Council MIN 10-18-2005 Regular . FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Council Chambers - City Hall October 18,2005 -7:00 PM Minutes 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor McColgan called the regular meeting of the Federal Way City Council to order at 6:20 PM in the Lakota Meeting room (due to Arts Commission Reception). Councihnembcrs Burbidge, Dovey, Faison, Ferrell, Park, Deputy Mayor Kochmar and Mayor McColgan present. Council adjourned to Executive Session at 6:20 to discuss Potential Litigation/Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) and Collective Bargaining/Pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(a) Staff present: City Manager David Moseley, City Attorney Pat Richardson, and City Clerk I.aura Hathaway. . n. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pledge of Allegiance led by Councilmember Faison. III. PRESENT A TIONS a. Swearing-In Ceremony/Police Officers Police Chief Anne Kirkpatrick introduced Officer's Brian Lauer, Bri<ill Walsh, Audy Viloria and Steven Wortman. City Clcrk Laura Hathaway presided over the swearing- 111. b. Certitlcate of Appreciation - Rose EhllPederal Way Fanners Market Mayor McColgan presented Rose Ehl ofthe Federal Way Fanners Markct with a certificate of Appreciation for her work with the market. c. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Introductions/Certificates Councilmember Park introduced Committee Member Bruce Higdon and presented his certificate. . d. Planning Commission Introductions/Certificates ORIGINAL Federal W{~V Ci~V Council Regular Meeting Minutes October /8, 2005 - Page 2 {~f 6 . Councilmember Dovey introduced Lawson Bronson and Richard Agnew as the newest membcrs of the Planning Commission. Mr. Agnew was in the audience; Mr. Bronson was unable to attend. e. Introduction of New Employees/City Manager City ManagcrDavid Moseley introduced new City Clerk Laura Hathaway and Intern Christina Smith. f. Emerging Issues/City Manager None IV. CITIZEN COMMENT Barb Lunde (via email): City Clerk Laura Hathaway rcad hcr comments into the rccord. EmaiI testified that she does not want commercial vehicles parked on residential streets. Norma Blanchard - spoke in regards to code compliance issues and stated she has not received any responses from the city regarding her complaints. . Margaret Nelson - asked council to pass the proposed ordinance prohibiting commercial vehicles on residential streets. Kathv Franklin - thanked the City Council for thcir support of the Federal Way Symphony. Jean Atwell -- spoke in support of the ordinance prohibiting commercial vehicles fronJ parking on residential streets. Richard Keltner - City Clerk Laura Hathaway read his comments into the record. Mr. Keltner supports thc ordinance prohibiting commcrcial vehicles from parking on residential streets. Scott Chase - spoke in support of the ordinance prohibiting commcrcial vehicles on residential streets. Maric Sciacqua .-. spoke in support of the ordinance prohibiting commcrcial vehicles parking on residential streets. City Manager David Moselcy addresscd Ms. Blanchard's comments. Community Dcvclopment Services Director Kathy McClung also addressed stating the City is aware of the issues and is working with the resident to get the matter fixed. . Federal Way City Council Regular Meeting Minutes October J 8, 2()05 - Page 3 of 6 . V. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes/October 4,2005 Regular Meeting - Approved b. August 2005 Monthly Financial Report ~ Approved c. Vouchers H Approved d. Online Permits, lnspcctions and Business License Requests/Services - Approved e. 2005 Asphalt Ovcrlay Proiect - Acceptance & Rctainage Rclcase - Approved f. SR 161 (in, SR 18 Intersection Improvements - 85% Design Status lZcport- Approved g. 2006 Strect Sweeping Services - Authorization to Bid - Approved h. Enactment Ordinance/CC Bill #377 /Commercial V chicles On-Street Parking in Residential Areas (postponedfrom October 4, 2005 meeting) - Pulled 1. Enactment Ordinance/CC Bill #386/21 st Ave. Condemnation - Approved - Enacted Ordinance #05-505 J. Enactment Ordinance/CC Bill #387INeighborhood Business Code Amendment - Approved -Enacted Ordinance #05-506 k. Leland Consulting Scope of Services ~ Pulled 1. Participation in Small Business Development Center at Highhne . Community College - Pulled Councilmember Dovey pulled Consent Agenda item h. Deputy Mayor Kochmar pulled Consent Agenda items k and 1. MOTION: COlJNCILMEMBER FAISON MOVED APPROVAL OF THE CONSENT AGENDA AS AMENDED (APPROVED AGENDA ITEMS A-G; 1& J). COllNCILMEMBER BURBIDGE SECOND. THE MOTION CARRIED 7-0. Consent Al.!:enda Item h/ Enactment Ordinance/CC Bill #377 /Commercial Vehides On- Street Parking in Residential Arcas Councilmcmbcr Dovcy addressed an alternative proposal to the commercial vehicle parking ordinance, which would allow commercial vehicles to park in residential zones by permit. His proposal outlined the pros and cons of such process (full copy of proposal is availahlc in the City Clerks Office). Councilmembers Ferrell, Kochmar, Park and Burbidge stated they support the proposed ordinancc as writtcn. MOTION: COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED APPROVAL OF ENACTMENT ORDINANCE/CC BILL #377/COMMERCIAL VEHICLES ON-STREET . PARKING IN RESIDENTIAL AREAS. COUNCILMEMBER BURBIDGE SECOND. MOTION PASSED 6-1; COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY DISSENTING. .'~..-. ENACTED ORDINANCE # 05-507. ---------- Federal Way City Council Regular MeetinK Minute.s October /8, 2005 - Page 4 of 6 . . Consent Agenda Item k/Le1and Consulting Scope of Services City Manager Moseley called upon Economic Development Oircctor Patrick Doherty to give a staff report. MOTION: COUNCILMEMBER DOVEY MOVED Al>PROV AL OF PHASES 1 , 2, AND 3 OF THE SCOPE OF SERVICES FOR LELAND CONSULTING. COUNCILMEMBER FERRELL SECOND. THE MOTION PASSED 6-1; DEPUTY MAYOR KOCHMAR DISSENTING. Consent Agenda Item lIParticipation in Small Business Development Center at Highlinc Community College Dcputy Mayor Kochmar addressed and expressed her support. MOTION: DEI>UTY MAYOR KOCHMAR MOVED APPROVAL TO P ARTICIP A TE IN THE SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT CENTER AT HIGHLINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE. COUNCILMEMBER FERRELL SECOND. THE MOTION CARRIED 7-0. VI. CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS . a. Resolution/Downtown Revitalization Fund Economic Development Director Patrick Doherty gave a staff presentation and stated that in addition to allocating funds for downtown revitalization, this resolution would also crcate a City Center Redevelopment Advisory Committee, which would provide recommendations on critcria and use of the funds. MOTION: COUNCILMEMBER FAISON MOVED APPROVAL OF TilE RESOLUTION WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENT: SECTION 4, 1 ST SENTENCE SHALL READ," CITY COUNCIL WILL ESTABLISH A CITY CENTER REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE TO PROVIDE GUIDANCE ON REDEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP CRITERIA AND PROCESS. COUNCILMEMBER PARK SECOND. THE MOTION CARRIED 7-0. APPROVED ~ RESOLUTION #05-460. VII. INTRODUCTION ORDINANCES. a. Council Bill #388/Update Chapter 6. Criminal Code & Chapter 15, Tra11ic Code AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 6, ARTICLES IV, VIII, XI, XIII, AND CHAPTER 15, ARTICLE 1 OF THE CRIMINAL AND TRAFFIC CODES OF THE CITY . OF rEDERAL WAY (Amending Ordinance Nos. 91-89, 91-106,94-222,95-254,99-362, 00-374, 01-40 I, 02-429, 04-458, 04-463) City Clerk Laura Hathaway read the ordinancc titlc into thc record. - . Federal Way Ci(V Council Regular Meeting Minute.\' October /8, 2005 - PaKe 5 of 6 . . MOTION: COUNCILMEMBER BURBIDGE MOVED TO FORWARD COUNCIL BILL #388 TO A SECOND READING ON NOVEMBER 1, ZOOS. DEPUTY MAYOR KOCHMAR SECOND. THE MOTION CARRIED 7-0. b. Council Bill #389/Criminal Code Update - Aggressive Begging Provisions AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TilE CITYOr FEDERAL WAY, W ASIIINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 6 OF THE FEDERAL W ^ Y CITY CODE, SECTION 6-188 RELATING TO AGGRESSIVE BEGGING (Amending Ordinance Nos. 91-89 and 94-214). City Clcrk Laura Hathaway rcad the ordinance title into thc rccord. MOTION: COUNCILMEMBER BURBIDGE MOVED TO FORWARD COUNCIL BILL #389 TO A SECOND READING ON NOVEMBER 1, ZOOS. DEPUTY MAYOR KOCHMAR SECOND. THE MOTION CARRIED 7-0. VII1. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmembcr Faison reported that the next meeting ofthe Finance/Economic . Dcvclopment/Regional Affairs Committee (FEDRAC) is schedulcd for October 25,2005. Councilmember Dovey reported that the next meeting of the Land Use/Transportation Committee will be in two weeks. Councilmember Burbidge reportcd that the next mecting of the Parks/Recreation/I-Iuman Services and Public Safcty Committee is scheduled for Novcmber 14, 2005 at 6:00 PM. Councilmember Burbidge also stated that the Suburban Cities Association Transportation Board Meeting was held earlier today at Federal Way City Hall where they revicwcd a number of transportation projects; thc Rcgional -rransit Committee will meet on October 19,2005 and thc Community Care Network is hosting their fundraiser on October 23, 2005. Deputy Mayor Kochmar noted that she and CounciImember Burbidge attended thc Fedcral Way Symphony Auction and the Chamber of Commerce Auction will bc held in November; Deputy Mayor Kochmar also attended a meeting of the Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee where they discussed closing the Algona Transfer station. Deputy Mayor Kochmar also asked for a prcss release regarding the Small Busincss Development Ccntcr at I-lighline Community Collegc and rcmindcdthe public that October is Brcast Cancer Awareness Month. Councihnembcr Park reported that on Thursday, October 2ih at 5:30 PM the Port of . Seattle will host a celebration fex Korean Airlines direct flights from SeaTac. Councilmember ferrcll reported that Suburban Cities Association Public Issues Committce will meet on October 19,2005. - Federal Way City Council Re/(ular Meetil,/( Minutes Octoher J 8, 2005 ~ Paf(e 6 of 6 > . Mayor McColgan congratulated Federal Way Symphony Conductor Brian Davenport on his 25 years with the organization; thc I [istorical Society of Federal Way on their election of new officers and the work they do to preserve Federal Way's history and stated the A WC Board is developing their legislative agenda for 2006. IX. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager Moseley addressed the upcoming ChcU11ber of Commerce [,uncheon on November 2nd, and stated they have asked the City to provide an updatc on the downtown dcvelopment work and private fundraising efforts for thc community center; the Federal Way Common's potential site plan has been approved fi,x additional developmcnt ; and the Kenneth Jones Pool will be closed over the Thanksgiving Holiday for cleaning and maintenancc. X. EXECUTIVE SESSION Potential Litigation/Pursuant to RCW 42.30.11 O( I )(i) Collective Bargaining/Pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(a) Council adjourned to Executive Session at 8:50 PM with an cxpcctcd duration of approximately 10 minutcs. . Council returned to chambers at 9:03 PM Xl. ADJOURNMENT I '['hcrc being no further discussion, Mayor McColgan adjourned the regular mecting of the Federal Way City Council at 9:03 PM. ATTEST: -,aura K. Hathaway City Clerk Approved by Council on: 11/1/2005 .