Council MINS 01-11 & 1-12-2002 Retreat --, MEMORANDUM R,w'BECK To: David Moseley, City Manager City of Federal Way From: Paul A. Lanspery Subject: 2002 Federal Way City Council Retreat Summary Date January 14,2002 This is a summary of the discussions and directions to staff from the January 11-12, 2002 City Council Retreat. The focus of the retreat was on planning and financing future capital investments for the City of Federal Way. January 11 - Morning Session City staff reviewed the full range of capital investments the City has made over the past ten years. Approximately $88 million in transportation, parks, and facility investments has taken place. A mix of revenues has financed this investment: grant and mitigation, utility tax bond, REET Bond, and GeneraliSt. resources. Staff also presented a range of future capital investments for the period 2002-2007. Throughout the remainder of the day, Council discussions focused primarily on establishing priorities for approximately $225 million in potential capital investments. Council also reviewed the various Comprehensive Plan policies that offer policy guidance relating to the priorities and types of various capital investments the City should undertake. January 11 - Afternoon Session The City Council discussed future projects identified under the categories of transportation, parks, and facility projects. The purpose of these discussions was to develop a framework for moving forward with various planning, financing, and constructing actions associated with capital projects. The Council identified criteria to assist in the prioritization of projects within each category. These are noted below: . Transportation Projects · Identify projects that leverage grant opportunities · Identify projects which address ~hort term concurrency · Identify projects which address long term concurrency I C:\W(NOOWS\rEMP\200~ r~der,,1 Wa" Cily Council RC~fe.a{ Summar)' doc 15373 Innovation Drive, Suite 210. San Diego, CA 92128-3425 Phone (858)487-7877, Fax (858)592-9209 MEMORANDUM January 14, 2002 Page 2 Parks Projects . Identify projects that leverage grant and foundation funding sources Neighborhood park development Major rehabilitation of existing parks Land banking opportunities . . . Facility Projects · Established a "one facility goal" for the City Hall, police, and court project. Consider the needs of a senior center and community center in defining the scope of the project. · Facility projects are typically large investments and should be organized on a special project list. - January 12 - Morning Session Council reviewed several amendments to the existing Council Rules and Procedures. The proposed changes will be brought back for formal consideration at an upcoming regular City Council meeting. HB 1084 Compensation Commissions - this new law allows for the creation of a citizen compensation commission to review and set Council salaries. The majority of Council did not see the formation of such a commission as a need at this time. . The City Council also discussed the Development Code and permit approval process. It was felt that there is a perception that Federal Way is " tough place to build in." The Council articulated the following goals for the permit system. . Consistency in service Supports the needs of small businesses Enhances educational activities in relation to understanding the process Build upon the expedited review process which is working well . . . It was also agreed that staff would develop a program to improve the permit system. "rhis effort would include a survey of past customers, outreach and involvement of various stakeholders . (e.g., Chamber of Commerce), and make use of expertise in getting information on successful permit approaches used in other jurisdications. This is a high priority action item for both Council and staff. __ __..n 15373 Innovation Drive, Suite 210, San Diego. CA 92128-3425 Phone (858)487-7877, fax (858)591-9209 MEMORANDUM January 14, 2002 Page 3 The City Council concluded the retreat by directing staff to prcpare a Capital Facility Action Plan that incorporates the following elements (this plan will bc presented for approval at a regular Council meeting). CFP ACTION PLAN Combined Facility Transportation Parks Analyze location alternatives and Prioritize projects based on grants Prioritize projects based on grants, cost elements for and short and long term concurrency neighborhood parks, major . Core ( 2-3 maintenance and land banking. . Frame sites . Suburban each) DEVELOP PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT STRATEGY . Community outreach . Community outreach . Community outreach . Open houses LUTC . . Parks Commission . Design charrette . Citizen committees . City Council . PRHSPS Committee . City Council IDENTIFY AND INTEGRATE FUNDING OPTIONS INTO 2003-2004 BUDGET PROCESS - May include: . Continued utility tax . Councilmanic or voter-approved bonds . Impact fees for transportation/parks . REET .---.,.. .._'.'__ __on'. Phone (858)487~ 7877, Fax (858)592-9209 15373 Innovation Drive, Suitc 210, San Dicgo, CA 92128-3425