23-104741City oT F'ninrul Wry crremuml) Devrlopirwnl0_9( 31323 80) Ave S Fwktal Wa*,tVA 93OO? Ph t253) 835.2607 Fax: j2h i) 635.?S09 Project Name: GLEN PARK APARTMENTS BLDG 49 Project Address: 952 SW CAMPUS DR Building - Multi Family Permit #;23-1.04741.-00-MF Inspection Request Line: (253) 835-3050 Parcel Number! 192104 9047 Project Description: Removal of existing comp shingles, installation of new comp shingles; sheathing replacement will occur if rot is located during tear off. Owner Applicant Contractor Lender PRIME WOODLEY CAMPUS AMRRIA MART fNUCHINOOK CHI �00K BLDG ENVELOPE PRIME WOODLEY CAMPUS DRIVE BUILDING I-'NVELOPL SERVICES SERV DRIVE LLC 50 CALIFORNIA ST KATI; 2521 3113 PACIFIC TI WY 1: SUITE S 5113 PACIFIC IC I IWY E SUITE S 50U ..M0N i'G0MERY ST SU'JTE 1700 SANFRANCISCO CA 98411 FIFE WA 98424 HFE' WA 99424-3418 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111 USA Census Category: 555 - Non-structural rooting permits Includes: 4 l 42 93 lr4 occupancy Gass: Construction T pe: Occupancy Load: Floor Area f sq. R.3 0.00 0.00 0.00 U0 Additional Permit Information Mccharical to be Included`7„................................... No Is this an Online or U.T.C. apFilicaYion°.................. Yes Plumbing to be included"............. No -total Valuation: 17,988,00 NIIITII?Cr of St0T1CS...............................................1 3 Permit for Building Shell OnT}?........................... No No Fbrtures Associated With This permit !! PERMIT EXPIRES Tuesday, 19 March, 2024 Permit Issued on Thursday, September 21, 2023 (hereby certify that the above information is correct and that the construction on the above described property and the occupancy and the use wilt be in accordance with the laws, rules and regulations of the State of Washington and the City of Federal Way. Owner or agent: Date: I C11Y U, Federal Way THIS CARD IS TO REAL -UN ON -SITE Construction Inspection Record INSPECTION REQUESTS: {253)335_3050 Scht3uled mspectloiis mx,- be fmled if this card is not vn-stre DO NOT LOSE Tffi{ C LliU. Ins}xctaons arc laved as close to cequenttal ordcr as possible rrad le8 to ra2h1 10p to Mortal! ?lei se iC2ledkile n251)ec11om a, at)roprt3te Work unlit not be cr ered tint it It is appro•:ed C1irc1:1�'itit ttitu tns}xctor if •:ou are unsure atvnt w. of le uispecttons x Tile laly[TeCtron sequetxe. Cia-go:n snspt�rton, ue lc?£ed oa tUt b aCk of dui cud REROOF INSPECTIONS l Roof Sbeatbing (4220) Final - Building (4O50) Approved to install roofing Approved ,•� By Date By Date �G- � No ��� � Ak RECEIVED PERMIT APPLICATION [IiY OF + Way f PERMIT CENTER + 33325 81h Avenue South + Federal Way, WA 98003-6325 Federal a y SEP 2 1 t 2023 253-835-2607 + FAX 253-835-2609 + permitcenter(acityofFederalway.com �7 criY of FEb AY PERMIT NumB8R- ✓ — - M % n� MEW TARGET DATE A E SITE "DRESS SUITEMNIT k 952 SW CAMPUS DR BLDG 49 PROJECT VALUATION $ 17,988 ZONING RM2400 ASSESSOR'S TAX/PARCEL # L 1921049047 — _ ____ 1 0 TYPE OF PERMIT (°n BLtnx)iNG ❑ PLUMBING ❑ MFCHANICAL ❑ DFMOLITION ❑ ENCINFERING ❑ FIRE PP.EVENTMN NAME OF PROJECT GLEN PARK BLDG 49 REMOVAL OF EXISTING COMP SHINGLES, INSTALLATION OF NEW LIKE -KIND SHINGLES PROJECT DESCRIPTION Detafied description of tmrk Io SHEATHING REPLACEMENT IS NOT ASSUMED, REPLACEMENT WILL BE REQUIRED IF ROT IS LOCATED UPON TEAR OFF be included on this permit only NAME PRIMARY PHONE PRIME SONOMA SHADOWS 253-548-5429 PROPERTY OWNER MAILING ADDRESS E-MAIL 600 MONTGOMERY ST STE 1700 bender-kramer@p r,egrp.cUm CITY STATE 2' SAN FRANCISCO CA 934111 NAME PHONE CHINOOK 8LNLDING ENVELOPE SERVICES 2532424542 MAILING ADDRESS E-MAIL CONTRACTOR5113 PACIFIC HWY E STE 8 ambria-martir+ezCwchinookrooling com CITY STATE ZIP FAX FIFE WA 98424 WA STATE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE 8 EXPIRATION DATE URI tl CHIN08E788N4 08/24124 602-938-681 NAME PRIMARY PHONE SAME AS CONTRAGTOR APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS E-MAIL CITY STATE ZIP FAX NAME PRIMARY PHONE PROJECT CONTACT AMBRIA MARTINEZ 253-242-4542 MAILING ADDRESS 5113 PACIFIC HWY E STE 8 E-MAIL ambria marirnez@ch(nookroa(ing,eom (The individual to receir)e and respond to all correspondence CITY STATE ZIP FAX concerning this application) FIFE WA 98424 PROJECT FINANCING NAME 0 OWNER -FINANCED When value is 35,000 or more MAILING ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP PHONE (RCW 19.27 095) I certify under penalty of perjury that I am the property owner or authorized agent of the property owner. I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information submitted in support of this permit application is true and correct. I certify that I will comply with all applicable City of Federal Way regulations pertaining to the work authorized by the issuance of a permit. I understand that the issuance of this permit does not remove the owner's respansibility for compliance with local, state, or federal laws regulating construction or environmental laws, I further agree to hold harmless the City of Federal Way as to any claim (including cows, expenses, and attorneys' fees incurred in the investigation and defense of such claim), which may be made by any person, including the undersigned, and filed against the city, but only cohere such claim arises out of the reliance of the city, including its officers and employees, upon the accuracy of the information supplied to the city as a part of this application. AMBRIA MARTINEZ DvlaRy signed by AMBRIA MARTINEZ 09/i 9/23 SIGNATURE: Date 2023-0s.1s 13.32:14-aroo' DATE PRINT NAME: AMBRIA MARTINEZ Page l oF2