LUTC PKT 09-06-2005 City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee September 6th, 2005 5:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers MEETING AGENDA Disintegrating 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROV AL OF MINUTES: August 1 S\ 2005 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. 2006 Asphalt Overlay Program Preliminary Project List and Action Mulkey /10 min Authorization to Bid R Transportation Safety Grants Action Zukowski /10 min C. Freeway Profile Sign Code Amendment 856-5515 Action Clark /15 min D. Neighborhood Traffic Safety - Adelaide 1: ballot results Action Perez 110 min E. Neighborhood Traffic Safety - Sherwood Forest 1: ballot results Action Perez /10 min F. Neighborhood Traffic Safety - Sherwood Forest 2: ballot results Action Perez /10 min G. Neighborhood Traffic Safety - Silver Lake: ballot results Action Perez /10 min H. Federal Way Habitat: Hazel Dickenson, Rainier Audubon Society Information Dickenson /15rnin 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS 6. ADJOURN Committee Members Jack Dovey. Chair Eric Faison Michael Park City Staff Kathy McClung. Community Development Services Director Marianne Stiles. Administrative Ass/stan! 253...fJ35-2701 G:\LUTC\LUTC Ag<ndos and SullBIlllri<s 2005\09-06-05 LUTe Agcnda.do< City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee August 1, 2005 City Hall 5:30 pm Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Chairman Jack Dovey, Council Member Michael Park, Council Member Eric Faison, Mayor Dean McColgan; Deputy Mayor Linda Kochmar; Council Member Jeanne Burbidge; City Manager David Moseley; Assistant City Attorney Karen Kirkpatrick; Public Works Director Cary Roe; Community Development Services Director Kathy McClung; Public Works Deputy Director Ken Miller; City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez; and Administrative Assistant E. Tina Piety. Planning Commissioner Lawson Bronson and Citizens Pamela Buck, Kevin Buck, Nancy Combs, LeAnn Yadon, Kevin Bush, and a number of unidentified people also attended. 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Dovey called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. 2. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES The minutes of July 18, 2005, were approved. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Pamela Buck stated that she and her husband, Kevin Buck, live on 306th Place and oppose the traffic calming devices on 21 sl Avenue SW. They have voted "no" in the past. There have been speed humps in the neighborhood in the past and they did not like them. They are concerned with their car's suspension with speed humps. She feels a bigger problem is the people who pull out of the Forest Cove apartment complex without stopping first. Another problem is the lack of sidewalks. She asked why they have not been given an opportunity to vote on this issue. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Status of Traffic Calming Neighborhood Meeting for 21'1 Avenue SW Rick Perez provided the background information. A neighborhood meeting on traffic calming for 21 sl Avenue SW was held last Tuesday. Approximately 40 people attended. After much discussion, a vote for speed humps failed (19 -14) and a vote for speed tables passed (14 - 5). Staff received some complaints because since it took a long time before the second vote, some people had left and the complainant thought that skewed the vote. The proposal arrived at this meeting is to place raised crosswalks at 21 sl and 304th and at 21 sl and 3071h. In addition speed tables will be placed at the 30500, 30800, and 31100 blocks. The current proposal would cost $17,500, which is over the Neighborhood Traffic Safety (NTS) Program policy of $1 0,000 for anyone neighborhood. Mr. Perez noted that there is only $30,000 in the NTS budget, and three other neighborhoods are currently in the balloting process and a fourth will be holding a neighborhood meeting later in August. The alternatives before the Committee are as follows: 1. Continue with balloting the current proposal 2. Bypass balloting process to install current proposal 3. Modify current proposal and bypass balloting process 4. Do nothing G:ILUTC\\.lJTC Agendas and Summaries 2005\08-01-05 PJTC Minute..doe Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 2 August I, 2005 Sub-Alternatives to Alternatives 2 and 3 a. Phase implementation to stay within $1 O,OOO/year b. Authorize expenditure from any surplus operational budget Staff reconullends moving forward with the balloting for two raised crosswalks and three speed tables, and deal with the budget issue if the vote passes. . Public Comment.- LuAnn Yadon .- She noted that speed and traffic in the neighborhood has increased. She disagreed with Rick's account of the neighborhood meeting. She thought decisions would be made at the meeting and they were not. She complained that the meeting started late. Her driveway is on 21 sl and she must be very careful when backing out because of the speed on the street. According to Rick's presentation, speed tables will reduce the speed to about 30 mph. Ifthe speed limit is 25 mph, why reduce it to 30 mph? Rick's presentation said that speed humps would reduce the speed to 25 mph, which meets the law. She thinks the raised crosswalks are great. Kevin Bush - He lives on 30ih. He feels the NTS program is a fine program, but it should not be the only way problems are addressed. Action is needed and he called upon the LUTC to take action. Nancy Combs ~ She commented that she has worked on this issue for three years. She has called the police numerous times to deal with the speeders, but given that there are only so many Federal Way police officers, they cannot be in the neighborhood at all times. She stated that the City needs more police. She has lived on 21 sl for 40 years and is shocked at the speeding that goes on. She commented that she had been called a liar in the newspaper because she sent in a letter that stated side.by-side car races happen on 21s1 Avenue SW, but she has witnessed more than one. There are many school buses from private and public schools traveling through the neighborhood adding to the traffic problems. In addition, there are many walkers in the neighborhood who are potentially in danger from the traffic. Unless you live on 21 S\ you really have no idea what it is like. Please help. Mayor McColgan asked the staff what their recommendation would have been if there had been no citizen input. Mr. Roe replied that the staff works hard not to direct the outcome of these neighborhood meetings and to recommend what the citizens support, but if there had not been the citizen input, staff would recommended the two raised crosswalks at 304th and 307tl', and speed humps instead of speed tables at the other locations. He feels speed humps are more effective. Chair Dovey asked what the cost would be if speed humps were done instead of speed tables. Mr. Perez replied it would reduce the cost to $15,000. Various Council Members asked if other tactics have been tried, such as police emphasis patrols and the speed reader board. Staff replied that both of these tactics have been tried a number of times. Each time, the speed problem gradually increased once the tactic had ended. Chair Dovey moved, and it was sec~nded,to approve raised cross~aiks at 304ih and 30th, and speed hump~ at the 30500,30800, and 31100 blocks. After discussion (see below), motion PASSED two to one Discussion was held on when the item should go to the City Council and how fast the work could be completed; with the intent that it be completed by the time school starts. The normal procedure would have been for this issue to be voted upon by the neighborhood before going to the City Council, but it was felt something must be done as soon as possible. Mayor McColgan expressed his concern that if this were to go to tomorrow's Council meeting, citizens would not have time for input. It was decided that the issue will go to the first meeting in September, since there is no second Council meeting in August. Concern was expressed over making an exception and how it may set a precedent. Council Member Park expressed concern over the cost. With speed humps, the cost will be over the allocated budget of$lO,OOO by $5000. His concern is that the $5000 is not budgeted and the Department will be paying for the amount using "left over" funds from other projects. B. Downtown Code Amendments Ms. McClung delivered her report. A public hearing will be held tomorrow before the City Council on the Interim Zoning Ordinance. Staff has begun work on the proposed code amendments for this ordinance, which has to do with the downtown. They are using suggestions from the Leland Study and staff experience. In addition, a consultant is G:\LUTClLUlC Agendils aod Summades 2005\08-01-05 LUTe M;nutes.doe Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 3 August I, 2005 reviewing the City code and will deliver a report of suggested code changes. Currently, the preliminary proposed changes from the consultant include eliminating density limits, increasing height limits, revising design guidelines to require a minimum percent ground floor retail in desired locations, eliminating the design requirements for multi- family to be compatible with single-family, revising the landscape requirements for multi-family to be more flexible, and revising parking requirements across the zone to be more flexible. The consultant will also be looking at uses and making recommendations about what uses should be added to this zone and what are uses that may be detrimental to achieving the goals of the comprehensive plan. Once staff receives the consultant's report (should be next week), staff will meet with the Chamber and other stakeholders of this area to share initial results and gather additional ideas. Staffs intent is to take the proposed amendments to the Planning Commission by late September. Mr. Moseley commented that the staffs objectives are: I) encourage the Chamber and stakeholders to become involved in the process and to know the proposed changes; and 2) complete the process in the six-month time frame. 6. FUTURE MEETINGS The next scheduled meeting will be August 15, 2005. 7. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. G:ILUTClLlJTC Agendas and Summades 2005\08-01-05 LUTC Minutes.doc CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: September 6, 2005 Land Use and Transportation Committee David M e e anager ,\_ .____---- Marwan Sallou , P.E., Street Systems Manager~ John Mulkey, P.E., Street Systems Engineer .. 2006 Asphalt Overlay Program Preliminary Project List and Authorization to Bid POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the 2006 Asphalt Overlay Program Preliminary Project List and authorize staff to proceed with the design and bid of the proposed 2006 Asphalt Overlay Program? BACKGROUND: Public Works staff has developed a list of recommended streets for the 2006 Asphalt Overlay Program. The total estimated budget for the program is $1,825,200 and is comprised of the following: 2006 Proposed Overlay Budget 2006 Structures Budget 2005 Carry Forward (estimate) Mitigation (estimate) TOTAL FUNDING A V AILABLE $1,502,500 $124,700 $148,000 $50,000 $1,825,200 The $124,700 from the Structures budget is for the City's annual Sidewalk Replacement Program, and will cover the costs associated with the replacement of substandard wheelchair ramps, and repairing existing curb, gutter, and sidewalks within the overlay project area. The following is a preliminary list of Streets to be included in the 2006 Asphalt Overlay Program. The streets were selected using the City's Pavement Management System and were verified by field reconnaissance. The costs shown are estimated and will be refined as the design of each schedule is completed. A project vicinity map and more detailed area maps are attached for your information. SCHEDULE A B C D E F DESCRIPTION 1st Ave S/S312th Street/4th Ave S 19th Ave Southwest 20th Ave South (S333rd to S324th) 24th Ave S/S305th Street 8th Ave South (S31 Oth to S304th) Aquacene AMOUNT $430,000 $110,000 $320,000 $75,000 $286,000 $355,000 ESTIMATED SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT COSTS: 10% Construction Contingency Pavement Management System In-house Design Construction Administration City's Administrative Fee Printing and Advertising ESTIMATED TOTAL PROGRAM COST: $1,576,000 $157,600 $30,000 $75,000 $81,300 $74,318 $3,500 $1,997,718 September 6. 2005 Land Use and Transportation Committee 2006 Asphalt Overlay Program Page 2 of2 The estimated cost of $1,997,718 is a preliminary figure used for estimating purposes only and includes construction administration, ten percent construction contingency, in-house design and construction management, printing and advertising. The 2006 Asphalt Overlay Project will be awarded within the available overlay program budget. Once Council approves the list of streets for the Overlay Program, staff will begin the final design. The anticipated date for advertising is March 2006, with construction beginning in May 2006. OPTIONS: 1_ Approve the list of streets for the 2006 Asphalt Overlay Project as presented. Furthermore, authorize staff to bid all or part of the 2006 Asphalt Overlay Project, returning with a request for permission to award the project within the available 2006 Asphalt Overlay Budget to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. 2. Direct staff to modify the preliminary list and return to Committee for further action 3. Take no action and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option 1 to the September 20, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda for Approval: 1. Approve the list of streets for the 2006 Asphalt Overlay Project as presented. Furthermore, authorize staff to bid all or part of the 2006 Asphalt Overlay Project, returning with a request for permission to award the project within the available 2006 Asphalt Overlay Budget to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above staff recommendation to the September 20,2005 City Council Consent Agenda. k:\lutc\2005\09.06.o5 2006 Asphall Overlay list-doc 17 [rT 7' ~ ~ ? I n ( h ~L ~ ~ J "II \!' \p r-.~' ~~~ " _IJ "r4r ~ nli.:t~ ';; ?\ II ~ _-:1 u=r ..\'(77 ~ " ~l ~ i F5" ~i\,,~ ~ ~ I;:: ) 1 ~ ~ ; -'4. F~ ~ r~ \ \, h ~ ::Y , I ~ t5J1." ? ~ ro yo ~ '%ri:'! J, 1-, 5 U [f tI tlJ Jl1 '( F H _ I ~ .I ":: r - CJJ;<-,' ru ," ;-Iri I 1 I) ~ .~~ r-,JI~ Ir ~~_ J. I-. _ ~ ~-u T I W -,. I-~ _~0~~-Y-C.: ;1:b ~ x-.f ~~fr ~ ~ ;;r Ii R D 1 EI- ~ \;(r~ ~ r;lln~T (~ ((' OJ-:;~ IE~~ ( '1 ~(..Gffi:J ~ ~",c--- ~i A ~~I J ~ =.i~ =4 '~ -~ T 'T1 ~D U i'-..-' l- \.:::> LY1.t I'7' J l ~ j ~ ;U;W)~ ~~y~ t/~ ~(f ~L ~~ '...<:l.~Cl \~/(~...~~o ~'GJ<-L~"Ji lrl~~VY? ~ ~'A - '\\ 1 '~':-<-i "^ -L/ ~R L- r. ::",.....t\>.'\. _.J r~ -d. LdJ ~g. Q ~EJ II' r.-...~~'\ ~~ r71:~~ ----- r-. ~ I I ,u -r' (4 '\ -\~ (' ~ ~ +<,L~~k , ~ 1 I) ~ "0 ~, ::':;;~r~-' 181 ~ C ; J=r- LJ p",/';t'J ~ QIT f, ]} IF- w -!C ~ -= '2; ,>;-+13\ it: II [v / f' ~ -;/ /' ~1= ~ ()" r?,\ Jll:ct ~~ -=r ~ \), ~ I 15 ~ y-~~ If- l~ , "-==: '1:1 ')l, =t:?jJv \I. -::: ~-, ~e-<.t {! f ~ ~ I ~ l~ ,rcJ ~t ~ 'r-h w::;..,&;.I/, I, J1-; LLU - 'r Ll _ \11 n ~ r I ',- " ,~ 1=~ "GTr -,~f' Cck r,~ -~~' -~ ~ [-1J!~ ~ of ~ 'I ~ \U ffJF 'G) Ii , -:A-- t- J lY d':,.. ~~ Ire- '[>- 1- L$J. .m ~~IV- I If c:r /j;.;; .:;P:,,' ..:;~,. Preliminary List 2006 Overlay Project Vicinity Map Map Prlnlad-Aug 23 2005 Map made by KCM Nota: This map Is Intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. 'SW 312 ST . SW313ST 16ST Map made by KCM SW 312 PL ~ N T""" S 319 LN en ~ > 0.- <( <' ~ S 3097>'\ c.n ~ 19&r (fJ t5 (V) -J a.. ~ ~.~;,~,~".;;',<~"r<-i':,~ ;>..;)~'"i:.'~,;l,' .:::,','i".,>,,~,y.~\'r.:-:~:><'I~'.''''~,. 313 LN , j 1 ,1 j Z -J N -J a.. (V) f i J 315 ST S 316 PL (fJ --I S ?>~1 p\.. a.. T""" -J I- a.. U (V) C'I Preliminary List 2006 Overlay Project 1st I 312th 14th Schedule A J , ":'"i 1 U)~ >" ,~ <(iJ 4 '"""~ ~ ~ , ;~ PL! ,~ :~ " 1 \ J '$ '8 ~ ;i! .f ~ 10 ~~ ,~ I S 316 PL N W*E S Map P'lnted-Aug 23 2005 Note: This map Is Intended for use as a graphical representation only. Tha City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to Its accuracy. SW Campus Drive ~ C/) Q) ~ ..... en T""" C\l $: (j) Q) ~ .c. ...... 0> ..- $: C/) ~ .c. ..... 0> ..- Preliminary List 2006 Overlay Project 19th Ave SW Schedule 8 N w+. s Map Prlnted-Aug 23 2005 Map made by KCM Note: This map Is Intended for tJ$8 as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no wa"anty as to Its accuracy. S 324 ST en --J a... M T""" 'S 328 ST Map made by KCM en ~ S 325 s: ST o IT: (3 ct S 327 ST S 324 ST S 324 CT ' ~ " T""" COLONIAL WY S 328 PL Qj 3 :::::! :z: ~ ~ d > <( N N en a:: ~ 331 ST ~ en ~ ~ S 333 ST ~ '" en :z -J ~ Preliminary List 2006 Overlay Project 20th Ave S Schedule C N W+E S Map Ptlnted.Aug 23 2005 Note: This map /s/ntended for use es a graph/cal representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. ~ CD T- > <( o C'\I S 304 ST S 305 PL en > <( 0) ~ ~s en CJ) CJ) ---1 ?( ~ 308 CT a.. ~ Q) 0 T- T- .N N N (f) ~ S 310 ST ~ Map made by KCM CJ) ..q-J- NO CJ) CJ) Preliminary List 2006 Overlay Project. 24th Ave S I S 305th PI Schedule 0 N W*E s Map Prlnlad-Aug 23 2005 Note: This map Is Intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to Its accuracy. U ,N ST S 302 ST (f)S ~ 303 ST LO S 301 5T ST S DASH POINT o 0' .J~ST -l Na..(f) en ~ o T- ~ 53 <( ('0) T- S 304 ST S 304 5T 8 305 8T (f) S 306 ST 306 en en ~ -l .....J '<t' 8T co a.. en C"') .....J S 306 PL a.. '<t' (f) en en ~ ....J en a.. ...J > ~ .....J a.. .<( ('0) a.. LO 0 c::o en T- 8 308 8T en 8 309 5T 8 309 8T .....J a.. en (f) '<t' ~ ~ co 5 309 PL (9&r 8310 PL (f) en I- ~ ~ U en S 312 8T Cf) LO en (f) (f) > ~ ~ <( ?Jc:Jo S\ en ~ T- T- 8 308 8T 8 313 5T Preliminary List 2006 Overlay Project 8th Ave S Schedule E N W+E s Map Prlnted-Aug 23 2005 Map made by KCM Note: ThIs map Is Intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no wa"anty as to its accuracy. Preliminary List 2006 Overlay Project Aquacene Schedule F en -' ~ Map made by KCM S 300 8T N W*E s Map Prlnled-Aug 23 2005 Note: This map Is Intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no Wa"antyas to Its accuracy. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEM.ORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: September 6th, 2005 Land Use and Transportation Committee David H. Mosele Manager Maryanne Zukowski, P . 4:h Grant Funding Application for Transportation Safety Improvement Projects POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council authorize staff to submit grant applications for transportation safety improvement projects? BACKGROUND This memorandum provides the Council with the current funding availability of new grant funding programs for transportation projects. Staff has evaluated all projects listed on the City's Six Year Transportation Improvements Plan (TIP) and requests from the City of Federal Way School District and concluded that the following projects will likely be competitive in the 2006 fundiqg cycle. Project (Funding Phase) . Estimated Proj. Possible Grant Fund Grant 21s1 Avenue SW & SW 3561h Street "Total Project Design, Right of Way, and Construction" Intersection and Corridor Safety $881,527 $500,000 Program (Federal Funds) City Match $381,527 City Center Access Phase 2 "Design Study, Preliminary Engineering, and Access Point Decision Report" (Environmental Analysis) Intersection and Corridor Safety $3,000,000 $2,700,000 $300,000 Program (Federal Funds) sw 330lb St Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Improvements "Total Project Design and Construction" Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety $ 51,500 Program (State Funds) $43,000 $8,500 OPTIONS: 1. Authorize staff to submit grant funding applications for the following transportation improvements projects: . 21 sl A venue SW & SW 3561h Street . City Center Access Phase 2 . SW 330lb St Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Improvements 2. Modify the list of projects for which staff should submit grant-funding applications. 3. Do not submit any grant funding application in 2005 K:\LUrc\2005\09-Q6-0S Grant Funding App for Transp Stty Improvement Projects.doc STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends placing option #1 on the September 20,2005 Council Consent Agenda: Authorize staff to submit grant-funding applications for the following transportation safety improvements projects: . 21S! Avenue SW & SW 356th Street . City Center Access Phase 2 . SW 330lh St Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Improvements COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Council recommends placing option #1 on the September 20, 2005 Council Consent Agenda. MZ:ms cc: Project File Day File K: \lUTC\200S\09-Q6-0S Grant Funding App for Transp Sfty Improvement Projects.doc ~ CITY OF" _7 Federal Way PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION August 4, 2005 TO: Jack Dovey, Chair Land UsefTransportation Committee (LUTC) DavidM~ge.- Kathy McClung, Director of Community Development Services ~ Margaret H. Clark, AICP, Senior Planner ~_ Betty Cruz, Code Compliance Officer ~ VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: Amendments to Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" Adding a Provision for Freeway Profile Signs MEETING DATE: September 6,2005 I. POLlCY QUESTION Should the City of Federal Way adopt the code amendments to the Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 22, Article xvm, .'Signs," as recommended in Exhibit 1? II. BACKGROUND In September 2003, the City Council received a written citizen's request to consider a different type of regulation for business signs located adjacent to freeways. The reason for this request is to provide signs along 1-5 that are visible to the passing traffic. In 1995, when the last significant sign code revisions were made, these types of businesses were given the same commercial signage provisions as businesses citywide. The sign heights and size requirements limit the opportunity of advertising to the large, area-wide population using the freeway. For example, most commercial signs in the City cannot exceed 12 feet in height and 40-65 square feet per face in size, unless they are in a development over 15 acres in size where the maximum sign height can be 25 feet and size can be 200 square feet per face. The City Council included this code amendment in the 2004 Planning Commission Work Program, which was approved by the Council on March 2, 2004. III. PURPOSE OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENTS The purpose of the proposed amendments is to amend FWCC Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs," in order to adopt regulations for a new freeway profile sign category for properties adjacent to 1-5 and that are located in City Center Core (CC-C) and Community Business (BC) zones. IV. PROCEDURAL SUMMARY 2/19/05 Issuance of Determination of Nonsignificance pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) 3/07/05 End of SEP A Comment Period 3/21/05 End ofSEPA Appeal Period 4/20/05 Public Hearing before the Planning Commission 6/1/05 Staff meets with affected businesses and property owners 6/15/05 - Continuation of Planning Commission Public Hearing 7/25/05 End of Planning Commission Public Hearing 916/05 LUTC Public Meeting V. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on April 20, 2005, which was continued to June 15,2005, and July 27,2005. The staff reports to the Planning Commission for the public hearings are attached as Exhibits 2, 3, and 4, respectively, and the minutes for theses hearings are attached as Exhibits 5, 6, and 7. At the conclusion of the July 27,2005, public hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval ofthe code amendments as shown in Exhibit 4, Pages 18-23, with the following changes: 1. Allow static electronic changeable copy. The Highway Advertising Control Act, WAC 468- 66-030(12), has specific requirements for electronic signs visible from the interstate. All electronic changeable copy signs visible from 1-5 must comply with these state requirements. 2. No recommendation on the maximum area of sign face for signs located 50 feet or less from the advertised activity. As can be seen in Table I, Chapter 468-66 WAC, Highway Advertising Control Act, which is the state regulations that regulate signs visible from 1-5, the state has specific restrictions for signs located more than 50 feet from the advertised activity. The state also regulates the size of a sign advertising an individual business in a shopping center. The state does not regulate the size of signs located 50 feet or less from an advertised activity, or a sign, which advertises only the name ofthe shopping center. The staff recommended that signs not regulated by the state have a maximum area per face of 250 square feet for a total of 500 square feet for all faces. The Planning Commision voted (three yes to two no) to increase the maximum allowable sign area from 250 square feet per face as recommended by staffto 300 square feet per face. Because there was not a majority vote of the full Commission (four yes votes), this recommendation did not pass, and goes forward as "no recommendation" to the LUTe and City Council. Please refer to Table I for state requirements, the staff recommendation, and the Planning Commission recommendation pertaining to maximum sign face. Amendments to FWCC Chapter 22, Article XVIH, "Signs" Planning Commission Recommendation to the Land Useffransportation Committee August 4, 2005 Page 2 .----~~,. ::: .~ ::: ~ .~ ~ OJ 's ~ ... ~ E"O~~ o ::: a ::: U....:::IClfl 8aii3 gf a 'j:;l ... .- 0 <"l .... 2~~0. 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OI)~ 0 0.8 5h'::: ~ a,r ~ V .g I\)~I\):::'S ~ ~ 0 U) v ZI\).s8ao~ '" 0. I\) d o or) s::: .s ., .... o ::;:s '" '" ~ s::: .~ "'.D ~c; 'f! ~ ~ .~ "0"0 < .5 '" '" ., .S] '" 2"@ c;;-5 :::l .;; "O:e -;; .8 :e ..s a '" (") C> I\) C> 00 N C<l ."f Cl.. if> ::l 00 ::l -.< i> .;; 'p U '" I\) I\) .; o u -~ '" t:: o 0. if> s::: '" .", t? 5h& i;ij::J = "0 s::: ...... '" >~ ><--5 ~B .€ .9 ~'" N 'U N s::: I\) I\) E o.E '" 0 ...c U U I\) uCX: ~ 5 ~ 'Vi ~ -~ o E ;;; E c:8 E I:>IJ "0 s::: s::: s::: I\) C E~ -.<Cl.. VI. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENTS Proposed new language is shown as underlined and proposed deletions are shown as strikeout (Exhibit 1). Exhibit 1 reflects the Planning Commission recommendation except for where signs are unregulated by the State, in which case the staff recommendation has been inserted since the Planning Commission made no recommendation. 1. Only properties abutting 1-5 and located within the City Center-Core (CC-C) and Community Business (BC) zoning districts would be eligible for an additional pylon or pole sign. 2. A pylon or pole sign must have a minimum of two poles. It may have one pole or structural support ifit results in superior design; however, the City's Community Development Services Director must approve this. 3. Signs must be oriented toward 1-5, be visible from 1-5 (not the off-ramps), and be located near the property line closest to 1~5. 4. Design of the sign must be compatible to the architecture of the primary structure on the site, or to the primary sign(s) already permitted. 5. Font sizes must be a minimum of two (2) teet tall. 6. Animated or moving signs shall not be permitted. 7. Ifthe sign is to be located at an elevation below the elevation of the adjacent freeway, the height of the sign shall be no taller than 25 feet above the elevation of the freeway. 8. If the sign is to be located at an elevation above the elevation of the adjacent freeway, the sign can be no taller than 20 feet above the average finished ground elevation measured at the mid-point ofthe base. However, sign height can be increased up to a maximum of 40 feet above the average finished ground elevation measured at the mid- point of the base in order to be visible above trees or other obstructions. Any increase in height above 20 feet is subject to the approval of the City's Community Development Services Director. 9. Allowablc sign area is as follows: (i) For a subject property with a multi-tenant complex, a center identification sign identifying only the name of the center shall not exceed 500 square feet for the total sign faces, with no one sign face exceeding 250 square feet. (Staff recommendation. There was no Planning Commision recommendation.) (ii) For a subject property with a multi-tenant complex, a center identification sign, which identifies businesses within thc multi-tenant complcx and is located 50 feet or less from the advertised activity, shall not exceed 500 square feet for the total sign faces, with no one sign face exceeding 250 square feet. (Staff recommendation. There was no Planning Commision recommendation.) Amendments to fWCC Chapter 22, Article XVIIl, "Signs" Planning Commission Recommendation to the Land Use/Transportation Committee August 4, 2005 Page 4 (iii) For a subject property with a multi-tenant complex, a center identification sign, which identifies businesses within the multi-tenant complex and is located more than 50 feet from the advertised activity, shall not exceed 300 square feet for the total sign faces, with no one sign face exceeding 150 square feet. No one dimension of the sign face may exceed 20 feet. (iv) For a subject property with a multi-tenant complex, a sign advertising just one business shall be located 50 feet or less from the advertised activity, with no one sign face exceeding 150 square feet. No one dimension of the sign face may exceed 20 feet. (v) For a subject property with a single-tenant building, a sign located 50 feet or less from the advertised activity shall not exceed 500 square feet for the total sign faces, with no one sign face exceeding 250 square feet. (Staff recommendation. There was no Planning Commision recommendation.) (vi) For a subject property with a single-tenant building, a sign located more than 50 feet from the advertised activity shall not exceed 300 square feet for the total sign faces, with no one sign face exceeding 150 square feet. No one dimension of the sign face may exceed 20 feet. 10. A new definition for "advertised activity" has been added. II. The defInition for "animated or moving sign" has been modified. VII. LAND USE/TRANSPORT ATION COMMITTEE OPTlONS/ST AFF RECOMMENDATION The Committee has the following options: I. Recommend that the full Council adopt an ordinance approving the proposed code amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission, including no recommendation on the maximum size of signs, where they are unregulated by the State. 2. Recommend that the full Council adopt an ordinance approving the proposed code amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission with the staff recommcndation on the maximum size of signs. 3. Recommcnd that the full Council modify and then approve the proposed code amendments. 4. Recommend that the full Council disapprove the proposcd code amendments. Staff recommends that thc LUTC recommend to the full Council Option No.2 above, that is, adoption of the Planning Commission's recommendations, with the staff recommendation on the maximum size of signs. Amendments to FWCC Chapter 22. Article XVIII, "Signs" Planning Commission Reeommendation to the Land Userrransportation Committee August 4, 2005 Page 5 VIII. LAND USE/TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The LUTC forwards the proposed amendment to the full Council for first reading as follows: As recommended by Planning Commission. As recommended by Planning Commission and amended by the LUTe. LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 Proposed Code Amendments as Recommended by the Planning Commission with the Additional Staff Recommendation StafTReport for the April 20, 2005, Planning Commission Meeting with Exhibits I and 2, and Modified Exhibit 2 Staff Report for the June 15,2005, Planning Commission Meeting with Exhibits A-G Staff Report for the July 27,2005, Planning Commission Meeting with Exhibits A-F and the Additional Materials Provided to the Planning Commission During the July 27,2005, Meeting Minutes of April 20, 2005, Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of June 15,2005, Planning Commission Meeting Minutes of July 27, 2005, Planning Commission Meeting Draft Ordinance 1:\2005 Code Arnendmenls\Freeway Commercial Signs\LUTC\PC Rec Slaff Report 10 iJJTc.docl8/8/2005 11 :37 AM August 4, 2005 Page 6 Amendments to FWCC Chapler 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" Planning Commission Rcconunendation to the Land Uscffransportation Committee Federal Way City Code Chapter 22. Article XVIII. SIGNS Sections: 22-1596 Pnrpose. 22-1597 Definitions. 22-1598 Scope. 22-1599 Permits. 22-1600 Prohibited signs. 22-1601 Signs in nonresidential zoning districts. 22-1602 Construction standards. 22-1603 Variance from sign code. 22-1604 Compliance and enforcement. 22-1605 Reserved - Coinprehensive design plan. 22-1606 - 22-1629 Reserved. 22-1597 Detinitions. The following words, terrris and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings. ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (1) Abandoned sign means any sign remaining in place after a sign has not been maintained fora period of 90 or more consecutive days or if the activity conducted on the subject property ceases for 180 ,. consecutive days. (2) Administrator means the director of community development or his/her designated representative. (3) Advertised activity for Freewav Profile Signs. For the purpose of measuring from the advertised activityfor an individual business. the distance shall be measured from the sign to the nearest portion of that building, storage, or other structure or processing area which is the most regularly used and essential to the conduct of the activity, and for a center identification sign, which identifies businesses within a multi-tenant complex, the distance shall be measured from the sign to the nearest portion of the combined parking area of the subiect property. tJ:) (1)Animated or moving sign means any sign that uses movement, by either natural or mechanioal means, or ehange of lighting, either natural or artifieial, to depiet action to create a special effeet or soene. or the appearance of movement of a sign display throulIh the use of patterns of lights, changes in color or light intensity, computerized special effects, video display, or through any other method chasing or scintillating lights, fluttering or moving lights, lights with stroboscopic effect, or containing elements creating sound or smell; except for the scrolling of a static message, scene, or color onto or off a sign board in one direction per message. 1;\2005 Code Amendments\Freeway Commercial Signs\LUTC\080405 Definitions.docl8/5/2005 10:34:l6 AM (92004 Code Publishing Co. Page I EXHIBIT - I I - PAGE.J-OF ~ Federal Way City Code Chapter 22. Article XVIII. SIGNS 22-1601 Signs in nonresidential zoning districts. (a) Freestanding signs. Permit applications for freestanding signs shall be designated as qualifying for a high profile, medium profile or low profile sign, based upon criteria regarding both the size and zoning designation of the development. The sign profile designation shall control the sign typcs, sign height, sign area and number of signs allowed. In addition to the categories available in. FWCC 22-160l(a) (I) and (2), a subject property may be permitted anJldditional freestanding sign if it meets the criteria contained in FWCC 22-160l(a)(4). Separatc parcels or pads for single.tenant buildings tl1at comply with all zoning requirements for single-tenant parcels, excluding access, and are not otherwise tied to an adjacent multi-tenant center by virtue of architectural style or them~, are permitted one freestanding monument or pedestal sign not to exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 40 square feet. (I) High profile sign; a. Criteria. A subject property meeting all of the following criteria is permitted a high profile freestanding sign: 1. A minimum of 250 feet of frontage on one public right-of-way; 2. A zoning designation of city center corc (CC-C) or city center fTame (CC-F), or community business (BC);' 3. A multiuse complex; and 4. A minimum site of 15 acrcs in size~ b. Sign types. The following sign types are allowed fora high profile sign: L Pylon or pole signs; provided, however, that any pylon or pole sign must have more than one pole or structural support; 2. Pedestal signs; 3. Monument signs; 4. Tenant directory signs; and 5. Kiosks. Sign content for any pylon or pole sign, or for any pedestal or monument sign in lieu of a pylon or pole sign, may include electronic changeable messages, center identification signs and/or changeable copy signs. Any high profile sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. c. Sign height. A high profile sign shall not exceed the following maximum heights: I. Pylon or pole sign: Twenty-fivc feet; 2. Pedestal or monument signs: Twelve feet if in lieu of a pylon or pole sign. Otherwise, pedestal and monument signs shall not exceed five feet; 3. Tenant directory or kiosk signs: Six feet unless the sign is set back a minimum of 50 feet from any public right-of-way, in which case it may be 10 feet. d. Sign area. A high profile sign shall not exceed the following maximum sign areas: 1. Pylon or pole sign: 400 square feet for the total of sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 200 square feet; 2. Pedestal or monument signs: 128 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one face exceeding 64 square feet; 3. Tenant directory or kiosk signs: 15 square feet per sign face. Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT J - PAGE-Lotcage I e. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a high profile sign may have the following maximum number .of signs: 1. Pylon or pole sign: One sign unless the subject property has an additional 500 feet of street frontage f.or a total .of 750 feet of aggregate frontage on any public rights-of-way, in which case the subject property will be allowed .one additional high profile sign, n.ot t.o exceed a maximum of two such signs per subject property; 2. Pedestal or monument signs: If the pedestal or monument sign is in lieu of a pylon or pole sign, the number .of signs allowed shall be determined pursuant to subsection (e)(I) .of this section. In addition, two monument signs which identify the name of any multiuse complex are allowed, per entrance from a public right-of-way, not to exceed five feet in height; and 3. Tenant directory or kiosk signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way. (2) Medium profile sign. a. Criteria. A subject property that d.oes n.ot qualify for a high profile sign pursuant to subsection (a)( 1) of this section and is not a low profile sign by being zoned office park (OP) or professional office (PO) pursuant to subsection (a)(3) ofthis sectionis permitted a medium profile freestanding sign. b. Sign types. The following sign types are allowed for a medium profile sign: 1. Pedestal signs; and 2. Monument signs. Sign content for any medium profile sign may include electronic changeable messages, center identificati.on signs and/or changeable copy signs. Any medium profile sign may be an electrical sign,an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. c. Sign height. The height of a medium profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of 0.75 feet in the sign height for every 10 lineal feet of frontage .on a public right-of-way; provided, however, that sign height shall be calculated at the rate of one and one-half feet in sign height f.or every 10 lineal feet of frontage .on a public right-of-way for any multi-tenant complex; and provided further, that such sign shall not exceed a maximum height of 12 feet and every applicant is entitled to a minimum height of five feet. d. Sign area. For any multi-tenant complex, sign area all.owed for a medium profile signs shall be calculated at the rate of two square feet per lineal foot of frontage on .a public right-of-way not to exceed a maximum sign area of 128 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sign face exceeding 64 square feet. For other uses, sign area allowed f.or medium profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of one square foot per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of-way not to exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet f.or the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sign face exceeding 40 square feet. Notwithstanding the foregoing sign area calculati.ons, every applicant is entitled t.o a minimum sign area of 50 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 25 square feet. e. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a medium profile sign may have one pedestal .or monument sign for each street frontage. Each street frontage exceeding 300 linear feet and containing more than one vehicular access is permitted one additional freestanding sign. No subject property may contain more than three freestanding signs regardless .of total linear street frontage and no one street frontage may have more than two freestanding signs. Freestanding signs shall be located a minimum distance of 200 feetfr.om other freestanding signs on the same subject property. (3) L.oW profile sign. a. Criteria. A subject property located in the office park (OP) or profcssional office (PO) zone is permitted a low profile freestanding sign. b. Sign types. The following sign types are allowed for a low pr.ofile sign: 1. Pedestal signs; 2. Monument signs; and 3. Tenant directory signs. EXHIBIT ---L- PAGE-!-OF Ja Page 2 Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" Sign content for any pedestal or monument sign may include center identification signs and/or changcable copy signs. Any low profile sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sIgn. c. Sign height. A low profile sign shall not exceed the following maximum heights:. 1. Pedestal or monument signs: Five feet. 2. Tenant directory signs: Six feet unless the sign is set back a minimum of 50 feet from any public right-of-way, in which case it may be 10 feet. d. Sign area. 1. Pedestal or monument signs: Sign area allowed for a low profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of one square foot per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of-way; provided, however, that a low profile sign shall not exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sign face exceeding 40 square feet, and every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 50 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 25 square feet; 2. Tenant directory signs: 15 square feet per sign face. c. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a low profile sign may have the following maximum number of signs: 1. Pedestal or monument signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way; and 2.Tenantdirectory signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way. (4) Freeway profile signs. In addition to the categories available in FWCC 22-160 l(a) (l) and (2). a subject property may be permitted an additional freestanding sign if it meets the following: a.Criteria. 1. Abuts the right-of-way of Interstate 5; 2. Is located in zoning designation of City Center Core (CC-C), or Community Business (BC). b." Sign type. A pylon or pole sign is allowed provided, that any pylon or pole sign, Illust have more than one pole or structural support; and its design mustbe compatable to the architecture of the primary structure on site or to the primary sign(s) already permitted on the subject property. Alternatively, ~.!! or pole sign may have one pole or structural support if it results in superior design. which shall be subject to the director's approval. Sign content for any pylon or pole sign,. may include center' identification signs provided, however. that all font sizes used are a minumum two (2) feet tall. Any freestanding freeway profile sign may be an illuminated sign. and/or a neon sign. Animated or moving signs shall not be permitted. c. Sign orientation. The sign must be oriented toward 1-5. be visible from 1-5 (not the off-ramps), and be located near the property line closest to 1-5. d. Sign height. If the subject property has an elevation lower than the freeway, a freeway profile sign shall not exceed 25 feet above the elevation of the nearest driving lane of the freeway at a point nearest to the proposed location of the sign. If the subject property has an elevation that is higher than the nearest driving lane of the freeway, then the sign shall be no taller tq_a.!!._fO feet above the average finshed ground elevation measured at the midpoint of the sign base. However, the maximum height of the sign can be increased to 40 feet above the average finshed ground elevation measured at the midpoint of the sign base in order to be visible above trees or other obstructions, subjectto the director's approval. The sign height shall be measured by a licensed surveyor and the applicant shall be rcsponsiblc for providing the surveyor.. e. Sign area. 1. For a subject property with a multi-tenant complex. a center identification sign identifying only the name of the center shall not exceed 500 square feet for the total sign faces, with no oI1e sign face exceeding 2_~Q square feet. Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT ---'-- PAGE-t-OF Ja Page 3 2. For a subject prooerty with a multi-tenant complex, a center identification sign, which identifies businesses within the mu]t~:tenant complex, and which is ]oc~ted 50 feet or 1f;$.S from the advertised activity shall not exceed ~OO square feet for the total sign t,<!ces, with no one sign face exceeding 250 square feet. 3. For a subject property with a multi-tenant complex, a center identification sign, which identifies businesses within the multi-tenant comf'lex, and which is located more than 50 feet from the advertised activity shall not exceed 300 square feet for the total sign faces, with no one sign face exceeding 150 square feet. No one dimension of the sign face may exceed 20 feet. 4. For a subject property with a multi.:.tenant complex, a sign advertising just one business shall be located 50 feet or less from the advertised activity with no one sign face exceeding 150 square feet. NQ one dimension of the sign face may exceed 20 feet. 5. For a subject propcrty with a single-tenant building, a sign located 50 feet or less from the advertised activity shall not exceed 500 square feet for the total sign faces, with no one sign face exceeding 250 square feet. 6. For a subject property with a single-tenant building, a sign located more than 50 feet from the advertised activity shall not exceed 300 square feet for the total sign faces, with no one sign face exceeding 150 square feet. No onc dimension of the sign face may excccd 20 feet. f. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a freeway profile sign may have only one freeway profile sign per subject property. The applicant shall be responsible' for coordinating any such sign with the The Department, of Transportation, the Highway Advertising Control Act, and the State of Washington Scenic Vistas Act. f4) ill Combined sign package for adjacent property owners. The owners of two or more properties that abut or are separated only by a vehicular' access easement or tract may propose a combined sign package to the city. The city will review and decide upon the proposal using process III The city may approve the combined sign package if it willl?rovide more coordinated, effective and efficient signs. The allowable sign area, sign type, sign height and ni.nnber of signs will be determined as if the applicants . ; .'" " . " ' . were onemulti-teriant complex. . (b)Buil~in-g~~(mnted signs. . (l)Signtypes. The following sign type!> may be building-mounted signs and are allowed in all nonresidential zoning districts: a. Awning or canopy signs; b. Center identification signs; c. Changeable copy signs; d. Civic event signs; e. Directional signs, on-site; f. Electronic changeable message signs; g. Instructional signs; h. Marquee signs; i. Projecting signs; j. Tenant directory signs; k. Time and temperature signs; 1. Under canopy signs; and m. Wall-mounted signs. Any building-mounted sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. (2) Sign height. No sign shall project above the roofline of the exposed building face to which it is attached. (3) Sign area. The total sign area of building-mountcd signs for each business or tenant, excluding under canopy signs, shall not cxceed seven percent of the exposed building face to which it is attached; provided, however, that no individual sign shall exceed a sign area of 240 square feet and every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 30 square feet. A multi-tenant complex which does not use a EXHIBIT J PAGE--LOF 1. Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" P"ge4 freestanding sign may have two additional wall-mounted signs. No one sign may exceed seven percent of thc exposed building face to which it i:> attached, to a maximum of 240 square feet per sign. This sign is in addition to any other tenant signs on that building face. (4) Number of signs. The number of building~mounted signs permitted each user is dependent upon the surface area of thc largest single cxposed building face of his or her building as follows, excluding wall-mountcd center identification signs: !Largest Exposed Building Face IlMaximum Number of Signs I I Less than 999 sq. ft. I 2 I 1,000 - 2,999 sq. ft. I 3 I 3,000 - 3,999 sq. ft. II 4 I I 4,000 and over sq. ft. II 5 I Buildings with more than 4,000 square feet on any exposed building face, with several clearly differentiated departments, each with separate exterior entrances, are permitted one sign for each different department with a separate exterior entrance, in addition to the fivc permitted. No sign or signs may exceed the maximum area permitted for that building face except as may be specifically permitted by this codc. However, an applicant is allowed to move allotted signs, as calculated in subsection (b)(4) from oncbuilding face to another. Each business or use shall be permitted under canopy signs in addition to the other ,permitted building-mounted signs subject to the size and separation -requirements set forth in FWCC 22- 1599(c)(2)(w). (c) Sign area multipliers. The sign area and sign number allowed, as set forth in subsection (a)(l)(d) of this section for high profile signs, (a)(2)(d) of this section for medium profile signs, and (a)(3)(d) of this section for low profile signs and subsection (b)(3)of this section for building-mounted signs maybe increased in the following instances; provided, however; that in no event shall the sign exceed the maximum sigt;l area allowed: (1) If no signs on the subject property have internally lighted sign faces, then the total sign area allowed may be increased by 25 percent. (2) If all signs, other than centcr identification signs, are building-mounted signs, the total sign area allowed may be increased by 25 pcrcent. (3) A time and temperature sign may be included with any sign and such time and temperature signs shall not be included for purposes of calculating maximum sign area or maximum number of signs. (Ord_ No. 95-235, * 4, 6-6-95; Ord. No. 96-270, * 3(F), 7-2-96; Ord. No. 99-348, * 5, 9-7-99; Ord. No. 99-357, * 6, 12-7-99) EXHIBIT , PAGE--.-ILOF j. 1:\2005 Code Amendmcnts\Freeway Commercial Signs\LUTC\080405 Code Language.docl8/5/2005 10:34 AM Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVlll, "Signs" Page 5 April 20, 2005 7:00 p.m. City of Federal Way PLANNING COMMISSION City Hall Council Chambers AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. COMMISSION BUSINESS . PUBLIC HEARING Freeway Profile Signs Code Amendment 7. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 8. AUDIENCE COMMENT 9. ADJOURN EXHIBIT a PAGE LOF J.L Commissioners John Caulfield. Chair Dini Due/os William Drake Lawson Bronson Tony Moore (Alternate #2) Hope Elder. Vice-Chair Dave Osaki Merle Pfeifer Christine Nelson (Alternate #1) Pam Duncan-Pierce (Alternate #3) City Staff Kathy McClung, CDS Director Margarei Clark, Senior Planner E. Tina Piety, Administrative Assistant 253-835-2601 www.citvojfederafwav.com K;lPlanninc CoInnission\200SIAllcnda 04-:2ll--05_doc CITY OF ~~, Federal Way STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Amendments to Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 22, Article XVllI Sign Regulations Planning Commission Meeting of April 20, 2005 I. BACKGROUND The City Council received a written citizen request to consider a different type of regulations for business signs located adjacent to freeways (see letter, Exhibit 1). The City Council placed this item on the 2004 Planning Commission work program on March 2, 2004. A Determination of Nonsignificance was issued for this proposed code amendment on March 26, 2005. This code amendment proposal will provide options to address this issue (see Exhibit 2), FWCC Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs." The Issue The City has a number ofbusinesses and vacant comrnercialland that abut Interstate 5 (1-5) or Highway 18 (SRI8). These provide great locations for businesses with a regional draw. In 1995, when the last significant sign code revisions were made, these types of businesses were given the same commercial signage provisions as businesses citywide. The sign heights and size requirements significantly limit the advantage of advertising to the large, area-wide popul~tion using the freeway. For example, most commercial signs in the City cannot exceed 12 feet in height and 40-65 square feet in size, unless they are in a development of over 15 acres where the maximum sign height can be 25 feet and size can be 200 square feet. In most cases, the existing code does not permit the sign size and height required to be effective for the high speeds that cars are traveling on the freeway. II. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED CODE AMENDMENTS City staff reviewed freeway sign requirements in the cities of: Arlington, Bellingham, Burlington, Seattle, -Fife, Olympia, and Renton. The goal was to recommend regulations that would give adequate exposure to businesses next to the freeway but would minimize the aesthetic impact. Sign heights ranged from 20 feet above grade (Bellingham) to a flat 40-45 feet (Fife & Arlington). The smallest freeway signs are permitted in Renton at 150 square feet and also have a requirement that the associated building has to be a minimum of 125,000 square feet and applied to any property within 1000 feet of the freeway_ The largest signs are allowed in Seattle at 300 square feet per side which is comparable to an average size billboard and also depends on zoning district. Most cities studied have sign size in the 200-250 square foot per side range (Arlington, BurlingtEXHIBi1~ PAGE 2. OF J.L Staff has created a list of criteria for granting additional freeway signage: A. Abuts 1-5. Properties along SRl8 were not considered because all commercially zoned properties al.ong SR18 also abut 1-5, except for those along 348dt Street which more closely resembles a highway, rather than a freeway. B. Is located in-zoning designation of City Center (CC-C) or Community Business (BC). It is generally rec.ognized that cammercial properties have more need for signage than residential .or office properties. For this reas.on the freeway signage prop.osal only benefits the CC-C and BC zones. These properties would include the Gateway Center property, the four parcels south of 320th that include La Quinta Hotel, the vacant property on the narth side of 348th (future site of Federal Way Marketplace), Campus Square (Costc.o), Home Dep.ot, and properties south through the Jet Chevrolet site. The proposal does not include the Corporate Park (CP-l) and Office Park (OP-l) properties an the east side of the freeway (Quadrant), nor the Enchanted Park property, which is also zoned Office Park (OP-4). The Quadrant properties and the Enchanted Park properties are not required to follow the existing sign regulations and bath have special sign considerati.ons that are specified in their annexation agreements. C. Pylon or Pole signs are pennitted as long as pole signs have a minimum of two poles. Pale signs are not permitted elsewhere in the City. All signs must be compatible with other signs and structures on the property. Staff is also proposing some flexibility in the single pole exclusion if it can be demonstrated that a superior design can be achieved. D. Sign content will not be regulated except that the font size of the letters must be a minimum.of tw.o feet and they can be neon .or illuminated. Changeable copy signs would not be permitted. This size is most effective for sign speeds of 60 miles per hour and up. E. The sign must be .oriented to the freeway. The purp.ose of this provisi.on is to provide signage towards the freeway. F. The sign height cannat exceed 25 feet above the elevatian of the driving lanes of the freeway. If the property is below the grade of the freeway (like Costco), then the sign shall be no taller than 60 feet above the average finished graund elevation measured at the midpoint of the sign base. If the property is above the grade of the freeway (like Jet Chevrolet) then the sign shall be no taller than 20 feet ab.ove the ground elevatian. G. The sign area cannot exceed 250 square feet per side. This is a little smaller than a typical billboard size of 300 square feet per side. H. Coordination with the state will be required by the applicant. The State of Washington has requirements for locating sign next to freeways. The proposed regulations should nat conflict with these requirements, but there may be additional requirements and permits required. m. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the following code amendment be recommended for approval t.o the City Council: A code amendment be adopted that permits a new sign category called "freeway profile sign." Proposed code language is in Exhibit 1. New language added is underlined. Freeway Profile Signs Planning Commission Staff Report EXWIBI:r ~ PAGE 3-0F ~~l ~2p~~~ .. IV. REAsON FOR PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION FWCC Chapter 22, "Zoning," Article IX, "Process VI Review," establishes a process and criteria for zoning code text amendments. Consistent with Process VI review, the role of the Planning Commission is as follows: 1. To review and evaluate the zoning code text regarding any proposed amendments. 2. To determine whether the proposed zoning code text amendment meets the criteria provided by FWCC Section 22-528. 3. To forward a recommendation to City Council regarding adoption of the proposed zoning code text amendment. v. DECISIONAL CRITERIA FWCC Section 22~528 provides criteria for zoning text amendments. The following section analyzes the compliance of the proposed zoning text amendments with the criteria provided by FWCC Section 22-528. The City may amend the text of the FWCC only if it finds that: 1. The proposed amendment is consistent with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan. The proposed FWCC text amendmentis consistent with the following Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (FWCP) goals and policies: EDG-6 The City will encourage and support existing businesses to remain and lor expand their facilities within Federal Way_ EDI-2 The City will promote the community by working with the Chamber and the private sector to develop marketing tools that attract new businesses, - visitors, and investments. LUP-3 Use design and performance standards to create attractive and desirable commercial and office developments. CCG-3 Attract a regional market for high quality office and retail uses which increases employment opportunities, adds to the City's tax base, and establishes Federal Way's City Center as an economic leader in the South King County region. The comprehensive plan encourages success of business in Federal Way as a general concept. The success of business has a direct impact to the City's tax. base, which provides the money to provide City services and amenities. It is reasonable to accommodate commercial properties located next to the freeway by adding signage that can attract the regional customer passing through the area by freeway. At the same time, it is important to maintain the aesthetics of the City so that the added signs do not detract from the entrances to the City. By limiting the number of signs and types of signs permitted, the damage to aesthetics will be minimized. Freeway Profile Signs Planning Commission Staff Report EXHtBff 2. : April 12, 2005 PAGE-4-0F -+8- Page 3 2. The proposed amendment bears a substantial relationship to public health, safety, or . welfare. The proposed FWCC text amendment bears a relationship to the public health, safety, and welfare because it provides an opportunity for local businesses to increase their business through advertising to regional customers. Freeway signs will attract business into the City that may not have been attracted otherwise. 'This adds to the tax base of the City to provide City resources to its citizens. 3. The proposed amendment is in the best interest of the residents of the City. The proposed FWCC text amendment is in the best interest of the residents of the City because it fosters additional business but limits the number of signs, location, and type to minimize visual impact. VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Consistent with the provisions ofFWCC Section 22-539, the Planning Commission may take the following actions regarding the proposed zoning code text amendments: 1. Recommend to City Council adoption of the FWCC text amendments as proposed; 2. Modify the proposed FWCC text amendments and recommend to City Council adoption of the FWCC text amendments as modified; 3. Recommend to City Council that the proposed FWCC text amendments not be adopted; or 4. Forward the proposed FWCC text amendments to City Council without a recommendation. VB. EXHIBITS Exhibit 1 - Letter from Ron Gintz, September 29, 2003 Exhibit 2 - Federal Way City Code Chapter 22, Article xvm, "Signs," with Proposed New Language EXHIBIT 2- PAGE-LOFJ.&- l;\llOClIMHtffiFreeway Protile SignsIPlannins CommissionIP......ins Conmiuion StalfRcport -ay signs.OOC Freeway Profile Signs Plarming Conunission Staff Report April 12,2005 Page 4 Sep 29 03 03:44p P"n Gintz r, 1) 927 -0329 p. 1 ~~~I:n; ~F. f- 1 request this letter be read into the record at the LUTe meeting September 29,2003: e ~ etllJh7 L-- Sf1~ Concerning changing sign regulations for freeway-oriented businesses: At one time Highway 99 was a major north/south arterial designed to move high volume traffic quickly and efficiently. The posted speed limit was 50 miles per hour. As businesses located along this corridor, it was important to construct signage of sufficient height and size to ensure travelers had ample time to notice the sign and react by slowing down and stopping to shop. Two things happened over the past several years that led to a sign code, which restricts the height, size and location of frontage signs. First, Interstate 5 was built to serve as the main north/south corridor, attracting much of the traffic Highway 99 used to serve. The freeway was simply the preferred alternative for travelers seeking efficient movement north and south of our city, Second, Federal Way incorporated and began the evolution into a city with density issues, pedestrian issues and safety issues. A3 a result, the posted speed on Highway 99 was dramatically reduced. Traffic volume and traffic signals also contributed to slower speeds. In an attempt to add to the pedestrian-friendly aspect and the visual enhancement aspect of our city, pole signs reaching to the sky and seeking <<advantage" rather than <<equity" in location advertising were banned. One of the unintended consequences ofthe sign code was the impact on businesses, which seek to attract customers traveling 1-5 at speeds of 60-70 miles per hour. Attempting to act with absolute fairness, consideration was not adequately given to this fact: the very reasons signs along Highway 99 needed to be lowered and modified (namely slower traffic and greater attention to pedestrian ambience), do not exist on freeway frontage. As more 1-5 frontage is developed on property within Federal Way's city limits, the inore this issue will plague both private and public entities, It is timely to address this inequity for three reasons: 1) the Federal Way Chamber of Commerce, representing many business interests in town, supports this change, 2) existing and future businesses will inevitably attract more business (and sales tax revenue) to our city, and 3) there is no visual impact to any residential or pedestrian-oriented traffic. This change is truly addressing a situation, which should have been addressed when the sign code was debated and enacted. The existence of the restriction certainly does not give it added weight as an argument for retention, Sincerely, ~~d~ {~:~ntz .' EXHIBIT a PAGE~OF -'4- EXHIBit ~ LONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY FEDERAL WAY CITY CODE Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" r "18 ~ c.XH .... j ~ .----.. '_, . PAGELOF-'SIGNSALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY ..... .--:-.:,.....:.- 1. Pylon or pole sign: One sign unless the subject property has an additional 500 feet of street frontage for a total of 750 feet of aggregate frontage on any public rights-of-way, in which case the subject property will be allowed one additional high profile sign, not to exceed a maximum of two such signs per subject property; 2. Pedestal or monument signs: If the pedestal or monument sign is in lieu of a pylon or pole sign, the number of signs allowed shall be determined pursuant to subsection (e)(1) of this section. In addition, two monument signs which identify the name of any multiuse complex are allowed, per entrance from a public right-of-way, not to exceed five feet in height; and 3. Tenant directory or kiosk signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way. (2) Medium profile sign. a. Criteria. A subject property that does not qualify for a high profile sign pursuant to subsection (a)(1) of this section and is not a low profile sign by being zoned office park (OP) or professional office (PO) pursuant to subsection (a)(3) of this section is permitted a medium profile freestanding sign. b. Sign types. The following sign types are allowed for a medium profile sign: 1. Pedestal signs; and 2. Monument signs. Sign content for any medium profile sign may include electronic changeable messages, center ' identification signs and/or changeable copy signs. Any medium profile sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. c. Sign height. The height of a medium profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of 0.75 feet in the sign height for every 10 lineal feet of frontage on a public right-of-way; provided, however, that sign height shall be calculated at the rate of one and one-half feet in sign height for every 10 lineal feet of frontage on a public right-of-way for any multi-tenant complex; and provided further, that such sign shall not exceed a maximum height of 12 feet and every applicant is entitled to a minimum height of five feet. d. Sign area. For any multi-tenant complex, sign area allowed for a medium profile signs shall be calculated at the rate of two square feet per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of-way not to exceed a maximum sign area of 128 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign' with no one sign face exceeding 64 square feet. For other uses, sign area allowed for medium profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of one square foot per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of-way not to exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sign face exceeding 40 square feet. Notwithstanding the foregoing sign area calculations, every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 50 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 25 square feet. e. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a medium profile sign may have one pedestal or monument sign for each street frontage. Each street frontage exceeding 300 linear feet and containing more than one vehicular access is permitted one additional freestanding sign. No subject property may contain more than three freestanding signs regardless of total linear street frontage and no one street frontage may have more than two freestanding signs. Freestanding signs shall be located a minimum distance of 200 feet from other freestanding signs on the same subject property. (3) Low profile sign. a. Criteria. A subject property located in the office park (OP) or professional office (PO) zone is permitted a low profile freestanding sign. b. Sign types. The following sign types are allowed for a low profile sign: 1'. Pedestal signs; 2_ Monument signs; and 3. Tenant directory signs. EXHIBIT -'- PAGE~OF ~ Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" Page 2 EXHIBIT '1 " - PAGE.3.-OF~ONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY ~ - .......-,.- Sign content for any pedestal or monument sign may include center identification signs and/or changeable copy signs. Any low profile sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon SIgn. c. Sign height. A low profile sign shall not exceed the following maximum heights: 1. Pedestal or monument signs: Five feet. 2. Tenant directory signs: Six feet unless the sign is set back a minimum of 50 feet from any public right-of-way, in which case it may be 10 feet. d. Sign area. 1. Pedestal or monument signs: Sign area allowed for a low profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of one square foot per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of.:way; provided, however, that a low profile sign shall not exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sign face exceeding 40 square feet, and every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 50 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 25 square feet; 2. Tenant directory signs: 15 square feet per sign face. e. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a low profile sign may have the following maximum number of signs: 1. Pedestal or monument signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way; and 2. Tenant directory signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way. (4) Freeway profile signs. In addition to the categories available in FWCC 22-1601{a)(I-3). a subiect propertY may be permitted an additional freestanding sign if it meets the following: a. Criteria. 1. Abuts the rilZht-of-way of Interstate 5: 2. Is located in zoning desimation of City Center Core (CC-C). or Community Business (BO, b. Sim Me. A pylon or DOle sign is allowed provided. that any pylon or Dole sim must have more than one pole or structural support: and its desim must be comoatable to the architecture of the Primary structure on site or to the primary silZIl(s) already permitted on the subiect property. Altemativelv. a pylon or pole silZIl may have one Dole or structural SUDDort if it results in suoerior desilZIl. which shall be subiectto the director's approval. , Sign content for any pYlon or Dole sign. may include center identification sims provided. however. that all font sizes used are a minumum two (2) feet tall. Any freestandim! freeway profile silZIl may be an illuminated sign. and/or a neon sign. Animated or movinlZ sims. electronic chanlZeable COPy and/or chanlZeable copy sims will not be oennitted. . c. SilZIl orientation. The sign must be oriented toward 1-5. be visible from 1-5 (not the off-ramps). and be located near the ~ropertv line closest to 1-5. d. Sign heiszht. A freeway profile sim shall not exceed 25 feet above the elevation of the nearest driving lane of the freeway at a '\Joint nearest to the proposed location of the sim. If the subiect orooertv has an elevation lower than the freeway. then the sign shall be no taller than 60 feet above the averalZe finished lrround elevation measured at the midpoint of the sign base. If the subiect orooertv has an elevation that is hilZher than the nearest drivinlZ lane of the freeway. then the sil!11 shall be no taller than 20 feet above the averalZe flushed lrround elevation measured at the midooint of the silZIl base. e. Sign area. A freeway orofile sign shall not exceed 500 sauare feet for the total of silZIl faces. with no one sign face exceeding 250 SQuare feet. The sign heiszht shall be measured by a licensed surveyor and the aptllicant shall be responsible for orovidinsz the surveyor. Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT ~ PAGE~OF -LL Page 3 p':~~~F~ONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY f. Number of signs. A subiect property qualifying for a freeway profile sign may have only one ..freeway profile sign per subject property. The applicant shall be responsible for coordinating any such sign with the The Department of Transportation and the State of Washington Scenic Vistas Act. ~ Combined sign package for adjacent property owners. The owners of two or more properties that abut or are separated only by a vehicular access easement or tract may propose a combined sign package to the city._ The city will review and decide upon the proposal using process m. The city may approve the combined sign package if it will provide more coordinated, effective and efficient signs. The allowable sign area, sign type, sign height and number of signs will be detennined as if the applicants were one multi-tenant,complex. (b) Building-mounted signs. (1) Sign types. The following sign types may be building-mounted signs and are allowed in all nonresidential zoning districts: a. Awning or canopy signs; b. Center identification signs; c. Changeable copy signs; d. Civic event signs; e. Directional signs, on-site; f. Electronic changeable message signs; g. Instructional signs; h. Marquee signs; i. Projecting signs; j: Tenant directory signs; k. Time and temperature signs; l. Under canopy signs; and m. Wall-mounted signs. Any building-mounted sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. (2) Sign height. No sign shall project above the roofline of the exposed building face to which it is attached. (3) Sign area. The total sign area of building-mounted signs for each business or tenant, excluding under canopy signs, shall not exceed seven percent of the exposed building face to which it is attached; provided, however, that no individual sign shall exceed a sign area of 240 square feet and every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 30 square feet. A multi-tenant complex which does not use a freestanding sign may have two additional wall-mounted signs. No one sign may exceed seven percent of the exposed building face to which it is attached, to a maximum of 240 square feet per sign_ This sign is in addition to any other tenant signs on that building face. (4) Number of signs. The number of building-mounted signs permitted each user is dependent upon the surface area of the largest single exposed building face of his or her building as follows, excluding wall-mounted center identification signs: Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT 2. Page 4 PAGE~OF 1L- p~~:~FJ. - '----'" - !"~~ ~.l~l~S ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY ""II Buildings with more than 4,000 square feet on any exposed building face, with several clearly differentiated departments, each with separate exterior entrances, are permitted one sign for each different department with a separate exterior entrance, in addition to the five permitted_ No sign or signs may exceed the maximum areapennitted for that building face except as may be specifically permitted by this code. However, an applicant is allowed to move allotted signs, as calculated in subsection (b)(4) from one building face'to another. Each business or use shall be permitted under canopy signs in addition to the other permitted building-mounted signs subject to the size and separation requirements set forth in FWCC 22- 1599(c)(2)(w). (c) Sign area multipliers. The sign area and sign number allowed, as set forth in subsection (a)(l)(d) of this section for high profile signs, (a)(2)(d) of this section for medium profile signs, and (a)(3)(d) of this section for low profile signs and subsection (b )(3) of this section for building-mounted signs may be increased in the following instances; provided, however, that in no event' shall the sign exceed the maximum sign area allowed: (1) If no signs on the subject property have internally lighted sign faces, then the total sign area allowed may be increased by 25 percent. (2) If all signs, other than center identification signs, are building-mounted signs, the total sign area allowed may be increased by 25 percent. (3) A time and temperature sign may be included with any sign and such time and temperature signs shall not be included for purposes of calculating maximum sign area or maximum number of signs. (Ord. No. 95-235, ~ 4, 6.6.95; Ord. No. 96-270, ~ 3(F), 7-2-96; Ord. No. 99-348, ~ 5, 9-7-99; Ord. No. 99.357, ~ 6,12-7-99) 1:\2005 Code Amendments\Freeway Conunercial Signs\SEPA\032405 Code Amendment.docl411212005 10:00 AM EXHIBIT a PAGEJLOF 1.1- Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" . " Page 5 cXH\B\T ' . PAGEJa-OE - ....... -"".., Federal Way City Code Chapter 22. Article XVIII. SIGNS Sections: 22-1596 Purpose. 22-1597 Definitions. 22-1598 Scope. 22-1599 Permits. 22-1600 Prohibited signs. 22-1601 Signs in nonresidential zoning districts. 22-1602 Construction standards. 22-1603 Variance from sign code. 22-1604 Compliance and enforcement. 22-1605 Reserved - Comprehensive design plan. 22-1606 - 22-1629 Reserved. 22-1597 Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different me~ning: (1) Abandoned sign means any sign remaining in place after a sign has not been maintained for a period, of 90 or more consecutive days or if the activity conducted on the subject property ceases for 180 consecutive days. (2) Administrator means the director of community development or hislher designated representative. (3) Animated or moving sign means any sign that uses movement, by either H&tural er mechanioal means, er ohange of lighting, either a&tl:lral or artificial, to depiot actiea to create a speoial effect er seeae. or the aooearance of movement of a silm display throueh the use of oattems of lie:hts. changes in color or light intensity. comouterized special effects. video disolav. or throueh any other method chasine: or scintillating: lights. fluttering: or movine: lie:hts. liehts with stroboscooic effect. or containine elements creatine: sound or smell: exceot for the scrollin2 of a static messa2e. scene or color onto or off a silm board in one direction oer message. (4) Architectural embellishments - Signs means the aesthetic elements of the structure that includes or encloses a sign. They do not include any copy, text, logos, graphics, or other elements of the sign face or sign base, but are solely intended to enhance the aesthetics of the structural elements surrounding or supporting the sign. (5) Awning means a shelter projecting from and supported by the exterior wall of the building and are constructed of a noncombustible framework and covered by a flexible or nonrigid fabric. Awnings can be fixed, retractable, or collapsible. Any structure that extends above the adjacent parapet or roof of a supporting building is not included within the definition of awning_ (6) Awning or canopy sign means a non~electric sign on the vertical surface or flap that is printed on, painted on, or attached to an awning or canopy. Illumination for the awning or canopy shall be for safety purposes only, and therefore, shall point toward the ground and not illuminate the canopy. (See also "Marquee sign.") @2004 Code Publishing Co. Page I EXHIBIT --2. PAGE1lLOF a- MODIFIED EXHIBIT 2 EXHIBIT., ~2. PAGEJ3-0F --LI- SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY FEDERAL WAY CITY CODE Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" 22-1601 Signs in nonresidential zoning districts. (a) Freestanding signs. Permit applications for freestanding signs shall be designated as qualifying for a high profile, medium profile at' low profile sign, or freeway profile sign. based upon criteria regarding both the size and zoning designation of the development. The sign profile designation shall control the sign types, sign height, sign area and number of signs allowed. Separate parcels or pads for single-tenant buildings that comply with all zoning requirements for single-tenant parcels, excluding access, and are not otherwise tied to an adjacent multi-tenant center by virtue of architectural style or theme, are permitted one freestanding monument or pedestal sign not to exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 40 square feet. (l) High profile sign. a. Criteria. A subject property meeting all of the following criteria is permitted a- high profile freestanding sign: 1. A minimum of 250 feet of frontage on one public right-of-way; 2. A zoning designation of city center core (CC-C) or city center frame (CC-F), or community business (BC); 3. A multiuse complex; and 4. A minimum site of 15 acres in size. b. Sign types. The following sign types are allowed for a high profile sign: 1. Pylon or pole signs; provided, however, that any pylon or pole sign must have more than one pole or structural support; 2. Pedestal signs; 3. Monument signs; 4. Tenant directory signs; and 5. Kiosks. Sign content for any pylon or pole sign, or for any pedestal or monument sign in lieu of a pylon or pole sign, may include electronic changeable messages, center identification signs and/or changeable copy signs. Any high profile sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. c. Sign height. A high profile sign shall not exceed the following maximum heights: 1. Pylon or pole sign: Twenty-five feet; 2. Pedestal or monument signs: Twelve feet if in lieu of a pylon or pole sign. Otherwise, pedestal and monument signs shall not exceed five feet; 3. Tenant directory or kiosk signs: Six feet unless the sign is set back a minimum of 50 feet from any public right-of-way, in which case it may be 10 feet. d. Sign area. A high profile sign shall not exceed the following maximum sign areas: 1. Pylon or pole sign: 400 square feet for the total of sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 200 square feet; 2. Pedestal or monument signs: 128 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one face exceeding 64 square feet; 3. Tenant directory or kiosk signs: 15 square feet per sign face. e. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a high profile sign may have the following maximum number of signs: Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT a rage I PAGE-'-Y-OF A- SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY 1. Pylon or pole sign: One sign unless the subject property has an additional 500 feet of street frontage for a total of 750 feet of aggregate frontage on any public rights-of-way, in which case the subject property will be allowed one additional high profile sign, not to exceed a maximum of two such signs per subject property; 2. pedestal or monument signs: If the pedestal or monument sign is in lieu of a pylon or pole sign, the number of signs allowed shall be determined pursuant to subsection (e)( 1) of this section. In addition, two monument signs which identify the name of any multiuse complex are allowed, per entrance from a public right-of-way, not to exceed five feet in height; and 3. Tenant directory or kiosk signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way. (2) Medium profile sign. a. Criteria. A subject property that does not qualify for a high profile sign pursuant to subsection (a)(1) of this section and is not a low profile sign by being zoned office park (OP) or professional office (PO) pursuant to subsection (a)(3) of this section is permitted a medium profile freestanding sign. b. Sign types. The following sign types are allowed for a medium profile sign: 1. Pedestal signs; and 2. Monument signs. Sign content for any medium profile sign may include electronic changeable messages, center identification signs and/or changeable copy signs. Any medium profile sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. c. Sign height. The height of a medium profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of 0.75 feet in the sign height for every 10 lineal feet of frontage on a public right-of-way; provided, however, that sign height shall be calculated at the rate of one and one-half feet in sign height for every 10 lineal feet of frontage on a public right-of-way for any multi,,:tenant complex; and provided further, that such sign shall not exceed a maximum height of 12 feet and every applicant is entitled to a minimum height of five feet. d. Sign area. For any multi-tenant complex, sign area allowed for a medium profile signs shall be calculated at the rate of two square feet per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of-way not to exceed a maximum sign area of 128 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sign face exceeding 64 square feet. For other uses, sign area allowed for medium profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of one square foot per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of-way not to exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sign face exceeding 40 square feet. Notwithstanding the foregoing sign area calculations, every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 50 square feet for the total of all sign faces with. no one sign face exceeding 25 square feet. e. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a medium profile sign may have one pedestal or monument sign for each street frontage. Each street frontage exceeding 300 linear feet and containing more than one vehicular access is permitted one additional freestanding sign. No subject property may contain more than three freestanding signs regardless of total linear street frontage and no one street frontage may have more than two freestanding signs. Freestanding signs shall be located a minimum distance of 200 feet from other freestanding signs on the same subject property. . (3) Low profile sign. a. Criteria. A subject property located in the office park (OP) or professional office (PO) zone is permitted a low profile freestanding sign. b_ Sign types. The following sign types are allowed for a low profile sign: 1. Pedestal signs; 2. Monument signs; and 3. Tenant directory signs. EXHIBIT -2. , S_OF-U- Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVlIl, "Signs" PAGE Page 2 SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY Sign content for any pedestal or monument sign may include center identification signs and/or changeable copy signs. Any low profile sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon SIgn. c. Sign height. A low profile sign shall not exceed the following maximum heights: 1. Pedestal or monument signs: Five feet. 2. Tenant directory signs: Six feet wdess the sign is set back a minimum of 50 feet from any public right-of-way, in which case it may be 10 feet. d. Sign area. 1. Pedestal or monument signs: Sign area allowed for a low profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of one square foot per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of-way; provided, however, that a low profile sign shall not exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sigri face exceeding 40 square feet, and every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 50 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 25 square feet; 2. Tenant directory signs: 15 square feet per sign face. e. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a low profile sign may have the following maximum number of signs: 1. Pedestal or monument signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way; and 2. Tenant directory signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way. (4) Freeway profile signs. In addition to the categories available in FWCC 22-1601(a)O-3). a subject property may be permitted an additional freestanding; sign if it meets the following: a. Criteria. 1. Abuts the right-of-way of Interstate 5: 2. Is located in zoning designation of City Center Core (CC-C), or Community Business (BC). b. Sign type. A pylon or pole sign is allowed provided. that any pylon or pole sign must have more than one pole or structural support: and its design must be compatable to the architecture of the primary structure on site or to the primary sign(s) already permitted on the subiect property. Alternatively. a pylon or pole sign may have one pole or structural support if it results in superior design. which shall be subject to the director's approval. Sign content for any pylon or pole sign. may include center identification signs provided. however. that all font sizes used are a minumum two (2) feet tall. AnY freestanding freeway profile sign may be an illuminated sign. and/or a neon sign_ Animated or moving signs. electronic changeable copy and/or changeable COpy signs will not be vermitted. c. Sign orientation. The sign must be oriented toward 1-5. be visible from 1-5 (not the off-ramps). and be located near the property line closest to 1-5. d. Sign height. A freeway Vrofi1e sign shall not exceed 25 feet above the elevation of the nearest driving lane of the freewav at a point nearest to the proposed location of the sign. If the subject property has an elevation lower than the freeway. then the sign shall be no taller than 60 feet above the average finished ground elevation measured at the midpoint of the sign base. If the subject property has an elevation that is hil!her than the nearest drivinl! lane of the freeway. then the sim shall be no taller than 20 feet above the average finshed ground elevation measured at the midpoint of the sign base. However. the maximum heil!ht of the siro can be increased to 40 feet above the averal!e finshed lITound elevation measured at the midpoint of the siro base in order to be visible above trees or other obstructions. subiect to the director's approval. Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT ~ PAGE~OF --La- Page 3 SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY e. Sign area. A freeway profile sign shall not exceed 500 square feet for the total of Sign faces. with no one sign face exceeding 250 square feet. The sign height shall be measured bv a licensed surveyor and the applicant shall be responsible for providinl! the surveyor. f. Number of signs. A subiect prooerty qualifying for a freeway profile sil!ll may have only one freeway profile sil!l1 oer subiect oroperty. The applicant shall be resoonsible for coordinating any such si~ with the The Department of Transportation and the State of Washington Scenic Vistas Act. (4)ill Combined sign package for adjacent property owners. The owners of two or more properties that abut or are separated only by a vehicular access easement or tract may propose a combined sign package to the, city. The city will review and decide upon the proposal using process m. The city may approve the combined sign package if it will provide more coordinated, effective and efficient signs. The allowable sign area, sign type, sign height and number of signs will be determined as if the applicants were one multi-tenant complex. (b) Building-mounted signs. (1) Sign types. The following sign types may be building-mounted signs and are allowed in all nonresidential zoning districts: a. Awning or canopy signs; b. Center identification signs; c. Changeable copy signs; d. Civic event signs; e. Directional signs, on-site; f. Electronic changeable mesSage signs; g. Instructional signs; h. Marquee signs; i. Projecting signs; j. Tenant directory signs; k. Time and temperature signs; 1. Under canopy signs; and m. Wall-mounted signs. Any building-mounted sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. (2) Sign height. No sign shall project above the roofline of the exposed building face to which it is attached. (3) Sign area. The total sign area of building-mounted signs for each business or tenant, excluding under canopy signs, shall not exceed seven percent of tpe exposed building face to which it is attached; provided, however, that no individual sign shall exceed a sign area of 240 square feet and every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 30 square feet. A multi-tenant complex which does not use a freestanding sign may have two additional wall-mounted signs. No one sign may exceed seven percent of the exposed building face to which it is attached, to a maximum of 240 square feet per sign. This sign is in addition to any other tenant signs on that building face. (4) Number of signs. The number of building-mounted signs pennitted each user is dependent upon the surface -area of the largest single exposed building face of his or her building as follows, excluding wall-mounted center identification signs: axlmum umber of Signs Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVUI, "Signs" "2- EXHIBIT -, rage 4 PAGE '1-0F ~ SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY 13,000 ~ 3,999 sq. ft. I~ ~,OOO and over sq. ft. 115 Buildings with more than 4,000 square feet on any exposed building face, with several clearly differentiated departments, each with separate exterior entrances, are permitted one sign for each different department with a separate exterior entrance, in addition to the five permitted. No sign or signs may exceed the maximum area permitted for that building face except as may be specifically permitted by this code. However, an applicant is allowed to move allotted signs, as calculated in subsection (b)(4) from one building face to another. Each business or use shall be permitted under canopy signs in addition to the other permitted building-mounted signs subject to the size and separation requirements set forth in FWCC 22- 1599( c )(2)(w). (c) Sign area multipliers. The sign area and sign number allowed, as set forth in subsection (a)(l)(d) of this section for high profile signs, (a)(2)(d) of this section for medium profile signs, and (a)(3)(d) of this section for low profile signs and subsection (b)(3) of this section for building-mounted signs may be increased in the following instances; provided, however, that in no event shall the sign exceed the maximum sign area allowed: (1) If no signs on the subject property have internally lighted sign faces, then the total sign area allowed may be increased by 25 percent. (2) If all signs, other than center identification signs, are building-mounted signs, the total sign area allowed may be increased by 25 percent. , (3) A time and temperature sign may be included with any sign and such time and temperature signs shall not be included for purposes of calculating maximum sign area or maximum number of signs. (Ord. No. 95-235, 9 4, 6-6-95; Ord. No_ 96-270, 9 3(F), 7-2-96; Ord. No_ 99-348, 9 5,9-7-99; Ord. No. 99-357, 9 6,12-7-99) 1:\2005 Code Amendments\Freeway Commercial Signs\SEPA\032405 Code Amendmentdocl4l20/2oo5 4:59 PM Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT a PAGE~F Ja- Page 5 City of Federal Way PLANNING COMMISSION June 15, 2005 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4. AUDIENCE COMMENT 5. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT 6. COMMISSION BUSINESS . PUBLIC HEARING ,- continued Freeway Profile Signs Code Amendment 7. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 8. AUDIENCE COMMENT 9. ADJOURN EXHIBIT 3 PAGE-LOF JlL Commissioners John Cou/fleld, Chair Dini Duclos William Dralre Lawson Bronson Tony Moore (Altenwte #12) Hope Elder, Vice-Chair Dave Osaki Merle Pfeifer Christine Nelson (AltenuJte #1) Pam Duncan-Pierce (Alternate #13) City Staff Kathy McClung, CDS Director Margaret Clark, Senior Planner E. Tina Piety. Administrative Assistant 253-835-2601 www.cityoffederalwav.c(Jm K:""""""" ColIwrOssiooIZOOS\Aplda %-1 $.liS_doc ~ CITY Of" ......? Federal Way MEMORANDUM June 9, 2005 To: John Caulfield, Chair, City of Federal Way Planning Commission FROM: Kathy McClung, Director of Community Development Services Margaret H. Clark, AICP, Senior Planner Betty Cruz, Code Compliance Officer SUBJECf: Follow-up to April 20, 2005, Planning Commission Public Hearing on Freeway Profile Signs MEETING DATE: June 15, 2005 I. BACKGROUND This is a follow-up to the April 20, 2005, Planning Commission public hearing during which the Planning Commission discussed the staff recommendation and proposed code language for adoption of a new Freeway Profile Category Sign. After the Planning Commission discussion, the Planning Conunission requested that staff follow up on and report back on the following: 1. Consider allowing electronic signs and/or electronic changeable copy and if not, provide reasons (such as safety issues or traffic-related statistics) as to why they should not be allowed. 2. Consider allowing the maximum area per sign face to be 300 square feet as opposed to 250 square feet. 3. Meet with property and business owners. 4. Check Forest Practices to be sure we can top trees when parcel is over five acres. 5. Consider tree/obstacle exemption for parcels below the freeway. 6. Give Commissioners a copy of the Power Point presentation_ 7 . Would any parcels in the P AA be affected? 8. Check with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) about regulations on distances between signs and size of fonts for freeway signs. 9. Which parcels would be allowed a sign? EXHIBIT B .. March 15, 2005 PAGE _ OF --'.IL Page I Planning Commission Memorandum 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments n. PROCEDURAL SUMMARY 2/19/05 Issuance of Determination of Non significance pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) 3/07/05 End of SEP A Comment Period 3/21/05 End of SEP A Appeal Period 4/20/05 Public Hearing before the Planning Commission 6/1/05 Staff meets with affected businesses and property owners 6/15/05 Continuation of Planning Conunission Public Hearing m. RESPONSE TO PLANNING COMMISSION The responses to the questions from the Planning Commission are listed below. 1. Consider allowing electronic signs and/or electronic changeable copy and if not, provide reasons (such as safety issues or traffic-related statistics) as to why they should not be allowed. Staff Rt!$ponse: The draft code amendment presented to the Planning Commission on April 20, 2005, included language prohibiting animated or moving signs, electronic changeable copy, and changeable copy signs. These are defined as follows: (3) Animated or moving sign means any sign that uses movement;hy either B&tHRlI er meehanie&l mesns, er ehaftge efligfttiHg, either BaNfal er ertifieial, te depiet aeaM 18 er-eate 8 speeial effeet er seeBe. or the avnearance of movement of a sign display throulZh the use of patterns oflilZhts. changes in color or li2ht intensi\y. computerized SDeCial effects. video diSVlav. or throulZh any other method Chasin2 or scintillatin~ li2hts. flutterinlZ or movinlZ li2hts. lilZhts with stroboSCODic effect. or containine: elements creatin2 sound or smell: except for the scrolling of a static messalZe. scene or color onto or off a Si20 board in one direction per messa(Je. I (24) Electronic changeable message sign means an electronically activated sign whose message content, either whole or in part, may be changed by means of electronic progranuning. (16) Changeable copy sign means a sign whose informational content can be changed or altered (without changing or altering the sign frame, sign supports or electrical parts) by manual or electric, electro-mechanical, or electronic means. A sign on which the message changes more than eight times a day shall be considered an electronic changeable message sign and not a changeable copy sign for purposes of this chapter. A sign on which the changing is an electronic or mechanical indication of time and/or temperature shall be considered a "time and temperature" sign and not a changeable copy sign? I Amendments to the definition of "Animated or Moving Sign" are being proposed as part of the Freeway Profile Sign Code Amendment. 2 Time and temperature sign means any sign that displays the current time and temperature, without at;ly conunercial message. Planning Commission Memorandum EXHtBIT is r..-iarch 15,2005 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments PAGEiOF ~ Pagel The staff rationale for not allowing animated or moving and electronic changeable copy signs was based on safety reasons since these signs can be distracting to passing motorists. The reason for not allowing changeable copy signs was due to the nature of the signs and the need to include a variety of information, resulting in a font that may be too small to be easily readable by a passing motorist, and therefore, being a safety issue. The Highway Advertising Control Act (Chapter 468-66 WAC) applies to 1-5; however, because 1-5 is within the boundaries of an incorporated City, the portion of the the Scenic Vistas Act (Chapter 47.42 RCW) that apply to scenic systems do not apply to 1-5. WAC 468-66-030 states the following: WAC 468-66-030. General provisions. Notwithstanding any other provision of the act or these regulations, no signs visible from the main-traveled way of the interstate system, primaIy system, or scenic system which have any of the following characteristics shall be erected or maintained: (7) Signs which contain, include, or are illuminated by any flashing, intermittent, or moving light or lights (except those signs giving public service information). (9) Signs which move or have any animated or moving parts (except revolving signs giving public service infortnation). (12) Electronic signs may be used only to advertise activities conducted or goods and services available on the property on which the signs are located or to present public service information. (a) Advertising messages may contain words, phrases, sentences, symbols, trade- marks, and logos. A single message or a segment of a message must have a display time of at least two seconds including the time to move onto the sign board, with all segments of the total message to be displayed within ten seconds. A message consisting of only one segment may remain on the sign board as long as desired. (b) Electronic signs requiring more than four seconds to change from one single message display to another shall be turned off during the change interval. (c) Displays traveling horizontally across the sign board must move between sixteen and thirty-two light colunms per second. Displays can scroll onto the sign board but must hold for two seconds including scrolling. (d) Sign displays shall not include any art animations or graphics that portray motion, except for movement of graphics onto or off of the sign board as previously described. Based on the above, WAC 468-66-030 clearly prohibits animated signs. In addition, WSDOT has stated in a June 19, 2002, letter that the collision rate is higher by 360 percent for the section of the northbound Interstate 5 where the Fife animated sign is visible, compared to a section just to the north where the sign is not visible (Exhibit A). However, WSDOT does allow electronic changeable message signs and changeable copy signs. 2. Consider allowing the maximum area per sign face to be 300 square feet as opposed to 250 square feet. Planning Commission Memorandum 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments ~ PAGE 'l.-OF .lD- March 15, 2005 Page 3 Staff Response: Staff reviewed sign codeS for the six cities shown in the following table and found that the maximum area per sign face ranged from 100 square feet in the City of Olympia to 300 feet for the City of Bellingham. Billboards are normally 300 square foot area per sign face. In addition, WAC 468'()6, Highway Advertising Control Act, limits Type 3 (on-premise) signs to 150 square feet per sign face and 20 feet in any dimension if they are located more than 50 feet from the advertised activity. In general, for purposes of measuring the 50-foot distance, advertised activity may be considered the common parking lot for a shopping center. Cities Sign Matrix MunicipaUty Max Areal Face Max Height Freeway Orientation Requirement City of Arlington 250 square feet 45' Fronting freeway City of Auburn 200 square feet 45' N/A City ofBeUingbam 300 square feet 20' Freeway orientation requirement (Industrial Zones Only) above freeway City of Bellingham 250 square feet 20' Freeway orientation requirement (Cormnercial Zones Only) above freeway City ofBellingbam 275 square feet 20' Freeway orientation requirement (Planned Use & Industrial Zones) above freeway City of Burlington 200 square feet 50' Freeway orientation & 500 from freeway City of Fife 250 square feet 40' Freeway orientation requirement City of Olympia 100 square feet 25' Adjacent to freeway 3. Meet with property and business owners. Staff Response: All property owners and business owners (Exhibit B) potentially affected by the proposed code amendment (please see Exhibit C - Map of Subject Properties) were provided with a transmittal letter explaining the proposed code amendment and invited to a meeting on June 1,2004 (Exhibit D). Sign contractors were provided a copy of the draft code amendment and were asked for their input (Exhibit E). They were all notified that the Planning Commission public hearing was continued to June 15,2005, at which time they could also provide input. Four people attended the June 1 It meeting-Claudia Mizukami and another gentleman representing FaSt Signs, a sign manufacturing business; Jeff Oliphant, representing Federal Way Market Place (the new WalMart); and Michael Mann with the Peninsula Group, representing the Super 8 Motel. The four attendees provided the following comments: (1) Concerns were expressed about whether trees on state property could be trimmed to allow visibility of signs_ Planning Commission Memorandwn 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments EXHIBIT 3 PAGE--L.OF ~ March 15, 2005 Page 4 Staff Response: Staff checked with Pat O'Leary from WSDOT and was told that the state does not presently have a policy for tree trimming; however, they are working on a policy~ It is presently prohibited to remove vegetation or other natural features located within the state highway right-of-way that may act as visual obstructions (WAC 468-66-010[27]). (2) One person wanted to be sure that more than one business name could be placed on a sign. Staff Response: As can be seen from Exhibit C, there are a number of properties meeting the definition of "subject property": "Subject property means the entire lot or parcel, or series of lots or parcels, on which a development, activity or use is or will locate or on which any activity or condition regulated by or subject to this chapter is or will occur or take place." Developed sites with more than one business meeting the definition of "subject property" include: (d) Gateway Center (e) BP Mini-martlFederal Way Center/La Quinta (f) Office Depot/G.!. Joe/Costco/Olive Garden/Popeye's (g) Home DepotlVideo Only A decision as to whether more than one business name could be placed on the sign would have to be agreed upon by the owner of the sign and the other businesses that are considered part of the subject property. In addition, the available space on the sign (total square footage of the sign face) and the sign font used would playa part in detennining how much information could be displayed on the sign. (3) Would a changeable time and temperature sign be allowed? Staff Response: Time and temperature sign means any sign that displays the current time and temperature, without any commercial message_ A time and temperature sign can be changed either by electronic or mechanical means. Time and temperature signs are not considered to be a changeable copy sign and may be included with any sign without being included for purposes of calculating maximum sign area or maximum number of signs. (4) There was a question about font size. Staff Response: Based on input from contractors, staff is proposing a minimum font size of two feet, but no maximum font size. We could fmd no specific guidance from the state except for the definition of"legible" and "visible" as follows: WAC 468-66( 11) defines "legible" as capable of being read without visual aid by a person ofnonnal visual acuity. Planning Conunission Memorandum 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments ~- PAGE-'a-OF .l.O- March 15,2005 Page 5 WAC 468-66(21) defmes "visible" as capable of being seen (whether or not legible) without visual aid by a person of normal visual acuity. (5) There was a con(;em that WSDOT has landscaped areas that can both distance and block the sign from the freeway. . Staff Response: The state does have treed areas set aside as beautification strips and as mentione<l above, staff check~ with Pat O'Leary from WSDOTand was told that the state does not presently have a policy for tree trimming; however, they are working on a policy. It is presently prohibited to remove vege~tion or other natural features located within the state,highway right-of-way that may act as visual obstructions (WAC 468-66-010[27]). (6) The Federal Way Market Place (new WalMart site) is unique. Due to state landscape area and hill, any sign fitting the proposed changes would not be seen from the freeway. Staff Response: Since the June 1st meeting, staff has been working with Jeff Oliphant, the owner of the Federal Way Market Place, to detennine where a freeway profile sign could be placed on the site and be visible from the freeway. This property has unique characteristics since there is a state beautification strip, located on a hill, between the Federal Way Market Place and 1-5. There is also a stream with a 50-foot stream buffer on either side and the developed site, once graded, would be at a lower elevation than the freeway. As a result, we have been unable to identify a suitable location for a sign that would be visible from the freeway due to existing trees on state property and the other site characteristics. (7) Does the Scenic Vistas Act affect Pacific Highway South? Staff Response: Pacific Highway South does fall under the jurisdiction of the Scenic Vistas Act. However, this code amendment does not propose to allow freeway profile signs along Pacific Highway South. (7) Would City consider allowing changeable copy if the font is over two square feet? Staff Response: Planning Commission may wish to discuss this during the continuation of the public hearing on June 15, 200~. (8) In the situation of the Super 8 Motel, would a gravel parking lot for trucks be considered an acceptable activity under the Scenic Vistas Act? Staff Response: This question will be responded to separately after additional staff research. 4. Checlc Forest Practices to be sure we can top trees when parcel is over five acres. Planning Conunission Memorandum 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments EXHIBfr -8 PAGE ~OF '0 March 15,2005 Page 6 Staff Response: Forest Practices relate to growing, harvesting, or processing timber, including, but not limited to, road construction and maintenance, thinning, salvage, harvesting, reforestation, brush control, and using fertilizers or pesticides. Thinning or trimming of trees along 1-5 would fall under a Class 1 forest practice. Class I forest practices have been determined to have no direct potential for damaging a public resource. According the Forest Practices Act, and information from the State Department of Natural Resources staff, if thinning or trimming of trees is ,being conducted outside of a sensitive area, no permit is required (Exhibit F). 5. Consider tree/obstacle exemption for parcels below the freeway. The draft code amendment presented to the Planning Commission proposed the following language: Sim heil!:ht. A freeway profile sim shall not exceed 25 feet above the elevation of the nearest driving lane of the freeway at a ooint nearest to the prooosed location of the silm. If the subiect oropertv has an elevation lower than the freeway. then the sim shall be no taller than 60 feet above the average finished 2found elevation measured at the midooint of the sim base. If the subiectprooertv has an elevation that is hil!:her than the nearest drivin2lane of the freeway. then the sim shall be no taller than 20 feet above the averal!:e [mshed ground elevation measured at the midpoint of the sign base. However. the maximum hei2ht of the sim can be increased to 40 feet above the avera2e finshed lUOund elevation measured at the midpoint of the sim base in order to be visible above trees or other obstructions. subiect to the director's aooroval. Staff Response: We have prepared a map of all affected properties below the freeway! looking at possible locations for freeway profile signs on each property or subject property given the existing location of trees adjacent to the freeway and determining what the height of the signs would be based on the existing draft language. This map is attached as Exhibit G. The map shows the subject parcels based on their elevation relative to the freeway. Potential sign locations are drawn as well as the freeway measuring point. Locations above the freeway are shaded green; those below ate shaded purple. In addition, the approximate height of each sign is displayed in a blue call-out box. Sign heights hilVe only been calculated for propertied below the freeway. The maximum sign heights vary from 28 feet above grade on the vacant parcel shown as Property 14, to 68 feet on the Costco subject property (Property 12). Based on this information, additional discussion is warranted for maximum height of signs both above and below the freeway (please see discussion under 3(6) - Federal Way Market Place, above). < 6. The Commissioners requested a copy of the Power Point presentation from the April 20, 2005, Planning Commission public hearing. Staff Response: The Power Point presentation has been provided to the Planning Commission. 7. Would any parcels in the PM be affected? Planning Commission Memorandum 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments EXHJ.8.I.1'" B March 15,2005 PAGE~OF~ Page 7 Staff Response: Please refer to Exhibit C. There are five parcels (Numbers 5-9) that are located within the City's Potential Annexation Area (FAA) that will be affected once they are annexed to the City. These parcels were given a pre-annexation comprehensive plan designation and zoning of Community Business (Be). For the most part, these parcels are under separate ownership, but could be developed as one subject property. 8. Check with the Washington State Department o/Transportation (WSD01) about reglflations on distances between signs and size o//onts/or freeway signs. Staff Response: , Staff contacted the state; however, the infonnation provided was for directional and other WSDOT -related infonnation along the highway and not for private commercial signs. Staff will continue to research this issue. 9. Which parcels would be allowed a sign? Staff Response: Please refer to Exhibit C, map, which shows "subject" properties. A "subject" property is allowed one additional freeway profile sign. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the public hearing be continued to July 27,2005. v. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Consistent with the provisions ofFWCC Section 22-538, the Planning Commission may take the following actions regarding the proposed code amendments: 1 Recommend to City Council adoption of the proposed code amendments as proposed; 2. Recommend to City COlIDcil that the proposed code amendments not be adopted; ~ 3. Fotward the proposed code amendments to City Council without a recommendation; or 4. Modify the proposed code amendments and recommend to City Council adoption of the amendment as modified. Planning Commission Memorandum 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G June 19,2002, Letter from Washington State Department ofTransporation to Tulalip Tribes Planning Commision List of all Property Owners and Business Owners Potentially Affected by the Proposed Code Amendment Map of Subject Properties Letter to Property Owners and Business Owners Explaining the Proposed Code Amendment Letter to Sign Contractors Explaining the Proposed Code Amendment with List of Sign Contractors Notified Infonnation from the State Oepartment of Natural Resources Staff Map Showing Potential Sign Heights for Properties Located Below the Freeway EXHIBIT a PAGE-LA-OF ~ 1:\2005 Code Amendments\Freeway Commercial Signs\Planning Commission\06 I 505 Report to Planning GlmmisiOll.docI06I09l2005 3:37 PM Planning Cormnission Memorandum 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendments March IS, 200S Page 9 ^',h'*""""~_m""-"''''''.\",""'''''"""",,,,,,',N''''''''''',"''''''''''''~'''''''''' ' ~~.ffi ai'et CI~!r~Ne;-tribal ca:~iOo-~deosril.doc ....,='"."''"'w ,'~ ,~. ." .., -.' ==^==",- .- ......... -"'-' "''''- o '~''''''\'"l'IlIII:Il=~~~~,^~'~_~'.:..:i&.:.:...;'~ll~~~...l.:Lj(I.!~1ii''~ ...,.,~".,~~~~,".:::I.:.,~~..:,.:.:~.%>...o::.::',~~:.::!,.s:.::::.~::':~i.:::........:"::,::'~__"":'_~\.~".. June 19, 2002 Tulalip Tribes Planning Commission Tulalip Community Development Department 6700 Totem Beach Road Marysville, W A 98271 Dear Tulalip Tribes Planning Commission: Conditional use permit application CU2002~01 is proposing to install a "115 foot tall freestanding pylon sign with a 30 x 40 foot color video display screen" west of Interstate 5 at the entrance to the new casino. The Washington State Department of Transportation is concerned with the safety of the Interstate 5 motorists as a result of the new sign. There has been a significant increase in collisions near a similar sign along 1-5 near the King/Pierce County line. Washington State Department of Transportation recommends against usage of a moving picture type sign for this reason. In fact, the Scenic Vista Act (RCW 47.42 and WAC 468-66) limits the use of video displays to on advertising only on- premise activities. The Scenic Vista Act also limits the types of movements, flashing and scrolling that can take place on electronic signs. We would like to see a traditional, static billboard sign instead of a video sign. The video sign was installed in 1997 on west side of Interstate 5 at the PiercelKing County line. Collision data was evaluated at a section of the northbound Interstate 5 where the sign is visible and section just north of the sign where the sign was no longer visible. The number of collisions was almost equal for the two sections of the Interstate before the sign was installed during the years 1995 and 1996. The number of collisions almost doubled for the section of the Interstate 5 where the sign is visible and after the sign became operational. The collision rate is higher by 360% from the section of the Interstate 5 where the sign is visible compared with a section just north where the sign is no longer visible during the years 1999 and 2000. While this is preliminary research on the traffic safety effects of the video sign, we will continue to monitor video signs. If a conclusive link is made between the video signs and traffic collisions we will inform video sign owners and operators about the serious traffic safety problems their signs are creating. Below is the summary of the accident data: EXHIBIT~ I PAGE---LQF ..2. r~-~:,~IQ!~f~:~~~Y!I~[~~I~~~Y1~~1~E~_-".,'-'~~:::'.',":-:~~:'.=~:,,:=::::=::,~='-, ,::"~:=,':,'.,:_,'::::~::===:~"-'_:)~~9i?'~ Tulalip Tribes Planning Commission 611912002 Page 2 Sign visible Sign not visible MP 139.08 -139.40 MP 139.50- 139.82 Prior to sign operation 12 10 1995-1996 Sign operational 22 6 1999*2000 Washington State Department of Transportation recommends against the installation of the video sign because of the mounting evidence that such signs distracts motorists from their driving tasks and increases the number of collisions. I request that the Tulalip Tribes Planning Commission consider the use of a static sign to minimize the impact to the driving public. Thank you for this opportunity to provide comments for the proposed sign. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, David McCormick, PE Region Traffic Engineer Washington State Department of Transportation (206) 440-4487 EXHIBIT~J PAGE~OF~ WILLIAM PRUETT PATTI TRUST 31625 32NO AVE S AUBURN WA 98001 All AMERICAN,HOMES 622 S 320TH ST FEDERAL WAYWA 98003 APPLE HOSPITALITY FIVE INC 901 E CARY ST RICHMOND VA 23219 GEORGE STEARS 6211 VIEW ST NE TACOMA WA 98422 HD DVLPMT OF MARYLAND INC PROPERTY TAX DEPT # 4703 PO BOX 105842 ATLANTA GA 30348 JIM JINGUJI 1818 S 356TH ST FEDERAL WAYWA 98003 J & Y INVESTMENTS LLC 13714 SE 75TH ST NEWCASTLE WA 98059 JEFFREY L OLIPHANT JLO WASHINGTON ENTERPRISES 5743 CORSAAVE STE 216 WESTLAKE VILLAGE CA 91362 Mailed to Following Property Owners: GATEWAY CENTER RETAIL LLC C/O ELLIS CB RICHARD 110 110TH AVE NE # 101 BELLEVUE WA 98004 WINCHESTER INVESTMENT PO BOX 6363 L YNNWOOD WA 98036 RST ENTERPRISES 1851 CENTRAL PL S # 225 KENT WA 98030 COSTCO WHOLESALE CORP PROPERTY TAX DEPT 061 999 LAKE DR ISSAQUAH WA98027 DENIS L MARTEN 4294 NELSON RD SE OLALLA WA 98359 KAYO OIL A TTN MARKETING PO BOX 1539 PASO ROBLES CA 93447 TASNIM SAYAN I HOLIDAY INN & SUITES 32134 25TH AVE S FEDERAL WAYWA 98003 MICHAEL R MASTRO 1SO RAINIER AVE S SEATTLE WA 98144 YOUNGYULNA 3906 S 322NO ST AUBURN WA 98001 THE PENINSULA GROUP LLC 7511 TERMINAL ST SW TUMWATER WA 98511 WEST CAMPUS SQUARE CO LLC 433 N CAMDEN # 725 BEVERLY HILLS CA 90210 JET CHEVROLET INC PO BOX 4986 FEDERAL WAY WA 98063 KING COUNTY SOO KC ADMIN SLOG SOO 4TH AVE SEATTLEWA 98104 WSDOT PO BOX 47331 OLYMPIA WA 98504-7331 EXH1BIT~ ~ PAGE-L-OF .-J,f-, ' ~ l:\DOCUMENl\Freeway Profile Signs\Exhibit of Property - Business - Contractor Labels.doc 'Mailed to Following Business Owners: BUSINESS OWNER WALMART 1900 S 314THST FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 BUSINESS OWNER SUPER 8 MOTEL 1688 S 348TH ST FEDERAL WAYWA 98003 BUSINESS OWNER COSTCO 35030 16TH AVE S FEDERAL WAYWA 98003 BUSINESS OWNER HOME DEPOT 1715 S 35200 ST FEDERAL WAYWA 98003 BUSINESS OWNER VIDEO ONLY 290 ANDOVER PARK E SEATTLE WA 98188 BUSINESS OWNER BP MINI MARKET 2535 S 320 TH ST FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 BUSINESS OWNER LA QUINTA 32124 25TH AVE S FEDERAL WAYWA 98003 BUSINESS OWNER COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT 31910 GATEWAY CENTER BLVD FEDERAL WAYWA 98003 BUSINESS OWNER MARIE CALLENDER'S 31920 GATEWAY CENTER BLVD FEDERAL WAYWA 98003 BUSINESS OWNER OFFICE DEPOT 34950 ENCHANTED PKWY S FEDERAL WAYWA 98003 BUSINESS OWNER GI JOE'S 35020 ENCHANTED PKWY S FEDERAL WAYWA 98003 BUSINESS OWNER MATTRESS FAIR 1061 ANDOVER PARK E SEATTLE WA 98188 EXHIBIT --1M 5 PAGE ~ OF.J+- ' I:\DOCUMENT\Freeway Profile Signs\Exhibit of Property - Business - Contractor Labels.doc Delivered on May 18,2005 Letter hand-delivered to the following businesses in Campus Square: Olive Garden Popeye's Shari's Checkmate American General Finance 4 Comers Teriyaki & Sushi Fitness Shop Fast Sign Regency Cleaners Great Clips for Hair Letter hand.delivered to the following businesses in Gateway Center: Salon Parente Oriental Imports FedEx Kinko's Glaze Cottage Marlene's Market & Deli Cold Stone Great Harvest Bread Co. Soccer West II V-Frame It Pho Hoang Gateway Movies 8 Letter hand.delivered to the following businesses in Federal Way Center: Paracelsus Clinic Puget Sound Protection Opt-In Media Countrywide - Full Spectrum J & Y Investment, LLC RL O'Connor Paradigm Fidelity Loans EXHIBIT --LoL & PAGE--3.:0F ~ ., 1:\DOCUMENT\Freeway Profile Signs\Exhibit of Property - Business - Contractor Labels.doc Delivered on May 19, 2005 Letter hand-delivered to the following businesses in Federal Way Center: Sheila' s Cafe Espresso Prudential Northwest Realty Merritt Hunt's Office Ameriquest Star Telecom Emerald City The Berry Co VI Resorts Pacific Trust Lending ISC - hmovation Submission Corp Digital Escrow Westsound Mortgage EXHIBIT~' PAGE-4-0Fi...I.J- ~- 1:\DOCUMENT\Freeway Profile Signs\Exhibil of Property - Business - Contractor Labels.doe ~~~ J . I I~~~ I i ~ i<~ ~ ! ~ I ~ I~ f ~ ~ ~ "'I~~g..,,-iiil ,... i~ ~ ~, ~ I" ~ ! ~ Niiill~' ~ "9, ~c>"I! I~ ~ t ggi~'~ II "~ li;g g' ~ g: ~ N:8 ~ f,iii18 ~2 ~ ,N I~ E !UihL! ! I ! IIIIU ! In u ! hi 10 .oooeo.oee e eeee ~ ~ '+-~ o Q) ~"'C ~Q) OLL ~-l1f"m:'F ~... u_., 00( ::i,_'1 a: > , UJ 0( _/ o3t UJ II. >- as ~ Q) In .. e c In u. en CD - -- ~ "- as tIJ # " .... -- "'" '- ... 11\ G)CPC'= -- Q. Q) :;:: .00"'0 ::1,-0_ cnQ.l1.D.. <jz E ~ (I) 8 ;.;: CD :>. ..::; fa' m ~ ~ 3:00 ~col!! 0 I!! ~ co :>.:g -8 -8~r::~~~ ~ tfQ)O)>M~ .... -0 ll) .~ ~ CO'o 0 C\J !Xl Q) - . ~ M"O (I) I '-MO<D~ ()(I)a..u._ o en .!! ft :i ::E U) .... C'l CD 0 1: CD (.J It) ~ ~ (.J 0 ill ~ 0 ex) .... a:: en "0 r:: III ~ ill ~ lIi Gl 11:1 l:: ~ . m~ !! ~I ~~ n ~>. .!!II l.: .!!I-o ~li May 13, 2005 Property Owner Name Re: Draft Language for Freeway Profile Signs Dear: The City of Federal Way is in the process of drafting amendments to the sign code to allow for a new category of signs to be adopted for properties adjacent to 1-5. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 20, 2005, and will be continuing this hearing on June 15,2005. We are enclosing a copy of the draft language for Freeway Profile Signs and we would like to invite you toa meeting in the: City of Federal Way City Hall Council Chambers at 8:00 a.m., on June 1,2005. At that time, we will explain how the code would work, if adopted as drafted, and will answer any' questions you may have. We would also like to hear any suggestions or recommendations concerning the new Freeway Profile Signs_ The following summarizes how Freeway Profile Signs would work based on the existing draft: 1. Only properties abutting 1-5 and located within the City Center-Core (CC-e) and Community Business (Be) zoning districts would be eligible for an additional pylon or pole sign. 2. A pylon or pole sign must have a minimum of two poles. It may have one pole or structural support if it results in superior design; however, the City's Community Development Services Director must approve this. 3. Signs must be oriented toward 1-5, be visible from 1-5 (not the off-ramps), and be located near the property line closest to 1-5. 4. Design of the sign must be compatible to the architecture of the primary structure on the site, or to the primary sign(s) already permitted. 5. Font sizes must be a minimum of two (2) feet tall. 6. Animated or moving signs; electronic changeable copy, changeable copy, or electronic message centers will not be permitted. EXHIBIT~S PAGE--'--OF 2 1:\2005 eodc Amcndment.\F........y e~ial SicnsIPlanninc Commis.ionILctt..- to Owncn; and Businesses,doc Page 2 May 16,2005 7. If the sign is located on property adjacent to the freeway and the property on which the sign is to be located is below the elevation of the freeway, the height ofthe sign shall be no taller than 25 feet above the elevation of the freeway; however, the sign can be no taller than 60 feet above the average finished ground elevation measured at the midpoint of the sign base. 8. If the sign is located on property adjacent to the freeway and the property on which the sign is to be located is above the elevation ofthe freeway, the sign can be no taller than 20 feet above the average finished ground elevation measured at the mid-point of the base. However, sign height can be increased up to a maximum of 40 feet above the average finished ground elevation measured at the mid-point of the base in order to be visible above trees or other obstructions. Any increase in height above 20 feet is subject to the approval of the City's Community Development Services Director. 9_ Maximum sign area is 500 square feet, 250 square feet per sign face. 10. The State of Washington has requirements for locating signs next to freeways. The applicant must obtain any required permits or approvals from the state. If you are unable to attend the meeting, you may submit your comments in writing addressed to: Margaret H. Clark, Senior Planner City of Federal Way PO Box 9718 Federal Way, W A 98063-9718 The Planning Commission will be continuing their public hearing on this topic at 7:00 p.m. on June 15, 2005, in the City Hall Council Chambers. You are also invited to attend the public hearing, or submit written comments either prior to the hearing or during the hearing. Please call Senior Planer Margaret Clark at (253) 835-2646 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy McClung, Director Community Development Services Ene: Draft Code Language Map Showing Properties Eligible for Freeway Profile Signs (only one sign per subject property) Cross-Section Showing Allowable Heights Of Signs c: City of Federal Way Planning Commission Margaret Clark, Senior Planner EXHIBIT~.2 PAGE ~ OF~" ,,12005. Code Amcmd""'....lfreew.y eOll1ln01"CUll Sig"""'......i"l. ComoIli$>ionllct....to Owncn and Busi1l<SSeS.doc May 19,2005 Re: DRAFT Language for Freeway Profile Signs Dear Sign Contractor: The City of Federal Way is in the process of drafting amendments to the sign code to allow for a new category of signs to be adopted for commercial properties adjacent to 1-5. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on April 20, 2005. We are enclosing a copy of the DRAFT language for Freeway Profile Signs. Please review this draft and submit your written comments to Code Compliance Officer Betty Cruz at betty.cruze(i)citvoffederalwav.com. The following summarizes how Freeway Profile Signs would work based on the existing draft: 1. Only properties abutting 1-5 and located within the City Center-Core (CC-C) and Community Business (Be) zoning districts would be eligible for an additional pylon or pole sign. 2. A pylon or pole sign must have a minimum of two poles. It may have one pole or structural support if it results in superior design; however, the City's Community Development Services Director must approve this. 3. Signs must be oriented toward 1-5, be visible from 1-5 (not the off-ramps), and be located near the property line closest to 1-5. 4. Design of the sign must be compatible to the architecture ofthe primary structure on the site, or to the primary sign(s) already permitted. 5_ Font sizes must be a minimum of two (2) feet tall. 6. Animated or moving signs, electronic changeable copy, changeable copy, or electronic message centers will not be permitted. 7. If the sign is located on property adjacent to the freeway and the property on which the sign is to be located is below the elevation of the freeway, the height of the sign shall be no taller than 25 feet above the elevation of the freeway; however, the sign can be no taller than 60 feet above the average finished ground elevation measured at the midpoint of the sign base. 8. If the sign is located on property adjacent to the freeway and the property on which the sign is to be located is above the elevation of the freeway, the sign can be no taller than 20 feet above the average finished ground elevation .EXHIBIT 1.\200S eode An."'''me....IFreew.y Comm<n:ial SipslPlanninaeommiuionlL.ct...-to Sic- eontract.....doc PAGE ~OF .. Sign Contractor Page 2 May 19,2005 measured at the mid-point of the base_ However, sign height can be increased up to a maximum of 40 feet above the average finished ground elevation measured at the mid-point of the base in order to be visible above trees or other obstructions. Any increase in height above 20 feet is subject to the approval of the City's Community Development Services Director. 9. Maximum sign area is 500 square feet, 250 square feet per sign face. 10. The State of Washington has requirements for locating signs next to freeways. The applicant must obtain any required permits or approvals from the state. The Planning Commission will be continuing their public hearing on this topic at 7:00 p.m. on June 15,2005, in the City Hall Council Chambers. You are invited to attend the public hearing, or submit written comments either prior to the hearing or during the hearing. Please call Code Compliance Officer Betty Cruz at (253) 835-2632, or Senior Planner Margaret Clark, AICP, at (253) 835-2646 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Kathy McClung, Director Community Development Services Enc: Draft Code Language Map Showing Properties Eligible for Freeway Profile Signs (only one sign per subject property) Cross-Section Showing Allowable Heights of Signs c: City of Federal Way Planning Commission Betty Cruz, Code Compliance Officer Margaret Clark, AICP, Senior Planner EXHIBIT ~ I PAGE-L-OF --J- l:\2()()~ Code AmendmcnlllIFroeway e""""",,,i.I SignslPlanning eomrnisoio.lLettcr '" Sign eOOl_OIS,OOc Mailed to Following Sign Contractors: MEYER SIGN & ADVERTISING CO SIGN GUYS CORP CULBERTSON SIGN SERVICE 1689HWY99S 1626 S 341 5T PL STE A-24 5209 122ND ST E MT VERNON WA 98273 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 TACOMA W A 98446 VILMA SIGNS THE SIGN FACTORY SIGN-TECH ELECTRIC 30432 MILITARY RD S 815 8TH ST 33759 9Tl1 AVE S FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 KIRKLAND WA 98033 FEDERAL WAY WA 98003 FEDERAL WAY SIGN CO COASTLINE SIGNS PLUMB SIGNS 1908 S 341ST PL STE 5 906 W HERON 909 S 28TH ST FEDERAL WAYWA 98003 ABERDEEN WA 98520 TACOMA WA 98409 MULTI-LIGHT BROADWAY SIGN TUBE ART DISPLAYS BERRY NEON CO INC 809 NE LOMBARD 2730 OCCIDENTAL AVE S 7400 HARDENSON RD PORTLAND OR 97211 SEATTLE WA 98124-1333 EVERETT WA 98203 YOUNG ELECTRIC SIGN CO SOUND ELECTRIC FANCY SIGN.COM 416 41sT ST CONSTRUCT 33310 PACIFIC HWY S UNIT 403 10422 224TH ST E BOISE 10 83714 GRAHAM WA 98338 FEDERAL WAYWA 98003 OLYMPIC SIGN SERVICES SPEEDY SIGN A RAMA LUMIN ART SIGNS INC 2702 12TH AVE NE 32028 23RO AVE S 3931 B ST NW OLMPYIA WA 98506 FEDERAL WAY W A 98003 AUBURN WA 98001 APOLLO NEON AMERICAN NEON INC NEW IMAGE NEON 9800 HARBOUR PL STE 208 PO BOX 431 1941 66TH AVE S MUKIL TEO WA 98275 TACOMA WA 98401 KENT WA 98032 GRAPHIC DISPLAY INC GFC SIGNS 1-5 SIGNS INC 6545 5TH AVE S 235A RAINIER AVE S 8751 COMMERCE PL DR NE SEATTLEWA 98108 RENTON WA 98055 LACEYWA 98516 SIGN ASSOCIATES INC BROTHER SIGN INC INTERNATIONAL SIGN CO 6825 176TH AVE NE UNIT 125 2608 104 TH ST CT S STE J-2 12414 HWY 99 S STE 2 REDMOND WA 98052 LAKEWOODWA 98499 EVERETTWA 98204 SHORELINE SIGN & AWNING INSIGNIA SIGN INC NATIONAL SIGN CORP 17034 AURORA AVE N PO BOX 2849 1255 WEStLAKE AVE N SHORELINE WA 98133 RENTON WA 98056 SEATTLE WA 98109 EVERGREEN SIGN CO DWINELL'S VISUAL SYSTEMS HANSON SIGN CO INC 1513 S CENTRAL 814 6TH AVE S PO BOX 928 KENT WA 98032 SEATTLEWA 98134 SILVERDALE WA 98383 EAGLE SIGNS CAPITOL SIGN & AWNING SIGN SOLUTIONS INC 2110 W WASHINGTON AVE PO BOX 8106 PO BOX 8059 TACOMA WA 98903 LACEY WA 98509 LACEY WA 98509 . '11" .",r. TOTAL SIGN' SERVICE WESTERN NEON INC EXHIBIT -E-b 10420 224TH ST E 2700 1ST AVE S GRAHAM WA 98338 SEATTLE WA 98134 PAGE-1-0F -3- I:\DOCUMEN1\Freeway Profile Signs\Exhibit of Property - Business - Contractor Labels.doc [B~~[EsI~i~~~T:I3~ill~T6I~:~tj2~E~.f~i~"~D:.r.~.STL~=....=_:'_==_'":=:'==:~:~_:c~_::~::"::,.':",,",'-,'~'.':=:~-~=:::,,=::=::-,::!F]!ETI From: To: Date: Subject: "CHARLOTTE BASS" <CBAS490@wadnr.gov> <Margaret.Clark@cityoffederalway.com> 6/6/20058:50:18 AM Re: Request for infomation on Forest Practice Act Margaret, Good morning! The WACs give the definitions of the Classification of Forest Practice Activities. You can find these In WAC 222-16-050. The activities listed under the Class I permits do not require a permiit from the Dept. of Natural Resources. If you are inquiring about thinning commercially and not being in a sensitive area then you would not need a permit. If you have further questions or need further clarification don't hesitate to ask me or Sherry Tomlinson via e-mail or call us at 360-802-7054. >>> "Margaret Clark" <Margaret.Clark@cityoffederalway.com> 6/3/2005 4:42:15 PM >>> Hi Charlotte, I have a very small question. Is there some place specific in the WAC where I can find tree trimming to be exempt from the Forest Practices Act. Or is there a brochure or cheat sheet that explains the Act in layman's terms? I know intuitively that it has to be an exemption, but I can't find a specific reference'. I am responding to a series of questions from the Planning Commission. Thanks in advance for your help. Margaret H. Clark, Senior Planner Community:Development Services Cityof FederalWay (253) 835-2646 margaret.c1ark@ci.federal-way.wa.us EXHIBIT ,: ..tI ,_ PAGE , OF -1- ~~ci ~ O......N ID .. crc:r~ q N~gt s ~ co co s ~ 0 ~ ii Ji!i!.,!1 II I ~ ~ i~ ~ ~ I., I~ t ~~~!! . ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~. ~ . ~ I~! g e ~..-..-.-.- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.- ~ II. oaNNNN III III '" III III '" CII IllC\l III 'U e:.g g g g e:. e:. e:.!!;.!!;.!!;.!!;.!!;.N!!;. f 0 (:) CD 008000 e e e id' ~ >- ca == = t/J ... ~ C In u.. en Q) - -- +' -- ca UJ () +' -- ~ +' ..., Q)C1)c~ -- Q. CD ;: .co+'o ::J a.. 0 a.. UJQ.Q.Q. - ~~ 0(1) >'''0 ~<I) Qll.. t: l. J i >. li,., !!I g,; c: :5 ,g OJ .. ,g i~'5~g ~ ~ i E ~ .~~J:l~ II!. 011 >. ~ III C25~~;e !PU;._Ul "CCI)U>e08 c .!! g, II.. J! D.. CD .a J:l tD Ui "i CD l!lGOsO -J II. II. f e II.. ~ III m :s >."'0 >. O !! r:: 1\1 D..i):~ ~ ~ 2 J: ill ~ <( Gl III R ~ is ~ ~ m ~ >.~~~ ~ . Gl cP cP C. c. a. e! 2 e e II.. n: D.. D.. II ~,'\,,',..',\.',,',",',,',' ~\,"\\ \,', P,', ,\\:,',~,"','~,'"",'i""" id~ \'"' ,\\ ')Ie. ,'\'>\:\, ~ \;/" f ~ ~ ~ I tOllt It It T""~ ,... T"" ~ l;:!~ l;:!l;:! l;:! i~ i i i III l;:! III RI III !!;.N !!;. !!;. !!;. e9ge ~r"\ c;-lU ~ 6-A ..\ 0( i/:; a:li- / we Q ;;: // w , II.. / /// <]z E ~ 8 ~ ~ ~ CJ) =: ::cn ~co~ - CJ) :> CJ) ~>co ~~-o CJ) <( T"" ~ C\J ~ ~..c:~;:Lbo u.Zi5x-(')~ -0 lO 0 ~ co '0 C\I III CJ) -- ~. ~(') "0(') .- (') 0 CJ) lOC\J C,)(')a.u......... CI) ~ :E 10 C'\/ c:i III ~ fi ~ :E 10 .... C'\/ .sl c:i c: Q) U 10 b C'\/ u'- ,... c:i 10 C\l ,... o o iri B en 0 co ... f~ Q~ :0:>>1 $i i~ n .;i t~ ~~ a:: en "0 c: co ~ iri (ij o en July 27,2005 7:00 p.m. City of Federal Way PLANNING COMMISSION City Hall Council Chambers AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 4. AUDffiNCE COMMENT 5. ADMINISTRATNE REPORT 6. COMMISSION BUSINESS . PUBLIC HEARING - continued Freeway Profile Signs Code Amendment 7. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS 8. AUDffiNCE COMMENT 9. ADJOURN EXHIBIT 'I PAGE-l-OF U- Commissioners John Caulfield. Chair Vini Duc/os William Drake Lawson BroTlSon Tony Moore (Alternate #2) Hope Elder, Vice-Chair Dave Osaki Merle Pfeifer Christine Nelson (Alternate #1) Pam Duncan-Pierce (Alternate #3) "'\Planning Comnisoion\2005\Agcnda 07-27..o5,doc City Staff Kathy McClung, CDS Director Margaret Clark, Senior Planner E. Tina Piety, Administrative Assistant 253-835-2601 www.citvQffederalwffi..com ~ CITYOF ~ Federal Way MEMORANDUM July 19, 2005 To: John Caulfield, Chair, City of Federal Way Planning Commission FROM: Kathy McClung, Director of Community Development Services Margaret H. Clark, AICP, Senior Planner Betty Cruz, Code Compliance Officer SUBJEcr: Follow-up to June 15,2005, Planning Commission Public Hearing on Freeway Profile Signs MEETING DATE: July 27, 2005 I. BACKGROUND This memorandum includes the following: 1. Response to questions brought up during the June 15,2005, Planning Commission public hearing. 2_ Clarification of previous questions based on information from State of Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) staff. 3'. Staff recommendation with attached draft code language. The draft code language (Exhibits A and B) has been amended based on input from the Planning Commission, additional staff research, and additional information obtained from WSDOT. Changes made to the original draft are shown as double strikeout (language proposed to be deleted) and double underline (language proposed to be added). II. PROCEDURAL SUMMARY 2/19/05 Issuance of Determination of Non significance (DNS) pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) 3/07/05 End of SEP A Comment Period 3/2l/05 End of SEP A Appeal Period 4/20/05 Public Hearing before the Planning Commission 6/15/05 Staff meets with affected businesses and property owners EXHIBIT I.f PAGE--.2...-0F -J..$- 7/27/05 Continuation of Planning Commission Public Hearing Freeway Profile Signs Planning Commission Staff Report July 19,2005 Page I ill. RESPONSE TO PLANNING COMMISSION'S COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS The following lists a question or comment from one or more members of the Planning Commission followed by the staff response. 1. Planning Commission asked the staff to consider allowing changeable copy signs. Staff Response The draft code amendment presented to the Planning Commission on April 20, 2005, included language prohibiting animated or moving signs, electronic changeable copy, and changeable copy signs. The staff rationale for not allowing animated or moving and electronic changeable copy signs was based on safety reasons since these signs can be distracting to passing motorists. The reason for not allowing changeable copy signs was due to the nature of the signs and the need to include a variety of information, resulting in a font that may be too small to be easily readable by a passing motorist, and therefore, being a safety issue. WSDOT prohibits animated signs but allows electronic changeable message signs and changeable copy signs. Based on the Planning Commission's direction, staffhas changed the draft code language to allow changeable copy signs. The staff concern about the legibility of the signs would be addressed by the requirement for a minimum two foot tall font size. Please see Exhibit C for an example of a changeable copy sign. 2. The Planning Commission asked whether there is a way to allow Federal Way businesses to advertise along 1-5, and could such a sign be a changeable copy sign. Staff Response Based on information from the WSDOT, WSDOT administers the Motorist Information Sign (MIS) program. This program regulates the blue signs, which inform motorists of the availability of gas, food, lodging, camping, recreation, or tourist activities, and which also include individual business logos. This program is not intended to advertise general retail. Businesses participating in the program must pay an annual fee and meet eligibility criteria, such as hours of operation, health licenses (if applicable), adequate parking, and seating requirements. If the business is not visible from the end of the ramp terminal, the business is required to have follow-through signing installed on local roads. The City of Federal Way does not allow off-site signs; therefore, this program may not benefit a business that is adjacent to 1-5, but not visible from the off-ramp. These signs are erected and maintained by WSDOT and changeable copy signs are not allowed. 3. The Planning Commission wanted to see what freeway profile signs would look like to someone driving along the freeway. Staff Response Please refer to Exhibits D, E, and F. 4. The Planning Commission asked whether there was any connection between the adoption of the sign code and closure of businesses in Federal Way. Staff Response We have no hard data about the number of business that have closed versus the number of new businesses opening in Federal Way and if there is any relationship between the adoption of the 4 . Freeway Profile Signs Planning Commission Staff Report EXHIBIT PAGE-'-OF July 19,2005 Page 2 sign code in June 1995 and the amount of sales tax generated. The Chamber of Commerce is in the process of conducting a swvey on business climate; however, the results have not been tabulated. 5. The Planning Conunission would like the allowable area per sign face to be 300 square feet. Staff Response Staff reviewed sign codes for the six cities shown in the following table and found that the maximum area per sign face ranged from 100 square feet in the City of Olympia to 300 feet for the City of Bellingham in industrial areas only. Billboards are normally 300 square foot area per sign face. In addition, WAC 468-66, "Highway Advertising Control Act/' limits Type 3 (on-premise) signs to 150 square feet per sign face and 20 feet in any dimension if they are located more than 50 feet from the advertised activity. In general, for purposes of measuring the 50-foot distance, advertised activity may be considered the common parking lot for a shopping center. Staff reconunends keeping the maximum sign area at 250 square feet per sign face with a 150 square foot maximum sign face if the sign is located more than 50 feet from the advertised activity. Cities Sign Matrix Municipality Max Areal Face Max Height Freeway Orientation Requirement City of Arlington 250 square feet 45' Fronting freeway City of Auburn 200 square feet 45' N/A City of Bellingham 300 square feet 20' Freeway orientation requirement (Industrial Zones Only) above freeway City of Bellingham 250 square feet 20' Freeway orientation requirement (Conunercial Zones Only) above freeway City of Bellingham 275 square feet. 20' Freeway orientation requirement (Planned Use & Industrial Zones) above freeway City of Burlington 200 square feet 50' Freeway orientation & 500 from freeway City of Fife 250 square feet 40' Freeway orientation requirement City of Olympia 100 square feet 25' Adjacent to freeway IV. CLARIFICATION OF PREVIOUS QUESTIONS BASED ON INFORMATION FROM WSDOT STAFF 1. Check with WSDOT about regulations on distances between signs and size of fonts for freeway SignS. Staff Response There are no separation requirements for signs except for billboards. There are no standards for size oflettering. However, the state has adopted definitions for "legible" and "visible" as follows: WAC 468-66{ 11) defines "legible" as capable of being read without visual aid by a person of normal visual acuity. Freeway Profile Signs Planning Commission Staff Report E*HIBfT ~ PAGE~OF ~ July 19,2005 Page 3 WAC 468-66(21) defines "visible" as capable of being seen (whether or not legible) without visual aid by a person of normal visual acuity. 2. Clarify restriction on size of sign. Staff Response The WSDOT requirement for signs to be no larger than 150 square feet per face and 20 feet in any dimension if sign is more than 50 feet from advertised activity (no maximum height limit), applies to 1-5 but not to Pacific Highway. Staffhas added language in the draft code amendment (Exhibit A) to address the state requirement as it relates to freeway profile signs. ' v. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission recommend to City Council adoption of the proposed code amendments as contained in Exhibits A and B. Exhibit A reflects the following: 1. Retain the original staff reconunendation to not allow electronic signs and/or electronic changeable copy. 2. Allow changeable copy signs with at least a two-foot font 3. Retain the original staff reconunendation of 250 square feet per sign face. Add language to address the state requirement that a sign be no larger than 150 square feet per face and 20 feet in any dimension if the sign is located more than 50 feet from advertised activity (no maximum height limit). 4. Retain the original recommendation that a freeway profile sign shall not exceed 25 feet above the elevation of the nearest driving lane of the freeway at a point nearest to the proposed location of the sign. This is consistent with other jurisdiction's regulations. In addition, based on further information, due to site topographical constraints and existing vegetation, some properties may not be able to have a freeway profile sign that is visible from 1-5. Moreover, even if a sign is initially visible, over time it may be obscured from 1-5 due to growth of vegetation. There is a provision in the sign code for a sign variance. 5. Remove the maximum sign height of 60 feet if the subject property has an elevation lower than the freeway. A new definition for "advertised activity" has been added (Exhibit B). VI. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Consistent with the provisions of Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Section 22-538, the Planning Commission may take the following actions regarding the proposed code amendments: Freeway Profile Signs Planning Conunission Staff Report I!XHfBff .~ PAGE "1-0F U- July 19,2005 Page 4 1 Recommend to City Council adoption of the proposed code amendments as proposed in Exhibits A and B; 2. Recommend to City Council that the proposed code amendments not be adopted; 3. Forward the proposed code amendments to City Council without a recommendation; or 4. Modify the proposed code amendments and recommend to City Council adoption of the amendment as modified. , LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A Exhibit B ExhibitC Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Proposed Amendments to FWCC Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" Proposed Amendments to FWCC Section 22-1597, "Definitions" Example of Changeable Copy Sign Picture of Sign in Bellingham Picture of Jet Chevrolet Sign in Federal Way Picture of Sign in Fife 1:\2005 Code Amendments\Freeway Corrunercial Signs\Planning Commission\071805 Report to Planning Commision.dod0712112005 2:50 PM Freeway Profile Signs Planning Commission Staff Report EXHIBIT ~.~ July 19p;;; PAGE--'-OF ~ SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY EXHIBIT A FEDERAL WAY CITY CODE Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Si~ns" 22-1601 Signs in nonresidential zoning districts. (a) Freestanding signs. Permit applications for freestanding signs shall be designated as qualifying for a high profile, medium profile Of low profile sign, or freeway profile si~. based upon criteria regarding both the size and zoning designation of the development. The sign profile designation shall control the sign types, sign height, sign area and number of signs allowed. Separate parcels or pads for single-tenant buildings that comply with all zoning requirements for single-tenant parcels, excluding access, and are not otherwise tied to an adjacent multi-tenant center by virtue of architectural style or theme, are permitted one freestanding monument or pedestal sign not to exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 40 square feet. (1) High profile sign. a. Criteria. A subject property meeting all of the following criteria is permitted a high profile freestanding sign: 1. A minimum of 250 feet of frontage on one public right-of-way; 2. A zoning designation of city center core (CC-C) or city center frame (CC-F), or cornmWlity business (Be); 3. A multiuse complex; and 4. A minimum site of 15 acres in size. b. Sign types. The following sign types are allowed for a high profile sign: 1. Pylon or pole signs; provided, however, that any pylon or pole sign must have more than one pole or structural support; 2. Pedestal signs; 3. Monument signs; 4. Tenant directory signs; and 5. Kiosks. Sign content for any pylon or pole sign, or for any pedestal or monument sign in lieu of a pylon or pole sign, may include electronic changeable messages, center identification signs and/or changeable copy signs. Any high profile sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. c. Sign height. A high profile sign shall not exceed the following maximum heights: 1. Pylon or pole sign: Twenty-five feet; 2. Pedestal or monument signs: Twelve feet if in lieu of a pylon or pole sign. Otherwise, pedestal and monument signs shall not exceed five feet; 3. Tenant directory or kiosk signs: Six feet unless the sign is set back a minimum of 50 feet from any public right-of-way, in which case it may be 10 feet. d. Sign area. A high profile sign shall not exceed the following maximum sign areas: I. Pylon or pole sign: 400 square feet for the total of sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 200 square feet; 2. Pedestal or monument signs: 128 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one face exceeding 64 square feet; Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT-Ll- PAGE-L-OF -V-- Page I SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY 3. Tenant directory or kiosk signs: 15 square feet per sign face. e. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a high profile sign may have the following maximum number of signs: 1. Pylon or pole sign: One sign unless the subject property has an additional 500 feet of street frontage for a total of 750 feet of aggregate frontage on any public rights~of-way, in which case the subject property will be allowed one additional high profile sign, not to exceed a maximum of two such signs per subject property; 2. Pedestal or monument signs: If the pedestal or monument sign is in lieu of a pylon or pole sign, the nwuber of signs allowed shall be determined pursuant to subsection (e)( 1) of this section. In addition, two monument signs which identify the name of any multiuse complex are allowed, per entrance from a public right-of-way, not to exceed five feet in height; and 3. Tenant directory or kiosk signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way. (2) Medium profile sign. a. Criteria. A subject property that does not qualify for a high profile sign pursuant to subsection (a)(l) of this section and is not a low profile sign by being zoned office park (OP) or professional office (PO) pursuant to subsection (a)(3) of this section is permitted a medium profile freestanding sign. b. Sign types. The following sign types are allowed for a medium profile sign: 1. Pedestal signs; and 2. Monument signs. Sign content for any medium profile sign may include electronic changeable messages, center identification signs and/or changeable copy signs. Any medium profile sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. c. Sign height. The height of a medium profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of 0.75 feet in the sign height for every 10 lineal feet of frontage on a public right-of-way; provided, however, that sign height shall be calculated at the rate of one and one-half feet in sign height for every 10 lineal feet of frontage on a public right-of-way for any multi-tenant complex; and provided further, that such sign shall not exceed a maximum height of 12 feet and every applicant is entitled to a minimum height of five feet. d. Sign area. For any multi-tenant complex, sign area allowed for a medium profile signs shall be calculated at the rate of two square feet per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of-way not to exceed a maximum sign area of 128 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sign face exceeding 64 square feet. For other uses, sign area allowed for medium profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of one square foot per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of-way not to exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sign face exceeding 40 square feet. Notwithstanding the foregoing sign area calculations, every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 50 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 25 square feet. e. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a medium profile sign may have one pedestal or monument sign for each street frontage. Each street frontage exceeding 300 linear feet and containing more than one vehicular access is permitted one additional freestanding sign. No subject property may contain more than three freestanding signs regardless of total linear street frontage and no one street frontage may have more than two freestanding signs. Freestanding signs shall be located a minimum distance of200 feet from other freestanding signs on the same subject property. (3) Low profile sign. a. Criteria. A subject property located in the office park (OP) or professional office (PO) zone is permitted a low profile freestanding sign. b. Sign types. The following sign types are allowed for a low profile sign: Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT~ PAGE--l-OF -V::- Page 2 SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY 1. Pedestal signs; 2. Monument signs; and 3. Tenant directory signs. Sign content for any pedestal or monument sign may include center identification signs and/or changeable copy signs. Any low profile sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon SIgn. c. Sign height. A low profile sign shall not exceed the following maximum heights: 1. Pedestal or monument signs: Five feet. 2. Tenant directory signs: Six feet wtless the sign is set back a minimum of 50 feet from any public right-of-way, in which case it may be 10 feet. d. Sign area. 1. Pedestal or monument signs: Sign area allowed for a low profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of one square foot per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of-way; provided, however, that a low profile sign shall not exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sign face exceeding 40 square feet, and every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 50 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 25 square feet; 2. Tenant directory signs: 15 square feet per sign face. e. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a low profile sign may have the following maximum number of signs: 1. Pedestal or monument signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way; and 2. Tenant directory signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way. (4) Freewav profile sillIls. In addition to the cate~ories available in FWCC 22-1601(a)(1-3t a subject property may be permitted an additional freestanding sign if it meets the following: a. Criteria. 1. Abuts the right-of-way of Interstate 5: 2. Is located in zoning designation of City Center Core (CC-Ct or Community Business (Be). b. Sign type. A pylon or pole sign is allowed provided. that any pvlon or pole sign must have more than one pole or structural support: and its design must be compatable to the architecture of the Primary structure on site or to the primary sign(s) already permitted on the subiect property. Alternatively. a pylon or pole sign may have one pole or structural suPport if it results in superior design. which shall be subiect to the director's approval. SillIl content for any pylon or pole sign. may include center identification signs provided. however. that all font sizes used are a minumum two (2) feet tall. Any freestanding freeway profile sign may be an illuminated SillIl. and/or a neon silID. Animated or moving signs, and electronic changeable cOPV tmtl'6r eBtme;eaDlc e8pY signs will not be permitted. c. Sign orientation. The sign must be oriented toward 1-5. be visible from 1-5 (not the off-ramps). and be located near the property line closest to 1-5. d. SillIl height. A freeway profile sign shall not exceed 25 feet above the elevation of the nearest drivinl! lane of the freeway at a point nearest to the proposed location of the sign. If tAG 8wej GGt l3f@l3@I't'; has ltft ele'.'ati@ft. 1@\Yilr thllfl the k8lil't'.'W.'. tftGn tile 8iet'l shall Oil ft.@ taller tRail fig w@t 888'\'8 tHe ll\'emgll DRiskcll 1!f8Yl18 clc'.18ti8ft. meS8\tl'IHI at the mi.oint @f tAe 8ien Daas. If the subject property has an elevation that is higher than the nearest driving lane of the freeway. then the sign shall be no taller than 20 feet above the average finshed lITound elevation measured at the midpoint of the sign base. However. the Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT 4-- Pagd PAGE--'--OF:&L SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY maximum height of the sign can be increased to 40 feet above the average finshed ground elevation measured at the midpoint of the sign base in order to be visible above trees or other obstructions. subiect to the director's approval. The sil!ll height shall be measured bv a licensed survevor and the aoolicant shall be resoonsible for oroviding the survevor. e. Sign area. If located 50 feet or less from the advertised activity. -.A a freeway profile sign shall not exceed 500 square feet for the total sign faces. with no one sign face exceeding 250 SQuare feet. *he sil!ft k@ight shall B@ Mllasur@s B'; a lillllfis@a SttF:(l";@r Mul the aSlJlill8nt shall Bll f@88lH48illl@ f0r 8revitling tAG 8lff'!.'@v~r. f. If located more than 50 feet from the advertised activity. a freewav motile silm shall not exceed 300 sauare feet for the total silm face. with no one silm face exceedinl!' 150 sauare feet. No one dimension of the sil!ll face mav exceed 20 feet. ~ 2:. Number of signs. A subiect property qualifvinl! for a freeway profile sitm may have only one freeway profile sign per subiect property. The applicant shall be responsible for coordinatinl! any such sign with the The Department of Transportation. the Hil!'hwav AdvertisinQ' Control Act. and the State of Washington Scenic Vistas Act. ~ Combined sign package for adjacent property owners. The owners of two or more properties that abut or are separated only by a vehicular access easement or tract may propose a combined sign package to the city. The city will review and decide upon the proposal using process III. The city may approve the combined sign package if it will provide more coordinated, effective and efficient signs. The allowable sign area, sign type, sign height and number of signs will be determined as if the applicants were one multi-tenant complex. (b) Building-mounted signs. (1) Sign types. The following sign types may be building-mounted signs and are allowed in all nonresidential zoning districts: a. Awning or canopy signs; b. Center identification signs; c. Changeable copy signs; d. Civic event signs; e. Directional signs, on-site; f. Electronic changeable message signs; g. Instructional signs; h. Marquee signs; i. Projecting signs; j. Tenant directory signs; k. Time and temperature signs; I. Under canopy signs; and m. Wall-mounted signs. Any building-mounted sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. (2) Sign height. No sign shall project above the roofline of the exposed building face to which it is attached. (3) Sign area. The total sign area of building-mounted signs for each business or tenant, excluding under canopy signs, shall not exceed seven percent of the exposed building face to which it is attached; provided, however, that no individual sign shall exceed a sign area of 240 square feet and every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 30 square feet. A multi-tenant complex which does not use a freestanding sign may have two additional wall-mounted signs. No one sign may exceed seven percent of the exposed building face to which it is attached, to a maximum of 240 square feet per sign. This sign is in addition to any other tenant signs on that building face. Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT "Lt PAGE 10 OF ~ .. Page 4 SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY (4) Number of signs. The number of building-mounted signs permitted each user is dependent upon the surface area of the largest single exposed building face of his or her building as follows, excluding wall-mounted center identification signs: Buildings with more than 4,000 square feet on any exposed building face, with several clearly differentiated departments, each with separate exterior entrances, are permitted one sign for each different department with a separate exterior entrance, in addition to the five permitted. No sign or signs may exceed the maximum area pennitted for that building face except as may be specifically permitted by this code. However, an applicant is allowed to move allotted signs, as calculated in subsection (b)( 4) from one building face to another. Each business or use shall be permitted under canopy signs in addition to the other permitted building-mounted signs subject to the size and separation requirements set forth in FWCC 22- 1599(c)(2)(w). (c) Sign area multipliers. The sign area and sign number allowed, as set forth in subsection (a)(1)(d) of this section for high profile signs, (a)(2)(d) of this section for medium profile signs, and (a)(3)(d) of this section for low profile signs and subsection (b)(3) of this section for building-mounted signs may be increased in the following instances; provided, however, that in no event shall the sign exceed the maximum sign area allowed: (1) If no signs on the subject property have internally lighted sign faces, then the total sign area allowed may be increased by 25 percent. (2) If all signs, other than center identification signs, are building-mounted signs, the total sign area allowed may be increased by 25 percent. (3) A time and temperature sign may be included with any sign and such time and temperature signs shall not be included for purposes of calculating maximum sign area or maximum number of signs. (Ord. No. 95-235, ~ 4, 6-6-95; Ord. No. 96-270, ~ 3(F), 7-2-96; Ord. No. 99-348, ~ 5,9-7-99; Ord. No. 99-357, ~ 6, 12-7-99) 1:\2005 Code Amendments\Freeway Commercial Signs\Planning Commission\Signs Freeway Code Language Amendment.d0cf7121I2oo5 2:44 PM Federal Way City Code. Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIB'IT ~ PageS PAGE-'-LOF:.U- EXHIBIT B Federal Way City Code Chapter 22. Article XVIII. SIGNS Sections: 22-1596 Purpose. 22-1597 Definitions. 22-1598 Scope. 22-1599 Permits. 22-1600 Prohibited signs. 22-1601 Signs in nonresidential zoning districts. 22~1602 Construction standards. 22~1603 Variance from sign code. 22-1604 Compliance and enforcement. 22-1605 Reserved - Comprehensive design plan. 22-1606 - 22-1629 Reserved. 22-1597 Definitions. The following words, tenus and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (1) Abandoned sign means any sign remaining in place after a sign has not been maintained for a period of 90 or more consecutive days or if the activity conducted on the subject property ceases for 180 consecutive days. (2) Administrator means the director of community development or his/her designated representative. (3) Advertised activity. for the oumose ofa freewav orofile SlQ11. means the nearest oortion of that buildinl!. storal!e. or other structure or orocessim!: area. which is the most reQularlv used and essential to the conduct of the activity or the nearest oortion of a combined oarkinl! area for a subiect orooertv. ~ ill Animated or moving sign means any sign that uses movement, by either natural or moehanical means, or ehange of lighting, either natw:al er artificial, to defliet aation te ereate a sflecial effect or soene. or the aPl>earance of movement of a sign display through the use of patterns of lights. changes in color or light intensity. computerized special effects. video display. or through any other method chasing or scintillating lights. fluttering or moving lights. lights with stroboscopic effect. or containing elements creating sound or smell: except for the scrolling of a static message. scene. or color onto or off a silm board in one direction per message. 1:\2005 Code Amendments\Freeway Commercia] Signs\Planning Commission\072705 Definitions.do<;nI211200S 2:45:35 PM 02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 1 EXHIBIT ~ PAGEJ.&..OF -l$- c en .- V) > Q. o U CIJ - .c RS CIJ en C RS .c U I I U ...., .- ia.cE :s:.c -m~ ;~ ~ EXHIBIT ~ PAGEAOFU- ~ ~b- :s: l!! ;J 1 c ~ .- .Q .- ..c >< w > .... .- u E o ... 'I- · OJ E L. fa 1tI.c (1)0\ CIJ C ....- :s= ....OJ .~ co 0..... . 0 GJ · .c> ....1tS CIJ ~ > CIJ o CLJ . .oJ: ta OJ .... .c 0.... N.... U) 0 .- .... c.c cnC\ .- .- cnCIJ . .c EXHIBIT~ PAGE:..llf-OFU- N w ...., .- .Q .- .c >< w ~u- :s: I!! a~ 5.9' ~ . Is & ~. II. .... .- .Q .- .c >< w EXHIBIT ~ ~ -; '. PAGE-'JLOF -l.J- · ,>, THE FOLLOWING WERE PROVIDED TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION DURING THE JULY 27, 2005 MEETING 1. Revised Exhibits A and B. The proposed code language was revised in order to be consistent with State requirements for signs along Interstate systems. 2. Matrix showing Maximum Area per Sign. 3. Examples of Freeway Profile Signs. EXHIBIT~ PAGE1LOFU- SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY EXHIBIT A FEDERAL WAY CITY CODE Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" 22-1601 Signs in nonresidential zoning districts. (a) Freestanding signs. Pennit applications for freestanding signs shall be designated as qualifying for a high profile, medium profile tif low profile sign, Of ifsi!lv:l:V: l!fofile Bigft. based upon criteria regarding both the size and zoning designation of the development. The sign profile designation shall control the sign types, sign height, sign area and number of signs allowed_ In addition to the catel!:ories available in FWCC 22-160Ha)~ (1) and (2), a subiect nronertv mav be nennitted an additional freestandinl!: silm if it meets the criteria contained in FWCC 22-160Ha)(4)' Separate parcels or pads for single-tenant buildings that comply with all zoning requirements for single-tenant parcels, excluding access, and are not otherwise tied to an adjacent multi-tenant center by virtue of architectural style or theme, are permitted one freestanding monument or pedestal sign not to exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 40 square feet. (1) High profile sign. a. Criteria. A subject property meeting all of the following criteria is permitted a high profile freestanding sign: 1. A minimum of 250 feet of frontage on one public right-of-way; 2. A zoning designation of city center core (CC-C) or city center frame (CC-F), or community business (BC); 3. A multiuse complex; and 4. A minimum site of 15 acres in size. b. Sign types. The following sign types are allowed for a high profile sign: 1. Pylon or pole signs; provided, however, that any pylon or pole sign must have more than one pole or structural support; 2. Pedestal signs; 3. Monument signs; 4. Tenant directory signs; and 5. Kiosks. Sign content for any pylon or pole sign, or for any pedestal or monument, sign in lieu of a pylon or pole sign, may include electronic changeable messages, center identification signs and/or changeable copy signs. Any high profile sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. c. Sign height. A high profile sign shall not exceed the following maximum heights: 1. Pylon or pole sign: Twenty-five feet; 2. Pedestal or monument signs: Twelve feet if in lieu of a pylon or pole sign. Otherwise, pedestal and monument signs shall not exceed five feet; 3. Tenant directory or kiosk signs: Six feet unless the sign is set back a minimum of 50 feet from any public right-of-way, in which case it may be 10 feet. d. Sign area. A high profile sign shall not exceed the following maximum sign areas: 1. Pylon or pole sign: 400 square feet for the total of sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 200 square feet; Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" ~~~~ili P~I SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY 2. Pedestal or monument signs: 128 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one face exceeding 64 square feet; 3. Tenant directory or kiosk signs: 15 square feet per sign face. e. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a high profile sign may have the following maximum number of signs: 1. Pylon or pole sign: One sign unless the subject property has an additional 500 feet of street frontage for a total of 750 feet of aggregate frontage on any public rights-of-way, in which case the subject property will be allowed one additional high profile sign, not to exceed a maximum of two such signs per subject property; 2. Pedestal or monument signs: If the pedestal or monument sign is in lieu of a pylon or pole sign, the number of signs allowed shall be determined pursuant to subsection (e)(l) of this section. In addition, two monument signs which identify the name of any multiuse complex are allowed, per entrance from a public right-of-way, not to exceed five feet in height; and 3. Tenant directory or kiosk signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way. (2) Medium profile sign. a. Criteria. A subject property that does not qualify for a high profile sign pursuant to subsection (a)(1) of this section and is not a low profile sign by being zoned office park (OP) or professional office (PO) pursuant to subsection (a)(3) of this section is permitted a medium profile freestanding sign. b. Sign types. The following sign types are allowed for a medium profile sign: 1. Pedestal signs; and 2. Monument signs. Sign content for any medium profile sign may include electronic changeable messages, center identification signs and/or changeable copy signs. Any medium profile sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. c. Sign height. The height of a medium profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of 0.75 feet in the sign height for every 10 lineal feet of frontage on a public right-of-way; provided, however, that sign height shall be calculated at the rate of one and one-half feet in sign height for every 10 lineal feet of frontage on a public right-of-way for any multi-tenant complex; and provided further, that such sign shall not exceed a maximum height of 12 feet and every applicant is entitled to a minimum height of five feet. d. Sign area. For any multi-tenant complex, sign area allowed for a medium profile signs shall be calculated at the rate of two square feet per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of-way not to exceed a maximum sign area of 128 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sign face exceeding 64 square feet. For other uses, sign area allowed for medium profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of one square foot per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of-way not to exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sign face exceeding 40 square feet. Notwithstanding the foregoing sign area calculations, every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 50 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 25 square feet. e. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a medium profile sign may have one pedestal or monument sign for each street frontage. Each street frontage exceeding 300 linear feet and containing more than one vehicular access is pennitted one additional freestanding sign. No subject property may contain more than three freestanding signs regardless of total linear street frontage and no one street frontage may have more than two freestanding signs. Freestanding signs shall be located a minimum distance of200 feet from other freestanding signs on the same subject property. (3) Low profile sign. ' a. Criteria. A subject property located in the office park (OP) or professional office (PO) zone is permitted a low profile freestanding sign. Federal Way City Code. Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT~ Page2 PAGE "t1tOF-U- SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY b. Sign types. The following sign types are allowed for a low profile sign: 1. Pedestal signs; 2. Monument signs; and 3. Tenant directory signs; Sign content for any pedestal or monument sign may include center identification signs and/or changeable copy signs. Any low profile sign may be an electrical sign1uan illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. c. Sign height. A low profile sign shall not exceed the following maximum heights: 1. Pedestal or monument signs: Five feet. 2. Tenant directory signs: Six feet unless the sign is set back a minimum of 50 feet from any public right-of-way, in which case it may be 10 feet. d. Sign area_ l. Pedestal or monument signs: Sign area allowed for a low profile sign shall be calculated at the rate of one square foot per lineal foot of frontage on a public right-of-way; provided, however, that a low profile sign shall not exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet for the total of all sign faces on each permitted sign with no one sign face exceeding 40 square feet, and every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 50 square feet for the total of all sign faces with no one sign face exceeding 25 square feet; 2. Tenant directory signs: 15 square feet per sign face. e. Number of signs. A subject property qualifying for a low profile sign may have the following maximum number of signs: 1. Pedestal or monument signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way; and 2. Tenant directory signs: One sign per frontage on a public right-of-way. (4) Freeway profile signs. {naddition to the categories available in FWCC 22-1601(a~ (1) and (2), a subiect property may be permitted an additional freestanding sign if it meets the following: a. Criteria. 1. Abuts the right-of-way of Interstate 5; 2. Is located in zoning designation ofCitv Center Core (CC-C), or Community Business (BC). b. Sign type. A \,>ylon or pole sim is allowed provided, that any pylon or pole sign must have more than one pole or structural support: and its design must be cOffipatable to the architecture of the primary structure on site or to the primary si~(s) already permitted on the subiect property. Alternatively. a pylon or pole sign may have one pole or structural support if it results in superior design. which shall be subiect to the director's ap\,>roval. Sign content for anv pylon or pole sign. may include center identification sims provided, however. that all font sizes used are a minumum two (2) feet tall. Any freestanding freeway profile sign may be an illuminated sign. and/or a neon sign. Animated or moving sign~ and electronic changeable COPY liftS/Of €lftfm~ca8h~ c~~v signs will not be permitted. c. Sign orientation. The sign must be oriented toward 1-5. be visible from 1-5 (not the off-ramps). and be located near the property line closest to 1-5. d. Sign heil!ht. If the subiect pronertv has an elevation lower than the freewav. A a freeway profile sign shall not exceed 25 feet above the elevation of the nearest drivinl! lane of the freeway at a point nearest to the proposed location of the sign. Ifth@ sooi@@t pfeB€lfty has 1m cl€l"oatilHl hV."o@f thall tft@ fFCco.Vll')" thCft thB Bien Bhall IHl ft@ tall@r thaft fiQ fest ah@':@ the aV@l'ae;B :HftisluHi ~@ttftd @levatirlft Dleasun8 at th@ midpeiRt @fths sign has€!. If the subiect property has an elevation that is higher than the nearest driving lane of the freeway, then the sign shall be no taller than 20 feet above the average tinshed ground elevation measured at the midpoint of the sign base. However, the maximum height of the sign Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" '- Page 3 EXHI B,IT ' PAGE--2.t.LOF 2S- SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY can be increased to 40 feet above the averaJ!e finshed !!found elevation measured at the midpoint of the sil!l1 base in order to be visible above trees or other obstructions. subiect to the director's approvaL The sim heil?ht shall be measured bv a licensed survevor and the aoolicant shall be resnonsible for orovidinJ! the survevor. . e. Silm area. ~\ ffS01Va"; lU8iile ai~ aksU Rot 01illllil8 egg S~Nafll relit for thll total of eil!R faeo~1 1vi. Rll ORll' Bien. fue 11IUlllllaml!: JSQ 8qttBn Wilt. Thil sim kllil!ltt skall IHl mllaBtifS8 oy s li8SR~~ SN"~Y8f BRS tkll &eBlie8ftt aka1l811 FllBBOlt8iblll f-of Imnlstnl!: the 8ltft~'@I'. 1. For a subiect orooertv with a multi-tenant comolex. a center identification sim identifxing onlv the name of the center shall not exceed 500 SQuare feet for the total sim faces. with no one sim f~e exceedinl! 250 SQuare feet. 2. For a subiect orooertv with a multi-tenant comnlex. a center identification sim. which identifies businesses within the multi-tenant comnlex and which is located 50 feet or less from the advertisc::d activity shall not exceed 500 SQuare feet for the total sim faces. with no one sim face exceedinl! 250 SQuare feet. 3. For a subiect nronertv with a multi-tenant comolex. a center identification sim. whiQh identifies businesses within the multi-tenant comolex. and which is located more than 50 feet from the advertised activity shall not exceed 300 sauare' feet for the total sim faces. with. no one sim fa~ exceedin(! 150 SQuare feet. No one dimension of the sim face mavexceed 20 feet. 4. For a subiect proPertv with a multi-tenant comolex. a sim advertisinll iust one business shall be located 50 feet or less from the advertised activity with no one sim face exceedinll ISO SQuare feet. l'I{o one dimension of the sim face mav exceed 20 feet. 5. For a subiect propertv with a sinllle-tenant buildinl? a sim located 50 feet or less from the advertised activity shall not exceed 500 SQuare feet for the total sim faces. with no one sim face exceedinll 250 SQuare feet. 6. For a subiect orooertv with a sinllle-tenant buildinll. a simlocated more than 50 feet from the advertised activity shall not exceed 300 sauare feet for the total sim, faces. with no one sim face exceedinl? 150 sauare feet. No one dimension of the sim face maY exceed 20 feet. f. Number of sil!Ils. A subject property aualifying for a freeway profile sign mav have only one freeway profile sim oer subiect oroperty. ' The applicant shall be resoonsible for coordinatinJ! anv such sil!Il with the The Deoartment of Transnortation. the Hi(!hwav Advertisinll Control Act. and the State ofWashiiurton Scenic Vistas Act. (4) ill Combined sign package for adjacent property owners. The owners of two or more properties that abut or are separated only by a vehicular access easement or tract may propose a combined sign package to the city. The city will review and decide upon the proposal using process Ill. The city may approve the combined sign package if it will provide more coordinated, effective and efficient signs. The allowable sign area, sign type, sign height and number of signs will be detennined as if the applicants were one multi-tenant complex. (b) Building-mounted signs. (1) Sign types. The following sign types may be building-mounted signs and are allowed in all nonresidential zoning districts: a. Awning or canopy signs; b. Center identification signs; c. Changeable copy signs; d. Civic event signs; e. Directional signs, on-site; f. Electronic changeable message signs; g. Instructional signs; h. Marquee signs; 1. Projecting signs; Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT --!l- Page4 PAGEJlLOF ~ SIGNS ALONG 1-5 IN FEDERAL WAY j. Tenant directory signs; k. Time and temperature signs; l. Under canopy signs; and m. Wall-mounted signs. Any building-mounted sign may be an electrical sign, an illuminated sign, and/or a neon sign. (2) Sign height. No sign shall project above the roofline of the exposed building face to which it is attached. (3) Sign area. The total sign area of building-mounted signs for each business or tenant, excluding under canopy signs, shall not exceed seven percent of the exposed building face to which it is attached; provided, however, that no individual sign shall exceed a sign area of 240 square feet and every applicant is entitled to a minimum sign area of 30 square feet. A multi-tenant complex which does not use a freestanding sign may have two additional wall-mounted signs. No one sign may exceed seven percent of the exposed building face to which it is attached, to a maximum of 240 square feet per sign. This sign is in addition to any other tenant signs on that building face. (4) Number of signs. The number of building-mounted signs permitted each user is dependent upon the surface area of the largest single exposed building face of his or her building as follows, excluding wall-mounted center identification signs: ILargest Exposed Building Face Maximum Nwnber of Signs Less than 999 SQ. ft. 2 1,000 - 2,999 SQ_ ft. 3 3,000 - 3,999 SQ. ft. 4 4,000 and over SQ. ft. 5 Buildings with more than 4,000 square feet on any exposed building face, with several clearly differentiated departments, each with separate exterior entrances, are permitted one sign for each different department with a separate exterior entrance, in addition to the five permitted. No sign or signs may exceed the maximum area permitted for that building face except as may be specifically permitted by this code. However, an applicant is allowed to move allotted signs, as calculated in subsection (b)(4) from one building face to another. Each business or use shall be permitted under canopy signs in addition to the other permitted building-mounted signs subject to the size and separation requirements set forth in FWCC 22- 1 599(c)(2)(w). (c) Sign area multipliers. The sign area and sign number allowed, as set forth in subsection (a)(l)(d) of this section for high profile signs, (a)(2)(d) of this section for medium profile signs, and (a)(3)(d) of this section for low profile signs and subsection (b)(3) of this section for building-mounted signs may be increased in the following instances; provided, however, that in no event shall the sign exceed the maximum sign area allowed: (I) If no signs on the subject property have internally lighted sign faces, then the total sign area allowed may be increased by 25 percent. (2) If all signs, other than center identification signs, are building-mounted signs, the total sign area allowed may be increased by 25 percent. (3) A time and temperature sign may be included with any sign and such time and temperature signs shall not be included for purposes of calculating maximum sign area or maximum number of signs. (Ord. No. 95-235, ~ 4, 6-6-95; Ord. No. 96-270, ~ 3(F), 7-2-96; Ord. No. 99-348, ~ 5, 9-7-99; Ord. No. 99-357, ~ 6,12-7-99) 1:\2005 Code Amendments\Freeway Commercial Signs\Planning Commission\072705 Public Hearing\072505 Signs Freeway Code Language Amendmentdocn/27f2005 4:18 PM Federal Way City Code, Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs" EXHIBIT ~ Page 5 PAGE .-a.&-OF -1..1- EXHIBIT B Federal Way City Code Chapter 22. Article XVIII. SIGNS Sections: 22-1596 Purpose. 22-1597 Definitions. 22-1598 Scope. 22-1599 Permits. 22-1600 Prohibited signs. 22-1601 Signs in nonresidential zoning districts. 22-1602 Construction standards. 22-1603 Variance from sign code. 22-1604 Compliance and enforcement. 22...1605 Reserved - Comprehensive design plan. 22-1606 - 22-1629 Reserved. 22-1597 Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: (1) Abandoned sign means any sign remaining in place after a sign has not been maintained for a period of 90 or more consecutive days or if the activity conducted on the subject property ceases for 180 consecutive days. (2) Administrator means the director of community development or hislher designated representative. (3) Advertised activity for Freewav Profile Sims. For the numose of meaSurilll! from the advertised activity for an individual business. the distance shall be measured from the si2t1 to the nearest nortion of that buildinl!. storal!e. or other structure or nrocessinl! area which is the most relrularlv used and essential to the conduct of the activity. and for a center identification sim. which identifies businesses within a multi-tenant comnlex. the distance shall be measured from the sim to the nearest nortion of the combined narkinl! area of the subiect nronertv. ~ WAnimated or moving sign means any sign that uses movement, by either flatlifal af mechanioal meaflS, at change of lightiflg, either flatw:al ar artificial, to del"iet aeriaR te ereate a Sfleoial effect aT seefle. or the appearance of movement of a sitm display through the use of patterns of lights. changes in color or light intensity. computerized special effects. video display. or throul!h any other method chasing or scintillating lights. fluttering or moving lillhts. lights with stroboscooic effect. or containing elements creating sound or smell: exceot for the scrolling of a static message. scene. or color onto or off a sign board in one direction per message. 1:\2005 Code Amendments\Freeway Commercial Signs\Planning Connnission\072705 Public Hearing\072705 Revised Definitions.d0cf712712005 4:13:59 PM <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page I EXHIBIT~ PAGE--2-'-OF ,.. :>., >-. cd = g t'j CI.I <LI .S = -s = ;.. ("l < cd ~ 0 0 ~ . ..... ~ ~ td O@ ~ q:: (/) 8 = 0" a- o 5 0< 0< o 5 :: Oll (/) '" M S '" '" N E e .... 0 0 2~~ 0 0 ...... '!"""'I' .... r/] '" V) V) V) ~'O ~ ;.. N N a- 0 ...... N <I.) co: CI.I = ci-= :;; g. '" 0 '" 0 0 0 V) V) ...... ...... .c 8 'S;: Q:C ("l ..::< CI.I"C ("l CI.I == .." ~'€ ~ ~ "0 < 1:'-. .e- .... ... .... ... u < "'0 CLI .." .... ... ;.. CLI ... "C < .." .... ... co: -= ~ = bIJ .- rJ'J ..... Q <LI Q., ..... ~ o S .... t'j 0 ~ 5 oS u .... bO (/) = ::l -.... . -. 0.. '" 0.. <I.) 0 .~ ..s::: t '" <I.) <I.) ;>..s::: '0.... ~'O CI.I '" ~ ..... Q CLI Q. ..... r-< x o ~s- = 0 UU bO<I.) -5 ::J 8:'.6 0- ..c ::l CI);:;S ~ Z -.< Z <.,...., o .... <I.) .D '" E 0 ::l '" = ~ t'j = [./} 'C;; o ;:j (1).o ''8 -B <I.) ..... ;> (1) '0' -.< 6 ;< <I.) ~~~ 2 E = 0 UU bO<I.) = '" ..... ;:J 8: -.6 0- ..c ;::l CI);:;S .... o .....1 bO = :.g .... t'j 0.. 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"1...50 J6 N/rX A--~/FA~~ #'" M.j;t.t-1"""t ~r:J"T Q,MP Lt:)( @ · S(~I'l" ~>r~'a ~ f"JAHc.~ . C~ e.u-'(N~e:....s · S"..,t-l MOM aa 5'".0" "fZ. L.E:.SS TO T't\E: At>\lS2.T\SEb henV I T'( · 2.5o.tZ1 ~A-'IC A~FAC-E= ". Nu 1-1' ~, C.M.PLf=-X- , d) · Sf ~r-J i>t-1PLAYs c~ NAMe.. 41:l'P o T1I-(;(t.. BOClNe:.rsES · S I tt N IS N C) ~ 1l'-fAN 5o.f l=tt:D/'+. TI-t e:. At>'l E:~ TIS e: t> A- c..n'" n-y . J 50..tz1 MAX A-~~ ,. MOL- ,t il;NA-tJr Co M PL€:-)(. G) · SI'tr4 D/Sf"L-/.-Y6 or!fi ~v1fN~.s · 5i~N l"'V~", l3>E: ve / oR l-6f,S '10 ntE:- i!>()l U:>(NEf ef'. AP.JE:fU'1 fGo A-c.n\f, ry '50 pi- MA---r.. ~~Ac:E:; '" t.J L:r I ~ ~ ct>M pLS( . . ~ [) -III I _ _. _---" '::~:I lH :: 111111, . M'O\IIE: _; ;.... 111111 :' ::;; - - - - .. III 11111'1111 1111 - . ;qElr-\ bl$'f'~.s oNE: BOSU..IQ,S ~ S"\~,J _ ""''-'S''-- BE::"" '501 cri~ ~ . ,.b ntG 501 t..brf'Jr., r;(l.. ^b~l!E) Acn'l I ry .. 250 fS MI\-1< A~FACE:. .. S I N~LE TEtJAfJI {Pt-'\PL.fX to $ t'l r-l )::>\$i'LA'f".s ~N e- BVS/NSS ;.. - ""'I'E'" ,4' f"p]N IS I"ORE::- TJ..t..\N 5'0 1 ~ 11\1:; PIJIW>(tlc, tJ1Z- A..~VEt{n t~ IBIT -M- hct-,.',rr . " ,. .-21-0F.- ~O ~ MAX ~ GE . ,,~wc-~r L6M"fU7( CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PLANNING COMMISSION April 20, 2005 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES Commissioners present: John Caulfield, Hope Elder, Dave Osaki, Dini Duclos, Merle Pfeifer, and Lawson Bronson. Commissioners absent: Bill Drake (unexcused). Alternate Commissioners present: Tony Moore, Christine Nelson, and Pam Duncan-Pierce. Alternate Commissioners absent: none. Staff present: Senior Planner Margaret Clark, Assistant City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall, Code Compliance Officer Betty Cruz, and Administrative Assistant E. Tina Piety. Chair Caulfield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was m/s/c to adopt the March 23, 2005, minutes as presented. AUDIENCE COMMENT None ADMINISTRATIVE REpORT Ms. Clark informed the Commission that staff has provided them with a supplement to the Federal Way City Code. In addition, they have been given two emails. The first is from Sam Pace with a number of questions and concerns regarding the City's housing targets and other items. The second is Community Development Director Kathy McClung's response. COMMISSION BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING - Freeway Profile Signs Code Amendment Ms_ Clark delivered the staff report. Code Compliance Officer Betty Cruz, who has worked with the sign code since its inception, is available to answer any technical questions the Commission may have. The proposed amendment would allow a new type of signage along the freeway as long as it meets the following criteria: . It must abut 1-5 and be oriented to the freeway. It must be located in a City Center-Core (CC-C) or Community Business (BC) zone. Pylon or pole signs are permitted as long as the sign has a minimum of two poles_ The Community Development Director may allow an exception to this rule as long as it can be demonstrated that a superior design can be achieved. The sign must be compatible with other signs and structures on the property. Font size of the letters must be a minimum of two feet and they can be neon or illuminated. Changeable copy signs are not permitted. The sign area cannot exceed 250 square feet per side. The sign height cannot exceed 25 feet above the elevation of the driving lanes of the freeway. If the property is below the grade of the freeway (like Costco), then the sign shall be no taller than 60 feet EXHIBIT S PAGE , OF '" a. . . . . . . KlPlanning eolTll1ission12005\Meeting Summary 04-20-0S_00c Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 April 20, 2005 above the average finished ground elevation measured at the midpoint of the sign base. If the property is above the grade of the freeway (like Jet Chevrolet) then the sign shall be no taller than 20 feet above the ground elevation. . Coordination with the state will be required by the applicant. Staff had reviewed/researched the elevation of all parcels abutting 1-5 when determining the sign height regulations. Ms. Clark noted that staff researched other city's regulations and the proposed amendment closely matches them. Staff is proposing language that is not in the staff report, but which was passed out to the Commission as "Modified Exhibit 2," to allow signs that are on parcels above the freeway to go to a maximum of 40 feet in order to be visible over trees and other obstructions, subject to the Community Development Director's approval. After much discussion, the Commission would like the staff to considerlresearch the following issues: . Consider allowing electronic signs and/or electronic changeable copy and if not, back up reasons why not (such as safety issues) with statistics. . Allow 300 square feet as opposed to 250 square feet. . Meet with business owners. . Check Forest Practices to be sure we can top trees when parcel is over five acres. . Consider treelobstacle exemption for parcels below the freeway. . Give Commissioners a copy of the Power Point presentation. . Would any parcels in the P AA be affected, and if so, which ones? . Check with DOT about regulations on distances between signs and size of fonts for freeway signs. . Which parcels would be allowed a sign? The Commission opened the meeting to Public Testimony. Jim Johnson ~ He is with Jet Chevrolet. He feels the proposed amendments are headed in the right direction. He would like the City to allow reader board signs. Enchanted Village has a reader board sign and as far as he can tell, it has caused no problems. [Ms. Clark noted that the reader board sign for Enchanted Village is allowed through a development agreement.] His business has declined some 25 to 35 percent since they have had to go to a smaller sign. He also feels 250 square feet per sign face is not large enough. It was m/s/c to continue the Public Hearing on Freeway Profile Sign Code Amendment to 7:00 p.m. on June 1, 2005, in the City Hall Council Chambers. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Chair Caulfield reminded the Commission about the Volunteer Dinner to be held this Friday, April 22. AUDIENCE COMMENT None ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.rn. EXHIBIT S PAGE----L-OF -2- K:\Planning eommission\2oo5\Meeting SU"""'"Y 04.20.05,doc CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PLANNING COMMISSION June 15, 2005 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES Commissioners present: John Caulfield, Dave Osaki, Dini Duclos, Bill Drake. Merle Pfeifer, and Lawson Bronson. Commissioners absent: Hope Elder. Alternate Commissioners present: Christine Nelson and Pam Duncan-Pierce. Alternate Commissioners absent: Tony Moore (unexcused). Staff present: Development Services Director Kathy McClung, Assistant City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall, Senior Planner Margaret Clark, Code Compliance Officer Betty Cruz, and Administrative Assistant E. Tina Piety. Chair Caulfield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ApPROVAL OF MINUTES It was mls/c to adopt the May 18,2005, minutes as presented. AUDIENCE COMMENT None ADMINISTRATIVE REpORT None. COMMISSION BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING - Freeway ProfIle Signs Code Amendment - Continued Commissioner Drake infonned the Commission that he has studied the minutes and listened to the recording of the April 20, 2005, public hearing. Ms. Clark delivered the staff report. which was a response to the questions/issues raised at the last public hearing. She commented that the Scenic Vista Act is confusing and staff is still researching the issues pertaining to the Act. The Commission urged the staff to consider non-moving changeable copy. Staff commented that they will research this and will consider allowing non-moving changeable copy signs. Commissioner Bronson commented that if the Department of Transportation feels it is safe to use moveable copy signs, why not the City? Commissioner Pfeifer agreed and commented that moveable copy signs use less energy and less heat, and are therefore. better for the environment and businesses. Commissioner Caulfield asked why the City is pursuing this amendment. Ms_ Clark replied that the City received a request from a citizen that stated that signs are too small to be seen from the freeway. Ms. McClung commented that during discussion with the City Council, it was commented that some businesses near the freeway attract regional customers and larger signs would be a tool to draw in these customers. K\l>lanning Ccum-.issionl2ooSlMeeting Sunmary 06-1 5.05.doc EXHIBIT , PAGE , OF-.a. Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 June 15,2005 The Commission questioned whether there is a way to allow all Federal Way business to advertise along 1- 5. What about allowing signs like you see along the freeway that say "At Next Exit" and have the logos of different businesses? Could this sign be changeable copy? Commissioner Caulfield expressed concem over what the City would look like with these large signs. While they might not seem too large to anyone driving down the freeway, what about the other side? He asked the staff to provide drawings or photographs of what these signs will look like. He also asked why are businesses leaving Federal Way and about the sales tax and whether the sign code has affected the sales tax. Ms. McClung responded that the Federal Way Chamber is doing a survey that addresses the sales tax issue and why businesses are leaving Federal Way. She will give the Commission copies of this report if it is completed by the next meeting. The Commission asked if wall signs are allowed on buildings and would they be seen from 1-5'1 Ms. Cruz commented that wall signs are allowed, but cannot exceed seven percent of the area of the building. Ms. Clark commented that buildings in the Community Business zone would not be high enough to be seen from 1-5. It was suggested that staff provide pictures of signs currently along 1-5 with the proposed height and size and of changeable copy signs. It was also suggested that staff provide a list of these signs so Commissioners could take a personal fieldtrip. The Commission would like staff to consider allowing 300 feet per sign face. It was m/s/c to continue the public hearing to July 27, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS The first Wednesday in August will be a public hearing on the proposed Neighborhood Business zone code amendments. The staff has started on the cottage housing amendment. The City has received a grant for updating our Shoreline Master Program. fu addition, code amendments must be made for the futerim Zoning Ordinance. These last two issues are not currently on the Planning Commission' s Work Program, and therefore, they must go to the City Council for approval to be added. Commissioner Pfeifer requested that Ms. McClung provide the Commission with the presentation she gave to the Council and Chamber on the Interim Zoning Ordinance. AUDIENCE COMMENT None ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 8: 15 p.m. EXHIBIT " PAGE .~OF ~ KlPlanning Commi$sion12oo5IMeetmg Summary 06.15.o5_do< CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PLANNING COMMISSION @~ l../i../ . July 27,2005 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES Commissioners present: Hope Elder, Dave Osaki, Dini Duclos, Merle Pfeifer, and Lawson Bronson. Commissioners absent: John Caulfield (excused) and Bill Drake (unexcused). Alternate Commissioners present: Tony Moore. Alternate Commissioners absent: Christine Nelson (excused) and Pam Duncan-Pierce (unexcused). Staff present: Development Services Director Kathy McClung, Assistant City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall, Senior Planner Margaret Clark, Code Compliance Oillcer Betty Cruz, and Administrative Assistant E. Tina Piety. Vice-Chair Elder called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ApPROVAL OF MINUTES It was mls/c to adopt the June 15,2005, minutes as presented. AUDIENCE COMMENT None ADMINISTRATIVE REpORT Ms. McClung went over what the staff plans to bring forth to the Planning Commission through the end of the year. On: August 1, 2005, the Land UsefTransportation Committee (LUTe) will hear a report on the proposed code changes for the Interim Zoning Ordinance, which relates to the City Center. On: August 2,2005, the City Council will hold a public hearing on the Interim Zoning Ordinance. There will be no meeting on August 3rd. On August 17, 2005, the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the proposed Neighborhood Business (EN) code amendment. Ifnecessary, the BN will be continued to September 7th, and a Workshop for Cottage Housing is scheduled for September 7th. A Workshop on the proposed City Center code amendments will be held September 21 st, and the Planning Commission public hearing will be held in October. On November 2, 2005, the Cottage Housing public hearing will be held. Currently, the staff does not have any issues scheduled for December. Please note that the above dates could change. Commissioner Elder informed the Commission that she will not be in attendance September 21 S\ and Commissioner Duclos informed the Commission she will not be available for the first meeting in October. COMMISSION BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING - Freeway ProfIle Signs Code Amendment - Continued Ms. Clark delivered the staff report. A handout of revised Exhibits A and B, a matrix on the maximum area per sign face, and a page of examples of Freeway Profile Signs were given to the Commission_ The revisions are the result of information recently obtained from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Staff has revised their recommendation to include changeable copy signs, with the requirement that the sign has a 1 K:\Planning e""""is.ion\2Oll5\Meeting SUlmIlUy 07-27-05.dcc EXH I B IT PAGE-LOF ~ Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 July 27,2005 minimum size of two feet. The Commission had asked if there was a way to allow business to advertise along 1-5, such as the "Food ~ Next Exit" signs_ Ms. Clark stated that these signs are part of the Motorist Information Sign (MIS) Program and are intended to let motorists know about the availability of services, not to advertise. The Commission had asked if there was a relationship between the current sign code and business closures. The City does not have data on this request and the results from the Chamber of Commerce's survey on the City's business climate is not yet available. The staff will forward this report to the Commissioners once it is available. The Commission had requested that the staff consider allowing a maximum of 300 square feet per sign face, as opposed to the proposed 250 square feet per sign face. The staff provided the Commission with a chart on the maximum area per sign face and page of examples to help clarify this issue. When developing regulations on signs facing highways and freeways, the City must take into account the state's Highway Advertising Control Act. The City's regulations may be more restrictive than this Act, but cannot be less restrictive. As shown on the chart, depending on the type of use, type of sign, and distance from the advertised activity, according to the state's requirements, some signs may have a maximum area of only 150 square feet per sign face. For those rows on the chart that show 250 square feet per sign face, the state's requirements have no maximum and the City is proposing a maximum of 250 square feet per sign face. (Please note that row five should state 250 square feet instead of no maximum. ) The Commission had asked if there were any state requirements for separation of signs and size of fonts. Ms. Clark commented that there are no separation requirements, except for billboards, and no standards for size of lettering; however, the lettering must be legible and visible. Staff removed the maximum sign height of 60 feet for properties below the freeway elevation. In addition, a definition of "advertised activity" was added. The Commission discussed electronic changeable copy signs. It was m/s/c (unanimous) to allow static electronic changeable copy signs with a minimum two-foot font (as required throughout the amendments). It was mlslf(two yes, three no) to maintain the original staff recommendation of250 square feet per sign face. It was mls/c (three yes, two no) to recommend adoption of the staff recommendation with the revision of 300 square feet per sign face. The motion carried, but because it was not a majority of the full Commission (which is four yes votes) it would have to be forwarded to the Land Usel Transportation Committee as a no recommendation. In light of this, it was m/s/c (unanimous) to recommend adoption of the staff recommendation, with the exception of the size of the sign. For clarification, this recommendation includes the previous motion for static electronic changeable copy signs with a minimum two-foot font. The public hearing was closed at 8: 10 p.m. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS None AUDIENCE COMMENT None ADJOURN The meeting was adjoumed at 8:11 p.m. EXHIBIT "~ PAGE~OF L---- K:\Planning Commission12oo5\Mccling Summary 07-27-05,doo ORDINANCE NO. 05 - @~/.) ~ ~fi}.. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING FEDERAL WAY CITY CODE (FWCC) CHAPTER 22, ARTICLE XVIII, "SIGNS," ADDING A PROVISION FOR FREEWAY PROFILE SIGNS (AMENDING ORDINANCE NO'S. 90-43,91-113,92-135,92-144,95-235, 96-270, 97-307, 99-342, 99-348, 99-357, 01-398, 05-486) WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way adopted Ordinance No. 96-270 in July 1996, which significantly revised the Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 22 (Zoning); WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way finds that amending Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs," meets the intent of Chapter 36.70A RCW, Growth Management; WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way finds that these code amendments will implement and are consistent with the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan; WHEREAS, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing on these code amendments on April 20, 2005, June 1, 2005, and July 25, 2005, and forwarded a recommendation of approval to the City Council with the exception of no recommendation on the maximum size of signs where they are unregulated by the State; WHEREAS, the Land Use/Transportation Committee of the Federal Way City Council considered these code amendments on August 15, 2005, following which it recommended adoption of the text amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission and amended by the Land Use/Transportation Committee; WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the code amendments to adopt regulations for signs adjacent to 1-5 within the City Center Core (CC-C) and Community Business (BC) zones are consistent with the intent and purpose of FWCC Chapter 22 (Zoning) to provide for and promote the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. Ord No. 05 -- , Page 1 EXHIBIT -'-- PAGE--LOF -'- Now, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings. After full and careful consideration, the City Council of the City of Federal Way finds that the proposed code amendmcnts will protect and will not advcrsely affect the public health, safety, or welfare. Section 2. Conclusions. Pursuant to FWCC Sections 22-216 and 22-528, and based upon the Findings set forth in Section 1, the Federal Way City Council makes the following Conclusions of Law with respect to the decisional criteria necessary for the adoption of the proposed amendments: 1. The proposed FWCC text amendments arc consistent with, and substantially implement, the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan goal to encourage success of businesses in Fedcral Way by attracting the regional customer passing through the area by freeway. Limiting the number of signs, size of signs, and types of signs permitted along 1-5 is consistent with the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan goal to improve the appearance and function of the built environment. 2. The proposed FWCC text amendment bears a relationship to the public health, safety, and welfare because it provides an opportunity for local businesses to increase their business through advertising to regional customers. Freeway profile signs will attract business into the City that may not be attracted otherwise. This adds to the tax base of the City, which provides City resources to its citizens. And 3. The proposed FWCC text amendment is in the best interest of the residents of the City because it may foster additional business but limits the number of signs, location, and type to minimize visual impact. Section 3. Amendment. FWCC Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs," is amended as set forth in thc attached Exhibit A. Section 4. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severablc. The invalidity of any clause, sentcnce, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of thc application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to any other persons or circumstances. Ss:.<;!ion 5. RatiJlcation. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hcreby ratificd and affirmed. Ord No. 05 - , Page 2 EXHIBIT , PAGE ~ OF--!- Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective five (5) days after passage and publication as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Fedeml Way at a regular meeting of the City Council on day of ,2005. the ApPROVED: Mayor, Dean McColgan ATTEST: City Clerk, N. Christine Green, CMC ApPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Patricia A. Richardson FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK.: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE No: EXHIBIT --'-- PAGE--.l.OF J [:\2005 Code Amendments\Freeway Commercial Signs\LUTC\Adoplion Ordinance.doc/8/8/2005 11:37 AM Drd No. 05- , Page 3 ~ CITY Gf" -4-".:7 Federal Way DATE: September 6, 2005 FROM: Jack Dovey, Chair Land Use and Transportation Committee Rick Perez, P .E., City Traffic Engineer f(:R Raid Tirhi, P.E., Senior Traffic Engineer (l::r David H. M~anager Adelaide Neig~~~G~ Traffic Safety (NTS) Project - SW 292M street Corridor TO: VIA: SUBJECT: POLICY OUESTION: Should the Council approve the installation of traffic calming devices for the Adelaide neighborhood along 292nd? (This is the first of two Adelaide neighborhood projects.) BACKGROUND: Residents in the vicinity of SW 292nd Street between 1st Avenue and 6th Avenue SW have requested the installation of traffic calming devices in the area based on concerns of high traffic speeds. 0.5 0.3-0.5 0.1 500-1100 26-29 1.0 0.5-0.7 0.2 1101-1700 29.1-32 1.5 0.7-0.9 0.3 1701~2300 32.1-35 2.0 0.9-1.1 0.4 2301-2900 35.1-38 2.5 1.1-1.3 0.5 2901-3500 38.1-41 3.0 More than 1.3 More than 0.5 More than 3500 More than 41 Notes: . Each fatal collision counts as two injury collisions. . A half bonus point is given for corridors fronting parks or schools or on a designated school safe walking route crossing. A traffic study indicated that the subject location had 3 'property damage only' accidents reported in five years. The average daily traffic volume was documented at 1502 vehides per day; the 85th percentile speed was reported at 33 mph. The total severity score measures 3.5 points, which meets the 3.0 minimum severity score to qualify for the installation of traffic calming devices. On June 21st, 2005, staff conducted a neighborhood meeting to discuss potential traffic calming alternatives that might be effective in reducing speed within. the neighborhood. A consensus was reached to install three speed humps in the vicinity of the following home addresses: 1) 204 SW 292nd Street (D), 2) 29219 3rd Avenue SW (E), and 3) 508 SW 293rd Street (F). In accordance with established NTS policies, staff sent ballots to property owners and occupants within 600 feet of the proposed speed hump locations and also to those with the proposal located along their sole access route. The following table summarizes the ballot results: Trnft1c Calming Device D E F Total Ballots Sent 181 106 153 440 Ballots Returned 95 52% 56 53% 86 56% 237 54% Returned wlo Response 1 3 2 6 Yes Votes 74 79% 37 70% 58 69% 169 73% No Votes 20 21% 16 30% 26 31% 62 27% One of the installation criteria requires a 51% majority approval of the returned ballots. Based on the ballot results represented in the above table, all locations met the balloting criteria with a 73% average approval rate. The estimated cost of this project is less than $10,000. However, please note that the total amount of pending requests this year will exceed the NTS program budget by approximately $25,000. Forecasted savings in the Public Works Department operating budget could fund these costs. Furthermore, this neighborhood has a second pending NTS proposal, 21st Avenue SW, which will exceed the $10,000 per neighborhood pear year budget limitation policy but could also be funded by the forecasted savings. OPTIONS: 1. Approve the installation of the proposed traffic calming devices. 2. Take no action and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option 1 to the September 20, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda for Approval: . Approve the installation of three speed humps along SW 292nd Street corridor between 1st Avenue and 6th Avenue SW, weather permitting. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above staff recommendation to the September 20, 2005 Oty Council Consent Agenda. cc: Project Ale Central Ale k:llutc\2005\09-0Ml5 nlS - adelaide I - sw 292 sLdoc 08/22/05 ~ ClTyef. . ..,LLiP Federal Way DATE: September 6,2005 FROM: Jack Dovey, Chair land Use and Transportation Committee Rick Perez, P.E., City Traffic Engineer f?Ir Raid Tirhi, P.E., Senior Traffic Engineer ",..-r David H. MOS~ Manager Neighborhood \ra'\'c Safety (NTS) Project Sherwood Forest - SW 34Sth Street Corridor TO: VIA: SUBJECT: POLICY OUESTION: Should the Council approve the installation of traffic calming devices for the Sherwood Forest neighborhood along SW 348th? (This is the first of two Sherwood Forest neighborhood projects.) BACKGROUND: Residents in the vicinity of SW 348th Street between 21st Avenue SW and 12th Avenue SW have requested the installation of traffic calming devices in the area based on concerns of high traffic speeds. Currently, adopted NTS installation criteria are based on a point system as follows: 0.5 0.3-0.5 0.1 500-1100 26-29 1.0 0.5-0.7 0.2 1101-1700 29.1-32 1.5 0.7-0.9 0.3 1701-2300 32.1-35 2.0 0.9-1.1 0.4 2301-2900 35.1-38 2.5 1.1-1.3 0.5 2901-3500 38.1-41 3.0 More than 1.3 More than 0.5 More than 3500 More than 41 Notes: · Each fatal collision counts as two injury collisions, · A half bonus point is given for corridors fronting parks or schools or on a designated school safe walking route crossing. A traffic study indicated that the subject location had an average daily traffic volume documented at 1795 vehicles per day and the 85th percentile speed was reported at 34 mph. The total severity score measures 3.0 points, which meets the 3.0 minimum severity score to qualify for the installation of traffic calming devices. On June 22nd, 2005, staff conducted a neighborhood meeting to diSOJss potential traffic calming alternatives that might be effective in reducing speed within the neighborhood. A consensus was reached to install three speed humps in the vicinity of the following home addresses: 1) 1334 SW 349th Street (G) 2) 1712 SW 34Sth Street (H), and 3) 1910 SW 348th Street (I). In accordance with established NTS policies, staff sent ballots to property owners and occupants within 600 feet of the proposed speed hump locations and also to those with the proposal located along their sole access route. The following table summarizes the ballot results: Traffic Calming Device G H I Total Ballots Sent 121 67 83 271 Ballots Returned 35 29% 31 46% 36 43% 102 38% Returned w/o Response 1 1 2 Yes Votes 29 83% 30 100% 35 100% 94 94% 'No Votes 6 17% 0 0% 0 0% 6 6% One of the installation criteria requires a 51% majority approval of the returned ballots. Based on the ballot results represented in the above table, all locations met the balloting criteria with a 94% average approval rate. The estimated cost of this project is less than $10,000. However, please note that the total amount of pending requests this year would exceed the NTS program bUdget by approximately $25,000. Furthermore, this neighborhood has a second pending NTS proposal (SW 349th St- Coronado Park) which would exceed the $10,000 per neighborhood per year budget limitation policy. Forecasted savings in the Public Works Department operating budget could fund these costs. OPTIONS: 1. Approve the installation of the proposed traffic calming devices. 2. Take no action and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option 1 to the September 20, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda for Approval: . Approve the installation of three speed humps along SW 348th Street Corridor between 21st Avenue SW and 12th Avenue SW, weather permitting. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above staff recommendation to the September 20, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda. cc: Project File Central File k:\lulc\2005\09-06-05 illS - sherwood forest I - sw 348 s~doc 08/22105 mTTOF A Federal Way DATE: September 6, 2005 FROM: Jack Dovey, Chair Land Use and Transportation Committee Rick Perez, P.E., City Traffic Engineer ;t- -r Raid Tirhi, P.E., Senior Traffic Engineer David H. M~anager Neighbo:OOd ~~ffic'Safety (NTS) Project Sherwood Forest - SW 349th Place TO: VIA: SUBJECT: POLICY OUEsnON: Should the Council approve the installation of traffic calming devices for the Sherwood Forest neighborhood along SW 349th? (This is the second of two Sherwood Forest neighborhood projects.) BACKGROUND: Residents in the vicinity of SW 349th Place between 21st Avenue SW and 2~ Avenue SW have requested the installation of traffic calming devices in the area based on concerns of high traffic speeds. Currently, adopted NTS installation criteria are based on a point system as follows: 0.5 0.3-0.5 0.1 500-1100 26~ 29 1.0 0.5-0.7 0.2 1101-1700 29.1-32 1.5 0.7-0.9 0.3 1701-2300 32.1-35 2.0 0.9-1.1 0.4 2301-2900 35.1-38 2.5 1.1-1.3 0.5 2901-3500 38.1-41 3.0 More than 1.3 More than 0.5 More than 3500 More than 41 Notes: . Each fatal collision counts as two injury collisions, . A half bonus point is given for corridors fronting parks or schools or on a designated school safe walking route crossing. The latest traffic study indicated that the subject location had an average daily traffic volume documented at 1202 vehicles per day and the 85th percentile speed was reported at 34 mph. A half point is given to this corridor due to park frontage. The total severity score measures 3.0 points, which meets the 3.0 minimum severity score to qualify for the installation of traffic calming devices. On August 9th, 2005, staff conducted a neighborhood meeting to discuss potential traffic calming alternatives that might be effective in reducing speed within the neighborhood. A consensus was reached to 1) Install one speed hump on SW 349 PI west of 23 Ave SW (J), 2) Raise the existing crosswalk in front of Coronado Park (K), and 3) Install a traffic circle utilizing large traffic buttons and all-way yield signs at the SW 349 PI/27 Ave SW intersection (l). In accordance with established NTS policies, staff sent ballots to property owners and occupants within 600 feet of the proposed speed hump locations and also to those with the proposal located along their sole access route. The following table summarizes the ballot results: Traffic Calming Device J K L Total Ballots Sent 107 78 250 435 Ballots Returned 42 39% 26 33% 89 36% 157 36% .. lReturned wlo Response 1 5 6 Yes Votes 32 78% 23 88% 62 74% 117 77% INo Votes 9 22% 3 12% 22 26% 34 23% One of the installation cliteria requires a 51% majority approval of the returned ballots. Based on the ballot results represented in the above table, all locations met the balloting criteria with a 770/0 average approval rate. The estimated cost of this project is less than $10,000. However, please note that the total amount of pending requests this year would exceed the NTS program budget by approximately $25,000. Forecasted savings in the Public Works Department operating budget could fund these costs. Furthermore, this proposal is the second pending NTS proposal for the Sherwood Forest neighborhood. The combined total would exceed the $10,000 per neighborhood pear year budget limitation policy. OPTIONS: 1. Approve the installation of the proposed traffic calming devices this year with the remainder of the NTS proposals. 2. Approve the installation of the proposal for the next calendar year per the NTS policy. 3. Deny the proposal and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option 1 to the September 20, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda for Approval: · Approve the installation of one speed hump, one raised crosswalk, and one traffic circle along SW 349th Place between 21st Avenue and 27th Avenue SW for this year, weather permitting. COMMITIEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above staff recommendation to the September 20, 2005 aty Council Consent Agenda. 0:;: Project Rle Central Rle k:\Iutc\2005\09~06--()5 nlS ~ sherwood forest 2 - sw 349 pl.doc 08/25105 ~ ClTV&F #.. ~.!:ii' Fe'deral Way DATE: September 6, 2005 FROM: Jack Dovey, Chair Land Use and Transportation Committee Rick Perez, P.E., City Traffic Engineer fff'. Raid Tirhi, P.E., Senior Traffic Engineer ~'1"' David H. MO~anager Silver Lake Neighborhood Traffic Safety (NTS) Project - SW 32Sth Place TO: VIA: SUBJECT: POLICY OUESTION: Should the Council approve the installation of traffic calming devices for the Silver Lake neighborhood? BACKGROUND: Residents in the vicinity of SW 325th Place between 12th Avenue and 16th Avenue SW have requested the installation of traffic calming devices in the area based on concerns of high traffic speeds. Currently, adopted NTS installation criteria are based on a point system as follows: 0.5 0.3-0.5 0.1 500-1100 26-29 1.0 0.5-0.7 0.2 1101-1700 29.1-32 1.5 0.7-0.9 0.3 1701-2300 32.1-35 2.0 0.9-1.1 0.4 2301- 2900 35.1-38 2.5 1.1-1.3 0.5 2901-3500 38.1-41 3.0 More than 1.3 More than 0.5 More than 3500 More than 41 Notes: . Each fatal collision counts as two injury collisions, . A half bonus point is given for corridors fronting parks or schools or on a designated school safe walking route crossing. A traffic study indicated that the subject location had 4 'property damage only' accidents reported in five years. The average daily traffic volume was documented at 687 vehides per day; the 85th percentile speed was reported at 31 mph; and corridor has a school crosswalk. The total severity score measures 3.5 points, which meets the 3.0 minimum severity score to qualify for the installation of traffic calming devices. On June 23rd, 2005, staff conducted a neighborhood meeting to discuss potential traffic calming alternatives that might be effective in reducing speed within the neighborhood. A consensus was reached to install the following: 1) One speed hump west of 12 Ave SW(A) ,2) Raise the existing crosswalk west of 13 Ave SW (6), and 3) One speed hump east of 16 Ave SW (C). In accordance with established NTS policies, staff sent ballots to property owners and occupants within 600 feet of the proposed speed hump locations and also to those with the proposal located along their sole access route. The following table summarizes the ballot results: Traffic Calming Device A B C Total Ballots Sent 70 53 121 244 Ballots Returned 25 36% 31 58% 46 38% 102 42% Returned wlo Response 1 1 Yes Votes 23 92% 29 97% 38 83% 90 89% !No Votes 2 8% I 3% 8 17% 11 11% One of the installation criteria requires a 51% majority approval of the returned ballots. Based on the ballot results represented in the above table, all locations met the balloting criteria with an 89 % average approval rate. The estimated cost of this project is less than $10,000. However, please note that the total amount of pending requests this year would exceed the NTS program budget by approximately $25,000. Forecasted savings in the Public Works Department operating budget could fund these costs. OPTIONS: 1. Approve the installation of the proposed traffic calming devices. 2. Take no action and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option 1 to the September 20, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda for Approval: · Approve the installation of two speed humps and raise the existing crosswalk along SW 32Sth Place between 12th Avenue and 16th Avenue SW, weather permitting. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above staff recommendation to the September 20, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda. cc: Project File Central File k:\lutc\2005\09-06-05 nLS . silver lake - sw 325 pl.doc 08/22/05