02-08-24 Agenda OUR MISSION: To advise City government to ensure Federal Way is a community that is united amidst diversity, where everyone is equally respected, valued, needed, and cherished. Equality is not sameness; it is equivalent value. Staff: Levi Luft, Diversity Equity Inclusion Analyst *TIMES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY REGULAR MEETING Agenda Hylebos Room Thursday, February 08, 2024 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Notice: Meetings are held in-person. To request an accommodation to attend, please contact Levi Luft, levi.luft@cityoffederalway.com, 253-835-2653 no later than close of business the day before the meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INTRODUCTION: Commissioners/Staff 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS (2 Minutes/person) 4. COMMISSION BUSINESS: Topic Action or Info *Est. Time Presenter A. Approval of Minutes (January 2024) Action 2 Min Chair Abdullah B. MLK Event Info 5 Min Commissioner Walker C. Representative Roger Freeman Award Info 5 Min Commissioner Abdullah D. Federal Way Community Festival Info 7 Min Commissioner Fine E. Arts Commission Partnership Discussion 5 Min Chair Abdullah F. Diversity Commission Facebook Account and Webpage Update Discussion 3 Min DEAI Analyst Luft G. Commissions Involvement Subcommittee and Community Engagement Subcommittee Info 5 Min Commissioner Wallace H. Community Listening Sessions Info 5 Min Commissioner Wallace I. ARPA Info 5 Min Chair Abdullah and Community Services Manager Bridgeford J. Monthly Expenditures and Revenue Report Info 3 Min DEAI Analyst Luft OUR MISSION: To advise City government to ensure Federal Way is a community that is united amidst diversity, where everyone is equally respected, valued, needed, and cherished. Equality is not sameness; it is equivalent value. Staff: Levi Luft, Diversity Equity Inclusion Analyst *TIMES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY 5. STAFF COMMENTS (5 minutes) 6. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS (10 min - 2 minutes/Commissioner) 7. NEXT MEETING • March 14, 2024, 5:30 p.m. in the Hylebos Room at City Hall in Federal Way, WA 8. ADJOURN