LUTC PKT 12-19-2005 -- - .- - ~- _o- r---- ~.- City of Federal Way City Council Land LJse/Transportation Comrnittee December 191h, 2005 City Hall 5:30 p.m. Council Chambers -. _'0"- ,. MEETING AGENDA l. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 5th, 2005 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. 21 st A venue SW Extension - 8W 356th 8t to 22nd Ave SW Action Salloum / 5 min Improvcments Project -- 85% Design Status Report B. North Like Ridge Division IV, (Residential South) - Final Plat Action Barker / 10 min C. Lloyd's Latecomer Agreement for 344111 Ave. 8. Action Appleton /20min D. Litter Removal Contract - 5% Increase in Funding for 2006 Action Millerl5 min E. S 333rd Street and 1st Way South Street Traffic Signal- 50% Action Miller /10 min Design Approval F. Gravel Street Maintenance Action Miller / 30 Olin G. S. 373rd St. Bridgc 30% Status Update Action Bucich / 15 min H. 2006-2009 Agreement for the South County Area Transportation Action Roe /10 min Board (SCA TBd) I. Proposed text amendments to FWCC Chapter 22, "Zoning", Action Michaelson! I hour pertaining to City Center and Neighborhood Business zones_ 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS 6. ADJOURN ~ - "'_"---W^~~_.....,._ ...- --- - ..'.,....~_,.....:_,____~~........,>~~'~....,.,w.,.,.,'M~. '"'Nm......""""'<,.......,...,.._'~..\^~,,...._~~___,"'" Com mitt"" Members City Staff Jack Dovey. Chair Kathy McClu'r?;. Commllnrly Development Service.\' Director Eric Faison ,1;/al"/illme SIi!".\'. Adminrsl/"nll>'C Assistilnt Michael Park 2.1,;-835-2701 G:\LlJTC\LUTC Agendas 4tlld Summaries 2005\12 19-0:5 UHC Agenda: doc -- - -- : City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee November 21 st, 2005 ('ily Ilall 5:31 pm Coullcil Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Council Member Jack Dovey, Council Member Michael Park, Council Membcr Eric Faison, Council Member Jeanne Burbidge, Council Member Linda Kochmar, Mayor Dean McColgan; City Manager David Moseley; Public Works Deputy Director Ken Miller; Surface Water Manager Paul Bucich; Street Systems Manager Marwan Salloum; Community Development Director Kathy McClung; Senior Planner Margaret Clark; Building Official Mary Kate Martin; City Attorney Pat Richardson; and Administrative Assistant Marianne Stiles. A number of citizens also attended_ L CALL TO ORDER Councilman Dovey called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. 2. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES The minutes of November ih, 2005, were approved_ 3. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. 2006 Street Sweeping Services Contract - Bid Award Marwan Salloum provided the background information. Cmte PASSED staff recommendation to fwd Option I to the December 6th Council Consent Agenda. ..-...... ...._",. ...-..-. .....-.. ......-.. MOVED by Councilman Faison. SECONDED by Councilman Park. PASSED Unanimously. Council members discussed the budget cut on last year's contract and the reallocation of funding to resume levels of service for City Street Sweeping_ Paul Bucich said that by resuming the additional autumn street sweeping (that was eliminated in 2005) the City will save money on reduced call-outs to clear flooding at catch-basins plugged up with leaves. Council Member Faison noted that if residents are paying for this service the City should provide it. B. Joe's Creek Project - 85% Design Paul Bucich provided the background information. Cmte PASSED staffreconunendation to fwd Option I to the December 6th Council Consent Agenda. n___""_'__.._.,"_''',.. _...." ._n.... . . _ _". _no. ...._.,_..,..._.". ....__,..._ ...~._. --, M.Q~E:!?b)! foun.ci/fTllmPark-. SEC'ONpED by'.Counci"T/l!nE!lis~n.:..!'1S.Sf!? Unan~mousl.)l.' C. InterlocaJ Agreement betwecn the City of Fedcral Way and South King Fire & Rescuc Mary Kate Martin provided the background infonnation. Cmte PASSED staff recommendation to fwd Option 1 to the December 6th Council Consent Agenda. ifQ~KfJ.:_b)!_(;~ll~cilman Faison_ SECONDt:p by 6;uncil~~~~~;~k. f;JS,<:;ED Unanimously ." ",,"'. ".. .. 1>. Code Amendments Selection Process Margaret Clark provided background infommtion. Cmte PASSED staff recommendations & forwarded to the Dec. 6lh Council Meeting for a Public Hearing. ......._ ....._.,.._..." __.. ,.. .. "0- _... _qu_ .....__."... "._.. .... _ ".._ 'M..QYJ~P. _ ~X. fq,~!,cJ!f!1.,!.r~_f:~~~<!.n~..... __._~p;:gt-!..l!.F;,I? _by fq_U!It;.ilJ'!El!_.~G!~'.. ~.. _.. _P...1!'.'~9..1J..1J!::. Y~ll~,!~f~lously: ppti()nJb.Op~ion2a.pption}a, Option 4a,.Option 5b.()ptio,!_~b,Option. 7a,Option 8a. Option 9a G ILVTClLVTC Agendas and Sum",.,-ie, lOOS\J ) -21-05 urrc M,out<5.do< .!::and Usc!TransportallO~~)!nmilte~_._.___ _ _ Pai,'e:? _____________._A.u~'IJSI I__~(H~~ Public Comment: Wally Costello, Quadrant, Bellevue, supported staft's recommendation on Option 3. CounCIlman Faisun asked ho\\ many lots would be built in the Quadrant project Ansvv'er: 120. [vlayor McColgan asked about the price and size of homes, Answer: they would cost $200k - $3001-.: and be about 1,400 square feel. Jon Potter, Stateside Investment. supported staffs recommendation for zero 101 lines for town hornes_ He noted that, as Council desires, home ownership improves the quality of neighborhoods. E. Westway Street Lighting Project - Final Acceptance Ken Miller provided background information emle PASSED staff reconmlfndation to fwd Option 1 to the December 61h Council Consent Agenda. _'." .___n., .__ .__._ _ _" .__ .- -- ..--"" iN!C!.V.E;P_by. <;f!.U!}cj1rt1qn F.. ai,so.n _. ~)~T__ONpEpby_C;ou'!(P'!!l!nf_a,"-(._ _. f':J5iSt:J? _U~lani.m.o~,sly~' 6. FUTURE MEETINGS The next scheduled meeting will be December 5th, 2005. 7. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:42 p.m. G-\UJTC'.LUT(' Agendas .and Summaries 2005\11 ~2t~05 LUTe MinUl,.e5,do{: ---.-. - CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM _...----...0--....__,._., __. '"_.,--- -"-.,,-,,,,-",,-,~,,-,--"-'''''''-----''''''''''''-----''-"--'"'--''''-~ --"'.'--'""- '-. "-'''''--'''-'-'--''- DATE: December 5. 2005 TO: Land Use and Transportation Committee VIA: David II. Moseley~ager Ji'ROM: Marwan Salloum, P.E., Street Systems Manage SUBJECT: 21st Avenue SW Extension - SW 356th Street to 2 tld Ave/we SW lmprovemetlts Project; 85% Design Status Report .~-~-~~-'.__.~,~~'-- POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council authorize staff to proceed with design of the 21 st A venue SW Extension ~ SW 356th Street to 22nd Avenue SW Improvements Project and return to the Council at the 100% design completion for further reports and authorization? BACKGROUND: This project will extend a 2-lane collector street section from SW 356th Street to 22"d A venue SW. The traffic signal will be modified to accommodate the added lanes. The following provides a brief synopsis of the progress on this project to date. C~rrently, the project design is approximately 85% complete, which includes the following completed tasks: . The Topographical Surveys . The Geotechnical Investigation . SEP A Submittals . Channelization Plans . Right of Way Requirements (ROW Plans, Property Appraisals and Review Appraisals) . Project Design to 85% Ongoing Tasks Include: . NEPA Approval and Project Permitting . Right of Way Negotiation and Acquisition . Project Design to 100% PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Planning and Design $150,000 ROW Acquisition 190,000 Construction cost 2006 (estimate) 400,000 10% Construction Contingency 40,000 Construction Management (12'10) 55,000 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $835,000 K:\LUTC\2005\12-05~05 21st Ave SW Extension SW356th 5T to 22nc1 Ave - 85%Design Sttu5 reportrovements - 30% Design.doc December 5, 2005 Land Use and Transportation Committee 21st Avenue SW Ex.tension ~ S\\l 356th Street to 22nd Avenue SW Improvements Project - 85'% Design Status Report Page 2 A V AILABLE FVNDlNG: REET Fund $307,000 Mitigation 74,400 Interest 14,400 TOTAL AVAII,ABU: BUDGET $395,800 Staff applied for a grant funding from Hazard Elimination and Safety Program (HES) in the amount of $500,000.00. If this funding sourcc was approved then the project will be within available budget. OPTIONS: 1. Authorize staff to proceed with the present design of 21st Avenue SW Extension - SW 356th Street to 22nd Avenue SW Improvcments Project and return to the LUTe Committee at the 100% design completion stage for further reports and authorization. 2. Do not authorize staff to proceed with finalizing the present design of this project and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON: Staff recommends forwarding Option I to the December 20, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda for approval: "Authorize staff to proceed with the design of the 21st Avenue SW Extension ~ SW 356th Street to 22nd . Avenue SW Improvements Project and return to the LUTC Committee at the 100% design completion stage for further reports and authorization" COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above staff recommendation to the December 20, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda. cc: Project File Day File K:\lUTC\2005\12-05.05 21st Ave 5W Extension SW356th Sf to 22nd Ave - 85%Design sttus reportrovements -.30% Design.doc -. -. - - A CITY OF .~,i~#i' Federal Way MEMORANDUM DATE: December 13, 2005 To: Jack Dovey, Chair Land Userrransportation Committee FROM: Deb Barker, Interim Senior Planner G:tr. David M~anager VIA: RE: Northlake Ridge Division 4 Final Plat Application Federal Way File No. 05-103512-00-SU MEETING DATE: Dccember 19,2005 n.,.. "--.. ...._-,. ..-....,, "'''..-..... -...-.... ......-.. ",,,_..,... I. RECOMMENDA nON Staff recommends that the Land Userrransportation Committee forward to the City Council a recommendation approving the Northlake Ridge Division 4 Final Plat Resolution. II. SUMMARY OF ApPLICATION The applicant requests final plat approval for Northlake Ridge Division 4, a cluster subdivision of 90 residential single-family lots on approximately 40 acres. Lot sizes range from 4,874 square feet (SF) to 9,498 SF, with average lot sizes of 5,779 SF. The Northlake Ridge Division 4 subdivision is located in thc eastern portion of the City between South 334[/1 Street at 38th Avenue South and SR 18, with access from 42nd A venue South extending from Northlake Ridge Division 1. The cluster subdivision is zoned Single-Family Resiqential-RS 9.6. Pursuant to Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chaptcr 20, "Subdivisions," Section 20-136, the City Council may approve the final plat application only if all criteria of FWCC 9 20-136(b) are met. Findings and conclusions contained in the attached staff report to the City Council and referenced in the attached resolution indicate that the plat has been constructed, or financially secured pursuant to FWCC 9 20-135, in accordance with the approved preliminary plat, and the applicable FWCC requirements. Inn response to an allegation made by an adjacent neighbor that the roundabout improvements were inaccurately installed on private property, the City researched how the right-of~way was established and determined that all roundabout improvements were installed within the public right-of-way. III. REASON FOR COUNCIL ACTION The final decision for final plats rests with the City Council in accordance with FWCC ~ 20-136(b). Bringing this matter before the City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee for review and recommendation prior to the full Council is consistent with how land use matters are currently processed by the City. IV. PROPOSED MOTION I move that the Land Use/Transportation Committee forward to the City Council, and place on the December 20,2005, City Council consent agenda, a recommendation approving the Northlake Ridge Division 4 Final Plat Resolution. 05-I0351Z Doc. I.D 33960 -- - "'TY OF ...~. Federal Way DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF REPORT Request for Final Plat Approval NORTH LAKE RIDGE DIVISION 4 (AKA QUADRANT RESIDENTIAL SOUTH) FINAL PLAT Federal Way File No. 05-103512-00-SU I RECOMMENDATION City ofPederal Way staff has reviewed the final plat of North Lake Ridge Division 4 for compliance with preliminary plat conditions and all applicable codes and policies, and recommends approval ofthe final plat application. II INTRODUCTION Date: December 13,2005 Request: Request for final plat approval for the North Lake Ridge Division 4 subdivision. Description: North Lake Estates Division 4 is a proposed lot cluster subdivision including 90 single- family lots on approximately 40 acres. The 90-lot North Lake Estates Division 4 Preliminary Plat was granted approval by the Federal Way City Council on October 21, 2003, as Quadrant Residential South, per City COllllcil Resolution 03-396. Access to North Lake Estates Division 4 is via the southern leg of a new roundabout at the intersection of South 334\11 Street at 38\11 Avenue South, and also via 4200 Avenue South as extended south from North Lake Ridge Division 1. All required roads, sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, sewer lines, water lines, and related improvements for the project have been constructed or financially guaranteed. Owner: Quadrant Homes 1110 112111 Avenue NE, Suite 300 Bellevue, W A 98009-0130 425-455-2900 Engineer: ESM Consulting Engineers LLC 33915 151 Way South, Suite 200 Federal Way, W A 98003 253-838-6113 Location: Generally southeast of the intersection of South 33411\ Street at 38th Avenue South and north ofSR 18; in Sections 15 and 22, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, W.M, King County (Exhibit A - Vicinity Map). Sewage Disposal: Lakehaven Utility District Water Supply: Lakehaven Utility District Fire District: Federal Way Fire Department School District: Federal Way Public Schools, No. 210 Report Prepared By: Deb Barker, Interim Senior Planner III HISTORY AND BACKGROUND North Lake Estates Division 4 is a proposed subdivision of 90 single-family lots on approximately 40 acres, with regulated wetland and wetland buffers (Exhibit B - Final Plat Map). The 90-lot North Lake Estates Division 4 Preliminary Plat was granted approval by the Federal Way City Council on October 21,2003, per Resolution 03-396 (Exhibit C- Preliminary Plat Map and Exhibit ~Resolution 03-396). A proposed resolution of the City of Federal Way, Washington, to approve the final plat of North Lake Estates Division 4 is attached to the LUTe November 15,2005 memorandum (Exhibit E -North Lake Estates Division 4 Final Plat Resolution). Zoning for the 40-acre site is RS 9.6, with a minimum lot size of9,600 square feet. The preliminary plat was designed as a lot cluster plat, pursuant to the regulations in effect at the time of complete preliminary plat application. Those cluster plat provisions established a minimum lot size of no less than one-half the size of the underlying zoning district, but in no case smaller than 3,600 square feet. In the case ofthe RS 9.6 zoning district, lots could not be smaller than 4,800 square feet. The lot sizes on the North Lake Estates Division 4 final plat range from 4,874 square feet to 9,498 square feet, with the average size being approximately 5,779 square feet. All lots conform to those previous cluster lot provisions. Wetland and wetland buffer intrusions were approved by the Federal Way Hearing Examiner in conjunction with preliminary plat approval. The developer applied for final plat approval on August 13,2005, while the site was still under construction. Improvements are now substantially complete. Pursuant to RCW 58.17.110 and Section 20- 136 of the Federal Way City Code (FWCC), the City Council is charged with determining whether: 1) the proposed final plat conforms to all terms of the preliminary plat approval; 2) the subdivision meets the requirements ofa11 applicable state laws and local ordinances which were in effect at the time of preliminary plat approval; 3) all taxes and assessments owing on the property have been paid; and 4) all required improvements have been made or sufficient security has been accepted by the City. Staff Report Federal Way File No. 05-103512.00-SU/Doc I.D 3m3 North Lake Ridge Division 4 (AKA Quadrant Residential South) Final Plat Page 2 ~-- - City of Federal Way staff has reviewed the North Lake Estates Division 4 final plat for compliance with preliminary plat conditions and all applicable codes and policies. All applicable codes, policies, and plat conditions have been met or financially secured as allowed by FWCC Section 20-135. IV COMPLIANCE WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT CONDITIONS The following lists conditions of preliminary plat approval and SEP A conditions in the same order referenced in Federal Way City Council Resolution 03-396 and the SEPA Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance, respectively. Required improvements have been completed or financially secured as allowed by FWCC Section 20-135. l. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with drainage provisions set forth in the FWCC. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on the approved preliminary plat. A. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) and amendments adopted by the City of Federal Way. City of Federal Way approval ofthe drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. Staff Response: This condition has been met. A Technical Information Report (TIR), drainage plans, and roadway plans were reviewed by the City and approved on August 27, 2004. B. The runoff control facilities within Quadrant Residential South shall be located within separate tracts (Tracts A and B) that are landscaped to screen the facility from the right-of-way and adjacent residential uses, and to allow for appropriate maintenance of the facility, and shall be dedicated to the City of Federal Way. Tracts C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, and M shall be owned, landscaped, and maintained by the homeowners association. The homeowners association shall also maintain screening vegetation in Tracts A and B. A landscape plan for Tracts C, D, E, F, G, I, J, L, and M shall be submitted to the City for review and approval as part of the plan. Staff Response: This condition has been met. Combined water quality and detention ponds are located in Tracts A and B. Both tracts will be dedicated to the City of Federal Way on the final plat map and through a statutory warranty deed that will be recorded with the plat. Landscape plans that depicted appropriate screening of Tracts A and B, as well as landscapingfor Tracts C, D, E, F, G, H, /, J, L, and M were reviewed and approved with the construction plans. Screening landscaping at Tracts A and B has been installed, inspected, and approved. C. Stormwater quality treatment shall be provided using the basic water quality menu options of the 1998 KCSWDM, as amended by the City of Federal Way. Staff Response: This condition has been met. The water quality ponds provide water quality treatment for pollution generating impervious areas within the plat. D. Stormwater from Tract A shall be directed to the buffer of Wetland A-C via a level flow spreader. Staff Response: This condition has been met. Approved engineering plans depicted level flow spreader directingjlows from Tract A (storm drainage) into Tract G, which contains the buffer of wetlands A-C. The flow spreader has been installed. inspected. and approved. 2. The applicant shall bc required to construct all storm drainage improvements necessary to mitigate all identified conveyance problems, whether existing or resulting from the plat's development, as identified during engineering plan review and as required by the Public Works Director. Engineering Staff Report Federal Way FileNo. 05-103512-00-SU/00<1O ))158 North Lake Ridge Division 4 (AKA Quadrant Residential South) Final Plat Page 3 approval shall not be granted if it is detennined that proposed mitigation is not adequate to address the impacts of the project. Staff Response: This condition has been met. The off-site drainage system has been cleaned of all sediment and debris and is now capable of safely conveying storm water runoff. 3. The final plat drawing shall dedicate aU usable open space in open space tracts to be owned in common and maintained by property owners of the proposed subdivision, and shall prohibit removal or disturbance of vegetation and landscaping within the tracts, except as necessary for maintenance or replacement of existing plantings and as approved by the City. Additional vegetation may be located in open space tracts to meet conditions as approved by the City. A note shall be included on the final plat map that the open space tracts shall not be further subdivided, may not be developed with any buildings or other structures except as may be approved by the City for recreational purposes only for the benefit of the homeowners, and may not be used for financial gain. Staff Response: This condition has been met. Notes # 4, 5, 6, and 8 on sheet 2 of7 of the final plat establish usable, recreation, and park open space tracts as Tract C, D, E, F, G, H, 1. J, M, and N to be owned and maintained by the homeowners association. Note 9 of sheet 2 of 7 precludes further development of the identified open space tracts and prohibits removal of vegetation except as ~prowd~meOryif&daaIW~ 4. Prior to issuance of construction permits, a final landscape plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect shall be submitted to the City for approval, and shall include the following elements: A. Open space and/or park landscaping in Tracts C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, and M. Staff Response: This condition has been met. A landscape plan that included planting in Tracts C, D, E, F, G, H, I. J, L, and M as appropriate was reviewed by the Department of Community Development Services in conjunction with review and approval of the engineering plans. The applicant has indicated a commitment to install all required landscaping within Tract C to establish a neighborhood park; in Tract D to replace trees removed in conjunction with sewer line installation and to establish open space planting along the pedestrian trail,' in Tract E to establish a neighborhood park with a tot lot; in Tract F to establish open space planting; in Tract G to restore wetland and wetland buffer areas disturbed in conjunction with sewer line installation; in Tract H to screen adjacent residences from vehicles passing through the round-about; in Tract I to establish the pedestrian trail in the wetland buffer; in Tract J to mitigate for roadway installation acijacent to the wetland buffer; in Tract L to screen residences from SR 18, and in Tract M to establish open space or provide bondingfor those outstanding landscape items prior to recording of the final plat. The final plat document also depicts Tract N. which is established to provide for open space landscaping and monument signage for the subdivision. B. Street trees in right-of-way landscape planter strips. Staff Response: This condition has been met. A landscape plan for the right~of-way landscaping was approved by the Public Works Department in conjunction with review and approval of the engineering plans. As allowed under FWCC Section 20-135, the applicant has provided a financial guarantee assuring the completion of these landscaping improvements within six months offinal plat approval. C. Tree preservation plan. Staff Respollse: This condition has been met. A tree preservation plan (in the [onn of a c/earingand grading limits plan) consistent with the preliminary plat approval was approved by the Department of Community Development Services in conjunction with review and Staff Report Federal Way File No. 05-I03512-00-SUlOoc W B1S8 North Lake Ridge Division 4 (AKA Quadrant Residential South) Final Plat Page 4 "-"- - - - approval of the engineering plans. The applicant generally complied with the approved clearing limits during the plat infrastructure construction phase. However, clearing in Tract D for installation of a sewer line extension exceeded the approved clearing limits and clearing of the right-of-way and Tract Hfor the roundabout exceeded approved clearing limits. The applicant submitted a revegetation plan to mitigate disturbed areas of Tracts D, H, and those portions of right-of way within the license area. The plan was reviewed and approved, and mitigation vegetation has been installed in Tracts D and H and within the right-ol-way subject to City license agreement. Clearing of individual lots was conditionally approved. D. Visual screening of the Quadrant Residential South storm drainage facilities in Tracts A and B from the adjacent Road A, and from adjacent residential lots with landscaping and fencing. Cyclone fencing, ifused, shall be coated black or green and shall be screened by vegetation. Staff Response: This condition has been met. A landscape plan for visual screening of Tract 1- and B was approved by the Department of Community Development Services in conjunction with review and approval of the engineering plans. Black, vinyl-coated chain linkfence has been installed around Tracts A and B, and approved vegetation instal/ed. 5. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the 1993 King County Road Standards (KCRS) as amended by the City of Federal Way for this project, including the following requirements: A. Roads A and B shall be improved along the frontage of the project as minor collectors, including 60-foot-wide right-of-way and 36-foot-wide pavement width, curb and gutter, four- foot planter strips, and five-foot-wide sidewalks on both sides of the roadway, streetlights, and street trees. Staff Response: This condition has been met and bonded. Improvements for Road A, 3sth Avenue South and Road B, South 33th Street and 42nd Avenue South have been installed and the right-ol-way will be dedicated on the face of the plat and by statutory warranty deed recorded with the plat. As allowed under FWCC Section 20-135, the applicant has provided a financial guarantee assuring the completion oj the landscaping improvements, streetlights. and sidewalk adjacent to the streetlights within six months of final plat approval. B. Road C shall be improved as a local street, to include a 52-foot-wide right-of-way and 28-foot pavement width. Vertical curb and gutter, four-foot planter strips, and five-foot-wide sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of the street. Streetlights and street trees shall also be provided. Staff Response: This condition has been met and bonded. Improvements for 39'h Avenue South and South 335fh Place have been installed and the right-ol-way will be dedicated on the face of the plat and by statutory warranty deed recorded with the plat. As allowed under FWCC Section 20-135, the applicant has provided afinancial guarantee assuring the completion of the landscaping improvements, streetlights, and sidewalk adjacent to the streetlights within six months offinal plat approval. C. Road D shall be improved as a cul-de-sac street with a 50-foot radius. Vertical curb and gutter, four-foot-wide planter strip, and five-foot-wide sidewalk shall be provided on all sides of the street. Streetlights and street trees shall also be provided. Staff Response: This condition has been met and bonded. Improvementsfor 42"d Court South have been installed and the right-of- way will be dedicated on the face of the plat and by statutory warranty deed recorded with the plat. As allowed under FWCC Section 20-135, the applicant has provided afinancial guarantee assuring the completion of the landscaping improvements, streetlights, and sidewalk adjacent to the streetlights within six months offinal plat approval. Staff Report Federal Way File No. 05-1 03512-00-SUlDoc J.D_ 33758 North Lake Ridge Division 4 (AKA Quadrant Residential South) Final Plat Page 5 D. Tract K shall be improved to a private access tract standard and shall be limited to serving a maximum of four lots. The lots that abut these tracts for access shall have undivided ownership of the tract and be responsible for its maintenance. The maintenance agreement for the private access tracts shall be included on the plat and the language approved by the City. Improvements shall include a 36-foot tract width and 20-foot pavement width. Vertical curb and gutter and five-foot-wide sidewalk without planter strips shall be provided on one side. Tract length shall be limited to a maximum of 150 feet from face of curb to end of tract, unless a 90-foot diameter turnaround is provided. Staff Response: This condition has been met. Tract K serves a maximum offour lots, and is less than 150 feet in length. Provisions for ownership and maintenance are identified in note 7 on sheet 2 of 7 of the final plat. Pavement, curb, and gutter have been installed. E. All streets shall have a minimum pavement section of three inches Class B asphalt over six inches of crushed surfacing to support the traffic loads. Staff Response: This condition has been met and bonded. The site, base, and first asphalt lift has been completed on all streets, cul-de-sac, and Tract K. The final asphalt lift is being delayed to reduce wear and tear due to home construction activity. The applicant has provided a financial guarantee assuring completion of the final asphalt lift within six months of final plat approval. 6. Due to eagle nest adjacency, seasonal construction restrictions from February 1 to May 1 and July 1 to July 15 shall be imposed for aU clearing, grading, filling, and related construction activities contained in the amended BEMP as approved by WDFW, and shall be applied to plat construction as part of engineering review. Staff Response: This condition has been met. In an emailed correspondence dated February 2, 2005, the Washington State Department ofFish and Wildlife (WDFW) clarified that as ofDecember200J, WDFW timing restrictions for construction activities were voluntary; that the agency had no objections to clearing and grading activities on the subject site occurring in March 2005; and that they would prefer the activities to occur after May 1, but would not require it. Constroction plans were previously approved on August 27, 200{ and the applicant conducted clearing, grading, filling, and construction activities beginning in March 2005. Eagles continue to occupy the adjacent nest. ,7. Conditions imposed by the Federal Way Hearing Examiner and the Director of Community Development Services for wetland and wetland setback area intrusions shan be depicted on construction drawings and the final plat drawings as appropriate. Staff Response: This condition has been met. Engineering plans included wetland and wetland buffer restoration plans based on conditions imposed by the Federal Way Hearing Examiner and the Director of Community Development Services. The wetland and wetland buffer plans were reviewed and approved by the City's wetland consultant. Approved wetland and wetland buffer improvements were installed, inspected and approved, and monitoring of the improvements has commenced. 8. Prior to final plat approval, open rail fencing and appropriate signage shall be installed to separate the planned and future parks and pedestrian trails from wetlands and wetland setback areas, and shall be designed in accordance with BEMP conditions for fencing and signage. Staff response: This condition has been met and financially guaranteed. A split rail fence has been installed to separate pedestrian trails from wetland and wetland setback areas. Wetland habitat signage design was approved with the Engineering plans. The applicant has indicated a commitment to install the approved signs or provide bondingfor the sign installation prior to recording of the final plat. Staff Report federal Way File No. 05-103512-OO-SU/Doc, W. H758 North Lake Ridge Division 4 (AKA Quadrant Residential South) Final Plat Page 6 --.-. - 9. The final plat shall contain the requirement that 177 replacement trees shall be planted on individual building lots within the subdivision prior to final inspection of residential building activities on the individual lot and in conformance with FWCC Section 22-1 568(5)(b). Staff Response: This condition has been met. Note #19 on page 2 of 7 of the final plat states that tree replacement shall occur in conjunction with construction of homes on each of theindividual lots as required by the conditions of approval. Due to the fact that large replacement trees (three-inch caliper deciduous trees or ten-foot-ta// evergreen trees) are best planted in fall and spring seasons, the City approved a tree planting schedule that supported plant survival. Locations and type of replacement trees as well as timingfor instal/ation of the replacement trees identified in the "Landscape and Tree Replacement Plan" prepared by ESM Consulting Engineers was reviewed and approved by the City (Exhibit F - Landscape and Tree Replacement Plan). 10. The final plat shall contain the requirement that all future park and pedestrian trail improvements adjacent to wetland and wetland setback areas shall be designed to follow recommendations of a wildlife biologist, and shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development Services for review. Staff Response: This condition has been met. Note #20 on sheet 2 of 7 of the final plat application states that any such improvements shall meet these requirements. 11. The applicant shall provide to the President ofthe North Lake Improvement Club a copy ofthe final storm drainage plans at least two weeks prior to the City's approval thereof. The Improvement Club may provide comments within said two week period to the City regarding said plans. However, the sole authority to approve or disapprove said plans remains that of the City. Staff Response: This condition has been met. The applicant forwarded a copy of the engineering plans prepared by ESM Consulting Engineers to the President of the North Lake Improvement Club on October 6, 2004. No comments were received. V SEP A CONDITIONS I. Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall either construct the following impacted Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) projects, as required by the Public Works Department; or, contribute the project's pro-rata share of the construction cost of the TIP projects, as follows: Federal Way Pro-Rata Share Project Contribution TIP Project Project Cost (Project PM Trips Cost Location PM Trips) SR 99 HOV Lanes: $13,200,000 10/3210 x 100 = $5,474,000 x 0.31% = A South 324m Street - Grant funding = $7,826,000 South 340m Street Adiusted proiect cost = $5,474,000 0.31% $17,000 B South 336m-and 34/1756 x 100 = $649,000 x 1.94% Weyerhaeuser Way: $648,700 Reali~ iJltersection 1.94% = $12,600 C South 33610 Street @ 91n $100,000 10/3342 x 100 = $100,000 x 0.30% A venue South 0.30% = $300 D South 336U1 Street @ 1$1 $420,000 10/2956 x 100 = $420,000 x 0-34% Way South 0.34% = $1,400 E South 3361h Street: 18U1 $1,200,000 23/1236 x 100 == $1,200,000 x 1.86% = Avenue South to 1-5 1.86% $22,300 TOTAL $53,600 Staff Report Federal Way File No. 05-103512-00-SU/DodD. 33158 North Lake Ridge Division 4 (AKA Quadrant Residential South) Final Plat Page 7 Staff Response: This condition has been met. The applicant paid the City of Federal Way $53,600.00 in traffic miligationfees on September 13,2005. 2. Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall either construct the impacted WSDOT Traffic project or, contribute the subdivision project's pro-rata share of the construction cost of the WSDOT project, as follows: . WSDOT Project Pro-Rata Share Project Contribution Project Cost (Proiect PM Trips Cost Location PM Trips) F SR 18 westbound off~ramp at $711,000 x 1.61%;: Weyerhaeuser Way South: align $711,000 1.6% intersection and signalize $11,376 WSDOT TOTAL $11,376 Staff Response: This condition has been met. The applicant paid $11,376.00 in traffic mitigation fees to Washington State Department of Transportation on October 13, 2005, based on the cash receipt date. VI DECISIONAL CRITERIA Pursuant to Section 20-136 of the Federal Way City Code, if the City Council finds that the following criteria have been met, the City Council may approve the final plat for recording: 1. The final plat is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat. Staff Response: This criterion has been met, as the conditions of preliminary plat and SEP A mitigation have been met or financially guaranteed, and the final plat is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat. 2. The final plat is in conformity with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls. Staff Response: This criterion has been met and/or financially guaranteed. The plat meets the RS 9.6 zoning standards in effect at the time the application was determined to be complete. The lot sizes are not less than 50 percent of the underlying minimum lot size of 9,600 as required in the lot cluster code provisions in effect at the time of complete preliminary plat application. As provided in FWCC Section 20-135, performance and maintenance bonds are in place for the entire plat and off- site improvements. In addition, a performance bond is in place for any incomplete items as described in Sections IV and V above. 3. That all conditions of the Hearing Examiner and/or City Council have been satisfied. Staff Response: This criterion has been met as noted in the staff comments above. All plat conditions have been met and/or financiaUy guaranteed to be completed within six months of final plat approval. All life safety improvements have been completed. 4. That the public use and interest shall be served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication by determining if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public Staff Report Federal Way File No. 05-I035IZ-00-SUlDo< W. 33758 North Lake Ridge Division 4 (AKA Quadrant Residential South) Final Plat Page 8 "-,--_. - health, safety, general welfare, open space, drainage ways, streets and roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds and shall consider all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school. Staff Response: This criterion has been met. The final plat is consistent with applicable zoning and subdivision regulations, and ensures the public health, safety, and welfare is protected. The plat infrastructure has been installed and/or adequately financially guaranteed as discussed above, including: safe walking routes to school bus stops; open space preservation; drainage system installation; water system installation; sewer system installation; and street improvements. The City will continue to evaluate the new roundabout and approaches for traffic calming and safety. The applicant is willing to install a speed hump at each approach to the roundabout to maximize traffic calming influences. As provided in Note #21 sheet 2 of7 of the final plat of Northlake Ridge #4, those portions of right-of-way between Tracts H and M and north of Tract N are subject to a City license issued to the Northlake Ridge #4 Homeowners Association for irrigation, landscape, and maintenance purposes. As provided in Note #8 of sheet 2 of7 of the final plat, the applicant further agrees to dedicate for no charge Tract H to the City at any time and at the discretion of the City, for future right-of-way purposes. 5. That all required improvements have been made and maintenance bonds or other security for such improvements have been submitted and accepted. Staff Response: This criterion has been met. All road and storm drainage improvements for North Lake.Estates Division 4 have been constructed and/or financially guaranteed. In addition, all water and sewer lines have been installed and approved by Lakehaven Utility District as identified in the November 7, 2005, letter of substantial completion from Lakehaven Utility District. 6. That all taxes and assessments owing on the property being subdivided have been paid. Staff Response: Prior to being recorded, the plat is reviewed by the King County Department of Assessments to ensure that all taxes and assessments have been paid. VII CONCLUSION Based on site visits, review of the final plat maps, construction drawings, and the project file, staff has determined that the application for final plat approval for North Lake Estates Division 4 meets all platting requirements ofRCW 58.17.110 and Section 20-136 of the Federal Way City Code. Plat infrastructure improvements have been substantially completed and/or financially secured to guarantee that all plat conditions and code requirements will be completed within six months of final plat approval as allowed by FWCC Section 20-135. The project has been developed in conformance with Resolution 03-396, approving the North Lake Estates Division 4 Preliminary Plat. A recommendation of final plat approval is therefore being forwarded to the City Council for your approval. Staff Report Federal Way File No. 05-1035 I 2-o0-SU/Doc. w. 33758 North Lake Ridge Division 4 (AKA Quadrant Residential South) Final Plat Page 9 VIII EXHIBITS Exhibit A Vicinity Map for North Lake Estates Division 4 Exhibit B 8Y:z x 11 Reduced Copy of North Lake Estates Division 4 Final Plat Map (This exhibit is not included in all copies of staff report. See Exhibit B ofLUTC November 15, 2005 Summary Memorandum) Exhibit C 8Y:z x 11 Reduced Copy of Approved North Lake Estates Division 4 Preliminary Plat (This exhibit is not included in all copies of staff report. See Exhibit B of LUTC November 15,2005 Summary Memorandum) Exhibit D Resolution 03-396, City of Federal Way Preliminary Plat Approval of North Lake Estates Division 4 (with Hearing Examiner Preliminary Plat Approval Recommendation) (This exhibit is not included in all copies of staff report. See Exhibit B of LUTC November 15, 2005 Summary Memorandum) Exhibit E Final Plat Resolution of the City of Federal Way, Washington, Approving the North Lake Estates Division 4 Pinal Plat Exhibit F 8Y:z x 11 Reduced Copy of Approved Landscape and Tree Replacement Plan (This exhibit is not included in all copies of staff report. See Exhibit B of LUTe November 15, 2005 Summary Memorandum) Staff Report Federal Way File No. 05-1035 J 2-OO-SUlDoc to. lm3 North Lake Ridge Division 4 (AKA Quadrant Residential South) Final Plat Page 10 -- -- - VICINITY MAP N w*. NORTHLAKE RIDGE, DIVISION 4 s L-.._.. ~/'- -- . ~ \\/~\ /"'. / .--------- ----', - ~ .. ~/ - E-~'\' '?;- '../ - . %~' -- --. ,\ .' \ -----.., ".-Y~ ' ~--, ..- \ ':;: , . \ ..-------- =t-.--.--~ \ -'- ~/~~ ...' \ /" ~' . I \ \~,y; _____/ -, ',----~ ------.. " \ <7 - ., -,~~ ~ l j------..,\./(j'} ~ \ -. \-..0 -- . ,- ~ ....-.-~-._.- -_._----,-.. \. - ..( 1 [-------- '- ----~\~ -- ~ __.c_, \ m , I I 1 h= ~Tl File No.: 98-104304--OO-SE EXHIBITL PAGE-L-OF --L 0 1000 2000 Feet L i -----, NORTHLAKE RIDGE DIVISION 4 VOL. PG. A PORTION OF SECTIONS 15 AND 22, T. 21 N.. R. 4 E., W.M. DEDICATION CJ7Y OF' FEDERAL WAY, KING COUNlY, WASHINGTON I{NOW AU. P[OpL..( 8Y TI-ie:5t PRi$ENTS tHAT wt, ThIE UNot~SICIol'~,C {)WN(J;J;S Of INTE~EST IN ~L I.>>ID HWEB't' LEGAL OE$CA,PTIONS sU!30NI::>(O. HE~B"f O[CL,&.AE THIS Pt...A\ TO m: 11-1( CRAPHI'C REPRESENTAllON' Of tHE 5U$01V1SKIN MADE ktf'<<B'Y'. PARCEl A ~D DO Mf;;lf;S'f otOIC.'oTt 1"0 tHE C1TY fOR rl1E v'S[ or '!"'E ~8UC ~QfilMR M..\. S.T~EETS At4I ;.VENtlU NOT 'i~QWt.I "'50 PRIIM.Tf. WfR(ON ~ ,OfOICAT{ '\loIE J<;~ l'H~[OF'" f="OR lI.1l. pueuc ~OS[S HQJ .oHCON$lSTE'NT Wn'H ~f PORl':oN 01' GOVERN....[NT LOT 4, Si:':CTiQN 15. TOWNSi'ilP 21 NMH-1, lW<Ic.r 4 EAST, W1l1.o'fIiEtt( MERIQIAN. 1"1 -:-....,~ USE ~j-oE:RE:~ fM PVBUC HIC;HW;.V ~uRF'O$ES_ ANa '""-.SO TtlE RIGHf 1"0 lU.K( ~ N[GES~1lV $I,JJPES fOR l(lNt::i COUNlY. WASHINGTON, Q(SC~fS(D AS FOlLOWS: G~TS ,6.NO .ILlS UPOtt mE LOrS >>It. 7Jb.Cl's S,",OWN HER{QN Jill ,HE OR1G'~ REM~ GRAOtNG oF 5.AID !'O,li'ffis MoiO ,a\,lf:NuES, ANO FUATIoIER OtoiCAT[ TO TWE I.JS,E oF'" TIoIE PUBlk;. .I\lL 'l'l-1E EASEMENTS -'.NO lR4CTS. COUUENCING A' TJ.1E: 'S.Ol/11'4 QUAA1"(R CORNER' Of' 5AiD SfCnoN: S.HOW~ ON 1"l1tS P\.Al ;:-OR AU. PuBliC PUR~OSE:.S "5 lNOICAtI::C1 I1E~(Ohl. 11oICW.olHC But NOT (,iMO"EO TO pAR..;,:;. OP'EN 5PACE". t)1JtlT/f:S .-ND )RNNAV{ Vt,jI..E"SS suCl-l EA$E~[NTS M i"~c::f$ ~[ SPECIFlCAl..LY ~DENflfIED ON TH~ n-t{NCE '5our~ 6$'"~' W'EsT ALQNG THE SaUTH LINt: Of' SArD $tCTKJN. 710 fED 10 r;-lE TJlruE POINT OF ~GINNING; ?1...A,'f ,l,S ~E1NG OE:QtCAr~o M C!;)NV~ TO A PE~SON o'F!' ~NTlfY on.(R T~AN Tl-it: Pu8UC. iN WIilOI CASi: ~ iJO H(;;!:E6Y OrolCATi AHO CONVEY $UCH S1JiEETS, W(WENTS. oR TRKT"$ TO THE; PERSON QR tNmY 100Nl1F'J(O l'HENC( ~TH 00'57' wtSl 4~.29 n:ET; .:>.NO i'"OR THE PURPOSE STATED ~ENCE NORTH !!.!r~2' 'IIESf S!W.iJO Fm; 't;~HI::~, T1-1( \JNOfJI!S(;NEO OWNER!;; Of THE LANO SV$WIO(O ....ER~B"':' w.&.M: FOA T!-IEI.4SEL\I:F.;$. TI'1E:IA ttElRS ANO ASSIGNS o\HO W't' FEIilSON OR" ENrrTY OfRMHG TIM FROM JHF.; UNOERSJ(;NW. AtIY .AND All.. C~..S fC>>l C\NAAGES THENCE SO\,JT"i OO-~7' EAST :;iOO.'iE. fEE'. fo.IORE DR LESS, TO TI'IE SE:CTION liNt; ~c.a.~),IST T'\-IE DiY OF Ff[)EQ'AI.. WAY. 1T'5 SUCCtsS0R5 ,4.~O AS.SIGNS wlol!CI-I "",-y 9E: oc:.Ca.SIONED 8Y Tl-lE O~N. E'STABU$HuENT, CCH'$TR\,i(:OON, O~ERAflON. rNl.uR( ;0 aP!.R.ATi::. OR A.IAlNTfw.NCE OF ROAOS .t,NO/~ ORAlI'WiE i'Ht::~CE ALO~ tHe SE:.CilOIl/ UN(. ..;oRt~ 89"05' ~S'l" 590.00 FEET TO lHE;: T~E POINT OF 8(CtNNING: SYSftI.4S. ~fER:"""IONS Of ~ CROUND 5uIWACE, VEGU...T1OH. DRAl!'ol.I.CE OR ~UR:FA.CE OR 5U85Uj:tf~ w"'lEA -'"lOWS W1,HIN 'f1-4!'S SuBOM$ION OA WITHIN INY ORAlNACE O~ Df.1E;NTlOlol FACllJfi.ES DtSlGNED TO ~E:~EM: OR ~$O 8E1Nl.: l<NOWN AS A ~il1fON Of T'RACT 117, I'.IORTH ~E S~ORIi: L>>mS', ~CCROI~G TO T!-IE' uNRECQaOf'D AeTlIAL.I.Y REC[JVING <>fI~N,t,GE !'"~Ol,jl THE SIJ$0IvI5IQNS AND THE env Qf' f'EO(FlA.L WAY'S REvltw AND ~PROVAl.. T n1CMXW}. Of J=lL..N5 ~o "CRt.IIl't$ FOR ~E OTHER THo'H C~fMS otE'5IJ1..1"ING ..ROM /~Q1JATf WUNTi:l'MNCf BY THE" CITY Of:' f"rD!:RAL WAY, TOC(THER w100/ THAr i=10!i'tr()", Of '-;OIIERNUf;J\/T LOT 4. SEcnOH 15,. roWNSl-!j~ ',11 NORl1-I. ~I;; . EAST. Wl~m ""tRll)IAN. \101 \(tlllG touNTY. It/it,S1.UNCTQI\I, DESC5l18ED .as i=OUOWS: F~J~THER. t..,r l)/lJOE~5IGNED OWfIIER:..'> OF THE LANO 5VOOMDED ~ERE1':l'Y ACREE ;:-OR THEUSElVE~, TrIOA' ~E1~:S AND ASSIGN'$. TO IN(ID.lNIf'(, 1oi0Lrl j.,(~l..fSS AII/O OEfs:Ntl THE CIl'( IX ~ WAY, ITS $UCC(SSOQS AND COWMENCINC; ...T TH( SOUTH Ol."'RTEq C~Nr.R OF" ~tD '$,ECnoN; -"S.5ICN5. ~/tO..U AND A(iAtNSt .xv c.a.MNJ.E. iNClVOI"iG AX'( C05'fS OF" ()EfENSL C::VJtAEO Qy P~A.:S~5 iMTl-tlN OR. WtfrtO'.JT THE SLl80MSIO"4S ro HAIIf: sEEN CA1.I!r.ED 9Y THE OE$It;;N. 51'~T. 'ONST~UCTJOilI. oPEluef/ON. THEHCl: NORTl'I OO~7" WEST JoO F(Ef; .~wt(E. TO OPERATE:. OR JMlNfDlA.N(::E Of' ROAO~, a.ND/OR DRAlN.aGE SVSTEu. .A.l1E;RATlON'$ OF 'n-lE Gtl(IlWD 'Jl.i(NC[ S.OI.J~ B9"O:$' wESl' 1,951.95 i"Ef'T: ~i,I~~AC~. ~GEi^T'lON, DRAI~. CA' SI,lR~~'E OR 51J.!;rSuJlF.&4[ wArr:~ F\.0W5 WI''''''' t'Ht: s~SN;)N.s OR WITHIN AA/'f' /]RAtNAGE. 00' WENrlON rArC!UTlE$ DESIGNED TO REC(lVE OA ACT\JAI.l.,'f ~C~NG 1]~,lJNAG( fRO'" flotE "!i.UBtlMSlQN$ .a.NO THE tll'Y Of" FED(R.&L WAl''S ~EVIEW IINQ APPROVAL OF PLAN'S ~O ~~t~ r(jR. SAAiE. TMENCE NQ5lTH {'g~' (AST ~.6B FHT; P<lOW)EO. rN/S ~fI #JtJO !NDfIofNIFlCA1'1ON S~ NOT BE Cl)N51~D "$ RElEASIN{;. T1-t[ erN ($ rro(t(AL WA'(. 11S Slft;~ESScmS OR ,aSSIGNS, F"HeM IJA8ILfTY fOJl tI.I\MAGE$. INCl.UDll\IG TM[ COST ry; OEF[NSE, Rt'$utJ1NC fR{)fd 1HfNCE 50U1"l1 e!f52' E~T j77.~ FEEf lO TH(. T~UE. P'OlN'!' Of ijEOfNNINl;i; .ai'{lJ TO !"HE" D:'T(Nt OF TttE sou: IllEGtJCENCf OF THE em Of f't:oERAL. WA.Y, Irs. succe:;!;so~, Olii A.$SIGI\lS. niDlC( :"K)ATH oO'oe' 05T ,2:2'0 F~ET; rH"1S suOOMslON. IXp.'C,AT'/ON, Rt~SE. INOfMMflCAJlDW Of CLAIMS AHO "~EEMENi i"O I-!l"JLO I"\AAwLESS IS ~ 'Nfflo4 tHE F'A't::[ CONSEN't AND IN ACeoR(),&/IIC[ Wl~ TWE DfSIAE;'S OF '/.,6.1() OWNE~. THENCE SOI.J'rJ.I &9'5,7' [A...,r .}J(J fEEf: IN wfl'NESS. wHEREOF. WE HAvE: I-IEJ;!EUfl/TO 5E1 OU~ H.I.NOS. rl1ENI;~ SGlJfI1 2g.'~!i' fAST 251.47 FED; l'H~ct. ~TH 69'52' WEST 4,5.:.4'} !'lH TO ~\-I!:; tRUE: OOlNr Of" e!::'::;INNlN(;; THE:QVAO~T ~0R;Ti0,z--"'--"'- m~USER ~5"WEGOIolP~~ tj(CEFT !'HE NOfWi '0 f(,Ef H1!REoF. A '......r..51-11...CTQN C~POAA.1'IO'N A w..,SHINCT{)N CORPOR...nofll gv , -- .-- "", -----,~ ("lSO BEING KNOWN "",s A PCRTiON OF rRACTS ~, 90. $IT ioHO 9.2. NORTH LAKE stIORE lANOS. AC/;OROIt-4G TO THE. UNRtCOROCO PlAt iliER:.EOF, [lCCEI'T THE: 'NORf'H 10 F'UT Tl-IEREOF). ",ITL( : nilE. - - PARCEL a THo'oT OOj1:l'!ON Of lHE !.,joR~UST O\JART'(R Of tH~ /IIORfI-lWI'"....st QlJARTEQ Of 'i:5:CTION n, 1'(lWNSIoIIP 21 NORtH. ACKNOWL-EDGMENTS ~ '\- WT, Wlll.AMETTE MERIOWof, IN KING COVNTY. w"StIu..t;ifON, t'rlNG /oICIfmofWE5t(.Rl'f Of" l}1f. ~T~WE~'r~'Rl...Y t,WIClN OF ?~ sT4fE M1Gffo'I';.Y WUyBER 2. AS ('5T.i.8\JSHE() B'l' Oa:DS TO T11E 'STAtE: OF" w.A.SI-IINC1mt STATe; Of wASHINC,rOt.! ) Ql;CCROEO UNDER RECORtllNG Nl,;1oI8E~ 4749990 -'NO S6"46~. )<5 PARCEL C COUNTY Of ~INc. ) ON tl-llS _ O,l,Y Of" --------.....---. ~OO!l1. Br.fQA( ME. rHC (jNOEIiSICt.'f:D /tIOTt*o/i'Y ouBI...K; IN .4Nb m~ "11/'.Y ~nQN ,Of OOvE~t:Nr lOT ... 5ECr10" I:), TOWN$I'IIP Z I NcmTH, R.AN\JE -4 E.6.5T. 'Ml.t..WffiE Mt:ll'a(~ IN 'f~/E S1ATi: 0; WASHiNGTON, ?ERSOI'olAU.Y ....pp~D to ~( :<HOWN !o at iIClNG cOI.Jr(rY. WASffiHG1-ON. Dt!5CRI8ED AS fDU.OWS: . or 1ME Cl1AO~.MIT CC,,"PQRAliON T11AT (l(ECU'fCO fH[ FOR~a~/VI; INSTRVMEN7_ AND C(}6.ilMf;~1HO Ar 'fH! ~TH(.AST C~NER Of GQvrnNM.fNt LOT 3 0' SAiO SEC!IQIII; .ACKNDW'I...lOCED $AID ~NSTRVl.lENI ,0 lifE: THE fREE. AND vOI.tJNl'Mtf ;\,cr ~ OEm OF SAIO ~~PQtI:"T10N FOR 1HE USES ~ puAPOS(:S n.t(RE:i"" Mtl'ffiONE:D ANti ON o.a.T/.f STArED 'fH...r __________ WAS ~ZED to rxltCuTt THENi:'E 5OV,H 66'"$2' ;,.,'[Sf" !IJ..I)k() THE ~1H DillE. Of" 5AA) GOV(RN"'ENl LOT .,t gOO FtET; ~O ,.~.$'f.IItJ...iNT. 111/ wltl,lfSS v..Hf:REOF. I nAvE I.ItRl;;uNTQ SET MY '~AN~ ^ND At=flXEO M'( OITlCl,'.I. SEAl THE "AY """C YO.Il: ~IRST rfiENC( SOlJfH 00'5" (AST PARIi.t_lll TO THE. P51 LINE Of SND COVERNufNT LOTS, 1-4378 (:"E[1 TO THE TRuE .;eO'..'E WRIITEN. l"'OIf\IT oP SE:ClNt.lN;.~ NOTARY P\.lB1.IC IW AND T"OR rtolE 'SU,TE or THENCE: NORTH Sg-~2' ""(51 11B fE.fT. MOi"if OR LE'S!;. 10 TH[ '50UTl1~TERlY MARGIN OF THE COUNTY RQ.i.O AS COI'oM'fEO TO kING: COON1'Y B't'" C(~ 'l'ECOROCCI t,!NOER ~0R0fHC NlJuBDi ~5,g648J. KNOWN AS ROY B. ~\S(Nt~ 'ffA$MINGr~N. R'C:SlQING AT COUNTY ~ n1l..~:~_________ MY CO~M1SSI0N [)(PIRtS -- T\oIE:NCf NOATI1["'S1{~lY "tONG SAIl) SOU1'l-I~STr~lY ~N TO A. POINT F~OU WI-IICH !HE TRlJE POINT OF" BEG3IN~t;i eoR5 $OUTtI QCt57' EAST; T'MENCt SOUTH 00'"57' OST IUI f't:[1', l,IIORI:: t~ LESS., TO 1'}j( TRUE; l"OI"Hr OJ'" se;CINNIN(;; (ALSO !3E1NG KNOWN AS fl-I,a.T p~nON OF TAACTS .,56 ANO ~7. NQRTI-I l.Al(l; 51-1ORE lANOS., IoCCORDING rO rkE vldlECMO(P PLAT 7J€RlOF, L'l'DJC soutH(ASlEr.tI..Y Of 'iHE COUNTY ROAO); '5fA.T~ OF" 'tt/"'s;.iINCTON ) O:CEPl T/'if: Sl)vl1-f 10 FS;U AND ;}-jE WT JO FEET TMEREOf'; )" ~OIJIIITY Of l(ING ) ""'-SO O:cfpr mAr P'QRT/{Ji'tI TI-lfRf.OF CONVEYtD JO .JEAN M. p~lETIl ~l) t't1lUAW it 5E..F, "NIF"E N'4D I"USBANO. gy QNn!I'3,_\)A'VQt: , 20Qq" €IEF"QIU: NlE. TIolE I,INOER5IGHED NOTARY Pi.JBt..JC IN .4W) F~ QIJIT Cl.'IW !X~D ~CORO(O lJNDER RrCOOOlNG NVME!E:~ 20051 :040:)1954. iHE ljT.t:;rE OF MASHlNG10N. PERSONAlLY APPf,AREO TO tolE KNO"ftN TO BE PARC~l 0 Of 'NE'(ERHA(U5EA. REAl ESTATt COl.4P""''I' THAT i')(f;CuTED fl'lf" 'aRf::GOING INS"rR'l.JMfNl". ANO '&'cf(N(lwl..E"aGEO SAiO IHsrRI,.I"'ENT 1'0 8E Tl1i: FHa: .y,IO "GlJJNf~ .111::, AND OEEO OF $AID CORPORAtiON IN'JtJII'T1ONAlJ..Y Of:U~'~D. FOft n1E: USES .A.ND PIJ!tPOS~ TI1ER~IN L.tt:NTIOYEQ N-ID ON OAfH STArED Tl-lA.T ~~.,,15 "'-l,/f"OR(Zm 'f0 El(E:CuTE S;t.iO lNSl'~""fNT. PA"C~l E IN WITNESS WHC.REOF. I 1-/A.V'f HE.REUNl'O SfT W"t' H.ANO AND AfflXEO I.ff OfFICIAl SEAL n-IE i;.a.'Y' ANO YEAR Fl~T '[Hf: SOUTM I'W..f" OF THE EAST 1JO fEE1 Of GOVERN..,.EN1" LOT 4, SECflCN 1~. TOWII/SnlP 21 1>4OR'floI. RAtoIGE 4 tA..<IIT a.BOVE W~lTEN. wI..I,JW.E'l'T( ~ER1OIAN, IN ItII11G CO\J~. W"'-<;;I'lINGfQN: ' ~~6~htE ST~ EXCEPT THE ~OUTr! .JO .E{;1 TH(REof" 'OR ~o..o !"uIWOSJ;:s; WASHINGTON, \01(S1D!NG AT ~,_~. Tl1U" : AND ElOC8'l THE': [,\ST ,,0 FEE'!' I",E!"EOf fOR ~CW> Pl,lRP'OSE$; MY COMMISSION [XPIR(S : _~._.' (AlSO 8El~C' KNCWN ,I,S ffiACT , TIS. NORTH tAKE $I-!OFI:E LANDS. ACCQliDlNC TO tHE: UNRECORDED J3(j.r THfRmf'l PARCEL f T'HE Sl){,JTH JO F"EJ;T Of THE EAST 7.30 fF;ET O~ COVE~ME1II1 LOT 4, SECTION IS, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH. AANGE 4 AESTRlcnONS FOA seN$ITlVE: AREA TRACTS ~'f. mll..l,~ flti:~OI1JN, IN II(~ .;;ooN:rf. WAS~IN.CT:>N; DEDJL.i.TlDN OF ... ~tNsrnvt "AEA. TR.acT/SE:HSlffVt 4A:tA. "-1\10 BIJFF"!::~ CONvM Yo 1).1.( PuBU/; ,., BENO="\C1At. E)(I;.F;?T THE: EAST ~ FEEl" rHERf"af'". INf(REST 1/11 'J1otE lANe WlTHIN fHt ~Tf'SEN5Il"f1.'t -'REA AND BUfFER. 'f1'ttS 1~n::RESf fHCl.J.JOCS 1)-1( PRE$fRVATlON PARCEl G oF' I>I,tTNE vrWAnm.l F"OR All PUR~OSES TltAT BENEfIT THE PVGI..IC !-\(AI.,.Tl-i. '$.i.FUY, "NO wEU'"AAt, INO...UOIl'lC CO~1AQL Of" SuRfACE WATER ,"''''0 EROSJ()N, ~Ct OF" SI.Df'( ST.QIrU'fY. /4HO PRCftCTlON or PlANT AND ANlw.t MAS/TAT. THE gNSlTJ\lt AREA 1AACT/sENSIT1\fE ARE:^. ANO 8UfT(R IMPOSE UPON AU PRESENT ~ F\.IT\,IRE THE EAST ,}Q fEET of THE SOl/i'l1 i-IAIS Of I"J-lE EAST 7.30 n:a of=' GOVE~N"'EN1 LOT 4, S(CTION 15, TOWNSHIP Zl ~~:E:A~~ ~c~~~ ~ T~ ~~LJ~S~Ef:t Ig1'\'fH~F ~~;~ TO'-Rr'EA~OU~~~~;EN.~~ION~O NOA:TH,. t:l;mG~ 4 LAST, W1ll..'ME1rE I.4E:Rl01AN, IN KING COUNTY, W,a.SHlNGTON. OTHE~ 1.'EGETATlON wll10llN THE: l'A'ACT/S[NSITf\fE ~EA ....D I3VFfER:. ll-lE V(GETATtOW Wlflolllll fHe: t~1"/SLNS:f'ff\l[ ~(..4 "NO 8uffER' U....,.. ~T 5~ CU1. PRUNED, GOV[R'ED ff/ f:IlL RE140VEQ of';! CI>MACED W1T"OVf APPO<<)V,6j,. ,.. wRITING FROId rl-l( City Of" Ft:0ER'Al.. w/lo.'" C1E:P~TU[Io.IT Of ~OUMVNITY OOIEL()Pi,jENf SfilVlCES 0;:1 ITS 'SuccESSOR .l.CtNc:Y 1'f-lE; COt.CI.4CN 6OIJNOI\R'f 8ETWEOt rH( r~ /Sl:NSlfl'V[ ~RI::A ,..N{;l- 9uF"'ER MID' JHE ,6,R~ or DEVElOPME.Nf ACTlVlTY MUST BE M'-RKEO OR OlliEm"IS~ flACGElJ JQ THE 5.'.115fACTtON Of TI-I€ CITY OF .EOE:FW. WA'V i"'~ TO AN'( C...UAING, I;A.AOl~G, BU41DINC CONS~UCiIaN oA ;:J11-I(1:t OE~lOP"fNr ,A,CfMT'f ON A /..OJ SUB.iEC'T rO TME SENsfTlVE .s..A'[A, TRACTIs.I;:r",srf~ -.flEA AND !3UfJ"ER, TIotE RfOlJ1REO uARj(~ OA: f.'l...Aj;GlkG 'j:HAL1. Rl::tMlN IN Di...A';:a:. l,.JN1".l... Atl. DEVELOPMENt PROPO'S.a.L ACrMTltS IN Tl-I( 1/fC~IT'f Of" JloIE S[NS(nV( ~ ~ COMPUlED. 5(NSlT~ .&.REA ~RACTS 'SHAll.. NOT BE De.'EloPCD Wll'H ANY BU~(jJINGS. AND MAY NOT BE LlS(O -'"OR rlNA.NCJA.t. RESUBMlTTED < """- 0 .. DEe 1 2 Z005 '-.... '--T- -U 0 CllY OF FEDERAL WAY RECOROING CEfnlf"ICATE CITY FILE NoBtJit-Q~lqEl)'d-'-su FILED f;j~ At.COIW AT THE R(OU(Sf ~ Tl-I( CITY Of: F"i;.DOiAI. WA'f Tl-IIS,_._ i).A,'r' or ~~ 200~ ....0.. AT _),II~Un;S ~,tST ~ .M. ANO RE~CftOED IN VO!..IJ"f. ~.,_ OF' PLATS, PA,CE:S ~_~. Rf.l::OROS or 1<tNC COUNTY. WASl-4INGTON. ~ CQN$UlTING. EI!(lINf.ER$ LLC DIV/S.lON OF RECO~D$ AND t"I.-ECTIONS ~R Slfi'tlilINTENOfNT'Ot RE:.~'- 1$1<i11'if1 RECOROING N'O. _.~~___'~_"_. a3816 ,. W.." 8otJth. &Ile 200 """- """'- F_"_._ _ ---- (263) __ -- L4nO _ ! CA.fE . 12-08-0" JOe :\10. l!ill O~-OOJ 0200 G~~. .!:lAMe; .n\.?..:\')$\~~~':.O_T_~~~~~:-,~.\~~_ O~"'WN BY: B.AS/CA.,. SHEET , OF 7 EXHIBIT B PAGE...L-OF 4 NORTH LAKE RIDGE DIVISION 4 VOL. PG. A PORTION OF SECTIONS 15 AND 22. T. 21 N., R. 4 E., W.M. CIlY OF FEDERAL WAY. KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON NOTES 1) THE aoUN~ fOR rtdS, :>tAr '.N~S ~~TA6\..;s~En B'I' TI-I"'T :;I:E:COf!D Of 'SiJli\{Y BY t"s~. tNC. r-lECOROe:O uND(R EXCEI'TION FROO.l TITLE REPORT ~ECO~CIIIIG NO. nO~:2Z'9011, SE:( SHELl" , ""OR AOOIT'ONAl 1~j:"OR.....rION \..E~ OG~\tT\()M'5. Wt"AEt4fS, :~NN4lS. CONOlTi0N'5 ...wo R:1:.STftlClIONS AS. ~ HE~OH ~E" I'"~ C:-IlCAGo 2) TH( .u;:TICI"ES Of iN(;O!WQRATION FOR ;r.cE ~Tl'1l...A1([ RIDGE CM'5JOfII 4 I-lD..::OWIIIER'S ASSQClAnON ,1,..1;/( ON FIlE 'iJT...E: II'"Sl/AANCE t.::lMP.u.n' Fn.,.AT C[llitnfIC-t,T[ Ni;!. 4~ i)"'fED .J.PA1l .t9. 2Qc.;. ~D S~PlEW:NTAl CO\ll",.t\t~T OAT[j) '~mot '!'"HE sTArE OF' WAS,HlfitCTON ~ Ql....YUf'l.... JUKE 1~. too~. u.I ~"f\1NC T'"'J$ PLAT. tSU ~ NOT CO~Dt}CfED N4 INDDl'o.OOfi" mu: sEMC.... IlIOft 1'5 fSW AIjr.iJU: Of ~ Tlr~.E issuES AfT[CTIN(; Tk[ ~P(>lT'Y OTHER: ~HA.N ll-IQSE SlofOWN Ok THIS ~. 5M '""s IH:I..I(O 5Ol("l" J) ~ACTS.l,""O B aRE OEQ(~fE:.D .&.NO coN\'t.YE{} 10 r~E CIN Of =~Il:~ WAy' VPON THE RECORDINC OF IliIS PLAT \.iPOH t~ 1NF'~TION C0lII1.lJNtD ~~ SAle CfRTJ(lCA,rE: :N I\>tGoiRD$ to TlTl..f ISSU[$ fO PR(~AR[ THIS PLAT AHD :-JOR SIO~t.4 CR'AlNAGE P'Jt.WOS!5. ~H( CITY 5H.6.ll BE RE'SPONSlau: p:'OR TI-l€; uAlNTENAHCE Of 'SAID TlMCl'$ ~ HiE: TIo!ER!:/'IJAE QI.,lAlIfIES THE" ~ A(;c~c ~D C:OIolf>t.[TI;N{~ TO THA't [)t;T.E;Nf, ~NH:"'ANCL ~EPAIR A.HO MPl..4C(yENT Of" 1~~OOvt\A[Nrs CONT"I"ft:!} TI-!EMIN f'.(C'f;PT T~.,;.T 'Jl$UAlo SCf.l'~ENINC I) SU8J!::T -;0 tHAT [.I,SlM(NT fOH WATER F.il.ClUTlls olNO T!-'f ~!::R'~S" AND CONDITIQ"-S 'HE~[a~' "'5 CONtt\.lN{:D IN '.r(Ct::r.T/ON IN TRA(.T'5 A ~O S '$HAJ...L 9( I,jJiJNTAlNED ev TI1~ IIICRT,.;v.KE RfDGE. c.N:SJQN <4 1-!0000E;:OWNlRS ASSOCIATION. INS1!;lUuOlT M:COftDEO ~A' .ttCOfl:DINO NO. 'W'107;&4Q, TIo'l( l()Cj,f\ON Of" $AIO EAS,(uon l-:S OEPICTEO HERE:IN. :jbo:~~lSR&~ ;} A~~S D~~~,~DR ~RcR~~~l~ ~ic~~~~IDC~lg~~~T1~~~~ ~SOC"'nON 2') 'StJB.,IECT To >>-I lJNA:E:CQoli'O(D (ASEI.\[Nr FOR wAf(1l! lJN( N'FECnN/j !"HE SOUTH !O ~EtT Of' PJI,RCfl. A. .a.H0 !l-I[ l-1t:sPOllrSIBlE FOR (I-IE MAINTENANCE or s,tJD ~RACTS I1J'.jO TME MAiNTf.NAtiCE:. RE?!l.IR .olND RCPLACEMENt OF SO!J'Of Jo Fffi or ;:>~ F .......0 C. o,sc~ ~ H"OR:w..l'ON f'~I)IW TO C:f-l(~ TIT\....[ \toIS'.)A......cE CQIMP.&H1'. IMPROy'f.UEN7'S COfofTi'I.ONr:O THf;ItEiN. Rf:eA:EAT~N/af'EN sPKE -;;'l-W...\, "'-lOW 1Mf'~ov(wEt-ln 'OJ\' f'''$$~ USEs SUCH "5 WA.1.,r(INC rRAllS TRACT ~ MAY COfIjTAlN .It, 'IIIONIMf;IIIT SIGN AND .SSOClATm l...i\ioIOsc...~NC. J) 'SlJ6,,'(CT TO &OSDoI(j.tr ~HTS. .r ~, AS. TO PARCo... o. I"'R[SUUm .AGw f~E O(~E~~ DF" '1.0VTI1; J.....T1-l 5) n~~cTS c. ~ ..v.itl F ~ OEDrCA.Tc:O .-NO CONVtYED TO TliE "'Oil'tl1l..N(E RIDGE Qf\frSIOH ~ ~OME.OWN[RS ".:;S<X:IA.TlON ST'Fl:EET ON Tl-IE '~f:. Of" NOA'll-l 1.-&.1<[ SHOR( lANDS. ,A,(:.COR'OIN(:j 10 Tl1( u~Rt;:COA'OED PLAT Tl1fJtiOF, .i.NC O~ TI1( KING UPON 1111;: ~tCORDING Of THIS P'l,A; FOR PARK/OP!::'-i SPN;.E: Pu~PQ'SES. SHO ~'SOaATIQN SI"W..L Sf RF.SPONSlBlE fCR COU~TY ...SS(S5.CR'S.. UAP. THE MAlNTf:NANC( Of SAIO fAACTS AND THE lAAIN fE/llANCL REP.a.lR ANO ~~("'ENT OF IMPRQVElolrNf'$ CONTAINED 4) ~ua.J((;T TO (!".Ar EA$E,:W:(l'IT .aR S,1"ORw Afo.4O '.:.'...!AF,l,CE. ."...rtR. "If{) ~l-lE .[R~~ 1<1110 CONDITIOIIIS THEJ{fQF ~~ IHEIIDN. PARK/OPEN SP~E 'StiALi, AlL...Ow !uP~I,jE:NTS FOR AC~ OPEN. SPACE. \JS~S S.UCH AS. PlA'f EQUIPMO;;:M Mb ?lCN1C TA8ltS. CONfAlIllEO II'; IN5T~U"'t.:NT ~COflOED UNOE"I1: ~C::OROlNG '-jo. 7.00Jl I IZOO11dl. THE" LOCArlON OF SAIO !::AS[II,4~NT ~S O(PICTED HE~(tN. e10:~(5R~o::. Jo;Rf~~f.~YE~AN2~~i~;~p~[ s~~'fG~~~~~~ O~~ ~,~o::g~N~~~~CClATION ~) S.Ua.JECT fa lH,.:r E.lSEVEt-I.T fO~ fEIlWURAR'l Sf~1l! f"i,CllIllES ~O TI-iE l"~tN'5 J'lNO CONDITIONS nl[R(OF AS WE"tANO$ Jl,ND WE1UND 9UfTEh'S. SAID A55OClATlON SHAlL BI; ~EsPON$lBl.E fOR TI1E: t.IAl&(fE:NANCL" OF -rn~T$ I;> l, COHTAlN~D IN IN'iTInJI,4ENT ~ORO[D UNOE:"t ~EC::OIlOfNC NO. 200~ I ~~7 h-ili: LOCATIQI\I fY! SAiO EAsQiiE",r oS :AND J ...NO THE; IAAlNrrNANCE. REPAIR ANO REPtACEMENT OF I~PA:OVEM("'ts C::ONfAjIllEO THEREIN. ' Oa'IC1"f;C) ti(RE~ 1) ~ JOINT ANO INDMSiBLt OWN[RSl1lP I'" TRACT j( IS OI:D1CATW ~ CONVO'EO TO THE OWNE:R:S. Of LOTS 2$, 19, 6) WQ.J(CT TO ~ES.ERv"f'lOt6 Of "l..J... C.CA.L OIl.., ~s &NO ~EA:.iJ. RlGtoI"lS, AND ~1CHr5 TO €XPI..ORf FO~ 'l"H( s.a,t.4[ AS ANO 3G \"lPON fHE RECO'\OINC 'OF" 'fHlS F"lAT fOr;, JOINT USE ORIVEWAY .ufO V'fllJllES P\Jfl:PO$ES. $tJO LOTS S/'WL Sf C:ONT.&lN~:D IN lPB.tRULtENT A:tCOROE() UillOEA' ;;!ECOR~ ~. ~ 119822. PESPON5IBl.( F'OR THE a,<I,f./NT{HANCE OF ~D fRACT AND 'il1( ~!\jNT'(~. A'EP61R' MID ~EIoI(N1' Of" INPf<<Nf)'tNTS CON1"~t4EO ';"t-tE~E;IM. 7) 3UBJ(CT TO ~S[RvATlONS or A,U., COAL Oil. GAS NfC Wlt.I[RN.. RIGHTS, AIIIO RICHTS TO EXPLORE fQl;l THE SNoI( AS 6) 'f~/tl:TS H &.NO l ~E. ocolCATtI) ,IoN[) CON\IE'1,HI TO THE I\IORTHlAK( AlOOf; OMSiON 4 HOM(OWNE~ ,t,SSOCIATION C~'f-"lN(o IW \MSfRIJ\i,6[Nl OiIECC1RO'E.O UlIID{A RECOAOING NoD. 960521OJJ3... VPQN THE R:ECOfl:OlNG Of'" 1'~ PLAT TOR' VoNO$CAPE 6u~F'ER' PYRPO:SE:S. ~O ASSOClAl1Ol\1 SHAll. at RESPON$JBlL 8) ';.i,lBJ'LC.T ~o REllNOuISloli.4[Nt OF .al:t..tss TO 'STAT[ t-lI(;HWA."I' IIIUL'lfJER 2 AND 04=' lI(;t;T, VIEW ...0 ,iJ1lI a"f DEED TO F~ TI'It M/lJNT(~( OF SAiO TIVCTS. SJIID fft/lc'f }"l SHALl.. AT .A.N"f nLlE. AAIO ~T THE ~~OUEST 01' r....E CiTY Of fE"OWlo WAY, Its SUCCesSORS -'.NO ASSIGNS. aE D(l)ICA.TED To WE: CITY, 1T$ SUCC(SSO~ ~ ;.sSI(;NS, reR "10, TI1E STATE Of wASHINOTON AS CONfAjN(D IN IIIrSTkUNEIIIT ~tCOROED YN[)[R A'ECORQINC ~O. 4749960. lAON(T,t.,R'( (;IR CTMEJ.I! CCN$IOE~~:f1OH. !iI) 5UBJEcT ro lKUlIIOUI$HU(NT OF ~c["S:S fO STATE !-IIGI-IWAY NlJueER: 2 .ioN!) ~ LlCHf, \/iCil "'NO .lJA S'f ~to ro ~l OPEN SPACe. TRACTS SrIAU. NOT e.E f\JRT~E~ :;.1,l9'OlVlDEO, 14A'1' Jo,IQ1 eE OfvElDP(O iNn", .un' eu'wl"IG o~ OTliER 11-11:.: 5U.TE OF \iII..sHINGt~ A$ CONT""N~D 111\1 .N5TRUi.4fNT RECORDED uNDER RE:CORtING NO. 661"'$60. S1RuCT'Uflt:S O:CEPT AS IAA't" at. ~PROVED BY 1liE" ell'''!' faA RECR.(MIONAL. PURPO$(S ONI..Y f"Ofi/ THE BE:N(1'iT Of iHt:: 10) SUBJECT TO TH,a.T .s.G~EE~E:Nf 8["n11E:!:H wrrf~uSI;:R REM. ~~TA.rr C~~ANY ma T\.i~ Clf't' OF I'!O~!tI,l WIl.Y ANO I-iCUECWNOt'S. 4,MCI w,.Y NO'f at u$Eo. fOR f"1NNiC"'l GAlN. ~.-MCNAl ml ors1liRsmcE or ;t(G.E;TATION ANO lANO~1>1NG ',NI,..,IN !'HE 'jRAC~5. EXCEpt ~ NECES$AIt( fOR AAA.I"I'TILNANCE M RE"PlXEJ.tENT Of [XI'S'tiNC PLANTINCS ANO A..') YI-IE T(Rus ~O CONDITiONS TI-IE;RfOF AS. CCN;.lJN(Q ~ ',N'Sffit;~\Ii'f P.EcO~!Xo. lftiO{R ~'COQ{)~NG WI}, \9'}gO'iI/;I,)QQ\64j .J-PP~V1::a 8Y J1-IE CIl"'f I'S P~H\B\Tm, ~T1QH,ItL \l'[l;t'fllT\ON ~'f ef lOCATEO ,N OPEN SPACE ffiACfs. TO "EET (,.O~1fI0NS AS ,t.PPRO'If;D BY THE ell'!' Of F"fOf;RAl 'N"Y. ' l' suBJECT fO THAI 1o.lQTIC( GF .t.DJiTlQN..ltL. TM' ~ C.ONNECTION CHARC(S S"( I(ING CQUNN" 'W",TliR ;%TRIJ;T ~. 124 10) THe ~c.o AND STO~M DAAII'MGE "S'i'SfEM SHAlL BE:: l;O"lSTf;l\JCTED ACCOROmc TO T!-iE '.PPPWw'ED .ENGINEERING a.s CONTAlH(O tN JII/:S'l'RVl.tE"l'T R~C~O IJNOC,;r RE:CORDIHC NO. l!Il Qij()1C9 I I!i. ?l)l,N5 PERUIT NO. 04~10Q61$....OO-r::N ON f"Il.f 'ffl'f" {\-IE -:rN Of rEDE~ WAY. /tNf U(VIATION F~ fH( ~F'ROVm '2' SUBJECT TO TI1E RlC/-lrs Of YHE Pu911C, IF :I.'". 11) AN tAST(R'lY PORTION or iJ'ARCH t1. A.S ;}WkrAT(D iJN T"i-/( PlANS WIll RtoulR'[ APPROV-'I... F"RQU fH~ PR(WER ACl.NCY. KI~G COIJI!orfY ~t~'<; \up. SNO STR~ IS II\OT sOCNT\F'1EQ iI\S TO ~POSE: OR '~DTH 0l'Il TW[ ASSE'S$O~.S MAP. ") (HE STAnt TR[ES !"I,.ANTt::D AS A COHOI'noN or PLAT APPRO'iAf.,. StlAu. dE P!..ANf,m ACCORDING ru THE: APPROVW THE LLGAI. DESCRrP'I:ON CONTAINED ON :HE KrNG COlJHI'Y TA.\!; ROll STM(S ~lo[SS COUNT'r RO.rr', G/'iICACO l1Tlf ru~Tl-IE~ WOT(S ~\4[ ~lNG COUNTY .l\SSI:'5'50R''S YAP INC~CT1...V SHows, THE D€fO TO Tj..Il: Sflo,T'E: 0; iI(.a.Sl-ltNGTON ~OR fNGtNEE;R1NG P\,.aH$ F~T "IQ. ()4-100B\fi,-OO-l;;.N ON fll.E 'lf1'f11 fME CIT1 Of FE()[MI.. WA'f. STRtU TREES SHAll eE I-!ICHWAY P\J~P05[S :Q(C()j;\'QEO Uf\rDER ~tCORDlN(; NO. 6~14660. AS ONLY AFtECll"'lO A PORll()~ Of 1'l-IE SOUl'HEASTE~L'r" UAlNTAINEO BY THe: NORll-U...AKe: RiDGE HOUEO\IfN(RS -'SSOCIATION. BQUNCWN' lJli[ f)f" I"'I'\A('.E.l 8. 'SAlt) OHl) Co~ED A STRIP Gf LANO 20 I=l;"(r !~ ...IOf"", ALOM; rlol~ ENI~[ ~n~ilo isg1~E:t:i:.~TRAf:kr$~:.:.o~ ~~,o&o~~N~~~ ~ ~~~~~.l',T~~~~~~ 'SounjrAST(~l'I" aotJNDAR"Y LINE:. ()I:" SAID P,(RCe:l S. rr~~~~g&S~g~P~~roeE~&'1~~~ ~~~~O~~P~n:~T\.gf ~~~~~~=~~[~SJu~~~ OR 1.J) INtEI'I'TrOw.u..i L>fl..tTEO. DEl.!NE;AtION 'SHALl. 8E" .IN' PtAe! PRIOR 1'0 /W'( c:~HG ".,. CLEA.R""G Of' ~I-<E $u9DM-:S1ON iJ,NO A:Et,4AIN IN PlACi IJNTll ..) Su9JrC'l" TO CEN(~ AND SPE:Cw,. ;AJ(E:S ANO C~ES ,Of! fA)( .cCOUNT 1110. 6143trO ,Q1M-oe. A !)wtUJNG 1$ CDNSTA'UCTEO ON THE L,(i't ANO Q'NNER$I"IIP lRNol'Sf"ERREO TO. ftt[ FIRST ~R-Ql:.OJP>>I'f. ~NvA;~ S~~JJ[9~~"\,~EgdE~~E~H~I~NT~~ CW:~~gT~~ i~A~~ ~~~t~~Oei1': ~ I~) SUflJECT TO (,.EN(1tat.. .vm SPE:L:.1Al r.t,xfS AND C::I-IARGES fOR ~..)r; ~COU"lT NO 1221Q."-OO.H-QJ. PLOW INTO tI1E I14,.l,lN SEWE;'" SYSTEIIiI. O1E Pl..AI'tS ON ~LE WtTH lAA{)iA,~N UTlU'fl OI'SliHCT '$I-IQUU) 9t. CCNSlJtJED '6) ~BJECT To GEIliEIW. AND SP~C\AL TAXe:S AND CHARGLS. ~'~ TAX ACCOUNf NO. 6;4JW-06J.:i-OS. PR'iOfl TO CCUMENClNG DESIGN DRAWINGS fOR AN'( F"lJfU'-'E D(\fElOP/af(NT ON THE LOTS SI-IOWN HERE;ON. 17) SUBJECT TO LJ.I8IUty TO ASSESSM(N~ _Oft GtN(RAL. T~ES ra~ Cu~P(NT A\liO/~ ~iI:~~. "-FTt:LTS PMlIc.tl i A) Ot,lr<'ING TH.( COlJRS[ OF CONS'rnUCTlON Of" .!oNY LOT W1i"H1N THIS :SOSOMSION, $TlJB.-(iUt 1JN[~t EL(VAtICNS fOR o ANti A PORTION OF ~El5 B AND C C,ONTAlN(O W1Tlt1N "'':QUIIIT'!' ~. 3TORM ORAJN,a(iE SrlOt:lU) BE 'o'(R:jF1f.D 8y YHE it-l.OIV\OUAL LOr BuILOER 0It O,<<N(ft fa pRO\nt)€. '1"1'1( folECE~ s:..OPr. 18) IIIlTDolT:QNAllo "f DU,ETED. fROM Tl-lf PROPOSE:O HOUSE;. 1~) B\.JlLOJN(. S!;TBt,Cl(S ~E AS fotlCWS: FRoNT: .20. SIO(: S' ;i![,'.R: 5' ;RON THE P'WPERTY liNt. Iii} SUBJECT TO UCEN'S( l~loUOINC ilo/E TtRIolS MO CONDHlONs T~~REOF '-NO c.owf.aJN(O IN .NST'ii:UIoIEN' ~[COQDED UNOCR R(CORQINC NO. 2~Q..J..1OOOOO1'. '6) ,lIll WATER1...INE; E.~Se:MENTS AND SANitARY SEWER [ASE~a-NTS OEPICTEO 11E;~O'" .-R( IiERE8Y CONV('r(D ro 20) 51J8J(c:.l TO fl-t.A.f ~(;Uli:N.T Bf'TWEElf fH( O\.liIoOR.A.NT CcstPOf<AOON J.HO !.Al(fl-lAV[1'Ij UTIliTY !Jt5;7'IlCT 'NO '!"t-/€: l.).1(f.I1AVE:N Ufl!...ITY orsrR'ICT F"O'R THE" PuRPOSE Of Si;R\RNG tMiS SU8(lMSlO"I AND DIH(R PROPE~'l":' WlfH w"T~R ,l,N{) SANIT~ SE~R ~C~. TI;RuS ~D C<)N[)I"TlONS fl.4[R((l( AS CON'NNED I~ lNSrnvwENt rt$CO~rn:;D IJNDC:~ ll:(COROlNG toio. 20041OJI000074. 11) Il,L~ S'fO~ CRAlNAGE WE.MENTS DEpICU:) r-lf"R(IN ARE PuBLIC ~o ARe: HE:AESY OEDlCATEO TO THt: CIT'l' Of. 21) SU8JECT TO ":'i-!I.T .fA5E~NT FOR LJT...'iY sysTEus. -'.NO 71-1( TERMS AII/O CCNOmON'S !'I-4E~EOF .t.S C::QNTAitIIE(I IN F'eDERAi, "NAY .0';: 'i'I-/f: CON'$~UCTION, ~NTE"~E ANO ~EPAIR Of" S'fQRJ,i OAA.INAC( 'ACII.tTIES. \MS~T R:ECOA~Co lJliDIE:R RECORDING lIKl. 200s0e:2~72C1. Tl1f 1,.0000TtON OF SAlO (ASE;IoIENT IS DE:PICTE:O HERON. .e:) ,Ilti.. ?~I\lATE STOffl,t ORNNAGE ~SE"'ENT$ Oe:PlCT~D i-lt.R(IN ARE PRIVATI;: AND ARE H.E.~y GO!I.'\I("i'(() 1'0 I.()l rHE l~ OESCi\'rPnoN ~fE'M '1"0 ~HfS PLIo'l" Of' "'IORTHlJJ(E RtOCt OM$ICH 4). (WfI\IERS Wl'iO aENEfl1' FROi.l 'THE EASEMENT. THE OWNERs OF' SAlD l.ots HAVING BE"HfFif i'R~ ~;.f St'STEiW SKAlL 6E 22) SUBJE:CT ro TIoiAT ~M[NT B(TwEEN Tf'lE C!..W>RAN1' CORPORAf.ON JU,N aA PNlIl:.lTJ ,4,NO W1LlJ1<R/;I O. S(iJ. "'If\; t.QU.....I..Y ~I;:SPON'$I9t.1; fOR fIoiE J.4A1NtENANCE, ~[P.AI~ ANO ~F'lAC.EuENT or THE DRAINAGE; f..ctL1TIES Wl11-l1N T~ AN{) HVS8/lND AND TI-t[ tERVS ,&MJ CONOIT1OHS 'flo+(A'EOF "s CONTAiI\fm IN I/IISTftl;.lNatT AECORO(O t.:HO[R RECOROH<<I '-jO EA$E:UE14T. 2005110400 1 g53. \':J} ON 11'IDM0UAl LOTS. REPtJl.CE;:MENT IRI;.ES SI-W.I,. BE pl,......m::o CONSlST(NT WITH Tl-If ~I...ANOSUPE ANO TR((" ~~W?;T ~i.~~4E~[€~~T~~~HGONE~~F;~~$ :-~fOU~T~$,~io~:o~~~.~oeis~~sey APPAOVALS S~ BE ~l.,MiTED OUI'fING THE f'AU.. \;Jr 2.006. AND REP1..ACt:~ENT i'REES O~ LOTS I THROUGH 10, 70. 7$ tHRQUCH 82 >NO 66 Tl-!AOUGI1 90 $t1Al,.l 8E R..J.NTE:D tJURINC TtiE SPR'lNG OF" ~OO7. All R(Pv.cE~E:NT ~ lOCAT(O ON DEPARTMeNT OF f"USLIC WORKS ~ESIOE"'Tl.N.. lOts $HAll BE OWNEa ANO Io.WNTAlNED BY THE OWNERs OF' SAID 1.0(5.:. wHIt! RE:Pl,ACEME"NT 1'JIE;ES lOCA.T(O ;;:):~IN(O AND APPQQ\I[O THIS_ClAY OF . 2005. IN USDoIQl.E ~.. S~.Aa;: mH:.TS 'SH.'Ill BE OWNED ANti ~NTAINEO B'l" tI1E ~'fHl..a,K( ~l[)(i( i-fOW:OWN&::RS ~~SOCIAf!ON. 10) AU.. "lJTURE PARK' AND PEOf5TRIAN TRAIL tMPROV[t.4E;NTS AOJ....c::ENT TO wETUNO AND wEf1..>>,/0 SfT~!( AREAS ~~~~ SHAll 13E QE:'5:Q.4(O TO fot,L.OW lrIE R:EC~Et4OATION5 OF A. 'MlOllFE 81Ol0GlST, AND SkAU. BE: SuDtAITTEO TO TI'l( O~PARTM.e:NT OF COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT CE~~n.tEN'T Of COMNt,;N1l'Y O[VELOPM[NT sERVICEs FOR ~E'\r'lE;W'. 21) THAf PQRTlON OF Tl-iE ~U8UC ~1I=,..rr -OF ~WA,Y B€TWEEN TFw;;.T'1> H ANO J.I AND NOMl1 or ilUCT N ~I-l~ el:: ~AfAIN~D AND .t,pf'RQV[0 THIS__DAY OF~~_. 2005. 5tJBJE:C;I 1"0 THAt ~ ro~ 1RR1('".A.f1QW .-.NO \...ANDSCiPlt.\G PU~S 15Sl1(O BY TI-l( CITY 'f0 THE NOf;l!T1-/t..AI(E RIOlO(: ~a.tWN\h' ~LOf"t,iE~T ~t~~1~~~~LA;~P: :E=~E\~,,=~=R&:~~~ ANt> liiRiGA""nONFACiLiTi(s,,", Tl-II$ AREA.. EASEMENT OEDICATIONS FEOER,AL WAY CfTY COUNCIL 1) AN i::"S.~e:NT IS wtr<<"ilV' 1Rri!(VOCBLV ~~SE;RVe:O FOR ANtI CHANrED TO l),KEHAVEN uTILITY otSTRtC;T. ITS HEIRS. SUCC(~ EJ(,ALfIN,[D !UfO ,appAQVrn Tl-IIS_.__DA'I' OF ~.~' 2005. FINO ASSIGNS. FOR so \JJNG AS IT Sl'VU..!. OWN NlD ~TAlN THE uTlUTIES ~RE;M;ED 11[~IN UNO[R IV'lO IJPOf\! THE:. ~EA SI10WN ON THE;: PLAt .-NO DESCRISm Hf.~IN ;.s .WATER E,tSE:UENr OR -SANITARY SEwER tASEUENr TO lNSTAlL ~AlN. ~~,~,_.~".. R(P\..,ACE. R(j:lo\"rR ANI) Ql;lERATt WA,TE:R ANO ~!:l ~NS AND APP~T(NANCE;S rO!=l TI-I'S $uBDMSION AND OfUE:R P~T"f TOCUHER WITH JlolE RIGHt TO ~~ttR U~ SAlO tASEMfNTS AT All nMf;S FoR THE f'URPOSE'5 lNCCOEMT T~t.RE'fO. NO elJllWtG, ATTE:ST: wAI,.L FIDCkERY. FENCE. fREES OR sTRUCTURf Of ANY KINO SHAl.L BE E~E('TED OR PV.NTEO... NOR Si-W.l.. IW'f flll .....TLRW.. Sf. C::II'YClER:l'\"~~",_~ PL./ICE:O W1tJilN THe: ~ES O~ SAle Wl;;wENT ~~.... NO EXc'&'VAI'ImI SHALl BE: UAOE ~ITHI" 'ft-lfl:E:.E (3) fEU OF ~ -- W,ol,Tf;R 0,. SAMlTAII'Y 5EW(Jt SERVICE F..t,ClUTlES oYfD Tl-IE SURFACE u:vEc. Of" fIoI[ GRQUNO "ITt'I!N tHE:. D-SEl,I(N'T ~ $t1AL1. B( MAINTAlN"ED M JloI( fl.EvATJON AS CURRENTLY [X1STl.NG. GltAM"OR AOOtTQW.1.Y GlWiTS TO 1l1E CAANTEE, THE U"3i Of sl)tl-l KING COUNTY oePARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS .ll,OOmONAL ARE. ~Tn..... .a.J;lJA.CEN'f to SAIO E;ASiJ.4ENf AiI~ AS Sl-foW. 6[ R(QUi~O (OR' Il-IE 1;0000STRuC:TlON, RECOIIISTRUC::lJON. M,t,1N~( ANa OP(RAflON: Of! ~D ~A~ ANO '5H4n"A.fN" SE~R f"ACtI.mE:'5. T11t USE 0" SUCH AODlTlONAl EXAMlNEO AND ~O: TI-IlS---------Y Of -'~. .20ot!. ARe;,.. SI-W.l. BE I-l'ELD TO A REASONmL UINll.lUM AND m:; REiV~NE"O 1'0 THE COIIIDlTlON EXISTING tMu(OIATEI.. y BEfOR( THE l"'ROPfRT'V WAS !i:~T€RED UPOM B"( 1,.AK[~\lEN u1'lUlV ars.~tcT, ItS ,i,CEN'T'S., Sl.,JtCESSORS AND AS~. IN .wITJON TO T\olE ~li~~-~~'~~SOO--" OrnER REStRlCT10NS HERON, GRANTO~ ~ :'4C'" COMlEY TO A THIRO PNff"( Il<<Y EAS04EHT OR OTl-l(R f;IGtff Of U5*.GE IN TkE; PROPEfU''r ~ *OUlO (WP-.IR OR \...lWlT tt-lE US( or '\"ME: 'EASEMENT RlCM1S GiUN"it:O I-l~R()JIl. z) ,&,N EASEMENT IS kE:~ESY ~ES[fNttl fOR. .llNO COtiV['f(D TO PUGET SOUND t,wERGY. INC.. GAS COIIfPNn'. PUCET" SOUNO 614JE;~186. 222 I ()1190.p, 6:14.!~6.3s --,- tNERGV, tNe.. [I,.ECT~ C~PANY. OW(ST TE~PHONE COMPANY. ANO COiiCAST CABLE rowPAf\f1' AN(} ornER unl.JTV PROVIO.ERS ACCOUNT NuI.lBERS N<lO TIo((~ !U:';'~Cl'l\tt s.lJCc~ AND ~SlG'NS. I)NotR TH( [Xl~ TEN (10) FEU OF Al.llOTSi, TRACTS AIIIO SPAC(S FINANCE OIVISfON CERTIFICATE 1r'fI1HIN THE PlAJ L'l'IN(i P~1.El. .N1lH AND AO.JOINING AlL STREET(S); IN WHICH 1"0 CONStRUCT. oPERATE:. tMlNTAIN. REPAd!. ftEPlAC,E; AND OILARCE \JHOER(;RQUHO PPES, CONDUITS. tAeLES. AND WIRES w(l11 All NEC;fSSAm OIl C.ONV(N1EtfI" uNOEflCROUND I /-IER(8"f CERTlFY All PROPEfn'Y T~IC(S j,Rf PAD. TI4AT fl-lER( ~t NO OELLNOlJE:Nl sPrClAL ASSE:S$U(NTS OR' :;;lWlJNO-I,jOUNTlNej <\PPURTENANCES TliUlEto F'OR' tHE ?lJRPaSE" Of" SE:RlJiNG n-n$ Sli8DIVISION ANO OflolER ~OP[R1'Y VlI'IW L(Rt\f1€O TO OOS OfflCE tOR CQl1.ELflQl'l1 I\HO THA.'I" IIU. $~ECl,llt. .a.S'5ESSM~NTS CERTIFIED TO tHIS E~etRlc.. GAS. TELEP1otONE. TEUVi$ION AND O......ER UTIulY S~RVICE.. TQCETHLR WI1l1 THe ~lGI1T 10 ENTEfl: uPON l1iE STR(Er,i. OfFIC( FQfl: LOllECl1ON ON foH'f OF T11E P~ERT'Y ~ C::ONTA.lNEO. OEO/CAl'f:O ~ 'ST~. Al.LE't'S a loOTS, TRACrs. AND SP.AC~ AT AU TIU{S FOR Tl-IE PURPOSfs HfRfIN ST~T(D. (;M;l fO~ I>HY Qll'tkR ~ \,l'SE... ~R~ PMO ~ f\IlL. J) Aj\j C....So'iI(Nt 15 HERESY GIt4HTED to mE City Of" FEDERAl... WAY, IfS HflR:'S. $IJCCESS(l~ ,lI,NO ASSIGNS, FQR: 'SO l~G ,t,S IT T1-l1'.i~__OAY Of _'__ ,,,",, , SHAU owN AND MAiNTAIN ~( 1J1IlJTl[S REF'tR[NCfO HEREiN UND(R AND VPOH TH( ARrA S~ ON THE NT AM> DESCRIBt"O '""'- ,-1~J?l;IN AS .STOR.., DRNNACE E,t.SE;ioIENi TO INSTAll... MAINT~N. ~(. ~E:P~R AND OPEAATE STORW MMt$ -'NO fll'W'C~ {)r\{I'S.1I)N .----o~SYBMITTED A,f'P\JRTOb\NCES F"~ MS SV9OlVIS5ON .s,NO OTli(~ PROP~'TY TOCiETHE~ linTH THE RICffi" TO ENTER uPON SAlO [ASe"ufHTS AT ALL -0, ,lUES f"OR THE PURP05Es' 5T,*,T(0. 5T1i1UCTl,I~. F"ff.,J.. OR oeSrRUc1lON5 (D.Cl.lJOlNG OEc~. PA'tIQS. M: Q\/'ERHANG'i>) ~ tior f.lANAGER 'INANeE DMSIOiII 0; SE; pf;R:NlrTm WItHIN T!-iIE:$E: STORU MAl~ WEaAOIT$... .&QOjTIONALl'r. t;A'.ADINC AND CONSTRUC:noN 017 ftNCINC SH.lJ..L NOT BE .......Lowm \lf1,"""IN TlIE STMN DA,ol,I1U4t [,o,.5E~E:NT5 SH~ O~ tI1lS PlAT MAP uNLESS OTI-I~st WP~D B'f ~ ~ONEOWNe:RS ASSOCIAno~, CITY FILE No.o~1035~qQ.~-SU 4) "u" lOTS SHAll 6E StJB.JlCT TO AN E,A5(l.iENf 2.50 rED IN "MOtH PAA!U.El Wl1H -'NO ~IIl4C AL:.., l~fERIOR lOT I"INE.5 AND 5.00 rEEl IN MQlli PARAl.Lf:l WITH AN(] ,o"auTIlNG "'-'- REAR Lot L<<$ f"OR ~ PURPOSE Of PA,N"Ti; SfO~ 0A-'l1lttlC(. IN THE E"v'ENT lot U/IIES AII't ADJ\,J$1ED "iTER 1'J-IE RI;CO~OlN(l ~ Tl11S PLAT. THE: OSE;M(IIIT SHAY. ~OV! wrrn fHE Jl,QJu-:s;rro LOT ~~FEDER : UN('S. ~AtIllTr..NANCE or AU... PRIvATt. ~ O~E u.sE.MENt5 ON THI'5 filM '5HA.u.. 9E Tl1E AES~S1UTV 0' THE l.Ots: DERMNC S(Nf;fIT rRor.4 SAI() EASEME;NT, NO STRVCnJRE'S OTHER 'l'w.N fewCEs OR YAft{) 0RAIf6 $HAll BE CONSTRIJC1ED WITH.,." TH~5E EASEt.te:NTS. '1'~ [.4S.E:UENTS HA"It NOT Bl::EN rn::P'IC~to HER""'. IaiIII C B\~G'tJSPlI e E R S II C I $I)IWEYOIl'S CERTlACATE le'.I.I, I HERE:9Y CERTIfY rHAT THIS PLAf OF -/>IORTHl...A/(E RIDGE Cl\ItSION 4~ IS 9ASEO uPON A SuMY OF ""'- I S(CMNS 1~ &: 22. TOWNS....IP :2' N(m'fH, AANCt: . (AST, '44,'-., 1HA.T AU.. C~'Si::$ AND DISTANCES ~E: 338115 _t Wav &;,Iud\ .... 200 =SHOWN CO~~n.y THE'tEON. f}-jAr 'tHE MONUt.4D<<S Wlllo eE SET ANO Tl1( lOr AND SLoeK COR",E;RS Will --- B[ s1'~m LQRRf:C1\."f 0..1 ""'E: ~A.Ollt.lD AS CONSTR\JCl'irn-l IS C.O~lotO JIIoIO tHA,T I HAVE fVLlY COUPlJED f"..... WIIV. w~ ""003 -- WITH rHE PR'(I\IIStONS OF ft.t( PLATTING REGULAfIONS. (283) &38-81l3 -- --- MICI-o!~E:1.., ~. BO'w€N-:'~IO~- $:tJRVD'OR' . -oATr-- OATE" 1;2' 09 os .J08 NO. HII OSg-OOJ 0200 C.~"'\'\ACA'f( NO, 29294 Dwe NA~C: 191\59\OOJ\pLOrs.\N...~O...-P-02.0WG [}I:i!AWN 8'"': B)\'.s.../c.A.f:. !:HI;ET , O. , EXHIBIT g PAGE 'Z- OF-L- NORTHLAKE RIDGE DIVISION 4 A PORTION OF' SECTIONS 15 ANO 22. T. 21 N.. R. 4 E., W.M. CI1Y OF FEDERAL WAY, KING COUNlY. WASHINGTON 10 ACORE.SS TABlE ~ LOT AoOA'ESS ',5,,"- FO\.jNO $.TONE i,tONI,IMEIIIT ~ "~4.i; :l,8TH. ......EIllUE SOl,ffI-'l ~;.... \ WIl)4 -x- (F'u,RllAR't: 199a) 2 J.J41,5 .seTH AV'EMJE: SOUTH ,...: \ ~ ~~:~: ~:: ~~:~~ ;~~ E I 5 .:SJ.4,zg 38rf( A~NUE. SatJfI..! t / ~ 89'"DB'21w \II 5291,!i'J.' ~ ~ ;~~~ = ~~~~ ~~~ ~6 15-~-",- - "-- -~--". - - ~4',~ _______ ~ ~~.__ 15 2~44.417- l~5 14 e; 3.J51 1 )~fH A\1:t-iUE SOI,JT\..j i'"OuND Py'RP~,IID MQNU....tt.iT !iI J~S\:!.. J8TH '&'~E SOUTH "-~wn~ 'Z BRA$$. CAP IN LASE -r' ~ ~ \0 ;5.3,32.1 JSTH 'I,I[NUli: SOul\-! (~H ,gogO) \ i I .3j~25 J8Tl-1 A\I[NUE soutH ~r ' 12 3J803 J8fto1 ~NUE SOI.lTH I I J B601 .!8n-t "'"\IEM.JE SOUTH 1.. 3.3e:, 1 ,,,n-r i4.\/EM.;( !IliuTH 1$ jJel~ 38tH ~ 50VfH I 16 3362' J8TH ,4.VfNIJE soufl..j 17 J~1!27 JOtH "\(ENUE SQi.lTH I . ~ Ie: se.OJ SOU H JJ7Tl-4 S1REEr :2 19 ~01 s:)UTt-I J,J7ftt STREET ~ 20 JGOg; SOUTH J~7l1-I SH~e:ET I 21 17 SOU J7T~ 5 3.i K.JNG CCUNTY ..... '.J..I n 39050 SOUTH D7Tl-I STJtttT oj SJ-nRT PLAT CD .n ~~ ~~ ~1" 3.3;: ;T~:; ~ f\D. 07303 :e 8 2$ 391' ~-p./ JJ7TM ST1l:EEf Wi 2~ J,921 SOU'n1 ,n 'STREET ~ 2 27 1 3921 'SOUTtl J,31TM STREtf ~ 0Ii' 3J70.i &2NO COURt 50. :. . 28 '.170:), 42:NO COURT SQUit-( g I t. ~ e 29 .5.5107 .of. HO ;OVl"k Z! Z: _-1" .. 8 JO ~J709 ... ~ couAf 'S()tJllol ~ i). g ...J 11 I i.Pl1 4-2~ C::OVRT SOUTH 0 i:!.. '..J..1 t J ,$.!7D8 -4.';ZN(I eQV~T ~TH U r- -:t:J ~ 4 .U }j704 .21'40 COURT 'SQUfl-1 i llJ a: , 4 ..J J.. 0$",702 4i1:NO COURT $OVTt-r ~ Q:2 n... ~ oR JJ520 42t.10 A\If;NU sO. :.AlG~I..MEI) CORNE!!: B./lSED ~ U; ~ j~ ,US16 421<<l ~uE SOufl1 /UPON fOUNO UONU-..EJ4T"TIOH :J 36 33~12 4'2/110 ".VENUE; sown"l IN SECTION 22 I J1 JJ506 4lNO ,l"l(DII(.I! SOVT" * Ii jS 3~504 .:(NO AVENIJ( SOUl"H 16 15 ~ ~'QuNO co CREtE UO UfADjT J'; JJ~ .lNO SOUTH -- ~ ~._~19.1~, '--'" f Wfllot e~ P\.UG N .0 3.1422 42;ND ~VE"'uE: $OuT1-4 21 '12'" - !J19.52' - - ~ (S(Pf(U8tl;f 19915) -&1 ~418 "':2ND A\tEN sour" -........... N M"~'06" w 42 J-J:)Ql "2ND AV(NUf; SOUTH - 26.39 OJ" +. ~~: :(::g ~vr.NU( ';to:: . ~ E ~,~i~"~ t :; ~~;~5:= =~ = I [~~ 47 )J:'~~ 42ND A\ltNLlE SOUTH [ a a: ~ :}3's29 iI.?ND AII{NVE SOUTt-! W 2 ~ o SOUH 7TH'S. I 9rr 4S1 ;,)6Ie ~9Tlt ,\V(NU[ ~lH J 0 ~ ~ ~ ,S:}S14 J9T11 ~"OOIU( $OU1l1 I U !J-1 1 ~1 .JJ610 J9rli ....\iENUt "5OtJTH ~ it--l 52 '.3506 391'M AVENuE SOUTH I Z . .;J jJ&o2' J9J:H A\I!NUE SOU1l-I :J lJ.., ~, JJ~22 J.V'fH ....\I[NlJE 'SOUTH 0 ~:), :} 1& J9l'k ,t,ve.Hv! SQUT1-I I $6 ;)'~H J,'OllH "vtNV~ soul'H / 1!l7 J 1 M:T1-l Ji. NU[ SOUTH I W ~ 1..5.-'0:' 3911-1 "VE~ sou /-I ~ CR3B"11 'SOlJl1oI J 11-1 ~ ;;.., ~ ~9 3350V J1flof ~1.rEN'U( 'SOUTH Iii ~ ~ 'P ii:1 60 ''''1 J, J9f\-i ....vtNUE 50VTH iti I ~ Z In i; :- 6! .J.J'''J9n-;~ sourn N ......4:-S:;z (; $'2 ')J"~ I 39Tl1 AvtNVE soutH :..J r a.. .....:I 0 r:n z e;,) .1 2$ J9f1ol "'VEwt ~H I wo.. 0 l- 6. ~60 I 91'1'1 "'Y1;:IIIOE 'SOU1H ~ L..,: \.\.1 ~ lJ e,=- ,HGO!o J9'flo1 ~( SOUl1ol ;'1 ~ t (f) -c:( :~ ~~~~: ~Nvt~: 0 Q~)g E /;is 3.3617J9"", NVtSOUTH zJ O""~a 69 .)..)6.21 J'iTI-I A"tHUE 50U11-l ~ ;5 ~ J ~ ~ SOV1'H J31TM ST. U Z . 70 ' 3J638 JOft-l "'~E SOUTH (/J ill .2 ~ " ~;':""'" .""~ "'"'" I if", ,OR "'O<TlQ.... ao<1<'DI<I<<. ESUBMITTED 72 :).:18 6 J3l1-I A lIE SOU11-l ~ ~.I' '$ueDl\llSlOtW.. l~QRt.IAfION .&fo,IO j 7J J.51!i2% 181"H' AVEHIJE SOOl'1-f A" ~ ^ '6. fOUN(;! UONt)IoI~TATIOJII. 5Et THAT ....... '-l ~e:~o or stJRVEY B'f [$),(. INC, ,. "". "'''' .1I>;HUt so,,'" I l.) U n:: / '"'CORDED ,,"oEO RECORD''''' "0. DEe 1 Z 2005 ~= ~~::. ~: ~vt= ~:~ r ~ 8 1 ~b=~~' p:;:~ ~c~~~T ~~~s n ,,>3, Milo ._ut: SO,,," I ~ IL li! "TE p....... "" RECOAOEll ""DEll C~OF FEDERAL WAY ,. "52' ,.'" '''''"''E so"", W ~~~ ;>.ef=iim'~ ILDING DEPT 79 J.u~o J,8'J104 AVENliE SOU puf IS THE CITY OF" f[OERAl., W"'t. . 80 J 15 J$n-t AVEtlluE 'SOUTH A,S' A R'(SOL.T. fHE 6EA~ ON tNIS' 81 JS08 8 .t.VE;NIJE sou 1-1 I' l!Ii.,AT ~\I'E aE:EN 1lI0T,A"TID ClOCI(W!.$~ 82 JJ,SO_ Jill'l-! Alt(ililif soutH I (){Too"Of f1iIC* SAID R(cORD Of , OR -'803 souTH .3J5,"", PL S\JRII[V.:;'I SJ 381& sou JJSil-I P1.-'U u:i 84 3812 5OV11-I JJ5lH PLACe; '"' 85 ~ SOUT1-I J ftot fIt...lCE: .OI.JND .)- B~'-\'s5 I;,<I,p I - 85 3804 SOUTl1 .3J~1l-I P~( tf IN CASE ('5fPf(M6Efl' 1i~ei) 87 3.802 SOUtH .!35ll-1 ~t / OR jJ..42.4 J8TH AVOIuf so. 131646' ..J ./ 6e JJ-42 .!!Tl-l"'vi:NV :SOUTIo4 21 22- - ~ .._~,_ _ ~ 1J,18,~' B9 ]].t6 Jafl-l ..-VENUE OI,.IrH N M"12'4-8" w ls3'6-=-g~ - - - - - - 90 ,)34 ~ 2 38'flot ~VENlJfZ SOUT~ n < o , -U SURVJ;V INSTRUMENTATION '~g~"W1~~ G) SURVEYING Pf.~FQRMEO IN t;ON.JLlNCTION WITH TjojlS PLAt lJ:.::C: I~~ ---~'22 l1TILI2Et! THE FOLLOW/III(; f~N1 ANO PFlOCfDuA:ES; --0-- 10" STAT:Otol I.tAINTAlIIIED ~O w...Nuf"ACTU~E:R.'S 'sPECIFj(;.A1ICN'S CIN FILE NO. 05-1035 1 2-00~SU 27 ...s l;fEQlJIRI;:O BY wAC~.,}.$i-Ij()-100. fiELD tRAvERSE Witt-! .l(;CURACV UEETlNC OR [)CcEEOING T"lE ~ CON 8 U L T I H G E N Q I N E E R S L l C ~t.OtJjRD.AENTS of' wllL(:-J,32....UO-O$lO. ~ I . f .fit I ~ I LEGEND 3SU1S lot Way _ ....... 200 :::. ~ R ,. RA,{)l~jS IF...... Way. w~ 88003 ~~ ~ t. - DEI.TA (253) .,...8113 ~ w~ , . ...c lE"O'" SCALE: 1" = 200' '- - r"""'- - - I D-"fE '. 12-08"'0$ JOB NO. 19i -059-003-02:00 OWG NAME; l!il\59\OOJ\PlOT$\NLRD4-FP~O,J.DWG 200' 100. 0 200' 40{}" OR'AWN B'Y: B,R.S./l;..A.f. SHEET J OF 7 EXHI8IT~ PAGE 3 _OF..:L- NORTH LAKE RIDGE DIVISION 4 VOL. PG. A PORTION OF SECTION 15 AND 22. T. 21 N.. R. 4 E.. W.M., n CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON TF\ACT H (!.JO! S-F,) g::r NOtts !o . 'if CURVE TABLE SlUT , or 7J 'CU~ ;)(l,.rA IU.OIU~ lENGTt-I C, .,}f'"OO'J "'00 ~e.49 c, 28'JY~ 3J..OO 14.57 CJ 0$"4J'21 H.Oo 8.01 C. 1J':51'$(1" "00 l5-,H~ CO Ji~l'. ~2_00 4i.0<<!I " I5~J",''':r 25.QQ 37.'8 07 00'~9'1Ir 470.00 e.'s ca W~'.J4 25.00 . J9:Tc)' C. 19'5S.-.:r ::::~; '10 lCTO~'~ ". 8'J'01'~~ 2g.0(I ""S.l)ij ~ --~ e., 01',n-26" S!~.OO l..,!.OJ ~ c:.. iJ'YOO':2=S J26,OO 28.4.9 SCALE: 1" ~ 50' ~--- CJ> 19':!].... 150.00 ~l 22 .- .--- "'" OZJ:5'2j'" :525.00 lJ.1J P"'"....-_ -- ~ OJ< J6"lS-JQ" 100,00 EiJ.28 , c<> 20"<4"'J 100.00 36.20 '0' W 0 ..,. '''''. c.. H'~:!':W- '00.00 . i5.00 ! uNR(CORDE:O PLAT Of -NORTH 84 ~lA<<""'" """... FOUND J/"- ._r--- - DRAlNA(i( EASE.w(Nf - !RQN ~ LINE TABLE ,_~C~D111tC NO. 200jll12OQ1261 EAST O,i" UN' ~~~El ' (5(( EXC(PTQtoi I, ~ 'Sto<<:('i 1 OF 7} " En i L2 10.00 N 01'02"07" ( I LJ 34.S4- !'oj 'J . '"- L. l. !7.4.S N 09"44':>5" ~ f--~(D L5 72.8. Nlo~rl~f Ul :ZJ.77 N 2.5'"16,..r 'II z: ~1 0 i c'" .:~.1Q N O~.13'....r w 5Q~ L2J .44.61 N 07'~'J' w w l2~~ 21!.8)' N 22'5"'4.!!r t uJ-.O ill c: . '" (en AND TEuPO~ QQQ ~ ~,tJlYS('W[R ~ _~ L. " e:~E1I4.1;;NT -RfCoROtNG _ NQ.2(IQ4.O<I.\2~7 X 1.11 '" \ (SEE l::ltCEPTION 5 ON lO(J'~J".... SI1EET 1 OF 7) N 87'56'21. w :'~E ~1) 8.17' ..""'" -- l(N;r'flOfTiA -,"" / \ r- tneE Of W'E~ W 1.30.00' / / . '!;o.oQ' " 214.J,,'I' ') / ~ , ::I: 84 ~~ N 16'.30'01- VI !l t7.02' '" l- < /-:'~., <1; .:(?:~ $.F.~; //..p.;'}.,O (E1) - ~"" 15 ,..... --.1 12.5' Q --------~ ~O.OQ' U. i- \ 0 ~CC r-:;;~CT G l() , 00 l- I t:1'-. CiZn9, ("7",,$0:5 s..F.) W U .... leI rc)-.,~ (SEE NOTEs & &: 9 :J; OH $HUT 2 or 7) 1.1) ~t:: -------, U,S2 iJ \ t:J ,.c 0 ~ Ul u / $V l~ w <j~/ ~V :z: :., ,// ~P ..."...f~ 2 0 ...)~'i' 1/.:~9 w in -" P ~ -$ C; ..liJ/ " .v ,4/ (!'7 r.. ......,r.._ '~t"~~ " '~ ,/ omlN<O .---- // lOa ElIJ'ITR ;; 'S ..- ~-I)k( ~ < 0 lEGEND r- -54 s - ~Sl.l TO :SET CC>>4CRETE MONUMENT WITH -U 8~S$ I;AP. IN CASE SJ,M,fPED: -l.S. 1921l1'- 0 U~ CO"lP'l..EllON OF L:ON5~ClICN ., - $t::T li!E"BAR MO ~ STAMPED: ~€s'" Lt..C l.-~. 2.929../'292.81. 63 :1:;1). PRIVAl! STOf;ll.l ~ WO,j(NT (S[[ NOTE Ie ON SI-!W 2 OF 7) (~.;U - 10' WlOE IJflUTES tASEME"NT (SEE WEMo;T Ot!OlGATlON NOTE 2 ON SHEET 2 OF 7) IaaII CONSULTING ENOINEERl/ LlC {~J)= r~~JE::~EE1~?~~~~6~~~i~;t 2 or n IS'<it'.1 R.. ~us 6. .. ilELTA 33815 1M Way 8ouIt\ Wte 200 ....- "J2 '--- L 'lII" ARC LE:/IIGT\.I ,....... Way. W~ 98003 -- L ~ AND T~UPoR..ft( (2/I:l1"""'..... _w_ (R) - ~OIAl g~lNt;; ...R'I' 5E~R .... - <;> = RmtAL SEARING Af LOT CORNER. 'EASEMOlT -RECOROINt;; ~ NO. 20040n20006'47 <?ATE \:2~12-05 ':OB NO '91-0::;9-(0)-0200 (SEE E::XI;E:.Ii'TION .! ON L:lwG N.a......t; 19l\~9\OO~PlO~Nl.RM-FP_04,D\VC Sf-lU:T 2 Of 7) ORAoN,.,. 1;:1"': 9.Q 5.,/R.J.W S!-fEET . M' ~~~I~T ..~~ ~ (.EJ) ,a.ND lEMPQf.lAEN UNRECDF(OED NORTHLAKE RIDGE DIVISION 4 5ANITAiN SEWER F'LAT OF A PORTION OF SECTIONS 15 AND 22, T. 21 N., R. <I- E., W.M., EASE~NT - ~f'.IOHTH LAKE A~CORDlfItO NO. ! CllY OF FEDERAL WAY. KING COUNlY. WASHINGTO 21](j.!.0041.4'~47 5HoF,1:: !.-ANDY (~E~ EXCEPTIO'" ~ , P. AT OF' -NO~THLA}(E illDGEw LINE T AaLE ON 5~~ET 2 Of 7) r':5 n.Ec. NO. ZOD40'121O'J"o66 , J.;j:,G:;'l._....... ....... N 88'59.09" W 7JO.OO' TF~ACT H ! -, RAc-r E .~ffr ~~~~H I ~ 2~::~~ IN! i'- 1---['" 53 - I - 5.M,!' .33.&\- ", ~",.J') : N 0,.(;0'5 [ t.... """.""E)'" ------,-,-------' TRACT D ......[tl"ANt) \ 1...18 ~}~: I: ~~~~:~~ ~ i o REJ~g~N~O ~ 36 1 v , io~-; -\ \ Ii9 l20 1~.7C N 05'IJ'47"'.w'1 --=1' Z(~ ~~~~~In~~ ,. ~ .... ~ ---, _ L48 -~ L22 :B,3-4 N )6"'2.0'4 ~- 'fi. L2J 44,61 'j;j'~.rj"'''w: }--. 4 ON 5:-lEi:.T 2: I C{v ,O",-,,~, _ L2' 5).2J ;oj 24'00' JJ1' W W ~f 7) I .,.." C).......... ~,. '+...: L25 4$.58 N :2'S'S1.-W~( W I :~'i' ,":7/ '~J'. '" ~aT !II 70'25'28" W;~ L: I ~ ~I ......J,r.. TRACT J L2. 3J.8 N 8TOI'.II.9 Wj U) I 4 ,g./'~ f /JI Z.,I ~ / iJ/ (\ \ V) I r L I ~ __.-1 I I /' I ./ \ ,/ -V I -~ wEtv.NO C\ __________/J ~ 1.>1 \ /...--"----------.. ~ ;-. \ , ....._--~ ;-. <<: .1 Q Z ::) '\.~~. "''':>(p,'''''') iJj; '-1.. ~ , '" N 21'21'39'" t ,,..~ 19.94' \-1 ~ SCALE: 1" '" 50' '~ , ... ~O. I 2 ,.....0.. -----"Z '00' , - '.........rr--'-i " ( WETLAND /- "---- ./ i'- ~,>Y TRACT I CURVE TABLE i -57 (193.210 S.I=".) 37 CU~8J'i- I'taJJjlJS lLNCTH 11. ..{C;>/ (SEE "-IOT['S 5 ~ Ii (7,709 :S.f.) ']"80.0(1 .II.S.J~ I 0 ;!o/ ~4/ ON SHEEr 7. Of n 2~.OO 49.81 I -q- ~/ .tJo, j I'. 50.00, 28.35 I ',," ~ !j-.4i'Ojf' 1.i,(Ri . . -- 50.00 ! 1:l.1~ hi -....;:~I'{7'o :m.oo I 46.24 56 36 ~2.OO T"j2...1.3 ~ ,,' (7,.388 s,.F".) ~O.OO JJ.,S4 '''t1>" 50.00 I .36..0 .------------ 50.00 H.QS (1) ~ 2.5c.OO ...9..8' W ) ';.20.00 1J.i6 66 ( 320.00 10.18 W WFL..A.ND 320,00 4,60 V) \ / 100.00. 2S.37 100.].9 eJ.24 ..- '\ Si':"'22 '. lB:!:3 13.90 \ 415.83 \ 26.00 I i"OUIllD CONC~ETE ~N\.IMtNt W:T1-1 "eRAS$, ?LuG l'dJ5,BO' I (SEPTEMBER 1996) TRACT L --'- r~ (2,049 S.I=".) (SEE NO~S S '" 9 LEGEND ON :S-HEE1 Z o~ 7) < 0 S ... ESM TO srT CONCRET-E' "'ONU~ENt WITH , 9QAS!; CAP, 1N CA5€ 5TAMP{:O~ ~L.s. 29281- lJPOIll COW'LE1lON OF' CONSmUCTIQ~ -U . :1 sEl' 1\E9AR AND CAP slAj.t1PEO: -fSJ.I ll.C 0 LS. 2.9i9.11.12g:z$1~ .', (EI) - ~IVAT[ STORl,4 OR~INAGE: (ASE:I.'ENT (:iEE \,.'. -1 ~01!; , e ON SI1EET" 2 Of" 7) 1,..-<' CIlY FlLE NO. 05-103S12-00-SU <'J# IiI!iIII CONSulTINa <$1,.. ENlllNEEIlS \oLe <'Jy I.I.I~I RESUBMITTED 3381a 1It Way ~ &de 200 """- .-- ~ '" DELT" F....... W*Y. w~ ~ ...- - 12S31 838-_ -- I, .. .a.~ l..!:!.JGT1-1 DEe 1 2 2005 ..-- (J;l) .. RAOW.. e(ARING <) .. RADW. BEARING AT lOt CORNER OATE : , 1-10-05 .loa NO. ~gi-a59-003-04.'OO owe ........RltE: 191\~OOJ\Pl"OTS\:NlRD4.-fP'.O::.OWC O~A.W"l BY: 9.R.$. SHEET 5 OF , _~ nl _III.IJ""'o f"'\c:::OT EXHIBIT - ~ PAGE S- OF . NORTHLAKE RIDGE DIVISION 4 VOL. PG. <>: ~ A PORTION OF SECTIONS 15 AND 22, T. 21 N., R. 4 E., W.M., \- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON 7""' ~ ~ _ \9ffiANO '/ d<i;~ l;I SEE SHEET 4 OF 7 l.j' (JJ" ~......>D .... ~j:.. . "-52 .., ? ~ .....l in ~....l !i1 ........:: 0-, 2 ); YlE;T~D -.", N BS"5G'OS' W Q_39'.<'",. ~ \\ \ / I \ l'-. . ~ '" / 0 l,' u: , l'-. 6~ ", ~ ~-~ ' (-C tJ :S <( . ::r; il.....J \ ! \ (J) Q::<: 20 wI- ~ W 00:: ~'- W ~2 ~ 8 i ~i~)~ ~~ - ---~';\,\{ S 10 ~5 \ ~ W..-' z TRACT C _ . n::: J jO . '\ - ( ; : (S[~6~~S s:.~ g ~ ;;:<,;. \ '........ i d QN S\-!EET :2 .::If 1) 00.......:00-- n ..1 Q~' ...... <0;. ~100.00' i....\j TRACT G \ · ~ - '6. " (sJ;'~~~ ~.,~ ~ ~ '~-~7 eN 511EET 2 OF 7) ~ / ~ -JB ~ -. / I " \ n TRACT A , 6~1;it~~ '~~~'~~~E s;'~ 'R'-tao,OQ' sHE..fJ I OF 7) >( /' --- \ ~z~ (" W[7l,M10 I (, n..jb I 0 C'J'p j': 0. g'" TRACT G t..{t'l" If ~~~ ~ I .....~/.... fl;:{ ~ tl) g ;; (S[;7~:: ~.F"i 9 ~~)/ /k ~/~ ~~O :: ~_ DNSHtET2Of7) Ifl If .51€1 ~-if; 0 /' , . ~/ 00 (\,j W '----- ,(~ .,$J/ UZ . .J ;"'..(0./ .~ ~.oo 2 ~ ..~\ ~I ~~ ('j If) "--.... "'\ ~_I~ ;:: SEE SHEET 3 OF 7 " , ~ <(I..,JQ 0 '\ i'if u~~ ~ ~__~ I-<(u ~o.l)l SCALE: 1W _ 50' ~,.-~____'- l>l ,/ ~_ , LINE TABLE OET,"",O .50" 2~' 0 .50' 1 00' ~~~E "i~,;T7H / LEGEND ~ ',:;0, RESUBMITTED ..,'0 L9 1=:\,01 . S .. l=;SU TO SET CONCRUE ~ONl,lMtNT WfT~ llO 26.54 DEe 'b'f' aRASS caP. 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IL L I I ."'."', !-",v- \ ~: ~'''" I ~ r.rll.a. AI I< ,U"g:t -. .,\ ...,~ I I - -- :, /:, . .".",'.' ~;,. ..< j ....:::.= ~; 1 I / . <.. ./"- ~ .,' I . , . ....- I . ....' Z o! 1- ~...": ~ -~- ~,:,. Ii,' <jii 1.1 +. o~ j' , - ..... .. -:;". I gi :!~ ~1lft H '\ '>., ~ _ ; ; !.'! I I pi ~i ~ a 5 \ - '- il ~ ,I ~ i << ~!, 1 e' \... '-- Ii 'I I I jig I "'i 'I "I ='; ~g '~''- - ~" I I if< - . i U ~ "1 ! ;"1';[ i ~ \Jhl ~ !t-.J_i~" ll!i' ! I. 'S ~~ >Vi'~ !dJ<( l'tl &4--- ~ I' : ~ I .. .". ~1" "! <( -l i~: 0: It (<) if ~ \.. ,J .. ~, is --111l1" " I ... !Ii I I'"~ ~ Ullt'" ~11l--'il 0< ; l.'~ "- "Vl ~l--~I. ~ '., .... ..... 0 <1: te\-./ , . "...G::,.,., , .... v' ~'" ~;-It I1ls IT e _."..PAGE,__ ~ ns: ~ -.".- -' ~ ..~-... , i "- RESOLUTION NO. 03-396 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS, THE QUADRANT RES IDENTlAL SOUTH PRELIMINARY PLAT, FEDERAL WAY FILE NO. 98-104313-00 SU. WHEREAS, the owner Quadrant Corporation, applied to the City of Federal Way for preliminary plat approval to subdivide certain real property known as Quadrant Residential South, consisting of 39.64 acres, into ninety (90) single family residential lots in a cluster configuration located north of SR 18 an.d at the south east quadrant of South 344th Street and 38th A venue South; and WHEREAS, on June 18, 2003, an Environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (MONS) was issued by the Director of Federal Way's Department of Community Development Services pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and Chapter 43.21C RCW; and I WHEREAS, no comments or appeals responsive to the MDNS were submitted to the Department ) of Community Development Services; and WHEREAS, on August 19, 2003, the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner held a public hearing conceming the Quadrant Residential South preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, following the conclusion of said hearing, the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner issued a written Report and Recommendation, dated September 4, 2003, containing his findings and conclusions, and recommended approval of the preliminary plat of Quadrant Residential South subject to the conditions set forth therein; and WHEREAS, on September 8, 2003, the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner amended the written Report and Recommendation to remove ilTeleva~t findings; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 20-127 of the Federal Way City Code, the Federal Way City Council has jurisdiction authority and to approve, deny, or modify a preliminary plat and/or its conditions; and EXHIBITk 03-396 . Page I Res. , PAGElOF '- .--~ (~~-.. { i - . WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Federal Way City Code, Chapter 58.17 RCW, and all other applicable City codes, on Octob~r 6, 2003, the City Council Land Use and Transportation Committee considered the record and the September 8, 2003 recommendation by the Hearing Examiner regarding the Quadrant Residential South preliminary plat, and voted to forward a recommendation for approval of the propo~ed Quadrant Residential South preliminary plat, with no changes to the Hearing Examiner recommendation, to the full City Council; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 20 of the Federal Way City Code, Chapter 58.17 RCW, and all other applicable City codes, on October 21,2003, the City Council considered the record and the Hearing Examiner's September 8, 2003 recommendation on the Quadrant Residential South prelimina"ry plat Now THEREFORE, THE CrTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section I. Adoption of Findings and Conclusions. 1. The findings and conclusions contained in the Land Use Hearing Examiner's September , ) 8, 2003, Amendect Report and Recommendation, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference, are hereby adopted as the findings and conclusions of the Federal Way City Council. Any finding deemed to be a conclusion and/or any conclusion deemed to be a finding, shall be treated as such. 2. Based on, inter alia, the analysis and conclusions in the Staff Report and the recommendation and conditions of approval as established in the Hearing Examiner's September 8, 2003, Amended Report and Recommendation, the proposed subdivision makes appropriate provisions for the public's health, safety, and general welfare; for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary waste, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, and all other relevant facts as are required by City code and state law; and provides for sidewalks and other planning features to assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. 3. The public use and interest will be served by the preliminary plat approval granted herein. . EXHIBIT-& Res. # 0)-396 . Pdge 2 DO~~E~OF .-:~ \ .r"--- _/~". , i . t \. , Section 2. Application A{loroval. Based upon the September 8, 200,3, Amended Report and Recommendation of the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner and the findings and conclusions contained therein as adopted by the City Council immediately above, the preliminary plat of Quadrant Residential South, Federal Way File No. 98-104313-00-SU, is hereby approved, subject to the conditions contained in the September 8, 2003, Amended Report and Recommendation of the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner (Exhibit A). Section 3. Conditions of Apptovallnte~ral. The c5:>nditions of approval of the preliminary plat are all integral to each other with respect to the City Council's finding that the public use and interest will be served by the platting or subdivision of the subject property. Should any court having juri~diction over the subject matter declare any of the conditions invalid then, in that event, the proposed preliminary plat approval granted in this Resolution shall be deemed void and the preliminary plat shall be remanded to the City of Federal Way Hearing Examiner to review the impacts of the invalidation of any condition or conditions. Upon such review, the ; Hearing Examjner shall conduct such additional proceedings as are necessary to assure that the proposed plat makes appropriate provisions-for the public's health, safety, and general welfare, and other factors as required by Chapter 58.17 RCW and applicable City ordinances, rules, and regulations, and forward such recommendation to the City Council for further action. Section 4. S'everability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Resolution should be held to be invalid Or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Resolution. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of the Resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. EXH~ D '- oPAQi20 OF~ Res. ,03':"'396 . Page 3 ....--- . ,.r"""'~' { I i J '" Section 6. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective ~mmediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, W ASIHNGTON, THIS ..2.l, DAY OF _ October, 2003. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY "-- ,AP"PROVED AS m FORM: ) r4A-'-tJ. ~Afp- CITY ArrORNEV; PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WIm mE CITY CLERK: 10/13103 PASSED BV THECITV COUNCIL: 10/21/03 REsOLUTION No: 03-396 · EXHIBIT j:> . PAGE~OF ~ Res. ,03- 39B . Page 4 Doc 10 #24620 /.....-.... rJ j ) '- . CITY HALL 33530 1 st Way South (253) 661-4000 PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063~9718 r--____.... ~~mll IuD ICE ; J J J 1 . i v P 9 'lflf'l') 'IY I September -1 8, 2003 i iUVJ ! I G I ~.__ . i City Cl:HksWf~ Quadrant Corporation CIty 01 Federal W~y Skip Holman P.O. Box 130 Bellevue, WA 98009 RE: QUADRANT RESIDENTIAL SOUTH, FWHE#03..()6 FEDERAL WAY FILE NO. 98-104313-00-SU j Dear Applicant: -' Enclosed please find. the Amended Report and Decision of the City of Federal Way Hearing Examiner relating to the above-entitled case. SKCfca EXHIBIT cc: All parties of record PAGE OF City of Federal Way ~~~~b Q: L}~~ . EXHIBIT~ PAGE-.-LOF .'1 -~--, I ) i } '> -- _. i'~.::::\--;~~ :r';-(~.i-n-;1;"-r.;;-;-. i I' i' ~~ U i.!;; iJ \,7 W l(1 I I . I --- "--,' II /' ..,.J./ ! ~_____._.__ I " Page - 2 ; '.. I ,/ ' ,.-:\/ ~I' l' I I ;, I .,' 'j ;U i:! ~ED Q ~---'''3 flU U v -, - LeU 'L:::I ; I .r i i CITY OF FEDERAL WA Y ~-f.i&-Ci~";'3'--;j:'-;;;;--_.J LItY:Jf ; ~C;.~~[d. l.i;~'I --- OFFICE OF THE HEARING EXAMINER -'-'---'" IN THE MAlTER OF: ) ) FWHE#03-06 PRELIMINARY PLAT OF QUADRANT ) 98-104313-00-8U RESIDENTIAL SOUTH ) -) ) I. SUMMARY OF APPLICATION The applicant is requesting preliminary plat approval of a 90 lot residential lot cluster subdivision as provided for under Federal Way (FWCC) Chapter 20, "Subdivisions" and requiring approval pursuant to FWCC Section 20-110. ) II. PROCEDURAL INFORMATION Hearing Date: August19,2003 Decision Date: September 4,' 2003 Amended Date: September 8, 2003 At the hearing the following presented testimony.and evidence: 1. Deb Barker, Associate Planner. City of Federal Way 2. Skip Holman, Quadrant Corporation, P.O. Box 130, Beflevue. WA 98004 3. Phil Kitzes, ESM, 720 S_ 348th Street, Federal Way. WA 98003 4. Charles Gibson, 33461 - 331d Place South, Auburn, WA 98001 5. Monty Bakken, ESM. 720 S. 348th Street, Federal Way, WA 98003 6. Rick Perez, T raffie Engineer 7. Simore Perry ! At t~e hearing the following exhibits were admitted.as part of the official record of these EXHIBIT A PAGE 1 OF I (-) ,----. f t Page - 3 proceedings: 1. Staff Report with all attachments 2. Power Point Documents - Preliminary Plat Residential South Cluster Subdivision 3. North Lake Improvement Club Statement dated August 19,2003 III. FINDINGS 1. The Hearing Examiner has heard testimony, admitted documentary evidence into therecord, and taken this matte(-under advisement 2. The Community Development Staff Report sets forth general findings, applicable policies and provisions in this matter and is hereby marked as Exhibit "1" and incorporated in its entirety by this reference. 3. All appropriate notices were delivered in accordaricewith the requirements of the "\ Federal Way City Code (FWCC). ) 4. The applicant has a possessory ownership interest in an irregularly shaped, unimproved, 40 acre parcel of property abutting the north side of State Route (SR) 18 and extending to the south side of the intersection of S. 334th St and 38th Ave. S. in the southeastern portion of the City of Federal Way. The applicant requests preliminary plat approval to allow development of a clustered, 90 lot, single famiJy residential subdivision with a minimum lot size of 4,800 square feet and an average lot size of 5,755 square feet 5. The preliminary plat map (Exhibit A) shows access via an internal road extending south from the 334th138th intersection at a future round-about A second access will conned with the internal plat roads of the North Lake Ridge plat which abuts the. eastern portion of the north property line. The plat map shows significant wetland preservation along the west, southwest, central, and northeastern portions of the site. Stonn drainage facilities are located adjacent to SR-18 and at the southwest corner of the developable portion of the site. Trails circulate around and adjacent. to the wetlands, and five usable, open space tracts are located throughout the site. 6. Abutting uses include the East Campus Corporate Park, the Slavick Gospel , Church, and single family residential dwellings along the west property line. Single family residential dwellings, vacant property, and the proposed North EXHIBIT A '61> PAGEk-OF JC; or .~., ( i t ) Page - 4 Lake Ridge plat abut the north and east property lines. As previously found, SR- 18 abuts the southeast property line. The site is located within the RS-9.6 zone classification of the Federal Way City Code (FWCC) which requires a minimum lot size of 9,600 square feet. Parcels to the north, south, and east are located within the R-4 zone classification, while parcels to the west are located in the OP, RS-9.6, and R-4 zone classifications. 7. - The applicant submitted a completed application for preliminary plat approval on December 17, 1998, and pursuant to RCW 58.17.033 vested the application to the subdivision code, comprehensive plan, and development regulations in effect on said date. The applicant proposes to cluster development with 90 lots ranging in size from 4,800 square feet to 9,524 square feet, and an average lot size of 5,755 square feet. Section 20-154 FWCC authorizes reduction of lot sizes in cluster subdivision to 50% of the minimum authorized by the under1ying zone. The RS-9.6 classification authorizes a minimum 9,600 square foot lot size, and therefore the applicant's proposed minimum 4,800 square foot lot size satisfies the cluster lot size requirements. ) 8. FWCC 20-153 prohibits the number of lots in a cluster subdivision from exceeding the number of lots which is RS-9.6 classification would permit in a conventional subdivision. Subtracting 15% of the site for open space and 20% for streets from the total plat area and dividing the balance of the parcel by the minimum lot size shows that the applicant could obtain 116 lots as opposed to the 90 lots requested. The project therefore satisfies the density and lot size requirements for a clustered subdivision. 9. The topography rises gradually from south to north, and the site contains no steep slopes or other geographically hazardous areas. The site is heavily wooded with a mixture of conifer and broad leaf trees, and accordingto the forestry report,' contains approximately 2,208 significant trees. The applicant will retain large numbers of such trees within the dedicated open space and recreation areas as well as in the wetlands and wetland buffers. The applicant anticipates removal of 1,325 significant trees within the developed portion of the site. The applicant must comply with the provisions of FWCC 22-1568 which requires replacement of significant trees upon removal of more than 75% of such trees. 10. The applicant and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) have agreed upon a Bald Eagle Nest Site Management (BEMP) for a nest located , approximately ten feet from the western boundary of the site. The plan requires EXHIBIT .A~: PAGEif' OF 12- t'-~ .~ {-..-., , 1 1 \ , i i Page - 5 a 400 foot wide, no activity buffer, seasonal construction limitations, and fencing and signage between trails and wetland buffers adjacent to the nest. The BEMP has approved the location of a pedestrian trail within the outer portion of the "No Disturbance Area". While neighbors report observing hawks, pileated woodpeckers, and other animals on the site, DFW has no evidence that any threatened or protected species reside on or near the site. The plat will mitigate impacts to wildlife through the preservation of 51% (20.52 acres) of the site as open space. Areas within the natural open space areas and wetlands will continue to provide habitat to include tree snags for pileated woodpeckers. 11. FWCC 20-154( e) requires that a cluster subdivision provide all of its required 15% open space 0;' site, and that the City Director of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services must detennine such space usable~ The applicant must provide 5.95 acres of usable open space. The Director has approved 4.27 acres of usable open space contained within Tracts C, 0, E, F, and M, and an ad9itionaI .13 ac;res of open space in the nature of trails. The trails will measure four feet in width with one foot shoulders on each side for a total of six feet. ) . - .I 12. As previously'found, a plat road extending south from a new round-about at the intersection of S. 334th Sl. and 38th Ave. S. will provide primary access into the site, and a secondary access will extend north into the North Lake Ridge plat lhe applicant will construct all roads to City standards and will include five foot wide sidewalks on both sides. Tract K, extending SE from a cul-de-sac in the SE corner of the plat, will provide access to three lots and will be improved to City private road standards. Tract Kwill also include a.fivefoot wide sidewalk and four foot wide planter strip on the southern side. 13. Based upon the small lot sizes, reduced construction costs, reduction in truck traffic,and better erosion control, the City has approved the applicant's request to mass clear and grade the site. However, because the mass clearing and grading will require the removal of 707 significant trees, in advance of residential home construction the applicant must plant 177 replacement trees on ,ndividual buiJding lots prior to final inspection of the individual lot in conformance with FWCC 22-1568(5). 14. To meet the landscape buffer requirements the ~pplicant will provide a minimum ten foot wide, perimeter,landscape buffer between lots 30 and 31 and SR-18, and a ten foot wide landscape buffer separating the storm drainage tract .abutting SR-18 from lots 18-30. The applicant-will maintain TractH, a .15 acres , parcel adjacent to the east side of the round-about, as a native growttl protection -,. EXHIBIT AI P D^~I: C n~ Ie ~f"-' .'.-, r--'.. I j \ I t Page - 6 tract to shield vehicle lights. 15. As previously found, the applicant will constructintemal plat roads to City standards. The major circulation road extending from the round-about to the southeast and then north to the North Lake Ridge plat roads will meet minor collector standards which include a 60 foot wide, right-of-way, 36 foot wide pavement width, curb and gutter, four foot wide planter strip, five foot wide sidewalks on both sides, street lights, and street trees. Road C, which will loop from one portion of the collector to another, will meet local street standards to include a 52 foot wide right--of-way ,28 foot wide pavement width, vertical curb and gutter, four foot wide plant strips, five foot wide sidewalks on both sides, street lights; and street trees. Road D, a cul-de-sac located in the southeast corner of the site, will meet cul-de-sac standards to include a SO foot radius, vertical curb and gutter, four feet wide planter strips, five foot wide road, wilt . include a 36 foot tract width, and 20 foot pavement width; and a vertical curb and gutter and five foot wide sidewalk on the south side. The applicant will also provide off-site traffic mitigation in accordance with the SEPA MONS which "' requires a payment to the City for -traffic 'improvement.projects in the amount of '\ $53,600 and -to the Washington State Department of Transportation in the / amount of $11,376. 16. The Lakehaven Utility District will provide both domestic water and fire flow as well as sanitary sewer service to the site. The district will extend a sanitary sewer line currently in S. 336th St. which stubs against the west property line, eastward into the plat. 17. School aged children residing in the plat will attend lake Dolloff Elementary School, Kilo Junior High, and Thomas Jefferson High Schools. All students will receive bus transportation to and from school as said schools are located more than one mile from the site_ The buses will loop through the plat and the adjacent North Lake Ridge plat. Impacts on the school district will be mitigated by compliance with the City's school impact fee ordinance which presently requires a payment of $3,894 per Single family housing unit. 18. The storm drainage facilities must meet the requirements of the 1998 King County Surfacewater Design Manual as amended by the City. Existing surface water runoff flows into three separate baSins, to include 23 acres flowing to the west and two eastern basins flowing to the south. The applicant has provided separate storm drainage facilities to accommodate each basin. The western stann water detention ; plant will discharge water via a level flow spreader, and said water will EXHIBIT PA~I= GI- OJ: () :('-'.....~. '~ ) Page - 7 subsequently sheetflow into Wetland C which in turn drains westerly into Hylebos Creek. Water from the eastern detention pond seevicing the two eastern basins will discharge into an existing culvert whid1 flows under SR-18 and then south and east to Mill Creek. The water flows will provide hydrology to off-site wetlands, and the City has determined that the project will result in no changes to the wetland hydroperiod. 19. Prior to recommending approval of a preliminary plat to the City Council, the Examiner must findlhat the proposal satisfies the decisional criteria set forth in FWCC 20-126(c). Findings on each criteria are hereby made as follows: A The project is consistent with the applicable 1995 Federal Way Comprehensive Plan which designates the property as single family-high , density. The cluster subdivision with its proposed lot sizes is consistent with the allowable density and comprehensive plan policies. B. The project is consistent with all applicable provisions of Chapter 20 i FWCC and those adopted by reference from the comprehensive plan / which include Chapter 18 - Environmental Policy, Chapter 22-Zoning, as well as other applicable codes and regulations. As conditioned hereinafter, the preliminary plat will comply with all provisions of the FWCC. C. . The project is consistent with the public health, safety. and welfare as the applicant will provide urban level facilities and services for the future residents, D. The project is consistent with the design criteria set forth in FWCC 20-2 as set forth hereinabove as the project makes provision for the housing needs of the community, the protection of environmentally sensitive areas, and the preseevation of more than half of the site for permanent open space. E. The project satisfies the development standards set forth in FWCC 20- 151-157 and 20-158-187. 20_ The North Lake Improvement Club appeared at the hearing through Charles I. Gibson, president, and expressed concerns regarding an increased hazard to pedestrians along the roads connecting Weyerhaeuser Way South and Military . Road, and nutrients and other contaminants in stann water runoff flowing into North ~~~I~T ~ 1b /-, ., ; \ i 1, .I -- Page - 8 Lake. The club also expressed concerns that changes to the drainage patterns and detention of precipitation flows to the lake (either adding or subtracting) may adversely affect water elevation. While the project Will create more traffic along the roads in question, these roads are already impacted by significant traffic volumes and the applicant cannot be made responsible for correcting a community-wide safety issue_ The environmental official did not impose requirements for off-site safety improvements other than for proportionate share payments for City transportation improvement projects. Furthermore, a proper nexus does not exist to support a condition requiring sidewalks. 21. Compliance with conditions of approval and with the FWCC should protect North Lake and surrounding lots from adverse impacts associated with storm water and either increases or decreases of flow into the lake. The storm drainage plan must ensure continued hydrology for the wetlands and will mimic existing runoff. To ensure the club that the storm drainage system will not affect either water quality or quantity, the Examiner has added a cOndition of approval which requires the City and the applicant to provide a copy of the final storm drainage plans to the North \ Lake Improvement Club and a two week period in which to provide comments prior' j to the City's approval. IV. CONCLUSIONS From the foregoing findings the Hearing Examiner makes the fallowing conclusions: 1. The Hearing Examiner has jurisdiction to consider and decide the issues presented by this request. 2. The applicant has shown that the request for preliminary plat approval of the Quadrant Residential South clustered subdivision is consistent with al/ criteria set forth in FWCC 20-126(c) and 22-445 subject to compliance with conditions contained hereinafter. 3. The applicant has shown that the request for subdivision approval satisfies al/ criteria set forth in RCW 58.17.110. 4. The proposed preliminary plat complies with all applicable provisions of the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, the design criteria listed in FWCC 20-2, and the development standards listed in FWCC 20-151-157, and' 20-178-20-187. 5. The proposed preliminary plat will serve the public use and inter-est by providing an EXHIBIT 1+ -.J.>' - ..~ -- . - It,""--.. , ' \ ,( 1 , I , Page - 9 attractive location for a single family residential subdivision while at the same time protecting significant critical areas and providing substantial open space, and therefore should be approved subject to the following conditions: 1. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with drainage provisions set forth in the FWCC. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of lots as shown on the preliminary approved plat A. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the 1998 KCSWDM and amendments adopted by the City of Federal Way. City of Federal Way approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. B. The runoff control facilities within Residential South shall be located within separate tracts (Tract A and B) that are landscaped to screen the faCility from the right-of-way and adjacent residential uses and to allow for appropriate maintenance of the facility, and shall be ) dedicated to the City of Federal Way. Tracts C, 0, E, F, G, H, I, J; l, and M shall be owned, landscaped, and maintained by the homeowners association. The homeowners association shall also maintain screening vegetation in Tracts A and B. A landscape plan for Tracts C, D, E, F. G, I, J, L, and M shall be submitted to the City for review and approval as part of the plan. C. Stormwater quality treatment shall be provided using the basic water quality menu options of the 1998 KCSWOM, as amended by the Ci.ty of Federal Way. D. Stonnwater from Tract A shall be directed to the buffer of Wetland A- C via a level flow spreader. 2. The applicant shall be required to construct all stann drainage improvements necessary to mitigate all identified conveyance problems, whether existing or resulting from the plat's development, as identified during engineering plan review and as required by the Public Works Director. Engineering approval shall not be.granted if it is determined that proposed mitigation is not adequate to address the impacts of the project. . 3. The final plat drawing shall dedicate all usable open space in anopen space .1 tracts to be owned in common and maintained by property owners of the -MP EXHlelT -- .r/~-"\, , \. 1 , Page - 10 proposed subdivision, and shall prohibit removal or disturbance of vegetation and landscaping within -the tract, except as necessary for maintenance or replacement of existing plantings and as approved by the City. Additional vegetation may be located in open space tracts to meet conditions as approved by-the City. A note shall be included on the finat plat map that the open space tracts shall not be further subdivided, may not be developed with any bUildings or other structures except as may be approved by the City for recreational purposes only for the benefit of the homeowners, and may not be used for financial gain. 4. Prior to issuance of construction permits,a final landscape plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect shall be submitted to the City for approval, and shall include the following elements: A Open space and/or park landscaping in Tracts C, 0, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, and M; -'- B. Street trees in right-of-way landsCape planter strips; ) C. Tree preservation plan; and D. Visual screening of the Quadrant Residential South storm drainage. - facilities in Tracts A and B from the adjacent Road A and from adjacent residential lots with landscaping and fencing. Cyclone fencing, if used, shall be coated black or green and shall be screened by vegetation. 5. - The proposed subdivision shall comply with the 1993 King COUf)ty Road Standards (KCRS) as amended by the City of Federal Way for this project, including the following requirements: A Roads Aand B shall be improved along the frontage of the project as minor collectors, including 60 foot wide right-of-way and 36 foot wide pavement width, curb and gutter, four foot planter strips, and five foot wide sidewalks on both sides of the roadway, streetlights, and street trees. 8. Road C shall be improved as a local street, to include a 52 foot wide right-of-way and 28 foot pavement width. Vertical rorb and gutter, four l - foot planter strips, five foot wide sidewalks shall be provided on both , EXHIBIT A,J> - - - ...... ( ) CO) Page - 11 sides of the street. Streetlights and street trees shall also be provided. C. Road D shall be improved as a cul-de-sac street with a 50 foot radius. Vertical curb and gutter, four foot wide planter strip, and five foot wide sidewalk shall be provided on all sides of the street. Streetlights and street trees shall also be provided. D. Tract K shall be improved to a private access tract standard and shall be limited to serving a maximum of four lots. The lots that abut these tracts for access shall have undivided ownership of the tract and be responsible for its maintenance. The maintenance agreement for the private access tracts shall be included on the plat and the language approved by the City. Improvements shall include a 36 foot tract width and 20 foot pavement width. Vertical curb and gutter and five foot wide sidewalk without planter strips shall be- provided on one side. Tract length shall be limited to a maximum of 150 feet from face \ of curb to end of tract, unless a 90 foot diameter turnaround is I provided. E All streets have a minimum pavement section of three inc~s- Class B asphalt over six _inches of crushed surfacing, to support the traffic loads. . 6_ Due to eagle nest adjacency, seasonal construction restriCtions from February 1 to May 1 and July 1 to July 15 shall. be imposed for all clearing. grading, filling, and related construction activities contained in the amended BEMP as approved by WOFW, and shall be applied to plat constrlictionas part of engineering review. 7. Conditions imposed by the Federal Way Hearing Examiner and the Director 9f Community Development Services for wetland and wetfand setback area ~. .." , '_Jqtrusions shall be depicted on construction drawings and the final plat ~'.~~.' . - ..drawings as appropriate. 8. Prior to final plat approval, open rail fencing and appropriate signage shall be installed to separate the planned and future parks and pedestrian trails from wetlands and wetland setback areas, and shall be designed - in accordance with BEMP conditions for fencing and signage. EXH,elT )r 4f) --- (~\ (') \ J Page - 12 9. The final plat shall contain the requirement that 1 77 replacement trees shall be planted on individual building lots within the subdivision prior to final inspection of residential building activities on the individual lot and in conformance with FWCC secti~n 22-1568(5)(b). 10. The final plat shall contain the requirement that all future park and pedestrian trail improvements adjacent to wetland and wetland setback areas shall be designed to follow recommendations of a Wildlife Biologist, and shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development Services for review. 11. The applicant shalf provide to the president of the North lake Improvement Club a copy of the final stonn drainage plans at least two weeks prior to the City's approval thereof. The improvement club may provide comments within said two week period to the City regarding said plans. However, the sole authority to approve or disapprove said plans remains that of the City. ) RECOMMENDATION: It is hereby recommended that the Federal Way City Council approve the preliminary plat of Quadrant Residential South subject to the conditions contained in the conclusions above. DATED THIS 4th DAY OF September, 2003. AMENDED THIS 8th DAY OF September, 2003. TRANSMllTED THIS 4th DAY QF September, 2003, to the following: AMENDED AND TRANSMITTED THIS 8th DAY OF September, 2003, to the following: AGENT: ESM Consulting Engineers, Inc. i Phil Kitzes . ~~~I::IT f~ . c~) (" ) Page - 13 720 South 348th Sf. Federal Way, WA 98003 ENGINEER: ESM Consulting Engineers, Inc. Monty Bakken, P. E. 720 South 348th Sf. Federal Way. WA98003 OWNER: Quadrant Corporation Skip Holman P.O. Box 130 Bellevue, WA 98009 OTHERS: Charles Gibson 33461 - 33rd Place South - Auburn, WA 98001 Don Vandenheuvel 3718 South 334th Street Auburn, WA 98001 ) Bill Shiels 15020 Bear Creek Road NE WOodinville, WA 98072 --, Fred Brown 720 South 348ih Street Federal Way, WA 98003 Ann Olsen 15020 Bear Creek Road NE WOodinville, WA 98072 JeanParietti & Will Self 33256 38th Ave. S. Auburn, WA 98001 Bud & Toni llnnerman P.O. Box 34 Auburn, WA 98071 Norm & Lois Kutscha 33021 38th Ave. S. Auburn, WA98001 City of Federal Way c/o Chris Green P.O. Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 EXHIBIT A );1> PAGE - JJ OF- (~-, ( -. -~ , ) J Page - 14 CITY COUNCIL REVIEW, ACTION Pursuant to Section 20-127, following receipt of the final report and recommendation of the hearing examiner, a date shall be set for a public meeting before the city counCil. The city council review of the preliminary plat application shall be limited to the record of the hearing before the hearing examiner, oral comments received during the public meeting (so long as those comments do not raise new issues or infonnation not contained in the examiner's record) and the hearing examiner's written report. These materials shall be reviewed for compliance with decisional criteria set forth in sedion 20-126. The city council may-receive new evidence or information not contained in the - record of hearing before the hearing examiner, but only if that eviqence or information: (i) relates to the validity of the hearing examiner's decision at the time it was made and the party offering the new evidence did not know and was under no duty to discover or could not reasonably have discovered the evidence until after the hearing examiner's .-- ) decision; or (ii) the hearing examiner improperly excluded or omitted the evidence from the record. If the city council concludes, based on a challenge to the hearing examiner recommendation or its own review of the recommendation, that the record compiled by the hearing examiner is incomplete or not adequate to allow the city council to make a - decision on the ~pplication, the city council may by motion remand the matter to the hearing examin~r with the direction to reopen the hearing and provide supplementary findings and/or conclusions on the matter or matters specified in the motion. After considering the recommendation of the hearing examiner, the city council may adopt or reject the hearing examiner's recommendations based on the record established at the public hearing. If, after considering the matter at a public meeting, the city council deems a change in the hearing examiner's recommendation approving or disapproving the preliminary plat is necessary, the city council shall adopt its own recommendations and approve or disapprove the preliminary plat. As part of the final review, the city council may require or approve a minor modification to the preliminary plat if: . (a) The change will not have the effect of increasing the residential density of the plat; (b) The change wilt not result in the relocation of any access point to an exterior street from the plat; ) (c) The change will not result in any loss of open space or buffering provided in the -' 5~HI!3JT A 4!> ./ -- ........-. ,r---_ t ) 1 ) \ Page - 15 plat; and (d) The city determines that the change will not increase any adverse impacts or undesirable effects of the project and that the change does not significantly alter the project. ... \ J i EXHIBIT.d -.. - -...... - RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, W ASIDNGTON, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF NORTHLAKE RIDGE DIVISION 4, FEDERAL WAY, W ASIDNGTON, FILE NO. 05-103512-00-SU WHEREAS, on August 19, 2003, the Federal Way Hearing Examiner conducted a public hearing on the preliminary plat application resulting in the September 4, 2003, Recommendation of the Federal Way Hearing Examiner; and WHEREAS, the preliminary plat of Northlake Ridge Division 4, City of Federal Way File No. 98- 104313-00-SU, was approved subject to conditions on October 21, 2003, by Federal Way City Council Resolution No. 03-396; and WHEREAS, the applicant submitted the application for final plat for Northlake Ridge Division 4 within the required time of receiving approval for the above-referenced preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied or guaranteed all of the conditions set forth in Resolution 03- 396; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way's Department of Community Development Services and Public Works Department staff have reviewed the proposed final plat for its conformance to the conditions of preliminary plat approval and final plat decisional criteria, and their analysis and conclusions arc set forth in the December 13, 2005 Staff Report, which is hereby incorporated by reference as though set forth in full; and WHEREAS, the applicant has complied with the conditions of the mitigation measures of the April 2, 2003, State Environmental Policy Act Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance, as discussed in the December 13,2005 Staff Report; and EXHIBIT~ Res. # , Page I PAGE I OF~ WHEREAS, the City Council Land UselTransportation Committee considered the application and staff report for the Northlake Ridge Division 4 final plat at its December 19, 2005 meeting, and recommended approval by the full City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed and considered the Staff Report and the application for final plat for Northlake Ridge Division 4 during the Council's December 20,2005 meeting. Now THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings and Conclusions. 1. The final plat for Northlake Ridge Division 4, City of Federal Way File No. 05-103512-00-SU, is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat and is in conformance with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls in effect at the time the preliminary plat application was deemed complete. 2. Based on, inter alia, the analysis and conclusions in the Staff Report, which are adopted herein by reference, and on the City Council's review of the application for final plat, the proposed subdivision makes appropriate provision for public health, safety, and general welfare, and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, and schools and school grounds as are required by City Code, or which are necessary and appropriate, and provides for sidewalks and other planning features to assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. 3. The public use and interest will be served by the final plat approval granted herein. 4. All conditions listed in the October 21, 2003, Federal Way Resolution No. 03:..396 have been satisfied, and/or satisfaction of the conditions have been sufficiently guaranteed by the applicant as allowed by Federal Way City Code Section 20-135. 5. All required improvements for final plat approval have been made and/or sufficient bond, cash deposit, or assignment of funds have been accepted as guarantee for completion and maintenance of all Res. # , Page 2 EXHIBIT 1 PAGE z... OF ~ required plat improvements as identified in the December 13,2005 Staff Report. 6. All taxes and assessments owing on the property being subdivided have been paid or will be paid, prior to recording the final plat. Section 2. Application .Apvroval. Based upon the Findings and Conclusions contained in Section I above, the final plat of Northlake Ridge Division 4, City of Federal Way File No. 05-103512-00-SU, is approved. Section 3. Recording;. The approved and signed final plat, together with all legal instruments pertaining thereto as required pursuant to all applicable codes, shall bc recorded by the applicant in the King County Department of Records. The applicant shall pay all recording fees. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority, and prior to the effective date, of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, THIS DAY OF ,2005. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Mayor, Dean McColgan ATTEST: City Clerk, Laura Hathaway, CMC Res. # ~-~~ ' Page 3 EXHIBIT _C PAGE ~ OF -.!I- ApPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Patricia A. Richardson FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION No: Res, # , Page 4 EXHIBIT E PAGE~OF -!L- ..-.--.' .- , _.----------,-- ...------ . . --..,. ,-". ..._.__._.._". ...__~,._._. '.., .,. ..m...___ ..____"'_._.__,.._ ... . . . (JI rn, rn, (JII II rn, ~I ~r ~II ~I~ <;; ,...1 lit h I~~ UI a< .. ~l ~fi II ~ I Iii ~I lb lU n~ ~- ~ .~ J~ ~ I ~ H ,: ~i ~ ~ 1~ , ,Z n :0 Q !" .. !" ---~ ~ ~~ ~i ~I ! I a I ; ~ t . ----;---m . ...~ ij ~ . ~ ~ ili : g ,r ~I ~ Q t~= II~ i> : Q . J;.- "T- s ~i r; t ~ ~ ~ 1i)J ~<! 'l ~- '=; ~J! MATCHLlNE- SEE SHEET L-4 ~l t. . . .... G1 : ~ rl il' " iI ill' ' QUADRA'" CORPORAT,QN _ ,..,.. "., ~ ~ .. (I ."",,__..... 1.1.1~11 ' r;- ~ OJ: ~ : _ .. , -- "......~-.w...-.o:lI I ; ~ ::.! 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WAY lANOSCAP[ DETAILS & NOTES ~ ~~ I :o::;...,~ I ~~ ' .; ;, -t:~--~_\1-. /;I. ___~_~_Vd . ----. ._, --...... - I."' '.~~.-.,~ ~ llBIHXa -\~....~...,. _"......-I:OZ.. -..........- V2 ~ Ht'. - ."""- en I -I :II e :II to m ~;l! m 11 ~}> r "Z }> ~:j Z -I ..Z ~~ Gl 0 01/0 m g~ ~ P I~ I I~ }> ^ "5 ~ z ~li 'i U Gl ~~ :> 0 I~~i m . q ~t ~ Ii ~ 1'- ~Iii ~ r ~ oa~i ~:i1 ~ ~ Id 2 ~;~i ~ ~~.a ;:i F-. Ii" ~ ~ 0 I 0 Z I .- "T1 m :II 0 ~ e (fl -I Z :II 0 m }> m ~~ 11 o -I ~~ ~$! ~z "-I '"p ~z ~ :i1~~ ; I "'(j) }> g ~~U I Z 0 Z IU ~ I Pi ;1 r' j!i~ilql ~ ^ " " 1, I! h II!,! II p' ! ~i z Gl ~ ~ ;Uii II" ~ u~ lit I~ i 0 i ~ ~; ~ E~ db j & .J m -t t I;! II J ~ ~F; }> P ~ t "~,, 9 ~ ~ \1l tl:i1~ i"~ (fl Iq I 2~ :II e en to 11}> }>Z ~ ~QO " -- oZGl ~ X , ~(j):II i J g ~OO a me ~ -< -tz ~ ~ }>O .. PO ... 0 " ... < ., >0- m ~ :II " PII i J : QUADRANT CORPORATION ~ COH&ULliNG ENCHNEER8 li.C: ~EI D ii~ -..,.-- ,e'$tliJt ',... . ! 1- ~.W....'lrM1IiIIDD;I ~.:, (i ! ~ EAST CAMPUS RESIDENTIAL SOUTH w...",_esm(:ivit,f;QI'J\ a- 1i5 ji iP) I 11 em at """"'- WAV L>>IDSCN'E OCTAAS If< NOTES ._"" ~'-...~I I ~~~ I =--~_ ~ . CITY OF FEDERAL WA Y MEl\10RANDUM _~___,_~_~~_"_,J.'~__. HATE: Dcccmbcr 5, 2005 TO: Land Use and Transp VIA: David H. Mosel ,t Managcr FROM: Will Appleton, P.E., Developmcnt Services Manager ~ SUBJECT: Lloyd's Latecomer Agreement for S, 344'h SL ~~-~, _.,.,.....,..,~-,.~'~,.,,". POLICY QUESTION: Should the City enter into a latecomers agreement with Lloyd Enterprises Inc. for street improvements associated with the construction of the Lloyd Enterprises Corporate Headquarters located at 34667 Pacific Highway South for improvements to S. 3441h Street. BACKGROUND: As part of the development of the Lloyd Enterprises Corporate Headquarters, located at 34667 Pacific Highway South, Federal Way, the owner was required to construct frontage and roadway improvements on South 344111 Street as required by Article XVI, Improvements, of City Code. Specifically, these improvements included: . Improvement of the existing stormwater conveyance system and installation of an oil/water separator in South 344th Street. . The installation of curb and gutter, planter strip, street trees and lighting on the south side of South 344111 Street. . The installation of curb and gutter along the north side of South 3441h Street . Paving of South 344111 Street (36' wide). The above improvements benefit both the developer as well as the owners of certain real property adjacent to the improvements. Therefore, Lloyd Enterprises is requesting that a latecomer agreement be established in order to reimburse those costs associated with the improvements that directly benefit adjacent properties. Under a latecomers agreement, any owner of the benefited properties ("Latecomer"), who did not contribute to the original cost of the improvements and who subsequently elects to develop his or her respective property within ten (10) years from the datc an Agreement is recorded with the King County Auditor's Office and at the time of development is not required to install those street improvements installed by the Owner of the Improvements, shall not be granted a permit for development without first paying to the City, in addition to any and all other costs, fees, and charges associated with permits, inspections or for street, signalization, and lighting improvements, his or her pro rata share of the Total Cost of the Improvements and all administration costs associated with the Agreement. The method used for determining the pro rata share of the total cost to be paid by the Latecomers was the front foot method, whieh bases costs on the length of frontage improved for each of the properties. Attached for your information is the spreadsheet detailing this analysis and approved costs. Also attachcd is a copy of the proposed Latecomer's Agreement, and an aerial photograph showing the project area. K;\LUTC\200S\12.0S-0S lloyd's latecomer Agreement for S 344th St.doc Decemoer 5, 2005 Land Use and Transportation Committee Lloyd's Latecomer Agreement for 3441h Ave. S. Page 2 Per RCW 35 72_040, Assessment Reimhursement Contracts, the owners of the benefited properties were notified of the preliminary determination of area boundanes and assessments. Letters were sent out on November 15, 2005 and the 20-day response time for requesting a hcaring ended on December 5, 2005. The preliminary determination letters sent to the benefited property owners are attachcd tor your information. To date, City of Federal Way has not recetved any communication from the notified property owners. OPTIONS: 1. Forward the Latercomer Agreement to Council and place on the December 20, 2005 consent agenda. 2. Deny the request for a Latecomcr Agreement and give direction to Staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option 1 to the December 201l., 2005 City Council Consent Agenda for approval: Authorize staff to proceed with entering the City of Federal Way into a Latecomer Agreement with Lloyd Enterprises lne for the 344111 street frontage improvements. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above staff recommendation to the December 20th, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda. cc: ProjecI File Day File K:\LUTC\200S\12-0S-0S Uoyd's Latecomer Agreement for 5 344th St.doc ~ CITY Of CITY HAll 33325 8th Avenue Soulh . PO Box 9718 "w.,~,~ Federal Way Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 (253) 835-7000 www_cityoffederalwaycom November is, 2005 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL # 7000 0520 0026 3350 8593 lee G Thomas & Un Song 6941 N Caldwell Ave Chicago, Il 60646 HE: Latecomers Agreement for Improvements on South 344h Street; Preliminary Determination Dear Property Owner: As part of the development of the Lloyd Enterprises Corporate Headquartes, located at 34667 Pacific Highway South, Federal Way, the owner was required to construct frontage and roadway improvements on 5 344th Street. SpeCifically, these improvements included: . Improvement of the existing stormwater conveyance system and installation of an oil/water separator in 5 344th Street. .. The installation of curb and gutter, planter strip, street trees and lighting on the south side of S 344th Street. . The installation of curb and gutter along the north side of S 344th Street . Paving of a portion of S 344th Street. As an owner of certain real property which is adjacent to or near the improvements described above, you are being notified that it has been determined that your property benefits from the above improvements. Therefore, your property is subject to a latecomer's Agreement being developed between the Oty of Federal Way and Lloyd Enterprises, lnc. Specifically, as a latecomer, your obligation to reimburse would be as follows: Any owner of the Benefited Properties ("Latecomer"), who did not contribute to the original cost of the Improvements and who subsequently. elects to develop his or her respective property within ten (10) years from the date the Agreement is recorded with the King County Auditor's Office and at the time of development is not required to install those applicable street improvements installed by the Owner of the Improvements, shall not be granted a permit for development without first paying to the Oty, in addition to any and all other costs, fees, and charges associated with permits, inspections or for street, signalization, and lighting improvements, his or her pro rata share of the Total Cost of the Improvements and all administration costs associated with the Agreement. 1:\csdcIdOCS'S;l\c.28615I J701O.doc I cc t; I hl"nas &. Un 5('"g Pall"l ;;04-IO~HO-Q(J(J-OO.Si\1 N\"cmbef I'. ~OO5 Page- ~ The method used for determining the pro rata share of the Total Cost and administrative costs to be paid by the Latecomer was the front foot method. Based on this method, the pro rata share amount for your properties was calculated to be $25,058.00 for parcel 202104-9082 and $26,720.00 for parcel 202104-9105. I have enclosed a draft copy of the Latecomer's Agreement for your information and a spreadsheet detailing costs. If you have any questions regarding this matter or wish to review the supporting documentation used in the City's preliminary determination, please contact me at (253) 835-2730. You may request a hearing in writing within 20-days of the mailing of this preliminary determination. Upon such request, a hearing will be held before the legislative body, notice of which shall be given to all affected property owners. Presently, it is anticipated that the subject Agreement will go before City Counsel in December of 2005. Si~~_ William S. Appleton, P.E. Development Services Manager WA:su Enclosure Dr-aft Latercomcrs Agreement Pro Rata Share Calculation cc: Patricia Larsen, L10yds Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 3889, Federal Way, WA 98063 Project File Day File 1;\(~(!(\docs\save\28&3'i t370 to.doc ~ CITY OF CITY HALL 33325 8th Avenue South. PO Box 9718 ,~~~~ Federal Way Federal Way, WA 98063~9718 (253) 835-7000 www.cityoffedoralwatcom November 15, 2005 VIA CERTIFIED MAIL #7000 0520 0026 3350 8586 Jung H. Roe 408 5 289th Street Federal Way, WA 98003 RE: Latecomers Agreement for Improvements on South 34.tfh Street; Preliminary Determination Dear Property Owner: As part of. the development of the Lloyd Enterprises Corporate Headquartes, located at 34667 Pacific Highway South, Federal Way, the owner was required to construct frontage and roadway improvements on S 344th Street. Specifically, these improvements included: . Improvement of the existing stormwater conveyance system and installation of an oil/water separator in S 344th Street . The installation of curb and gutter, planter strip, street trees and lighting on the south side of S 344th Street. . The installation of curb and gutter along the north side of S 344th Street . Paving of a portion of S 344th Street. As an owner of certain real property which is adjacent to or near the improvements described above, you are being notified that it has been determined that your property benefits from the above improvements. Therefore, your property is subject to a latecomer's Agreement being developed between the City of Federal Way and Lloyd Enterprises, Ine. Specifically, as a latecomer, your obligation to reimburse would be as follows: Any owner of the Benefited Properties ("Latecomer"), who did not contribute to the original cost of the Improvements and who subsequently elects to develop his or her respective property within ten (10) years from the date the Agreement is recorded with the King County Auditor's Office and at the time of development is not required to install those street improvements installed by the Owner of the Improvements, shall not be granted a pemit for development without first paying to the City, in addition to any and all other costs, fees, and charges associated with permits, inspections or for street, signalization, and lighting improvements, his or her pro rata share of the Total Cost of the Improvements and all administration costs associated with the Agreement. The method used for determining the pro rata share of the Total Cost and administrative costs to be paid by the Latecomer was the front foot method. Based on this method, the pro rata I :\csdc\docs\s.a vel28J 7 39690 34 .dot .lung II. Roe Penlll\ #04-IO.t;.tO,OOO-OO-SM No,.ember 15. ~OO) Page 2 share amount for your property was calculated to be $57,716.00. I have enclosed a draft copy of the Latecomer's Agreement for your information and a spreadsheet detailing costs. If you have any questions regarding this matter or wish to revIew the supporting documentation used in the City's preliminary determination, please contact me at (253) 835-2730. You may request a hearing in writing within 20-days of the mailing of this preliminary determination. Upon such request, a hearing will be held before the legislative body, notice of which shall be given to all affected property owners. Presently, it is anticipated that the subject Agreement will go before City Counsel in December of 2005. Sincerely, . ... . ~ .'-/ ~ /~/: '- . - . -.....,,-. William S. Apple on, P.E. Development Services Manager WA:su Enclosure Draft latercorners Agreement Pro Rata Share Calculation cc: Patricia larsen, Uoyds Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 3889, Federal Way, WA 98063 Project File Day File I: \csdc\d=\saveV8 3 7 396<)034 _ doc I , ,I() 0 0 0 0 O! 100 I()/ololo 0[1;0101010 0 0......, 0) ~I I' , ''''': C! C! C! C! C!j ~ C! "':: C! C! ~ ~ ~j~lq ~ ~ q ~I ~:: IN V I() N Q) 0 (Q 0 (") V 0 0 0 0 0 V ..... 0 I() ..... . (l? -I (OO)OOV(") NI()VV.....I()I()MO'Q)......OQ)"<t ......... .:JI I~ "'::. C!.. ~ ~ "'::. ~ <'!. <'!.1C!..jQ) <'!. ~I~I~I~ I() q ~ ...... 0) ",I o 10) ..... V I() N ...... ...... N 0) ......I~ N I() (0/...... ..... ~ I() N ~ Z;;:=/ t- i............,............~..... WWW,~ 404W.....W''<t 404N Y> 1 ;.,. w/.,.,w I"" i: I ,.,., W w, i i i'I' I j. i' I ! I I " i , , 1 I i I i I I I I 'T~lon "'ilon N 0 0 0 ~lcW::I"':INI";l~ <'") .... 0 0 ~I CO <O-~ I j, I i~I!:;:;jI~~:; ~~:;6161~1~~I~ci!:;j61.661 ~::;ifu i I : ! ~ ~ q ~ i2 ~ .,. Y> ~, Y>, ... Y>i ~ ~I ~ ~ N .,. 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Q,l '1'.:1 0 U 0 00 ? c; c; e iJj' _ <u Q,l 0 Q,l L., c j; 8 2 _q. ~ <U '" e e € -e c; -g ~ -;; 2 .2 C: E G.I G.I 9 1i ~ n. .3 a:U:~w~5J ~88088~o~~~~rr:5J5J ~~& Permit Number ..'.",y".",."'" .~-- LATECOMERS AGREEMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS THIS LATECOMERS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is dated effective this _ day of ,200_. The parties ("Patties") to this Agreement are the City of Federal Way, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and ----~_._'~.".,"-~-~'~~~-- ., a ~.~~,. ("Owner"). A. The Owner is desirous of making certain street improvements which may include grading, paving, curbs, gutters, storm drainage, sidewalks, street lighting, traffic controls, and other similar improvements and appurtenances thereto at, or near, certain real property owned by the Owner. B. There are no adjoining property owners presently available to share in the cost and expense of the construction of such improvements. The parties wish to enter into an agreement providing for the installation of such improvements and providing for partial reimbursement to the Owner of a portion of the costs of such improvements pursuant to Chapter 35.72 of the Revised Code of Washington. C. The City has determined fhat the construction and installation of the improvements are in the public interest and the Owner is willing to pay all the costs and expenses for the installation of such improvements. NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: L Description of Property 1.1 Owner's Property. The Owner acknowledges that it is the owner ofthe certain real property located in Federal Way, Washington, legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Owner's Property"). 1.2 Benefited Property. Certain real property which is adjacent to or near the Owner's Property will receive the benefit of the proposed improvements, which properties are legally described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference ("Benefited Properties"). 2. Improvements - The Owner agrees to install, at his or her expense, the following 1 described improvements: -.., ----------...""'-------.-----.~~..,---------------.~,-"--._., -_._--~-..----..- -"-.---'.. .~._~--~~_.'--'~'-"~~"._, _.._--~_.-._--~_._~._----_. ("Improvements"). --~'~~'-~-'~-~.,~~.,~---~ The Owner agrees that a1l work performed in connection with the Improvements shall be in full compliance with all applicable federal, state and City laws including, withoutlimilation, all City codes, ordinances, resolutions, policies, standards, and regulations. 3. Cost of Improvements. The Owner agrees that all expenses and claims in connection with the design, construction and installation ofthe improvements, whether for labor or materials, have been or will be paid in full by the Owner. The Owner further certifies that the total cost of design and construction of the Improvements tS equal to .-.-------- ($-------_) ("Total Cost"). If the actual cost of the lmprovements is different than the amount certified above, the Owner shall provide documentation to the City establishing the basis of any increased amount. In the event the City approves the increase, this increased amount shall be the Total Cost for purposes of calculating the Benefited Properties pro rate share. 4. Reimbursement. 1,1 Latecomer's Obligation to Reimburse. Any owner ofthe Benefited Properties ("Latecomer"), who did not contribute to the original cost of the Improvements and who subsequently elects to develop his or her respective property within ten (10) years from the date this Agreement is recorded with the King County Auditor's Office and at the time of development is not required to install any street improvements as a result of the installation by the Owner of the Improvements, shall not be granted a permit for the development without first paying to the City, in addition to any and all other costs, fees, and charges associated with penn its, inspections or for street, signalization, and lighting improvements, his or her pro rata share of the Total Cost of the lmprovements and all administration costs associated with this Agreement, as detennined by Subsection 4.2 herein. 4.2 Pro Rata Share. The method for determining the pro rata share of the Total Cost and administrative costs to be paid by any Latecomer shall be one of the following, at the City's election: -'_.,~ a. front foot method b. zone front foot method -- c. square footage method -- 2 d. contract method e. trip generation (traffic) method f. other equifable method g. any combination of methods a. through ( (Check the applicable method of assessment) The decision of the Director of Public Works or his or her authorized represenfative in defermining or computing the amount due from any Latecomer shall be final and conclusive. 5. Payment to Owner. The City agrees to pay all amounts received from Latecomers to the Owner within thirty (30) days after receipt thereof, less a 15% processing fee ("Latecomers Fee"). The City shaH not be obligated to collect any Latecomers Fees after the expiration ofthe Term oftrus Agreement. 6. Term/Extension of Agreement. The tenn of this Agreement is for a period often (10) years commencing on the date this Agreement is recorded and terminating ten (10) years thereafter; provided, however, that is the event an extension is authorized by the Federal Way City Council, this Agreement may be extended for one (1) additional five (5) year period ("Term"). The extension may be granted upon a written request by the Owner prior to the expiration ofthe initial ten (10) year period. 7. Street System. The Owner agrees that the Improvements have been or are about to be connected with the transportation and street systems of the City and, upon such connection and acceptance by the City through its legislative body, the Improvements shall. become a part of the municipal transportation system. 8. Recordation. This Agreement shall be recorded with the King County Auditor's Office within thirty (30) days of execution of this Agreement by the City and the Owner. 9. Title to Improvements. The Owner hereby transfers to the City all of the Owner's right, title and interest in and to the Improvements. The City reserves the right, without affecting the validity or terms of this Agreement, to make or cause to be made extensions to or additions of the Improvements, without liability on the part of the City. 10. Assignment of Ji'ees. The Owner hereby' assigns to the City all of the Owner's right, title and interest in and to any Latecomer's Fees in the event the City is unable to locate the Owner to tender the same. The Owner shall be responsible for informing the City of its current and correct mailing address. The City will make a good faith effort to locate the Owner and in the event the City is unable to do so, the Latecomer's Fee shall be placed in fhe Special Deposit Fund held by the City for a period of two (2) years. At any time within this two (2) year period, the Owner may receive the Latecomer's Fee, without interest, by notifYing the City ofthe Owner's then current mailing address. 3 After fhe expiration of the two (2) year period, all rights of the Owner to any Latecomer's Fees shall terminate, and City shall be deemed to be the owner of such funds. ll. Enforcement. TIle City does not agree to assume any responsibility to enforce this Agreement. This Agreement will be a matter of public record and will serve as a notice to all potential Latecomers. The Owner shall he responsible to monitor those parties enjoying the Improvements. In the event the City becomes aware of a Latecomer, it will use its best efforts to collect the Latecomer's Fee, but shall not incur any liability should it fail to collect such fee. 12. Indemnification. The Owner agrees to indemnify and hold the City, its elected officials, officers. employees, agents, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and all attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities including, without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from, or connected with this Agreement or the construction or installation of the Improvements. 13. Equal Opportunity Employer. In all of the Owner's activities, hiring and employment made possible by or resulting from this Agreement, there shall be no discrimination against any person because of sex, sexual orientation, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), race, color, creed. national origin, marital status or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical handicap, unless based upon a bona fide occupafional qualification. 14. General Provisions. 14.1 Entire A~eement. This Agreement contains all of the agreements of the parties and no prior agreements or understandings pertaining to any such matters shall be effective for any purpose. 14.2 Modification. No provision of this Agreement may be amended or added to except by agreement in writing signed by the parties. 143 Full Force and Effect. Any provision of this Agreement which is declared invalid, void or illegal shall in no way affect, impair, or invalidate any other provision hereof and such of her provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 14.4 Successors In Interest. This Agreement shall inure and be for the henefit of and shall obligate all of the parties respecti ve successors in interest, heirs, beneficiaries or assigns. 14.5 Attorney Fees. In the event either party defaults on the performance of any tenus in this Agreement, and this Agreement is placed in the hands of an attorney, or suit is filed, the prevailing party shall be entitled to an award of its reasonable attorneyts fees, costs and expenses. The venue for any dispute related to this Agreement shall be King County, 4 Washington. 14.6 No Waiver. Failure ofthe City to declare any breach or default immediately upon the occurrence thereof, or delay in taking any action in connection with, shall not waive such breach or default. Failure of the city to declare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of the City's right to declare another breach or default. 14.7 Governing Law_ This Agreement shall be made in and shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Washington. 14.8 Authority. Each individual executing this Agreement on behalf of the City and the Owner represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the Owner or the City. 14.9 Notices. Any nofices required fo be given by the City to the Owner or by the Owner to the City shall be delivered to the parties at the addresses set forth below. Any notices may be delivered personally to the addressee ofthe notice or may be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth herein. Any notice so posted in the United States mail shall be deemed received three (3) days after the date of mailing. 14.10 Captions. The respective captions of the paragraphs of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modifY or otherwise affect in any respect any of the provisions ofthis Agreement. DATED the day and year set forth above. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY B' y.~....-- David H. Moseley, City Manager th 33325 8 A venue South Federal Way, W A 98063-9718 ATTEST: .- -_."~~ City Clerk, N. Christine Green, CMC 5 APPROVED AS TO FORM: -~~~__J___._._ -.- City Attorney, Patricia A. Richardson OWNER By: ______~__________ Signature ._,.-.,---_.,-,~~.-._--,. Print Name ------------.._.,-~ Address --"'-"~- .~-~ Phone STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) ss. COUNTY OF KING ) I certify that I know or have satisfactory evidence that the person appearing before me and making this acknowledgment is the person whose true signature appears on this document. On this __ day of ___, 20_, before me personally appeared ~~,~. -~"'-"- , to me known to be the Owner, that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument hislher free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she has executed said instrument. WITNESS my hand and official hereto affixed the day and year first above written. ~'-~'-~'---~-------"---------.-._,~.- Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at My commission expires . -'~._-~"------o-_~, G:\LA WFORMS\LA TCOMRAGR 6 Map Output Page I of I @)KlngCounty ____ Comments - .. l.~gM'~ ,..( ... Swel$ ,. l<lM$i.1tld.Ullfi"'~~ .lff'!H~ ;fj SWams -". ...'.........- , Parcels }/ 14\1t. 2002 ~AllJiaiF!tt~, 1((:) . he information included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sources and is subject to change without notice_ King County makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such information. King County shall not be liable for any general, special, indirect. incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, ost revenues or lost profits resulting from the use or misuse of the information contained on this map. Any sale of this map or information on his ma is fohibited exce t b written ermission of Kin Coun . Ki09C9!lIl!y I <31$ Center I NeWs I ServiGes I ColJJlJJen!s ISe<:lrGh By visiting this and other King County web pages, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. Thede!<:Iils- h e cg e e c e e e ce e e e CITY OF FEI>ERAL \V A Y M E !VI 0 RAN I> U 1\'1 ---" .....-.,..-....-----------------..-..-.,.--..--..... --.-..--- DATE: December 5, 2005 TO: Land Use and Transportation CommIttee VIA: David fL ~anage' '4-^ FROM: Ken Miller, P.E., eputy Public Works DIrector SUn.JEeT: Litter Removal Contract - 5% Increase in Funding for 2006 -~.".~_.._- ._-~.,.,.~'-'-----_._--- POLICY QlJESTION: Should the Council authorize an additional 5% in funding tor litter removal serviccs for 2006? BACKGROUND: Since 1993, a company known as Vadis has provided litter removal services for the City of Federal Way. Vadis provides a crew of five developmentally disabled individuals, a supervisor, and a transport vehicle to collect litter within public Right Of Way (ROW) and City facilities throughout Federal Way. Vadis also performs a variety of other low-skilled operations. This flexibility, in turn, provides labor cost savings to the City, while granting useful employment to specially challenged individuals. Service is scheduled so that the Vadis crew regularly removes litter and debris from all major right of ways in Federal Way, while also assisting with Surface Water facility clean-up during dry periods, Based on feedback provided by Public Works Maintenance Supervisors, and the marked reduction oflitter complaints since scrvicc inception, the work provided by Vadis has represented an excellent value. Vadis has also provided similar services to the Cities of Auburn and Puyallup, thc Sumncr School District, and the King County Library System. During prior contract updates, the City Attorney's Office provided an opinion that this type of service is not subject to competitive bidding or prevailing wage. For 2006, litter control funds for this contract totaling $36,750 are budgeted within thc Solid Waste/Recycling Fund and the Surface Water Management Fund. This funding level is unchanged from 2005. Further, there havc been no compensation increases on this contract, on a dollar per service hour basis, since 2002. By signing a contract extension at current funding levels, Vadis has already committed to providing services in 2006 at the budgeted amount. Howevcr, on November 18,2005, Vadis made a written request for a 5% increase in contract funding for 2006, citing increascd overhead costs and fuel costs (which rose an estimatcd 50%). This requested increase would total $1,836 per year. The Solid Waste/Recycling fund anticipates reduced consultant services needed for 2006, since the potential for a comprehensive solid waste contract services procurement process has been negated by the recent contract extension awarded to Waste Management Inc. Vadis' rcqucst tor additional funding could be offset by this reduced need for professional services within the Solid Waste/Recycling fund anticipated for 2006. Future litter removal contract needs tor 2007-2008 will be considered in conjunction with the City's overall budget process. A new contract is anticipated tor that timc period. " OPTIONS: I. Approve a 5% ($1,836 per year) increase in compcnsation for Vadis effcctive for 2006, with the additional funding originating from the Solid Waste/Recycling Fund. 2. Do not approve the additional funding request made by Vadis, and instead maintain funding at the amount previously established in the 2006 budget. K:\LurC\2005\12-05~05 Utter Control - Vadis.doc December 5, 2005 Land Use and Transportation Committee Litter Control- Yadis Page 2 STAFF RECOi\<IMENDATION: Staff recommends that the COTllmlttee approve Option #1 above, and move this item to the [)eecmncr 20, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda with a rccommendation tor adoption by the City Council. Adoption by the City Council would: a. Authorize an increase the compensation tor litter control services by 5% tor 2006, for a total contract amount not to exceed $38,5g7 during 2006, with funding for the increase originating from the Solid Waste/Recycling Fund, and b. Authorizc the City Manager to execute the litter control services contract with Vadis. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above staff recommendation to the December 20th, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda. cc: Project File Day File K:\LUTC\2005\12-05-05 Litter Control - Vadis.doc ...----...-.... RECEIVED 170 I Elm Street NOV 1 8 2005 Sumner, Washington 98390.2112 (253) 863,5173 fa><: 863.2040 FEDERAL WAY PlJ8LIC TDD; 863.4508 AOMlNlsmAT'ONDIV~~~S WW'Y'J,vadis.org November 18, 2005 Vadis: Rob Van Orsow City Hall City of Federal Way 33530 1 sl Way South PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 Dear Rob: Per our meeting, I am providing the 2006 contract extension notice. Vadis has enjoyed a long and successful partnership providing litter control to the City of Federal Way for the past twelve (12) years. As you know, Vadis as a non-profit agency relies on commercial contracts to achieve our mission of providing training and employment services to developmentally disabled participants. The Federal Way contract is extremely important to our agency, and like any other business, there are ever increasing expenses in overhead and employee benefits. As discussed at our meeting, in an effort to cover our increased overhead and fuel costs we are requesting a 5% increase over the 2005 contract agreement. The nature of our litter services and mobility of our crew has been impacted by the dramatic increase in fuel costs. This contract extension request will help cover our estimated 50% inflation in fuel costs. Please note that in 2005 our contract tasks reduced considerably due to Federal Way budgetary constraints. Proposed billina for 2006: $36,750.00 X 5% = $38,587.00 $38,587.00/12 = $3215,00 per month We look forward to another year working with the City of Federal Way, and will strive to insure your streets are clean and a credit to your community. Best regards, W- Art Brockway Commercial Services Manager 1 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM ....-.... ---,,~ -'.,.~, -..-..----------- .--.- DATE: December 5,2005 TO: Land Use and Transportation Committee VIA: David H. ~ Manager 'Lt..J'-,- FROM: Ken Miller, P.E., Dcputy Public Works Director , SUBJECT: South 333'd Street and ]"1 Way South Traffic Signal Project - 50% Design Approval and Authorization to Proceed with Finall)esign -, ..~' ,--.- --~~-~~.~~~._~-'~- POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the 50% Design for the South 333rd Street and 1 st Way South Traffic Signal Project and authorize proceeding with final design? BACKGROUND: Transportation Consultants Northwest completed a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the new City of Federal Way Community Center expected to open late 2006. As part of this TIA, a traffic signal warrant analysis was performed by thc consultant determining the requirement for a new signal at the intersection of S 333m St and 1 st WayS. The intersection is currently controlled by stop conditions. This project will install a fully actuated traffic signal and crosswalks at the all "legs" of the intersection. The signal will facilitate both pedestrians and vehicular traffic. The signal is expected to operate at a Level of Service (LOS) B at project opening. A left turn lane will be "striped" on the east leg of the intersection on S 333m Street for the left tums"south bound" onto 1st Way South. This will require the removal of "on street" parking for approximately 400 lineal feet along both sides of the road. We are in thc process of notifying the businesses along the street of the new traffic signal project and the proposed parking restrictions. Perteet Engineering, Inc. was awarded the design contract for this project and has submitted 50% design plans. An updated cost estimatc of the project is provided below. Project estimated expenditures: .. -----~~~._.~ COST ITEM ESTIMATE ~~.~,.,---,... Dcsib'l1 n.._.~~' '",_~'~"_~'.~ $40,000.00 King County Signal Review 2,000.00 Construction Estimate 263,414.00 ....--.---..--.- 10% Construction Contingency 26,341.00 -- .n_.._'._.,____~ Eas~nt Title Report and Mailmg 500.00 *"w~ ----- Sub-Total $332,255.00 ~.~~r~~.__.' --_.~".........~'.~-~. Printing Plans and Specifications 900.00 .~ __.~'__'~_~_ r~~~ Advertising 1,800.00 -',""".'''='.. -~""" Total Estimated EXI:l.~_~_i!~lres: $334,955.00 --_.~.~--_.- K:\LUTC\2005\12-05-05 South 333rd Street and 1st Way South Traffic Signal Project 50% Design.doc Available funding: ---.- ----l COST ITEi\1 ESTIMATE ! "~_.,.'-'-",---,,---, Estimated Project Cost 334,955.00 ---... .....--- .. . ....------- .'. .". ._,'~,----- Total A vailable Budget (Balance of I ()95 voter $340,000.00 appr?~,<:~ bond issue for tr~!l_Sp~~:t_~llon Improvements) ..,.....,~....' ,.- - ."'. '-,.."".....-. Project !l~ulget Savings $5,045.00 ------ OPTIONS: l. Approve 50% design for the South 333rd StTeet and 1st Way South traffic signal project and authorize proceeding with the final design. 2. Do not approve 50'Yo design and authorize proceeding with final design for the project and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option 1 to the December 20, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda for Approval: Approve 50% design for the South 333rd Street and 1st Way South traffic signal project and authorize proceeding with the final design. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above staff recommendation to the December 20,2005 City Council Consent Agenda. cc: Project File - I" A venue Sand S 333St Traffic Signal Project Day File K:\LLfTC\200S\12-0S-0S South 333rd Street and 1st Way South Traffic Signal Project SO% Design.doc --.-- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY lVlElVlORANDUlVl _.'_m_._ .v"..,_ -...". .~.~,~._._-- ---------.-----..-.-- DATE: Decemher 5, 2005 TO: Land Use and Transportation Committee VIA: David H. ~y Manager ~ FROM: Ken Miller, P.E., Deputy Public Works Director SUBJECT: Gravel Roads in City Rights of Way Maintenance Policy --~. POLlCY QUESTION: Should the City Council consider changing the current City policy to not maintain gravel roads in the public right of way? BACKGROUND: Upon incorporation, the City adopted many of the County Codes, requirements and conditions that existed at fhat time. There are several areas in the City that were developed with single family homes prior to incorporation that are serviced by gravel streets. Staff has estimated that there are approximately four miles of gravel streets and several additional miles of gravel driveways providing access to these residences. There are also miles of rights of ways that are not "opened"; this is right of way with trees, brush etc. and no improvements within the right of way. The majority of the homes fronting gravel streets were constructed prior to incorporation. This was permitted by King County code at fhe time and they also did not maintain these gravel roads since it was a rural standard. The City continued this same policy of not maintaining gravel roads in the City; this policy was affirmed by Council in April 1997. A large portion of fhe gravel roads are located at the south end of the City in the plat of East Tacoma Edition which was platted in 1889. The plat is located south of SW 368th Street between I st A venue South and 8th Avenue S W north of the King/Pierce County line. However, the non-user statute known as the Ballinger Act (law of 1909) applies to rights of way not "opened" for public use within five years of the date of the recorded plat. If the right of way was not opened it would be automatically vacated. To clear title the property owner can petition Superior Court or use the City vacation process. Since the roads in this plat were not open for public use within five years the right of way has been vacated by law. These streets are therefore not affected by any change in City policy since they are not City right of way. There are several gravel streets that arc located in public right of way around the City; for example SW 366th Street, SW 300th Street, 24th Avenue S and 30th Avenue S. Some of the gravel roads in the public right of way were asphalted by the property owners at their cost shortly after incorporation because they did not want to constantly maintain the gravel roads. There were also gravel streets that were asphalted as a condition of development. The Public Works Department has received requests to maintain gravel streets since mcorporation. K:\LUTC\2005\12.05-05 Gravel Road Policy.doc King County did not maintain gravel streets because they arc difficult to maintain. They can be graded smooth one day and pot holed/rutted the next the surface is very susceptible to traffic and weather conditions. The advantage to gravel roads is they are inexpensive to construct and traffic tends to dri Vt slower on them. The infrastructure located adjacent to a residence or building lot tends to affect the pricc. If there is sidewalk, drainage utilities, pavement and strcet lighting the lots are usually more expensive than ones with out these improvements_ Since the City does not currently maintain gravel roads we would have to rent or purchase additional equipment to grade the roads and request additional funds for surfacing materials. Also, a level of service standard would need to be established for the frequency of grading and maintenance. OPTIONS: 1. Continue the existing City policy of not maintaining gravel streets. 2. Direct staff to develop a gravel roads maintenance policy & outline a budget, which would include; inventory, staff, equipment, materials and a maintenance level of service. 3. Have staff provide information to the areas that have concerns regarding existing gravel to explain options for Local Improvement Districts to provide asphalt pavement, drainage, sidewalks and street lighting. The improvements would be selected by the property owners and funded by them. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends continuing with the current policy of not maintaining gravel roads within the public right of way. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Conunittee agrees with sfaff recommendation of continuation of current policy. K:\LUTC\200S\12-0S-0S Gravel Road Policy.doc CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM ---". ....,-.,'..-- ...----. -..----- ---------------- ..-------. DATE: Decemocr If), 2005 TO: Land Use and Transportation Committee VIA: David H. ~anage' FROM: Paul A_ Rucich. ~ urt~lce Water Manage~ SUBJECT: S. 373rJ Street Bridge Replacemcnl30% Plans Approval ~..,~-,-- ..'.'___ _____.__,...____ .0.'.- .....- '._"-~'--- ---. ------.... POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council authorize Surh!ce Water Management staff to continue with the design of the S. 3731<1 St. Bridge Replacement Project in conjunction/cooperation with the Washington State DepaItment of Transportation's Stream and Wetland Habitat Restoration Project? BACKGROUND: In April of 2004, Surface Water Management came before the City Council requesting authority to pursue a new project in the Capital Improvement Pro!-,'Tam (CW) for rcplacement of the undcrsized bridge crossing at S. 37300 St and the lIylebos Creek. Specific requests for this project included authority to include the project in the CIP program, provide funding, and pursue additional funding and partners along with necessary appraisals. A detailed discussion of this can be found in the LUTC memo dated March 1,2004 (presented to LUTC on April 5'\ 2004) attachcd_ Per the Council authorization, SWM pursued grant funding as well as partners for the stream restoration and bridge replacement options. In 2004 SWM teamed up with the Washington State Department of Transportation in an effort to acquire the Spring Valley Ranch (SVR) (former Mace property). Aftcr extensive discussions and appraisals, the WSDOT opted to pursue acquisition of the SVR property and the City agreed to take on the bridge replacemcnt. This provided a considerable cost savings to the City and an important restoration site to the WSDOT for advance mitigation for the 1-5 HOV lane work to be done in 2009 from the Port of Tacoma Road to the King/Pierce County line. In late 2004, the WSDOT was successful in acquiring al/27 acres of the SVR site. Since then, WSDOT, the City, Washington State Department ofFish and Wildlife, Friends of the Hylebos Wetlands, the Puyallup Tribe, and our consultant have been holding regular meetings to determine what can be done with thc site to maximize the restoration potential as well as eliminate the creek crossing problems plaguing the City at S. 373m St. Due to the extensive invcstlgations necessary, design of the project has progressed a bit slower than hoped for initially but still at an accelerated speed nonetheless. In November, a public meeting was held with the local community at S. 373ld to outline the plans for the site and bridge project. Residents in attendance spoke out in support of the project In 2004 the City was notified of a successful grant application to King County Conservation Futures Fund lor $400,000 to be used for acquisition of the SVR site. After notification, WSDOT decided to pursue the acquisition using its funds only due to constraints on use ofthc site under the Conscrvation Futures Fund program provisions. In carly 2005 SWM requcsted and received council authorization to request from King County that the site for acquisition be changed from the SVR sitc to up to six others within close proximity_ Deeember 1<), 2()O" Land Use and Transportation Commillee S. 373'" Street 8ridge Replacement Project - _W"/;, Design Status Report Page 2 That approval came through from KC III August of 2005. SWM has pursued an appraIsal tor one of the properties clllTently lip fix sale. ThIS w1l1 be dIscussed WIth the Council at a separate tIme. At thIS time, neither the bridge replaCt:mcnt project nor the stream restoration can be accomplished \.vlthout the other. Both the City as well as the WSDOT ha\'e fllred the consulting finn ofCH2MHill to conduct the design work under separate contracts Aftcr extenSive discussions, both agencies arc willing to explore combining both projects lor bidding purposes as well as constructton. This will require an Inter-Local Agreement (ItA) with WSDOT to pay for ollr portIOn of the penmtting work, desIgn revie\v to ensure proper inteb'Tation of the plans and speci fications for bidding, and construction inspection and management serVIces, Of note are the findings of the subsllrl~lce geotechnical explorations conducted to determine toundations options for the new bridgc. The underlYlIlg soils under S 373'd are extremely compressible and will cause a significant increase in the anticipated roadway costs. The bridge will be constructed on pilings as is the current bridge but due to the increased height of the bridge, fill is necessary to bring the roadway up to thc bridge on either side. Indications from the geotechnical engineers arc that the fill will result in differential settlements between 6"-30". In order to eliminate this problem, over 100 feet of roadway on either side of the bridge will need to be removed and excavated and replaced with a light-weight concrete mix. Construction of the bridge and roadway will require the complete closure ofS. 373rd for up to three months. This closure makes it critical to plan and schedule for construction to occur during the summer school break. Currently, the project design is approximately 30% complcte, which includes the following completed tasks: . The Topographical Survey and Mapping (WSDOT) . Hydrological and Hydraulic Analysis (City and WSDOT) . Stream Geomorphology Assessment (WSDOT) . Fish Use, Passage, and Habitat Assessment (City and WSDOT) . Wetland Analysis (WSDOT) . SEPA, JARPA, and Biological Evaluation Determinations (Draft ~ WSDOT) . Geotechnical explorations of roadway . Project Design to 30% Ongoing tasks includc: . Project Permitting "~City, State, Federal. . Development of an ILA with WSDOT . Project Design to 85% Level PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Design $187,000 Year 2007 Constmction (Estimate) $464,000 15% Design Contingency $70,000 15% Construction Management/Contingency $80,000 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $811,000 ="::,=:,,_.,.,~:.""'-".~-==== AVAILABLli: F'UNDING: Total available funding: $1,500,000 from surface water utility CIP per council direction in April, 2004. K:\LUTC\2005\12-19-0S 5 373rd st 30% plans approval.doc December 19, 2005 Land Use ilnJfransportation COlluniUee S. 373'<1 Street Bridge Replacement Project - 3(),~;(, Design Status Report Page -' O"TIONS: L Authorize Surface Water Management to proceed wIth desl[,,'Tl of the S. 373'" Street Brirlge Replacement Project and come back to the Council at thc i'l5'Yo design completion stage l()f further rcports and authorization_ AuthorIze staff to negotiation with WSDOr l(lr a proposed ILA for mteb'Tation of the two projects for bidding and construction and rcturn to Council for authOrIZatIOn to execute the [LA. 2. Do not authorize Surface Water Managcmcnt to procced with the project and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option I to the January 3, 2006 City Council Consent Agenda for approval: Authorize staff to proceed with design of the S. 373rd Street Bridge Replacement Project and ILA development with WSDOT and return to LUTe Committee at the 85% design completion stage for further reports and authorization. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDA nON: Forward the above staffrecommendation to the January 3, 2006 City Council Consent Agenda. cc: Project Fi Ie Day File K:\LUTC\200S\12-19-0S 5 373rd st 30% plans approval.doc :JL - MEETING DATE: April 20, 2004 lTEM# ---------C& ) CITY OF FEDERAL WAY City Council AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Surface Water Utility CIP Program Moditications ______..u.._._. n.' .' "..,___'_._...__.,~.~,. ... . _____.____..., _......_.."'..._.___.._... ..... --.--------..- ---.-....,-..--.,.. .- CATEGORY: BUDGET IMPACT: (8J CONSENT 0 ORDINANCE Amount Budgeted: $ D RESOLUTION 0 PUBLIC HEARING Expenditure Amt.: $ 0 CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS 0 OTHER Contingency Req'd: $ ~"._..-..,--~_...~,..~.'.,_._~_._--_. "._""----- .....--.-.-- ....... ..... ..._.._._... . ....__..__._._..._._....__.____.......,~,......,".' ...n . _'" ,'._'___.___._.. ..__._....".._._.."., _.__ .._.._...." ._. ..____.."'. ...-...-- .....--.........-----.,.. ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum to the Land Use and Transportation Committee dated March 1,2004. _..~._-_..._,...,.,'~~-~_._~~.~_.~_._-,._'-'_.- - -, --.-.,----.-.-- ..._._._._......____._'" .__ ~.,.,'~,.".d~"...'.~A.._ ---" ,.".,---.----..--.-. - '.. ... .., ".. .-." ......-..--..-.,----- SUMMARYIBACKGROUND: Annually, the Surface Water Utility evaluates the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to ensure projects are adequately funded, appropriately prioritized, and viable. During the course of this evaluation, an opportunity exists to consider new projccts for addition to the CIP list. In 2002, the City initiated an evaluation of two projects: the "Joe's Creek Regional Detention Facility and Salmon Habitat Project" and the "S 373m Bridge and Hylebos Creek Stabilization Project". Joe's Creek Background: The proposed Joe's Creek project consists of constructing a regional detention pond on the Twin Lakes Golf and Country Club driving range along with restoring approximately 400 lineal feet of Joe's Creek paralleling the range. This new project is proposed to replace the scheduled 2007 Joe's Creek Regional Detention Pond project. The new project would start design in 2004 and begin construction in 2005/6, based on available funding. The currently planned project will not result in a reduction of damages to Joe's Creek, nor does it provide significant storage volume in comparison to the newly proposed project. S 373rd Street Bridge Back!!rou!:!Q.; The bridge at S 373m Street does not have the capacity to handle both the high creek flows as wcll as the sediment/gravel load deposited by the creek at this floodplain location. The stream dynamics at this location result in constant deposition of gravel under the existing bridge, flooding of surrounding properties, and overtopping of the roadway_ It is becoming difficult to obtain state permits for this work due to the listing of Chinook salmon as threatened under the Endangered Specics Act. In 2002 the City hired CH2M Hill to evaluate the problem and develop options. Five options were developed and a synopsis of these has been previously presented to the Council. Of the five options, two arc presented for Council consideration: removal and replacement of the bridge with a longer one at the same location; and relocation of the creek and bridge to the east along with creation of 1,400 lineal feet of creek and six acres of riparian habitat. The second option is a long-term solution that results in a greatly diminished need to conduct gravel rcmoval activities, establishes a significant riparian corridor, eliminates the flooding of S 373'd Street, and protects the adjacent properties. The first option will only address the immediate problem at the bridge and may require more frequent f,'Tavel removal actions vs. the other option under consideration. ~~ CITY OF ~ Federal Way DATE: March 1, 2004 TO: Jack Dovey, Chair Land Use and Transportation Committee .__' -__ FROM: Paul A. Bucich, P.L, Surface Water Utility Manage{/:---/J). :f ' VIA: David H. , ity M nager SUBJECT: Surface Water tility CIP Program Modifications BACKGROUND: Annually, the Surface Water Utility evaluates the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to ensure projects are adequately funded, appropriately prioritized, and viable. During the course of this evaluation, an opportunity exists to consider new projects fOf addition to the CIP list. This occurred in 2002 when the Lakota Wetlands Regional Stormwater Facility was added to the list for 2003/4. In 2002, the Oty also initiated an evaluation of two additional projects: the "Joe's Oeek Regional Detention Facility and Salmon Habitat Project" and the "s 373rd Bridge and Hylebos Creek Stabilization Project". Joe's Creek BackQround: Joe's Creek drainage consists of approximately 1,900 acres including a small portion of Northeast Tacoma. The drainage has two main branches; east and west. The west branch drains into and through the Twin Lakes of Lorene and Jeane, while the east branch has only one major drainage feature, a regional detention pond at S 340th Street built by the SWM utility. Both Twin Lakes have experienced flooding of properties and under structures in the past. The two branches of the creek combine at the Twin Lakes Golf and Country Club in a small pond immediately south and adjacent to 5 320th Street. This pond often overflows, resulting in flooding of the golf course property as well as flow through a pedestrian underpass under 5 320th Street. This overflow damages the driving ~nge as well as the banks of Joe's Creek. The proposed Joe's Creek project consists of constructing a regional detention pond on the Twin lakes Golf and Country Club driving range along with restoring approximately 400 lineal feet of Joe's Creek paralleling the range. This new project is proposed to replace the schedule<i 2007 Joe's Creek Regional Detention Pond project. The new project would start design in 2004 and begin construction ;n 2005/6, based on available funding. Evaluation of the new project shows that there are significant justifications for construction as can be seen on the attached briefing sheet. The currently planned project will not result in a reduction of damages to Joe's Creek, nor as significant volume storage as with the proposed new project. S 373rd Street Bridqe Backqround: TQe bridge at S 373rd Street does not have the capacity to handle both the high creek flows as well as the sedimentfgravelload deposited by the creek at this floodplain location. The stream dynamics at this location result in constant deposition of gravel under the existing bridge, flooding of surrounding properties, and overtopping of the roadway. One home immediately adjacent to the creek is surrounded by floodwaters frequently due to high flows and reduced capacity in the channel from gravel deposition. The dynamics of this location, (i.e. the bridge location/design and stream flOWS) results in a need for frequent gravel removal efforts to maintain capacity under the bridge. It is becoming difficult to obtain state permits for this work due to the listing of Chinook salmon as threatened under the Endangered Species Ac.t. 1 he State Department of Fish and Wildlife has notified the City that they will not issue further permits for "temporary solutions" such as gravel removal activities. The problem at this site has beleaguered the County and now the City for well over 30 years. Efforts over the past three years have included local residents, regulatory agencies, environmental groups, and the City working together to find a permanent solution. In 2002 the City hired CH2M Hill to evaluate the problem and develop options. Five options were developed and a synopsis of these has been previously presented to the Coundl. Of the five options, two are presented here for Council consideration: removal and replacement of the bridge with a longer one at the same location; and relocation of the-creek and bridge to the east along with creation of 1,400 lineal feet of creek and six acres of riparian habitat. The second option is a long~term solution that results in a greatly diminished need to conduct gravel removal activities, establishes a significant riparian corridor, eliminates the flooding of S 373rd Street, and protects the adjacent properties. The first option will only address the immediate problem at the bridge and may require more frequent gravel removal actions vs. the other option under consideration. Attached is a briefing sheet outlining the pros and cons for both alternatives. Discussions with affected property owners have not occurred and are pending Council direction. PROJECT FUNDING AND SCHEDUUNG: Joe's Creek Regional Detention Facility and Salmon Habitat Project: The Joe's Creek Regional Detention Facility and Salmon Habitat Project is proposed to be funded with a combination of City Utility funding, $750,000, and $750,000 of outside funding either from the County, State, or Federal governments. Efforts are undelWay to determine jf such funding is available in 2004 or 2005. The total estimated project cost is $1,425,000 in 2003 dollars. The additional funding above the $1,425,000 is to cover inflation in 2004. S 373rd Street Bridge Reolacement Project: ( ootion 1) The bridge replacement project would be funded using existing utility funding of $350,000. This would provide funding for the actual bridge replacement, realigning a short portion of the creek upstream and downstream of the bridge, vertical road re-alignment, and litigation costs if condemnation for easements is required. S 373rd Street Bridqe Reolacement and Hvlebos Creek Restoration Project: (oDtion 2) The S 373rd Street Bridge Replacement and Hylebos Creek Restoration project is estimated to cost $2,100,000, including potential litigation costs for easement or fee simple acquisitions. At this time the utility anticipates contributing $1,500,000 towards this project and is looking for funding partnership opportunities to reduce the Oty's contribution. There are also opportunities to pursue grant funding for acquisition as well as restoration. Acquisition could include a portion of the property or the entire 27 acres if there is an additional City need, e.g., parks or recreational aspects of the property. This project has a high likelihood of obtaining outside funding. The Oty has been approached by a private party representing Commencement Bay interests with a need to create/restore aquatic habitat as mitigation for superfund damages in Commencement Bay. A possibility exists to utilize significant funding from this source to assist in acquisition and restoration activities on this project. Utility contribution towards this project can accomplished due to cost savings anticipated in the West Hylelx:Js Creek Restoration Project, the East Branch Lakota Creek Restoration Project, and the West Branch lakota Creek Restoration Project as well as by shifting two scheduled CIP projects out in time. These two projects are the SW 325lt> Street CulvertfTrunk replacement project and the lake Lorene outlet control structure. TheSW 325ft. Street project will be shifted from 2004 to 2008 and the Lake Lorene outlet control structure project will be shifted from 2006 to 2007. $'1{32~rn Street CulvJill[[runk Repla~~ment Proiel:!.;. The SW 325m Street project was investigated thoroughly by utility engineers in the fall of 2003 to ensure it was needed. The original plans called for it to be upsized due to a capacity problem. However, this was not evidenced during the October 20, 2003 storm, nor were any of the residents in the vicinity able to provide evidence or recollections that the culvert had ever over topped. Regardless of the actions taken on other projects, the utility is recommending this project be held over until 2008 or later so that additional investigations including flow monitoring can be conducted to verify the need to replace the line. Lake Lorene Outlet Control Structure: Currently the Lake Lorene outlet control structure is scheduled to start in 2006. Delay until 2007 will not impact the overall drainage system as it is the final link in the system improvements (i.e., Joe's Creek Pond, Lake Jeane outlet improvements, and lake Lorene outlet improvements). This project cannot be built until the downstream improvements are completed. 5 360th Street Regional Detention Pond: One additional project development will play into the funding/scheduling mix. The S 360th Street Detention Pond scheduled to be initiated in 2004 will not start until 2005 at the earliest at the request of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). The project site is owned by WSDOT and is one of the proposed sites for the HOV Lanes, Phase V stormwater control facilities. Additionally, this site is also the proposed site for a future expansion for the extensive 1-5, SR 18, SR-161 Interchange Modifications Project (Triangle project). As such, WSDOT has requested the Oty hold off on our project while the different WSDOT project managers determine their needs for the site. This delay frees up utility staff to work on the proposed two new projects and significantly modifies the cash flow for the SWM OP program. Lower Joes Creek Channel Restoration: During 2003, the Sutface Water Utility contracted with Trout Unlimited to do a fish passage survey of Joe's Creek from the mouth to the lower end of the Twin lakes Driving Range. The results came back in December of 2003 and showed there were no barriers to fish passage and that there was utilization by fish. Most significantly, the creek is in good shape with minor erosion in evidence. Construction of the larger regional pond on the driving range may very well result in the Oty being able to drop the lower Joe's Creek Channel Restoration project from the list. It is currently scheduled for design in 2011 and construction in 2012 at a total estimated cost of $1,638,700 in 2002 dollars. Estimated Cost Savings/Additions in CIP for 2004/2005: Estimated Estimated Project Name Savin s Additional Fundin West H lebos Restoration _"_~7091000 .- West Lakota Restoration 440 000 East Lakota Restoration ___$500,000"_ _.'.'.._~-,-,-_._~~~~~. -SW 356m R lanaI Detention Pond 100 000 S 373rdStJ~rjdg~_ Replacement . -. $350,000* 5_~.?}rd St Br:idqe a~d Res~oration Project I $2,10q,OOO* Joes Creek RegiQll.91 Pond - -.....-. -~~~,.~~'~,' "_ _---.F~'O 000 " Only one to be selected for construction RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests that the Committee place the following project recommendations on the April 20th, 2004 City Council Consent Agenda: 1. Approve the Surface Water Utility modifications to the Capital Improvement Plan adding the S 373rd Street Bridge and Hylebos Creek Restoration project in 2004/5 and replacing the Golf Course Flood Wall scheduled for 2007 with the Joe's Creek Regional Detention and Habitat Restoration Project in 2004/5. 2. Authorize the Surface Water Utility to allocate funding from the SWM unallocated reserves to cover $750,000 of the Joe's Creek project costs in 2004/5 and $1,500,000 to initiate the S 373rd Street Bridge and Hylebos Creek Restoration project in 2004/5; 3. Approve shifting the Lake Lorene Outlet Control Structure Project to 2007; shifting the SW 32Sth Street Culvert[Trunk Replacement Project to 2008; and shifting the S 360th Regional Detention Pond project to 2005 to optimize available funding; 4. Authorize the City Manager or designee to pursue additional outside funding for the Joe's Creek Project either through grants or legislative funding and bring back for Council approval any grants given to the City; 5. Authorize the Surface Water Utility to pursue necessary appraisals and negotiations for the Joe's Creek Regional Detention Fadlity and Habitat Restoration Project as well as the S 373rd Street Bridge and Hylebos Creek Restoration Project and to retum to the City Council for approval with any easements requiring purchase above nominal values. 6. Authorize the City Manager or designee to pursue additional funding such as grants as well as partners for design, property acquisition, and construction of the S 373rd Street Bridge Relocation and Hylebos Creek Restoration Project. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: _ - ~', :~ ..._i ~,. .-.. - - ." ...__.. -- - -- ,Member -' ~ ~- .~~ - -------- --a PAB:kk ec: Project File Central File k:\lutc\2004\OJOl04 lute swm cip program l.doc ~ Federal Way s. 373rd Street Project Briefing sheet Project Descriptions Option 1: Install a longer bridge at the existing location on S. 373m street. Re-align creek channel approximately 100 feet upstream and 50 feet downstream to bring flows into new bridge and safely convey it back into the original channel downstream. Raise bridge profile two feet and re-construct 200 feet of roadway. Will require property easements from three adjacent property owners. Option 2: Relocate Hylebos Creek approximately 500 feet to the east, install a new bridge, create! restore 1400 lineal feet of creek, create approximately six (6) acres of new riparian habitat corridor, install in-stream habitat features such as large woody debris and spawning gravels, install off-channel refugia areas, and install gravel stabilization measures in accordance with WSDF&W protocols. Project Purpose: Option 1: Eliminate or significantly reduce flooding in vicinity of bridge due to lack of capacity in stream channel. Eliminate or reduce flooding acroSS road. Maintain integrity of City infrastructure. Significantly reduce need for routine gravel removal activities. Option 2: Same as option 1 but to include creation of six (6) acres of riparian habitat, stabilization of 1400 lineal feet of channel through Mr. Mase's property, and creation of off-channel refugia for salmonids. Project Advantages: Option 1: Appears to pass the loo-year flood with substantial reduction in flood vulnerability of the adjacent house. May provide long-tenn solution to sedimentation problem at the bridge. Least expensive of the two options. Option 2: Pennanent solution that will require little or no maintenance gravel removal actions by City. Does not require other upstream stabilization measures to successfully operate. Allows for natural lateral migration of the stream channel across the flood plain. Provides the best flood protection for the adjacent house. Existing bridge can be left in place to prOVide additional flood conveyance capacity. Provide opportunity to create and enhance about 1,400 feet of high-quality stream habitat along with six (6) acres of riparian habitat Provides opportunity to utilize outside funding to build project. Project Disadvantages: Option 1: May not fully address sediment deposition problem resulting in need for maintenance gravel removal. Does not provide opportunity to restore valuable habitat to the creek system. Will require easements from three property owners. Option 2: Requires acquisition of up to 14 acres of land upstream and downstream of the new bridge location. This can occur through easements or fee simple purchase. Relocation of an active salmon spawning channel may pose permitting challenges. Highest cost of the two options under consideration. Will require easements or acquisition in fee simple from two property owners. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM . ._.'U. - -.-'.. --'_._'._",",-_.,~.,_.,- DATE: December 5, 2005 TO: Land Use and Transportation Committee VIA: David II. ~y Manager FROM: Cary Roe, P.E., ublic Works Director ~ SUBJECT: South County Area Transportation Board (SCATBd) 2006-2009 /LA _0__.''''._.___""._'',.___ POLICY OlJESTION: Should the Council approve the 2006-2009 agreement for the South County Area Transportation Board (SCA TBd)? BACKGROUND: On October 18th, 2005 the South County Area Transportation Board (SeA TBd) approved a revised agreement for the continuation of SCA TBd through 2008. Most of the revisions are minor and do not substantially change the agreement that has been in effect since 1999, the exception being the call for annual dues. Cities with populations above 30,000 people shall make an annual contribution of $75, and cities with populations below 30,000 shall make an annual contribution of $50. Generally, the Board agreed that these funds could be used to convene special meetings with legislators and to prepare educational materials for the legislature and/or the public. All expenditures need to be specifically approved by SCA TBd. OPTIONS: 1. Approve the 2006-2009 agreement for SCA TBd. 2. Do not approve the 2006-2009 agreement for SCA TBd. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option 1 to the December 20, 2005 City Council Consent Agenda for Approval: Approve the 2006-2009 af,'Tccmcnt for SCA TBd. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above staff recommendation to the December 20,2005 City Council Consent Agenda. cc: Day File K:\LUTC\2005\12.05-05 SCATBd 2006-2009 ILA.doc ~ South County Area Transportation Board MS: KSC-TR-OIl14 201 South Jackson Street Scattle. W A 98lO4-3856 -,'.. ". ,,-"--_. ...... ~..--"- y- -. ..--.-,- .~~,. Phone: C!061263-471O rax: (206) 684-2111 October 28, 2005 .-Tf", . 1 ::,,1::-:1 \i~-i , David H. Moseley ocr ~j 1 2005 City Manager, City of Federal Way . ':"'.;' c>!:...' F,._.,~ ." 'I ".i:\. P.O. Box 9718 ',! T',.. ..i:' ~ FederalVVay, VVA 980639718 Dear Mr. Moseley: On October 18,2005 the South County Area Transportation Board approved a revised agreement for the continuation of SCA TAd through 2008. Most of the revisions arc minor and do not substantial1y change the agreement that has been in effect since 1999, the exception being the call for armual dues. Cities with populations above 30,000 people shall make an annual contribution of$75, and cities with populations below 30,000 shal1 make an armual contribution of $50. General1y, the Board agreed that these funds could be used to convene special meetings with legislators and to prepare cducational matcrials for the legislature and/or the public. All expenditures will need to be specifically approved by SCA TBd. Attached is the revised agreement, which we are sending to all participating cities and agencies for their individual approval. Please see that your Council reviews this and takes action as soon as possible. Once approved, please sign the signature page in the appropriate box and return the signed agreement to Sally Marks, King County Department of Transportation, 201 S. Jackson, KSC-TR-0814. Once all the signed copies have been returned, you will receive a copy with al1 signature pages attached tor your records. If you have questions, please contact Sally Marks at 206-263-4710 or sally.marks@metrokc_gov. Thank you very much tor your cooperation. Sincerely, ~~- (/6~~) a.~uv t:/ Jim \Vhite Pam Carter Mayor, City of Kent Councilmember, City ofTukwila HECEIVi::C SCATBd Chair SCA TBd Vice Chair OCT :1 1 2005 Attachment: SCA TBd Agreement cny OF F;~_:::'-L\' ,i,<\ r':iTY PJtt\!,~I\:~' ~i, - :~)~~~-:t.~.'::, David H. Moseley October 28,2005 Page 2 cc: SCA TBd Members SCA T13d TAC Members 2006-2009 AGREEMENT (<'or the SOUTH COUNTY AREA TRANSPORTATION BOARD Parties to Agreement City of Algona Pierce Transit City of Auburn Port of Seattle City of Black Diamond Puget Sound Regional Council City of Burien Sound Transit City of Covington Transportation Improvement Board City of Des Moines Washington State Department of City of Enumdaw Transportation Muckleshoot Tribe City of Federal Way King County City of Kent City of Maple Valley City of Milton City of Normandy Park City of Pacific City of Renton City of SeaTac City ofTukwila Transmitted to participating members on October 28, 2005_ THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and among the CITY OF ALGONA, hereatler called "Algona"; the CffY OF AUBURN, hereafter called "Auburn"; the CITY OF BLACK DIAMOND, hereafter called "Black Diamond"; the CITY OF BURIEN, hereafter called "Burien"; the CITY OF COVINGTON, hereafter called "Covin!,Yfon"; the CrIY OF DES MOINES, hereafter called "Des Moines"; the CITY OF ENUMCLA W, hereafter called "Enumdaw"; the CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, hereafter called "Federal Way"; KING COUNTY, a legal subdivision of the State of Washington, hereafter called "King County"; the 10/27/2005 : ~..... CITY OF KENT, hereafter called "Kent"; the CITY OF MAPLE V ALLEY, hereafter called "Maple Valley"; the CITY OF MILTON, hereafter called "Milton"; the CITY OF NORMANDY PARK, hereafter called "Normandy Park'; the CITY OF PACIFIC, hereafter called "Pacific"; the CITY OF RENTON, herealler called "Renton"; the CITY OF SEAT AC, hereafter called "SeaTac"; the CITY OF TUKWILA, hereatler called "Tukwila"; the PUGET SOUND REGIONAL COUNCIL, hereafter called the "PSRC"; the CENTRAL PUGET SOUND REGIONAL TRANSIT AUTHORITY, hereatler callcd "Sound Transit"; the TRANSPORT A nON IMPROVEMENT BOARD, hereafter called ''1'18''; the PORT OF SEATfLE, hercafter called the <'Port of Seattle"; PIERCE TRANSIT, hereafter called "Pierce Transit"; the MUCKLESHOOT TRIBE; and the WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT A TION, hercafter called "WSDOT." WHEREAS, South King County has a history of multi-jurisdictional transportation planning dating back to the late 1970' s including thc Green River Valley Transportation Action Plan (GR VT AP), which was a multi-jurisdictional effort coordinated by the Puget Sound Council of Governments (now Puget Sound Regional Council) and involving King County, the Washington State Department of Transportation, (WSDOT) and the cities of Auburn, Kent, Renton and Tukwila; and WHEREAS, each of the jurisdictions in the South King County area has experienced significant population growth and economic development in the last decade, and projects continued growth and development in the future; and WHEREAS, the enonnous cost of many of the needed transportation improvements and their importance to South King County as a whole demonstrate the need for a cooperative approach to the planning, financing and construction of these improvements; and WHEREAS, King County, WSDOT and the South King County cities of Auburn, Des Moines, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, SeaTac, Burien, Federal Way, Algona, Pacific, Milton, NOffiJandy Park, Enumelaw, and Black Diamond in 1992 recognized that a cooperative approach to the transportation problems would facilitate application of the South King County jurisdictions for funding from the State of Washington and the United States, and in recognition of this, fonned the South County Area Tran..<;portation Board (SCA TBd) to serve as a central forum for solving transportation issues aftecting the South County area jurisdictions, and were later joined by the new cities of Maple Valley and Covington; and the Muckleshoot Tribe. WHEREAS, the King County Comprehensive Plan for Public Transportation - Long Range Policy Framework, adopted in 1993, divided Metro service into three geographic subareas for the purpose of allocating new transit subsidy; and WHEREAS, the Six-Year Transit Development Plan, adopted in 1995, calls for the three subarea transportation boards (the Eastside Transportation Partnership, South County Area Transportation Board, and SeaShore Transportation Forum) to review, refine, and recommend service priorities to the King County Executi ve~ and WHEREAS, Sound Transit relics on thc three subarea transportation boards to review and recommend modifications to Sound Move Plan implementation related services and projects, and to participate in future phase high capacity transit development efforts. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: l.0 Purpose of Agreement The purpose of the Agreement is to identify the voting and non-voting members of the South County Area Transportation Board (SCA TBd), and provide for the continuation of the SCA TBd as the South King County forum tor infonnation sharing, consensus building and coordinating to resolve transportation issues. 2.0 Role of SeA TBd lbe SCA TBd is the forum established tor the South County subarea of King County (Exhibit I) at which elected officials may provide input into the following decisions, and such other transportation-re1atcd"issues as the members determine: -. Recommendations for the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act-Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) regional project identification and Countywide project selection - Development of the King County Metro Six Year Transit Development Plan, and . implementation of transit service priorities . Recommendations to Sound Transit as it plans and implements projects and services. . Coordination with the Eastside Transportation Partnership and the SeaShore Transportation Forum on countywide and regional transportation issues. 3.0 Voting and NOll-Voting Members 3.1. The members of SCA TBd and their voting rights shall bc as follows: MEMBERS NUMBER OF VOTING REPRESENTATIVES Alj?;ona I Yes Auburn I Yes Black Diamond I Yes Burien I Yes Covington I Yes .. Des Moines I Yes Enumclaw I Yes Federal Way I Yes Kinj?; County 2 Yes Kent I Yes Maple Valley I Yes Milton I Yes Muckleshoot Tribe I Yes Nonnandy Park I Yes Pacific I Yes Renton I Yes* SeaTac I Yes Tukwila I Yes Port of Seattle I No - Puget Sound Regional Council I No Sound Transit I No Pierce Transit I No Transportation Improvement Board I No Washington State Department of Transportation I No 3.2 Thc "South King County" subarea is recognized a') one of three subareas in King County providing input for Metro Transit and Sound Transit decisions allocating service or capital resources. The South County Arca Transportation Board is established as the body responsible for making recommendations on thesc issues. The City of Renton is located in the East King subarea for Sound Transit decisions. For actions relating to Sound Transit issues, only those jurisdictions in the "South King County" subarea shall vote. 3.3 Existing or new cities legally formed under the laws of incorporation of the State of Wa')hington may petition SCA TBd for membership. The number ofSCATBd representatives and the status of new members shall be determined by a simple majority of voting representatives present at a meeting of the SCATBd at which a quorum is present 3.4 Private sector groups that represent the South County may be added as nonvoting members in SCA TBd a') determined by a simple majority of voting representatives present at a meeting of the seA TBd at which a quorum is present 4.0 SeA TBd Operations 4.1 Each membcr city shall be entitl,ed to oncpositionon the Board. King County shall bc cntitled to two positions, one tor the King County Executive, and one for a King County Councilmcmbcr representing the South King County area. The Port of Seattle, PSRC, TlB, Pierce Transit, Sound Transit and WSDOT shall be entitled to one position each. Each member shall appoint one representative and one alternate to the Board, each for one-year terms. For the County and cities, the representative shall be an elected official; the alternate may be an elected official or high lcvel staff member. 4.2 The Board will be responsible t(}r overall program direction, approving Technical . Advisory Committee (Section 5.2) recommendations, and on-going communication with the governing body of each member jurisdiction. 4.3 A majority of the voting representatives shall constitute a quorum of the Board, which shall be required to conduct business. The Board shall act by majority vote of the quorum. The Board may establish its own bylaws and rules of procedure, and may modity these as appropriate. Such bylaws and rules shall be consistent with the provisions of the AbTfeemcnt, and modifications to such bylaws and rules will not alter this A!,'Teement. 4.4 The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be elected by a majority of the voting representatives on the SCA TBd, and each shall be one of the representatives of the county or a member city. The Chair and Vice Chair shall serve a term of one year from the January meeting. 4.5 The Chair and Vice Chair shall conduct the SCA TBd activities within adopted procedures and guidelines. They are responsible for setting meeting agendas, ensuring fair opportunity for discussion, signing correspondence, and speaking on behal f 0 f SCA TBd. 4.6 With a simple majority, the SeA TBd can adopt resolutions in support of member jurisdictions or acti vities in the region, authorize studies, and approve correspondence or request infonnation. 5.0 Committees 5.1. The Board may establish such committees as arc necessary to carry out its purpose including but not limited to a Technical Advisory Committee as described below. 5.2. Each member jurisdiction or agency shall appoint an appropriate department director or division manager to the Technical Advisory Committee (T AC). The City of Seattle, Pierce County, the City of Tacoma, and Pierce Transit may appoint similar level staff to the T AC. Other jurisdictions, agencies, or groups may be added as detenninedby the Board. TheTAC shall provide technical assistance as requested by the Board and shall advise the Board of emergent transportation issues for the Board's consideration. To the extent possible, existing technical or other work groups with which South County jurisdictions are participating should be used. South County area staff could, if necessary, form a subarea caucus for the purpose of assisting in bringing issues to the Technical Advisory Committee or the Board. 6.0 Lead Agency King County shall provide general administrative and program support for the SCA TBd and will be the Lead Agency tor the purposes of coordination and receipt of any funds or contract administration. King County assumes wage and benefits cost of its staff perfimning Lead Agency responsibilities. 7.0 Member Agency Staff Support Each member jurisdiction and agency is expected to contribute such staff as is necessary to accomplish the work program adopted by the SCATBd. 8.0 Work Program The SCA TBd may undertake activities consistent with its purposes and shall prepare an alUmal work program for the following year and progrcss rcport on the year just completed for submittal to its membcrs. 9.0 Financing and Cost Sharing Guidelines: 9.1 SCATBd Yearly Dues - Each mcmber city with a population abovc 30,000 shall contribute $75.00 alUlUally to remain membcrs in good standing. Each membcr city with a population below 30,000 shall contributc $50.00 annually to rcmain mcmbcrs in good standing. The dcsignatcd Lead Agency shall not bc required to pay ycarly dues. This revenue shall be used for special events, public education, or othcr expcnses authorized by SeA TBd. 9.2 The following !,'ltidclincs shall gencrallyapply: (I) Annual Review of Financing: Thc Forum shall determine by Junc 30 of each year whether an additional financial contribution will bc rcquested of the Board jurisdictions and agcncles. (2) Voting Members: Costs shall be shared among mcmber jurisdictions other than King County by a method as detcrmined by action of the Board. Unlcss agrced to othcrwise, King County's share shall be limited to thc costs of providing staff support. (3) Non~voting Membcrs: The member agencies shall not be cxpected to make a dircct funding contribution. [Since non-voting mcmberscould include private parties, thcy shouldn't bc obligated to make payment in cash or in-kind or have any othcr obligations. Ifthey are obligated to perform under the agrcement, it would be something other than an intcdocal agreement and differcnt procedurcs would nced to bc followed in ordcr to adopt it] (4) Modification to Agreemcnt Required: A modification to this agrcement specifying cost- sharing, purpose, scope of work and other details is required to obligate a member jurisdiction to funding participation. 10.0 Withdrawal of a Part}' from this Agreement Each party, for its convenience and without cause or for any reason whatsoever, may withdraw from participation in this Agreement by providing written notice, sent certified mail, return receipt required, to all of the other parties at least thirty (30) days in advance of the effective date of the withdrawal. A withdrawing party shall not be entitled to a refund of any dues or other payments to seA TBd but shall make any contributions required to be paid to othcr parties under this Agrecment for costs, which had been obligated prior to the effective date ofthe withdrawal. [n the event a party withdraws, the remaining parties shall amend this Agreement as necessary to reflect changes in the named parties and cost and revenue allocations. In the event of withdrawal by a party, this Agrcement shall terminate as to that party but shall continue in effect with respect to the remaining parties. However, the termination of this Agreement with respect to one or more parties shall not affect any ofthe parties' rights or obligations, including any rights or obligations of a withdrawing party, that are expressly intended to survive termination. Each party's funding to perform its obligations under the Agreement, beyond the current appropriation year, is conditional upon appropriation by the party's governing body of sufficient fimds to support said obligations. Should such an appropriation not be approved for a future year, a party may exercise its right to withdraw as provided herein, or remain as a non-voting member. 11.0 Duration TIlis Agreement shall take effect upon being duly adopted by the governing bodies of all parties and executed by the authorized representatives of all parties. This Agreement shall remain in effect until Decembet 31, 2008, tihless terminated earlier or extended in accordance with Section 17.0. If all parties desire to extend this Agreement beyond December 31, 2008, they shall execute a Statement of Extension. In no event shall the Agreement be extended beyond December 31, 2010. 12.0 Termination All parties to this Agreement must agree to temlinate this Agreement in order for such termination to be effective. If all parties but one terminate, that one party cannot represent itself a<; SCA TBd. If all parties desire to tenninate this Agreement, they shall execute a Declaration of Termination. Any remaining funds shall be refunded to the parties to this Agreement according to Section 14.0. 13.0 Real and Personal Property The acquisition of real property is not anticipated under this Agreement. Any personal property acquired pursuant to this Agreement shall be held by the Lead Agency. In the event this Agreement expires or is terminated in accordance with Section 12.0, any personal property other than cash shall remain with the Lead Agency. 14.0 Return of Funds At such time as this Agreement expires or is terminated in accordance with Section 12.0, any unexpended and uncommitted funds shall be distributed, based on the two tiered population contribution guidelines outlined in Section 9.0, among the contributing parties at the time of termination. 15.0 Filing This Agreement shall bc filed with the King County Department of Records and Elections. J6.0 Legal Relations '0""1, 16.1 The parties shall comply with all applicablc state and federal laws and regulations. 16.2 This Agreement is solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and givcs no right to any other party. No joint venture or partnership is tormed as a result of this Agrecment. No employees or agents of one party or any of its contractors or subcontractors shall be deemed, or represent thcmselves to be, employees of any other party. 16.3 Each party shall defend, indenmify and hold harmless the other parties and all of their officials, employees, principals and agents from all claims, demands, suits, actions, and liability of any kind whatsoever which arise out ot~ are connected with, or are incident to any negligent acts of the indemnitying party, its contractor, and/or employees, agents, and representatives in pcrforming the indemnifying party's obligations under this Agreement. The parties agree that their obligation::> under this paragraph extend to claims made against onc pa.iy by the other party's own employees. For this purpose, the parties, by mutual negotiation, hereby waive, as respects the other party only, any immunity that would otherwise be available against such claims under the industrial insurance provisions of RCW Title 51. In the event any party incurs attorney's fees, costs or other legal expenses to entorce the provisions of this section, against the other party, all such reasonable fees, costs and expenses shall bc recoverable by the prevailing party. 16.4 The provisions oftms Section shall survive and remain applicable to each of the parties notwithstanding any termination or expiration ofthis Agreement and notwithstanding a party's withdrawal from this Agreement. 17.0 Entirety and Modifications 17.1 This Agreement merges and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations and agreements between the partics relating to the subject matter hereof and constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. This Agreement may be modified or extcnded only by written instrument signed by all parties hereto. 18.0 Counterparts The signature pages ofthis Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of whom shall be an original. Signature Page IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have causcd this Agreemcnt to be signed and delivered by its duly authorized officer or representative as of the datc set forth below its signature. CITY OF ALCrONA KING COUNTY CITY OF TUKWILA By .--.... By .'-- By Date Date Date CITY OF AUBURN CITY OF KENT PlERCE TRANSIT By .. --- By -------..-- By --- Date Date Date CITY OF BLACK DlAMOND CITY OF MAPLE V ALLEY PORT OF SEA TILE By By BY -. Date Date Date CITY OF BURlEN CITY OF MILTON PUGET SOUND REGIONAL COUNCIL By ----~ B-y__..__________._ By ."'----...-....-.._y Date - Date Date CITY OF COVINGTON CITY OF NORMANDY PARK SOUND TRANSIT By --- By By ._,~"_.'- Date Date Date COY OF DES MOINES CITY OF PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT BOARD By By~____________ By Date Date --_.~,~~.~ ,-,~~ --- ,_.~..,.,.,~ Date CITY OF ENUMCLA W CITY OF RENTON W ASIHNGTON STATE DEP ARTMENT OF TRANSPORT AnON By ----...,.--...- By By___.. Date Date Date CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY OF SEATAC MUCKELSHOOT TRIDE By By~ By_ -,--,,"'.,,"~~,," Date Date Date -. "-.... ~ n, --'.',. ':=-~~,~-_. ----~ - -C~7- -"'::-" ~ " _i ......---""- , ..J'.~'. -- -- \", " -, , -, --- .'...- J ,- / / --~.z.: .~G:.:~.........,__ --~~,.....,~:::/ j \. , ~ .'....., '.......,......... \ ", '-. " '-- '-.".,--~:- -- ! '-......~/ \ --, I I i ,...,) {\., - I "- , I i "'- - ~ ~- i - -- -~._.~...~- ~,..~ I -_.-~- --,-"""-- --.. . "._- South County Area Transportation Board (SeATBd) 2003 -... .....m .-._~~-~ ~--",~,-,'----~.~--_.- ---'.'--..----..-.- Legend the i:!furm,."(ln ...eluded on U"$ map has been t;Qmpiled bV Killg N CoUltV su.ff from a \/BI'il:!t1 (If ~ am ;~ 9-tbiG::t to ch;!f)g~ + wff1oui: n~. K~ CountymakCli no rEpr~tabORi or ./-,_i Slreels - Plincipal Mertals wm-f:ilIf'ffl~ eJ(pres..s: Of mpf~. as 1oaCctl'~cy'. (DmpI~en~s.. /\/ Slreets . hceways ~i~em~s" Of" ~ l(J the use of sQ inkmnstim_ tlJfl9 CounlyshEII ".:tbICI~.;btebrany ~..l special No'4l2lmber 13, ~oo.? 8 o seA TBd Od.i~ 1(\4;i:lol!lOtat" (K" ('I.~fllqwdi~.~ ~cl1ding. bd I'lot imled 'k'I_IQ~ ,""'tlIPUeSOI" ~,~,.e:!llil"''5If(omthe use OJ 0 Of ... 2. :;\,_8 35 $Ales;. D SCATBd & ETP a mi;;tJ~Q(U1einfOlllL3ltiol/\l~ on1;fli$~P_ ,...... - Any :!I;31~ of thi!; map or inbmatPn on ths ....,ap is prohib.Ad Ie..... CO\lflty el(celi by w~en. pctrn6~On afK~ County. Incorporated Area -" - ~-,--- FII.No_ us ..._... ~;r '._ -~---,._---- ---~"_.- ~ CITY OF ~ Federal Way: -- PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION December 12,2005 To: Jack Dovey, Chair Land U seHransportation Committee (LUTC) VIA: DaVidM~r FROM: Kathy McClung, Directo, of comm~Velopment Scrvices ~(,.. Lori Michaelson, AICP, Senior Plan - SUBJECT: Proposed text amendments to Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 22, "Zoning," Article Xl, Division 8, "City Center-Core (CC-C) and City Center-Frame (CC-F)," in order to limit single story construction, prohibit gambling activities and the sale of second-hand merchandise, remove residential density limits, increase some base building heights, update the height bonus program, modify site and building design standards, allow I 00% replacement of nonconforming development that is damaged or destroyed by sudden accidental cause and other amendments. All amendments apply to the City Center-Core and/or City Center-Frame. The gambling prohibition also applies to the Neighborhood Business zoning district. MEETING DATE: December 19,2005 I. POLlCY QUESTION Should the City of Federal Way adopt the text amendments to the Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 22, "Zoning," as set forth in Exhibit 1? II. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The proposed amendments are intended to address the key concerns behind the City's recent interim zoning prohibitionl on certain development that was deemed to be inconsistent with the City Center vision as set forth in the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (FWCP). The FWCP envisions a City Center with a pedestrian-oriented mix of uses and urban form and scale of dcvelopment, in contrast to the existing predominance of single-story strip centers and gcnerallack of pedestrian amenities. The interim ordinance prohibited new one-story single tenant buildings larger than 75,000 square feet, one-story multi-tenant buildings larger than 10,000 square feet, drive-through businesscs, casinos, check-cashing busincsses, thrift storcs, pawn shops, grocery, hardware, and garden stores. -- .__0 I Intcrim Ordinance #05-493 was adopted by the City Council on June 7, 2005. On December 6, 2005, the City Council extended thc ordinance to June 7, 2006, by ordinancc 1105-513. III. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS The key amendments, as proposed, are summarized below. All of the proposed amendments apply to the City Center-Core (CC-C) and City Center-Frame (CC-F) zoning districts. The gambling prohibition would also apply to the Neighborhood Business (BN) zoning district, due to its proximity to residential neighborhoods. The components of the interim ordinance that were supported by staff research and initial community feedback were carried forward in the amendments as proposed. This includes prohibitions on gambling, pawn shops, and thrift stores, and limits to the amount of new single-story construction (but irrespective of tenant number). . Prohibit gambling activities, i.e., commercial card rooms. . Prohibit the sale of second~hand merchandise, such as pawn shops and thrift stores. . Limit the size of new single-story buildings, and amount of new single-story construction that can occur on a site, to 20,000 square feet, except when co-located with other uses. . Add new lIse category and definition for "Retail Shopping Center, Regional." . Bring buildings to the street edge by establishing maximum (not minimum) setbacks. . Emphasize pedestrian and streetscape amenities and better urban design principals in building and site design. . mcreasc base heights for multi-unit housing, hotel, and entertainmcnt uses. . Increase "transitional" height (adjacent to residential zones) from 30 to 40 feet. . Revise height bonus program to emphasize streetscape as well as open space. . Eliminate residential density caps for multi-unit housing. . Relax open space requirements and clarify ground floor commercial requirements for multi-unit housing. . Allow full reconstruction of nonconforming improvements, irrespective of cost, when damaged or destroyed by sudden accidental cause. . Highlight existing code flexibility for reduced parking requirements. . Clarify the discretionary process by which street frontage requirements are determined. .... IV. PROCEDURAL SUMMARY July-October 2005 Informal meetings with staff, property owners, and business owners October 19,2005 Planning Commission Workshop October 26, 2005 Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) issued pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (City File No. 05-104259-00-SE) November 16, 2005 Public Hearing before Planning Commission November 23,2005 DNS appeal deadline ~ none submitted December 7, 2005 Planning Commission Public Hearing continued December 19,2005 Land UsefTransportation Committee (LUTC) Public Meeting -- Amendments to FWCC Chaptcr 22, "Zoning" (File No. 05-104258-00~UP) December 12,2005 Planning Commission Recommendation to the Land Use/Transportation Committce Page 2 V. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION 1be Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on November 16,2005, and December 7, 2005. The staff reports to the Planning Commission for the public hearing on November 16,2005, and December 7, 2005, are attached as Exhibits 2 and 3, respectively. The approved minutes tor the November 16, 2005, hearing is attached as Exhibit 4, and the draft minutes for the December 7,2005, hearing is attached as Exhihit 5. 1) Amendments recommended for approval, with modification At the conclusion of the December 7,2005, public hearing, the Planning Commission forwarded a recommendation to the City Council to approve the following 23 individual code amendments, as proposed in the staff report, with one modification (to Amendment #3A) as noted below in italics. . #IB: Prohibit inconsistent land uscs - Second-hand merchandise sales . #2A: Multi-unit housing - Eliminate density caps · #2B: Multi-unit housing - Criteria for ground floor commercial . #2C: Multi-unit housing - Recreational open space . #3A: Building heights - Limited incrcases to base heights The Planning Commission recommends a modification to the portion of this amendment that would increase "transitional" height, i.e., the height of structures within 100 feet of a residential zone, from the existing 30 feet to 40 feet (while maintaining the existing 20-foot setback). The modification, as recommended, is to maintain the 30-foot height (and setback) up to a distance of 40 feet from the property line, but allow a 40-foot height between 40 feet and 100 feet from the property line. Should the Council choose to implement this modification, staff proposes the following code text: "Structures on property that adjoins a residential zone shall be set back a minimum of 20 ft. from the property line adjacent to the residential zone. The height of structures shall not exceed 30ft. above average building elevation when located between 20ft. and 40ft. from the adjacent residentially-zoned property line. and shall not exceed 40 ft. above average building elevation when located between 40 ft. and 100 ft. from such property line. " . #3B: Building heights - Amendments to height bonus program (office, hotel, trade ctr.) . #3C: Building heights - Amcndments to height bonus program (multi-unit housing) . #5: Add new use and definition - "Retail Shopping Center, Regional" . #6A: Site layout - Building setbacks for commercial uses . #6B: Site layout - Building setbacks for multi-unit housing . #6C: Site layout ~ Flexible parking requirements _,,_~'~.~,~w...~_ Amendments to FWCC Chapter 22, "Zoning" (File No. 05-1 04258-00-UP) December 12, 2005 Planning Commission Recommendation to the Land Userrransportation Committee Page 3 .--- . #7A: Design guidelines - Definitions . #7B: Design guidelines - Mixed use residential buildings . #7C: Design guidelines - City center parking · #70: Design guidelines - F aij:ade treatment in building design . #7E: Design guidelines - Pedestrian circulation facilities in site design . #7F: Design guidelines - Drive-thru facilities; residential guidelines . #7G: Design guidelines - Design criteria for public on~site open space . #8A: Nonconformance - Nonconforming use . #8C: Nonconformance - Special provision for damaged improvements . #9: "Housekeeping" amendment . #10: Street improvements · # II: Perimeter landscape buffers 2) Amendments forwarded without Planning Commission recommendation At the conclusion of the December 7,2005, public hearing, the Planning Commission forwarded the following four individual code amendments without recommendation. . # I A: Prohibit incompatible land uses - Gambling activities . #4A: Single story buildings - Maximum size limits . #4B: Single story buildings - Options to increase size above 20,000 square feet . #88: Nonconformance - Nonconforming development -. VI. LAND USE/TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE OPTIONS/STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Committee has the following action options: 1. Recommend that the full Council adopt an ordinance approving those proposed code amendments as recommended and modified by the Planning Commission, with corresponding code text as proposed by staff, and all remaining code amendments as recommended by staff. 2. Recommend that the full Council adopt an ordinance approving without modification all of the proposed code amendments as recommended by staff. 3. Recommend that the full Council adopt an ordinance approving all or some of the proposed code amendments, with or without modification, as determined by the LUTe. 4. Recommend that the full Council disapprove all of the proposed code amendments. -~".~~,,'. ~. .- -- Amendments to FWCC Chapter 22, "Zoning" (File No. 05-1 04258-00-UP) December 12, 2005 Planning Commission Recommendation to the Land UselTransportation Committee Page 4 _"n -- Staff recommends that the LUTC recommend to the full Council Option No.1, above, that is, adoption of those proposed code amendments as recommended and as modified by thc Planning Commission, with corresponding code text as proposed by staff: and all remaining code amendments as recommended by staff. VII. LAND USEffRANSPORT A TION COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION The LUTC forwards the proposed amendments to the full Council for first reading-as follows: Recommend that the full Council adopt an ordinance approving those proposed code amendments as recommended and modified by the Planning Commission, with corresponding code text as proposed by staff, and all remaining code amendments as recommended by staff - Recommend that the full Council adopt an ordinance approving without modification all of the proposed code amendments as recommended by staff. Recommend that the full Council adopt an ordinance approving all or some of the proposed code amendments, with or without modification, as determined by the LUTe. Recommend that the full Council disapprove all of the proposed code amendments. LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit I Proposed Code Amendments Exhibit 2 Staff Report for the Novcmber 16, 2005, Planning Commission Hearing, Including Exhibits, Except Actual Text Amendments (which are included in Exhibit I) Exhibit 3 Staff Memorandum for the December 7,2005, Planning Commission Hearing Exhibit 4 Minutes of October 19,2005, Planning Commission Workshop Exhibit 5 Minutes of Novcmbcr 16,2005, Planning Commission Public Hearing Exhibit 6 Draft Minutes of Dcccmber 7, 2005, Planning Commission Public Hearing Exhibit 7 Draft Ordinancc - .~~.,.~.~_.~-~.~~ _.,-.-,~ Amendmcnts to FWCC Chaptcr 22, "Zoning" (File No. 05-104258-00-UP) Dccembcr 12, 2005 Planning Commission Recommendation to the Land Useffransportation Committee Page 5 Exhibit 1 Proposed Code Amendments Federal Way City Code Chapter 22. Zoning. Article I. General. 22-1 Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: , .. Floor means the horizontal surface inside a structure designed and intended for human use and occupancy. Gambling use means one of those gambling activities regulated by the state, e.g., "public card rooms," which involve staking or risking something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or a future contingent event not under the person's control or influence, upon an agreement or understanding that the person or someone else will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome. Gambling uses include those uses regulated by the Washington State Gambling Commission with the following exceptions, as these uses are defined in Chapter 9.46 RCW: punch boards: pull tabs: bingo e:ames operated by bona fide not-for-profit organizations; limited social ~ames operated by bona fide not- for~profit organizations; commercial amusement games: raffles; fund raising events: business promotional contests of chance: sports pools: golfing: and bowling: sweepstakes: dice or coin contests for music, food. or beverages; fishing: derbies; bona fide business transactions: activities regulated by the State Lottery Commission. Geologically hazardous areas means areas which because of their susceptibility to erosion, land- sliding, seismic or other geological events are not suited to siting commercial, residential or industrial development consistent with public health or safety concerns. Geologically hazardous areas include the following areas: . .. Retail sales, general and specialty, is differentiated from bulk retail by the size of the building, size of items purchased and sales volume. General and specialty retail includes the sale of smaller items such as groceries, drug store sundries, specialty hardware, paint supplies, and sports equipment, etc. Typically not a discount or volume warehouse store. Typical user is the general public. Retail sales. second hand merchandise. means an individual or establishment that sells second hard merchandise. such as pawn shops; used book and record stores: used clothing. furniture, and appliances; thrift stores consignment stores: and flea markets. This definition does not include the sale of antiques. Retail shoppinf! center. ref!iona/ means a series of unified commercial establishments that provide retail, entertainment, or professional services on a site comprised of at least 50 acres, with direct access to a state or federal highway. with shared parking facilities. with a combined gross floor area of at least 500,000 SQ. ft.. and with all or some of the stores configured with an inward orientation and connected with common interior walkways. Right-of-way means land dedicated or conveyed to the public or a unit of government, the primary purpose of which is the movement of vehicles and/or pedestrians and providing for access to adjacent parcels, with the secondary purpose of providing space for utility lines and appurtenances and other devices and facilities benefiting the public. ..'. <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 1 Federal Way City Code Chapter 22. Zoning. Article IV. Nonconformances. 22-332 Nonconforming use. Any nonconforming use must be terminated if: (I) The applicant is making structural alterations or increasing the gross floor area of any structure that houses or supports the nonconforming use; (2) Other than as specified in subsection (I) of this section, the applicant is making changes or alterations or doing work, other than normal maintenance, in anyone consecutive 12.month period to any structure that houses or supports the nonconforming use and the fair market value of that change, alteration or work exceeds 15 percent of the assessed or appraised value of that structure. The applicant may provide an appraisal of the structure on the subject property. The appraisal must be from a source that is acceptable to the city. The community development director may require the applicant to provide an appraisal from a source acceptable to the city if the assessed valuation appears to be inappropriate. If an appraisal is provided by the applicant or required by the city, the larger ofthe two amounts shall be used; (3) The subject property has been abandoned. (4) Subsections 0) and (2) do not apply to expansions or alterations to a structure that houses or SUp?orts a nonconforming use. when the purpose is to establish. expand. or alter a conforming uses. (Ord. No. 90-43, ~ 2(165.35(2)), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 91-113, ~ 4(165.35(2)), 12-3-91; Ord. No. 92-135, ~ 3(165.35(2)), 4- 21-92; Ord. No. 92-144, ~ 3(165.35(2)), 6-16-92; Ord. No. 97-307, ~ 3,12-16-97; Ord. No. 04-468, ~ 3, 11-16-04) 22-333 Nonconforming procedure. Repealed by Ord. No. 97-307. (Ord. No. 90-43, ~ 2(165,35(3)), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 91-113, ~ 4(165.35(3)), 12-3-91; Ord. No. 92-135, ~ 3 (165.35(3)), 4-21-92; Ord. No. 92-144, ~ 3 (165.35(3)), 6-16-92; Ord. No. 04-468, ~ 3,11-16-04) 22-334 Nonconforming development. If any aspect, structure, improvement or development does not conform to the development regulations prescribed in this chapter, that aspect, structure, improvement or development must be brought into conformance. or otherwise improved as set forth below. (I) Change of use - Single-tenant site. If any applicant proposes a change of use on property used or occupied by a single tenant or use, the applicant shall meet those provisions determined by the director to be reasonably related and applicable to the change of use. These provisions shall apply to the entire site. (2) Change of use - Multi-tenant site. If an applicant proposes a change of use on only a portion of property occupied by multiple tenants or uses, the applicant shall meet those provisions determined by the director to be reasonably related and applicable to the change of use. These provisions shall apply only to that geographic portion of the site related to the us~ or tenant space on which the change is proposed. (3) Increase in gross floor area. If an applicant proposes to increase the gross floor area of any use on the subject property in anyone of the following ways, the applicant shall comply with the development regulations in effect at the time of the proposal, as specified below: a. If expansion of gross floor area of an existing building occurs either through addition of new floors within the structure or enlargement of the existing building footprint, the applicant shall comply with all development regulations in effect at the time the expansion is proposed. If the property on which the expansion is proposed is occupied by multiple tenants or uses, the applicant shall comply with those development regulations applicable to the geographic portion of the site on which the expansion is proposed; or <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page I --.- b. If a new and separate structure is being constructed on an already developed site, the applicant shall comply with all development regulations applicable to the geographic portion of the site on which the new structure and any related improvements are to be constructed; or c. If the increase in gross floor area involves an existing single-family residential dwelling, the applicant shall comply with the development regulations in effect at the time of the proposal. For single-family residences, existing nonconformities may remain and continue so long as the existing nonconformities are not being increased or expanded in any way. New construction or renovation which involves the increase in gross floor area of a nonconforming single-family structure is subject to all applicable requirements of this Code including but not limited to provisions related to critical areas (Article XIV), off-street parking (Article XV), improvements (Article XVI), and landscaping (Article XVII). d. If the increase in gross floor area involves an existing single-story building in the City Center that is nonconforming as to the ground floor size limits established in FWCC Division 8. the existing building footprint shall not be enlarged. except the director may apProve minor additions such as entry structures, lobbies. seating or dining areas, bay windows. and similar features: provided that such addition(s) shall not exceed 1.000 SQ. ft. per building in anyone consecutive 12-monthperiod. and shall not increase the extent of any other nonconformance. (4) Abandonment. If an applicant proposes any work, including tenant improvements, on property that has been abandoned, the applicant shall comply with all development regulations applicable to the subject property, to the extent physically or technically practicable on the site. (5) The use conducted on the subject property has ceased for more than one year, in which case the applicant shall repair and/or restore the improvements on the site (e.g., drainage, landscaping, curbing, parking, parking lot landscaping, etc.) to a condition as near as physically possible to the condition required by the requirements of approval of the existing development. (6) The applicant is making any alteration or changes or doing any work, other than normal maintenance.. or other than tenant improvements, or minor additions noted in (3)(d). above, in anyone consecutive 12-month period to an improvement that is nonconforming and the fair market value of the alteration, change or other work exceeds 50 percent of the assessed or appraised value of that improvement. The applicant may provide an appraisal of the improvement. The appraisal must be from a source acceptable to the city. The director may require the applicant to provide an appraisal from a second source acceptable to the city if the assessed valuation appears to be inaccurate or inappropriate. If more than one appraisal is provided by the applicant or required by the city, the larger of the two amounts shall be used. In the event this subsection is triggered with respect to a single-tenant or single-occupant site, the applicant shall meet all development regulations applicable to the property. In the event this subsection is triggered with respect to a site occupied by multiple tenants or uses, the applicant shall comply with those development regulations applicable to the geographic portion of the site on which the alteration, change or improvement is proposed. For purposes of this determining value under this section, improvements required pursuant to FWCC 22-334 (nonconforming development), 22-336 (street/sidewalk improvements), 22-337 (nonconforming water quality improvements) and 22-1473 (street/sidewalk improvements) shall not be counted towards the 50 percent threshold which would trigger application of this subsection. This section does not govern application of Article XIX, community design guidelines; application of Article XIX is governed by FWCC 22-1630 through 22-1639, as amended. This section also does not govern application of development regulations relating to water quality, signs, or street/sidewalk improvements; application of those development regulations is governed by FWCC 22-337, 22-335, 22- 336 and 22-1472, all as amended. (Ord. No. 90-43, S 2(165.35(4)), 2-27~90; Ord. No. 91.113, S 4(165.35(4)), 12-3-91; Ord. No. 92-135, S 3(165.35(4)),4-21-92; Ord. No. 92-144, S 3(165.35(4)), 6-16-92; Ord. No. 97-307, S 3, 12-16-97; Ord. No. 02-420, S 3, 7-2-02; Ord. No. 04-468, S 3, 11-16-04) "Editor's note - Ordinance No. 97-307, ~ 3, adopted December 16, 1997, amended ~ 22-334 to read as herein set out. Formerly, such section pertained to certain nonconformance specifically regulated - nonconforming parking. @2004 Code Publishing Co. Page 2 22-343 Special provision for damaged improvements. If a nonconforming improvement is damaged by sudden accidental cause, that improvement may be reconstructed only if it meets the following requirements and not otherwise: (I) The cost of reconstructing the damaged improvement does not exceed 75 percent of the assessed or appraised value of that improvement prior to the damage; except that no cost limit applies to the reconstruction of dama~ed improvements in the City Center. and the director may require minor upgrades to the rebuilt improvements that are intended to achieve a greater level of compliance with the site and design guidelines in this chapter, and provided that the upgrades are reasonably related to the improvement(s) and proportional to the reconstruction costs. The applicant may provide an appraisal of the improvement which has been damaged. The appraisal must be from a source that is acceptable to the city. The community development director may require the applicant to provide an appraisal from a source acceptable to the city if the assessed valuation appears to be inappropriate. If an appraisal is provided by the applicant or required by the city, the larger of the two amounts shall be used. (2) The improvement, as reconstructed, is not any more nonconforming than it was immediately prior to the damage. (3) The applicant applies for a building and land use permit~ to reconstruct the damaged improvement within six months of the date of the damage and reconstructs the improvement pursuant to that bliilcliag such permitQ.. (Ord. No. 90-43, ~ 2(165.30), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 91-113, ~ 4(165.30), 12-3-91; Ord. No. 92-135, ~ 3(165.30), 4-21-92; Ord. No. 92-144, ~ 3(165.30), 6-16-92; Ord. No. 97-307, ~ 3, 12-16-97; Ord. No. 04-468, ~ 3, 11-16-04) <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 3 .::: , -g ~ ., g- .s a 1;n t 8 I-- ~ g ~, .!! t 00 g b_ ~~ _ o ~- u : E 'u .- 5 ~..g .8.s~ ~~ E ;! 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CI.I . cii n!s 10'] 8 M ii "': j:l.,o z ~ ." flog ....... Q e f!r\ "P""""II f.-.. <<I _ _ _ I ~ ()~ SS<lOOJd M:J!^:l}f ~ ~ ~ ~ ;; ~ ~ 4) J:= "'0 ' t . I 0 r- "s:::l - p;lJ!nb:l}f " ii ~ f:l ~:::l z ......1;-< Cl JlN _IIII~ ~ SNOU V'Tn~:rnft ." ~::; ~ ~ ~ ~ M J,(\p .....fMNNN ~ ~~ a,$~~ ~NMNN ...... ~Ilt&)l;- 0,.20(1... Cotleo<i TI\ 0 -".2 :.=:: c=:; -;;: Cotl rn u ~ uu E ~ t'- .. &.~ " ~ ~ ~.~ ~ Jt ~ ~ b tJ.. ~ Federal Way City Code Chapter 22. Zoning. Article XIII. Supplementary District Regulations 22-977 Increases to sine:le-storv construction, center core and frame. (a) Generallv. The size of single-story buildin~s. and/or total amount of new single-story construction that can occur on a site, may exceed 20,000 gross Sq. ft., as required by FWCC Division 8 and effective as of fordinance date], if approved by the difector of community development services using the provisions in this section. The intent of this section is tQ encourage urban scale, pedestrian-oriented development in the City Center by allowing single- stOry buildings and/or total single-storv construction on a site to incrementally exceed 20,000 sq. ft., based on the nature and extent to which the proiect incorporates other uses, multiple-story buildings, and/of public on site open space. (b) Definitions. The following definitions apply to this section. ( I) Floor area means the total area of a building floor plate in grosS square feet. (2) Mixed-use building means a building containinp; two Of more different principal uses permitted, as determined by the directof, and which occUPy separate tenant spaces. (3) Multiple-story buildinz means a building containing two or more floors of active permitted uses(s), and each upper floor area, excluding any storage. mechanical. and similar accessory. non-active areas, contains at least 33% ofthe ground floor area. (4) The site means "subiect property" as defined by this chapter. (c) Formula. The following formula establishes the incremental increases. beyond 20,000 gross sq. ft.. that may be added to an existing or proposed single-story building(s) anywhere on the site, in exchange for the specified uses and building forms: (I) 1.000 SQ. ft. may be added in exchange for each 1.000 sq. ft. of a principal use(s) contained in an attached or detached. mixed-use!muItiple-storv building; (2) 2,000 sq. ft. may be added in exchange for each dweIling unit contained in an attached or detached, mixed-use! multiple-story building:; (3) 1.000 sq. ft. may be added in exchange for each five parking stalls contained in an attached or detached parking structure; (4) 1.000 SQ. ft. may be added in exchange for each 1.000 sq. ft. of public on-site open space, provided that it is located and designed according to the definition and design criteria for public on-site open space set forth in FWCC Article XIX, Community Design Guidelines. (d) Modifications. The director may approve minor modifications to the above formula based on unusual site conditions or unique design proposals, provided the resulting proiect is consistent with comprehensive plan policies promoting urban-scale, pedestrian-oriented development in the City Center and meets all other applicable development regulations and design standards. (e) Exclusion from size limits. Those portions of a ground floor that are covered by upper floor space. within buildings approved under this section, are excluded from the size limits of FWCC Division 8. 22 977 22..;978 ~ 22-980 Reserved. <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page I \ Federal Way City Code Chapter 22. Zoning. Article XV. Off Street Parking. 22-1401 Curb and sidewalk requirements. The curb and sidewalk requirements of FWCC 22-1445 may be modified if: (I) The modification will result in superior landscaping and/or increased retention of significant natural vegetation; (2) The modification will not result in increased hazards for pedestrians or vehicles; and (3) The modification will not result in increased erosion of unpaved areas onto the parking area, driveway or streets. (Ord. No. 90-43, ~ 2(105.115(2)(e)), 2-27-90; Oed. No. 97-296, ~ 3, 6-17-97) 22 1102 Buffer requirements. The e1:lffer requirements ofFWCC 22 1146 may be modified if: (1) The existing topography of or adjaoeHt to the G1:lbject property decreaGeG or eliminates the need for viGualscreening; (2) The modifieation ,,,,ill be of more benefit to the adjoining property by eauGing less impairment of view or sunlight; or (3) The modifioation will provide a visual SOmeR that is comparable or superior to the bl:lffer reEJ.uired by FWCC 22 1116. (Ord. No. 90 13, ~ 2(1 05. 115(2)(f)), 2 27 90; Ore. No. 97 296, ~ 3, 6 1797) 22-1403 Surface material. The surface material requirements ofFWCC 22-1453, may be modified if: (1) The surfacing material will not enter into the drainage system, or onto public or other private property; (2) The surfacing material will provide aparking surface which is usable on a year-round basis; (3) Use ofthe surfacing material will not result in dust or deterioration of air quality; and (4) Runoff from the parking area will not degrade water quality. (Ord. No. 90--43, ~ 2(105.115(2)(g)), 2-27-90; Oed. No. 97-296, ~ 3, 6-17-97) <<:12004 Code Publishing Co, Page 1 Federal Way City Code Chapter 22. Zoning. Article XVI. Improvements. 22-1472 Official right-of-way map adopted. The public works director shall produce and keep cUITent an official right-of-way classification map that classifies each of the improved and proposed rights-of-way, other than alleys, based on the classification standards contained within FWCC 22-1524 and 22-1525 and the objectives of the comprehensive plan. This right-of-way classification map, as adopted and amended from time to time, shall have the full force as if its provisions were fully set forth within this chapter. (Ord. No. 90-43, ~ 2(110.15), 2-27-90; Ord. No. 98-330, S 3, l2-15~98; Ord. No. 02-414, S 3, 2-19-02; Ord. No. 02-417, S 1,3-19-02) 22-1473 When public improvements must be installed. (a) The applicant shall provide the improvements required by this article if the applicant engages in any activity which requires a development permit, except for the following: (1) The applicant need not comply with the provisions of this article if the proposed improvements in any 12-month period do not exceed 25 percent of the assessed or appraised value (based on an MAl appraisal provided by the applicant) of all structures and land combined on the subject property, whichever is greater, except that if the subject property is equal to or greater than 100,000 square feet in size, the land value shall not be included in the assessed or appra-ised value used to determine the 25 percent. If the 25 percent threshold is exceeded. public imvrovements will be required under FWCC 22-1474 to the extent thev are commensurate with the impacts of the development. as determined bv the director. (2) The applicant need not comply with the provisions of this article if, within the immediately preceding four years, public improvements were installed as part of any subdivision or discretionary land use approval under this or any prior zoning code. (3) The applicant need not comply with the provisions of this article if the proposal is to locate a personal wireless services facility (PWSF) on the subject property. (4) The applicant need not comply with the provisions of this article if the proposal is for facade improvements only. In addition, the cost of improvements required by Article XIX, Community Design Guidelines, shall not be included in the total cost of improvements measured over a 12-month period pursuant to subsection (a)(1) of this section. (5) Tenant improvements, unless the proposed improvements add additional floor area. (6) If the required improvement is part of a larger project that has been scheduled for construction in the city's adopted six-year transportation improvement program, the public works director may permit the applicant to fulfill the applicant's obligation under this section by paying to the city the pro rata share of the costs of the required improvements attributable to the development of the subject property, as determined by the public works director. For purposes of detennining the applicant's pro rata share, funds received by the city from any federal, state, or local grant for the project shall be excluded from the total cost of the planned six-year transportation improvement. (b) Right-orway adjacent to and within subdivision and short subdivisions must be dedicated and improved consistent with the requirements of this article, unless different requirements are imposed by the city as part of the subdivision or short subdivision approval. (Ord. No. 90-43, S 2(110.20),2-27-90; Ord. No. 98-330, S 3, 12-15-98; Ord. No. 00-363, S 15, 1-4-00; Ord. No. 02-414, S 3, 2-19-02; Ord. No. 02-417, S 1,3-19-02) 102004 Code Publishing Co. Page 1 Federal Way City Code Chapter 22. Zoning. Article XVII. Landscaping. 22-1566 Landscaping requirements by zoning district. (a) Suburban Estates, SE. (1) Type III landscaping 10 feet in width shall be provided along all property lines of nonresidential uses in the SE zoning district, except as provided in FWCC 22-1567 of this article. (b) Single-Family Residential, RS. (I) Type III landscaping 10 feet in width shall be provided along all property lines of nonresidential uses in the RS zoning districts, except as provided in FWCC 22-1567 of this article. (c) Multifamily Residential, RM. (I) Type III landscaping 20 feet in width shall be provided along all public rights-of-way and ingress/egress easements. (2) Type II landscaping 20 feet in width shall be provided along the common boundary abutting single-family zoning districts. (3) Type III landscaping 10 feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter lot lines, except as noted in subsections (c)(1) and (c )(2) of this section. (d) Professional Office, PO. (I) Type III landscaping eight feet in width shaIl be provided along all property lines abutting public rights~of-way and access easements. (2) Type I landscaping 10 feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter property lines abutting a residential zoning district except for schools which shall provide 10 feet of Type II. (3) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter lot lines, except as noted in subsections (d)(1) and (d)(2) ofthis section. (e) Neighborhood Business, BN. (1) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all properties abutting public rights-of-way and ingress/egress easements. (2) Type I landscaping 15 feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of property abutting a residential zoning district. (3) Type III landscaping five feet in width along all perimeter lot lines except as noted in subsections (e)(1) and (e)(2) ofthis section. (f) Community Business, BC. (I) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all properties abutting public rights~of-way and ingress/egress easements. (2) Type I landscaping 15 feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of property abutting a residential zoning district. (3) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter lots lines except as noted in subsections (f)(1) and (f)(2) of this section. (g) City Center, Cc. (1) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of parking areas abutting public rights-of-way. (2) Type I landscaping 15 feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of property abutting a residential zoning district. <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 1 (3) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter lot lines except as noted in subsections (g)(l) and (g)(2) of this section. except that no landscaping is required along the perimeter of a prop-erty line abutting a right-of-way where a zero-ft. building setback applies. pursuant to fWCC Q.tyision~. (h) Office Park, OP; and Corporate Park, CP-I. (I) Type III landscaping 10 feet in width shall be provided along all property lines abutting public rights-of-way and access easements. (2) Type I landscaping 15 feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of property abutting a residential zoning district. (3) Type III landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter lot lines, except as noted in subsections (h)(l) and (h)(2) of this subsection. (i) ManufacturingPark, MP. (1) Type II landscaping 10 feet in width shall be provided along all property lines abutting public rights-of-way and access easements. (2) Type I landscaping 25 feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of the property abutting a residential zoning district. . (3) Type II landscaping 10 feet in width shall be provided along the perimeter of the property abutting a nonresidential zoning district, except MP zones. (4) Type m landscaping five feet in width shall be provided along all perimeter lot lines except as noted in subsections (i)(1), (i)(2), and (i)(3) of this section. (Ord. No. 93-170, S 4, 4-20-93; Ord. No. 96-270, S 3(E),7-2-96) <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 2 Federal Way City Code Chapter 22. Zoning. Article XIX. Community Design Guidelines Sections: 22-1630 Purpose. 22-1631 Administration. 22-1632 Applicability. 22-1633 Definitions. 22-1634 Site design - All zoning districts. 22-1635 Building design - All zoning districts. 22-1636 Building and pedestrian orientation, ~ All zoning districts. 22-1637 Mixed-use residential buildings in commercial zoning districts. 22-1638 District guidelines. 22-1639 Institutional uses. 22-1640 Design criteria for public on-site open space. 22-1641 Design for cluster residential subdivision lots. 22-1642 - 22-1650 Reserved. 22-1630 Purpose. The purpose of this article is to: (1) Implement community design guidelines by: a. Adopting design guidelines in accordance with land use and development policies established in the Federal Way comprehensive plan and in accordance with Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) Guidelines. b. Requiring minimum standards for design review to maintain and protect property values and enhance the general appearance of the city. c. Increasing flexibility and encouraging creativity in building and site design, while assuring quality development pursuant to the comprehensive plan and the purpose of this article. d. Achieving predictability in design review, balanced with administrative flexibility to consider the individual merits of proposals. e. Improving and expanding pedestrian circulation, public open space, and pedestrian amenities in the city. (2) Implement Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles by: a. Requiring minimum standards for design review to reduce the rate of crime associated with persons and property, thus providing for the highest standards of public safety. b. CPTED principles are functionally grouped into the following three categories: 1. Natural Surveillance. This focuses on strategies to design the built environment in a manner that promotes visibility of public spaces and areas. 2. Access Control. This category focuses on the techniques that prevent and/or deter unauthorized and/or inappropriate access. 3. Ownership. This category focuses on strategies to reduce the perception of areas as "ownerless" and, therefore, available for undesirable uses. c. CPTED principles, design guidelines, and performance standards will be used during project development review to identifY and incorporate design features that reduce opportunities for criminal activity to occur. The effectiveness of CPTED is based on the fact that criminals make rational choices about their targets. ill general: <<:12004 Code Publishing Co. Page 1 1. The greater the risk of being seen, challenged, or caught, the less likely they are to commit a crime. 2. The greater the effort required, the less likely they are to commit a crime. 3. The lesser the actual or perceived rewards, the less likely they are to commit a crime. d. Through the use of CPTED principles, the built environment can be designed and managed to ensure: I. There is more chance of being seen, challenged, or caught; 2. Greater effort is required; 3. The actual or perceived rewards are less; and 4. Opportunities for criminal activity are minimized. (Ord. No. 96~271, ~ 3, 7-2-96; Ord. No. 99-333, ~3, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 00-382, ~ 3,1-16-01; Ord. No. 03-443, ~ 3, 5-20-(3) 22-1631 Administration. Applications subject to community design guidelines and Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) shall be processed as a component of the governing land use process, and the director of community development services shall have the authority to approve, modify, or deny proposals under that process. Decisions under this article will consider proposals on the basis of individual merit and will encourage creative design alternatives in order to achieve the stated purpose and objectives of this article. Decisions under this article are appealable using the appeal procedures of the applicable land use process. (Oed. No. 96-271, ~ 3, 7-2-96; Ord. No. 97-291, ~ 3, 4-1-97; Oed. No. 99-333, ~ 3, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 00-382, ~ 3, 1- 16-01; Ord. No. 03-443, ~ 3, 5-20-03) 22-1632 Applicability. This article shall apply to all development applications except single-family residential, subject to Chapter 22 FWCC, Zoning. Project proponents shall demonstrate how each CPTED principle is met by the proposal, or why it is not relevant by either a written explanation or by responding to a checklist prepared by the city. Subject applications for remodeling or expansion of existing developments shall meet only those provisions of this article that are determined by the director to be reasonably related and applicable to the area of expansion or remodeling. This article in no way should be construed to supersede or modify any other city codes, ordinances, or policies that apply to the proposaL (Ord. No. 96-271, ~ 3, 7- 2-96; Ord. No. 97-291, ~ 3, 4-1-97; Ord. No. 99-333, ~ 3, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 00~382, ~ 3, 1-16-01; Ord. No. 03-443, ~ 3, 5-20-03) 22.,.1633 Definitions. (1) Active users) means uses that by their very nature generate activity, and thus opportunities for natural surveillance, such as picnic areas, extracurricular school activities, exercise groups, etc. (2) Arcade means a linear pedestrian walkway that abuts and runs along the facade of a building. It is covered, but not enclosed, and open at all times to public use. Typically, it has a line of columns along its open side. There may be habitable space above the arcade. (3) Awning means a roof-like cover that is temporary or portable in nature and that projects from the wall of a building for the purpose of shielding a doorway or window from the elements. (4) Canopy means a permanent, cantilevered extension of a building that typically projects over a pedestrian walkway abutting and running along the facade of a building, with no habitable space above the canopy. A canopy roof is comprised of rigid materials, (5) Common/open space area means area within a development, which is used primarily by the occupants ofthat development, such as an entryway, lobby, courtyard, outside dining areas, etc. (6) Natural surveillance means easy observation of buildings, spaces, and activities by people passing or living/working/recreating nearby. (7) Parking structure means a building or structure consisting of more than one level, above and/or below ground, and used for temporary storage of motor vehicles. <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 2 (8) Plaza means a pedestrian space that is available for public use and is situated near a main entrance to a building or is clearly visible and accessible from the adjacent right-of-way. Typical features and furnishings include special paving, landscaping, pedestrian scale lighting, seating areas, weather protection, water features, afld art, trash receptacles and bicycle racks. (9) Public on-site open space means a s13aee that is a66essible to the publio at aU times, predeminant1y opefl abo':e, and passive and/or active recreational area designed specifically for use by the general public as opposed to serving merely as a setting for the building. Such areas may include parks, gardens. plazas. entrance lobbies, arboretums. solariums. and bandstands, or an approved combination thereof. and may contain exterior and/or interior spaces. Such areas shall be easily accessible from adjacent public areas and available to the public at least 12 hours each weekday. Public on-site open sllace maybe privately owned. but must be permanently set aside and maintained for the use and benefit of the public. (10) Right~of-way means land owned, dedicated or conveyed to the public, used primarily for the movement of vehicles, wheelchair and pedestrian traffic, and land privately owned, used primarily for the movement of vehicles, wheelchair and pedestrian traffic; so long as such privately owned land has been constructed in compliance with all applicable laws and standards for a public right-of-way. (11) Sight line means the line of vision from a person to a place or building. (12) Streetscape means a term in urban desigFl that defines afld describes the charaoter and quality ef a street by the amount and type of features and furnismngs abutting it. Such featlifes and furnishings may inelude trees and other landsoaping, benches, lighting, trash receptacles, bolIards, 0urbing, 'Nalls, different paving types, sigBage, kiosks, trellises, art ebjeets, bus stops, and typical utility equipment and appurb.*18fl.oes. the visual character and quality of a street as detennined by various elements located between the street and building facades. such as trees and other landscaping, street furniture. artwork. transit stops. and the architectural quality of street-facing building facades. (13) Streetscape amenities. as used in this article. means pedestrian-oriented features and furnishings within the streetscape. such as bench seats or sitting walls. weather protection. Water features. art. transit stops with seating. architectural facade treatments. garden sllaceassociated with residences. pedestrian-scale lighting. landscaping that does not block views from the street or adjacent buildings. special pavinl!:. kiosks. trellises. trash receptacles, and bike racks. fHj UA.l Suiface parking lot means an off-street, ground level open area, usually improved, for the temporary storage of motor vehicles. fl4j D1l Transparent glass means windows that are transparent enough to permit the view of activities within a building from nearby streets, sidewalks and public spaces. Tinting or some coloration is permitted, provided a reasonable level of visibility is achieved. Reflective or very dark tinted glass does not accomplish this objective. (i 6) Water feature means a fountain. cascade. stream water, water wall. water sculpture. or reflection pond. The purpose is to serve as a focal point fOfpedestrian activity. (Ord. No. 96-271, 9 3, 7-2- 96; Ord. No. 99~333, 9 3, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 00-382, ~ 3, 1416-01; Ord. No. 03-443,93,5-20-03) 22-1634 Site design - All zoning districts. (a) General criteria. (I) Natural amenities such as views, significant or unique trees, creeks; riparian corridors, and similar features unique to the site should be incorporated into the design. (2) Pedestrian areas and amenities should be incorporated in the overall site design. Pedestrian areas include but are not limited to outdoor plazas; arcades, courtyards, seating areas, and amphitheaters. Pedestrian amenities include but are not limited to outdoor benches, tables and other furniture, balconies, gazebos, transparent glass at the ground floor, and landscaping. (3) Pedestrian areas should be easily seen, accessible, and located to take advantage of surrounding features such as building entrances, open spaces, significant landscaping, unique topography' or architecture, and solar exposure. 102004 Code Publishing Co. Page 3 (4) Project designers shall strive for overall design continuity by using similar elements throughout the project such as architectural style and features, materials, colors, and textures. (5) Place physical features, activities, and people in visible locations to maximize the ability tobe seen, and therefore, discourage crime. For example, place cafes and food kiosks in parks to increase natural surveillance by park users, and place laundry facilities near play equipment in multiple-family residential development. A void barriers, such as tall or overgrown landscaping or outbuildings, where they make it difficult to observe activity. (6) Provide access control by utilizing physical barriers such as bollards, fences, doorways, etc., or by security hardware such as locks, chains, and alarms. Where appropriate, utilize security guards. All of these methods result in increased effort to commit a crime and, therefore, reduce the potential for it to happen. (7) Design buildings and utilize site design that reflects ownership. For example, fences, paving, art, signs, good maintenance, and landscaping are some physical ways to express ownership. Identifying intruders is much easier in a well-defined space. An area that looks protected gives the impression that greater effort is required to commit a crime. A cared-for environment can also reduce fear of crime. Areas that are run down and the subject of graffiti and vandalism are generally more intimidating than areas that do not display such characteristics. (b) Surface parking lots. (1) Site and landscape design for parking lots are subject to the requirements of Article XVII of this chapter. (2) Vehicle turning movements shall be minimized. Parking aisles without loop access are discouraged. Parking and vehicle circulation areas shall be clearly delineated using directional signage. (3) Driveways shall be located to be visible from the right-of-way but not impede pedestrian circulation on-site or to adjoining properties. Driveways should be shared with adjacent properties to minimize the number of driveways and curb cuts. (4) Multi-tenant developments with large surface parking lots adjacent to a right-of-way are encouraged to incorporate retail pads against the right-of-way to help break up the large areas of pavement. (5) See FWCC 22-1638 for supplemental guidelines. (c) Parking structures (includes parking floors located within commercial buildings). (I) The bulk (or mass) of a parking structure as seen from the right-of-way should be minimized by placing its. short dimension along the street edge. The parking structure should include active uses such as retail, offices or other commercial uses at the ground level and/or along the street frontage. (2) Parking structures which are part of new development shall be architecturally consistent with exterior architectural elements of the primary structure, including rooflines, facade design, and finish materials. (3) Parking structures should incorporate methods of articulation and accessory elements, pursuant to FWCC 22-1 635(c)(2), on facades located above ground level. (4) BQildings built over parking should not appear to "float" over the parking area, but should be linked with ground level uses or screening. Parking at grade under a building is discouraged unless the parking area is completely enclosed within the building or wholly screened with walls and/or landscaped berms. (5) Top deck lighting on multi-level parking structures shall be architecturally integrated with the building, and screened to control impacts to off-site uses. Exposed fluorescent light fixtures are not permitted. (6) Parking structures and vehicle entrances should be designed to minimize views into the garage interior from surrounding streets. Methods to help minimize such views may include, but are not limited to landscaping, planters, and decorative grilles and screens. (7) Security grilles for parking structures shall be architecturally consistent with and integrated <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 4 --- --- with the overall design. Chain.link fencing is not pennitted for garage security fencing. (8) See FWCC 22-1 638(c)(4) for supplemental guidelines, (d) Pedestrian circulation and public spaces. (I) Primary entrances to buildings should be clearly visible or recognizable from the right-of- way. Pedestrian pathways from rights-of-way and bus stops to primary entrances, from parking lots to primary entrances, and pedestrian areas, shall be accessible and should be clearly delineated. (2) Pedestrian pathways and pedestrian areas should be delineated by separate paved routes using a variation in paved texture and color, and protected from abutting vehicle circulation areas with landscaping. Approved methods of delineation include: stone, brick or granite pavers; exposed aggregate; or stamped and colored concrete. Paint striping on asphalt as a method of delineation is not encouraged. . Fisu!"C 2- Se.e. 22- 1634 (d) rt1l,flIiP $4I\lIltcll'I,"" (3) Pedestrian connections should be provided between properties to establish pedestrian links to adjacent buildings, parking, pedestrian areas and public rights-of-way. (4) Bicycle racks should be provided for all commercial developments. (5) Outdoor furniture, fixtures, and streetscape elements, such as lighting, freestanding signs, trellises, arbors, raised planters, benches and other fonns of seating, trash receptacles, bus stops, phone booths, fencing, etc., should be incorporated into the site design. (6) See FWCC 22-1638 for supplemental guidelines. (e) Landscaping. Refer to Article XVII of this chapter for specific landscaping requirements and for definitions of landscaping types referenced throughout this article. (f) Commercial service and institutional facilities. Refer to FWCC 22-949 and 22-1564 for requirements related to garbage and recycling receptacles, placement and screening. 02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 5 (1) Commercial services relating to loading, storage, trash and recycling should be located in such a manner as to optimize public circulation and minimize visibility into such facilities. Service yards shall comply with the following: a. Service yards and loading areas shall be designed and located for easy access by service vehicles and tenants and shall not displace required landscaping, impede other site uses, or create a nuisance for adjacent property owners. b. Trash and recycling receptacles shall include covers to prevent odor and wind blown litter. c. Service yard walls, enclosures, and similar accessory site elements shall be consistent with the primary building(s) relative to architecture, materials and colors. d. Chain-link fencing shall not be used where visible from public streets, on..:site major drive aisles, adjacent residential uses, or pedestrian areas. Barbed or razor wire shall not be used. Ilt;I:n 3 . $<<.12 . :tfi34 (f) Tt.UIl MIl .... ..... 1 . I ' . " . .. . ..; . .' .. ~* ~ iii< ... "} . . .h4h~~.. lilla-be. ...:, ~ f/pR4~k;; :U.I~(() Ull4iRVm... (2) Site utilities shall comply with the following: a. Building utility equipment such as electrical panels and junction boxes should be located in an interior utility room. b. Site utilities including transformers, fire standpipes and engineered retention ponds (except biofiltration swales) should not be the dominant element of the front landscape area. When these must be <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 6 ~ located in a front yard, they shall be either undergrounded or screened by walls and/or Type I landscaping, and shall not obstruct views of tenant common spaces,- public open spaces, monument signs, and/or driveways. (g) Miscellaneous site elements. (I) Lighting shan comply with the following: a. Lighting levels shall not spill onto adjacent properties pursuant to FWCC 22-954(c). b. Lighting shall be provided in all loading, storage, and circulation areas, but shall incorporate cut-off shields to prevent off-site glare. c. Light standards shall not reduce the amount of landscaping required fo~ the project by Article XVII of this chapter, Landscaping. (2) Drive-through facilities such as banks, cleaners, fast food, drug stores and service stations, etc., shall comply with the following: a. Drive-through windows and stacking lanes are not encouraged along facades of buildings that face a right-of-way. If they are permitted in such a location, then they shall be visually screened from such street by Type III landscaping and/or architectural element, or combination thereof; provided, such elements reflect the primary building and provide appropriate screening. b. The stacking lane shall be physically separated from the parking lot, sidewalk, and pedestrian areas by Type III landscaping and/or architectural element, or combination thereof; provided, such elements reflect the primary building and provide appropriate separation. Painted lanes are not sufficient. c. Drive-through speakers shall not be audible off-site. d. A bypass/escape lane is recommended for all drive-through facilities. e. See FWCC 22-1638(d) for supplemental guidelines. (Drd. No. 96-271, ~ 3,7-2-96; Drd. No. 99-333, ~ 3,1-19-99; Ocd. No. 00-382, ~ 3,1-16-01; Ord. No. 03-443, ~ 3, 5-20-03) 22-1635 Building design - All zoning districts. (a) General criteria. (1) Emphasize, rather than obscure, natural topography. Buildings should be designed to "step up" or "step down" hillsides to accommodate significant changes in elevation, unless this provision is precluded by other site elements such as stormwater design, optimal traffic circulation, or the proposed function or use of the site. Fi8*t S - ~ .i6i$ (I) ~,,,._'~ (2) Building siting or massing shall preserve public viewpoints as designated by the comprehensive plan or other adopted plans or policies. (3) Materials and design features of fences and walls should reflect that of the primary building(s). <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 7 (b) Building facade modulation and screening options, defined. All building facades that are both longer than 60 feet and are visible from eitHer a right-of-way or residential use or zone shall incorporate facade treatment according to this section. Subject facades shall incorporate at least two of the four options described herein; except, however, facades that are solidly screened by Type I landscaping, pursuant to Article XVII of this chapter, Landscaping, may use facade modulation as the sole option under this section. Options used under this section shaH be incorporated along the entire length of the facade, in any approved combination. Options used must meet the dimensional standards as specified herein; except, however, if more than two are used, dimensional requirements for each option will be determined on a case-by-case basis; provided, that the gross area of a pedestrian plaza may not be less than the specified minimum of 200 square feet. See FWCC 22-1638(c) for guidelines pertaining to city center core and city center frame. (I) Facade modulation. Minimum depth: two feet; minimum width: six feet; maximum width: 60 feet. Alternative methods to shape a building such as angled or curved facade elements, off.set planes, wing walls and terracing, will be considered; provided, that the intent of this section is met. . , '. ; :..~:;":-rl:<'...j~. :-:.:..::'~~;~:..: . - '. . ! a.. . 1 ~ c',,"" ............ J Figure 6 . Sec. 22 . 163S (b) ~~1IlOa'd (2) Landscape screening. Eight-foot-wide Type II landscape screening along the base of the facade, except Type N may be used in place of Type II for facades that are comprised of 50 percent or more window area, and around building entrance(s). For building facades that are located adjacent to a property line, some or all of the underlying buffer width requiTed by Article XVII of this chapter, Landscaping, may be considered in meeting the landscape width requirement of this section. : G1*.~ ~<<~ ~- Figure 7 - Sec. 22 -1635 (b) ~I~ 1..uI~ Millin (3) Canopy or arcade. As a modulation option, canopies or arcades may be used only along facades that are visible from a right-of-way. Minimum length: 50 percent of the length ofthe facade using this option. 102004 Code Publishing Co. Page 8 (4) Pedestrian plaza. Size of plaza: Plaza square footage is equal to one percent of the gross floor area of the building, but it must be a minimum of 200 square feet. The plaza should be clearly visible and accessible from the adjacent right-of-way. ~ ~ ~ I ~ .,. ~ F~ 8 -See. 2Z-1635(b) ~f~d~ + I . t ... l'~.e Figurd - S<<. 22 - 163.5 (b) ~~... (c) Building articulation and scale. (I) Building facades visible from rights-of-way and other public areas should incorporate methods of articulation and accessory elements in the overall architectural . design, as described in subsection (c )(2) of this section. <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 9 ~ lQ.S<<>,22.I~l<') ~.~ 1'\pro II- See. 12- i61-'i (C) ~ eemellli ~ -----_._~ -~ -- ------ ..... .- . . ~ . ------.. -- l>h~$tl vmdowll Vo;:sUcJlln:III:o - ~ ..~ '-i~Bndwt)ing Artwtll\r.f.tUf.11 Fielll\'" I) Sec. 2J I (o,S (c) . - -- ~ , )tll r II g I pB\; . . q - . . . . '. ,---- "T" . .' .,11- .. . . . - - " . . . - -+1- Al..bllIodulod ~.u .Il",;h~"Ii:IUhl.l""'IIl'''.. ""~I.I ....lI~IiJ,M t.........pcd ""......;1&..... fi~i1rn 13 . Sec. !Z - 11533 (c) (2) Methods to articulate blank walls: Following is a nonexclusive list of methods to articulate blank walls, pursuant to FWCC 22-1 564(u) and subsection (c)(l) of this section: <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 10 a. Showcase, display, recessed windows; b. Window openings with visible trim material, or painted detailing that resembles trim; c. Verticaltrellis(es) in front ofthe wall with climbing vines or similar planting; d. Set the wall back and provide a landscaped or raised planter bed in front of the wall, with plant material that will obscure or screen the wall's surface; e. Artwork such as mosaics, murals, decorative masonry or metal patterns or grillwork, sculptures, relief, etc., over a substantial portion of the blank wall surface. (The Federal Way arts commission may be used as an advisory body at the discretion of the planning staff); f. Architectural features such as setbacks, indentations, overhangs, projections, articulated cornices, bays, reveals, canopies, and awnings; g. Material variations such as colors, brick or metal banding, or textural changes; and h. Landscaped public plaza(s) with space for vendor carts, concerts and other pedestrian activities. (3) See FWCC 22-1638(c) for supplemental guidelines. (Ord. No. 96-271, ~ 3, 7-2-96; Ocd. No. 99- 333, ~ 3, 1-19-99; Ocd. No. 00-382, ~ 3, 1~16-01; Ocd. No. 03-443, ~ 3, 5-20-03) 22-1636 Building and pedestrian orientation - All zoning districts. (a) Building and pedestrian orientation. (I) Buildings should generally be oriented to rights-of-way, as more particularly described in FWCC 22-1638. Features such as entries, lobbies, and display windows, should be oriented to the right- of-way; otherwise, screening or art features such as trellises, artwork, murals, landscaping, or combinations thereof, should be incorporated into the street-oriented facade. (2) Plazas, public open spaces and entries should be located at street comers to optimize pedestrian access and use. ~ 14 ~ 8M. 22 ~ l636 (a", SillMpvbk.-~ (3) All buildings adjacent to the street should provide visual access from the street into human services and activities within the building, if applicable. (4) Multiple buildings on the same site should incorporate public spaces (formal or informal). These should be integrated by elements such as plazas, walkways, and landscaping along pedestrian pathways, to provide a clear view to destinations, and to create a unified, campus-like development. (Ord. No. 96-271, ~ 3, 7-2-96; Ocd. No. 99-333, ~ 3, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 00-382, ~ 3, 1~16-01; Ord. No. 03-443, ~ 3, 5-20-03) 22-1637 Mixed-use residential buildings in commercial zoning districts. Ground level fEacades of mixed-use buildings that front a public right-of-way shall meet the following guidelines: (I) Retail, eommereial, or (lffiee acti'/ities sAall oeetJf.ly at least 20 pereeRt of the gross groWld floor area of tAe building (unless eJ[empt from this requirement by FWCC district zOfling regulations). Residential component(s) shall contain residential design features and details. such as individual windows with window trim. balconies or decks in upper stories. bay windows that extend out from the building \02004 Code Publishing Co. Page II face. upper story setbacks from the building face, gabled roof forms, canopies. overhangs, and a variety of materials, colors. and textures. (2) Commercial component(s) shall contain individual or common ground-level entrances to adiacent lJublic sidewalks. (3) Commercial and residential components may have different architectural expressions, but the fu!tll<ie shall exhibit a number of unifying elements to produce the effect of an integrated project. ~(1} Ifparking occupies the ground level, see FWCC 22-1634(c). J~ ..I IWI~ m m ~ m . - ~ - . , - - : . ~ . . IIiJ.m:co Jj -8m. 21- 16:17(:') ~_nlIal v-nd frMIl ~ ......Il~ E31 ill Landscaped gardens, courtyards, or enclosed terraces for private use by residents should be designed with minimum exposure to the right-of-way. (Ord. No. 96-271, S 3, 7-2-96; Ord. No. 99-333, S 3, 1-19-99; Qrd. No. 00-382, S 3, 1-16-01; Ord. No. 03-443, S 3, 5-20-03) 22-1638 District guidelines. In addition to the foregoing development guidelines, the following supplemental guidelines apply to individual zoning districts: (a) Professional office (PO), neighborhood business (BN), and community business (Be). (1) Surface parking may be located behind the building, to the side(s) of the building, or adjacent to the right-of-way; provided, however, that parking located adjacent to the right-of-way maximizes pedestrian access and circulation pursuant to FWCC 22-1634(d). (2) Entrance facades shall front on, face, or be clearly recognizable from the right-of-way; and should incorporate windows and other methods of articulation. (3) Ground-level mirrored or reflective glass is not encouraged adjacent to a public right-of-way or pedestrian area. (4) If utilized, chain-link fences visible from public rights-of-way shall utilize vinyl-coated mesh and powder-coated poles. For residential uses only: (5) Significant trees shall be retained within a 20-foot perimeter strip around site. (6) Landscaped yards shall be provided between building(s) and public street(s). Parking lots should be beside or behind buildings that front upon streets. (7) Parking lots should be broken up into rows containing no more than 10 adjacent stal1s, separated by planting areas. (8) Pedestrian walkways (minimum six feet wide) shall- be provided between the interior of the project and the public sidewalk. (9) Lighting fixtures should not exceed 20 feet in height and shall include cutoff shields. This shall not apply to public parks and school stadiums and other comparable large institutional uses. The maximum height for large institutional uses shall be 30 feet and shall include cutoff shields. @2004 Code Publishing Co. Page 12 20' ~ 1(;- Si.'Il.\ 22-1638 (a) (10) Principal entries to buildings shaH be highlighted with plaza or garden areas containing planting, lighting, seating, trellises and other features. Such areas shall be located and designed so windows overlook them. ~ 17. 8t(;. 22. 1638 (a) (II) Common recreational spaces shaH be located and arranged so that windows overlook them. F.lIwe18 -Sec.2l-I6J~(1I) (12) Units on the ground floor (when permitted) shall have private outdoor spaces adjacent to them so those exterior portions of the site are controlled by individual households. <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 13 f1igurc 19. ~ 22. 16J8 (Ill (13) All new buildings, including accessory buildings, such as carports and garages shall appear to have a roof pitch ranging from at least 4: 12 to a maximum of 12: 12. FlgllRl:!O ~ See. 21- 163& (_) (14) Carports and garages in front yards should be discouraged. (IS) The longest dimension of any building facade shall not exceed 120 feet. Buildings on the same site may be connected by covered pedestrian walkways. (16) Buildings should be designed to have a distinct "base," "middle" and "top." The base (typically the first floor) should contain the greatest number of architectural elements such as windows, materials, details, overhangs, cornice lines, and masonry belt courses. The midsection, by comparison, may be simple. (Note: single-story buildings have no middle.) The top should avoid the appearance of a flat roof and include distinctive roof shapes including but not limited to pitched, vaulted or terraced, etc. ..- PigUh:! 21 - &:c, 2:2 - 1638 (a) (17) Residential design features, including but not limited to entry porches, projecting window bays, balconies or decks, individual windows (rather than strip windows), offsets and cascading or stepped roof forms, shall be incorporated into all buildings. Window openings shall have visible trim material or painted detailing that resembles trim. (I8) Subsection (a)(13) ofthis section shall apply to self-service storage facilities. (b) Office park (OP), corporate park (CP), and business park (BP). (I) Surface parking may be located behind the building, to the side(s) of the building, or adjacent to the right-of-way; provided, however, that parking located adjacent to the right-of-way maXimizes pedestrian access and circulation pursuant to FWCC 22-1634(d). @2004 Code Publishing Co. Page 14 ----------- (2) Buildings with ground floor retail sales or services should orient major entrances, display windows and other pedestrian features to the right-of-way to the extent possible. (3) Ground-level mirrored or reflective glass is not encouraged adjacent to a public right-of-way or pedestrian area. (4) If utilized, chain-link fences visible from public rights-of-way shall utilize vinyl-coated mesh and powder-coated poles. For non-single-family residential uses only: (5) Subsections (a)(5) through (a)(17) of this section shall apply. (c) City center core (CC-C) and city center frame (CC-F). (I) The city center core and frame will contain~ transitional forms of development with surface parking areas. However, as new development or redevelopment occurs, the visual dominance of surface parking areas shall be eliminated or reduced. Therefore, surfaoe parking areas shall be located as follows: a. The parking is located behind the bl:lilding, with the 1:Hiilding located betv/een the right ef way and the parking areas, or it is located in structured parking; or b. All or SOfFle efthe parking is located to the side(s) ofthe building; or e. Some short term parking may be located between the bNilding(s) and the right of 'Nay, but this shall not consist of more than onc Bauble loaded drive aisle, and pedestrian circulatien shall be provided pursuant to FWCC 22 1631(d). Large retail complexes may not be able to locate parking acoording to the aeove guidelines. Therefore, retail oomplexes of 60,000 square feet of gross flaer area or larger may leeate surfaoe parking bet\veen the building(s) and the right of way. However, this form of dev:elopmont shall provide f-or small bNildiag(s) alcmg the right of way to break Np and reduce tae visual impoot of the parking, atld pedestrian oiroulation must be proyided p\::H"suant to FWCC 22 Ui31(d). For f.l\:trposes of this guideline, "retail eOffiI31eJ(" means the entire lot or parcel, or series of lots or parcels, on \vhich a de..'elol3m.ent, activity or use is loeated or willlooate. Therefore, parking shall be located behind building(s), with building(s) located between rights-of-way and the parking area(s). or in structured parking, and any parkin!! located along a right-of-way is subiect to the following criteria: a. In the City Center-Core, surface parking and drivinl!: areas may not OCCUPy more than 25% ofthe proiect's linear frontage along principal pedestrian righUs)-of-way, as determined by the director. b. In the City Center Frame, surface parking and driving areas may not occupy more than 40% of the proiect's linear frontage along principal pedestrian right(s)-of-way, as determined by the . director. c. A greater amount of parking and driving areas than is specified in (a) and (b). above, may be located along other rights~of-way. provided that the parking is not the predominant use along such right-of-way, as determined by the director. (2) Entrance faeades shall front Oil, face, or be dcarly recognizable from the right of way, afll:l should incorporate ',vindows and other methods of articulation. (3) Building faoades that arc '/isible from a right of way and subject to modulatieR per FWCC 22 1635(b) shall incorporate facade treatment as follows: a. The facade ineerporates modulation and/or a landsoape sereening, l"NfSuant to FWCC 22 l635(b); and e. The facade inoorperates an aruade, 6anopy or plaza, and/or one er more artioulati0R element listed in FWCC 22 1635(0)(2); provided, that tae resulting building 6flaraoteristics aohie','c visual interest and appeal at a pedestrian scale and proximity, eORtribute to a sense of public spaee, and reinforce ta0 pedestriaR experience. ' . (2) Principal entrance facades shall front on, face, or be clearly recognizable from the right-of- way, and/or from the principal pedestrian right-of-way, as determined by the director, for proiects exposed to more than one right-of-way. @2004 Code Publishing Co. Page 15 (3) Building facades shall incorporate a combination of facade treatment options as listed in FWCC 22-1635(b) and 22-1635( c )(2). to a degree that is appropriate to the building size. scale. design. and site context. and according to the following guidelines: a. Principal facades containing a major entrance or located along a right-of-way. or clearly visible from a right-of-way or public sidewalk. shall incorporate a variety of pedestrian-oriented architectural treatments. including distinctive and prominent entrance features: transllarent glass such as windows. doors. or window displays in and adjacent to maior entrances; structural modulation where appropriate to break down building bulk and scale: modulated roof lines. forms. and heights; architectural articulation: canopies: arcades: pedestrian plazas; murals or other artwork; and streetscape amenities. At least 40% of any ground level principal facade located along a right-of-way must contain transparent glass. Landscaping shall be used to define and highlight building entrances. plazas. windows. walkways, and open sllace. and may include container gardens. wall and window planters. hanging baskets. seasonal beds. trellises. vines. espaliered trees and shrubs. and rooftoll gardens. Landscaping should not block views to the building or across the site. Foundation landscaping may be used to enhance but not replace architectural treatments. b. Secondary facades not containin~ a major building entrance or located along a right-of- way or clearly visible from a right-of-way or public sidewalk. may incoroorate facade treatments that are less pedestrian-oriented than in (3.)(a) above. such as a combination of structural modulation, architectural articulation. and foundation landscaping. c. Principal facades of single stOry buildings greater than 20.000 square feet grOSS ground floor area shall emphasize facade treatment options that reduce the appearance of bulk and achieve a human scale. This may be accomplished through such desi~ teclmiQues as a series of distinctive entrance modules or "storefronts" framed by proiecting. offset rooflines. or a maior pedestrian olaza adiacent to the entrance. (4) Pedestrian pathways shall be provided from ri2hts-of-way. bus stoPS. parking areas. and any pedestrian lllazas and public on-site open space. to primary building entrances. Where a use fronts more than one rieht-of-way. access shall be provided from both riehts-of-way. or from the rieht-of-wav nearest to the principal entrance. Multiple-tenant complexes shall provide pedestrian walkways connecting all maior business entrances on the site. Pedestrian pathways shall be. clearly delineated by separate paved routes using a variation in color and texture. and shall be integrated with the landscalle plan. Principal cross-site pedestrian pathways shall be a minimum six feet in clear width in the City Center-Frame and eight feet in clear width in the City Center-Core. and shall be protected from abutting parking and vehicular circulation areas with landscaping. ~ ill Drive-through facilities and stacking lanes shall not be located along. or in coni unction with a building facade of a building that faces or is clearly visible from a right-of-way. public sidewalk. or pedestrian plaza. Such facilities shall be located along other. secondary facades. as deterrninedby the director. and shall meet the separation. screening. and design standards listed in FWCC 22-1 634(g)(2)b. c. andd. ~ @ Above-grade parking structures with a ground level facade visible from a right-of-way shall incorporate any combination of the fol1owing elements at the ground level: a. Retail, commercial, or office uses that occupy at least 50 percent of the building's lineal frontage along the right-of-way; or b. A 15-foot-wide strip of Type III landscaping along the base ofthe facade; or c. A decorative grille or screen that conceals interior parking areas from the right-of-way. t6) ill Facades of parking structures shall be articulated above the ground level pursuant to FWCC 22-1635(c)(I). fJt 00 When curtain wall glass and steel systems are used to enclose a building, the glazing panels shall be transparent on 50 percent of the ground floor facade fronting a right-of-way or pedestrian area. 02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 16 f&j ill Chain-link fences shall not be allowed. Barbed or razor wire shall not be used. For HeR siHgle family residential uses only: f9j !1.Q} Subsections (a)(5) through (a)(17) For residential uses. subsections (a)(6) through (a)(9): (a)(ll); (a)(l2); (a)(l4); (a)(16); and (a)(17) of this section shall apply. (d) For all residential zones. (1) Nonresidential uses. Subsections (a)(5) through (a)(10) and (a)(13) through (a)(17) of this section shall apply. (2) Non-single-family residential uses. Subsections (a)(5) through (a)(17) of this section shall apply. (Ord. No. 96-271, S 3, 7-2-96; Ord. No. 99-333, S 3, 1-19-99; Ord. No. 00-382, S 3, 1-16-01; Ord. No. 03- 443, S 3, 5-20-03) 22-1639 Institutional uses. In all zoning districts where such uses are permitted the following shall apply: (I) FWCC 22-1634,22-1635 and22-1636. (2) FWCC 22-1638(a)(1) through (a)(5) and (a)(7) through (a)(9). (3) Building facades that exceed 120 feet in length and are visible from an adjacent residential zone, right-of-way or public park or recreation area shall incorporate a significant structural modulation (offset). The minimum depth of the modulation shall be approximately equal to 10 percent of the total length of the subject facade and the minimum width shall be approximately twice the minimum depth. The modulation shall be integral to the building structure from base to roofline. (4) Roof design shall utilize forms and materials that avoid the general appearance of a "flat" roof. Rooflines with an integral and obvious architectural pitch are an approved method to meet this guideline. Alternative distinctive roof forms such as varied and multiple stepped rooflines, architectural parapets, articulated cornices and fascias, arches, eyebrows, and similar methods will be considered by the director; provided, that the roof design minimizes uninterrupted horizontal planes and results in architectural and visual appeal. (5) Alternative methods to organize and shape the structural elements of a buildjng and provide facade treatment pursuant to FWCC 22-1635(b) and/or subsection (a)(3) of this section will be considered by the director as part of an overall design that addresses the following criteria: a. Facade design incorporates at least two of the options listed at FWCC 22-1635(b); b. The location and dimensions of structural modulations are proportionate to the height and length of the subject facade, using FWCC 22-1635(b) and subsection (a)(3) of this section as a guideline; c. Facade design incorporates a majority of architectural and accessory design elements listed at FWCC 22-1635(c)(2) and maximizes building and pedestrian orientation pursuant to FWCC 22-1636; and d. Overall building design utilizes a combination of structural modulation, facade treatment, and roof elements that organize and vary building bulk and scale, add architectural interest, and appeal at a pedestrian scale, and when viewed from an adjacent residential zone, rights-of-way, or other public area, results in a project that meets the intent of these guidelines. (6) The director may pennit or require modifications to the parking area landscaping standards of FWCC 22-l638(a)(7) for landscape designs that preserve and enhance existing natural features and systems; provided, that the total amount of existing and proposed landscaping within parking area(s) meets the applicable square footage requirement of FWCC Article XVII, Landscaping, and the location and arrangement of such landscaping is approved by the director. Existing natural features and systems include environmentally sensitive areas, stands of significant trees and native vegetation, natural topography and drainage patterns, wildlife habitat, migration corridors, and connectivity to adjacent habitats. (Ord. No. 03-443, S 3, 5-20-03) <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 17 22-1640 Design criteria for public on-site open space. The following guidelines apply to public on-site open space that is developed pursuant to the height bORNS program established in Article Xl, Division 8, of this chapter. All ooen space proposed under this section shall meet the definition of public on-site open space as set forth in this article and all of the following criteria: (1) Open spaoe developed under this seotion sRaNld be located se that it: a. Abuts a plis\ie right of way, ar alternatively, is visible and aeeessible from a publie right of 'Nay; b. Is bordereaaFl. at least one side by, ar is readily aooessible from, struoture(s) with eatries-t-a retail or offiee uses, housffig, oi':io/publio uses, ar another p1:Hllic open spaee; aad o. Is situated for maximum exposure to sunlight. (2) Open spaoe site design and oonfiguratien must fReet a majority efthe f-allowing guidelines: a. The gross area of the opeR spaoe daes Rot ins'*l36rate any other site elements sueh as setbaoks, lamlseaping, buffers, paving, or storm drainage faeilities, that 'Nould etherwise be inearporated into site design withem eRereising the open spae6 option; b. The gross area of the open space eneempasses at least 2.5 pereent of the lot area, up to a total aggregate square footage of25,000 square feet; o. The opeR Sflaee area must be elea:rly visible and aoeessible from the adjaeent right ef way; d. The primary area is at least 25 feet in width; e. A minimum of 15 pereent af the total area of the epeR spaoe is landseaped usmg Type IV landscaping or other landsvapiRg alternative; and f. The open sf.lavc may not be used for parking or loading of eommel"oial veHioles. Commercial vehiole loading areas abutting the open space ffil:lst be screened 1'Iy a solid, site obsouring walh (1 ) The total minimum amount of open space that shall be provided in exchange for bonus height is equal to 2.5 percent of the "bonus" floor area in gross square feet. provided that the total open soace area shall not be less than 500 square feet. (2) The open space may be arranged in more than one piece if appropriate to the site context. as determined by the director. '(3) The open space shall abut on. or be clearlv visible and accessible from. a public right-of-way or pedestrian pathway. (4) The open space shall be bordered on at least one side by. or be readily accessible from. structure(s) with entries to retail. office, housing, civic/public uses. or another public open space. (5) The open space sbaH not be located on asphalt or gravel pavement, or be adjacent to un screened parking lots. chain link fences. or on site blank walls. and may not be used for parking, loading. or vehIcular access. (6) The open space shall be sufficiently designed and appointed to serve as a maior focal point and public gathering place. It shall include a significant number of pedestrian-oriented features. furnishings, and amenities typically found in plazas and streetscapes. and as defined in this article: such as seating or sitting walls. lightinJ!:. weather protection. soecial paving. landscaping. trash receptacles. and bicycle racks. In addition. the open space(s) should provide one or more significant visual or functional amenity such as a water feature, artwork. or public restroom. and should allow for active uses such as vendinJ!:. fanners' markets. live perfonning arts space. and art shows. (Ord. No. 96-271, ~ 3,7-2-96; Ord. No. 99-333, ~ 3, 1-19-99; Oed. No. 00-382, ~ 3, 1-16-01; Oed. No. 03-443, ~ 3, 5-20-03) 22-1641 Design for cluster residential subdivision lots. (a) Garages shall be provided for all residential lots except if the lot is in a multifamily zone. iDZ004 Code Publishing Co. Page 18 (b) Front entryways should be the prominent feature of the home. Attached garages should not compose more than 40 percent of the front facade of the single-family home if the garage doors afe flush with the front facade, Of will be set back a minimum of five feet from the rest of the front facade. Detached gafages should also be set back a minimum of five feet from the facade. (c) If garage access is provided from alleys, the front yard setback can be reduced to 15 feet. (d) Each dwelling unit shall be intended fOf owner occupancy. (Ord. No. 01-381, ~ 3, 1-16-01; Ord. No. 03-443, S 3, 5-20-03) 22-1642 - 22-1650 Reserved. <02004 Code Publishing Co. Page 19 Exhibit 2 Staff Report for the November 16, 2005, Planning Commission Hearing Including Exhibits and Excluding Text Amendments ~ CITY OF'" - ~ Federal Way STAFF REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission Public Hearing. November 16,2005 Proposed Text Amendments to Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 22, "Zoning" City Center-Core and City Center-Frame and Other Amendments (City File No. OS-104258-00-UP) TABLE OF CONTENTS I. I~l'lt()DlJC:l'I()~ --------------------~------------------------------------------------------ 1 u. LISl' ()F PIt()P()SED AME~DME~l'S -------------------------------------------------- 1 III. OltGA~IZA1'I()~ ()F STAFF REp()RT ------------------------------------------------- 2 IV. STAFF ANALYSIS AND REc:()MME~DAT1()N ----------------------------------------- 2 V. PlJRP()SE AND INTE~T ()F AME~DMENTS---------------------------------------- 3 VI. IJAc:t(GR()lJND----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 VII. REAS()N F()R PLA~~I~G C()MMISS1()N AC:1'I()N ----------------------------------- 6 VI II. Pit ()C:EOlJRAL SUM MA R Y ---------------------------------------------------------------- 7 IX. D ECISI ()N AL CFtIT ERIA ------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 X. PLA~NI~G C()MMISSI()N Ac:T1()~------------------------------------------------l 0 XI. LIST ()F EXHIBITS -----------------------------------------------------------------------11 Report prepared by: Lori Michaelson, AICP, Senior Planner I. I~TR()DlJCfI()N The proposed zoning text amendments are intended to address real or perceived barriers to development that is consistent with the City Center vision of a pedestrian-oriented, mixed-use, vibrant, urban center, as adopted in the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (FWCP); while hmiting development that contradicts or impedes the vision. A detailed discussion of the purpose, intent, and background for the proposed amendments is provided in Paragraphs V and VI, below. Several key code amendments are proposed for consideration. These include prohibiting gambling activities, prohibiting the sale of second-hand merchandise, limiting the size of single story buildings and the amount of new single story construction that can occur on a site except when co-located with other optional uses, bringing commercial buildings to the street, limiting parking adjacent to streets, and emphasizing pedestrian and streetscape amenities, and better urban design principals, in building and site design. The proposal will also encourage multi-unit housing by eliminating density caps, increasing base height, relaxing open space requirements, and clarifying ground floor commercial requirements. Other amendments include allowing full reconstruction of nonconforming improvements when damaged or destroyed by sudden accidental cause irrespective of cost, highlighting existing code flexibility for reduced parking requirements, and clarifYing the discretionary process by which street frontage requirements are determined. II. LIST ()F PR()P()SED AME~DME~TS The proposed code amendments are listed below by title and number. . #IA: Prohibit incompatible land uses - Gambling activities · #1B: Prohibit inconsistent land uses ~ Second-hand merchandise sales '#2A: Multi-unit housing - Eliminate density caps · #28: Multi-unit housing - Criteria for ground floor commercial . #2C: Multi-unit housing - Recreational open space · #3A: Building heights - Limited increases to base heights · #38: Building heights - Amendments to height bonus program (office, hotel, trade ctr.) · #3C: Building heights - Amendments to height bonus program (multi-unit housing) .#4A Single story buildings - Maximum size limits . #48: ' Single story buildings - Options to increase size above 20,000 square feet · #5: Add new use and definition ~ "Retail Shopping Center, Regional" . #6A: Site layout - Building setbacks for commercial uses · #68: Site layout - Building setbacks for multi-unit housing . #6C: Site layout - Flexible parking requirements City Center Code Amendments File #05.I04258-OO-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page I . #7A: Design guidelines - Definitions . #78: Design guidelines - Mixed use residential buildings .#7C: Design guidelines - City center parking '#7D: Design guidelines - Falj:ade treatment in building design .#7E: Design guidelines - Pedestrian circulation facilities in site design . #7F: I?esign guidelines - Drive-thru facilities; residential guidelines .#7G: Design guidelines - Design criteria for public on-site open space . #8A: Nonconformance - Nonconforming use · #8B: Nonconformance - Nonconforming development . #8C: Nonconformance - Special provision for damaged improvements · #9: "Housekeeping" amendment · #10: Street improvements · #11: Perimeter landscape buffers III. ORGANIZATIO~ ()F STAFF REp()ltT A detailed description and staff analysis of the above-listed amendments are presented in the attached Exhibits "A," "B," and "C," described below. Each exhibit has a cover sheet listing its contents. The exhibits contain a series of tables addressing the amendments, along with the affected code sections with the proposed amendments shown in strikeo\it and bold format. EXHIBIT AME~DME~TS ADDRESSED AFFECTED C()))E(S) A #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6 "Use Zone Charts" and "Definitions" B #7 (#7A - #7G) "Community Design Guidelines" C #8,#9,#10,#11 "Nonconformances" and others The "City Center," as described in the FWCP and in this report, encompasses the zoning districts "City Center-Core" and "City Center-Frame," as designated on that portion of the City's adopted zoning map (Exhibit D). IV. Sl'AFF ANALYSIS mD REC()MMENDATI()~ The staff analysis and recommendation on each code amendment is provided on the corresponding tables contained within the above-noted exhibits. The staff recommendation is also provided in the form ofa proposed motion in Section X, "Planning Commission Action," below. City Center Code Amendments File #05-104258-OO-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page 2 V. PUltP()SE AND I~TE~l' ()F AME~DMENTS Overall Purpose The proposed code amendments will help address state and local policies, build on the City's recent capital investments in the City Center, implement recommendations from recent City Center studies, and formally address concerns which prompted the City's recent interim ordinance prohibiting certain uses and development from the City Center which were deemed contrary to the development envisioned by the FWCP. . Problem Statement The pattern of development in Federal Way's downtown continues to contradict the vision, goals, and policies for the City Center, as adopted in the FWCP (Exhibit E), and described in more detail in Section VI, below. The predominant development pattern continues to be characterized by single-story buildings and strip malls, surrounded by expanses of surface parking. This conflicts with the FWCP vision for compact, mixed-use, multiple story, pedestrian-oriented development, and efficient use of land; and fosters ongoing private investment in development that is inconsistent with the FWCP. Recent right-of-way projects have improved "trip quality" within vehicle and pedestrian routes of travel. However, there are few street-side pedestrian amenities, such as landscaping, pedestrian- scale lighting, and benches. In many instances, public sidewalks are bordered by large surface parking areas or blank building walls. There are no obvious, significant, public or private green spaces, plazas, corridors, or gathering spaces, and the residential population is limited. Publicly visible, and usable, pedestrian-oriented amenities and open spaces, and better urban design principals, must be better integrated into site and building design, if the City Center is to become an attractive and vibrant urban center where people want to live, work, play, shop, and gather. Proposed Restrictions Balanced with Incentives The proposed code amendments will restrict certain uses, and strengthen certain requirements, as necessary to help address the above-noted inconsistencies with the FWCP. However, the proposal also includes a number of incentives to development that comports with the FWCP. For example, the code amendments would limit the size of single story buildings to 20,000 square feet, and the amount of new single story construction on a site to 20,000 square feet. However, no size limit would apply to multiple story development, and increases to single story development may be granted to projects that co~locate with other optional uses. Also, minor additions of up to 1,000 square feet per year are exempt from the 20,000 square foot limit, and "regional shopping centers" arc defined and excluded from the size limit in light of their unique development format and development challenges. Multi-unit housing is encouraged in a variety of ways, such as eliminating density caps, clarifying ground floor commercial requirements, relaxing recreational open space criteria, and increasing base height from 35 feet to 70 feet in both the City Center Core and Frame. The nonconformance provisions of the code are relaxed to allow 100 percent rebuilding of a nonconforming structure that is destroyed or damaged by natural causes, regardless of cost. Other code changes simply make the code more usable or understandable, such as highlighting the City Center Code Amendments File #05-I04258"()()-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page 3 ability to reduce parking in the City Center, and clarifying the process by which required street frontage improvements are determined. In many instances, the proposed changes will regulate by form and design, rather than specific uses. VI. IJAC:KGROlJND State and Local Planning Policies Thc FWCr City Center chapter (Exhibit D) integfales lIlt: cUlJlIJJUuily's vision for a City Center with the Puget Sound Regional Council's adopted VISION 2020 Plan, and King County's countywide strategy for developing a network of urban centers. Federal Way's City Center is designated one of a dozen "Urban Centers" within the County, wherein a high concentration of jobs and housing is planned to occur. The City's strategy to meet these targets is set forth in the FWCP, and the highest density ofthe City's housing and jobs growth is directed to the City Center/Urban Center. The Land Use chapter of the FWCP states, ''The creation of an identifiable and vibrant downtown is one of the primary goals identified by the community during the CityShape planning process. The policies of the Land Use and City Center chapters of the FWCP envision a concentrated City Center comprised of mixed-use developments, pedestrian-oriented streetscapes, livable and affordable housing, a network of public spaces and parks, and development of superior design and quality. The City Center will provide a central gathering place for the community where civic and cultural activities and events take place." The intent of the City Center-Core land use designation, as described in the Land Use chapter of the FWCP, is to "create a higher density, mixed-use designation where office, retail, government uses, and residential uses are concentrated. Other uses such as cultural/civic facilities, community services, and housing, will be highly encouraged." The intent of the City Center-Frame, as described in this chapter, is "to have a look and feel similar to the Core and provide a zone of less dense, mixed-use development physically surrounding a portion ofthe City Center Core. Together, they (City Center-Core and City Center-Frame) are meant to complement each other to create a "downtown' area." The City Center vision statement (FWCP Chapter 7) states, "By the end of the comprehensive planning horizon, the City Center will have evolved into the cultural, social, and economic center of the City and fulfilled its role as one ofPuget Sound's regional network of urban centers. This role will be reinforced by pedestrian-oriented streetscapes; an efficient multimodal transportation system; livable and affordable housing; increased retail, service and office development in a compact area; a network of public spaces and parks; superior urban design; and a safe, essential, and vibrant street life." The Urban Center policies of the FWCP reinforce and compliment the above-noted vision and goals, by encouraging transit use and discouraging the use of single--occupant vehicles, emphasizing pedestrian features and promoting superior urban design, providing sufficient public open spaces and recreational opportunities, and encouraging uses that provide daytime and nighttime activities. City Center Code Amendments File #05-104258--OO-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page 4 Private and Public Investment The level of private investment in the downtown has not met the City's expectations or the goals of the FWCP. To help address these concerns, approximately $45 million of public money has . been invested in storm water and street infrastructure to benefit the downtown area and prepare for future development. In addition, the City adopted a tax incentive ordinance to help attract housing to the downtown, commissioned various special studies to help the City assess and address development potential (described below), and created a City Center Redevelopment Fund which will be available for a broad range of projects and programs to be determined by the City Council in the near future. City Center Development Studies and Strategies The code amendments as proposed were informed by several recent downtown-specific studies and planning efforts undertaken by the City. The purpose of the studies was to help the City assess market and development potential in the downtown, to strategize ways to achieve the type of development envisioned by the comprehensive plan and grounded in market potential, and to identify and address zoning obstacles to that vision. An August 12, 2005, "Final Code Obstacles Report" by Faith L. Lumsden was one source of information and direction in developing the amendments as proposed. The report identified potential zoning obstacles to the type of development envisioned by the FWCP, and recommended possible code changes to help address the obstacles. The recommendations of the code obstacles report, relative to the amendments, are noted throughout the staff report. The Lumsden report is available upon request. An October 2005 "City Center Redevelopment Strategy" by the Leland Consulting Group assessed market potential and provided strategic actions the City can take to help guideJuture investment in the downtown. The Leland study found that the potential market capture within the City Center over the next ten years includes 200,000 to 300,000 square feet of retail/ entertainment space, 200,000 to 300,000 square feet of office space, 800 to 1,200 urban housing units, and more than 400 additional lodging rooms. The City Council has also retained the Leland Group to help guide and implement efforts to capture this market potential. Such efforts may include but are not limited to aggressive marketing, public-private partnerships, property acquisition, and redevelopment projects. The relevance ofthe.Leland study to the code amendments is twofold. The study validates the market potential for so-called "lifestyle" development in the downtown, which is analogous to the FWCPvision for compact, mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented development. In addition, the study set out certain steps the City can take to "ready the environment for investment." One of these steps is to address real or perceived regulatory barriers that may exist in City regulations. The above-noted Lumsden study helped the City to identify possible code barriers and prepare the amendments as recommended. In addition, a "Planned Action" State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is being prepared by the consulting firm of Jones and Stokes, and should be completed the first part of 2006. The EIS will identify development capacity in the City Center over a ten-year development horizon and the mitigation necessary to achieve that capacity. Ultimately, the EIS will be a tool to assist developers through an expedited permit process for projects that are consistent with the FWCP and the EIS. City Center Code Amendments File #05-1 04258-OO-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page 5 It should be emphasized that it is not necessary for the Planned Action EIS to precede these code amendments. The EIS will not provide any information that is related to the proposed amendments. There is no master plan, comprehensive plan changes, subarea plan, or other major change to the environment contemplated in the Planned Action EIS. The EIS will simply address environmental impacts over a ten~year development horizon. The only "planning" change being considered in the EIS is a potential height increase for residential development, from the existing height of 85 feet to a maximum 145 feet (consistent with the current maximum height for commercial uses), with an option to consider 200 feet. Since the currently proposed code amendments do not in any significant way increase development potential in the City Center, but rather accommodate it more readily, and/or direct it to be more compliant with the comprehensive plan vision, the amendments do not require an EIS to proceed. Interim Ordinance On June 7, 2005, the City Council adopted an interim ordinance (Exhibit F) that temporarily suspended certain types of development from the City Center as being inconsistent with the FWCP vision for multiple-story, mixed~use, pedestrian-scale development and a more efficient use of land. The ordinance temporarily prohibited new one-story single tenant buildings in excess of 75,000 square feet, one-story multi-tenant buildings in excess of 10,000 square feet, drive- through businesses, casinos, card rooms, check cashing businesses, thrift stores, pawn shops, retail establishments selling primarily groceries, and retail establishments selling primarily hardware and garden related items. The interim ordinance suspended the opportunity for additional private investment in development that may be inconsistent with the comprehensive plan, and allowed the City to complete and consider the above-noted studies by Lumsden and Leland, and to advance work on the Planned Action EIS. The interim ordinance expires on December 7,2005, unless it is extended by official action of the City Council. Certain elements of the interim ordinance were incorporated in whole or in part into the recommended code amendments. These include prohibitions on gambling activities (i.e., casinos and card rooms) and the sale of second-hand merchandise (i.e., thrift stores and pawn shops), and restrictions on the size of single story buildings. The other interim prohibitions, on grocery stores, hardware stores, and drive-through businesses, are not being recommended for permanent adoption because the concerns behind these prohibitions will be adequately addressed by related site and design regulations, as recommended. Public Involvement From July through October of this year, staff met with several business and property owners in order to review the key aspects of the proposed amendment. In addition, a draft version -of the proposed code amendments was introduced tothe Planning Commission at a public workshop on October 19,2005. The Planning Commission public hearing notice was issued in accordance with all applicable code requirements and in addition, was sent to all owners of record of property located within the City Center Core and Frame. VII. REAS()~ F()1t PLA~NI~G C()MMISSION ACTI()N FWCC Chapter 22, "Zoning," Article IX, "Process VI Review," establishes a process and criteria [or'zoning code text amendments. Consistent with Process VI review, the role of the Planning Commission is as follows: City Center Code Amendments File 1I05-104258-OO-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page 6 . To review and evaluate the zoning code text regarding any proposed amendments; . To determine whether the proposed amendments meet the criteria provided by FWCC Section 22-528; and, . To forward a recommendation to City Council regarding adoption of the proposed zoning code text amendments. VIII. PFtOCEDlJRAL SUMMARY July-October, 2005 Informal. meetings with staff and property owners and business owners October 19, 2005 Planning Commission Workshop to review and discuss draft proposal October 26, 2005 Determination of Non significance (DNS) issued pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A)* November 16, 2005 Public Hearing before the Planning Commission* November 23,2005 DNS appeal deadline .Public notices of the C:ity's environmental threshold determination and Planning Commission public hearing were duly prepared and distributed in accordance with all applicable code requirements; and in addition, the hearing notice was mailed to all owners of record of real property located in the City C:enter- Core and City Center-Frame zoning districts. IX. DECISIO~AL CFtIl'EFtIA FWCC Section 22-528 provides criteria for zoning text amendments. The following section analyzes the compliance ofthe proposed zoning text amendments with the criteria provided by FWCC Section 22-528. The City may amend the text of the FWCC only ifit finds that: . 1. The proposed amendments are consistent with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; The proposed FWCC zoning text amendments are consistent with, and substantially implement, the following key goals and policies adopted in the FWCP: Land Use (Chapter 2, FWCP) LUG] Improve the appearance and function of the built environment. LUP] Use residential design performance standards to maintain neighborhood character and ensure compatibility with surrounding uses. City Center Code Amendments File #05-104258-QO-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page 7 LUP2 Use design and performance standards to achieve a greater range of housing options in multiple-family designations. LUP3 Use design and performance standards to create attractive and desirable commercial and office developments. LUP44 Neighborhood Business centers should consist of neighborhood scale retail and personal services. LUP45 Encourage mixed residential and commercial development in Neighborhood Business designations where compatibility with nearby uses can be dcmonstrated. LUP 187 Develop incentives to encourage desired development in conimercial areas, especially in the City Center Core and Frame. Economic Development (Chapter 4, FWCP) EDGl The City will emphasize redevelopment that transforms the City from a suburban bedroom community to a full-service community with an urban core. Housing (Chapter 5, FWCP) HP31 Encourage new residential development to achieve maximum allowable density based on gross area. City Center (Chapter 7, FWCP) CCGl Create an identifiable City Center that serves as the social, cultural, and economic focus of the City. Define a City Center with distinct boundaries, unique building types, and special features. CCG2 Attract a regional market for high quality office and retail uses which increases employment opportunities, adds to the City's tax base, and establishes Federal Way's City Center as an economic leader in the South King County region. CCG5 Encourage a mix of compatible uses to maintain a lively, attractive, and safe place to live, work, and visit. CCG6 Focus on improving the existing character and image of the City Center. City Center Code Amendments File #OS-I04258..()()..UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page 8 CCG7 Encourage housing opportunities in mixed residential/commercial settings. Promote housing opportunities close to employment. CCG9 Create an environment oriented to pedestrians and bicyclists. CCG 10 Create an environment that attracts high quality housing, commercial, and office uses. Continue to enforce requirements for quality design in buildings, streetscape, and site planning. CCG 11 Create policies and regulations to encourage more efficient use of parking facilities and to foster new, innovative, and creative parking solutions. CCG 13 Focus new growth, with resultant increasing demands for infrastructure and transportation, in the City Center, specifically the core area. Allow for higher intensity uses for efficient use of land. CCP2 Develop an attractive City Center that will attract quality development. CCP3 Continue to support land use regulations that allow the higher intensity development expected over the next 15 to 30 years. CCP7 Allow for a variety of uses and mixed-use development within buildings, or complexes. Ensure that mixed-use development complements and enhances the character of the surrounding residential and commercial areas. CCG 14 Allow increased development of commercial uses while increasing housing opportunities and diversity of housing types. CCP 10 Continue to develop land use regulations that encourage the frame area to accommodate higher-density residential uses accompanied by residentially oriented retail and service uses. CCP 11 Continue to provide amenities such as community services, parks, and public spaces to meet residential needs. CCP 17 Emphasize pedestrian and bicycle circulation, as well as other travel modes in all aspects of developing the City Center transportation system. Include public sidewalks, street trees, and other pedestrian amenities for streets. CCP 18 Continue to enforce and refine local zoning codes, site planning requirements, and street design standards, as necessary, to establish a more pedestrian and bicycle friendly environment. CCP19 Encourage new development to include active ground floor uses such as shops, community services, office, and housing units. Provide pedestrian City Center Code Amendments File #05~104258-'()()-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page 9 connections between adjacent buildings where possible to provide for streetscape continuity. CCP21 Continue to site and screen parking lots to minimize impact on the pedestrian environment. CCP22 Connect the main entry of buildings to public sidewalks by a clear, identifiable pathway. CCP42 Site and orient buildings and parking to allow redevelopment of surface parking. CCP47 Continue to construct streetscape improvements as an integral component of any roadway improvement. CCP48 Encourage buildings to front or face public rights-of-way, providing clear paths from the sidewalk to all entries. 2. The proposed amendments bear a substantial relationship to public health, safety, or welfare; The proposed FWCC text amendments will help create an identifiable downtown, improve the form and function of the City Center through improved site and building design, improve pedestrian amenities and circulation within the City Center, restrict land uses that may be incompatible or inconsistent with residential uses, and limit continued private investment in development inconsistent with the comprehensive plan, which will have a direct relationship to public health, safety, and welfare. And 3. The proposed amendment is in the best interest of the residents of the city. The proposed FWCC text amendments will help create an identifiable downtown that is the social and economic focus of the City, encourage a mix ofIand uses compatible with housing, promote housing opportunities close to employment, promote development that consumes less land, and improve the quality of urban design and architecture within the City Center, which is in the best interest of the City's residents. X. PLA~~I~G C()MMISSI<>N Ac:1'I()~ Consistent with the provisions ofFWCC Section 22-539, the Planning Commission may take the following actions regarding the proposed zoning code text amendments: 1. Recommend to City Council adoption of the FWCC text amendments as proposed; 2. Modify the proposed FWCC text amendments and recommend to City Council adoption of the FWCC text amendments as modified; City Center Code Amendments File #05-104258-OO-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page 10 --..- 3. Recommend to City Council that the proposed FWCC text amendments not be adopted; or, 4. Forward the proposed FWCC text amendments to City CQuncil without a recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDS THE FOLLOWING M()TION: "Move to recommend to the City Council for adoption of proposed FWCC text amendments, numbered 1 through 11, as listed in Paragraph II of the staff report.. . ... or... if deletions or changes occur as a result of Planning Commission deliberations, add... "except amendment no(s)-> as deleted, or as amended by the Planning Commission as follows...... ". XI. EXHIBITS Exhibit A: Code Amendments # 1 through #6 - Tables and Affected Codes Exhibit B: Code Amendments #7 A through #7G - Tables and Affected Codes Exhibit C: Code Amendments #8 through #11 - Tables and Affected Codes Exhibit D: Zoning Map, City Center~Core and City Center-Frame Exhibit E: Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, City Center Chapter Exhibit F: Interim Ordinance, No. 493, adopted June 7, 2005 City Center Code Amendments File #05-104258"()()-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page II EXHIBIT A CONTENTS OF EXHIBIT 1) CODE AMENDMENT TABLES - #iA: Prohibit incompatible land uses - Gambling activities - #1B: Prohibit inconsistent land uses - Second-hand merchandise sales - #2A: Multi-unit housing - Eliminate density caps . #2B: Multi-unit housing - Criteria for ground floor commercial · #2C: Multi-unit housing - Recreational open space - #3A: Building heights - Limited increases to base heights (housing, retail, entertainment, and "transitional" height) - #3B: Building heights - Height bonus program (offices, hotels, trade centers) -#3C: Building heights - Height bonus program (multi-unit housing) -#4A: Single-story buildings - Maximum size limits -#4B: Single-story buildings - Options to increase size above 20,000 square feet - #5: Add new use and definition - "Retail Shopping Center, Regional" -#6A: Site layout - Building setbacks for commercial uses - #6B: Site layout- Building setbacks for multi-unit housing - #6C: Site layout - Flexible parking requirements 2) AFFECTED CODE SECTIONS - Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 22, Article XI; "District Regulations," Division 8, "City Center-Core & City Center-Frame Use Zone Charts" and Sec. 22-722, "Neighborhood Business" Use Zone Chart, Entertainment - FWCC Chapter 22, Article I, "'Definitions" . 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'a .s Q.I ~ "" ~ C'l e-;.Cl c. bII ~ u.c. ::s = :0 S ~~M~~~ = ~.~8M~~~~ . Cl C'l C'l = 't I=: - = ~ = C'l' =,g'a'~ - z a ~ ::lc.Q.I'04.l"'Q.I 4.lc.-04.l=",,~ ~ Q.I ~ g' ~ g.: g.~ g.3 . go] ~ go:.E ~ J ~ z ~ Q.I~~Q.I ~Q.lc..4.lf Q.l5co4.l1=:~C'lc.Q.I~~ -<=~ -<=H-'=",,;.Cl::l ;.Cl4.l~;.ClC'l4.l ~'O""~ E-4;.Cl O.f-< u E-4 0 E-4 1:: <Ii E-4 "". E-4 _ a .~ '" .... 0..:.= _bII~_-_>._=U_U _=_;.Cl'O"'~"" ~""_Ns:lMC'l~""C'l\("l~""~-C'l-l=:o " -J$-8-~-~i~::Il-g,.:!:lB~~=S c E ..., 5 ~ u ..., 0 u ... v 5 u z.. u EXHIBIT C CONTENTS OF EXHIBIT 1) CODE AMENDMENT TABLES · #8A: Nonconformance - Nonconforming use. Allows improvements and expansions of conforming uses that are collocated with a nonconforming use. · #8B: Nonconformance - Nonconforming development. Applies to expansions of existing single story buildings over 20,000 square feet ("companion" to Amendments #4A & #4B). . #8C: Nonconformance - Special provision for damaged improvements. Allows full replacement of nonconforming structures, and other improvements, that are damaged or destroyed by sudden accidental cause. · #9: Housekeeping amendment - Repeal a subsection which should have been previously repealed. .. #10: Street improvements - Clarify the method by which required street frontage improvements are determined. .#11: Perimeter landscape buffers - Clarify that no perimeter buffer is required where buildings front on a right-of-way. 2) AFFEcrED CODE SECTIONS . Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 22, Article IV, "Nonconformance" . FWCC Chapter 22, Article XV, "Off Street Parking" . FWCC Chapter 22, Article XVI, "Improvements" . FWCC Chapter 22, Article XVII, "Landscaping" - "'0 ... a @ 0"'0 0 ~ ;g.s"3i3 ...... 0... o <<l 0 ..... 0...... 0 E "'0 .;;; g ~ 0 a '" I'l ~...d ..... 8 0 oj '" ""~.s I'l 0 .- oil.>~~ 0 .s~ t ~ 0 0 ~ ~ 0 t ..cbJ)cnmt:H ~.=: ~~~,:j0P, ....'" . 0 00 E..s .E.... ~ =.~ ~ 0 uo"'~o>> "'~ a""""'O ......0 .0 0 I'l ~ 0 p. s 0 .- t:io"''aE :cia ~ 0 . n 0 .- 0 '.- <<l ~~O~~~~~ o.a;:loUo::lO <Ii .!:: ..... oo.s ::l ... OIl P, 0 0 00 I'l ""C ~ '" ~ '" '" ..o,S 0 0 0 . t:l ;::l B~ ';;;';;;"'0 2]~ a ;::l 0 t:l t:l 0 0 '" '8 ._ 0 0 0.'" """ t:l o .a 'E ..t:J ..t:J ~ I'l's.~ .- 0 '" '" 0 - 0 ~ ~ ~ t.~ 0 ~ ~ -s 'E oo.t:: .so~",o . O~tU:'=oO.. vo "'H'O ~~"'O d<l> ~~~ .s ~ o.a 50 ::s ....,j '+-I -1""'1 '"- ~ 000.. Oo~ ~l: o ~ p. a 0 p. 'n J,.., <l> .s. <<l u;::lp...; <l>i Q.)- _(U~ ...... 00 .a~Eoj....o ca 00.... >0_....' J .,..... "E! U')....., ~ J,.. 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N. .............0 ~..c ................... "'--"" '-' """ O. ..... v v 0)'-... . 0. Po p..<nO", <n V P <n :s ~p fi va t::~ E .... . < 'bj) '" <<1'0 ~'-' E ~ 0) N - E 'O'g N~ 0.... .....~ ..( 00 20.. ... Oll.S g. ~ "8 .~ "'0 ..c: ~ ~ u o~ Uij~ !1 ::::l "'0.. u...J ~ r:l co:!:: u~.... U., ~o..o ~~B vo"E ?->o >,. ..c:lB~ ~ 0 ~ f-t<uo .xu U "~~. -- Map VII..4 City Center land Use Designations .IV City Canter Boundary ~ Map Data: Apr1I. 2002. ~ , N .....~. CoralFrama DivIde 500 1,000 F&lIt - City Canter Cora 0 L.., I I I MIll City Canter Frame .. Park A Federal Way lNiJltia;JI'18~ brlllJ...,.UJtIM,.ad ..~...apfVaf~1"id;a EXHIBIT -:1:2_ - ~~i1 CHAPTER SEVEN - CITY CENTER 7.0 INTRODUCTION Federal Way's City Center chapter presents concepts and strategies for creating a definable and vibrant "City Center" for Federal Way and an "urban center" for Southwest King County in the Federal Way City Center planning area. The chapter integrates the community's vision for a City Center with the Puget Sound Regional Council's (PSRC) adopted VISION 2020 plan, and King County's countywide strategy for developing a network of centers. In this chapter, the term "urban center" is used consistent with the VISION 2020/King County definition, or to refer to the general characteristics of a sub-regional center. The term "City Center" applies specifically to Federal Way's proposed center, which includes a City Center core area and frame area. Only the City Center core area is intended to meet the requirements of an urban center, in accordance with the Countywide Planning Policies (CWPPs). Purposes The principal purposes of the Federal Way City Center chapter are to: . Create an identifiable downtown that is the social and economic focus of the City; . Strengthen the City as a whole by providing for long-term growth in employment and housing; . Promote housing opportunities close to employment; . Support development of an extensive regional transportation system; . Reduce dependency on automobiles; . Consume less land with urban development; . Maximize the benefit of public investment in infrastructure and services; . Reduce costs of and time required for pemitting; . Provide a central gathering place for the community; and . Improve the quality of urban design for all developments. lJackground The VISION 2020 Plan (1995 update), Regiomil Goal #1 states, "Locate development in urban growth areas to conserve natural resources and enable efficient provision of services and facilities. Within urban growth areas, focus growth in compact communities and centers in a manner that uses land efficiently, provides parks and recreation areas, is pedestrian-oriented, and helps strengthen communities. Connect and serve urban communities with an efficient, transit oriented, multi-modal transportation system." King County's CWPPs support this goal by encouraging: . Establishment of an urban center that is a vibrant, unique, and attractive place to live and work; EXHIBIT ! . j!F"" FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center . Efficient public services including transit; and . Responding to local needs and markets for jobs and housing. The CWPPs define urban centers as concentrated, mixed-use areas, a maximum size of 12 square miles (960 acres), and oriented around a high capacity transit station. At build- out, the policies envision that the center would contain a minimum of 15,000 jobs within 2 mile~ of the transit center, 50 employees per gross acre, and an average of 15 households per acre. The urban center policies also call for: . Adopting regulations which encourage transit use and d~scourage the use of single-occupant vehicles; . Emphasizing the pedestrian features and promoting superior urban design; . Providing sufficient public open spaces and recreational opportunities; and . Uses that provide daytime and nighttime activities. The CWPPs recognize that with this growth will come an increased need for infrastructure. The policies, therefore, indicate that priority will be given to ensure the development of additional transportation and other infrastructure improvements necessary to support new, concentrated growth in urban centers. During a series of community workshops held in 1992 and 1993 (which are described in chapter one), participants helped to develop a "vision" for Federal Way's future. This vision included the creation of a City Center. With the support of the residential and business community, Federal Way nominated itself to contain an urban center. Nominations were reviewed by the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC), which confirmed the Federal Way City Center core area as an urban center in 1994. The urban center designation should help Federal Way continue to gain access to County funds needed to provide infrastructure as the City Center grows. The Role of the City Center in Federal Way's Future There are several reasons why a definable, vital City Center is an important part of Federal Way's future. These include: Community Support - The Federal Way community has made the City Center a significant part of its vision. Participants in community workshops helped to develop a vision for Federal Way's future. A keystone of that plan is an attractive, multi-faceted City Center providing the setting for civic features and commercial activities. Economic Development - Federal Way's economic development strategy relies on a strong urban center. As discussed in the Economic Development chapter, Federal Way has the opportunity to transform itself from an essentially residential and retail based economy to an emerging, sub-regional economic center with an expanded, more diversified employment base. R.."""." "3 VII.2 '1.<<';"';:. FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center Natural Evolution - The development of a more intensive, multi-use urban center is a natural step in Federal Way's evolution. Most new centers start out as bedroom communities. Retail businesses develop first; office and industrial activities next begin to locate at key transportation crossroads, adding jobs and strengthening the employment base. Federal Way has experienced all evolutionary phases, with the exception of one. The final step is achieving a sufficient critical mass in the City Center to produce lively street activity; support speCialty business, cultural/entertainment facilities; justify the investment for public parks, amenities, and improved transportation systems; and create the interactive "synergy" ofa true urban center. Federal Way's economic development strategy will add this final essential step in this evolution. Growth Management - Developing a City Center is part of a regional strategy to address Western Washington's growth management. Public policy makers have focused increased attention on issues affecting our quality of life, including urban sprawl and the accompanying reduction of open space, declining housing affordability, and increasing traffic congestion. As stated previously, concentrating future growth within the four county region into a number of centers (rather than a continued pattern of dispersion), linked by an efficient high capacity transit system, is one ofthe principal goals to manage this growth. 7.1 EXISTING CONDITIONS City Center Planning Area The City Center planning area, consisting of the City Center Core and Frame zones, is approximately 414 acres in size and is bounded by South 31th Street, South 324th Street, Interstate 5, 11 u. Place South, and 13th Avenue South (see Maps VII-] and VII-2, maps are ~ located at the end of the chapter). The City Center Core and Frame areas are 209 and 205 acres, respectively. General Image The City Center does not currently present an identifiable sense of a downtown or urban center. The existing commercial development within the study area is typical of suburban strip retail and mall development. The dominance of mass retailing has largely shaped the commercial core. The SeaTac Mall and spin-off retail centers are a local and regional destination and generate great amounts of physical and economic activity. However, as is the case with most older suburban mall areas, there is little, if anything; distinctive or unique about the existing City Center. Essentially, it could be anyplace. It is similar to hundreds of other commercial centers across the country. The businesses do not connect to each other, or to public and private spaces, residential neighborhoods, or civic uses, except by automobile. Development essentially reflects one pattern: a single story of "light" construction, surrounded by an apron of asphalt. Buildings feature concrete, or concrete block walls, creating austere and "generic" images~ Revised 2002 VII.3 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center Another prevalent image of the area is the vast amount of surface parking. The availability of parking is essential to the current type ofretail found in Federal Way. City Center businesses serve regional as well as local markets, and are heavily oriented to access by automobile. Actual building footprints relative to total parcel areas are quite small; the majority of most parcels are used to provide surface parking. This parking is often underutilized, except during the peak holiday season. The current network of collectors and arterials, and the disjointed over-sized block grids within the existing commercial area, contributes to significant traffic congestion. The character of the street environment is also unfriendly to pedestrians in many locations, with few amenities such as landscaping, lighting, benches, etc. In addition, in many locations the pedestrian experience is made even less attractive as little more than parking lots or blank walls line the sidewalks. Recent improvements throughout the City Center, most notably along South 320m Street, have improved the character of some streetscapes with handsome streetlights and trees. Continuation of these improvements along Pacific Highway South and elsewhere throughout the City Center will do much to improve the overall character of the City Center streetscapes. Similarly, the eJS:tensive abatement of unattractive, out-of-scale signage, achieved over the past five years, has also led to a more attractive, human-scale streetscape. The City Center does not contain a significant residential population. Pockets of residential housing exist between South 312m and 3 16th Streets, and SR-99 and 1-5. Figure VII-l (page 5) depicts an aerial view ofthe City Center area looking south from the northwest comer of the City Center boundaries. Physical Conditions Land Use Most of the study area is currently developed and consequently, most new development in this area will displace existing low intensity uses. Buildings are dispersed throughout the area and lack pedestrian connections to each other and public rights-of-way. Current land use patterns favor auto-oriented commercial activity. The primary use in the City Center area is retail/service, followed by lodging, office, and residential. SeaTac Mall is the <<signature" development in the area. Table VII-l (page 5) lists the amount ofland use development by gross floQr area within the City Center planning area as of January 2002. Public and civic uses are scarce, with only four publicly owned non-park sites (the Federal Way School District's bus barn site north of II th Place South and South 320th Street; Truman High School, northwest of South 317th Street and 28th AventleSouth; King County Library, 848 South 320th Street; and the School District's Administrative Offices, 31405 Pacific Highway South). Revised 2002 VII-4 FWCP - Chapter Sellen, City Center Figure VII-I Aerial View of City Center ---..../~ '--_._-~____._____-c....---------......qr--=-~n'-'- _.._u__ .~---......------i';"--_.'~--'-'_- ~.-.. ~___ - -,-_.~- - - ........,u.~ ~.J..tL-j.~ ") .I\.~-t!"" 7\ ~J\ Table VII-I Gross Floor Area of Land Uses - City Center, January 2002 Use Total Sauare Footage # Units # Rooms Office 225,456 Retail 2.734,842 Hotels 369377 655 Movie Theatres 67,730 Li~ht Industrial'" 110,339 Institutional 55,224 Single Familv 980 1 Multiple Family 891 · ministorage facilities and service buildings Revised 2002 VII-S --- FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center Parks and Open Space There are no truly public spaces within the City Center. Private green spaces, plazas and public meeting spaces are few. Steel Lake Park to the northeast and Celebration Park to the southwest are on the perimeter ofthe City Center. Even though these parks are within walking distance of the City Center, they also serve as regional facilities in addition to serving local needs. Civic lJuildings and Municipal Facilities Similarly, the City Center lacks significant civic or municipal facilities, with only the Public Library near the periphery of the City Center. The next closest facility is the City of Federal Way Parks Defartment's Steel Lake Annex and Maintenance Facility near South 312lh Street and 281 Avenue South. Klahanee Senior! Community Center and City Hall are located a few miles southwest of the City Center at 3390 I 9th A venue South and 33530 151 Way South, respectively. Circulation Roadways - A key element defining mobility within the City Center planning area is the enormous size of its blocks. Most U.S. downtowns have blocks ranging from 250 to 500 feet on a side; block lengths in Federal Way are several times that. Because ofthe "superblock" configuration, motorists drive between and within parking areas serving City Center developments to avoid congestion along City streets and pedestrian circulation is discouraged. Access to the area is provided by two principal arterial routes: South 320th Street (which fUns east/west and connects to 1-5), and SR-99 (which fUns north/south). An inefficient hierarchy of streets feed these arterial roadways. The area lacks a system of minor arterial and smaller collector streets that could diffuse traffic efficiently away from these two principal arterials. The irregular spacing of traffic signals also adds to congestion. As such, the accessibility provided by the juncture of these routes, initially attractive to area residents, has been lost due to growth in traffic. Transit Service - Eighteen transit and dial-a-ride routes radiate from the City Center. However, service to the entire City Center is not the primary focus, especially during the peak periods of the day as there are only 12 all-day routes. A regional park and ride lot, located southwest ofI-5 and south of South 3201h Street, generates most of the area's transit ridership during peak periods of the day. King CountyIMETRO, Sound Transit~ and Pierce Transit serve this site. Congestion on 1-5, South 320th Street, and SR-99 demonstrates the need for an enhanced transit system. However, the existing low intensity and dispersed land use patterns will not support significant increases in transit service. The area also lacks transit facilities such as bus pullouts and waiting areas, and a pedestrian network to safe and direct access from transit stops. The proposed 317th direct access ramp for Sound Transit's Federal Way Transit Center will improve regional transit speed and reliability because transit will be able to access the city center without using the congested 1-5!320Ih interchange. It will also benefit carpools and van pools. Revised 2002 VIl-6 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center Pedestrian Environment and Bicycle Facilities - A 1992 inventory of existing sidewalks within the City (see page V-22 of the Community Profile, Feb. 1993) revealed a deficiency of pedestrian facilities Citywide. The central core was highlighted as one of the areas that lacked an adequate pedestrian network. For example, most of SR 99 and portions of 324th Street and 23m Avenue South lacked sidewalks. A majority of walking that does take place in the study area occurs within malls and along storefronts of shopping center strips. Sidewalks connecting storefronts to public walkWays are lacking. The few sidewalks that did exist were narrow, devoid of trees, and interrupted by - numerous curb cuts. Crossing wide, busy streets such as South 320th Street and SR-99 can also be intimidating. There are few places to sit and enjoy pleasant weather, meet friends, or have lunch outside. The current pedestrian environment is unfriendly and unappealing. The division that exists between pedestrians and auto areas is not conducive to establishing the active street life desired in a City Center. Bicyclists have even fewer facilities to choose from. City streets lack striping or sign age for bike riders who must share the road with heavy volumes of traffic. Once bicyclists reach the area, they become frustrated by the lack of safe storage facilities for their vehicles. Covered bike parking will be provided at Sound Transit's Federal Way Transit Center. Residential The City Center contains .approximately 892 units of housing (listed in Table VII-I), . located primarily in the area east of SR -99, south of South 31 ih Street, nQrth of South 316th Street, and west of 28th A venue South. Other residential neighborhoods surround the City Center area, such as the pockets of multi-family housing west of South 11 th Place and south of South 320lh Street. There are also single-family neighborhoods west of Highway 99 and north of the South 312lh Street corridor. While these neighborhoods are not located immediately within the City Center, they are located conveniently within walking, bicycling, or vehicular distance. They differ greatly in character and type. ill 1997, two senior housing projects were constructed in the City Center Frame area. These projects are located south of South 312th Street and east of 23rd Avenue South, adjacent to the southern portion of Steel Lake Park. The two projects, Meridian! Willamette Court and Woodmark at Steel Lake, consist of300and 85 living units respectively. The residents of these developments have easy access to several shopping opportunities and services in the City Center area. It is important to note that no new residential construction has occurred in the City Center since that time. Infrastructure Most of the existing facilities and infrastructure were inherited from King County. In 1998, the City adopted new streetscape guidelines related to roadway profiles, streetlights, sidewalk widths, and street trees. In 1999, South 312lh Street between Pacific Highway South and 23m Avenue South was widened to five lanes, and new sidewalks, street lighting, and street trees were added, as well as traffic signals at 20th Avenue South Revised 2002 VII.7 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center and 23rd A venue South. In 200 I, South 320lh Street was improved with streets cape elements between II Ih Place South and 30lh A venue South. In 2002, the remainder of South 320lh Street also was improved and 23rd Avenue South was widened to five lanes with sidewalks and streetscape elements. New traffic signals at South 3 16th, South 31 ih, and South 322nd Streets were installed. In 2003, construction will begin on widening Pacific Highway South to add high-occupancy vehicle (HOY) lanes, sidewalks, and streetscape elements. 7.2 VISION STATEMENT By the end of the comprehensive planning horizon, the Federal Way City Center will have evolved into the cultural, social, and economic center of the City and fulfilled its role as one ofPuget Sound's regional network of urban centers. This role will be reinforced by pedestrian-oriented streetscapes; an efficient multi-modal transportation system; livable and affordable housing; increased retail, service, and office development in a compact area; a network of public spaces and parks; superior urban design; and a safe, essential, and vibrant street life. The City Center is responsive to the needs of the City's residents. In addition to general services that draw people from outside the region, such as retail, office, and hotel uses, the City Center is the primary commercial area providing local goods and services to the surrounding neighborhoods, and to residents and employees within the center area. Private development and City initiated actions will have resulted in a balanced transportation network that accommodates automobiles, public transportation, high occupancy vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, and integrated parking. Pedestrian and bicycle circulation is emphasiz~d along with other travel modes. The downtown urban fabric includes smaller blocks, lending itself to efficient and pleasant travel. Concentrated development allows a significant number of jobs and residences to be located within close proximity to transit and a High Capacity Transit Station (HCT), thus, reducing dependency on the automobile and improving pedestrian mobility. The regional HCT system may begin with regional express bus service that would evolve to fixed guide-way systems, such as light rail or monorail, as ridership dictates and funding allows. Direct access to a regional transit system links the City Center to Seattle, Everett, Tacoma, Bellevue, SeaTac International Airport, and other regional and local destinations. The diversity of housing opportunities now includes high-rise residential buildings, which help to meet a significant portion of the community's housing needs. City Center residents walk or take transit to shop, work, and recreate. Community facilities and services, public spaces, parks, and trails complement the variety of housing and provide places for residents to come together as a community. A central gathering place for the community, the City Center is where the whole community can congregate and celebrate. Civic and cultural facilities, in addition to a Revised 2002 VIl-6 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center park and open-space system, meet the needs of residents, employees, and visitors. These amenities connect to the Citywide and regional system of open spaces, parks, and trails. Public and private projects contain such design elements as fountains, sculptures, and unique landscaping. The quality of urban design for all developments, including streets, buildings, and landscaping, is high and contributes to an improved quality of life. Public buildings and spaces also set a high standard for design and compatibility with adjoining uses. Goals for the City Center Chapter The goals and policies of the City Center chapter are derived from those of the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (FWCP). The FWCP addresses in greater detail the framework of regional plans and legislation which direct planning in Federal Way. It also discusses the basic policies addressing housing, parks, recreation, and commercial development. This chapter builds on these policies, and provides specific recommendations and actions necessary to facilitate the development of the City Center. The following goals provide overall direction to policy makers and community members when making choices about growth and development within Federal Way's City Center. Additional goals and policies are located throughout this chapter, providing specific direction on other matters discussed. No set of goals or policies can address all potential issues that may arise in the course of implementing the FWCP. Therefore, while these are fundamental to the FWCP, they are not immutable and may need to be revised as situations warrant. Goals CCGl Create an identifiable City Center that serves as the social. cultural, and economic focus of the City. Define a City Center with distinct boundaries. unique building types, and special features. CCG2 Attract a regional market for high quality office and retail uses which increases employment opportunities, adds to the City's tax base, and establishes Federal Way's City Center as an economic leader in the South King County region. CCG3 Connect the City Center to a convenient regional transit system. Provide service between centers and nearby areas by an efficient, transit-oriented. and multi-modal transportation system. CCG4 Foster distinct districts within the City Center, defining the roles and characteristics of each such district. CCG5 Encourage a mix of compatible uses to maintain a lively, attractive, and safe place to live, work, and visit. Revised 2002 VII.9 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center CCG6 Focus on improving the existing character and image of the City Center. CCG7 Encourage housing opportunities in mixed residentiallcommercial settings. Promote housing opportunities close to employment. CCG8 Develop land use patterns that will encourage less dependency on the single occupant automobile. CCG9 Create an environment oriented to pedestrians and bicyclists. CCG 1 0 Create an environment that attracts high quality housing, commercial, and office uses. Continue to enforce requirements for quality design in buildings, streetscape, and site planning. CCGII Create policies and regulations to encourage more efficient use of parking facilities and to foster new, innovative, and creative parking solutions. CCG12 Protect and enhance natural features of the area. 7.3 THE LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION CONCEPT FOR THE CITY CENTER The Concept Plan The concept is to redevelop the City Center and create a compact urban community and vibrant center of activity. The crux of the strategy is to promote a compact urban center with connections between where we live, work, and recreate, and create an urban environment that is amenable to walking, bicycling, and transit. The concept, a result of the citizen participation process called CityShape (held in 1992-93), implements the community's goals outlined in Section 7.2. In summary, the concept is to: . Establish a City Center to support HCT by locating residents and workers within convenient walking distance of HCT. . Make efficient use of existing capital improvements by concentrating higher intensity land uses in the City Center. . Encourage a mix of compatible uses where housing coexists adjacent to, above, or near commercial developments. . Create a dense residential community within walking and bicycling distance of the core. Revised 2002 VII~10 FWCP - Chapter Seven. City Center . Improve auto circulation in the City Center by completing the proposed street grid, creating smaller blocks, and providing o~portunities for through traffic to travel around rather than through the core, thus minimizing the impact of future growth on Citywide traffic patterns and congestion. . Reduce impact of parking by encouraging structured parking, allowing reduced parking ratios, shared parking, and other innovative and creative parking solutions, as well as implementing guidelines that enhance appearance. . Create pedestrian and bicycle connections throughout the City Center and to surrounding neighborhoods. Provide a safe and inviting environment for pedestrians and bicyclists with direct connections between activities and transit facilities. Continue to develop and/or reconstruct streets to inClude sidewalks, street trees, benches, garbage receptacles, screening of parking areas, etc. . Create high amenity pedestrian-friendly corridors through the core, linked to a transit center and providing an attractive civic focus to SeaTac Mall. . Provide a civic focus to create a sense of identity for all residents. Develop municipal and cultural facilities within the City Center core area. . Develop public spaces in the City Center, particularly the core area. Enhance the City Center with a network of public spaces and parks connected to the Citywide and regional system of open spaces, parks, and trails. Encourage gathering spaces in private development. Map VII-3 applies the principles described above. The figure depicts the City Center core area between SR-99 and 1-5 and South 316th/317lhand South 320lh and 324111 Streets. The City Center core area contains a concentration of higher-density, commercial, residential, and mixed-use development, as well as civic, social and cultural uses. The City Center frame area surrounds the core along the west and north edges and provides a full complement of.commercial, residential, and mixed-use development at somewhat lower densities to support the core. It also provides a transition to surrounding single-family neighborhoods. High capacity transit runs through the middle of the City Center, and pedestrian pathways connect the HCf station with residential areas, future civic spaces, and the SeaTac Mall. land Use Designations This section expands on the land use concepts described previously. The City Center chapter contains two different land use designations, each with its own distinctive characteristics, intended to guide the evolution of the City Center, see Map VII-4. The City Center core and frame area designations give form to the concepts summarized in Revised 2002 VII-11 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center section 7.3. These land use designations direct the location and extent of growth, and will reshape the nature of development, transforming the area into a compact, vibrant City Center. City Center Core Area For the last 20 years or so, lower-density shopping mall areas at the edge of the nation's larger cities have gradually been redeveloped and transformed into more dense urban centers, emulating the development patterns and sense of place of more traditional downtowns. This transformation, to an area with a unique character and improved image, is proposed for the core area. The intent of the core area land use designation is to create a higher-density mixed-use "center" for Federal Way, and become an urban center as envisioned in VISION 2020 and the CWPP. The CityShape vision called for concentrating growth in an area where sufficient infrastructure capacity exists, or where such capacity can be provided efficiently. The infrastructure within the City Center, specifically the core area, is designed to handle the highest levels of demand within Federal Way_ By orienting new growth around this investment, the existing capacity can be utilized to its fullest extent. The core area designation also encourages the concentration of new development to help reduce development pressure in other areas of Federal Way. The core area land use designation encourages a greater diversity of uses within mixed- use types of development. Traditional city centers are places where diverse office, retail, and government uses are concentrated, as well as cultural and civic facilities, community services, and housing. Many cities are advocating mixed-use development for a number of reasons. These include: . Providing new housing, increasing the range of housing choices, and cutting down on automobile dependency by bringing work places and residences into close proximity; . Providing retail and service needs in close proximity to residential and employment areas; and, . Improving feasibility of a development project. The proximity of urban services makes housing projects more desirable and a nearby source of consumers help make a commercial project more profitable. Residents choose to live in higher-density housing for a variety of reasons. First, higher- density is frequently less expensive than single-family housing. Second, the convenience and proximity to work, needed services, and cultural activities is very desirable for many people. Finally, many people find that they do not need a large, single-family detached house. Given their lifestyle, they appreciate the low maintenance and security of higher- density living. There is a mutually supportive relationship between higher-density residential uses and commercial activities. The presence of housing also activates City Center streets, day and night. Revised 2002 Vll-12 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center Concentrating growth in a specific area also supports investment in transit, including a regional HCT system. Existing low-density development does not generate sufficient levels of demand to optimize the return on investment in transit. Promoting higher- density uses within walking distance of transit facilities will improve the viability of this significant infrastructure investment. Additionally, concentrating the highest density of development in the core, where a significant number of jobs and residences will be within walking distance of a transit station, helps reduce dependency on the automobile and improve pedestrian mobility. The core area emphasizes pedestrian, bicycle, and transit mobility. The core area will be less auto-oriented than the frame area, but it will not be unfriendly to the use of automobiles. The City Center core area will also be the central gathering place for the community---.a place where the whole community can congregate and celebrate. Accordingly, the core should include an outdoor square, park, or commons, with public amenities such as fountains, sculptures, and unique landscaping. Other civic amenities or buildings, including Municipal Facilities and/or a performing arts center, could be grouped around this City Center square (Figure VII-2). Figure VII-2 Potential Core Area Development Revised 2002 VII-13 FWCP - Chapter Seven. City Center Goals & Policies That Promote the Concentration of New Development in the City Center Core Area Goal CCG13 Focus new growthL with resultant increasing demands for infrastrncture and transportationL in the City Center, specifically the core area. Allow for higher intensity uses for efficient use of land. Policies CCPl Support the concentration of uses within the core area to create a financial, retail, business, civic, and cultural hub of Federal Way. CCP2 Develop an attractive City Center that will attract quality development. CCP3 Continue to support land. use regulations that allow the higher intensity development expected over the next 15 to 30 years. CCP4 Continue to develop a City Center that is the primary commercial area providing local goods and services to the surrounding neighborhoods and region, and to residents and employees within the center. CCPS Complete an area-wide environmental impact statement and SEP A Planned Action and provide streamlined permit review in the City Center to accelerate changes to the core area. CCP6 Work with urban service providers to ensure sufficient capacity is available for development. CCP7 Allow for a variety of uses and mixed-use development within buildings, or complexes. Ensure that mixed-use development complements and enhances the character of the surrounding residential and commercial areas. CCP8 Provide incentives to encourage residential development in City Center, core area. CCP9 Promote the siting of cultural and civic uses within the City Center core. The City should always consider City Center Core sites in siting analyses and decisions regarding potential civic and cultural uses that it develops. In addition, inyentives should be explored that could attract cultural and civic uses over which the City does riot have direct control. City Center Frame Area Establishing a City Center frame area provides a zone for dense mixed-use development that surrounds and supports the core. It also provides a tranSItion between high-activity areas in the core area and less dense neighborhoods outside of the frame. Revised 2002 VII-14 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center The frame area allows uses that are similar to those in the core area, but are of lower- density and intensity. Together, the core and frame areas are complementary. Encouraging multiple unit housing mixed with business and commercial use will help Federal Way meet regional land use goals. This is accomplished by encouraging the development of housing close to employment and transportation centers. To help transform the character of this land use designation, regulatory and/or financial incentives should be explored in exchange for amfmitil':s that contribute to a more pedestrian oriented environment (Figure VII-3). Figure VII-3 Potential Frame Area Development Goals & Policies That Promote New Commercial, Residential, and Mixed-Use Development in the City Center Frame Area Goal CCG14 Allow increased development of commercial uses while increasing housing opportunities and diversity of housing types. 'Policies CCPI0 Continue to develop land use regulations that encourage the frame area to accommodate higher-density residential uses accompanied by residentially oriented retail and service uses. Revised 2002 VII-15 FWCP - Chapter Seven. City Center CCPII Continue to provide amenities such as community services, parks, and public spaces to meet residential needs. CCPl2 Continue to ensure effective transitions between frame area development and nearby lower-intensity development. Circulation Federal Way's City Center chapter is designed in accordance with VISION 2020 and CWPP related to mobility. Although regional travel trends continue to show more cars on the road, more trips per person, and increases in the number of people driving alone, the emphasis of the FWCP is to promote a variety of travel options. The City will focus both on transportation improvements as well as influencing individual travel choices by increasing the attractiveness of alternatives to the automobile. Encouraging growth in a compact, well defined City Center will help promote bicycling, walking, and transit use, as well as encouraging shorter automobile trips. The City Center will be connected to other regional urban centers and areas ofthe City by a multimodal transportation system, including a fast and convenient regional transit system. In order to function efficiently, mobility in the City Center must be enhanced by continuing to make transportation improvements. The City-should focus transportation investments in the City Center to support transit and pedestrian.oriented land use patterns. These improvements should include: a smaller street grid, bicycle routes, public sidewalks and pedestrian pathways, and clear and identifiable transit routes. These transportation improvements will also help meet City Center mobility needs in the event a HCT system is not developed. Goal to Improve Overall Circulation Goal CCG15 Provide a balanced transportation network that accommodates public transportation, high occupancy vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, automobiles, and .integrated parking. Automobile Circulation The current network of collector roads and arterials, the disjointed grid, and large block sizes contribute to significant traffic congestion within the City Center. The solution is not necessarily to construct wider roads. Streets become less efficient as the numbers of lanes increases. Building new streets versus widening existing streets is more cost effective, yields greater capacity, and will have less impact on the City Center. Revised 2002 VII-16 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center Automobiles are likely to continue as a dominant mode of transportation. A comprehensive network of collector arterials and other streets must be developed to distribute this traffic and create more driving choices. To the extent possible, the City should connect streets to . form a tighter grid within the City Center, especially in the core, by negotiating new public rights-of-way and building new streets. This "interconnectivity" serves to shorten and disperse trips, and consequently reduce travel on existing congested arterials. Map VII-5 indicates the proposed street network changes. Additionally, alternatives to auto travel such as van and car pools, transit, pedestrian corridors, and bicycle paths should also be emphasized. Goals and Policies to Improve Automobile Circulation and Reduce Usage Goal CCG16 Improve the flow of vehicular traffic through the City Center and minimize increases in congestion. Policies CCP14 Improve traffic flow around and through the City Center by extending the street network, creating smaller blocks, and completing the ring road along the west edge of the City Center. CCP15 Reduce congestion by supporting the Commute Trip Reduction Act. Develop commuting alternatives to single occupancy vehicles, including transit, walking, and bicycling. CCP16 The City's LOS standard shall be based on average person-delay to allow lower LOS for single-occupant vehicles and support pedestrian-friendly designs and HOV treatment. Pedestrian/Bicycle Connections Pedestrian and bicycle mobility is a vital part of the future City Center circulation system. Improvements for pedestrians and bicyclists should support increases in transit services and promote the development of the City Center. This chapter addresses the lack of pedestrian amenities and pathways by recommending changes to the development patterns and transfonning the character of the streetscape. As the street system is redeveloped to better accommodate the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists, a network of facilities for people on foot and bikes will be established such as already exists for people in cars. Revised 2002 VU-17 FWep - Chapter Seven, City Center Reducing the size of the street grid as proposed, improving auto circulation, and creating pedestrian paths through larger parcels is critical to establishing walking patterns that reduce dependency on the automobile. As individual sites are designed and developed to be more pedestrian friendly, and as the City provides improved pedestrian linkages, the pedestrian system will handle an increasing share of trips. As such, the City adopted special street design standards for the City Center in 1998. These include 12~foot sidewalks with street trees and pedestrian~scale street lighting. As streets are constructed, additional amenities such as benches, trash receptacles, and landscaped Comer treatments may be added. Bike lanes will also be provided in a grid tighter than the rest of the City on through streets that avoid multiple turn-lane conflicts. In addition to adding public sidewalks and creating mid-block pathways, Map VII-6 depicts three principal pedestrian connections to improve pedestrian circulation. The first is developing connections between the HCT station, adjoining bus transfer facilities, and other uses. The pedestrian and bicycle system is essentialto other travel modes, particularly transit. Virtually all transit trips begin and end as pedestrian trips on public rights~of~way. All buildings within proximity to these areas should be required to facilitate pedestrian and bicycle movement. The second goal is to establish pedestrian and bicycle connections to SeaTac Mall, thc City's largest generator of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Linkages between the proposed transit station and the Sea'!ac Mall are important. Unfortunately, South 320th Street is wide, congested, and presents a significant barrier to this connection. Providing an at-grade pedestrian and bicycle crossing could increase congestion and vehicular and pedestrian/bicycle conflicts. To facilitate this connection, and encourage redevelopment of existing parking areas, this chapter rroposes the continued consideration of a pedestrian bridge spanning South 3201 Street. The pedestrian over-pass would create a major connection between two areas in the City Center that have a high potential for new development and redevelopment. The third goal is to connect the City Center to nearby neighborhoods and parks. Residential neighborhoods of varying densities surround the City Center. Steel Lake and Celebration Parks are located to the northeast and southwest of the City Center, respectively. Both pedestrian and bicycle trails should extend to these residential neighborhoods and parks. Roads extending to these areas should emphasize the pedestrian connection by including additional pedestrian amenities. In order to provide good pedestrian connectivity across multi-lane arterials such as South 320th Street and Pacific Highway South, crossings should be provided more closely than the existing V4-mile spacing of traffic signals. Unsignalized pedestrian crossings would not be very safe, yet closer spacing of traffic signals make two-way signal coordination impossible to achieve, creating much more congestion and worsening safety and air quality. These conflicting needs must be resolved through the design process as these streets are reconstructed. Revised 2002 VII.16 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center Policies to Improve Pedestrian Connections Goal CCG17 Promote and facilitate the effective use of non-motorized transportation. Create asafe, efficient, and enjoyable pedestrian and bicycle system. Policies CCP17 Emphasize pedestrian and bicycle circulation, as well as other travel modes in all aspects of developing the City Center transportation system. Include public sidewalks, street trees, and other pedestrian amenities for streets. CCP18 Continue to enforce and refine local zoning codes, site planning requirements, and street design standards, as necessary, to establish a more pedestrian and bicycle friendly environment. CCP19 Encourage new development to include active ground floor uses such as shops, community services, office, and housing units. Provide pedestrian connections between adjacent buildings where possible to provide for streetscape continuity. CCP20 Develop clear and safe pedestrian paths through large parcels to enhance the pedestrian network. CCP2l Continue to site and screen parking lots t9 minimize impact on the pedestrian environment. CCP22 Connect the main entry of buildings to public sidewalks by a clear, identifiable walkway. CCP23 Encourage transit use by improving pedestrian and bicycle linkages to the existing and future transit system, and by improving the security and utility of park-and-ride lots and bus stops. CCP24 Establish clear and well marked pedestrian crossings to reach transit facilities and other uses at a maximum spacing of 660 feet. CCP25 Connect Celebration. Park and Steel Lake Park via a pedestrianlbicycle pathway bisecting the City Center. Orient buildings, urban open spaces, plazas, etc., to pathways where feasible. CCP26 Continue to improve the appearance of, and pedestrian/bicycle circulation along, South 320th Street and Pacific Highway South. Revised 2002 VII-19 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center Transit Efficient, convenient, and reliable transit is important to the FWCC's emphasis to reduce auto dependency through the creation of viable travel options. Transit will play an important role in the development of the City Center and the region as a whole. A multi- modal system that includes transit will bring commuters and shoppers to and from other areas of Federal Way and adjacent coriununities. A high capacity transit .system with a principal stop in the core area will distribute people regionally and conneCt to other bus based transit systems. Transit stops throughout the center will help shoppers, employees, and residents to circulate around the City Center without the need to get into their cars. Encouraging a mix of land uses and densities at major transit access points will help meet passenger needs and reduce vehicle trips. High Capacity Transit Sound Transit is working with Puget Sound citizens and City representatives to develop a HCT network linking Everett, Tacoma, Seattle, Bellevue, and communities between them. Four HCT stations are proposed in Federal Way, including one in the City Center core area. Map VII-7 depicts the approximate HCT alignment and location of the City Center station. The Federal Way Transit Center is currently located at the Federal Way Park & Ride. At the time of the adoption of the 1995 FWCP, the City Center chapter proposed a new location at South 312lh Street and 20th A venue South. The primacy driver for this location was the assumption that light-rail between Seattle and Tacoma would follow SR- 99. Since adoption of the plan, conditions have changed and discussion of alternate locations has emerged. Sound Transit's Sound Move Initiative allocated $4 Million for the construction of a new Transit Center, in coordination with the enhancement and/or relocation of the existing Transit Center and direct access ramps. The Transit Center is considered by the City as a major anchor to the urban center designation in the Vision 2020 plan adopted by the PSRC. The location of the Transit Center should be surrounded by property that has potential to redevelop into transit- supportive uses, thus assisting to ensure both the success of the Transit Center itself and the economic vitality of the City Center. Based on these considerations, the Transit Center site has been selected. The site is 'located on the block bounded by 23m and 2151 A venues South, to the south of South 3161h Street. The FWCP does not depend on the development of a HCT system. The proposed system is one of several transportation options. While HCf will help regional and local transportation needs, other modes will continue to playa vital role. Many of the characteristics that are desired within the City Center, and support HCT, also support other modes such as van/car pooling, busing, bicycling, and walking. .~-~^--- Revised 2002 VU.20 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center To encourage transit use, the high capacity transit station should provide an inviting environment with comfortable pedestrian facilities, including shelter for waiting areas, convenient passenger drop-off zones, safe lighting, and street furniture. Conveniences like telephones, automatic teller machines, secure bicycle storage areas, and outdoor seating areas are also important elements of the station design. Provisions for vendors, small cafes, and carts will make outdoor spaces livelier. Stores adjoining the station can take advantage of thc conccntrations of people by specializing in goods anu 1;1:::1 v i{;es needed by commuters such as dry cleaning, videos, news kiosks, and day care. Federal Way's City Center station will be oriented principally to pedestrians and those arriving by other forms of transit. Providing for pedestrian/bicycle accessibility between surrounding properties, street network, general vicinity, park & ride lots, and the HCT is essential. Policies to Guide Transit Planning and Establish a City Center High Capacity Transit Station Goal CCG18 Work with the transit providers to develop a detailed transit plan for the City Center. Identify facilities, services. and implementation measures needed to make transit a viable and attractive travel mode. Tailor the plan to meet local needs through rapid transit, express buses, community service, and/or demand- responsive service. Policies CCP27 Focus transportation investments to support transit and pedestrian/bicycle- oriented land use patterns, specifically in the core area. CCP28 Participate actively in regional efforts to develop an HCT system to serve the City Center. . CCP29 Establish the most intensive levels of transit service to the City Center area. CCP30 Integrate any transit system with existing or new road right-of-way. CCP31 Develop a bus transfer facility as part of a HCT station, on or off the street, that will connect the City Center with other communities in the City. TIle HCT and bus transfer stations will set a high standard for design and compatibility with adjoining uses. CCP32 Integrate the high capacity transit system with other transportation modes serving Federal Way and the region. Revised 2002 VII.21 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center CCP33 Intc:grate bicycle and pedestrian facilities with and connect to high capacity transit facilities during right-of-way acquisition, facility design, and optional phases. Civic Buildings and Open Spaces Public buildings including community centers, libraries, city hall, performing arts theaters, conference centers, and schools provide places for the community to meet, exchange ideas, and socialize. The City should take advantage of every opportunity to locate a variety of civic buildings in and around the City Center. This will occur over time, but it is necessary to establish a clear direction through public policy. A network of outdoor spaces for recreation, strolling, gathering, and dining will make the City Center a lively and attractive place to live, shop, and conduct business. Each type of space should serve a range of users and activities. Outdoor spaces should range from a major urban park that is the focal point for downtown, to pocket urban plazas for lunch time gathering by residents, visitors, and workers. Some spaces will be publicly built and maintained, others will be constructed along with private development. Privately developed gathering space is a major component of all City Centers: small parks and plazas are opportunities to enhance the urbanscape and image of the City Center. Courtyards, mews, and forecourts are ways to efficiently integrate open space to enhance a project. Visitors, shoppers, and employees often perceive these private spaces as public. The City should commit to assist in or provide incentives for, the development of plazas and parks that are open to the public. Map VII-8 proposes a central outdoor gathering place within the core area, such as a park, plaza, or square, which will become the focus of community activities in the core. Uses around the edges ofthis plaza, such as transit facilities and cafes, should be sited to generate activity throughout the day. The edges of the plaza should be well defined and landscaped to soften the hard surfaces of adjacent buildings and streetS. This space should be physically and visually linked to the central pedestrian spine and transit center. Policies to Promote the Development of Civic lJuildings and Urban Spaces Goal CCG19 Develop civic and cultural facilities in addition to a public space and park system within the City Center to meet the needs of residents, employees, and visitors. These facilities and spaces should connect to the Citywide and regional system of public spaces, parks, and trails. Revised 2002 VU-22 FWCP ~ Chapter Seven. City Center Policies CCP34 Promote a diversity of public and privately funded recreational and cultural facilities throughout the City Center. Promote partnerships between the City and other agencies, private organizations, and individuals to develop and meet the needs of City Center and the general community for these types offacilities. CCP35 Emphasize locating civic and cultural facilities within the core. Planned public facilities could include Municipal Facilities, a library, or performing arts complex. CCP37 Acquire land necessary to provide a broad range of recreational opportunities throughout the City Center. Land bank parcels in the core area for future municipal facilities. Parking The continued use of expansive surface parking conflicts with the goal of redeveloping the City Center as a higher-density, mixed-use area that is pedestrian-friendly and supports the use of public transportation. It is, therefore, necessary to reduce the need for parking and encourage the provision of structured parking within these areas. Moreover, parking lots have high redevelopment potential. There are numerous examples of communities similar to Federal Way where former parking lots now contain multi~ story developments. Large amounts of parking will be needed for many years to come. However, as development pressures and land values increase, surface parking becomes expensive and property owners will be able to afford the conversion from surface parking to structured parking. In the interim, the City should encourage site layouts that facilitate future redevelopment of parking areas. Private and public partnerships should examine the feasibility of constructing a parking structure in the downtown commercial core area. Figure VII~4 (page 24) is a conceptual illustration of the redevelopment of surface parking around a mall. Goal and Policies to Develop Alternatives to Existing Parking Development Goal CCG20 Encourage the development of a higher-density, mixed-use City Center that in turn will reduce the demand for large amounts of separate parking facilities for individual developments. Revised 2002 VII.23 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center Figure VII-4 Potential Redevelopment of Surface Parking Areas ~~ ~~~ o.""r Ii...... pdrking gamgtts. Iowttr pdrkinz ""'Iuirnrumls and sharttd pdrk;inz Can allaw pr mortt inknsiw: dtwttlopmtm' of land. Policies CCP39 Encourage public and private parking structures (below or above ground) in lieu of surface parking in the core area. As redevelopment occurs and surface parking becomes increasingly constrained, consider a public/private partnership to develop structured parking. in the downtown commercial core area. CCP40 The City will encourage the provision of structured parking. CCP41 Buffer parking areas to increase compatibility between surrounding uses. For larger lots, provide substantial landscaping, special lighting, and pedestrian walkways. CCP42 Site and orient buildings and parking to allow redevelopment of surface parking. Revised 2002 VIl-24 ---- fWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center CCP43 Allow on-street parking to create a buffer between pedestrians and traffic depending on street characteristics and role within the City Center. On-street parking should be viewed as a component of the parking supply for the area. CCP44 Encourage shared parking between uses to maximize the use of available parking within the City Center. streetscape To improve livability within the City Center area, the City must complete the street network and continue to develop streets in accord with its new street standards. The street grid must be well interconnected to make travel from one place to another as efficient as possible. The key to achieving this is to consider streets as a network that will serve pedestrians, bicycles, and transit, in addition to automobiles. In areas where increased density is proposed, existing streets must continue to be retrofitted with sidewalks, street trees, street furniture, and other amenities. Allowing on-street parking also creates a buffer between pedestrians and vehicles. It also allows shoppers and visitors to park easily for short amounts of time. On-street parking should be permitted on City Center streets (where feasible) except during the morning and evening commuting hours when the extra lanes are needed to accommodate the extra high volumes of traffic. The Transportation chapter illustrates several street standards developed specifically for the City Center area. These streets will connect to other proposed and existing streets to complete a street grid. Street standards for existing and proposed streets within the City Center can be found in the second section of the Transportation chapter. These standards also incorporate the City Center Street Design Guidelines adopted by the City Council in May 1998. Policies to Improve the Street Network and Streetscape Character Goal CCG21 Maintain street designations that reinforce the unique characteristics of the City Center. Policies CCP45 Continue to acquire right-of-way, primarily through dedication from development, to complete and enhance the street network. CCP46 Continue to design streets as public spaces, with appropriate pedestrian amenities, trees, sidewalks, bicycle paths, transit services, street furniture, and trash receptacles. CCP47 Continue to construct streetscape improvements as an integral component of any roadway improvement. Revised 2002 VIl-25 - - fWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center CCP48 Encourage buildings to front or face public rights-of-way, providing clear paths from the sidewalk to all entries. CCI)49 Only SR-99 and South 320d, Street shall be wider than five lanes. 7.4 IMPLEMENT ArlON Developing a City Center will require collaboration between government entities, citizens, and developers. Phasing and development of certain elements, such as high capacity transit, are outside the City's control. Therefore, an implementation program must be flexible. It must also be tied to general goals, policies, and strategies rather than a detailed, step-by-step list of actions. The implementation section consists of: . A set of strategies to guide implementing actions; . An illustration of how these strategies can be realized over time; and . A 15 year action plan. Implementation Strategies Specific strategies must be pursued in order to coordinate various elements and actions that are dependent upon one another. For example, private development depends upon adequate infrastructure and amenities. Effective transit service depends upon supporting land use development to provide sufficient ridership. Residential communities require adequate transportation and services, a pedestrian friendly environment, open spaces, and jobs to foster a sense of community. In addition, much of the City Center's redevelopment is dependent upon market demands and development that is not projected until the later years ofthe FWCP's planning horizon. However, regulatory and infrastructure actions must be taken in the interim to prepare for these developments. The following strategies form the basis to achieve desired City Center development. . Maintain regulations to shape and influence new development (1-20 years). . Discourage low intensity auto oriented development in the core. Provide regulations and incentives to achieve a high intensity, mixed- use, pedestrian friendly development. . Encourage residential development in the City Center frame area. . Encourage high-density residential development in the City Center Core (Urban Center). . Allow short-term investment in the frame area that will support long- tenn core development. Revised 2002 VII.26 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center . Develop specific plans to construct needed street and infrastructure improvements (1-5 years). . Develop plans to define the location of street rights-of-way for completing the street grid and constructing transit facilities to provide predictability for developers. . Construct arterial improvements with associated landscaping and pedestrian amenities (timing set by capital facilities program). . Prepare a pedestrian and bicycle plan and construct sidewalks, pedestrian paths, mid-block connectors, and bicycle connections to all areas of the City Center and particularly to a transit center (ongoing effort). . Consider development of structured parking facilities as needed to support mOTe intensive development and gradually convert the core into less auto dependent area. . Develop parking standards for the City Center Area. . Improve both local and regional transit service. . Begin new-transit service configuration by adding a center bus stop and route buses to it (begin immediately). . Upgrade central bus stop to a transit center/station and enhance regional and local transit services to it (1-3 years). . Develop a regional HCT station at transit center (10-15 years). . Construct civic features, public spaces, parks, and other urban elements to create a true urban center and promote civic identity (5-10 years). . Develop major civic facilities in the City Center such as, Municipal Facilities, performing arts center, and recreation center, to generate social and economic activity (5-10 years). . Add amenities to residential areas to build new neighborhoods (begin immediately as an incremental program). . Include landscaping and pedestrian improvements in all street construction (incremental program tied to actual improvements). Phasing Transforming the existing downtown commercial core area into the proposed City Center is an ambitious task. It requires a significant transformation from a low-density, automobile oriented, largely retail area to a higher intensity, more pedestrian oriented mixed-use area.,. The City Center chapter acknowledges that the core will take some time to develop. The City can facilitate these changes if a series of small steps are taken over time. This is especially true if the steps are consistent with the emerging economic, social, and demographic trends. As is the intent of this plan, the phasing scenario presented here accounts for the timing of market projections and future actions. Revised 2002 VI/-27 FWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center As noted above, the implementation strategy is keyed to projected trends and regional planning goals. Its form and character, as envisioned in the chapter, are dramatically different from anything that now exists in the center. It will take some time for the development community to redirect its energy and investments to produce buildings that respond to the direction of the chapter. The demand for more intense development opportunities in the City Center is not projected within the next few years. In the meantime, there may be some deferred maintenance, short-term, high-turnover tenancies, and even vacancies, as the development community begins to assemble property for future redevelopment. The City should not encourage continued low-scale investment in this area, since it will need to be amortized over a decade or two and will delay accomplishment of preferred development. As regulations are applied to modest renovations, it should be possible to secure some basic improvements. However, the City should not expect full implementation of the vision for the City Center until owners are ready to install long-term, major development projects. Figures VIl-5 and VII~6and Map VII-9 (Iocated at the end ofthe chapter) illustrate key steps in the evolution of Federal Way's City Center from 1995 through 2025. The illustrations are taken from a viewpoint just north of South 316111 Street between 20th Avenue South and SR-99. The drawings do not necessarily indicate recommendations for specific sites. The locations of the elements and the time frames may well vary. For example, Figure VIl-6 shows an elevated light-rail line that may not be routed to federal Way during this planning horizon. The drawings do illustrate how a viable City Center can evolve through several coordinated, incremental steps taken oVer time. The approximate dates are based on current market demand and funding projections. However, new trends, funding priorities, and development opportunities may emerge, changing the timing. An illustration of 1995 conditions is included for reference. 2002 - 2010 Actions . Develop a pedestrianlbicycle plan that outlines a connected, safety-oriented system of routes and facilities. This chapter shall be used in programming capital projects, reviewing development proposals, and encouraging other agencies to integrate bicycle improvements and linkages into Federal Way projects. The plan should emphasize linkages between transportation facilities, Celebration and Steel Lake parks, SeaTac Mall, and surrounding communities. . Continue to plan for and develop parks and public spaces within the City Center. Begin negotiations for acquisition of land for a City Center park, plaza, or square. . Complete streetscape improvements along the South 320lh Street corridor. . Continue to improve SR-99 and establish mid-block crossings. . Complete the BP A bike trail. Revised 2002 VIl-28 FWCP - Chapter Seven. City Center . Continue to negotiate and acquire rights-of-way to augment the City Center street grid. During permit review, ensure that new development is compatible with the street grid. Construct street grid enhancements. . Develop a transit center. Focus transit activities in the City Center core. . Construct streets to serve the transit facility. . Begin negotiations to form a public private partnership to provide structured parking near SeaTac Mall. Construct the parking structure. . If the City Council chooses the City Center as the appropriate location for Municipal Facilities, begin negotiations and acquire property for Municipal Facilities. Construct Municipal Facilities. . Explore feasibility of creation of a City Center park, potentially associated with Municipal Facilities and/or other community facilities. If the concept is approved, begin negotiations and acquire property for a City Center Park. Design and construct a City Center Park. . Enhance educational and recreational opportunities in City Center. 2010 - 2020 Actions . Construct a City Center park with public amenities such as fountains, sculptures, and unique landscaping, separate from Celebration Park. . Potentially construct public-private parking garages. . Potentially construct the pedestrian overpass across 320th Street, and build phase one ofthe City Center pedestrian malL . Improve community-wide transit service and implement a "spokes-of-a-wheel" service delivery pattern with City Center as the hub. . Seriously explore the feasibility of constructing a performing arts center and develop an implementation plan. . Establish green parks and corridors throughout the City Center and/or along a City Center pedestrian mall. Activity Since 1995 Comprehensive Plan Adoption The following have been accomplished to implement goals and policies of the City Center chapter since the initial adoption of the FWCP: Revised 2002 VII-29 fWCP - Chapter Seven, City Center . In 1996, the City adopted code amendments for the City Center Core and Frame to allow for increased residential density and flexibility in siting residential uses. The City also adopted Community Design Guidelines intended to improve the appearance of non-residential buildings and to expand pedestrian circulation, public open space, and pedestrian amenities. . In 1998, in conjunction with King CountyIMETRO, the City improved local and intercity transit which should result in more people having access to shopping and other opportunities in the City Center. Since that time, the City has worked with the transit providers to develop a detailed transit plan for the City Center, including siting and initial design work for the City Center Sound Transit station, as well as improvement of two park-and-ride lots. . In 1998, the City adopted policies to provide streetscape enhancements and development of standards for streetlights, street trees, and their placement and location in the City Center. Since that time, substantial progress has been made, with full improvement along this corridor from 1-5 to 11th Avenue South. . The City has an adopted TIP and CIP plan which addresses major street improvements in the City Center. Minor collector and local street improvements would be provided by development as redevelopment occurs. . In 2001, the City created an Economic Development Division within the Community Development Services Department and hired a Deputy Director to manage it. Among the Division's duties are to lead efforts to encourage City Center redevelopment, attract businesses and developments, and increase visitorship to the City Center. . Phases I, II, and III ofthe BP A trail have been constructed. . Infrastructure improvements: . 1999 - South 312th Street between Pacific Highway South and 23rd A venue South-Roadway widened to four lanes; sidewalks constructed; street lighting and street trees installed. . 1999 - South 312th Street and 14th Avenue South--Pedestrian Crossing Signal added. . 2001 ~ Pacific Highway South/South 320lh Street intersection-Widen roadway and add new turning lanes at each leg of the intersection. Also add street lighting, street trees, install architectural and landscaping elements at each comer of the intersection, and underground utilities. . 2001 - SeaTac Mall surface water conveyance system upgrade. . 200 1 ~02 - South 320lh Street between 11th A venue South and Interstate 5 -Underground utilities, widen sidewalks where necessary to add new streetlights, install street trees behind the sidewalks, and install medians where feasible. Add dualleft-tum ianes at 23rd Avenue South. Revised 2002 VII.30 FWCP - Chapter Seven. City Center . 2002 - 23rd Avenue South between South 3241h Street and South 316lh Street-Widen roadway to five lanes and add new sidewalks, street lighting, and street trees. Install new traffic signals at South 3161h Street, South 31 th Street, and South 322nd Street. . 2002-Completed the Ring Road (14th Avenue). . 2002 - South 312d\ and 141h A venue South-Upgrade pedestrian signal to full traffic signaL . New Private Development: . 2000 - Courtyard Marriot Hotel . 1999 - Marie Calendar's Restaurant . 1999 - Holiday Inn Hotel . 1999 - Extended Stay Motel . 1998 - Comfort Inn . 1999 - Walmart . 2001-02 - Pavilion Centers, Phases I and II . Renovated or Remodeled Projects: . 1998 - SeaTac Village . 1998 - Sunset Square (Safeway and Longs Drugs) . 1999 - Ross Plaza (Rite Aid and Party City) . 1999 - Indochine and Genghis Khan Restaurants PROPOSED PROJECTS . 2002-03 - Pacific Highway South between South 312lh Street and South 324th Street-Widen roadway, add new sidewalks, street lighting, street trees, landscaped raised medians, and underground utilities. . 2003 - South 314th Street and 2~rd AvenueSouth---Construct traffic signaL . 2003 - 1-5/City Center Access Study-Develop plan to increase capacitY between City Center and 1-5 to improve and/or supplement the existing South 320th Street interchange. . 2003-04 - Potentially locate new municipal facilities. . 2003-05 - Sports and Multipurpose Fieldhouse-potential project. . 2004 - Flyover ramps from 1-5 High Occupancy Yehicle (HOY) lanes connecting to South 317th Street. . 2004 - South 317111 Street and 23rd Avenue South--Construct Sound Transit's Federal Way Transit Center. . 2004 - Add turn lanes on South 324lh Street at SR-99. Revised 2002 VII,31 .. Figure VlI-5 Illustration of City Center, 1995 Conditions ....u . . S. 320th Street :..... 20th Avenue S. Pacific Highway S. ~ -. . .: . . . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . ~ . . . . . ~'J~\- . p.- . . '. . '. -- . : ......-...--::. '. ~ E3 ~ c:.:..::... -:::. ~~ ... .. - - 0-.;: - - ~~ c ....... . -. ~~. : . . . :...... -Executel :.. - . .. . S. 316thStreet Figure VII-6 Illustration of City Center Evolution, 2025 For Illustrative Purposes Only : . . . . . City Hall and Plaza : . . . " . Hotel : . ... "Structured Parking . " . . . ..... ._~-------- ~: , ---.............----.., .- ," . ," : . . . , , : . , . , : " . , . . . " . . :, .. Pedestrian" Spine . Performing Arts Center and Park ...: " . . . " Courtyard Residences. . . .: :. . " " " . HCT Station and Bus Mall Map VII-l Vicinity Map -+..., .'~ ~~'- ~ ... . " 'l.; .:" ". "",;2:,:; ~..,;!" .. ,.~.'I;,(. ;1< :~/ j' Map VII..2 Boundaries of City Center Area IV City Canter Boundary ~ Map 0.$: ApI1l. 2002. ,. Cfty Cant~r N 0 soo 1,000 F&Bt .. Park I I . I , I ~ Federal Way -_..__b>'..__.n<l.....I#i.....I'III..__ Map VII.3 The Concept Plan " ~-- :~'" ~, ~~ >,:; rl;.: ~ \';;;\~'-it"-' "I" .... New Transit Center III City Center Core ~ Map Date: February. 2D03. - Potential Pedestrian - City Center Frame N Crossings - Park 0 SOD 1,000 feet .AI. Potential Bike Route L.J I , I ~l Transit Street A Federal Way IV Enhanced Street Network 1W'_I._orlt'l..~_...IdI.dMlb'~I"*,h~,,,""_' -~ Map VII..4 City Center Land Use Designations ~ Map Pate: Apr1l.2002. N City Center Boundary N l.,; Core/Frame DIvide 0 500 1,000 Feat - City Center Core I I I I J - City Canter Frame - Park ~ federal Way n-.1nIP '" HMaI~1\IIIJd btM'fi<t.utlS.lt...Ad ..~ ..apiMr.~riiIZbr. Map VII-5 Enhanced Street Network @ Intersection lit Street Recently ~ MaJ1 Dale: February, 2003, Improvement Constructed or N '* . Dedicated ROW 0 I S~O l,OlllHeet New Traffic Signal filii C'tv C c IV I enter ore I I I Existing Streel _ C' F ~ ,Ity Center rame t Proposed street _ Park ~ Federal Way IV Scheduled Street Improvement Ili.""",. ~ooJll\' .......,.q... ."".d...lr..""hlO'.!....._. Map VII-6 Principal Pedestrian and Bicycle Connections ~ New Transit Center' ./tt Potential Bike Route ~ Map Data: Febnlely, 2003. - Potential Pedestrtan .. City Center Core N Crossings - City Center Frame 0 SOQ 1,001] Feet I I I I I Iv Existing Stroot _ Park ~i Proposed Street ~ Federal Way 11a '"'" ~ .........'*4 by... ......_.nd .....,. ..."w. ......_ .--.- -, Map VII.. 7 Potential Transit Alignments and Stops - CIty Center Frame ~ Map Date: Apr1I, 20Q2. l8iIiI New Transft Center If- Potential HCT alignment (2 Alternatives) - Park N 0 500 1.000 Feet '1t. PotentIal Transit Routes I , I I I · Potential TransIt Stop - City Canter Core ~ Federal Way Map VII-8 Potential Open Space and Bicycle Routes Iv Existing Bicycle Route - Park ~ Map Date: february. 2003. l"," Planned Bicycle Route N 0 I syo I 1 ,oyo Feel Itf Target area for Civic Center I - City Center Core - City Canter Frame ~ Federal Way lH.IY$Ia~~~ ao..~...l'Id:ta~M.b'.II~"~l'f1:nHntdofll - "- Map VII..9 Phasing Concept 1995.2005 Map Date: April. 2002. . N Scl1sc1Jad SIres! fl/iIiIll. NeWTtu\sl1 Conler kr(>l'OVBmont @ Inlllna<:don Iff P~d R~"'Wsy Impl\:lWlmtnl 0 500 1,000 F&9t S iii om.stlCllpG Imp'ovemonlll-Add _~ "V"GeB. _ ClIv CIlrrtar Cclm L-I. I I I wldan lIldIIWeb and orhanoo lmDrsec:llQll 01 S . St and Paclllo Hwy 8. f>;oojfio HWy Saulh . Wi/lan Road 10 inc:/ude HOV Ilbles..nd undBttound _ CIty CGntsr Frame uIility poIwL. AIId llidawalb, met fillhts, tr88S and hndsoap. m. ian. .Patlc S. 312lh Slrool. Widen toad 1Dl'i l:mflS willi lideMllks, _ r'llhb & 11118$ A Federal Way 23lll A\'IInus SouIh - Widon Road 10 5 I"",," wilt1 !;idawalk3. #&\11 lighb & "n. ~_Io"",,_by.._......nd ...!'I1.........__ .- ORDINANCE NO. 05-493 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING IMMEDIATE OFFICIAL ZONING CONTROLS IN THE CITY CENTER CORE AND A PORTION OF THE CITY CENTER FRAME BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY SOUTH 312TH STREET, BOUNDED ON THE WESTBY PACIFIC HIGHWAY SOUTH, BOUNDED ON THE EAST BY INTERSTATE 5, AND BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY THE CITY CENTER CORE, RESTRICTING ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATIONS FOR BUILDING AND OTHER LAND USE APPROVALS FOR SINGLE-STORY SINGLE TENANT BUILDINGS IN EXCESS OF 75,000 SQUARE FEET, SINGLE-STORY MULTI-TENANT BUILDINGS IN EXCESS OF 10,000 SQUARE FEET, DRIVE- THROUGH BUSINESSES, CASINOS, CARD ROOMS, NON- BANKING CHECK CASHING BUSINESSES, THRIFT STORES; PAWN SHOPS, RETAIL ESTABLISHMENTS PRIMARILY SELLING GROCERIES, PRODUCE, HARDWARE, GARDEN AND RELATED ITEMS, TO BE EFFECTIVE FOR A PERIOD OF SIX MONTHS, SETTING A DA TEFOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE INTERIM ZONING CONTROLS AND RESTRICTIONS, PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS, ESTABLISHING A WORK PLAN, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. -- .".~~~~---------.,~- WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way has the authority to adopt interim regulations pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council envisions a City Center Core and City Center Frame, as set forth in the Comprehensive Plan, including multi-story structures with mixed use of retail, office and residential uses, and substantial detrim~nt to this vision would be caused by allowing contrary land uses and development; and ORIGINAL ORD #05-493, PAGE 1 EYJiIBn-F "m "It. WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council has determined that there is a need for interim restrictions 011 single-story single tenant buildings in excess of 75,000 square feet, single~ story multi-tenant buildings in excess of 10,000 square feet, drive-through businesses, casinos, card rooms, non-banking check cashing businesses, thrift stores, pawn shops, retail establishments primarily selling groceries, produce, hardware, garden and related items; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council finds that the enactment ofthis ordinance constitutes an emergency due to the pending downtown market study by The Leland Group (the "Leland Study"), the pending downtown Enviromnental Impact Study (the "Planned Action SEP A"), the rapidly changing use ofland and buildings, and lack of new economic investment in the City Center Core and a portion of the City Center Frame bounded on the north by 31 th Street, bounded on the west by Pacific Highway South, bounded on the east by Interstate 5, and bounded on the South by the City Center Core (the "Restricted Area"); and WHEREAS, the initial results of the Leland Study were presented on May 17,2005, indicating that there is a market for mixed use of retail, office and residential in the City of Federal Way; and WHEREAS, recommended redevelopment strategies the City may desire to implement will be presented by the Leland Group later in 2005; and WHEREAS, it is anticipated that the Planned Action SEP A draft will be issued during the Summer of 2005 and will set forth capacity and mitigation requirements for redevelopment in the Restricted Area; and WHEREAS, private restrictions on real property within the Restricted Area are counter to the Comprehensive Plan; and ORD #05-493, PAGE 2 ..\ WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to prevent major investment and/or vesting of rights that contlict with the Comprehensive Plan and the City's intent to carefully and thoroughly plzLn for, and provide appropriate development regulations; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council has determined that City staff should review and evaluate (I) the Leland Study with recommended strategies, (2) the Planned Action SEP A, (3) private restrictions on real property, (4) ways to achieve greater density in downtown; (5) ways to encourage housing, office and multi-story development, (6) ways to maximize pedestrian opportunities, and (7) protection of the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, as required by RCW 35A.63.220, the Federal Way City Council will hold a public hearing within sixty (60) days of the passage of this ordinance to consider Staffs progress on a Work Plan; and WHEREAS, the potential adverse impacts on the public health, property, safety and welfare of the City and its citizens, as discussed above, justify the declaration of an emergency; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section I. Purpose. The purposes of this ordinance are to: (a) comply with the Growth Management Act (OMA), King County Countywide Planning Policies, and the City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (the "Comprehensive Plan"); (b) evaluate the Leland Study results and recommended redevelopment strategies; (c) complete the Planned Action SEP A; (d) plan for and implement appropriate development regulations for the Restricted Area in response to the Leland Study, recommended strategies, and Planned Action SEPA; (e) prevent major investment and/or ORD #05-493, PAGE 3 vesting of rights in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan and the City's intent to carefully and thoroughly plan for, and provide appropriate development regulations; (f) review and evaluate the impacts of private restrictions on real property that are counter to the Comprehensive Plan; (g) study ways to achieve greater density in downtown; (h) encourage housing, office and multi-story development in the downtown; (i) maximize pedestrian opportunities in the downtown; and (j) protect the public health, safety and welfare. Section 2. Duration. The interim zoning controls and restriction on acceptance of certain applications shall be in effect until December 7, 2005, unless extended by the City Council pursuant to State law. Section 3. Restricted Area. The provisions ofihis ordinance shall apply to the City Center Core and a portion of the City Center Frame bounded on the north by South 312th Street, bounded on the west by Pacific Highway South, bounded on the east by Interstate 5, and hounded on the South by the City Center Core (the "Restricted Area"). Section 4. Applications Restricted. From and after the effective date of this ordinance and through December 7, 2005, no new land use or building permit applications for single- story single tenant buildings in excess of 75,000 square feet, single-story multi-tenant buildings in excess of 10,000 square feet, drive-through businesses, casinos, card rooms, non-banking check cashing businesses, thrift stores, pawn shops, retail establishments primarily selling groceries, produce, and related items, or retail establishments primarily selling hardware, garden and related items within the Restricted Area shall be accepted by the City. The Department of Community Development Services shall not process any application that does not meet the requirements of this ORD #05-493, PAGE 4 ------ ordinance. The City Manager or designee shall have authority to make written detenninationsas to the applicability of this section. Section 5. Exemptions. This ordinance specifically exempts Vested Applications, permits or approvals that are required for upkeep, repair, or maintenance of existing buildings and properties, or work mandated by the City to maintain public health and safety. The City Manager or designee shall have authority to make written determinations as to the applicability 0 f this section. Section 6. Vested Applications. All vested applications shall continue to be processed according to the Federal Way City Code and land use regulations in effect on the date of vesting. An application will be legally vested for purposes of this Ordinance when it is deemed complete by the Director of Community Development. The City Manager or designee shall have authority to make written determinations as to the applicability of this section. Section 7. Work Plan/Direction to Staff. This ordinance is intended as an interim control to contain development in the Restricted Area until the City can more fully study the Leland Study, recommended redevelopment strategies, complete the Planned Action SEP A and achieve the purposes and intent oHhis ordinance. The City Council hereby directs the City Manager to develop a work plan for the Restricted Area consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Leland Study, the Planned Action SEP A draft, and the purpose and intent ofthis ordinance, which shall be presented to the City Council at the Public Hearing by August 6, 2005. The City Council hereby directs the City Manager to develop regulations for the Restricted Area consistent with the Work Plan, the Comprehensive Plan, the Leland Study, the Planned Action SEP A, and the purpose and intent of this ordinance which shall be presented to the City Council and/or the Planning Commission at the ORD #05-493, PAGE 5 earliest possible date after the Public Hearing. The City Manager is encouraged to seek informal input from residents, businesses, city staff and other interested members 0 f the public. Section 8. Public Hearing. Pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220, a public hearing will be held for the purpose of adopting findings and conclusions in support of the provisions of this ordinance, adopting a work plan, and developing regulations to address the purposes of this ordinance by August 6, 2005 as required by RCW 35A.63.220. Section 9. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are decl ared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion ofthis ordinance or the invalidity ofthe application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 10. Declaration of Emergency - Effective Date. For the reasons set forth above, and to promote the objectives stated herein, the City Council finds that a public emergency exists, necessitating that this ordinance take effect immediately upon its passage by a majority plus one of the whole membership of the Council in order to protect the public health safety, property and general welfare. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon passage by the City Council. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this 7th day of June ,200L Me/ ORD #_05-49_~, PAGE 6 ATTEST: / CLERK, N. CHRISTINE GREEN, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~/-,-.C< CITY ATTORNEY, PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 6/7/2005 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 6/7/2005 PUBLISHED: 6/11/2005 EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/7 /2005 ORDINANCE NO. 05-493 - - K:\Ordin\2005\Interim Zoning Control opt I ORD # 05-493 ,PAGE 7 . .---.- Exhibit 3 Staff Memorandum for the December 7,2005, Planning Commission Hearing ~ CITY OF "" !:7 Federal Way DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MEMORANDUM To: Federal Way Planning Commissioners From: Kathy Mca~edor or Community Development Services ~ Lori Michael , nior Planner . Re: City Center Code Amendments Date: November 30, 2005 This memo responds to questions and issues raised by Commissioners at the November 16, 2005, public hearing. Also, as requested, staff has provided you with the current Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (FWCP), the "Code Obstacles" report by Lumsden International, and photos of example developments from the power point presentation. In addition, enclosed are five graphic illustrations oflow-rise to mid- rise development scenarios that could occur at specific locations in the City Center. Negative Community Impacts Related to Gambling Establishments According to the Washington State Gambling Commission,! 62 cities and counties in the state2 currently prohibit gambling in some form. Although the specific reasons for the prohibitions may vary between communities, gambling is widely recognized as incompatible with residential uses due to its negative secondary impacts, such as increased criminal activity. Other negative impacts may result from problem or pathological gambling, such as banlauptcies, job losses, family problems, or resorting to criminal activity. At the national level, although the subject has been studiedextensive1y, the available research provides little guidance to help policy makers decide about gambling in their community. According to the National Gambling Impact Study Commission Final Report,3 "...although the growth of gambling is a national phenomenon, gambling itself is of the greatest concern to the individual communities in which it operates or proposes to operate. It is at that level that its impact is felt most keenly and where the debates surrounding this issue are most energetically contested. Those communities form no common front: one community may welcome gambling as an economic salvation, while its neighbor may regard it as , anathema. As such, there are few areas in which a single national, one-size-fits-all approach can be recommended. " I "Cities Prohibiting Gambling Activities," Revised September 21, 2005, Washington State Gambling Commission website, WWW.wsgc.wa.gov 2 There is a combined total of320 cities and counties in the state. l Dated August 3, 1999 Planning Commission Memorandum November 30, 2005 City Center Code Amendments Page I The following analysis of gambling-related criminal activity in Federal Way's City Center is based on crime statistics provided by the Federal Way Public Safety Department. This analysis compares the crime statistics (police incidents) for a three-year time period (2001-2003, when two gambling establishments were operating in the City Center, Cafe Arizona, which ceased gambling operations at the end of 2003, and PJ Pockets, which continues to operate) with the crime statistics for four non-gambling establishments in the City Center that also provide entertainment (Billy McHale's, Black Angus, Gateway Center, and the Scoreboard Pub). As detailed below, a significantly higher level of criminal activity has historically been associated with the gambling establishments than with the non-gambling entertainment establishments. In addition, the criminal activity associated with gambling establishments involves more crimes against persons, such as assaults and robberies, than crimes against property, such as vehicle break-ins and burglaries, as are generally associated with the non-gambling establishments. From January 2001 through December 2003, Cafe Arizona had 199 police incidents, 49 of which were crimes against persons (25%). PJ Pockets had 71 incidents, 9 of which were against persons (13%). That means the two establislunents with gambling activities accounted for 270 incidents, 58 of which were crimes against persons (21 %). For the same time period, Billy McHale's had 33 incidents, 3 of which were crimes against persons (9%). Black Angus had 51 incidents, 4 of which were crimes against persons (8%). Gateway Center Theater had 78 incidents,5 of which were crimes against persons (6%). The Scoreboard Pub had 18 incidents, none of which were crimes against persons (0%). That means four non-gambling entertainment establishments accounted for a total of 180 incidents, 12 of which were crifl?es against persons (7%). In. summary, for the three-year period when the City had two gambling establishments operating in the City Center, four other non-gambling establishments in the City Center that also provide entertainment generated one-third fewer police incidents than the two gambling establishments, and of those calls, the gambling establishments generated almost five times as many calls for crimes against persons. Increase in Residential Housing Density The proposed changes to multifamily regulations, including increasing base height, eliminating density caps, relaxing open space requirements, and reducing ground floor commercial requirements, are intended to promote multifamily housing by eliminating and relaxing real or perceived regulatory barriers to its development. A corresponding minor increase in residential density could occur as a result of eliminating density caps. However, no substantial density increase can pccur unless and until the maximum height limits for multifamily are increased. No height increase is being proposed with the current code amendments. Minor height increases for multifamily will be considered and addressed in the Planned Action EIS.Ifthe City wishes to implement any height increases, it would require a zoning code amendment at some future date. Would collectibles, such as baseball cards, be considered "second-hand merchandise"? Staff believes it would he consistent with the intent of these amendments to exclude "collectibles" from the definition of "second-hand merchandise," the same as for "anti~ues." This can he accomplished through the following recommended new and amended definitions. 4 The proposed definition is based on a review of other city code definitions, and is the same as the cities of Des Moines and Lynwood, WA. Planning Commission Memorandum November 30, 2005 City Center Code Amendments Page 2 Antique or collectible means any article which, because of age, rarity, or historical significance, has a monetary value greater than its original value, or which has age recognized by the United States government as entitling the article to an import duty less than that prescribed for contemporary merchandise. A store or shop selling only such articles, or offering them for sale, shall be considered as a dealership selling antiques or collectibles and not as a dealership selling second-hand merchandise. Retail sales, second-hand merchandise, means an individual or establishment that sells second hand merchandise, such as pawn shops; used book and record stores; used clothing, furniture, and appliances; thrift stores; consignment stores; and flea markets. This definition Second-hand merchandise does not include the sale of antiques~ or collectibles as defined in this chapter. City Center Planned Action EIS In response to ongoing concerns about whether the code amendments should be reviewed in context with the Planned Action EIS, enclosed is a November 10, 2005, email from Patrick Doherty explaining why the EIS need not precede nor be coincident with these code amendments. In short, the EIS contains no "planning" action that would inform, or be informed by, the current code amendments. The only "planning action" contemplated in the EIS is a potential height increase for multifamily development. The currently proposed code amendments are neither dependent on the potential height increases, nor are the potential height increases dependent on the current code amendments. The purpose of the EIS is to analyze the environmental impacts of ten years' worth of development, together with increment potentially possible associated with multifamily height increases, and establish related mitigation measures. Once the EIS is adopted, a future development proposal that is consistent with the EIS will not have to undergo separate environmental review. This will considerably expedite the development review process and serve as a development incentive.. Updates to Comprehensive Plan Policies Enclosed you will find certain revisions and additions to the comprehensive plan policies cited in the staff report, Section lX, Decisional Criteria. The reason for these changes is that some of the policies have been updated from the version shown in the staff report, and other policies that should have been included in the staff report were overlooked. These revisions do not in any way affect the analysis, findings, or recommendations contained in the staff report, but simply correct and strengthen the policy basis for the proposal. Enclosed is a strikeout/underline version of the policies as updated and added. Also enclosed is a "clean copy" of the replacement pages (pages 8 through 11) for inclusion in the staff report. We look forward to continuing the public hearing on December 7th. If you have any questions or comments, please contact Lori Michaelson at 253-835-2645 or lori.michaelson@cityotTederalway.com. Enclosures c: David Moseley, City Manager Patrick Doherty, Director of Economic Development Greg Fewins, Deputy Director of Community Development Services Amy Jo Pearsall, Assistant City Attorney Planning Commission Memorandum November 30, 2005 City Center Code Amendments Page 3 GRAPHIC ILLUSTRATIONS - EXAMPLES OF 5 DIFFERENT DEVELOPMENT SCENARIOS AT SPECIFIC LOCATIONS IN CITY CENTER ._..._.__.__... .. ,__.__. ._uo.._ _" .____~~r.._._...____...,.~".. .,,-.-------- .~---~~-~~~.-~-,--- --~-------.---.-------~..-1 I I j i I I I I I ! -- i i i i Existing Development - Entrance on Street I j ! 1 I ; I ! i I I i ^/l.j\.~, N i .. ! ~d i i I I i I j j I I : - ~ I I I I i ExampLe Development -Mid-rise Office I I I I I L____________~__. ._..._.._______.. ____.~__________...__.__._______.._____._____._.______._____.._.____n _._.________.___.."...1 n. _'.'_nn_______.___ ___, ,_ ..-. - m _n_________.__.___m___m____..~__.,______.______U__.._.----, -.-- . ---~-------.-.--..-".--.---.J I ~. ! t- \ I ". .------~-....~ L I [':c,,:y I 1 ",~~:... I i ; ! ! Existing Development i i i .... . ; ~ ~ i , ; i i , i ; Example Development - Mid-rise Mixed Use ! j i i j , --~--~-~-----~--------"----- _.~~J,,_'.~_~___,.~___,____._________.,.~____._.,_______________._---l -~ i '.__..___m_._.___._._.__..___~___..._...__ .,..-__..___.________________.--,-~_n.____.. --.----1 I , , i I I I I i / I ! Existing Development I t ______ I I ~ a:::::::; <<::;;;:;:.:J a:::::J tC::::l a:::::::I ~ - ll.::::::::J a:;;;;;;:::J _ ! i ~ a:::=:;J , , ~ C:::::J tC::::I __ ! i C=~ L=:J.. _ . ! tt::::::J tt::.-::J IC=:J tt:::::J i -- I j --- j I . j j t; i I '- i i i I I I _................::.... ~r'-_.~ ~-,- j I ! I Example Development - Highrise ResidentiaVHotel . _______------' -,---____________._,.___~.~,~_. ~ ..,. ~.._~ _._.~. ._.~_~ "_n~_~~____~~~_._'...._.. .....~~__.._.___________ _ _,__~,'. ~_, __.___.., _.~~_ .__._-_.__..'.~-'----~"--~--- ,~--_.~_._..~-~---~_.~._~..,",---,-~-~ .._----~._.~----~_.._"----, I I Existing Development n + -- ......~---~ p ~---~ 11 0 tJ - - tt -.-... D tt 1 IT ; - - - ; 0 tr ! ; j i j ~ I Example Development - Highrise Office I i - ._n .._u..,. ~._"._._,_._____~~ ,.,.~____. .._.________.__..__. ,-.-----__ ..----j -----. -.-...- ----.--------...,-----.----...-- -.....--.-.-------------.-- ----~-.-- --.---- .~,. .---."1 I , -..;;:t~" "I r\ ,. .'!;;. -t~..'--- ~ ;,; =~~1''- - .. .:~i ~"! ' I ., ~ J ,-'(q ... ,I,' -, _ ,-'.'/.i ,.'-'. ~-._ j. . ,rFJ",~-..., I ,.'1; . ..,.-.:-~... ....:... -"'._ I 'I . =-,,"r --"... ,- Dfl'ff'\ =-='>r-,- ~ _'" ..'\ . ,t?'.... .. ~ I ! I I ! i Existing Development I I I i , i ! Example Development - Mid-rise Mixed Use i I L ....._.....____._.__~__.__..__.. __ __..._....._.__.._.______._.._________._________________. ___ ____________________._.,.__ _ . .__._._..__ ._._.._.....____._... PATRICK DOHERTY'S EMAIL DATED 10/20/05 --,-~ >>> Patrick Doherty 10/20/2005 4:30 PM >>> Dear Commissioners: Thanks for powering through a long and complicated meeting last night! A couple of you brought up the status of the City Center Planned Action/EIS and its potential relationship to the code amendments under your consideration, and -I wanted to take a chance to provide a concise, yet detailed response. As you may know, the Legislature approved changes to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) in the mid-1990's that included creation of a new provision that allows communities to conduct Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) in association with master plans, zoning changes or simply in targeted growth areas that capture the impacts of either those plans or that anticipated growth over a designated period. Once the EIS is done, the community adopts an ordinance that approves the action and sets up regulatory processes that are intended to reduce the burden of environmental disclosure and analysis on the part of individual developments that comport with the approved plan and/or EIS_ Several communities around the State have used this provision (although not MANY) . In MOST cases the Planned Action was triggered by a community's desire to implement a new master plan, comp plan changes or subarea plan for a specific area (such as the south Everett industrial area, the Kent Station planned development, etc.) . In Federal Way's case, we chose to access' this provision in the SEPA law to provide incentives for-complying development to corne into our City Center in order to implement the already extant Comp Plan vision_ In essence, we are conducting an EIS to capture ten years' worth of development in advance to unburden individual development applicants from this environmental work, streamline their perrnitprocessing, and provide predictable transportation-mitigation measures. The part that we are NOT including in this Planned Action is a master plan, subarea plan, comp plan change or other major "planning" action. As you know, the only "planning" change being contemplated is a potential height increase for residential development from the existing 85' height maximum to 145' (the maximum for other, commercial buildings), with an option to consider 200'. what might be confusing about the City Center planned Action EIS is that the name of the SEPA provision that allows us to do this is "planned action," but in our case we are not really implementing a major new planning action! We're mostly just doing the environmental work up front for 10 years worth of development pursuant to the existing development potential + a minor increment of development potential for taller residential buildings. Commissioner Osaki raised a very good point last night about why the Commission's consideration of these code amendments should not be "informed" by the Planned Action and so why were these amendments and the Planned Action not being considere~ together. To answer that directly, I think the quick explanation above of what our City Center Planned Action ElS does and DOES NOT do can be offered again. Basically, the ElS will NOT provide any information that is related to these code amendments. There is no master plan, comp plan change, subarea plan or other major change to the environment contemplated in the Planned Action, with the ElS simply disclosing environmental impacts over ten years' time. Since these code amendments do not in any significant way increase development potential in our City Center - but rather accommodate it more readily and/or direct it to be more compliant with our Visiion - they do not need an ElS to proceed. That is why these amendments are not being held up for the more detailed (mostly transportation) review and analysis of the City Center ElS. In summary, the City Center Plqnned Action ErS-probably shouldn't even use the term "planned action" because it does lead to confusion. We use that term only because it's the title of the SEPA section that allows us to do an EIS for a certain area over a certain period of time and set up a consequent, streamlined regulatory process. I hope this helps clarify this somewhat confusing issue- But please do not hesitate to contact me by return email or by phone (253-835-2612) if you'd like to chat about this more. And, similarly I please consider our sincere invitation to meet one-on-one (or even in groups of up to 3 Commissioners) to walk-through any part of the proposed code amendments prior to the Public Hearing on 11/16. Best wishes to you all! Patrick ) REVISIONS TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES ATT ACHED: -STRIKEOUTIUNDERLINE VERSION -"CLEAN" VERSION TO REPLACE PAGES 8 & 9 OF STAFF REPORT City Center (Chapter 7, FWCP) eCG] Create an identifiable City Center that serves as the social. cultural, and economic focus of the City. Define a City Center with distinct boundaries, unique building types, and special features. CCG2 Attract a regional market for high quality office and retail uses which increases employment opportunities, adds to the City's tax base, and establishes Federal Way's City Center as an economic leader in the South King County region. eCG5 Encourage a mix of compatible uses to maintain a lively, attractive, and safe place to live, work, and visit. eCG6 Focus on improving the existing character and image of the City Center. eeG7 Encourage housing opportunities in mixed residential/commercial settings. Promote housing opportunities close to employment. eCG9 Create an environment oriented to pedestrians and bicyclists. CCGJO Create an environment that attracts high quality housing, commercial, and office uses. Dovelop Continue to enforce requirements for quality desi211 in buildings, streetscape, and site destgR planning. eCGll Create policies and regulations to encourage more efficient use of parking facilities and to foster new, innovative, and creative parking solutions. eCG 13 Focus new growth~ with higher demands for infrastructure and transportation~ in the City Center, specifically the core area. Allow for higher intensity uses for efficient use of land. CCP2 Develop an attractive City Center that will attract quality development. CCP3 Re'lise land use regulations, as Reoessary, to Continue to support land use regulations that allow the higher intensity development expected over the course of the next 15 to 30 years. eCP7 Allow for a variety of uses and mixed-use development within buildings, or complexes. Ensure that mixed-use development complements and enhances the character of the surrounding residential and commercial areas. CCG 14 Inoroase housing oppo$Hitios and diversity ofRousil'lg types within tho City Center, iRelHding the FraIfl() area. Allow increased development of commercial uses while increasing housing opportunities and diversity of housing types. City Center Code Amendments File #05-104258-OO-UP Revisions to City Center Policies ---- CCP 10 Continue to develop land use regulations that encourage the frame area to accommodate higher-density residential uses accompanied by residentially oriented retail and service uses. CCP 11 Continue to provide amenities such as community services. parks. and public spaces to meet residential needs. CCP 17 Emphasize pedestrian and bicycle circulation. as well as other travel modes in all aspects of developing the City Center transportation System. Include public sidewalks. street trees. and other pedestrian amenitIes for streets. CCP J 8 Continue to enforce and rcfine local zoning codes. site planning requirements. and street design standards. as necessary. to establish a more pedestrian and bicycle fiiendly environment. CCP 19 Royise local zoning codes, site planning requiremeflts, and street design standards, as necessary to establish a more peeestrian and bieyele friendly cm'ironmcnt. Encourage new development to include active ground floor uses such as shops. community services. office. and housing units. Provide pedestrian connections between adiacent buildings where possible to provide for strcetscape continuity. CCP21 Continue to site and screen parking lots to minimize impact on the pedestrian environment. CCP22 Connect the main entry of buildings to public sidewalks by a clear. identifiable walkway. CCP441.. Site and orient buildings and parking to allow redevelopment of surface parking. CCP47 Continue to construct streetscape improvements as an integral component of any roadway improvement. CCP48 Encourage buildings to front or face public rights-of-way. providing clear paths from the sidewalk to all entries. \ . City Center Code Amendments File #05-I04258..oo-UP Revisions to City Center Policies LUP] Use design and performance standards to achieve a greater range of housing options in multiple-family designations. LUP3 Use design and performance standards to create attractive and desirable commercial and office developments. LUP44 Neighborhood Business centers should consist of neighborhood scale retail and personal services. LUP45 Encoumge mixed residential and commercial development in Neighborhood Business designations where compatibility with nearby uses can be demonstrated. LUP 187 Develop incentives to encourage desired development in commercial areas, especially in the City Center Core and Frame. Economic Development (Chapter 4, FWCP) EDGl The City will emphasize redevelopment that transforms the City from a suburban bedroom community to a full-service community with an urban core. Housing (Chapter 5, FWCP) HP3l Encourage new residential development to achieve maximum allowable density based on gross area. City Center (Chapter 7, FWCP) GGGl Create an identifiable City Center that serves as the social, cultuml, and economic focus of the City. Define a City Center with distinct boundaries, unique building types, and special features. CCG2 Attract a regional market for high quality office and retail uses which increases employment opportunities, adds to the City's tax base, and establishes federal Way's City Center as an economic leader in the South King County region. CGG5 Encourage a mix of compatible uses to maintain a lively, attmctive, and safe place to live, work, and visit. CCG6 Focus on improving the existing character and image of the City Center. ,- City.Center Code Amendments File #05-1 Q4258-OO-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page 8 CCG7 Encourage housing opportunities in mixed residentiaVcommercial settings. Promote housing opportunities close to employment CCG9 Create an environment oriented to pedestrians and bicyclists. CCG 1 0 Create an environment that attracts high quality housing, commercial, and office uses. Continue to enforce fequirements for quality design in buildings, streetscape, and site planning. CCG J J Create policies and regulations to encourage more efficient use of . parking facilities and to foster new, innovative, and creative parking solutions. CCG 13 Focus new growth, with resultant increasing demands for infrastructure and transportation, in the City Center, specifically the core area. Allow fOf higher intensity uses for efficient use of land. CCP3 Continue to support land use regulations that allow the higher intensity development expected over the next 15 to 30 years. CCP7 Allow for a variety of uses and mixed-use development within buildings, or complexes. Ensure that mixed-use development complements and enhances the character of the surrounding fesidential and commercial areas. CCG14 Allow increased development of commercial uses while increasing housing opportunities and diversity of housing types. CCP 19 Encourage new development to include active ground floor uses such as shops, community services, office, and housing units. Provide pedestrian connections between adjacent buildings where possible to provide for strectscape continuity. CCP21 Continue to site and screen parking lots to minimize impact on the pedestrian environment. CCP22 Connect the main entry of buildings to public sidewalks by a clear, identifiable pathway. CCP42 Site and orient buildings and parking to allow redevelopment of surface parking. CCP47 Continue to construct streetscape improvements as an integral component of any roadway improvement. CCP48 Encourage buildings to front or face public rights-of-way, providing clear paths from the sidewalk to all entries. City Center Code Amendments File #05-104258-OO-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page 9 .-- 2. The proposed amendments bear a substantial relationship to public health, safety, or welfare; The proposed FWCC text amendments will help create an identifiable downtown, improve the form and function of the City Center through improved site and building design, improve pedestrian amenities and circulation within the City Center, restrict land uses' that may be incompatible or inconsistent with residential uses, and limit continued private investment in development inconsistent with the comprehensive plan, which will have a direct relationship to public health, safety, and welfare. And 3. The proposed amendment is in the best interest of the residents of the city. 1be proposed FWCC text amendments will help create an identifiable downtown that is the social and economic focus of the City, encourage a mix of land uses compatible with housing, promote housing opportunities close to employment, promote development that consumes less land, and improve the quality of urban design and architecture within the City Center, which is in the best interest of the City's residents. X. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION Consistent with the provisions of FWCC Section 22-539, the Planning Commission may take the following actions regarding the proposed' zoning code text amendments: L Recommend to City Council adoption of the FWCC text amendments as proposed; 2. Modify the proposed FWCC text amendments and recommend to City Council adoption of the FWCC text amendments as modified; 3. Recommend to City Council that the proposed FWCC text amendments not be adopted; or, 4. Forward the proposed FWCC text amendments to City Council without a recommendation. STAFF RECOMMENDS THE FOLLOWING MOTION: "Move to recommend to the City Council for adoption of proposed FWCC text amendments, numbered I through 11, as listed in Paragraph II of the staff report.. . ...or...if deletions or changes occur as a result of Planning Commission deliberations, add... "except amendment no(s)__, as deleted, or as amended by the Planning Commission as follows...... ". City Center Code Amendments File #05-104258..QO-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Page 10 XI. EXIIlBITS Exhibit A: Code Amendments #1 through #6 - Tables and Affected Codes Exhibit B: Code Amendments #7 A through #7G - Tables and Affected Codes Exhibit c: Code Amendments #8 through # 11 - Tables and Affected Codes Exhibit D: Zoning Map, City Center-Core and City Center-Frame Exhibit E: Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, City Center Chapter Exhibit F: Interim Ordinance, No. 493, adopted June 7, 2005 City Center Code Amendments File #05-104258-OO-UP Planning Commission Staff Report Pagell Exhibit 4 Minutes of October 19,2005, Planning Commission Workshop CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PLANNING COMMISSION October 19,2005 City Hall 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES Commissioners present: John Caulfield, Hope Elder, Dave Osaki, Dini Duclos, Merle Pfeifer, and Lawson Bronson. Commissioners absent: Bill Drake (excused). Alternate Commissioners present: Pam Duncan.Pierce. Alternate Commissioners absent: Richard Agnew (excused). Staff present: Development ServiGes Director Kathy McClung, Economic Development Director Patrick Doherty, Assistant City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall, Senior Planner Lori Michaelson, and Administrative Assistant E. Tina Piety. Chair Caulfield called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. ApPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Duclos moved (and it was seconded) to adopt the September 21,2005, minutes with corrections (change words recommended and decided to suggested, Commissioner Elder's absence was excused, and add homeowners to the list of notices in the last paragraph). The motion carried (six yes). AUDIENCE COMMENT None ADMINISTRATIVE REpORT Ms. McClung informed the Commission that the next meeting is a public hearing on the City Center Code Amendments scheduled for November 9, 2005, which is not a regular meeting date. The Commission discussed this issue, concerned that the Multi-Service Center's fund raiser is on the same night, that two Commissioners would not be able to attend on November 9th, and that this is the first time some of the Commissioners have heard the City wants to complete this project by the end of December. The concern was raised that the Commission may not have adequate time to study the City Center Code Amendments. It was decided to revisit and make a decision regarding the next Commission meeting at the end of this meeting. COMMISSION BUSINESS WORKSHOP - City Center Code Amendments Mr. Doherty began the staff presentation. The Commission first watched the presentation by the Leland Consulting Group presentation originally delivered to the City Council on September 20,2005. This presentation can be found on the City's Web site (www.cityoffederalwav.com). Mr. Doherty gave the Commission copies of Leland Consulting Group's City Center Redevelopment Strategy report. He informed the Commission that the City Council had approved continuing to work with the Leland Group and to support pursuit of public/private partnerships, or other strategies, for City Center projects. One recommendation of the Leland Group is that the City needs to deal with perceived and real barriers to growth in the City Center. These code amendments are intended to deal with some of those barriers. K:\Planning Conrnission\2005\MC<ling Summary 10-1'1-05 Updated.ao< Planning CoIlUllission Minutes Page 2 October 19, 2005 A concern was expressed that doing these code amendments before the Planned Action SEP A for the City Center is premature. Mr. Doherty explained that these code amendments do not need to precede the Planned Action SEP A. Ms. Michaelson continued the staff presentation. She commented that these code amendments would help align the zoning code with the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (FWCP). They are a response to the recent interim ordinance and incorporate recommendations from recent downtown studies. Finally, these amendments would ready the regulatory environment for redevelopment The key issues for these code amendments are: incompatible land uses; multifamily residential density caps; multifamily ground floor commercial requirement and open space; building setbacks; increase in base building height; new use and definition (regional retail shopping center); parking; maximum size of single story buildings; drive-through facilities; design guidelines; public improvements; nonconformances; combined SEP A and land use; and a housekeeping change. Incompatible Land Use Staff is continuing to research which particular businesses would be affected by the proposed changes. Commissioner Duclos expressed concern that these changes could drive some businesses out because they would become nonconforming and therefore, would not be able to make changes to their building. Mr. Doherty responded that the proposed amendments include reducing the barriers for nonconforming structures. Commissioner Osaki commented that the interim ordinance restricted more uses than the proposed amendments and the proposed amendments appear to be restricting uses more by the type of person they attract as opposed to the type of business. Ms. Michaelson commented that the restricted uses proposed in these amendments are partially based on the recommendations of the code obstacles analysis ("Final Code Obstacles Report") by Faith Lumsden, which suggested restricting uses based more on the form of the building, although considering prohibitions on gambling and thrift stores was also recommended. Multifamily Residential Density Caps Commissioner Duclos expressed concern that the proposed changes would not be good for families with young children. Mr. Doherty explained that the demand for recreation space is much less with smaller families in downtown areas than in traditional neighborhoods. Height Increases Ms. Michaelson cominented that the proposed amendments do not propose changes to existing maximum height limits, but rather deal with base height increases and height bonuses. Commissioner Osaki asked the staff to provide a map that outlines the City Center Core and Frame. Commissioners felt the height bonus table was unclear; especially in regards to mixed-use. Commission Elder commented that if the City's eventual result is to have tall buildings in the City Center, why not increase the height at this time instead of sometime in the future. It was explained that increased heights for multifamily are being considered in the Planned action SEP A and a future code amendment may follow that Single Story Development Single story development would have a maximum of 20,000 square feet The new use of regional retail shopping center would be exempt from the 20,000 square foot maximum. The Commissioners expressed their concern that the proposed code amendments do not go far enough to align the zoning code with the FWCP. They asked why the proposed amendments don't include increasing the building height and recommending that all new buildings he mixed-use. Staff replied that these amendments are intended to be an interim stage. Increased Single Story Building Size This allows an applicant to choose from five options that would allow additional square footage, above the 20,000 square foot maximum. The Commission asked the staff to provide examples of how these options would work. K:IPlanning CommissionI2005\M<<ling SurnmaryIO.19.0S Upd.t<d.do< Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 October 19,2005 Community Design Guidelines A number of amendments are proposed for the design guidelines, including parking criteria, building fal(ade treatment, pedestrian circulation, drive-through facilities, residential uses, and public on-site open space. In addition, the definitions have been clarified and expanded. Commissioner Osaki asked why drive-throughs arc allowed when they are not pedestrian friendly. Mr. Doherty replied that drive-throughs could be compatible in certain mixed-use developments, subject to design standards ensuring no visibility from streets New Use Category A new use of regional retail shopping center is proposed. Commissioner Osaki expressed concern over the five- foot setback and locating the buildings close to 320th Strcct. Ms. Michaelson replied that the principal pedestrian street type may address this issue. Other Changes Other changes included highlighting the flexibility in the code to reduce required parking and clarifYing the process by which required street improvements are determined. It was suggested that staff include more pictures to show what the proposed amendments would look like. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS The next meeting date was discussed. Given that is likely the staff report will be long, it was decided to hold the next meeting on November 16, 2005, to start the public hearing with the intent to continue the public hearing. Staff commented that they are willing to meet with individual Commissioners to help clarifY any issues in regards to the City Center Code Amendments. Chairman Caulfield led the Commissioners in wishing Commissioner Elder a Happy Birthday. AUDIENCE COMMENT None ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. K:\P1anning Comm;"ion\ZOO5lMeeting Summary 10-19-05 Updated. doc Exhibit 5 Minutes of November 16, 2005, Planning Commission Public Hearing CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PLANNING COMMISSION November 16,2005 City Hall 7:00 p.m. Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES Commissioners present: John Caulfield, Hope Elder, Dave Osaki, Merle Pfeifer, and Lawson Bronson. Commissioners absent: Bill Drake and Dini Duclos (excused). Alternate Commissioners present: Pam Duncan- Pierce and Richard Agnew. Alternate Commissioners absent: none. Deputy Mayor Linda Kochmar and Council Member Jeanne Burbidge also attended. Staff present: Development Services Director Kathy McClung, Assistant City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall, Senior Planner Lori Michaelson, and Administrative Assistant E. Tina Piety. Chair Caulfield called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. ApPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Elder moved (and it was seconded) to adopt the October 19,2005, minutes with one correction (date in Additional Business should be November 16, 2005). The motion carried (five yes). AUDIENCE COMMENt None ADMINISTRATIVE REpORT None COMMISSION BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING - City Center Code Amendments Ms. Michaelson delivered the staff report. She commented that she had sent the Commissioners an updated proposed Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Section 22-977 via email. She noted that there are 26 individual amendments outlined in the staff report and exhibits. The purpose of the amendments is to help ready the regulatory environment for redevelopment. This will be accomplished by amending the FWCC to be more consistent with the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (FWCP) and to incorporate recommendations from the Interim Zoning Ordinance and the Final Code Obstacles Report by Lumsden International, Inc. The major goals are to: remove real or perceived barriers to development envisioned by the FWCP; promote urban- scale, vertical mix of uses including housing, maximize utility of land; improve quality of site and building design through better urban design principals; and emphasize pedestrian-oriented design and amenities (streetscape, public open space). The highlights ofthc proposed amendments are: . Relax height limits (base heights) . Refine height bonuses to emphasize streetscape as well as open space . Relax ground-floor commercial and open space requirements . Remove residential density caps . Bring buildings to street in most cases . Limit surface parking along the street . Limit new single-story construction (with exceptions), but allow any amount of multiple-story buildings (regulate "form" not "function") . Prohibit certain incompatible land uses . Allow complete rebuilding of nonconforming structures destroyed or damaged by accident K:\Planning Commission'ZOO5\Meeting Summary 11.16.05 Updalcd.doc Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 November 16, 2005 Two of the proposed amendments are to prohibit gambling/card rooms and prohibit second hand sales. Commissioner Elder expressed her concern over limiting the types of business that are allowed in the City Center, we should be a City for all. Ms. Michaelson commented that gambling is restricted in many other cities in the state because ofthe negative impacts. However, not all cities restrict gambling, it comes down to what kind of City Center the citizens of Federal Way want. Commissioner Pfeifer asked why certain uses (such as schools and public utilities) are excluded from the 20,000 square foot restriction. Ms. Michaelson responded that these are institutional uses and staff feels they should not be limited. Commissioner Bronson commented that over the last few years, he has noted that development in the City Center consisted of public projects as opposed to private projects (i.e., improvements to Pacific Highway South, but no new buildings). He asked how changing the zoning code will encourage new development. Ms. Michaelson replied that the proposed code amendments are only one piece of a larger strategy. The Leland Consulting Group's City Center Redevelopment Strategy report addresses additional issues. The City has hired the Leland Consulting Group to develop an overall strategy to encourage development downtown. In addition, the City Council has voted to allocate $50,000 for City Center development. Public Testimony Gary Martindale. Steadfast Investments ~ Steadfast are the owners of The Commons. He thanked the City staff for all they work they have done on this issue, particularly Patrick Doherty, Kathy McClung, and Lori Michaelson. He commented that Steadfast Investments feels that overall, the proposed amendments will work for them. They are concerned that the proposed five-foot building setback adjacent to principal pedestrian right(s)-of-way, may not work for The Commons, but they do support the proposed amendments. Deputy Mayor Linda Kochmar - She commented that she had not been in favor of the originally drafted amendments, but feels the current draft is an improvement. She is most interested in how the proposed amendments may affect business owners. Chairman Caulfield expressed his disappointment at the level of public participation at tonight's meeting (thece is one business/property owner in attendance). Ms. McClung stated that staff has been meeting with some business/ property owners and with the Chambec of Commerce and the proposed amendments have taken the feedback from these meetings into account. Commissioner Pfeifer asked if thece is a time limit to the City Center Planned Action State Environmental Act Policy (SEP A) Environmental Impact Statement (ElS) staff is working on. Ms. Michaelson responded that an ElS does not have an expiration date, but can become obsolete if circumstances change (say the comprehensive plan is changed). Staff wants this ElS to stand for 10 years, but it depends on the amount of development that occurs (more development would mean more change and less development capacity, and the likelihood the EIS could become obsolete before 10 years). The Commission discussed how to proceed in regards to voting on the amendments. There must be a majority of the entire Commission (four yes votes) to recommend approval of an item. Since there are only five voting members present, concern was expressed that some of the proposed amendments would not receive four yes votes. The Commission decided that since it is almost certain the public hearing would be continued, they would wait until the next meeting to discuss and vote upon some of the proposed amendments. Proposed Amendments #J A and #1 B - Prohibit Incompatible Land Uses These amendments would prohibit gambling/card rooms and second hand merchandise sales. A discussion was held on prohibiting gambling with one Commissioner stating that he sees no problem with allowing gambling and another Commissioner stating the negative effects a nearby gambling establishment has had on his business. The Commission asked if staff could provide some information about the effects of gambling on communities. ""Planning Conu,,;..ion\~OO5lMeeting S."''''.')' 11.16.05 UpdlIted.do< Planning Conunission Minutes Page 3 November 16,2005 The Commission also asked the staff to research whether second hand merchandise would include a shop selling baseball cards and other similar collectibles. Proposed Amendments #2A, #2B, and #2C - Multi-Unit Housing These amendments would eliminate the density caps for multi-unit housing, relax the criteria for ground floor commercial, and revise the recreational open space requirement. Chainnan Caulfield asked staff to clarify what multi-unit housing includes. Ms. Michaelson commented that it includes condominiums and townhomes, as well as apartments. Commissioner Pfeifer moved (and it was seconded) to recommend adoption of proposed amendments #.2A, #2B, and #2C as written. Commissioner Bronson asked what kind of development can we realistically expect to happen in the next 10 years and how will these proposed amendments promote the City's vision, as outlined in the FWCP. Chairman Caulfield commented that the City needs to take a leadership role and one way to do so is to set the stage through street improvements and code changes, such as the proposed amendments. He noted that the vision we have for Federal Way's City Center is beginning to happen in the communities around us, such as Burien, Kent, Auburn, and Sumner. The vote was held with four yes and one no, and the motion passed. Proposed Amendments #3A, #3B, and #3C ~ Building Heights These amendments would grant limited increases to Some base heights and amend the height bonus program. Commissioner Elder moved (and it was seconded) to recommend adoption of proposed amendments #3A, #3B, and #3C as written. Commissioner Osaki moved (and it was seconded) to amend the motion to state that the height will be 30 feet when adjacent to a residential zone. Commissioner Osaki commented that his amendment would serve to protect and preserve single-family development. The vote was held with three yes and two no, and the amendment passed. The vote was held on the main motion with two yes and three no, and the main motion/ails. Commissioner Osaki moved (and it was seconded) to recommend adoption of proposed amendments #3B and #3C as written. The vote was held with five yes and zero no, and the motion passed. Proposed Amendments #4A and #4B - Single-Story Buildings These amendments deal with maximum size limits and options to increase the size above 20,000 square feet. Commissioner Elder moved (and it was seconded) to recommend adoption of proposed amendments#4A and #4B as written. Chairman Caulfield commented that he feels there is a disconnect between proposed amendments #4A and #4B and the FWCP. He feels these amendments encourage strip development as opposed to mixed-use development as outlined in the FWCP. Commissioner Pfeifer stated that he views these amendments favorably because they would place a limit on the size of single-story buildings, which are not currently limited in size. The vote was held with two yes and three no, and the motion/ails. Commissioner Osaki moved (and it was seconded) that the Commission revisit proposed amendments #4A and #4B when the public hearing is continued. The vote was held with five yes and zero no, and the motion passed. Proposed Amendment #5 -' New Use and Definition The amendment proposes a new use and definition of "retail shopping center, regional." Commissioner Pfeifer moved (and it was seconded) to reconunend adoption of proposed amendment #5 as written. The vote was held with four yes and one no, and the motion passed. Proposed Amendments #6A, #6B, and #6C - Site Layout These amendments modify existing building setbacks and parking requirements. Commissioner Pfeifer moved (and it was seconded) to reconunend adoption of proposed amendments #6A, #6B, and #6C as written. The vote was held with five yes and zero no, and the motion passed. K;IPI..,nmg Conwis.ionl2005\Meeting SUITONUy 11-16.0$ Updated. doc Planning CoITInJission Minutes Page 4 November 16, 2005 Proposed Amendments #7A, #7B, #7C, #7D, #7E. #7F, and #7G -Design Guidelines These amendments deal with definitions, mixed-use residential buildings, location of parking, fal(ade treatment, pedestrian circulation, drive-through facilities, and criteria for public on-site open space. Commissioner Pfeifer moved (and it was seconded) to recommend adoption of proposed amendments #7 A through #7G as written. The vote was held with five yes and zero no, and the motion passed. Proposed Amendments #8A. #8B, and #8e - Nonconformance These amendments allow improvements and expansions of conforming uses that are collocated with nonconforming uses, applies to expansion of existing single-story buildings, and allows full replacement of nonconforming structures that are damaged or destroyed by sudden accidental cause. Commissioner Bronson moved (and it was seconded) to recommend adoption of proposed amendments #8A and #8C as written. The vote was held with five yes and zero no, and the motion passed. Commissioner Bronson moved (and it was seconded) to table proposed amendment #8B to the next meeting, but later withdrew the motion since it is not needed. Proposed Amendment #9 - Housekeeping This amendment repeals a subsection that should have been previously repealed. Commissioner Osaki moved (and it was seconded) to recommend adoption of proposed amendment #9 as written. The vote was held with five yes and zero no, and the motion passed. Proposed Amendment #10- Street Improvements This amendment clarifies the method by which required street frontage improvements are determined. Commissioner Osaki moved (and it was seconded) to recommend adoption of proposed amendment #10 as written. The vote was held with five yes and zero no, and the motion passed. Proposed Amendment #11 - Perimeter Landscape Buffers This amendment clarifies that no perimeter buffer is required where building front on a right-of-way. Commissioner Osaki moved (and it was seconded) to recommend adoption of proposed amendment #11 as written. The vote was held with five yes and zero no, and the motion passed. Commission Pfeiffer moved (and it was seconded) that the Planning Commission recommend that the City Council extend the Interim Zoning Ordinance 30 days so the Planning Commission can finish their deliberations. Commissioner Osaki stated that the deliberations on these amendments would need than 30 days since these proposed amendments must also go to the Land Userrransportation Committee and City Council. It was moved and seconded that the motion be amended to simply state the Planning Commission needs 30 days to complete their deliberations. The amendment was voted upon, five yes and zero no, and the amendment passed. The main motion was then voted upon, zero yes and five no, and failed. Commissioner Osaki moved (and it was seconded) to continue the public hearing to December 7, 2005, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. The vote was held with five yes and zero no, and the motion passed. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Ms. McClung informed the Commission that the staff will be taking nine proposed code amendments to the City Council for the Annual Code Amendment Selection Process on December 6, 2005. The City received $152,000 grant from the state for Shoreline Amendments. AUDIENCE COMMENT None ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 9:51 p.m. K:\Planning Commi&sionl2005\Mecting Su""""Y 11-16-05 UpJ.teddoe Exhibit 6 Draft Minutes of December 7,2005, Planning Commission Public Hearing CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PLANNING COMMISSION ~, December 7, 2005 __~ City Hall 7:00 p.m. . Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES Commissioners present: John Caulfield, Hope Elder, Dave Osaki, Merle Pfeifer, and Dini Duclos. Commissioners absent: Bill Drake and Lawson Bronson (excused). Alternate Commissioners present: none. Alternate Commissioners absent: Pam Duncan~Pierce (unexcused) and Richard Agnew (excused). Deputy Mayor Linda Kochmar also attended. Staff present: Development Serviccs Director Kathy McClung, Economic Development Director Patrick Doherty, Assistant City Attorney Amy 10 Pearsall, Senior Planner Lori Michaelson, and Administrative Assistant E. Tina Piety. Chair Caulfield called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ApPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Elder moved (and it was seconded) to adopt the November 16,2005, minutes with corrections (Commissioner Pfeifer's name was misspelled). The motion carried (five yes). AUDIENCE COMMENT None ADMINISTRATIVE REpORT Ms. McClung informed the Commission that the City Council voted last night to extend the Intcrim Zoning Ordinance to May 2006. State law requires such interim ordinances to be extended in six-month increments. The City plans to complete the City Center Code amendments by the end of February. COMMISSION BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING - City Center Code Amendments, Continued Ms. Michaelson delivered the November 30, 2005, staff report. The report addressed questions and concerns raised at the last Planning Commission public hearing of November 16,2005, and comprehensive plan policies that have been updated and added to the main staff report. Of the 27 individual proposed amendments, thc Commission needs to make decisions on numbers lA, IB, 3A, and 8B. In addition, at the last meeting, thcy voted to revisit proposed amendments numbers 4A and 4B. Proposed Amendments #1A and #1B - Prohibit Inconsistent Land Uses Proposed amcndment #IA deals with prohibiting gambling and proposed amendment #IB deals with prohibiting second-hand merchandise sales. The Commission was split with some members opposed to gambling and others supportive of "up-scale" gambling. It was suggested the Commission consider garribling as an accessory use, Ms. Pearsall informed the Commission that the state regulates gambling and the only decision the City can make is to either allow or not allow gambling. Commissioner Bronson's comments were read into the record. It was decided to come back to this issue. K:\Planning Cormuisslon\2005\Meet1ng Summary 12-07-05.doc Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 December 7, 2005 'i. Commissione, DUcl~ it was secondeUj to ,ecommend adoption of pwpo,",d amendment #1 B with the addition ofthe staffs upda e finition for "retail sales, second-hand merchandise," and new definition for "antique or collectible," as stated in the November 30, 2005, Planning Commission staff report. The vote was held with five yes, and the motion passed. Proposed Amendment #3A - Building Height Commissioner Duclos moved (and it was seconded) to recommend adoption of proposed amendment #3A as written. Commissioner Osaki expressed his concern over 40 foot buildings next to single-family residences and moved (and it was seconded) that the motion be amended to maintain the 3D-foot height next to' single-family rcsidential arcas. Mr. Doherty commented that this mcans that buildings cannot exceed 30 feet in hcight at any point within 100 feet of a rcsidential zone (beyond the 20-foot setback). Commissioner Osaki withdrew his amendment. Commission Osaki then moved (and it was seconded) that the motion be amended to maintain the 30- foot building height (with a 20-foot setback) up to 40 feet from the property line, but allow a 40-foot building height between 40 feet and 100 feet from the property line. 'The vote for the amendment was held with five yes, and the amendment passed. The vote for the main motion as amended was held with fivc yes, and thc main motion has amended passed. Proposed Amendments #4A and #4B - Single-Story Buildings Commissioner Bronson's comments were read into the record. Commissioner Osaki asked statfwhat response they have received from citizcns in regards to the 20,000 square foot single-story building limitation. A number of mcetings have been held with property owners, business owners, and the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Doherty commented that at these meetings, staff received comments from some citizens who felt the proposed amendments could work and others who do not want any restrictions to buildings. Ms. McClung commented that some of the citizen's concerns were addressed with the proposed amendments that deal with nonconformances. Some Commissioners reiterated their concerns that adopting these proposed amendments would be inconsistent with the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan. Commissioner Elder moved (and it was seconded) to recommcnd approval of proposed amendments #4A and #4B with a recommendation that the comprehensive plan be changed in order to be consistent. The vote was held with three yes and two no. There must be a majority of the entire Commission (four yes votes) to recommend approval of an item. Given this, the motion failed. Commissioner Duclos moved (and it was seconded) that proposed amendments #4A and #4B be sent forward to the Land UselTransportation Committee with no recommendation from the Planning Commission. The vote was hcld with five yes, and the motion passed. Proposed Amendment #8B - Nonconforming Development This proposed amendment is a companion to proposed amcndments #4A and #4B. In light of this, Commissioner Osaki moved (and it was seconded) that proposed amendment #8B be sent forward to the Land Userrransportation Committee with no recommendation from the Planning Commission. lbe vote was held with five yes, and the motion passed. Proposed Amendment #1 A - Prohibit Inconsistent Land Use (Gambling) After further discussion, Commissioner Osaki moved (and it was seconded) to not recommend approval of proposed amendment # I A as written (this means gambling would be allowed). The vote was hcld with two yes and three no, and the motionfailed. Commissioner Duclos moved (and it was seconded) that proposed amendment #IA be sent forward to the Land Userrransportation Committee with no recommendation from the Planning Commission. The vote was held with five yes, and the motion passed. Commissioner Duclos moved (and it was seconded) to close the Public Hearing at 7:55 p.m. Thc vote was held with five yes, and the motion passed. K:\Planning Cornmis:sion\1005\Mcetirlg Summary 12-07 -05.doc Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 December 7, 2005 ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Ms. McClung asked the Commission if they would be available for a dinner meeting on January 18,2006, at 6:00 p.m. Commissioner Osaki will not be able to attend, but the other Commissioner in attendance can be there. There will he a discussion of the 2006 Work Program with the dinner. Chairman Caulfield announced his resignation, effective January 6, 2006. He has accepted the position of City Manager for Mountlake Terrace and will be moving there. Chairman Caulfield told the Commissioners that it was a tremendous opportunity for him to work with them and to get to know them. He also thanked Kathy McClung and other City staff for their professional work. The Commissioners expressed their appreciation of Chairman Caulfield. AUDIENCE COMMENT None ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. K:\Planning Co'll1fnission\2005\Me(:ting Summary 12-07-05.'.10':: -., ----- Exhibit 7 Draft Ordinance CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE FEDERAL WAY CITY CODE, CHAPTER 22, "ZONING," FOR PURPOSES OF ESTABLISHING SINGLE- STORY CONSTRUCTION I.JMITS IN THE CITY CENTER; PROIllBITING GAMBLING ACTIVITIES IN THE CITY CENTER AND IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS ZONING DISTRICTS; AMENDING CERTAIN BASE HEIGHTS; AMENDING THE HEIGHT BONUS PROGRAM; MODIFYING SITE AND BUILDING DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE CITY CENTER; AND OTHER RELATED AMENDMENTS, AFFECTING ARTICLE 1, SEe. 22-1, "DEFINITIONS"; ARTICLE IV, "NONCONFORMANCES"; ARTICLE XI, DIV. 6, "NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS"; DIV. 8, "CITY CENTER-CORE AND CITY CENTER-FRAME"; ARTICLE XIII, "SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT REGULATIONS"; ARTICLE XV, "OFF-STREET PARKING"; ARTICLE XVI, "IMPROVEMENTS"; ARTICLE XVII, "LANDSCAPING"; AND ARTICLE XIX, "COMMUNITY DESIGN GUIDELINES"; (AMENDING ORDINANCE NO'S. 90-43 96-270, 97-291, 97-296, 00-363, 01-390,01-399, . 02-424,02-417,03-443,03-450,04-468, and 05-506). WHEREAS, amendments to the Federal Way City Code (FWCC) text are authorized pursuant to FWCC Section 22-216 pursuant to Process VI review; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way City Council has considered the proposed text amendments to the FWCC, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference, ("Proposal") affecting certain use and development rcgulations and standards for the City Center-Core (CC-C), City Center-Frame (CC- F), and Neighborhood Business (BN) zoning districts; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council, pursuant to FWCC Section 22-517, having determined the Proposal to be worthy of legislative consideration, rcferred the Proposal to the Federal Way Planning Commission for its review and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way Planning Commission, having considered the proposal at Public Hearings On November 16, 2005, and Dccember 7, 2005, pursuant to FWCC Section 22-534, and all public notice having been given pursuant to FWCC Section 22-521; and Ord No. 05 .~ , Page I -..- WHEREAS, following the public hearing, the Planning Commission submitted to the City Council Land Userrransportation Committee its recommendation that the City Council adopt, modify, and further consider the Proposal as recommended by staff; and WHEREAS, an environmental Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) was issued for the Proposal on October 26, 2005, and the DNS was adopted on November 23, 2005, and no comments or appeals were received and the DNS was finalized on November 23, 2005; and WHEREAS, the City Council Federal Way Land Userrransportation Committee, on December 19, 2005, considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and moved to forward a recommendation of approval to the Full City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the proposal at its January 17, 2006, meeting, NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings. The City Council of the City of Federal Way makes the following findings with respect to the Proposal: A. The "City Center" area of the city, which includes the City Center-Core (CC-C) and City Center- Frame (CC-F) zoning districts, is envisioned by the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (FWCP) as, .....the cultural, social, and economic center of the City," characterized by a safe, essential, and vibrant street life; rich mix of retail, service, office, and housing; pedestrian-oriented features and amenities; a network of public open spaces within a dense, compact, urban-scale devclopment pattern; and form that maximizes land utility and reflects superior urban design. B. Contrary to the FWCP vision, the ongoing predominant development pattern in the City Center is largely characterized by single-story retail/commercial "strip" centers with disproportionately large surface parking areas along rights-of-way. The proposed amendments will assist in halting or slowing additional private investment in such noncompliant development and will allow a more vision-compliant development pattern to emerge. Ord No. 05 - , Page 2 C. The City Center is largely developed with relatively few vacant developable properties. Future developmcnt will likely occur through "infill" additions and/or expansions within existing individual properties, and somc substantial larger redevelopment of aggregated properties. The FWCP recognizes the limited supply of developable land in the City Center and the importance of this area to the City. The City Center Chapter of the FWCP has established a set of interrelated goals and policies to encourage a more efficient use of land through a more compact and intense "vertical" development pattem, with a rich mix of retail, entertainment, office, and commercial uses integrated with housing. D. The City's strategy to meet its housing and employment targets is set forth in the FWCP, and the highest density of the City's housing and jobs growth is directed to the City Center/Urban Center. Presently, there is no residential population in the CC-C zone and only a limited residential population in the CC-F zone. Thcre are few pedestrian amenities, such as streetscapes, plazas, public open spaces, and pedestrian-oriented site and building design, to help attract and support a residential population. E. Adoption of the zoning amendments will help implement the goals and policies of the City Center Chapter of the FWCP to promote a more intense and efficient use of land by increasing certain "as-of-right" heights, and by limiting new single-story construction, unless it co-locates with mixed-use, multiple-story development. F. Adoption of a zoning prohibition on gambling activities in the City Center Core and Frame zoning districts will eliminate a use that is incompatible with the mix of retail, entertainment, and residential uses as envisioned for the City Center, and preclude negative secondary impacts on surrounding neighborhoods, and adoption of a zoning prohibition on second-hand merchandise sales will eliminate such uses as inconsistent and detrimental to the higher quality, pedestrian-oriented mix of retail sales and services envisioned for thc City Center. G. Adoption of a zoning prohibition on gambling activities in the Neighborhood Business (BN) zoning district will deter potential negative secondary impacts to surrounding neighborhoods and help implement FWCP land use policies for a mix of neighborhood-scale retail, personal services, and residential and commercial development that is compatible with nearby (residential) uses. Ord No. 05 - , Page 3 H. Adoption of zoning amendments to increase base height for multi-unit housing, eliminate residential density caps, relax open space requirements, and relax ground floor commercial requirements, will encourage residential and mixed-use development. Section 2. Conclusions. Pursuant to FWCC Sections 22-216 and 22-528, and based upon the Findings set forth in Section I, the Federal Way City Council makes the following Conclusions of Law with respect to the decisional criteria necessary for the adoption of the proposal: 1. The proposed amendments arc consistent with, and substantially implement, the following comprehensive plan goals and policies: LUGl Improve the appearance and function of the built environment. LU?1 Use residential design performance standards to maintain neighborhood character and ensure compatibility with surrounding uses. LU?2 Use design and performance standards to achieve a greater range of housing options in multiple-family designations. LUP3 Use design and performance standards to create attractive and desirable commercial and office developments. LUP44 Neighborhood Business centers should consist of neighborhood scale retail and personal services. LUP45 Encourage mixed residential and commercial development in Neighborhood Business designations where compatibility with nearby uses can be demonstrated. LUP 187 Develop incentives to encourage desired development in commercial areas, especially in the City Center Core and Frame. EDGI The City will emphasize redevelopment that transforms the City from a suburban bedroom community to a full-service community with an urban core. HP31 Encourage new residential development to achieve maximum allowable density based on gross area. CCGI Create an identifiable City Center that serves as the social, culturaU and economic focus of the City. Define a City Center with distinct boundaries, unique building types, and special features. CCG2 Attract a regional market for high quality office and retail uses which increases employment opportunities. adds to the City's tax ba5e, and establishes Federal Way's City Center as an economic leader in the South King County region. Ord No. 05 - , Page 4 CCG5 Encourage a mix of compatible uses to maintain a lively, attractive, and safe place to live, work, and visit. CCG6 Focus on improving the existing character and image of the City Center. CCG7 Encourage housing opportunities in mixed residential/commercial settings. Promote housing opportunities close to employment. CCG9 Create an environment oriented to pedestrians and bicyclists. CCG J 0 Create an environment that attracts high quality housing, commercial, and office uses. Continue to enforce requirements for quality design in buildings. streetscape. and site planning. CCG J J Create policies and regulations to encourage more efficient use of parking facilities and to foster new, innovative, and creative parking solutions. CCG J 3 Focus new growth, with resultant increasing demands for infrastructure and transportation, in the City Center, specifically the core. Allow for higher intensity uses for efficient use of land. CCP2 Develop an attractive City Center that will attract quality development. CCP3 Continue to support land use regulations that allow the higher intensity development expected over the next J 5 to 30 years. CCP7 Allow for a variety of uses and mixed-use development within buildings, or complexes. Ensure that mixed~use development complements and enhances the character of the surrounding residential and commercial areas. CCG J 4 Allow increased development of commercial uses while increasing housing opportunities and diversity of housing types. CCP J 0 Continue to develop land use regulations that encourage the frame area to accommodate higher-density residential uses accompanied by residentially oriented retail and service uses. CCP 11 Continue to provide amenities such as community services, parh, and public spaces to meet residential needs. CCP J 7 Emphasize pedestrian and bicycle circulation, as well as other travel modes in all aspects of developing the City Center transportation system. Include public sidewalks, street trees, and other pedestrian amenities for streets. CCP J 8 Continue to enforce and refine local zoning codes, site planning requirements, and street design standards, as necessary, to establish a more pedestrian and bicycle friendly environment. CCPl9 Encourage new development to include active ground floor uses such as shops, community services, oifice. and housing units. Provide pedestrian connections between adjacent buildings where possible to provide for streetscape continuity. Ord No. 05 - . Page 5 CCP 21 Continue to site and screen parking lots to minimize impact on the pedestrian environment. CCP22 Connect the main entry of buildings to public sidewalks by a clear, identifiable pathway. CCP42 Site and orient buildings and parking to allow redevelopment of sUlface parking. CCP47 Continue to construct streetscape improvements as an integral component of any roadway improvement. CCP48 Encourage buildings to front or face public rights-o.fway, providing clear paths {rom the sidewalk to all entries. 2. The proposed amendments bear a substantial relationship to public health, safety, or welfare because they will help create an identifiable downtown, improve the form and function of the City Center through improved site and building design, promote safe and effective vehicle and pedestrian circulation, promote compatible land uses, promote economic development and re-devclopment opportunities, and limit continued private investment in nonconforming development, which will have a direct relationship to the public health, safety, and welfare; and 3. The proposed amendments are in the best interest of the residents of the city because they foster the emergence of an identifiable City Center that is the social and economic focus of the city, promote development that consumes less land, encourage a mix of land uses compatible with housing, promote housing opportunities close to employment, improve pedestrian facilities and amenities, and improve the quality of urban design and architecture within the City Center, which is in the best interest ofthe city's residents, as expressed in the adopted FWCP. Section 3. Amendment. The City Council hereby amends FWCC Chapter 22 as set forth in the attached Exhibit A. Section 4. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of the ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to any other persons or circumstances. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Ord No. OS - , Page 6 - Section 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be effective five (5) days after passage and publication as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way at a regular meeting of the City Council on the day of ,2006. ApPROVED Mayor, ATTEST: City Clerk,-laura Hathaway, CMC ApPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Patricia A. Richardson FILED WITH THE CITY CLERIC PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: ~- PUBLISHED: ~,~,~~ EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE No: Ord No. 05 - , Page 7