LUTC PKT 10-01-2007 , ORIGINAL City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee October 1, 2007 5 :30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Septeber 17,2007 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Action 10 min/Harris B. Unfit Structures Code Amendment - Ordinance Action 5 minlBuck 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS 6. ADJOURN Committee Members Jack Dovey, Chair Linda Kachmar Dean McColgan City Staff Cary M. Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager/Emergency Manager Darlene LeMaster, Administrative Assistant II 253-835-2701 G;\LUTC1LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2007\10-01-07 LUTC Agenda.doc Land Use and Transportation Committee Meeting minutes from the September 17, 2007 LUTe meeting will be distributed at the October 1, 2007 meeting. Sorry for any inconvenience. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 2007 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: ABBY'S LANE PRELIMINARY PLAT ApPLICATION, FILE 07-100185-00-SU POLICY QUESTION: SHALL TIlE PROPOSED lO-LOT ABBY'S LANE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION BE APPROVED? COMMITTEE: LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (LUTC) MEETING DATE: October 1,2007 CATEGORY: t81 Consent o City Council Business o Ordinance t81 o o Public Hearing Other STAFF REpORT By: JIM HARRIs, Senior Plann~r DEPT: Community Development Attachments: Abby's Lane Hearing Examiner Findi of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation dated September 6, 2007; Preliminary plat staff report dated July 26, 2007, with exhibits including reduced scale preliminary plat map; and draft City Council Resolution for Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat. Refer to the' Abby's Lane' binder located in City Council office for the full preliminary plat report. Options Considered: 1. Adopt the Hearing Examiner Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation and approve the Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Resolution. 2. Reject the Hearing Examiner Recommendation. 3. City Council may adopt its own recommendations and approve the Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Resolution. 4. City Council may adopt its own recommendations and disapprove the Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Resolution. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council approval of the Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat resolution, based on the Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Federal Way Hearing Examiner (Option #1). CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: t(Vf Council Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: HI move Option #/ to the Full City Council. for the October /6. 2007, City Council consent agenda. " Jack Dovey, Chair 'Eric Faison, Member Dean McColgan, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: HI move adoption of the Hearing Examiner recommendations and approval of the Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Resolution. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o T ABLEDIDEFERREDINO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/0612006 COUNCIL BILL # t ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Phil Olbrechts, Hearing Examiner RE: Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat PL T07-1 00 I 85-00-SU FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND RECOMMENDATION INTRODUCTION The applicant requests approval of a preliminary plat to subdivide a 3.84 acre parcel into 10 single-family residential lots. The Examiner recommends approval subject to conditions recommended by staff. ORAL TESTIMONY Only staff and the applicant were present to testify. The testimony primarily addressed the Examiner's questions regarding the use of private, as opposed to public access, to several of the lots. The staff explained that the private access was necessary due to the shape and location of the parcel and the existence of a panhandle lot on the southern end of the property. Staff stated that the relaxed dimensional standards for private access would not impede fire access. EXHIBITS See list of exhibits at page 15 of the July 26,2007, staff report. In addition, a hard copy of the PowerPoint presentation of Associate Planner Anyd Bergsagel was introduced as Exhibit 24. FINDINGS OF FACT Procedural: 1. Applicant. The applicant is MT Land Development, L.L.c. 2. Hearing. The Hearing Examiner conducted a hearing on the application at 2:00 p.m. at Federal Way City Hall on August 22, 2007. Substantive: 3. Site/Proposal Description. The applicants seek approval of a 10-lot preliminary plat. The subject property is 3.84 acres in size. The lots are intended to be used for single-family residential development. The proposal includes a private access track to access four of the easterly lots. The project site is currently occupied by one single-family residence. The site is mostly wooded. {P A0672554.DOC; 1/13041. 9Ooo00/} Preliminary Plat Recommendation p. 1 Findings, eonclusions and Recommendation 4. Characteristics of the Area. The property is located between 29th A venue South and Interstate 5 in the north part of the city. The site is located in a developed single-family neighborhood. 5. Adverse Impacts. As thoroughly mitigated by staff, it does not appear that the project will create any material or significant adverse impacts. Marvin and Dalene Sheets expressed a concern in a letter (Exhibit 7) about the removal of trees and the resultant noise impact on her nearby property, since the trees buffer noise from 1-5. It is unclear whether or how much the removal of the trees will increase noise from 1-5, since the introduction of 10 single family homes to the site will provide a new source of buffering to the freeway noise. In addition, the project includes a row of trees along the north, northwest, and east sides of the project (See Exhibit 1, L-1). The City clearing and grading regulations (specifically FWCC 20-179) require retention of vegetation to the maximum extent possible. For these reasons, the property will still have features that buffer freeway noise. At any rate, since the freeway noise is not a problem created by the development, it is debatable where the City has the authority to require the developer to mitigate it. In addition to impacting adjoining properties, the freeway noise is also a problem for development on site. In response to this issue, staff required the preparation of a noise evaluation report, prepared by Optimum Environment (Exhibit 16). This report evaluates noise impacts upon the homes proposed to be constructed, but does not address any increase in noise upon adjoining properties created by the removal of the trees. The noise of the freeway does exceed state noise limits that normally apply to residential properties. However, noise originating from a freeway is exempt from these noise limits. In order to protect the occupants of the proposed development, staff has recommended a condition of approval (Condition No.5) that requires the applicant to incorporate noise reduction building techniques in the construction plans for the new homes. In their letter, the Sheets also raised concerns about the removal of wildlife. It is noted at page 6 of the staff report that there are no species protected under city, state, or federal law at the site. Further, there is no evidence in the record to suggest that development of the site will result in the wildlife invading adjoining homes to any adverse level. Concerns were also raised about drainage, and references were made to some flooding on the western side of the property. In response, staff pointed out that there is an easement across the property for aboveground drainage. Staff further mentioned that storm water regulations will require an underground drainage facility that will actually improve offsite drainage impacts. A well is currently located onsite. Staff has expressed concern that the proposed development may trigger the decommissioning of the well due to a City code requirement (FWee 22-1369) imposing state well separation requirements designed to protect water quality. A condition of approval (eondition No.6) is recommended by the Examiner to implement this requirement. There are no environmentally sensitive areas on the site. A wetland report prepared by the applicant's consultant (Exhibit 17) and verified by a City consultant verified that the site houses no wetlands. (P A0672554.DOC; 1I13041.900000/} Preliminary Plat Recommendation p.2 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation 6. Adequacy of Infrastructure and Public Services. As mitigated by staff, adequate infrastructure will serve development as follows: · Transportation: As noted at page 8 of the staff report, half-street improvements will be required for 29th A venue South. Staff is not requiring half-street improvements for South 284th Street because the applicant's property is separated from frontage to South 284th Street by the panhandle of a panhandled lot owned by an adjoining property owner. Staff asked the adjoining property owner if he would be willing to dedicate his frontage so that the applicant could make the necessary improvements, but the adjoining property owner declined to respond. In lieu of the improvements, staff has recommended a condition of approval (Condition No.3) that requires the applicant to set aside a tract along the southern edge of the property (bordering the panhandle of the adjoining lot) to be used as a private driveway for proposed lot I and to be dedicated to the City once the City is able to obtain full right-of-way width for frontage improvements. In addition to frontage improvements, staff has, through the Concurrency Ordinance (FWCC 20, Article IV), evaluated the need for any improvements to the City's transportation system, based upon adopted level of service standards. As depicted at page 10 of the staff report, staff have recommended that the applicant pay $26,011 in traffic mitigation fees to contribute to the addition of HOV lanes along SR-99, the addition of a northbound right-turn lane and signal at South 304th Street at its intersection with 28th Avenue South and the widening of Military Road South to five lanes, along with sidewalks and streetlights. · Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities: Staff found that no bicycle facilities are needed for the area. Sidewalks will be provided along 29th Avenue South and along both sides of access tract A. · Open Space: The applicant will not be dedicating any open space. In lieu of the dedication of open space, staff has recommended a condition of approval (Condition No.1) that the applicant pay a fee of 15% of the most recent assessed value of the property at the time of final plat. · Drainage: The applicant has prepared and public works staff has reviewed plans and a technical report (Exhibit 14) for a storm water drainage system for the project. Public works staff has determined that the proposed system is consistent with City regulations, encompassed in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual. · Water: The applicant has submitted a King County Certificate of Water Availability (Exhibit 12). Lakehaven Utility District will be the water purveyor. Lakehaven has expressed a concern that the easement shown on the latest preliminary plat map is insufficient for installation and maintenance of Lakehaven's water system. Consequently, staff has recommended a condition of approval (eondition No.4) requiring that the easement be revised to meet the needs of the Lakehaven Utility District. {PA0672554.DOC; 1/13041.900000/} Preliminary Plat Recommendation p.3 Findings, eonclusions and Recommendation · Sewage: The applicant has submitted a King County Certificate of Sewer Availability (Exhibit 13). Lakehaven Utility District will provide sewer to the property. As with water, the Lakehaven Utility District has expressed concerns over the easements on the property for sewer facilities. Recommended eondition No. 4 requires the applicant to modify the terms of the sewer easements to the satisfaction of Lakehaven Utility District. · Schools: The eity has a school impact fee designed to ensure that adequate schools will serve the development. The school impact fees are collected at the time a building permit is issued. · Fire Protection: South King County Fire has determined that there is adequate fire flow to meet the fire protection needs of the site. The exact number and location of fire hydrants will be reviewed and approved by the fire department as part of the final plat process. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Procedural: 1. Authority of Hearing Examiner: FWCC 20-110 (4) and (5) provide the Examiner with the authority to conduct a hearing and make a recommendation to the City Council on preliminary plat applications. Substantive: 2. Zoning Designation: RS-9.6. 3. Review Criteria and Application. FWCC 20-126(c) governs the criteria for preliminary plat approval. Those criteria are quoted in italics below and applied to the application under corresponding Conclusions of Law. FWCC 20-126(c): Decisional Criteria. A Hearing Examiner shall use the following criteria in reviewing the preliminary plat and may recommend approval of the plat to the City Council if: (1) It is consistent with the comprehensive plan; 4. The 2003 Federal Way Comprehensive Plan designates the property as Single Family High Density. The proposed land use is consistent with the density allowances and policies applicable to this land use as established in the Comprehensive Plan. FWCC 20-126(c)(2): It is consistent with all applicable provisions of the Chapter, including those adopted by reference from the comprehensive plan: 5. The "Chapter" reference in the criterion above appears to be Division VI (preliminary Plat) of Title 20 of the FWCC. As noted in detail in the staff report, the application has complied with all the procedural requirements for preliminary plat review. Further, as required by FWCC 20-115, the environmental review process required under the State Environmental Policy (P A0672554.DOC; 1/13041.900000/} Preliminary Plat Recommendation p.4 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation Act has also been completed on April 23, 2007, through the issuance ofa determination of non- significance, which was not appealed. The proposal is also in conformance with the City's Zoning Code as required by FWCC 20-112, as proposed use and densities for the property are consistent with its RS-9.6 zoning designation. FWCC 20-126(c)(3): It is consistent with public health, safety, and welfare. 6. As identified in the Findings of Fact, as conditioned there are no material or significant adverse impacts associated with the project and there will be adequate infrastructure to serve it. For these reasons, the plat is consistent with public health, safety, and welfare. FWCC 20-126(c)(4): It is consistent with the design criteria listed in FWCC 20-2: FWCC 10-1: This chapter is adopted in furtherance of the comprehensive plan of the City. It is hereby declared that the regulations contained in this chapter are necessary to: (1) Promote the health, safety and general welfare in accordance with the standards established by the state and the city; 7. As noted in the Washington State Growth Management Act, the Washington State Legislature has found it to be in the public interest to prevent urban sprawl and to promote the efficient use of infrastructure. The infill development proposed by the applicant at urban densities meets these objectives. Also, as previously discussed, the project, as mitigated, creates no material or significant adverse impacts and there is adequate infrastructure to meet the needs of the new development. For these reasons, the project promotes the health, safety, and general welfare in accordance with the standards established by the state and the city. FWCC 20-2(2): Promote effective use of land by preventing the overcrowding or scattered development which would injury health, safety or the general welfare due to lack of water supplies, sanitary sewer, drainage, transportation or other public services, or excessive expenditure of public funds for such services: 8. As previously noted, the project constitutes infill development in an area that is already characterized and developed by residential development. Also as previously discussed, the project is serviced by adequate infrastructure, and the applicant is making significant improvements and financial contributions towards ensuring adequacy of that infrastructure. The density of the proposal, as noted in the staff report, is consistent with the surrounding densities as well. For these reasons, the above criterion is satisfied. FWCC 20-2(4): Provide for adequate light and air. 9. The density of the project meets the density requirements for the RS-9.6 district. The applicant will have to comply with the dimensional requirements of the zoning code for any structures it builds in order to get through building permit review. The dimensional standards of the eity's zoning code sets the standard for adequacy of light and air and for these reasons the above criteria is satisfied. (P A0672554.DOC; l!l3041.900000/} Preliminary Plat Recommendation p. 5 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation FWCC 20-2(5): Provide for water, sewage, drainage, parks and recreational areas, sites for schools and school grounds and other public requirements: 10. As noted in the Findings of Fact, the project is served by adequate infrastructure. FWCC 20-2(6): Provide for proper ingress and egress: 11. Access to all lots complies with City design standards. FWCC 20-2(7): Provide for housing and commercial needs of the community: 12. The project provides for infill development and urban densities and therefore satisfies the above criteria. FWCC 20-2(8): Require uniform monumenting of land divisions and conveyance of accurate legal descriptions: 13. FWCC 20-1 11 (b) requires that the survey of the proposed subdivision must be made by or under the supervision of a registered land surveyor who shall certify that it is a true and correct representation of the land surveyed. This and other requirements like it help ensure that the objective of uniform monumenting of land divisions and accurate legal descriptions are satisfied. FWCC 20-2(9): Protect environmentally sensitive areas: 14. As noted previously, the project has gone through a review under the State Environmental Policy Act, which ensures that all environmentally sensitive areas are protected and mitigated. As noted in the staff report, there are no recognized environmentally sensitive areas on the subject property. The applicant prepared a wetland reconnaissance report, which concluded that there are no wetlands onsite. The eity hired a second wetlands consultant to confirm that no wetlands are on the property. FWCC 20-2(10): Provide for flexibility and site design to accommodate view enhancement protection, protection of streams and wetlands, protection of steep slopes and other environmental significant or sensitive areas. 15. There are no views or environmentally sensitive areas in need of protection at this site. FWCC 20-125(c)(5): It is consistent with the development standards listed in FWCC 20-151 through 20-157, and 20-178 through 20-187. 16. As discussed in the staff report, the project complies with the standards listed in FWCC 20-151 through 20-157 and FWCC 20-178 through 20-187. These standards govern adequacy of infrastructure, dimensional density standards, street improvements, landscaping, and retention of vegetation. The only issue that is of some concern is FWCC 20-152(d), which provides that all lots should abut a public right-of-way. Several of the lots are served by access tract A, which is private, and proposed Lot 1 will be accessed by Tract D (also referenced as Tract X), which is also private. As noted by staff, FWCC 20-152(d) does not mandate that all lots abut public {P A0672554.DOC; 1I13041.900000/} Preliminary Plat Recommendation p.6 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation right-of-way, but only that they "should" abut public right-of-way. Since the project cannot reasonably accommodate a thru street and the dimensional standards for public right-of-way would not make it possible for the parcel to be developed at urban densities, staff determined that the less restrictive requirements for private access are appropriate in this case. Staff also confirmed in oral testimony that the private access tracts are sufficient for fire access purposes. For these reasons, the Examiner will defer to the judgment of staff in allowing a private access via Tract A and Tract D. Similarly, since the southern portion of the lot borders the panhandle of a panhandled lot, a private access easement to serve proposed lot 1 is appropriate for this subdivision. RECOMMENDATION The Examiner recommends that the City Council approve the preliminary plat subject to the conditions recommended by staff and Condition No.6 added by the Examiner as detailed below: 1. Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant must submit to the City of Federal Way the fee-in-lieu of open space, calculated on 15 percent of the most recent assessed value of the property at the time of final plat. 2. Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant must dedicate to the City, via statutory warranty deed, 30 feet of right-of-way for 29th A venue South and develop the right-of- way to City standards. 3. In conjunction with or prior to submission of materials for final platl, the applicant shall revise the plans to show a 15-foot-wide "Tract X" (currently shown as a 15-foot-wide "Tract D") for future dedication to the City (through Statutory Warranty Deed), and the applicant shall specify on the plans that the Tract X will serve as a private driveway for the existing house on the proposed Lot 1, until such time as the City can obtain the full right-of-way width. The developer must .sign a Tract X Agreement which will be referenced on the final plat. 4. Prior to approval of the final plat, the plans must be revised to include terms of the water and sewer easement rights and benefits across Tract A, pertaining to Lots 5 through 8, to the satisfaction of Lakehaven Utility District. 5. The applicant shall include noise reduction building techniques in the construction plans for the new homes, such as special windows. Prior to approval of the building permit for each new house, the noise reduction measures must be approved by the Building Official's Office. (The applicant is encouraged to check with the Building Official's Office regarding noise reduction measures, prior to submitting building permit applications. ) t The staff recommended condition of approval required the applicant to submit the revised plans ''prior to" final plat approval. The applicant requested revision of this requirement to "in conjunction with" and staff had no objection. (P A0672554.DOC; 1I13041.900000/} Preliminary Plat Recommendation p. 7 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation 6. Any improvements made to the subject property shall comply with the requirements in Chapter 1 73-160 WAC, as now or hereafter amended, regarding separation of wells from sources of pollution. Dated this 6th day of September, 2007. Phil Olbrechts Hearing Examiner City of Federal Way {P A0672554.DOC; 1113041.900000/1 Preliminary Plat Recommendation p.8 Findings, Conclusions and Recommendation I I A PORTION OF SECTION 33. TOWNSHIP 22. RANGE 04, W.M ~O"\P' 'i'- 0'p.1'fJ /' S,q~12 ~".. .,-." 2'>" \ 1:" --~ 0\P-V \0''''<;; S.~j'> < ,/' ,,~~., (,~ ~-,g 1~~~~ \ \ \ \ '" ~r.:~ SOUTH 282NO STREET ~ ~ ~....,. c=~~ "'_-IIJlCl -,- M21S._~ I'EllDIH. itHCf,.... MOOS Q ,/' S/~' .~ 7=~!. ~(j ---...~....- ,~ \~ ,~ \i:. " "\ \"- It \ 'tJ\ ".- ~~~ azn_ll1>OfI\oUOUI: <s. .-. ..... ..-., _.~~j~'" 0...;\'" "",0" ......."">>oUT. ~ftHl-N'''' _Jout: "'- ~*AY._"'WJ <?-(:/!J~"-('L' ~".. "," o "'/D<>-(I:iI]D lJOH,-mH_Jl:S FUlEl'W-.......-.o.'j 111~ -- Z8111.U<llIlSll'EU ~_.....- h ;1 !. fl ~ ~ . i, U Ii SOUTH 284TH STREET -< ",,0'" 'l- ~<i.- S.1..,< ?SVI 7. Q"''' / 000 ,~~ .:::ire:~'t ,~. ~- A' Z9US.ZB.ll<~ ~~\ 1~ ~7"""''''''~] 0-S;41 .,-."'~ n SCALE: 1~", 40' .~-:;:--;------:;.- .:,. 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MO GQ(S ~ 8( PMflID GREEN CHAIN UN~ ~E~E DETAIL n SCALE: 1" _ 20' ~~. ;. 8 jf BUFFEREJIIIJ'.RGEMENT NOTE: NO SIGNIFACANT TREES FOUND ON SITE PERMIT ---ciTYOfi .,::.:;;- ~ a'--.-- ~..., h d k .. d ii I l! ,. .. ., ~~ . ~ ~ ~ I 0 ...J ...J I- W~ Z W Z'" :i: <(~ 0- ..J~ 0 ...J a W (J)~ > )->- W 0 m~ 0 m~ z <{g <l: ....J ... I- :i:. i I ~ l!; 5 L.2 2 ~2~ CGCQf?J1f ~ CITY OF ~ ~ :..:;, Federal Way DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES STAFF REPORT TO THE HEARING EXAMINER ABBY'S LANE PRELIMINARY PLAT Preliminary Plat File No. 07-100 1 85-00-SU SEPA File No. 05-104199-00-SE PUBLIC HEARING Council Chambers, Federal Way City Hall 33325 8th Avenue South 2:00 p.m., Wednesday, August 22, 2007 Report Prepared by: Andy Bergsagel, Associate Planner July 26, 2007 File No: 07 -100 185-00-SU (Preliminary Plat) 05-1 04199-00-SE (SEP A) Project Location: 2920 South 284th Street Applicant: MT Land Development LLC Attn: Ty Pendergraft PO Box 517 Auburn, W A 98092 Agent: ESM Consulting Engineers Attn: Matt Cyr 33915 1st Way South, Suite 200 Federal Way, WA 98003 Owner: Tracy Sears c/o MT Land Development LLC PO Box 517 Auburn, W A 98092 Action Requested: Preliminary plat to subdivide one parcel (3.84 acres) into ten single-family lots. Existing house to remain; sheds to be removed. Stormwater pond to be provided. Staff Representative: Associate Planner Andy Bergsagel, 253-835-2644 Staff Recommendation: Preliminary Plat Approval TABLE OF CONTENTS General......................,............... ,... ...................................".....".".....,.... .......... ................,........,.,."..............4 Consulted Departments, Agencies & Public .........,..... .,......... .....,.... ...... ...................................... ............ .....4 State Environmental Policy Act............... ..... ........ .............. ..................,.... ......... ............. .... ................. ........5 Neighborhood Characteristics ..... ...........................,.. .................., .......,.. ........... .......... ...... ............. ...............6 Natural Environment.......... ..... ..... ........................ ............ ..........,... ....... ......................... ......... ............ ..........6 Subdivision Design (FWCC 20-151) .................................. .... ........... ...........................................................6 Lot Design (FWCC 20-152).... ............ ... ......... ..... .... ... ....... .................... ..... ............. ......................... ........ ....7 Density (FWCC 20-153) .......... .................. ...... ............. ............ ................. ....... ....... ................ ... .................. 7 Open Space and Recreation (FWCC 20-155) .............................. .................................................................8 Pedestrian and Bicycle Access (FWCC 20-156)....... ....................................................................................8 Improvements Required (FWCC 20-176) ...... ........ ................................. ...... ................. .... ............ ............ ... 8 Density Regulations (FWCC 20-177) . ....... ...... ..................................... ... ............... ........ .......... ............. ....... 9 Landscape Buffers (FWCC 20-178).... ....... .... ....... ................................. ....... ...... ..... ......... .... ..... .......... ......... 9 Retention of Vegetation (Clearing and Grading) (FWCC 20-179) ...............................................................9 Streets and Rights-of-Way (FWCC 20-180) .................... ........................... ..................................................9 Water (FWCC 20-181).. ............ ............... ..... ....., ..... ....................................... ......... .................. .... .............10 Sewage Disposal (FWCC 20-182) . ............ ........... ................... .......... .... ....... ....... ......... .............. ...... .......... 11 Storm Drainage (FWCC 20-183) ... ...... ..... ........ ...........................,................. ........ ................................. .... 11 Landscaping Protection and Enhancement (FWCC 20-186) ......................................................................11 Monuments (FWCC 20-187).......... ..... .... ... ................... ....... ...... ...... ........... ........ ........................... ......... ....11 Public Services.....,.....,............,..........,....,.............,...,....,.....,..,.....,.....,......,.............. ..... ........................,... .12 Noise ........................... ................................ .................................... ............................................................. 12 Decisional Criteria........................,........... ..............,....................,.......,....................................................,., 12 Findings of Fact and Conclusions ........................................................... ............................................. .......13 Recommendation...............................,...............................,.................... ..................................................... 14 Conditions .... ........... ..... .............. ..... ..... ..... ......... .... ............,. ........ ........,... ....... ........... ........ ........... .............. 14 List of Exhibits...........,...,..,... ........................... ............ .... ............... ._............... .... ........... ................. .......... .15 GENERAL 1. Project Description, The applicant proposes a preliminary plat to subdivide one parcel (3.84 acres) into ten single-family residential lots. The existing house is to remain; the sheds are to be removed. A stormwater pond is to be provided. The proposal includes a private access tract to access four of the easterly lots. A row of landscaping is to be provided along the property line which is .shared with Interstate 5. The applicant is choosing to make a payment in lieu of providing open space. The site is mostly wooded. Street improvements, water, sewer, utilities, stormwater drainage control improvements, and other related infrastructure improvements will be installed to service the plat. A full set of drawings (Exhibit I) is enclosed, as noted in the "List of Exhibits" at the end of this report. 2. Date of Complete Application. This application is vested to the date it was' found to be complete by the Department of Community Development on February 7, 2007. 3. Location. 2920 South 284th Street, Federal Way. Refer to the Zoning and Vicinity Map (Exhibit 2) and the 2002 Aerial Photography (Exhibit 3). 4. Parcel No. 332204-9162. (A legal description of the existing parcel is on Sheet 3 of the drawings.) 5. Size of Property, The subject site currently has a land area of 167,270 square feet (3.84 acres). 6. Land Use and Zoning: Subject Site: To the North: To the South: To the East: To the West: Zoning RS-9.6 RS-9.6 RS-7.2 RS-9.6 RS-9.6 Comprehensive Plan Single-Family Medium Density Single-Family Medium Density Single-Family Medium Density Single-Family Medium Density Single-Family High Density Existing Land Use Single-Family Residential Single-Family Residential Single-Family Residential Mobile Home & Interstate 5 Single-Family Residential CONSULTED DEPARTMENTS, AGENCIES & PUBLIC The following departments, agencies, and individuals were advised of this application. I. The Development Review Committee (DRC), consisting of the Federal Way Community Development Services Planning and Building Divisions; Public Works Development Services and Traffic Divisions; Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department; Department of Public Safety (Police); South King Fire; Lakehaven Utility District; and Federal Way Public Schools. DRC comments have been incorporated into this report where applicable. 2. All property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the site were mailed notices of the complete preliminary plat application on February 13, 2007 (Exhibit 7). The site was also posted and notice published in the newspaper and on the City's official notice boards. Two written comments were received during the comment period as follows. A staff response is provided for each question/comment. Also, Matt Cyr ofESM was kind enough to submit a response to Marvin and Dalene Sheets, addressing her concerns (Exhibit 8). a. Letter from Dalene Sheets, 28231 29th Avenue South, Federal Way, W A 98003 (Exhibit 7). Ms. Sheets has four concerns, as follows: Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Page 4 File No. 07-1 001 85-00-SUI Doc t.O- 40589 ( I) She has a drainage concern. Response: Drainage is addressed in the Public Works Development Services comments below. (2) She is concerned about the removal of trees due to noise from Interstate 5. Response: The applicant is providing a buffer of evergreen trees along the propertyJine of the Interstate. It is not anticipated that the removal of existing trees will have much effect on noise. A Noise Evaluation, by Optimum Environment, was submitted (Exhibit 16). (3) She is concerned about any wildlife on the property and doesn't want it to move to existing homes. Response: There are no provisions in local, state, or federal laws to handle removal of wildlife when this site is developed for housing. (4) She is wondering if homes currently on 29th will still use the existing power poles or if they will be switched to underground wiring in the future. Response: Per FWCC Section 16-47, Abby's Lane is responsible for undergrounding the overhead utilities along their property frontage on 29th Avenue South. However, several residential properties on the opposite side of the street obtain service from these overhead lines. During the construction process, the developer will be required to work with the utility companies to find a reasonable solution to the situation. It is possible that the undergrounding requirement will be revised, reduced, or eliminated. In any case, the City would not require the neighboring properties to participate financially in the undergrounding expense, nor would the City require the developer to simply move the entire existing overhead utility system to the opposite side of the street. b. Letter from Amber Santiago, Puyallup Tribe of Indians, 3009 East Portland Avenue, Tacoma, W A 98404 (Exhibit 9). It is not known if the actual site is of concern, but she requests that any exposure of historical sites will need to be reported to her office immediately. Response: The applicant was given a copy of the letter and may contact Ms. Santiago for further information. 3. In accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) and FWCC Chapter 18, "Environmental Protection," all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the site, and all affected agencies, were notified of the proposed action and the City's environmental decision. In addition, the site was posted and notice placed in the newspaper and on the City's official notice boards. For this project, the SEP A Notice was combined with the Notice of Application, as noted below. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT An environmental "Determination of Nonsignificance" (DNS) was issued by the City of Federal Way for the proposed action (Exhibit 9). The optional anticipated DNS process was used, whereby the City made an anticipated DNS at the time of the land use application (FWCC 18-82). A Final DNS was issued on April 23, 2007. The Final DNS was not appealed. This determination was based on review of information in the project file, including the environmental checklist, submitted January 11,2007, and annotated by the City planner February 9, 2007 (Exhibit II). The Director concluded that the proposal would not result in probable significant adverse impacts on the environment. Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Page 5 File No. 07-100 1 85-00-SU/ Doc 10.40589 NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS The property is located between 29th Avenue South and Interstate 5, in the north part of the City, in a single-family residential area, which is mostly developed with homes. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 1. Geology. A geotechnical report was not required for critical area review, since the site contains no geotechnically hazardous areas. Up to 1,700 cubic yards of imported fill will be needed on the project, per the SEP A checklist. Soils will be excavated during the construction of private access Tract A, the stormwater facilities, and utilities, as indicated on the preliminary clearing and grading plan, which depicts clearing limits for construction of the aforementioned items. 2. Topography. The site is gently rolling. Stormwater drains primarily to the north and east. A stormwater facility will be built in the northeast comer of the site. (No infiltration is planned on the individual lots at this time.) 3. Critical Areas. The City of Federal Way Environmentally Critical Areas Map does not indicate any critical areas on the site. The applicant submitted a "Wetland Reconnaissance Report," by Chad Armour, of Chad Armour, LLC, dated August 14,2006 (Exhibit 17.a.), which verified this fact. There is a tiny wetland feature on or near the eastern property line that is around 250 square feet and too small to be considered a regulated critical area. The City's wetland consultant, Otak, reviewed Chad Armour's report and determined that there are no regulated wetlands or streams on the site (Exhibit 17.b.), and the proponents were notified by letter that the City of Federal Way accepted the determinations of Chad Armour and Otak (Exhibit 17.c.). 4. Vegetation. The site is mostly wooded, but does not contain "Significant trees," as defined in FWCC Chapter 22. "Significant trees" do not include alders, maples, or cottonwoods. 5. Wildlife and Habitat. No wildlife species recognized as priority species are known to inhabit the site or the vicinity. However, songbirds, squirrels, and other wildlife will likely be displaced or use trees that remain or are planted. SUBDIVISION DESIGN (FWCC 20-151) In the following analysis, pertinent text of the code is provided in italics, with a staff response following. The project is vested to the provisions of Chapter 20, Subdivisions, as it existed at the date that the Department determined that this was a complete application, i.e., February 13,2007. 1. Subdivisions should be designed so that traffic is distributed in a logical manner toward a collector street system, to avoid intrusion and over-burdening of residential streets, and to connect with planned or existing streets. The traffic will be distributed in a logical manner (as shown on the preliminary plat map). The only internal traffic will be along a private access tract proposed to serve four of the easterly lots. Along 284th Avenue South, the plans show a 15-foot-wide Tract X for potential future dedication. (Refer to street improvement details below, under the heading "Improvements Required.") 2. Streets should be coordinated with existing intersections to avoid offsetting new intersections, and should intersect at a 90-degree angle plus or minus J 5 degrees. The applicant is providing a Tract X along the south of the site in the event it should be needed for future improvements to South 284th Street. Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Page 6 File No. 07-100 1 85-00-SUI Doc. 10 40589 3, No street, or combination of streets, shall function as a cul-de-sac longer than 600 feet. This does not apply. 4. Blockperimeters should be no longer than 1,320feetfor non-motorized access, and 2,640feetfor streets. This does not apply. 5. Subdivisions on steep slopes should be designed so that streets are constructed generally parallel, rather than perpendicular, to the slope. This does not apply. 6. Streets should be designed in conformance with adopted standards for sight distance at intersections, as prescribed in FWCC 22-1151 et seq. The plat is designed in conformance with adopted standards for sight distance. LOT DESIGN (FWCC 20-152) 1. All lots should be of ample dimensions to provide a regular shaped building area which meets required setbacks. The proposal meets the criteria. The setback lines have been shown on Sheet 1. The zoning chart for "detached dwelling units" in the RS zones requires a front setback of 20 feet, a side setback of 5 feet, and a rear setback of 5 feet (FWCC 22.;.631]. For comer lots, any side setback along a primary vehicle access (such as a street or tract) is 10 feet (per the revised Zoning Chart adopted per Ordinance #07-545, effective January 11,2007). 2. All lots shall be designed to provide access for emergency apparatus. The proposal has been reviewed by the Fire Marshal's Office and has been found to meet the criteria. 3. All lots should be designed to take advantage of topographic and natural features, view orientation and privacy. The site does not pose concerns in terms of topography, natural features, view orientation, or privacy. 4. Except in a cluster subdivision, all lots should abut a public street right-of way. Residential lots should not have access onto arterial streets. As is evident on the Planned Street Sections Map (Exhibit 23), there are no arterial streets abutting the site. All ofthe lots abut a public street right-of- way or the Tract A or the Tract D (Tract X) private driveway. Tract A is private, but is allowed as an exception, since it meets the standards for cross-section Y. The existing house will use Tract D (Tract X), which is in the location of the existing driveway, since private property intervenes between the site and the South 284th Street right-of-way. Due to the intervening private property, half-street improvements to South 284th Street are not proposed at this time, but Tract X is set aside, so that it may be developed as right-of-way in the future. DENSITY (FWCC 20-153) I. All lots in conventional subdivisions shall meet the density and minimum lot size requirements of Chapter 22 FWCC. Calculation of density in subdivisions shall not include streets or vehicle access easements. The site meets the minimum density of9,600 square feet per lot. Therefore, all lots are of the minimum size for the zone, as dictated by the RS zoning chart for "detached dwelling unit" in FWCC 22-631. 2. The site is not considered a "cluster subdivision." Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Page 7 File No. 07-100 I 85-00-SUI Doc. 10 40589 OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION (FWCC 20-155) All residential subdivisions shall be required to provide open space in the amount of 15 percent of the gross land area of the subdivision site; except for subdivisions created under FWCC 20-154, a fee-in-lieu payment may be made to satisfy open space requirements at the discretion of the parks director after consideration of the city's overall park plan, quality, location, and service area of the open space that would otherwise be provided within the project, The fee-in-lieu of open space shall be calculated on 15 percent of the most recent assessed value of the property. The applicant does not show open space on the site plan and proposes fee-in-lieu of open space. The Parks Director approves and prefers the fee-in-lieu of open space for this application. As a condition of approval of this application, prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant must submit to the City of Federal Way the fee-in-lieu of open space, calculated on 15 percent of the most recent assessed value of the property at the time of fmal plat. PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE ACCESS (FWCC 20-156) No special pedestrian or bicycle paths are warranted. A sidewalk will be provided along 29th A venue South, and along both sides of access Tract A. IMPROVEMENTS REQUIRED (FWCC 20-176) Street improvements, and the dedication of rights-of way and/or easements, shall be required in accordance with FWCC 22-1471 et seq., regarding required improvements to rights-ofway and vehicular access easements. If a plat is subject to a dedication, dedication language shall be included on the face of the plat... The Zoning Code refers to an "official right-of-way map" in Section 22-1471. This is Map 111-6 of the Comprehensive Plan, entitled "Planned Street Sections" (Exhibit 23). 2gth Avenue South is designated as a Type S street. The standards for a Type S street call for 36 feet of pavement, within a 60-foot right-of-way (to include curb, gutter, four-foot planter strip with trees, five- foot sidewalk, and streetlights). The applicant is responsible for half street improvements which shall extend from the street centerline. The plans show 30 feet of right-of-way to be dedicated to the City, to be developed to the aforementioned standards. As a condition of approval, prior to approval of the final plat the applicant must dedicate to the City, via statutory warranty deed, 30 feet of right-of-way for 29th Avenue South and develop the right-of-way to City standards. South 284th Street is designated as a Type S street. The standards for a Type S street call for 36 feet of . pavement, within a 6O-foot right-of-way (to include curb, gutter, four-foot planter strip with trees, five- foot sidewalk, and streetlights). There is a panhandle lot, APN 332204-9025, owned by Howard Harris, next to the subject site. This 15-foot-wide strip of land separates the subject property from the existing public right-of-way (ROW) for South 284th Street. A letter was sent to Mr. Harris inquiring about the possibility of dedicating a portion of his property as ROW in order to facilitate improvements along South 284th Street. To date, there has been no response; therefore, the requirement for full frontage improvements along South 284th Street will be waived; as a condition, prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall revise the plans to show a l5-foot-wide "Tract X" (currently shown as a IS-foot-wide "Tract D") for future dedication to the City (through Statutory Warranty Deed), and the applicant shall specify on the plans that the Tract X will serve as a private driveway for the existing house on the proposed Lot 1, until such time as the City can obtain the full right-of-way width. The developer must sign a Tract X Agreement which will be referenced on the final plat. Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Page 8 File No, 07- I 00 185-00-SU/lJoc.1.D. 40589 Tract A will be a private access tract, 38-foot-wide, Cross-Section Y, consisting of 24-foot pavement, curb, gutter, five-foot sidewalks and two-foot utility strips. The Fire Marshal's Office has reviewed and approves of the hammerhead turnaround. DENSITY REGULATIONS (FWCC 20-177) Density or parcel size, setbacks and buffers shall be in accordance with Chapter 22 FWCC, "Zoning." As mentioned above, the proposal meets this requirement. LANDSCAPE BUFFERS (FWCC 20-178) Subdivision design should provide a ten-foot-wide Type III landscape strip along all arterial streets to shield new residences from arterial streets. See FWCC 22-1565(c), Said landscape strip shall be provided in a separate tract to be owned and maintained by the homeowners' association. A landscape tract is not required along 29th Street South, as it is not an arterial. A landscape tract is being provided along the property line with Interstate 5. RETENTION OF VEGETATION (CLEARING AND GRADING) (FWCC 20-179) (a) All natural vegetation shall be retained on the site to be subdivided except that which will be removed for improvements or grading as shown on approved engineering plans. A preliminary clearing and grading plan shall be submitted as part of preliminary plat application. (b) Existing mature vegetation shall be retained to the maximum extent possible. Preservation of significant trees pursuant to FWCC 22-1568 shall apply solely to the development of each single- family lot at the time a building permit is applied for. In general, the FWCC does not support mass clearing and grading of a proposed plat unless there are unusual site conditions and/or existing topographical conditions that support extensive site grading at the time of infrastructure development. Sheet PP-02 shows the clearing and grading limits corresponding to the right-of-way improvements, utilities, stormwater tract, landscape tract, and access tracts. STREETS AND RIGHTS-OF- WAY (FWCC 20-180) (a) All streets within an approved subdivision shall be within a dedicated public right-oj-way. Private tracts may be used in short subdivisions and cluster subdivisions using cross-section type "Y", as described in FWCC 22-1528. (b) All streets within the public rights-oj-way shall be improved to the standards specified in FWCC 22- 1471 et seq., regarding required improvements to rights-oj- way and vehicular access easements and tracts. (c) All streets abutting the subdivision or short subdivision shall be improved in accordance with FWCC 22-1471 et seq., regarding required improvements to rights-of way and vehicular access easements. (d) All traffic control devices within the subdivision or short subdivision shall be provided by the developer as required by the director of public works. (e) Streets shall be provided to develop a street network with a block perimeter of no greater than 2,640 feet, as measured on centerlines. This requirement may be modified if connections cannot be made due to: (1) Topographical constraints. Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Page 9 File No. 07-1001 85-00-SUI Doc. LD 40589 (2) Environmentally sensitive areas. (3) Adjacent development is not being conducive, (f) Additional off-site street and traffic control improvements may be required to mitigate impacts resultingfrom the subdivision or short subdivision. The plans have been reviewed by the Public Works Department to ensure consistency with these regulations, and meet the standards as noted above under the heading "Improvements Required." The block perimeter requirement does not apply, since the site is surrounded by adjacent development (including Interstate 5) which is not conducive to a street network or pedestrian connection. In terms of traffic concurrency, the proposal is for nine new single-family residences and one existing residence (for a total often lots). On February 15,2007, Soma Chattopadhyay of the Public Works Traffic Division, issued a traffic "Concurrency Decision" (Exhibit 20), requiring the applicant to pay the City of Federal Way $26,011 (twenty-six thousand and eleven dollars) towards traffic mitigation. The fees are calculated as shown in the following table: Project Map Location Description Pro-Rata ID ID 141 2 SR 99 HOY Lanes Phase 3: S 2841JJ St - Add HOV lanes, 2nd SB left-turn lane @ 2881JJ, $9,250 SR 509 install raised median, signal @ SR 509 @ Redondo Wy S with interconnect to 11th PI S 159 12 SR 99 HOY Lanes Phase 4: SR 509 - S Add HOV lanes, install raised median $13,427 31th St 154 16 S 3041JJ St@281JJ Ave S Add NB right-turn lane, signal $285 166 20 Military Rd S: S Star Lake Rd - S Widen to 5 lanes, sidewalks, street lights $3,048 288lh St Total: $26,011 WATER (FWCC 20-181) All lots in a subdivision or short subdivision shall be served by a water system designed and constructed to the specifications of the Lakehaven Utility District or City of Tacoma public utilities department or any other appropriate district. The applicant submitted a King County Certificate of Water Availability (Exhibit 12). Lakehaven Utility District (LUD) is the water purveyor. LUD has found the preliminary plat plans to be acceptable for water service, except as noted in this section. LUD has stated a concern that the easement shown on the latest preliminary plan set is insufficient (pertaining to Lots 5 through 8). Therefore, as a condition of approval, prior to approval of the final plat, the plans must be revised to include terms of the water and sewer easement rights and benefits across Tract A, pertaining to Lots 5 through 8, to the satisfaction of Lakehaven Utility District. The applicant is responsible for working with Lakehaven Utility District to determine if the existing well on the site must be decommissioned. "Regulated Wellheads" are addressed in FWCC 22-1369, as follows: "Any well constructed after March 1, 1990, must comply with the siting criteria of Chapter 173- 160 WAC. Any improvement or use on the subject property erected or engaged in after March 1, 1990, must comply with the requirements in Chapter 173-160 WAC regarding separation of wells from sources of pollution." Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Page 10 File No. 07-100 1 85-00-SU/ Doc. I.D 40589 SEWAGE DISPOSAL (FWCC 20-182) Wherever feasible, all lots in subdivisions and short subdivisions shall be connected to a sanitary sewer system designed and constructed to the specifications of the Lakehaven Utility District or other appropriate district. The applicant submitted a King County Certificate of Sewer Availability (Exhibit 13). LUD has found the preliminary plat plans to be acceptable for sewer service, except as noted in this section. LUD has stated a concern that the easement shown on the latest preliminary plan set is insufficient (pertaining to Lots 5 through 8). Therefore, as a condition of approval, prior to approval of the final plat, the plans must be revised to include terms of the water and sewer easement rights and benefits across Tract A, pertaining to Lots 5 through 8, to the satisfaction of Lakehaven Utility District. STORM DRAINAGE (FWCC 20-183) All subdivisions and short subdivisions shall be provided with an adequate storm drainage system designed and constructed in accordance with the surface water management requirements in FWCC 21- 26 et seq., and the storm and surface water utility requirements in FWCC 16-76 et seq. In addition to the plans, the applicant submitted a report entitled "Abby's Lane Preliminary Technical Information Report" (TIR), prepared by ESM Consulting Engineers, May 16,2007, received May 29, 2007 (Exhibit 14). Public Works staff have reviewed the proposal and found it to be in compliance with the storm and surface water requirements. As shown in the TIR and plans, the requirements of the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) will be met. Final review and approval of the storm drainage facilities will occur as part of the Final plat process. LANDSCAPING PROTECTION AND ENHANCEMENT (FWCC 20-186) (a) A landscape plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect shall be submitted with each subdivision or short subdivision application. The plan shall identify existing wooded areas, significant trees, meadows, rock outcroppings, and other landscape features. The plan shall also show proposed buffers, open spaces, street trees, and other ornamental landscaping. (b) Significant trees, as defined in Chapter 22 FWCC, Zoning, shall be identified, except for those to be removed in areas to be improved or graded as shown on the preliminary plat. During construction of subdivision improvements and permitting of single-family residences. protection techniques, as required in Chapter 22 FWCC. Zoning, shall be used to protect the identified trees from harm or destruction, and to restore trees damaged or lost. Significant trees to be preserved shall be visibly marked by flagging. The applicant submitted a preliminary landscape plan which meets the criteria. The site is mostly wooded, but does not contain "Significant trees," as defined in FWCC 22-1568. "Significant trees" do not include alders, maples, or cottonwoods. MONUMENTS (FWCC 20-187) Permanent survey control monuments shall be provided for all final plats and short plats. ., The monuments will be dealt with at the final plat stage. Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Page II file No. 07-100 1 85-00-SUI Doc 1.0 40589 PUBLIC SERVICES 1. Schools. School impact fees, as authorized by City ordinance, are collected at the time the building permit is issued. School impact fees are determined on the basis of the district's Capital Facilities Plan and are subject to annual adjustment and update. 2. Public Parks. Refer to the analysis of open space requirements above. The Director ofPitrKs has determined that a fee-in-Iieu of open space on site is preferable for this proposal. 3. Fire Protection. The proposal has been reviewed by South King Fire. The King County Certificate of Water Availability, which was approved by the Lakehaven Utility District, indicates that water will be available to the site in sufficient quantity to satisfy fire flow standards for the proposed development. The Fire Department requires that a fire hydrant be located within 350 feet of each lot. The exact number and location of fire hydrants will be reviewed and approved by the Fire Department as part of the final plat process. NOISE The site is located adjacent to Interstate 5 and is near the flight path for SeaTac airport. FWCC 22-956 simply addresses "Maximum environmental noise levels" as follows: "(a) State standard adopted. The city adopts by reference the maximum environmental noise levels established pursuant to the Noise Control Act of 1974, Chapter 70.107 RCW. See Chapter 173-60 WAC." A Noise Evaluation, dated December 14, 2006, was prepared by Optimum Environment (Issaquah) for this application. The report includes "Table 1: Noise Limitations; dBA." Noises from vehicles, planes, and trains were present on this site during a test of the site. A list of exemptions to the noise limitations can be found in WAC 173-60. State noise regulations exempt all the sources of measured noise-vehicles, planes, and trains-from compliance with the limitations shown in Table 1. However, in consideration for the health and welfare of the residents of the new homes, as a condition of approval, the applicant shall include noise reduction building techniques in the construction plans for the new homes, such as special windows; prior to approval of the building permit for each new house, the noise reduction measures must be approved by the Building Official's Office. The applicant is encouraged to check with the Building Official's Office regarding noise reduction measures, prior to submitting building permit applications. DECISIONAL CRITERIA The project is vested to the provisions of Chapter 20, Subdivisions, as it existed at the date that the Department determined that this was a complete application, i.e., February 13,2007. The FWCC establishes review procedures and decisional criteria for deciding upon various types of land use applications. Pursuant to FWCC Chapter 20, "Subdivisions," Section 20-110, preliminary plat applications are submitted to the Hearing Examiner for public hearing. The preliminary plat application and the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner are submitted to the City Council for approval or disapproval. Pursuant to FWCC 20-126(c), the Hearing Examiner may recommend approval of the proposed preliminary plat only if the following decisional criteria are met. Decisional criteria and staff responses are provided below: I. The project is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The application is subject to the adopted 2003 Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (FWCP), which designates the property as Single-Family High Density. The proposed land use, Single-Family Residential plat, with 9,600 square-foot Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Page 12 File No. 07-100185-00-SUI Doc.1.D 40589 minimum lot size (RS-9.6), is consistent with density allowances and policies applicable to this land use as established in the FWCP, 2. The project is consistent with all applicable provisions of the chapter, including those adopted by reference from the Comprehensive Plan. The preliminary plat application is required to comply with the provisions of the FWCC Chapter 18, "Environmental Policy," Chapter 20, "Subdivisions," Chapter 22, "Zoning," and all other applicable codes and regulations. Future development of the residential subdivision will be required to comply with all applicable development codes and regulations. As conditioned, the proposed preliminary plat will comply with all provisions of the chapter. 3. The project is consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare. As conditioned, the plat will be consistent with public health, safety, and welfare. 4. It is consistent with the design criteria listed in Section 20-2. The plat will be consistent with the purposes identified in FWCC Section 20-2, including effective use of land, promotion of safe and convenient travel on streets, and provision for the housing needs of the community. 5. It is consistent with the development standards listed in Sections 20-151 through 157, and 20-178 through 187. The plat will be consistent with these development standards, as described in the analysis above. FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS Based on an analysis of the proposed action, environmental record, and related decisional criteria, the Department of Community Development Services finds as follows: 1. The proposed action is to subdivide a preliminary plat to subdivide one parcel (3.84 acres) into ten single-family residential lots. 2. The application was deemed complete on February 8,2007. The plat is subject to codes and policies in place on that date, including the 2003 Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (FWCP). 3. The subject property is designated Single-Family High-Density in the 2003 FWCP. 4. Zoning for the site is RS-9.6 (minimum lot size 9,600 square feet). The proposed residential subdivision and density is consistent with applicable zoning and subdivision regulations. 5. A combined Notice of Application/Determination of Non significance was posted on February 13, 2007. Two comment letters were received during the initial comment period. A Final DNS was issued for the proposed action on April 23, 2007. No comments or appeals regarding the Final DNS were received. 6. As proposed, each lot contains an adequate size and shape building envelope to contain a single- family residence. Building setback lines are identified on the preliminary plat map. 7. No open space is proposed on site. Pursuant to FWCC Section 20-155, the applicant has proposed fee-in-lieu of on-site open space, which the Director of Parks finds to be acceptable. 8. No regulated environmentally critical areas are on the site. The site was reviewed by the applicant's wetland biologist and the City's consultant wetland biologist. 9. No trees which meet the definition of "significant trees" exist on the site. I O. Sheet PP-02 shows clearing and grading limits corresponding to the right-of-way improvements, utilities, stormwater tract, landscape tract, and access tracts. II. The applicant has shown the location of a landscape tract along the property line of Interstate 5. Since 29th A venue South is not an arterial, no landscape tract is required along it. Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat StatTReport to the Hearing Examiner Page 13 File No. 07-1001 85-00-SUI Doc.ID 4051\9 12, Development of the site will create runoff fr-om new impervious surfaces such as streets, driveways, and rooftops. Storm drainage facilities are being designed in accordance with the 1998 KCSWDM and the City's amendments to the manual. The applicant's preliminary storm drainage TIR, was reviewed and accepted by the City's Public Works Department. Final review and approval of the storm drainage facilities as shown on the engineering plans will occur as part of the final plat process. 13. Public Works staffhave reviewed the project and concluded that, as conditioned in this report, the proposed street layout and street improvements of the subdivision are consistent with adopted codes and the Comprehensive Plan. 14. Based on the concurrency analysis for this project, the applicant is required to pay the City of Federal Way $26,011 (twenty-six thousand and eleven dollars) towards traffic mitigation. 15. Water and sewer facilities are available from the Lakehaven Utility District and are adequate to serve the proposed development. It is the applicant's responsibility to secure all necessary water and sewer services from the utility provider. 16. Unusual levels of noise exist at the site due to the presence of Interstate 5 and the SeaTac Airport flight path. Noise reduction construction techniques can mitigate the noise. 17. The set of preliminary plat drawings and all attachments have been reviewed for compliance with the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, FWCC Chapter 18, "Environmental Protection," Chapter 20, "Subdivisions," Chapter 22, "Zoning," and all other applicable codes and regulations. As proposed, and recommended by staff, the preliminary plat is consistent with the FWCP and the applicable codes and regulations. RECOMMENDATION Based on review of this application, the environmental record, and pertinent decisional criteria, the Department of Community Development Services recommends conditional approval of the preliminary plat. CONDITIONS 1. Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant must submit to the City of Federal Way the fee-in-lieu of open space, calculated on 15 percent of the most recent assessed value of the property at the time of final plat. 2. Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant must dedicate to the City, via statutory warranty deed, 30 feet of right-of-way for 29th A venue South and develop the right-of-way to City standards. 3. Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant shall revise the plans to show a 15-foot-wide "Tract X" (currently shown as a I5-foot-wide "Tract D") for future dedication to the City (through Statutory Warranty Deed), and the applicant shall specify on the plans that the Tract X will serve as a private driveway for the existing house on the proposed Lot 1, until such time as the City can obtain the full right-of-way width. The developer must sign a Tract X Agreement which will be referenced on the final plat. 4. Prior to approval of the final plat, the plans must be revised to include terms of the water and sewer easement rights and benefits across Tract A, pertaining to Lots 5 through 8, to the satisfaction of Lakehaven Utility District. 5. The applicant shall include noise reduction building techniques in the construction plans for the new homes, such as special windows; prior to approval of the building permit for each new house, the noise reduction measures must be approved by the Building Official's Office. (The applicant is encouraged to check with the Building Official's Office regarding noise reduction measures, prior to submitting building permit applications.) Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Page 14 File No, 07-1 001 85-00-SU/ Doc. 1:0 40589 LIST OF EXHIBITS Copies of exhibits are not attached to all copies of this report. All exhibits have been provided to the Hearing Examiner. I. Set of plans by ESM Consulting Engineers (Federal Way), revised July 9,2007, receivedJuly 12, 2007, including the foll<?wing: · Sheet I, Preliminary Plat · Sheet 2, Preliminary Grading and Utility Plan · Sheet 3, Existing Conditions Survey · Sheet L-I, Preliminary Landscape Plan · Sheet L-2, Preliminary Landscape Plan (continued) 2. Zoning and Vicinity Map 3. Aerial Photography Map 4. Quarter Section Map 5. Master Land Use Application, received August 18,2005 6. Notice of Application + Optional Determination of Non significance (DNS), February 13,2007 7. Comment Letter from Dalene Sheets, February 25,2007 8. Response letter from Matt Cyr of ESM to Dalene Sheets, July 3, 2007 9. Comment Letter from Amber Santiago, Puyallup Tribe of Indians, February 27,2007 10. Final SEPA DNS, April 23, 2007 11. SEPA checklist, submitted January 11,2007, annotated by Andy Bergsagel, February 9,2007 12. King County Certificate of Water Availability 13. King County Certificate of Sewer Availability 14. Abby's Lane Preliminary Technical Information Report (TIR), prepared by ESM Consulting Engineers, dated May 16,2007, received May 29, 2007 15. Noise Evaluation, by Optimum Environment (Issaquah), received January 11,2007 16. Policy of Title Insurance, received January 11,2007 17 . Wetland and Stream Analyses: a. Wetland Reconnaissance Report, by Chad Armour, LLC (Bellevue), August 14,2006 b. Consultant analysis: Technical Memorandum, from Suzanne Bagshaw of Otak (Kirkland), October 26, 2006 c. Letter from Andrew Bauer (City of Federal Way) to Ty Pedergraft ofMT Land Development, Re: Wetland Decision, dated October 26, 2007 18. Traffic "Concurrency Decision," issued by the Public Works Traffic Division, February 15,2007 19. Letter from Will Appleton to Howard Harris, dated June 25, 2007 20. Right-of-way Modification Approval Letter, File No. 07-102885, dated July 26,2007 21. Planned Street Sections Map 22. FWCC Chapter 20, Subdivisions, as in effect at the time of complete application 23. Notice of Hearing TRANSMITTED TO THE PARTIES LISTED HEREAFTER · Phil Olbrechts, Federal Way Hearing Examiner (via City Clerk) · Agent: ESM Consulting Engineers, Attn: Matt Cyr, 33915 1st Way South, Suite 200, Federal Way, WA 98003 · Owner: Tracy Sears, do MT Land Development LLC, PO Box 517, Auburn, W A 98092 · Ann Dower, Public Works Development Engineering · Soma Chattopadyhays, Public Works Traffic · Chris Ingham, South King Fire and Rescue · Brian Asbury, Lakehaven Utility District · Commenter #1: Dalene Sheets, 28231 29th Avenue South, Federal Way, W A 98003 · Commenter #2: Amber Santiago, Puyallup Tribe of Indians, 3009 East Portland A venue, Tacoma, W A 98404 Abby's Lane Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Hearing Examiner Page 15 File No. 07-100 I 85-00-SUI 00c.1D 40589 /rl/./O) !jI\ renT ;, .J/lr)1/~!lr ! L_ l;.,.,.. - , RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING ABBY'S LANE PRELIMINARY PLAT, FEDERAL WAY FILE NO. 07-100185-00 SUo WHEREAS, the owner, MT Land Development LLC, applied to the City of Federal Way for preliminary plat approval to subdivide certain real property known as Abby's Lane, and consisting of 3.84 acres into ten (10) single-family residential lots located between 29th Avenue South and Interstate-5, just north of South 284th Street; and WHEREAS, on April 23, 2007, a final Environmental Determination of Non sign ificance (DNS) was issued by the Director of Federal Way's Department of Community Development Services pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.21C; RCW, and WHEREAS, the Federal Way Hearing Examiner on August 22, 2007, held a public hearing concerning Abby's Lane preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, following the conclusion of said hearing, on September 6, 2007, the Federal Way Hearing Examiner issued written Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation containing findings and conclusions, and recommending approval of the Abby's Lane preliminary plat subject to conditions set forth therein; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council has jurisdiction and authority pursuant to Section 20-127 of the Federal Way City Code to approve, deny, or modify a preliminary plat and/or its conditions; and WHEREAS, on October 1,2007, the City Council Land Use and Transportation Committee considered the record and the Hearing Examiner recommendation on Abby's Lane preliminary plat, pursuant to Chapter 20 of Federal Way City Code, Chapter 58.17 RCW, and all other applicable City codes, and voted to forward a recommendation for approval of the proposed Abby's Lane preliminary plat to the full City Council, with no changes to the Hearing Examiner recommendation; and WHEREAS, on October 16, 2007, the City Council considered the record and the Hearing Examiner recommendation on Abby's Lane preliminary plat, pursuant to Chapter 20 of Federal Way City Code, Chapter 58.17 RCW, and all other applicable City codes. Now THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Adoption of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. 1. The findings of fact and conclusions oflaw of the Hearing Examiner's September 6, 2007 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference, are hereby adopted as the findings and conclusions of the Federal Way City Council. Any finding deemed to be a conclusion, and any conclusion deemed to be a finding, shall be treated as such. 2. Based on, inter alia, the analysis and conclusions in the Staff Report and Hearing Examiner's recommendation, and conditions of approval as established therein, the proposed subdivision makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety, and general welfare, and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary waste, parks and recreation, play grounds, schools and schools grounds, and all other relevant facts as are required by City code and state law, and provides for sidewalks and other planning features to assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. 3. The public use and interest will be served by the preliminary plat approval granted herein. Section 2. Application Approval. Based upon the recommendation of the Federal Way H~aring Examiner Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law contained therein as adopted by the City Council immediately above, Abby's Lane preliminary plat, Federal Way File No. 07-100185-00 SU, is hereby approved, subject to conditions as contained in the September 6, 2007 Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation of the Federal Way Hearing Examiner (Exhibit A). Section 3. Conditions of Approval Integral. The conditions of approval of the preliminary plat are all integral to each other with respect to the City Council finding that the public use and interest will be served by the platting or subdivision ofthe subject property. Should any court having jurisdiction over the subject matter declare any of the conditions invalid, then, in said event, the proposed preliminary plat approval granted in this resolution shall be deemed void, and the preliminary plat shall be remanded to the City of Federal Way Hearing Examiner to review the impacts of the invalidation of any condition or conditions and conduct such additional proceedings as are necessary to assure that the proposed plat makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety, and general welfare and other factors as required by RCW Chapter 58.17 and applicable City ordinances, rules, and regulations, and forward such recommendation to the City Council for further action. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, THIS _ DAY OF ,2007. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, MICHAEL PARK ATTEST: CITY CLERK, LAURA HATHAWAY APPROVED As To FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED By THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO. .~_~!I~.~~.~_~.~~!~~~!l~.!.~.~_Q~!.?~er 16, 2~~?__...____ ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: UNFIT STRUCTURES CODE AMENDMENT POLICY QUESTION: Should the Federal Way City Code (FWCC) be amended to implement the process and to acquire the powers authorized by RCW 35.80 to address conditions which render dwellings, buildings, structures, and other premises unfit for human habitation and other uses? COMMITTEE: Land Useffransportation Committee MEETING DATE: October 1,2007 CATEGORY: o Consent o City Council Business 18I Ordinance o Resolution o o Public Hearing Other STAFF REpORT By: City Staff Attorney Monica Buck DEPT: Law Currently, the city uses the International Property Maintenance Code to deal with structures that are derelict, deserted, or generally unfit for habitation. The proposed ordinance adopts the process for eliminating unfit structures outlined in RCW 35.80. The ordinance was presented to the LUTC on September 17,2007. The LUTC had questions regarding the process of collecting abate'ment costs and tabled the proposed ordinance to the next LUTC (October 1,2007) to give staff time to respond to the LUTC's questions and concerns. The City has abated dangerous buildings on two occasions and attached the cost of abatement as a tax assessment/lien. In 1999, the City abated a mobile home for $10,281, and in 2001, the City abated a single dwelling unit for $19,621.05. The City Council confumed the cost of abatement by resolution and the City forwarded it to the County for collection. In both cases, the City recovered its costs in full. Staff has made a few minor modifications to the ordinance for internal consistency. Attachments: I) Staff Memo on Unfit Structures Code Amendment; 2) Table on Collection of Abatement Costs; and 3) Proposed Ordinance. .--.----.--.------------..------.------..----------.-._._----_..._----_._-_._---------_._-_._~---_._..~._._-._......_._._---_._.~._-- Options Considered: I) Adopt the proposed ordinance as presented by staff with the tax assessment abatement method, per RCW 35.80; 2) Adopt the proposed ordinance with modifications; 3) Do not adopt the proposed ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Option #1; adopt the proposed ordinance as presented by staff with the tax assessment abatement method, CW 35.80. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: 0#1(. Committee CoWlCil Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Approve Option #1 and forward the ordinance for first reading to the full Council on October 16, 2007. Jack Dovey Chair Dean McColgan Linda Kochmar PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the LUTC's recommendation to adopt the ordinance with amendments to the FWCC .. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o T ABLEDlDEFERREDINO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/0612006 1:IDOCUMENT\2007 Building Code ChangelUnfn Struc'ures 2nd Agenda Bin.doc COUNCIL BD..L 1# I Sf reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE 1# RESOLUTION 1# Department of Community Development Services 33325 8th Avenue South PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 253-835-2601 - Fax: 253-835-2609 www. cityoff~geralway .CQITI CITY OF Federal Way MEMORANDUM DATE: September 5,2007 TO: Jack Dovey, Chair Land Use/Transportation Committee FROM: R. Lee Bailey, Building Official VIA: Neel Beets, City Manager MEETING DATE: September 10,2007 SUBJECT: Unfit Structures Code Amendment BACKGROUND Currently the city uses the International Property Maintenance Code to deal with structures that are derelict, deserted, or generally unfit for habitation. This is a costly, long drawn out process sometimes taking years to resolve. Adoption of this ordinance will result in the city being able to use the process for eliminating unfit structures outlined in RCW 35.80. This process will not only save the city time and money, it designates the city's expenses as tax liens, which are recoverable in three years and do not require a warrant of abatement. SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO FEDERAL WA Y CITY CODE (FWCC) CHAPTER 1 The proposed addition to the FWCC Chapter 1 will adopt a process to deal with unfit structures in the City of Federal Way. The ordinance describes the process from initial complaint through final resolution, It contains definitions of unfit structures, identifies the city's "improvement officer" and "appeals commission," outlines the enforcement and appeal processes, and sets deadlines. Proposed additions are shown as underline. I\DQCUMENT\2007 Building Code Change\Unfit Structures Memo.doc Collection of Abatement Costs At the September 1 ih Land Use and Transportation Council Committee meeting, several questions arose regarding the process of collecting abatement costs under the proposed Unfit Buildings Ordinance. The City has two options for collecting these coasts. The table below is intended to compare these two options. Tax Assessment/Lien (RCW 35.80) Judgment Lien (RCW 4.56) Procedure · eity certifies the amount to the eounty Treasurer. · County Treasurer enters the amount on the tax rolls against the property for the current year. · At this point, the County is responsible for collecting the assessment. · If the assessment becomes delinquent by 3 years, the County may foreclose. · The property owner may pay the delinquency up until the day before the sale. General Information · Fairly simple process and does not require a court order. · Attaches to the real property regardless of ownership - therefore, a property owner cannot simply transfer title to another person to dispose of an asset and avoid payment. · Tax liens have priority over all other debts, including judgments Procedure . City files required pleadings in Superior Court. Filing fee = $200 . Appear in court to obtain an order granting judgment. . Judgment remains in effect for 10 years (but can be renewed). General Information . Attaches to the property of the judgment debtor. . If the judgment debtor transfers the property, the property remains subject to the lien, but the lien may not be satisfied simply by transfer (i.e. quit claim deed). . Usually satisfied from the sale proceeds when the property is sold. 1:\DOCUMENT\2007 Building Code Change\Table - Collection Methods.doc ORDINANCE NO. 07- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, AMDENDING CHAPTER 1, ARTICLE III, OF THE FEDERAL WAY CITY CODE TO IMPLEMENT THE PROCESS AND TO ACQUIRE THE POWERS AUTHORIZED BY CHAPTER 35.80 RCW TO ADDRESS CONDITIONS WHICH RENDER DWELLINGS, BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, AND OTHER PREMISES UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION AND OTHER USES. WHEREAS, there exist within the City of Federal Way dwellings that are unfit for human habitation and buildings, structures, and premises or portions thereof, which are unfit for other uses, due to conditions of dilapidation, disrepair, structural defects, defects increasing the hazards of fire, accidents, or other calamities, inadequate ventilation and uncleanliness, inadequate light or sanitary facilities, inadequate drainage, overcrowding, or other conditions harmful to the health and welfare of the residents of the Federal Way; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way recognizes the detrimental effects on public health, safety, and welfare stemming from unfit dwellings, buildings, structures, and premises at various locations throughout the City; and WHEREAS, Chapter 35.80 RCW authorizes cities to adopt ordinances that enable cities to address such conditions fairly, effectively, and with reasonable assurance that costs incurred by the City to abate such conditions will be recovered. NOw, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. New sections are added to Chapter 1, Article III, "Civil Enforcement of the Code," of the Federal Way City Code to read as follows: 1 2.., .-4.1dditiaBal eBfareemeBt meellaBism. In additioF!. to, and in eombination with, the enforcement methods set f-orth in FWCC Chapter 1 Artiele III and elsev/Rere in the Fcder-6ll W{;l'y' City Cede, violations of the Federal Wail City Cedcmavoe eF!.f-orced under the l'lrovisions set forth iF!. FWCC 1 26 throl:lcll. 1 10. ORD #07- , Page 1 1-28.6. RCW ChllPter 35.80. lldopted Additional enforcement mechanism. RCW Chapter 35.80. "Unfit Dwellings. Buildings. and Structures." as it currentlv exists or is hereinafter amended. is herebv adopted. 1-27 Findines. It is found that there exist in the City of Federal WaVe dwellings. and other buildings. structures. and premises which are unfit for human habitation and which are unfit for other uses due to dilapidation. disrepair. structural defects. defects increasing the hazards of fire. accidents. or other calamities. inadequate drainage. overcrowding. or due to other conditions which are detrimental to the health and welfare of the residents of the City. Dangerous or lffi.fit bBuildings or structures unfit for human habitation as defined bv FWCC 1 ~2.2 are declared to be public nuisances. 1-298. Improvement officer and appeals commission desienated. (a) The City of Federal Wav Hearing Examiner is designated as the City's "Improvement Officer." and shall have the full scope of authority granted to that official under Chapter 35.80 RCW. except that the City Building Official. or his or her designee. shall provide all administrative functions such as the inspection of buildings. or portions thereof. for the purpose of determining whether anv conditions exist which render such buildings dangerolis or unfit for human habitation pursuant to FWCC 1 ~22. (b) The City of Federal Way City Manager. or his or her designee. is designated as the City's "Appeals Commission." and shall have the full scope of authoritv granted so that commission under Chapter 35.80 RCW. 1~22 DSB2:erous or liBfit hliildiB2:s or struetlires Buildin~ or structure unfit for human habitation or use defined. A..Bhuildings or structures which ffiwe has. anv or all of the following defects shall be deemed a "dangerous or 1:lnfit buildings or structures unfit for human habitation or use": (a) Those whose interior walls or other vertical structural members list. lean or buckle to such an extent that a lJlumb line passing through the center of gravity falls outside the middle third of its base; ORD #07- , Page 2 (b) Those which. exclusive ofthe foundation. show 33 percent. or more. of damage or deterioration of the supporting member or members. or 50 percent of damage or deterioration of the non-supporting enclosing or outside walls or covering: (c) Those which have improperly distributed loads upon the floors or roofs or in which the same are overloaded, or which have insufficient strength to be reasonably safe for the purpose used: (d) Those which have become damaged bv fire. wind. or other causes so as to have become dangerous to life. safety. morals. or the general health and welfare ofthe occupants or the people of the City of Federal Way: ORD #07- , Page 3 (k) Those which in whole or in part are erected, altered, remodeled, or occupied contrary to the ordinances adopted bv the city: (1) Those which have any exterior wall located adiacent to a public way, or to a way set apart for exit from a building or passage of pedestrians, if such wall is not so constructed, anchored, or braced as to remain wholly in its original position in event of an earthquake capable of producing a lateral force equal of 0.2 of gravity. 1-3!.O Standards for repair. vacation. or demolition. The following standards shall be followed in substance by the Improvement Officer and the Appeals Commission in ordering repair, vacation, or demolition of buildings or structures: ( a) If the "daagerous or l:lfl.fit building or structure unfit for human habitation or use" can reasonably be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the terms of this Chapter, it shall be ordered repaired bv the Improvement Officer or bv the Appeals Commission, on appeal. (b) If the "dangerous or l:lfl.fit building or structure unfit for human habitation or use" is 50 percent damaged, decayed, or deteriorated in value it shall be demolished. Value as used herein shall be the valuation placed upon the building or structure for purposes of general taxation. (c) If the "dangerous or lomfit building or structure unfit for human habitation or use" cannot be repaired so that it will no longer exist in violation of the terms of this Chapter it shall be demolished. (d) If the "dangerol:ls or lH1fit building or structure unfit for human habitation or use" is a fire hazard, existing or erected in violation of the terms of this Chapter or anv other ordinance of the City of Federal Wav or the laws of the state of Washington, it shall be demolished, provided the fire hazard is not eliminated by the owner within a reasonable time. 1-3~1 Issuance of complaint. If, after a preliminary investigation of any dwelling, building, structure, or premises, the City Building Official. or his or her designee, finds that it is unfit for human habitation or other use, the Building Official. or his or her designee, mav issue a complaint conforming to the provisions ofRCW 35.80.030, stating in what ORD #07- , Page 4 respects such dwelling. building:. structure. or -premises is unfit for human habitation or other use. In determining whether a dwelling. building. structure. or premises should be repaired or demolished. the Building Official shall be guided by the Federal Wav Citv Code. specifically FWCC I-W29. and such other codes adopted pursuant to the Federal Wav Citv Code as the Building Official deems applicable. in particular the most recent edition of the International Prooertv Maintenance Code. 1-3~2 Service of complaint. A complaint issued under this Chapter shall be served on the parties and posted on the subiect property pursuant to RCW 35.80.030, and shall also be filed with the King County Auditor. All complaints or other documents posted on the subiect property shall remain in place until the complaint has been resolved. For purposes of service. such complaints or other documents are deemed effective on the dav of posting. 1-343. Complaint hearinl!. Not less than ten davs nor more than 30 days after serving a complaint. the Improvement Officer shall hold a hearing conforming: to the provisions ofRCW 35.80.030. at which all parties in interest shall be given the right to appear in person. to bring witnesses. and to give testimony regarding the complaint. At any time prior to or at the time of the hearing. any party may file an answer to the complaint. Such a hearing shall be governed by the City of Federal Way Hearing: Examiner's Rules. which shall be available for public inspection at the Federal Wav Department of Community Development Services. I-3M Determination. findinl!s of fact. and order. Within ten days of the complaint hearing. the Improvement Officer shall issue a Determination. Findings of Fact. and Order. conforming to the provisions ofRCW 35.80.030m. stating the Improvement Officer's determination as to whether the subiect dwelling. building. structure. or premises is unfit for human habitation or other use; the findings of fact supporting the determination; and an order specifying the actions necessary to address anv unfitness. and a deadline for completing the actions. In issuing the Determination. Findings of Fact. and Order. the Improvement Officer shall be guided by the Federal Wav Citv Code. specifically FWCC 1-3G29 through 1-3+Q. and such other codes adopted pursuant to the Federal Wav Citv Code as the ORD #07- , Page 5 Improvement Officer deems applicable. The Determination, Findings of Fact, and Order shall be served and posted as set forth in FWCC 1-33-2, and ifno appeal is filed within the deadline specified in FWCC 1-3e.5., a copv of the Determination, Findings of Fact, and Order shall be filed with the King County Auditor. 1-36.5. Appeal to appeals commission. Within 30 days of service of a Determination. Findings of Fact, and Order, any party may file an appeal to the Appeals Commission. The Appeals Commission shall conduct a hearing on the appeal and issue a ruling within 60 days from the date the appeal is filed; and if the Appeals Commission issues any oral findings of fact, the ruling shall contain a transcript of such findings in addition to anv findings issued at the time of the ruling. The ruling shall be served and posted as set forth in FWCC 1-33-2, and ifno appeal is filed within the deadline specified in FWCC 1-3-76, a copv of the ruling shall be filed with the King County Auditor. 1-3+6. Appeal to superior court. Any person affected by a Determination, Findings of Fact. and Order issued by the Improvement Officer, who has brought an appeal before the Appeals Commission pursuant to FWCC 1-3e5 mav, within 30 days after the Appeals Commission's ruling has been served and posted pursuant to FWCC 1-33-2, petition the King: County Superior Court for an iniunction restraining the Building Official. or his or her designee, from carrying out the provisions of the Determination, Findings of Fact. and Order. In all such proceedings, the Court is authorized to affirm, reverse, or modify the order, and such trial shall be heard de novo. 1-381 Remediation/penalties. If a party, following exhaustion of the party's rights to appeal. fails to comply with the Determination, Findings of Fact, and Order, the Building Official. or his or her designee, may direct or cause the subiect dwelling, building, structure, or premises to be repaired, altered, improved, vacated, and closed, removed, or demolished pursuant to Chapter 35.80 RCW. 1-39.8 Tax lien. The cost of any action taken bv the Building Official. or his or her designee, under FWCC 1-3-87 shall be assessed against the subiect property pursuant to Chapter 35.80 RCW. Upon certification by the City of ORD #07- , Page 6 Federal Way finance director, or his or her designee, that the assessment amount is due and owing, the King County Treasurer shall enter the amount of such assessment upon the tax rolls against the subiect property pursuant to the provisions ofRCW 35.80.030. 1-403..2. Salva2e. Materials from anv dwelling, building, structure, or premises removed or demolished bv the Building Official, or his or her designee, shall, if possible, be salvaged and sold as ifthe materials were surplus property of the City of Federal Wav, and the funds received from the sale shall be credited against the cost of the removal or demolition: and ifthere be any balance remaining, it shall be paid to the parties entitled thereto, as determined bv the Building Official, or his or her designee, after deducting the costs incident thereto. Section 2. Severability. The provisions of this ordinance are declared separate and severable. The invalidity of any clause, sentence, paragraph, subdivision, section, or portion of this ordinance, or the invalidity of the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance, or the validity of its application to other persons or circumstances. Section 3. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but no limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers, and any references thereto. Section 4. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force five (5) days from the time of its final passage, as provided by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Federal Way this day of ,2007. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, MICHAEL PARK ATTEST: CITY CLERK, LAURA HATHAWAY, CMC ORD #07- , Page 7 ApPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: PUBLISHED: EFFECTIVE DATE: ORDINANCE No: I:IDOCUMENT\2007 Building Code Change\Unfit Structures Ordinance. doc ORD #07- , Page 8