LUTC PKT 10-15-2007 City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee October 15,2001 5:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: September 17,2007 and October 1,2007 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. 2008 Asphalt Overlay Program Preliminary Project List and Authorization to Bid B. S 348th Street at 1st Avenue S Intersection Improvements Project 85% Design Status Report. C. 2005-2006 Citywide Pavement Marking-Project Acceptance and Release of Retainage D. Lake leanelLake Lorene Outlet Improvements Project-85% Design Status Report Action 5 min/Mulkey Action 5 min/Mulkey Action 5 min/Tirhi Action 5 minIBucich 5. FUTURE MEETINGSI AGENDA ITEMS 6. ADJOURN City Staff Cary M. Roe, PE. Assistant City Manager/Emergency Manager Darlene LeMaster. Administrative Assistant II 253-835-2701 Committee Members Jack Dovey. Chair Linda Kochmar Dean McColgan G:1LUTClLUTC Agen<hu and Summaries ]007\/0-15-07 LUTC Agenda.doc City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee September 17,2007 5:30 pm City Hall City Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Committee Member Linda Kochmar, Committee Member Dean McColgan and Committee Chair Jack Dovey; Councilmember Jeanne Burbidge, Assistant City Manager/Chief Operations Officer/Emergency Manager Cary Roe, Deputy Public Works Director Ken Miller, Acting Community Development Services Director Greg Fewins, Street Systems Project Engineer Brian Roberts, Assistant City Attorney Monica Buck, Street Systems Manager/Acting Deputy Public Works Director Marwan Salloum, Traffic Engineer Rick Perez, Building Official Lee Bailey and Administrative Assistant U Darlene LeMaster. 1. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Dovey called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The August 6, 2007, LUTC meeting minutes were approved. Moved: McColgan Seconded: Kochmar Passed: Unanimously 3. PUBLIC COMMENT H David Kaplan - Mr. Kaplan's comments concern agenda item 4C, Code Compliance Report. Mr. Kaplan feels there are items within the code compliance report that should be action items. The policy question should be "Should the Council enact new polices and regulations to give the Code Compliance Department more tools?" Code revisions need to b(! moved to the top of the work plan in order to get these tools in place now. Assistant City Manager Roe responded by letting Me. Kaplan and the Committee members know that the items brought up in the Code Compliance Report would be addressed in the following three agenda items: Adoption of the 2006 Int'l Building Codes, Ch. 5, Unfit Structure Code Amendment and the Proposed Ordinance to Add a New Section to Ch. I, Art. III to Authorize Code Enforcement to Issue Civil Infractions for Code Violations. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Metro Transit Service Partnership Rick Perez provided the background information on this item. Committee Member Kochmar asked about funding. Mr. Perez said that the City would agree to fund this program over a period of five years. This will be an item on the 2009/2010 budget, provided the City wants to begin in 2009. Transit Now initially began as a response to the I % tax increase. However, sales tax growth has proven to be less than the demand for transit service. Committee Member McColgan asked if these transportation proposals were part of the benefit package proposed as part of the I % tax increase. Me. Perez explained that no, these partnerships are different The only services that directly benefit FW will be the service frequency increases and Rapid Ride (begins in 2009). Councilmember Burbidge asked about a possible route servicing the Community Center. Mr. Perez responded that since King County has studied this potential partnership, they have discovered a less flexible schedule than originally expected. They would like to be able to service the Community Center and are hoping to reevaluate their service route schedules to be able to do so in the future. Councilmember Burbidge asked about proposed mid-day service to CTR providers, Mr. Perez responded that mid-day service has not been well received and many routes have had just a few G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2007\09-17 -07 LUTe Minutes_doc Land UselTransportation Committee Page 2 July 2, 2007 riders. Staff is looking at how to best spend City funds, using the funds to serve the most riders with the most service. Committee Chair Dovey asked if by moving staffs recommendation forward, this would serve as a placeholder to these services. Me. Perez said yes. Committee Member Kochmar asked about the City's ability to get out ofa partnership if the additional services turn out not to be worth the expense. Me. Perez responded that that is something that will need to be looked into. Additionally, it often takes some time to see the value of increased services as it takes a while for people to catch on. Committee Member Kochmar suggests at the point of an agreement, putting language in the agreement that gives the City an out if needed. ACM Roe wanted to make clear to the committee staff just received an email from King Co. Metro, stating that they are unsure if the City can achieve a realized 10% reduction along the SR-99 corridor. If that turns out to be the case, the funding may not be available from the County. And, even if staffs recommendation is forwarded to and approved by Council tomorrow evening, the City is not legally committed to implement the partnership. The City will also look at language to allow the City to get out of a partnership if after time it is determined to not be beneficial to the City (ridership). Mr. Roe will get firm answers in writing from King County before the City enters into any partnership agreement with the County. This item will come back to full Council in the form of an Interlocal Agreement once all of the language and funding issues have been finalized. Committee Chair Dovey would like to know what the ridership currently is on the two proposed routes. Moved: Kochmar Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously Committee PASSED Option lc, ld and 4, with Options lc and Id contingent on a successful application for Option 4 on to the September 18,2007, City Council Business Agenda for approval. B. Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase IV Proiect ( 18th Ave S to S 312th SO; 30% Design Status Report Brian Roberts provided the background information on this item. Committee Member McColgan commented that the 40% budget shortfall seems significant. Mr. Roberts explained that Federal grants will be applied for and will make up a generous portion of the shortfall. More refined budget analysis will be identified at the 85% design status report. Moved: McColgan Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously Committee PASSED Option 1 on to the October 2, 2007, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. Kochmar recused. C. Code Compliance Report Monica Buck provided the background information on this item. This is an Information only item. Committee Members asked for clarification as to whether or not this item needed action. Ms. Buck explained that the items needing action will be presented next in the upcoming three agenda items. ACM Roe also discussed potential items that have been included within the agenda packet that could be brought back to Council at a later date and weighed against other items in the 2008 Work Plan, dependent on the interest level of the Council members. Councilmember Burbidge brought up potential issues concerning mandatory garbage pickup. ACM Roe responded that all of these issues have many questions that will need to be asked and answered as each issue is looked into. There was a brief update from Ms. Buck on the Hoban case. There was brief discussion as to the outcome of the abatement process and what can be done differently for future cases. This presentation will be made to Council at tomorrow evening's meeting (September 18,2007). D. Adoption of 2006 International Building Codes: Chapter 5 Lee Bailey provided the background information on this item. Committee Chair Dovey asked for clarification on new permits. Mr. Bailey explained that a new permit today is good for one year with the option of a two-year extension. Staff is proposing that if approved, that any new permit would also require a progress inspection every six months to keep the permit current. These modifications are currently what is written in the International Building Code. Chair Dovey also asked for clarification on the code amendment referring to residential remodels as it applies to smoke detectors. Mr. Bailey clarified that at present, any residential home remodel would require that home to have hardwired smoke detectors installed. For minor improvements, this requirement could potentially cost more than the remodel itself. Staffs recommendation is to amend the code to only GILUTc\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2007\09-17-07 LUTC Minutes doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 3 July 2,2007 require hardwired smoke detectors when the remodel is approximately over $5,000. Currently, all new construction requires smoke detectors to be hardwired. Chair Dovey expressed the desire to raise the threshold from $5,000 to $20.000. Chair Dovey asked about the requirement for sprinkler systems for commercial property to be changed from 10,000 sf to 5,000 sf for commercial. Mr. Bailey explained that the requirement of 5,000 sf for commercial properties to have sprinkler systems is very common amongst other King County jurisdictions. South King Fire is also in favor of lowering the square footage requirement as it gives business a greater level of protection. Approximate cost to businesses is approx. $3.50 per square foot for new commercial or major commercial remodel where change of occupancy occurs. Committee Member McColgan asked if any of the amendments needed to first go through Planning Commission. Mr. Bailey said that the amendments did not need to go through Planning Commission. Moved: Kochmar Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously Committee PASSED Option 2 on to the September 4,2007, City Council Consent Agenda for approval as amended to raise the interior remodel threshold from $5,000 to $20,000. E. Unfit Structures Code Amendment Lee Bailey provided the background information on this item. It is the City's intent to have residents listen to and understand the City Codes and what constitutes an unfit structure or a public nuisance. The City does not want to be perceived as wanting to take down homes or structures. Councilmember Burbidge reiterated that there is a process in place that appropriately notifies property owners, makes expectations clear and allows reasonable time for property owners to rectify their situation. More information on tax liens has been requested by the Committee members. Committee Member Kochmar suggested this item be tabled to the October I, 2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee meeting in order for more information to be obtained and be presented on tax liens. Information will also be presented on specific cases facing the Code Enforcement division at that time. Moved: Kochmar Committee approved Committee meeting. Seconded: Dovey Passed: 2-1, McColgan opposed tabling this item to the October 1, 2007 Land Use and Transportation F, Proposed Ordinance to Add a New Section to Chapter I, Article III of the Federal Way Citv Code (FWCC) to Authorize Code Enforcement to Issue Civil Infractions for Code Violations Monica Buck pr-ovided the background information on this item. There was no discussion. Moved: Kochmar Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously Committee PASSED Option 1 on to the October 2, 2007, City Council Ordinance Agenda for first reading. 5. FUTURE MEETING The next regularly scheduled Land Use and Transportation Committee meeting will be Monday, October 15,2007 at 5:30 PM in City Council Chambers. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 7:38 PM. G:\LUTCllUTC Agendas and Sununacies 2007\09.17.07 lUTe Mmutes doc City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee October I, 2007 5:30 pm City Hall City Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Committee Member Linda Kochmar, Committee Member Dean McColgan and Committee Chair Jack Dovey; Councilmember Jeanne Burbidge, Assistant City Manager/Chief Operations Officer/Emergency Manager Cary Roe, Deputy Public Works Director Ken Miller, Acting Community Development Services Director Greg Fewins, Assistant City Attorney Monica Buck, Contract Planner Jim Harris, Building Official Lee Bailey and Administrative Assistant II Darlene LeMaster. 1. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Dovey called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. 2. APPROV AL OF MINUTES Approval of September 17, 2007 Land Use and Transportation Meeting Minutes will be postponed until the October 15,2007 Land Use and Transportation Meeting. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Abbv's Lane Preliminary Plat Jim Harris provided background information on the item. Committee Chair Dovey asked if the developer plans to "mass-clear" the land. Mr. Harris explained that mass clearing and will not occur with the exceptions of the main access tracts, the frontage and utility corridors. Chair Dovey also asked for clarification as to a fee in lieu of the developer being required to have open space on the plat. Also, does staff have an estimate of the fee? Mr. Harris said that what has been proposed it fee in lieu of open space. The fee is 15% of the accesses valuation at the time of final plat. As to the amount of the fee, it all depends on.when the final plat is approved (now or years from now). Chair Dovey asked if the applicant had to go through the concurrency process per the code requirements and if so, what was that cost? ACM Roe pointed out that the staff report states a mitigation fee of $26,011 which is just over $2,600 per lot. Committee member Kochmar asked about access to this plat. Deputy PW Director Miller explained that there is access to this plat from S 282nd St, S 2841h St and that residents in this plat could easily access S 288th via 26th Ave S (through established neighborhood). Councilmember Burbidge asked that being situated next to 1-5, were any noise barrier provisions required of the developer. The applicant was asked to complete a noise analysis for future homes to be built on the plat (noise barrier on the interior to 45 decibels). This is standard protocol for homes being built in the north end of the city and along 1-5. Councilmember Burbidge also asked to know more about the landscape plan and if it identifies any existing wooded areas. G:\LUTOLUTC Agendas and Summaries 2007\10-01-07 LUTe Minutes.doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 2 July 2, 2007 Me. Harris continued that there are some larger trees on the site, of which all but one are considered insignificant. The one significant tree is located in the stormewater area. The landscape plan requires a ten-foot buffer from the arterial ofI-5. There will be the required single-family landscaping and street trees. Moved: Kochmar Seconded:McColgan Passed: Unanimously Committee PASSED Option 1 to the October 16,2007, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. B. Unfit Structures Code Amendment Ordinance Monica Buck provided background information on the item. Chair Dovey asked that regarding the tax assessment lien, does an owner that has been foreclosed on actually have one year in which to buy their property back? Ms. Buck explained that if a property owner does not pay the lien on their property within a three year period that the property is foreclosed upon. The deed to the property does not transfer for one year. The property owner has that one year period (redemption period) to take care of the lien and get their property back. The new party purchases the property at a tax sale and receives a deed to the property that is subject to this one-year period. It is possible that someone purchases a home that has been foreclosed on and then loses it back to the prior owner once the tax lien and any other fees have been paid. A slide show of current homes qualifying as unfit structures was shown in response to Chair Dovey's request to see homes that have already been flagged as unfit structures. ACM Roe commented that City Manager Beets is interested in a field trip where he and the other Councilmembers could get a visual of what these homes really look like, how they may be perceived by their neighbors, and how these homes present in context to the rest of the neighborhood/surroundings. Mr. Bailey commented that this process of abatement could easily take one year or longer, even if a property owner wishes to comply with the City's request. And, the City could charge a property owner permit fees in addition to the cost of taking their home down; or the City would abate the property and place a lien against the property. Ms. Buck illustrated the current process versus the proposed process for abatement if the code amendment ordinance was passed. The greatest benefit shown is that the new ordinance would shorten the abatement process while still giving property owners the same rights and ability to rectify the nuisance to the City. The City also benefits by the shortened time factor (potentially years) once all other attempts to communicate with the property owner have been exhausted. Staff would prefer that the property owner would abate the home themselves, rather than the City abating a home or taking a home down. This ordinance only applies to actual structures and not land. Once the ordinance passes and the City begins the abatement process on a property, the Hearing Examiner would rule as to the outcome of the property. The City Council would not decide whether or not to take a home down, but would approve the resolution for the cost of the abatement. Moved: McColgan Seconded:Kochmar Passed: 2-1, Dovey opposed Committee PASSED Option 1 on to the October 16,2007, City Council Ordinance Agenda for first reading. 5. FUTURE MEETING The next regularly scheduled Land Use and Transportation Committee meeting will be Monday, November 5, 2007 at 5:30 PM in City Council Chambers. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6: 10 PM. G:\LUTClLUTC Agendas and Summaries 2007\10-01-07 LUTC Minules doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: 2008 Asphalt Overlay Program Preliminary Project List and Authorization to Bid POLICY QUESTION: Should the Couricil approve the 2008 Asphalt Overlay Program Preliminary Project List and authorize staff to proceed with the design and bid ofthe proposed 2008 Asphalt Overlay Program? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: October 15,2007 CATEGORY: [8J Consent D City CouneD Business D Ordinance D Resolution D o Public Hearing Other STAFF REPORT BY: Marwan Salloum, P.E., Street Systems Manager DEPT: Public Works Attachments:LUTC memo dated October 15, 2007 Options Considered: l. Approve the list of streets for the 2008 Asphalt Overlay Project as presented. Furthermore, authorize staff to bid all or part of the 2008 Asphalt Overlay Project, returning with a request for permission to award the project within the available 2008 Asphalt Overlay Budget to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. 2. Direct staff to modify the preliminary list and return to Committee for further action. ___~~~~~!!~_~~!.~~!!.~I!<!J~r~~.i<!~_<!!!:~~!(~!!.!~.~~ft............ . .. ... ........ ..............................._.............. ....._._..........______._.____.___._._____ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option L CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: ~ Cormnittee DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: thv( Cormniltee COWleil Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Place Option 1 on the November 6,2007 Council Consent Agenda for approval Jack Dovey, Chair Dean McColgan, Member Linda Kochmar, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "/ move approval of the list of streets for the 2008 Asphalt Overlay Project as presented. Furthermore, authorize staff to bid all or part of the 2008 Asphalt Overlay Project, returning with a request for permission to award the project within the available 2008 Asphalt Overlay Budget to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLEDIDEFERREDINO ACfION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/0612006 COUNCIL BILL # I ST reading Enat:tment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO:' VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: October 15,2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee Neal Beets, City Manager . \ L ..._____. Marwan Salloum, P.E., Street Systems Manager ~ John Mulkey, P.E., Street Systems Engineer::>1L~ 2008 Asphalt Overlay Program Preliminary Project List and Authorization to Bid 2008 Proposed Overlay Budget 2008 Structures Budget 2007 Carry Forward (estimate) Mitigation (estimate) $2,024,000 $146,267 $ 250,000 $50,000 TOTAL FUNDING A V AILABLE $2,470,267 The $146,267 from the Structures budget is for the City's annual Sidewalk Maintenance Program, and will cover the costs associated with the replacement of substandard wheelchair ramps, and repairing existing curb, gutter, and sidewalks within the overlay project area. The following is a preliminary list of Streets to be included in the 2008 Asphalt Overlay Program. The streets were selected using the City's Pavement Management System and were verified by field reconnaissance. The costs shown are estimated and will be refined as the design of each schedule is completed. A project vicinity map and more detailed area maps are attached for your information. SCHEDULE DESCRIPTION A 1 sl Avenue South B S330th Street (1 sl Ave S to 7th Ave S) C Westway D Alderdale E Crown Pointe F Alderbrook I G Alderbrook 2 H 21SlWay S I Twin Lakes J 25th Avenue SW ESTIMATED SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION PROJECT COSTS: 10% Construction Contingency Pavement Management System In-house Design Construction Administration City's Administrative Fee Printing and Advertising ESTIMATED TOTAL PROGRAM COST: AMOUNT $187,100 $265,500 $282,800 $511,800 $137,700 $208,800 $222,400 $105,100 $155,000 $101.000 $2,177,200 $217,700 $30,000 $63,000 $110,000 $72,000 $3,500 $2,673,400 October 15,2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee 2008 Asphalt Overlay Program Page 2 of2 The estimated cost of $2,673,400 is a preliminary figure used for estimating purposes only and includes construction administration, ten percent construction contingency, in-house design and construction management, printing and advertising. The 2008 Asphalt Overlay Project will be awarded within the available overlay program budget. Once Council approves the list of streets for the Overlay Program, staff will begin the final design. The anticipated date for advertising is February 2008, with construction beginning in May 2008. k:\lutc\2007\1O-15-07 2008 Asphalt Overlay Iist.doc .... ~ r- I ~ ,r~\S- -C'~\~l 41 F~1 ~~ 1'1 'J ~ c- J ~ S;J n=' ~ '( -i '-i n V ~ ~~ ~ ~) I ~Rl~ - E -v: ~~ ~ <;:1-'- ',~ eel I" e- (q~ ~ L CILL ~_ ~ I ~ I i3t '~~~~To~q:~~-~ ~ll I 0fiF~~~ ~U,~~ ~~ ~'- Q ~ ~I ~?I~ ( nn~ -t rj ~ - p ~ 11J I ~ h .~ A ~r 0. 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CT en -I CL ('i) S'3 ~( en LN ~ ~5: ~ ct ~ en C\J ",m C\J a: T- 27PL ::::> S 328 51 (V)<:( ~ <( en C\J ~ S 329 PL ~..() ~ ( SW 330ST S 330 S\ ~ 1 st Ave S nAn Potential 2~08 Overlay Project Map made by KCM N w." s P 'nled.()cl 32007 Map n ieal representation only. d for use as a graph t its accuracy. . This map is intende kes no warranty as 0 Note.. (Federal Way ma The City 0 r ~ ~ ~ ~ (' SW3JOST ~ .:::::. "l:" C':) sw ~ Oil' ~ ~ CJ) .::> ~ co en ~ cA ~&r 328 ST ()~ ~ C/) SW 327 PL c[~ co en ~ C/) f-.... ~ 32av co ~~ ~ OJ t; Co~ ST > ..q-<( SW 33 SW331 ST ST > SW 332 ~~ CT 33381 SW33 CT SW 334 CT 2 PL Si'l ~ -lCf) a.. ..q- 811- SW 335 ST S/, JJe ~ s: Cf) &~ qya SW 330th St "B" Potential 2008 Overlay Project Map made by KCM SW 324 CT S 324 PL ~~ NCI) 3'll~ S 328 s1 en ~ ~ N W*E s Map Printed-Oct 3 2007 Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. 5T SW 3.] ~~r ~ 3: 3: en JJ< en -I en ~ a.. ~ ~ 0 SW 333 ST N co ~ N N Map made by -KCM ~ ~ ~ SW 334 PL Westway "C" Potential 2008 Overlay Project N w*, s Map Prlnted-Ocl 3 2007 Federal Way CityMap Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. SW 334 PL ~ en ~ 0- C"') C"') ~ en > <( ~ 25~<O T- C") SW3 ~ ~ W 340 5T SW 339 ST 5W 341 340 PL PL ~~ SW341 CT SW 341 ST 5 342 5li > c:::( sw SW 342 ST ~ SW342PL SW 342 ~ ~ M~~ C") C"') 5W 343 PL 5W 344 5T "{" ~ 5W 338 C") 5T N 3: en ~ C") N 5W 344 5T 3: s: CI) 344 PL Alderdale " 0" Potential 2008 Overlay Project -.:::t -J Na.. N ~3: a.. CI) S ~ 342 5T 5 N w*. s Map Prlnted-Oct 4 2007 Federal Way CityMap Map made by -KCM Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical r!1presentation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to Its accuracy. 293 ST S S (f) (f) ~ ~ S 293 PL ('t') N CJ) > ~ ~ S~9J4 PL ~9J'6 &)" S295 ~ ST S S 296 PL CI) CI) ~ ~ (f) -I ('t) ~ 0- N s: S 297 PL 297 ST C/) > s <( en N S 299 PL 299 299 ST PL -I 300 S 0- > en (f) en T""" <( ST ~ > ~ N <( 300 L ('t) 'V ~ I- 301 301 -I () ST 0- N ST S DASH POINT D s S 302 ST en SW -I ~$ 0- 303 N enS $ $; ST N en CI) (f) ~ 30 -I N Crown Point "E" w*, Potential 2008 s Overlay Project Map Prlnted-Qct 32007 Map made by KCM Note: This map is intended for use as a graphicat representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. LN W 322 ST ~ S\N ~ ~~\) z ~ S C\ -.J ~ en 0 ;t 322 C'J 322 PL co ~ ST ~ S C/) en ~ SW 323 51 S ~ en ~ S s ~~ ~ SW 32 CJ) <:0 en ~ -.J ~ c.. SW ~ 0 C'J SW 324 324 C'J ~ PL N '" SW 325 PL 0~ 326 SW ~/' ST -.J 32 c.. 00 CT ~ 3: CJ) ~ S a... 0') en ~ N Alderbrook 1 "F" w+. Potential 2008 s Overlay Project Map Prlnled-oct 3 2007 Map made by KCM Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. ~ 319 PL ,\~PL(j') ~ :>,oL 318 PL > ~ 3: "!J \ fQ ~\.. q- ~ 319 PL 8W 320 8T SW 320 PL ~~ SW 320 S\N L() -..J PL T-Q.. "!J~() S~ ~~'\ CO\ C\ SW 3: en 322 322 ~ ST ~ 00 -..J3: C/) Q..en 3: ~ C'0 T- en 3: -..J ~ Q.. -..J 3: en ~ '" ~s en ~ SW 32 0 ~ ~ en ~ $ <:0 C/) ~ ~ .> ~ <( sw ex> 324 PL 3: en > I- SW 325 PL ~~ () N Alderbrook 2 "G" W*E Potential 2008 s Overlay Project Map Prlnted-Oct 4 2007 Map made by KCM Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. SW 309 CT SW 307 8T en ~ SW308 PL T- C\I r- -J SW T- Q. 309 ST SW 308 PL SW 312 ST ~ ~~ ~ Map made by KCM s CJ) > <( ~ ~ 21 st Way SW "H" Potential 2008 Overlay Project N W*E s Map Prinled-Ocl 3 2007 Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. 0.. LO ~ 320 PL 321 ST 322 ST ~2~ ~'v Map made by KCM ss (/) (/) --J --J 0.. 0.. C'? N ~ V C::>~ ?,\ 1 S\ ~ ~ SW 320 ST --J 0.. ~> ~ ~ <( V R3 l' Twin Lakes "I" Potential 2008 Overlay Project N W+E s Map Prlnted-ocl 3 2007 Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. 0)1- SW349 PL ~UCl) SW ~G~ ~ ('1)$ SW 350 ST C'\ICI) SW 350 PL 3: CI) SW351 ST ~ :\ SW 352 ST 0) ~ SW 352 ST SW3 SW 353 PL PL w z ~ 00 l.() w z ~ m 29 S NE 28 ST NE 26 ST NE LU 2 25th Ave SW "J" Potential 2008 Overlay Project Map made by KCM ~ en ~ ~ N SW 355 PL SW 3 6 ST s CJ) > <( o N N w+, s Map Prlnted..()cl 3 2007 Note: This map is intended for use as a graphical representation only. The City of Federal Way makes no warranty as to its accuracy. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 16, 2007 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: S 3481h Street at 1 st Avenue South Intersection Improvement Project - 85% Design Status Report POLICY ~UESTION: Should the Council authorize staff to proceed with design and Right of Way Acquisition of the S 348 Street at 1st Avenue South Intersection Improvement Project and return to the Council at the 100% design completion for further reports and authorization? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: October 1, 2007 CATEGORY: [8J Consent o City Council Business o Ordinance o Resolution o o Public Hearing Other STAFF REPORT By: Marwan Salloum, P. E. Street Systems Manager DEPT: Public Works Attachments: LUTC Memorandum dated October 15,2007. Options Considered: 1. Authorize staff to proceed with the design and Right of Way Acquisition of the S 3481h Street at 1st Avenue South Intersection Improvement Project and return to LUTC Committee at the 100% design completion stage for further reports and authorization. 2. Do not authorize staff to proceed with finalizing the present design of this project and provide direction to staff. STAFFliiCOMMiNDATION~t;ff~~rm;~~d~-opti~~ i~-------'--------- -.-----------------------.---------------------- CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: ~ Conunittee DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: {h4/( Conunittee Council Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Place Option 1 on the November 6, 2007 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. Jack Dovey, Chair Linda Kochmar, Member Dean McColgan, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: uI move authorize staff to proceed with the design and Right of Way acquisition of the S 348th Street at ]" Avenue South Intersection Improvement Project and return to LUTC Committee at tlfe 100% design completion stage for further reports and authorization .. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED. o TABLEDIDEFERREDfNO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (orditUInces only) REVISED - 02106/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1ST reading Enacbnentreading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: October 15,2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee Neal Beats, City Manager ~____ Marwan Salloum, P .E., Street Systems Manage,--- John Mulkey, P. E., Street System Project Engineer 'S 4-""- S 348th Street at 1 st Avenue S Intersection Improvement Project - 85% Design Status Report BACKGROUND: This project will add a 2nd left-turn lane eastbound and westbound and will add a right-turn lane southbound and westbound. The traffic signal system will be replaced to accommodate the added lanes. Other improvements include curb, gutter and sidewalk, planter strips between the curb and sidewalk and drainage modifications. The following provides a brief synopsis of the progress on this project to date. Currently, the project design is approximately 85% complete, which includes the following completed tasks: · The Topographical Surveys · The Geotechnical Investigation · Channelization Plans submittal · SEP A Approval and Project Permitting · Right of Way Plan . Project Design to 85% Ongoing Tasks Include: · Right of Way Requirements (Property Appraisals, Review Appraisals Negotiation and Acquisition) · Project Design to 100% PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Planning and Design ROW Acquisition (estimate) 2009 Construction Cost (estimate) 10% Construction Contingency Construction Management TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $ 350,000 350,000 2,840,000 284,000 330,000 $ 4,154,000 Land Use and Transportation Committee S 348th Street @ 1st Ave. S Intersection Improvements October 15,2007 Page 2 of2 AVAILABLE FUNDING: Utility Tax (2006) REET (2004) Mitigation Interest TOTAL AVAILABLE BUDGET 432,000 79,000 186,900 43,550 $ 741,450 At this time, staff anticipates obtaining Transportation Improvement Board (Tm) funds at 60% funding, or approximately $2,492,400. IfTm funding is approved this project budget will still have funding shortfall of $920,150. Staff is not requesting a budget adjustment for this project at this time. As we proceed with the project final design and right of way acquisitions process, the total project costs and funding will be refined and presented to committee and Council at the 100% design completion status report for further action. K:\LUTC\2007\10-15-07 S348th Street at I st Ave S. - 85% Design Status Report.doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 6,2007 ITEM #:_ -~-~~._._-----_.----_._._-~---_.-~----- CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECf: AG# 05-144,2005-06 Citywide Pavement Marking Project - Final Acceptance POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council accept the 2005-06 Citywide Pavement Marking Project constructed by Stripe Rite, Inc. as complete? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: November 6, 2007 CATEGORY: ~ ConseRt o City Council Business o OrdiDance o Resolution o o Public Hearing Other STAFF REPORT By: Rick Perez, P.E., City Traffic Engineer Attachments: LUTC memo dated October 15th, 2007 Options Considered: 1. Authorize final acceptance of the 2005-2006 Citywide Pavement Marking Project constructed by Stripe Rite, Inc., in the amount of$74,747.04 as complete. 2. Do not authorize final acceptance of the completed 2005-2006 Citywide Pavement Marking Project constructed by Stripe Rite, Inc. as complete and provide direction to staff. DEPT: Public W orles STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option I. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: ?r4r( Committee Council DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Place Option 1 on the November 6, 2007 Council Consent Agenda for approval. Dean McColgan, Member lack Dovey, Chair Linda Kochmar, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: uI move to authorize final acceptance of the 2005-2006 Citywide Pavement Marking Project constructed by Stripe Rite, Inc. in the amount of$74. 747.04 as complete. .. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACfION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLEDIDEFERREDINO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVlSED - 0210612006 COUNCIL BILL 1# 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: October 15, 2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee Neal Beets, City Manager Rick Perez, P .E., City Traffic Engineer Raid Tirhi, P. E., Senior Traffic Engineer /Cr 2005-06 Citywide Pavement Marking - Project Acceptance and Retainage Release BACKGROUND: Prior to release of retain age on a Public Works construction project, the City Council must accept the work as complete to meet State Department of Revenue and State Department of Labor and Industries requirements. The above-referenced contract Stripe Rite, Inc. is complete. The final construction contract amount is $74,747.04. This is $23,258.96 below the $98,000.00 budget that was approved by the City Council on May 3rd, 2005. K:\LUTC\2007\10-15-07 2005-06 Pavement Marking project - Final Acceptance.doc E~~~~!~_~E~~~~G_!>~T~~_ ~ov~mber 6,2007 ..-- ---- ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUIUECT: Lake JeanelLake Lorene Outlet Improvements Project - 85% Design Status Report POLlCY QUESTION: Should the Council authorize staff to proceed further with design of the Lake Jeane/Lorene Outlet Improvements Project and return to the Council at 100% design completion for further reports? COMMITTEE: LurC MEETING DATE: October 15, 2007 CATEGORY: {8J Consent D City Council Business D Ordinance D Resolution D D Public Hearing Other STAFF REPORT By: Paul A. Bucich, P.E., Surface Water Mana Attachments: Memorandum to the Land Use and Transportation Committee dated October 15,2007. Options Considered: 1. Authorize Surface Water Management staff to proceed with design of the Lake Jeane/Lorene Outlet Improvements Project and return to the LurC Committee at the 100% design completion stage for further reports and authorization. DEPT: Public Works 2. Do not authorize staff to continue with the project design and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option 1 above to the November 6,2007 Council Consent Agenda for approvaL CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: ~ Committee DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ COWICil Committee COIDlCil COMMITTEE RECOMMENDA nON: Forward staff recommendation for Option I to the November 6, 2007 City Council Consent Agenda. Jack Dovey, Chair Linda Kochmar, Member Dean McColgan, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: HI move to authorize Surface Water Management staff to proceed with design of the Lake Jeane/Lake Lorene Outlet Improvement Project and return to the LUTC Committee at the 100% design completion stage for further reports and authorization. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o T ABLEDIDEFERREDINO ACfION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - OV06I2006 COUNCIL BaL # 1ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: October 15th, 2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee Neal Beets, City Manager Paul A. Bucich, P.E., Surface Water Manage~ AG 06-031, Lake JeanelLake Lorene Outlet Improvements Project - 85% Design Status Report BACKGROUND: On September 5, 2006, the Council authorized Surface Water Management staff to proceed with design of the Lake Jeane Outlet Improvement Project and return to the LUTC Committee at the 85% design completion stage for further reports and authorization, On July 17,2007, the Council authorized Surface Water Management staff to proceed with design of the Lake Lorene Outlet Improvement Project and return to the LUTC Committee at the 85% design completion stage for further reports and authorization, and to combine the Lake Jeane Outlet Improvement Project and the Lake Lorene Outlet Improvement Project into one project and combine project funding. At Lake leane, this project will replace the two existing outlet structures with a new single outlet structure, and replace the two existing undersized and failing trunk lines with a new 36-inch diameter concrete pipe between the outlet structure and the next downstream structure, approximately 210 lineal feet. At Lake Lorene, this project will add a new lake outlet system to augment the existing lake outlet system. The new system will consist of a new lake intake and a piping system approximately 450 linear feet to be connected to the existing stormwater conveyance system downstream. The project design is now approximately 85% complete, which includes the following completed tasks: . Completed topographical survey and mapping Conducted geotechnical evaluation of the site sub grade and groundwater conditions Conducted groundwater monitoring and evaluation Gathered existing utility information Completed SEP A process Obtained HP A permit from State Department of Fish and Wildlife Obtained Director's Approval from the City's Community Development Department. Achieved project design to 85% level . . . . . . . Ongoing tasks include: . Application for City right-of-way permit Negotiate easements with Twin Lakes HOA and Twin Lakes Golf and Country Club Proceed project design to 100% . . July 18, 2005 Land Use and Transportation Committee South 320th Street at 1 51 Avenue South Intersection Improvements Project - 30% Design Status Report Page 2 ESTIMATED PROJECT EXPENDITURES: Design Year 2008 Construction (Estimate) 20% Construction Contingency 10% Construction Management Pavement impact mitigation Advertising and Production Costs TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $153,300 548,000 109,600 54,800 4,500 4,000 $874,200 AVAILABLE FUNDING: TOTAL AVAILABLE BUDGET $945,000