98-102979MY OF t� J {206} -4000 33530 1ST WAY SOUTH FEDERAL WAY. WA 9800UO3-621G September 30, 1998 Peter Orser Quadrant Corporation P.O. Box 130 Bellevue, WA 98009 By facsimile: (425) 646-8363 RE: Quadrant Residential North Pre -Application, PRE98-0073 South 320th Street and 32nd Drive South Proposed 82 Unit Single Family Detached Condominium Residential Community Dear Mr. Orser: Thank you for meeting with the City's Community Development Review Committee (CDRC) on September 3, 1998, regarding your proposed single family detached condominium residential community. As you know, the CDRC includes representatives from the Lakehaven Utility District, Federal Way Fire Department, the City's Public Works Department, and Department of Community Development Service's Planning and Building Division, and the Federal Way School District. The sign -in sheet of those in attendance at the pre -application meeting is attached. This letter summarizes the September 3, 1998, pre -application conference, at which time members of the CDRC discussed development requirements as they might apply to the proposal for a binding site plan for an approximately 82 unit single family detached condominium residential community, with associated site and frontage improvements. Also discussed were potential development issues including annexation timing, open space requirements, wetlands, landscaping, and improvements. Where appropriate, applicable sections of the Federal Way City Code are cited in this letter for your reference. Please be aware that the items listed below do not include all regulations applicable to the subject proposal. In preparing your application, all pertinent portions of the City's land use code must be consulted. Also, this project will be subject to any new regulations and Code provisions enacted prior to vesting of the various development applications. Please be aware that staff is prepared to meet with the project proponents to discuss the merits of any potential modifications to the proposal upon request. Mr. Peter Orser RE: PRE98-0073 September 30, 1998 Page 2 PLANNNG DIVISIaN (Tim McHarg, Contract Associate Planner, 206-297-2106) a. Annexation and Review Process The project site is currently located outside the City of Federal Way in unincorporated King County. The annexation of the subject property to the City of Federal Way is proceeding. It is anticipated that annexation of the subject property will occur in January, 1999. Subject to the concurrence of King County, the review of the proposal will proceed in the interim. However, no final land use decisions may be made by the City of Federal Way on the proposal until the annexation is complete. A environmental threshold determination under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) may be made by the City of Federal Way prior to annexation, provided King County agrees to relinquish lead agency status. b. Zoning Regulations Upon annexation and adoption of the appropriate Comprehensive Plan Amendments, it is anticipated that the comprehensive plan designation of the subject property will be Multi -Family Residential. It is anticipated that the zoning designation of the subject property will be RM 3.6. This zoning designation provides for multi -family residential use at a density of one unit per 3,600 square feet of lot area, or approximately 12 units per acre. However, it is anticipated that a Development Agreement for the proposal will limit the density to approximately six (6) units per acre of the subject property, based upon gross acreage. Pursuant to FWCC Sec. 22-667 (enclosed), detached dwelling units are permitted in the RM-3.6 zone subject to Process III project approval. However, please note that SEPA and Binding Site Plan review will constitute Process III project approval. Therefore, a separate Process III project approval is not required for the proposal. C. Required Land Use Permits (1) SEPA: Under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), the Director of Community Development Services issues a threshold determination, which is appealable to the Hearing Examiner. The applicant is also responsible to provide mailing envelopes and lists of all property owners and occupants within three hundred (300) feet of the Mr. Peter Orser September 30, 1998 RE: PRE98-0073 Page 3 project site to the City for SEPA noticing requirements. Procedures for providing mailing envelopes are detailed in the enclosed handout. The SEPA threshold determination and appeal period must be completed prior to the issuance of the binding site plan decision. Additional SEPA related comments are provided below. (2) Binding Site Plan: Pursuant to FWCC Sec. 20-61, division of any land to be developed as condominiums is required to obtain an approved binding site plan (BSP). Pursuant to FWCC Sec. 20-62(c), BSP's are processed under the provisions for short subdivisions. For BSP submittal requirements, refer to the BSP submittal requirements contained in FWCC, Chapter 20, Subdivisions (enclosed). An informational handout, Short Subdivisions, is also enclosed for your review. The Director of Community Development Services issues the BSP decision, which is appealable to the Hearing Examiner. The BSP decision will follow the SEPA threshold determination and precede any construction permits. BSP review is subject to ESHB 1724 requirements pertaining to public notice and review timeframe. Specifically, a Notice of Application must be published, posted, and mailed to property owners within three hundred (300) feet of the site. Accordingly, the applicant is required to provide mailing envelopes and lists of all property owners and occupants within three hundred (300) feet of the project site to the City for the BSP Notice of Application. When combined with the SEPA noticing requirements, discussed above, a total of two sets of mailing envelopes and lists of all property owners and occupants within three hundred (300) feet of the project site, prepared accordingly, must be submitted. Please refer to the enclosed Procedures for Obtaining Mailing Envelopes for additional information. Land use decisions under ESHB 1724 must be issued within one hundred twenty (120) days of the date of submittal of a complete application. At periodic points throughout project review, the applicant will receive written notice of the status of the one hundred twenty (120) day review clock. (3) Grading Permit: Clearing and grading to construct required BSP improvements is allowed in the form of a grading permit, provided that environmental and land use approval has been issued. Site preparation and Mr. Peter Orser September 30, 1998 RE: PRE98-0073 Page 4 construction of required BSP improvements are limited only to those areas being developed and shall be performed in a manner to minimize clearing of existing natural vegetation and trees outside of required BSP improvements. Grading permits are processed as a building permit, with fees determined on a project -specific basis. (4) Outside Agency Permits: It is the applicant's responsibility to identify and obtain all required state, federal, or other agency permits, as may be required. (5) Building Permits will be required for construction of individual lots following final BSP approval. Please be advised that all required public improvements must be constructed and accepted and the BSP recorded prior to issuance of individual building permits for residential construction. However, it is important to note that there are various methods to allow construction of one or more `mmodel" homes. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested in discussing options for constructing "model" homes. d. Land Use Application Fees Land use application fees are as follows: SEPA Checklist: $472.00 Binding Site Plan: $2,623.00 Grading permits are processed as a building permit, with fees determined on a project -specific basis. Please be aware that separate fees are required for Public Works engineering review and inspection. Separate fees are also required for Fire District review and inspection. e. Points for Environmental Review (1) The SEPA Checklist must describe phased development actions and explain how phased actions under the proposal, i.e,, construction sequence, will relate to any mitigation requirements, e.g., construction of any off -site improvements. (2) Provisions related to environmentally sensitive areas are established in FWCC Chapter 22, Article XIV, Environmentally Sensitive Areas. Several wetlands are present on the subject property. All wetlands on or off site, Mr. Peter Orser September 30, 1998 RE: PRE98-0073 Page 5 within 100 feet of the property must be identified, delineated, and surveyed to determine the limits of the required setbacks in relation to the proposed BSP and improvements. A wetland report prepared by a qualified wetland specialist is required to be submitted with the BSP application. The required information for the wetland report is provided in the enclosed FWCC Chapter 22, Article XIV. Pursuant to FWCC Chapter 22, Article XIV, minor improvements, such as footbridges, walkways, and benches, may be located in a wetland setback area if determined by the Department Director to have minimal impacts to wetland functions and values. Consistent with the provisions of Chapter 22-1358(d), the location of other improvements in a wetland setback area or displacement of wetlands requires a Process IV approval, which includes a public hearing and a decision by the Hearing Examiner. (3) The City's review of specialized studies related to environmentally sensitive areas is provided to the applicant on a cost -recovery basis. Please note that a Scope of Work and Cost Estimate will be provided to you for any necessary review and must be paid before this review will begin. f Binding Site Plan Design The BSP must meet the requirements for Design Criteria contained within FWCC Secs. 20-151 to 20-157. Additional requirements for open space design within the BSP are provided below. Street and access easement improvements must meet the requirements contained within FWCC Secs. 20-176 to 20-187 (enclosed). Included within these requirements are provisions for landscaping, utilities and storm drainage. Please note that the City of Federal Way is in the process of adopting Residential Design Guidelines. The BSP may be subject to the new guidelines, depending upon the content and requirements of the guidelines, the date of adoption and vesting of the BSP application. A draft copy of the guidelines have been included, for your information. g. Open mace FWCC Sec. 20-155 requires that BSP's set aside fifteen percent (15%) of the site for open space and recreation. This calculates to 118,788 square feet for the 791,921 square foot subject property. Per FWCC Sec. 20-155(c), a minimum of Mr. Peter Orser RE: PRE98-0073 September 30, 1998 Page 6 ten percent (10%) of the gross land area, or 79,192 square feet, must meet the definition of usable open space. Usable open space is defined under FWCC Sec. 20-155(a)(1) as, "areas which have appropriate topography, soils, drainage, and size to be considered for development as active recreation areas." Alternatively, a fee -in -lieu payment may be made to satisfy open space requirements at the discretion of the Parks Director after consideration of the City's overall park plan, quality, location, and service area of the open space that would otherwise be provided by the proposal. The fee -in -lieu of open space shall be calculated based upon fifteen percent (15%) of the most recent assessed value of the property at the time of recording. FWCC Sec, 22-667, Note 2, requires that four hundred (400) square feet of common recreational open space per dwelling unit be provided for multifamily dwelling units. For the proposed eighty two (82) unit condominium development, this calculates to 32,800 square feet. At least ten percent (101/6), or 3,280 square feet, of this required common recreational open space must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment. Please note that the provisions for fee - in -lieu payment are not applicable to the requirements for providing the multi- family common recreational open space. Please note that it is not necessary to provide the combined total of the BSP open space or common recreational open space area. If appropriate, the common recreational open space area may be located within the BSP open space set -aside, but it does not replace BSP open space requirements. The greater amount of either the BSP open space or common recreational open space area must be provided in its entirety. Therefore, to summarize these requirements, 118,788 square feet of open space must be provided for the proposal. Of this total open space requirement, 79,192 square feet must meet the definition of usable open space. Of this usable open space, 3,280 square feet must be developed and maintained with children's play equipment. h. Landscaping All natural vegetation should be retained on the proposal site except that which will be removed for required BSP improvements as shown on approved engineering plans. A preliminary clearing and grading plan shall be submitted as part of the BSP submittal. Following recording of the BSP, clearing of individual building areas will be permitted. There are a number of trees on the site which may meet the definition of significant tree per FWCC Sec. 22-1568(b) (enclosed). These trees will be regulated under Mr. Peter Orser RE: PRE98-0073 September 30, 1998 Page 7 FWCC Sec. 1568(c). Where safe and feasible, the meandering of streets and or sidewalks around significant trees is encouraged. Per FWCC Sec. 20-186, a landscape plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect must be provided with the BSP application. The landscape plan should depict required vegetative buffers, open spaces, street trees, significant trees, and other ornamental plantings required by FWCC Article XVII, Landscaping (enclosed). Buffer requirements for RM (Residential Multifamily) zoning districts are 20 feet of Type III landscaping along the right-of-way and all ingress/egress easements and 10 feet of Type III landscaping along all other property lines per FWCC Sec. 22-1566(c). However, it is important to note that under a BSP, perimeter landscaping along internal lot lines is not required. e. CompMon of Improvements ri r to Recording Binding Site Plans Consistent with the provisions of FWCC Sec. 20-108, the requirements and sequence for bonding and completion of improvements prior to recording BSP's can be summarized as follows: • Prior to construction activity, the applicant must file a restoration bond, or other suitable security as approved by the City Attorney, for temporary erosion control and those facilities necessary to stabilize the site. The amount of the security shall be determined by the Public Works Director. The amount of the security for temporary erosion control and those facilities necessary to stabilize the site shall not be less than 120% of estimated cost of these improvements. • All surveying and monumentation must be complete prior to recording the BSP. Additionally, as required by FWCC Sec. 20-108(a), all required improvements must be substantially complete prior to recording the BSP. It is anticipated that substantial completeness will include, at a minimum, vehicular access easement improvements, stormwater improvements, and landscaping of common open space and recreation areas. Please note that the specific improvements that are required to achieve substantial completeness prior to recording the BSP may change based upon the review of the BSP application by the Community Development and Public Works Departments. • In lieu of completing all required improvements prior to recording the BSP, the applicant may file a performance bond, or other suitable security as approved by the City Attorney, for the remaining uncompleted improvements as provided by FWCC Sec. 20-108(b). The amount of the Mr. Peter Orser Septerrilya 30, 1998 RE: PRE98-0073 Page 8 security shall be determined by the Public Works Director. The amount of the security for completion shall not be less than 120% of estimated cost of actual construction and installation of the remaining uncompleted improvements within six months of recording. • Prior to recording the BSP, the developer must enter into an agreement with the City to complete all remaining uncompleted improvements within six (6) months. If the remaining uncompleted improvements are not completed within this time period, the City will have the option of calling the performance bond or other security and completing the improvements. Prior to accepting the constructed improvements, the developer must file a maintenance bond, or other suitable security as approved by the City Attorney, for the repair or replacement of any improvement, including landscaping, which proves defective within two (2) years. The amount of the security shall be determined by the Public Works Director. The amount of the security for repair or replacement shall not be less than 30% of estimated cost of all the improvements. • Please note that building permits will not be issued prior to recording the BSP. 2, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (Jim Femling, 253.661.4196; John Diaz, 253.661.4137) Please refer to the enclosed comments from Jim Femling, Engineering Plans Reviewer. Comments from John Diaz, Contract Traffic Engineer, will be forthcoming under a separate cover. 3, LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT (Mary Young, 253.946.5400) Please refer to the enclosed comments from Mary Young, Development Services Supervisor. 4. FEDERAL WAY FIRE DEPARTMENT (Greg Brozek, 253.946.7241) Please refer to the enclosed comments from Greg Brozek, Assistant Fire Marshal. 5. FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT (Geri Walker, 253.945.2000) Please refer to the enclosed comments from Geri Walker, MIS Specialist. Mr. Peter Orser September 30, 1998 RE: PRE98-0073 Page 9 6. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (Lt. Paul Rubenstein, 253,661.4655) Please refer to the enclosed comments from Lt. Tracy Grossnickle, Traffic Division, and Officer Robert Schubert. Pre -application comments are based on a preliminary review only, and should not be construed to represent final comments on the proposal. As the proposal is redesigned, or as more detailed site plan and environmental information is prepared, additional issues or concerns may be identified which were not addressed at the meeting. Additionally, any revisions to existing regulations prior to submittal of a formal land use application may affect the proposal. As you know, a final detailed review of the proposed project will follow application submittal. We hope you found the pre -application process useful in identifying key requirements related to the proposal. If you have any questions, please contact me at 206.297.2106; Greg Fewins, Principal Planner, at 253.661.4108; or other staff persons as appropriate. I look forward to working with you and making this a successful project. K19171, [1' !L r Tim McHarg Contract Associate Planner CC: Steve Calhoon, WH Pacific Encl: Pre -Application Meeting Sign -In Sheet Public Works Memorandum, dated August 24, 1998 Lakehaven Utility District Memorandum, dated September 3, 1998 Federal Way Fire Department Technical Review Memorandum, dated September 3, 1998 Federal Way Public Schools Letter, dated August 20, 1998 Department of Public Safety Memoranda, dated August 12 and 18, 1998 Checklist for Development Application, Submittal Requirements Handout Land Surface Modification Handout Short Subdivision Handout Procedures for Obtaining Mailing Labels Handout FWCC, Chapter 20, Subdivisions FWCC, Section 22-667, RM Use Zone Chart FWCC, Section 22-1525, Local Rights -of -Way FWCC, Chapter 22, Article XIV, Environmentally Sensitive Areas FWCC, Chapter 22, Article XVII, Landscaping DRAFT Residential Design Guidelines ECEIVED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT D PA NT 15 September 1998 Lori Michaelson Senior Planner City of Federal Way 33530 - 1" Way South Federal Way, Washington 98003 RE: New Quadrant Projects Dear Lori, ADOLFSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Enclosed please find two copies of Task Authorizations for each of two new Quadrant projects. Since Quadrant has requested Expedited Review of these applications, I have already scheduled a site visit with John Altman of Talasaea Consultants. We'll be meeting next Wednesday, 23 September. Thank you for the opportunity to be of further assistance with the review of Quadrant's proposed development plans. If you have any questions, please call me at (206) 789- 9658. Sincerely, ADOLFSQN ASSOCIATES, INC. -y - Andrew , . Castelle of Natural Sciences Arl, u Environmental Analysis 5309 Shilshole Ave. NW Seattle, WA98107 adolfson@adolfson.com (206)789-9658 FAX (206)789-9684 ��� WETLAND CONSULTANT AUTHORIZATION FORM DATE 15 September 1998 CITY City of Federal Way 33530 First Way South Federal Way, Washington 98003 CONSULTANT Adolfson Associates, Inc. 5309 Shilshole Avenue NW Seattle, WA 98107 PROJECT 320"' Street Townhomes PROJECT APPLICANT Quadrant TASK AUTHORIZATION No. 9727-91 CITY PLANNER Lori Michaelson (253-661-4045) TASK SCOPE (1) Conduct site visit (1 @ 3 hr., $309.00). (2) Review site development plans, including wetland report, mitigation plan (if appropriate), and other supporting documents (1 @ 2 hr., $206.00). (3) Prepare letter report of our findings (1 @ 2 hr., $206.00). (4) Reimbursables: $35.00. TASK SCHEDULE Letter report to be submitted no later than 7 October 1998. TASK COST Not to exceed $756.00 without written amendment to this Task Authorization. ACCEPTANCE . vL {%x--- Date: �I/1rL�,gQJ City of FederallWay Inc. Date: 15 September 1998 d- F CITY OF Y Y� 33530 1 ST WAY SOUTH (253) 661-4000 FEDERAL WAY, WA 98003-6210 Robert S. Derrick, Director King County Department of Development and Environmental Services 900 Oakesdale Avenue SW Renton WA 98055-1219�`��, �- RE: Letter of Understanding - Quadrant Annexation Dear Mr. Derrick: As you are aware, two annexation petitions have been filed with the City of Federal Way ("/city") for property owned by the Quadrant Corporation, which is outlined on the maps attached to the Annexation Petitions which are enclosed with this letter. This property is adjacent to the City's corporate limits, is within the County's proposed urban growth boundary area. The annexation is also consistent with the recommendation of the Southwest County Citizens Advisory Committee, which is contained in King County's Planning and Community Development Division Report dated June 1993. I have received a request from The Quadrant Corporation dated September 21, 1998 (copy inclosed), which requests that the City of Federal Way act as lead agency for SEPA purposes and land use approval purposes. It is anticipated by the City that final action on the annexation petitions will not be completed until early 1999. We have previously discussed the City's and County's commitment to reduce duplication of effort and to avoid disruption and delays in service to applicants and the public during the pendency of annexation. In the past we successfully accomplished a similar action with the World Vision development. Consistent with this policy and past practice, I have prepared this Letter of Understanding for both the City and County to indicate their support of the following: Any proposed permits or land use applications which may be filed for the development of the subject property prior to the completion of annexation shall be processed by the City of Federal Way in accordance with this Letter of Understanding. 2. The City shall be the lead agency for purposes of compliance with the procedural requirements of the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), all applications identified in paragraph one of the agreement. The City shall make the required determinations consistent with SEPA in accordance with adopted City rules and regulations, and all SEPA appeals shall be governed by the City's regulations and procedures. 3. The City shall utilize its own adopted regulations and procedures in processing the permits identified in paragraph on of this agreement. 4. The city shall notify King County of any permits or applications which are filed for development on the subject property. The City further agrees that it will not issue any final approvals for development permits until and unless the property is annexed to the City by final ordinance, not withstanding that awaiting annexation approval may prevent the City or County from meeting the time provision of RCW 36.090(1). 5. In the event the City disapproves the annexation or the annexation proposal is withdrawn, the City will, within ten days following the request of any applicant, transfer all its files, records, and unexpended fees collected by the City with respect to such applications to the County. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. We believe that the process the we have discussed will ensured the highest level of service to the public. Sincerely, 0. 7y w Gregory re, AICP Director of Community Development Services GDM:sll Enclosures cc: Kenneth E. Nyberg City Manager Robert Sterbank, Assistant City Attorney Greg Fewins, Principle Planner Jerry Hillis, Attorney at Law CONCURRENCE I concur with the terms of this agreement and understanding KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Date I:\QUAD9-23.LTR By Robert S. Derrick Director From: Greg Fewins To: GREGM, BOBS Subject: Quadrant's residential projects Based on Quadrant's request for Federal Way to assume lead agency status on SEPA and process applications to a point of approval prior to annexation, I think the next step is to send a letter to King County confirming Federal Way's lead agency status under WAC 197-11-942 and that Federal Way will be processing the applications prior to incorporation. I think it would be prudent to get a written confirmation back from King County. Seems like this could be as simple as an exchange of letters or as complex as a formal memorandum of understanding. I vote for the letter exchange. If you guys agree, do you want me to prepare a letter from Greg M. to King County? QUADRANT HOMES Quadrant Plaza, Ste 500 NE 8th at 112th The Smart Choice PO Box130 Bellevue WA 98009 Tel (425)455 2900 Fax (425) 646 8363 September 21, 1998 Greg Moore City of Federal Way 33530 First Way S Federal Way, WA 98003 Dear Greg, With this letter I am formally requesting that Federal Way act as the lead agency in the review of our two land use applications (Residential North and Residential South). In this capacity, we are requesting that you process the required SEPA review and decisions, the Binding Site Plan (Residential North) and Preliminary Plat (Residential South) processes, and any other land use reviews necessary to complete the land use process. If you have any questions about our specific request, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely THE QUADRANT CORPORATION 1�77 Peter M. Orser Senior Vice President Q Fed Way lead agency dac OPPORNNITY SEP-23-199e 10:19 FROM TO 2536614129 P.04z11 PE'_ -TION FOR ANON TO T CITY OF FEDERAL MAY, WASHINGTON (FOR CERTAIN pROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF S 320TIl ST AND EAST OF I-5) TO: THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON 33530 1ST WAY SOUTH FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON 98003 We, the undersigned, being the owners of not less than sixty percent (60%) in value of the real property herein described and lying contiguous to the City of Federal Way, Washington, do hereby petition that such territory be annexed to and made part of the City of Federal Way under the provisions of RCW 35A.14.120, et seq_, and any amendments thereto, of the State of Washington - The territory proposed to be annexed is within King County, Washington, and the legal description of which is set forth in Exhibit "A", which is attached hereto and made part hereof, and the boundaries of the territory proposed to be annexed are outlined on the map which is marked as Exhibit "B", which is attached hereto. The City Council of the City of Federal Way met with the initiating parties at a regularly scheduled meeting on July 21, 1998, and did determine that the City would accept the proposed annexation. At said meeting the City Council did also determine as disclosed by the minutes entry regarding the same in the minutes of the council meeting of July 21, 1998, that: 1. The area proposed to be annexed to the city would be required to assume its pro rata portion of existing city indebtedness; 2. Federal Way Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map designations for the area proposed for annexation would be established prior to or concurrent with the annexation of the area proposed to be annexed; and 3. Restrictions on the density of any development of the property to be annexed, in addition to those imposed by Zoning Hap designations, would be imposed through the execution of a development agreement with the initiating party prior to the City's acceptance of this 60% petition. WHEREFORE, the undersigned petition the City Council and request: (a) The appropriate action be taken to entertain this petition, fixing a date for a public hearing, causing notice to be published and posted, specifying the time and place of such hearing, and inviting all persons interested to appear and voice approval or disapproval of such annexation; and (b) That following such hearing, and pending approval of the Boundary Review Board, the City Council determine by ordinance that such annexation shall be made, annexing the above described territory, and declaring the date whereon such annexation shall be effective; and the property so annexed shall becomea part of the City of Federal Way, subject to its laws and ordinances then and thereafter in force. The petitioner subscribing hereto agrees that all property within the territory hereby sought to be annexed shall be assessed and taxed at the same rate and on the same basis as other property within the City of Federal Way, including assessments or taxes in payment of any bonds issued or debts contracted prior to or existing at the date of the annexation; and that the territory hereby sought to be annexed shall be zoned and subject to a development agreement as determined by the Federal. Way city council prior to or concurrent with the public hearing on the requested annexation. 09/23/98 WED 10:11 [T%/R& 60561 SEP-23-1996 10:20 FROM �F�1W TO 2536614129 ,P.05i11 EVERY PERSON WHO SIGNS THIS PETITION WITH ANY OTHER THAN HIS/HER TRUE NAME, OR WHO KH WINGLY SIGNS MRE THAN ONE OF THESE PETITIONS, OR SIGNS A PETITION WHEN HE/SME Is NOT A REGISTERED VOTER, OR SIGNS A PETITION WHEN HE/SHE IS OTHERWISE NOT QUALIFIED TO SIGH, OR WHO MAKES HEREIN ANY FALSE STATEMENT, SHALL BE GUILTY OF A MISDEMEMOR. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C-v 7. �o a 10. S SIOIATU'KE g Ua NAtM WDRESs DATE SI `4A* 5. 8h�/9� 09/23/98 WED-10:11 [T%/R% NO 6056] SEP-23-1996 10:20 FROM TO 2536614129 P.06i11 EXHIBIT A Quadrant Corporation South 320m Parcel Legal Description TRACTS 1 THROUGH 7, AND THAT PORTION OF TRACT 18 LYING SOUTH OF THE BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION RIGHT OF WAY. AS ESTABLISHED BY EASEMENT RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 3347081. MIDWAY SUBURBAN TRACTS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 38 OF PLATS, PAGE 40. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON; AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF TRACTS 1 AND 2 CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 4998517; AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 40 FEET OF TRACT 3 CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 4998539; AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 40 FEET OF TRACT 4, AS CONDEMNED UNDER KING COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CAUSE NUMBER 534586; AND EXCEPT THE SOUTH 40 FEET OF THE WEST 100 OF TRACT 5 CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF WASHINGTON BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 4998520. \\bellcwc l\datalPROJEM6S 1020I1WORD1LEGALdx r^/23/98 WED 10:11 [TX/RX NO 6056] SEP-23-1998 10:20 FROM TO 2536614129 P.07i11 i ^f � 77 fzfos Y 9 69a.os� IrJ� •• � rti ^ s'L O �` 1�• A e ti r rV T o C' 37 a 0 t f . • yo •n _� L �� oL pX00 r 0 y S Y Ir Q V CD y c V S cL e D A 1 V \p p CA t ° w � d r w _n 4 D w 6 i .. .tea Soo Zoo Aiw (D CL 00 09/23/98 WED 10.11 [TX/RX NO 60561 Y PUBLIC SCHOOLS 31405 18th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003 (253) 945-2000 Web Site: http://www.fwsd.wednet.edu Superintendent Thomas J. Vander Ark August 20, 1998 David Graves City of Federal Way 33530 1" Way South Federal Way WA 98003 RE: Quadrant Condominium — Townhomes PRE 98-0073 Dear Mr. Graves: Board of Education Linda Hendrickson Holly Isaman Joel Marks Ann Murphy Jim Storvick This letter is in response to your request for school information on the proposed 82 condominium townhomes located at S 320tt' St. and 32"d Drive S. The Federal Way School District is committed to providing the best education possible for all students who reside within the District. We are concerned with all aspects of facility use and limitations, transportation, safety and recreational requirements that best support the education of children attending our schools. To accomplish this, we must give focus to the impact of new housing developments. Under current boundaries this development would be served by Lake Dolloff Elementary, Kilo Junior High and Thomas Jefferson High School. School service areas are reviewed each year and necessary boundary changes may be made to accommodate enrollment increases. Students would receive school bus transportation to all three schools. There is currently a bus stop at 3020 S 320`h St for Lake Dolloff Elementary School. There are no current stops for Junior High or Senior High in the immediate area. In studying the site map for this new development, it appears the best solution for serving these homes would be to have the school bus enter the development at the west end in the area marked "Emergency Vehicle Access". This assumes that improvements whi be made for access to this entrance of the development. This would allow the bus to pick up students within the development and exit to Weyerhaeuser Way S at the light. This alternative is only viable if all streets are full city streets. Full size school busses require an 84-foot turning radius. The transportation department prefers not to enter multi family street networks with speed bumps in place. If the busses are not able to use the interior street network, the alternative solution to serve students from this new development is to have a full bus turn out on S 320`h St. The preference is to have the turn out at the far east side of the site. The school bus would exit and re-enter the lanes of travel on S 320'h at this point and continue on to make a left turn onto Weyerhaeuser Way S. School buses are eight feet wide, so the tun out must be wide enough to allow the bus to completely exit the lanes of travel, and allow students to board the bus. The turn out area must include sidewalks or other safe areas for students to wait for the school bus. Every Student ... World Class Skills Quadrant Condominium Page 2 August 19, 1998 The most recent Federal Way School District Capital Facilities Plan indicates a student yield of 15 to 16 students from this type of housing. These are averages only; the actual number of students may vary. Enrollment increases may create a need for additional space, equipment and staff. The collection of school impact fees helps to mitigate these impacts. The District appreciates the opportunity to comment on this proposed development. Sincgrely, *eWalker� MIS Specialist c Jody Putman, Director of Business Services Carolyn Calhoon, Transportation Routing Specialist School Principals