Council MIN 05-15-2007 Regular FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers - City Hall May 15,2007 -7:00 PM MINUTES (www.cityoffederalway.com) ***** 1. MEETING CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Todd Beamer Ir. ROTC led the Presentation of Colors and the Flag Salute. 3. PRESENTATIONS a. Presentation: Certificates of Appointment - Parks and Recreation Commission Councilmember Burbidge presented Certificates of Appointment to Parks and Recreation Commission members Marie Sciaqua and Brian Ailinger. She also noted other appointed members who could not attend the meeting. b. City Manager - Emerging Issues Paul Bucich presented a "sea-lettuce" removal update. $150,000 in State funding will be allocated for the removal: 50K will be allocated to the Department of Ecology for administration; 50K will be allocated to the City of Federal Way and the remaining 50K will be allocated for sea-lettuce removal in Fauntleroy Cove. Mr. Bucich stated that the Department of Ecology has not yet decided how they will administer their share. Mr. Bucich stated that timing of the removal is critical- if it is removed too soon in the season it will grow back; if it is removed too late the residents in the area have to deal with a most unpleasant odor. He explained that nutrient levels in the sound are causing the excessive growth. 4. CITIZEN COMMENT H. David Kaplan - supports approval of the City Center Access Project and asked that a Stakeholder Team for the Environmental Assessment Phase ofthe project be put in place by the City Council. Mr. Kaplan also expressed an interest in an appointment should to a stakeholder team if one is formed. Donald Barovic - thanked the City for responding to his concerns regarding coyotes in the City and announced that the Puyallup Tribe obtained his permission to use his property to put 50,000 Coho Salmon in Hylebos Creek. 05152007 Regular Meeting.doc 5. CONSENT AGENDA Items listed below have been previously reviewed by a Council Committee of three members and brought before full Council for approval; all items are enacted by one motion. Individual items may be removed by a Councilmember for separate discussion and subsequent motion. a. Minutes: Approval of the May I, 2007 Special and Regular Meeting Minutes - Approved b. Enactment Ordinance: Council Bill #435 - Zero Lot Townhouses/Small Lot Development Code Amendments - Approved Ordinance 07-554 c. 2007 Parks Commission Work Plan - Approved d. Omni Landscape Contract Amendment - Approved e. West Hylebos Wetlands Park Boardwalk Award Bid - Approved f. Cabins Park Parking Lot Phase IT - Accept Work by Pervious Concrete Inc.; Johansen Excavating and Blue Sky Landscaping - Approved g. 2009-2010 Solid Waste and Recycling Contract Extension - Approved h. 26th Avenue SW Drainage Trunk Replacement Project - Bid Award - Approved 1. Invitation of additional City Center Redevelopment RFP Finalist (Lowe Enterprises) - Approved MOTION: Councilmember Kochmar moved approval of the Consent Agenda as presented. Councilmember McColgan second. The motion carried 6-0. 6. COUNCIL BUSINESS a.l Resolution: P AA Annexation Election Date Assistant City Manager Iwen Wang reviewed the various transition options should the annexation measure be approved. She outlined staffing and equipment needs, available funding resources and focused on the start-up/service transition needs. o Option I is a start-up date of January I, 2009 with transition costs at $5,272,291 o Option 2 is start-up date of January I, 2008 with transitions costs at $9,516,450 o Option 3 is a start-up date ofJuly 1,2008 with transition costs of$6,617,333 Lastly, Ms. Wang reviewed the remaining election dates for the 2007 calendar year and asked Council for direction as to which election date they prefer. Councilmember Dovey asked if the annexation is revenue neutral. Ms. Wang responded yes, as far as the on-going costs are calculated, but the Capital Investment costs would be phased in. Councilmember McColgan asked where the City contribution comes from. Ms. Wang stated the contribution will come from the General Fund Balance and our Real Estate Excise Tax fund. Both Deputy Mayor Ferrell and Councilmember Faison stated it is imperative that the City communicate the election date/effective date with the constituents. MOTION: Councilmember Faison moved approval of an August 21, 2007 Election Date and a July I, 2008 Effective date should the ballot measure pass. Councilmember Burbidge second. The motion carried 6-0. Resolution #07-458. 05152007 Regular Meeting.doc a.2 P AA Outreach Campaign Senior Planner Isaac Conlen outlined the proposed Community Outreach Plan for the Potential Annexation Area. The plan consists of five neighborhood meetings held at area elementary schools (within the PAA) and neighborhood meetings requested by Homeowner's Associations and others. Mr. Conlen stated the meetings will be open-house style with short targeted presentations. Staff will also make detailed presentations to cover the basic issues involving the annexation and answer questions. Mr. Conlen further stated that direct mailing notices will go out to all households within the P AA. Notice will also be provided in the form of press releases afold by utilizing the city's webpage. MOTION: Councilmember Kochmar moved approval of the Community P AA Outreach Campaign. Councilmember Dovey second. The motion carried 6-0. b. City Center Access Project Senior Traffic Engineer Maryarme Zukowski outlined the proposed plan stating the purpose of the project is to enhance and improve circulation in the City Center. She stated that local options alone cannot sustain the improvements. All alternatives include a 312th Avenue bridge across 1-5. Ms. Zukowski reviewed the environmental assessment and funding challenges. Most, however, would be attractive for state funding. Ms. Zukowski then reviewed the conceptual planning cost estimates. MOTION: Councilmember Dovey moved to authorize staff to proceed with the City Center Access Project Phase IT, the Environmental Assessment, and the final Access Point Decision Report consistent with the 2007- 2008 Biennium Budget. Councilmember McColgan second. The motion carried 6-0. c. Amendment to Council Rules of Procedure City Attorney Pat Richardson stated the Council Rules of Procedure need to be amended to reflect the Council's recent consolidation from four Council Committees to three. Council Rule 21 would list the Council Committees as: Land U se/Transportation; Finance/Economic Development/Regional Mfairs; and ParksIRecreation/Human Services/Public Safety. MOTION: Councilmember Kochmar moved to modify the City Council Rule 21 to reflect the recent change. Councilmember Faison second. The motion carried 6-0. 7. COUNCIL REPORTS Councilmember Faison reported the next Finance/Economic Development/Regional Affairs Committee is scheduled for May 22,2007 at 5:30 PM. Councilmember Dovey reported that next Land U se/Transportation Committee Meeting is scheduled for May 21,2007. Councilmember Burbidge stated the next ParkslRecreation/Human Services/ Public Safety Committee Meeting is scheduled for June 12,2007 and she updated Council on recent transportation issues as well as community events. 05152007 Regular Meeting.doc 8. CITY MANAGER REPORT City Manager Beets reported that the Annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner would be held at the Community Center on Friday May 18,2007. This year's theme is "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory". Mr. Beets also announced that Council will conduct an executive session immediately following, expected to last approximately 30 minutes with no action. 9. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council adjourned to Executive Session at 8:35 PM to discuss the following: a. Collective Bargaining pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(4)(a) b. Property Acquisition pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(b) At 9:01 PM Council extended the Executive Session for 15 minutes. At 9:20 PM Council extended the Executive Session for 15 minutes. 10. ADJOURNMENT Deputy Mayor Ferrell adjourned the regular meeting at 9:27 PM. ATTEST: Approved by Council on: 0/40 7 05152007 Regular Meeting.doc