption of Existing Environmental Document was ❑ mailed ❑ faxed We -mailed and/or ❑ posted to or at each of the attached addresses on , 2009. Project Name CE�t L.-ke' S W File Number(s) ov - Id / b Signature 6 9_�o/ 03� Date Y_ 7- D K:\CD Administration Files\Declaration of Distribution.dochost printed 1 /5/2009 3:44:00 PM Tamara Fix From: Teryl Heller [theller@fedwaymirror.com] Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 3:23 PM To: Tamara Fix Subject: Re: Legal Notice - St. Luke's Attachments: 11018274035.DOC; ATT00001.htm Thanks, Tamara. Will publish 4/8 as requested. Have a great weekend ---it's actually supposed to be sunny tomorrow!! It looks pretty good right now. So enjoy. Teryl On Apr 3, 2009, at 3:10 PM, Tamara Fix wrote: Please publish the following legal notice (St Luke's Wetland NOA, 09-101031) in Wednesday's (April 8, 2009) issue. Please confirm and issue an affidavit of publication. Tama-ra. Fix -Admire -Asst. City of FederaC` Vay ta?wra ix@cituo federaCw".coan I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good that I can do, or any kindness I can show, let me do it now." CITY OF Federal Way NOTICE OF LAND USE APPLICATION Project Name: Community of Christ St. Luke's - Wetland Buffer Reduction & Mitigation Project Description: Proposed wetland buffer reduction and buffer mitigation for a regulated wetland that is located on properties belonging to St. Luke's Church and New Hope Church; as provided in Federal Way City Code (FWCC) 22-1359(e), requiring Process III Project Approval and environmental review (SEPA). Applicant: Harold LaDuke, Community of Christ St. Luke's, 515 South 312t' Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 Project Location: King County Parcel numbers 082104-9038, -9039, -9127 and -9153, all associated with the churches located at 515 South 312'h Street and 31411 5th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA. Date Application Received: March 18, 2009 Date Determined Complete: April 2, 2009 Date of Notice of Application: April 8, 2009 Permits Required by this Application: Process III Project Approval (File #09-101031-00-UP); and SEPA (09-101032-00-SE). No other permits at this time. Relevant Environmental Documents are Available at the Address Below: X YES NO Development Regulations to be Used for Project Mitigation, Known at this Time: Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 18 - Environmental Chapter, FWCC Planning and Development Chapter 19, FWCC Zoning Chapter 22 Consistency with Applicable City Plans and Regulations: The project will be reviewed for consistency with all applicable codes and regulations including the FWCC; and King County Surface Water Design Manual. The official project file is available for public review at the Department of Community Development Services, 33325 8f' Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003. Any person may submit written comments on the environmental and land use applications to the Director of Community Development Services by April 22, 2009. Only persons who submit written documents to the Director of Community Development Services, or specifically requests a copy of the original decision, may appeal the Director's decision. Contact Person: Deb Barker, Senior Planner PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063 Telephone: 25 3 -83 5 -2642 Published in the Federal Way Mirror on April 8, 2009. Doc LD 49611 CITY OF Federal Way DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 33325 81h Avenue South PO Box 9718 Federal Way WA 98063-9718 253-835-7000; Fax 253-835-2609 www.ci lyoffederalway.corn DECLARATION OF DISTRIBUTION I, hereby declare, under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington, that a: V Notice of Land Use Application/Action ❑ Notice of Determination of Significance (DS) and Scoping Notice ❑ Notice of Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (SEPA, DNS) ❑ Notice of Mitigated Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (SEPA, MDNS) ❑ Notice of Land Use Application & Optional DNS/MDNS ❑ FWCC Interpretation ❑ Other ❑ Land Use Decision Letter ❑ Notice of Public Hearing before the Hearing Examiner ❑ Notice of Planning Commission Public Hearing ❑ Notice of LUTC/CC Public Hearing ❑ Notice of Application for Shoreline Management Permit ❑ Shoreline Management Permit ❑ Adoption of Existing Environmental Document was arnailed ❑ faxed ❑ e-mailed and/or ❑ posted to or at each of the attached addresses on 2009. Project Name File Number(s) _ 0 9 -I p163 f d 9 46/ b.3.) Signature _ Date V-7-D K:\CD Administration Res\Declaration of Distribution.doc/Last printed 1/5/20093:44-00 PM A NZID 10 002foof6f OIQ?f04w22t 'Jsrr049r44 M • d 0821 ( l" 1913'JtYJ34 7E1tSIy733'w 19 30003f0' ii4 �adJG �R • OM7iDt➢fl3 `�e�zt�f4y os?fo"t42 0d2t049?44 Y 3'PTK -- 0Y1?f04Df19 It 860340a" 1Q03 WWS aiw)- A:►.YJy) OW3A00030 M Os2t04D0is W03400M H ft6034000f5 OW34MM 80034000t0 5599"f90 8603400M 5555owym of Way; sa, t"m King County- Farr d x-%cr map fiww 0tt21OM36 Q�" S aw-4 B =21949744 IW34"M 08?7WDt15 ®603400010 oB.t0490A/ 01t?f049f5f M?04w-v OB03400M INAv004ly s Umst %1M30(R7050 'v43ae,►_rJ7;1' S - 1943f]m✓J0Q0 S now ;y4�j0�•jrw3vW3ar 082fo49153 OA2f04Dp3P i lyr�xista�--� � lgAit'f00350 1943C+A.FX� �L Feder at Wa.PW ON 33/53P0180 �3315300k�60 �—�J ry lr - 331/INiT � j � r947:oc�nrJ 1D4t600o6tf 931MPL F' J315"OU-7 S716Ykq, 1 ..w4t,rr.�7•J p94t0000w ".x7+sto ry4r q„3 i 13t4r. �FfSL+ t31yt04t50 JJIiAW40 ssl53arrrrn rs►I f J tDO { ap/` f � ! 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J- 0M e i.S rir 1}}C�+br� lSt77+20rw 19flIM20 � plibrary.property.rpacct_view.TAXPAYERNAME plibrary.property.pin_ad plibrary.property.pin_address.zipcode Properties that lay within a 300 Foot Buffer of the Community of Christ - St Jukes 3 HELLMANN RANDY W & MARY ANN 31510 2ND CT S 98003 ANDERSON MICHAEL S 31516 2ND CT S 98003 ORTMAN DAVID S 31520 2ND CT S 98003 1 ROMERO PEDRO 31608 3RD PL S 98003 3 Community Church of Christ St Luke 31412 S 4th Ave S 98003 Johnson, Keith Edward 31241 S 4th Ave S 98003 Pappas, John & Velma 31251 S 4th Ave S 98003 7 COMMUNITY OF CHRIST ST LUKE 31412 4TH AVE S 98003 SCHMIDT LINDA C 314214TH AVE S 98003 PARTLOW RALPH GRAY+M JANETT 31429 4TH AVE S 98003 CAN DIFF DERENA J JR 31444 4TH AVE S 98003 BARRETT JANICE M 31445 4TH AVE S 98003 RANDALL SHARRON C 31455 4TH AVE S 98003 MCDONALD MARY 314614TH AVE S 98003 7 ST LUKE'S LUTHERAN CHURCH 31530 4TH AVE S 98003 MILLER RAY K MR+MRS 315314TH AVE S 98003 RYU HYON IM+JAI HAK 31603 4TH AVE S 98003 BOGER DAVID+LYNETTE 316114TH AVE S 98003 STEVENSON EARL L+SABRINA J 31619 4TH AVE S 98003 WELCH WILLIE B 31627 4TH AVE S 98003 SIPES TIMOTHY+MIKELYN 31630 4TH AVE S 98003 7 Baca. Antonio R & Juliette 31116 5th Ave S 98003 Umland, Lowell 31119 5th Ave S 98003 Cotie, Claudiu 31125 5th Ave S 98003 Dale, Ronald F 31156 5th Ave S 98003 SHRAUNER STEVE S 31700 5TH AVE S 98003 NEWMAN TERRI L 317015TH AVE S 98003 HALBAKKEN DAVID W+HEATHER C 31702 5TH AVE S 98003 11 Gaines, Greg 31110 6th Ave S 98003 Tipper, Michael T 31116 6th Ave S 98003 Terrel, Doris 31220 6th Ave S 98003 Parry, G 31226 6Th Ave S 98003 Rizik, Jacqueline 31234 6th Ave S 98003 Lee, Barbara R 31242 6th Ave S 98003 Rivinius, JamesM & Werner 31248 6th Ave S 98003 Rhymes, Maryann 31248 6th Ave S 98003 NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSH 314116TH AVE S 98003 TERTZAKIAN AGUSTUS J 31614 6TH AVE S 98003 WEST CAMPUS CONG OF 31519 6TH AVE S 98003 6 Raileanu, Petrus George & Zama 31219 7th Ave S 98003 Mendiola, Cynthia Marie B 31227 7th Ave S 98003 Morgan, Ben & Lisa 31233 7th Ave S 98003 Arnhold, Beverly 1 312417th Ave S 98003 Skykes, R Kurt 31249 7th AveS 98003 Terrell, Doris 31257 7thAve S 98003 7 Episcopal Parish Church 345 S 312th St Korean Mission Church 405 S 312th St 98003 Roberts, Randay Ray 440 S 312th St 98003 Morrison, Larry (Pool Bros Construction 480 S 312th St 98003 St Luke's Lutehran Church 515 S 312th St 98003 Federal Way Public Schools 625 S 312th St g8003 Singh, Jagendar & Suman L 626 S 312th St 98003 9 MOULTRIE KENNETH W+NANCI M 307 S 314TH PL HANSON MARK R 98003 Heier, Joseph R & Debra J 311 S 314TH PL 98003 DOHERTY MIKE 320 S 314th PL 98003 Selthofer, Keith A 321 S 314TH PL 98003 PHANIVONG SAMMANTHA T 326 S 314th St 98003 OCHOA CARMEN A 331 S 314TH PL 98003 332 S 314TH PL MARTIN MICHAEL D+MARTIN KRISTINE S 98003 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 338 S 314TH PL 98003 625 S 314TH ST 98003 18 JACKSON MATTHEWS D JR+TERES 236 S 316TH PL MCCLINTON EDDIE D 98003 TUCHE JANYCE L 406 S 316TH PL 98003 TURNER MICHELLE+TERRENCE 407 S 316TH PL 98003 MARTIN EUGENE N 412 S 316TH PL 98003 LANE RODNEY D+LONNETTA D 413 S 316TH PL 98003 BROWN MICHAEL N 418 S 316TH PL 98003 CARLISLE GARY L+MARY M 419 S 316TH PL 98003 FENTON B E & SELVIDGE G J 426 S 316TH PL 98003 RODRIGUEZ SILVESTRE 427 S 316TH PL 98003 FISHER ADAM B+AMY L 434 S 316TH PL 98003 POSTLEWAIT WILLIAM E 435 S 316TH PL 98003 JEFFERSON BERNICE W 440 S 316TH PL 98003 SABOLJAMES G+CAROL A 441 S 316TH PL 98003 REYES FELIX+ROSERO MERY MAR 448 S 316TH PL 98003 TAN EDNA B 449 S 316TH PL 98003 CALLISON KERRY+BARBARA 454 S 316TH PL 98003 PATRICK CRAIG C+ANNA MARIE 455 S 316TH PL 98003 601 S 316TH PL 98003 4 SHADE J M 504 S 317TH ST 98003 LAMOTTE FORREST J 512 S 317TH ST 98003 MOEN TIMOTHY J 520 S 317TH ST 98003 SWEZEA MARK 526 S 317TH ST 98003 83 Total Y CITY OF " Federal Way NOTICE OF LAND USE APPLICATION Project Name: Community of Christ St. Luke's - Wetland Buffer Reduction & Mitigation Project Description: Proposed wetland buffer reduction and buffer mitigation for a regulated wetland that is located on properties belonging to St. Luke's Church and New Hope Church; as provided in Federal Way City Code (FWCC) 22-1359(e), requiring Process III Project Approval and environmental review (SEPA). Applicant: Harold LaDuke, Community of Christ St. Luke's, 515 South 312`h Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 Project Location: King County Parcel numbers 082104-9038, -9039, -9127 and -9153, all associated with the churches located at 515 South 312`h Street and 31411 61n Avenue South, Federal Way, WA. Date Application Received: March 18, 2009 Date Determined Complete: April 2, 2009 Date of Notice of Application: April 8, 2009 Permits Required by this Application: Process III Project Approval (File #09-101031-00-UP); and SEPA (09-101032-00-SE). No other permits at this time. Relevant Environmental Documents are Available at the Address Below: X YES NO Development Regulations to be Used for Project Mitigation, Known at this Time: Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 18 - Environmental Chapter, FWCC Planning and Development Chapter 19, FWCC Zoning Chapter 22 Consistency with Applicable City Plans and Regulations: The project will be reviewed for consistency with all applicable codes and regulations including the FWCC; and King County Surface Water Design Manual. The official project file is available for public review at the Department of Community Development Services, 33325 8 h Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003. Any person may submit written comments on the environmental and land use applications to the Director of Community Development Services by April 22, 2009. Only persons who submit written documents to the Director of Community Development Services, or specifically requests a copy of the original decision, may appeal the Director's decision. Contact Person: Deb Barker, Senior Planner PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063 Telephone: 253-835-2642 Published in the Federal Way Mirror on April 8, 2009. Doc. I.D 49611 CIT Federal Way ' %L 4�� St. Luke's Community of Christ Chruch Wetland Buffer Reduction and Mitigation Subject Site Q N '5,310PL -312 ST- CP T - - File Ws 09-101031-00-UP 09-101032-00-SE tS 5317 - N 100 0 100 200 300 400 Feet 'ice Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. CITY o. � Federal Way z PL CN co ST St. Luke's Community of Christ Chruch Wetland Buffer Reduction and Mitigation r S 312 ST U7, ¢ Q .313 ST- Subject Site U) F - --- S 314 ST F r, I 'AM u) co - - r S 316 PL ;�I-L 7 i -r - =1 Ai File Ws 09-101031-00-UP 09-101032-00-SE N 100 0 100 200 300 400 Feet Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. FILE CITY OF } Federal April 3, 2009 Harold LaDuke Community of Christ St. Lukes 515 South 312'b Street Federal Way, WA 98003-4033 CITY HALL Way 33325 8th Avenue South Mailing Address: PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 (253) 835-7000 www.cityoffederalway.com RE: File #09-101031-UP, 09-101032-SE; St. Lukes Wetland Reduction/Mitigation Proposal Complete Application/Additional Information Requested Dear Mr. LaDuke: On March 18, 2009, the City of Federal Way's Department of Community Development Services received your Process III Land Use application and environmental checklist for wetland buffer reduction and mitigation for the wetland associated with King County tax parcel numbers 082104-9038, 082104- 039, 082104-9153, and 082104-9127, on and adjacent to 515 South 312t' Street. The site is zoned Residential IRS 7.2), and Church uses are permitted on the subject property under Federal Way City Code (FWCC) section 22-635. According to code regulations, upon receipt of an application the City has 28 days to determine whether all information and documentation required for a complete application pursuant to FWCC Section 22-33 has been submitted. NOTICE OF COMPLETE APPLICATION Please consider this letter as a Letter of Complete Application. Pursuant to the FWCC, the application is deemed complete as of April 2, 2009, based on a review of your submittal relative to those requirements as set out in the Development Requirements checklist. A 120-day time line for reviewing the SEPA and Process III applications has started as of this date. The City has 120 days from the date that an application is deemed complete to take action on the application. However, the 120-day time line can be stopped at any time that the City requests additional information as noted below. You will be informed of the status of the 120-day time line when you are notified in writing that additional information is needed. Having met the submittal requirements, your application is now ready for processing. Therefore, pursuant to the FWCC, a Notice of Application will be published in the Federal Way Mirror within 14 days and other public notice will be given based on City procedures. The Department of Community Development Services has responsibility to notify other agencies that may have jurisdiction over your development project or an interest in it. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUESTED The following items are based on an initial technical review of the application during completeness review. 1. Wetland Consultant Review — The wetland buffer reduction and mitigation proposal has been routed to the City's wetland consultant for a cost estimate in preparation of their review of the wetland delineation and proposed wetland buffer reduction and mitigation plan. The applicant is Mr. LaDuke April 3, 2009 Page 2 responsible for funding review by the City's wetland consultant and their estimate will be forwarded to you upon receipt. Their review will not commence until the funding has been received. In addition, additional information may be required following wetland consultant review. 2. Wetland Buffer Reduction — Under FWCC section 22-1359(e), the director may reduce the standard wetland buffer width to up to 50 percent, but in no case less than 25 feet, on a case by case basis if the project includes a buffer enhancement plan and if specific conditions are demonstrated. Proposed plans prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting depict the Category III wetland with a 50-foot buffer, together with a reduction of the buffer to 25 feet with mitigation planting within the reduced wetland buffer. A trail is proposed at the outer edge of the reduced buffer, and the wetland and stream analysis report includes a discussion of the criteria of FWCC section 22-1359(d) for that feature. However, the trail appears to be located within the wetland buffer and wetland area on the south side of the site. Please confirm if the trail is proposed to intrude into the wetland with this application, or if the trail will be limited in scope at this time. 3. Storm Pond Relocation — The drawing depicts the storm pond being relocated out of the wetland buffer, but there is no information in the report to discuss how this would occur. Please provide additional information about the storm pond relocation. 4. Off -site Work — According to submitted plans and the SEPA checklist, some of the wetland buffer mitigation is proposed on property not owned by the Community of Christ Church. Please provide written confirmation that the property owners of these adjacent sites have approved the proposed wetland buffer mitigation (and, by reference, approve of access on their property by review staff and consultants) on their subject property. Note that a permanent easement or other legal agreement will be required in conjunction with approved actions. 5. SEPA Checklist — The environmental checklist must be revised to address the following: a The SEPA checklist must be signed. A.11 — Revise to disclose the proposed trail located in the wetland buffer, and clarify if any portion of the trail is proposed in the wetland. • B. Le and f — Revise to disclose and quantify any grading associated with the proposed trail. • B. Lg = Revise to list the existing amount of impervious surfaces. • B. Lh — Revise to list any erosion control methods proposed during trail construction. • 13.3.a.1 — Revise to clarify this response. List the wetland as a surface water body on the subject site. List the stream that it flows to. • B.3.a.2 — Revise to disclose the work that is proposed to the wetland buffer, including removal of invasive species, mitigation planting, and trail construction. ■ 13.3.c.1 — Revise this response to fully address subject, to disclose the storm pond located in the wetland buffer, and disclose proposed relocation plans. Clarify if the relocated pond will impact the reduced wetland buffer. • 13.3.d — Revise this response to reference the mitigation report and erosion control methods that would reduce or control impacts. • B.4.b — Will any non-invasive vegetation be removed with the proposed mitigation? Any removed with the trail installation? 09-101031 Dx. I. D. 49590 Mr. LaDuke April 3, 2009 Page 3 With this request for additional information, the 120-day maximum review time frame is suspended with one (1) of the 120 days used, and it will be restarted within 14 days of the date of your complete response to this request. When resubmitting requested information, please provide six copies of any plans, and four copies of any reports, in addition to the green resubmittal form. Project Cancellation — Pursuant to FWCC Section 22-34, if an applicant fails to provide additional information to the City within 180 days of being notified that such information is requested, the application shall be deemed null and void and the City shall have no duty to process, review, or issue any decisions with respect to such an application. If you should have any questions regarding this letter or your development project, please feel free to call me at 253-835-2642. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, Deb Barker Senior Planner c: Ann Dower, Senior Engineering Plans Reviewer enc: Resubmittal Form 09-101031 Doc.I D 49590 FILE 41k CITY OF Federal Way NOTICE OF LAND USE APPLICATION Project Name: Community of Christ St. Luke's - Wetland Buffer Reduction & Mitigation Project Description: Proposed wetland buffer reduction and buffer mitigation for a regulated wetland that is located on properties belonging to St. Luke's Church and New Hope Church; as provided in Federal Way City Code (FWCC) 22-1359(e), requiring Process III Project Approval and environmental review (SEPA). Applicant: Harold LaDuke, Community of Christ St. Luke's, 515 South 312'h Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 Project Location: King County Parcel numbers 082104-9038, -9039, -9127 and -9153, all associated with the churches located at 515 South 3121h Street and 31411 61h Avenue South, Federal Way, WA. Date Application Received: March 18, 2009 Date Determined Complete: Apri12, 2009 Date of Notice of Application: April 8, 2009 Permits Required by this Application: Process III Project Approval (File #09-101031-00-UP); and SEPA (09-101032-00-SE). No other permits at this time. Relevant Environmental Documents are Available at the Address Below: X YES NO Development Regulations to be Used for Project Mitigation, Known at this Time: Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 18 - Environmental Chapter, FWCC Planning and Development Chapter 19, FWCC Zoning Chapter 22 Consistency with Applicable City Plans and Regulations: The project will be reviewed for consistency with all applicable codes and regulations including the FWCC; and King County Surface Water Design Manual. The official project file is available for public review at the Department of Community Development Services, 33325 8`h Avenue South, Federal Way, WA 98003. Any person may submit written comments on the environmental and land use applications to the Director of Community Development Services by April 22, 2009. Only persons who submit written documents to the Director of Community Development Services, or specifically requests a copy of the original decision, may appeal the Director's decision. Contact Person: Deb Barker, Senior Planner PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063 Telephone: 25 3-83 5-2642 Published in the Federal Way Mirror on April 8, 2009. Doc 6D. 49611 OF k St. Luke's Community of Christ Chruch CITY CITY OFWayWetland Buffer Reduction and Mitigation L 1411,1��111� Q� -� Subject Site 36 PL" - - S 3 P,L - - _ Y _ - - - - 317 ?V. __ "-_ � - - - - ST - - - - - - - 1- - f19 --- --� —. �— -- - ——!f __ _- — —~. - •— .—� r -- —I —ter —' --- -- File Ws 09-101031-00-UP 09-101032-00-SE N 100 0 100 200 300 400 Feet Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. €iTy ()F ' ems.: FILL Federal Way DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FINAL STAFF EVALUATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST ST_ LUKE'S COMMUNITY OF CHRIST WETLAND ]BUFFER REDUCTION Federal Way File Number: 09-101032-00-SE Related File Numbers: 09-101031-00-UP looter Technical reports and attac]nnents reference[! below may not be attached to all copies of Phis decision. Copies nPexhibits, reports, attachmentS, or other documents rmy be reviewed and/or ❑btained by contacting the Department of C opies of Dere]❑ ment Services, 33325 $" Avenue South PDBox 9718, Federal Wa , WA 98063,917$. Phone: 253-835-7o0[7. I. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION The applicant has requested an administrative reduction of the Category III wetland buffer from 50 feet to 25 feet with wetland buffer enhancement proposed. (Exhibit A). II. GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name: St. Luke's Community of Christ Wetland Buffer Reduction Applicant: St. Luke's Community of Christ Church Attn: Harold LaDuke 515 South 312" Street Federal Way, WA 98003 206-910-0853 Location: St. Luke's Church is located at 515 South 312t' Street, Federal Way (Exhibit B), and the Church owns King County Tax Parcel Numbers: 082104-903g, 9127, 9153, and 9157, which also contain the wetland. Only parcel #082104- 9038 is developed The wetland is also located on King County Tax Parcel 082104-9039, which is owned by New Hope Christian Church located at 31411 6'h Avenue South, who may opt to participate in the wetland buffer reduction and enhancement proposal. Parcel Size: St. Luke's parcel is 11.46 acres (499,197 square feet), while New Hope's parcel is 2.28 acres (99,316 square feet). Zoning; Residential Single -Family (RS-7.2) Comprehensive Plan Designation: Single -Family High -Density (SFHD) The following information was submitted as part of the application for wetland buffer reduction request: SEPA Checklist, March 16, 2009, and amended date May 21, 2009 Wetland Analysis Report, Functional Assessment and Mitigation Plan prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 6, 2009, with amendments on May 20, 2009 (Exhibit D) St. Luke's Lutheran Church Mitigation Plan, Planting Plan and Mitigation Notes prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc. March 6, 2009, amended on May 20 and dune 10, 2009 (Exhibit E) III. Project History The applicant submitted an application for SEPA and Process III project approval on March 18, 2009. The application was determined complete on April 2, 2009. The initial application was submitted in partnership with the New Hope Church. This property, located south of St. Luke's, is also impacted by this wetland and New Hope wished to partake in the wetland buffer reduction process. This partnership is still under discussion, and while not finalized, is reflected within this staff report. Additional information was submitted for the project on May 21 and June 11, 2009. IV. REVIEW OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST The following lists the elements of the environmental checklist (Exhibit Q, and a response to each: 1) whether City staff concurs or does not concur with the applicant's response to the SEPA checklist item, or 2) City staffs additional comments or clarification to each checklist item A. BACKGROUND 1. The proposal is to reduce and enhance the regulated buffer associated with Wetland A. 2-3. Concur with the checklist. 4. The SEPA checklist was prepared on March 6, 2009, and revised on May 21, 2009. Communication from both St. Luke's and New Hope churches reflects ongoing discussion about a potential partnership with respect to the wetland buffer reduction and enhancement proposal, as supported by responses in the March checklist. Should New Hope not participate in the proposed wetland buffer reduction and enhancement proposal, New Hope does not have any obligation or responsibility for the proposal, nor is the grandfathered status of the development on parcel 082104-9039 called into question. 5. The City of Federal Way has requested the SEPA checklist. 6. A 14-day appeal period followed by a 14-day comment period will commence once the SEPA determination is issued. Administrative land use approval for the wetland buffer reduction would be granted under Process III following environmental review. 7. Future expansion of the church programs and facilities will require separate environmental and land use review. To date, no applications for these improvements have been submitted. 09-101032/Doc I.D. 50967 Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist Page 2 St. Luke's Church Wetland Buffer Reduction 8-9. Concur with the checklist. 10. Permits required for any approved wetland buffer mitigation must be obtained before any clearing and grading work occurs. 11-12. Concur with the checklist. The wetland lies generally in the middle of the parcels owned by the St. Luke's Church and on the western portion of the New Hope Church property. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth a-b. Concur with the checklist. C. Concur with the checklist. The 1973 King County Soils Survey map lists the soils type of the majority of the site as Alderwood Sandy Gravelly Loam (AgB) with soils characterized as gravelly sandy loam, with zero to six percent slopes. d. Concur with the checklist. One portion of the subject site previously contained a residential structure that was recently removed by the Fire Department. e. A request to mow and remove invasive blackberries and Scots Broom vegetation outside of the wetland buffer in order to access the wetland buffer edge in preparation of mitigation was conditionally approved by the City in a July 8, 2009 decision. The area of mowing is generally a 30-foot-wide swath along 600 feet of western side of the wetland, or approximately 18,000 square feet. Conditions of approval include installation of erosion control in the event that ground is disturbed with removal of the invasive species. f-h. Concur with the checklist. 2. Air a-c. Construction activities, e_g., site preparation work, will contribute only to a short-term increase in local suspended particulate levels, as this activity contributes to carbon monoxide levels through the operation of construction machinery, delivery equipment and materials, and worker access to the site by automobile. These activities also involve emissions of hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen, potentially elevating the level of photochemical oxidants, such as ozone, into the ambient air. Compliance with local, state, and federal air quality standards provides sufficient mitigation of these potential impacts. Mitigation planting that enhances on -site vegetation will provide filtering of suspended particulates. The buffer reduction will not adversely impact air quality and no further mitigation is required. 3. Water a. L Concur with the checklist. No downstream analysis was required for the wetland buffer reduction request. According to the Wetland Analysis Report, Functional Assessment and Mitigation Plan prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc. revised date May 20, 2009, Wetland `A' meets the criteria for a category III wetland. Category III wetlands contain 50-foot buffers per Federal Way Revised Code. Wetland A is a depressional wetland with forested and shrub vegetation communities and considered a Palustrine forested, broad -leafed deciduous Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist 09-101032/Dm. 1D. 50967 St. Luke's Church Wetland Buffer Reduction Page 3 seasonally flooded (PFOIC) wetland based on adopted classifications. The wetland is located on the east side of the split basin associated with the site and it drains to the south into the Hylebos Stream, which drains to Puget Sound- 2- Work proposed within the 50-foot wetland buffer includes removal of invasive species, restoration planting, and installation of a soft surface pedestrian trail. The applicant has proposed to reduce the north and west portions of the wetland buffer from 50 feet to 25 feet, and elect to include the eastern portion of the wetland buffer in the request once issues are resolved. Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc. prepared a Wetland Analysis Report, Functional Assessment and Mitigation Plan. The report notes that the current condition of the buffer is degraded by the encroachment of dominant non-native invasive species (blackberries) and evidence of human alterations with graded fill slopes at the edge of the wetland. The Sewell wetland buffer enhancement plan proposes removal of non-native vegetation and installation of a diverse quantity of native vegetation within the reduced wetland buffer. As provided for in Federal Way Revised Code (FWRC) 19.175.040(5), the Director of Community Development Services can use Process III to administratively approve a wetland buffer reduction request only if specific criteria are met and if it is demonstrated that an enhanced buffer will improve and provide additional protection of wetland functions and values. In reviewing the Sewell wetland report, the City's wetland consultant, Grette Associates, noted that the buffer conditions of wetland A meet the eligibility criteria for buffer reduction except for that portion of wetland buffer on the southern most portion of the site, located on King County parcel #082104-9127. As this wetland buffer remains intact and is not degraded by grading, filling or invasive species, Grette recommended that it not be included in the wetland buffer reduction request. The applicant revised the scope of the wetland buffer reduction request to maintain the 50-foot wetland buffer for the wetland portion located on King County parcel #082104-9127, and continue the pedestrian trail through this portion of the wetland buffer (report dated June 10, 2009). Further analysis of the wetland buffer reduction request and proposed mitigation will be completed in conjunction with Process III review. 3-6. Concur with the checklist. b. 1-2. Concur with the checklist. C. 1-2. The current storm drainage system for the church development is located at the northern end of the wetland buffer, straddling the buffer of wetland A. The applicant proposes to relocate this pond outside of the wetland buffer. Such relocation will require additional Process III review including engineering review arid may involve potential upgrades to the storm pond. Alternatively, the pond could remain in place until reconfigured and/or relocated with future development. Further analysis will be conducted in conjunction with the Process III review. d. Concur with the checklist. Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist 09-101032/Doc. LD. 50967 St. Luke's Church Wetland Buffer Reduction Page 4 4• Plants a-d Concur with the checklist. The removal will enhance the existing native vegetatiof invasive species within the wetland buffer on both in the buffer and in the wetland. 5• Animals a—dd Concur with the checklist. The site contains a wetland, which provides habitat for a variety of birds and mammals. The site is part of the Pacific FIyway Migratory Route. The removal of invasive species within the wetland buffer together with the planning of native vegetation will enhance the wildlife habitat conditions both in the wetland and the buffer. 6. Energy and Natural Resources a-d. Concur with the checklist. 7• Environmental Health a. Concur with the checklist. 1-2. Culvert maintenance will be a topic for future storm drainage reports. b. 1-3. Concur with the checklist. Work times are regulated under FWRC 19.05.040. 8. Land and Shoreline Use a-l_ Concur with the checklist. Parcel 9039 also contains a church building and a parsonage. The Comprehensive Plan designation of the area is Single -Family High -Density (SFHD)_ 9• Housing a-c. Concur with the checklist. 10. Aesthetics a-c. Concur with the checklist. 11. Light and Glare a-d. Concur with the checklist. 12• Recreation a-c. Concur with the checklist. The Mirror Lake Elementary School is located one half block east of the subject property, 13• Historic and Cultural Preservation a-c. Concur with the checklist. 14. Transportation a-g. Concur with the checklist. The wetland buffer reduction proposal does not impact any of the current transportation systems. 15. Public Services a-b. Concur with the checklist. 16• Utilities a-b. Concur with the checklist. Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist St. Luke's Church Wetland Buffer Reduction 09-101032/De , I.D. 50967 Page 5 V. CONCLUSION Based on staff analysis of the application, the completed SEPA checklist, and applicable City and county regulations and policies, the proposal can be found to not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. The DNS is based upon impacts identified within the environmental checklist, attaclunents, exhibits, and supplemental reports as listed, and the above Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist Application, and is supported by plans, policies, and regulations formally adopted by the City for the exercise of substantive authority under SEPA to approve, condition, or deny proposed actions. The City reserves the right to environmental seview ignificance or nonsignificanee of the project at that point in her revisions or alterations to the site or the proposal in order to determine theg time. VI. EXHIBITS Exhibit A Reduced Scale Wetland Buffer Reduction and Mitigation Plan Exhibit B Vicinity Map Exhibit C SEPA Checklists, dated March 16 and May 21, 2009 Exhibit D Welland Analysis Report, Fttnctional Assessment and Mitigation Plan prepared by Sewell Wetland Consulting, Inc. revised date June 10, 2009 Prepared by: Deb Barker, Senior Planner Date: August 12, 2009 09-1010 32/Doc.1. D. 50967 Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist Page 6 St. Luke's Church Wetland Buffer Reduction CITY OF Federal Way August 14, 2009 Mr. Harold LaDuke 6420 Lindsay Avenue SE, #B Auburn, WA 98029 i=iLE CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South Mailing Address: PO Sax 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-97 t 8 (253) 835-7000 www, cityoffederwwaycom RE: FILE #09-101032-00-SE; ENVIRONMENTAL THRESHOLD DETERMINATION ST. La's CON&MMTY OF CHRMr CHURCH WE BUFFER REDUCTION 515 SOUTH 312TH STREET, FEDE�, WAY, Wei Dear Mr. LaDuke: This office and other City staff have reviewed the environmental checklist you submitted. We have determined that the proposal will not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. n result, an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required to comply with the State Environmental policy,4ct (SEpA), A 14-day comment period is required by the SEPA rules (`]SiAC 197-11-340). A notice inviting comments will be published in the Federal comment period, WYay Mirror on August I5, 2009. At the end of the the department will determine if the DNS should be withdraw modified, as proposed. All final determinations may be appealed within 14 days following the comment issued deadline. No licenses, permits, Or approvals will be issued until completion of the appeal period. Our decision not to require an EIS does not mean that the license, permit, or approval you are seeking from the City has been granted. Approval or denial of the It, r approval ill r made a the appropriate administrative Or legislative body vested with that authority. The environmental record is considered by the decision maker(s) and conditions will be imposed to reduce identified environmental impacts, as long as the conditions are based on adopted and designated City policy. After a final decision has been made an your proposal (i.e., after a permit has been iss y Council action taken, as applicable), ued or City Ply ), you may, but are not required to, publish a Notice of Action as set Earth in 1,CW 43,21C.075 The Notice of Action sets forth a time period after whichof legal challenges regarding the proposal's compliance with SEPA can be made. A c❑ of Notice Action form and copies ofRCW 43.21 C.080 and WAC 197-11-680 rovidin AYforof iv this notice are available from the Department of Community Development SeN�e5uctions for giving The City is not responsible for publishing the Notice of Action, However, the City giving a notice (to parties of retard) statfor ing the date for commencing a judicial appeal (including the SEPA portion of that appeal) if your proposal is one for which the City's action on it has a s ec fied time period within which any court appeals must be made. p 141•. L:1L�uk August 14, 2009 Page 2 If you need further assistance, feel free to call Deb Barker, Senior Planner, at 253-835-2642. Sincerely, /44,, Greg Fewins, Director Department of Community Development Services a Christian Church, via e-rnail: tim.sitterley@wcg.org (DNS and Staff report) c: Tim Sitterley, New Ho P Ann Dower, Senior Engineering Plans Reviewer Deb Barker, Senior Planner enc: DNS Staff Report Doc. I D. 51086 09-101032 'k DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 33325 81h Avenue South PO Box 9718 CITY OF Federal Way WA 98063-9718 Federal Way 253-835-7000; Fax 253-835-2609 www.citvoffecierglwoy.com DECLARATION OF DISTRIBUTION hereby declare, ray e eby dec e, under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington, that a: ❑ Notice of Land Use Application/Action ❑ Notice of Determination of Significance (DS) and Scoping Notice Notice of Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (SEPA, DNS) ❑ Notice of Mitigated Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (SEPA, MDNS) ❑ Notice of Land Use Application & Optional DNS/MDNS ❑ FWCC Interpretation ❑ Other ❑ Land Use Decision Letter ❑ Notice of Public Hearing before the Hearing Examiner ❑ Notice of Planning Commission Public Hearing ❑ Notice of LUTC/CC Public Hearing ❑ Notice of Application for Shoreline Management Permit ❑ Shoreline Management Permit ❑ Adoption of Existing Environmental Document was ❑ mailed ❑ faxed l re -mailed and/or ❑ posted to or at each of the attached addresses on i , 2009. Project Name k- L&&kz i File Number(s) 0 1 Signature 169 Date B , -d 9 KACD Administration Files\Declaration of Distribution.doc/Last printed 1 /5/2009 3:44:00 PM CITY € r �• " I Way NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE St. Luke's Community of Christ Church Wetland Buffer Reduction File No. 09-101032-00-SE Description: The applicant has requested an administrative reduction of the Category III wetland buffer from 50 feet to 25 feet with wetland buffer enhancement proposed. Location: St. Luke's Community of Christ Church is located at 515 South 3121h Street, Federal Way, and includes King County Tax Parcel Numbers: 082104-9038, 9127, 9153, and 9157, which also contain the wetland. The wetland is also located on King County Tax Parcel 082104-9039 which is owned by New Hope Christian Church, located at 31411 6`h Avenue South, Federal Way, WA, who may opt to participate in the wetland buffer reduction and enhancement proposal. Applicant: Harold LaDuke, St. Luke's Community of Christ Church, 515 South 312`h Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 Lead Agency: City of Federal Way Staff Contact: Deb Barker, Senior Planner, 253-835-2642 The City of Federal Way has determined that the following project does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment, and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.2 1 C. 03 0(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the City. Further information regarding this action is available to the public upon request at the Federal Way Department of Community Development Services (Federal Way City Hall, 33325 81h Avenue South, PO Box 9718, Federal Way, WA 98063-9718). This Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). Comments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on August 31, 2009. Unless modified by the City, this determination will become final following the comment deadline. Any person aggrieved by the City's determination may file an appeal with the City within 14 days of the above comment deadline. You may appeal this determination to Greg Fewins, Director of Community Development Services, at the City of Federal Way (address above), by a written letter stating the reason for the appeal of the determination. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. The appeal fee is $114.50. Published in the Federal Way Mirror on August 15, 2009. Doc I.D. 51087 Tamara Fix From: Teryl Heller [theller@fedwaymirror.com] Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 10:37 AM To: Tamara Fix Subject: Re: Legal Notice - St. Luke's Attachments: 21989152069.doc; ATT00001.htm Tamara, No problem. We will get this in for you. Take care, Rudi filling in for Teryl this week. On Aug 13, 2009, at 9:11 AM, Tamara Fix wrote Please publish the following legal notice (St. Luke's DNS, 09-101032) in Saturday's (Aug 15, 2009) issue. Please confirm and furnish an affidavit of publication. City Apr .?z'..{;ePail'iva..':, " 1 expect to pass *troug: h this world but once. ;any good that I can dry, or :any kindness I can show, let me do it now." WAC 197-11 %0 EnvbvnmentA ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST Purpose of checkl&.- The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment The purpose of this cheddist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an EIS is required. Insductions for appliccaits: This environmental cheddist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to the questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions ifyou can. Ifyou have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there may be significant adverse impact. Use of checklist for nonproject proposals: Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does not apply." IN ADDmc)N, complete the SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NONPROJECT ACTIONS (part D). For nonproject actions, the references in the checklist to the words "project," "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," respectively. A_ BA(-KGR(xDo 1. Name ofproposedprcject, if applicable: St Luke's Wetland :Modification 2_ Name of applicant: Community of Christ — St Luke's LCMS 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: 515 South 312the St. Federal Way, WN 98003 Phone 253 9413000 Phone 206 910 0853 4. Date checklist prepared 5. Agency requesting checklist: 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): j V4edands'tilitigation work- Fall of2009 Submission for Facilities expansion Fall of 2009 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain - The outcome of the Westland/Buffer reduction affects the 3, 5, and 10 year planning of needed program and Senicefaciilities to be planned and built. RESUBMITTED MAY 2 120 8. List an environmental information you know about that has been prepared, or will be preapared, directly reFai to this proposal. CITY OF��yFEDERAppL WAY Modified 4.14 0.) Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc, has prepared a Wetland Analysis Report .. PPTI utheran Property— Wetland and Stream Anabjms Report. Functional .Assessmem and �,Ctivation Platri' dated March 6, 2009. 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? Ifyes, expo. None Known 10_ List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if known. Federal Way Planning and Building Departmertis with the approved consultants back-up information 11. Give brief complete description of your proposal, including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal. You do not need to repeat those answers on this page. (Lead agencies may modify this form to include additional specific information on project description-) Moditied 4.14.09 The proposed project is the reduction of the 50-foot wetland buffer to a 25-foot buffer to allow for the future development of the surrounding adjacent property. In addition, a walking until will be constructed on the outer boundary of the wetland buffer and through a portion of the buffer. 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or boundaries of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit arty plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submitted with arty permit applications related to this checklist. TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS I _ Earth a_ General description of the site (circle one): Flat, rdllin�, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other...... b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? Less than 28 or 20 degrees A full contour survey has been completed by AHBL and is attached TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, muck)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland_ -Nlodified 4.1 .00- The site is mapp4A as dominantly containing Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (king county map unfit AgB}. Shallou- soil pits excavated on the site, generally concur with the mapped soil unit. d_ Are there surface indications or history of unstable soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. No instability but a lot of man intrusions including fill, etc. e_ Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filfing or gadmg propose\ - Indicate source offill. f odified 4.14.09 Clea ring of a portion of the reduced critical area buffer will be for the sole purpose of noxious species removal . Noxious species removal include but is not limited to Himalayan Blackberry (Rubas came►►iacus), Scot's broom (Cytisus Sxopairus) and Purple Loosestrife (Lyylrrr►m .wlicaricr). Only the upper couple of inches (root zone) is anticipated to be disturbed_ As much soil as possible will be retained on site from this clearin- event, inevitably some soil will be removed from the site. It is anticipated that the amoum of sotil removal will be less than ? cubic yards. A small amount of tali material will be brought into the critical area buffer for the trail development. It is anticipated that the trail will be constructed from a pervious surface material such as bark chip or equivalent. The fill material will be fi-om a clean source free of toxins and contaminants. Minor amounts of cut and fill may be associated with creating a level walk -way for the trail. £ Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. It is not anticipated that any erosion will occur as a result of the proposed project. Erosion control measures will be put in place prior to clearing pumant to best management practices such as silt fencing and straw mulch. g. About what percent of the site win be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildirip)? The lot that has been developed Modified 4.14.09 No additional impervious surfaces are proposed at this time. Existing Impervious surfaces of Parcel 9038 (the only developed Parcel at the current tithe) is the gravel drive and developed parking consisting of 99,460 SF equaling 45.1% of the parcel - IL Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if arry: Modified 4.14.09 Silt fence will be placed adjacent to clearing areas and adjacent to cut and till areas for trail constriction. Clearing areas will be stabilized with native seed rniX or straw mulch to pre%ent erosive conditions. a Air a what types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities if known. None. There should be some positive impacts. b. Are there any off -site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? ff so, generally descnbe- Not applicable c_ Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any: None applicable TO BE CONvtPLEiED BY APPLICANT 3_ Water a. Surface: EVALUATIONFOR AGENCY USE ONLY 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? Ifyes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. I..kxJilied 4.14.09A wetland :s 1=ted on the site along tine eastern progeny boundary. This wetland is identitihi within the critical areas repon provided by Sewall Wetland Comultin�, . Inc. as Wetland A. The City of Federal Way has inventoried this wetland as Cat -ory 3 wetland (Sewall Wetland Consulting- Inc. concurs with the rating) and is identified within the inventory as Wetland 8-21-4-314. The wetland drains into a series of culverts. The outfail of the culverts is unknown— h is anticipated that hydrology from the Weiland mould end up in Panther L.alce and subsequently the HyIebos. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Modified 4.14.09 Yew work will be conducted adjacent to the wetland. No work in the wetland is proposed at this time Wor€, adjacent to the wetland will be €'or purposes on buffer enhancement. Buffer enhancement includes removal of non- native in,,-asive species and inm-41ation of native plantings and habitat materials. See Weiland Report and Mitigation Plans prepared by Sewall Wetland Consuhiny} Inc. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose* and approximate quantities if known. 5) Does the proposal he within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note location on the site plan No 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges ofwaste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. b. Ground: 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. No 4 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: Domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals--- ; agricultural; etc.)_ Describe the general size of the systern, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. None known other than a one roof water from a building not on this property TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY c. Water runoff (inchiding stormwater): 1) Describe the source of runoff (including storm water) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. Modified 4.14.09 The proposed relocation of the storm pond will move the pond further away front the wetland boundary. The proposed relocation will be outside of the reduced wetland butler and therefore will not impact the critical area buffer. 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so, generally describe. Not due to issues addressed in this application d_ Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and runoff water impacts, if any: liodiied 4.14.(�) Erosion control will be provided b} siit tense, native seed tr:ixture or straw mulch. See wetland report and mitigation plans_ 4. Plants a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site: X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other X evergreen tree: fir, cedar, pine, other X shrubs X grass pasture crop or grain X wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bullrush, skunk cabbage, other water plants: water lily, eelgrass, nfdfoil, other X other types of vegetation b_ What kind and amount ofvegetation will be removed or altered? Modified 4.14.09 Iron -native invasive species removal will include but not be limited to lErnalayan Blackberry (Rubos armesriacus), evergreen blackberry (Rabus lucmriwns), Seot's broom (Cytisus scapairirs)_ and Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria). See mitigation plans prepared by Sewall Werland Consulting for areas and amounts of non-native species removal. Some areas will be cleared of tree canopy as a result of the buffer reduction. These species are generally deciduous trees include black cottonwood and red alder. c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known d Proposed landscaping, use ofnafive plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on the site, if any: A fun list or native plants is shown on the ration Plans prepared by Sewell Wetlands 5. Animals a. Circle any birds and animals which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site: birds: hawk heron, eagle, songbirds, other: Small animals and 1 fog reported to have been marmnals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, other: seen on the site fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish other: b_ List any threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None known TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. None noted d Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any: See Planting plan (1,319 trees and shrubs) 3 snags and 10 large woody debris as habitat 6. Energy and natural resources a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, or7, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Not applicable b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any: None applicable 7. Environmental health a Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste, that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. None EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY l) Describe special emergency services that might be required. None — The wetland has a city installed and maintained culvert at the low point. Departure point currently plugged up. To where it leads is unknown without further research with the City. 6 2) Proposed gyres to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if ate: None b. Noise 1) What types ofnoise exist in the area which may affect your project (for example: mac, equipment, operation, off)? None 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short-term or a long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction, operation, other)? M- cate what hours noise would come from the site. Little. A rew days backhoe and truck to grub out and haul berries and scotch broom away TO BE CON91 ETED BY APPL[CANr EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any: Ncne 8. Land and shoreline use a. What is the current use ofthe site and adjacent properties? Residential to the south Site of St Luke's properties parcels 9038, 9157, 9153, and 9127 Adjacent church properties. 9039 and south b_ Has the site been used for agncuhure? ff so, describe. No c. Describe any structures on the site. Parcel 9038 has the St Luke's Church and Cymnasium;General Purpose buildings d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? No e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Single Family with Churches and schooisieducation allowed f What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Expect church and educat10F, If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? N.-'A h Has any part of the site been classified as an "environmentally sensitive" area? If so, specify. Yes. The wetland identified of record A tiny sliver of 9157 is within a Lal:ehaven well head buffer i. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? None j. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None k_ Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any: None It TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT L Proposed mmsuures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any -- This is a clean-up of a nasty existing condition The reduced buffers will allow a more effective use of the property 9. Housing a Approximately how marry units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, mid- dle, or low-income housing. None b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low-income housing. ti+one c. Proposed measures to reduce or control busing impacts, if any None 10. Aesthetics a. What is the tallest height of arty proposed sh ucture(s), not including antermas; what is the principal exterior building materials) proposed? N/A b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any: None l l _ Light and glare a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? None b_ Could fight or glare from the finished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No c_ What existing off -site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None d Proposed measures to reduce or control fight and glare impacts, if any: None EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 12. Recreation a. What designated and informal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? School grounds east of 6'I' Ave S b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation op- portunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any Path at ec�7e of 141M!Lation %kith access to benches for walking and observation 13. Historic and cultural preservation a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, national, state, or local preser- vation registers ]mown to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. lone b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or cultural importance known to be on or next to the site. None EVALUATION FOR AGENCYUSE ONLY c_ Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any: Care in dolno the Ntaigation Process through use of much volunteer hand labor in removal and planting 14_ Transportation a Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system. Show on site plans, if any. 312"' St S on the north 6'1' and 4d' Ave's to the cast and West b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Yes c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the Project emote? Non eliminated new required for future expansion unknown but sufficient to meet occupancy standards d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets., not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). �;. Future facilities may trigger improvements on the east side of4't' Ave S from 312" io 3 161 h TX) BE C➢MPLETED BY APPLICANT EVALUATION FOR AGENCY USE ONLY e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air U=Torta- tion? If so, generally describe. No £ How many velar ular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? If known, indicate when peak volumes would occur_ ti oQe g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any: 15. Public services a. Would the project result in an increased need for public services (for example: fire pro- tection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. N opk: b_ Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. =` of,,e 16. Utilities a Circle utilities airs r 4 available at the site: electricity, naWml gas, water, refuse serv- ice, telephone, sanitary sewer, septic system, other. These do not affect the wetland or mitigation b_ Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity which might be needed ATIA C. SIGNATURE 'lice above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its decision. Signature: Harold L La Duke for Community of Christ — LCMS /s/_- _ DateSubmitted: March 16, 2009....... _............ _................................... __.................. _...... ____ .....................__------ a FILE Federal Way NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE St. Luke's Community of Christ Church Wetland Buffer Reduction File No. 09-101032-00-SE Description: The applicant has requested an administrative reduction of the Category III wetland buffer from 50 feet to 25 feet with wetland buffer enhancement proposed. Location: St. Luke's Community of Christ Church is located at 515 South 312th Street, Federal Way, and includes King County Tax Parcel Numbers: 082104-9038, 9127, 9153, and 9157, which also contain the wetland. The wetland is also located on King County Tax Parcel 082104-9039 which is owned by New Hope Christian Church, located at 31411 6th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA, who may opt to participate in the wetland buffer reduction and enhancement proposal. Applicant: Harold LaDuke, St. Luke's Community of Christ Church, 515 South 312th Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 Lead Agency: City of Federal Way Staff Contact: Deb Barker, Senior Planner, 253-835-2642 The City of Federal Way has determined that the following project does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment, and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the City. Further information regarding this action is available to the public upon request at the Federal Way Department of Community Development Services (Federal Way City Hall, 33325 8th Avenue South, PO Box 9718, Federal Way, WA 98063-9718). This Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). Comments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on August 31, 2009. Unless modified by the City, this determination will become final following the comment deadline. Any person aggrieved by the City's determination may file an appeal with the City within 14 days of the above comment deadline. You may appeal this determination to Greg Fewins, Director of Community Development Services, at the City of Federal Way (address above), by a written letter stating the reason for the appeal of the determination. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. The appeal fee is $114.50. Published in the Federal Way Mirror on August 15, 2009, Doc. LD. 51087 41k CITY OF 40�� Federal Way DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 33325 8th Avenue South PO Box 9718 Federal Way WA 98063-9718 253-835-7000; Fax 253-835-2609 wvvw.cit ottederalwa ,cam DECLARATION OF DISTRIBUTION 1, hereby declare, under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington, that a: ❑ Notice of Land Use Application/Action ❑ Notice of Determination of Significance (DS) and Scoping Notice ❑ Notice of Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (SEPA, DNS) ❑ Notice of Mitigated Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (SEPA, MDNS) ❑ Notice of Land Use Application & Optional DNS/MDNS ❑ FWCC Interpretation ❑ Other was )Kmailed ❑ faxed 2009. Project Name ❑ Land Use Decision Letter ❑ Notice of Public Hearing before the Hearing Examiner ❑ Notice of Planning Commission Public Hearing ❑ Notice of LUTC/CC Public Hearing ❑ Notice of Application for Shoreline Management Permit ❑ Shoreline Management Permit ❑ Adoption of Existing Environmental Document ❑ e-mailed and/or ❑ posted to or at each of the attached addresses on File Number(s) o G ) -1016 Signature Date P -/ _. KACD Administration Res\Dedaratlon of Dlstribuflon.doc/Last printed 1/5rIM9 3:44-00 PM c;Ta or Federal Way DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (DNS) ST. LUKE'S COMMUNITY OF CHRIST WETLAND BUFFER REDUCTION File No. 09-101032-00-SE Related File Numbers: 09-101031-00-UP Description of Proposal: The applicant has requested an administrative reduction of the Category III wetland buffer from 50 feet to 25 feet with wetland buffer enhancement proposed. Proponent: Harold LaDuke, St. Luke's Community of Christ Church, 515 South 312`h Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 Location: St. Luke's Church is located at 515 South 312`h Street, Federal Way, and includes King County Tax Parcel Numbers: 082104-9038, 9127, 9153, and 9157, which also contain the wetland. It is also located on King County Tax Parcel 082104-9039, which is owned by New Hope Christian Church located at 31411 6'h Avenue South, who may opt to participate in the wetland buffer reduction and enhancement proposal. Lead Agency: City of Federal Way Contact: Deb Barker, Senior Planner, 253-835-2642 The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.2 1 C. 03 0(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist, the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, final staff evaluation for this action, and other municipal policies, plans, rules, and regulations designated as a basis for exercise of substantive authority under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act Rules pursuant to RCW 43.31C.060. Further information regarding this action is available to the public upon request at the Federal Way Department of Community Development Services (Federal Way City Hall, 33325 81h Avenue South, PO Box 9718, Federal Way, WA 98063-9718). This DNS is issued under WAC -197-11-340(2). The lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below. Comments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on August 31, 2009. Unless modified by the City, this determination will become final following the comment deadline. Any person aggrieved by the City's determination may file an appeal with the City within 14 days of the above comment deadline. You may appeal this determination to Greg Fewins, Director of Community Development Services, at the City of Federal Way (address above), by a written letter stating the reason for the appeal of the determination. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Responsible Official: Greg Fewins Position/Title: Director of Community Development Services Address: 33325 81h Avenue South, PO Box 9718, Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 Date Issued: August 15, 2009 Signature:A±��- Doc. I.D. 51085 v 41k CIT Federal Way J CV St. Luke's Community of Christ Church Wetland Buffer Reduction and Mitigation co iect Site, PL f '�N co 31 N f ,' ST W - -` u] >. r _. S3-14ST �__--- _ _ Si316PL :_k 5--- - - 16 ST _ ST_ File Vs 09-101031-00-UP 09-101032-00-SE S31.7ST_--- _� EXHIBIT PAGE -.-,-.OF. 100 0 100 200 300 400 Feet Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. Community _hrist — St Luke's Parcels with 3W Buffer t.__ed Properties King County: Parcel Viewer map frame f6/.945W�64' 4!330vm Jwfua?2 08-,,,WW" f' 3p.Y.A�6:1 x� WOW��MST � lif3l7Ck]S16 36+.11Q7070 �; S�•33•]!]C]r�J SdiC61TS06J �T+Ui��'} iriq�r�ai, J+lYAid � SW ! 4!r_t1: Q 9iB1'}{IISKYST 53i!fF?]'bJ N 1 :l�: f}iYf9V N ydCP!?tAK1ST -1! �,jSyy,�7s 7r2'OtY.'38 7d�: S7+lS77J! �# SAR�.'•!IYl137 � � i al�'!CRfl73L� S { :xl •+aa�v: J r - i�saJl��s+a ' 3sSYG•.kk*sU tiSveCxxxvJs re 9038 M SW3CM15 'sS'rfIKtJSc`J �•� P11034"11p , 36Sf16Gt�. !4 � •� tKt7U33 O031WOM LWRX921' .lei :'.Ft4pf T oa?!9I9i']!Y ,. y{yply ��JtR di�dCCR10iS KM Corm: Parcel Vw% er map frame 9D56 7?I yF a.0i0 0230 ' 0120 p4ST Woo Yll711 - f vu cti l077 0010 91:2 9133 9G'!tl n pow !f;v +�'� iii►e OnoS'-':tNSJ !� HG173 W?v Wds am �Ji! pp� 0QY3 am � N iYl i� VOW!:,• :7q`5 OpTD 11fS Wu X A S risTti g7 -aim�' ,c+~f lfs,� yap! RESUBMITTED VS0 Jw 13" 90M grT! airy .•.! lS21 �n? 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Antonio R & Juliette Umland, Lowell 31116 5th Ave S 98003 Cotie, Claudiu 31119 Sth Ave S 98003 Dale, Ronald F 31125 5th Ave S 98003 SHRAUNER STEVE S 31156 5th Ave S 98003 NEWMAN TERRI L 31700 5TH AVE S 98003 HALBAKKEN DAVID W+HEATHER C 317015TH AVE S 98003 31702 5TH AVE S 98003 11 Gaines, Greg Tipper, Michael T 31110 6th Ave S 98003 Terrel, Doris 31116 6th Ave S 98003 Parry, G 31220 6th Ave S 98003 Rizik, Jacqueline 31226 6Th Ave S 98003 Lee, Barbara R 31234 6th Ave S 98003 Rivinius, JamesM & Werner 31242 6th Ave S 98003 Rhymes, Maryann 31248 6th Ave S 98003 NEW HOPE CHRISTIAN FELLOWSH 31248 6th Ave S 98003 TERTZAKIAN AGUSTUS J 314116TH AVE S 98003 WEST CAMPUS CONG OF 31614 6TH AVE S 98003 31519 6TH AVE S 98003 6 Raileanu, Petrus George & Zama 31219 7th Ave S Mendiola, Cynthia Marie B 31227 7th Ave S 98003 Morgan, Ben &Lisa 98003 31233 7th Ave S 98003 Arnhold, Beverly 1 312417th Ave S 98003 31249 7th AveS 98003 Skykes, R Kurt 31257 7thAve S 98003 Terrell, Doris 7 Episcopal Parish Church 345 S 312th St Korean Mission Church 405 S 312th St 98003 Roberts, Randay Ray 440 S 312th St 98003 Morrison, Larry (Pool Bros Construction 480 S 312th St 98003 St Luke's Lutehran Church 515 S 312th St 98003 Federal Way Public Schools 625 S 312th St 98003 Singh, Jagendar & Suman L 626 S 312th St 98003 g MOULTRIE KENNETH W+NANCI M 307 S 314TH PL 98003 HANSON MARK R 311 S 314TH PL 98003 Heier, Joseph R & Debra J 320 S 314th PL 98003 DOHERTY MIKE 321 S 314TH PL 98003 Selthofer, Keith A 326 S 314th St 98003 PHANIVONG SAMMANTHAT 331 S 314TH PL 98003 OCHOA CARMEN A 332 S 314TH PL 98003 MARTIN MICHAEL D+MARTIN KRISTINE S 338 S 314TH PL 98003 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 625 S 314TH ST 98003 18 JACKSON MATTHEWS D 1R+TERES 236 S 316TH PL 98003 MCCLINTON EDDIE D 406 S 316TH PL 98003 TUCHE JANYCE L 407 S 316TH PL 98003 TURNER MICHELLE+TERRENCE 412 S 316TH PL 98003 MARTIN EUGENE N 413 S 316TH PL 98003 LANE RODNEY D+LONNETTA D 418 S 316TH PL 98003 BROWN MICHAEL N 419 S 316TH PL 98003 CARLISLE GARY L+MARY M 426 S 316TH PL 98003 FENTON B E & SELVIDGE G J 427 S 316TH PL 98003 RODRIGUEZ SILVESTRE 434 S 316TH PL 98003 FISHER ADAM B+AMY L 435 S 316TH PL 98003 POSTLEWAIT WILLIAM E 440 S 316TH PL 98003 JEFFERSON BERNICE W 441 S 316TH PL 98003 SABOL JAMES G+CAROL A 448 S 316TH PL 98003 REYES FELIX+ROSERO MERY MAR 449 S 316TH PL 98003 TAN EDNA B 454 S 316TH PL 98003 CALLISON KERRY+BARBARA 455 S 316TH PL 98003 PATRICK CRAIG C+ANNA MARIE 601 S 316TH PL 98003 4 SHADE 1 M 504 S 317TH ST 98003 LAMOTTE FORREST J 512 S 317TH ST 98003 MOEN TIMOTHY J 520 S 317TH ST 98003 SWEZEA MARK 526 S 317TH ST 98003 83 Total r Ab3AV-09-008-6 widn-dOd paogaj 01.1alanaj }uap sua5� y@091s ®Aa3AV 1!-iege6 al zaslum worAaane nnnnnn ap u!}e 9jn43e4 el g zapda8 - salad a salpel sauanb!}3 DEPT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & HISTORIC PRESERVATION PO BOX 48343 de OLYMPIA WA 98504-8343 BRANDON REYNON PUYALLUP TRIBE OF INDIANS HISTORIC PRESERVATION DEPT 3009 E PORTLAND AVE v TACOMA WA 98404 FEDERAL WAY NEWS 14006 IT AVE S STE B 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REGULATORY COMPLIANCE SEATTLE WA 98101 OLYMPIA WA 98504-7703 PO BOX 47331 OLYMPIA WA 98504-7331 RAMON PAZOOKI JAMEY TAYLOR WA NATURAL HERITAGE SNO-KING PLANNING MGR DNR SEPA CENTER DNR WSDOT SOUTH KING COUNTY PO BOX 47015 PO BOX 47014 PO BOX 330310 OLYMPIA WA 98504-7015 OLYMPIA WA 98504-7014 SEATTLE WA 98133-9710 DEPT OF ARCHAEOLOGY & WA STATE DEPT WILDLIFE RANDY PEARSON HISTORIC PRESERVATION 600 CAPITOL WAY N WASH STATE PARKS PO BOX 48343 OLYMPIA WA 98501-1091 PO BOX 42668 OLYMPIA WA 98504-8343 OLYMPIA WA 98504-2668 LAURA ARBER (saltwater) LARRY FISHER (freshwater) CHERYL PARAS WDFW REGION 4 OFFICE WDFW AREA HABITAT BIOLOGIST PSE CMTY SERVICES DEPT 16018 MILL CREEK BLVD 1775 12T" AVE NW STE 201 3130 S 38T" ST MILL CREEK WA 98012-1296 ISSAQUAH WA 98027 TACOMA WA 98409 KELLY COOPER ATTN SEPA REVIEW US FISH & WILDLIFE SERVCE DEPT OF HEALTH PUGET SOUND CLEAN AIR AGENCY 510 DESMOND DR SE #102 ENVIRON HEALTH DIV 1904 3RD AVE STE 105 LACEY WA 98503 PO BOX 47820 SEATTLE WA 98101-3317 OLYMPIA WA 98504-7820 PORT OF TACOMA PSRC ENVIRONMENTAL DEPT PORT SEATTLE GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPT SE WA PO BOX 1837 BOX 11011 WESTERN AVE #500 TACOMA WA 98401-1837 SEATTLE WA 98111 SEATTLE WA 98104-1040 KC WASTEWATER TREATMENT GARY KRIEDT PERRY WEINBERG ENVIRONMENTAL PLN OAP KING COUNTY TRANSIT DIV SOUND TRANSIT MS KSC-NR-0505 ENV PLANNING MS KSC-TR-0431 401 S JACKSON ST 201 S JACKSON ST 201 S JACKSON ST SEATTLE WA 98104-2826 SEATTLE WA 98104-3855 SEATTLE WA 98104-3856 LISA DINSMORE SOUTH KING COUNTY KING COUNTY PARKS LAND US SVC KCDDES REGIONAL WATER ASSOCIATION PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 900 OAKESDALE AVE SW 27224 144T" AVE SE PO BOX 3517 RENTON WA 98057-5212 KENT WA 98042 REDMOND WA 98073-3517 KC BOUNDARY REVIEW BOARD ROD HANSEN SOLID WASTE DIV LEE DORIGAN 400 YESLER WAY RM 240 KING CO DEPT OF NATURAL RES PUBLIC HEALTH SEATTLE/KING SEATTLE WA 98104 201 S JACKSON ST STE 701 401 FIFTH AVE STE 1100 SEATTLE WA 98104-3855 SEATTLE WA 98104 KING CO ROADS DIVISION TANYA NOSCIMENTO LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DIST COUNTY ROADS ENGINEER FWPS TH PO BOX 4249 155 MONROE AVE NE 31405 18 AVE S FEDERAL WAY WA 98063 RENTON WA 98056 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 SOUTH KING FIRE & RESCUE FW CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FEDERAL WAY DISPOSAL 31617 1ST AVE S PO BOX 3440 PO BOX 1877 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 FEDERAL WAY WA 98063 AUBURN WA 98071 MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE LAURA MURPHY COMCAST CABLE STORE FISHERIES DIVISION TRIBAL ARCHAEOLOGIST 1414 S 324TH ST STE 211 ATTN ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEWER MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 39015 172ND AVE SE 39015 172ND AVE SE AUBURN WA 98002 AUBURN WA 98092 BRANDON REYNON PIERCE CO PLNG & LAND SVCS PIERCE CO PLNG & LAND SVCS PUYALLUP TRIBE OF INDIANS RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEER HISTORIC PRESERVATION DEPT 2401 S 35TH ST 2401 S 35TH ST 3009 E PORTLAND AVE TACOMA WA 98409-7460 TACOMA WA 98409-7460 TACOMA WA 98404 PIERCE COUNTY HEALTH DEPT PIERCE COUNTY BOUNDARY AUBURN SCHOOL DISTRICT 3629 S "D" ST REVIEW BOARD2401 915 FOURTH NE TACOMA WA 98409 TACOMA WA 98408 S ST AUBURN WA 98002 TAC PLANNING & CD DEPT CITY CLERK PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR CITY OF AUBURN PACIFIC CITY HALL ALGONA CITY HALL 25 W MAIN ST 100 THIRD AVE SE 402 WARDE ST AUBURN WA 98001 PACIFIC WA 98047 ALGONA WA 98001-8505 KENT CITY HALL CITY OF TACOMA BLUS JOE ELTRICH PLANNING DEPT LAND USE ADMINISTRATOR TACOMA WATER DIVISION 220 4TH AVE S 747 MARKET ST STE 345 PO BOX 11007 KENT WA 98032 TACOMA WA 98402-3769 TACOMA WA 98411 NE TAC NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL MARION WEED CHAIR HAYES ALEXANDER PLNG CHAIR C/O JAMES COLBURN NORTHEAST TACOMA NORTHEAST TACOMA TACOMA ECONOMIC DEV NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCIL 747 MARKET ST RM 900 4735 NE 42ND ST 5308 RIDGE DR NE TACOMA WA 98402-3793 TACOMA WA 98422 TACOMA WA 98422 CRAIG GIBBON CRAIG PUBLIC UTILITIES CITY OF LAKEWOOD CITY OF MILTON TACOX 11007 10510 GRAVELLY LK DR SW STE 206 1000 LAUREL ST PO BO TACO 10 98411 LAKEWOOD WA 98499-5013 MILTON WA 98354 CITY OF SEATAC CITY OF DES MOINES CITY OF NORMANDY PARK 4800 S 188TH ST 21630 11TH AVE S 801 SW 174TH ST SEATAC WA 98188 DES MOINES WA 98198 NORMANDY PARK WA 98166 CITY OF BURIEN TERRY LUKENS CITY OF FIFE CITY HALL TH 5411 23RD ST E BELLEVUE COUNCIL OFFICE 415 SW 150 ST FIFE WA 98424 PO BOX 90012 BURIEN WA 98166-1957 BELLEVUE WA 98009-9012 WATER DISTRICT #54 HIGHLINE WATER DISTRICT MIDWAY SEWER DISTRICT 922 S 219T" ST PO BOX 3867 PO BOX 3487 DES MOINES WA 98198-6392 KENT WA 98032-0367 KENT WA 98032 WATER DISTRICT #111 COVINGTON WATER DISTRICT PAT PROUSE 27224 144T" 1600QWE7 AVE SE 18631 SE 300T" PL TH AVE RM 120E KENT WA 98042-9058 KENT WA 98042-9208 SEAT SEATTLE WA 98121 LORI KITTREDGE JILL GASTON REALTY SPEC METRO TRANSIT PSE BPA KSC-TR-0413 6905 S 228T" ST SKC-SVC 914 AVE 201 S JACKSON ST KENT WA 98032 SNOHOMISH WA 98290 SEATTLE WA 98104-3856 WASH ENVIRON COUNCIL CHRIS CARREL LINDA SHAFFER 1402 3RD AVE STE 1400 FRIENDS OF THE HYLEBOS PIERCE TRANSIT SEATTLE WA 98101-2179 PO BOX 24971 PO BOX 99070 FEDERAL WAY WA 98093 LAKEWOOD WA 98499-0070 SAM PACE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS FW COMMUNITY COUNCIL SEA/KING CO ASSOC/REALTORS OF SOUTH KING COUNTY PO BOX 4274 29839 154 AVE SE PO BOX 66037 FEDERAL WAY WA 98063 KENT WA 98042-4557 BURIEN WA 9816E MICHAEL FELDMAN REVIEW TEAM ATTN NEWSROOM AVIATION PLANNING SEATAC DCTED GROWTH MGT SERVICES TACOMA NEWS TRIBUNE PO BOX 68727 906 COLUMBIA ST SW 1950 S STATE ST SEATTLE WA 98168-0727 OLYMPIA WA 98504-2525 TACOMA WA 98405 SEATTLE PI LISA PEMBERTON-BUTLER FEDERAL WAY NEWS 101 ELLIOTT AVE W SEATTLE TIMES NORTH 1400E 1ST AVE S STE B SEATTLE WA 98121 1200 112 AVE STE C145 BURIEN WA 98168 BELLEVUE WA 9808004-3748 FEDERAL WAY MIRROR SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL JOHN KIM TH KOREA POST 1414 S 324 ST STE B-210 PO BOX 130 TH FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 KENT WA 98035-0130 2209 S 300 ST FEDERAL WAY WA 98003-4223 KING COUNTY ASSESSORS HOLLY WILLIAMSON CITY OF EDGEWOOD 500 4T" AVE RM 700 OLYMPIC PIPELINE CO 2221 MERIDIAN AVE E SEATTLE WA 98104 2319 LIND AVE SW EDGEWOOD WA 98371-1010 RENTON WA 98055 CRESTVIEW SHORECLUB ASSN MHACC MIRROR LK RESIDENTS ASSN 4817 SW 310T" ST C/O WILLIAM HICKS 525 SW 312T" ST FEDERAL WAY WA 98023 29219 7 PL S FEDERAL WAY WA 98023 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 NORTH LAKE COMNTY CLUB WEST GREEN CONDO ASSN REDONDO COMMUNITY CLUB 33228 38T" AVE S 432 S 321ST PL PO BOX 5118 AUBURN WA 98001 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 REDONDO WA 98054 STEEL LK RESIDENTS ASSN BARCLAY PLACE HOA BELMOR PARK HOA 2329 S 304T" ST 1034 SW 334T" ST 2101 S 324T" ST FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 FEDERAL WAY WA 98023 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 BELLACARINO WOODS HOA BELLRIDGE TOWNHOMES HOA CAMPUS GLEN HOA 35204 6T" AVE SW 1438 S 308T" LN 32806 6T" PL S FEDERAL WAY WA 98023 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 TWIN LAKES HOA MAR CHERI COMNTY CLUB BROOKLAKE COMNTY CENTER 3420 SW 320TH ST # 28 PO BOX 25281 726 S 356T" ST FEDERAL WAY WA 98023 FEDERAL WAY WA 98023 FEDERAL WAY WA 98023 KEN SHATOCK COMCAST - SE PUGET SOUND ARE 2613 S37979T GROUSE POINTE HOA KINGSGROVE PL HOA CONSTRUCTION/ENG MANAGER 1911 SW CAMPUS DR # 621 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 4020 AUBURN WAY N FEDERAL WAY WA 98023 AUBURN WA 98002 MASTER BUILDERS ASSOC 335 116T" AVE SE BELLEVUE WA 98004-6407 PETER TOWNSEND Revised .July 6, 2009 1648 S 310T" ST STE 6 KAEnvironmental Checklists\Agency Mailing FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 List.doc FEDERAL WAY VIIRROR A SOUND PUBLISHING N[WSPAHR Affidavit of Publication Rudi Alcott, being first duly sworn on oath, deposes and says that he is the Publisher of The Federal Way Mirror, a semi -weekly newspaper. That said newspaper is published in the English language continually as a semi -weekly newspaper in Federal Way, King County, Washington, and is now and during all of said time has been printed in an office maintained by the aforementioned place of publication of said newspaper. That the annexed is a true copy of a legal advertisement placed by Community Development Dept. FWM 1571 as it was published in regular issues (and not in supplemental form) of said newspaper once each week for a period of one consecutive week(s), commencing on the 15th day of August, 2009 , and ending on the 15th day of August, 2009 both dates inclusive, and that such newspaper was regularly distributed to its readers during all of said period. That the full amount of the fee charged for the foregoing publication is the sum of $l 18.97. which amount has been paid in full, or billed at the legal rate according to RCW 65.16.090. Subscribed to and sworn before me this 1st day of Semember, 2009. Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, Residing at Federal Way (�GzePr-- NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WASHINGTON TERYL A. HELLER My Appointment Expires Sept. 04, 2012 1414 S. 324th STR[[T, SUIT[ B210, F[D[RAL WAY, WA 98003 ■ 253-925-5565 ■ FAX: 253-925-5750 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE St. Luke's Community of Christ Church Wetland Buffer Reduction - File No. 09-101032-00-SE Descriplion' The applicant has requested an administrative reduction of the Category III wetland buffer from 50 feet to 25 feet with wetland buffer enhancement proposed. Location: St. Luke's Community of Christ Church is located at 515 South 312th Street, Federal Way, and includes King County Tax Parcel Numbers: 082104-9038, 9127,, 9153, and 9157, which also contain the wetland. The wetland is also located on King County Tax Parcel 082104-9039-which is owned by New Hope Christian Church, located at 31411 6th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA, who may opt to participate in the wetland buffer reduction and enhancement proposal. Applicant: Harold LaDuke, St. Luke's Community of Christ Church, 515 South 312th Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 Lead Agency: City of Federal Way Staff Contact: Deb Barker, Senior Planner, 253- 835-2642 The City of Federal Way has determined that the following project does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment, and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the City. Further information regarding this action is available to the public upon request at the Federal Way Department of Community Development Services (Federal Way City Hall, 33325 81h Avenue South, PO Box 9718, Federal Way, WA 98063-9718). This Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). Comments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on August 31, 2009. Unless modified by the City, this determination will become _ final following the comment deadline. Any person aggrieved by the City's determination may file an appeal with the City within 14 days of the above comment deadline. You may appeal this determination to Greg Fewins, Director of Community Development Services, at the City of Federal Way (address above), by a written letter staling the reason for the appeal of the determination. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. The appeal fee is $114.50. FWM 1571 Date of Publication: August 15, 2009 CITY OF Federal Way U co St, Luke's Community of Christ Church Wetland Buffer Reduction and Mitigation 3NQ Subject Site ; —z-' PL _ N _J cY) E5T 316 PL k U c� S316PL S 31.2 ST co co 313 ST 7'qG S 310 PL co co S314ST 00 S 316 ST Ca3A7 ST .\% S317ST- _Q >_Cn EXHIBITJ� File Ws 09-101031-00-UP PAGE-J.OF.L 09-101032-00-SE 100 0 100 200 300 400 Feet i E Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 33325 8th Avenue South PO Box 9718 Federal Way WA 98063-9718 253-835-7000; Fax 253-835-2609 ;Jy"✓y"✓y'. C, I�'Cit� c; <�c'� C`� � �,�l:,l'J. i',C.'.I'iT DECLARATION OF DISTRIBUTION 1, grc,u ch I I hereby declare, under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Wd- hington,that a: ❑ Notice of Land Use Application/Action ❑ Notice of Determination of Significance (DS) and Scoping Notice Notice of Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (SEPA, DNS) ❑ Notice of Mitigated Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (SEPA, MDNS) ❑ Notice of Land Use Application & Anticipated DNS/MDNS ❑ FWCC Interpretation ❑ Other ❑ Land Use Decision Letter ❑ Notice of Public Hearing before the Hearing Examiner ❑ Notice of Planning Commission Public Hearing ❑ Notice of LUTC/CC Public Hearing ❑ Notice of Application for Shoreline Management Permit ❑ Shoreline Management Permit ❑ Adoption of Existing Environmental Document was ❑ mailed ❑ faxed ❑ e-mailed and/or X posted to or at each of the attached addresses on f �VI iJl 2009. Project Name S+ L4—f- , ' Wiland 6of&L-Re4A C on File Number(s) 9_ I D( - 0() r S E Signature Date Lo!� K:\Iniern\Declaration of Distribution with Posting Sites.doc/Last printed 8/14/2009 11:30:31 AM Posting Sites: Federal Way City Hall - 33325 8th Avenue Federal Way 320th Branch Library - 848 South 320th Street Subject Site - 515 South 312th Street K:\Intern\Declaration of Distribution with Posting Sites.doc/Last printed 8/14/2009 11:30:31 AM CITY OF Federal lrfliay NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE St. Luke's Community of Christ Church Wetland Buffer Reduction File No. 09-101032-00-SE Description: The applicant has requested an administrative reduction of the Category III wetland buffer from 50 feet to 25 feet with wetland buffer enhancement proposed. Location: St. Luke's Community of Christ Church is located at 515 South 312th Street, Federal Way, and includes King County Tax Parcel Numbers: 082104-9038, 9127, 9153, and 9157, which also contain the wetland. The wetland is also located on King County Tax Parcel 082104-9039 which is owned by New Hope Christian Church, located at 31411 6th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA, who may opt to participate in the wetland buffer reduction and enhancement proposal. Applicant: Harold LaDuke, St. Luke's Community of Christ Church, 515 South 312th Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 Lead Agency: City of Federal Way Staff Contact: Deb Barker, Senior Planner, 253-835-2642 The City of Federal Way has determined that the following project does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment, and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.2 1 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the City. Further information regarding this action is available to the public upon request at the Federal Way Department of Community Development Services (Federal Way City Hall, 33325 8th Avenue South, PO Box 9718, Federal Way, WA 98063-9718). This Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). Comments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on August 31, 2009. Unless modified by the City, this determination will become final following the comment deadline. Any person aggrieved by the City's determination may file an appeal with the City within 14 days of the above comment deadline. You may appeal this determination to Greg Fewins, Director of Community Development Services, at the City of Federal Way (address above), by a written letter stating the reason for the appeal of the determination. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. The appeal fee is $114.50. Published in the Federal Way Mirror on August 15, 2009. Doc I D 51087 # j, LE OTY OF ' Federal y DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (DNS) ST. WKE'S COMMUNITY OF CHRIST WETLAND BUFFER REDUCTION File No. 09-101032-00-SE Related File Numbers: 09-101031-00-UP Description of Proposal: The applicant has requested an administrative reduction of the Category III wetland buffer from 50 feet to 25 feet with wetland buffer enhancement proposed. Proponent: Harold LaDuke, St. Luke's Community of Christ Church, 515 South 312th Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 Location: St. Luke's Church is located at 515 South 312`h Street, Federal Way, and includes King County Tax Parcel Numbers: 082104-9038, 9127, 9153, and 9157, which also contain the wetland. It is also located on King County Tax Parcel 082104-9039, which is owned by New Hope Christiana Church located at 31411 611' Avenue South, who may opt to participate in the wetland buffer reduction and enhancement proposal. Lead Agency: City of Federal Way Contact: Deb Barker, Senior Planner, 253-835-2642 The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.2 1 C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist, the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, final staff evaluation for this action, and other municipal policies, plans, rules, and regulations designated as a basis for exercise of substantive authority under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act Rules pursuant to RCW 43.31C.060. Further information regarding this action is available to the public upon request at the Federal Way Department of Community Development Services (Federal Way City Hall, 33325 8`h Avenue South, PO Box 9718, Federal Way, WA 98063-9718). This DNS is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). The lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the date below. Comments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on August 31, 2009. Unless modified by the City, this determination will become final following the comment deadline. Any person aggrieved by the City's determination may file an appeal with the City within 14 days of the above comment deadline. You may appeal this determination to Greg Fewins, Director of Community Development Services, at the City of Federal Way (address above), by a written letter stating the reason for the appeal of the determination. You should be prepared to make specific factual objections. Responsible Official: Greg Fewins Position/Title: Director of Community Development Services Address: 33325 81h Avenue South, PO Box 9718, Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 Date Issued: August 15, 2009 Signature: �, �'U�--� Doc. I.D. 51085 41k CIT Federal Way 3T St. Luke's Community of Christ Church Wetland Buffer Reduction and Mitigation S 310 PU 7 ;- f j :CO 1 ALP S- -3-712 Ujj CoP Subject Site` -_--_-� S314ST� O_ w- ,� L - - 316 PL__ S 316 PL '-- � � _ . 2, - _ - -, S -3'L6 ST - t -_ 7PST 1 IX. 1 - EXHIBIT File Vs 09-101031-00-UP PAGE -..OF. 09-101032-00-SE 100 0 100 200 300 400 Feet Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. 18,026 SF Buffer Enhoncement 1,205 SF IMPACT FROM TRAIL I 16,645 SF Buffer Reduction I 1 1 r-- -- -- T I i SPLIT RAIL FENCE (TYP.) PEDESTRIAN TRAIL (TYP.) NOTEaAEMARRROVIDEDBYAHBL. n I � U � U Q Q U Z O J J I � RESUBMITTED JUN I I zm C 6OFF FED FOP WAY Job N. A9226 Uerq,N by.AW D,.— by. AW Ow:-b SWtland on Csulting, Inc. Daly: YJfATNHNAA eWO e SHEET W'T nfill —0-.74 R �^9kn m 9Ea111S}95Yaf1! Ym 2 .2-1732 OF W3 REi_ ., 1f E® MAR 18 2009 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CDS St. Luke's Photo Points and Direction Photo points and indicated direction shown on above map correspond with the following photos. St Lakes OT VY )o ve PAP 5XI/ ..fir....---+r-c' ' - �'► �}� � qw Vi ml A' r� V _ *r�rr --r-a"--r. -• � - i fi a• R '- i Y - 3�v . k�. IL -40 is, �� r �f k � s'•} :} . •{, ' ?' �ti i j�,�.��„��;.,.�Y.,r�". �`'`' _ i � . � � � �� ., a �.; `-.�+,} •.f'f_,, it Sewall wetland Consulting, Inc. I Job #A8-226 St. Luke's Lutheran Church March 16, 2W9 Page I I of 17 Photo 19 Photo 20 Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. I Job #AR 226 St. Luke's Lutheran Church March 16, 2009 Page 12 of 17 Photo 21 Oath- N, :'� '?:r_' �.'.".�J ]�tl�il:i..l P7rti. ram.. yqr 'k 1f �.yyty ��r,• `i .,;' ,T f,f 1_. "' 0.4`•��•r s�' y T ��A� p��.1" �`�:4 _'�'.,y•:�:-. ��'ii'r'F'`�_..-. �'s�'q�i•:�!si t '!k'r�; ice.=._ yy .� �'. .• _Y'k :�. r r.:�• y. ��4. j.•; Y r,��r.. �•L• - . L'f' •i �f /(y f, 'ai J �� ,f,��� y ':A-- � ,�: �... �,�!-:l ' -. �� _ - ..� - . ' - is �'• - � _ �+�' � `'�. �•~/ist'777 y. F , f,, � , wit= r% 01- ........ ..... Y Photo 22 ` Sewall land Constilting, Inc. I Job #A8-226 St. Luke's Lutheran Chinch March 16, 2009 Page 13 of 17 Photo 23 Photo 24 Ak CA ilk ti of . .� ka hti. ; ;s�,�,���*Y vim• ; - u � —►- � .., _ �. ., �r 1 ti � r • i . �• 1 ^ ,Y i L • �� q .�.•Yt ry 3 f . � 7 . r • � i P Sewall'A...,and Consulting, hic_ I Job #A8-226 St. Luke's Lutheran Church March 16, 2009 Page 17 of 17 Photo 31 Photos taken by Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. (Locations of points should be considered approximate) Owner's Policy of Title Insurance Fidelity National Title I A Stock Company nsurance Company Policy Number 27-31-92- 116 3 2 4 RECEIVED MAR 18 2009 OF FEDERAL WAY CDS OWNER'S POLICY OF MLE INSURANCE SUBJECT TG THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED M SCHEDULE B 4NI3 THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS FII7ELITYtYATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as of1]ate of Policy shown in ,Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the Amount oflnsurance staled in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of,• 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested other than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. Lack of a right of access to and from the land; The Company will also pay the costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incurred in defense of the title, as insured, but on1v to the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized officers as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. Fidelity Na:Yj anal Title Insurance Company O UEA� Countersigned: Authorized Signature ATTEST President WT\ Secretary ALTA Owner's Policy (10-17-92) FNTIC Form No. 27-031-92 (1-4-93) In Fidelity National Title h NSURANCE COMPANy SCHEDULE A DATE OF POLICY: January 18, 2000 at 3:34 P.M. POLICY NO.: 27-031-92-116324 ORDER NO.: 0705294 1. Name of Insured: ST. LUKE'S LUTHERAN CHURCH LJ/CFN AMOUNT OF INSURANCE: $90,000.00 PREMIUM: $510.00 2. The estate or interest in the land which is covered by this policy is: a fee simple. 3. Title to the estate or interest in the land is vested in: THE NAMED INSURED 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: See attached Exhibit A-1 Order No. 0705294 Page No. 2 EXHIBIT A - 1 Fidelity National Title Policy No. 27-031-92-116324 The West half of the West half of the South half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 8, Township 21 North, Range 4 East W.M., records of King County, Washington; TOGETHER WITH the West 89.63 feet of the East half of the West half of the South half of the South half of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 8; EXCEPT the South 165 feet of the West 150 feet; AND EXCEPT the West 30 feet conveyed to King County for road purposes under deed recorded under Recording No. 2040625; (ALSO KNOWN AS Lot A of City of Federal Way Boundary Line Adjustment No. BLA-90-0012, recorded under Recording No. 9105169005). Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. Order No. 0705294 Page No. 3 SCHEDULE B Exceptions from Coverage Fidelity National Title Policy No. 27-031-92-116324 This policy does not insure against loss or damage (and the Company will not pay costs, attorney's fees or expenses) which arise by reason of: A. GENERAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public record. Proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or which may be asserted by persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, which are not shown by the public records. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts, in boundary lines, shortages in area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the public records 5. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b) or (c) are shown by the public records. 6. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or materials theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 7. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance or construction charges for sewer, water, electricity or garbage removal. B. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 1. Potential supplemental assessment for general taxes in the current year or prior years on omitted improvements. The subject premises appear on the 1999 tax rolls assessed on the value of the land. 2. Facility charges, if any, including but not limited to hook-up, or connection charges and latecomer charges for water facilities by King County Water District, as disclosed by instrument(s) recorded under Recording No.: 8106010916 VED First American Title Insurance Company cD"�R`'L WRY Regional Commercial Division 2101 4th Avenue, Suite 800, Seattle, WA 98121 Phone: (206) 728-0400 or (800) 826-7718 TO: FIRST AMERICAN TIME INSURANCE COMPANY ORDER NO. 380082-5K 33600 6TH AVENUE SOUTH, REF.' 11240ICB SUITE 105 FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 ATTN: CARRI BALL U Commitment For Title Insurance ISSUED BY First American Title Insurance Company Agreement to Issue Policy FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of premiums and charges therefor, all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent indorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six (6) months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized officer or agent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Commitment to be signed and sealed, to become valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By-laws. This Commitment is effective as of the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." First American Title Insurance Company BY PRESIDENT BY,J�. �%i - vvv«r�-•t« ASSISTANT SECRETARY Page 1 1 2 3. First American Title Insurance Company Regional Commercial Division 2101 4th Avenue, Suite 800 Seattle, Washington 98121 (206)728-0400 / Fax (206)448-6248 Toll Free 1-800-826-7718 Order No. 380082-5K REF: 11240ICB COMMERCIAL TITLE OFFICER: MIKE N. COOPER PHONE: (206) 728-7229 COMMERCIAL TITLE OFFICER: KATHERINE I. LEICHT PHONE: (206) 728-7234 COMMERCIAL TITLE OFFICER: LANCE LEWIS PHONE: (206) 615-3257 FAX NO.: (206) 448-6248 SCHEDULE A REGISTERED LAND Effective date: May 21, 1998 at 7:30 A.M. Owners proposed insured: ST LUKES LUTHERAN CHURCH, A WASHINGTON NON-PROFIT CORPORATION Policy/policies to be issued: Amount Premium Tax Standard Owner's Coverage $235,000.00 $855.00 $73.53 4. A fee simple interest in the land described in this commitment is REGISTERED, at the Commitment date to: LOUISE L. SIMS, AS HER SEPARATE ESTATE 5. The land referred to in this commitment is described in Schedule A-2. 0 "rl ABBREVIATED LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 8 Township 21N Range 4E NE Quarter SW Quarter. Tax Account No(s). 082104-9157-05 & 082104-9157-88 Property Address: 31260 4TH AVENUE SOUTH FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON 98003 Page 2 SCHEDULE A2 DESCRIPTION: Order No. 380082-5K THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. , IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE WEST 30 FEET FOR COUNTY ROAD; TOGETHER WITH THE EAST 30 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 8; EXCEPT THE NORTH 30 FEET THEREOF; AND EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS CONVEYED FOR SOUTH 312TH STREET UNDER RECORDING NOS. 8601240923 AND 8601240924. SITUATE IN THE COUNTY OF KING, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Page 3 SCHEDULE B - SECTION 1 Reuuirements The following requirements must be met: 1. Payment to or for the account of the Grantors or Mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record. Conditions and Stipulations 1. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate, interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate of interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the Insuring provisions, exclusion from coverage, and the Conditions and Stipulations of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate, interest or the lien of the insured mortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and Conditions and Stipulations of this Commitment. NOTE: Effective January 1, 1997, and pursuant to amendment of Washington State statutes relating to standardization of recorded documents, the following format and content requirements must be met. Failure to comply may result in rejection of the document by the recorder. FORMAT: Margins to be 3" on top of first page, 1" on sides and bottom, 1" on top, sides and bottom of each succeeding page. Font size of 8 points or larger and paper size of no more than 8 1/2" by 14". No attachments on pages such as stapled or taped notary seals; pressure seals must be smudged. INFORMATION WHICH MUST APPEAR ON THE FIRST PAGE: Title or titles of document. If assignment or reconveyance reference to Auditor's File Number of subject deed of trust. Names of grantor(s) and grantee(s) with reference to additional names on following page(s), if any. Abbreviated legal description (lot, block, plat name or section, township, range and quarter section of quarter section for unplatted). Assessor's Tax Parcel Number(s). Return address, which may appear in the upper left hand 3" top Margin. Page 4 SCHEDULE B - SECTION 2 General Exceptions The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. A. Taxes or assessmen,. which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records. B. Any facts, rights, interest, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. C. Easements, claims of easements or encumbrances which are not shown by the public records. D. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by public records. E. (a) Unpatented mining claims; (b) Reservations or exceptions in patents or in acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) Water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), (b), or (c) are shown by the public records; (d) Indian tribal codes or regulations, Indian treaty or aboriginal rights, including easements or equitable servitudes. F. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. G. Any service, installation, connection, maintenance, construction, tap or reimbursement charges/costs for sewer, water, garbage or electricity. H. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate, interest or mortgages thereon covered by this commitment. Page 5 Order No. 380082-5K 6. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN, IN DOCUMENT: RECORDED: MARCH 7, 1967 RECORDING NO.: 6147261 FOR: INGRESS, EGRESS, AND UTILITIES AFFECTS: EAST 30 FEET IN WIDTH OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 7. EASEMENT FOR THE RIGHT TO MAKE SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS ALONG THE STREET MARGIN OF SAID PREMISES ABUTTING SOUTH 312TH STREET, AS GRANTED BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8601240923. 8. EASEMENT FOR THE RIGHT TO MAKE SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS ALONG THE STREET MARGIN OF SAID PREMISES ABUTTING JANUARY 24, 1986, AS GRANTED BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NO. 8601240924. 9. TITLE TO THE PROPERTY HEREIN DESCRIBED IS REGISTERED WITH THE REGISTRAR OF LAND TITLES UNDER THE LAND REGISTRATION ACT, AND IS ENTERED IN VOLUME 82 IN REGISTERED LANDS, FOLIO 128. ALL INSTRUMENTS AFFECTING THE TITLE TO SAID PROPERTY MUST BE FILED WITH THE REGISTRAR. PRIOR TO ANY TRANSFER OF TITLE, PROOF OF PAYMENT OF THE FIRST HALF TAXES FOR THE CURRENT YEAR AND ALL DELINQUENT TAXES ON SAID PROPERTY MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE REGISTRAR AND THE OWNER'S AND/OR MORTGAGEE'S DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE, IF ANY, MADE AVAILABLE TO HIM IN ANY TRANSACTION INVOLVING SAID PROPERTY. SAID OWNER'S DUPLICATE CERTIFICATE IS ON FILE. 10. THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT(S), WHILE RECORDED, IS NOT REGISTERED AND THEREFORE DOES NOT AFFECT THE REGISTERED TITLE: (CONTINUED) Page 8 Order No. 380082-5K A. IT IS OUR UNDERSTANDING THAT JOHN J. CAHILL IS NOW DECEASED. THE RECORDS DISCLOSE NO PROBATE FOR THE ESTATE OF SAID DECEDENT. WE NOTE COMMUNITY PROPERTY SURVIVORSHIP AGREEMENT: DATED: JUNE 7, 1983 RECORDED: JUNE 10, 1983 UNDER RECORDING NO.: 8306100482, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON IN ORDER THAT WE MAY INSURE TITLE THROUGH SAID AGREEMENT, SATISFACTORY PROOF RELATIVE TO THE FACT AND DATE OF DEATH MUST BE SUBMITTED, TOGETHER WITH EVIDENCE OF THE PAYMENT OF ALL CREDITOR'S CLAIMS INCLUDING LAST ILLNESS AND FUNERAL EXPENSES. B. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN, IN DOCUMENT: RECORDED: MARCH 30, 1987 RECORDING NO.: 8703301458 IN FAVOR OF: FEDERAL WAY WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT FOR: SEWER MAINS AFFECTS: THE SOUTH 10 FEET OF THE EAST 30 FEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST C. EASEMENT, INCLUDING TERMS AND PROVISIONS CONTAINED THEREIN, IN DOCUMENT: RECORDED: AUGUST 22, 1996 RECORDING NO.: 9608221376 IN FAVOR OF: LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT FOR: SEWER FACILITIES AFFECTS: PORTION OF THE EASTERLY 15 FEET (CONTINUED) Page 9 Order No. 380082-5K Special Notes: EXAMINATION OF THE RECORDS DISCLOSES NO MATTERS PENDING AGAINST THE NAME(S) OF ST LUKES LUTHERAN CHURCH, A WASHINGTON NON-PROFIT CORPORATION, THE PROPOSED INSURED(S), ACCORDING TO THE APPLICATION FOR TITLE INSURANCE. NOTE: IN THE CASE OF A SALE OR MORTGAGE OF ALL OR SUBSTANTIALLY ALL OF THE PROPERTY AND ASSETS OF A NON- PROFIT CORPORATION, REGARDLESS OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED, THE WASHINGTON NON-PROFIT CORPORATION ACT (RCW 24.03.215) REQUIRES SPECIAL PROCEDURES. IF THERE ARE NO MEMBERS HAVING VOTING RIGHTS, SAID ACT REQUIRES THAT THE TRANSACTION BE AUTHORIZED BY MAJORITY VOTE OF THE DIRECTORS. IF THERE ARE MEMBERS HAVING VOTING RIGHTS, THE ACT REQUIRES BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESOLUTIONS AND A TWO-THIRDS APPROVAL BY VOTING MEMBERS AFTER PROPER NOTICE, ALL AS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN SAID ACT. NOTES: A. A fee will be charged upon the cancellation of this commitment pursuant to the Washington State Insurance Code and the filed Rate Schedule of the Company. B. An abbreviated legal description is required by the County Auditor if the full legal description IS NOT contained on the first page of all documents to be recorded. cc: ST LUKES LUTEHRAN CHURCH 515 S 312TH STREET FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003 ATTN: DICK SCHOON Page 10 This Sketch is furnished as a courtesy only by First Americas Title Insurance Company and it is NOT a part of any title commitment or policy of title ins Mnce. This sketch is furnished solely for the purpose of assisting in locating the premises and does not purport to show all highways, roads, or easements affecting the property. No reliance should be placed upon this sketch for the location or dimensions of the -. __j f:-i:c—.:_ C-, 0— ten.-, -t ►" tl--r f- N 89' 56 O tl W v t Ri Y IO ■30 • V 4 h H � F 3L�c, (I0t a� • � ry [ Q � P 2• n � AA � I e w 0 o Q h 77 4 A 08 jo FF �,vdB•47�dW �N 8.27 5887 ss 3 ORDER NO. 3a O O 13 Z SUBDIVISION RCDG NO./VOL. & PG. QTR Ste+ SEC a TWNSHP Z) h W E i S N S . 31 2 TH S T 1o27.3 `r— — -- - P�- 1 �L r � 01 299- 7B 300 I i I R N G -+t- M n V arm No. 1755 Commitment, Conditions and at.oulations COMMITMENT Conditions and Stipulations t -The term "mortgage, ' when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Comoanv under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule 13, or (c) to acquire or create the estate of interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the Insuring provisions, exclusion from coverage, and the Conditions and Stipulations of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and are made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the lien of the insured mortgage covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and conditions and stipulations of this Commitment. 019 Prvdad W Pacyded Paper ST. LURES LUTHERAN PROPERTY WETLAND ANALYSIS REPORT FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT AND NIITIGATION PLAN CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON Prepared For: Lind Simonsen St. Luke's Lutheran 515 South 312'h Street Federal Way, WA 98003 RESUBMITTED March 6, 2009 JUN 1 12009 Revised June 10, 2009 Job #A8-226 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY BUILDING DEPT. Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. Phone: 253-859-0515 27641 Covington Way SE #2 Fax: 253-852-4732 Covington, WA 98042 St. LUKE'S LUTHERAN PROPERTY WETLAND ANALYSIS REPORT FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT AND MTIGIATION PLAN CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Location This report describes the jurisdictional wetlands located at the St. Luke's Lutheran property. The property is located at 515 S 312th Street (parcel 0821049038, 9034, 127) in the City of Federal Way, Washington. 1bff!pOuest Vicinity Nq 1 po�att „ 5 Dash Point Rd > a � tuenna n S 3o4th St s D S 305th P1 S 306th P1 Stee/ Lake S 309th PI S 310th St Sw 3uth St > S IIAn S edieraI Way Like - ,� Site Park Mirror N '� r. - Lake S S 315E St u m g y S 315th St n S 316th St > S-316th Ln A � S 31M PI y S 317m St = EL y S 319th P1 S 32M St -- --C, y s — - .�- •.._:a, - :era - Sw } S3' N W S 324th PI Fedeia+ way, C ,1• n T �^ o s :vmrcu root Way 5 3t5t� S[ dj y U, 5 3ZO ,q 3 4Sr"} ��� 5 g`r � S 327th St Itelnlar nark -CrNFCovne S Cetebetkrn S 328m 9 Park PI 22nd P1 S . . ,.. x S 33t]m st Re: St. Luke's Property SWC Job #A8-226 May 20, 2009 Revised June 10, 2009 Page 2 of 9 1.2 Existing Conditions The site is currently developed with a several structures including a church, daycare and meeting facility buildings. The property is bordered to the north by S 312� Street, to the west by 40' Avenue South, to the south by single family residence and to the east generally by 6th Avenue South and 7`� Avenue South. King Courtly I -ma SITE ti a� V nt PROM X #5R 2.0 METHODOLOGY On October 21, 2008, October 22, 2008 and again on October 27, 2008, Sewall Wetland Consulting Inc. inspected the site for jurisdictional wetlands and streams using methodology described in the Washington State Wetlands Identification Manual (WADOE, March 1997). This is the methodology currently recognized by the City of Federal Way and the State of Washington for wetland determinations and delineations. The Washington State Wetlands Identification Manual as well as the 1987 Federal Manual requires the use of the three -parameter approach in identifying and delineating wetlands. A wetland should support a predominance of hydrophytic vegetation, have hydric soils and display wetland hydrology. To be considered hydrophytic vegetation, over 50% of the dominant species in an area must have an indicator status of facultative (FAQ, facultative wetland (FACW), or obligate wetland (OBL), according to the National List of Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands: Northwest (Region 9) (Reed, 1988). A hydric soil is "a soil that is saturated, flooded, or ponded long enough during Re: St. Luke's Property SWC Job #A8-226 May 20, 2009 Revised June 10, 2009 Page 3 of 9 the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part." Anaerobic conditions are indicated in the field by soils with low chromas (2 or less), as determined by using the Munsell Soil Color Charts; iron oxide mottles; hydrogen sulfide odor and other indicators. Generally, wetland hydrology is defined by inundation or saturation to the surface for a consecutive period of 12.5% or greater of the growing season. Areas that contain indicators of wetland hydrology between 5%-12.5% of the growing season may or may not be wetlands depending upon other indicators. Field indicators include visual observation of soil inundation, saturation, oxidized rhizospheres, water marks on trees or other fined objects, drift lines, etc. Under normal circumstances, indicators of all three parameters will be present in wetland areas. 3.0 OBSERVATIONS 3.1 Existing Site Documentation Prior to visiting the site, a review of several natural resource inventory maps was conducted. Resources reviewed included the King County Soil Survey, City of Federal Way Zoning and Wetland Atlas, Department of Natural Resources FPARS, and the National Wetland Inventory. 3.1.1 King County Soil Survey According to the King County Soil Survey Area of Interest (AOI), the site contains Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (AgB); which typically occurs on slopes of 0 to 6 percent, and Arent Alderwood Material (AmQ; which typically occurs on slopes of 0 to 6 percent. Alderwood gravelly sandy loam (AgQ are moderately well drained soils formed under conifers in glacial deposits. Arents Alderwood material consists of Alderwood soils that have been so disturbed through urbanization that they no longer can be classified with the Alderwood series. According to the publication, "Hydric Soils of the United States" Alderwood gravelly sandy loam soils and Arents Alderwood material are not considered to be hydric or wetland soils. King County Soil Survey Re: St. Luke's Property SWC Job #AS-226 May 20, 2009 Revised June 10, 2009 Page 4 of 9 3.1.2 City of Federal Way Zoning and Wetland Atlas According to the City of Federal Way Wetland Atlas, there is a wetland located along the western property boundary. This wetland is identified as Wetland 8-21-4-314. Wetland 8- 21-4-314 is documented as being a Category III wetland. Utv of reaeral Wav Loninz and Wetland Atlas S312TH ST RS7.2 — SITE = ITY - Aar RSZ.7. RS7.2 RS7.2 Y - - z-. RS7.2 t a pL RST2 3.1.3 Department of Natural Resources FPARS According to the Department of Natural Resources Forest Practice Application Review System (FPARS), there are no water courses located on or within 300-feet of the site. Department of Natural Resources FPARS Re: St. Luke's Property SWC Job #A8-226 May 20, 2009 Revised June 10, 2009 Page 5 of 9 3.1.4 National Wetland Inventory According to the National Wetland Inventory, there are no wetlands located on or within 300-feet of the site. 3.2 Topography The site is generally flat with a downward slope to the east. The eastern boundary and southeast property corner is the lowest point on the property. The eastern boundary generally slopes downward to the southeast with a linear depression. Re: St. Luke's Property SWC Job #A8-226 May 20, 2009 Revised June 10, 2009 Page 6 of 9 Goovyle terrain ma z ate` s w s S a Easter m , ti r4n f Lake 5 t' J ..81N 112th Si Z SITE S 31mn F. al p --- S 31 NA Y yr ,%Uh of .t; r Ln 0 .4akd Park 3 3s5m S+ - A to n 5 37Ftn Win 1 S 634bih S� `s I T - 5 72tlih 81 � &S2pUr 3.3 Uplands The uplands are generally comprised of historically disturbed maintained landscaped area. The western property boundary has a historic fill slope, sloping downward to the east to a wetland. The fill slope and historically disturbed portions of the upland are comprised of Black Hawthorn (Crataegus douglasii), Scofs broom (Cytisus scopairus), Himalayan Blackberry (Rubus armeniacus), Orchard Grass (Dactylis glomerata), thistle (Cirsium arvense), trailing blackberry (Rubus ursinus), and bent grass (Agrostis sp.). Soil pits excavated within the uplands revealed a 16-inch layer of gravelly sandy loam with a color of 10YR 3/2 with no redoximorphic features. Soils within the uplands were dry during the time of our site investigation. 3.5 Wetland A Wetland A was flagged pink "Wetland Delineation" flagging labeled A-1 through A-15 and AA-1 through AA-15. Wetland A is located near along the eastern property boundary and extends off -site to the east. Wetland A is a depressional wetland with forested and shrub vegetative communities. Vegetation within Wetland A included Black Cottonwood (Populus balsamifera), red alder (Alnus rubra), Pacific willow (Salix lasiandra), red osier dogwood (Cornus sericea), Salmonberry (Rubus spectabilis), hardhack (Spiraea douglasii), reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), and fringecup (Tellima grandiflora). Re: St. Luke's Property SWC Job #A8-226 May 20, 2009 Revised June 10, 2009 Page 7 of 9 Soil pits excavated within the wetland revealed a 16-inch layer of silt loam with a color of 10YR 2/1. Soils within the wetland were moist within 12-inches of the soils surface during the time of our field investigation. According to the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) wetland classification method (Cowardin et al. 1979), Wetland A would be considered a PFO1C (palustrine, forested, broad-leaved deciduous, seasonally flooded) wetland. According to the City of Federal Way Code § 22-1357, Wetland A would be regulated as a Category 3 wetland based on its overall size being larger than 1 acre and having one wetland classes (forested). Typically, Category 3 wetlands have a 50-foot buffer measured from the wetland edge. A 10-foot landscape setback line is measured from the buffer edge. 4.0 Proposed Project and Mitigation Measures The proposed project is the additional development of the property for building expansion, play areas, storm water detention ponds, parking, access drives, and more for provided services to the community. The current condition of the wetland is degraded by the encroachment of non-native invasive species. Currently, non-native invasive species within the wetland are not the dominant species; however, if action is not taken within the reasonably foreseeable future, the majority of the wetland will be consumed by Himalayan Blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) as it is already in great abundance within the wetland. The project proposes to reduce portions of the 50-foot degraded buffer to 25- feet. For the reduction of the wetland buffer, the buffer area adjacent to the reduction will be cleared on non-native invasive species (Himalayan Blackberry (Rubus armeniacus) and Scot's broom (Cytisus scopairus)). All degraded areas of remaining buffer contiguous with the site will be enhanced with native tree and shrub species. In addition, several habitat features will be installed to provide habitat opportunity to human tolerant wildlife species. See Final Mitigation Plan Sheets W-1, W-2 and W-3 for conceptual mitigation plan, planting plan, details, and installation and monitoring details, respectively. The project will reduce the 50' foot wide standard buffer adjacent to the northern and western boundary of the wetland. As mitigation for reduction of 16,645sf (square feet) the project will enhance at least 16,645 of degraded critical area buffer. Along the northern wetland boundary a few deciduous trees area located within the reduction area. FWCC §22-1359(e) — Buffer reduction. Wetland A and its associated buffer were evaluated pursuant to the methodologies by Null, W. S., G. Skinner, and W. Leonard, 2000 Wetland Functions Characterization Tool Re: St. Luke's Property SWC Job #A8-226 May 20, 2009 Revised June 10, 2009 Page 8 of 9 for Linear Projects, Washington State Department of Transportation, Environmental Affairs Office, Olympia, WA. The proposed project meets the requirement for buffer reduction due to the evidence of human alterations (graded fill slope at edge of wetland) and dominance of non-native invasive species. See Sheets W-1 through W-3 for buffer enhancement plan. See Appendix A for impact analysis. Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc, has performed a before and after analysis of the existing conditions and subsequently future site conditions for the wetland mitigation area to determine whether there would be any detrimental impacts to the wetland or its associated buffer for the proposed buffer reduction. See Appendices for attached data sheets of WADOT Wetland Functions Tool. Analysis of the Wetland Functions Tool has indicated a slight net increase in 6 out of 64 possible functions of the wetland and buffer from the mitigation proposal. The proposed project has included off -site areas that are contiguous with the majority of the wetland buffer reduction to provide as comprehensive approach as possible in the design of the mitigation plan. The proposed project will provide an increase in the overall quality of wetland and wetland buffer habitat by removal of non-native invasive species and the installation of a more diverse wetland buffer. Wildlife forage opportunity will be directly increased by a broader range of species within the critical area. Additionally, habitat features such as snag(s) and large woody debris will be installed to increase habitat opportunity. FWCC §22-1359(d) — Minor Improvements The project has been designed for a foot path along the outer limits of the reduced buffer and through portions of the wetland buffer within the southern property parcel. Impact to the critical area buffer from proposed 3-foot wide walking path is 1,205sf. The 1,205sf of impact includes impacts from the west side and the 152sf from the east side of the wetland. The project has provided 1:1 enhancement for impacts to the buffer associated with the foot path. It is anticipated that the foot path will be constructed out pervious materials such as bark chip or similar. The buffer adjacent to the walking path has been planted with native shrub species, several of which are thorn producing which will encourage path walkers to stay on the trail and not intrude into the preserved habitat. No trees have been proposed within this area as all trees will be avoided during the construction of the trail. For impacts to 1,205sf of buffer from the trail, over 1,205sf of critical area buffer will be enhanced with native shrub plantings. (See Sheets W-1 through W-3 for mitigation plantings. Although the trail through the east side of the buffer is not proposed at this time due to the variance process required for the wetland crossing, it makes more sense to complete the mitigation for the buffer impacts at this time in association with the large amount of improvements already proceeding for the buffer reduction. ..' Re: St. Luke's Property SWC Job #A8-226 May 20, 2009 Revised June 10, 2009 Page 9 of 9 1) It is not anticipated that the proposed trail will decrease ambient water quality within the wetland. Materials for the trail will be provided from a clean approved source free of contaminants. It is not anticipated that the amount of foot traffic will lead to any increase in pollutants in surface water flows. 2) The foot trail is not anticipated to affect any habitat or wildlife within the critical area. Wildlife species within the vicinity of the trail are human tolerant species, indicative of the urban environment. The trail location will be adjusted to avoid any significant trees, habitat features such as snags or other habitat features. 3) The foot trail will be constructed out of pervious materials and will not affect drainage or stormwater retention capabilities. 4) The construction of the trail will not create unstable earth conditions or erosion hazards. The slopes that the trail will be located on would not be considered steep slopes and subsequently minor grading to the trail will not create hazardous conditions. 5) It is not anticipated that the proposed foot path will be materially detrimental to any other property in the area or to the City. The passive recreation of the critical area through use of the trail will create a sense of `ownership' of the critical area and will likely influence people using the trail to want to take care of the surrounding environment. 5.0 CONCLUSIONS Overall the project will impact 17,850sf of buffer and will provide 18,026sf of buffer enhancement. It is our professional opinion that the proposed wetland mitigation plan meets the requirements set forth by the City of Federal Way Code for the 25-foot buffer reduction and minor intrusion into the buffer for a pedestrian foot trail. See Sheets W-1 through W-3 for mitigation plans. If you have any questions or need any additional information please contact our office at 253.859.0515 or by e-mail at awillrRsewallwc.corn . Sincerely, Sewall Wetland Consulting, Inc. 1-41�00_ &;# J. Aaron Will Wetland Scientist File: aw/A8-226 St. Lukes Lutheran REV2 WA.doc ROUTINE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM (Washington State ilti''edands Identification & Delineation Manual, 1997) SE WALL WETLAND CONSULTING, INC. 1103 [Vest Meeker Street Kent, Washington 99032 (2S3) 859.0515 Prvie smefit: SC Lu Date l [l-2 l -fl8 invcstiatar: AaEgawili Data Pointj brisdictivn_ City of Fe oral Way State: WA T Atypical rVtallsis: Problcnr Area: VEGETATION Dominant plant species Stratum indicator Coverage % I. • • Z 31. O- l- A- Vl .•A LIA 7- 0 - - 11} % of species OBL, FACW and/or FAC: 7 D go Hydrophytic vegetation criteria met: Yes(�Marmnal Corrunents: SOILS Mapped Soil Series: Aldenvood On Hydric Soils List?: Yes 1Q�o7 Drainage Class: moderately well drained Depth(0 in) Matrix color Redox concentration color Texture /Lin.1t? t mav�- in. _[rf. Organic soil_, Histic epipedon_, Hydrogen suNde gleyed_, redor concentrationsredor depletions pore liningsiron concretions_ manganese concretions_ organic matter in surface horizon (sandy soil)_, organic streaking (sandy soils)_, organic pan (srindy soil)_. Ilydric soil criteria met: Yes Basis: Continents: HYDROLOGY Recorded data_, inundation saturation wafermarks_ , drift lines sediment deposits drainage patterns Wetland hydrology criteria met: Yes W Basis D N C:1Rr^3CRtt: SUMVIAR Y OF CRITF. RIA Soil Temp. at 19.7" depth: Growing Season?: AN Hydrophytic vegetation: -YID Hydric soils: Yz5 etland hydrology: Y/ oint meets the criteria of a jurisdictional %%viand" ees_ ROUTINE WETLAND DETERNUNATION DATA FORM WETLAND A - Existing Conditions (Federal Way Inventory 8-21-4-314) 26 Wetland Functions Field Data Form — WSDOT's BPJ Characterization * Project: St. Lukes Lutheran Church — Existing Conditions Date: 2-2-09 Wetland Name: Wetland A fFederal Way Inventary 8-214-314) Biologist: Aaron Will t = Likely to Provide 10 = Not A. Flood Flow Alteration (Storage and Desynchronization) 1. Wetland occurs in the upper portion of its watershed. 1-1 2. Wetland is in a relatively flat area and is capable of 2-1 retaining higher volumes of water during storm events, than under normal rainfall conditions. 3-0 3. Wetland is a closed (depressional) system. 4. If flowthrough, wetland has constricted outlet with signs of 4-1 fluctuating water levels, algal mats, and/or lodged debris. 5. Wetland has dense woody vegetation. 5-1 6. Wetland receives floodwater from an adjacent water course. 6-0 7. Floodwaters come as sheet flow rather than channel flow. 7-1 B. Sediment Removal 1. Sources of excess sediment (from tillage or construction) are 1-1 present upgradient of the wetland. 2. Slow -moving water and/or a deepwater habitat are present 2-1 in the wetland. 3. Dense herbaceous vegetation is present. 3-1 4. Interspersion of vegetation and water is high in wetland. 4-0 5. Ponding of water occurs in the wetland. 5-1 6. Sediment deposits are present in wetland. 6-1 C. Nutrient and Toxicant Removal 1. Sources of excess nutrients (fertilizers) and toxicants 1-1 (pesticides and heavy metals) are present upgradient of the wetland. 2. Wetland is inundated or has indicators that flooding is a 2-1 seasonal event during the growing season. 3. Wetland provides long duration for water detention. 3-0 4. Wetland has at least 30% areal cover of live dense 4-0 herbaceous vegetation. 5. Fine-grained mineral or organic soils are present. 5-0 To rronue Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 6-No watercourse in the vicinity was observed. 7-Surface water sheetflow from adjacent properties (lawns, open areas, and stormponds) Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1- Although none observed, wetland has ability to provide function. 2- Wetland does not have deepwater habitat; however, surface water flow was observed within wetland. 3- Some small pockets of dense Carex obnupta and Ranunculus repens. 4- hiterspersion is low -moderate. 5- Standing surface water observed in wetland. 6- No significant deposits, but present. Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1-Urban environment with yard drains running into Wetland. * Adapted from the Highway Methodology Workbook Supplement for Wetland Functions and Values (COE,1995). WETLAND A - Existing Conditions (Federal Way Inventory 8-21-4-314) D. Erosion Control and Shoreline Stabilization If associated with water course or shoreline. i . Wetland has dense, energy absorbing vegetation bordering the water course and no evidence of erosion. 2. A herbaceous layer is part of this dense vegetation. 3. Trees and shrubs able to withstand erosive flood events are also part of this dense vegetation. E. Production of Organic Matter and its Export 1. Wetland has at least 30% areal cover of dense herbaceous vegetation. 2. Woody plants in wetland are mostly deciduous. 3. High degree of plant community structure, vegetation density, and species richness present. 4. Interspersion of vegetation and water is high in wetland. 5. Wetland is inundated or has indicators that flooding is a seasonal event during the growing season. 6. Wetland has outlet from which organic matter is flushed. F. General Habitat Suitability 1. Wetland is not fragmented by development. 2. Upland surrounding wetland is undeveloped. 3. Wetland has connectivity with other habitat types. 4. Diversity of plant species is high. 5. Wetland has more than one Cowardin Class, i.e., (PFO, PSS, PEM, PAB, POW, etc.) 6. Has high degree of Cowardin Class interspersion. 7. Evidence of wildlife use, e.g., tracks, scat, gnawed stumps, etc., is present. G. Habitat for Aquatic Invertebrates 1. Wetland must have permanent or evidence of seasonal inundation for this function to be provided. 2. Various water depths present in wetland 3. Aquatic bed vegetation present. 4. Emergent vegetation present within ponded area. 5. Cover (i.e., woody debris, rocks, and leaf litter) present within in the standing water area. 6. A stream or another wetland within 2 km (1.2 mi) of wetland. 1-0 2-1 3-0 4-0 5-1 6-1 1-0 2-0 3-0 4-0 5-0 6-0 7-1 5-1 6- 27 Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) N/A — No watercourse or shoreline present Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1- Not likely to be greater than 30 percent, most under story is shrub cover with very little dense herbaceous cover. 2- Yes 3- Forested with shrub understory. Density is moderate, species diversity is moderate. 4-Wetland is very narrow, depressional wetland and interspersion is minimal. 5- Not observed; however, seasonal ponding likely to occur. 6- Wetland has highly constricted outlet to the South. Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1- Wetland has been historically cutoff (Culvert drains hydrology to the south) 2- Upland areas surrounding the wetland is commercial, and residential. 3-Wetland has no connectivity with other natural habitats. 4-Diversity of plant species is moderate within WL and Buffer. 5- Wetland is Palustrine, forested, broad-leaved deciduous. 6- No, wetland has one Cowardin class. 7- Testaments of adjacent land owners have verified the recent presence of small marnma Is. Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1-Wetland has been observed with inundation — duration is unknown. 2- Variation in water depths is minimal 6-National Wetland Inventory Indicates other wetlands within 1,2miles. Adapted from the Highway Methodology Workbook Supplement for Wetland Functions and Values (COE,1995). WETLAND A - Existing Conditions (Federal Way Inventory 8-21-4-314) H. Habitat for Amphibians 1. Wetland contains areas of seasonal and/or permanent 1-1 standing water in most years. (Must be present for this function to be provided) 2. Thin -stemmed emergent and/or floating aquatic 2-1 vegetation present within areas of seasonal and/or perennial standing water. 3-1 3. Wetland buffer < 40% developed, i.e., by pavement and/or buildings. 4. Woody debris present within wetland. 5. Lands within 1 km (0.6 mi) of wetland are greater than or equal to 40% undeveloped (e.g., green belts, forest, grassland, agricultural). 6. Other wetlands and/or an intermittent or perennial stream within 1 km (0.6 mi) of wetland. 4-1 5-0 6-1 I. Habitat for Wetland -Associated Mammals 1. Permanent water present within the wetland. (Must be N/A present for this function to be provided.) 2. Presence of emergent vegetation in areas of permanent water. 3. Areas containing dense shrubs and/or trees are present within wetland or its buffer. 4. Interspersion between different strata of vegetation. 5. Interspersion between permanent open water (without vegetation) and permanent water with vegetation. 6. Presence of banks suitable for denning. 7. 7. Evidence of wildlife use, e.g., dens, tracks, scat, gnawed stumps, etc., is present. J. Habitat for Wetland -Associated Birds 1. Wetland has 30 to 50% shallow open water and/or aquatic 1-0 bed classes present within the wetland. 2-0 2. Emergent vegetation class present within the wetland. 3. Forested and scrub -shrub classes present within the 3-1 wetland or its buffer. 4-1 4. Snags present in wetland or its buffer. 5. Sand bars and/or mud flats present within the wetland. 5-0 6. Wetland contains invertebrates, amphibians, and/or fish. 6-1 7. Buffer contains relatively undisturbed grassland shrub and/or forest habitats. 7-0 8. Lands within 1 km (0.6 mi) of the wetland are greater than 8-0 or equal to 40% undeveloped (e.g., green belts, forest, grassland, agricultural). Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1- Wetland has been observed with inundation — duration is unknown. 2- Thin stemmed emergent vegetation within area of inundation. 3- 50' Buffer is less than 40% developed. Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) N/A — Wetland does not contain permanent water. Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1- wetland does not contain 30-50 percent open water. 2- Wetland contains emergent species but not an emergent class (has shrub and tree cover). 3- Wetland has forested cover with shrub understory and buffer contains areas of forested cover and shrub cover. 4- Snags present in Wetland. None observed in buffer. 5-None observed 6- Wetland likely contains amphibians. 7- Wetland has been historically disturbed and has high amount of non-native invasive species present. 8- urban setting — greater than 40% developed. * Adapted from the Highway Methodology Workbook Supplement for Wetland Functions and Values (COE,1995). M. WETLAND A - Existing Conditions (Federal Way Inventory 8-21-4-314) K. General Fish Habitat (If associated with a fish -bearing water.) 1. Wetland has a perennial or intermittent surface -water N/A connection to a fish -bearing water body (must be present). 2. Wetland has sufficient size and depth of open water so as not to freeze completely during winter. 3. Observation of fish. 4. Herbaceous and/or woody vegetation is present in wetland and/or buffer to provide cover, shade, and/or detrital matter. 5. Spawning areas are present (aquatic vegetation and/or gravel beds). L. Native Plant Richness 1. Dominant and codominant plants are native. 1-1 2. Wetland contains two or more Cowardin Classes. 2-0 3. Wetland has three or more strata of vegetation. 3-1 4. Wetland has mature trees. M. Educational or Scientific Value 1. Site has documented scientific or educational use. 1-0 2. Wetland is in public ownership. 2-0 3. Parking at site is suitable for a school bus. 3-1 N. Uniqueness and Heritage 1. Wetland contains documented occurrence of a state— or 1-0 federally listed threatened or endangered species. 2. Wetland contains documented critical habitat, high quality 2-0 ecosystems, or priority species respectively designated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the WDNR's Natural Heritage Program, or WDFW's Priority Habitats and Species Program. 3. Wetland is part of a National Natural Landmark designated 3-0 by the National Park Service or a Natural Heritage Site designated by WDNR. 4. Wetland has biological, geological, or other features that 4-0 are determined rare by the local jurisdiction. 5. Wetland has been determined significant by the local 5-0 jurisdiction because it provides functions scarce for the area. 6. Wetland is part of an estuary, bog, or mature forest. 6-0 29 Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) Wetland is not associated with a Fish bearing water course. Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) Dominant in buffer appears to be Himalayan Blackberry (Rubus armeniacus); however, not dominant or codominant in wetland. 2- Forested Cowardin class. 3- Forested, shrub and emergent strata's are present. 4- Wetland does not have tree older than 80 years. (King County Aerial Photo 1936 shows area as cleared) Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1- No educational purposes known 2- Wetland is in private ownership 3- Appears that church has enough room for a school bus. Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1- No documentation was found. 2- None observed and no documentation found. 3- No. 4- Inventory classification is a Category III rating, not rare. 5- Wetland is a slope/depressional wetland surrounded by urban development with a highly constricted outlet. Not a scarce resource. 6- No Adapted from the Highway Methodology Workbook Supplement for Wetland Functions and Values (COE,1995). WETLAND A — Proposed Project Conditions (Federal Way Inventory 8-21-4-314) Wetland Functions Field Data Form — WSDOT's BPJ Characterization * Project: 5. Lu e u r n Chur h— Pro sed Project o f io Date: 2-2-09 Wetland Name: Wetland A fFederal Way Inventory 8-21-4314) Biologist: Aaron Will 1 = Likely to Provide 10 = � A. Flood Flow Alteration (Storage and Desynchronization) 1. Wetland occurs in the upper portion of its watershed. 2. Wetland is in a relatively flat area and is capable of retaining higher volumes of water during storm events, than under normal rainfall conditions. 3. Wetland is a closed (depressional) system. 4. If flowthrough, wetland has constricted outlet with signs of fluctuating water levels, algal mats, and/or lodged debris. 5. Wetland has dense woody vegetation. 6. Wetland receives floodwater from an adjacent water course. 7. Floodwaters come as sheet flow rather than channel flow. 1-1 2-1 3-0 4-1* 5-1 6-0 7-1 B. Sediment Removal 1. Sources of excess sediment (from tillage or construction) 1-1+ are present upgradient of the wetland. 2. Slow -moving water and/or a deepwater habitat are 2-1 present in the wetland. 3. Dense herbaceous vegetation is present. 4. Interspersion of vegetation and water is high in 4-0 wetland. 5. Ponding of water occurs in the wetland. 5-1 6. Sediment deposits are present in wetland. 6-1 C. Nutrient and Toxicant Removal 1. Sources of excess nutrients (fertilizers) and toxicants (pesticides and heavy metals) are present upgradient 1-1 of the wetland. 2. Wetland is inundated or has indicators that flooding is a seasonal event during the growing season. 2-1 3. Wetland provides long duration for water detention. 4. Wetland has at least 30% areal cover of live dense 3-0 herbaceous vegetation. 4-0 5. Fine-grained mineral or organic soils are present. 5-0 I01 LlKely lO rroyioe Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 4-Yes. Propose to clean up wetland along southern boundary. (Pull fence material away from outlet and pick up garbage) to allow for historic drainage to protect adjacent properties. 5-Wetland contains an understory of shrub species. 6-No watercourse in the immediate vicinity was observed. Church property to east of Wetland is point source of yard and road drainage. 7-Surface water sheet flow from adjacent properties (lawns, open areas, and storm ponds) — Additional storm ponds will provide controlled inlet to critical area. Inlets will be dispersed using a level spreader. Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1- Although none observed, wetland has ability to provide function. Additional buffer plantings and dense ground cover will trap additional sediments prior to enter wetland. 2- Wetland does not have deepwater habitat; however, surface water flow was observed within wetland. 3- Some small pockets of dense Carex obnupta and Ranunculus repens. — Buffer is dominated by Him. BB and Scotch Broom — removal and revegetation will increase likelihood of sediment removal prior to entering WL system. 4- Interspersion is low -moderate. 5- Standing surface water observed in wetland. 6- No significant deposits. but present. Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1-Urban environment with yard drains running into Wetland. 2-Not observed; however, seasonal ponding likely to occur. 3-Ponding does not appear to remain for a long duration based on types of vegetation. 4-Not likely to be greater than 30 percent, most under story is shrub cover with very little dense herbaceous cover. 5- Wetland is primarily Gravelly, sandy loam material. * Adapted from the Highway Methodology Workbook Supplement for Wetland Functions and Values (COE,1995). WETLAND A — Proposed Project Conditions (Federal Way Inventory 8-21-4-314) D. Erosion Control and Shoreline Stabilization If associated with water course or shoreline. 1. Wetland has dense, energy absorbing vegetation bordering the water course and no evidence of erosion. 2. A herbaceous layer is part of this dense vegetation. 3. Trees and shrubs able to withstand erosive flood events are also part of this dense vegetation. E. Production of Organic Matter and its Export 1. Wetland has at least 30% areal cover of dense herbaceous 1-0 vegetation. 2-1+ 2. Woody plants in wetland are mostly deciduous. 3. High degree of plant community structure, vegetation 3-1+ density, and species richness present. 4. Interspersion of vegetation and water is high in wetland. 4-0 5. Wetland is inundated or has indicators that flooding is a 5-1 seasonal event during the growing season. 6. Wetland has outlet from which organic matter is flushed. 6-1 F. General Habitat Suitability 1. Wetland is not fragmented by development. 1-0 2. Upland surrounding wetland is undeveloped. 2-0 3. Wetland has connectivity with other habitat types. 3-0 4. Diversity of plant species is high. 4-0 5. Wetland has more than one Cowardin Class, i.e., (PFO, 5-0 PSS, PEM, PAB, POW, etc.) 6. Has high degree of Cowardin Class interspersion. 6-0 7. Evidence of wildlife use, e.g., tracks, scat, gnawed stumps, 7-1 etc., is present. G. Habitat for Aquatic Invertebrates 1. Wetland must have permanent or evidence of seasonal 1-1 inundation for this function to be provided. 2-0 2. Various water depths present in wetland 3-0 3. Aquatic bed vegetation present. 4. Emergent vegetation present within ponded area. 4-1 5. Cover (i.e., woody debris, rocks, and leaf litter) present 5-1 within in the standing water area. 6. A stream or another wetland within 2 km (1.2 mi) of wetland. 6- Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) N/A — No watercourse or shoreline present Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1- Not likely to be greater than 30 percent, most under story is shrub cover with very little dense herbaceous cover. 2- Yes, mitigation buffer planting plan will provide greater species diversity that will eventually spread to the wetland for more organic matter production. 3- Forested with shrub under story. Density is moderate, species diversity is moderate. Increase in diversity and density over time due to buffer plantings. 4-Wetland is very narrow, depressional wetland and interspersion is minimal. 5- Not observed; however, seasonal ponding likely to occur. 6- Wetland has highly constricted outlet to the South. Maintenance of outlet will likely increase organic outflow. Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1- Wetland has been historically cutoff (Culvert drains hydrology to the south) 2- Upland areas surrounding the wetland is commercial, and residential. 3-Wetland has no connectivity with other natural habitats. 4-Diversity of plant species is moderate within WL and Buffer. 5- Wetland is Palustrine, forested, broad-leaved deciduous. 6- No, wetland has one Cowardin class. 7- Testaments of adjacent land owners have verified the recent presence of small mammals. Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1-Wetland has been observed with inundation — duration is unknown. 2- Variation in water depths is minimal 3- No aquatic species observed. 4-Area of Carex obnupta and Ranunculus repens was observed as being inundated (--6") 5-woody debris present and small amounts of leaf litter. 6-National Wetland Inventory Indicates other wetlands within 1.2miles. * Adapted from the Highway Methodology Workbook Supplement for Wetland Functions and Values (COE,1995). WETLAND A — Proposed Project Conditions (Federal Way Inventory 8-21-4-314) H. Habitat for Amphibians 1. Wetland contains areas of seasonal and/or permanent standing water in most years. (Must be present for this function to be provided) 2. Thin -stemmed emergent and/or floating aquatic vegetation present within areas of seasonal and/or perennial standing water. 3. Wetland buffer < 40% developed, i.e., by pavement and/or buildings. 4. Woody debris present within wetland. 5. Lands within 1 km (0.6 mi) of wetland are greater than or equal to 40% undeveloped (e.g., green belts, forest, grassland, agricultural). 6. Other wetlands and/or an intermittent or perennial stream within 1 km (0.6 mi) of wetland. I. Habitat for Wetland -Associated Mammals 1. Permanent water present within the wetland. (Must be present for this function to be provided.) 2. Presence of emergent vegetation in areas of permanent water. 3. Areas containing dense shrubs and/or trees are present within wetland or its buffer. 4. Interspersion between different strata of vegetation. 5. Interspersion between permanent open water (without vegetation) and permanent water with vegetation. 6. Presence of banks suitable for denning. 7. 7. Evidence of wildlife use, e.g., dens, tracks, scat, gnawed stumps, etc., is present. N/A J. Habitat for Wetland -Associated Birds 1. Wetland has 30 to 50% shallow open water and/or aquatic 1-0 bed classes present within the wetland. 2-0 2. Emergent vegetation class present within the wetland. 3. Forested and scrub -shrub classes present within the 3-1 wetland or its buffer. 4. Snags present in wetland or its buffer. 4-1 5. Sand bars and/or mud flats present within the wetland. 5-0 6. Wetland contains invertebrates, amphibians, and/or fish. 6-1 7. Buffer contains relatively undisturbed grassland shrub and/or forest habitats. 7-0 8. Lands within 1 km (0.6 mi) of the wetland are greater than 8-0 or equal to 40% undeveloped (e.g., green belts, forest, grassland, agricultural). Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1- Wetland has been observed with inundation — duration is unknown. 2- Thin stemmed emergent vegetation within area of inundation. 3- 50' Buffer is less than 40% developed. Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) N/A — Wetland does not contain permanent water. Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1- wetland does not contain 30-50 percent open water. 2- Wetland contains emergent species but not an emergent class (has shrub and tree cover). 3- Wetland has forested cover with shrub understory and buffer contains areas of forested cover and shrub cover. 4- Snags present in Wetland. None observed in buffer. 5-None observed 6- Wetland likely contains amphibians. 7- Wetland has been historically disturbed and has high amount of non-native invasive species present. 8- urban setting — greater than 40% developed. * Adapted from the Highway Methodology Workbook Supplement for Wetland Functions and Values (COE,1995). WETLAND A — Proposed Project Conditions (Federal Way Inventory 8-21-4-314) K. General Fish Habitat Likely or not likely to provide. (If associated with a fish -bearing water.) (State your rationale.) 1. Wetland has a perennial or intermittent surface-waler N/A Wetland is not associated with a Fish bearing water course. connection to a fish -bearing water body (must be present). 2. Wetland has sufficient size and depth of open water so as not to freeze completely during winter. 3. Observation of fish. 4. Herbaceous and/or woody vegetation is present in wetland and/or buffer to provide cover, shade, and/or detrital matter. 5. Spawning areas are present (aquatic vegetation and/or gravel beds). L. Native Plant Richness Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1. Dominant and codominant plants are native. 1-1 Dominant in buffer appears to be Himalayan Blackberry (Rubus armeniacus); however, not dominant or codominant in 2. Wetland contains two or more Cowardin Classes. 2-0 wetland. 2- Forested Cowardin class. 3. Wetland has three or more strata of vegetation. 3-1 3- Forested, shrub and emergent strata's are present. 4- Wetland does not have tree older than 80 years. 4. Wetland has mature trees. (King County Aerial Photo 1936 shows area as cleared) M. Educational or Scientific Value Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1. Site has documented scientific or educational use. 1-0 1- No educational purposes known 2. Wetland is in public ownership. 2-0 2- Wetland is in private ownership 3. Parking at site is suitable for a school bus. 3-1 3- Appears that church has enough room for a school bus. N. Uniqueness and Heritage Likely or not likely to provide. (State your rationale.) 1. Wetland contains documented occurrence of a state— or 1-0 1- No documentation was found. federally listed threatened or endangered species. 2. Wetland contains documented critical habitat, high quality 2-0 2- None observed and no documentation found. ecosystems, Or priority species respectively designated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the vvONR's Natural Heritage Program, or WDFW's Priority Habitats and Species Program. 3. Wetland is part of a National Natural Landmark designated 3-0 3- No. by the National hark Service or a Natural Heritage Site designated by WDNR. 4. Wetland has biological, geological, or other features that 4-0 4- Inventory classification is a Category III rating, not rare. are determined rare by the local jurisdiction. 5. Wetland has been determined significant by the local 5-0 5- Wetland is a slope/depressional wetland surrounded by jurisdiction because it provides functions Scarce for the urban development with a highly constricted outlet. Not a area. scarce resource. 6. Wetland is part of an estuary, bog, or mature forest. 6-0 6- No * Adapted from the Highway Methodology Workbook Supplement for Wetland Functions and Values (COE,1995). 18)026 SF Buffer Enhancement 1,205 SF IMPACT FROM TRAIL 16)645 SIT Buffer Reduction SPLIT RAIL FENCE (TYP.) PEDESTRIAN TRAIL TYP,) RR r VV v �` �� Y � •� �y� f� i`�. � `� }�S� tea ��° i�'a` � `s a � �., � �q ,S� ^�t;a.J � #`•r`' t�,t� Wolf 11 i,>},.r> t7 I Job No. :✓ -3prir V Designedby. AW Drawn by. AW Checked by: Date«MARCH 00 SHEET sp y i 4 ✓> 'P 1, Y dp i S f4 a x! _ 4;r r-, i `x 1 .y,W e7 1Mt .y� t Y e t� d� i Y f� t i ] d } K?a 1 P i 7 d yr t 4, x.d "S 1 , i 1.0 MITIGATION CONCEPT AND GOALS 3.2.2 All plant materials will conform to the standards�and 4 size requirements of ANSI Z60.1 "American Standard for Nursery Stock". All plant materials will be native to the northwest, and 1.1 MITIGATION CONCEPT preferably the Puget Sound Region. Plant materials will be propagated from native stock; no cultivars or horticultural varieties will be allowed. All plant materials will be grown from nursery The project proposes a reduction of portions of the 50' Wetland A buffer. As mitigation for the A stock unless otherwise approveci. buffer reduction, the pro*ect will enhance the remaining degraded critical area buffer with native tree and shrub plantings. The remaining wetland buffer will be cleared of non-native invasive 3.2.3 All nursery grown plant materials will be in containers or balled and burlapped. Bare species. Large woody debris and snags will be added to the mitigation area as habitat root plantings will be subject to approval. 0 The mitigation area will be monitored for a period of 5 years once the mitigation area is signed off as installed. 1.2.1 Enhance 18,026sf critical area buffer with native tree and shrub plantings. 1.2.2 Remove all non-native invasive species from wetland mitigation area. 2.0 CONSTRUCTION___SEQUENCE The construction sequence of this project will be implemented as follows: 2.1 Pre -construction meeting 2.2 Construction staking 2.3 Construction fencing and erosion control 2.4 Clearing and Grading 2.5 Stabilization of mitigation area 2.6 Plant material installation 2.7 Permanent fence and sign Installation 2.8 Construction inspection 2.9 Agency approval 2.10 Monitoring inspection and reporting 2.11 Silt fence removal 2.12 Project completion 2.1 Pre -construction Meeting A pre -construction meeting will be held on -site prior to commencement of construction, to include the Owner's biologist, the contractor, the Owner and the City. The approved plans and *fications will be reviewed to ensure that all parties involved understand the intent of the specl I I construction documents, specifications, site environmental constraints, sequences, and inspection requirements. 2.2 Construction Staking The limits of clearing and grading of the mitigation area will be marked in the field prior to commencement of construction activities. 2.3 Construction Fencing & Erosion Control All erosion control measures adjacent to the mitigation area, including silt fencing and orange construction fencing will be installed. Erosion control fencing will remain around the mitigation area until clearing, grading and hydroseeding are complete. 2.4 Clearing & Grading Clearing and grading will include minor, excavation of portions of the wetland buffer that are comprised of 80% or more non- --native Invasive species. The purpose will be to remove the root systems of the non-native Invasive species within monotypic areas where no significant native vegetation will be removed. If soil substrate is of poor, quality, a native top soil may be brought 'in and spread through the clearing area. The top soil should be tilled 'in with the native soils. All non-native species roots shall be disposed of off -site at (An approved facility.' The clearing and grading within the buffer will utilize the smallest construction equipment necessary to complete the work. General construction equipment will likely include excavator(s)"�,, backhoe(s), and trucks for hatflinq. 2.5 Stabilization of Mitigation Area All graded areas will be stabilized with hydroseed or mulch per 3.4.2 upon completion of grading. Orange construction fencing and/or erosion control fences will be placed around the m itigation area. The preferred time for construction is in the dry season (June -October). 2.6 Plant Material Installation All plant material will be planted by hand per detail and Construction and Planting Notes. "I"he Mitigation Plan specifies the required size, species, quantity. and location of plant materi(.fls 'to be 'installed. The contractor will re -seed or over -seed all hydroseeded areas disturbed during the planting process. Upon cornpletion ot fl-ic planting, the erosion control fencir"iq will he be f",)p roved restored and repaired. Plont or rr)0(,,,,Ji I i n writing, by the Owr)er blolo( i 111"")e City prior 'to ins­[ollation. 2.7Perr-narient fence and sign installation Upon acceptance of the plant material installation by the biologist, the permanent fencing will 9 / be iristalled. Sensitive Area signs will be placed along the fencing and/or on -posts rioted or) the Mitigation Plan. 2.8 Construction Inspection Upon completion of installation, the Owner's biologist will conduct an Inspection to confirm 0 0 proper implementation of the Mitigation Plan. Any corrections, substitutions or missing items J )$ 1 will be identified in a 'punch list . Items of particular importance will be soils In pits, pit size, plant species, plant size, mulch around pits, and tree staking. %0 Upon completion of planting, if installation or materials vary significantly from the Mitigation Plan, the contractor will submit a reproducible as -built" drawing to the Owner. 2.9 Agency Approval Following acceptance of the installation by the Ownerjs biologist, a letter will be prepared to the City requesting approval of the installation. 2.10 Monitoring Inspection and Reporting The monitoring program will begin 'in the first growing season (approximately one year) following, installation approval by the City of Federal Way and the permitting agencies. The subsequent monitoring inspections will be conducted in accordance with the approved Monitoring Program. 9 11 Silt Fence Removal Mitigation Site Erosion control fencing adjacent to the mitigation area will remain in place until the mitigation area has been stabilized. 3.5. All plant material will be planted with suitable soils per planting details. Soils from planting holes will be spread and smoothed across the mitigation area. 2.12 Project Completion If, after the final year of monitoring, the pro*ect has satisfied the objectives and qoals of the 4.0 MAINTENANCE PROGRAM i d approved Mitigation Plan, the Owner's biologist will prepare a letter to the City and the 10 INTRODUCTION permitting agencies requesting final approval and closure of the mitigation plan. 3.0 CONSTRUCTION AND PLANTING NOTES This maintenance program outlines the program, procedures and goals for restoration area. 3.1 SITE PREPARATION This maintenance program will be the responsibility of the project owner through the duration 3. 1.1 The Landscape Contractor will approve existing conditions of - subgrade prior to initiation of of its ownership of the mitigation area, or throughout the duration of the monitoring period *t*gation installation work. The Landscape Contractor will inform the Owner of any until the Standards of Success are met. The maintenance contractor will complete the work any ml I I as outlined below. discrepancies between the approved construction document and existing conditions. 3.1.2 The General Contractor will flag the limits of clearing with orange construction fencing 4.1 MAINTENANCE WORK SCOPE and will observe these limits during construction. No natural features or vegetation will be 4.1.1 The primary goals of the mitigation plan are to restore the cleared area with native plant disturbed beyond the designated "Ilmits of clearing". *ty typically found around undisturbed uplands and steep slopes. To accomplish this communi 1 T In 1 A ('rg-Jrrir-+nr %Aii I I In n n t­1 r"h rill hlacllherry f,71:� C;n4=r"11if'1Pri in '�:,'PrJinn goal, normal landscap*ing methods must be modified to include: 3.2.4 All plant materials stored on -site longer than two (2) weeks will be organized in rows and maintained by the contractor at no additional cost to the owner. Plants will not be stockpiled on the site longer than four weeks. Plant materials temporarfly stored will be subject to inspection and approval prior to installation. 3.2.5 Substitution of species or plant size requests must be submitted in writing to the Owner and approved by the Owners biologist and PALS Environmental Biologist in writing prior to delivery to site. 3.2.6 All plant materials will be dug, packed, transported and handled with care to ensure protection from injury. All plant materials to be stored on site more than 24 hours will be heeled into topsoil or sawdust. Precautionary measures shall be taken to ensure plant materials do not dry out before planting. Immediately after installation the mitigation planting area will be saturated to avoid capillary stress. 3.2.7 The contractor will verify all plant materials, the quantities shown on the planting plan, and the plant schedule. The quantity of plant materials shown on the plan takes precedent over the quantity on the plant list. 3.3 PLANT AND HABITAT MATERIAL INSTALLATION 3.3.1 All plant and habitat materials must be inspected prior to installation to verify 4 conformance of the materials with the plant schedule including size, quality and quantity. Any plant or habitat materials deemed unsatisfactory will be rejected. 3.3.2 All plant materials delivered and accepted should be planted immediately, following installation of the habitat features depicted on the plan. Plant materials not planted within 24 hours will be heeled -in per note 3.2.3 Plant materials stored under temporary conditions will be the sole responsibility of the coritt-actor. Platits wii'i be protected at all t'li"I'les to prevent the root ball from before, during, or after planting. 3.3�4 All planting pits will be circular with vertical sides, and will be sized per detail on the r itigation plan and filled with pit soils approved by the Owner's biologist. If native soils are r) I I d<,­,,,J(:,,�rmIned to be unacceptable by the Owner's biologist, pit soils will be amended with Cedar Gr(")ve mulch or equivalent. No fertilizers will be used within the restoration area. In buffer areas only, install "A�,,jriform", or equal plant fertilizer to all planting pits as specified by manufacturer. Fertilizers are allowed only below grade in the planting pits in the buffer areas. No sewage sludge ("SteerCo" or "Growco") is allowed in the mitigation area. tainer*zed plant materials will be removed from their containers carefully to prevent �").,,).6 All con dorriage to the plant arid its roots. Plants removed from their containers will be planted iff"'Irried lately. If the final All plant materials will be placed as shown on the approved mitigation plan. installation varies from the approved mitigation plori, the contractor will provide a reproducible rr"ilylar as- -built of the installed conditions, All plan't, matel-K.,il will be flagged by the contractor. All conifer trees will be staked per- t[ie detail or"i the ri I I t i g (',i't, i o ri p I a ri. All deciduous trees 1 caliper and larger will be staked per the detail on the mitigation plan. Remove tree staking and guy wires from all trees after one year. Cut guy wires away from trees and remove wire (,",irid tree stakes from site. 1"I I. -ANTI N G SCHEDULE AND WARRANTY A fall -,--winter installat* hedule (October 1st - March 15th) is preferred for lower ion sc rn(,�)rtallty rates of new plantings. If plant occurt,­,�; dt-iring the spring or summer (M(,,:,,irch '15th -- Oct. 1st) the plantings will be irrigate(,:'] witt") a ternporary automatic irrigation Sy,,,,,1")J,.em throughout -the summer months. irrigation will provide head to The automatic controller, will be <,:3cheduled 'for a hclod coverage of the entire planting area. I . n­,)irijrnum of fifteen (15) minutes every day until fall rains can provide (,:idequate rainfall to [,,)port the plant material. The mitigation plantings will be watered twice a day for fifteen minutes for the first week. All disturbed areas will be mulched or seeded with mixes as specified on the plans as ,.,",)oon as the mitigation area grading is complete. The seed must be germinated and a grass cover established by October 1st. If the cover is not adequately established by October 1 st, exposed soils wiii oe covered with approved errosion rCC_� notify the Owner in writing of alternative soil stabilization method used. 3.4.3 The installer will warrant all plant materials to remain healthy and alive for a period of one year after installation acceptance. The 'Installer will replace all dead or unhealthy plant materials per the approved plans and specifications. 3.5 SITE CONDITIONS 3.5.1 The installer will coordinate with the Owner and the Owner's biologist for construction scheduling. 3.5.2 Landscape installation will begin after biologist acceptance of grading and construction. 3.5.3 Silt fences will be 'Installed as shown on the approved mitigation plans. The installer is responsible for repair and replacement of silt fences disturbed during plant 'installation. No equipment or soils will be stored inside the silt fences. 3.5.4 After clearing and grading is complete in the mitigation area, exposed soils will be seeded or mulched. Orange construction fence will be placed around the mitigation area to prohibit equipment and personnel in the mitigation area. 4.13 of the approved Mitigation plan. Weed debris will be disposed of off site. a. No mowing or trimming of ground cover or vegetation in the mitigation area. 3.2 PLANT MATERIALS b. No placement of fertilizers in the mitigation area. 3.2.1 All plant materials will be as specified in the plant schedule. Only vigorous plants free of defects, diseases and infestation are acceptable for installation. c. No placement of bark mulch or equivalent in the mitigation area, except as noted in the planting details. d. No placement of gross clippings, landscape debris, fill or ornamental plant materials in the m itigation area. I 4.1.2 Work to be included in each site visit: a. Remove all litter including paper, plastic, bottles, construction debris, yard debris, etc. b. Remove all blackberry varieties and scotch broom within the mitigation area. All debris is to be removed from site and disposed in an approved landfill. c. Repair silt and/or permanent fencing and signage as needed. 4.1.3 Work to be completed on an annual basis Includes.- d. Areas c"lontaining Himalayan blackberry should be controlled by hand cutting the blackberry and treating the remaining cut stems only with a glyphosphate herbicide such as Roundup or Rodeo. e. Replace, dead or failed plant materials. Replacement plantings are to be of same species, size and "location as original plantings. Plantings are to be installed during the dormant period. f. Remov� tree staking and guy wires from all trees after one year. 4.2 MAINT["'I*NANCE SCHEDULE The Owner will conduct all items listed in the Maintenance Work Scope on an annual basis. Additional work may be required per the Monitoring Report and as approved by the City. Additional work may include removal of the grosses around each shrub and tree, 'installation of wood chips at each shrub and tree base, reseeding the mitigation area, re -staking existing trees and erosion control protection. 4.3 WATERING REQUIREMENTS 4.3.1 If plantings are installed within the dormant period throughout the winter months (October through March 15th) watering is not required. 4.3.2 If plantings are installed during the summer months (March through October 1st) a temporary irrigation system will be required. The temporary irrigation system may be removed after the first year providing t"i-le pio;-�i`untgs are established and acclimated to on -site conditions per Constrt.iction and Plantings Notes Sec. 4.0. 4.3.3 lrr*lg(,,.ition will continue from initiation through October 1st or between June 1st and Oct. 1 st for any subsequent year. Irrigation, if required, will provide head to head coverage for 15 mIr')utes per day every day. 4.3.4 Irrigation will only be used to help establish plant materials and is not intended to supplement or create additional hydrology in the mitigation area. Irrigation water for the mitigation area will be taken from the existing water lines in the area and not pumped out any wetlands, pond or streams. 4.4 CLOSFOUT OF FIVE YEAR MONITORING PROGRAM Upon cornpletion of the monitoring program and acceptance of the mitigation area by the City, the maintc�nance of the project will be reduced to include removal of litter and debris, removal of noxious weeds and undesirable vegetation, and repair of vandalized areas. 5.0 MONI'l"(")RING PROGRAM 5.1 SANlif,"ILING METHODOLOGY The mitigetion area will be monitored ten times over a five year period. Monitoring will be conducte'd using -the techniques and procedures described below to quantify the survival, relative health and growth of plant material. A monitoring report submitted following each monitoring visit will describe and quantify the status of the mitigation area at that time. 5.1.1 Veg(-Acition The vegetation monitoring consists of inspection of the planted material to determine the health and vigor of the installation. All the planted material in the restoration area will be inspected during ea(,..h monitoring visit to determine the level of survival of the installation. 5.2 STANDARDS OF SUCCESS 5.2.1 Eval(Aation of the success of the mitigation project will be based upon 100% survival for all planted woody vegetation at the end of year 1 and 80% survival for all planted woody vegetation at the end of year 5. 5.2.2 Not more than 10%cover of non-native invasive species within mitigation area after year 5. 5.2.3 Voltinteer native, non-invasive species will be included as acceptable components of the mitigation, but will not be counted towards the 80% success requirement. 5.3 CON1-INGENCY PLAN A conting(:1,ricy plan can be implemented if necessary. Contingency plans can include regrading, additional plant installation, erosion control, additional water quality facilities, modifications to hydrology, and plant substitutions including type, size, and location. If the monitoring results indicate that any of the performance standards are not being met, it may be necessary to "Implement all or part of the contingency plan. Careful attention to maintenance is essential in ensuring that problems do not arise. Should any of the site fail to meet the success criteria, a contingency plan will be developed and implemented with the City approval. Such plans are prepared on a case -by -case basis to reflect the failed m itigatiori characteristics. Continger)(,.,y/maintenance activities will include, but are not limited to.- • Replacing all plants lost to vandalism, drought, or disease, as necessary. • Replacing any plant species with a 20 percent or greater mortality rate with the same .'I,)ecies or similar species approved by the City. • Irrlg( i6ng the area only as necessary during dry weather if plants appear to be too dry, with a minimal quantity of water. o the mitigation area with an approved grass mixture as necessary 'if (,,,,,,,,,,,�t"-osion/sedimentation occurs. Rernoving all trash or undesirable debris from the restoration area as necessary per 4.0 Maintenance Program. 4r)" AdIAJ n I A A .4 r- -rf-'/-J ... ... ..... 0 2 IAL 1',� �,,�Y`Va ,',,J H"_DING I)EPT, 27641 Covington Way SE #2, Covington, WA 98042 253-859-0515 Fax 253-852-4732 I- M W wwa. a- iE W 04�, 0. D WW W F52ZZ 2 G: Z 2 bj:i 5/1) (n< 6 0 0 Z0C>_ 0 U01 --Jou-: < ogwal: f Ix :4WCL p�: W ZLJD� 0 op owfA_ �WZJ-c 13 ai W Z< <v- < C-4 < < Job No. A8-226 Designed by: AW Drawn by: AW - Checked by. - Date. MARCH 09 SHEET W-3 OF W-3