Council MIN 05-02-2006 Regular - ---- --------.- -------- FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall May 2, 2006 - 7:00 PM ' MINUTES (www.cityojJederalway.com) ***** l. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Deputy Mayor Jim Ferrell called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM. Councilmembers Burbidge, Dovey, Kochmar, McColgan and Deputy Mayor Ferrell present. Mayor Park and Councilmember Faison excused. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Margaret Nelson led the Pledge of Allegiance. 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Proclamation - National Day of Prayer Councilmember Dovey proclaimed May 4,2006 as the National Day of Prayer and presented the proclamation to Bob "Coach" Roach. b. City Manager-Introduction of New City Employees Interim City Manager Derek Matheson introduced Thomas Fichtner as a permanent employee in the Management Services/IT Division. c. City Manager -Emerging Issues: 1. Citizen Comments - PowerPoint Presentations City Attorney Pat Richardson addressed stating that PowerPoint Presentations by citizens need to be submitted to the City Clerk no later than noon on the day of meeting to allow the staffto check for viruses and have ample time to set up the equipment. 2. Puget Sound Regional Council Update PSRC Representative Rocky Piro updated the City Council on Vision 20/20, Destination 20/30 and the Regional Economic Strategy. Mr. Piro reviewed the four alternatives PSRC is discussing that will effect the region, all of which will impact growth and jobs. Mr. Piro stated there will be public meetings during the next year and a half to discuss the plan. 4. CITIZEN COMMENT Elizabeth Hardison - spoke in opposition to the City's panhandling ordinance. Gavla Hardison- spoke in opposition to the City's panhandling ordinance and presented Council with copies of some proposed changes to the ordinance. -- ----------- Frosty Hardison - spoke in opposition to the City's panhandling ordinance and stated that there is a tent city in the City of Federal Way. He asked Council to consider the proposed changes to the ordinance presented by Gayla Hardison. Margaret Nelson - presented the last ofthe petitions opposing the relocation of the 320th Library and again thanked the Council for their decision to oppose its relocation. Evelyn Castellar - asked that the City's 10-year tax break to developers be repealed. She stated that puts the tax burden on citizens and other businesses. Nancy Combs - asked for extra patrols in the area of 21 st Ave SW due to speeders. H. David Kaplan - thanked the City Council for their decision regarding the 320th Library. Tom Pierson- Federal Way Chamber of Commerce - submitted letter to the Council regarding the preferred alternative for the Sound Transit Link Light Rail Phase II project. The Chamber recommends the proposed route be a blending ofl-5 and Hwy 99 with three stops: Star Lake on 1- 5, Sound Transit's Federal Way Station and the third stop in the area of 34Sth. Luraine MacLeod - City Clerk Laura Hathaway read Ms. MacLeod's statement regarding the 320th Library relocation into the record. Councilmember McColgan asked staff to review the panhandling ordinance at the next Parks/Recreation/Public Safety Committee meeting and also asked staff to look into the speeding/safety issue at 2Ft Ave SW Staff will report back on the safety/speeding issue on 21st A VE SWat the next Council Meeting under emerging issues. 5. CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes: Approval of the April IS, 2006 Regular & Special Meetings - Passed b. March 2006 Monthly Financial Report - Passed c. Vouchers - Passed d. 21st Avenue South Grid Road (S. 31Sth Street to South 320th Street) Project Bid Award - Passed e. Grant Funding for Transportation Improvement Projects - Passed f. SR 161 at SR IS Intersection Improvement - Project Bid Award - Passed g. Transportation Concurrency Policy Framework- Passed MOTION: Councilmember Burbidge moved approval of the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilmember McColgan second. The motion carried 5-0. __ __________________________n_______ 6. PUBLIC HEARING a. Comcast Cable Franchise Renewal - Deputy Mayor Ferrell opened the Public Hearing at 8:19 PM. . Staff Report Information Systems Manager Mehdi Sadri reviewed this agreement and gave a brief overview of the benefits of the agreement. He introduced Terry Davis of Com cast. Mr. Davis addressed the proposed ordinance and expressed Comcast's support ofthe agreement. . Citizen Comment (3-Minute Limit) Keith Tyler - spoke in support of the Comcast Cable Franchise renewal. . Introduction Ordinance - Council Bill #404 - Comcast Franchise Agreement Deputy Mayor Ferrell closed the Public Hearing at 8:29 PM and asked the City Clerk to read the ordinance title into the record: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, GRANTING A NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO COMCAST OF PUGET SOUND, INe. AND COMCAST OF WASHINGTON IV, INe. TO OCCupy RIGHTS-OF - WAY OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, WITHIN THE SPECIFIED FRANCHISE AREA FOR THE PURPOSES OF OPERATING AND MAINTAINING A CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM, AND SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS ACCOMPANYING THE GRANT OF FRANCHISE. MOTION: Councilmember Kochmar moved to forward the proposed Ordinance regarding Comcast Cable Franchise Agreement Renewal to the May 16th City Council meeting for enactment. Councilmember McColgan second. The motion carried 5-0. 7. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Sound Transit Phase II - Light Rail Alignment City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez introduced this item and reviewed the horizontal alignment options and the cost estimates of each proposed alignment. Councilmember Kochmar stated she liked the Chamber's recommendation: blending the route between 1-5 and Hwy 99 with three stops: Star Lake on 1-5, the Transit Center and the area of 348th. Councilmember McColgan stated he didn't agree with the alignment along Hwy 99 nor does he agree with an elevated railway. He wants the alignment strictly along 1-5. ------ Councilmember Dovey stated that whichever is the most cost effective alignment is the alignment Sound Transit will take and the key for Federal Way is to pick the three stops for light rail within the City. Councilmember Burbidge - agrees that Federal Way needs three stops and believes that the three stops should be the transit center and the general areas of 34Sth and 272nd. Deputy Mayor Ferrell- stated the system needs to move people and agrees with an 1-5 alignment with stops at 348th, 320th and 272nd. Councilmember Dovey stated that the 1-5 alternative will also displace people and there will be takes and wetland issues along that corridor as well. He agrees with the 3 stops. MOTION: Councilmember Dovey moved to send a letter to Sound Transit stating the City of Federal Way's position regarding Phase II by endorsing three stops in Federal Way, the Redondo Park/Ride, the Regional Transit Center, and a site at 348th Street and indicating that it is Federal Way's desire to move people to and from the City of Federal Way via the fastest route possible with the least amount of impacts to the community and utilizing 1-5 as feasible. Councilmember Kochmar second. Discussion: Councilmember McColgan wants to be clearer in preferences. Councilmember Burbidge request additional conversations with Sound Transit throughout this process FRIENDLY AMENDMENT: Councilmember McColgan moved to change the words as feasible to as the preferred alternative. Councilmember Kochmar second. Motion carried 4-1 ; Councilmember Burbidge dissenting. VOTE ON MAIN MOTION: The motion, as amended, carried 5-0. 8. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember McColgan updated the City Manager search process and stated the target date for hiring is mid-June. Councilmember Dovey stated the next Land Use Transportation Committee meeting is scheduled for May 15, 2006. Councilmember Kochmar stated the Council will hold a special meeting/study session on May 23, 2006 regarding the 200712008 preliminary budget. She also thanked those in the community involved in various fundraisers. ------ ____ ___H _____ Councilmember Burbidge reported the next ParksIRecreationlPublic Safety Committee meeting will be on May 8th at 6:00 PM. On the agenda is the issue of dangerous dogs, and the six-year park plan. She also stated that at an earlier special meeting this evening the Council interviewed and appointed several applicants for positions on the City's Parks and Recreation Commission. Those appointed to full-terms were C.T. Purdom and David Talcott. Helen Stanwell and Carol Otto were appointed as alternates. Deputy Mayor Ferrell thanked his fe.llow councilmembers for their cooperation as he chaired his first meeting and stated that on May 4th he will attend the National Day of Prayer Breakfast at the Commons. He also encouraged people to attend the next ParksIRecreationlPublic Safety Committee meeting if they have concerns, pro or con, on the proposed dangerous dog issue. 9. CITY MANAGER REPORT Interim City Manager Derek Matheson stated that on June 1 st at 3 :00 PM there will be a Press ConferencelRecognition for those involved in obtaining federal funding for the triangle project. The event will take place near the triangle site and more information will be forthcoming as plans progress. Mr. Matheson also read a thank you letter from Foundation House to Senior Planner Jim Harris. 10. ADJOURNMENT Deputy Mayor Ferrell adjourned the meeting at 9:40 PM. ATTEST: Laur K. Hathaway, City erk Approved by Council on: #~