Council MIN 12-20-2005 Regular FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall December 20, 2005 -7:00 PM (lVWW. ciIF?f/i!derahvay. com) * * * * MINUTES 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor McColgan called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM. Councilmembers present: Burbidge, Dovey, Faison, Ferrell, Park, Deputy Yfayor Kochmar and Mayor McColgan. Staff present: City Manager David Moseley, City Attorney Pat Richardson. and City Clerk Laura Hathaway. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE A member of Youth Advancing Leadership led the nag salute. 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Proclamation - Reconciliation Month Mayor McColgan read a Proclamation declaring the Month of January 2006 as Reconciliation Month in Federal Way and presented it to Ron Walker, Chair of the Diversity Commission. Mr. Walker thanked the Council. b. John Caulfield -Planning Commission Appreciation Plaque (out~oin~) Councilmember Dovey presented a plaque to outgoing Planning Commissioner John Caulfield and thanked him for his service to the City of Federal Way. c. Terrv Wilson - W A State School Resource Officer of the Year Chief Kirkpatrick introduced Lt. Chris )lorman and Bill Drake who explained the nomination process, why Officer Wilson was nominated, and how the recipient was chosen. They then introduced Officer Terry Wilson and presented him with a plaque. Officer Wilson thanked those who nominated him and stated that he became a School Resource Officer because he believes that one person can make a difTerence in the life of a child. I Mayor McColgan recognized City Manager David Moseley, thanked him for his service to the City of Federal Way and wished him well on his new endeavors. Mayor McColgan presented Mr. Moseley with a plaque explaining that the plaque was officially presented at an earlier public reception in honor of Mr. Moseley but he wanted to recognize Mr. Moseley at the official public meeting. d. Introduction of New Emplovees/Citv Manager Mr. Moseley introduced Krystal Kelsey as the new Deputy City Clerk. e. Emerging Issues/Citv Manager There were no emerging issues. 4. CITIZEN COMMENT Dick Maver - Wal-Mart Store Community Involvement Coordinator - recapped the various organizations Wal-Mart contributes to through grants within the community. Donald Barovic - addressed a growing coyote problem in the Hylebos Creek Area. He asked if the City was aware of the problem and if the firearms ordinance could be revised to allow people to defend their property. Mr. Barovic left an article regarding the issue at the podium. Al ~ Stipe - Sound Transit - stated the new facility will open in February and will increase bus service. He also thanked City Manager David Moseley for his service to the City. H. Dave Kaplan - Thanked Mr. Moseley for his service and said he was appreciative that Mr. Moseley was always open to the average citizen. 5. CONSENT AGENDA Irons listed below have been previou:y(v revielved hy a ('ouncit Commitlee (~j'three members and brought hefore futl Council for apprDval; all items arc enacted hy one motion. Individual items may be removed hy {/ Councilmemberfor separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: December 6. 2005 Regular Meeting - Approved b. Enactment Ordinance: 21 st Ave SW Extension (SW 356'h Sl. to 22"d Ave SW) Condemnation - Approved, Ordinance No. 05 - 5 f 4 c. Resolution - North Lake Ridge Division 4 Final Plat - Approved. Resolution No. 05-468 d. Litter Removal Contract - 5% Increase in Funding for 2006 - Approved e. South Countv Transportation Board 2006-2009 Intcrlocal Agreement - Approved f. On-line Crime Report Software Purchase-Approved 2 MOTION: Deputy Mayor Kochmar moved approval of the Consent Agcnda as presented. Councilmember Dovey second. The motion carried 7-0. 6. COUNCIL BUSINESS City Attorncy Pat Richardson stated the collective bargaining Agreement will expirc in 2006 and is retroactive to 2005. Thc total cost of the agreement is $393,955.00. She also stated that the resolutions that follow as Council Business items b, c and d support this agreement. a. Approval of Proposed 2005 - 2006 Collective Bargaining Agrccmcnt with the Federal Wav Police Oflicers' Guild MOTION: COlU1cilmember Burbidgc moved approval of the City of Federal Way and Federal Way Police Guild Collcctive Bargaining Agrcement for 2005-2006. Councilmembcr Ferrell sccond. The motion carricd 7-0. b. Resolution - Health Reimburscmcnt ArrangcmentlVoluntatv Employcc's Beneficiary Association MOTION: Deputy Mayor Kochmar moved approval of the Resollltion authorizing thc establishment of a health reimbursement arrangement/voluntary employees' beneficiary association (HRA VEBA) plan. Cow1cilmember Ferrell second. The motion carried 7-0. Resofulion No. 05-465. c. Resolution - State of Washington Emplovee's Defened Compensation Program MOTION: Dcputy Mayor Kochmar moved approval of the Resolution establishing the State of Washington Employee's Deferred Compensation Program. Councilmember Ferrell second. The motion carried 7-0. Resolution No. 05-466 d. Resolution -ICMA VantageCare Retirement Health Savings Plan MOTION: Depllty Mayor Kochmar moved approval of the Resolution authorizing the establishment ofthe ICMA Vantage Care Retirement Health Savings Plan. Councilmember Fcrrell second. The motion carried 7-0. Resolution No. 05-467. C. Citv Manager Evaluation!P-3 Pavment MOTION: Mayor McColgan movcd approval of the Sixth Amendment to the City Manager's Employment Agreement. Deputy Mayor Kochmar second. The motion carried 7-0. " -, ----- f. Approval of Citv Hall Contracts MOTION: Coul1cilmember Faison moved to accept the contract for the Evidence Building electrical by Veca Electric and the north parking lot asphalt paving by Woodworth & Company, Inc. as complete and rclease the retainage. Councilmember Dovey second. The motion carried 7-0. 7. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Mayor McColgan mentioned that the City's Parks Director will spcak to Mr. Barovic regarding his coyote problem. Councilmember Ferrell thanked City Manager David Moseley for his service. He also rcported on the success ofthc Town Hall meetings sponsored by the Police Departmelit. Councilmember Park thanked Mr. Moseley for his service. Deputy Mayor Kochmar thanked Mr. Moseley and tbe Police Department for the Tom1 Hall Meeting. Councilmember Burbidge stated the next PRHSPS meeting is scheduled for January 9, 2006. She thanked Al Sites for his work with the Sound Transit Station and also thanked City Manager David Moseley. Council member Dovey stated at thc January LUTC meeting they will deliberate changes to the Zoning Code. He thanked City Manager Moseley and also Patrick Briggs for orgm1izing the public reception. Councilmember Faison stated the FEDRAC Meeting on December 13,2005 was a presentation regarding the City Center Vision and developer Mikc Dunne ,md his pmtner were in attendance. Hc also thanked the City Manager m1d statcd the Ncw Year will bring lots of challenges. Mayor McColgan wished everyone happy holidays. 8. CITY MANAGER REPORT Mr. Moseley thanked the City COlmcil for their kind remarks and thanked his staff for their hard work through the years. 4 • 9. ADJOURNMENT Mayor McColgan adjourned the meeting at 8:18 PM. ATTEST: / / Laura K. Hathaway City Clerk Approved by Council on: 1/3/2006 • 5