Res 05-460 - e e RESOLUTION NO. 05-460 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, REGARDING CREATION OF A DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT FUND FOR PUBLIC-PRIVATE AND PUBLIC-PUBLIC PARTNERSHIPS FOR APPROPRIATE CITY CENTER REDEVELOPMENT. WI-IEREAS, upon incorporation in 1990, the City of Federal Way engaged the community through the "CityShape" process to define its vision for the City Center; and WI IEREAS, in 1995, with amendments in 1998,2000,2002 and 2003, the Pederal Way City Council adopted the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, to implement the planning requirements of the Growth Management Act, RCW 36.70A; and WHEREAS, the City Council-adopted Federal Way Comprehensive Plan City Center Chapter includes a "Vision Statement" that reads in pertinent pmis: "By the end of the comprehensive planning horizon, the Federal Way City Center will have evolved into the cultural, social and economic center of the City. .. reinforced by pedestrian-oriented streetscapes; an eHicient multimoda1 transportation system; livable and affordable housing; increased retail, serviec, and office development in a compact area; a network of public spaces and parks; superior urban design; and a safe, essential, and vibrant street life"; and "A central gathering place for the community, the City Center is where the whole community can congregate and celebrate. Civic and cultural facilities, in addition to a parks and open-space system, meet the needs of residents, employees and visitors"; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan City Center Chapter was developed consistent with the community's vision for the City Center, as defined by the "CityShape" process; and WHEREAS, a decade has elapsed since adoption of the City Center Comprehensive Plan vision, during which time development and redevelopment in the City Center has made only limited progress towards achievement of the vision; and Res. #05-460, Page 1 ----.-- e e WHEREAS, the City Couneil wishes to encourage catalyst redevelopment projects, comprised mixed-use, multi-story buildings, and/or offcring "vlllage" or "lifcstyle center" format and building design, with street-oriented storeIronts, outdoor eating ~U1d dining, outdoor public amenities such as green spaces/parks, artwork, fountains, plazas and seating. Such catalyst projects arc anticipated to be of suHicient scale and scope to have a substantial impact on the imagc and vitality ofthe City Center and cm1lead to additional, spin-oil development; and WlfEREAS, the City Council has engaged the Leland Consulting Group who has provided a "City Center Rcdcvelopment Strategy" rcport that contains several redevelopment approaches for achieving such catalyst redevelopment projccts, rccognizing that City participation may be ncccssary to achieve desired redcvelopment; and WHEREAS, On October 4, 2005 the City Cow1cil passcd Resolution No. 05A59 that accomplished four things: . Accepts the "City Center Redevelopment Strategy" report; . Reiterates City Council commitment to thc Comprehensive Plan City Ccnter vision that will rcquire substantial additional development of a variety of types and uses; . Expresses City Council intent to implement the redevelopment strategies suggested by Leland and realize substantial redevelopment by 20 I 0; and, . Expresses City Council intent to consider potential public-private and/or public-public financial partnerships for appropriate redevelopment projects; and WHEREAS, City participation in such catalyst projects could take thc form of initial property positioning or acquisition, contribution to public infrastructure improvements, contribution to public open spaces, or contribution to public parking facilities; and WIIEREAS, it is anticipated that up to $6.55 million in capital and/or one-time rcvenues will be availablc during the 2005-2006 biennium, over and above the current appropriation levels; ,md WHEREAS, City Council wishes to allocate up to $5 million of the abovc~citcd $6.55 million as an initial investment to establish a City Center Redevelopment Fund; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIl, OF THE CITY OF FFmCRAL WAY HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section I. Establishment of Fund. A City Centcr Redevelopment Fund is hereby cstablished in the City budget, initially receiving up to approximatcly $5 million during thc 2005- Res. #05-460, Page 2 --.-- e e 2006 budget period from revenues in excess of original budget projections frOln various capital and one-time sources. Section 2. Consideration of On-Going Funding. City Council expresses its intent to consider further allocation of on~going capital sources to the City Center Redevelopment FLmd during the upcoming Supplemental Budget deliberations and directs staff to idcntify potential sources for its consideration. Section 3. Use of Funds. Use of City Center Redevelopment Fund monies shall be fix one of four gencral purposes, consistent with the City Council Resolution 05-459: positioning or acquisition of rcal property for redevelopment; contribution to public infrastructurc iJnprovcments, contribution to public open spaces, or contribution to public parking facilitics. Section 4. Advisorv Committee. City Council will establish a City Centcr Redevelopment Advisory Committee to provide guidm1ce on redevelopment partnership criteria and process. The Committee may include experts from the development community, the real estate industry, the architecture or urban planning fields, as well as representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the community at large, and other Jields as dcsired. City COLlncil directs staff to develop for City Council consideration the corresponding Ordinance outlining thc Committee's responsibilities, membership terms, mceting frequency, etc. Section 5. Severabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of compctent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this rcsolution. Res. #05-460, Page 3 e e Section 6. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the efTective date ofthc resolution is hereby ratified and a11irmed. Section 7. EITective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the rederal Way City Council. RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL W ^ Y, WASHINGTON, this 4th day of October, 2005. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY O~U~ MA YOR, DEAN MCCOLGAN ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FOIUvf: -f~~ ~ CITY ATTORNEY, PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITT! THE CITY CLERK: 10/18/05 PASSED BY TIlE CITY COUNCIL: 10/18/05 RESOLUTION NO. 05-460 Res. #05-460, Page 4 e e -0 "ffi ell C C ell C E ltl .t:; .2 ::l lfJ ~ "'C ...... ."!:::: III "0 1: ..... ell ell "0 III ~ :J co OJ u .5 E 1J "0 = Q) I/) co ::l C ~ ..... a. -0 c ....lIlC co ell Q) ltl C 0 III III .- III ltl ::l co C \0 III ~ U :g III 0 o co .:)l ..... lfJ -- ell 0 .- 10.0 lfJ..... C E ..0.....= 0 ..... $ Q) .... ..9d~ N(lJ oS ~ C ..... .2..... E 0.0 .- ::l .9 ..... I/) cco.... ~~ >,lfJ a. ~ cc6l'). 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