LUTC PKT 08-01-2005 City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee August 1 'I, 2005 5:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 18th, 2005 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Status of Traffic Calming Neighborhood Meeting for 21 sl Ave. SW Action Perez / 10min B. Downtown Code Amendments Information McClung! 10min 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS 6. ADJOURN Committee Members Jack Dovey, Chair Eric Faison Michael Park City Stafr Kathy McClung. Community Development Services Director MlIrianne Stiles, Administrative Assi.l'lant 253-835-2701 G:\U.JTC\LlJTC Agcndl.15 UfId Surnmaties 2005\013--01-05 LUTe Agenda..doc City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee July 18, 2005 5:30 pm City Hall Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Chairman Jack Dovey, Council Member Michael Park, Council Member Eric Faison, Deputy Mayor Linda Kochmar; Council Member Jeanne Burbidge; City Manager David Moseley; City Attorney Pat Richardson; Public Works Director Cary Roe; Public Works Deputy Director Ken Miller; Street Systems Manager Marwan Salloum, City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez; Senior Planner Lori Michaelson; Planner Deb Barker; Parks Acting Director Donna Hanson; Streets Project Engineer Al Emter, Engineering Plans Reviewer Ann Dower, Community Development Director Kathy McClung; Community Development Deputy Director Greg Fewins; and Administrative Assistant Marianne Stiles. Citizens Nancy Combs, Kevin Bush & Jack AUmann, and one unidentified person, also attended. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Dovey called the meeting to order at 5:32 pm. 2. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES The minutes of June 20th were approved. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT None 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Brighton Park Preliminary Plat Lori Michaelson presented the background information on the project. Councilman Faison moved to approve Option 1. Park seconded. PASSED unanimously. B. Lakehaven ILA for S336th @ 1st Way South Marwan Salloum provided background information. Staff recommends Option 1, authorizing the City Manager to execute the attached Interlocal Agreement as written. Councilman Faison moved to approve Optio.."I.J:~q~~seconded, PASSED unanimously. C. 21st Ave. S. Grid Road Extension - 30% Design Status Report Marwan Salloum provided background information. Staff recommends Option 1 Councilman Faison asked ifthere would be any other grid roads built in the future? Mr. Salloum responded that there would not be as part of this project. Councilman Dovey asked if the consultant is aware of the grid road project? Mr. Roe responded that he believes Leland Group is aware ofthe project, and that this project was approved by the Council and is being conducted in partnership with Sound Transit. He also noted that the contingency amount will decrease as the project nears G:\LUTC\LlJTC Agendas and Summaries 2005\07-18-05 LUTC Minutes,doc Land Use/Transportation Committee _.!,age 2 6/20/2005 completion, ..-.---... ..- . ........... . !c;<!_1l,!ciI1l1a1},E{l~s_C!_nTrlo1J~c! JI! qppr()1J(! (Jption l.F{lI~k~(!C:C!fl~{(!{r? A~,~ fPllll{lr/i"!(Jllsly. . D. Grant Funding Application for TIP Marwan Salloum provided background information. Staff recommends Option I :~'~~~~iF!lf-~~t~t~~E~(!~(!~~~()_apP!:f!Y~ Qptiorl !: f~_i~i~ !:~~~~~~4~ ~ A_s:jt/i~~q~i~~-;;,~ly': _ _ _ _. ~.' E. S.320th St @ 1st Way S. Intersection Improvements - 30% Design Status Report Marwan Salloum provided background information. Staff recommends Option 1 Councilman Faison expressed concern with the concept of an intersection with seven lanes in each direction, He would like to see the round-about (option #2) explored and cornnlented that the intersection only fails its service level during peak evening hours. He believes the City should prepare to conceptualize the future of these types of intersections. Chair Dovey asked how option two would affect city staff and the level of service at the intersection. Mr. Roe responded that this intersection currently fails the city's level of service. it rates an 'E' and 'F' is failing. The round-about option would not be able to alleviate the growing volume of traffic at that intersection; the Comp Plan would have to be revisited and a lower level of service adopted. In addition, the increase ROW that would need to be purchased would force the relocation of the business in the NW comer of the intersection. Deputy Mayor Kochmar noted that many residential developments are currently in progress; these new residents will be using 8 320th and 1 st Way S, and the traffic volume will increase dramatically. Councilman Faison said he does not know what the answer is but that he would like to look at it globally. Councilman Park asked what timeline for review Councilman Faison proposes, Councilman Faison said as soon as possible, Chair Dovey said he understood Councilman Faison's concerns, but this is an important intersection and stopping work may cause the city to lose the opportunity to get TIB funding, He suggested the city continue with the design and ROWand return to the committee for further direction. Mr. Roe stated that the city can continue to move the project forward and return to the LUTC once the design and ROW acquisition is complete. The sooner the city is ready to compete on bidding the more likely they are to get funding, ;q~u~~il~q~t{1i.~~~:,~~y~~T?appr?~~.9pti~~-X,p.~~~:~:~Fq~:~~;{?1~$#f? -_~~q~!~?~sjy': F. S.356th St. @ SR99 Intersection Improvements - Design Options Marwan Salloum provided background information. Staff recommends Option 1 Staff recommends the "8" curve solution, option 3, as the most cost effective and impacting local stream and wetlands the least. Councilman Faison inquired about the roundabout option, and the experience of the consultant in successfully putting roundabouts in. Mr. Salloum and Mr. Perez replied that Parametrix purchased SCA- which has an experienced roundabout designer on staff, and is the only one to successfully install one on a State Highway, which SR99 is also. The traffic volumes are simply too high to make a roundabout work. Councilwoman Burbidge asked why the roundabout option moved the intersection to the north. Mr. Perez answered that the move improves the angels of approach for vehicles entering the proposed roundabout. Chair Dovey asked if the city pursues option 3 would thcy end up with extra parts of land on both sides of the new road? Mr. Salloum responded that yes, the city would own the land but most of it would be used as a wet G:\LUT(,\LUT(' Agendas and Slll11m~irie~ 2005\07-18-05 LUTe Minules.doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 3 6/20/2005 land buffer, for stream remediation Councilman Park asked if City Staff recommended Option 1 (alternative 3) due to the cost of the wetlands and existing business relocation. Mr. Roe noted that Option 1 (Alternative 3) is the one most likely to be accepted by WSDOT. - -..------ .. -..---------- .... .~.. . ......--.-.--.-.-.- {;()~'!~J ['!It! fl,,~(Jl:k,!!()y.l!4~()app,:()ye 9.pt~()1} ! :1: ~ !~I!!}.~~.C{!flcj l!tf:~ 1~~E}!.tln.(Jn.i11}(1.tl,~Il: I G. Revision to Planning Commission Work Program Kathy McClung provided background information. Cmte PASSED staff recommendation to "move to recommend to the full Council to amend the Planning Commission Work Program to incorporate the downtown code amendments and update to the Shoreline Program" on to the August 2nd Council Consent Agenda, [?'~~~~i.t~.q~"E~~iq~=~'~Y~4~?'dpp~(/Y~,9.i?~i.o.~,!;}!~~fr";~~~~4~4::,t:1Jltji~~q~j~?~~ij~:: H. OPUS Developer Agreements Cary Roe provided background information, Staff recommends Option 1. Councilman Faison asked how cars will turn north bound from east-bound 348th. Mr. Roe responded that the City is pursuing a deviation with WSDOT to address this. ii;~~~~i.!~q~Za.~(~~~~4 !o--app,:qY~9izt~~~-! :fq{i~.!l. !:~~~~!1~4=f 1=S~'t.i?- ~nq~i~9~S.j~ I. Status oftraffic calming efforts on 21st Ave. SW Rick Perez provided background information. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: Cmte directed staff return to August 1st LUTC with results of 07/26 community meeting. There is a possibility that it will go to the August 2nd Council Consent Agenda. If the community is unable, for the third time, to agree on traffic calming measures, the council may cause traffic calming measures to be undertaken to bring speeding under control. 6. FUTURE MEETINGS The next scheduled meeting will be August 1 't, 2005. 7. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.rn. G"\LUTC\LlJTC Agendas and Summaries 2005\07-18-05 LUTe Minutes doc