AG 90-004 - KING COUNTY DIRECTOR'S ASSOC ,> ,.¡oF. ROM' :.~ I NG CD D I RECTORS A. ... ~. TO: 9412095 ~ 29, 1990 3:25PM ~393 P.03 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 39.3~ RCWand to other provisions of law, the King County D1reotors' Assooiation Purchasing Department, hereinafter called "K.C.D.A.", and the following named publ1o agency of the State of Washington, CUy of Federal W~~ hereinafter called "the þublio agenoy", he~eby agree to cooperative governmental purchasing upon the following te~ms and oond:ttions: J.. K.C.D.A., in oontraoting for the purchase of goods and services for the member public sohool districts, agrees to contract also on behalf of the public agency, to the extent permitted by law and agreed upon by the parties. 2. K.C.D.A. will contract for the pUrchase of goods and services according to the laws and ~egulations governing purchases by and on behalf of the public school system of the State of Washington. The public agency accepts responsibility tor compliance with any additional or varying laws and regulations governing purchases by or on behalf of the public agenoy in question. The public agency reserve$ tho right to contract independently for the purchase of any particular class of goods or services, with or without notice to K.C.D.A. 3. 4. K.C.D.A. re$erves the right to exclude the undersigned public agency, or any 01a5s containing the undersigned publi0 agency, from any particular pu~ohasing contract, with or without notice to the publi0 agency. 5. The pUblic agency agrees to pay for goods and aer~ioea as b1l1ed by K.C.D.A. upon Oompletion of transfer of goods per normal terms as e~tabliehed by K.C.D.A. Any additional expense incurred by K.C.D.A. in regards to any transaotion tor the public agency shall be paid by the publi0 agency. 6. This agreement shall continue in force until cancelled by either party, which cancellation may be effected with or without notioe to the other party. 7. Contaots: A. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Public Agenoy: Name of Individual: Pat Floyd Phone: 941-1696 ."""", ORIGINAL ..' FR~M:KIN~ co DIRECTORS 8c . .-'. TO: Intergovernmental Agreement City of Federal Way Page Two 7. Contacts Con't: B. K.C.D.A. Customer Service Department; Phone= King County Direotors' Purchasing Department 18639 80th Ave. S. P.O. Box 5550 Kent, WA 98064-5550 (206) 251..8115 Assooiation 1i,Æ 21 I tfýo Date '-' 9412095 '. 4ItAN 29, 1990 3:25PM ~393 P.04 Linde. Laah (206) 251...8115 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Pu1)110 Agenoy ---0& . Allen B~ Locke Interim ~~ty Manaq~~ 31~32-28th ~v~nue 8001 Federal Way Address WA 98003 (206) ~4:!.--,1699 ".. Phone. ðL tfj' ~ S:LgnatufÍé - l\,llen B 0 Lockr; 0 Interim-City. ¥an~ger Title 1/31/~Q Date -.. .FROM:KING'CO DfRECTORS A- ~ 29, 1990 3:26PM ~393 P.05 ~'-'nuvl..-~ , FUNCTIO~ TO: 9412095 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Code NAME - ~ Prewtttant/ Dr., Miss S13ht>"O1.-1ttmrd Ms., Mrs., Hr. Interim City Manager 8. Operation/Custodial Dr.. M1$s Superviaor Ms., Mrs., Mr. 9. Ma1Dtenanoe Dr ., Miss Supervisor Ms . t Mrs., Hr. II r 10. Transportation Dr., Miss Superv1eor Ms., HI's., Ml'. 11. Person to notify to arranae piok up Of merchandIse at KCD! or advise ot auto Dr., Mies freIght shipment Ms., Mr.., Mr. ----""I TO Dr., Miss 1lA. Alternate Me ., Mzts., Mr. "'... ,.0. 1. ..'.'---'.,.---- -2. Sup..rtnt.nd.nt Mayor aU.tness Manager or Superintendent for Bus1ne.s 3. If. Pur-obasin¡ 5. Data Prooe880rl Coord1nator Miorooomputer 6. Aoo~unt. Payable 7. Lunohroom Adm1n1strator Mr, Allen B, Locke - 941-1696 ,... Dr., M1ss Me., Mrs., Mt'. Ms, Debra G. Ertel 941-1696 -. , Dr., MIss Ms., Mrs., Mr. ......:.. 1- Dr., M188 Ms., Mrs.. Mr. Mr, Patrick T, Floyd Assistant City Manager (Interim) 941-1696 Dr., Miss Ms't Mrs., Mr. Dr., M188 Hs.. Mrs., Mr. Mr. W. E, Bennett 941-1696 1111::<::.1: 1m 1'111d.Ul;<:: ßln!I.:¡J).{ Dr., Hiss Ms.. Mrs., Mr. ( ) Sh1p auto freight 12. Shipping Instr~Qtione ( ) Call for pick up ( ) Call tor instructions each time ( ) Preferred auto freight carrier ( ) Pre-arranged schedule I -- Mayor Debbie Ertel Interim City Manager Allen Locke 8 8 Council Members Mary Gale~ Jim Handmachcr Joel Mark~ Bob Stead Lynn Templeton Jim Webster CITY OF FED ERAL WAY 31132 281h Avenue South p,O, Box 8057 Federal Way. WA 98003-8057 (206) 941-1696 January 31, 1990 Purchasing Department King County Directors' Association P. O. Box 5550 Kent, WA 98064-5550 Attn: John Neugebauer Asst. General Manager Fiscal Manager Re: Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement Dear Mr. Neugebauer: Enclosed herewith please find the original of the above entitled Agreement properly signed by myself as Interim City Manager. Please furnish us with a completed signed original after approval by your department. Thank you. Very truly yours, CITY OF FEDERAL WAY / "'?J ¡;,/~/ // //.' /. 1/. ~. / . ;/ A, /&-r ~..~ L-. Allen B. Lðcke Interim City Manager ABL: cg Enclosures FROM:KING CO DIRECTORS A~ TO: 9412095 4IÞN 29, 1990 3:25PM ~393 P.03 CAG 90-4 INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 39.3~ ROWand to other provisions of law, the King County D1~eotors' Aasooiation Purchasing Department, hereinafter called "K.C.D.A.", and the following named publi0 agency of the State ot Washington, City of Federal Way hereinafter called "the public agenoy", hereby agree to cooperative governmental purchasing upon the following te~ms and oond:tt1ons: 1. K.C.D.A., 1n oontraoting tor the purchase of goods and serv!oes for the member public school districts, agrees to contract also on behalf of the public agenoYt to the extent permitted by law and agreed upon by the parties. 2. K.C.D.A. will contract for the purchase ot gooda and services according to the laws and regulations governing purchases by and on behalf of the public school system of the State of Washington. The public agency accepts responsibility tor compliance with any additional or varying laws and regulations governing purchases by or on Dohalf of tbe publiC agency in queation. 3. The public agency reserves the right to contract independently tor the purchase or any part1oular class of goods or services, with or without notice to K.C.D.A. 4. K.C.D.A. reserves the right to exclude the undersigned public agency, or any class containing the undersigned public agency, from any pa~t1cular purchasing contract, with or without notice to the public agency. 5. The public agency agrees to pay tor goods and services 88 b1l1ed by K.C.D.A. upon completion of transfer of goods per normal terms as establi$hed by K.C.D.A. Any additional expense incurred by K.C.D.A. 1n regards to any transaction for the publiC agency shall be paid by the public agency. 6. This agreement shall continue 1n force until cancelled by either party, which oanoellation may be effected with or without notice to the other party. 7. Contaots: A. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Public Agenoy: Name ot Individual: Pat Floyd Phone: 941-1696 Approved by City Council at special meeting of 1/30/90 FROM:KING'CO DIRECTORS AS4IÞ TO: Intergove~nmental Agreement City of Federal Way Page Two 7. Contacts Con't: B. K.C.D.A. Cuatomer Service Department: Phone: King County D1~eotors' Purchasing Department 18639 80th Ave. S. P.O. Box 5550 Kent, WA 98064-5550 (206) 251..8115 A~sooiation G~meral Manager Date 9412095 ~ 29, 1990 3:~5PM ~393 P.04 Linde. Laah (206) 251-8115 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Publ10 Agenay Allen B. Locke Interirn~~~tv Man~~~¡ 3ll32-28th Av~nue SooL.Eederal Way, Address WA 98003 (206) 9$1-1699 Phone - ~6'~ S1gnataré . Allen B 0 Locke. Interim-City ~anq.ger Title 1/3l/9Q.. Date FROM:KING'CO DIRECTORS A~ ¡PURCHASING DEPARTMENT KING COUNTY DIRECTORS' ASSOCIATION TO: 9412095 8 29, 1990 3:24PM Iß93 P.02 p,O, 80X 6ð60 I<$NT, WA&HlN(;TON 9D(¡O4.~'.~Q (' ¡"II~ 2H.& 116 J~nUd 'Y ;'9, 1991J Cji Y n," Fdt:f'úl Way <j\';,' 2Üjn i\ve. S. Vi":'- ,;~¡ ~iay, W/\ 98003 A ~..: r' H~. 3heryJ Tr-ents ,. L i '1-., "I'entH; T~".,. -- " (. ¡' YOur' ¡,(;"ant inquiry nboui- lha avwlhli:dl.1ty ¡)f our purQhaslng -' 1'.;:; in 8sa1flttng :,' .. ~>r'gan1:l.[¡tlon in procuring 8uppllðS. Y~lu GebJ), :"'-' H , £';-[1)1] Jar with tt,,',-:,dous1 ;E\m~ made - 'J;;ilable to tho p¡¡bllc Büt,yol '.,8 t pough the A~::1(¡{':LÜ1on. -.', r (¡r1j':fldrrent W88 approved by tho member /:iùr'¡ool distrJal& oíKint'. ,'.',,;üt y {ic--.,::;c:1~t1on that a11om.J 1'01' the A3~~oolatlr:,," too enter bt,C) jnL6;'1.~,-,(¡ì -- ',I:;I'f~'7ment8 wlLh other ¡'¡\.IlJllc~ agencjeH. nil!;; tYI'¡ of <,~.~,;:r:;ç,r.t", Ai. .,.!i;: :..., ~--. ~I. ¡\Jlow¡¡ puldj(' agencies to pùrohaGo items n()rl:¡,'~¡~:. ¡;:'" '::11.:.0,,(' u" \.; ". ¡ c:jr,[. e,;¡ Le:,(11 f (}f the lIlember' school districts through the Ç()ç¡¡-,'n;\ ';d "~I,) siivJngB and ~of'ViCð chal'ges. - ',U H~.1d,le yo;}!' nr'p,anizatlon to utilize those .zer>'Vjoes, the enaloóJed : "-"I ienHnünt~l Gr-'()~H_'!'~Ii,.! v~ Put'chasing AgreemE;lut must be appf'uVðd by yo,¡, g; "1: y ",/1 8ubIl¡1t. \-ell to our orgnuiza tic;-; fOf' ~ÙùAptanoe. Upcm approHd tJi ;".1 , ¡;L't,,;t(il'>~, y,¡ur organlz~tion would bt) (J;1ppHed a complete oa\"¡Üog and I.>t',d ):, r~:B$ ," "" fn~uoJate member. In addition, pleasf3 find encJQ1:H-Jd ii nr.er'.tL;'~., ,,¡ I'¡ j it out and ret., lH, , Jt with y<iu:. ðigned agr'\H~mùnL -,1¡-- ¡IH; HW:< goverr'lri£ the I ':a.sir,g of your' Ot't:I1I;j":'1~ 1'" "'Iii(' IÌH:)~;'~ .~,' i:,,;'tairdr,g ¡i) the ".-:.;iO ¡~ch¡)vl j.!~d..fictß It.'.ul",: -,I ]lity and ¡,;.I I-hat :)f tL~ AEwo(-,latlvI,. ¡I;IV,' any fd,ti,,'T' q\¡.~ßt-lon1~ ",)noel'ning tiv.¡ agrç... j'¡ ,'iO. '1':kl,(.I't.., ':.O¡'.U"¡€iPl"Y",');'"!, '¡ .",:,,(,ly. \, :'.' - .,' , , ' .^. SCHOOL PURCI-IAS,l".., ,~ ;\ ¡ ;. .-.. ï ; V ¡; F ) R B Ii J I .'" .. '. '--I -'~.'~'-'---- . . /...r- '--.... -------.. ~ ------ Supplying Your Needs In These Aleas: "T ;:u 0 3: ^ Z G1 n 0 t=' ~ ;Ð m n -I 0 ;:u ¡n . -----~, '\ Serving l~:s h in gton Paper Supplies. library SuppHes .//~~ "\~ "C-~! , , ~ i Î SChOOlS General Supplies Audio Visual Supplies Word Processing -I 0 PURCHASING COOPERATIVE For Over Custodial SuppHes Food & Lunchroom Supplies 50 First Aid Supplies Physical Educatìon Supplies ill .þ. I-" f\j ISJ 1.D U1 Years Furniture Supplies MechanicaJ Drawing Supplies - f\j 1.D K.C.D.A. t-' Ij) Ij) ISJ Arts & Crafts & Ceramic Supplies Industrial Art Tools & Supplies Lamps ~.L,::'.TrL::'- - .:24-9 j [>(; ! 8639 - 80th AVE. SO. PO. BOX 5550 I<EI'JT. \}/A. 98064-5550 f\j Qi- RENTON - 2ST ~ KENT - 8ì2-63 n UJ- 1.D UJ UJ :;C/:;\"- 2~,2<)3::~ res -0 (S) m I'j .._'-.~- FROM:KING CO DIRECTORS A~ \. , / \ ( "\... \ \ , \, ,.. u.' \', " . ::' ,L l, l) ,U ,.' ¡.. ~.I c. ~ ,'" ,.~ 0 ÌL. ,:. (IJ Ö ~) 0- 'j 1.: v. 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