Council MIN 11-15-2005 Regular . FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall November 15,2005 -7:00 PM MINUTES * * * * l. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor McColgan called the regular meeting of the Federal Way City Council to order at 7:00 PM. Councilmembers present: Burbidge, Dovey, Faison, Ferrell, Park, Deputy Mayor Kochmar :md Mayor McColgan. Staff present: City Manager David Moseley, City Attorney Pat Richardson, and City Clerk Laura Hathaway. Mayor McColgan introduced Boy Scout Troop #337 and also asked that Veterans be recognized for their service to the country. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Jesse ofJ3oy Scout Troop #337 led the flag salute. MOTION: Mayor McColgan moved to amend the agenda to add an item under Council Business appointing an Interim City Manager. Deputy Mayor Kochmar second. The motion carried 7-0. Mayor McColgan addressed the process the council will review flJr the selection of a new City Manager in light ofMr. Moseley's resignation and stated tbat there will bc a special meeting on November 21,2005 to discuss the issue. The meeting is open to the public. 3. PRESENT A TIONS a. Commission Introductions/Certificates - Diversity Commission Member Christine Martin Appointment Councilmembcr Burbidge introduced Christine Martin welcoming her as the newest member to tbe Diversity Commission and presented her with a Certificate of Appointment. 1 . . h. Recognition of Achievement -Washington State School Rcsource Officer of the Year Nomination. This item was postponed until SRO Wilson can attend. c. Introduction of New Employees/City Manager - None d. Emerging Issues/City Manager - None 4. CITIZEN COMMENT a) Norma Blanchard - requested a copy of the process used to handle Citizen Action Porms. She stated she filed a form on October 20, 2005 and to date nothing has been done. She would like to know the process for h~U1dling these items. b) Scott Chase - spoke regarding the "Triangle Project" 1-5/SR-IS/SR-16. Gave a copy of a print-out he obtained ofl the DOT web site and encouraged the Council to pursue a solution. c) Gavla Hardison - asked thc Council to develop an "Adopt a Park" program where businesses in the city would participate. Ms. Hardison stated that she brought this suggestion up two months ago but has heard nothing back from the City. She has approached businesses on her own and there is interest. d) Prostv Hardison - th:mked all who ran for cJected oClicc. Also thanked the Police Department for catching the alleged serial rapist. Mr. Hardison asked, since panhandling/begging is freedom of speech issue, ifthere is a permit process we could require them to go through so they would have a permit in order to panhandle. City Manager Moseley will look into the "Adopt a Park" issue and perhaps assign the Parks and Recreation Commission. Coul1cilmember Dovey stated that requiring a permit to panhandle infringes on their First Amendment Right. 5. CONSENT AGENDA a. MinuteslNovember 1 ,2005 Regular Meeting - Approved b. September 2005 Monthly financial Report- Approved c. Vouchers - Approved d. 2006 Legislative A!2:enda - Approved e. Resolution - Shoreline Master Program UrantAcceptance/Authority to Hire Consultant - Approved - Resolution # 05-461 f. 2006 School Impact Fees - Approved g. PSE Easement for Community Center - Approved h. Amon Service Station Access onto SR-509- Approved l. 1-5/ SR-18 / SR-161 Triangle Project Status - PULLED tiS b~formati()nal item only. 2 . Mayor McColgan pulled Consent Agenda Item i. MOTION: Councilmember Dovey moved approval of Consent Agenda Items a-h. Deputy Mayor Koehmar seeond. The motion carried 7-0. Consent Agenda Item i: 1-5/ SR-18 / SR-16l Triangle Project Status: City TraJlic Engineer Rick Perez updated the Council on the current status ofthe project. Though infclflllational only, it was MOVED by Councilmembcr Kochmar to approve as part of the consent agenda. Councilmember Faison second. Thc motion to approve the inJclflnation presented carried 7-0. 6. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Undcrgrounding Utilities and lnstallation of Street Trees on WSDOT Segment of Pacitle Highway South PublieWorks Director Cary Roe summarized the status ofthis project stating that, because the project was started prior to the City annexing the area, it has not in the past nor is it currently listed on the City's Transportation Improvement Plan. Since this area has now been annexed with the City, the City has been in discussions with WSDOT (the lead agency) to have the design be consistent with Ollr Comprehensive Plan and Design Standards. Whilc they have agreed to incorporate many of the design standards, they have not agreed to undergrounding the utilities or planting of street trees. Mr. Roe stated that one proposal is to underground the utilities just at the street crossing/intersections. You would still have the overhcad utilities paralleling the street, but you would not have the utilities over the intersections; therefore, the view as you are driving would essentially be a view clear of overhead wires. Mr.Roe slated that some pole sizcs at intersections would need to he increased. MOTION: Couneilmember Dovey moved to authorize staff to enter inlo a I,ocal Agency Agreement with WSDOT to include undergrounding of overhead utilities at street crossings and the planting of street trees in the planter strip area within the Pacific Highway South (2841h Street to South 272"d Street) project. Also authorize staff to transfcr the required funds from Unappropriated Transportation Capital Fund. Council member Faison second. The motion carried 7-0. b. 2Pl Avenue SW Extension (SW 356111 Street to 22"c1 Avenue SW) Right-of- W:w Acquisition MOTION: Councilmemher Dovey movcd approval of the 21 sl Avenue SW Extension Right-of-Way Acquisition. Councilmember Ferrell second. The motion carried 7-0. ^l -) . . c. Added Item - Appointment of Interim City Manager MOTION: Mayor McColgan moved to appoint Derek Matheson as the Intcrim City Manager. Counci!member Ferrell second. The motion carried 7-0. 7. PUBLIC HEARING Mid-Biennium 2005-2006 Budget/Property Tax Rate-Pursuant to RC'W 35A.34 . Citizen Comment (3-minute limit) Mayor McColgan opened the second Public Hearing on the Mid-Biennium 2005-2006 Budget/Property Tax Rate at 7:57 PM. Management Services Director Iwen Wang summarized the proposed changes discusscd at the two previous study sessions and reviewed the inflationary property tax adjustments [rom 1997-2006. There were no comments from the public. MOTION: Deputy Mayor Kochmar moved to close the Public Hearing. C'ouncilmember Dovey second. The motion carried 7-0. Mayor McColgan closed the Public Hearing at 8:07 PM. 8. INTRODUCTION ORDINANCES a. Council Bill #390 /2005-2006 Biennial Budget Adjustment AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO BUDGETS AND rINANCE, REVISING TilE 2005- 2006 BIENNIAL BUDGET (AMENDS ORDINANCE NOS. 04-469 AND 05-482). City Clerk Laura Hathaway read the ordinance title into the record. MOTION: Councilmember raison moved to feH"ward Council HiU #390 to the Dcccmber 6, 2005 Council meeting fe)f enactment. Councilmember Dovey second. The motion carried 7-0. h. Council Bill #391 /2006 Property Tax Rate AN ORDfNANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY or fEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, FIXING THE PROPERTY TAX AMOUNT FOR TIlE YEAR 2006. City Clerk Laura I fathaway read the ordinance title into the record. 4 . . MOTION: Councilmember Faison moved to ll)fward Council Bill #:191 to thc December 6, 2005 Council meeting for enactment. Deputy Mayor Kochmar second. The motion carried 7-0. c. Council Bill #3921 Proposed Twin Lakes Golf and Country Club Pranehisc AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF 'I'HE CITY OF FEDEHAI, WAY, WASHINGTON, GRANTING TWIN LAKES GOL,F AND COUNTRYCLUB, A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE, TO OCCUpy HIGHTS-OF-W A Y OF TI-IE CITY OF FEDERAL, WAY, WASHINGTON, WITIIIN THE SPECIFIC FRANCHISE AREA FOR THE PURPOSES OF MAINTAINING, REPAIRING AND OPERATING AN IRHIGATION SYSTEM WITHIN AND 'fHROUGII THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. City C:lerk Laura Hathaway read the ordinance title into the record. MOTION: Coul1cilmember Faison moved to ll)fward Council Billli392 to thc December 6,2005 Council meeting for enactment. Deputy Mayor Kochmar second. TJlc rnotion carried 7-0. 9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councihnember Ferrell commended staff on the budget presentations. Councilmember Park stated that the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meeting f()r November has been cancelled. He also thanked staff, specifically lwen Wang, for the budget presentation and stated the 2007-2008 budget will be challenging. Deputy Mayor Kochmar stated that there is an upcoming fundraiser for the flew cornmunity center and thanked the Police Department f()r their work in capturing the a\legcd serial rapist. Councilmember Burbidge stated that ncxt meeting of the Parks Recreation rTuman Services and Public Safety Committee is scheduled for December 12,2005 at 6:00 PM. Councilmember Dovey reported the next meeting of the Land Use Transportation Committee is scheduled for November 21, 2005 at 5:30. Councilmember Faison stated the next meeting of the Pinance Economic Devcloprnent Regional Alfairs Committee is scheduled for November 22, 2005 at 6:00 PM. He stated that Mr. Dunn will be in attendance at that meeting to discuss potential development of his property. Councilmember Faison also congratulated City Manager Moseley on his new venture and wished him well. Mayor McColgan congratulated Councilmembers Faison, Burbidge and Koehmar on being re-elected and stated there will be a tllod collection barrel in the lobby of City I-1aU. S . . 10. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager Moseley publicly announced his resignation and thanked the C:ity Council and statI for their support ovcr the past six years. He also congratulated the Pol ice Department on the capture ofthe allcged serial rapist. He also commended thc Police Department for taking it upon themselves to create a victims' service fund. Mr. Moseley announced the Council would conduct an Executive Session expected to last approximately 20 minutes. 11. EXECUTIVE SESSION Collective Bargaining / Pursuant to RCW 42.30./40(4)(a) Couneil adjourned to Executive Session at 8:32 PM. 8:59 PM - Interim City Manager Derek Matheson announced that Council would be in Executive Session fix an additional 20 minutes. Council adjourned from. Executive Session at 9: l8 PM. No action taken. 12. ADJOURNMENT Mayor McColgan adjourned the regular meeting of tbc Federal Way City Council at 9:] g PM. ATTEST: Laura K. Hathaway, City Ckrk Approved by Council on: io-/L,,/bt 6