Council MIN 07-05-2005 Regular Federal Way City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Ju"V 5, 2005 - Page 1 of5 . FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Council Chambers - City Hall July 5, 2005 - 7:00 p.m. Minutes 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor McColgan called the regular meeting of the Federal Way City Council to order at 7:02 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Dean McColgan, Deputy Mayor Linda Kochmar, and Councilmembers Jeanne Burbidge, Jack Dovey, Jim Ferrell, Eric Faison and Mike Park. Staff present: City Manager David Moseley, City Attorney Pat Richardson, and City Clerk Chris Green. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE . Mayor McColgan called upon Councilmember Faison to lead the flag salute. III. PRESENT A TIONS a. Diversity Commission Appreciation Plaque Councilmember Burbidge recognized outgoing Diversity Commissioner Carolina Lucero. Ms. Lucero was present to receive to her plaque; she thanked the Council and the community for their support. b. Introduction of New Staff/City Manager City Manager Moseley introduced Andy Bergasel, who is the City's newest Associate Planner. He was unable to attend the meeting. c. Emerging Issues/City Manager City Manager Moseley reported no emerging issues at this time. IV. CITIZEN COMMENT . Paul Eitelbach. Torn Neils. Bob Roper. Michelle Dupuis. Susan Perrine Neils: City Clerk Green read Mr. Eitelbach's statement into the record. They all oppose the use of French . . . Federal Way Ci(V Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 5, 2005 - Page 2 of 5 Lake Park as an off leash park for dogs. Ms. Dupuis reported that there is a hole in the fence at the park that needs to be repaired. Sarah Bright. Leanne O'Neill. Nancy Chapman. Don Johnston. Ida Pressnall, Michael Tipper, Jeff CooP. NmlCY McEleney, Joann Bernovich: They oppose the construction of a new Wal-Mart Supercenter in'Federal Way, citing traffic concerns and impacts on surrounding businesses. Mr. Tipper and Mr. Coop also had concerns with environmental impacts of the project. Rayfield Owens: Submitted a citizcn comment sheet but did not spcak. Marie Sciacqua and Jean Atwell: They gave their support for the commercial vehicle ordinance. Ms. Atwell reported that a fundraiser will be held for the new community center on Monday, July l1 at 6:00p.m. at city hall. Stephanie Collett: She stated her concerns with illegal fireworks in Federal Way mId enforcement of the ban. Malin Forhan, Aaron Brown. Jerrie Lottes, Kris Olsen, Rose Moor, Scott Penwell, Kevin Morris.H. David Kaplan, Rai Basi. and Dini Duclos: All stated their support of the off leash dog ordinance for French Lake Park. Mr. Kaplan had concerns about lmlguage contained in the ordinance. Ms. Brown submitted a petition signed by supporters of the ordinance. Ms. Olsen submitted 2 photos of areas where fencing has been cut at the park. Mr. Penwell submitted a list to the Council. Mr. Basi submitted a letter to the Council regarding the ordinance. Robert Forhan: Submitted a citizen comment sheet but was not present at the meeting. Charity Quiroga: Stated her opposition to the commercial vehicle ordinance based on its impacts to her business. Mayor McColgml explained the development process of the Wal~Mart application. The Land Use and SEPA application for the Wal-Mart was made in May 2004 and that the site had already been zoned for commercial use before the application was made. Stall was requested to prepare a written response to those who submitted comments on the issuc. v. CONSENT AGENDA a. b. Minutcs/June 21. 2005 Regular Meeting -Approved Council Bill #376/French Lake Park Future Plans - Enacted Ordinance #05-495 Council Bill #377/Commercial Vehicles On-Street Parking in Residential Zones - Postponed to October 4, 2005 Joint Intcrlocal Agreement regarding Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Prof?:ram - Approved Nextel Site Lease Area Expansion at Sacaiawea Park - Approved c. d. e. . . . Federal Way City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Ju"V 5, 200S - Page 3 (~r S Councilmember Dovey pulled item (e) from the consent agenda. Councilmember Burbidge pulled item (b) [rom the consent agenda. MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR KOCHMAR TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (a), (d), and (e) AS PRESENTED; SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PARK. The motion passed as follows: Burbidge yes Kochmar yes Dovey yes McColg,m yes Faison yes Park yes Ferrell yes Consent Agenda (b): Council Bill #376/French Lake Park Future Plans Councilmember Burbidge explained the purpose ofthc ordinance and the process it went through. Councilmembcr Dovey expressed his support for the ordinance, but urged all those who use the park to work with homeowners surrounding thc area. Deputy Mayor Kochmar asked staff to review Mr. Kaplan's comments regarding the language in the ordinance. Councilmember Faison expressed his support for the ordinance. It was clarified that the ordinance would take effect five days after its publication on July 9th. MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER BURBIDGE TO ENACT COUNCIL BILL #376; SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR KOCHMAR. The motion passed as follows: Burbidge yes Kochmar yes Dovey yes McColgan yes Faison yes Park yes Ferrell yes Consent Agenda (c): Council Bill #377/Commercial Vehicles On~Strcct Parking in Residential Zones Councilmember Dovey asked to table thc ordinance, cited the economic el1ects of it on commercial vehicle owners. MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY TO T ABLE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM (c); SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR KOCHMAR. Councilmember Dovey withdrew his motion and Deputy Mayor Kochmar withdrew her second. lie asked to postpone the ordinmlce 90 days lor evaluation. 'f'here was a question regarding the number of businesses the proposcd ordinance would affect. It was suggested that a postponement be used to research this question, as well as seek input from the Washington Truckers Association. . . . Federal Way Ci(V Council Regular Meeting Minutes July 5, 2(}(}5 - Page 4 of 5 MOTION BY COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY TO POSTPONE CONSENT AGENDA ITEM (c) NINETY (90) DAYS (TO THE OCTOBER 4, 2005 REGULAR MEETING); SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR KOCHMAR. The motion passed as follows: Burbidge yes Kochmar yes Dovey ycs McColgan yes Faison no Park no Ferrell yes VI. CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Ethics Board Appointment MOTION BY MAYOR MCCOLGAN TO APPOINT TIMOTHY DOUD TO THE ETHICS BOARD FOR A THREE~ YEAR TERM EXPIRING .JUNE 30, 2008; SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER FERRELL. The motion passed as follows: Burbidge Dovey Faison Ferrell Kochmar McColgan Park yes yes yes yes yes yes yes VII. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS The Council thm1ked all of those who participated in the Red, White, and Blues Festival and helped make it one of the most attended in its history. Councilmember Ferrell: He thanked staff for an excellent festival mId suggested that the Council have a discussion about the ban on fireworks in the city. Councilmcmber Park: He suggested that the Public Safety Department report to the Parks, Recreation, Human Services, and Public Safety Committee on illegal fireworks activity in the city. The next Lodging Tax Advisory Committee will be meeting on July 8th at 8:30a.m. Deputy Mayor Kochmar: She thanked representatives from thc local Veterans of Foreign Wars chapter for corning out to thc festival. She and Councilmcmbcr Burbidge are meeting with a representative from the Low-Income Housing Institute on July ib. Federal Way will be hosting the Highline Forum (formerly Airport Communities Coalition) in Council Chmnbers on July 2ib. Councilmember Burbidge: The next Parks, Recreation, lluman Services, and Public Salety Committee meeting will take place July 11 th at 5:30p.m. The Summer Sounds at the Beach series begins tomorrow at Steel Lake Park. She and other Councilmembers and city . . . Federal Way City Council Regular Meeting Minutes Ju"V 5, 20(}5 - Page 5 of 5 officials recently attended the Association of Washington Cities Conference in Kennewick; shc attended seminars on economic development and use of technology. She also recently testificd in front of the legislature regarding funding transportation projects for cities. Councilmember Dovey: The next Land Use/Transportation Committee meeting will take place on July 18th at 5:30p.m. Councilmember Faison: The next Finance, Economic Development, and Regional Aflairs Committce will be July 1 ih at 5 :30p.m. One item of interest is sources of funding for invcstment in our downtown. Mayor McColgan: This morning he returned from a trip to Hachinohe, Japan with the Federal Way Sister City Baseball team. The trip was very successful and all of the participants had a great time. lIe thanked Judy Coble, Mark Freitas, and Jeri Eubanks from the Fcderal Way Sister Association, trip coordinator Josh Eubanks, and Jordan Wheeler from the City Managers Office for their effort in putting the trip together. VITI. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager Moseley reported that Mayor Nakamura of Hachinohe will be sending two delegations to Federal Way in August. The first will be traveling to the Port of Tacoma to rencw their sister port agreement. The second delegation will be attending Federal Way Fcstival Days. IX. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Property Acquisition/Pursuant to RCW 42.30.1100 )(b) - cancelled b. Sale or Lease of Real Property/Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(c) c. Potential Litigation/Pursuant to RCW 42.30.11 OO)(i) The Council recessed into executive session at 9:24p.m, with an expected duration of approximately 20 minutes. The Council rcturned to chambers at 9:44p.m. x. ADJOURNMENT There being nothing further to discuss, ayor McColgan adjourned the regular meeting of the Fcderal Way City Council at 9:44p.m. //. ~ "i/ ~ .~"'I~~- N. Christine Jree'ri, 'MC City Clerk