FEDRAC PKT 03-08-2005 '" City ~f F~dcral \Vay City. Council " FinanccrEconomic.~~y~~ôpmçnt/Regional Affairs Committee ,<" , '~ ,'r,"', , City Hall Hvlcbos Conference Room . TQ~sday,March8,2005 5:jO ,p.m. , ' " ." " 0'0":';' , ' AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS A. Approval of the February 8,2005 Minutes B. Presentation on Federal Way School District Bond Proposal (Superintendent Tom Murphy) C. Discussion of Sound Transit West TOD Action Information Information 4. OTHER 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 6. NEXT MEETING: FEDRAC - Economic Development: April 12, 2005 FEDRAC: March 22, 2005 Committee Members: Eric Faison. Chair Jeanne Burbidge Jim Ferrell City Starr Patrick Doherty, Economic Development Director Jordan Wheeler, Management Intern (253) 835-2403 G: IFEDRA CIFlNCOMM1ì2005\0308\030805 Agenda,doc City of Federal \Vay 'City Council ' Finance/Èconom~c Development/Regional Affairs Committee .,.' ",' :, ' Tøcsday, Febr~atry::8;:~905:, . ~.rn.' , , ,'p:ÇitY.Hå.1I ' '", ,,',,', "," ]lylebos Confèrericc~Room . MINUTES Committee Members in Attendance: Chair Eric Faison, Member Jeanne Burbidge, and Member Jim Ferrell. City Council Members in Attendance: Mayor Dean McColgan, Deputy Mayor Linda Kochrnar, and Councilmember Jack Dovey. Staff Members in Attendance: Iwen Wang, Management Services Director; David Moseley, City Manager; Derek Matheson, Assistant City Manager; Karen Kirkpatrick, Deputy City Attorney; Patrick Doherty, Director of Economic Development; Mehdi Sadri, Information Services Manager; Jason Suzaka, Deputy City Clerk/Management Analyst, Jordan Wheeler, Management Intern. Others in Attendance: Dini Duclos and Bob Hitchcock, FW Chamber of Commerce; Erica Hall, FW Mirror; Steve Maynard, Tacoma News Tribune; Shuie Burdine, U.S. Wireless. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Eric Faison called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m. Mr. Matheson introduced Management Intern Jordan Wheeler, who began working at the City last Thursday, comes to Federal Way from the City of University Place Public Works department; he will replace Jason Suzaka as staff to the FEDRAC - Economic Development meeting beginning next month. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS a) Approval of the January 1 L 2005 meeting minutes Motion to approve the January 11, 2005 meeting minutes. Motion seconded and carried. The committee asked that discussion on the Sound Transit West TOD be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. b) Discussion of Business Community Outreach Presented by Patrick Doherty Mr. Doherty gave a brief background to the committee. There was discussion as to whether or not the duties of the economic development assistant coincide with the core duties of an ombudsman. Also discussed was whether businesses would feel comfortable going to an ombudsman (who would be part of city staft) to report any difficulties in receiving services and/or fair/equitable treatment from the city. A-I Discussion then centered on the budget, if a new position was created. There were some reservations about creating a brand new position, especially in light of the last budget, when positions had to be cut. Councilmember Ferrell stated his support for creating a new position, citing the need to be proactive in helping local businesses. One suggestion was to consider changing the job title to "Economic Development Assistant/Business Liaison." Ms. Duclos suggested that an option to consider is to contract out the position to the Chamber, because businesses may not feel comfortable going to city staff to address their concerns about city policies/actions. c) Wi-Fi Project Presented by Iwen Wang A handout of the powerpoint presentation was given to the committee. Those who worked on the project are ¡wen Wang, Mehdi Sadri, Karen Kirkpatrick, and Shuie Burdine from us. Wireless. Ms. Wang gave a presentation on Wi-Fi technology. Other cities using this technology include Renton, Auburn, Kent, as well as King County and the State of Washington. Mr. Sadri presented the technical aspects of the project, and Ms. Kirkpatrick discussed the legal aspects. Ms. Wang emphasized that the costs given in the capital rollout are conservative estimates. The proof of concept pilot project would most like be in a 1-4 square mile radius; the City also has some conduit that could be used as part of the project, lowering the costs. Some economic advantages of this technology include image (seen as a high tech, "wired" city); businesses can access the internet at a cheaper rate, therefore lowering their costs; and the technology serves a very mobile population, e.g. it could be used out in the field as long as it is within the range of the antennas. Motion to direct staff to develop the scope and cost associated with the "proof of concept" project and bring back to FEDRAC at its February 22, 2005 meeting. Motion seconded and carried. 4. OTHER None. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 6. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING March 8, 2005 at 5:30 p.m. in the Hylebos Conference Room. 7. ADJOURN Chair Eric Faison adjourned the meeting at 6:58pm. Recorded by Jason Suzaka G \FEDRACIFINCOMMT\2005\O208\O20805 Minutes,doc A-2