Council MIN 01-03-2006 Regular --......---..... FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall January 3, 2006 - 7:00 PM (www. cityoflederalway. com) MINUTES * * * * * 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor McColgan called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Councilmembers present: Burbidge, Dovey, Faison, Ferrell, Park, Deputy Mayor Kachmar and Mayor McColgan. Staff present: Interim City Manager Derek Matheson, City Attorney Pat Richardson, and City Clerk Laura Hathaway. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Washington State Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. SWEARING-IN CEREMONY - MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE Washington Supreme Court Justice Richard Sanders presided over the swearing in of Municipal Court Judge Michael Morgan. 4. SWEARING-IN CEREMONY-COUNCTLMEMBERS-BLECT MOTION: Deputy Mayor Kochmar moved to suspend the rules to allow District Court Judge Elizabeth Stephenson to preside over the swearingin of elected Councilmembers. Councilmember Perrell second. The motion carried 7-0. District Court Judge presided over the swearing in of Councilmembers Linda Kochmar, Jeanne Burbidge, and Eric Faison. 5. SELECTION AND SWEARING-IN CEREMONY-MAYOR Nomination: Councilmember Dovey nominated Councilmember Park for Mayor. There were no other nominations. MOTION: Deputy Mayor Kochmar moved to instruct the City Clerk to cast a unanimous ballot for Councilmcmber Park as Mayor. Councilmember Ferrell seeond. The motion carried unanimously 7-0. City Clerk Laura Hathaway presided over the swearing-in of Mayor Michael Parle Mayor Park thtU1ked the Council, staff and his flimily for their support and prcsented outgoing Mayor Dean McColgan with an engravcd gavel. Councilmember McColgan congratulated Mayor Park and thanked the Council for the opportunity to serve as the City's Mayor. 6. SELECTION AND SWEARING-IN CEREMONY -DEPU'fY MAYOR Nomination: Deputy Mayor Kochmarnominatcd Councilmember Ferrell as Deputy Mayor. There were no other nominations. MOTION: Deputy Mayor Kochmar moved to instruct the City Clerk to cast a unanimous ballot for Councilmember Ferrell as Deputy Mayor. Councilmember Burbidge second. The motion carried unanimously. 7-0. City Clerk Laura Hathaway prcsided over the swearing-in of Deputy Mayor Jim Perrell. Deputy Mayor Fcrrell thanked the Council and his family for their suppOli and presented a plaque to outgoing Deputy Mayor Linda Kachmar. Councilmember Koclullar thanked thc Council t()J'the opportunity to servc as the City's Deputy Mayor. Council recessed at 7:22 PM to honor newly elected o11icials. Council reconvened at 7:53 PM. 7. PRESENT A TrONS a. City Manager/Introduction of New City Employees b. City Manager/Emerging Issues Interim City Manager Derek Matheson stated there were no emerging issues or new employces to introduce. 8. CITIZEN COMMENT H. David Kaplan- asked for a status report on the EEOC case against the Parks Department; the progress on the Community Center development and the fund-raising campaign lor the center. Mr. Kaplan stated the City has been stonewalling the citizens on these issues. Florenda Wyatt - thanked the City Council for approving the fence around thc storm-water pond on21 sl Avenue. Alton McDonald - stated he has not received a response from the City regarding his complaint on police misconduct and cameras in police vehicles. He asked why someone at the City isn't held responsible for getting back to him in regards to his complaints. Peggy LaPortc - Vice-chair ofthc Arts Commission -- thanked the City Council and staff member Mary Faber for their support of the Arts Commission. Chelsea Wolbert and I-Iavley Johnson - Chair and Vice-chair (respectively) of the Youth Commission -- llpdated thc Council on events planned by the commission for the coming year. 9. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes/December 13, 2005 Spccial Meeting; Dccenlbcr 20, 2005 Regular Meeting - Approved b. V ouchcrs - Approved c. Monthly Financial Report - November 2005 - Approved d. Lloyd's Latecomer Agreement - LUTC - Approved e. South 333rd Street and First Way South TraHic Signal Project 50%) Design Approval and Authorization to Proceed with Final Dcsign - LUTC - Approved r. South 373rd Street Bridge Replacement - 300;;) Plans Approval - LUTe: - Approved g. 21st Avenue SW Extension - SW 356th St. to 22nd Avenue SW Improvements Project - 85% Design Status Report - LUTC - Approved h. Allocation of2006 CDBG Funds for Emergency rceding Programs - PRI-ISPS - Pulled 1. DSHS ILA for Agency Respite Care Recreation Services - PRllSPS - Approved .I. Ilistoric Cabins Park - 85% Design Rcvicw - PRHSPS - Approved k. Arts Commission Cultural Art Contract f()r Services-PRIISPS- Approved 1. 2005-2006 Youth Commission Work Plan -~ PRHSPS- Approved m. Parks Commission 2006 Work Plan - PRHSPS - Approved n. Arts Commission 2006 Work Plan - PRIISPS - Approved Deputy Mayor Fcrrell pulled Consent Item h - Allocation of2006 CDBG Funds for Emergency Feeding Programs. MOTION: Councilmember Dovey moved approval of Consent Items a-g and i-no Deputy Mayor Ferrell sccond. The motion carried 7-0. Consent Item h - Allocation of 2006 CDBG Funds for Emcrgcncy Fccding Programs. Deputy Mayor Ferrell rccused himself from voting on this item, as hc is a formcr boardmcmber and was on the board when this issue was discussed. MOTION: Councilmember Burbidge movcd approval of the Allocation 0('2006 CDBG Funds for Emergency Feed Progranls. Councilmcmber Kochmar second. Thc motion passed 6-0 (Perrell recused). ---.. 10. CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS a. 2006 Council Committee Appoi ntmcnts Mayor Park postponed this item until the January 17,2006 Regular Meeting. b. 2005-2007 Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Federal Way Police Support Serviccs Association MOTION: Deputy Mayor Ferrell moved approval or the 2005-2007 Collective Bargaining Agreement with thc Federal Way Police Support Scrvices Association. Councilmember Faison second. The motion carried 7-0. c. Planning Commission Appointment - Pamela Duncan-Pierce Councilmcmber Dovey introduccd the item stating that with the resignation of Conlmissioner Caulfield appointment of an altcrnate was necessary on the Planning Commission. MOTION: Councilmembcr Dovey moved appointment of Pamela Dunccm-Pierce to a full voting member on the Federal Way Planning Commission. Councilmember Burbidge sccond. The motion carried 7-0. 11. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Paison stated the January 10,2006 FEDRAC Meeting has been cancellcd. Councilmembcr Dovey stated the next mccting of LlJI'C is scheduled tl.}r January 9,2006. Councilmember Kochmaf stated that the Martin Luther King Celebration is scheduled for January 16,2006 at Decatur High School Performing Arts Center; thc Police Dcpartment will conduct a "Town Meeting" on January 26, 2006; the 2006 Legislative Issues Meeting is schcduled t()r January 5, 2006 at 7:30 AM; the Association of Washington Cities 2006 Lcgislative Action Meeting is scheduled in Olympia on January 25 & 26, 2006. Councilmember Burbidge stated that in addition to the Martin Luther King Celebration on January 16 there are two evcnts scheduled in his honor: an MLK Senior lligh Summit on Priday, January 13 at LaQuinta Inn, and on Saturday, January 14, in partncrship with lIabitat J()r Humanity, a community service projcctin thc Wcstway neighborhood. The next meeting of the PRHSPS meeting is scheduled for January 23, 2006. Councilmcmber McColgan stated the Council will interview two search finns on January 10, 2005 at 5 :00 PM for the City Managcr Recruitment. Deputy Mayor Fcrrell stated the Council Rctreat will bc on January 28, 2006 at Dumas Bay Center and he encouraged public participation in the City Manager selection process. Mayor Park stated that 2006 will be an exciting year with lots of challenges including the selection of a new City Manager and the upcoming biennial budget. He stated he is looking forward to working with the Council and staff 12. CITY MANAGER REPORT Interim City Manager Derek Matheson thanked formcr Mayor McColgan and Deputy Mayor Kochmar fix their service and congratulatcd Mayor Park and Deputy Mayor Perrell. He stated the Executive Session is scheduled to last approximately 30 minutcs with no action expected. 13. EXECUTIVE SESSION Counci I adj ourned to Executive Session at 8: 14 PM a. Acquisition of Real Property pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1 )(b) b. Salc of Real Property pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 (l)(c) c. Potential Litigation pursuant to RCW 42.30.11 O( I )(i) d. Councilmember Kochmar recused herself from Executive Session item c and left prior to its discussion. 14. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Park adjourned the regular meeting at 8:32 PM ArrES'T: ~ \. dlltLk ~ll) ""_____~ L" fa K. Hathaway, Ci*rk Approvcd by Council on: ~0