LUTC PKT 11-19-2007 ORIGINAL' City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee November 19,2007 5 :30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 5, 2007 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. 2007 Asphalt Overlay Project - Final Acceptance Action 5 minlMulkey B. S 348th St HOV Lanes (9th Ave S to SR-99) - 100% Design Status Action 5 min/Roberts C. Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance & Service Contract- Authorization to Bid D. ILA - City of Federal Way and Lakehaven Utility District; Office Space Agreement Action 5 min/Bucich Action 5 min/Roe 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS 6. ADJOURN Committee Members Jack Dovey, Chair Linda Kachmar Dean McColgan City Staff Cary M. Roe. P.E., Assistant City Manager/Emergency Manager Darlene LeMaster, Administrative Assistant II 253-835-2701 G:\LUTClLUTC Ageadas aad Summaries 2007\11-/9-07 LUTC Agem/lI.doc City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee November 5, 2007 5:30 pm City Hall City Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Committee Chair Jack Dovey, Committee Member Linda Kochmar, Committee Member Dean McColgan; Assistant City Manager/Chief Operations Officer/Emergency Manager Cary Roe, Deputy Public Works Director Ken Miller, City Attorney Pat Richardson, Surface Water Manager Paul Bucich, Acting Community Development Director Greg Fewins, ESA & NPDES Coordinator Don Robinett and Administrative Assistant II Darlene LeMaster. 1. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Dovey called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The October 15, 2007 LUTC meeting minutes were approved. Moved: McColgan Seconded: Kochmar Passed: Unanimously 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Chris Carrel, representing Friends of the Hylebos gave public comment and distributed a handout in reference to Business Item A. Mr. Carrel was looking for support on Low Impact Development (LID) from the City Council through the Puget Sound Partnership-Technical Assistance Project and wanted to encourage the Committee to forward this item to the November 20, 2007 City Council meeting. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Puget Sound Partnership 2007-2009 LID Technical Assistance Paul Bucich provided background information on the item. Committee Member Kochrnar asked if the LID guidelines/regulations will increase costs to prospective developers in both commercial and residential construction within our city. Also, would new regulations or guidelines for development using LIDs come back to the City Council before adoption? Mr. Bucich responded that LID techniques may be applied to both residential and commercial development ie. "green" roofs, narrower streets and rain gardens. Greater costs of pervious concrete (LID), for example, would offset costs of a stormwater conveyance system (existing requirement). LID defines a different way of building. Additionally, yes, Council would approve any revisions to the City's development regulations prior to adoption. Committee Chair Dovey asked what would happen if the City were to solidify this grant and then decide that it is no longer interested? Mr. Bucich responded that if LID is not the direction the City wants to move towards, then we shouldn't be pursuing the grant. However, if we did get the grant and then changed our minds, we would not be obligated to follow the terms of the agreement/partnership. Committee Member McColgan also suggested that staff needs to be conscious as to how we approach this issue with developers, citizens and the environment. The goal should be to make LID ideas available to developers as an option, not as a mandate. Moved: McColgan Seconded:Kochmar Passed: Unanimously Committee PASSED Option 1 to the November 20, 2007, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. 1\11-05-07 LUTe Minutes.doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 2 July 2, 2007 B. Resolution Directing a Draft Re-codification of the Federal Way City Code Pat Richardson provided background information on the item. In summary, Ms. Richardson thanked the committee that has been working on this project. The goal of the project has been to combine and reorganize the City Code to be more accessible and user friendly for both staff and for residents, consultants and agencies. Committee MembeT McColgan commented that the re-codification appears to be simpler and he thinks the new format will be clearer and more concise for everyone involved. Committee Chair Dovey asked about the cost in City staff time to get this project finalized and in print in addition to the $7,500 for the outside company to print out the new code format. Ms. Richardson stated that the majority of work from City staff has already been done. The last step will be to review the final draft prior to printing. That task should take between two weeks and one month. Committee Chair Dovey asked if this project had been on the work plan for 2007/2008. Ms. Richardson answered, no, this project had been delegated to her by the City Manager and was not part of the work plan for the present or for the future. Mr. Fewins said that he saw no significant impact to Community Development staff as far as the 2007/2008 work plan is concerned. Also, this project's greatest benefit will be to the public as well as updating the code in the future (possible cost savings). ACM Roe concurred with Mr. Fewins comments. Moved: Kochmar Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously Committee PASSED Option 1 to the November 20, 2007, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. C. Ordinance Correcting Various Non-substantiative Errors in the Federal Way City Code Pat Richardson provided background information on the item. Ms. Richardson explained that this item is separate from the re-codification and its purpose is to address housekeeping issues (overlooked formatting, misspelled words, deletions, punctuation, etc.) and clean up the code. Committee Chair Dovey commented that it is not a substantial change. Ms. Richardson reiterated that the goal is not to make substantial changes, but to make clarifications and non-substantiative corrections to the code. There is no additional cost to the City to make these changes. Moved: Kochmar Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously Committee PASSED Option 1 to the November 20, 2007, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. 5. FUTURE MEETING The next regularly scheduled Land Use and Transportation Committee meeting will be Monday, November 19, 2007 at 5:30 PM in City Council Chambers. In follow-up to an inquiry made at the October 15,2007 LUTC meeting, Committee Member McColgan asked ACM Roe about the status of: streamlining the project design status process, possibly eliminating the 50% design status report. ACM Roe commented that staff has been reevaluating this process and plans to present the topic to the Committee on November 19, 2007. Committee Member Kochrnar inquired about what marketing has been done to address the December 3 LUTC presentation on Airport Noise by the Port of Seattle. ACM Roe said that various groups had been contacted, ie. Twin Lakes HOA, Marine Hills HOA, Federal Way High School, etc. Committee Member Kochrnar suggested a press release be issued on the topic in order for residents who may wish to attend. ACM Roe will see that a press release goes out prior to the December 3 LUTC meeting. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:00PM. " 1:\11-05-07 LUTe Minutes.doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 04, 2007 ..........................-. ..............--.....--............--- .........-..........--....................-............................-..'" ........................ ITEM #:_ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: 2007 Asphalt Overlay Project - Final Acceptance POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council accept the 2007 Asphalt Overlay Project constructed by Tucci and Sons, Inc. as complete? COMMITTEE: Land Use/Transportation CATEGORY: IZl Consent o City Council Business MEETING DATE: November 19,2007 o Ordinance o Resolution o o Public Hearing Other .~!~_!.!.!!!~<?~!~.y.:._M~~E._~~1!_~.':!!!l:~J~:~.:'_~~~~!_~y.~!~!!l:~..~~J?~g~~........_ DEPT:..~':!E!!~.~~!~~...________...____._._..__.... Attachments: LUTC memo dated November 19,2007 Options Considered: 1. Authorize final acceptance of the 2007 Asphalt Overlay Project constructed by Tucci and Sons, Inc., in the amount of $2,363,202.40 as complete. 2. Do not authorize final acceptance of the completed 2007 Asphalt Overlay Project constructed by Tucci and Sons, Inc. as complete and provide direction to staff, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option 1. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: tlAr{ Committee - Council Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward Option 1 on the December 4,2007 Council Consent Agenda for approval. Jack Dovey, Chair Linda Kochmar, Member Dean McColgan, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: H] move approval affinal acceptance of the 2007 Asphalt Overlay Project constructed by Tucci and Sons, Inc., in the amount of$2,363,202.40 as complete. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o T ABLED/DEFERREDINO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: November 19,2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager, Chi~Oper~ns Officer, Emergency Manager Marwan Salloum, P.E., Street Systems Manager~ John Mulkey, P.E., Street Systems Project Engineer'SdlJi"'- 2007 Asphalt Overlay Project - Project Acceptance and Retainage Release M BACKGROUND: Prior to release of retainage on a Public Works construction project, the City Council must accept the work as complete to meet State Department of Revenue and State Department of Labor and Industries requirements. The above-referenced contract with Tucci and Sons, Inc. is complete. The final construction contract amount is $2,363,202.40. This is $255,029.46 below the $2,618,231.86 (including contingency) budget that was approved by the City Council on March 6, 2007. cc: Project File Central File K:\LUTC\2007\1 1-19-07 2007 Asphalt Overlay project - Project Acceptance.doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 04, 2007 ITEM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: South 348th Street HOV Lanes Project (SR 99 to 9th Ave S) - 100% Design Status Report POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council authorize staff to bid the South 348th Street HOV Lanes Project (SR99 to 9th Ave S), and return to LUTC for bid award, further reports and authorization? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: November 19,2007 CATEGORY: [8] Consent o City Council Business o Ordinance o Resolution o o Public Hearing Other _~!~!!_~!'Q~!~.y._:.M~~!l_~_~!J9.~!!l-,_~!!:~~!~Y~!~!!l~M'.l:!1.~g~~_ Attachments: LUTC Memorandum dated November 19,2007. Options Considered: 1. Authorize staff to bid the S. 348th Street HOV Lanes Project (SR99 to 9th Ave S), Improvements Project and return to the LUTC to award the project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. 2. Do not authorize staff to bid this project and provide direction to staff. DEPT: Public Works STAFF-REC'OMMENDATioN;"-St;rf;~~~~~~~d~f~~~;di~gopti~~i"t~-'-th~'D~~-~~b~;-'4:"-20oi-CitY--c-~~~~ii Consent Agenda for approval. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: Council DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ?tu1. Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward Option 1 to the December 04, 2007 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. Dean McColgan, Member Jack Dovey, Chair Linda Kochmar, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: HI move to authorize staff to bid the S. 34ffh Street HOV Lanes Project (SR 99 to ljh Ave S), and return to the LUTC Committee to award the project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLEDIDEFERREDINO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: November 19,2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, P. E., Assistant City Manager, C~ef Oprations Office, Emergency Manager Marwan Salloum, P.E., Street Systems Manager ~ Brian Roberts, P. E., Street Systems Project Engineer South 348th Street HOV Lanes Project; 100% Design Status Report fA( BACKGROUND: This project will add HOV lanes on eastbound and westbound S 348th from 9th A venue South to Pacific Highway South. This will extend the HOV lanes from the Park & Ride lot at 9th Avenue South to 1-5. The traffic signal system at 9th Avenue South will be replaced to accommodate the added lanes and the traffic signal system at Pacific Highway South will be modified to accommodate the added lanes. Other improvements include curb, gutter and sidewalk, planter strips between the curb and sidewalk overhead utility undergrounding and drainage modifications. PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Planning and Design ROW Acquisition 2008 Construction Cost (estimate) Utility Undergrounding 10% Construction Contingency 12.5% Construction Management TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $ 530,000 400,000 2,900,000 150,000 290,000 362,500 $4,632,500 AVAILABLE FUNDING: Grant Funding (Till) Utility Tax (2007 Budget) Mitigation Interest Lakehaven Utility District Qwest TOTAL AVAILABLE BUDGET $ 2,739,000 1,000,000 791,062 72,749 160,000 50,000 $ 4,812,811 This project is within available budget and we anticipate bidding the project in December 2007 and awarding in February 2008. Construction will commence in March 2008 with an estimated substantial completion date of November 2008. cc: Project File Day File COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 04, 2007 ITEM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract - Authorization to Bid POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council authorize staff to bid the Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract, and return to LUTC for bid award, further reports and authorization? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: November 19,2007 CATEGORY: IZI Consent D Ordinance D Public Hearing D City Council Business D Resolution D Other STAFF REpORT By: Paul Bucich, Surface Water Manage~J..-DEPT: Public Works .--....--.---....--............--......-...............................-.".-.....M.............................................................................................,.........................-_......._.,.,...............~_......~~.........................._",...................................-..........................-...........................-....................-...-..--.----.......- Attachments: LUTC Memorandum dated November 19,2007. Options Considered: 1. Authorize staff to bid the Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract and return to the LUTC to award the contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. 2. Do not authorize staff to bid this contract and provide direction to staff. ...__..____.__......__......___........___................................. .......... .... . ........................................ ........................................................................__..... ....._..................._....._...... .. .....w................._............. ............~...........w...... .. . ..... mm.. ..........w................_......_..._...._..n...._._____ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option 1 to the December 4, 2007 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ Council Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward Option 1 to the December 04, 2007 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. Jack Dovey, Chair Linda Kochmar, Member Dean McColgan, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to authorize stafJto bid the Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract and return to the LUTC Committee to award the contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: November 19,2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager/Chief Operations Officer/Emergency Manager Paul A. Bucich, P.E., Surface Water Manag@A+;, Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance' a~rvice Contract - Authorization to Bid ?w\ BACKGROUND: Surface Water Management (SWM) contracts for all vactor andjet-rodding services. The current contract has been extended four times. The last time SWM solicited bids for this service was in 2003. At this time staff feels it appropriate to go out to bid on these services. The Council approved budget for these services in 2008 is $133,606.00. K:\LUTC\2007\11-19-07 Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract - Authoraization to Bid.doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 04, 2007 ITEM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement - City of Federal Way and Lakehaven Utility District for Office Space Occupancy POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council authorize the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Lakehaven Utility District for office space occupancy? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: November 19,2007 CATEGORY: IZI Consent D City Council Business D Ordinance D Resolution D D Public Hearing Other ~!~~_~~!Q~!J!:x~M~~~l3:1.1g~!!l,_~!.!:~_~!!?)'.~!<?.!!l~_Ml3:~_l3:g<?! Attachments: LUTC Memorandum dated November 19,2007. Options Considered: 1. Authorize the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Lakehaven Utility District for office space occupancy. 2. Do not authorize the City Manager to enter into an Interlocal Agreement with Lakehaven Utility District for office space occupancy and provide direction to staff. DEPT: Public Works STAFFREC'OMMENDATioN:-'Staffreco~eiIds'fon;;ding""optio"ii--fto-the-Dece~ber-4:-2007'-c-itY-coUnc'il Consent Agenda for approval. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: Council DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: {h1;1 Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward Option 1 to the December 4,2007 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. Jack Dovey, Chair Linda Kochmar, Member Dean McColgan, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move to authorize the City Manager to enter into an Inter/ocal Agreement with Lakehaven Utility District for office space occupancy. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o T ABLEDIDEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: November 19,2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager/Chief Operations Officer/Emergency Manager M Interlocal Agreement - City of Federal Way and Lakehaven Utility District for Office Space Occupancy BACKGROUND: Since the acquisition and development of City Hall in the former Paragon Building, the City has attempted to assemble all of the agencies associated with the Permit Process in one facility, with the intention of becoming a "One-Stop" Permit Center. In March 2004, the City Council approved a similar Interlocal Agreement between the City and South King Fire and Rescue (SKF) (formally Federal Way Fire Department). Since occupancy of SKF at City Hall, the community, SKF staff and City staff have benefited from the improved communication and efficiency this arrangement has made to the permit process. This Interlocal Agreement between the City of Federal Way and Lakehaven Utility District (attached) reflects the City's commitment to improving communication between the agencies as well as service to our customer base and the community by co-locating the permitting function of both agencies at City Hall. K:\LUTC\2007\11-19-07 Surface Water Infrastructure Maintenance and Service Contract - Authoraization to Bid.doc INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY AND LAKEHA VEN UTILITY DISTRICT FOR OFFICE SPACE OCCUPANCY THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of , 2007. The parties ("Parties") to the Agreement are the City of Federal Way, a Washington municipal corporation ("City") and Lakehaven Utility District, a Washington special purpose district ("District"). WHEREAS, the City owns and operates a facility commonly known as the City Hall; and WHEREAS, the District provides development review services for water and sewer system extensions within its service area, including areas within the City, with trained personnel; and WHEREAS, the District and the City believe it would be beneficial to the businesses and citizens of the City and District if the entities formed a long-term partnership for the co-location of certain development review functions within the City; and WHEREAS, the District and City believe this partnership would improve the permit processing within the City by having a staff member of the District located at the City Hall in the permitting area; and WHEREAS, the governing bodies of each of the parties hereto have determined to enter into this Agreement as authorized and provided for in RCW 39.34.080 and other Washington law, as amended; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the provisions of the Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 39.34 RCW and in consideration of the mutual terms, provisions and obligations contained herein, it is agreed by and between the City and District as follows: 1. PREMISES. The City hereby agrees, upon the following terms and conditions, to allow the District to occupy a portion of the City's City Hall located at 33325 8th Avenue S, Federal Way, WA 98063, consisting of approximately eighty (80) square feet, and described on the attached Exhibit A, which is incorporated by reference and hereinafter referred to as the "Premises", for the location of a development review staff person and in furtherance of its development review functions. 2. TERM. The term of this Interlocal Agreement shall commence upon the effective date of this agreement and shall continue until the 31st day of December, 2012 ("Term"). The Term of this Interlocal Agreement will automatically renew for a five (5) year renewal thereafter unless otherwise terminated pursuant to Section 3. 3. TERMINATION. a. Prior to the expiration of the Term, unless a shorter period is mutually agreed upon by the Parties, the District may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice. b. Prior to the expiration of the Term, unless a shorter period is mutually agreed to by the Parties, the City may terminate the Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice. 4. RENT. The City agrees to waive rent during the entire Term of the Agreement in exchange for the costs as outlined in Sections 5 and 6. 5. ONGOING MAINTENANCE AND OPERATING COSTS. The District agrees to pay Five and no/lOO Dollars ($5.00) per square foot per year to cover the on-going maintenance and operation costs ("M & 0"). The M & 0 Costs include taxes, insurance, janitorial, electricity, garbage, sewer, water, maintenance and repair of the Premises, landscape and parking lot maintenance, window washing, natural gas, LID's and assessments. The rate per square foot is subject to increase based on the mid-year Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), but the minimum increase shall be three percent (3%) per year. 6. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT). The City agrees to support one (1) of the District's staff on computers and phone system on the District's private network at the Premises. The ongoing IT costs due to the City as described in Exhibit B (attached) are subject to increase based on the mid-year Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), but the minimum increase shall be one and a half percent (1.5%) per year, and the maximum increase shall be three percent (3%) per year. 7. FACILITY AMENITIES. The City agrees to furnish the following: a. One designated parking space located in the parking area adjacent to the City Hall's north entrance and marked for the Lakehaven Utility District use only; and b. Use of all City Hall amenities by the District's staff assigned to the Premises. 8. USE. The District shall use the Premises for the purposes of this Agreement. If the District desires to use the space for other purposes, it agrees the City must provide written consent, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. 9. ASSIGNMENT OR SUBLEASE. The District shall not assign or transfer this Agreement, nor sublet the whole or any part of the Premises, nor grant an option for assignment, transfer or sublease for the whole or any part of the Premises, nor shall this Agreement be assignable or transferable by operation of law, or by any process or proceeding or any court or otherwise. 10. LIABILITY. The City assumes no responsibility for any property placed in the Premises, and is released from any liabilities for loss, injury or damages to any property that are sustained by reason of the occupancy of the Premises under this Agreement. 11. CONTACT PERSONS. The Parties stipulate that the following persons shall be the contact person for the City and the District, respectively: City: Cary M. Roe, P.E. District: Assistant City Manager PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 Donald Perry General Manager PO Box 4249 Federal Way, W A 98063-4249 12. ACTION BY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER AND DISTRICT GENERAL MANAGER. The Parties authorize the Assistant City Manager of the City of Federal Way and the General Manager of the Lakehaven Utility District to take actions that are consistent with and necessary to implement the intent of this Agreement. 13. ENTIRE AGREEMENT - AMENDMENTS. This printed Agreement together with the exhibits expressly incorporated herein by reference attached hereto shall constitue the whole agreement between the Parties. There are no terms, obligation, covenants, or conditions other than those contained herein. Except as otherwise provided herein, no modification or amendment of the Agreement shall be valid or effective unless evidenced by an agreement in writing signed by both Parties. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY LAKEHA VEN UTILITY DISTRICT Neal Beets, City Manager Donald T. Perry, General Manager Date: Date: ArrEST: A ITEST: Laura Hathaway, CMC, City Clerk Signature Printed Name Title APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Patricia A. Richardson, City Attorney Steven H. Pritchett, Legal Counsel Exhibit A Et""ST"""U"'~' ,V,,,=.= " " ' . . . Jeff '.. Vacant Wolf ~~J:,L:" .~1~ Miller x~":~_j Rob i ,Orsow 2770r- =""".,.,"'=1 Jeff "( iyunh 02721 I Brian :oberts ~ John I Aulkey ~722 _ -J larwa~ alloum 1 x2720 ! -.-.....,..........- , .......,...."O..T -"'11...--.- \j] Rick , ~ary Perez IZuk ann Di:>fri ct staff- OfAtt?/ Space", (ApprDximttfe '3 80~.r+.) x2774 x2743 City Hall Second Floor Department Layout and Phone Extensions x7056 Steel Lake ----.----------- EXHIBIT B Information Technology The following is a summary ofthe services that will be provided: · City will provide one (1) phone at staffs desk with voice mail box. The phone number will have an appearance (ring) at the phone on Community Development counter. · City will provide two (2) network connections for two (2) workstations (1) at the staff's desk and I on the counter) with direct access to internet. · District will provide their own PC(s), monitor and printer. · District staffwill have their own Nextel phone. · City will provide basic PC support and access to the large plotter when needed. · District will not be in City's network at this time except for accessing the internet. · District will access their applications, files, and databases through remote connection to their desktops at District's main office. · District and City will evaluate the need for District to access Amanda system. In that case, City will add their workstations to our network and provide access. City will provide basic mail, fax and copier services as needed. The overall IT maintenance and support costs for these services in minimal. Approximate cost $40 per month or $480 per year.