LUTC PKT 05-01-2006 City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee May 1st, 2006 City Hall 5:30 p.m. Council Chambers MEETING AGENDA L CALL TO ORDER 2, APPROV AL OF MINUTES: April I th, 2006 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) r 4. BUSINESS ITEMS , A. 26th Avenue SW Pipe Replacement Project Action 5 mini Bucich B. Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project - Bid Award Action 10 mini Bucich C. Alternative Cross Sections for S348th StreetHOV Lanes Project Action 15 min / Salloum D. Transpoltation Concurrency Implementation Plan and Draft Action 30 min / Perez Ordinance E, ST2 Light Rail Alignment Action 30 min / Perez/Roe F. Annexation of P AA Information 20 min / Coni en, Wang 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS 6. ADJOURN --"""'-<"""""'''''~''''''"-'''.;.-~'''''<''''''' "",__<"",..-="",,,,_<,,,,,<<=,,,~-"'<0_ "... ""'"'" .. "'''''''''''__'~'''''''''''''~'''''''''''''W_'<._'''-'_ Committee Members City Sta IT Jack Dovev, ChaIr Cary Ai Roe, P.E, Pnbhc Works DIrector Eric Faison Marhmne Lee, Administrative Assistant Dean {lIcCo/gan 253.835.2701 G .U 'T( .Ier/'(' Agl!ndo\" cmd .\llnlltW/"Ii.:\ li}06 IJ5-r;! -(16 L(ITf' AgendoJo<.. --------------- -- --- ----------------------------------------------- -- City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee April 17th, 2006 City Hall 5 :30 pm City Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Committee chair Jack Dovey; Council Member Linda Kochmar; Committee member Dean McColgan; Committee member Eric Faison; Council Member Jeanne Burbidge; Mayor Michael Park; Interim City Manager Derek Matheson; Public Works Director Cary Roe; Public Works Deputy Director Ken Miller; Surface Water Manager Paul Bucich; Street Systems Manager Marwan Salloum; Streets Project Engineer Al Emter; City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez; Deputy City Attorney Karen Kirkpatrick; Administrative Assistant II Marianne Lee; resident Mrs. Patricia Owen. A. CALL TO ORDER Councilman Dovey called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm, r B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES , The April3rd, 2006, minutes were approved. C. PUBLIC COMMENT none D. BUSINESS ITEMS A. 21st Ave South Grid Road (S, 318th St. to S. 320th St.) Project - Bid Award Marwan Salloum provided background information on this item. Moved: McColgan Seconded: Faison Passed: Unanimously Cmte PASSED Option I on to the May 2nd, 2006 Council Consent Agenda. B. Grant Funding for Transportation Improvement Projects Marwan Salloum provided background information on this item The agenda item was amended to change Phase IV to Phase III, and to change 312th Street to 284th Street. Chair Dovey recused himself, Moved: McColgan (As modified) Seconded: Faison Passed: Unanimously Cmte PASSED staff recommendation on to the May 2nd, 2006 Council Consent Agenda. C. SR161 @ SR18 Intersection Improvements Project - Bid Award Marwan Salloum provided background information on this item Staff proposes to break down the project and have the road widening and traffic signal modification work at the comer of S 3520d Street and SR 161 constructed under small works program The remaining project will be incorporated and bid as part of the 2007 Asphalt Overlay Project. Moved: Faison (Option 2 as modified) Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously Cmte PASSED staff recommendation on to the May 2nd, 2006 Council Consent Agenda. D. Transportation Concurrency Policy Framework Cary Roe opened the presentation and Rick Perez gave the background information on this item The City has been using SEPA. The Growth Management Act (GMA) mandates concurrency; capacity must be G:\UITC\l.UTC Agendas and Summaries 2006\04.17-06 LUTC Minutes,doc ------- Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 2 April 17th, 2006 provided concurrent to development. Committee member Faison asked for an estimate of the costs; Mr. Perez responded that staff has not yet estimated the cost however under SEP A the City received only a very small fee. Under the new system the City will bill the developments for staff time. This issue will come up in detail during the third presentation. Committee member Faison asked if it were possible to reduce the interval for model and traffic count updates; Mr. Perez responded that Staff needs current data to keep track of what is happening with regional growth. Committee member Faison asked if the concurrency permit fees might hamper economic development; Mr. Perez responded that doing the analysis in-house will generate its own revenue save time and money for the developer by reducing applicant submittal requirements and time to review the materials. Committee Chair Dovey asked if the next two presentations could be consolidated into one; since Concurrency is mandated, the City Council just needs to know what it entails and what it will cost. Mr. Perez responded that he can have something ready by the next Council meeting, This item will go to the next LUTC and then immediately to Council. Moved: Faison (Staff recommendation) Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously Cmte PASSED staff recommendation to prepare a draft ordinance with staff recommendation on to the May ist, 2006 Land Use and Transportation Committee. E. SW 356th Regional Detention Facility Concerns - Owen Property Cary Roe provided the background information on this item, outlining the policy question: Should the city spend money on a private drainage problem? The City Attorney's office noted that this could constitute a 'gift of public funds' and could make the City liable. Staff provided several maps that show the drainage flow of the Owen Property and the surrounding area in the drainage basin. Staff were asked to look r comprehensively at the 356th Street drainage basin. The area is broken up into an east and a west basin. Most of the area is zoned residential and most of the western area was developed before the City incorporated. The property in question is on the north side of 356th. Water from the surrounding areas flows away from the property due to the topography. There has not been a lot of development on the City's part that affects the Owen and Kenny properties; there has actually been a reduction, by 0.3 acres, in the property draining towards the Owen and Kenny properties. Staff does not believe that the City's pennitting of development in this area has negatively affected this land. Mr. Roe has followed up with Mrs. Owen, and walked her property with her. Mrs. Owen has already had the over-flow channel re-established and is interested in the pipe-plug, sump-pump, and larger catch basin options, She has already done the most important of the four options, which was to re-dig the over-flow channel. Long-term and continuous maintenance is key to averting the potential flooding problem. Mr. Roe asked her about the other alternatives; she wanted to take a more measured approach and not implement them all at once. She said she wouldn't be opposed to have the City doing the project; this does not erase the issue of gift of public funds and policy, Mr. Roe is ready to answer any questions the Council may have, Patricia Owen says that no one knows what will happen in the future. She never had a problem before Bellacarino Woods was built. She doesn't think this remedy is for sure, Her neighbor is being impacted by changing the drain from where it was. This is very temporary; it's a hand-dung ditch... Jeff Wolf brought in equipment and did elevations three times. She said this came on at the time the roads were widened and the streets -were changed. There maybe some mitigating things that she does not know anything about. Council Member Kochmar says that Mrs. Owen says the water table on her property has risen, what does Mr. Roe say to that? Mr. Roe noted that the area (356th) has a long-standing and pre-existing drainage problem that predates the City's incorporation. Mrs. Owen has a pre-existing wetland on her property, This is a legal problem... the issue is not my inability or a lack of desire to fix the problem, the flag that's being raised is about the legal aspects of our ability to do something. There's a policy in place and we need to be aware of that policy, The memo provided by the legal department speaks for itself. Chair Dovey asked about the topography of the area. The Owen and Kenny properties are raised with a depression in the center. The depression is the wetland on Mrs, Owen's and Mr. Kenny's properties. Mr. Roe concurred. Staff did not provide contour maps because Mr. Roe thought it would be difficult to read and confusing, McColgan asked, are these temporary fixes? Mr. Roe said that maintaining the re-dug channel is the most G,ILUTClLUTC Agendas and SUnuTIaries 2006\04,17-06 LUTC Minutes doc -- Land Userrransportation Committee Page 3 April 17th, 2006 important thing to do. The other fixes deal with larger catch basins, and more space in the catch basin for the sump to more effectively pump water back into the pond, The pipe plug would be used only a few times during the year. The fourth suggestion is to build a berm between the pond and her parking area, Mr. Roe's conversations with Mrs. Owen indicate that the type of flooding a berm would prevent has never happened, Chair Dovey noted that the City has already provided the land owner with a variety of options, surveyed the land, and provided technical expertise on solving the some-time flooding issue of the owner's wetland pond. There does not seem to be a reason for the City to further impact private property. Committee McColgan asked if private property owners could implement these fixes. Mr. Roe said that private property owners could do them, or have them done at a cost of $1500 or less, Committee member McColgan said that if you implemented these fixes and maintained them correctly you would solve the problem? Mr. Roe said absolutely, as long as you monitored them and updated them. Committee member McColgan said the gift of public funds is an issue; he'd like direct confirmation from the City legal department. Ms. Kirkpatrick said that based on the facts as she understands them and has been told, this would be a gift of public funds, If there were liability on the part of the City then it would not be a gift of public funds. Committee member Faison noted that for it not to be a gift of public funds there would have to be facts to support the fact that it was not a gift of public funds. Here, all the proof submitted is that it is a gift of public funds. Chair Dovey said that this is a small amount of money, but we risk the precedent. If the land owner can't afford the fixes, perhaps this could be a public service project for a private party. Committee member Faison said that Mrs. Owen has had the benefit of the expertise of City Staff. Mrs, Owen asked what chances are there that the pond will increase or decrease, She mentioned that her r neighbor has asked her to drain the wetland, if she can. She also asked why the church was allowed to clear , trees. Mr. Roe noted that the wetland pond is a classified wetland and so cannot be drained, Mr. Roe said the church had not engaged in the permit process and that has been brought to their attention. There are no plans to develop the Kenwood Pit property. Committee member Faison encouraged Mrs. Owen to speak with the CD department to discuss uses available for her property. Mr. Roe encouraged Mr. Kenny to come in to meet with City staff to explore development options for his property. Committee member Faison made a motion similar to option 2, except with the removal of the second sentence, Moved: Faison (Option 2 as modified) Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously Cmte PASSED staff recommendation on to the Aprill8th, 2006 Council Consent Agenda. F. ST2 Light Rail Alignment Cary Roe presented the background information on this item. The Chamber of Commerce plans to host a meeting in Council Chambers on April 24th at 2:30pm to discuss this topic and invites public comment. Sound, Transit had given the City a deadline of May lOth to submit an alignment preference in writing. Committee member McColgan suggested the City find out what they want and then contact neighboring jurisdictions about supporting the positions. Cary Roe suggested asking Sound Transit what the fmancial probability is that light rail will make it to Federal Way in ST2, The Committee decided that this topic will be added to the.agenda for the May 1st LUTC meeting and go to the May 2nd Council meeting. Cary Roe will develop a press release with Derek Matheson for distribution to the media in an effort to generate public awareness ofthe topic and increase public interest and comment. Moved: Faison Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously Cmte MOVED this item for discussion to the May 2nd, 2006 Council Business Agenda, 5. FUTURE MEETINGS The next scheduled meeting will be May 1 st, 2006. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m, G:\LUTClLUTC Agendas and Summaries 2006\04-17-06 LUTC Minutes,doc - ______ ___u________ __________ COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 16,2005 ITEM #: - CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: 26th Avenue SW Pipe Replacement Project ~Request for Direction (eIP # 304-3100-253) POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council authorize Surface Water Management (SWM) Staff to combine three projects into one for efficiency and cost savings? COMMITTEE: Land UselTransportation MEETING DATE: May 1,2006 CATEGORY: IZI Consent 0 Ordinance 0 Public Hearing 0 City Council Business 0 Resolution 0 Other ~l',~!!J!~~Q~!~~:_~!l:~L~~~~h~~,~M~~~g~~l[~!~!l!I~.______~~~~:_~~~~~:~~~~~___,___,________ Attachments: 1. LUTC Memo dated May 1, 2006, Options Considered: r 1. Direct SWM to combine the SW 320th St. crossing project (304-3100-248) with the 26th Avenue , SW (304-3100-253) project and combine the funding ($150,000 and $519,000) into one project. Direct the Finance Department to transfer $141,000 from SWM unallocated CIP into the 26th Avenue SW project (304-3100-253) in recognition of the additional trunk system being replaced and efficiencies generated from combining the three projects. 2. Direct SWM to design the 26th Avenue SW (304-3100-253) Trunk Replacement Project and report back to council at the 50% design stage. 3. Direct staff not to combine projects nor proceed with design and provide direction to staff. -.-----...--.----.--.-.---..--,.--..-.--.-.-........-..--..-.....-...-...-.-.--....-.-.-...---.--.-.-..-.-.-..-...--..-.--..,-...-..- ...... ..-_. ... .... . . .... ..__..........._..___m____'._._~_.___...._._....._......._..._.....~..._.._.._....__............._m..... ..... _.u.........____...~.__.__ ...._.. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staf CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: Initial DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: I~ Initial Council Conunittee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: LUTC recommends Option(s) _ - Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: HI move approval of the LUTe recommendations from May }'I, 2006, " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFlCE) COUNCIL ACTION: 0 APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # 0 DENIED I ST reading 0 T ABLEDfDEFERREDINO ACTION Enactment reading 0 MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 02/06/2006 RESOLUTION # -------------- --------------------- -- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: May 15\ 2006 TO: Land Use and Transportation committ~ VIA: Derek Matheson, Interim City Manager FROM: Cary M. Roe, P.E., Public Works Dir ctor ~ Paul A. Bucich, P,E" Surface Water Manage~ SUBJECT: 26th Avenue SW Pipe Replacement Project -Request for Direction (CIP # 304-3100-253) POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council authorize Surface Water Management (SWM) Staff to combine three projects into one for efficiency and cost savings? BACKGROUND: Current SWM CIP budget documents call for three projects to be constructed along the 26th Avenue SW alignment between Decatur High School and SW 334th St.: r , Replace a 150 foot crossing at SW 320th St. south of Decatur High School with a larger diameter pipe in . 2004/5, (304-3100-248) ($150,000) . Replace 1,250 feet of pipe from approximately SW 327th St. along 26th Avenue SW to SW 332nd St. in 2005/6, (304-3100-253) ($519,000) . Replace 1,150 feet of trunk line in 26th Avenue SW from SW 323rd St. south to SW 327th St. in 2007. (project number not assigned yet) ($680,637) An analysis using a detailed computer model developed in 2004/5 and calibrated with in-pipe flow measurements, along with a TV inspection of the entire mainline showed: 1. The crossing under SW 320th St. does not need replaced; 2. The majority of the flooding at the intersection of SW 323rd and 26th A venue SW results from undersized pipes in the intersection and conditions within Lake Ponce de Leon and its outlet channel; 3. Some of the pIpe segments scheduled for replacement are adequate and do not need to be replaced. 4, Additional sections of pipe that have reached their service life and need to be replaced, In consideration of the modeling results, additional pipe that requires replacement, and cost savings that can be realized through combining projects, SWM is recommending combining the three above referenced projects into one for construction and funding. If implemented, this recommendation will result in a reduction of approximately 250 lineal feet of pipe replacement. The proposed "combined" project will construct approximately 2,300 feet of replacement trunk line in 2007 instead of 2,550 feet as was proposed with the three projects, The new project is estimated to cost $810,000 in 2006 dollars versus $1,349,000 for the three projects resulting in an estimated savings of $539,000, It is proposed that funding be combined from the three original projects to meet the "new" project needs. In 2007 there would be no need to allocate funding for another project within 26th Avenue SW. -------------- ---------- 5/l/06 Land Use and Transportation Committee 26th Avenue SW Trunk Replacement Project Page 2 OPTIONS: 1. Direct SWM to combine the SW 320U1 St. crossing project (304-3100-248) with the 26th Avenue SW (304-3100-253) project and combine the funding ($150,000 and $519,000) into one project. Direct the Finance Department to transfer $141,000 from SWM unallocated CIP into the 26th Avenue SW project (304-3100-253) in recognition of the additional trunk system being replaced and efficiencies generated from combining the three projects, 2, Direct SWM to design the 26th Avenue SW (304-3100-253) Trunk Replacement Project and report back to council at the 50% design stage, 3. Direct staff not to combine projects nor proceed with design and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Options 1 and 2 to the May 16th, 2006 City Council Consent Agenda for approval: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: r Forward the above staff recommendation to the May 16th, 2006 City Council Consent Agenda, , cc: Project File Day File COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 16,2006 ITEM #:_ .. .. .....m .. .. .............._...._..__............. ..... ._.~."'..,.._.__...._._........__._....____._.__._ ............_.....__. .........................__.._......._ .......____._........._,..........__.___.....,_......................__.............._ .............__...._._.......__ ................._.._....._._.........................______...__._......_._______.._..........__.... CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project - Bid Award POLICY QUESTIONS: Should the Council award the Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project Bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder? Should the Council approve and accept the "King County and City of Federal Way Project Funding Agreement" and the "State of Washington Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development Local/Community Projects Program Capital Contract" in support of the Joe's Creek Habitat Restoration Project? COMMITTEE: Land UsefTransportation MEETING DATE: May 1,2006 CATEGORY: [gI Consent 0 Ordinance 0 Public Hearing D City Council Business D Resolution D Other STAFF REpORT By: Paul A. Bucich, SWM Manager ~ DEPT: Public Works ..-..-..--.,..--.....--,--....,--.--.-........-,.........,---..-.._..__._...__...._...._-~.__.._,_......_...._..._...__._......................................--..-............... --... .-"'-""-''''''-- ...........-.-..- ...,....................................----,-.-.......---.--......-------.-- ....------.-- r Attachments: 1. LUTC Memo with exhibits to the LUTC dated May 1,2006, Options Considered: 1. Award the Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project to Jansen Inc. as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of$1,272,552.27 and approve a 10% contingency of$127,255.22 for a total of$1,399,807,50, and authorize the Interim City Manager to execute the contract. Authorize staff to transfer funding ($103,329) from the SW 320th Street Crossing project (304-3100-252) to complete the Joe's Creek Habitat Restoration Project. 2. Reject all bids for the Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project and provide direction to staff. 3. Direct the Interim City Manager to execute the King County Project Funding Agreement for $250,000 as well as the State of Washington Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) Local/Community Projects Program Capital Contract for $856,000. 4. Do not direct the Interim City Manager to execute the two funding agreements and provide direction to staff. ......,.---.--"..,..,.,....-.-...,......,.-...-..-.....,.,.,--,.......-,----.-......-......---.....-----.........-..-.....-.-.....-......-...,.-.........-...,............,...................-.-.....--.-,-..,-...-.....----.....,-....--.....-....,..-.......--...-.........-.-..........-.,-....-.-........-......-,.-.---.---..------....-...-..- STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Options 1 and 3. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: /h1Jt Council Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: LUTC recommends Option(s)_ Jack Dovey, Chair Michael Park, Member Eric Faison, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: HI move approval of the Land Use and Transportation Committee Recommendations from May ]'t, 2006. ----.---.------- (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: 0 APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # 0 DENIED 1ST reading 0 TABLEDIDEFERREDINO ACTION Enactment reading 0 MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 02/06/2006 RESOLUTION # r , ------ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: May 15\ 2006 TO: Land Use and Transportation committee~ VIA: Derek Matheson, Interim City Manager FROM: Cary M. Roe, P.E., Public Works Direc~ Paul A. Bucich, ,P.E" SWM Manager SUBJECT: Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project - Bid Award POLlCY QUESTIONS: Should the Council award the Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project Bid to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder? Should the Council approve and accept the "King County and City of Federal Way Project Funding Agreement" and the "State of Washington Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development Local/Community Projects Program Capital Contract" in support ofthe Joe's Creek Habitat Restoration Project? BACKGROUND: r Project Bid: , Five bids were received and opened on April 11, 2006 for the Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project; please see attached Bid Tabulation Summary, Th~ lowest responsive, responsible bidder is Jansen, Inc. with a total bid of$I,272,552.27. The low bid received was $157,591 above the engineer's estimate of$I,114,961. AVAILABLE FUNDING: SURF ACE WATER UTiLITY $750,000 KING COUNTY FUNDING (REET 2) $250,000 WASHINGTON STATE 2006/07 APPROPRIATION * $843,160 TOTAL A V AILABLE BUDGET $1,843,160 PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Design $447,745 Year 2006 G:onstruction Bid $1,272,522 10% Construction Contingency $127;252 Printing Plans $700 Advertising $1,500 Construction Management $86,770 Long Term Mitigation Monitoring $10,000 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $1,946,489 *State Grant is for $856,000 but due to administrative costs by State, only $843,160 will be available to the project. Projected Shortfall: Current estimated project expenditures exceed the available funding by $103,329, The utility has available funding in project 304-3100-252 (SW 320lh Street Crossing) that has been identified for the Joe's Creek Habitat Restoration Project in previous budget documents due to the common pipe replacement aspects of both projects. Therefore, it is proposed to transfer necessary funding of $103,329 between projects to allow the Joe's Creek May 1, 2006 Land Use and Transportation Committee Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project - Bid Award Page 2 Habitat Restoration project to proceed to construction, The SW 320th St. Crossing project will be removed from the SWM Capital Program after this project is completed. FUNDING AGREEMENTS: Before the Council are two funding agreements for consideration and approval: King County has crafted a "Project Funding Agreement" that will transfer $250,000 to the City for the Joe's Creek Habitat Restoration Project which is attached for your consideration; also attached is a "State of Washington Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) Local/Community Projects Program Capital Contract" for your consideration in the amount of $856,000. Due to administrative costs for CTED, the contract provides $843,160 for project construction. OPTIONS: 1. Award the Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project to Jansen Inc. as the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of$I,272,552,27 and approve a 10% contingency of$127,255 for a total of$I,399,808, and authorize the Interim City Manager to execute the contract. Authorize staff to transfer funding ($103,329) from the SW 320th Street Crossing project (304-3100-252) to complete the Joe's Creek Habitat Restoration Project. 2. Reject all bids for the Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project and provide direction to staff. { 3. Direct the Interim City Manager to execute the King County Project Funding Agreement for $250,000 as well as the State of Washington Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (CTED) Local/Community Projects Program Capital Contract for $856,000. 4. Do not direct the Interim City Manager to execute the two funding agreements and provide direction to staff, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Options 1 and 3 to the May 16, 2006 City Council Consent Agenda for approval: COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above Options 1 and 3 to the May 16,2006 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. cc: Project File Day File - Joe's Creek Map Date: October 2004 City of City of Federal Way 33325 8th Ave S, Federal Way Drainage PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063 Basin www.ci.federal-way.wa.us Legend Joe's Creek Basin - Streams : ..... ..~ City Boundary ....::J Project Location Exhibit A Vicinity Map: D This map is intended for use as a graphical representation ONLY. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. 6 N 0 0.1250.25 0.5 ~ iMiles ~ CITY OF ~ Federal Way MikeS:C:\GIS\dept\pw\swm~oes.mxd .~ STATEOFWASmNGTON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY, TRADE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT LOCAUCOMMUNITY PROJECTS PROGRAM CAPITAL CONTRACT NUMBER 06-96100-435 THIS CONTRACT, entered into by and between the City of Federal Way (a unit oflocal government hereinafter referred to as the CONTRACTOR), and the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development (hereinafter referred to as the DEP ARTMENT), WIlNESSES THAT: WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has the statutory authority under RCW 43.330.050 (5) to cooperate with and provide assistance to local governments, businesses, and r community-based organizations; and , WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT is also given the responsibility to administer state funds and programs which are assigned to the DEPARTMENT by the Governor or the Washington State Legislature; and WHEREAS, the Washington State Legislature has, in Laws of2oo5, Chapter 488, Section 131, made an appropriation to support the Local/Community Projects Program, and directed the DEPARTMENT to administer those funds; and WHEREAS, the enabling legislation also stipulates that the CONTRACTOR is eligible to receive funding for acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation (a venture hereinafter referred to as the "Project"). NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of covenants, conditions, performances, and promises hereinafter conta,i!led, -the parties hereto agree as follows: I. FUNDlNG The funds awarded to the CONTRACTOR hereunder shall be a sum up to, but not to exceed $843,160.00. The DEPARTMENT has retained the amount of$12,840.00 for costs directly associated' with managing the completion of this contract. 1 - ----- 2. SERVICE PROVISIONS a) Funds awarded under this contract shall be used solely and specifically for capital construction costs associated with the Joe's Creek Project, as contemplated in Laws of2005, Chapter 488, Section 131. b) The CONTRACTOR shall perform in accordance with the terms and conditions , of this contract and the following attachments which, by this reference, are made a part of this contract: ATTACHMENT A (Project Budget) ATTACHMENT B (Certification of the Availability of Funds to Complete the Project) ATTACHMENT C (Project Scope of Work) ATTACHMENT D (Certification of the Payment and Reporting of Prevailing Wages) 3. SPECIAL CONDITION(S) None. ( 4. CONTRACT PERIOD a) The effective date of this contract shall be the date of the last signature of the contracting parties. b) Unless terminated earlier pursuant to Section 9, 12, or 28, hereof, the termination date shall be June 30, 2009. 5. CERTIFICATION OF FUNDS a) The release of state funds under this contract is contingent upon the CONTRACTOR certifying that it has expended or has access to funds from non- state sources as set forth in ATTACHMENT B (CERTIFICATION OF THE A V AILABILlTY OF FUNDS TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT), hereof. Such non-state sources may consist of a combination of any of the following: i) ~ . Eligible Proiect expenditures prior to the execution of this contract. ii) Cash dedicated to the Project. iii) Funds available through a letter of credit or other binding loan commitment(s), iv) Pledges from foundations or corporations. v) Pledges from individual donors. 2 ____n__.__._..___ vi) The value of real property when acquired solely for the purposes of this Proiect, as established and evidenced by a current market value appraisal performed by a licensed, professional real estate appraiser, or a current property tax statement. The DEPARTMENT will not consider appraisals for prospective values of such property for the purposes of calculating the amount of non-state matching fund credit. vii) In-kind contributions, subject to the DEPARTMENT'S approval. b) The CONTRACTOR shall maintain records sufficient to evidence that it has access to or has expended funds from such non-state sources, and shall make such records available for the DEPARTMENT'S review upon reasonable request. 6. EXPENDITURES ELIGIBLE FOR REIMBURSEMENT The CONTRACTOR may be reimbursed, at the rate set forth elsewhere in this contract, for Project expenditures in the following cost categories: r a) Real property, when purchased or acquired solely for the purposes of the Project; . b) Design, engineering, architectural, and planning costs; c) Project management costs (from external sources only); d) Construction costs including, but not limited to, the following: Site preparation and improvements; Permits and fees; Labor and materials; Taxes on Project goods and services; Capitalized equipment; and Landscaping. 7, REIMBURSEMENT PROVISIONS a) Payments to the CONTRACTOR shall be made on a reimbursement basis only. For the purposes of this contract, reimbursementshall be construed to mean costs incurred and paid, or costs incurred and payable within thirty (30) days. b) The DEPARTMENT shall reimburse the CONTRACTOR for one-hundred percent (100%) of eligible Project expenditures, up to the maximum payable under this contract. When requesting reimbursement for costs incurred or expenditures made, the CONTRACTOR shall submit to the DEPARTMENT a 'signed and completed Invoice Voucher (Form A-19), referencing the Project activity performed, and any appropriate documentation. The voucher must be 3 certified by an official of the CONTRACTOR with authority to bind the CONTRACTOR. The final voucher shall be submitted to the DEPARTMENT within fifteen (15) days following the completion of work or other termination of this contract. c) Each request for payment must be accompanied by a Project Status Report, which describes, in narrative form, the progress made on the Project since the last invoice was submitted, as well as a report of Project status to date. The DEPARTMENT will not release payment for any reimbursement request received unless and until the Project Status Report is received. d) After approving the Invoice Voucher and Project Status Report, the DEPARTMENT shall promptly remit a warrant to the CONTRACTOR. e) The CONTRACTOR shall not submit invoices more than once monthly. 8. EVALUATION AND MONITORING a) The CONTRACTOR shall cooperate with and freely participate in any r monitoring or evaluation activities conducted by the DEPARTMENT that are , pertinent to the intent of this contract, including periodic site inspections. b) The CONTRACTOR shall provide the DEPARTMENT with photographs, either hard copy or electronically, which depict visually the progress made on the Project. Such photographs shall be submitted to the DEPARTMENT at the inception of the Project, upon 50 percent of completion, and upon completion, as applicable. c) The DEPARTMENT or the State Auditor and any of their representatives shall have full access to and the right to examine during normal business hours and as often as the DEPARTMENT or the State Auditor may deem necessary, all the CONTRACTOR'S records with respect to all matters covered in this contract. Such representatives shall be permitted to audit, examine, and make excerpts or transcripts from such records and to make audits of all contracts, invoices, ~ateri~ls, payrolls, and records of matters covered by this contract. Such rights lasl for six (6) years from the date final payment is made hereunder. 9. NONDISCRIMlNA nON PROVISION a) During the performance of this contract, the CONTRACTOR shall abide by all applicable federal and state nondiscrimination laws and regulations, including, but not limited to Chapter 49.60 RCW (Washington's Law Against Discrimination) and 42 U.S.c. 12101 et. seq, (the Americans With Disabilities Act [ADA]). 4 ~_._------- --~--- b) In the event of the CONTRACTOR'S noncompliance or refusal to comply with any nondiscrimination law, regulation, or policy, this contract may be rescinded, canceled, or terminated in whole or in part, and the CONTRACTOR may be declared ineligible for further contracts with the DEPARTMENT. The CONTRACTOR shall, however, be given a reasonable time in which to remedy any such noncompliance. Any dispute may be resolved in accordance with the "Disputes" procedure set forth in Section 23 of this contract. lO. CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS The DEPARTMENT and the CONTRACTOR may, from time to time, desire to make changes to this contract Any such changes that are mutually agreed upon by the DEPARTMENT and the CONTRACTOR shall be incorporated herein by written amendment. It is mutually agreed and understood that, except for the budget modifications described in Section II of this contract, no alteration or variation of the terms of this contract shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto prior to implementation of the changes, and that any oral understanding or agreements not incorporated herein shall not be binding. r 11. MODIFICATIONS TO THE PROJECT BUDGET , a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this contract, the CONTRACTOR may, at its discretion, make modifications not to exceed ten percent (10%) of each line item in the Project Budget (Attachment A), hereof. b) The CONTRACTOR shall notify the DEPARTMENT in writing prior to making any budget modification or 'modifications that would exceed ten percent ( 10%) of any budget line item. Any such request shall require the written approval of the DEPARTMENT, and any such modifications shall be made in' writing and signed by both parties, and attached to the Project Budget (Attachment A), hereof. c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit an increase in the amount of funds available for the Project, as set forth in Section I of this contract. 12. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT a) If, _through any cause, the CONTRACTOR shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its obligations under this contract or if the CONTRACTOR shall violate any of its covenants, agreements or stipulations of this contract, the DEPARTMENT shall thereupon have the right to terminate this contract and withhold the remaining allocation if such default or violation is not corrected within twenty (20) days after the DEPARTMENT'S submitting written notice to the CONTRACTOR describing such default or violation; Provided, that if more than twenty (20) days are required to correct any such default or violation and the 5 --~- -_._--~- CONTRACTOR has initiated appropriate corrective measures as reasonably determined by the DEPARTMENT, the DEPARTMENT will not terminate this CONTRACT for such default or violation. b) Notwithstanding any provisions of this contract, either party may terminate this contract by providing the other party with written notice of such termination, specifying the effective date thereof, at least thirty (30) days prior to such date. c) In the event this contract is terminated, the CONTRACTOR shall be reimbursed for eligible expenses incurred prior to the effective date of such termination and not otherwise paid for by the DEPARTMENT, as the DEPARTMENT reasonably determines. d) In the event funds are not reappropriated for this Project in the 2007 - 2009 biennial budget, this contract shall terminate on June 30,2007. 13. SPECIAL PROVISION The DEPARTMENT'S failure to insist upon the strict performance of any provision of r this contract or to exercise any right based upon a breach thereof or the acceptance of any , performance during such breach, shall not constitute a waiver of any right under this contract. 14. HOLD HARMLESS a) It is understood and agreed that this contract is solely for the benefit of the parties hereto and gives no right to any other party. No joint venture or partnership is formed as a result of this contract. Each party hereto agrees to be responsible and assume liability for its own negligent acts or omissions, or those of its officers, agents, or employees to the fullest extent required by law, and agrees to save, indemnify, defend, and hold the other party harmless from any such liability. In the case of negligence of more than one party, any damages allowed shall be levied in proportion to the percentage of negligence attributable to each party, and each party shall have the right to seek contribution from the other party in proportion to the percentage of negligence attributable to the other party. b) This indemnification clause shall also apply to any and all causes of action arising out of the performance of work activities under this contract. Each contract for services or activities utilizing funds provided in whole or in part by this contract shall include a provision that the DEPARTMENT and the state of Washington are not liable for damages or claims from damages arising from any subcontractor's performance or activities under the terms of the contracts. 6 __n________ c) The CONTRACTOR shall defend, indemnify and save the DEPARTMENT, its officers, and employees harmless, from and against any and all claims, including reasonable attorney fees, made by the CONTRACTOR, its subcontractors, their employees and subcontractors, and any other persons, relating to the payment or reporting of prevailing wages under RCW 39.04 or RCW 39.12. 15. RECAPTURE PROVISION In the event that the CONTRACTOR fails to expend state funds in accordance with state law and/or the provisions of this contract, the DEPARTMENT reserves the right to recapture state funds in an amount equivalent to the extent of noncompliance. Repayment by the CONTRACTOR of state funds under this recapture provision shall occur within thirty (30) days of demand. In the event that the DEPARTMENT is required to institute proceedings to enforce this recapture provision, the DEPARTMENT shall be entitled to its cost thereof, including reasonable attorney's fees. 16. OWNERSHIP OF PROJECT/CAPIT AL FACILITIES The DEPARTMENT makes no claim to any real property improved or constructed with funds awarded under this contract and does not assert and will not acquire any ownership r interest in or title to the capital facilities and/or equipment constructed or purchased with , state funds under this contract. This provision does not extend to claims that the DEP ARTMENT may bring against the CONTRACTOR in recapturing funds expended in violation of this contract. 17. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PARTIES The CONTRACTOR and its employees or agents performing under this contract are not deemed to be employees of the DEPARTMENT nor agents of the DEPARTMENT in any manner whatsoever, nor will they hold themselves out as nor claim to be officers or employees of the DEPARTMENT or of the state of Washington hereof and will not make any claim, demand, or application to or for any right or privilege applicable to an officer or employee of the DEPARTMENT or of the state of Washington. 18. GOVERNING LAW AND VENUE This contract shall be construed and enforced in accordance with, and the validity and perforrnal!ce nereofshall be governed by, the laws of the state of Washington. Venue of any action at law between the parties arising out of this contract shall be the superior court 0 f Thurston County, Washington. 7 19. SEVERABILITY In the event any term or condition of this contract or application thereof to any person or circumstances is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other terms, conditions, or applications of this contract that can be given effect without the invalid term, condition, or application. To this end the terms and conditions of this contract are declared severable. 20. REDUCTION IN FUNDS In the event state funds appropriated for the work contemplated under this contract are withdrawn, reduced, or limited in any way by the Governor or the Washington State Legislature during the contract period, the parties hereto shall be bound by any such revised funding limitations as implemented at the discretion of the DEPARTMENT, and shall meet and renegotiate the contract accordingly. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This contract and all attachments hereto contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other understandings, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this contract and attachments shall be deemed to exist or to bind any of the parties r hereto. . 22. SIGNAGE, MARKERS AND PUBLICATIONS a) If, during the period covered by this contract, the CONTRACTOR displays or circulates any communication or publication identifying the financial participants in the Project, any such communication or publication must identify the State of Washington as a participant. b) The CONTRACTOR shall display a plaque in compliance with the Laws of2005, Chapter 488, Section 131 (3), subject to the D EP AR TMENT'S approval. 23. DISPUTES Except as otherwise provided in this contract, when a bona fide dispute arises between the parties and it cannot be resolved through discussion and negotiation, either party may request a dispute hearing. The parties shall select a dispute resolution team to resolve the dispute. J:he dispute resolution team shall consist of a representative appointed by the DEPARTMENT, a representative appointed by the CONTRACTOR, and a third party mutually agreed upon by both parties. The dispute resolution team shall attempt, by majority vote, to resolve the dispute. The parties agree that this dispute process shall precede any action in a judicial or quasi-judicial setting. 8 24. PREVAILING WAGE LAW The Project funded under this contract may be subject to state prevailing wage law (Chapter 39.12 RCW). The CONTRACTOR is advised to consult the Industrial Statistician at the Washington Department of Labor and Industries to determine whether prevailing wages must be paid. The DEPARTMENT is not responsible for determining whether prevailing wage applies to this Project or for any prevailing wage payments that may be required by law. 25. CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP OR USE FOR CONTRACTOR-OWNED PROPERTY a) The CONTRACTOR understands and agrees that any and all real property or facilities owned by the CONTRACTOR that are acquired, constructed, or otherwise improved by the CONTRACTOR using state funds under this contract shall be held and used by the CONTRACTOR for the purpose or purposes stated elsewhere in this contract for a period of at least ten (10) years from the date the final payment is made hereunder. b) This provision shall not be construed to prohibit the CONTRACTOR from selling any property or properties described in this section; Provided, that any such sale r shall be subject to prior review and approval by the DEPARTMENT, and that all . proceeds from such sale shall be applied to the purchase price of a different facility or facilities of equal or greater value than the original facility and that any such new facility or facilities will be used for the purpose or purposes stated elsewhere in this contract. c) In the event the CONTRACTOR is found to be out of compliance with this sectio~ the CONTRACTOR shall repay to the state general fund the principal amount of the grant as stated in Section I, hereof, plus interest calculated at the rate of interest on state of Washington general obligation bonds issued most closely to the effective date of the legislation in which the subject facility was authorized. Repayment shall be made pursuant to Section 15 (Recapture provision). 26. CHANGE OF USE FOR LEASED PROPERTY a) Toe CONTRACTOR understands and agrees that any facility leased by the CONTRACTOR that is constructed, renovated, or otherwise improved using state funds under this contract shall be used by the CONTRACTOR for the purpose or purposes stated elsewhere in this contract for a period of at least ten (10) years from the date the final payment is made hereunder. b) In the event the CONTRACTOR is found to be out of compliance with this section, the CONTRACTOR shall repay to the state general fund the principal amount of the grant as stated in Section I, hereof, plus interest calculated at the rate of interest on state of Washington general obligation bonds issued most 9 - closely to the effective date of the legislation in which the subject facility was authorized. Repayment shall be made pursuant to Section 15 (Recapture Provision). 27. HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL ARTIFACTS [n the event that historical or cultural artifacts are discovered at the Project site during construction, the CONTRACTOR shall immediately stop construction and notity the local historical preservation officer and the state historical preservation officer at the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. 28. REAPPROPRIA T[ON a) The parties hereto understand and agree that any state funds not expended by June 30, 2007, will lapse on that date unless specifically reappropriated by the Washington State Legislature. [f funds are so reappropriated, the state's obligation under the terms of this contract shall be contingent upon the terms of such reappropriation. b) [n the event any funds awarded under this contract are reappropriated for use in a r future biennium, the DEPARTMENT reserves the right to.assign a reasonable . share of any such reappropriation for administrative costs. 29. SURV[VAL a) The terms and conditions contained in this contract that by their sense and context are intended to survive the termination of this contract, including Sections 14 (Hold Harmless), 15 (Recapture Provision), 18 (Governing Law and Venue), 22 (Signage, Markers and Publications), 23 (Dispute), 25 (Change of Ownership or Use for Contractor-Owned Property) and 26 (Change of Use for Leased Property), shall so survive. {Rest of page left blank intentionally} 10 30. ADMINISTRATION a) The CONTRACTOR'S representative shall be Mark Turley. b) The DEPARTMENTS representative shall be Daniel Aarthun. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the DEPARTMENT and the CONTRACTOR have executed this contract as of the date and year written below. Nancy K. Ousley, Assistant Director Derek Matheson, Interim City Manager Local Government Division City of Federal Way i' Department of Community, Trade, and , Economic Development Federal Tax ID #: 91-1462550 Date: Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Clt.~~ Assistant Attorney General Date: 3,ij'6/d6 / / 11 ATTACHMENT A PROJECT BUDGET Amount $20.00 $450,000.00 $1,245,980.00 $110,000.00 $50,000.00 $1,856,000.00 The CONTRACTOR, by its signature, certifies that the Project Budget set forth above has been reviewed and approved by the CONTRACTOR'S governing body or board of directors, as applicable, as of the date and year written below. I r . I, CONTRACTOR TITLE DATE 12 ~---------------- ---------- ~-------- ATTACHMENT B CERTIFICATION OF THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT Non-State Funds Amount Total King County $250,000.00 Federal Way Surface Water Utility $618,840.00 Twin Lakes Golf and Country Club $144,000.00 Total Non-State Funds $1,012,840.00 $1,012,840.00 State Funds 2005 State Capital Budget $843,160.00 $843,160.00 Total Non-State and State Sources $1,856,000.00 CERTIFICATION r , The CONTRACTOR, by its signature, certifies that Project funding from sources other than those provided by this contract and identified above has either been expended for eligible Project expenses, or is committed in writing and available and will remain committed and available solely and specifically for carrying out the purposes of this Project as described in elsewhere in this contract, as of the date and year written below. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain records sufficient to evidence that it has expended or has access to the funds needed to complete the Project, and shall make such records available for the DEPARTMENT'S review upon reasonable request. CONTRACTOR TITLE DATE 13 ~ ATTACHMENTC PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK PROJECT SUMMARY Funds awarded under this contract will be used to install salmon habitat restoration elements, compensatory wetland creation, and stream bank stabilization along approximately 640 feet of Joe's Creek. This project will also replace a failing storm drain pipe. Construction is sceduled to start June, 2006 and be completed by October, 2006, with work on stream side plantings to follow. r . ; 14 ~_.._-~--------_._--- --~----_.- _.._~---- ATTACHMENTD CERTIFICATION OF THE PAYMENT AND REPORTING OF PREVAILING WAGES CERTIFICATION The CONTRACTOR, by its signature, certifies that all contractors and subcontractors performing work on the Project shall comply with prevailing wage rules set forth in Chapter 39.12 RCW, including the filing of the "Statement ofIntent to Pay Prevailing Wages" and "Affidavit of Wages Paid" as required by RCW 39.12.040. The CONTRACTOR shall maintain records sufficient to evidence compliance with Chapter 39.12 RCW, and shall make such records available for the DEPARTMENT'S review upon request. r . CONTRACTOR TITLE DATE 15 -------.-..- Project Funding Agreement Between King County and the City of Federal Way For the Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project I. Purpose This Project Funding Agreement between King County (the "County") and the City of Federal Way ("Federal Way"), hereinafter "the Parties," provides Federal Way with $250,000 ("Project Funds") towards completion of the Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project ("Project"). II. Background and Project Scope of Work A. Background Joe's Creek, within Federal Way city limits, drains directly to Dumas Bay, part ofthe Puget Sound Nearshore area. The Nearshore is the ribbon of habitat extending from the shallow marine waters ofPuget Sound up to the tops of beaches and bluffs. It provides critical habitat for young salmon after r they have left the freshwater streams where they hatched and reared. The Joe's Creek watershed was included in the Marine Shoreline Inventory Report that contributed to the development of the interjurisdictional Puget Sound Salmon Habitat Plan for Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA) 9, completed in 2005. Previously, the Hylebos Creek Basin Plan, prepared jointly by King County and the City of Federal Way, designated the Dumas Bay drainages as watershed resources of regional significance; their shorelines are among the least altered among those ofWRIA 9. The upstream portion of Joe's Creek that is the site of the Project has been heavily altered by human activity over several decades, is highly erosive, and contributes damaging sediments to the Creek's downstream portion, which contains high quality habitat and is utilized by coho and chum salmon and trout. Such sediment also detrimentally affects the Nearshore area. Two City ~arks, Dumas Bay Park and Poverty Bay Park, are adjacent to or near Dumas Bay Nearshore and would receive benefits from improvement of the Nearshore area. Such benefits include reduced deposition of materials on the beaches from Joe's Creek as well as increased salmonid production in the Nearshore environment. The Project's goal is to restore a significant reach of the Creek to a more naturalistic state, create off-bank wetlands, and reduce sediments entering the Creek. B. Scope of Work The Project will restore approximately 680 lineal feet of Joe's Creek just north of its crossing with SW 320th S1. and will include the following elements: . rebuilding the creek bed and banks and providing sinuosity to the channel Page 1 of 4 ---------- Project Funding Agreement King County and Federal Way Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project 2006 . placing large woody debris along the banks and in the channel for habitat enhancement and energy dissipation purposes; . providing additional energy dissipation within the channel to prevent scour of the streambed and banks; . establishing a restored wetland at the north end of the project by removing up to 4700 cubic yards of fill materials in an area known to have wetland seeps suitable to maintain the wetland plants; . eliminating overland flows from undersized conveyance resulting in damages to the stream banks, and; . replacing approximately 265 feet of undersized and failing conveyance pipe contributing fine sediment to the stream. The Project design is complete and construction is scheduled for June through December 2006. Exhibit A, attached to this Agreement, illustrates the Project location. r III. Project Management and Administration A. One representative to be named by King County and one representative to be named by Federal Way shall coordinate on Project progress and verify compliance with this Agreement. B. In the event that a dispute arises regarding the activities governed under this Agreement, it shall be resolved for King County by the Division Director of WLRD, or other representative as designated by King County, and for Federal Way by the Public Works Director other representative as designated by Federal Way. IV. Responsibilities A. Federal Way will implement the Project, as described in Agreement Section . II.B. above, by no later than the end of 2007. B. Federal Way will obtain all additional funding and all necessary personnel, services, materials, and permits required to perform and complete the Project. Under this Agreement, King County's only obligation to Federal Way will be the provision of funding to support Project implementation. C. Federal Way represents and warrants that it will use Project Funds solely for the work described in Agreement Section II, and in accordance with R.C.W. 82.46,035 and King County Code (K.C.C.) 4.32. Federal Way shall refund to the County any portion of any Project Funds that are used for work performed outside the scope as outlined in Agreement Section II.B. or not in accordance with R.C.W. 82.46,035 and K.c.c. 4.32. ~------------ __________________________n____ n_____ _n_______ _ ___n_____ Project Funding Agreement King County and Federal Way Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project 2006 D. King County shall, as soon as practicable after execution of this Agreement, provide to Federal Way $250,000 toward completion of the Project. E, The Parties represent that funds provided for under this Agreement have been appropriated and are available. To the extent that such funding requires future appropriations beyond current appropriation authority, the Parties' obligations are contingent upon the appropriation of sufficient funds to complete the activities described herein. If no such appropriation is made, this Agreement will terminate at the close of the current appropriation year. V. Effectiveness, Duration, Amendment and Termination A. This Agreement is effective upon signature by both Parties and shall remain in effect until the Project is completed. B. This Agreement may be amended, altered, clarified, or extended only by written agreement of the Parties hereto. C. This Agreement is not assignable by either Party, either in whole or in part. r D. This Agreement is a complete expression of the intent ofthe Parties and any oral or written representations or understandings not incorporated herein are excluded. The Parties recognize that time is of the essence in the performance of the provisions of this Agreement. Waiver of any default shall not be deemed to be waiver of any subsequent default. Waiver of breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other or subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of the Agreement unless stated to be such through written approval by the parties which shall be attached to the original Agreement. VI. Indemnification Federal Way agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the County, its agents, officers, officials and employees from all claims, alleged liability, dam~ges, losses to or death of person or damage to property allegedly resulting from the-acts or omissions of Federal Way or any of its employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, or volunteers in connection with this Agreement. King County agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Federal Way, its agents, officers, officials and employees from all claims, alleged liability, damages, losses to or death of person or damage to property allegedly resulting from the acts or omissions of King County or any of its employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors, or volunteers in connection with this Agreement. For this purpose only, each Party, by mutual negotiation, hereby waives, with respect to the other Party only, any immunity that would otherwise be available against such claims under the Industrial Insurance provisions of Title 51 RCW. This indemnification shall survive the termination ofthis Agreement. --------- Project Funding Agreement King County and Federal Way Joe's Creek Salmon Habitat Restoration Project 2006 Approved as to Form King County: By: By: Title: Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Title: King County Executive Date: Date: r . Approved as to Form City of Federal Way: By: By: Title: City Attorney, Patricia A, Richardson Title: Interim City Manager, Derek Matheson Date: Date: co 0 0 N -. 0) ..... ~ "0 Q) - c: ';:: a.. (0 0 0 N N ... Q.; 8 ~ ~ ...J C2 ..... LU Q) Cl 0'1 LU ro u. a.. u. 0 >- I- l5 ;;.. (,) Q) ,CD ~ M ... ... 5' ... 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(0 N 0 0 0) COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 16,2005 ITEM #: - CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Alternative Roadway Sections for S. 34Sth Street HOV Lanes Project POLICY QUESTION: Should the City Council authorize modification of the roadway section for the South 348h Street HOV Lanes Project (Pacific Highway South to 9'h Avenue South)? COMMlTTEE: LUTC MEETING DATE: May 1 S\ 2006 CATEGORY: (2J Consent 0 Ordinance Public Hearing 0 City Council Business 0 Resolution Other ~!~~~~~2~!m~Y:,.,~,<lE~<l~_~_<l1l2~_I!l!m~:J;:,:",~t!~~t.,.S y~t~I!l~,.,IY!S1:",. ,. PT: Public Works ... ... ......... ....-._........-.........._...__._..,~...........-, ............-...-.- ... Attachments: r 1. Staff report with exhibits to the LUTC dated May 1 S\ 2006 . 2. Exhibits A, AI, A2, A3 Options Considered: 1. Direct staff to design the project per the adopted Comprehensive Plan Roadway Classification Section A, 2, Direct Staff to revise the roadway design using Roadway Section Al (proposed Alternative), 3, Direct Staff to use one of the other Alternative Roadway Sections that the Committee would like to implement. .....................--....-..- .. ..... ... .. ...... ...... ....... ...............................,...................--.........,.......... .. ........ ................-.....-....--...... . ................. .....-......."'..........-........,--...--.-.-.-..............-.......---........... STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Sta CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: LUTC recommends Option _ Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of option _' " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: 0 APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # 0 DENIED I ST reading 0 TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading 0 MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 02/06/2006 RESOLUTION # __m_ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: May 1, 2006 TO: Land Use and Transportation committe~ VIA: Derek Matheson, Interim City Manager FROM: Cary M Roe, P,E" Director of Public Works Marwan Salloum, P,E., Street Systems Manager SUBJECT: Alternative Roadway Sections for South 348th Street HOV Lanes Project POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council authorize modification of the roadway section for the South 348th Street HOV Lanes Project (Pacific Highway South to 9th A venue South)? BACKGROUND: In 1998 the City of Federal Way adopted its Comprehensive Plan and roadway classification. South 348th Street r between Enchanted Parkway and I st A venue South was designated as a Principle Arterial with recommended , improvements meeting Cross Section A as shown on the attached figure. The City of Federal Way has completed the first phase of the South 348th Street HOV Lanes project between Enchanted Parkway and Pacific Highway South with the second phase between Pacific Highway South and 9th A venue South currently under preliminary design. In the first phase, the project was designed consistent with Roadway Section A of the City's Comprehensive Plan, To minimize impacts to businesses and property owners by implementing Roadway Section A, Staff is presenting Council with alternatives that will reduce the width of improvements and minimize right of way acquisition impacts to businesses for Council consideration, MINIMUM REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS: The only areas within the cross section that can be modified are the width of the landscaped median, the planting strip area between the road edge and the sidewalks, and for sidewalk widths greater than the minimum six-foot width. Utilities require space within public right of way. Aerial facilities (PSE transmission lines) should be placed behind sidewalks where possible for traffic safety reasons. Underground vaults should be placed behind the street curb and gutt~r where possible so that traffic lanes do not need to be closed during servicing and maintenance operations. Storm drainage facilities, water quality vaults, and flow control vaults typically need to be located behind the street curb and gutter so that traffic lanes do not need to be closed during maintenance operations, There are no opportunities to construct and use a regional storm water facility for this project. Therefore, facilities will need to be constructed in the proposed right of way area, preferably behind the curb, AL TERNA TIVE ROADWAY SECTIONS: Based on the above-minimum requirements for roadway width and space for street furniture and utilities, City staff evaluated three reduced roadway sections for the South 348th Street HOV Lanes Project, see Exhibits attached, Alternative Al (Proposed Alternative) Roadway Section AI, see attached sheet, (beginning on the south side of the roadway) plan elements include a three-toot utility strip, eight-foot sidewalk, five and a half-foot planter strip, three lanes in each direction (a l2-foot HOV lane, an II-foot outside general purpose lane and a l2-foot inside general purpose lane), no landscaped ------- May I, 2006 Land Use and TransportatIon Committee South 348th Street HOV Lanes Project Page 2 median (C-curb will be installed), a five and a half-foot planter strip, an eight-foot sidewalk, and a three-foot utility strip. The total required right of way width would be 114 feet. The proposed roadway section will minimize the impact to the adjacent property and business owners as will be outlined in the staff presentation at the Land Use and Transportation Committee Meeting. Alternative A2 Alternative A2 plan elements would be similar to Alternative A I, except the planter strip on the south side would be eliminated instead of the landscaped median. The total required Right of way would be 114 feet.There would be no separation between pedestrians and traffic, a loss of aesthetic continuity (street trees/grass). Alternative A3 Alternative A3 will eliminate the landscaped median and the planter strip on the south side of. The total required right of way width would be 108 feet. Furthermore, there are several locations even with Alternatives Al or A2 where the planter strip will be eliminated to avoid conflicts with businesses. r , OPTIONS: 1. Direct staff to design the project per the adopted Comprehensive Plan Roadway Classification Section A. 2. Direct Staff to revise the roadway design using Roadway Section Al (proposed Alternative). 3. Direct Staff to use one of the other Alternative Roadway Sections that the Committee would like to implement. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests that the Committee place the following project recommendation on the May 16, 2006 City Council Consent Agenda: Option 2, direct staff to utilize Alternative Roadway Section Al in designing the South 348th Street HaY Lanes Project and make planter strip modifications to the cross section at specific locations, to avoid impacts on businesses. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above staff recommendation to the May 16,2006 City Council Consent Agenda. cc: Project File --_.~-_.__...- ROADWAY SECTION FOR PRINICIPAL ARTERIAL STREET CLASSIFICATION SOUTH 348TH STREET (SR99 TO 9TH AVENUE SOUTH) c=:=:::ri L-----i ! ct 6' I PLANTER 3' STRIP 12' 16' 12' UTILITY THRU MEDIAN! LEFT THRU CORRIDOR LANE TURN LANE LANE ~ SOUTHBOUND -~ - on (EX1ST;NG r<.IGHT-.()f -'AI..'.,' Hfv'v ~2(r {PHOPOSED H1Gt'lT-OF~Vy,c..'(i R!V''; FNi r ROADWAY , 'l I 6' PlANTER 3' STRIP 8' 3' UTILITY SIDE, UTILITY CORRIDOR WAlK CORRIDOR SOUTHBOUND NORTHBOUND ~ ---- 'GO' (EXiSTING RIGHTJ)(~;//j"..'Y-) , ,::to'.-",: ~ . 114' {PROPOSED RIGHj..OF.\;V/\Y} HI1\:V ru\'\! ROADWAY S RNA TIVE ~~TS ~/:"..d"\;'J\:!'.;bNkS\5tree',:->\W(J;eets".3i18th 3U., to SP39\C;os~~ ').~:ct:(;",-:. 1 <;~)Uf; - ,", 'G~,~ .. , >f" ,'" r'j_ '''I''' "'-'- ~.. . '.'1 I ~ l:- II. ..... ""'iIl''' '., 1Il en · ..t!..;. . .'~..... /". j! ".... "'. '. . ,'" ~ en c: . 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COMMITTEE: Land Useffransportation MEETING DATE: May 1, 2006 CATEGORY: 0 Consent IZI Ordinance 0 Public Hearing 0 City Council Business 0 Resolution 0 Other STAFF REpORT By: Rick Perez, P.E., City Traffic Engineer .fI?... DEPT: Public Works ,~...._.._........~..........~_.._..........~..........~-~.......~..,............-.--................................................._.-._-....._......_.~-.......-....----._..........._.._....._......_.._..,~_..__..........-.._..--......._..... . .......... -..."--.--.._._.....- ...... .-.... -.-....--... .. .......... ._.~_.__......._......, ,-_. . ............. .. ...... ..----.....--- ,..... r Attachments: 1. Staff report to the LUTC dated May 1 st, 2006. 2. Draft Ordinance, Options Considered: 1. Approve the draft ordinance to implement the Transportation Concurrency Program with an effective date of January 1,2007, to be funded through the 2007-08 Budget process. 2. Defer approval to allow Staff to respond to Council direction. ~_.~---_...__._.._.__....._---_.._.~.........._..~..._......._...-...,-~.~_.~---.--,~._..~.._- , . m - .. ........... .~. .. ............_._...._.........._.~.._~..__ ....... "-...~.._.... _._......__..__._,_.~___.....~._......_.... . .. ..... ...... ......-~---- . ..........,.._.~.--"-- ..._..-......-- ............. .-....-.-----....- .. ..............-..-..- STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Sta CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: LUTC recommends Option_ Jack Dovey, Chair Eric Faison, Member Dean McColgan, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: HI move to approve the draft ordinance to implement the Transportation Concurrency Program with an effective date of January /, 2007, to be funded through the 2007-08 Budget process. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: 0 APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # 0 DENIED 1 ST reading 0 T ABLEDIDEFERREDINO ACTION Enactment reading 0 MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordjnances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 02/06/2006 RESOLUTION # _n______ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: May 1 st, 2006 TO: Land Use and Transportation Committee VIA: Derek Matheson, Interim City Manager FROM: Cary M. Roe, P.E., Public Works DireCI'Kf 61Wl Rick Perez, P,E" City Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: Transportation Concurrency Implementation and Draft Ordinance POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the Transportation Concurrency Implementation Plan and Ordinance, with an effective date of January 1, 2007, to be funded through the 2007-08 Budget process? BACKGROUND: At the April 17, 2006, meeting of the Land Use and Transportation Committee, the Committee reviewed and approved the Transportation Concurrency Policy Framework and forwarded the item to the May 2nd, 2006, City Council meeting. In addition, the Committee requested to review both the implementation plan and the draft r ordinance together rather than in two separate presentations, Current Traffic Review Process To understand how this would change the development review process with respect to transportation, it might be helpful to review how the process is currently administered, The process typically begins with the Preapplication Meeting where, based on the submitted materials, staff estimates the proposal's trip generation in order to determine whether a Transportation Impact Analysis (TIA) is required. For capacity analysis, the threshold for requiring a TIA is 10 evening peak hour trips impacting a project on the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP). Prior to submittal of a SEP A application, the applicant would submit to staff a "Scoping Request", This is prepared by the applicant's consultant traffic engineer, and proposes a trip generation and distribution of the traffic generated by the development. Staff reviews and approves the scoping request by identifying what intersections need to be analyzed for capacity impacts, what peak hours need to be analyzed, and any special study requirements. Staff also provides collision data on study intersections, a list of TIP projects impacted, and signal timing and available count data to be used in the analysis. The consultant prepares a TIA, identifies capacity and safety deficiencies and proposes mitigation. After one to four rounds (typically) of comments and revisions, staff prepares an analysis for both the SEP A conditions and land use applications, On average, Traffic Division staff devotes at least 0,5 FTE towards the SEPA process alone and has virtually no cost recovery. Proposed Process With the proposed ordinance, the application process would proceed as follows: 1. Applicant submits concurrencv application. This would provide enough data for staff to estimate trip generation, and identify location of the development. 2, Staff calculates trip generation, If applicant has requested it, we can provide our calculations for their review. ______n________...._ May 151, 2006 Land Use and Transportation Committee Transportation Concurrency Implementation and Draft Ordinance Page 2 3. Staff provides the trip assignment, using the City's travel demand model. This would be broken down to three tiers of treatment, depending on the trip generation characteristics of the development. a. Less than 50 trips, pro-rate the assignment from a select zone analysis. Subsequent applications within the same vicinity could use the same analysis for the same base year of the model. b. Between 50 and 500 trips, run a new assignment. Presumably, developments this big could alter how traffic distributes itself. c. Over 500 trips, run a new distribution and assignment. Presumably, developments this big could alter the relative attractiveness of one T AZ over another. 4, Staff calculates Levels of Service (LOS). Staff currently maintains a traffic analysis program, Synchro, that models every major intersection in the City and Potential Annexation Area, which also serves as a database for traffic volumes, signal timing, and all variables (23 for a signalized intersection) that are included in a LOS analysis. At this point in the process, staff would add the trips to the Synchro file from the previous concurrency permit. Alternatively, staff could provide the base Synchro file for the applicant to modify. r 5. IdentifY Mitigation. Staff would provide the applicant with a suggested mitigation strategy. Staff would meet with the applicant to determine a course of action, consisting of the following options: a. The applicant may agree to construct the proposed mitigation b. The applicant may reduce the trip generation of the development to within available capacity by downsizing the development and/or implementation of travel demand management (TOM) measures c. The applicant may submit a counter-proposal that mitigates the LOS failure. d, The applicant may submit an analysis rebutting the staff analysis. 6, IdentifY Pro-Rata Shares. Staff would calculate the pro-rata shares towards TIP projects. 7, Issue a certificate Once any mitigation agreement is reached, staff would issue a Capacity Reserve Certificate, or a denial letter. Oenial_s could be appealed to the Hearing Examiner. Capacity would be encumbered until the construction is complete, appeals are exhausted, or the underlying land use application expires. Throughout this process, many ,parts of the analysis could alternatively be provided by the applicant, similar to our current system. However, staffs proposal would result in less processing time and less cost to the applicant, as demonstrated below. Resources Necessary for Implementation Staff estimates the following increase in resources would be necessary to implement the Concurrency Management Program as proposed: J, A count program This needs to include: May 1st, 2006 Land Use and Transportation Committee Transportation Concurrency Implementation and Draft Ordinance Page 3 a. Turning movement counts at all system intersections for LOS calculations The current number of intersections to be monitored is 187; counted every 2 years at $240 each costs $22,440 per year. This number will increase with annexations and as new collectors and arterials are constructed. b. Machine counts at all screenlines for travel demand model calibration The current number of screen line count locations is 122; counted every 2 years at $250 each costs $15,250 per year. This number will increase as new collectors and arterials are constructed, c. System counters to collect data for seasonal adjustment factors Staff is exploring using the capabilities of our existing traffic signal detection for this purpose. d. Up-to-date, calibrated travel demand model Funding for this work was approved by City Council on AprillSt\ 2006. The cost of the count program could be charged on a per application basis, a charge based on the number of trips generated, or tiered based on the size of the development similar to the hourly charges described below. Staff proposes the tiered approach. r 2. Periodic model calibration Staff proposes a one-year cycle for updating the roadway network and forecast year and a two-year cycle for updating the base year and model calibration, consistent with the count program. 3, A continuallv-updated Svnchro file Each concurrency application would generate its own Synchro file, and subsequent applications would build on the previous applications. When new, seasonally-adjusted counts become available, we would then have to subtract out the trips generated by developments that received Certificate of Occupancy prior to the date of the new counts. 4. Trackinf! in the Amanda Permit Tracking Svstem This will also require that the Traffic Division be notified of building permit issuance, so that we can track trips that will be included in traffic counts instead of assumed by the travel demand model. 5. Fee structure adequate to support resources A fee structure allows the City to recover our costs for what we now conduct in SEP A review, The benefit to appJicants is that it will significantly reduce the number of applications that would require any traffic analysis. In addition, this would also reduce review times by reducing the number of review cycles. This statement is based on the analysis in Table I comparing the scope and costs for a concurrency permit versus a typical TIA of a given size: ---~ May 1st, 2006 Land Use and Transportation Committee Transportation Concurrency Implementation and Draft Ordinance Page 4 Table 1 - Estimated Scope and Cost of Concurrency Review Trips Generated <10 10-50 50-500 >500 Intersections 1 8 20 40 Impacted Trip Generation 1 hour 2 hours 2 hours 4 hours Modeling 2 hours 4 hours 10 hours 16 hours Analysis 1 hour 4 hours 8 hours 16 hours Report Generation 6 hours 12 hours 12 hours Total hours 4 hours 16 hours 32 hours 48 hours Cost at $60/hour $240 $960 $1920 $2880 Count program fee $35 $280 $700 $1400 Total concurrency $275 $1240 $2620 $4280 application fee r . Estimated cost of Usually not $6000 - $12,000 - $18,000 - consultant TIA required 12,000 18,000 32,000 This would not necessarily eliminate TIA's entirely. The City would still require the applicant to address access and sight distance issues, and larger projects would have to address potential impacts outside of the evening peak hour. Staff proposes to maintain a 100-trip threshold for analysis of these other peaks. But for most small and medium-sized projects, this structure should reduce applicant costs, streamline the review process, and improve cost recovery for the City's review of traffic impacts of development. Furthermore, we could potentially offer these services to provide analysis in-house and eliminate the need for TIA's to address other capacity- related issues. Based on applications received in 2004, estimated revenue generation is shown in Table 2 below. Table 2 - Estimated Hourly Review Revenue Generation Trips,Generated <10 10-50 50-500 >500 Intersections Impacted 1 8 20 40 Number of Accessory Dwelling Unit applications 3 0 0 0 Number of Commercial Building applications 6 9 3 0 Number of Single Family Building applications 31 0 0 0 Number of SEP A applications 0 10 10 2 Number of Subdivision applications 6 4 2 0 Number of Use Process applications 8 12 4 0 Total applications 54 35 19 2 Application fee $360 $1080 $2160 $4080 Revenue generated $19,440 $37,800 $41,040 $8160 May 1 S\ 2006 Land Use and Transportation Committee Transportation Concurrency Implementation and Draft Ordinance Page 5 Hence, given the workload and rate assumptions shown in Table 1 above, revenue generation would be $88,800. Statf estimates that a new position would require a budget of $99,300 ongoing, with a one-time cost of $25,000, resulting in an ongoing cost recovery of 89.4%. Similarly, the count program fee as proposed would generate $27,790. Compared to the costs estimated at $37,690, this constitutes a 73.7% cost recovery. Draft Ordinance Attached is the draft ordinance that would implement the Transportation Concurrency Program as described in the Policy Framework and as described above. OPTIONS: 1. Approve the draft ordinance to implement the Transportation Concurrency Program with an effective date of January 1,2007, to be funded through the 2007-08 Budget process. 2. Defer approval to allow Staff to respond to Council direction. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: r Staff recommends forwarding Option I to the May 16th, 2006 City Council for 1 sl reading: . Approve the draft ordinance to implement the Transportation Concurrency Program with an effective date of January 1,2007, to be funded through the 2007-08 Budget process. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above staff recommendation to the May 16th, 2006 City Council for first reading. cc: Project File Day File --------- ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, CREATING CHAPTER 19, ARTICLE IV, "TRANSPORT A TION CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT" WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way finds that creating Chapter 19, Article N, "Transportation Concurrency Management" meets the intent of Chapter 36,70A RCW , Growth Management; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way finds that these code amendments will implement and are consistent with the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan; r NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Creation of Chapter 19, Article IV. Chapter 19 is hereby amended by adding Article IV as set forth in the attached Exhibit A. Section 2. Severability. The provisions ofthis ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder-of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 3. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force January 1,2007, as provided by law. ORD# , PAGE 1 PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of ,200 - CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, MICHAEL PARK ATTEST: r CITY CLERK, LAURA HA THAW A Y, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTNE DATE: ORDINANCE NO.: ORD# , PAGE 2 ------------ C:\DOCUME-l \default\LOCALS-l \Temp\GWViewer\05-01-06 Transportation Concurrency code - Exhibit.doc Page 1 of 12 ARTICLE IV TRANSPORTATION CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT Sections: 19-151 Definitions. 19-152 Purpose. 19-153 Authority and general procedure. 19-154 Applicability . 19-155 Capacity Reserve Certificate required. 19-156 Exempt development. 19-157 level of service standards. 19-158 Application for a Capacity Reserve Certificate. 19-159 Amendments to Capacity Reserve Certificates. 19-160 Use of reserved capacity. 19-161 Transfer of reserved capacity. 19-162 Capacity evaluation method. r 19-163 Concurrency administration - Purpose and procedure. , 19-164 Concurrency determination letter. 19-165 Mitigation methods 19-166 Appeals. 19-167 Annual report. 19-168 Interagency Coordination 19-169 Coordination with SEPA Section 19-151 Definitions. For the purpose of this article the terms, phrases, words and their derivations have the following definitions. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future tense, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in _the-singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" is always mandatory. The word "may" is permissive. The Public Works Director shall have the authority to resolve questions of interpretation or conflicts within this article. 1. "Affected intersection" means any intersection within the City meeting the requirements of Section 19-157 and having a direct traffic impact as a result of development activity. 2. "Applicant" means a person who applies for a Capacity Reserve Certificate (CRC) under this article and who is the owner of the subject property or the authorized agent of the property owner. - -------- -------- ---- --------- C:\DOCUME~ 1 \default\LOCALS~ I \Temp\GWViewer\05-0 1-06 Transportation Concurrency code - Exhibitdoc Page 2 of 12 3. "Background traffic" means existing traffic levels and the anticipated traffic from all proposals for which CRC's have been approved under the provisions of this article. 4. "Build-out year conditions" means the volume of traffic that is projected to occur on the roadway system as of the anticipated date of occupancy of a proposal. Traffic conditions include regional traffic and the anticipated traffic from all proposals for which CRC's have been approved under the provisions of this article. 5. "Capacity" means the availability of an affected intersection to accommodate increased traffic resulting from a development without causing the LOS to fall below the standards established in the Comprehensive Plan. 6. "Available Capacity" means capacity which can be encumbered, reserved, or committed to future users, expressed in an appropriate unit of measure, such as p.m. peak hour trips. 7. "Reserved Capacity" means capacity which has been allocated to a particular property through issuance of a Capacity Reserve Certificate reserving capacity for a set period of time. r 8. "Capacity Reserve Certificate (CRC)" means the certificate issued by the City pursuant to the terms and conditions of this article which constitutes the proof that adequate capacity for each affected intersection has been reserved to serve the densities and intensities of development within the time frame designated on the certificate. 9. "City of Federal Way Development Standards" means those standards adopted by the Federal Way Public Works Director. 11. "Concurrency evaluation" means the evaluation by the Director to ensure that necessary roadway improvements are made concurrent with proposed development activity, pursuant to RCW 36.70A.070. 12. "Concurrency denial letter" means a letter issued by the Director which summarizes the results of the concurrency evaluation and the reason for denying the request for a Concurrency Reserve Certificate. 13. "Concurrency management" means the process local jurisdictions use to ensure that necessary roadway improvements are made concurrent with proposed development activity, pursuant to RCW 36.70A.070. 14. "Development activity" means any work, condition, or activity which requires a permit or approval under the City's subdivision, zoning, or building code. Exempt permits are set forth in Section 19-156. 15. "Development approval" means written authorization from the City authorizing the commencement of development activity or use. 16. "Development Permit" means any permit or approval under the City's subdivision, zoning, or building code that must be obtained before initiating a use or development activity. 17. "Direct traffic impact" means any net increase in vehicle traffic generated by a proposed development. -- --- -------.-- ----- C:\DOCUME-l\default\LOCALS-l\Temp\GWViewer\05-01-06 Transportation Concurrency code - Exhibit.doc Page 3 of 12 18. "Director" means the Director of the Department of Public Works of the City of Federal Way or her/his designee. "Level of service (LOS)" means a qualitative measure describing operational conditions within a traffic stream, described with alphabetical representations of "A" through "F" as defined in the Highway Capacity Manual prepared by the Transportation Research Board of the National Research Council, to indicate the amount of congestion and delay at particular locations, and adopted by the City. 20. "Net new trips" means the trip generation of the Development Activity less any allowable credit for existing activity that will be replaced, demolished or abandoned as part of the Development Activity. 21. "Owner" means, in reference to reai property, the person or persons holding fee title to the property as well as the purchaser or purchasers under any real estate contract involving the real property. 22. "Peak hour" means the highest volume of traffic for a continuous hour between 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on weekdays. 23. "Select zone analysis" means a travel demand model analysis that identifies trips generated within a selected transportation analysis zone. r 24. "Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)" means the annually , adopted transportation improvement program which identifies all the City's transportation needs over the next six years, including the total project costs. 25. "Standards" means the adopted City of Federal Way Development Standards. 26. "Total project cost" means the total cost for the transportation projects, as defined in the current TIP. This cost includes, but is not limited to, studies, design, right-of-way acquisition, utility relocation, grading, and construction. 27. "Transportation analysis zone" means the area defined within a travel demand model representing all the land uses contained within that area. 28. "Trip assignment" means the determination within a travel demand model of the number and type of trips using a defined roadway. 29. "Trip distribution" means the determination within a travel demand model of the number and type of trips traveling between any given pair of transportation analysis zones. 30. "Trip gen~ration" means the number of peak hour trips estimated to be produced by the- Development Activity using Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation, current edition, or other methodology approved by the Director. 31. "Trip generation credit" means a reduction in the number of new peak hour trips attributed to an application as described in Section 19-158, equal to the number of peak hour trips generated on the site described on the application from uses that have had a SEPA analysis prior to the effective date of the ordinance adopting this Article that have ceased or will cease if the development permit is granted. Section 19-152 Purpose. ---.------.-----.- C: \DOCUME~ 1 \default\LOCALS~ 1 \ T emp\G WV iewer\05-0 1-06 Transportation Concurrency code - Exhibitdoc Page 4 of 12 The purpose of this article is to implement the concurrency provisions of the Transportation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan, in accordance with RCW 36.70A.070 (6)(e), consistent with WAC 365~195-510 and 365-195-835 as currently exists or as hereafter amended. No Development Permit shall be issued except in accordance with this article. Section 19.153 Authority. The Director shall be responsible for implementing and enforcing this article and adopting procedures to implement this article, including making determinations regarding concurrency and issuing Capacity Reserve Certificates (CRe's) according to the procedures in this article. The Director's determination of concurrency and the issuance or nonissuance of a CRC shall be integrated, insofar as possible, with any applicable decision making processes on permits, applications, and proposals submitted to the City for review and decision. For each Development Activity subject to concurrency evaluation and the requirement r for a CRC, the Director shall determine how the review can be best integrated with the , decision making process. Section 19-154 Applicability. A. This article shall apply to all applications for Development Permits, except for development exempt under Section 19-156, if the Development Activity will generate any net new trips in the peak hour. S. All construction or changes in use initiated pursuant to a Development Permit for which a SEPA decision was issued prior to the effective date of the ordinance shall be exempt from the provisions of this Article. However, if the City determines that a previously issued Development Permit for which the SEPA decision was issued has lapsed or expired, pursuant to the applicable development regulations, then no subsequent Development Permit shall be issued except in accordance with this article. - Section 19-155 Capacity Reserve Certificate required. A. Prior to the issuance of any permit for a nonexempt Development Activity, the Director shall determine if the proposal is covered by an existing CRC or if capacity exists on the road facilities to permit the proposed Development Activity. Permits for the Development Activity shall be issued only if the Director finds that the activity is covered by an existing CRC or capacity exists in accordance with level of service standards adopted in the Comprehensive Plan. Where such capacity exists, the Director shall issue a CRC to the applicant for the development activity. S. A CRC shall be issued only after a capacity evaluation is performed indicating that capacity is available on all applicable road facilities. --- --------------- C:\DOCUME-l \default\LOCALS~ 1 \ T emp\GWViewer\05-0 1-06 Transportation Concurrency code - Exhibit.doc Page 5 of 12 C. In no event shall the Director determine concurrency for a greater amount of capacity than is needed for the development proposed. D. Residential subdivisions shall be evaluated for concurrency as a single development permit. Commercial subdivisions and other projects constructed in phases shall be evaulated for concurrency as each phase is submitted for applicable Development Permits, notwithstanding any requirement to analyze the commercial subdivision as a whole under SEPA. Section 19-156 Exempt development. A. Any Development Activity or Development Permit may be exempted from this article if the Development Activity or Development Permit is deemed by the Director to generate no net new trips in the peak hour. S. The following types of Development Permits are typically exempt from Concurrency Management review and the requirements of this article because they do not create additional long-term impacts on road facilities. However, if any Development Permit from the list below generates any net new trips in the r peak period, it shall not be exempt from concurrency evaluation. , 1. Boundary Line Adjustment; 2. Demolition Permit; 3. Electrical Permit; 4. Fire Protection System Permit; 5. Tenant improvements with no change of use; 6. Land Surface Modification; 7. Lot Line Elimination; 8. Mechanical Permit; 9. Plumbing Permit; 10. Right-of-Way Modification; 11. Right of Way Use Permit; 12. Sign Permit; 13. Single~family remodeling with no change of use; 14. Rezones; 15. '--Comprehensive Plan amendment; 16. Shoreline Permit; 17. commercial subdivisions. C. Exemption from Concurrency Review Fees. City-owned facilities shall be exempted from the concurrency review fees. City-owned facilities shall not be exempted from concurrency review and appropriate mitigation, if any. Section 19-157 Level of service standards. -------- C:\DOCUME-I\default\LOCALS-l \ Temp\GWViewer\05-0 1-06 Transportation Concurrency code - Exhibitdoc Page 6 of 12 The Director shall use the LOS standards set forth in the Comprehensive Plan to make concurrency evaluations as part of the review of any application for a CRC issued pursuant to this article. A. The street system measured for concurrency purposes are all intersections of collectors and arterials as defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan, except for the intersections of two or more minor collectors, as these intersections would exist upon completion of all projects listed in the currently-adopted TIP and currently funded projects by other transportation agencies. B. The City's adopted LOS standard shall be applied in the review of Development Activity pursuant to administrative procedures developed by the Public Works Director. Section 19-158 Application for a Capacity Reserve Certificate. A. An application for a CRC shall be on a form provided by the Director. The application shall be submitted and accompanied by the requisite fee, as r determined by City Council resolution. . B. An applicant may request a concurrency feasibility analysis. However, a CRC shall not be issued for applications not associated with an active Development Permit, nor shall the trips generated by the development proposal be reserved. The Director may adjust applicable fees for subsequent analyses on the same property associated with an active Development Permit to the extent that the Director determines data from the feasibility analysis remains valid. Section 19-159 Amendments to Capacity Reserve Certificates. A. Any request to increase the number of trips from a development application for which capacity is reserved shall require an analysis that determines that: 1. the analysis used for the development's orignal CRC is still valid; and 2. no level of service impact is reasonably anticipated. In addition, the following conditions must be met in order to amend an existing CRC: 3. the application to amend an existing CRC must be received within 1 year of the issue date of the CRC; 4. the trips generated by the amendment may not exceed the greater of 10 trips or 100/0 of the trips approved in the existing CRe. B. The analysis will be used to develop: 1. A finding that the additional capacity sought by the applicant through a amended CRC is available to be reserved by the project or can be made available through mitigation of the additional impact; or 2. A finding that the amendment is denied. ----.----- C:\DOCUME-1 \defau1t\LOCALS-1 \Temp\GWViewer\05-0 1-06 Transportation Concurrency code - Exhibit.doc Page 70f12 Section 19-160 Use of reserved capacity. When a valid Development Permit is issued for a project possessing a CRC, the CRC shall continue to reserve the capacity until the Development Permit expires, is withdrawn, or is cancelled, whichever occurs first. Section 19-161 Transfer of reserved capacity. Reserved capacity cannot be sold or transferred to property not included in the legal description provided by the applicant in the application for aCRe. Section 19-162 Capacity evaluation method. A. Any Development Permit application that will generate any net new trips in the peak hour shall require aCRe. B. For the purposes of this article, application for a Development Permit shall include consideration of the cumulative impacts of all Development Permit applications for contiguous properties that are owned or under the control of the r same owner, when one or more Development Permits would be issued within . two years of the date of issuance of a Development Permit for such contiguous property . e. Increased impact on affected intersections. If a Development Activity would have a greater impact on affected intersections than the previous use, then a CRC shall be required for the net increase only to the extent that trips generated by the last previous use were analyzed and, if required, mitigated by a previous SEPA decision or CRC; otherwise, a CRC shall be required for all trips generated by the Development Activity. D. Demolition or Termination of Use. In the case of a demolition or termination of an existing structure or use, only to the extent that trips generated by the last previous use were analyzed and, if required, mitigated by a previous SEPA decision or CRC, shall a trip generation credit be applied to the trip generation for the use subsequent to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this Article.- The number of trips allowed in the credit shall be as estimated using ITE's trip Generation, or other methodology approved by the Director. Section 19-163 Concurrency administration - Purpose and procedure. Where either the City or the applicant may perform any part of the concurrency transportation impact analysis, analysis prepared by the applicant is subject to the review and approval of the City at the applicant's expense. The applicant may also review and comment on any analysis prepared by the City. A. The concurrency management transportation impact analysis may be prepared by the City or the applicant and shall follow the procedure outlined below. Each Development Permit subject to this article shall be analyzed in the order the - - --- --------- ------- C:\DOCUME~ 1 \default\LOCALS~ 1 \Temp\GWViewer\05-0 1-06 Transportation Concurrency code - Exhibit.doc Page 8 ofl2 concurrency application is deemed complete by the Director, as described in subsection (B). Concurrency transportation impact analyses shall be completed sequentially in the order of receipt of the concurrency application. The most recent concurrency management transportation impact analysis shall be the beginning point for each succeeding concurrency management transportation impact analysis. B. In performing the concurrency evaluation, the City or the applicant subject to the City's approval shall determine the impact of the traffic generated by the proposed development activity on the City's road system. The evaluation shall be based on data generated by the City, by professional associations, by the applicant, and if needed, by independent analysis. The City shall examine the data to verify that existing and projected trip generation is consistent with the latest version of the ITE's Trip Generation or documented generation for uses not typical of uses in Trip Generation. Upon successful evaluation, the concurrency application will be deemed complete by the Director. C. The City or the applicant shall perform level of service calculations for all applicable intersections affected by the development based upon build-out year r conditions with and without the proposed development. The City or the applicant shall determine if the capacity on the City's road facilities, plus the capacity that is or shall be generated by all existing, reserved, and approved development, can be provided while meeting the LOS standards set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. D. Technical provisions for each concurrency evaluation shan be prepared in the following format: 1. Project description shall be provided by the applicant in enough detail to accurately determine the scope of analysis required. 2. Analysis scope shall be provided by City after consultation with affected departments. 3. The City, based on the information supplied by the applicant, shall , determine project trip generation. If the applicant provides a detailed trip generation study, that data shall be used for concurrency management . .traffic impact analysis at the discretion of the Public Works Director. The -applicant may also review and comment on a City-prepared calculation of trip generation. 4. Project trip assignment to the street system shall be provided by the City, consistent with the most current and updated travel demand forecasting model. Three levels of analysis are defined based on the number of new trips generated: a. For applications generating less than 50 peak hour trips, a select zone analysis shall be conducted. b. For applications generating 50 peak hour trips or more, but less than 500 peak hour trips, a new trip assignment shall be conducted. ~- C:\DOCUME-I\default\LOCALS~1\Temp\GWViewer\05-01-06 Transportation Concurrency code - Exhibit.doc Page 9 of 12 c. For applications generating 500 or more peak hour trips, a new trip distribution and assignment shall be conducted. 5. Traffic volumes at existing intersections that include background traffic shall be provided by the City. 6. The City shall include appropriate through traffic to each affected intersection to obtain a revised traffic assignment for affected roadways and intersections. 7. The applicant or the City, at the appicant's request and expense, in compliance with the latest version of the Highway Capacity Manual, shall complete the capacity analysis, using the City's chosen software. The applicant may review and comment on a City-prepared capacity analysis. 8. After verification of the capacity analysis, the applicant or the City, at the applicant's request and expense, shall prepare the final report. 9. The applicant or the City, at the applicant's request and expense, may propose suggested mitigation measures for any LOS failures identified in the capacity analysis. 10. The applicant or the City, at the applicant's request and expense, shall r also identify pro-rata share contributions for TIP projects impacted by the net new trips generated by the proposed development in a manner consistent with RCW 82.02. Section 19-164 Concurrency determination letter. The Director shall issue a concurrency determination letter to the applicant advising the applicant as to whether available capacity exists. If the applicant is not the property owner, the concurrency determination letter shall also be sent to the property owner. The concurrency determination letter shall identify the application and identify which status is determined to be applicable to the application: Approval; Approval with Mitigation; or Denial. A. Approval with Mitigation shall include a recommendation that would provide adequate tapacity and a description of the options available to the applicant. These may inclu,de: 1. The applicant may agree to construct the recommended mitigation measures at the applicant's cost; 2. The applicant may agree to construct alternative mitigation measures that address the level of service deficiencies, subject to the approval of the director; or 3. The applicant may modify the development proposal to reduce trip generation to within available capacity by any combination of capacity improvements and transportation demand management measures, subject to the approval of the director. -------- C:\DOCUME~ 1 \default\LOCALS-l \Temp\GWViewer\05-0 1-06 Transportation Concurrency code - Exhibit.doc Page 10 of12 S. Denial. If no appeal is transmitted to the Director pursuant to Section 19-166 within 14 days after issuance of the determination, the encumbrance shall be released and made available for subsequent applications. Section 19-165 Mitigation methods A. If mitigation is required to meet the level-of-service standard, the applicant may choose to: 1. reduce the size of the development until the standard is met, 2. delay the development schedule until the city and/or others provide needed improvements, or 3. provide the mitigation per subsection B of this section. S. Payment for and Timing of Improvements. The Director shall determine the method by which assurance is provided the City r' that the mitgation is provided in a manner that is concurrent with development , consistent with state law. This determination shall address whether the improvements are to be constructed by the applicant or if the applicant would fund the cost of the improvement to be constructed by the City or another party. If the latter case, the determination shall also include the appropriate amount and timing of payment to the City. 1. Construction improvements subject to the city's direct operational control which are required of a developer under Section 19-164 must be completed prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, final plat approval, or other such approval upon which new trips are generated. 2. The developer may provide funding in an amount equal to the director's cost estimate for improvements required under Section 19-164, if approved by the Director. The Director may require actual construction rather than provision of funding. Payment for transportation '--improvements must occur prior to issuance of building permit, final plat approval, or other such approval. 3. All funds received by the city under subsection (B)(2) of this section shall be expended consistent with state law. 4. A proposal for construction of transportation improvements to intersections partially or wholly outside the city's direct operational control, or payment for those improvements in an amount equal to the director's cost estimate, which improvements are required of a developer to meet the requirement of Section 19-164, must be submitted to the agencies which have control of the intersection prior to issuance of building permit, final plat approval, or other such approval. ------- C:\DOCUME~I\defauIt\LOCALS~I\Temp\GWViewer\05-0I-06 Transportation Concurrency code - Exhibit.doc Page 11 of 12 C. Transportation Demand Management. 1. As a mitigation measure, the developer may propose to establish transportation demand management strategies to reduce single occupancy vehicle trips generated by the project. The Director shall determine the corresponding trip volume reduction, considering adjacent land uses and trips generated, how well the site is served by transit, HOV facilities, bicycle facilities, and pedestrian facilities, workforce composition, employer-provided incentives, and parking availability, among others. 2. The Director shall monitor and enforce the transportation demand management performance as directed under Section 15-200 et seq. A performance assurance device may be required as determined by the Director. D. Decision Criteria - Acceptable Mitigation. Acceptable mitigation requires a finding by the director that: 1. The mitigation is consistent with the comprehensive plan. t 2. The mitigation contributes to system performance. . 3. Improvements to an intersection or roadway may not shift traffic to other intersections for which there is no reasonable mitigation available. 4. The improvement shall not violate accepted engineering standards and practices. Section 19-166 Appeals. The Concurrency Determination of the Director may be appealed by the Applicant or Owner using the same process as the underlying Development Permit Application or Process 1 of Chapter 22 if there is no underlying Development Permit, substituting the Director of Public Works for the director of community development. The appeal, in the form of a letter of appeal, must be delivered to the department of public works within 14 calendar days after issuance of the decision of the director. In those cases where the Proposed Development Activity may require a public hearing under the authority of other chapters of this Code, the hearings may be combined. For example, if the underlying development permit application is a preliminary plat, the appeal shall be heard at the preliminary plat public hearing. Section 19-167 Annual report. The City shall monitor LOS standards through an annual update of the Six-Year Transportation Impact Program, which shall add data reflecting Development Permits issued and trip allocations reserved. The City's traffic demand model shall be recalibrated at least biannually based on traffic count information, obtained from at a minimum the City's Public Works Department. Section 19-168 Interagency Coordination. ----- C:\OOCUME~ 1 \default\LOCALS~ 1 \Temp\GWViewer\05-0 1-06 Transportation Concurrency code - Exhibitdoc Page 12 of 12 The City may enter into agreements with other agencies having authority over transportation facilities to identify impacts and provide mitigation for those impacts. In no case shall mitigation payments to the City be reduced to account for mitigation payments to other jurisdictions. Section 19-169 Coordination with other requirements. A. Concurrency determinations are categorically exempt from SEPA. B. Concurrency determinations provide for mitigation only for vehicle capacity issues during the weekday evening peak hour. Mitigation of transportation impacts outside of vehicle capacity issues during the weekday evening peak hour shall be addressed through other review processes (in City Code, land use permit conditions, or SEPA). This analysis may be prepared either by the applicant or the City at the applicant's expense. r . ------------- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: May 151, 2006 TO: Land Use and Transportation committ~ VIA: Derek Matheson, Interim City Manager , FROM: Cary M. Roe, P,E., Public Works Directofi7~ Rick Perez, P.E., City Traffic Engineer SUBJECT: Sound Transit Phase 1- Light Rail Alignment POLICY QUESTION: What is Council's preference on the alignment of light rail in Federal Way for Phase 2 of Sound Transit's Long Range Plan? BACKGROUND: Sound Transit requested that affected agencies comment on proposed projects for Phase 2 of Sound r Transit's implementation of its Long Range Plan ("ST2") by March 23rd, 2006, Sound Transit hoped , that this would help resolve what projects should be included, and also their respective scopes, so that costs may be estimated more accurately. Sound Transit hopes to present a package of projects to voters in November 2007 with RTID, The City Council approved a comment letter on March 215\ 2006, that supported light rail but did not specify a preferred light rail alignment. Sound Transit requested further comment on a preferred alignment by May loth, 2006. The Chamber of Commerce held a meeting on April 24th to solicit further comment, results of which will be presented at this Council meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff seeks Council recommendation. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDA nON: Forward the above LUTC recommendation on Light Rail Alignment to the May 2nd, 2006, City Council Business Agenda. cc: Project File Day File A Federal Way FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE...............................,.,....,....,........."" ......,......,.....,APRIL 20,2006 Contact: Cary Roe, Public Works Director (253) 835-2701 or cary,roe@cityoffederalway.com FEDERAL WAY BUSINESSES AND RESIDENTS CAN WEIGH IN ON LIGHT RAIL ALIGNMENT Sound Transit will be studying the possibility of extending light rail service to the City of Federal Way from SeaTac Airport and/or Tacoma during Phase II of their project. Proposed station locations are Redondo Heights Park-and-Ride, Federal Way Transit Center, and South Federal Way Park-and-Ride. A public vote will be on the ballot in 2007. Sound Transit has asked for alignment preferences from Federal Way and other communities in Light r Rail's path. The two main path alternatives are either along Interstate 5 or Pacific Highway (State Route , 99), The Federal Way Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a meeting to discuss alignment options, and encourages businesses to participate through input and comments on the proposed alignment routes. Date: Monday, April 24, 2006 Time: 2:30 p.m. Place: City Hall Council Chambers 33325 8th Ave. S. - Federal Way Citizens will also have an opportunity to provide input on the issue at either of the following times: Meeting: Land Use & Transportation Committee Date: Monday, May 1,2006 Time: 5:30 p.m. Place City Hall Council Chambers Meeting: City Council Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2006 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: City Hall Council Chambers Sound Transit has requested the City's written alignment input by May 10, 2006. Additional information can be found at: \V\vw.soundtransit.org/st2/future/proiects/south,asp ## ---- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: April 17th, 2006 TO: Land Use and Transportation committ~ VIA: Derek Matheson, Interim City Manager FROM: Cary M. Roe, P.E., Public Works Director ~ Rick Perez, P,E., City Traffic Engineer f1F SUBJECT: Sound Transit Phase 2 - Light Rail Alignment POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council provide policy direction to staff to submit comments to Sound Transit on the alignment of light rail in Federal Way for Phase 2 of Sound Transit's Long Range Plan? BACKGROUND: Sound Transit requested that affected agencies comment on proposed projects for Phase 2 of Sound Transit's implementation of its Long Range Plan ("ST2") by March 23, 2006. Sound Transit hoped that this would help resolve what projects should be included, and also their respective scopes, so that costs may be estimated more r accurately. Sound Transit hopes to present a package of projects to voters in November 2007 with RTID. The , City Council approved a comment letter on March 215\ 2006, that supported light rail but did not specify a preferred light rail alignment Projects Sound Transit began this process with a list of 85 potential projects and has now narrowed that list to 63, The following is a list of light rail projects in and/or proposed to be funded at least in part by South King County: 1. Extension from SeaTac Airport to S 200th Street 2. Extension from S 200th Street to Kent-Des Moines Road 3. Extension from Kent-Des Moines Road to Tacoma Dome 4. Planning Study of New Routes (Burien to Renton) For the purposes of estimating costs, ST staff assumed that light rail through Federal Way would use an elevated alignment primarily along SR 99. This does not suggest that Sound Transit has selected a preferred alternative - in fact, it is this type of issue that generates Sound Transit's request for comment from the City. To wit: Does the City have a preference for a light rail alignment through Federal Way? Also, should it be elevated or at-grade? These questions have significant implications for the City and Sound Transit, in terms of cost, ridership, and ability t~-accemmodate and influence land use for decades, Alignment of Light Rail through Federal Way There are two basic alternatives for alignment: SR 99 and 1-5. Variations on an 1-5 alignment may mclude segments where Military Road could be used, particularly between Star Lake Road and S 3041h Street, with a potential station at S 2881h Street, which would also encourage redevelopment at this commercial retail node. Sound Transit has, in the proposed scope, stations being located at Redondo Heights Park and Ride, Federal Way Transit Center, and South Federal Way Park and Ride. An SR 99 alignment would suggest more opportunities for additional stations and transit-oriented development near those stations. If entirely at grade, it may cost less to construct, but the more it becomes elevated to mitigate traffic impacts on SR 99, any cost-advantage would likely turn into a disadvantage. Because of the lower speeds and number of stations, ridership would consist of shorter trips, An 1-5 alignment would suggest a higher-speed facility with fewer opportunities for additional stations and transit-oriented development It may cost slightly less to construct, and may also impact the ability of WSDOT to widen 1-5 in the future or provide additional access points to 1-5, Because of the higher speeds, an 1-5 alignment would be more supportive of regional trip-making. ------.------- ----- ________________.__u_______._____ April 17th, 2006 Land Use and Transportation Committee Sound Transit Phase 2 Page 2 Elevated vs. at-grade It should be noted that Sound Transit does not have a set policy on when grade separation is necessary - this would likely be negotiated with Sound Transit. As a starting point, staff would raise concerns about the traffic impacts of at-grade crossings of key intersections on SR 99 including:S 288th Street, Dash Point Road, S 312th Street, S 316lh Street, S 320d. Street, S 324lh Street, S 336lh Street, S 348th Street, and S 356lh Street. In addition to aesthetic issues, elevated trackage also allows the noise from trains to propagate further, thus potentially impacting more residences. On the other hand, at-grade alignments would require more right-of-way and fewer median breaks on SR 99. The median of SR 99 is 12-16 feet wide, whereas a double-track light rail alignment would require 28-36 feet, thus impacting right-of-way on one or both sides ofSR 99. Alternatively, one or two lanes could be removed from SR 99, although this would have severe Implications for meeting tran:>portation concurrency standards. Summary Policy questions include: . Does the City have a preferred alignment for light rail? . Where should stations be located? . Should alignments be at-grade or elevated? . If at-grade, should the alignment be placed in existing right-of-way at the expense of roadway capacity, or r should additional right-of-way be acquired? STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff seeks Council recommendation. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward the above staff recommendation to the May 2nd, 2006, City Council Business Agenda. cc: Project File Day File , ~ COUNCIL MEETING DATE: ITEM #: .,.' ___~_N.___M'__'_'_M___"_____._...._.._.____.__.._._.__.__. ____.________.____________._____.__.___._._._.___.__.__..________.. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ANNEXATION OF P AA EAST OF 1-5 POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council initiate annexation of some portion or all of the Potential Annexation Area (PAA) east ofI-5? COMMITTEE: LUTC MEETING DATE: May 1,2006 CATEGORY: D Consent D Ordinance D Public Hearing D City Council Business [gJ Resolution D Other ~!A~~ R~~.9_I!T BY~!sa~_Conle~LSenio~~la~~~~___________-2____~~~~~_~!:?~____._____________________ Attachments: A: Staff Report with Exhibits: (A) Preliminary General Government Financial Impact from Potential Annexation, (B) Conceptual Time-Line, (C) Stone Creek BoundarylP AA Boundary Map, (D) Estimated Population Map (by subarea), and (E) Initiating Resolution Options Considered: I. Initiate annexation process of the entire remaining P AA, utilizing the election method of annexation. 2. Initiate annexation process of the Star Lake and Camelot subareas, utilizing the election method of annexation. 3. Do not initiate annexation of any portion of the P AA at this time. _______._....____..___..______...____.__.____.___.._____....._._._.____.______._.____.___m_.______________.___.___._______._____._____M.._..._._..________ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: St ff't: commends option 1. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~t'^-c, Cowlcil Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval oJthe resolution to initiate annexation process oJthe entire remaining P AA, utilizing the election metllO~ oj annexation. .. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # o DENIED 1ST reading o TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 02/06/2006 RESOLUTION # 1 .~ , CITVOF ~ Federal Way CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT DATE: April 27, 2006 To: Land Useffransportation Committee (~ VIA: Derek Matheson, Interim City Manage FROM: Kathy McClung, CDS Director .~ Isaac Coni en, Associate Planner Iwen Wang, MS Director SUBJECT: PAA ANNEXATION BACKGROUND The City's PAA, located entirely east ofI-5, is approximately 4,400 acres with an estimated population of 20,152. Recently adopted legislation authorizes a new source of revenues for cities that complete large annexations. King County supports annexation of this area to the City. See attached Exhibit A for additional fiscal analysis. DISCUSSION Timeline If we begin the annexation process immediately, a late spring election date may be achievable depending on the length of Boundary Review Board (BRB) review\. An exact timeline cannot be produced because some aspects of the process (e.g. BRB review, Federal WayIMi1ton PAA boundary issue) are outside of the City's control. However, a conceptual time1ine flowchart is attached as Exhibit B. Public involvement/education will also be a major component of the process and will begin early in the process. Public involvement/education methods include direct mailings, newsletters, web and public television updates, announcements, and informational public open houses. P AA Boundary Discrepancy As you may recall, while processing the Parkway annexation in 2004, we discovered that the County had approved a subdivision called Stone Creek which is partially situated within the PAA of both Federal Way and Milton (see Exhibit C). The effected properties were eliminated from the Parkway annexation so that the annexation could move forward. Resolution of this issue will be necessary if this southem portion of the PAA is included in an annexation proposal. One-Time Annexation Costs The cost to process an annexation of this size is noted in the following table. These costs are estimates at this point in time and assume annexation of the entire P AA. Cate or Descri tion Cost Election Cost Cost paid to County for election ballots and voter $10,200 amphlet re aration and distribution I Assuming election method of annexation initiated by resolution. --- -------- - -------- Cate20ry Description Cost Staff Resources Staff resources to prepare annexation materials, staff $61,000 meetings, host open houses, respond to questions, (a portion of planner update web site, administer census, etc. salary is paid through * .5 ITE (Planner) 12 months approved carry forward * .25 FTE (combination Public Works, Parks, funds) Finance, Police, & Admin) 12 months Post Annexation Census Door-to-door census required after annexation $118,000-$140,0002 Miscellaneous BRB application fee, cost of legal descriptions, $19,000 mailing, copying, publishing, etc Total $208,200 - $230,200 Population As noted above, total population is estimated at 20,1523. The table below breaks down the estimated population by PAA subarea (see Exhibit 0, Estimated Population Map). Population Subarea Estimate Star Lake 4,078 Camelot 8296 Lakeland 3,017 Parkway 3,569 Jovita 1,192 TOTAL 20,152 FISCAL ANAL YSIS A. Overview The 2003 Annexation Feasibility Study ("Study") summarized the City's P AA in three larger arcas: the NE PAA, the SE PAA, and the Redondo PAA with total estimated housing units of 7,622 and a population of 21,500. In the fall of 2003, Redondo, North Lake (in NE P AA), and portions of Parkway (in the SE P AA) voted to annex. These three neighborhoods, combined, were estimated to have 788 housing units with a population of approximately 1,800. The post-annexation census revealed actual numbers of 1,219 housing units and a population of 2,730. The difference is primarily due to a large, new residential development in the North Lake subarea. After the 2003 annexation, the remaining P AA area consists of five subareas: Star Lake and Camelot remaining in the NE P AA with an estimated total of 4,117 housing units and a population of 12,375. Lake1and (part of Parkway), and Jovita remain in the SE PAA with 2,938 estimated housing units and a population of 7,778. Combined, these areas have an estimated total of 7,055 housing units and a population of 20, 152. 2 Costs of census vary by time of year. A winter census would be the most expensive and may result in lower counts. JEstimated population was computed by I) establishing the estimated number of existing dwelling units in each Subarea & Census Tract using the data from the King County Assessor records, 2) estimating the number of occupied units using the vacancy rate from 2000 Census data, 3) Subtracting the number of vacant units from the number of total dwelling units, 4) multiplying the resulting number of units by the average household size, again from the 2000 census. Page 2 - ---------- B. Operatine Revenues and Expenses Overall, the general governmental operating revenues and expenses show there will be substantial operating deficits to annex the two areas because they are predominantly residential in character. The per capita revenue is slightly higher in the NE P AA due to the slightly higher average assessed value of homes in this area. At the same time, the per capita operating cost is higher in the SE PAA due to the three large scale active parks (Lake Geneva, Five Mile Lake Park, and the ball fieids) req~mng substantial Item NE P AA SE P AA Combined mamtenance versus the t Total Operating Revenue $2,549,784 $1,643,340 $4,193,124 wo passIve open / k . th NE Total 0 eratin Cost (4,205,599) (2,993,625) 7,199,224) spaces par s me. . PAA that require fewer 0 eratm DefiCit $(1,655,815) $(1,350,285) $(3,006,100) resources to maintain. Per Capita Revenue $ 206 $ 211 $ 208 Per Ca ita Ex enses (340) (385) (357) A detailed revenue and 0 erating Deficit $ (134) $ (174) $ (149) expenditure estimate is attached as Exhibit A. C. Capital Sources and Needs On the capital side, the combined areas would need nearly $10 million in service-level-related transportation improvements to bring a number of intersections up to City standards; they will also need nearly $18 million in neighborhood parks, open spaces, and most of all trails to meet the City's Park Plan goals. The Parks' capital cost is lower than the Study suggested due to two changes in assumption used here: 1. We assume the annexation in itself does not affect the demand on the Community Center space. This is due to the population in the PAA is already, or will be, using the City's facility regardless of whether or not the area is annexed. 2. We also assume the community parks can serve a population beyond the sub-PAA area. The Study calculates community park requirements independently by subareas; therefore the SE P AA has a surplus of community parks while the NE P AA has a deficit. When the two areas are combined, the community parks acreage meets City standards. The Capital Needs table . h 1. d . 1 Ca ital Needs NE PAA SE PAA Combmed sows annua Ize capIta. . needs using the above total Annual Capital Sources $638,558 $909,565 $1,548,122 capital costs as a base and Annualized Park Capital (over 15 yrs) (841,335) (690,693) (1,532,028) spreads them over a 15-year Annualized Street Capital (over 15 yrs) (578,689) (271,676) (850,365) period usmg an inflation Annual Pavement Maintenance (215,168) (308,893) (524,061) factor of 3.5%. In addition Annual Capital Surplus (Deficit) $(996,635) $(361,697) $(1,358,332) to the capital improvements, the assumption is that an annual pavement maintenance program will be maintained using the street overlay program funding sources available from the area. This may not be sufficient to bring the road surface conditions to the same rating of existing City streets. The capital resources include 50% estimated utility tax revenues, arterial street and new fuel taxes, and REET expected from the area. Based on these assumptions, the combined PAA area shows an annualized capital funding deficit of around $1.4 million. While the capital deficit is substantial, the Council does have substantial discretion and control in the timing and amount of many of these capital investments. Page 3 ----------- ---------- D. Effect of SSB 6686 The phenomena of operating and capital investment deficits is very consistent with what we have seen in findings from other communities that have completed annexation feasibility analyses. The financial deficit that cities would inherit with large annexations has been one of the major deterrents in achieving these annexations as envisioned by the Growth Management Act. Substitute Senate Bill 6686, enacted by the 2006 Legislature, attempts to address this concern by allowing a limited new local option sales tax that is offset by a state sales tax credit (thus there is no impact on consumers) to mitigate the deficits and encourage annexations. Specifically, effective June 7, 2006, the bill allows a city to levy to up to 0.1 % sales tax for an annexation between 10,000 and 20,000 populations, and up to 0.2% sales tax for annexations with a population greater than 20,000 or more. The local option tax and subsequent tax credit payment is made at the beginning of each state fiscal year (July 1) starting in 2007 and the local tax can only last up to ten years from the time the city first imposes the tax. The tax credit will be effective on July 151 of the fiscal year subsequent to the year the annexation takes place. This tool is only available to cities in King, Snohomish and Pierce counties, excluding Seattle; is only available to those jurisdictions which annex sufficiently large populations; and it is only available for those annexations which commence prior to January 1, 2010. There are a couple of areas where we need to get additional clarity as to how the bill will be interpreted. For instance, it is not clear how the timeline will work from the annexation, to a city's imposition of the tax, the notification to the Department of Revenue (DOR), and the first actual tax . distribution. It is also unclear if the City could impose the tax before an annexation actually occurs (SSB 6686 requires a city to commence the annexation - we assume this is defined by the adoption of a resolution). Lastly, it is not entirely clear whether the "up to ten years" timeline in the legislation begins with the date the City enacts the tax and ends ten years later or begins from the first tax distribution. Weare part of a cities group that has asked to meet with the Department of Revenue on technical questions surrounding SSB 6686 - and we expect that meeting to occur in mid-to-1ate May. Eligible Costs The revenue generated from the local sales tax is to provide, maintain, and operate municipal services for the annexation area. While this language is not an outright prohibition of capital investments, the expressed intent of the legislation is to focus expenditures on operations, maintenance, and associated startup capital costs. There have been a significant number of discussions - a few of which helped persuade the Governor to ultimately sign SSB 6686 into law - that lead us to conclude our city and others would be safest to stay within this narrower definition of eligible expenditures. Additionally, it is expected that the Governor's office will pursue 2007 legislation to add reporting and accountability requirements to the provisions of law in SSB 6686. Amount of Sales Tax Credit Because this is a local option tax, the tax will be based on the whole ci ty' s taxable sales, not just those in the newly annexed areas. Using the City's sales tax revenue collection of $11.5 million in 2005, that is $1.4 million on 0.1 % or $2.8 million for the 0.2% of sales tax. This is the maximum amount the City may receive. The actual revenues will only be for the amount necessary to fill the financial gap in the annexation area. The City is required to make annual estimates for the upcoming gap and notifY DOR by March 1 each year for the next fiscal year's distribution. Once the revenue collected bridges the gap, the City must notify DOR to suspend the distribution for the remainder of that year. With the population in the P AA very close to the 20,000 threshold, there is a possibility that the City would not be eligible to receive the full 0.2% sales tax credit. However, with the law being narrowly constructed to assist certain cities that act within a certain time period, this is a window of opportunity for the City to receive substantial assistance to mitigate the operating deficits even if the credit Page 4 -- - -- - - ------ ---- amount is only at 0.1 %. The ten-year period is also a reasonable timeline for a community to stabilize services in the newly annexed area and to take necessary actions to address option deficits. E. Net Deficit with SSB 6686 With the updated population estimate for the P AA at 20,152, the City could pursue annexing the whole remaining P AA area. The $2.8 million from the 0.2% sales tax would substantially cover the projected $3 million operating deficits. However the updated population estimate is just that - an estimate based on certain assumptions, and the 152 over 20,000 is an extremely narrow margin for any assumption errors. Should the actual population fall below the required 20,000 as determined by the post annexation census, the new sales tax the City may receive would only be $1.4 million or 0.1 %; and leaving the City with a gap of $1. 7 million a year. It may be worthwhile for the City to conduct a pre-annexation census to get more certainty regarding the actual population in the area because of the financial risk involved. It is important to remember that populations change throughout the year; even a pre-annexation census does not guarantee the same result as a final census. Alternatively, the City could pursue annexation of a portion of the P AA with sufficient population to meet the 0.1 % sales tax eligibility. Using the NE P AA as an example, it has an estimated population of over 12,000, with a baseline projected deficit of$1.71 million, and thus the deficit could be largely offset by the $1.4 million through a 0.1 % sales tax credit payment. However, this would leave a substantial portion of the P AA, with a population of nearly 8,000, unannexed. Unless the City decides not to ever annex this area at all, we would face the financial challenge sooner or later as it is unlikely the area will break even financially in the foreseeable future. Further, it is extremely unlikely that the financial assistance provided under SSB 6686 will remain available indefinitely. OPTIONS Options Positives Negatives 1. Initiate the This option would: This option would: annexation process a) Achieve local, regional and state-wide a) Result in a long-term for the entire planning and public policy objectives and deficit with regard to remaining P AA, goals related to annexation operational costs versus utilizing the b) Maximize collection of tax revenues revenues in the annexed election method of available under authority recently granted to area annexation. cities that annex areas containing large populations c) Allow local control of development standards in the P AA where current development patterns affect the City's levels of service 2. initiate the This option would: This option would: annexation process a) Work towards achieving local, regional and a) Result in a long term for only a portion state-wide planning and public policy deficit with regard to of the P AA, such as objectives and goals related to annexation operational costs vs. the Star Lake and b) Collect a portion of temporary tax revenues revenues in the annexed Camelot subareas, available under authority recently granted to area utilizing the cities that annex areas containing large b) Would not maximize election method of populations the City's ability to annexation. c) Allow local control of development standards collect tax revenues in the P AA where current development available under patterns affect city levels of service authority recently granted to cities that annex areas containing Page 5 ------.-- ------- Options Positives Negatives a large population c) Likely make annexation of the remaining P AA not included in the current proposal more difficult, when initiated at some future time. 3. Do not initiate This option would: This option would: annexation of any a) Not result in an operating deficit a) Not achieve local, part of the P AA at regional and state-wide this time. planning and public policy objectives and goals related to annexation b) Preclude the City's ability to collect tax revenues available under authority granted to cities who annex areas containing large populations c) Not allow local control of development standards in the P AA where current development patterns affect the City's levels of service STAFF RECOMMENDATION After considering the positives and negatives of each option, staff recommends approving Option 1. EXHIBITS: A. Preliminary General Govemment Financial Impact from Potential Annexation B. Conceptual Time-Line C. Stone Creek Boundary Exhibit D. Estimated Population Map by Subarea E. Initiating Resolution Page 6 -- Preliminary PAA General Govt Operating Estimates Item NE PM SE PM Total Unit $ Unit $ Unit $ Housing Unit/Average AV 4,117 166,4 70 2,938 157,987 7,055 162,229 Population 12,375 7,778 20,152 - Facilities in area Acres Es Mnt Hrs Acres Es Mnt Hrs Acres Es Mnt Hrs Parks 34.80 180 74.72 7,476 109.52 7,656 Bigaman Pk, passive 16.72 122 16.72 122 Camelot Pk, passive 18.08 58 18.08 58 Lk Geneva Pk, active 18.64 1,521 18.64 1,521 5M Lake 31.71 2,451 31.71 2,451 Ball Field 24.37 3,504 24.37 3,504 PW (GG portion only) Signaled Intersections count 15.00 count 2.00 17.00 Street Lights 100% 561.00 100% 190.00 751.00 Road Miles 100% 46.45 88% 25.41 71.86 Operating 1m act NE PM . SE PM Combined GG Operating Revenue Per Capita Total Property Tax, Proj. levy rate 1.22 836,134 1.22 566,284 1.22 $ 1,402,418 State Shared (w/o Art St Fuel) 25.23 312,250 25.23 196,254 25.23 508,504 CJ Sales, per capita 20.98 259,607 20.98 163,167 20.98 422,774 Local Sales - 107,649 - 67,659 8.70 175,308 Utility Tax, 50% 122.73 509,938 122.73 320,504 122.73 830,442 Fines & Forefetures - 106,643 - 67,027 8.62 173,670 Building Permtis - 121,734 - 76,512 9.84 198,246 Franchise, 60% of HH 29.55 219,368 29.55 137,876 29.55 357,244 Development Svs - 39,237 - 24,661 3.17 63,897 Rec Fees - 23,140 - 14,544 1.87 37,683 Zoning - 7,042 - 4,426 0.57 11 ,469 Gambling Tax - - - - - - BL, number of businesses 140.00 7,042 113.00 4,426 11 ,469 Total GG Revenue 2,549,784 1,643,340 232.47 $ 4,193,124 GG Operating Exp FTE Cost Council - 27,727 - 17,427 - $ 45,154 CM 0.30 63,986 0.26 40,216 0.56 104,202 Court 1.41 141,835 1.31 89,146 2.72 230,981 Community Development 3.02 318,863 1.92 200,410 4.94 519,273 Law 0.50 67,185 0.44 42,227 0.94 109,412 Prosecution 0.50 68,252 0.52 42,897 1.03 111,149 MS 2.41 194,090 2.18 121,989 4.60 316,079 PK 0.50 58,654 3.32 387,204 3.82 445,858 PS 18.56 2,188,980 11.67 1,375,809 30.23 3,564,789 PW 4.33 1,076,028 2.27 676,300 6.60 1,752,328 Total Operatina Costs 31.54 4,205,599 23.90 2,993,625 55.44 $ 7,199,224 Net Revenue (Loss) 11,655,815' (1,350,285) $ 13,006,100' Per Capita Net Revenue (Loss) (134) (174) (149) 0.1 % Sales Tax based on current taxbase = $ 1,388,235 0.2% Sales Tax based on current taxbase = $ 2,776,471 Update Assumptions: 1. Property tax revenue assumes 15% property value increase over the past 3 years and by applying 2006 levy rate 2. 10% general cost inflation for PS and 6% for all other GG services over 3 years 3. Change PS total staffing/population ratio to 1.5 FTE/1000 population from 1.25/1000. Current actual = 1.67/1000. 5. Assume 50% of utility tax is available for M&O 6. Assume Arterial Street Fuel Tax not available for M&O 7. PW data excludes SWM and SWR A.. 8. % of PWs asset inventory = area hh/total subarea hh EXHIBIT 9. SWM deficit is projected at: PAGE , OF: , "'"' K:\ANNEX\200612006 annex study. xis whole new pop 1011 - ---.- . Preliminary Annexation Time Line Initiate discussion of boundary issue with Milton (May 4, 2006) Initiate public outreach/education +- Initiate annexation(s) by Council Resolution (June 6,2006) (June 12,2006 - ongoing) I Resolve Milton boundary issue (end of August?) I + File with Boundary Review Board (BRB) (Sept 4, 2006) BRB Review - jurisdiction not invoked BRB Review - jurisdiction invok( 45-day review period 120 days or more (Sept 4-0ct 19, 2006) (Unknown) ~ Council sets election date at next Council meeting (November 7,2006) Council sets election date at next Council meeting (Unknown -likely JanlFeb 2007 bul could be longer) Election .. :....... Election Minimum of 60 days from date council Minimum of 60 days from date Coune sets election sets election (Any scheduled election after Dec 22, (Date unknown - depends on length ( 2006 - Opportunities in Feb, Mar, Apr, BRB review) May, Sept and Nov, 2007 ~ ~ Reciept of official election results from Reciept of official election results frol County County (Date unknown - depends on election (Date unknown - depends on electiol date chosen) date chosen) ~ ~ City Council approves annexation by City Council approves annexation b) ordinance ordinance (next Council meeting - date unknown) (next Council meeting - date unknowl ~ ~ Conduct door-to-door census Conduct door-to-door census (Timing unknown) (Timing unknown) EXHIBIT---1:L PAGE , OF ---'. li~nX€ 811 01 93 IijU6JJeM au sa~ew N3M l6Japa.::l)O IiIIO a41 A lNO uOIjl3jUasaJdaJ 1e:J14deJB e 93 a91 JO) papuepJI 81 dew 8141 .aloN a93eld ~ II ~ ll~ -: !i _ ro I! ~ CV ~ i 0. ~ 'Cl ELL ~ : ~ ~ I.. ( Q) Q) I'" ~ ~ " <{z ..... Q,II! 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'''-.... /L 0::<(0 nl ~ . 6'~-f.i~'1 Q) r,....~ "" '- I ", .s-~ Il>'; "- ~ <{ >- ~ ~ 1-1:::., '~VQ~ '-". ~ ~~~ m~ -: ~:'~ _ > nl ro ro ~ 0 ~ ~~~ > ~ ><........c:c:Q) ,. ~ :g Q) Q) 0 0 c: "'- $' .....", - -0-0.....,.., 0 tf! .. c: Q) Q) = = ..... l ~ .$>.(L '+- ro -g <{ LL LL :2 :2 (f) ...... ~ 0 lo.... Gl 0 D D D D D ' "-..., \Sl..l. Q) 01 \ \ '-../', , 'V., ~ -a Gl , \ l' 'To(. ~. -l l\\~\,.. I ", ~ .- Q) \~;'," "'--.. ' 0 LL '.,p, I ') ----------- ~ ~ E'1'.' City of C/l w,.. ?.??_~nj.~.T. _'_ _._._ S272nd ST >, -0:' .s~ ! Federal Way -E! 1> . - CD, (~ ( ~\ Potential 1>0 ~ j ~ ~ . Annexation Area .-.. ~ Star lake . .. ~ . rn '" . I : '. I Annexation S 288th ST S 288th ST ;;: Combined Estimated Area Estimated p Population (North): ::j 0 J> 12,374 <\' ~ Vi I Population Map :Ilo u; <\' S 304th ST Legend . . .. ~ . City Limits . . ~ Community level Subareas Camelot Camelot S 312th ST (f) Jovita >- ~ Lakeland I u Parkway u:: u Star Lake it S 320th ST ,c<,,: "I<\, Notes on Methodology: S 324th ST <'I" Estimated population was computed by 1) establishing .L.. the estimated number of existing dwelling unrts in each () ~ Subarea & Census Tract using the data from the King ~ .L.. County Assessor records, 2) estimating the number of lJ) S q. occupied units using the vacancy rate from 2000 /!! "1>).. 1>0 Census data, 3) Subtracting the number of vacant units from the number of total dwelling units, 4) multiplying the ~ 1b resulting number of units by the average household size, f2 HWY 18 again from the 2000 census. /!! & T ~ Any variation in the vacancy rate, average household ~ size or number of existing units could affect the 0 estimated population. ,'0 '"' . y..~ . . ': . , ! a. Combined Estimated 11l 18 '!(El ~ Population (Sorth): 7,778 i).. .~ .... . c '-$ 'u ..... :r :> ! ,-.<'( (f) >- lakeland ,p w i -<. ..~.'~ '-' '-' D. i P~(Kway ~ ;); Q:- Jovita ~ f- 0 0.25 0.5 i ~~ :::! (f) , 'Miles N ." ~ UJ . .. ";'~ ~ . .. .. .~.-- (j'J . e ~. UJ ." '. ~ .:. . . Map Date: December, 2005 Please Nole. .,~:..... .c City of Federal Way, This map is intended for use 0,\ ~'+~ 33325 8th Ave S, as a graphical representation PO Box 9718 ONLY. The City of Federal Federal Way, WA 98063 Way makes no warranty ti ~ ~ . (253) 835-7000 as to its accuracy. ~ ,-. I www.cityoffederalway.com \.\ .~ "? .~_.- _, L:; :'\ ' ~ -..-, i ~ Federal Way 4,'") .-- E ' ;,(El .\.. ,1" c:\mikeslg is\standard\paazone. mxd PAGE OE , -.. .I~.~ . ------- DRAFT RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, CALLING FOR THE ANNEXATION, BY ELECTION, OF CONTIGUOUS UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY LYING IN AN AREA GENERALLY EAST OF EXISTING CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY LIMITS, SOUTH OF S. 272nd ST., WEST OF 55TH AVE S. AND 51sT AVE S.. AND NORTH OF THE CITY'S SOUTHERLY POTENTIAL ANNEXATION AREA BOUNDARY, INCLUDING THE STONE CREEK SUBDIVISION IN IT'S ENTIRETY WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Federal Way, Washington, has determined that it would be in the best interests and general welfare of the City of Federal Way and the annexing area to annex certain property lying in an area generally East of existing city limits, South of S. 272nd Street, West of 53rd Ave. S. and 51st Ave. S. and North of the city's Southerly Potential Annexation Area ("P AA") boundary, including the Stone Creek Subdivision in it's entirety; and WHEREAS, the Growth Management Act and the King County Countywide Planning Policies encourage transition of unincorporated urban and urbanizing areas within P AA from county governance to city governance; and WHEREAS, the annexation area is generally within the City of Federal Way's PAA; and WHEREAS, financial analysis of revenues and costs for the annexation area indicate a net operating deficit to the City of Federal Way in the amount of approximately 3 million dollars; and WHEREAS, the City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee considered the proposed annexation at their meeting of May 1,2006 and at the meeting of May 15, 2006 recommended to City Council to proceed forward with the annexation process; and WHEREAS, the City Council has adopted the Federal Way Potential Annexation Area Subarea Plan, as a component of the City's Comprehens~.~~. Plan ~~d which establishes e R..'_P'g,J ~~~~~O~ Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations for the proposed annexation area as well as general land use policies; and Now THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Public Interest. The best interests and general welfare of the City of Federal Way and the annexing area would be served by the annexation of certain contiguous unincorporated territory lying in the area east of existing city limits, South of S. 272nd Street, West of 53rd Ave. S. and 51st Ave. S. and North of the city's Southerly PAA boundary, including the Stone Creek Subdivision in it's entirety as described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference as if fully set forth. Section 2. Voters. As nearly as can be determined the number of voters residing in the aforesaid territory is ,.. Section 3. Election. The City Council hereby calls for an election to be held pursuant to Chapter 35A.14 RCW to submit to the voters of the aforesaid territory the proposal for annexation. Section 4. Taxation and Indebtedness. There shall be subrnitted to the electorate of the territory sought to be annexed a proposition that all property located within the territory to be annexed shall, upon annexation, be assessed and taxed at the sarne rate and on the same basis as property located within the City of Federal Way is assessed and taxed to pay for all or any portion of the outstanding indebtedness of the City of Federal Way, which indebtedness has been approved by the voters, contracted for, or incurred prior to or existing at, the date of annexation. Section 5. Zoning. All property located within the territory to be annexed shall, simultaneous with the annexation, have imposed the City of Federal Way Comprehensive Plan Res. # _ Page 2 . and zoning designations, prepared under RCW 35A.14.330, and depicted in the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan. Section 6. Cost of Election. The cost of said annexation election shall be paid by the City of Federal Way. Section 7. Resolution to be filed. The City Clerk shall file a certified copy of this resolution with the King County Council and with the King County Boundary Review Board. Section 8. Notice of Intention. The City shall also file with the King County Boundary Review Board a Notice ofIntention hereof as required by RCW 36.93.090 et seq. Section 9. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution. Section 10. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority, and prior to the effective date, of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 11. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective imrnediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. Res. # _ Page 3 --- , . RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, this day of 2004. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY - Mayor, Michael Park A TIEST: City Clerk, Laura Hathaway, CMC ApPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Patricia A. Richardson FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION No: Res. # _ Page 4