LUTC PKT 09-18-2006 City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee September 18, 2006 City Hall 5 :30 p.m. Council Chambers MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 11, 2006 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Tuscany - Final Plat Action 10 min / Barker B. Triangle Project Status Action 15 min / Perez C. LUTC Meeting Schedule Revision Discussion 15 min / Roe 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS 6. ADJOURN Committee Members City Staff Jack Dovey, Chair Cary M. Roe, P.E., Public Works Director Eric Faison Tina Piety, Administrative Assistant Dean McColgan 253-835-2601 G:\LUTC1LUTC Agendas and Summaries '!006\09-J8-06 LUTe Agenda.doc City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee September 11, 2006 City Hall 5:00 pm City Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Committee Chair Jack Dovey; Committee Member Dean McColgan; Committee Member Eric Faison (arrived 5:20); Council Member Linda Kochmar; Council Member Jeanne Burbidge, Community Development Services Director Kathy McClung; Community Development Services Deputy Director Greg Fewins; Contract Planner Janet Shull; Public Works Director Cary Roe; Deputy Director Ken Miller; Streets Project Engineer Al Emter; Streets System Engineer John Mulkey; City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez; Deputy City Attorney Karen Kirkpatrick; Administrative Assistant II Tina Piety; City Manager Neal Beets; Assistant City Manager Derek Matherson 1. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Dovey called the meeting to order at 5:07 pm. Chairman Dovey stated that Council Member Eric Faison is probably stuck in traffic and is excused until he arrives. 2. APPRO V AL OF MINUTES The August 21, 2006, minutes were approved. Moved: McColgan Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously 3. PUBLIC COMMENT None 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Acceptance of Grant Funding for Transportation Improvement Proiect. Al Emter provided the background information on this item. Chairman Dovey recused himself and this item was placed on hold until Committee Member Eric Faison could arrive, Council Member Eric Faison arrived at 5:20 p.m. and the vote was held. Moved: McCoJgan Seconded: Faison Passed: Unanimously Committee PASSED Option 1 on to the September 19,2006, City Council Consent Agenda. B. South 356th Street at SR 99 Intersection Improvements Proiect - 85% Design Status Report Al Emter provided the background information on this item. Council Member McColgan asked when is the city likely to know if the we have been awarded the grants. Mr. Emter replied the city should know by the end of the year. Council Member McColgan then asked where the funds will come from for the anticipated shortfall. Cary Roe replied that city will not know until a decision is made on the grants whether there is an actually shortfall or not, and will research the funding issue at that time. Moved: McColgan Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously Committee PASSED Option 1 on to the September 19,2006, City CoulJcil Consent Agenda. C. 2006 Asphalt Overlay Proiect - Proiect Acceptance John Mulkey provided the background information on this item. Council Member Burbidge noted that Schedule E was added back in and asked if the funding is available. Mr. Mulkey replied that the funding is available and stated that the anticipated cost is below the proposed budget. G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2006\09-11-06 LUTe Minutes.doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 2 September ] ] , 2006 Moved: McColgan Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously Committee PASSED Option 1 on to the September 19, 2006, City Council Consent Agenda. D. Cottage at Hoyt Road - Final Plat Janet Shull provided the background on this item. She noted that the name of the plat has changed to Grande Vista. Moved: McColgan Seconded: Faison Passed: Unanimously Committee PASSED the staff recommendation to forward the final plat on to the September 19, 2006, City Council Consent Agenda, E. P AA Update - Store Creek and Von Doenhoff Kathy McClung provided the background on this item. She noted that the city may be required to separate the two annexation areas for voting purposes. The Boundary Review Board determined that the areas must connect in some fashion in order to hold one vote. If they do not connect (which is currently the case) a vote must be done for each area. The staff is researching this issue and possible ways of connecting the areas. This is an issue for the city because a separate vote may not meet our population requirements per the state tax incentive and will not meet the requirements for the King County agreement. The City of Milton has not made any decisions on the Stone Creek subdivision area, but Federal Way staff is proceeding with the Federal Way City Council's position to prepare an annexation resolution for the area completely within our PAA. F. Road Connectivity - Comp Plan Policy & Codes Rick Perez provided the background on this item. Chairman Dovey commented that no decision will be made on this issue this evening. This item is to inform Council Members of the policies provided in the current city code and comprehensive plan. Public Testimony Jan Mauritz, 31219 36th Avenue SW He lives close to the double cul-de-sac. He feels the overall policy for connectivity would destroy his neighborhood It isn't proactive. An attempt to solve a problem in one neighborhood would cause a problem in another neighborhood. Mary Wendt, resident of Bayview Country Estates, on 36th Avenue SW She understands the need for roads, but it makes no sense to open up arterials in established neighborhoods. Those who live in the neighborhood know where to look for children and where to slow down, someone passing through will not. She doesn't believe the argument that more access is needed for police and fire because she doesn't believe they would travel such a convoluted route. James Church, 3620 SW 30cjh Street. Was on the homeowners association a few years ago and work to ensure police andfire had keys to the gate. He likes his neighborhood the way it is. Opening the gate would not benefit Bayview or Twin Lakes and would cause deterioration of the neighborhoods. The streets are narrow and he sees no reason to open the gate. Robert Hankinson, 3628 SW 30cjh Street. He stated that it seems the impetus for this issue didn't come from the developer, or even the city, in that it has to do with policy. So he reviewed the policies and feels thefollowing comprehensive plan policies seem to mandate against opening the gate: TP23, TP25. and TP37. One consequence of opening the gate is that some traffic will pass through neighborhoods that are not use to that traffic. This would bring congestion and diminish the security and safety of the neighborhoods. He is strongly opposed to opening the gate on a permanent basis. Scott Glasgow, 31503 36th Avenue SW He lives on the north side looking down the cul-de-sac. There is already a lot of traffic on 36th Avenue SW and the width of the street is a problem. If cars are parked on both sides of the street, it wouldn't be safe for two cars to pass between them because there isn't enough room. There is also a dip in the road. G:ILUTCILUTC Agendas and Summaries 2006109-11-06 LUTC Minutes doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 3 September I I, 2006 Christian Jeager, 313th Street SW (near Dumas Bay Park). His home has a direct view of the proposed connection. He would be directly affected by increased traffic, noise, and light pollution. His folks live in Twin Lakes near the proposed connection and are opposed to another access to Twin Lakes. There is no need for additional access. Concerned that while it would provide access for emergency vehicles; others would use it and would create the need for another traffic light. It would destroy the peace of a long-standing neighborhood. The question is who would really benefit? He is also concerned about the land clearing. Who would benefit other than the developer? Developers have been giving carte blanche to develop what ever pristine land is left within the city limits. Further development degrades the quality of life in Federal Way. The road connectivity issue seems to be a smoke screen for cutting down the trees to make room for another development we don't need or want. He asked the city to consider dealing with the on-going traffic problems at 21st and 22nd Avenues SWat 356th Street. Ken Wilson. 30908 36th Avenue SW He is the president of the Bayview Estates HOA. There was an agreement between King County, Bayview Estates, and Twin Lakes for the crash gate. He asked the City of Federal Way to maintain that agreement. Council Member Kochmar asked how does the block perimeter standards apply in this instance. Mr. Perez replied that first it is difficult to be specific on this issue, since the city does not have an application for Soundview Manor. However, to extend 314th without creating a connection to Dash Point Road could create two nonconforming issues: one to the block perimeter standard and the other to the maximum cul-de-sac length. Council Member Faison commented that it is important to have policies in place and the ones we have are good. However, they should not be applied blindly. Projects should be considered on a case-by-case basis and what is best for the city and the neighborhood considered. Council Member Faison commented that there is a project planned for the intersection at 2151 and 356th to deal with the traffic problems, In regards to development and not caring about the trees, through the comprehensive plan, the city is trying to maintain its neighborhood character and concentrate growth in the downtown area. As long as a developer meets the code, it is not up to the city to tell them they cannot develop their property. Council Member McColgan commented that the City Council must look at the city as a whole. The city is mandated by the Growth Management Act to have a certain amount of housing growth. The city is researching a tree retention plan, but that would mean more of a cost for developers, who most likely will pass that extra cost on to the buyer. Council Member Burbidge commented that the city has established policies and this discussion has uncovered some challenges to those policies. Many of the challenges are due to decisions made before the city incorporated. Chairman Dovey asked if the staff has held any discussions about opening the gate at Bayview Estates. Mr. Roe replied no discussions have been held by staff on this issue. This is not an issue that has been raised by staff. Currently, the city does not have an application for development in the area and staff has had no reason to discuss this issue. The opening of the gate is a concern raised by those living in the neighborhood, Chairman Dovey commented that he asked that this issue be placed on the agenda so that the Committee could gain understanding of the policies and give staff guidance. Mr. Roe commented that the general policy does make sense. Staff may need guidance on where it is most important to implement these policies. Mr. Perez commented that another area of guidance is how much traffic is acceptable on a particular street. Is there an acceptable range on the ideal number of lots on a cul-de-sac? Chairman Dovey asked if the fire department has been included in discussions of the issue. Mr. Perez replied that the fire department is asked to review proposed developments. In addition, he has discussed this issue with them and the fire department responded that since they include areas outside of the city, they follow King County policy. Chairman Dovey asked that the fire department be keep appraised of this issue. G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2006\09-11-06 LUTe Minutes.doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 4 September II, 2006 Council Member Faison commented that it is important to emphasis connectivity closer to the downtown and not so much in outlying areas. Council Member Kochmar commented that the city has a system of streets build on poor previous policies, The city must take into account what exists when looking at connectivity, rather than insist on following a policy. In addition, she suggested that topography be taken into account. Public Testimony George Adams. He asked Mr. Perez if he had measured the street, and if so, from where to where. Mr. Perez commented that he had measured the street and the measurement was from gutter line to gutter line. Mr. Adams then commented he had spoken to another engineer who had measured the street from asphalt to asphalt. Mr. Perez replied that measurements for asphalt overlays are to a different standard (namely asphalt to asphalt). Mr. Adams then stated that while the street meets code, it barely meets the code width and this should be taken into account when making decisions regarding the street. Ann Ransome, 314111 Street. She commented that soon after the city incorporated an application was made to develop condominiums in this area, At that time, the City Council the development should be denied because of the steepness of the road. Is the city changing their decision? Chairman Dovey commented that the current City Council makes it decisions on current developments based on the current city code and comprehensive plan. Because of this, a current City Council decision on a current development could be different than a previous City Council decision on a previous development. 5. FUTURE MEETINGS The next scheduled meeting will be September 18, 2006. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m. GILUTCILUTC Agendas and Summaries 2006109-11-06 LUTC Minutes doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 3, 2006 ITEM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: TUSCANY WOODS FINAL PLAT ApPLICATION POLICY QUESTION: SHOULD THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE THE TUSCANY WOODS FINAL PLAT APPLICATION? COMMITTEE: LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION MEETING DATE: Sept. 18, 2006 CA TEGORY: ~ Consent D Ordinance D Public Hearing D City Council Business ~ Resolution D Other STAFF REPORT By: Deb Senior Planner DEPT: Community Development The applicant requests approval of the Tuscany Woods final plat application (formerly known as preliminary plat of Tuscany), a 23-10t single-family residential subdivision, as provided for under Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 20, "Subdivision," subject to City Council approval. Attachments: Tuscany Woods final plat staff report, dated September 12, 2006, with exhibits including reduced scale final plat map, vicinity map, City council resolution #01-348 approving the Tuscany preliminary plat, and proposed City Council resolution approving the Tuscany Woods Final Plat. Options Considered: That the final plat is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat and all applicable laws. ...............................................................m.......................................................M...... . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Council approval of the Tuscany Woods Final Plat. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: (fp DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ Council Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Jack Dovey, Chair Eric Faison, Member Dean McColgan, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "] move approval of the Tuscany Woods final plat application pursuant to the proposed City Council resolution. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: D APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # D DENIED 1 ST reading D TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading D MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 02/06/2006 RESOLUTION # Doc LD. 37907 ~ CITY OF ~ Federal Way DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF REPORT Request for Final Plat Approval TUSCANY WOODS FINAL PLAT Federal Way File No. 06-101597-00-SU I. RECOMMENDATION City of Federal Way staff has reviewed the Tuscany Woods final plat for compliance with preliminary plat conditions and all applicable codes and policies, and recommends approval of the final plat application. II. INTRODUCTION Date: September 12,2006 Request: Request for final plat approval for Tuscany Woods Subdivision. Description: The Tuscany Woods Subdivision, formerly known as Preliminary Plat of Tuscany, consists of22 single-family lots on a 6,32-acre site. Access for the Tuscany Woods Subdivision is via 4th Avenue SW from the south and SW 353rd Street from the west. All required roads, sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, sewer lines, and water lines have been constructed in accordance with preliminary plat approval granted by the City Council on October 16, 2001, or financially guaranteed in accordance with the Federal Way City Code (FWCC). Owner: Village Green LLC 35419 1st Avenue South Federal Way, W A 98003 Engineer: Harold Duncanson, PE Duncanson Company, Inc. 145 SW 155th Street, Suite 102 Seattle, W A 98166 Location: NE 1;:'1 of the NE 'l4 of Section 30, Township 21 North, Range 04 East, W.M, Federal Way, King County (see Exhibit A - Vicinity Map) Sewage Disposal: Lakehaven Utility District Staff Evaluation for Final Plat of Tuscany Woods Doc LD. 37713 File #06-] 01597-00-SU Page] Water Supply: Lakehaven Utility District Fire Dept: South King Fire and Rescue School Dist: Federal Way School District Prepared By: Deb Barker, Senior Planner III. HISTORY AND BACKGROUND The Tuscany Woods Subdivision is a proposed subdivision of22 single-family lots on a 6.32-acre site (Exhibit B - Final Plat Map). The Tuscany Subdivision Preliminary Plat (Exhibit C - Preliminary Plat Map) was granted approval by the Federal Way City Council on October 16,2001, per Resolution 01-348 (Exhibit D - Preliminary Plat Resolution). Zoning for the 6.32-acre site is RS 9.6, with a minimum lot size of9,600 square feet. Lot sizes on the final plat range from 9,604 square feet to 13,660 square feet, with the average size being approximately 10,311 square feet. The developer applied for final plat approval on March 31, 2006. Improvements installed under Engineering Application Number 01-1 03235-00-EN are now substantially complete or bonded. The final plat application was determined complete on August 28,2006. Pursuant to RCW 58.17.110 and FWCC Section 20-136, the City Council is charged with determining whether: 1) the proposed final plat conforms to all terms of the preliminary plat approval; 2) if the subdivision meets the requirements of all applicable state laws and local ordinances that were in effect at the time of preliminary plat approval; 3) if all taxes and assessments owing on the property have been paid; and 4) if all required improvements have been made or sufficient security has been accepted by the City. City of Federal Way staff has reviewed the Tuscany Woods final plat application for compliance with preliminary plat conditions and all applicable codes and policies. All applicable codes, policies, and plat conditions have been met. A proposed resolution ofthe City of Federal Way, Washington, to approve the Tuscany Woods final plat is enclosed (Exhibit E - Draft Resolution of Final Plat Approval). IV. COMPLIANCE WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT CONDITIONS The following lists conditions of preliminary plat approval in the same order referenced in Federal Way City Council Resolution 01-348. Required improvements have been completed as allowed by FWCC Section 20-135. 1. The applicant shall obtain the services of a qualified geotechnical engineer to review engineering design and specifications; be present on site during all land surface modification activities, including excavation of infiltration pond to ensure the pond bottom is established into soils which can support infiltration rates; verify subsurface conditions; inspect and conduct compaction tests for the roads, building lots, infiltration pond, and retaining walls; ensure implementation of the recommendations in the geotechnical reports; and provide the City with any additional geotechnical recommendations for plat construction and future homes on the site, including revegetation of disturbed areas and lot drainage adjacent to the steep slope; subject to determination by the Directors of Community Development Services and Public Staff Evaluation for Final Plat of Tuscany Woods Doc. J.D. 37713 File #06-1 01 597-00-SU Page 2 Works. In addition, prior to final plat approval, the infiltration system shall be required to be operational and approved by the Public Works staff. This shall include infiltration tests conducted by the applicant and visual inspections to demonstrate that the design infiltration rate is being achieved and the system is functioning properly. Staff Response: This condition has been met. Engineering plans and the stormwater system design report, approved by the Public Works department, contained information provided by the applicant's geotechnical engineer. The design and construction of the stormwater infiltration and water quality ponds followed the recommendations of the geotechnical engineer. In addition, results from post-construction infiltration testing demonstrate that the infiltration design rate has been achieved. 2. Prior to final plat recording, the preliminary plat map shall be revised as follows: (a) Notation that all driveways must be set back a minimum distance of 25 feet from adjacent intersections; Staff Response: This condition has been met. This information is contained in Note #6 of sheet 2 of 5 of the final plat document. (b) Language reflecting conditions number 2,3,4, and 5 from the October 17,2000, shared storm drainage facility variance; Staff Response: This condition has been met. The applicant has recorded a Drainage and Greenbelt Easement Agreement under AFN #20060626002121 that establishes mutual covenants, ownership and maintenance obligations for the storm drainage facility located on the adjacent Village Green (Cottages West) site. (c) Language dedicating all public rights-of-way to the City of Federal Way; Staff Response: This criterion has been met. Dedication language is contained on sheet 1 of 5 of the final plat drawing. (d) Language establishing responsibility for maintenance of cul-de-sac landscaping with Homeowners; Staff Response: This condition has been met. Note #9 of sheet 2 of 5 identifies this as a Homeowners Association responsibility. (e) Language establishing responsibility of the applicant for the removal of the temporary cul- de-sac on 4th Avenue SW in conjunction with roadway improvements; Staff Response: This condition has been met. The temporary cul-de-sac has been removed in conjunction with right-of-way improvements and northern extension of 4th Avenue SW. (t) Half street improvements to the east side of 4th Avenue SW from SW 353rd Street to SW 356th Street, including full curb, gutter, street trees, planter strip, sidewalk, and street lighting; Staff Evaluation for Final Plat of Tuscany Woods Doc. LD. 37713 File #06-1 01 597-00-SU Page 3 Staff Response: This condition has been met. Engineering plans approved by the Public Works department included required street improvements on 4th Avenue SW. These improvements were installed, inspected and approved, and/or financially guaranteed. (g) Steep slope areas and associated 25-foot setbacks on proposed lots 21 and 22 established in Native Growth Protection Easements (NGPE) with language stating that: "NGPE conveys to the public a beneficial interest in the land within the easement, that the interest includes the preservation of native vegetation for all purposes that benefit the public health, safety and welfare, including control of surface water and erosion, maintenance of slope stability, and protection of plant and animal habitat. The NGPE imposes upon all present and future owners and occupiers of land subject to the easement the obligation, enforceable on behalf ofthe public by the City of Federal Way, to leave undisturbed all trees and other vegetation within the easement. The vegetation within the easement may not be cut, pruned, covered by fill, removed, or damaged without express permission from the City of Federal Way, which permission must be obtained in writing from the Director of Community Development Services." Staff Response: This condition has been met. Note #6 on sheet 2 of 5 contains this language. (h) Installation of a fence located 25 feet from the top of the steep slope areas associated with lots 21 and 22 to be installed prior to final plat recording, and to be owned and maintained in perpetuity by the Homeowners Association; Staff Response: This condition has been met. The split rail fence along the NGPE has been installed and inspected, and note #5 on sheet 2 of 5 indicates that the fence shall be owned and maintained in perpetuity by the Homeowners Association. (i) Any geotechnical restrictions and conditions for future building development, pursuant to Condition #1, above. Staff Response: This condition has been met. Recommendations contained in the geotechnical engineering study prepared by Earth Consultants, Inc. were incorporated into engineering plans. No restrictions for future building development were identified. The applicant has provided a construction project sequencing narrative and a cross section of the northern portion of the plat. Slab on grade home construction is proposed on sloped lots utilizing rockeries that range from four to fourteen feet in height. 3. Prior to issuance of construction permits, a final landscape plan, prepared by a licensed landscape architect, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Director of Community Development Services, and shall include the following elements: (a) If constructed with the Tuscany project, visual screening of all property boundaries of the infiltration tract (and fencing if applicable) from adjacent properties and the 4th Place SW right-of-way; Staff Response: This criterion has been met. Landscape plans depicted slope and visual screening of the off-site infiltration tract, including retaining wall screening and a fence between the top of the slope tract and the 4th Place SW right-of-way. The infiltration tract also features extensive landscaping within and around the pond cells. Staff Evaluation for Final Plat of Tuscany Woods Doc. 1.0. 37713 File #06-101597-00-SU Page 4 (b) Street trees on the project side of 4th Avenue SW, and both sides of 4th Place SW internal plat street; Staff Response: This criterion has been met. A landscape plan depicting right-of-way landscape planter strips was approved by the Public Works department in conjunction with review and approval of engineering plans. The street trees have been planted, inspected, and approved. (c) Vegetative screening of retaining walls on the Cottages West site; Staff Response: This criterion has been met. A landscape plan depicting infiltration tract landscaping including vegetation along the base of the retaining walls was reviewed and approved in conjunction with engineering plans. This plan was amended and approved. Wall screening vegetation including ivy along the walls has been planted, inspected, and approved. (d) Cul-de-sac landscaping; Staff Response: This condition has been met. A landscape plan depicting cul-de-sac landscaping was reviewed and approved in conjunction with engineering plans. The landscaping has been planted, inspected, and approved. (e) Revegetation of disturbed slope areas (as recommended by the geotechnical engineer pursuant to Condition #1, above); Staff Response: This condition has been met. The landscape plan depicting installation of native trees and shrubs on disturbed slope areas was reviewed and approved in conjunction with engineering plans. The landscaping has been installed and inspected. The on-going maintenance of this slope area is identified in the Drainage and Greenbelt Easement Agreement recorded on June 26, 2006. (f) Significant tree identification and replacement. Staff Response: This condition has been met. Significant trees were identified on landscape plans submitted and approved in conjunction with engineering plans. Tree replacement was not required for those significant trees removed from future right-of-way and utility easement areas. Retained trees located on individual building lots will be reviewed with each residential building permit. 4. Prior to issuance of construction permits, the applicant shall submit elevations and design descriptions of fences, where visible from rights-of-way or pedestrian areas, showing that these utilize natural materials and colors; and that fencing of the infiltration pond (if required by the KCSWDM) is vinyl coated in a dark color and screened by landscaping (pursuant to an approved landscape plan); for review and approval by the Directors of Community Development Services and Public Works. Staff Response: This condition has been met. Engineering plans depicted a split rail fence separating residential lots from the NGPE. A wood fence adjacent to the street screens the storm drainage tract from the right-of-way. Perimeter fencing of the infiltration pond was not required under the KCSWDM as slopes were not severe. However, the applicant elected to Staff Evaluation for Final Plat of Tuscany Woods Doc. to 37713 File #06-1 01 597-00-SU Page 5 vegetate the infiltration pond with native trees and shrubs. This landscaping has been approved, installed, and inspected. 5. Prior to final plat recording, the applicant shall pay the alternative fee-in-lieu of providing on- site open space, as proposed and accepted, which fee shall be calculated on the basis of 15 percent of the most recent assessed valuation or MAl appraisal, at that time, subject to approval by the Directors of Parks and Community Development Services. Staff Response: This condition has been met. The applicant has opted to make an open space fee in lieu of payment pursuant to FWCC Section 20-155. Based on the assessed land value of $231,000 (Exhibit F - 2006 King County Property Tax Assessment), and as provided by the Federal Way Parks Director, the applicant has made a payment to the City of $34,650.00, based on 15 percent of the assessed land value. The plat is within planning Area C of the 2000 Federal Way Parks, Open Space, and Recreation Comprehensive Plan. 6. Prior to issuance of construction permits, the applicant shall submit elevations and design descriptions of retaining walls and rockeries for review and approval by the Directors of Community Development and Public Works; showing that these are located outside of the right-of-way, that these are harmonious with existing adjoining residential uses and promote residential design themes through such means as terracing, orientation, natural material selection, use of vegetation, and textural treatment. Staff Response: This condition has been generally met. Engineering plans approved by the City included elevations of retaining walls located above the infiltration pond. The walls were located outside of rights-of-way and are not visible from on-site properties. While the steep slope precluded terracing, landscape plans depicted vegetation planted on and adjacent to the walls to soften and screen the concrete structures. As depicted on the cross section of the northern portion of the plat, rock walls ranging from four to fourteen feet in height are proposed on individual building lots to provide building pads. As this condition also applies to these retaining features, the final plat shall reflect this condition, which shall be reviewed during building permit review. v. SEPA A Mitigated Determination of Non significance (MDNS) was issued on June 23,2001, as provided under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A). The following conditions of approval were identified: 1. As required by the Public Works Director, the applicant shall either construct the Traffic Improvement Program (TIP) projects at South 356th Street/15t Avenue South- SR 99 ($7,205,000), prior to final plat approval, or, as may be allowed by the Public Works Director, voluntarily pay $50,300.00 toward construction of this TIP project prior to the final plat approval. Staff Response: This condition has been met. As provided under the condition, the applicant has made a payment to the City in the amount of $50,300.00 toward construction of the TIP project. 2. If, for any reason, the storm drainage facility required for this plat is not constructed and operational under the Cottages West plat, the applicant shall construct the approved Staff Evaluation for Final Plat of Tuscany Woods Doc. LD. 37713 File #06-10] 597-00-SU Page 6 off-site storm drainage facility in conjunction with Tuscany preliminary plat construction. The storm drainage facility shall be constructed by the applicant per approved plans, inspected, and approved by the City before final plat approval can be granted. Staff Response: This condition has been met. The storm drainage facility was constructed in conjunction with Tuscany preliminary plat construction. The storm drainage facility has been inspected and approved by the City's Public Works Department. VI. DECISIONAL CRITERIA Pursuant to FWCC Section 20-136, if the City Council finds that the following criteria have been met, the City Council may approve the final plat for recording: 1. The final plat is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat. Staff Response: This criterion has been met, as the Tuscany Woods final plat is representative of the preliminary plat and the conditions of preliminary plat have been met or financially guaranteed. 2. The final plat is in conformity with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls. Staff Response: This criterion has been met. The plat meets the zoning standards for the RS 9.6 zoning district and provides single-family dwelling unit lots that range from 9,604 square feet to 13,660 square feet in size. As provided for in FWCC Section 20-135(b), performance and maintenance bonds are in place for the entire plat including frontage improvements, streets, and all infrastructure. 3. That all conditions of the Hearing Examiner and/or City Council have been satisfied. Staff Response: This criterion has been met as noted in the staff comments above. All plat conditions have been met and/or are financially guaranteed to be completed within two years of final plat approval. All life safety improvements have been completed. 4. That the public use and interest shall be served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication by determining if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety, general welfare, open space, drainage ways, streets and roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, and schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who only walk to and from school. Staff Response: This criterion has been met. The final plat is consistent with applicable zoning and subdivision regulations, and ensures the public health, safety, and welfare is protected. The plat infrastructure has been installed and adequately financially guaranteed as discussed above, including: safe walking routes of travel to schools and school bus stops, open space provided via fee-in-lieu of payment, drainage systems and water and sewer installed, and street improvements. 5. That all required improvements have been made and maintenance bonds or other security for such improvements have been submitted and accepted. Staff Evaluation for Final Plat of Tuscany Woods Doc. LD. 37713 File #06-1 01597-00-SU Page 7 Staff Response: This criterion has been met. All road, pedestrian pathway, and storm drainage improvements have been constructed and/or financially guaranteed. In addition, all water and sewer lines have been installed and approved by Lakehaven Utility District as identified in the August 24, 2006, letter of substantial completion from Lakehaven Utility District. 6. That all taxes and assessments owing on the property being subdivided have been paid. Staff Response: Prior to being recorded, the plat is reviewed by the King County Department of Assessments to ensure that all taxes and assessments have been paid. VII. CONCLUSION Based on site visits, review of the final plat maps, construction drawings, and the project file, staff has determined that the application for Tuscany Woods final plat approval meets all platting requirements ofRCW 58.17.110 and Section 20-136 of the Federal Way City Code. Plat infrastructure improvements have been substantially completed and/or financially secured to guarantee that the plat conditions and code requirements will be completed within two years of final plat approval as allowed by FWCC Section 20-135. The project has been developed in conformance with Resolution 01-348, approving the Tuscany Preliminary Plat. A recommendation of final plat approval is therefore being forwarded to the City Council for your approval. EXHIBITS Exhibit A Vicinity Map of Tuscany Woods Subdivision Exhibit B 8\12 x 11 Reduced Copy of Tuscany Woods Final Plat Map Exhibit C 8\12 x 11 Reduced Copy of Approved Tuscany Preliminary Plat Exhibit D Resolution 01-348, City of Federal Way Tuscany Preliminary Plat Approval Exhibit E Draft Resolution of Final Plat Approval Exhibit F King County 2006 Property Tax Information Staff Evaluation for Final Plat of Tuscany Woods Doc. LD. 37713 File #06-1 01 597-00-SU Page 8 >~~:.'ll ~_'~_S}'(.' "'__. _..,-~~_~L --"";~l'- -~'lw'!.:!l~----;--~:"l;'l~ . . '(J'( --:,--- ',_' .,----,. _",..~, I 'c t \ ~ ~fC: '-~ '", ~ )/ l}Jnlpt-~~'-'~'; Un." lL UJ " ,. "'-' 0 "" ~ ~> <11 T-'~ I ;:.~::. 3' ~'..,.- r Lb ,_ .~. J'" :> ~,'H _I ".sf PARI( 11/.,," "b ' " 1A~' ~--=- <- .'..F5 ,<),v ,-,"- .< 4r' .,> ~~ --' u. \l:;l~ .~ SI/ 114r,,-- ., r:u: I:::: .,.;: <f d / (r. 'l,\.. SII 7(SlfEJ 1~ ~. u. . -fL~~~~" Pl I r';:'f"--::::-l ~ I,J'~,,""'-~ 4.. 'L".f:J- i=1 ~ CUI ?:: I ;~... 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" j ;;'\ \i ;c;:;- . .., <: ~-l 1_..\ -:~ t; ~ ;:. 0._ :;' 1;,-!: sw <1 lG2,Tll ,___' . :x ~ ~ if) J6BIll S >- i:i J; > ~ I -< S\l 36 III -< Sf :;;: .::;C'<: ZOO . ". <0 S\l 371 r '< \ ....Iilc>~j':;::"'~ >= 2: ~_Ul.q-~~ ...- ~ ~~y~ m liE :~ ',~, I Sf -----.-; .~ <:1 ' -r Ilf IOTH;T . ~~ ,'ilE ,'1 :iqfll Sf (! I1f '-:'. 32 " a:: ~_. -";lUO- " ". r :-<- I' ~' 0'': ",,; S 316TH ST . ----- ,,-- ' "_u_,, ~ .,. ~ ~ ~."-T , " DUNCANSON COMPANY, INC. ..., ~ .... ~>:-.. Vicinity Map for Civil Engineering. Surveying. Land Use T W 1~112 Amb.aum Blvd S,W. ~IGI. Sea..le. W"hinglGn 9&166 uscany oods Phone: (206) 244-4141 Fax: (206) 244-4441 N Final Plat F;gu,c U - ViCiU~IBIT. A N ... /f ^- ; II "" Scale: NTS . :/.r,/ """, ,,1 ~I. TUSCANY WOODS A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC 30, T 21 N, R 4 E, W.M. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICATION APPROVALS KNOW ALL PEOPLE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF INTEREST IN DEPAR1l.4ENT OF PUBLIC WORKS THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED, HEREBY DECLARE THIS PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SUBDIVISION MADE HEREBY, AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY FOR THE USE OF THE PUBLIC FOREVER ALL STREETS AND AVENUES NOT EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF ,20_. SHOWN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DEDICATE THE USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE THEREOF FOR PUBLIC HIGHWAY PURPOSES, AND ALSO THE RIGHT TO MAKE ALL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FILLS UPON THE LOTS AND TRACTS SHOWN HEREON IN THE ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF SAID STREETS AND AVENUES, AND fURTHER PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBLIC ALL THE EASEMENTS AND TRACTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES AS INDICA TED HEREON, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARKS, DEPARThENT OF COMMUNTY DEVELOf'MENT OPEN SPACE, UTILITIES AND DRAINAGE UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS ARE SPECIFICALLY IDENTIFIED ON THIS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CONVEYED TO A PERSON OR ENTITY OTHER THAN THE PUBLIC, IN Y.11ICH CASE WE 00 HEREBY DEDICATE AND CONVEY SUCH STREETS, EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF ,20_. EASEMENTS, OR TRACTS TO THE PERSON OR ENTITY IDENTIFIED AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED. FURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND SUBDIIIlDED HEREBY, WAIVE FOR THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS ANO ASSIGNS AND ANY PERSON OR ENTITY DERIIIlNG TIlLE FROM THE DIRECTOR Of COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERIIlCES UNDERSIGNED, ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES AGAINST THE CITY Of fEDERAL WAY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WHICH MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE DESIGN, ESTABLISHMENT, FEQ.fAAL WAY CITY COUNCR.. CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, fAILURE TO OPERATE, OR MAINTENANCE Of ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, AL TERA TlONS OF THE GROUND SURf ACE, VEGETATION, DRAINAGE OR EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS _ DAY Of SURFACE OR SUBSURfACE WATER flOWS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION OR WITHIN ANY DRAINAGE OR ,20_. DETENTION FACILITIES DESIGNED TO RECEIVE OR ACTUALLY RECEIVING DRAINAGE fROM THE SUBDIIIlSlONS AND THE CITY Of fEDERAL WAy'S REIIlEW AND APPROVAL OF PLANS AND PERMITS FOR SAME OTHER THAN CLAIMS RESULTING fROM INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY THE CITY Of FEDERAL WAY. MAYOR OF FEDERAL WAY ATTEST: CITY CLERK fURTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND SUBDIVIDED HEREBY, AGREE fOR KtKl COUNTY DEPAFmAENT OF ASSESSMENTS THEMSELVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS TO INOEMNlfY, HOLD HARMLESS ANO DEfEND THE CITY Of fEDERAL WAY. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, fROM AND AGAINST ANY DAMAGE, INCLUDING ANY COSTS Of DEFENSE, CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITHIN OR WITHOUT THE SUBDIVISIONS TO HAVE EXAMINED AND APPROVED THIS _ DAY OF , 20 BEEN CAUSED BY THE DESIGN, ESTABLISHMENT, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, FAILURE TO OPERATE, OR MAINTENANCE Of ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEMS, ALTERATIONS Of THE GROUND SURfACE, VEGETATION, DRAINAGE OR SURFACE OR SUBSURfACE WATER fLOWS WITHIN DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR THIS SUBDIVISION OR WITHIN ANY DRAINAGE OR DETENTION FACILITIES DESIGNED TO RECEIVE OR KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACTUALLY RECEIIIlNG DRAINAGE fROM THE SUBDIVISIONS AND THE CITY Of FEDERAL WAY'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF PLANS AND PERMITS fOR SAME. PROVIDED, THIS WAIVER AND ACCOUNT NUMBER INDEMNifiCATION SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED AS RElEASING THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, fROM LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING THE COST Of DEFENSE, RESULTING fROM AND TO THE EXTENT OF THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE CITY Of fEDERAL WAY, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS. KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTFlCATE THIS SUBDIIIlSlON, DEDICATION, INDEMNIFICATION OF CLAIMS AND AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS IS MADE WITH THE fREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES Of SAID OWNERS. I HEREBY CERTIfY THAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, THAT THERE ARE NO DELlNOUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OffiCE FOR COLLECTION AND THAT ALL SPECIAL IN WITNESS Y.11EREOf WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS. ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFfiCE FOR COLLECTION ON ANY OF THE PROPERTY HEREIN COMTAINED, DEDIC A TED AS STREETS, ALLEYS OR FOR ANY OTHER PUBLIC USE, ARE VILLAGE GREEN OF FEDERAL WAY BANK OF AMERICA PAID IN fULL THIS - DAY OF , 20 BY: __________________________ BY: __________________________ ITS: ITS: MANAGER, FINANCE DIVISION DEPUTY ACKNOWLEDGMENTS STATE OF I )SS COUNTY OF I I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE OF TO BE THE FREE AND VDLUNT ARY Ar:T OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED SIGNATURE OF 30 NOTARY PUBLIC PRINTED NAME B TITLE MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES EXHI -- STATE OF I PAGELOF: ~ )SS COUNTY OF I I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT SIGNED THIS INSTRUMENT, ON OATH STATED THAT (HE/SHE) WAS AUTHORIZED ro EXECUTE THE INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT AS THE OF TO BE THE FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT OF SUCH PARTY FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENTIONED IN THE LAND SU'NEYOR'S CEA11FICA TE INSTRUMENT. DATED I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT Of ~ IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAL SURVEY AND SIGNATURE OF SUBDIVISION OF SECTION ~, TOWNSHIP 2.l NORTH, RANGE 1M EAST, W.M., THAT THE COURSES AND DISTANCES ARE SHOWN CORREClL Y THEREON; THAT THE MONUMENTS WILL BE SET AND NOTARY PUBLIC THE LOT AND BLOCK CORNERS WILL BE STAKED CDRREClL Y ON THE GROUND AS PRINTED NAME CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND THAT I "AVE FULLY COMPLIED WITH THE PROVISIONS OF TITLE THE PLATTING REGULATIONS. L. f wd KEV1I'l J. WALKER, PLS CERTIFICATE NO. 41038 MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES DUNCANSON COMPANY, INC. 14S SW 155TH STREET, STE. 102 CllY OF FEDERAL WAY FILE NO. 06-101597-00-SU SEATlLE, WASHINGTON 98166 PHONE: (206) 244-4141 RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE (8 DUNCANSON Recording No. Thi$ map correctly represents a survey made by me or ooder my F~ed for record this _ day of ,20_81_ M direction In conformance with the requirements of the Survey . ' Company, Inc. In book _of~atpag9_. Recording Ad at the request of POWELL HOMES in APRIL, 20 ~ CIVIL ENGINEERING' SURVEYING' LAND PLANNING 145 SW 155m Sin". SEe 102, Setlul4. Washi1l8U>>J 98166 ~fd Phone.: (206) 24--1-4141 FlU: (206) 2#-#55 OWN. BY SHEET Mgr. Supt. of Reoords Certificate No. 41038 CHKO. BY 1 OF 5 I VOLIPG TUSCANY WOODS A PORroN OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC 30, T 21 N, R 4 E, W.M. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON NOTES LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1) THE TUSCANY HOME Ov.NERS ASSOCIATION (HEREINAFTER "HOMEOv.NERS ASSOCIATION") . TIn.E PER ORDER NO. 617265 ISSUED BY PACIFIC NORTHWEST TIn.E COMPANY OF WAS ESTABLISHED ON _____, THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION ARE ON FILE v.\TH THE WASHINGTON, DATED MARCH " 2006. STATE OF WASHINGTON IN OLYMPIA. LOT A, CITY OF FEDERAL WAY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER 00-104014-00-SU, 2) A "TRACT" IS LAND RESERVED FOR SPECIFIED USES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20011205900002, SAID BOUNDARY LINE RESERVE TRACTS, RECREATION, OPEN SPACE, SENSITIVE AREAS. SURFACE WATER ADJUSTMENT BEING A PART OF THE WEST HAlf OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE RETENTION, UTILITY FACILITIES AND ACCESS. TRACTS ARE NOT CONSIDERED LOTS OR NORTHEAST QUARTER IN SECTION 30, TOv.NSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST, W.M.. IN KING BUILDING SITES FOR PURPOSES OF RESIDENTIAL DWELLING CONSTRUCTION. COUNTY, WASHINGTON. 3) TRACT "A" IS A LANDSCAPE TRACT TO BE DEDICATED TO AND MAINTAINED BY THE EASEMENTS ill. CORRESPONDS 'MTH ITEM NUMBER IN 'SCHEDULE B' OF TI11.E REPORT. HOMEDv.NERS ASSOCIATION. REMOVAL OR DISTURBANCE OF LANDSCAPING 'MTHIN THE TRACT IS PROHIBITED, EXCEPT AS NECESSARY FOR MAINTENANCE OR REPLACEMENT OF SEWER FAOUTIES EASEMENT GRANTED TO FEDERAL WAY WATER AND SEWER (NOW EXISTING PLANTINGS. & LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DIS"TRICT) PER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 9403252393 - 4) "TRACT "B" IS A STORM DRAINAGE TRACT TO BE DEDICATED TO AND MAINTAINED BY THE ;H~~T PORTION THEREOF LYING v.\THIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY TO BE DEDICATED ~~ciH~T~~D~~~~p~A~S ~~~~~~RFg~s~~~~C:Ng: 5~~~~t:~~~E~.fH6~ ~~~~CT IS UPON RECORDING OF THIS PLAT SHALL TERMINATE UPON SAID RECORDING. THAT PLANTINGS 'AND AS APPROVED BYTHE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. ~~r~A~E~~o~E~~~g ~~6~LiN~X~~ 6~0~~~g'S U:O~N~E;ORDlNG OF THIS 5) A 25 FOOT SETBACK FROM THE "NGPE", NOTE 6 BELOW, IS REQUIRED IN LOTS 21 AND 22. ^ ^ COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND EASEMENTS REFERENCED PER THE FENCE LOCATED 25 FEET FROM THE TOP OF THE STEEP SLOPE AREAS (ALONG SAID ~Lb DOCUMENTS RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NOS. 7708100901 '" 25 FOOT SETBACK) ASSOCIATED v.\TH LOTS 21 AND 22 SHALL BE Ov.NED AND MAINTAINED 20011205900002 - NONE LISTED THEREON APPLY.. IN PERPETUITY BY THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. 6) "NGPE" CONVEYS TO THE PUBLIC A BENEFICIAL INTEREST IN THE LAND v.\THIN THE BASIS OF BEARING EASEMENT, THAT THE INTEREST INCLUDES THE PRESERVATION OF NATIVE VEGETATION FOR BEARINGS HELD PER LOT A EXTERIOR BOUNDARY, CITY OF FEDERAL WAY BOUNDARY LINE ALL PURPOSES THAT BENEFIT THE PUBLIC HEALTH. SAFETY AND WELFARE, INCLUDING ADJUSTMENT NUMBER 00-ID4D14-00-SU, RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER CON"TROL OF SURFACE WATER AND EROSION, MAINTENANCE OF SLOPE STABILITY, AND 20011205900002. PROTECTION AND PLANT AND ANIMAL HABITAT. THE NOPE IMPOSES UPON ALL PRESENT ~~~UTI~~: ~~~~:s~~ ~~~~~~ c; ~~D P~~~~CBTy T~r~~A~M~riE~ WAY, TO SURVEY REFERENCE LEAVE UNDISTURBED ALL "TREES AND OTHER VEGETATION v.\THIN THE EASEMENT. THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT NUMBER 00-104014-00-SU, RECORDED VEGETATION v.\THIN THE EASEMENT MAY NOT BE CUT, PRUNED, COVERED BY FILL, REMOVED. UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NUMBER 20011205900002. OR DAMAGED WITHOUT EXPRESS PERMISSION FROM THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, I'.IiICH 6~~~~~~N~U~R~~E~~TAINED IN WRITING FROM THE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY PROCEDURAL STATEMENT THE RELATIVE POSITION OF THE SURVEY MONUMENTS SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING ARE BASED ON 7) ALL DRIVEWAYS MUST BE SET BACK A MINIMUM DISTANCE OF 25 FEET FROM ADJACENT A CLOSED GPS OBSERVATION NETWORK AND A CLOSED LOOP FIELD TRAVERSE PERFORMED INTERSECTIONS. PREVIOUSLY FOR REFERENCED BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT, SEE "SURVEY REFERENCE". B) BUILDING SETBACKS ARE AS FOLLOWS: FRONT = 20'. SIDE = 5' AND REAR = 5' FROM THE CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE PROPERTY LINES AND WILL HEREINAFTER BE REFERRED TO AS "BSBL". THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED v.\TH A TOPCON GTS 211-0 ELECTRONIC THEODOLITE REAOING 9) STREET TREES, CUL-DE-SAC LANDSCAPING AND THE SCREENING AREA WEST OF THE DIRECT TO 5 SECONDS OF ARC AND MEASURING DISTANCE :I:(3+(2PPM X 0)) MM. NGS UPPER RETAINING WALL BETWEEN LOTS II AND 12 SHALL BE MAINTAINED BY THE BASELINE COMPARED NOVEMBER, 2005. THIS SURVEY MEETS THE MINIMUM STANDARDS SET HOMEO\\l'lERS ASSOCIATION. FORTH IN WAC 332-130. 10) ~~iTEs.;.WE~~,%B~RH/~E~~~~~S6~L~~S~T~IP~E.,;~n~R~~~~ ~E~~NI~~~ ~~~~ED EASEMENT PROVISIONS FLOOR ELEVATION REQUIRED TO OBTAIN GRAVITY FLOW INTO THE MAIN SEWER SYSTEM. AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR ANO CONVEYED TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY, INC.. GAS THE PLANS ON FILE WITH LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT SHOULD BE CONSULTED PRIOR TO COMPANY, PUGEr SOUND ENERGY, INC.. ELEC"TRIC COMPANY, QWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY AND COMMENCING DESIGN DRAWINGS FOR ANY FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ON THE LOTS SHOWN COMCAST CABLE COMPANY AND OTHER UTILTIY PROVIDERS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SUCCESSORS HEREON. AND ASSIGNS, UNDER THE EXTERIOR 10 FEET OF ALL LOTS, TRACTS AND SPACES 'MTHIN THE PLAT LYING PARALLEL v.\TH AND ADJOINING ALL STREET(S); IN I'.IiICH TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, 11) DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANY LOT v.\THIN THIS SUBDIVISION, STUB-OUT INVERT MAINTAIN. REPAIR, REPLACE AND ENLARGE UNOERGROUNO PIPES, CONDUITS, CABLES AND v.\RES ELEVA TIONS FOR STORM DRAINAGE SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE INDIVIDUAL LOT BUILDER v.\TH ALL NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT UNDERGROUND OR GROUND-MOUNTING APPURTENANCES OR OWNER TO PROVIDE THE NECESSARY SLOPE FROM THE PROPOSED HOUSE. THERETO FOR HTE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SUBDIVISION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ELECTRIC, GAS, TELEPHONE, TELEVISION AND OTHER UTILITY SERVICE, TOGETHER 'MTHTHE RIGHT 12) ALL PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTS DEPICTED HEREON ACROSS THE EASTERN TO ENTER UPON STREETS, LOTS, TRACTS AND SPACES AT ALL TIMES FOR THE PURPOSES 10-FEET OF LOTS 9 THROUGH 14, THE NORTHERLY PORTION OF SAID LOT 14, THE SOUTH STATED. THESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS 10-FEET OF SAID LOT 14 AND THE EASTERN lo-FEET OF LOTS 17 THROUGH 20 ARE NEAR AS POSSIBLE TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE UTILITY. PRIVATE AND ARE HEREBY CONVEYED TO THE LOT OWNERS WHO BENEFIT FROM THE EASEMENT. THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOOA TION SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE STORMW A TER EASEMENT PROVISIONS MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES v.\THIN THE EASEMENT. NO GRADING OR OTHER INTRUSION SHALL BE ALLOWED IN SAID 10-FOOT A PRIVATE STORM WATER SYSTEM LOCATED ON LOT B OF OTY OF FEDERAL WAY BOUNDARY LINE EASEMENT AREA. ADJUSTMENT (BLA) NO. 00-104014-00-SU, ALSO KNOWN AS COTTAGES WEST, CONTAINS A STORMWATER INFIL"TRATION POND AND WATER QUALITY fACILITY v.\TH ASSOCIATEO CONVEYANCE 13) ALL BUILDING DOWNSPOUTS. FOOTING DRAINS, AND DRAINS fROM ALL IMPERVIOUS PIPES AND APPURTENANCES, RETAINING WALLS, POND LANDSCAPING AND STEEP SLOPE SURFACES SUCH AS PATIOS AND DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE PERMANENT VEGETATION. THIS STORMWATER SYSTEM HAS BEEN CONS"TRUCTED FOR THE BENEFIT AND USE STORM DRAIN OUn.ET AS SHOWN ON THE APPROVED ENGINEERING PLANS PERMIT NO. OF BOTH THE PLAT OF TUSCANY AND THE OWNERS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS OF LOT B OF 01-103235-00-EN ON FILE WITH THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. THIS PLAN SHALL BE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT (BLA) NO. 00-104014-OO-SU, RECORDING SUBMITTED v.\TH ANY APPLICATION FOR ANY BUILDING PERMIT. ALL CONNECTIONS OF THE NO. 20011205900002, FOR STORM WATER CONVEYANCE. RETENTION AND WATER QUALITY. AS DRAINS MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO THE FINAL BUILDING INSPECTION REQUIRED UNDER A SURF ACE WATER ADJUSTMENT. DATED OCTOBER 17, 2000, FEDERAL WAY APPROVAL FOR THOSE LOTS THAT ARE DESIGNATED FOR INDIVIDUAL LOT INFILTRATION FILE NO. 00-104313-00-SU, AN EASEMENT IS HERBY GRANTED TO THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY SYSTEMS, THE SYSTEMS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED AT THE TIME OF THE BUILDING PERMIT UNDER KING COUNTY RECORDING NO. 20060626002497 FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND INSPECTION AND SHALL COMPLY I't1TH ALL PLANS ON FILE. ALL INDIVIDUAL STUB-OUTS AND OF THE PRIVATE STORM WATER FAOUTIES. BOTH THE STORMWATER FACILITIES AND RETAINING INFILTRATION SYSTEMS SHALL BE PRIVATELY OWNED AND MAINTAINED BY THE LOT OWNER. WALLS AND LANDSCAPE VEGETATION ARE TO BE MAINTAINED AND OPERATED BY THE OWNERS, AT A MINIMUM. PERFORATED STUB-OUT CONNECTIONS SHALL BE PROVIDED. SUCCESORS AND ASSIGNS OF LOT B OF CITY OF FEDERAL WAY BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT (BLA) NO. 00-104014-00-SU, RECORDING NO. 20011205900002. 14) ANY FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ON THE LOTS CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL BE MADE IN ACCORDANCE 'MTH THE RECOMMENDATIONS MADE IN GEOTECH REPORT E-9163-1 PREPARED BY EARTH CONSULTANTS, INC., DATED JULY 6, 2000. IS) ALL GREENBELT EASEMENTS (HEREINAFTER -GREENBELT") DEPICTED HEREON ACROSS THE a EASTERN 20-FEET OF LOTS 9 THROUGH 13, THE EASTERN lD-FEET OF LOT 14 AND THE EASTERN 30-FEET OF LOTS 17 THROUGH 22 ARE PRIVATE AND ARE HEREBY RESERVED TO THE OWNERS, SUCCESORS AND ASSIGNS OF VILLAGE GREEN OF FEDERAL WAY. NO EXH I BIT IMPROVEMENTS (OTHER THAN THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE SYSTEMS PER NOTE 612, ABOVE) SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE GREENBELT. NO PLANTlNGS OR "TREES WITHIN THE GREENBELT . SHALL BE REMOVED v.\THOUT LIKE-KIND REPLACEMENT. THE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ..LD ~ SHALL ADMINISTER, ON BEHALF OF THE TUSCANY PROPERTY AND THE FUTURE Ov.NERS OF THE EACH Of THE LOTS, AND THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, ALL ACTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE GREENBELT. THE HOMEOv.NERS ASSOCIATION, TUSCANY AND TUSCANY'S P AGE E Ov.NERS, INCLUDING THE FUTURE OWNERS OF THE LOTS, SHALL BE JOINn. Y AND SEVERALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE WITHIN THE GREENBELT. . ( DUNCANSON ! Company, Inc. ( . CIVIL ENGINEERING . SURVEYING . LAND PLANNING 145 SW 155111 SIlm, S~. 102. SNIt~ WadI"""" 98166 phtJM: (206) 2+1-4141 Fo:c (106) 144-U55 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY FILE NO. 06c101597-00-SU OWN. BY SHEET CHKD. BY 2 OF 5 TUSCANY WOODS I"'''" A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEC 30, T 21 N, R 4 E, W.M. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, KING COUNlY, WASHINGTON FOUND SCREW IN WASHER .,." MARKED "BCE LSH21467" I,. ",;",..,.....,,' T1NGAPARTMENTCOMPLEX IN CONC. IN 2". IRON Pipe ..=- - - - - - - - - _EXI~HEHflGHTSONweSTCA"'PUS) - - - -BASIS OF BEARING ALONG SECTION LINE r - -- 'r02.59' ~S88'46'5S~rli:14.J8'(M) - - - - 1 I ',' 657.19' -'- ,.' I ' I 54 ..". N01' 3'OS"E I I : ,{<~j 60.DD' I \ LOT 3 FOUND 3" BRASS DISK I\HH -, ~ ,.: .<\' 53 / I \ ~ PUNCH IN CONCRETE IN CASE .' w I" ::J DN 1.0' AT THE CENTERLINE OF ~ ~ {~. ';; ",,< ''f.'..'' '" I. I ""~"""~~ _~ " I, ~ ______ ,Z "l C. ~~u \~ I'" F THE COMMON CORNER TO I '\ <'- 5 g r UR~\~~(",\.t~st\lt~~l "1) j!- _ _ I SECTIONS 19, 20, 29 AND 30, I I I '-.... ' "'- '" :g I I V> TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, I '" '" 5 Z I ,::: j!: RANGE 4 EAST, W.M. I CARIl'lO V> ... eELiJ'SDI'J.Z. '\ ~ " I I'" I : "/,/000 ".,."',0 '\~ 4 " 1:::- LOT 2 I 'n:. 0"":"'" ,," 5\ a N13'07'14"W 34.S7' (: I I I ~' - '" 3 d-36":!6'OO" I r I 44 :i' l" R-126.00' - I II J'I 'f! L-80.12'(C) IE- I - - _I - - - - I I ,Xf tf~~ II~ : -J ~ I ;i! l~ ~ ~ g I : 46 \i I ~ ~ 81 - _ ~ : II 30.0'~ U ~... 1 '" I / !'! q; I 1 0-1 I I "-in 6 I I ,.... 0- I i SW 353RD F' I "- : ~ ~ I STREET z , - .... I g...; IT F. ;*~ :~~~ I J ~ - , \ : I~ I I: ,,' I I I' \..1/'Jf>.Y I ': 41 14/ 1 iF / I \ I: I~\ of fEDE~IMENI I~ 3i: .: -L:::" ....li. / \ \ V ~ \..01 c.~~ \..I~~%O-Sll I ~ (f) FO:N~~R~~~~~- \1 .------<:~-JI \~~ I \ aolll'lNO.OO_1 III~ ~ IN WASHER IN CONC. . I : \ r : IN 2" DIA. IRON PIPE \6 5 I I \ \ ~ I- S.E. COR. OF PLAT w e I S (f) ~,_m_m _m:L__ !-m'''---Tm_n}j 'L _J "'1 : j' ~ I !I! I I I IV> I ItJ I I IV> I _ 459.05' I I FOUND TACK IN S88'47'''"E 65644' =--i - : I LEAD IN 2"X2" ~. I - "" CASE DN. 0.5 ",. _ \ " I RoE I'!l bl LSH10708 0.72' WEST '\. I ___ ___ g' \ - --j \~ I Jo\-l~ L 1 a OF 1/64TH LINE '\. _ _ I..--l--l -.-/- '-. ~ ' z., 5 ,-- _ SW 355_TH ! "-- - - I I PLACE =1i I c ">/ 8: - -=-..J ( ( - ~ 420'- . :> S' ' ,I / I ~ --: 01 0 (f) Ij:i' . ..,:: :",,, ,/ '----r FOUNOq WASHER ~I~ I \..:e I r I W1 I~ I P' 3 ~ I 9 I B W ... \ I:~ ~I~~ r - ----\ \0 u: J~I~ L I I. .,~ I I o'ff ~H::' ~ -. U) - Z-- ~ .:" I "'I f 4~ _ - I N!i _1- r \ '.' I-I~L _ ___ ~ _ _ 2.57' - _-E 48'~5" 04,73'(C '<t -=r - ~3'-115'37" - - - - - - ! j J--" / _~R=286<1,93' A= I O^~m6 S - I _---- L..68 _ _1- - - - ,--~C' 1 _ _ __ -- I 42 O' n___~_=:-_ -- F:::~:R~S~~I:--nn-F:U:D-2~ BRASS DISK GRAPHIC SCALE \11TH PUNCH & LSH'S661 \\1TH PUNCH & L S #15667 "".. IN 2" PIPE IN, CONC. IN IN 2" PIPE IN CONC. IN ~ _.J ~.. i i CASE DN. 0.5 CASE ON. 0.5' - LEGEND FOUND 2" BRASS DISK 1 l~C~ .?:'ol II . SET REBAR & CAP, L.S. #>1-1038 \11TH PUNCH .\< L.s.H15667 $ SET CENTERLINE MONUMENT IN 2" PIPE IN CONC. IN . FOUND BAR & CAP, L.S. H30023 CASE DN. 0.5' Ell FOUND CASED MONUMENT, AS NOTED . ( o FOUND REBAR, AS NOTED MONUMENT NOTE DUNCANSON ( . FOUND SURF ACE MONUMENT, AS NOTED . ., 2 (M) DATA PER FIELD MEASUREMENT-DECEMBER 1998 FOUND MONUMENTS SHOWN HEREON WERE Company, Tne. (C) DATA PER CALCULATED VALUE-DECEMBER: 1998 FIELD LOCATED IN DECEMBER, 1998. CIVIL ENGINEERING' SURVEYING' LAND PLANNING UJ SW Jjjlh. S:Itm, SJe 101. Sttnde. w~ 91166 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY l'IooM..l2tJflj'....U1 For 12tJfl)w-<45S FILE NO, 06-101597-00-SU OWN. BY SHEET CHKO. BY 3 OF 5 TUSCANY WOODS I'""'" A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEe 30, T 21 N, R 4 E, W.M. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON ARTMENT COMPLEX EXISTING ~P"TS ON WEST CAMPUS) _ _ _ _ (ll-lEHe.u - -/ ( _ LOT 8 / / / / 10,571 SF / / 1352071 / / c, / &20'-!---i1O' / / SA / / / 10' -1-./ / 0 '/ i,/ / ~ /1 ---/ Iii 0> I~ I ~ / t~ if ____." 10 ~7 :2 /I~ _____ -/' 53 "l '"'t / ;., I:;' ~ I p ~ __ \- ___ r / / l ~ _______ / / t 30'& _______ ~ ) 52 L / I ~ ..'r . LSes'<46'SS"E / ' 124.1" -/_ bQU ~ ~ ~ 13,292 S.F. '" "'L !..QLlj jJ " 1352101 " . _ 10,290 S.F. " " r 1352201 ~ ~ ~ _ . SCALE: 1'-20' \ ~ L._ ( 51 r- . 1- , E ~ ~ - T - ~ QIl" O~~\\l~~O\' It:. 44 :ll.L ?U~~~~~~l\o:'~\.~;~\.\I\.\l' I~ _ t>.~\) "S\QR~~~\O~ ST\((I 1 ~ I r- st~RO'J\SlO\lS a \ 'i'~ I~ ~ "'i'l" I I t~ I \ l/J GRAPHIC SCALE ~~ -,,-.,. ,,/ ,.. ... 45 T 1~~1\~ p..-~ I I EE NOTE 4 I (IN n:1lT ) ~ / ~\"" ,,'..~m rr. · _ ~w 353RD lOTB I LINE TABLE-SHEET 4 STREET - - I LINE BEARING LENGIH _ I 11 NI9'30'13"E 2.17' I - L2 N48'45'23'E 32.S1' I 42 l3 N48'4S'23'E 97.S2' ,:.) CURVE TABLE-SHEET 4 I ' I CURVE RADIUS LENGIH DElTA ;;'" 43 tl,; Cl 99.00' 12.59' 07"17'02" 41 ii' .j' I C2 174-.00' 31.29' 10'IB'OB" ',.' i'?' 3: I C3 lH.OO' 55.29' lB12'26" L I .\' (/)/ C4 174-.00' 24-.06' 07"55'26" " I CS 126.00' 10.80' 04'54-'4-'" W C6 35.00' 20.39' 33'23'06" _ _ _ _ C7 53.00' 6.B8' 07'26'17" FOUND BRASS SCREW Z I <V C8 53.00' 42.73' 4-6'11'33" II~ ;:'-~~i.RI~~NC~~P~ W. C9 53.00' 39.08' 4-2'14'47" LEGEND S.E. COR. OF PLAT >I:g~ Cl0 52.90' 5711'01" <( cp Cll 0' 4-0.05' 43'17'58" . SET REBAR 8< CAP, L.S. #41038 ' ~';< C12 62.29' 67'20'tO" $ SET CENTERLINE MONUMENT ~ 1"0' N88'47'44"W C13 4.38' 04'44'14" . FOUND BAR 8< CAP, L.S. #30023 ~ 1.;t8, r: 209.33' C14 36.63' 59'57'35" Ell FOUND CASED MONUMENT, AS NOTED 1l!3~ gl I LOT 18 C15 33.03' OB'22'24-" o FOUND REBAR, AS NOTED 0"' Iii . 10.232 S.F. 4'15" . FOUND SURFACE MONUMENT, AS NOTED ~ z",: I L 1354061 09'07'28" 1- SEE #1 'EASEMENTS", SHEET 2 ..q- --: '.- -N88'47"44"W 26'41'59" L!.). l:g r 199,93' 3'46" If' 10-FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT-SEE "EASEMENT "131 I LOT 19 14'33'26" '-".J PROVISION" ON SHEET 2 dI . 9,761 S.F. <V AREA DEDICATED AS RIGHT-OF-WAY UPON RECORDING ~I I 1354-121 @ ~~t~g;r/,R~V~~\~~1~M2DRAINAGE EASEMENT - . @ GREENBELT EASEMENT - SEE NOTE 15 ON SHEET 2 MONUMENT NOTE ,DUNCANSON eM) DATA PER FIELD MEASUREMENT-DECEMBER 1998 FOUND MONUMENTS SHOWN HEREON WERE. . Compony, /nc. eC) DATA PER CALCULATED VALUE-DECEMBER.' 1998 FIELD LOCATED IN DECEMBER, 1998. CIVIL ENGINEERING' SURVEYING' LAND PLANNING us SW 15jtJl Slrett. Sk. 102, Sarn~ W~ 98166 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY p/ooot (2tJ6)'444W F= (2iI6)244465 FILE NO. 06-101597-00-SU OWN. BY CHKO. BY TUSCANY WOODS 1''''''" A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NE 1/4 OF SEe 30, T 21 N, R 4 E, W.M. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON LOT 20 9,653 S.F. N88'47'4<4-"W 1354181 N88'474<4-"w 180,74' 209.33' lO.6 FENCE LOCATED 25 FEET 30' GREEN8EL T FROM THE TOP OF THE STEEP SLOPE AREAS (NGPE) SEE NOTE 5, SHEET 2 10' PRIVATE STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOT 21 9,656 S.F. 1354221 N88'47' 4<4-"W FENCE LOCATED 25 FEET 170.39' FROM THE TOP OF THE STEEP SLOPE AREAS (NGPE) SEE NOTE 5, SHEET 2 I I I I GRAPHIC SCALE 1 'h-.J ~ ~ '1' i _1IIIIIIl I ( IN FEET ) I lincb-50fl ~ ''"';0 ---- J!.,!!,! -- -' - I',:;:::; "'.- \ I -ti;\. \l." DETAIL ~. -~\ ~::. I .'.' + #' 6 ,0"- SCALE' 1"-20' \"'~ 1 id ~f ~ . t>~ r;; <1'.~' E: ~.i!iT ~Q "~-a"" r':.~ ~ ~ LINE TABLE-SHEET 5 ___ ~ c;8 ~ 'I;;::- - - - I :'( \ I ,)o~O LINE SEARING LENGTH ___ ~gllO. \\~ ,..': ~ L4 N88'47'44"W 16.00' ___ --- I ,; t' 1 'e,::> FOUND TA~K !,N -" \ I fl L5 N88'47'44"W 2200' ___ ": ~"'~ LEAD IN 2 X2 2 -L . . "'..... CONC. POST IN ~ - - ( 3: I CASE ON. 0.5' I 5 I SYJ. 355TIj_ I (J) \ If- n I PLACE \ 'c I~ Lj -.. - - -il ) J~ - >1" / '" \ 1- -i;~I~ !/ 1,: ~ / I I f-U,..-:g 10 \ I I ~~I~ ~I- - ~ - I "'I'" z ~ \ \ I '. I I~ I \, 4 - 1- - - z \_-t \ I I \ ---- \ FOUND 2" BRASS DISK '<.c-- --;-" -, ~ ---- 42' v.1TH ~UNCH & LS#15661 - N89'24 44 W 129.26 - . \ _ _ IN 2 PIPE IN CONC. IN~ .,. 3'45'37:-L- - - \ CASE ON 05' 3561\-1 S \ . , R~2664 ~3'~ - I I S\N L~668'p4~ --- -~ --- -- --- LEGEND \ --- 1'---- ____ -~- - ---- . SET REBAR & CAP, L.S. #41038 _______ ___ ---- & SET CENTERLINE MONUMENT - - EXH I B IT . FOUND BAR & CAP, L.S. #30023 Ell FOUND CASED MONUMENT, AS NOTED o FOUND REBAR, AS NOTED ~.. · FOUND SURFACE MONUMENT, AS NOTED PAGE Ol::':--L- " SET HUB ALONG "NGPE" BOUNDARY r: & SEE #1 "EASEMENTS", SHEET 2 CV AREA DEDICATED AS RIGHT-OF-WAY UPON RECORDING 1(\ 1D-FOOT UllLlTY EASEMENT-SEE "EASEMENT '&' PROVISION" ON SHEET 2 @ ~~EF~gi/1RdV~~ S~~~~M 2 DRAINAGE EASEMENT - . ~ @ GREENBELT EASEMENT - SEE NOTE 15 ON SHEET 2 MONUMENT NOTE . DUNCANSON ~ (M) DATA PER FIELD MEASUREMENT-DECEMBER 1998 FOUND MONUMENTS SHOWN HEREON WERE ComfNU'Y,lru:. (C) DATA PER CALCULATED VALUE-DECEMBER.',998 FIELD LOCATED IN DECEMBER, 1998. CIVIL ENGINEERING' SURVEYING' LAND PUNNING us SlY HSlh $bftt, Su. 102, Santle, W~ 9&166 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY _.. (2fJ6j2....Ul For (206)2#-44" FILE NO. 06-101597-00-SU OWN. BY JMB SHEET CHKD. ilY 5 OF 5 I -- -.- - ---. - - ._-- - - --- - . . - .0- _____=--~~ i ...-,.-' ." ,,-, , ~ '"'' ~ " ,-, ," ..- ." , : .jJ(~" ___ _ _._ _ .. ,__ _ . __-0:- - .- . \ I'" i if :' !.:i . .- /.i~l\ . 'I I,". " i I r ==- - - - _/"i~;o~ ~/(>_ ___'.. CI::.=i ~tl .~ I. - -,-- - I - ,,~g~ ' '. . _~.( c,,,l 'Ii i i \ ~ r 10 ~! . - '-- ..~ ,-t...(e;Q. \).::-- .. ~ .- ~~"I , ., ilV ' ~}~ ~ ~ I , ~ t ~ ~. ~l " . z ' N ~ - ~.- i - ~i ~_ ~ ~~: ~ he ~~ ~ i;. ~ ~ ~., ~~g ; :. Polt " ~ 0:, . ~6~SB~~.'. go' . ~ i~.iP!,:i ~~~~ c ~ il < ~!~"i ~r~~ ~=;~ ~ .;"6 o ..~_ ~J~~ Jqa~ $~C! .g8 , Z . . ii',~H~; _ ~ _ _~ ~l:~ ::E 0 i . -" _\\ .' I' .,." ", ~~ ~ ~~ ~dH -, > - . - - ~ I ! . I :::2 .- .j, is ,\ - - · ..", ,-" .. ~ Ii I;;; 1, ,:;, :0'" ~ ~ ~ :::2 ," 0" " -, .~,. ,., ". .- ' i '. '1' ,,, · "::E" ~~- ,-" .,~ , ' ,'" 0 < '2' ~ ~ ,'- . ~ ,.' .' < . . ., 0 . ~. < ' _~ ~_ 1_' I 0" :8 e: ~ 11' . i , · " " ^ ," . . . .. _ ~i ~I " I'; ~ -, : 1 "'"1 ~~< [ ~~ ~ i;: hL- o~ ~ ~8 ~ z ~: I ~~e -~U;~~: (/) ~ h ~l<-~ .- !" " iw ~ ~~ l!i 9: \w ~ ~'!!e _/ . ,. ~ S -< o::'~ ! lit ~ ~i ~ &; '. ~ &8_ d ~ FE w ~S' ~tr=.l ~ ". ~ ~il.. ~m:~ - (3 ~h ~ m~J.; _ t::'!C!~~ RESOLUTION NO. 01-348 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS THE PRELlMINARY PLAT OF TUSCANY, FEDERAL WA Y FILE NO. OO-I04313-00-SlJ. WHEREAS, the applicant Brooks Powell of Powell Home Builders, applied to the City of Federal Way for preliminary plat approval to subdivide certain real property known as Tuscany and consisting of 6.32 acres into twenty-two (22) single family residential lots located east of 4th Avenue SW as extended, at SW 353rd Street as extended; and WHEREAS, on June 23, 2001, a Mitigated Environmental Dctemlination of Nonsignificance (MONS) was issued by the Director of Federal Way's Department of Community Development Services pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act, RCW 43.21 C, and no one appealed the MONS; and , WHEREAS, the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner held a public hearing on September 4, 2001 concerning the preliminary plat of Tuscany; and WHEREAS, following the conclusion of said hearing, on September 18, 200 I, the F ecleral Way Land Use Hearing Examiner issued a written Report and Recommendation containing findings, and conclusions and recommending approval of the preliminary plat of Tuscany subject to conditions set forth therein; and WHEREAS, on October 1, 2001, the City Council Land Use and Transportation Committee considered the record and the Hearing Examiner recommendation and voted to forward a recommendation for approval of the proposed preliminary plat of Tuscany to the full City Council, with no changes to the hearing Examiner recommendation; and Resolution No. 01- 348 Page I =.1:aE~Jr'" 4 WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council has jurisdiction and authority pursuant to Section 20-127 of thc Fedcral Way City Code to approvc, deny or modify a preliminary plat and/or its conditions; and WHEREAS, on October 16,2001, the City Council considered the written record and the Recommendation of the Hearing Examiner, pursuant to Chaptcr 20 of Federal Way City Code, Chapter 58.17 RCW, and all other applicable City Codes; Now THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CiTY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Adoption of Findings of Fact and Conclusions. 1. The findings of fact and conclusions of the Land Use Hearing Examiner's Recommendation, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference, are hereby adopted as the findings and conclusions of the Federal Way City Council. Any finding deemed to be a conclusion, and any conclusion deemed to be a finding shall be treated as such. 2. Based on, inter alia, the analysis and conclusions in the Staff Report and Hearing Examiner's recommendation, and conditions of approval as established therein, the proposed subdivision makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety, and general welfare, and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary waste, parks and recreation, play grounds, and schools and school grounds, and all other relevant facts as are required by City Code and state law, and provides for sidewalks and other planning features to assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. EXHIBIT p Resolution No. 01- 348 Page 2 PAGE ~OE It ~ 1l.00-SUIDoc I D # 16577 3. The public use and interest will be served by the preliminary plat approval granted herein. Section 2. Application ApprovaL Based upon the recommendation of the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner and findings and conclusions contained therein as adopted by the City Council immediately above, the preliminary plat of Tuscany, Federal Way File No. 00- 1 04313-00-SU, is hereby approved, subject to conditions as contained in the Recommendation of the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner dated September 18,2001 (Exhibit A). Section 3. Conditions of Approval Integral. The conditions of approval of the preliminary plat are aU integral to each other with respect to the City Council finding that the public use and interest will be served by the platting or subdivision of the subject property. Should any court having jurisdiction over the subject matter declare any of the conditions invalid, then, in said event, the proposed preliminary plat approval granted in this resolution shall be deemed void, and the preliminary plat shall be remanded to the City of Federal Way Hearing Examiner to review the impacts of the invalidation of any condition or conditions and conduct such additional proceedings as are necessary to assure that the proposed plat makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety, and general welfare and other factors as required by RCW Chapter 58.17 and applicable City ordinances, rules and regulations, and forward such recommendation to the City Council for further action. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution. EXHIBIT D Resolution No. 01- 348 Page 3 PAGE...3-0F: It OO-I04J1J-OO-SUIDoc.ID #16517 Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, THIS 16thDA Y OF November October , 2001. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~/ MA YOR, MI IFW~~d~ CITY CLERK, N. CHRISTINE GREEN, CMC ApPROVED AS TO FORM: ~-dn Q~~~ CITY ATTORNEY, BOB C. STERBANK FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 10/09/01 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 10/16/01 RESOLUTION No. 01-348 EXHIBIT C) If Resolution No. 01- Page 4 PAGElOE ()().104JIJ.()().SUIDoc I D #16577 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE TUSCANY WOODS FINAL PLAT, FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, FILE NO. 06-101597-00-SU WHEREAS, on September 4,2001, the Federal Way Hearing Examiner conducted a public hearing on the preliminary plat application resulting in the September 18, 2001, Recommendation of the Federal Way Hearing Examiner; and WHEREAS, the Tuscany preliminary plat, City of Federal Way File No. 00-104313-00-SU, was approved subject to conditions on October 16, 2001, by Federal Way City Council Resolution No. 01- 348; and WHEREAS, the applicant submitted the final plat application for Tuscany Woods, formerly known as preliminary plat of Tuscany, within the required time of receiving approval for the above-referenced preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied or guaranteed all of the conditions set forth in Resolution 01- 348; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way's Department of Community Development Services and Public Works Department staff have reviewed the proposed final plat for its conformance to the conditions of preliminary plat approval and final plat decisional criteria, and their analysis and conclusions are set forth in the September 12, 2006 Final Plat Staff Report, which is hereby incorporated by reference as though set forth in full; and WHEREAS, conditions resulting from the June 23, 2001 State Environmental Policy Act Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS), as discussed in the September 12, 2006 Final Plat Staff Report have been satisfied; and EXHIBIT E Doc. LD 37721 PAGE , OF ..L.. WHEREAS, the City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee considered the application and staff report for the Tuscany Woods final plat at its September 18, 2006 meeting, and recommended approval by the full City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed and considered the Staff Report and the application for Tuscany Woods final plat during the Council's October 3, 2006 meeting. Now THEREFORE, THE CiTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HEREBY RESOL YES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings and Conclusions. 1. The Tuscany Woods final plat, City of Federal Way File No. 06-101597-00-SU, is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat and is in conformance with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls in effect at the time the preliminary plat application was deemed complete. 2. Based on, inter alia, the analysis and conclusions in the Staff Report, which are adopted herein by reference, and on the City Council's review of the application for final plat, the proposed subdivision makes appropriate provision for public health, safety, and general welfare, and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, and schools and school grounds as are required by City Code, or which are necessary and appropriate, and provides for sidewalks and other planning features to assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. 3. The public use and interest will be served by the final plat approval granted herein. 4. All conditions listed in the October 16, 2001 Federal Way Resolution No. 01-348, have been satisfied, and/or satisfaction of the conditions have been sufficiently guaranteed by the applicant as allowed by Federal Way City Code Section 20-135. 5. All required improvements for final plat approval have been made and/or sufficient bond, cash deposit, or assignment of funds have been accepted as guarantee for completion and maintenance of all required plat improvements as identified in the September 12, 2006 Tuscany Woods Final Plat Staff Report. EXHIBITL Doc I.D. 37721 PAGELOF .L 6. All taxes and assessments owing on the property being subdivided have been paid or will be paid, prior to recording the final plat. Section 2. Application Approval. Based upon the Findings and Conclusions contained in Section 1 above, the Tuscany Woods final plat, City of Federal Way File No. 06-101597-00-SU, is approved. Section 3. Recording. The approved and signed final plat, together with all legal instruments pertaining thereto as required pursuant to all applicable codes, shall be recorded by the applicant in the King County Department of Records. The applicant shall pay all recording fees. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority, and prior to the effective date, of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, THIS DAY OF ,2006. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Mayor, Michael Park ATTEST: City Clerk, Laura Hathaway, CMC ApPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Patricia A. Richardson EXHIBIT Doc 10 37721 PAGE 'S OF FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION No: EXHIBIT C Doc. LD 37721 PAGE-.!LOF -.!!L King County Property Tax Injormation Page 1 ot L a KING COUNTY HOME I NEWS I SERVICES I DIRECTORY I CONTACT King County Ecommerce Property Tax Web: Real Property Account Information .Morays at yaw servtce AccounUParcel Summary Tax Account 302104914700 Number Parcel Number 3021049147 Account Status This account is active. Tax Payer Name VILLAGE GREEN OF FEDERAL WA 159999 Mailing Address POBOX 98309 DES MOINES WA 98198 Amount Due $1,364.42 Payment Status SECOND HALF AMOUNT IF PAID OR POSTMARKED BY OCT 31, 2006. Annual Statement Requested By Statement Request Statement to be Mailed Request Payment/Search Make Payment Search Again \/ie\N P2Yfl1snt Lis[ Options To mail your tax payment 2006 Tax Information Tax: $ 2,724.76 Land Value: $ 231,000 Fees Improvement Value: $ 0 Noxious Weed $4.08 Levy Code: 1205 Total Billed: $ 2,728.84 Status: Taxable Amount Paid: $ 1,364.42 Omit Year: 0000 Interest: $ 0.00 Penalty: $ 0.00 Amount Due: $ 1,364.42 2005 Tax Information Tax: $ 2,676.10 Land Value: $ 220,000 Fees Improvement Value: $ 0 Total Billed: $ 2,676.10 Levy Code: 1205 Amount Paid: $ 2,676.10 Status: Taxable Interest: $ 0.00 Omit Year: 0000 f Penalty: $ 0.00 Amount Due: $ 0.00 EXHIBIT - PAGE-LOFJ https://pavments.metrokc.gov Imetrokc.ecommerce. propertytaxweblRealProperty .aspx?Par... 6/15/2006 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 3,2006 ITEM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: TRIANGLE PROJECT STATUS POLICY QUESTION: SHOULD THE CITY COUNCIL CONTINUE ITS SUPPORT FOR AL TERNA TIVE F AND CONSTRUCTION PHASING SCENARIO 1 TO CONSTRUCT THE S 356TH STREET RAMP IN THE FIRST STAGE OF CONSTRUCTION? COMMITTEE: Land Use / Transportation MEETING DATE: September 18, 2006 CATEGORY: ~ Consent D Ordinance D Public Hearing D City Council Business D Resolution D Other .~.!~.J?Ji'...~~.~Q~!.~y:.gi.~.~...Rt?rt?'Z:.,..R.:.~.:,..(=:i~..!~'.lffi~..~~gi~.t?~~........(ff..... DEPT: Public Works Attachments: Memo to LUTC, dated September 18, 2006 Options Considered: 1. Maintain the City's position for Alternative F for alignment and Construction Phasing Scenario 1 to construct the S 356th Street ramp in the first stage of construction; 2. Provide direction to consider a different alignment alternative and/or construction phasing scenario. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option 1. CITY MANAGERApPROV AL: DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: I/'< /; " Council Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward staff recommendation for Option 1 to the October 3,2006 City Council Consent Agenda. Jack Dovey, Chair Eric Faison, Member Dean McColgan, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of Option 1 to maintain the City's position in support of Alternative F for alignment and Construction Phasing Scenario 1 to construct the S 356fh Street ramp in the first stage of construction. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COlJNCIL ACTION: 0 APPROVED COllNCIL BILL # 0 DENIED I ST reading 0 TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment reading 0 MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) ORDINANCE # REVISED - 02/06/2006 RESOLlJTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUlVI DATE: September 18th, 2006 TO: Land Use and Transportation Committee VIA: Neal Beets, City Manager W FROM: Rick Perez. P.E., Ci(v Traffic Engineer M SUBJECT: Triangle Proiect Status BACKGROUND: Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT), in conjunction with Federal Highways Administration (FHW A), King County, and the cities of Federal Way and Milton, are in the process of evaluating the preferred alternative for the environmental process. The primary objectives of the project are to improve safety and reduce congestion in the 1-5 / SR-IS interchange and at the SR-18 (S 34Sth Street) / SR-161 (Enchanted Parkway S / 16th Avenue S) intersection. S 356th Street Off-Ramp At the April 18th, 2006, City Council meeting, the Council adopted staffs recommendation for Alternative F, which provides an off-ramp to Enchanted Parkway at both S 356th Street and just north of the 1-5 overpass. City staff proposed a modification to Alternative F by providing two-way traffic on S 356lh Street east of Enchanted Parkway in order to provide access to properties between Enchanted Parkway and I-5. The ramp connection to S 356th Street diverts more traffic from the S 348lh Street / Enchanted Parkway S intersection. Based on the City Council's position, WSDOT is moving forward with Alternative F as the preferred alternative, as discussed in the attached letter. WSDOT has conducted additional analysis on Alternative F to evaluate City staffs request to consider two-way traffic on S 356th Street between Enchanted Parkway and 1-5, and has raised concerns regarding the impact of providing local access to adjacent property on this segment of S 356th Street. City staff has reviewed the analysis and concurs that queuing on this ramp would conflict with the provision of access to adjacent property resulting in queues that would compromise the function and safety of the freeway off-ramp in the design year, 2030. Originally it was assumed that only partial acquisition would be necessary for construction of the S 356th Street ramp; however, not providing access would require WSDOT to completely acquire these properties, totaling approximately 4.4 acres of BC-zoned land, Although WSDOT would be likely to surplus the remaining property, the development of these properties would depend on the land value exceeding the cost of developing access through adjacent parcels. It is unknown if and when this might occur. New Cost Estimate / Impact on Construction Phasing Since the April 18th, City Council meeting, WSDOT has developed new cost estimates for the project. Depending on the assumptions for inflation of highway construction costs, the estimate ranges from $194 million to $234 million. Current funding is $114 million. WSDOT is evaluating alternatives for how the project could be phased to maximize the safety and capacity benefits within the currently available funding. September 18, 2006 Land Use and Transportation Committee Triangle Project Status Page 2 Construction Phasing Scenario I would construct the westbound-to-southbound flyover and the southbound off-ramp to Enchanted Parkway and S 3561h Street. Construction Phasing Scenario 2 would build the eastbound-to-northbound flyover ramp instead of the Enchanted Parkway off-ramp, but would allow for nght-of-way acquisition for the otT-ramp to S 356th Street. Construction Phasing Scenario 1 alleviates the worst safety and capacity issue by constructing the westbound to-southbound tlyover and address safety and capacity issues at the S 348u1 Street / Enchanted Parkway S intersection. Construction of the eastbound-to-northbound flyover ramp would be dependent on RTID funding or some other future funding package. Construction Phasing Scenario 2 would eliminate all freeway mainline weaving sections between loop ramps and is estimated to cost $8.6 million less, but would not divert traffic around the S 348th Street / Enchanted Parkway intersection. Thus, full construction of the Enchanted Parkway off-ramp including S 356th Street would be dependent on RTID funding or some other future funding package. In either case, if RTID funding is not approved for this project, it is unknown when the remaining project elements would be funded. WSDOT recommends Construction Phasing Scenario 2 for its resolution of freeway safety and capacity issues. Given the City's contribution to project in securing funding, its impact on congestion and safety and meeting approved Comprehensive Plan goals, City staff recommends Construction Phasing Scenario 1. ~ cc: Project File Day Fite R ,'d( Pe~,vl___ ~ W Washington State Northwest Washington Division ~'I Department of Transportation Urban Corridors Office Douglas B. MacDonald 401 Second Avenue South, Suite 560 Secretary of Transportation Seattle, WA 98~04-3850 206-464-1220 I Fax 206-464-1190 TTY: 1-800-833-6388 www.wsdot.wa.gov August 2, 2006 CC~tPl Mr. Cary Roe Public Works Director 33325-8th Ave. S P.O. Box 9718 Federal Way, WA. 98063-9718 Dear Mr. Roe, Thank you for your message of July 17th 2006, in which you request additional information on the current design of the S. 356th Street connection of the I-5/SR l611SR 18 Triangle Improvements project. In the voicemail message you mentioned that the City of Federal Way would like for WSDOT to send written documentation of the design on the S. 356th Street connection. As you know, in April, 2006, city staff and WSDOT staff discussed possible connections between the collector-distributor and SR 161 with the city council's land use committee and several weeks later with the full council. There was consensual support from the council for connections at both S. 356th Street and S. 359th Street. Furthermore, if safe operations could be provided at S.356th Street, the city council preferred to have this connection function as a "city street". As a response to the city's request, we instructed the project team to develop several detailed designs for the S. 356th Street connection. In a subsequent meeting held on April 27th with city staff (Mr. Rick Perez), and various WSDOT staff, one of these designs was modified to meet the guidelines set forth in WSDOT's Design Manual for transitioning highway connections between interstate limited access facilities and city streets. This design allowed access to parcels along S. 356th Street with minimal restrictions. WSDOT then directed the project consultant to analyze this connection to verify that it would not affect the safety or traffic operations of the collector distributor or the freeway mainline. The consultant has analyzed this connection with several levels of development on the properties just north of S. 356th Street. This analysis has been provided to Mr. Perez. Using industry standard trip generation methodology and city zoning information for this area, the consultant developed three potential PM peak hour traffic volume profiles for the "city street" configuration of the ramp. Peak hour volumes of 447,224 and 153 vehicles were analyzed accessing the properties adjacent to S. 356th; these volumes are in addition to the vehicles coming from the collector-distributor. Under all three scenarios, traffic backed up on the collector-distributor, resulting in an unsafe operation of the collector-distributor. Based on these results, WSDOT will need to eliminate access to four parcels along the north side of S. 356th Street and to two existing businesses on the south side by placing full limited access on the S. 356th Street ramp through its intersection with SR 161. The only exception would be allowing an access break to the Chevron gas station, allowing right-in, right-out access as long as the property use remained as it currently exists. I have attached a drawing showing the proposed design with limited access. Finalizing the connection(s) between the collector-distributor and SR 161 is the last major decision that remains unresolved. At this time we cannot move forward with completing the environmental document and Interchange Justification Report until this issue is resolved. Since the results of the operational analysis indicate that access to adjacent parcels from the S. 356th Street would not be allowable, and since this understanding may alter the city's position on the need for the S. 356th Street ramp connection, it is imperative that we receive written confirmation from the city on its support ofthis scenario. In order to keep the project on schedule, we respectfully request that that you forward the city's response by 15 August 2006. If you require additional information, please feel free to contact me. Finally, I thank you, your staff, the Mayor's office and city council for your strong support of the Triangle project and we look forward to continuing collaboration on this project. Respectfull y, t8~~ Bruce Nebbitt cc: Craig Stone Susan Everett .... .., J:r- \ iMM \ I , \ .--~. Z , I> , , J: " lT1 dr~, -n n N" " .. > ~, ,J' .;. -> ;;'~ \' NO '\j 0;' n .,," :l:f2 N -.j / CD a> "T ~~\ lJ1 ~~~----I I .... I "1 O' ~ ,~ 1, I ~ )\. I :J , , ~ : I in I " I > '0 ~ ^ I I "1 ~ ~'J I 0 ;s: I~!I I 0 () i I~I I :r ~ Iii, ~ ~ h\ I -+ I (1) ~ \171~1 "1 ~ ~ I:~~ I :J 0 a ~ I:i\ I :!: I \"11 I < (\ (1) ::<: \;;~" (Il .... " ~ \ 11 I )J r- ~ ~ dt 0 .... ~: l: ~ "1 >- ~ "- II ... -+ t)j 'f \1' > ~ ~ r--,,, ",' \' ... ' () () ':~ t .;1~'j;(r\ I (1) l'j I.. -~\ ~"--r ~ (Il (Il !.. ~ \~ '1 -'iI.(~ ;. , -~ ::tl t ~ ~ j~.~\~~ tc.) //".. 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