AG 90-051 - WA STATE DES/CTS (Formerly DIS) Co-op Purchasing Agt.RETURN TO: Thomas Fichtner EXT:2547 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY LAW DEPARTMENT ROUTING FORM 1. ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV: IT 2. ORIGINATING STAFF PERSON: THOMAS FICHTNER ExT: 2547 3. DATE REQ. BY: 04/12/12 4. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (CHECK ONE): ❑ CONTRACTOR SELECTION DOCUMENT (E.G., RFB, RFP, RFQ) O PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT � SMALL OR LIMITED PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ❑ PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT ❑ MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT . ❑ GOODS AND SERVICE AGREEMENT � REAL ESTATE DOCUMENT � ORDINANCE � CONTRACTA NDMENT (AG#): 90-51 "� OTI�R �_� Q.�-i n a 1� Q�Q , ,,�,. ❑ HUMAN SERVICES / CDBG ❑ SECURITY DOCUMENT (E.c. sorm xELATEn Doc�xTS� ❑ RESOLUTION ❑ INTERLOCAL �r�,n — i�1s is 17n LJ �ES cT 5. PROJECT NAME: Washington State DES/CTS (formerly DIS) Cooperative Purchasing Agreement 6. NAME OF CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: SIGNATURE NAME: _TELEPHONE FAX: TITLE 7. EXHIBITS AND ATTACHIVIENTS: ❑ SCOPE, WORK OR SERVICES ❑ COMPENSATION ❑ INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS/CERTIFICATE ❑ ALL OTF�R REFERENCED EXHIBTTS ❑ PROOF OF AUTHORTTY TO SIGN O REQUIRED LICENSES � PRIOR CONTRACT/AMENDMENTS 8. TERM: COMNIENCEMENT DATE: August 1 st, 1990 COMPLETION DATE: Perpetual 9. TOTAL COMPENSATION $ (INCLUDE ExPENSES ADm SALES TAX, IF ANY) (IF CALCULATED ON HOURLY LABOR CHARGE - ATTACH SCHEDULES OF EMPLOYEES TITLES AND HOLIDAY RATES) REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE: ❑�S ❑ No IF' YES MAXIMUM DOLLAR AMOUNT: $ IS SALES TAX OWED ❑ YES ❑ NO IF YES, $ PAID BY: � CONTRACTOR O CTfY ❑ PURCHASING: PLEASE CHARGE TO: 10. DOCUMENT/CONTRACT REVIEW OJECT MANAGER IRECTOR � RISK MANAGEMENT (� �PL�CABLE) , ❑ LAW INIT AL / DATE REVIEWED INITIAL / DATE APPROVED l ��. � � -- -_ _ a��' 11. COUNCIL APPROVAL (IF APPLICABLE) COMMITTEE APPROVAL DATE: COUNCIL APPROVAL DATE: 12. CONTRACT SIGNATURE ROUTING � SENT TO VENDOR/CONTRACTOR DATE SENT: DATE REC'D: � ATTACH: SIGNATURE AUTHORITY, INSURANCE CERTIFICATE, LICENSES, EXHIBITS ❑ LAW DEPARTMENT ❑ SIGNATORY (MAYOR OR DIIZECrOR) O CITY CLERK ❑ ASSIGNED AG# ❑ SIGNED COPY RETURNED COMNIENTS: INITIAL / DAT'E SIGNED AG# D"Q�1� A -- DATE SENT: �• �� � ►2 il/9 .� . " _ � �A� 9�-sf DEPARTMENT OF INFQRMATION SERVICES CUS70MER SERVICE AGREEMENT CONTRACT NUMBER THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day oi , t9 ,. by and betwoen tha Depanment of Information Services� Ixated at 111a S,E. Jetferson Street� NAS: PC-11, Olympia� Wa�hington. 985p4, refened to in this agraement as "DIS" and CtTY OF FEDERAL WAY referred to hera as the "Customer." The Departmerrt of Intormation ServicBa (DIS) is 'authorized under RCW 43.105 to provida information services, This Customer Services Agreement (CSAy ie the interagency agreement under which DIS provides senrices to the Customer. The CSA descr'bes the qaneral temt: and conditions applPcabla to any sarvice providad by DIS. DtS services will be prov�ed according ta an order supplement afgned by the Cuatamar and DIS under the ganaral terms ot this Agreament. Order supplements wiil be pravided by the DIS service provider and diNe� depending upan the �ervice oitering. Each order supplement wilf include the nature of the specifc sarvices to be pravided� ihe term� tha cost of such services from the then-cunent rate scheduie. and any other torms and conditions applicabie to that servico. For p�ogramming and consulting services. the order supplement will include a specific St�tement ot Work to be performed.� The Statement of Wo�lc shalt be used to define the Customer information services work to be perfonned by thg DIS. Atl orci�er supptements are incorporated as addenda ta this Customer Service Agreemgnt. The parties aqree as follows: 1. CU570fUER PAYNENTO� S�RVICE CHARC�S SERVIC� CHARGES - Charges fOf 96NIC6S provided by DIS wili be based on the currrrnt published DIS �ate �chedule. plus the cost of all materials rolated to providing the services, as described in ths order aupplement. Rate sahedules are subject to change. The current published . rate schedule supersedes �nd reptaces all previous published rate scheduies. ESTIMATE3 - DIS can pravide� upon Customer request, an estimated cost tor sorvlces (service estim�tte order supplemant). The estimate is not a guawantsed cosL The CusWmar agrees to pay acwai use charges, whether or not the scope of eftort is compl+�ted within the estimated period. DtS agraee to notify Custome� as soon as passfble when and if tho estimated total will be exceeded, and Customsr may terminate the service estimate order supploment, paying only for effo�t expended at that time. Ati other order supplements are terminated in aacordance with sectian three, TERMINATION. TAXES - The amounts pa,yablo for services under #�is Agreement, generaliy� do not includo any amaunt �for taxes, if DIS is required to pay sales or uss tax in. order to provids the service. such taxes will be added to Customer charges. PAYMENT - DtS will send Customer a monihly invoice detailing charges for any services rendarsd by D{S during the p�eceding month. Payment is due upon receipt of invotce by Customer and becomes in default 30 days thereafter. Paqe � � of !+ CoMroCts Off(c8 11y0 SE JeNerson Street Mafi Sbp PC-11 Olympla, WA 98504-8111 Telephone (20fi) 586-1799 or 586-4917 � � � �.. A late payment charge may be apptied against any remaining balance 60 days after date oi the invoice. Late payment charge� if any, wil! be imposed on the unpaid baiance at a periodic rate nat ta exceed the monthly irttarest rate paid by the state treasurer. pgreements with balances more than 90 days past due can k�e terminated under the 1'ERMtNATION provisbn of thia Agresment. Amounts . under clispute/appea! by Gustomer are not aubject to a late payment charge. r 1.„ �. I.i r: N;u�: 7�:►1��: :h:+���r�.1 This AgroemeM is eflective on the date of acceptance by Customer and nmains in full fores and eHect uritil torminated by either party in accordancs with the TERMINATI�N provGaton. 1�: ,��I. : 1�•n Et�C1'IVE TERMINATION - Either Customer o� DIS may terminate thia Agreement or �ny work covered by an order supp(ement with 90 days vimtte� no�ca to the othor pany. TERMfNATtON FOA CAUSE - It for eny cause, Customer or DIS does nat tuNili in a tirnely and proper manne� ita pertormanae obligations under this Agre�ment� or ii either party violates any of these tenns and oonditions or warranties, then the ag�rieved party will give the other party written notice of suah tailure or violation. 7he �esponsible party will correct the vinfatiori or fafiure within 15 working days. li the tailure or violation ia not cor�ectad. this Agroement may be terminated immadiately by written notica from ths aggrte�►ed party to the othor party. � Upon te�mination of this Agceement, Customer wflt pay any charges for services which may bs due. TERMiNATIC�N OF AN ORDER SUPP�EMENT - SArvic� specifled M the ordsr supplemer�t may be tenninated by either party for the reasons and in the manner outllned abova. �� 1 : * ► �� 11 : �u � The Cuatomer and D13 agres that the following remediea and limitations of liabilily wiil apply to the services provided under this Customer. Service Agreerrwrn, urtiass othervvise agreed by tho partios. . NONCONFORMING {NFORMATION SERVICE3 - For any intormation sorvives whiah tail to conform to.the aqreed upon terms and conditions and ��e caused solely by the negtigence of DIS� there wi!{ be no charge tor the services in question. If both parties are negfigent. the� parties agree t� �appartion the damage attributed to its actions. Customer wiil be solely reaponsible for any damages caused in whole or in part by inaccurate or inadequate input data; prografns� or aoitware fumished by Customer to DIS. � LOSS OR DAMAGE TO CU3TOMER SUPPLt�D DATA - For any loss or damage io Custome� supplied data or programs due to negligence on the part of DIS employaes, DIS' liabiliry fo� sucti loss and damage shall be limitad to the replacement or regeneration of lost a� damaged data irom Customer's supporting materPaf. Customer will retain sufflcient su�orting material� as specified in the order supplement, to enabte DIS to regenerate card. tape� or disc fites, p�inter Page Z of � .• -- � output. or any other data turnished to D!S by Customer. EQUIPMENT DAMAGE -�or arry equipment damaged as the result of negligence by either party. that party wilt be obligated to repalr ar repiace that equipment. If both parties are negligent, parties wilt agree to apportion the damage attributed to its actions. APPLICATIDN PROQRAMS/SYSTEMS - Computer application programs/systems fumished to Customer by DIS at no charge to Customer are fumished on an `as is' basis with no repressntations rega�dinq its use or resutts. �� DAMAGES - Neither DtS nor Customer will seek damages� either direci o� consequential. against each othe�r in adclition to the remedies stated herein. ��:il:le�7:�:i�'Z�� „ Customer and DI3 agree that in the event OIS is found liah�a tor damages to thin! pa�tios as a reault at the performancw of services under this Agresment� Customer and DIS witl ba tinanoially responsible for the portion of damages attributabls to its own acts and responsibilities under this Agreemen� � i� �: .r � •, NOTICE - Customer will promptly notify . DIS of disputes regarding invoices. or of servicss which Customer believes do not coniorm with the agreed upon terms of this Agreement or an order supplement within 30 days of receipt of invoice or pe�formance of services. Failure to object and give written notice withln 30 days after receipt of invoice or peNormance o1 seroices constitutes a waiver of any objecdon to services or disputes abc�ut payment DISPUTE RESOL.UTtON - Questions of fact arising from this Agreement which aannot be resolved by Customer and DIS will be resolved according to the Information Services Board Policy and Procedure far Dispute Resolution. The parttes agree to proceed diligently with ttw porformanca o� servicaa requested unde� any c�der supplement whi4e any dispute is pending. Neithar DIS nor Customer wiH sue the othsr tor claims arising from disputas conceming paymant. This shall not preclude, however� DIS irom pursuing coliection actions N nocsssary to recover charges for services. . , �JIC � �: i; r���l�l.. � \ � w �� Any records. documents. or oiher property of Cusiomer, in any modium, wh�h are fumishod by Customer to DI3, wiii remain the property of Custame� anless otherwise agreed, . DIS will not disciose or make avaitable this matarial to any third parties without authorization by Customer. Ail public records requests regarding Custamer materiat will be reterred to Customer tor response. Customer wli! reimburse pIS tor any faes assessed to compty with Pubiic Records Act under RCW 42.17. � DtS will utilize reasonable security procedures and project(ons to assure that Customer materiai is not diaalosed to �third parties. ���lt-f� :► �..� ASSIaNMENT - This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without the written Page 3 of 4 � � LJ 9. cansent of the partias. .. WAIVER - If a breach at a provision is waived for a particular transaction or occurrenca� it does not mean that the same breaah wtll be waived tor a subaequent similar transaction or occurrettce. SEVERABILITY - If any term or condition of ihis Agreement or application thereof to any person(s} ar circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shalt not aneat other terms. conditians or applications which can be givan eNect without the invalid term. condition or application. � NOTICES - Atl notices and communications which may be required by this Agreenrern shalt be in writing and �sent (if to the D13) to: Department of informatio� Services 1110 S.E. Jatte�son St�est, MS: PG11 . . Olympla� Washington 985a4-8111 Attention: Cont�acts Otfice Md if to the Custom'� ta: AMENDMENT31MODIFICATIONB - This Agroement may be modii'bd or amendod by tho mutuat written consQnt af .the parties. Terma and conditions apocitied in an �smandmeM will havo precedence over the terms and condi�ons specified in this parent Agreement. 4RGANIZATION GHANC3E3 - In the avent Customer change�, within its organization� any fac�t ot business which cor�srns this Agreement, Customer wiii notity DI3 in wtiting within 3o days. CONFLICTS - M the casq of . a conflict betwean thi� Agreement and order suppl�menb issued tor business covered by the terms and conditions hereunder� the terms ct this Agreement will prevail. ,r J : ► �� The parties acknowledge that they have read� unde�stand and agree to this Agraement, includinq any supplements or attachmenta. The parties turther agree that this Agreement co�stitutes the entire agreament between them and supersedes all other communications (writton or oral) related to the subject matter ot this Agreement. « :�� .�� l�:.i � �:� t � �.1:.�.�_:l QEP OF NVFORMATION SERViCES �s�an� Deputy Director, D!S TiTLE �� ��Q Feb rua ry 26, 1990 DATE : DATE (DIS 010 � Paqe 4 u# �► � �i��=; ° `��t�' � [�!� Z'I� / F . - . Washington State , : - :. - - � ��:;: Departxrierit� Informatiori.Sei�v�ic�es.�-_� -: �.-_ ��// °. .. ` � Serviccs .. -',,. ��.� .�. � ��. � ; � �. Tetecommunications ServicES "'. " ,� .i;� , . +� . • , . _ � � ,. � ' s+++i . . }. . . . ' .. ..� . LISSY Y.J.LLk J ' . : Professtonaf OfEica System (PAO�S) . , . - �,SCAN :,. ::,. �,: :�:� :-. : : ": � : �: < �:• � .. �.� _ � . . � : � Basic PROFS Service _�-= � ; �-. . . . 25A0 Use�lmonth :`: ;: � ; Calls to locat�ons within Washington 5tate -;',:Ij .`.�;..' ;��,�:: �_.:;`. :,.;.,.;^ •;�Additional Storage �� - `5.00 =1.7 MB/montF� �• � S:(10 AM - 5:0� PM � ;`�' } - � ��� .� :Y� Minuto _= .:, -_ . - - - - - .t: : � - :x.�:.,-.: =: O tlona! Hel Desk: - - :��:: .:: ;.: :.`: �� �` '� ° After 5:00 i'M and beiare 8:00 AM •:10 i e:,�• P P - - - - .M nut �t °�: . . � - �' ' , 'r • •�r':.'...,--,^ ''ti"�-�'.o.+.r T `' : �� � Caits outside Washington State', _ s::i,:; t, .,Based on-,-�:`� --, .: l.ess than 20 use�s ':'50A0 �:age�cy/mcnlh , :: •::=. :y _. . : . - �� '�.+'�� . :_ ;.. , . � . •�, i,�". �:�i::�^M1.. . :. • � '� Groups of 100 users�(or #ractions) �� �.100.00 : a e /month <; =: ;:i': - = ::: - �::;:: ` '�:�` � ;,-. ;; > _` : distance arid .=`,,: ; . . , 9 �' .,� --_ - ..:•,.;�,.� _ _ - ;:f .:.. -� � _ _ _ .�;y:r,. -c� �Cansultirt ttai i r i �.: � :.'�:" ' - , g( n ng o ramm er uote or ., �'i': - ::; ; time ot da =�:; /P 9 n9) �.B q - ..- Y. .. . . � � - ... • ',�� >,:-;.:. . . . � contract _ .,tntemational i�lls .. ... - '• 1.55 , Minute � :: -• . -• ,-. .. :. :-. . - - .. _ .. ;�r:��=, ':r::�. ,,, . . . , �.. : _ -':._. . . ..:'::. � .•..� , , . , - �s:. �,�� , ., . . _.� .:•,. �, . .,,. ..:: .-�: ' . _ _ . . , . . . "� ' L.egistativ� Information 5ystem (US) . � ' , . ; . . Exchanga �S�rvices . . . _ � . ":T: >; _ • LtS Service � . . • : :: , 150.00� UseNmonth . • � • Centrat Otfice Se►vlces (US West focationsj �- . "�' � . . ���; �::':. :: - � �. .. . � �. . _ - _ , • ' - 8eattle 464, Tacoma . .. . .. - 21.75 .Line/month - � •.SMART (Volar Meaaagttig) � � : ".. .:7.95 User/month� - -'• c7tympia.'Lacey. Seattle 5A5. � - :�;= ;a - - . _ - �` Same teatureg may require" . . . : . .-_ -. . v . .`Ssattl� 721; Seadtie 764� 5pak�ne � ; 25.00 . Une/moath ��.=:; . instatlation charges � : � � ' .. _ � _.'__ .• Bremerton; Chehatis. Puyatl,up� � �. � .: '•; r:. - .. . . . . . . _ . _ ..i:: • Yakima :' . .. . . '. = 27.50 � Linalrnonih � . �Muiti-Us�r S �oms �, . : � � ��:� � = � Aubu � � ''. �• . •,° -� ' � yham,.. . .yst ' m Beilevue �Bellin ' .:;.� '"�':.. _ • Property Managemant System (PMS) . .�:"��: . ' � ... `= Kant� Pasco. Renton. Vancawe► �. �33.00 �Line/month� -.� "' • 8atch Procossing `. � .. � .. � .08 Page • - � � � • other centrai ofi"�e locationa . � .. : Per guote . , • • Records (BARS) � . � , . . .15 Record/mo. ' ', .:: • P8X . � . . . .' ° . . . . � . Fer q�te � � . � Records (Non-SARS} . :. . . .. �.03 Record/mo. . � . • Eoreign Exchange , . � � �: .�� Per q�te ;:_ i °`_ ` 'k ':;: �Phased rata esc�lation b .is t�wn ��i :o sn�s2 � :- ,?: ,- �i - _ <:: • � . . �-_ .: - ;, .t •�, � t{: .. r . ' _'t'• :: . . .. . . _ • 11 �;„a � Consumaiales inventory �_ - .;;�. � :;;; = :;::��.:, ; Tott (long Distanci � _ . . :;� ; ::r.: •Dkec� i�ta for. ..,�.�..'. . c. .• :1: • � 'r ' .. ..�4,'� � • . _ ,♦ +'• Transadbn �+,..w� _ �z_.n',r: � .: .,t .a : -ti�';?.�:'e ''::.`.'",_•.': ,_ s - ��� • ;;�,..�t ...;:- : 21 •Rsmissued��:•=�:: ��Y.. ���• ��-=,,°,-•.;: � -'�_�:: •.bng�distance � - _ _ , i . •,t�,,.,,.... i;i. � ��ttem on tile =�';•i'° - . . - - `�,23 item :_;::.` : D[r�cto Pubttcatlons� . ` - .. ::;;. " �,`. 4.20 Book ind. ah' - - - � �-- � �' ry -' ;:. ( �- ` � �� . Sudget Preparation �System 1(8PS Ij ...:.1;; �.:i �_��; •':; ..,; r��::� , Avaiiable from GA CeMrai'Stores � - :��;;i:�;,�trig � handlin9) x : < �. �.;.:^ . :;:':: - ' ' 'z_.: "'' � - �Acces.s �. . .. _. . , . :=35.0o Mo th t �s � �� _ :: �. _ .::��, :::;= � �: - =,�. . ��.:'- n pu .;�. �:�:'- .. _.._ �:.�. .. �¢• - .,���� .�.. • . - .: ;• � - :. - - - _ :`�":: � ,:. . _ .. . . . .. • :�.'- •. �:�: r;. .. . ., , . � ; - . _ :K. `: -:,: _: .::: . ...... . . ..... . .... •-: : . . _ _ ..... .. ,.. .:�. �- :: ,. . , t .. ;:, � ::.:��;"•;_; � CiCS charges� '� '� Canie ncs _Cailing �;-- t-3.76 � Pauticipant ;._,., ..,... . , ,:: ;.:..:,; . • . .:: . .•:�. s�� i -i . � - r•r . .-� :s-ri< . . �..�: . ....� .. � . ` . � ..�t,�" _ ^ � - . • �N • .��:�'i'.i'-'r1u:•'ii.�' $t0 6 . _ - . �. .O4 , R8C0 .. . � . ra9 - rd/ma � -.��: ;.::;::::;:�: � . �,�y' � "�-` -^f" .. 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PtiMing ts exduded hom wmatound and shiR :, �lG+ N/A . ]A � :8 .� ' � dtacounts. � . . ��: � _ D �, STATd. p 4 _ '� � V� � �2` ��'� 1889 �� STATE QF WASHWGTON �;�. ^ �v 7v" � � � - - _ DEPARTMENT �F INFORMATION 5ERVICES 11 �0 S. Jefferson • lefferson B►dg. • MS PC=77 . �/yrr�ia, Washington 9i8504-8117 . (2Q6) 586-4903 Dear Department of Informatfon Services Cusiomer: Under RCW 43.105 the Department of Information Services (DlS) is authorized to provide computer, telecommunications, and professional servlces to state agenaies and palitical subdivisions of W�shington state. For the benefit of our Customers, we have created a Custortwr Service Agreeme�t which descrlbes the general terms and conditions under which our agency.00nducts business and serves all Customers. Enclosed please �nd a capy of this agreement. The Customer Service Agreement wil{ serve as the basic interagency agreement under whfch D13 provides alf services to the Customer. This document dascribes the genera) terms and conditions applicable to any service offering provided by the department Specific services� requirin� additlonal terms and conditions. wil! be provided pursuant to an Order Supplement. Order Supptements will function as appendices to the Custamer Service Agreement. For example, many ot you will soon receive a new Centrai Office Services arder Supplement as part of tha comrersion to Centron Custom in U.S. Wesrs service area. This Customer Servlce Agreement supersedes and replaces ali previous basic aervice agreemsnts offered by DIS during the past iwo ysars or any of tts predecessor organizations including Service Center One; Service Center Three; Generai Administration� Telecommunicatlnns Diviston, or the Data Processing Autho�ity. The new Customer Service Agresment does not� howeve�� cancel or replace current coniractuat clocuments retated to specifio DIS services. merr�orandums of understanding� or statements of work. These contractual documents wili oontinue in fuil force and effect and will be regarded as appendices to the new Customer Service Agreement. � It ia the Policy of the Dapartment of Infortnation Services to execute a Customer Service Agreement with each Customer to ensure both parties have a clear understandtng of how ths depa�rtment conducts business. To this end, 1 have enclosed an executed copy of the new DIS Customer Service Agreement. 7he enclased Agreement shouid be signed, by an individual with the authority to contractuaHy obligate your organization� and retumed as soon as possibie. If you have any qu�tions about tlte abovo matter� please call Jeanette Sevedge-App at 586-4917 or (3CAN 321-4917). Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. S1n ely, , . Dennis Jon epury Directo� Department o nfom►ation Service� DJ:JS: js Enclosure Ctr. 2/26/90 �3 FINAL BILL REPORT ESSB 5931 PARTIAL VETO C43L11E1 Synopsis as Enacted Brief Description: Reorganizing and streamlining central service functions, powers, and duties of state government. Sponsors: Senate Committee on Ways & Means (originally sponsored by Senators Baumgartner and Zarelli). Senate Committee on Ways & Means House Committee on Ways & Means Background: Washington State has several central service agencies that primarily provide services to other state ageneies and occasionally local governments and nonprofits. Devartment of General Administration�GAl. GA provides support services to state agencies, and other entities such as schools, local governments, higher education institutions, and nonprofits. Services provided by GA include purchasing and contracting for goods and services, lease management, facility and grounds maintenance, constxuction project management, state motor pool, operation of the consolidated mail services, adoption of state building code, and oversight of bidding procedures. Office of Public Printer (Printer� The Printer was established in 1854 and provides printing and binding for a wide range of agency documents. The Printer may subcontract printing to a private vendor under some circumstances. In those cases, the Printer may apply a 5 percent markup. Current law requires the Printer to charge the actual cost for print jobs but those costs may not exceed the prices listed in the Franklin Pricing Guide. Department of Personnel (DOP� DOP manages the state's civil services system since creation by initiative in 1960. Civil service law applies to all state agencies, institutions of higher education, boards and commissions and each employee, unless expressly excluded or exempted by law. DOP duties include oversight and administration of the civil service system and administration and operation of the central personnel payroll system. The Director of DOP is responsible for adopting rules regarding disciplinary and other employee action, transfers, training and career development, sick leave and vacations, layoffs and reemployment, salary schedules and performance evaluations. The Public Employment Relations Commission manages collective bargaining provisions, including the determination of appropriate bargaining units within any agency. This analysis was prepared by non partisan legislative staff for the use of legislative members in their deliberataons. This analysis is not a part of the legislation nor does it constitute a statement of legislative intent. Senate Bill Report - 1- ESSB 5931 Office of Financial Mana ement ,OFMI. OFM was established in 1969 as a division of the Office of the Governor. The general duties of OFM including planning and coordination in the preparation of budgets, accounting functions, research related to the state and federal census, preparation of fiscal notes, oversight of the state's risk management, and management of personal service contracts. Department of Information Services (DISI. DIS provides technology-based services to state agencies and local governments. The Director of DIS is responsible for managing the functions of DIS, as well as serving as the state's Chief Information OfFicer (CIO). DIS provides a variety of services including telecommunications and computing services, procurement of technology equipment through master contracts, and information technology (IT� support. DIS must charge a fee sufficient to fully recover all costs associated with providing its services. State agencies may procure information technology services through DIS, but are not required to do so. The Information Services Board (ISB) is staffed by DIS and provides authorization and oversight for managing large IT projects. ISB is tasked with developing state IT standards, governing acquisitions, reviewing and approving statewide IT strategic plans, and developing statewide technical polices. The members of ISB include state agencies and members of the Legislature. Civil Service and Collective Bar ai�rilrig. The state civil service law establishes the state's personnel administration system. Civil service rules apply to non-represented classified employees. These rules may be superseded by collective bargaining agreements for represented employees. State collective bargaining law provides for bargaining by the Governor and representatives of classified employee bargaining units. Collective bargaining agreements must be submitted to OFM by October l, and to the Legislature as part of the Governor's budget proposal. The Legislature must accept or reject the request for funds necessary to implement the agreements as a whole. Summary: Many of the central service agencies are significantly reorganized and two new state agencies are created, the Deparirnent of Enterprise Services (DES) and the Consolidated Technology Services (CTS). Part 1- Creation of DES. DES is tasked with providing products and services to support state agencies, other governmental entities, and nonprofits. DES is an executive branch agency and the director is appointed by the Governor and subject to confirmation by the Senate. DES assumes the following responsibilities: • all roles and responsibilities of GA and the Printer; • risk management and oversight of personal service contracts from OFM; • training and career development, oversight of the payroll system, and many other basic functions of DOP; and • purchase of wireless devices and digital signature authority from DIS. Senate Bill Report - 2- ESSB 5931 Additionally, OFM must examine on a biennial basis which services within DES might be performed by the private sector. Until June 30, 2018, OFM will select up to six activities each biennium for DES to competitively bid to the private sector. If a service cannot be provided at a lower rate or more efficiently, OFM will notify DES to cancel the bid. If the bid is canceled, OFM must notify the legislative fiscal committees. OFM must report on the results of these examinations biennially and the legislative fiscal committees must hold a public hearing on the reports. The Joint Legislative and Audit Review Committee (JLARC) will conduct a study of the implementation of contracting for services at DES and report to the Legislature by January 1, 2018. DES must also examine state procurement practices and report on recommendations for improvement by December 31, 201 l. Part 2- Powers and Duties Transfer from GA to DES. GA is eliminated as a state agency and all of its powers and duties are assigned to DES. Provisions regarding bid processes are revised to require that all purchases require formal sealed bids and exceptions to formal bid direct buy purchases are added. T'he DES director is required to establish policies annually to define bid criteria and limits. Part 3- Powers and Duties Transfer from the Public Printer. The State Printer's powers and duties are transferred to the DES. State agencies are no longer required to use the State Printer. If a print job is solicited, then DES must be included. Bids must encourage the use of recycled paper and biodegradable ink. Printing that contains sensitive or personally identifiable information must be done by DES or, if contracted, a confidentiality agreement must be included in the printing contract. DES must provide printing services on a cost recovery basis. State agencies are required to consult with DES regarding economic and efficient options for printing jobs. DES will issue guidelines for agencies to manage their print operations. DES will prepare recommendations regarding agency specific print shops. DES will broker print management contracts for state agencies. All agencies with 1000 FTEs or more will utilize print management services. These print management contracts must result in savings. OFM may authorize an exemption from this requirement. All agencies with 500 FTEs or more must consult with DES to standardize the use of envelopes. Part 4- Powers and Duties Transferred from GA to DES. DOP is eliminated and its powers and duties divided between OFM and DES. DES will receive the majority of DOP's responsibilities including training, and career development, and oversight of the payroll system. DES is responsible for job classification activities. Other functions currently performed by DOP are transferred to OFM. These functions include creating broad personnel policies, compensation and salary scheduling, and prescription of training provisions for supervisory or management positions. Part 5- Powers and Duties Transferred from OFM to DES. Risk management and personal services contracting oversight activities are transferred from OFM to DES. Part 6- Powers and Duties Transferred from DIS. DES is authorized to receive funding from the Data Processing Revolving Account as DIS will no longer exist as a state agency. High- speed Internet programs are moved to the Department of Commerce. Senate Bill Report - 3- ESSB 5931 Part 7- Creation of the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIOI. OCIO is created within OFM. OCIO is responsible for the preparation and implementation of a strategic IT plan and enterprise architecture (EA) for the state. OCIO must work towards standardization and consolidation of IT infrastructure, establish standards and policies for EA, and educate and inform the state on IT matters. CIO is appointed by the Governor and subject to confirmation by the Senate. OCIO will prepare a biennial state performance report on IT, evaluate current IT spending and budget requests, and oversee major IT projects including procurements. An 13-member Technology Services Board (TSB) is created. The TSB will consist of eight members appointed by the Governor and four legislators. Three of the Governor's appointees must be representatives of state agencies or institutions, and three representatives must be from the private sector. Of the state agency representatives, at least one must have direct experience using the soflware projects overseen by the TSB or reasonably expect to use the new software developed under the oversight of the TSB. Two non-voting members with IT expertise must be appointed by the Governor: (1) a representative of a state agency bargaining unit that will be selected from a list of names submitted by each of the general government exclusive bargaining representatives; (2) a representative of local governments that will be selected from a list of names submitted by commonly recognized local government organizations. The CIO will be a member of the TSB and serve as chair. The TSB will: • review and approve standards and procedures developed by the OCIO governing the acquisition and disposition of equipment, proprietary software and purchased services, licensing of radio spectrum by or on behalf of state agencies, and confidentiality of computerized data; • review and approve statewide or interagency technical policies, standards, and procedures developed by the OCIO; • review and approve standards and common specifications for new or expanded telecommunications networks proposed by agencies, public postsecondary educational institutions, educational service districts, or providers of K-12 information technology services; • develop a policy to determine whether a proposed product or service should undergo an independent analysis prior to being submitted for inclusion in any proposed operating, capital, or transportation budget; • review, approve and provide oversight of major IT projects to ensure that no major IT project is approved or authorized funding without consideration of the technical and financial business case for the project; provide a forum to solicit external input on IT developments, enterprise architecture, standards, and policy development; and • provide a forum where IT plans, policies, and standards can be reviewed. Agencies are required to submit IT portfolios and are required to co-locate servers within the state data center. OCIO will assess agencies ability to utilize CTS and develop a strategy for increase agency use of CTS. Senate Bill Report - 4- ESSB 5931 Part 8- Creation of CTS. A majority of service provision duties are transferred from DIS to CTS including server hosting and network administration, telephony, security administration, and email. Positions within the CTS related to systems integration, data center engineering and management, network systems engineering and management, information technology contracting, information technology customer relations management, and network and systems security can be made exempt. Senior experts in enterprise IT infrastructure, engineering, or systems can also be made exempt. The CTS may contract for services related to operation and management of the State Data Center, if they are approved by the TSB. The TSB may approve contracting for other services and activities if those services are recommended by the CIO through a business plan. Votes on Final Passage: First Special Session Senate 29 18 House 54 42 (House amended) Senate 31 13 (Senate concurred) Effective: October l, 2011. December 31, 2011 (Section 462). January 1, 2012 (Sections 109, 448 and 732). Partial Veto Summary: The Governor vetoed a requirement that the State Auditor conduct a performance audit of the consolidated state data center. Sections related to transferring the Education Research Data Center from OFM to the Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program Committee are also vetoed. Senate Bill Report - 5- ESSB 5931 DES Organizational Chart Personnel Services Scott Turner Training Employee Assistance Program Employee Service Center Recruitment Business Resources Phil Grigg Motor Pool Consolidated Mail Printer Materials Management / Surplus Production Services F III I Tom Henderson Asset Management Real Estate Senrices Buildings 8 Grounds Engineering & Architectural Services Internat Facilities Deputy Director Jane Rushford Director Joyce Turner Communications Steve Valandra (Acting) (Recruiting) Government � Cop�muni�y Relations Tim Gugerty Legislative Relations Visitor Services Customer Management Terry �Ison Small Agency HR Deputy Director Lynne McGuire Finance Bob Van Schoorl Small Agency Client Services Ro Marcus Enterprise Contracts State Procurement Legal Affairs Risk Management Internal Contract Printer Contracts lnformation Services Dawn Tatman HRMS Financial Systems Internal Application Services Nefinrork Infrastructure Integration Comp Cent Web Services Small Agency IT Services Tech Acquisition Services Policy Planning & Performance Martin Casey Internal Audit Emergency Management Building Code Council Rules Statewide Facilities Planning Process Improvement Assistance Director Consolidated Technology Seroices Mike Ricchio Confidential Secretary aurel McMillan Administrative Assistant 5 Christie Turper r- Administrative Assistant 4 Sandy Kerr Secretary Senior Brenda Calma Secretary Senior Toni Backstrom Telecommunicetion Services Michael Mertel Assistant Director Management Services Connie Robins Govemment Rela Oificer Blake Chard Deputy Director CTS Christy Ridout �, See Additional �,� Charts � a �_ �� � , ,, ; �. 3. �� ��£ � Agency Technology �apital Projects Services Sally Alhadeff CuAis Sneddon Security Services Agnes Kirk Business Anelyst Tam Dang Project Analyst Ron Costi Service Portfolio Anayst Cammy Webster CTS Org Chart for WebA.vsd d Finance Officer Zeyne Elrod Human Resources Officer Shelice Cook Stretegic Sourcing Enterprise Projects Manager and Special Heidi Brownell Projects Laura Parma Chief Legal Services Officer Rebekah 0'Hara HR Consultant Contracts Keri Mizell Contracts Attomey Specialist Michael Callahan Danielle Mortenson HR Consultant Amy GoodaiHt Contracts Contracts Specialist Specialist Susan Steele Diane Vemon Service Levei Agreements Tram Sheahan Computing Services Wendy Huff Communications Officer Kim Schmanke State Data Center Dan Mercer 3/27/2012 2:51:54 PM 3.10 NOTICES - All notices and communications which may be required by this Agreement sha11 be in writing and sent: If to CTS, to: Consolidated Technology Services Attention: Contracts Coordinator PO Box 41501 Olympia, WA 98504-1501 Phone: (360) 407-8770 FAX: (360) 586-1414 E-Mai1:CTSC SA@cts.wa.gov If to DES, to: Department of Enterprise Services Attention: Master Contracts Administratar PO Box 42445 Olympia, WA 98504-2445 Phone: (360) 407-8766 E-Mail: jolena.missildine@des.wa.gov and if to Customer, to: City of Federal Way Attention: IT Manger 33325 8�' Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003 Phone: (253) 835-2555 Fax: (253) 835-2509 '" ., ~~,iJì-':: ~¡.;~ '.-.." :0 .-, 8 8 {lll{;- 9"-51 DEPARTMENT OF- INFORMATION SERVICES CUSTOMER SERVICE AGREEMENT CONTRACT NUMBER THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this - day of . 19-, by and between the Department of Information Services, located at 1110 S.E. Jefferson Street, MS: PC-11, Olympia. Washington, 98504, referred to in this agreement as ~DIS~ and CITY OF FEDERAL WAY referred to here as the ~Customer.~ The Department of Information Services (DIS) is 'authorized under RCW 43.105 to provide information services. This Customer Services Agreement (CSA) Is the Interagency agreement under which DIS provides services to the Customer. The CSA describes the general terms and conditions applicable to any service provided by DIS. DIS services will be provided according to an order supplement signed by the Customer and DIS under the general tE!rms of this Agreement. Order supplements will be provided by the DIS service provider and differ depending upon the service offering. Each order supplement will include the nature of the specific services to be provided, the term, the cost of such services from the then-current rate schedule, and any other terms and conditions applicable to that service. For programming and consulting services, the order supplement will include a specific Statement of Work to be performed. The Statement of Work shall be used to define the Customer Information services work to be performed by the DIS. All order supplements are incorporated as addenda to this Customer Service Agreement. The parties agree as follows: 1 . CUSTOMER PAYfvENT OF SERVICE CHARGES SERVICE CHARGES - Charges for services provided by DIS will be based on the current published DIS rate schedule, plus the cost of all materials related to providing the services, as described in the order supplement. Rate schedules are subject to change. The current published - rate schedule supersedes snd replaces all previous published rate schedules. ESTIMATES - DIS can provide, upon Customer request, an estimated cost for services (service estimate order supplement). The estimate is not a guaranteed cost. The Customer agrees to pay actual use charges, whether or not the scope of effort is completed within the estimated period. DIS agrees to notify Customer as soon as possible when and if the estimated total will be exceeded, and Customer may terminate the service estimate order supplement, paying only for effort expended at that time. All other order supplements are terminated In accordance with section three, TERMINATION. TAXES - The amounts payable for services under this Agreement, generally. do not include any amount for taxes. If DIS is required to pay sales or use tax in order to provide the service, such taxes will be added to Customer charges. PAYMENT - DIS will send Customer a monthly invoice detailing charges for any services rendered by DIS during the preceding month. Payment is due upon receipt of invplce by Customer and becomes In default 30 days thereafter. Page ....!- of ~ 1110 SE Jefferson Street Mall Stop PC-11 Contracts Office Olympia, WA 98504-8111 Telephone (206) 586-1799 or 586.4917 8 8- A late payment charge may be applied against any remaining balance 60 days after date of the invoice. Late payment charge, if any, will be imposed on the unpaid baiance at a periodic rate not to exceed the monthly Interest rate paid by the state treasurer. Agreements with balances more than 90 days past due can be terminated under the TERMINATION provision of this Agreement. Amounts under dispute/appeal by Customer are not subject to a late payment charge. 2. TERM OF THE CUSTOM:R SERVICE AGREEMENT This Agreement Is effective on the date of acceptance by Customer and remains in full force and effect until terminated by either party in accordance with the TERMINATION provision. 3. TERMINATION ELECTIVE TERMINATION. Either Customer or DIS may terminate this Agreement or any work covered by an order supplement with 90 days written notice to the other party. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE - If for any cause, Customer or DIS does not fulfill in a timely and proper manner Its performance obligations under this Agreement, or if either party violates any of these terms and conditions or warranties, then the aggrieved party will give the other party written notice of such failure or violation. The responsible party will correct the violation or failure within 15 working days. If the failure or violation is not corrected, this Agreement may be terminated Immediately by written notice from the aggrieved party to the other party. Upon termination of this Agreement, Customer will pay any charges for services which may be due. TERMINATION OF AN ORDER SUPPLEMENT - Services specified in the order supplement may be terminated by either party for the reasons and in the manner outlined above. 4. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITIES / REMEDIES The Customer and DIS agree that the following remedies and limitations of liability will apply to the services provided under this Customer Service Agreement, unless otherwise agreed by the parties. NONCONFORMING INFORMATION SERVICES - For any information services which fail to conform to the agreed upon terms and conditions and are caused solely by the negligence of DIS, there will be no charge for the services In question. If both parties are negligent, the parties agree to apportion the damage attributed to its actions. Customer will be solely responsible for any damages caused in whole orin part by inaccurate or inadequate input data, programs, or software furnished by Customer to DIS. ,:J LOSS OR DAMAGE TO CUSTOMER SUPPLIED DATA. For any loss or damage to Customer supplied data or programs due to negligence on the part of DIS employees, DIS' liability for such' loss and damage shall be limited to the replacement or regeneration of lost or damaged data from Customer's supporting material. Customer will retain sufficient supporting material, as specified in the order supplement, to enable DIS to regenerate card. tape, or disc files, printer Page ~ of ~ 8 8 outeut, or any other data furnished to DIS by Customer. EQUIPMENT DAMAGE - For any equipment damaged as the result of negligence by either party, that party will be obligated to repair or replace that equipment. If both parties are negligent, parties will agree to apportion the damage attributed to its actions. APPLICATION PROGRAMS/SYSTEMS - Computer application programs/systems furnished to Customer by DIS at no charge to Customer are furnished on an ~as is~ basis with no representations regarding its use or results. DAMAGES - Neither DIS nor Customer will seek damages, either direct or consequential, against each other in addition to the remedies stated herein. 5. THIRD.PARTY CLAIMS Customer and DIS agree that in the event DIS is found liable for damages to third parties as a result of the performance of services under this Agreement, Customer and DIS will be financially responsible for the portion of damages attributable to its own acts and responsibilities under this Agreement. 6. DISPUTES/RIGHTS OF APPEAL NOTICE - Customer will promptly notify. DIS of disputes regarding invoices, or of services which Customer believes do not conform with the agreed upon terms of this Agreement or an order supplement within 30 days of receipt of invoice or performance of services. Failure to object and give written notice within 30 days after receipt of invoice or performance of services constitutes a waiver of any objection to services or disputes about payment. DISPUTE RESOLUTION - Questions of fact arising from this Agreement which cannot be resolved by Customer and DIS will be resolved according to the Information Services Board Policy and Procedure for Dispute Resolution. The parties agree to proceed diligently with the performance of services requested under any order supplement while any dispute is pending. Neither DIS nor Customer will sue the other for claims arising from disputes concerning payment. This shall not preclude, however, DIS from pursuing collection actions If necessary to recover charges for services. 7. CUSTOMER DATA. RECORDS AND SECURITY Any records, documents, or other property of Customer, in any medium, which are furnished by Customer to DIS, will remain the property of Customer unless otherwise agreed. DIS will not disclose or make available this material to any third parties without authorization by Customer. All public records requests regarding Customer material will be referred to Customer for response. Customer will reimburse DIS for any fees assessed to comply with Public Records Act under RCW 42.17. DIS will utilize reasonable security procedures and projections to assure that Customer material is not disclosed to -third parties. 8. MISCELLANEOUS ASSIGNMENT - This Agreement may not be assigned by either party without the written Page 2- of ~ 8 8- consent of the parties. WAIVER - If a breach of a provision is waived for a particular transaction or occurrence, it does not mean that the same breach will be waived for a subsequent similar transaction or occurrence. SEVERABILITY - If any term or condition of this Agreement or application thereof to any person(s) or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions or applications which can be given effect without the invalid term, condition or application. NOTICES - All notices and communications which may be required by this Agreement shall be in writing and sent (if to the DIS) to: Department of Information Services 1110 S.E. Jefferson Street, MS: PC-11 Olympia, Washington 98504-8111 Attention: Contracts Office And If to the Customer to: AMENDMENTS/MODIFICATIONS - This Agreement may be modified or amended by the mutual written consent of the parties. Terms and conditions specified In an 'amendment will have precedence over the terms and conditions specified in this parent Agreement. ORGANIZATION CHANGES - In the event Customer changes, within its organization, any facet of business which concerns this Agreement, Customer will notify DIS in writing within 30 days. CONFLICTS - In the case of a conflict between this Agreement and order supplements issued for business covered by the terms and conditions hereunder, the terms of this Agreement will prevail. 9. ACCEPTANCE The parties acknowledge that they have read, understand and agree to this Agreement, including any supplements or attachments. The parties further agree that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between them and supersedes all other communications (written or oral) related to the subject matter of this Agreement. ~NT OF INFORMATION SERVICES f-V~~ ~ . '. SIGNATURE Deputy Director, DIS TITLE CUSTOMER s~p J~~ TITLE DATE ~-W ~O February 26, 1990 DATE (DIS 010-034) Page ~ of ~ ,."",..,...... """ ,-,.. - -,- -.. -"-""" /""""""""""""-"""'" "" (~f.~:~~~1 Ó:::::~~P:Ó::;V:: ~. .': i:C:~_T;leCOmmUniCaIiOnS=rvi= .'~.J . BasicPROFSService>", , 25:00 User/month',~', ~ ',CallstoloCationsw~hin~ashingtonState"/Ji':'- ,:, ,,"- ~~ '.':'Additional Storage'<~":',-',', :"':--,:,:, :;::\'8.00',1.7 MB/month'-:' :::'c:~' 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM ,:;:':':;--:;' -',' ~:::.. 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Per quote - , ~ j't " Records(SARS) .15 Record/mo.' ," t PBX, ," '" Par quote ;, ';~ i: ,..Records (Non.~ARS) , .03 Record/mo. , ~¡ Foreign Exchange Per quote ".-- :~'¡ \ ';',;,;' Phasedrateescalationto.15from3/1191to9/1I92:-'~"; ,: "J..", '.., ,:. ,(....,;:',.:,;~""" ';& , ìjtf:;~~~'~rr~~~~'~';{" :tf;,~ri:~í~~~2!%;: ~~;~:r~g p~~¡~~~~-;'" :;~ ",' "!1i~'S:é.1~i I - .:r -.- Budget Preparation System I (BPSI)<:;:J:-,,;;":)'~_t,~;';:i"",c;:'~:',~(.,;;'~ij'~ "Available fro~,<3A Centràl'Stores:~' , ,~S~~:/<Drig&,handUng) {1 , I; :::: "i:Si~~H'}' ;";:'; ;~,~);¡ :~~ ~ ~~;g ¡ 'j~žW.:~ '~'~~Æ,~~f:', . ':,.;,"~'-k ~;J~{~ rìf~~¡\~#~; ì :,1"" Budget Preparation System" (BPS II) "',,~-'---' ' ,.' ", >';'-, "Eq~I.~.~~~.~,-~~~tenanC8 ",.'>;".~->:,i. 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'; iliiF dIJIMiik ~ ¡¡¡¡,; ~ ~ ~ ~; ""'" '.. .~.. _..n_'u~ .. '/"" , .. ..., ,'..../"'" , , \. " Support RC'soLircos ""'....,,_..,. ",,/ """ t!.;' : '.1, 1.:::":' Clerical-Routine (includes text processing and ",'.':-:c':':f-'",\<.I/,;-.-:> %if ='" '. '-" ',--, . . -' ".-', ,:;:",:",\-,-'~:-'-~'<"';,,'~l~~.;- ,~~: servICes used In prestaglng or destaglng of :?i.'_: 1.-_~-; ,,;-'~' -"'-';; ~,-"::,,.~.,o-.:":: ' ~ . 8 ~A6 1tJ- S- / STATE OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION SERVICES 1710 5, Jefferson. Jefferson Bldg. . MS PC-11 . Olympia, Washington 98504-8171 . (206) 586-4903 Dear Department of Information Services Customer: Under RCW 43.105 the Department of Information Services (DIS) Is authorized to provide computer, telecommunications, and professional services to state agencies and political subdivisions of Washington state. For the benefit of our Customers, we have created a Customer Service Agreement which describes the general terms and conditions under which our agency conducts business and serves all Customers. Enclosed please find a copy of this agreement. The Customer Service Agreement will serve as the basic interagency agreement under which DIS provides all services to the Customer. This document describes the general terms and conditions applicable to any service offering provided by the department. Specific services, requiring additional terms and conditions, will be provided pursuant to an Order Supplement. Order Supplements will function as appendices to the Customer Service Agreement. For example, many of you will soon receive a new Central Office Services Order Supplement as part of the conversion to Centron Custom in U.S. West's service area. This Customer Service Agreement supersedes and replaces all previous basic service agreements offered by DIS during the past two years or any of its predecessor organizations including Service Center One; Service Center Three; General Administration, Telecommunications Division, or the Data Processing Authority. The new Customer Service Agreement does not, however, cancel or replace current contractlJal documents related to specific DIS services, memorandums of understanding, or statements of work. These contractual documents will continue in full force and effect and will be regarded as appendices to the new Customer Service Agreement. It is the Policy of the Department of Information Services to execute a Customer Service Agreement with each Customer to ensure both parties have a clear understanding of how the department conducts business. To this end, I have enclosed an executed copy of the new DIS Customer Service Agreement. The enclosed Agreement should be signed, by an individual with the authority to contractually obligate your organization, and returned as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the above matter, please call Jeanette Sevedge-App at 586-4917 or (SCAN 321-4917). Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. /jeIY, . (V~ Dennis Jone Department 0 DJ:JS:js Enclosure Cir. 2/26/90 ~3