Council MIN 11-01-2005 Regular o. ~~~y FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall November 1, 2005 -7:00 PM MINUTES 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor McColgan called the Regular Meeting ofthe Federal Way City Council to order at 7:02 PM. Councilmembers Present: Burbidge, Dovey, Faison, Ferrell, Park, Deputy Mayor Kochmar and Mayor McColgan. Staff Present: City Manager David Moseley, City Attorney Pat Richardson and City Clerk Laura lIathaway. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Terry Hickel of the Federal Way Chamber of Commerce. Councilmember Burbidge recognized a number of Advancing Leadership members in the audience. MOTION: Couneilmember Dovey moved the addition of the Timothy Beck Settlement Agreement to the Council Agenda under Council Business. Councilmember Park second. The motion carried 7-0. Ill. PRESENT A TrONS a. Presentation Award / Dick Mayer, Federal Way Wal-Mart Store #2571 Presentation Safe Neighborhood Heroes Award /Federal Way Fire and Police Departments Dick Mayor of Federal Way Wal-Mart Store #2571 introduced Wal-Mart Representative Paul Cox who presented both the Police Department and Fire Department with checks for $1,000.00 in honor of the work they do in the community. Federal Way City Council Regular Meeting Minutes 0 November I, 2005 - Page 2 of 6 b. Introduction of New Employees / City Manager City Manager David Moselcy introduced Chuck Wilson, who was unable to attend tonight's meeting, as the new Electrical/Building Inspector for the City. c. Emerging Issues / City Manager None. IV. CITIZEN COMMENT Gayla Hardison spoke in regards to a recent crime incident involving hcr vehicle and praised the Police Departmcnt's response. Shc feels crime in Fcderal Way is on the rise and asked the City to be more competitive with other agcncies in ordcr that .Federal Way keeps its forcc fully staffed. Frosty Ilardi son - submitted a proposed ordinance to the City Council regulating loud music emanating from cars. He stated that the loud music is offensive to others and askcd that an ordinance be put in place that would allow the police to enforce it. Phil Dalymple - spoke in support of Little League and asked the City for support in funding. lIe also asked for the City's support to clean up the field by Weyerhaeuser. Scott Henderson - agreed with the previous speaker and askcd who on thc stan they could engage to work with'in order to obtain grants, ctc., for programs like Littlc L,eague and park clean-up. Norma Blanchard - spoke regarding an on-going code compliance complaint and asked for the City to stop making excuses and enforce the code. Sue Newsham - thanked the Council for the funding of the Centerstage Theatre and reviewed upcoming performanccs. Elisabeth Hardison ~- spoke in support of the ordinance prohibiting aggressive begging. Mayor McColgan entertained Council questions. Councilmcmbcr Ferrell asked for an update regarding the codc compliance complaint by Ms. Blanchard. Mr. Moseley stated there had been SOlllC improvement, but not enough to satisfy the City. Hc stated the City will work with the offenders until they arc in compliance. Community Development Director Kathy McClung concurred with Mr. Moseley. . Federal Way City Council Regular Meeting Minutes . November I, 2005 - Page 3 of 6 MOTION: Councilmcmber Ferrell moved to rcopen Public Comment. Councilmember Dovcy sccond. Motion carried 7-0. Richard Schultz - spoke regarding the code compliance complaint being referred to and stated that the City's Code Compliance Officers make excuses for the people and amend the deadlines that have been set. This enables people to continue the behavior. He statcd no deadlines or schedules for clean-up have been met at the residence in question. Mayor McColgan statcd he would be contacted. Deputy Mayor Kochmar ask cd the Parks/Recreation/Human Scrvices and Public Safcty Committce to review the proposed ordinancc/rcquest by Mr. Hardison. Councilmcmber Burbidge stated the Parks/Rccreation/Human Services and Public Safety Committee will also look at the Little League request. Deputy Mayor Kachmar thanked the Wal-Mart representativcs for their contribution. V. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes / October 18, 2005 Regular Meeting - Approved b. Enactment Ordinance / CC Bill #388/Update Chapter 6. Criminal Codc & Chapter 15, Traffic Code - Approved Ordinance #05-508 c. Enactment Ordinance / CC Bill #389/Criminal Code Update -- Aggressive Begging Provisions - Pulled d. First Amendment to Comprehensivc Garbage, Rccyclables and Yard l)ebris Collection Contract for City of Federal Way and Waste Management of Washington, Inc. (ACT #01-144) -Approved e. Tourism Enhancement Grant ADPIication Awards - Pulled f. SDrint Spectrum Panthcr T _ake Site Lcase Extension - Approved MOTION: Deputy Mayor Kochmar movcd approval of Consent Itcms a, b, d, and f. Councilmembcr Park second. Motion carried 7-0. Consent Agenda Item c - Enactment Ordinance / CC Bill #389/Criminal Code Update- Aggressive llegging Provisions: City Attorney Pat Richardson addressed the ordinance stating it expands the definition of aggresS1VC. Councilmembel' Dovey asked if this ordinance is thc toughest we can get. Ms. Richardson responded that for criminal code violations, yes. MOTION: Councilmember Burbidge moved approval of the ordinance. Deputy Mayor Kochmar second. Motion carried 7-0. . Federal Way City Council Regular Meeting Minute.~' . November 1, 2005 - Page 4 of6 Consent Agenda Itcm e ~,- Tourism Enhancement Grant Application Awards: Economic Development Dircctor Patrick Doherty addressed and gavc background on the process of how grant awards are allocated. He stated that $48,000 in grant money was requested, but thel'e is only $] 8,000 available. MOTION: Councilmember Ferrell movcd approval of the Tourism Enhancement Grants as amended by the financc/Economic Development/Regional Affairs.Committee (FEDRAC). Councilmember Dovey second. Discussion: Councilmember Park stated the amounts recommended by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee were based on a certain criteria and he will vote against. Councilmember Dovey withdrew his second. Councilmember Fcrrcll left the motion on the table. Mayor McColgan asked for a second. Councilmembef Burbidge sccond. AMENDMENT: Councihnember Park moved to approve the Tourism Enhanccment Grant and allocate $1,700 to the Federal Way Symphony Orchestra/Holiday Pops Concert and an additional $500.00 (for a total of $5,0(0) to thc Raiders Parents Movcment! Washington Statc Coaches Association "All-State Girls Basketball Gmncs". Councilmember Dovey second. VOTE: Amendment failed 4-3; Councilmembers Ferrell, Faison, Burbidge and Kochmar dissenting. VOTE ON MAIN MOTION: Main Motion to allocate funds based on FEDRAC amendments passed 5-2; Council members Dovey and Park dissenting. VI. PUBLIC lIEARlNG a. Proposed Mid-Biennium 2005-2006 Budgct/Revenue Sourc~s / Property 'fax Rate / Pursuant to RCW 35A.34 . Staff Presentation . Citizcn Comment (3-minllte limit) Mayor McColgan reviewed the process for the public hearing and opencd it at 8: 1 0 PM. Management Scrviccs Dircctor lwcn Wang reviewed the 2005/2006 mid-biennium budget adjustments, housekecping adjustments, gave an overview of recommendations and reviewed revenue and expenditure adJ~ustments. Ms. Wang reviewed the 2007/2008 outlook. She also addressed challenges facing the City including pension costs, medical premiums, employee recruitment, structural imbalanccs between revenue and expenditurcs. Ms. Wang reviewed the upcoming budget/public hearing calendar. Public Comment: None received. . Federal Way City Council Regular Meeting Minutes . November 1, 200S - Page 5 of 6 Ms. Wang entertaincd Council questions. Deputy Mayor Kochmar asked Ms. Wang to review potential revenue options. Ms. W,U1g stated that options include a Lid Lift, Bond Levy (requires 60(% voter approval), Utility Tax (votcr approval needed), and REET. Councilmember Ferrell asked about the proposed Emergcncy Management Position. Staff wi II comcback to Council with more information on Council questions and discuss the proposed budget adjustments in further dctail at the Special Mcetings on Monday, November 14 and Tuesday, Novcmber 15. MOTION: Councilmember Ferrcll moved to close the public hearing. Deputy Mayor Kochmar second. The motion carried 7-0. The public hearing was closed at 9:23 PM. VII. CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Approval of New City Hall Contracts b. Diversity Commission Appointment c. Timothy Bcck Settlement Agreement- Added Item MOTION: Councilmember Faison moved approval of the new City Hall contracts. Deputy Mayor Kochmar second. The motion carried 7~0. MOTION: Councihnember Faison moved approval of the appointment of Christinc Martin to thc Diversity Commission for a term that expires on May 31, 2008. Councilmcmbcr Burbidge second. The motion carried 7-0. MOTION: Councilmemhcr Doveymoved to authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents for the Timothy Beck settlement agreement in the amount of $150,000. Councilmember Ferrell sccond. The motion carricd 7-0. VIII. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmcmber Ferrell reported on the SCA Public Issucs Commission mecting he attended which heard from the Committee to End Homelessness. He also asked for a briefing on emergency preparedness and encouraged the public to attend the budget meetings. Councilmember Park stated the next Lodging Tax Advisory Committec Meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 18, 2005. He reminded the public that Tuesday, November 8th is Election Day. . Federal Way City Council Regular Meeting Minutes . NOJJember I, 2()()S - Page 6 l?f 6 Deputy Mayor Kochmar stated the Planning Commission will have a public hearing on City Code Amcndmcnts at its Wcdnesday, November 16th mceting. Councilmember Burbidge stated the next meeting of the Parks/Recreation/Human Services/Public Safety Commission is scheduled for Monday, November 14th. Councilrnembcr Dovey reported that the ncxt Land Use/Transportation Committec meeting is scheduled for Monday, Novcmber ill. Councilmcmber Faison reported that, duc to the General Election, thc Tuesday, November 8th Financc/Economic Development/Regional Affairs Committee meeting has been cancelled. Mayor McColgan encouragcd cveryone to vote on November gth, IX. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager David Moseley stated that: Fedcral Way flags will be flying at half-mast in honor of Rosa Parks; Staff will be giving an update on the City and Community Center at the Chamber Luncheon tomorrow (Wednesday, Novcmber 2nd) ,md the latest edition ofthc "City Update" is now appearing on FWTV Channel 21, MOTION: Councilmember Ferrell moved to extend thc meeting to 11 :00 PM. Councilmember Burbidge second. The motion carried 7-0. Council adjourned to Exccutivc Session at 9:45 PM. X. EXECUTIVE SESSION a. Collective Bargaining / Pursuant to RCW 42.30.J40(4)(a). b. Potential Litigation / Pursuant to RCW 42.30, J J On) (i) XI. ADJOURNMENT Council reconvened to Regular Session and adjouD1ed the meeting at 10:53 PM. ATTEST: ,aura K. Hi: thaway City Clerk Approved by Council on: 11/15/2005