Council MIN 12-05-2006 Regular FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall December 5, 2006 -7:00 PM MINUTES (www.cityoffederalway.com) ***** 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Park called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM. Councilmembers Burbidge, Dovey, Faison, Kochmar, McColgan, Deputy Mayor Ferrell and Mayor Park present. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Councilmember Faison led the Flag Salute. MOTION: Councilmember Faison moved to amend the agenda for the City Council Meeting to add under Consent Agenda, Item 5-r, the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 2007-2008 Biennial Work Plan and Budget. Councilmember Dovey second. The motion carried 7-0. 3. PRESENTATIONS a. City Manager - Introduction of New Employees There were no new employees to introduce. b. City Manager - Emerging Issues City Manager Beets called on Parks Planning and Development Manager Betty Sanders to update the Council regarding grant monies received for Camp Kilworth. Ms. Sanders announced that the King County Council approved their budget which includes $400,000 for Camp Kilworth. Funds were allocated for projects that have significant regional value. She also stated the City applied for a $1 million grant through the State lAC division based on the camp's water access; word was received that the Camp Kilworth Project is ranked number one. . 4. CITIZEN COMMENT Marie SciacQua - spoke in support of the 2007-08 Budget. She thanked Council for the funding allocation for the Historical Society and stated the society hopes to have a book on the history of the City published next year. 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed by a Council Committee of three members and brought beforefull Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: Approval of the November 14, 2006 Special Meeting and the November 21, Regular Meeting - Approved b. Monthly Financial Report - Approved c. Vouchers - Approved d. Enactment Ordinance: 2007-2008 Budget -Approved: Ordinance No. 06-537 e. Enactment Ordinance: 2007 Property Tax Rate - Approved: Ordinance No. 06-538 f. Enactment Ordinance: Utility Tax Rate Adjustment -Approved: Ordinance No. 06-539 g. Enactment Ordinance: Condemnation for 356th & Highway 99 Intersection Realignment Project - Approved: Ordinance No. 06-540 h. Resolution: Federal Way Comprehensive Plan Seven-year Update Completion - Approved - Resolution No. 06-488 1. Resolution: Adoption of Public-Private Partnership Advisory Committee's Recommended Criteria for Public-Private Partnerships - Approved -Resolution No. 06-489 J. South 348th HOV Lanes from 9th Avenue South to Pacific Highway - 85% Design Report - Pulled for Discussion/Briefing but then Approved k. South 373rd Street Bridge Replacement Project and WSDOT Interlocal Agreement - 100% Authorization to Bid - Approved 1. Pacific Highway South Northbound Left Turn Lanes at South 316th Street- Project Acceptance and Retainage Release - Approved m. 2007 Right of Way Landscaping Maintenance Contract- Bid Award- Approved n. 2007 Street Sweeping Services Contract - Bid Award - Approved o. Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase ill Project (S. 284th to Dash Point Road) -100% Design Status Report and Authorization to Bid - Approved p. Acceptanceofthe 2007-2008 Proposed Use of Human Services General Fund -Approved q. Process for Disposition for Redevelopment of Former AMC Theater Site - Pulled for Discussion/Briefing but then Approved r. Added Item: Lodging Tax Advisory Committee 2007-2008 Biennial Work Plan and Budget. Mayor Park pulled Consent Item 5j. Councilmember Faison pulled Consent Item 5q. MOTION: Deputy Mayor Ferrell moved approval of Consent Items 5a-i; k-p and r. Councilmember Burbidge second. The motion carried 7-0. Consent Item 5j: Mayor Park asked Public Works Director Cary Roe for an update. Mr. Roe stated the City was awarded a $2.7 million grant through the Transportation Improvement Board and that $1 million has been allocated in the 2007-2008 Capital Improvement Budget. Design status is at 85%; construction should begin mid-2007. MOTION: Councilmember Dovey moved approval of Con sent Agenda Items 5j - South 348th HOV Lanes from Ninth Avenue South to Pacific Highway - 85% Design Report. Councilmember Faison second. The motion carried 7-0. Consent Item 5q: Councilmember Faison pulled the item to explain the process for redevelopment: The City will submit an ad for a Request for Qualifications. The top two to three candidates will then be asked to submit a Request for Proposal to show how they plan to redevelop the site. MOTION: Councilmember Faison moved approval of Consent Item 5q - Process for Disposition for Redevelopment of Former AMC Theater Site. Councilmember McColgan second. The motion carried 7-0. 6. COUNCIL BUSINESS a. Diversity Commission Appointment MOTION: Councilmember Burbidge moved to appoint Lou Dodson to a full-term on the Diversity Commission expiring May 31, 2008. Councilmember McColgan second. The motion carried 7-0. b. Resolution: 2007 Fee Schedule - Approved 7-O-Resolution No. 06-490 MOTION: Councilmember Kochmar moved approval ofthe Resolution adopting the 2007 Fee Schedule. Councilmember Dovey second. The motion carried 7-0. Assigned Resolution No. 06-490. 7. INTRODUCTION ORDINANCES a. Council Bill #421 - City Center Core Heieht Limit Code Amendment AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING FEDERAL WAY CITY CODE (FWCC) CHAPTER 22, ARTICLE XI, "DISTRICT REGULATIONS," SPECIFIC TO THE CITY CENTER CORE DISTRICT AND RELATED TO THE MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF SlRUCTURES CONTAINING RESIDENTIAL UNITS (AMENDING ORDINANCE NO'S 90-43, 93-170, 96-270, 97-291, AND 06-515). City Clerk Hathaway read the Ordinance Title into the record. MOTION: Councilmember Dovey moved approval to a second reading/enactment on December 19, 2006; Councilmember Faison second. The motion carried 7-0. b. Council Bill #422 - 2006 Year-End Bud2et Adjustments AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, RELATING TO BUDGETS AND FINANCE, REVISING THE 2005-2006 BIENNIAL BUDGET (AMENDS ORDINANCE 04-469, 05-482 AND 06-521). City Clerk Hathaway read the Ordinance Title into the record. MOTION: Councilmember Kochmar moved approval to a second reading/enactment on December 19, 2006. Councilmember Burbidge second. The motion carried 7-0. c. Council Bill #423 - 2007 SWM Fees AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMENDING THE RATE STRUCTURE FOR STORM AND SURFACE WATER UTn..ITY TO REFLECT AN INCREASE IN UTn..ITY TAX FROM 6% TO 7.75% (AMENDING ORDINANCE NOS. 90-32, 91-117, 96-277, AND 02-433). City Clerk Hathaway read the Ordinance Title into the record. MOTION: Councilmember Kochmar moved approval to a second reading/enactment on December 19, 2006. Councilmember Burbidge second. The motion carried 7-0. . d. Council Bill #424 - Admissions Tax Repeal AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, REPEALING THE FEDERAL WAY CODE CHAPTER 14, ARTICLE IV, DIVISION 3 RELATING TO ADMISSIONS TAX (REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBERS 02- 432 AND 04-471). City Clerk Hathaway read the Ordinance Title into the record. MOTION: Councilmember Kochmar moved approval to a second reading/enactment on December 19, 2006. Deputy Mayor Ferrell second. The motion carried 7-0: e. Council Bill #425 - Financinl! Options for the Acquisition of the AMC Theater Site AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF A LIMITED TAX GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND OF THE CITY IN THE AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $4, I 00,000 TO FINANCE PUBLIC PROJECTS AND PROVIDE FOR THE TERMS OF AND APPROVING THE SALE OF SUCH BOND. City Clerk Hathaway read the Ordinance Title into the record. Councilmember Kochmar asked for a briefing on this item. Management Services Director Iwen Wang stated the intent of this ordinance is that once the site is sold the money received will pay for the debt-service. MOTION: Councilmember Kochmar moved approval to a second reading/enactment on December 19, 2006. Councilmember Faison second. The motion carried 7-0. 8. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Kachmar stated the December Finance Human Services & Regional Affairs Committee meeting has been canceled; thanked the Public Works Director and staff for their work during the recent snow storm; stated Mirror Lake Elementary School is looking for tutors. Councilmember Burbidge also thanked the staff for their work during the recent snow storm; stated the next Parks, Recreation, Public Safety Committee meeting is scheduled for January 9, 2007 at 6:00 PM; thanked voters for the positive vote on the Public Safety Enhancements ballot measure; reported the next Town Hall meeting is scheduled for December 14, 2006 which will focus on holiday safety; and updated the public on upcoming community events. Councilmember Dovey reported the next meeting of the Land Use/Transportation Committee will be December 18, 2006 and on the agenda will be a level of service for roads discussion. Councilmember Faison stated the next Economic Development Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 19, 2006. Councilmember McColgan reported that A WC is working on their 2007 Legislative Agenda and he is looking forward to their representation serving local government entities. Mayor Park reported on the food drive held on December 2 at Albertson's; he will attend the joint City/Chamber Meeting on December 7, 2006; will attend a meeting at the Japanese General Consulates office on December 8, 2006 and the Historical Society Meeting on December 14,2006. 9. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager Neal Beets had no report other to announce the Executive Session expected to last 40 minutes with no action. 10. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council adjoumed to Executive Session at 7:39 PM. a. City Manager Evaluation Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 (1 )(g) b. Potential Litigation Pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) 11. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Park adjourned the Regular Meeting at 8:24 PM. ATTEST: a K. Hathaway, Cit Approved by Council on: ~{p