LUTC PKT 12-17-2007 City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee December 17, 2007 5:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 3, 2007 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. 10th Avenue S Stormwater Trunk Replacement Project-30% Design Status Report B. Acceptance of Grant Funding for Transportation Improvement Projects C. South 356th Street at SR 99 Intersection Improvements Project - 100% Design Status Report D. City Center Access Study - Authorization of Consultant Contract E. Resolution to Certify the Cost of Abatement for the Hoban Property F. North Lake Pointe Preliminary Plat G. 2008 Planning Commission and Long Range Planning Work Program 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS 6. ADJOURN Action 5 minlBucich Action 5 minlMulkey Action 5 minlMu1key Action 5 min/Zukowski Action 10 min/V ause Action 15 min/Lee Action 15 min/Clark Committee Members Jack Dovey, Chair Linda Kachmar Dean McColgan City Staff Cary M. Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager/Emergency Manager Darlene LeMaster, Administrative Assistant II 253-835-2701 G:\LUTCILUTC Agendas llnd Summaries 2007\/2-17-07 LUTe Agenda.doc City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee December 3, 2007 5:30 pm City Hall City Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Committee Chair Jack Dovey, Committee Member Linda Kochmar, Committee Member Dean McColgan; Council Member Jeanne Burbidge, Assistant City Manager/Chief Operations Officer/Emergency Manager Cary Roe, Assistant City Manager/Chief Executive Officer Iwen Wang, Contracted Senior Planner Jim Harris, Deputy Public Works Director Ken Miller, City Staff Attorney Monica Buck, Acting Deputy Public Works Director Marwan Salloum, Street Systems Project Engineer John Mulkey and Administrative Assistant II Darlene LeMaster. 1. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Dovey called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. A motion was made to move Item E, 2008 School Impact Fee to follow Item A, SeaTac International Airport - Noise Quality Program. Moved: Kochmar Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The November 5, 2007 LUTC meeting minutes were approved. Moved: Kochmar Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. SeaTac International Airport - Noise Ouality Program Stan Sheppard, Airport Noise Programs Manager, provided background information and a PowerPoint presentation on the item. John Creighton, Port of Seattle Commission President, was also present to answer questions. Council Member Kochmar thanked Mr. Creighton and Mr. Sheppard for their presentation. She also asked for some clarification on the following. In the last Part 150 Study Process (2002), a recommendation was made. Council Member Kochmar thought that it had been recommended to change the flight pattern from its current path to a more south western path, over the Port of Tacoma tide flats. In the Port of Seattle's minutes, it stated that no change would be made, as the City of Milton complained that the changing of the flight path would negatively affect their community. Committee Member Kochmar wonders why a city with considerably less population than that of Federal Way could influence the recommendation of the study. Why couldn't the flight patterns be changed to go over Puget Sound and Vashon Island, a much less densely populated area? Secondly, is it possible to change the threshold for the level of noise that is allowable (DNL) in order to provide services or mitigation fees to those residents and schools most affected by the noise? Thirdly, with a third runway, although the level of noise may not be increased, the frequency oftake-offs and landings will increase, How many more flights is the Port of Seattle expecting? G:\LUTOLUTC Agendas and Sunnnaries 2007\12-3-07 Minutes.doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 2 July 2, 2007 Mr. Sheppard explained that through past studies, the Port has developed a policy on how they will implement change. In order to change the current flight paths that are having adverse affects to Federal Way residents, the Port would have to consider the opinions of the residents who would be affected by the change. To change the flight path to move more westward over the Port of Tacoma, Milton, and Fife, the Port of Seattle would need those communities' approval for the flight path change in order to warrant making the change. The Port of Seattle has tried to get the approval from Fife and Milton in the past and it hasn't happened. Mr. Sheppard strongly believes that the only way to possibly influence a change would be for residents to go to their Congressman, Adam Smith, and complain enough to get his attention and support in order to try to get him to lobby for the change in their behalf. To answer the second question, changing the DNL is not something that can be changed by the desire to do so. It can only be changed by changing the type of aircraft that are being used. Mr. Creighton added that in earlier conversation, Council Member Kochmar had expressed much concern for the affect this noise has had on the students and learning in the Federal Way School District. Mr. Creighton believes that the Port of Seattle would be favorable to looking into federal programs that may have monies available to help the most adversely affected schools. Most of these federal programs use the noise contours as guidelines for funding. Committee Chair Dovey asked for more information on the DNL. If the DNL is an average, is it possible that there are some planes that far exceed the average DNL? Mr. Sheppard described it as a logarithmic average, taken over the course of a year and includes many different aircraft. Because there are so many different planes in use today, yes, there are planes that will exceed the 65 average DNL, for example, EVA air has a 747-400, that flies a couple times a week during the early am hours, full of passengers and cargo. This flight probably does exceed the 65 DNL. Public Comment: Rick Hughes - Mr, Hughes commented that he has spoken with Mr. Sheppard and his associates at the Port of Seattle on multiple occasions and has gotten nowhere. He has a hard time believing that nothing can be done about the noise quality, especially concerning the EVA Air flight that ascends and turns over western Federal Way at 3:00 AM in the morning. Mr, Hughes estimates that the 747-400 is at 2,000 to 3,000 ft altitude, far lower (therefore, much louder) than what is required. Mr. Sheppard explained that the Port of Seattle works to make each airlines comply with the federal regulations as much as possible. All flights are watched and monitored. The Port has attempted to ask EVA Air to alter their flight times. Due to many factors, that has not been possible. Anna Etter - Ms. Etter lives near 30Sth Street and is pleased the Port is present to listen to Federal Way's concerns over airplane noise, Since the Port says that not much can be done, what can our Council and residents do to help influence the situation and help influence the Port of Seattle to make a change? Mr. Creighton encourages the residents and the Council members to make their feelings known to the Port at the next Part 150 Program. The Port Commissioners are very open to working with the congressional delegation. Committee Member McColgan asked about the change that had occurred at John Wayne Airport in Orange County, CA. Mr. Sheppard explained that prior to 1990 the Airport Noise and Capacity Act had been enacted in Orange County and was grandfathered in, in order to maintain the quality of noise in that region. Committee Chair Dovey reiterated to the audience that the City is fortunate to have Port Commission representation at this meeting. Chair Dovey hopes that residents will understand that this is a process and that although we would all hope for change to occur as soon as possible, we are beginning the process that will hopefully influence change in the next Part 150 Study in 2009. Peter Townsend - Mr, Townsend wanted to know the effect the planes with newer technology will have on the third runway, Will it keep some of the older planes off of the third runway? Mr. Sheppard explained that the effect that technology has on planes is that is makes them more efficient. Technology is evolving and streamlining aircraft. Currently the airport is affected by poor weather conditions multiple days each G:\LUTClLUTC Agendas and Summaries 2007\12-3-07 Minutes.doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 3 July 2, 2007 year. The result is decreased capacity as this leaves only one runway functioning at a level below normal. The third runway's main function will be to keep airplane capacity at a constant level, even during some poor weather conditions. The FAA has regulated at what distance from the airport and at what altitude an aircraft must be to turn. There is also a point at which the aircraft must "fly by" before it turns out (west) over the water. Ms. Tapp - Ms. Tapp lives in Marine Hills and thanks the Port for being present today. She asks the Port for clarification, Since 1993, although the FAA has made change to the flight path, she has not noticed any significant change in noise. Prior to the FAA changing the requirements for tuning to include a "fly by" location, who could possibly be complaining about airplane noise over the water, since no one actually lives on the water? Chair Dovey restated the question asking where the complaints actually originated from. Mr. Sheppard answered that most of the complaints originated along the shoreline. It is possible that the water magnified the noise level. Nancy Combs - Ms, Combs lives in southwest Federal Way and was very agitated about the level of noise from aircraft and how it has adversely impacted her quality of life. As her comment did not ask a question, no response was given. Rod Leland of Federal Way Public Schools thanked the Port for being present. The school district's priority is the education of the students. With at least ten schools in the district impacted by the airplane noise: Woodmont, Vahalla and Sunnycrest Elementary, does it make sense to make the students have to wait three years for mitigation as a result of all the noise (one year until the next study plus two years for the study)? Mr. Sheppard responded that working with their recourses and within the noise contours, it is unlikely that any federal funding would be available to those areas beyond of the 65 DNL contour. Mr. Creighton added that in the SeaTac and south Seattle area along with the Highline School District, all of those noise programs were strictly funded with federal money from the FAA. Mr. Creighton added that it may still be possible to find other monies available for such programs, especially in the case of the school district with the help of our state legislators and possible widening the range of the noise contours. Committee Member McColgan wants a better understanding of why the EVA Air flight at 2:30-3:00 AM cannot be restricted since it affects thousands of residents in our community. Mr. Sheppard reiterated that the Port has truly done all it can to communicate with EVA Air on the affects of this particular flight. EVA Air is aware that it is having negative impacts on communities, but unfortunately, they have no other viable options for this particular flight. There are some things the Port is trying to do, however. On arrivals, there will be a "continuous descent approach" implemented. There is the ability to implement this more readily with nighttime approaches as air travel is somewhat reduced. The Port is hoping to see some positive changes in level of noise to communities with this program. Bud Moore -Marine Hills, Federal Way. Mr. Moore wonders if new planes with new technology can't be utilized to reduce noise impacts in Federal Way. Also, a broad area benefits from having the Sea Tac Airport, although it seems as though the flight paths favor the area south of the airport (Federal Way). Can't the impacts of the noise be distributed just like the benefits of the airport? Mr. Sheppard confirmed that newer aircraft with newer technology will reduce noise impacts over time as more and older planes are replaced, however, changing the flight paths of existing flights is not likely to change or at least change within the next few years. Federal funding dictates what the Port can do to provide noise quality programs. Chair Dovey again encouraged residents to take this to the next level and contact their congressman, Adam Smith. Paul Matthews - Marine Hills, Federal Way resident for 50 years. Can the public have access to the data on elevation and nautical miles south of the airport? Mr. Matthews suspects that there are probably a significant number of violations and would like to have access to this information to look for himself. Mr. Sheppard pointed out how the information can be obtained and also made available a pamphlet with general information for those in attendance. G\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2007\12-3-07 Minutes doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 4 July 2, 2007 Raymond Holmes - Federal Way resident for 35 years, Mr, Holmes feels that the noise impacts from aircraft turning west out over the water has doubled or tripled in the last couple of years, He feels as though the planes are turning west prior to getting enough altitude, If the planes were higher prior to turning west, the noise would not be so great. Mr. Sheppard explained that the destination of the flights really determines that point at which the plane turns west out over the water. The demand of various flights truly determines this factor. Council Member Burbidge stated that she has heard so many complaints over the years on the EVA Air flight, more complaints probably than any other flight. Mr. Sheppard responded that due to the size and weight ofthe aircraft, the noise it projects is going to be greater. Jim Simpson - Marine Hills, Federal Way. Is there any reason why the EVA Air flights in question could have their flight plan extended further south prior to turning west. Mr. Sheppard reiterated that in order to change a flight plan, the Port would need "buy off' from the cities of Fife and Milton. To date, Fife and Milton say no. Chair Dovey asked again the question of if the cities of Milton and Fife bought off on the flight plan, then the FAA would approve the change? Mr. Sheppard said that if Fife and Milton would agree to the flight plan change, the FAA would entertain and most likely change the flight plan, although it is not possible to say with absolute certainty. Committee Member Kochrnar thanked the Port of Seattle representatives for being present. She has been involved in this issue for many years and has been equally frustrated that a solution to the negative impacts of airplane noise in Federal Way has not been found, Committee Member Kochmar wants the community to know that she stands behind them and wants them to be taken care of. Committee Member Kochmar requested Chair Dovey request staff to provide a transcript of tonight's meeting to: all Port of Seattle commissioners that were not present at tonight's meeting, all Port of Seattle officials, all of our Congressional delegates, and a copy directly to Congressman Adam Smith. Committee Member Kochmar would like to take a look at the possibility of air traffic Impact Fees from the airport, and in addition, requests Committee Chair Dovey add this issue to the our legislative agenda that begins in January. Chair Dovey requested that Stan Sheppard provide a printout each day for 60 days to ACM Cary Roe with the data on the EVA Air flight that has caused so much concern. Staff would like to have this data available as a tool to be proactive in their attempt to address this issue. E. 2008 School Impact Fees ACM Wang provided background information on the item. Also present from Federal Way Public Schools were Sally McLean, Chief Financial Officer and Jerrie Walker, GIS Analist. Ms. McLean passed out a handout, School Impact Fees. She thanked staff and Council Members for their partnership and support in collecting impact fees. Since 1996, $4 million has been collected in impact fees and has been used to install portables, build the Public Academy, and has helped finance new construction. All new construction has future growth in mind (common areas that can be converted to classrooms as future growth allows). Committee Member McColgan noted the recent school bond that passed. Is this (school impact fees) a separate issue for different construction? Ms. McLean responded that this is an impact fee that applicants and developers that come into the city and want to build new buildings would have to pay. This fee would help offset the cost to the district for increased capacity of adding additional students to the district. Chair Dovey inquired as to the City of Des Moines impact fees. Ms. McLean stated that the City of Des Moines has never adopted a Growth Management Act. Any impact fees have been collected in the SEP A process. When a Des Moines development has impacted Federal Way schools, Des Moines and Federal Way School District have negotiated fees at the time of SEP A. The State is not matching the impact fees. Chair Dovey noted that Federal Way's impact fees are significantly lower than our neighboring cities. With more multi- family housing developing and more density anticipated, does the school district forecast higher impact fees? Ms. McLean said that many factors will influence impact fees in the futures. These fees will be reevaluated on a regular basis and fees adjusted accordingly. Moved: Kochmar Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 Committee PASSED Option 1 to the December 18, 2007, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2007\12-3-07 Minules.doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 5 July 2, 2007 B. 21 st Ave SW ({V, SW 356th St - Project Acceptance and Retainage Release Brian Roberts provided background information on the item. There was no discussion. Moved: McColgan Seconded: Kochmar Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 Committee PASSED Option 1 to the December 18, 2007, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. C. Capital Proiects Review Policy Marwan Salloum provided background information on the item. Committee Member McColgan asked Mr. Salloum to summarize how the recommended policy will differ from the current procedure of reviewing capital projects. Mr. Salloum explained that the current procedure for reviewing capital projects includes conunittee and Council approval at the 30%, 80% and 100% design stages of project. The proposed policy will ask the committee and Council to approve design of the capital project at the 30% and 85%-100% stages, combining the later stages of the design process, approving the budget and authorizing staff to bid the project for construction. Moved: McColgan Seconded: Kochmar Passed: Unanimously; 3-0 Committee PASSED Option 1 to the December 18,2007, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. D. The Greens Final Plat Jim Harrris provided background information on the item. Chair Dovey asked if school impact fees will be collected as part of this plat. Mr. Harris answered that to date, there has only been one application for one home in this plat. As each application is submitted, the appropriate impact fees will be collected at the time the permit is paid for. Moved: Kochmar Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously; 3-0 Committee PASSED the Committee's recommendation to the December 18, 2007, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. 5. FUTURE MEETING 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 7:16 PM. G:\LUTOLUTC Agendas and Summaries 2007\] 2.3.07 Minutes.doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 15,2008 ...........m.........................~........................................................m........_..................~.............................................................................................m............................................................................. ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: 10th Avenue S Stormwater Trunk Replacement Project-30% Design Review (CIP #304-3100-260) POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council authorize staff to proceed with design of the 10th Avenue S Stormwater Trunk Replacement Project and return to the Council at the 85% design completion for further reports and authorization? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: December 17,2007 CATEGORY: I:8J Consent 0 Ordinance 0 Public Hearing o City Council Business 0 Resolution 0 Other STAFF REpORT By: Paul A. Bucich, P.E., Surface Water Manag~,.DEPT: Public Works .____....__.._... -........--.-..--....--..-..-..--............-........-....-.-...-....-..............-...-......-....-.......-.---...-....-..-.......-.....-................-................--........................-.........-.......--............._......_.....~~_..........._........._......................-..................................................-......-..-...-.-...--.---. Attachments: Memorandum to Land Use and Transportation Committee dated December 17,2007. Options Considered: 1. Authorize staff to proceed with design of the 1 Oth Avenue S Stormwater Trunk Replacement Project and return to the Council at the 85% design completion for further reports and authorization. 2. Do not authorize staff to proceed and provide direction to staff. ......................................--..........-...........-................. ...............-.......................................................................................... .........................................-....................... ............n.................... STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option 1 to the January 15,2008 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: ~ Committee Council DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: {!AV't Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward staff recommendation for Option 1 to the January 15, 2008 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. (/)1/<1 -- J ~ McColgan, Member OUN IL MOTION: "] move to authorize staff to proceed with design of the JOth Avenue S Stor a r ru Replacement Project and return to the Council at the 85% design completion for further reports and authorization. " /' . /' I) ~-~_. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o T ABLEDIDEFERREDINO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: December 17, 2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee Neal Beets, City Manager Paul A. Bucich, P.E., Surface Water Manager .-~ 10th Ave. South Stormwater Trunk Replacement Project -30% Design Review (CIP # 304-3100-260) BACKGROUND: This project will expand the flow capacity of the existing undersized stormwater drainage system along 10th Avenue South between the south side of the intersection with S. 308th Street and the outfall into Cold Creek located immediately south of the intersection with S. 306th Street. The project is required to alleviate flooding of Easter Lake shorelands and structures. Currently the project design is approximately 30% complete, which includes the following completed tasks: · Topographical Survey and Mapping · Hydrological and Hydraulic Analysis · Project Design plans to 30% level Ongoing Tasks Include: · SEP A Submittals · Obtain city Community Development Director's Approval for stream channel stabilization work, obtain HPA from WDFW and obtain city Right-of Way Permit. · Project Design to 85% level. · Subsurface Utility Investigations & Potential Relocations This project is scheduled for construction to commence in early July of2008. PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Engineering Design Year 2007 Construction (Estimate) 20% Construction Contingency Pavement Mitigation Fee 15% Construction Inspection & Management TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $ 59,742 $252,891 $ 50,578 $ 6,000 $37,934 $407,145 AVAILABLE FUNDING: TOTAL AVAILABLE BUDGET $430,000 cc: Project File Day File COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 15,2008 ITEM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Acceptance of Grant Funding for Transportation Improvement Projects POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council authorize staff to accept Tm grant funding for S 356th Street at Pacific Highway South Intersection Improvements project? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee CATEGORY: ~ Consent MEETING DATE: December 17,2007 D City Council Business D Ordinance D Resolution D D Public Hearing Other ~_!~!:~~!Q~!~Y.:_M~~~~!!?.~!!1.~:_~:!._~!!.~~!..~X~!.~!!1.~_M:.~~g~~_....___~~~_!:.~?!~~_~?.~~~___.__...___..._.___.____. Attachments: LUTC Memorandum, dated December 17,2007. Options Considered: 1. Authorize staff to accept the 2009 Urban Corridor Program (State Transportation Improvement Board) grant in the amount of $4,350,533 for the S 356th Street at Pacific Highway South Intersection Improvements project. 2. Do not accept grant funding and provide direction to staff STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Option #1; Authorize staff to accept the 2009 Urban Corridor Program (State Transportation Improvement Board) grant in the amount of $4,350,533 for the S 356th Street at Pacific Highway South Intersection Improvements Project. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: ~ Committee Council DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: OW{ Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward Option 1 to the January 15,2008 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. Authorize staff to accept the 2009 Urban Corridor Program (State Transportation Improvement Board) grant in the amount of $4,350,533 for the S 356th Street at Pacific Highway South Intersection Improvements Project. . vi "cc;...(.. L' c._ .. 'LL<_~ I \ ()- c..: -~~- Jac y, Chair ...-:J Linda Kochrriar, Member ean McC an, Member SED NCIL MOTION: "I move to authorize staff to accept Authorize staff to accept the 2009 Urban Corri r ogram (State Transportation Improvement Board) grant in the amount of $4,350,533 for the S 35(/h Street at Pacific Highway South Intersection Improvements Project" (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLEDillEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: December 17, 2007 TO: Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M, Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager, Chief Operations Officer, Emergency tAJr( Manager FROM: John Mulkey, P.E., Street Systems Project Engineer5~ SUBJECT: Acceptance of Grant Funding for Transportation Improvement Projects VIA: BACKGROUND: This memorandum provides the Council with the current status of the grant applications submitted in 2007, grant funding received to date, and required match. GRANT FUNDING REomRED MATCH Pacific Highway At S356th Street Intersection Improvements (Design, Right of Way and Construction) 2009 Urban Corridor Program (TIB) $4,350,533 $2,987,310 cc: Project File COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 15,2008 .................. ......................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................... ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: South 356th Street at SR 99 Intersection Improvements Project - 100% Design Status Report POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council authorize staff to bid the South 356th Street at SR 99 Intersection 1m rovements Pro'ect, and return to LUTC for bid award, further re orts and authorization? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: December 17,2007 CATEGORY: ~ Consent o City Council Business o Ordinance o Resolution o o Public Hearing Other .~!~:r.<:-~~2!!!.~Y.~}~1.~~~~!!gE1.P.:_!>.:~:?.~!!.~~!~y.~~_~1.P.:~M~~g~~__ Attachments: Memorandum to LUTC dated December 17,2007. Qp!!~~~-.~~!!~!~~!:~~;m_.m_m._._._. .-m-m._mm__m__m.m__. ...-.......-mmm-...--.m.m__m_m_m..___..__.m._._mm.._..___.._._____._.______.._ 1. Authorize staff to bid the South 356th Street at SR 99 Intersection Improvements Project and return to the LUTC Committee to award the project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. 2. Do not authorize staff to bid this project and provide direction to staff. DEPT: Public Works STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to bid the South 356th Street at SR 99 Intersection Improvements Project and return to the LUTC Committee to award the project to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: ~ Committee DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ Committee Council Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward Option I to the January 15th, 2008 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. ,----<:: L-_ , Member NCIL MOTION: "] move to authorize staff to bid the South 356th Street at SR 99 Intersection n Project, and return to the LUTC Committee to award the project to the lowest responsive, responsible COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLEDIDEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # K:\COUNCIl\AGDBIlLS\2008\01-15-08 S356th Street at SR 99 Intersection Improvements Project - 100% Design Status Report.doc CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: December 17,2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager ~ ~ Marwan Salloum, P.E., Street Systems Manager ~ John Mulkey, P. E. Street Systems Project Engineer South 356th Street at SR 99 Intersection Improvements Project -100% Design Status Report BACKGROUND: This project will realign the east leg of South 356th Street to line up with the west leg. South 356th Street will be widened to 2 thru-Ianes and a left-turn lane westbound and 2 left-turn lanes, a thru-Iane and a right-turn lane eastbound. Pacific Highway South (SR 99) will be widened to: 2 thru lanes, a right turn lane, and left-turn lane southbound and 2 thru-Ianes and 2 left-turn lanes northbound. The traffic signal bridge structure will be replaced to accommodate the added lanes. PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: Planning and Design ROW Acquisition Construction cost 2008 (estimate) 10% Construction Contingency Construction Management TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $1,200,700 2,100,000 3,864,000 386,400 483,000 $8,034,100 AVAILABLE FUNDING: Tm Grant Fund Budgeted City Match (2003) Utility Tax (2007) Transfer from Unallocated CIP fund Interest Mitigation TOTAL AVAILABLE BUDGET $4,728,743 1,120,000 200,000 433,829 201,847 1,372,575 $8,056,994 This project estimated expenditures are within available funding. Due to the fact that the awarded Tm grant funds will not be available until August 2008, and the scheduled construction of nearby S348th Street HOV project in 2008. Staff is anticipating bidding the project in December 2008 and awarding in February 2009. Construction will commence in March 2009 with an estimated substantial completion date of November 2009. cc: Project File Day File COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 15,2007 ITEM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: City Center Access Project Phase 2 Environmental Assessment ("EA") - Authorization to Execute Contract POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council authorize contract execution for the City Center Access Project Phase 2 _ "EA" with Parametrix, Inc.? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee CATEGORY: IZI Consent o City Council Business MEETING DATE: December 17,2007 o Ordinance o Resolution o o Public Hearing Other STAFF REpORT By: Maryanne Zukowski, P.E. Attachments: City of Federal Way LUTC Memo dated December 17,2007. Options Considered: I. Authorize execution of the contract between the City and Parametrix, Inc. for the City Center Access Project Phase 2 - "EA". 2. Do not authorize contract execution and provide staff direction. DEPT: Public Works ......-.....-..-.-.-..-.........-..-...---.--....-..-..-.........--.--......-.....-..............-.............--.......-..............-......--................-.-...-..-....-.......-.............-......-.........................-...-......-......--..--.......................--.---......-!fi..--..-----..--...............---.-..........--.-.--.----.-.-...- STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option I to the January 15 ,2007 City Council Consent Agenda for approval and authorize the City Manger to execute the contract with Parametrix, Inc. for the City Center Access Project Phase 2 - "EA". CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: ~ Committee DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ewe. Committee Council Council COMMIITEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward Option I to the January 15th, 2007 City Council Consent Agenda for approval and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract with Parametrix, Inc for the City Center Access Project Phase 2 "EA". COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLEDIDEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # K:\COUNOL\AGDBILLS\2008\Ol-15-07 rev City Center Access Project Phase 2 Contract Execution .doc CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: December 17, 2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee (LUTe) Cary Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager ~ Maryanne Zukowski, P.E., Senior Traffic Engineer .A SUBJECT: City Center Access Project Phase 2 Environmental Assessment "EA" Consultant Award BACKGROUND: In May of 2007, City Council approved authorization to proceed with Phase II of the City Center Access Project, Final Interchange Justification Report (IJR) and Environmental Assessment (EA). With this approval, Council requested review of the Draft Public Involvement and Communications Plan (PICP) and notification of Consultant Contract A ward. The following represents activities completed to date: . February 2007 - October 2007 . July 2007 . July 2007 - November 2007 . July 2007 - October 2007 . July 2007 . September 2007 . October 2007 - December 2007 . December 2007 - January 2008 PROPOSED CONSULTANT AWARD Staff prepared Contract Scope Council Approved Draft PICP Stakeholder Recruitment WSDOT and FHW A contract coordination and approval of the scope of work Advertised for Consultants Interviewed Consultants Consultant Negotiations Contract Award Four consultant teams were interviewed. The team selected for contract negotiations is Parametrix/CH2Mhil1/PRR CONSULTANT CONTRACT BREAKDOWN Project Management Public Involvement and Communications Travel Demand Forecasting and Operational Analysis Interchange Justification Report Environmental Assessment Process NEPA Environmental Assessment & Preliminary Design TOTAL CONSULTANT CONTRACT $ 218,971 $ 241,306 $ 237,811 $ 33,877 $ 78,055 $ 1,918,254 $ 2,728,274 December 17,2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee City Center Access Project Page 2 PROJECT ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Planning and Design WSDOT JA Contract Temp Help Access Hearing Misc. (Ads and production costs) Title Reports Contingencies 7% TOTAL PROJECT ESTIMATED COSTS $ 2,728,274 $ 150,000 $ 75,000 $ 30,000 $ 22.000 $ 10,000 $ 211,069 $ 3,226,343 $ 3,000,000 $ 175,140 $ 63,472 $ 3,238,612 $ 12,269 AVAILABLE FUNDING 2007/2008 authorized expenditure Mitigation to date Interest Earning to date TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNDING PROJECT BUDGET REMAINING C :\DOCUME-I \Default\LOCALS-I \ Temp\XPgrpwise\ 12 .17 .07 LUTC Memo,doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 15 2008 ...-...------.---.-..-------......-...-...........-.....-...------..-...--.....-.-.-.-...-..-.--......._.__.__...:2._._......__._......_......_.__...___..__..._.._.._._.....__..._____..._..._._._..____......... ITEM #: ......................--.-..-.--..---.-.--..--.-.-......--.--..........._._~ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: THE HOBAN ABATEMENT PROJECT POLICY QUESTION: SHOULD THE CITY COUNCIL CERTIFY THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF THE HOBAN PROPERTY? COMMITTEE: LAND USEITRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (LUTe) MEETING DATE: DECEMBER 17,2007 CATEGORY: o Consent o City Council Business o Ordinance [gJ Resolution o o Public Hearing Other -~'!~!!-~..Q~! ~Y.:_..Q~E9._.:Y.~Y~E:.?-. C<?.P..~_~~~.!:I.~~gE:..g.I.':~Ic.:.~~__._...._.__.~~~~.=...~~~~~~~.~~VE~~:~::,:-:~._.......__..___ Attachments: December 10,2007, Staff Report and Resolution Options Considered: 1) Certify as Presented; 2) Modify and Certify; or 3) Decline to Certify STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option #1) Certify as Presented DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: Council CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move that the Land Use/Transportation Committee forward to the City Council, and place on the January ,~ 2008, Consent Agenda, a recommendation to certify as presented, the cost of the abatement of the Hoban property. er HI move approval of the certification of cost of the abatement of the Hoban COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o T ABLEDIDEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # ~ CITY OF .,~ ~ Federal Way Department of Community Development Services 33325 8th Avenue South PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 253-835-2601 - Fax: 253-835-2609 www.citvoffederalwav.com MEMORANDUM DATE: December 10, 2007 TO: City Council Members VIA: Neal Beets, City Manager @ FROM: Greg Vause, Code Enforcement Officer SUBJECT: Resolution to Certify the Abatement of Hoban Property Background Information On August 2,2007, a Notice and Order to Correct Violations was issued to Mr. Hoban, the property owner of2316 SW 325th Street. In Violation Order 07-104006, the city cited Mr. Hoban with violations of: 1) Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Section 22952, "Junk and Junk Yards Prohibited"; 2) International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) 302.5, "Rodent Harborage"; and 3) FWCC Section 22-1177, "Parking and Storage of Recreational Vehicle." On August 16,2007, Mr. Hoban entered into a Limited Right of Entry Agreement (LROE) with the City of Federal Way. In the LROE, Mr. Hoban agreed to bring his property into compliance by August 23,2007. On August 23rd Mr. Hoban was not in compliance. The city, in section #3 of the LROE, has the right to bring property into compliance and then recover reimbursement from the property owner. On September 4,2007, the city had its sub-contractor, Olympic Landscape Maintenance, started the clean-up work. All of the junk and junk vehicles, rodent harborage, and recreational vehicle were removed. The property was brought into compliance. On November 2,2007, Mr. Hoban was presented the bill for the work that the city had done to bring his property into compliance. He was requested to pay within 30 days. As of December 10,2007, Mr. Hoban has not paid the City of Federal Way. I request that the City Council certify the cost of the abatement on The Hoban Project. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, CONFIRMING REPORT OF EXPENSES FOR THE ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE PROPERTY WHEREAS, on August 2, 2007, the City issued a Notice of Violation and Order to Correct pursuant to Federal Way City Code ("FWCC") 1-17 to Daniel Hoban for violations ofFWCC 22- 952 Junk and Junk Yards Prohibited, International Property Maintenance Code ("IPMC") 302.5 Rodent Harborage, and FWCC 2-1177 Parking and Storage of Recreational Vehicles existing at the property located at 2316 SW 325 Street, Federal Way, W A 98023 ("Property"); and WHEREAS, on August 16,2007 Mr. Hoban and the City of Federal Way ("City") entered into a Limited Right of Entry Agreement ("Agreement") whereby Mr. Hoban agreed to correct the violations By August 23,2007; and WHEREAS, the Agreement further provided that Mr. Hoban authorized the City to correct the violations ifthe Property was not brought into compliance by August 23,2007; and WHEREAS, on August 23, 2007, the Property remained in violation; and WHEREAS, Mr. Hoban granted the City and its agents, employees, and contractors, the right to enter upon the Property to correct the violations; and WHEREAS, the abetment was performed by Olympic Landscape Maintenance, under contract with the City, at a cost of$9,217.97; and WHEREAS, the City has incurred incidental expenses in the amount of$3,183.27; and WHEREAS, FWCC 1-21 (b)(2) provides the City shall bill its costs, including incidental RES # , Page 1 expenses, of abating the violation to the person(s) obligated to perform the work under the notice and order, which costs shall be come due and payable 30 days after the date ofthe bill; and WHEREAS, on November 5,2007, the City personally served Mr. Hoban with an invoice for the total amount of abatement costs; and WHEREAS, Mr. Hoban has failed to pay for the total costs of abatement within the 30-day period; and WHEREAS, the City Council received an itemized report from the city's Code Enforcement Officer of the work performed to correct the violations; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the FWCC 1-21 the City Council confirms the amount of the abatement and incidental expenses state in the report and authorizes collection of that amount; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Confirmation of Report of Expenses. The Council herby confirms the expenses of the abatement, in the amount of$9,217.97 and incidental expenses incurred by the city in the amount of$ 3,183.27, for a total of$12,401.24. Section 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution. Section 3. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers ofthis ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but no limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any RES # , Page 2 references thereto. Section 4. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date ofthis resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 5. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON this day of ,2007. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, MICHAEL PARK ATTEST: CITY CLERK, LAURA HATHA WAY, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO.: RES # , Page 3 .~.._._'---._........_..._-_._..._....._.._-~....................._.................-.....-............-..........-...-..-.---..-.......--......-.........-........-.........-..........-........................-.--...._.........._...~..._...........__.........._.........._..__.................---...-..-...-...-.........--- COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 17, 2007 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL POLICY QUESTION: SHALL THE PROPOSED 13-LOT NORTH LAKE POINTE PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION BE APPROVED? SUBJECT: NORTH LAKE POINTE PRELIMINARY PLAT ApPLICATION, FILE 06-106495-00-SU COMMITTEE: LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (LUTe) CATEGORY: MEETING DATE: December 17,2007 [8J Consent o City Council Business o Ordinance [8J Resolution o o Public Hearing Other .~!~I.:!..~!2~_~!:..pa~~_:I.:~~ A~.~~~~~!~...!>..!.~~~r_............_..__...__.."....__.__...._.._......... Attachments: North Lake Pointe Hearing Examiner recommendation dated November 26, 2007; Preliminary plat staff report dated October 1,2007, with exhibits including preliminary plat map; and draft City Council Resolution for North Lake Pointe. Options Considered: 1. Adopt the Hearing Examiner Recommendation and approve the North Lake Pointe Preliminary Plat Resolution. 2. Reject the Hearing Examiner Recommendation. 3. City Council may adopt its own recommendations and approve the North Lake Pointe Preliminary Plat Resolution. 4. City Council may adopt its own recommendations and disapprove the North Lake Pointe Preliminary Plat Resolution. ..................-.--...........-.....-...........................---....--...-----_..~.._.._----._.._._.._. DEPT: Community Development STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Council approval of the North Lake Pointe Preliminary Plat resolution, based on the findings, conclusions, and recommendation of the Federal Way Hearing Examiner (Option #1). CRi__AmlOVAL: ~ Cmmcil DIREcrORAPpROVAL: ~ Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: "I move Option #1 to the Full City Council,for the January lJ.. agenda. " . PR 0 D Co MOTION: "I move adoption of the Hearing Examiner recommendations and approval of the Mirror' Est s Preliminary Plat Resolution. " an, Member 8, City Council consent (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLEDIDEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # Doc. 1.0. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING NORTH LAKE POINTE PRELIMINARY PLAT, FEDERAL WAY FILE NO. 06- 106495-00 SUo WHEREAS, the owner, Russel Millard, applied to the City of Federal Way for preliminary plat approval to subdivide certain real property known as North Lake Pointe, and consisting of 3.7 acres into twelve (12) single-family residential lots located at 32214 38th Avenue South; and WHEREAS, on August 22,2007, an Environmental Determination of Non significance (DNS) was issued by the Director of Federal Way's Department of Community Development Services pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A), Chapter 43.21 C; RCW, and WHEREAS, the Federal Way Hearing Examiner on November 14, 2007, held a public hearing concerning North Lake Pointe preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, following the conclusion of said hearing, on November 26, 2007, the Federal Way Hearing Examiner issued a written Report and Recommendation containing findings and conclusions, and recommending approval of North Lake Pointe preliminary plat subject to conditions set forth therein; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council has jurisdiction and authority pursuant to Section 20- 127 of the Federal Way City Code to approve, deny, or modify a preliminary plat a~d/or its conditions; and WHEREAS, on December 17, 2007, the City Council Land Use and Transportation Committee considered the record and the Hearing Examiner recommendation on North Lake Pointe preliminary plat, pursuant to Chapter 20 of Federal Way City Code, Chapter 58.17 RCW, and all other applicable City Res. # , Page 1 codes, and voted to forward a recommendation for approval of the proposed North Lake Pointe preliminary plat to the full City Council, with no changes to the Hearing Examiner recommendation; and WHEREAS, on January 7, 2008, the City Council considered the record and the Hearing Examiner recommendation on North Lake Pointe preliminary plat, pursuant to Chapter 20 of Federal Way City Code, Chapter 58.17 RCW, and all other applicable City codes. Now THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Adoption of Findings of Fact and Conclusions. 1. The findings of fact and conclusions of the Hearing Examiner's November 26, 2007 Report and Recommendation, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference, are hereby adopted as the findings and conclusions of the Federal Way City Council. Any finding deemed to be a conclusion, and any conclusion deemed to be a finding, shall be treated as such. 2. Based on, inter alia, the analysis and conclusions in the Staff Report and Hearing Examiner's recommendation, and conditions of approval as established therein, the proposed subdivision makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety, and general welfare, and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary waste, parks and recreation, play grounds, schools and schools grounds, and all other relevant facts as are required by City code and state law, and provides for sidewalks and other planning features to assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. 3. The public use and interest will be served by the preliminary plat approval granted herein. Section 2. Application ApProval. Based upon the recommendation of the Federal Way Hearing Examiner and findings and conclusions contained therein as adopted by the City Council immediately above, North Lake Pointe preliminary plat, Federal Way File No. 06-106495-00 SU, is hereby approved, subject to conditions as contained in the November 26,2007, Report and Recommendation of the Federal Way Hearing Examiner (Exhibit A). Res. # , Page 2 Section 3. Conditions of Approval Integral. The conditions of approval of the preliminary plat are all integral to each other with respect to the City Council finding that the public use and interest will be served by the platting or subdivision of the subject property. Should any court having jurisdiction over the subject matter declare any of the conditions invalid, then, in said event, the proposed preliminary plat approval granted in this resolution shall be deemed void, and the preliminary plat shall be remanded to the City of Federal Way Hearing Examiner to review the impacts of the invalidation of any condition or conditions and conduct such additional proceedings as are necessary to assure that the proposed plat makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety, and general welfare and other factors as required by RCW Chapter 58.17 and applicable City ordinances, rules, and regulations, and forward such recommendation to the City Council for further action. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution. Section 5. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereto. Section 6. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 7. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by thegFederal Way City Council. Res. # , Page 3 RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, THIS _ DAY ,2008. OF CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, MICHAEL PARK Res. # , Page 4 , . A ITEST: CITY CLERK, LAURA HA THA WAY APPROVED As To FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION No. Res. # , Page 5 . ij fE rc; fE D WI [!; ~ IJl} NOV 2 7 2007 IW P.L.L.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW City Clerk's OfficE!" Ci of FedergL~~y.__.._..._, N. Kay Richards Legal Assistant 206.447.2231 krichards@omwlaw.com November 26, 2007 {le- Gr11fP .J)wIJ ~ m.~ f~, Laura K. Hathaway City Clerk City of Federal Way P. O. Box 9718 Federal Way WA 98063-9718 Re: Decision for North Lake Pointe Preliminary Plat Dear Laura: At the request of Phil Olbrechts, enclosed is the executed original of the above-referenced document. Very truly yours, OGDEN MURPHY WALLACE, P.L.L.C. n. *7-~ N. Kay Richards, Legal Assistant to Phil Olbrechts ioOTfTfffiAvenue,S'Ulte2TCiU. Seaffre,\1V)'t%tur-ToSO . 2OO.4'47.7OOCJ. Fax:200.4'47.07t.5 . \1VeO:www.omwtaw.com I PA0672673.DOC; 11l304I,900000I} /nkr Enclosure cc: Russ Millard Established 1902 A Member of the Interna/iona/lawyers Network with independent member law firms worldwide BEFORE THE HEARING EXAMINER FOR THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Phil Olbrechts, Hearing Examiner RE: North Lake Pointe Preliminary Plat 06-106495-00-SU FINDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF LA W AND RECOMMENDATION INTRODUCTION The applicant requests approval of a preliminary plat to subdivide a 3.7 acres into 12 residential, single-family lots. The Examiner recommends approval subject to conditions recommended by staff. ORAL TESTIMONY David Lee, Associate Planner for Federal Way, summarized the application. A staff member from the Public Works Department answered questions regarding the use of a private tract for access to some of the lots. EXIDBITS See list of exhibits at page 11 of the October 1, 2007, staff report prepared by David Lee. In addition, a hard copy of the PowerPoint presentation presented by David Lee was introduced as Exhibit 13. Mr. Lee also submitted a revised staff report as Exhibit 14. FINDINGS OF FACT Procedural: 1. Applicant. The applicant is Russ Millard. 2. Hearing. The Hearing Examiner conducted a hearing on the application at 10:00 a.m. at Federal Way City Hall on November 14, 2007. Substantive: 3. Site/Proposal Description. The proposal includes a subdivision of 3.7 acres into 12 residential, single-family lots. One existing single-family dwelling will be demolished and another existing sip,gle-family dwelling will be preserved. Street improvements, water, sewer, utilities, storm drainage control improvements and other related infrastructure improvements will be installed to service the plat. The preliminary plat map was introduced into the record as Exhibit 1. 4. Characteristics of the Area. The subject property is bordered on the north, east and west with single-family residential development and to the south with open space. {P A0679544.DQC; 1I13041.90OOOOI} Preliminar~J)lat Recommendation 11. 1 Findings>- Conclusions and Recommendation 5. Adverse Impacts. There are no adverse impacts of significance associated with the proposal. There were no comments received from any concerned members of the public at the hearing or through any written comment. As noted in the staff report, the subject land is not in a problem area relative to landslide, seismic hazard, erosion, steep slope hazards or a hundred-year floodplain. There are no wetlands on site or within 200 feet of the property. Further, there are no wildlife species recognized as priority species by Federal Way regulations. 6. Adequacy of Infrastructure and Public Services. As mitigated by staff, adequate infrastructure will serve development as follows: · Transportation: The Public Works Department and South King Fire & Rescue have approved preliminary roadway design and curve radii as proposed. Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be accessed by a private access tract. South 332nd Place, which connects the plat to 38th A venue South, shall only be constructed to half-street improvements with a 20-foot paved roadway and frontage improvements on the north side of the proposed road. The rest of the road that traverses the subdivision (South 332nd Place and 39th Place South) will be constructed to the "U" Roadway Section Standards, which involves a 32-foot paved roadway along with sidewalks on both sides, as well as curb, gutter, and planter strips. No off-site traffic mitigation was found to be required under State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review. · Ol'en Space: The applicant will not be dedicating any open space. In lieu of the dedication of open space, the applicant has chosen to pay a fee in lieu of open space as authorized by FWCC Section 20-125. Fee in lieu of open space shall be calculated on 15% of the most recent assessed or appraised value of the subject property. · Drainage: Storm drainage facilities are being designed in accordance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and the City's Amendments to the Manual. The applicant's December 2006 Preliminary Conceptual Storm Drainage Analysis (Exhibit No. 13) by Rykels Engineering Group, Inc., was reviewed by the City's Public Works Department. The preliminary design proposes to collect and convey stormwater runoff through a series of pipes and catch basins into a private stormwater detention and water quality treatment facility located near the southeast portion of the North Lake Pointe site. The stormwater detention and water quality treatment facility will be located in a separate tract that will be dedicated to the City at final plat review. · Water: The applicant proposes to serve the subdivision with a public water supply and distribution system managed by the Lakehaven Utility District. A July 21, 2006, signed Certificate of Water Availability (Exhibit No. 12) indicates Lakehaven's capacity to serve the proposed development. · Sewage: The applicant proposes to serve the proposed plat by a public sewer system managed by Lakehaven Utility District. A July 21,2006, signed Certificate of Sewer Availability (Exhibit No. 11) indicates the District's capacity to serve the proposed development through a developer extension agreement between the applicant and the District. {P A0679544,DQC; 11l3041.90000Ol} 'Dr-Al~ft"I;~ul"yPlaL 'DAnnft'll1"rllAnABtinu p..l... ];1nQin~j CnnnluitL'\t\i !:Inn i~nnl1n9~d~tiQn · Schools: The applicant shall be required to pay school impact fees, at the rate of $3,169 per single-family housing unit, at the time of building permit issuance. Staff forwarded the application to the Federal Way School District for comments. No written comments from the School District were submitted into the record, although the staff report indicates that the School District commented that the project would be served by Lake Dolloff Elementary School, Sequoyah Middle School, and Todd Beamer High School. School bus transportation is provided for all three schools. Staff also determined that the subdivision will provide safe pedestrian access to the nearest bus stops for these three schools. Staff also found safe pedestrian access to the schools themselves, although the distance to the schools makes it unlikely that any students would actually walk to school. Exhibit No.9, a school access analysis, identifies the pathways that would be used by students to walk to school bus stops or to the schools themselves. · Fire Protection: As noted in the staff report, the Certificate of Water Availability from the Lakehaven Utility District indicates that water will be available to the site in sufficient quantity to satisfy fire flow standards for the proposed development. South King County Fire & Rescue requires that a fire hydrant be located within 350 feet of each lot. Using this standard, the number and location of fire hydrants will be reviewed and approved by South King County Fire & Rescue as a condition of preliminary plat approval. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW Procedural: 1. Authoritv of Hearing Examiner: FWCC 20-110 (4) and (5) provide the Examiner with the authority to conduct a hearing and make a recommendation to the City Council on preliminary plat applications. Substantive: 2. Zoning Designation: RS-9.6. 3. Review Criteria and Application. FWCC 20-126(c) governs the criteria for preliminary plat approval. Those criteria are quoted in italics below and applied to the application under corresponding Conclusions of Law. FWCC 20-126(c): Decisional Criteria. A Hearing Examiner shall use the following criteria in reviewing the preliminary plat and may recommend approval of the plat to the City Council if: ( 1) It is consistent with the comprehensive plan; 4. The 2003 Federal Way Comprehensive Plan designates the property as Single Family- High Density. The proposed land use is consistent with the density allowances and policies applicable to this land use as established in the Comprehensive Plan. {P A0679544.DOC; 1I13041.900000/} Praliz~"Ii1"'U:Ila:y Plu 12A~nmmp.nrlatlnn p-3. Fincfing,..:. Conclmdon~ and. Rp.G.ommAn'cfllltinn FWCC 20-126(c)(2): It is consistent with all applicable provisions of the Chapter, including those adopted by reference from the comprehensive plan: 5. The "Chapter" reference in the criterion above appears to be Division VI (Preliminary Plat) of Title 20 of the FWCC. As noted in detail in the staff report, the application has complied with all the procedural requirements for preliminary plat review. Further, as required by FWCC ~ 20-115, the environmental review process required under the State Environmental Policy Act has also been completed on August 22, 2007, through the issuance of a determination of non- significance, which was not appealed. The proposal is also in conformance with the City's Zoning Code as required by FWCC 20-112, as proposed use and densities for the property are consistent with its RS-9.6 zoning designation. FWCC 20-126(c)(3): It is consistent with public health, safety, and welfare. 6. As identified in the Findings of Fact, as conditioned there are no material or significant adverse impacts associated with the project and there will be adequate infrastructure to serve it. For these reasons, the plat is consistent with public health, safety, and welfare. FWCC 20-126(c)(4): It is consistent with the design criteria listed in FWCC 20-2: FWCC 20-2: This chapter is adopted in furtherance of the comprehensive plan of the City. It is hereby declared that the regulations contained in this chapter are necessary to: (1) Promote the health, safety and general welfare in accordance with the standards established by the state and the city; 7. As noted in the Washington State Growth Management Act, the Washington State Legislature has found it to be in the public interest to prevent urban sprawl and to promote the efficient use of infrastructure. The infill development proposed by the applicant at urban densities meets these objectives. Also, as previously discussed, the project, as mitigated, creates no material or significant adverse impacts and there is adequate infrastructure to meet the needs of the new development. For these reasons, the project promotes the health, safety, and general welfare in accordance with the standards established by the state and the city. FWCC 20-2(2): Promote effective use of land by preventing the overcrowding or scattered development which would injury health, safety or the general welfare due to lack of water supplies, sanitary sewer, drainage, transportation or other public services, or excessive expenditure of public funds for such services: 8. As previously noted, the project constitutes infill development in an area that is already characterized and developed by residential development. Also as previously discussed, the project is served (or as conditioned will be served) by adequate infrastructure. The density of the proposal, as noted in the staff report, is consistent with the surrounding densities as well. For these reasons, the above criterion is satisfied. FWCC 20-2(4): Provide for adequate light and air. {P A0679544,DOC; 1I13041.900000/} Preliminar}'.Plat Recommendation p.4 Findings,,-Conclusions and Recommendation 9. The density of the project meets the density requirements for the RS-9.6 district. The applicant will have to comply with the dimensional requirements of the zoning code for any structures it builds in order to get through building permit review. The dimensional standards of the City's Zoning Code sets the standard for adequacy of light and air and for these reasons the above criterion is satisfied. FWCC 20-2(5): Provide for water, sewage, drainage, parks and recreational areas, sites for schools and school grounds and other public requirements: 10. As noted in the Findings of Fact, the project is served by adequate infrastructure. FWCC 20-2(6): Provide for proper ingress and egress: 11. Access to all lots complies with City design standards. FWCC 20-2(7): Providefor housing and commercial needs of the community: 12. The project provides for infill development and urban densities and therefore satisfies the above criteria. FWCC 20-2(8): Require uniform monumenting of land divisions and conveyance of accurate legal descriptions: 13. FWCC 20-111(b) requires that the survey of the proposed subdivision must be made by or under the supervision of a registered land surveyor who shall certify that it is a true and correct representation of the land surveyed. This and other requirements like it help ensure that the objective of uniform monumenting of land divisions and accurate legal descriptions are satisfied. FWCC 20-2(9): Protect environmentally sensitive areas: 14. As noted previously, the project has gone through a review under the State Environmental Policy Act, which ensures that all environmentally sensitive areas are protected and mitigated. As noted in the staff report, there are no recognized environmentally sensitive areas on the subject property. FWCC 20-2(10): Provide for flexibility and site design to accommodate view enhancement protection, protection of streams and wetlands, protection of steep slopes and other environmental significant or sensitive areas. 15. There are no environmentally sensitive areas in need of protection at this site and there is no evidence of any view impairment. FWCC 20-125(c)(5): It is consistent with the development standards listed in FWCC 20-151 through 20-157, and 20-178 through 20-187. 16. As discussed in the staff report, the project complies with the standards listed in FWCC 20-151 through 20-157 and FWCC 20-178 through 20-187. These standards govern adequacy of {PA0679544.DOC; 11l3041,900000/} Pt~JimiD;Jry.~I'laL Fp.('l)mrnf~ncllltion ~5 Findings, Conclnsiom: and. Re.Clommp.ndation infrastructure, dimensional density standards, street improvements, landscaping, and retention of vegetation. The only issue that is of some concern is FWCC 20-152(d), which provides that "[i]n general, all lots should be accessed by public street right of way....". It is clear from the plat map (Exhibit 1) that the lots served by Tract B could not be reasonably configured to accommodate the greater amount of area required for a public right of way. Given state and local policies favoring urban densities within cities, the use of private access tracts is a reasonable accommodation. Given the recent Abby Lane decision, however, it does appear that private access tracts are often used to circumvent the more onerous dimensional standards for development of public right of way. RECOMMENDA TION The Examiner recommends that the City Council approve the preliminary plat subject to the conditions recommended by staff in the revised October 1,2007 Staff Report (Exhibit No. 14). Any requirements identified by staff in Section XI of the Staff Report, Findings of Fact, are also adopted as recommended Conditions of Approval. The following is also added as a Condition of Approval:: 1. Fire hydrants shall be located within 350 feet of each proposed lot. The exact number and location of fire hydrants shall be reviewed and approved by South King County Fire & Rescue prior to final plat approval. Dated this 26th day of November, 2007. ~~ P il Olbrechts -----, Hearing Examiner City of Federal Way DECLARA TtON OF SERVICE J hereby declare that I sent a copy of the document on which this declaration appears via ./mail/Allu.ns.r serviceto ~ ~'~-R..A~ I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the State of Washington that the foregoin is true and correct. Executed at Seattle. Vi on i I ~60 Signed by: {P A0679544.DOC; 11l3041.9000001} Pra)jmin<...y Plat RacnmmAnill'ltinn p..6 Findings, Conclusions and Recommenrl~tion Pa e 1 From: To: CC: Date: Subject: Attachments: "Phil A. Olbrechts" <polbrechts@omwlaw.com> "Laura Hathaway" <Laura.Hathaway@cityoffederalway.com> <Greg. Fewins@cityoffederalway.com> 11/26/20074:46 PM North Pointe 679544.DOC Decision attached and will be mailed to you and Russ Millard. I haven't yet received a complete copy of the revised staff report (for Greg's info, I was only given every other page at the hearing). If any of the revisions in the staff report affect my decision, please let me know and I'll issue a revised decision. <<679544.DOC>> ~- r ~~ftty :9)-0 ,~}- .. -0'" ~ V"l. ~ RESUBMITTED JAN 0: 1),2007 6143aD0090 "43400100 4143S00110 \:\.. '\~~ l'~3S00225~ \ '\' \ 4143&)'.:777\6143600110 \ '\ \ ..:\ 6143eao230 \"'/" ~~- ...... . .'"'---,''' . -'C"" ..... .' 1 ; ISJ~j I 41~ 1S1 \~4303\o 1 1d0820, 81 4 S1 ,~, ~ 4181430970a B1 II 8143OfJ1.0 -- 61Sf43O~ \' 6};;;;;1,); 61S14M3S0 .~ . ~ ""~:li' J....,.J. ..,,"'" elB1~ 41m:flJl'l /4 8~.f r---J 1B1 ~ r..:..:.:I1i!.~JI te 8f~ )61BJ..~ l A~ 9t,,43O!iO .61814307(0 ~- ~ !;~,,,-.....,\ 4rS10t470 ;'; ~"''''''' 1 .~ "\ ! t"" ..- "'!!1.43Od20 81S1"~. . 618143048O,r 81814303JO "j .,- "~_J~: '-'-'1 )' j j\,~'is""",,~' ,~~.8~5~\. 61.s~}~"')A19S143D33f //" ~:iodif1~\ \'A~"\'\';<e;~~--. ,/,....~.. ~ + 41\81 ~.'. lo\8i"4307~"" .,.l\~"'618'~10 J~'" ~8fBf43q320 /" 12a12001~ I . 4 {~. \ \~"3l!1~(".A: . "'^', ,.,.~:;'&1.~70^.~~~14B/a 1C)2DDIKintc:-ty! .t 'l8143Of<<J "a1L~730 4fBft10810' ,'o" ..;"6" .' ,..r \.. ,,411ft \ ...,/'\:'\:..- Co" ....,...'< f',~, , _ ~ _4 e Infonnation included on this map has been compiled by King County staff from a variety of sourCes and Is subject to change without notice. King County akes no representations or warranties, express or ImpUed, as to accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or rights to the use of such infonnatlon. King County hall not be liable for any general, special, Indirect, Incidental, or consequential damages including, but not limited to, lost revenues or lost profits resulting from e use or misuse of the infonnatlon contained on this map. Any sale of this map or infonnatlon on this map Is prohibited except by written pennisslon of King County. Date: 1-2-2007 152f1UQ013 ,,> ~z EXHIBIT __~ ~ http://www5.metrokc.gov/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrimap?ServiceName=overview&ClientVersion=4.0&F...l /2/07 .~ ciTY OF ., ~ Federal Way ClTVDo:C;:O::~AY BUILOfNGDEPT. ~(p --/o(PLl9~ -tXJ-se- APPLICATI{)NNo(s) .~-I[j{JJ..f~ff-c:tJ~,~ RECEIVED MASTER LAND .tJSE-U-P-L.ICA=flON DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 33325 81h Avenue Sou.th PO Box 9718 Federal Way W A 98063-9718 253-835-2601; FaX. 253-835-2609 www.citvoffederalwav.com Date I Z -- 'Z-e..J -o(1'!} - PtojectNanie .' . .t.Joa.7t.f' t..A~RtJ(kJ7E .... . Property AddresslLocation 3~714 . "S0't14 4U€::cVIJE ~.n./4 Parcel Number(s) bll,J7:7{t:;ooc?O(), ~/4?(PO~(P(7 , h{4~bI)Dfblc../ 'rI'OJe~tDescription 1"'7 DkJ'7 ...>f./~QIV{.<-(iA./" PLEASEPRINf Type of Permit Required Annexation ~ Binding Site Plan ~ Boundary Line Adjustment ~ Comp Plan/Rezone Land Surface Modification Lot Line Eliminatibn ~ 'Preapplication Conference ----.:.. Process' I (Director=s Approval) ~Process II (Site Plan Review) _ Process III (Project Approval) . ~ ProcesS IV (Hearing Examiner's Decision) ~ Process V (Quasi-Judicial Rezone) Process VI --.kSePA wtproject ~ SEPA Only Shoreline: Variance/Conditional Use Short Subdivision ---X- Subdivision . . Variance: CommerciallResidential 'Name:. Address: City/state: Zip: Phone: Fax: Email: . Signature: t7J Lv! E: Required. Information e."':::. c::t. ~ Zoning Designation k&c:~ Comprehensive Plan Designation Value of Existing Improvements Value of Proposed Improvements International Building Code (IBC): Occupancy Type Construction Type Owner Name: Address: City/State: Zip: Phone: Fax~ 'Email: Signature: .~t- EXHIBIT ..3 BuUetin:#003 ;";August18;2004 . Page 1 of I k:\Haildouts\Master Land uSe APP1icatio~ \ '" .~ CITY OF ~ Federal Way NOTICE OF LAND USE APPLICATION AND NOTICE OF OPTIONAL DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE (DNS) Project Name: North Lake Pointe Project Description: Proposal to subdivide three existing lots (3.70 acres total) into 13 single-family lots. Applicant: Russell Millard, 24725 230th Way SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038 Agent: Same as applicant Owner: Same as applicant Project Location: 33214 38th Avenue South (Parcels: 614360-0500/614360-0617/614360-0614) Date Application Received: December 29, 2006 Date Determined Complete: January 18,2007 Date of Notice of Application: January 27, 2007 Comment Deadline: 5 p.m., February 12,2007 Permits Required: Preliminary Plat Approval (File #06-106495-00-SU) SEP A Determination: File #06-106496-00-SE Other Permits Known at this Time and not Included in this Application: Final Plat, Right-of-Way Permit Relevant Environmental Documents: Environmental Checklist, StormwaterlDrainage Technical Information Report (TIR) Relevant Environmental Documents are Available at the Address Below: .lL Yes No Development Regulations to be usedfor Project Mitigation. Known at this TIme: Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Optional Environmental Determination: Based upon review of a completed environmental checklist and other information 6n file with the City, it is likely that the City of Federal Way will determine that the project will not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. It is likely that an environmental impact statement (ElS) will not be required under RCW 43.21C.030(2)(c). The City anticipates that a Determination of Non significance (DNS) will be issued for the proposed project. The optional DNS process ofW AC 197-11-355.is being used. The proposal may include mitigation measures File iI06-l0649S-OO-SU Doc. I.D, 39499 EXHIBIT y ~ CITY OF ~ Federal Way ~@t9V ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE NORTH LAKE POINTE SUBDIVISION File #06-106496-00-SE; Related File #06-106495-00-SU Description of Proposal: The proposed action is to subdivide three existing lots (3.70 acres total) into 12 single-family lots. Proponent: Russell Millard, 24725 230th Way SE, Maple Valley, W A 98038 33214 38th Avenue South, Federal Way, W A Location: Lead Agency: City of Federal Way Contact: David Lee, Associate Planner, 253-835-2622 The Responsible Official of the City of Federal Way hereby makes the following decision based upon impacts identified in the environmental checklist, Federal Way Comprehensive Plan, Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist. and other municipal policies, plans, rules, and regulations designated as a basis for exercise of substantive authority under the Washington State Environmental Policy Act Rules pursuant to RCW 43.31C.060. The lead agency for this proposal has determined that it does not have probable significant adverse impact on the environment and an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.032(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. This information is available to the public on request. Further information regarding this action is available to the public upon request at the Federal Way Department of Community Development Services (Federal Way City Hall, 33325 8th Avenue South, PO Box 9718, Federal Way, W A 98063-9718). Phone: 253-835-2607. This Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) is issued under WAC 197-11-340(2). Comments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m. on September 5, 2007. Responsible Official: Positionfl'itle: Address: Kathy McClung Director of Community Development Services 33325 8th Avenue South, PO Box 9718, Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 Date Issued: AUl!USt 22.2007 Signature: ~ M(.(I~ EXHIBIT , "_. -- 6 Doc. l.D. 42045 CITY OF ... ~ ' . Federal Way DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 33325 8th Avenue South POBox 9718 Federal WayWA 98063-9718 253-835-2607; Fax 253-835-2609 www.citvo1federalwav.com ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST PuRPOSE OF CHECKLmT The State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A), Revised Code a/Washington (RCW) Chapter 43.21 C, requites all governmental agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An environmental impact statement (BIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide information to help you and the agency identify impacts from' your proposal (and to reduce or avoid impacts from the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide whether an BIS is required. INSTRUCfIONS FOR APPLICANTS This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about our proposal. Governmental agencies use this checklist to determiiJ.e whether the environniental impacts of your proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an BIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the most precise information known, or give the best description you can. You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your own observations or project plans without the need to hire experts. If you do not know the answer, or if a question does not apply to your proposal, write "do not know" or "does not apply." Complete answers to questions now may avoid unnecessary delays later. Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies can assist you. The checklist questions apply to all parts of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help describe your proposal or Its environmental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to determining if there llJ,ay be significant adverse impact. . . USE OF CHECKLIST FOR NON-PROJECI' PROPOSALS Complete this checklist for non-project proposals, even though questions may be answered ".does not apply." In addition, complete the Supplemental Sheet for Non-Project Actions. For non-project actions, the references in the checklist to the words ''project,'' "applicant," and "property or site" should be read as "proposal," "proposer," and "affected geographic area," tt~~f~ED DEe 2 9 7.006 CITY OF FEOEAAL WAY BUILDING DEPT. - ... .. .... -.. - ~_.~ffi _ A. BACKGROUND 1. Name of proposed project, if applicable: North Lake Pointe Subdivision 2. Name of applicant: Six Pointe Invesbnents, LLC 3. Address and phone number of applicant and contact person: Russ Millard, (206) 941-3000 24725 230th Way SE Maple Valley W A 98038 Andy Rykels Rykels Engineering Group, Inc 28301 183M Avenue SE Kent, WA'98042 4. Date checklist prepared: December 20, 2006 5. Agency requesting checklist: City of Federal Way 6. Proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable): .Construction likely in 2007 7. Do you have any plans for future additions, expansion, or further activity related to or connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. . No. 8. List any environmental infonnation you know about that has been prepared. or will be prepared, directly related to this proposal. None know at this time 9. Do you know whether applications are pending for governmental approvals of other proposals directly affecting the property covered by your proposal? If yes, explain. None know to be. 10. List any government approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, ifknown. Preliminmy Plat approval, engineering approval of construction documents (grading, roads and streets and utility plans), SEPA MONS, fmal plat documents and building permits. 11. Give 'brief, compiete description of your proposal. including the proposed uses and the size of the project and site. There are several questions later in this checklist that ask you to describe certain aspects of your proposal: You do not need to repeat those answers" on this page. The applicant is proposing to develop a 13.unit subdivision of approximately 4 acres, as a cluster development. The project includes an on-site park and storm water detention area, as well as utilization of the storm water control facility adjacent to this property, as acceptable to the City of Federal Way. The project will include the construction of public streets, sidewalks and other improvements, including improvement of 38th Street adjacent to the property. All work will be done in accordance with the City of Federal Way requirements. The lots will range in size from 7,200 to 8,523 sf 12. Location of the proposal. Give sufficient information for a person to understand the precise location of your proposed project, including a street address, if any, and section, township, and range, if known. If a proposal would occur over a range of area, provide the range or ~es of the site(s). Provide a legal description, site plan, vicinity map, and topographic map, if reasonably available. While you should submit any plans required by the agency, you are not required to duplicate maps or detailed plans submiued with any permit applications related to this checklist. The property is located easterly of 38th Avenue South and west of 41 at Avenue South and a continuation of 333rdth Street turning northerly and becoming 40th A venue South. The property is located in Section 15, Township 21 North, Range 4 East, Willamette Meridian, in King County, Washington consisting of tax parcels 6143600500,6143600614 and 6143600617. - B.ENVJRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. EARrn a. General description of the site (circle one): flat, rolling, hilly, steep slopes, mountainous, other. The site has a gentle slope to the south, but would be considered relatively flat. b. What is the steepest slope on the site (approximate percent slope)? Less than 10%. c. What general types of soils are found on the site (for example, clay, sand, gravel, peat, mulch)? If you know the classification of agricultural soils, specify them and note any prime farmland. Dense glacially consolidated silty sand. d. Are there surface indications or histoty of unsqtble soils in the immediate vicinity? If so, describe. None Known. e. Describe the purpose, type, and approximate quantities of any filling or grading proposed. Indicate source of fill. The on-site improvements will provide frQ building pads, streets, and stromwater management facilities. There will be about 20,000 feet of cut and fill for the storm water management facility, streets and pads, as well as cuts and fills not to exceed eight feet. There will be select back fill materials imported for backfilling trenches, roadwork and concrete preparation. The site is inten.ded to balance on-site. f. Could erosion occur as a result of clearing, construction, or use? If so, generally describe. Erosion could occur during the removal of vegetation and clearing, g. About what percent of the site will be covered with impervious surfaces after project construction (for example, asphalt or buildings)? IT is expected that due to the development of the large lots that less than 40010 of the site would be covered by impervious surfaces. h. Proposed measures to reduce or control erosion, or other impacts to the earth, if any. A temporary erosion control plan will be developed and implemented. Appropriate measures such as silt fencing and other measures in accordance with City of Federal Way requirements will be utilized, as appropriate. 2. AIR a. What types of emissions to the air would result from the proposal (i.e., dust, automobile, odors, industrial wood smoke) during construction and when the project is completed? If any, generally describe and give approximate quantities ifknown. The types of emissions that will be those generally associated with plat construction and single- fainily neighborhoods. These would include construction equipment exhaust, dust, automobile exhaust and smoke from gas fireplaces. There will be no unusual odors or industrial emissions. b. Are there any off-site sources of emissions or odor that may affect your proposal? If so, generally describe. The off-site sources of emissions or odors would be the residential neighborhoods that surround the site and SR 18. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control emissions or other impacts to air, if any. The Washington Clean Air Act requires the use of all known available and reasonable means of controlling air pollution, including dust. Construction impacts will not be significant and can be controlled by watering or using dust suppressants on areas of exposed soils, water truck wheels before leaving the site and maintaining gravel construction entrances. 3. WATER a. Surface. 1) Is there any surface water body on or in the immediate vicinity of the site (including year-round and seasonal streams, saltwater, lakes, ponds, wetlands)? If yes, describe type and provide names. If appropriate, state what stream or river it flows into. None Known. 2) Will the project require any work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200 feet) the described waters? If yes, please describe and attach available plans. Not Applicable. 3) Estimate the amount of fill and dredge material that would be placed in or removed from surface water or wetlands and indicate the area of the site that would be affected. Indicate the source of fill material. None, this is not applicable. 4) Will the proposal require surface water withdrawals or diversions? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities if known. Not Applicable. 5) Does the proposal lie within a 100-year floodplain? If so, note loc8.tion on the site plan. No 6) Does the proposal involve any discharges of waste materials to surface waters? If so, describe the type of waste and anticipated volume of discharge. All surface water discharge will be controlled by the storm water management facility. b. Ground. 1) Will ground water be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to groundwater? Give general description, purpose, and approximate quantities ifknown. No. 2) Describe waste material that will be discharged into the ground from septic tanks or other sources, if any (for example: domestic sewage; industrial, containing the following chemicals...; agricultural; etc.). Describe the general size of the system, the number of such systems, the number of houses to be served (if applicable), or the number of animals or humans the system(s) are expected to serve. - Not applicable. c. Water Runoff (including stormwater) 1) Describe the source of nmoff (including stormwater) and method of collection and disposal, if any (include quantities, if known). Where will this water flow? Will this water flow into other waters? If so, describe. As approved by the City of Federal Way on-site surface runoff water will be collected and controlled using the storm water management facility. After detention, treated water will be discharged to the existing drainage system. Off-site water will not be collected or treated. . , 2) Could waste materials enter ground or surface waters? If so; generally desc!ibe. AU on-site surface water nm-off will be controlled by the storm water management facility. There is a chance that waste materials could enter via surface water nmoffs. from paved streets. The oiVwater separators and biofiltration systems will provide quality filtration of storm water prior to discharge. d. Proposed measures to reduce or control surface, ground, and nmoffwater impacts, if any. Surface water 'run-off will be collected and controlled through an approved conveyance system and controlled by storm water management facility. Water collected byeain gutters will be dispersed by splash blocks directed away from the structures or connected to the storm water conveyance system as required by the City of Federal Way. 4. PLANTS a. Check or circle types of vegetation found on the site. _X_ deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, other _X_ evergreen tree: [If, cedar, pine, other _X_ shrubs _X_grass _pasture _ crop or grain . _ wet soil plants: cattail, buttercup, bulrush, skunk cabbage, other _ water plant: water lily, eelgrass, miJfoil, other _ other types o/vegetation b. What kind and amount of vegetation will be removed or altered? It will be necessary to remove all of the vegetation within the proposed public right of way areas for construction of the roadway improvements. Additionally, it will be required that IS to 25 feet adjacent to the right of way be removed to allow for the installation of utility services, as acceptable to the City of Federal Way. The vegetation will also be removed {or construction of the storm water management facility and park area, as well as construction of the individual home sites. However, when possible, the significant trees will be saved and incorporated into the site landscaping~ c. List threatened or endangered species known to be on or near the site. None Known d. Proposed landScaping, use of native plants, or other measures to preserve or enhance vegetation on . the site, if any. There will be street trees and grass installed alone the parkway strips within the road right of ways, per the improvement plans. Individual homeoWners will landscape their yards typical with the surrounding residential neighborhoods. There will also be landscaping along the northern portion of the storm water management facility and in the park area per the landscape plan. When practical natural vegetation will be incorporated into landscaping planning. 5. ANIMALs a. Circle any birds.and animals, which have been observed on or near the site or are known to be on or near the site. birds: hawk, heron, eagle, songbirds, other mammals: deer, bear, elk, beaver, ot.b.er fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, shellfish, other b. List any threatened or endangered species' known to be on or near the site. None known. c. Is the site part of a migration route? If so, explain. None known d. Proposed measures to preserve or enhance wildlife, if any. There are no specific measure for this project 6. ENERGY AND NATURAL REsOURCES a. What kinds of energy (electric, natural gas, oil, wood stove, solar) will be used to meet the completed project's energy needs? Describe whether it will be used for heating, manufacturing, etc. Typical with residential neighborhoods, electric, natural gas, and other energy will be required for this project. b. Would your project affect the potential use of solar energy by adjacent properties? If so, generally describe. No. c. What kinds of energy conservation features are included in the plans of this proposal? List other proposed measures to reduce or control energy impacts, if any. It is envisioned that these homes will be energy efficient and construction to current standards, which are more likely to conserve natural recourse than older homes in the area. 7. ENvIRONMENTAL HEALTH a. Are there any environmental health hazards, including exposure to toxic chemicals, risk of fire and explosion, spill, or hazardous waste that could occur as a result of this proposal? If so, describe. None are known. I) Describe special emergency services that might be required. This project would require additional police, fire and emergency service personnel, but no special services are required. . 2) Proposed. measures to reduce or control environmental health hazards, if any. The construction of new homes will ~crease the tax base and provide fundS to support these services. : ..,..,. ......,;,;".,..-,... ~. b. Noise. 1) What types of noise exist in the area, which may atIect your project (for example: traffic, equipment operation, other)? Traffic from SR 18 and local roadway may affect the project. 2) What types and levels of noise would be created by or associated with the project on a short- term or long-term basis (for example: traffic, construction operation, other)? Indicate what hours noise would come from the site. There will be and increase in the level of noise for this project it is anticipated that construction and building activities will commence at 7 am and be completed by 7 pm, or as allowable by the City of Federal Way codes provisions. Upon completion of the construction there will be noise typical with a 13 unit residential neighborhood. ~ 3) Proposed measures to reduce or control noise impacts, if any. Construction hours will be limited to those approved by the City of Federal Way. Equipment will have muftlers and be properly maintained. 8. LAND AND SHORELlNE USE a. What is the current use of the site and adjacent properties? Two residential single family homes are on-site and there is a large residential subdivision to the east and soutlt A recreation area lies to the west, this property has an interest in that recreation area and a well is to the north along with more homes. b. Has the site been used for agriculture? H so, describe. No c. Describe any structures on the site. Two houses and three out buildings. d. Will any structures be demolished? If so, what? The three old out buildings will be demolished. e. What is the current zoning classification of the site? Residential 9600 f. What is the current comprehensive plan designation of the site? Single family Residential g. If applicable, what is the current shoreline master program designation of the site? - Not applicable h. Has any part of the site been classified as an enviromnentally critical area? If so, specifY. None known. I. Approximately how many people would reside or work in the completed project? It is estimated that each home would have 3-4 residents for and estimated total of 40 - 55 people with.8 currently residing on the property. J. Approximately how many people would the completed project displace? None. k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacement impacts, if any. None proposed. 1. Proposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing and projected land uses and plans, if any. The site plan review process will help to ensure that the proposed project is consistent with existing zoning and adjacent land uses. 9. HOUSING a. Approximately how many units would be provided, if any? Indicate whether high, middle, or low- income housing. There will be 13 units (II new and 2 existing) middle income homes on the site. b. Approximately how many units, if any, would be eliminated? Indicate whether high, middle, or low- income housing. None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control housing impacts, if any. There are none proposed. 10. AEsTIIETICS a. What is the tallest height of any proposed structUre(s), not including antennas; what is the prlDcipal exterior building materlal(s) proposed? . The new hom~ will be less than 30 f~t tall with wood or composite siding. b. What views in the immediate vicinity would be altered or obstructed? None. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control aesthetic impacts, if any. The building permit process willlielp to ensure that the struc~ comply with all City codes and requirements, 11. LIGHT AND GLARE a. What type of light or glare will the proposal produce? What time of day would it mainly occur? These homes will have nonnallighting for security and residential purposes. b. Could light or glare from the fmished project be a safety hazard or interfere with views? No. c. What existing off-site sources of light or glare may affect your proposal? None Known. d Proposed measures to reduce or control light and glare impacts, if any. The outside lighting will be minimal and directed as to not adversely affect adjacent properties. 12. REcREATION a. What designated and infonnal recreational opportunities are in the immediate vicinity? This project is located within the City of Federal Way which offers numerous passive and active recreatioDal activities. The property owns shares in the adjacent recreation area and a park will be built for this project on- site. . b. Would the proposed displace any existing recreational uses? If so, describe. No. c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts on recreation, including recreation opportunities to be provided by the project or applicant, if any. . The development of the park would increase the number of parks in the area. 13. HIsTORIC AND CULTURAL PREsERVATION a. Are there any places or objects listed on, or proposed for, nation, state, or local preservation registers known to be on or next to the site? If so, generally describe. None knoWn. b. Generally describe any landmarks or evidence of historic, archaeological, scientific, or culturai importance known to be on or next to the site. None Known c. Proposed measures to reduce or control impacts, if any. None proposed - .... ... ~. _ _ A _ _.. _ _ _ _ _ 14. TRANSPORTATION a. Identify public streets and highways serving the site, and describe proposed access to the existing street system, Show on site plans, if any. The project has frontage along 38th Avenue South with will be widened and Right of way will be dedicated to the City for this purpose as part of the plating process. This project will also provide better conquctivity as 333rd will be connected to 38th Avenue South. b. Is the site currently served by public transit? If not, what is the approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? Less than one mile, c. How many parking spaces would the completed project have? How many would the project eliminate? No existing parking will be eliminated. Each house will have !it least a two car garage with additional parking in the driveway. d. Will the proposal require any new roads or streets, or improvements to existing roads or streets, not including driveways? If so, generally describe (indicate whether public or private). A residential street will pass through the subdivision to provide access to the new lots. All new residential streets will be constructed per City requirements, There will be the pavement section along with 5 foot wide side walks on each side along with curbs and gutters and planter strips per City Standards. It is froposed that 332 terminate at 38th A venue South and will only be a half street. There will be widening of 3 8 Avenue South only along the property frontage area. e. Will the project use (or occur in the immediate vicinity of) water, rail, or air transportation? If so, generally describe. No extraordinary uses are anticipated. f. How many vehicular trips per day would be generated by the completed project? Ifknown, indicate when peak volumes would' occur. . It is expected that the 11 new homes will generate approximately 11 more peak hour trips and 110 average daily trips. g. Proposed measures to reduce or control transportation impacts, if any. The improvement or 38th Avenue South will help to improve the system. The connection of38th Avenue South to 333M will improve conductivity. All these costs will be borne by the developer. 15. PuBLIC SERVICES a. Would the project result in aD increased need for public services (for example: fire protection, police protection, health care, schools, other)? If so, generally describe. This project would require additional police, fIre and emergency service personnel, but no special services are required. The increased demand is within the capacity of the City of Federal Way. ~.~-- ~.. ~ ~ ~- ~...,.. ....- --.............. bo~-ti=__ ......__ ~~ .......... b. Proposed measures to reduce or control direct impacts on public services, if any. This project is designed to comply with all applicable cod~s for fire and public safety and health. This will mitigate the impact of the above services. 16. UTILITIES a. Circle utilities currently available at the site: ELECTRICITY, NATURAL GAS, WATER, REFUSE SERVICE, TELEPHONE, . SANITARY SEWER, septic system, other (please list) b. Describe the utilities that are proposed for the project, the utility providing the service, and the general construction activities on the site or in the immediate vicinity, which might be needed. All of the highlighted and capitalized services are available to the site and will be extended to service the project per the plans and specifications approved by the appropriate agency or entity. C. SIGNATURE The above answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the lead agency is relying on them to make its. . SIGNATURE: DATE SUBMITTED: 'tka '2-"4, 'LG 0 <:c> D. SUPPLEMENTAL SHEET FOR NON-PROJECf ACfIONS Because these questions are veIy general, it may be helpful to read them in coqjunction with the list of the elements of the environment When answering these questions, be aware of the proposal, of the types of activities likely to result from the proposal, and if they are likely to affect the item at a greater intensity or at a faster.rate than if the proposal were not implemented. Respond briefly and in general terms. 1. How would the proposal be likely to increase discharge to water; emissions to air; production, storage, or release of t()~c()~~~ardous 8!1bstances; orprod~c~~ ()f ll()ise? All on-site surface water run-off will be controlled by the storm water management facility. There is a chance that waste materials could enter via surface water runoffs from paved streets. The oiVwater separators and biofiltration systems will provide quality filtration of storm water prior to discharge. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce such increases:- See above. 2. How would the proposal be likely to affect plants, animals, fish, or marine life? See Above - .~ . ..... -- - ""''''''''' ... - Proposed measures to protect or conserve plants, animals, fish, or marine life: See above. r-, \ 3. How would the proposal be likely to deplete energy of natural resources? See above. Proposed measures to protect or conserve energy and natural resources: See above. 4. How would the proposal be likely to use or affect environmentally critical areas or areas designated (or eligible or under study) for governmental protection; such as parks, wilderness, wild and scenic rivers, threatened or endangered species habitat, historic or cultural sites, wetlands, floodplains, or prime fannlands? See above. Proposed measures to protect such resources or to avoid or reduce impacts: None proposed 5. How would the proposal be likely to affect land and shoreline use, including whether it would allow or encourage land or shoreline uses incompatible with existing plans. Not likely Proposed measures to avoid or reduce shoreline and land use impacts: Not applicable 6. How -w,ould the proposal be likely to increase demands on transportation or public service and utilities? See above. Proposed measures to reduce of respond to such demands: See above 7. Identify, if possible, whether the proposal may conflict with local, state, or federal laws or requirements for the protection of the environment None known. elTYOF A Federal Way ~@~1f DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist North Lake Pointe 33214 38th Avenue South File No: 06-106496-00-SE, Related File No: 06-106495-00-SU NOTE: The pui'pose of this staff evaluation is to provide a technical staff evaluation of the proposed action; supplement infonnation contained in the environmental checJdist and expanded studies; provide technical information unavailable to the applicant; correct inaccurate information; and reconunend measures to the responsible official to mitigate identified environmental impacts. Technical reports and attachments referenced above may not be attached to all copies of this decision. Copies of exhibits, reports, attachments, or other documents may be reviewed and/or obtained by contacting David Lee, Associate Planner, 33325 8" Avenue South, PO Box 9718, Federal Way, WA 98063-9718. Phone: 253-835-2622. I. SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ACTION The proposed action is to subdivide three existing lots (3.70 acres total) into 12 single-family lots. ll. GENERAL INFORMATION Project Name: North Lake Pointe Applicant: Russell MilJard, 24725 230lb Way SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038 Russell MilJard, 24725 230tb Way SE, Maple Valley, W A 98038 33214 38th Ave S., Federal Way, WA 98023 RS 9.6 (Single-Family Residential) Agent: Location: Zoning: Comp Plan Designation: Single-Family High-Density The following information was submitted as part of the application: I. SEP A Checklist 2. Site Plans 3. Title Report 4. Master Land Use Application 5. King County Quarter Section Map llI. REVIEW PROCESS The proposed action is subject to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) review because it does not meet the exemptions contained in WAC 197-11-800(27). EXHIBIT 7 ".T ; IV. BACKGROUNDIPRoPOSAL The application was submitted on December 29, 2006, and deemed complete on January 25, 2007. V. REVIEW OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST The following lists the elements contained within the environmental checklist submitt~d for the proposed facility. The numbers in the staff evaluation correspond to the numbers in the environmental checklist. If staff concurs with the applicant's response, this is so stated. If the response to a particular item in the checklist is found to be inadequate or clarification is needed, there is additional staff comment and evaluation. A. BACKGROUND 1-12. Concur with the checklist. B. ENVIRONMENTAL ELEMENTS 1. Earth: a-h. Concur with the checklist. 2. Air: a-c. Concur with the checklist. 3. Water: a. (1) Concur with addendum stamped "Resubmitted" July 30,2007, by the City of Federal Way (attached to SEPA checklist). Addendum reads 'There is a wetland to the south of the property on the site of North Lake Ridge Division 4;" (2) - (6) Concur with the checklist. b. (1) - (2) Concur with the checklist. c. (1) - (2) Concur with the checklist. d. Concur with the checklist. 4. Plants: a-d. Concur with the checklist. 5. Animals: a-d. Concur with the checklist. 6. Energy and Natural Resources: a-c. Concur with the checklist. 7. Environmental Health: a. (1) - (2) Concur with the checklist. b. (1) - (3) Concur with the checklist. Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist North Lake Pointe . Page 2 File No: 06- I 06496-OO-SElDoc.I.D. 42046 , 8. Land and Shoreline Use: a~ and g-1. Concur with the checklist. e. The Comprehensive Plan designation of the site is Single-Family High-Density. f. There is no shoreline designation for the site. 9. Housing: a-c. Concur with the checklist. 10. Aesthetics: a-c. Concur with the checklist. 11. Light and Glare: a-d. Concur with the checklist. 12. Recreation: a-c. Concur with the checklist. 13. IDstoric and Cultural Preservation: . a-c. Concur with the checklist. 14. Transportation: a-g. Concur with the checklist. 15. Public Services: a-b. Concur with the checklist. 16. Utilities: a-b. Concur with the checklist. VI. CONCLUSION The proposal can be found to not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment pursuant to a Determination of Non significance (DNS). This DNS is based on impacts identified within the environmental checklist, attachments, and the above Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist, and is supported by plans, policies, and regulations fonnally adopted by Federal Way for the exercise of substantive authority under SEP A to approve, condition, or deny proposed actions. The City reserves the right to review any future revisions or alterations to the proposal to detennine the environmental significance or nonsignificance of the proposal at that time. . Prepared by: David Lee. Associate Planner Date: August 22. 2007 Staff Evaluation for Environmental Checklist North Lake Pointe Page 3 File No: 06-1 06496-00-SElDoc, I,D, 42046 CONCEPTUAL STORM DRAINAGE ANALYSIS . . . , . ... .....,........;.Nort..h...... L. ~k~..........P.O. '.nt.e...... .,.12-.LoLResidentia:'S'lJbdJvision. .' ...... 'C..:.. itY"'J=.jl~.':iNl.Jmbe.r..Q~71..o~4~5~.bpj9LJ . .' .'. . ..... ..... .. . 'th.' ..'...'.... Located.At ,33214.38; Ave South .:;F~~:e:fa.IWay,'.".'W~$hi.r:1~tQt.i,':."." North Lake POinte, LLC Attn: Russ Millard 24725 230th Way SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 Ph 206-941-3000,425-432-5772 REVISED MAY, 2007 December, 2006 by Rykels Engineering Group, Inc 28301 183rd Ave SE Kent, WA 98042 ph 253-631-6598 fax 253-638-1982 o 6 -1 06 4 9 5 RESUBMITTED MAY 2 92007 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2 BUILDING DEPT. EXHfBJ+__._____....__.______-- _~, North Lake Pointe Subdivision, Federal Way, WA TABLE OF CONTENTS I. PROJECT OVERVIEW II. PRELIMINARY CONDITIONS SUMMARY III. OFFSITE ANALYSIS IV. RETENTIONIDETENTION SYSTEM V. CONVEYANCE SYSTI;:M ANALYSIS AND DESIGN VI. SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES VII. BASIN AND COMMUNITY PLAN AREAS VIII. OTHER PERMITS IX. EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL DESIGN X. BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEET, RETENTIONIDETENTION FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET XI. . MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS LIST OF FIGURES AND ATTACHMENTS FIGURES 1. PROJECT LOCATION MAP 2. SCS SOILS MAP 3. EXISTING SITE TOPOGRAPHY AND IMPROVEMENTS 4. PROPOSED SITE IMPROVEMENT PLAN 5. PROPOSED DETENTION POND 6. TIR WORKSHEET North lake Pointe Subdivision, Federal Way, WA SECTION 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW Proiect Location The 3.8 acre project consists of three separate parcels that are located in the SW/4 of f Section 15, TWP 21N, RGE 4E, W.M. The property is located along the east side of S 38th Ave South, adjacent to and westerly of the Northlake Ridge Subdivision. The address of the existing residence. is 33214 38th Ave South, Federal Way, WA. The tax parcel numbers for these tracts are 6143600-0617, 0614, & -0500. The project is generally located in the easterly part of Federal Way, north of SR 18 and easterly of North Lake. Proiect Description The approximate 3.8 acre site is to be developed as a 12-Lot Subdivision. It is planned that the one existing residence will remain and 10 new single family homes will be constructed. Access to the site will be via a new roadway extended east and southerly from 38th Ave South to connect to S 333rd PI along the east property at North Lake Ridge Subdivision. Work will include site clearing and grading, installation of a storm drainage collection, water quality and detention system, extension of water and sewer service for each lot; site work, paving and installation of other utilities as required to service the entire development. All roof, footing and driveway drains from the new residences will be connected to the drainage system. The minimum lot size for the proposed subdivision is 7,200 sf, the zoning is SR9.6. Predeveloped Conditions - The proposed project consists of three separate tax parcels. There are existing residences with outbuildings on two of these lots. The existing residence on future lot 10 will remain. The other residence and outbuildings will be removed. The remainder of the property is used as lawn and open pasture. The southerly portion of the site is covered with mature trees and brush. The natural gradient of the property is a slight slope from northwest to southeast towards an existing offsite wetland area on the adjacent property. There is an approximate slope of 1% across the property. There is an approximate 6 foot change in elevation across the property. Portions of the site have been cleared in the past. The property drains via surface runoff to a wetland area on the recently completed plat of North Lake Shore Lands to the south and east of the subject property. This downstream wetland and drainage course is identified as Sub-basin B 1 in the drainage analysis for the East Campus south Residential Drainage Report prepared for the Quadrant Corporation by ESM Engineers, on file at the City of Federal Way. A copy of this report was used to aide in the preparation of the downstream analysis for the project. At this time, there are no special drainage requirements that apply to the development of this property. The preliminary subdivision application will be considered by the City upon acceptance of the drainage design. The storm drainage design requirements applicable to this project are found in the appropriate provisions of the 1998 King North Lake Pointe Subdivision, Federal Way, WA County Surface Water Design Manual as modified by the City of Federal Way. The City has required that level 1 Flow Control and the Basic Water Quality Control Menus be used to determine the detention and water quality requirements for the subject property. Controlled discharge from this project will be to the existing wetland area to the southwest. Existin" Soils - The King County Soils Survey Maps identify the soil types for the subject site as Alderwood Gravely Sandy loam. These soils are generally considered unsuitable for infiltration systems. Developed Conditions - Specific site work includes site grading and placement of fill for the construction of the utilities, roadways and the proposed residences. The required improvements will include the extension of water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage and access road improvements for the project. The proposed improvements include approximately 475 If of full-width street improvements and 200 feet of half street improvements from into and through the property to provide access to all of the new lots. A private access tract will be developed to access lots 2-5 and a separate tract to access lots 12&13 as shown on the plat map. Underground utilities will include water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, natural gas, electrical power, telephone, and cable TV. An underground storm drainage collection system will be installed for the lot and roadway drainage. All residential downspouts and footing drains will be connected to this drainage system. The storm drainage system will discharge to a proposed combination stormwater quality and detention pond located in the along the southeast side of the site. A storm drain outfall will be installed with an outlet control manhole for controlled discharge from the detention system to the existing drainage course. SECTION 2 CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS SUMMARY Surface Water Drainage Review -The project is required to address Full Drainage Review under the City of Federal Way Surface Water Design Manual. Full Drainage Review requires preparation of engineering site improvement plan, a Technical Information Report, Erosion/Sedimentation Controls and related information. The project is required to address the applicable core requirements 1-8, special requirements 1-5. A. Core Requirements Core Requirement #1: Discharge at the Natural Location. - The natural topography of the site is such that all existing runoff sheet drains southeasterly across the property towards the adjacent natural wetland on the North Lake Shore Lands Plat. All runoff from the developed site will be intercepted and drain to the control facility with discharge to this existing downstream system. There is no existing or proposed bypass area from the drainage system. This runoff is conveyed southerly under SRm18 to the Mill Creek wetland into the Mill Creek Drainage Basin. North lake Pointe Subdivision; Federal Way, WA Core Requirement #2: Offsite Analysis -On a slight amount of upstream off site runoff enters the property from the north. Existing ditches along 38th Ave South intercept the runoff and carrying westerly towards North Lake. The proposed drainage facilities will include provisions to intercept any existing runoff that may enter the property. Core Requirement #3: Flow Control - The storm drainage design requirements applicable to this project are found in the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual and appropriate provisions of the City of Federal Way Design Manual. The City has required that Level 1 Flow Control and the Basic Water Quality Menu be used to determine the detention and water quality requirements for the subject property . Core Requirement #4: Conveyance System - The project site improvements as proposed include construction of public and private road improvements to provide access to all new lots. On site storm drainage detention will be provided with a water quality pond, with controlled release to downstream system. Detailed calculations for pipe sizing will be provided with the design plans. Core Requirement #5: Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control - The design plans to be submitted will list the basic measures and construction ,sequence as required to address ESC issues for this site. Core Requirement #6: Maintenance and Operations - All drainage improvements proposed will be located in public right of way or storm drain tracts. The detention pond will be located in a tract of land to be dedicated to the City of Federal Way, maintenance of the drainage system and pond will be the responsibility of the City. Core Requirement #7: Financial Guarantees and Liability - Once the Engineering plans are approved, the appropriate bonds will be submitted to the City as part of the platting process. Core Requirement #8: Water Quality - The project will use an open combination stormwater detention and wet pond as approved by the City. Special Requirement #1: Other Adopted Area-Specific Requirements - Not applicable for this project. Special Requirement #2: Floodplain/Floodway - There is no known floodplain or f100dways on this property. Special Requirement #3: Flood Protection Facilities - Not applicable to this project. Special Requirement #4: Source Control - Not applicable to this project. Special Requirement #5: Oil Control - Not applicable to this project. North lake Pointe Subdivision, Federal Way, WA SECTION 3 OFFSITE ANALYSIS TASK 1 DEFINE AND MAP STUDY AREA Proiect Location The 3.8 acre project consists of three separate parcels that are located in the SW/4 of f Section 15, TWP 21 N, RGE 4E, W.M. The property is located along the east side of S 38th Ave South, adjacent to and westerly of the Northlake Ridge Subdivision. The address of the existing residence is 33214 38th Ave South, Federal Way, WA. The tax parcel numbers for these tracts are 6143600-0617,0614, & -0500. The project is generally located in the easterly part of Federal Way, north of SR 18 and easterly of North Lake. Proiect Description The approximate 3.8 acre site is to be developed as a 12-Lot Subdivision. It is planned that the one existing residence will remain and 10 new single family homes will be constructed. Access to the site will be via a new roadway extended east and southerly from 38th Ave South to connect to S 333rd PI along the east property at North Lake Ridge Subdivision. Work will include site clearing and grading, installation of a storm drainage collection, water quality and detention system, extension of water and sewer service for each lot; site work, paving and installation of other utilities as required to service the entire development. All roof, footing and driveway drains from the new residences will be connected to the drainage system. The minimum lot size for the proposed subdivision is 9,600 sf, the zoning is SR9.6. Predeveloped Conditions - The proposed project consists of three separate tax parcels. There are existing residences with outbuildings on two of these lots. One of the residences will remain, and the other building and garage will be removed. The remainder of the property is used as lawn and open pasture. The southerly portion of the site is covered with mature trees and brush. The natural gradient of the property is a slight slope from northwest to southeast towards an existing offsite wetland area on the adjacent property. There is an approximate slope of 1 % across the property. There is an approximate 6 foot change in elevation across the property. Portions of the site have been cleared in the past. The property drains via surface runoff to a wetland area on the recently completed plat of North Lake Shore Lands to the south and east of the subject property. This downstream wetland and drainage course is identified as Sub-basin B 1 in the drainage analysis for the East Campus south Residential Drainage Report prepared for the Quadrant Corporation by ESM Engineers, on file at the City of Federal Way. A copy of this report was used to aide in the preparation of the downstream analysis for the project. TASK 2 RESOURCE REVIEW North Lake Pointe Subdivision, Federal Way, WA The Publi~ Works Division of the City of Federal Way and the website were visited to research and obtain copies of available drainage resources for the project vicinity. The following information was used for the level One drainage analysis: a. Supporting Maps and Documents - City Drainage Maps, Sensitive Area Maps, design plans for adjacent properties and topographic information as shown on the subdivision plans were used for this analysis. The appropriate documentation is attached to this report. b. Basin Reconnaissance Summary Report - Not Available for this site. c. Floodplain and Floodway Maps - The site is not located within an identified floodplain or flood hazard area. d. Other Reports or Analysis - Copies of the TIR and Downstream Drainage reports for the adjacent properties were requested and received from the City of Federal Way to review the downstream drainage conditions. TASK 3 FIELD INSPECTION OF STUDY AREA The project site and downstream drainage course were visually inspected in November 2006. The description of the study area is as follows: Upstream Tributary Areas - The properties immediately up hill to the north and west of this project are generally single family homes on large lots with established lawns and cleared pastures. Drainage from these properties is generally via an undefined drainage course westerly down the slopes to North Lake and away from the subject property. There are roadside ditches along 38th Ave South to intercept this surface flow from the properties above and direct this flow off the property and away from the downstream system. Downstream Drainage Analvsis - The property to the southeast is the natural free flowing outlet for runoff from this project. This property has been recently developed as a large subdivision with an established stormwater collection and detention system. It is proposed to maintain the natural drainage course to the existing wetlands located to the southeast on this property. TASK 4 DESCRIPTIONnDENTIFICA TION OF POTENTIAL PROBLEMS The downstream drainage system consisting of natural wetlands, swales, pipes and ditches is well established. Although the steeper slopes are subject to erosion, there have been no significant problems identified in this downstream drainage course. There are no signs of flooding, erosion, or other problems associated with this existing drainage system. This system appears to have adequate capacity for the stormwater runoff. The City had no record of drainage problems within this area. TASK 5 MITIGATION ONSIlE DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS North Lake Pointe Subdivision, Federal Way, WA Past experience and inspections of the natural soils found on this site indicate that onsite retention is not feasible. The storm drainage design requirements applicable to this project are found in the City Construction Standards and the King County Surface Water Design Manual as modified by the City. The drainage requirements will be addressed using a combination water quality and detention pond. Preliminary design volumes and configurations for this pond are attached. SECTION 4 FLOW CONTROL AND WATER QUALITY A. Existing Site Hydrology - The proposed plat includes the development of the above described 3.8 acre tract. There are two existing residences and outbuildings located on the site. There is an established lawn and deciduous trees around the residences. There is an existing gravel driveway and large maneuvering! parking area that accesses the residences from 38th Ave South. The remainder of the site is modeled as 50% till pasture and 50% till forest. The following was used for the KCRTS input for existing site conditions. ic Characteristics (EX. TSF) 0.35 ac 1.38 ac 1.38 ac 0.69 ac 3.80ac B Developed Site Hydrology - The developed drainage system consists of the combined runoff from the 12-lots and the roadway improvements. No significant developed area will bypass the detention facility. Per the manual requirements, 4,000 sf of impervious area was used for each developed lot and the area of proposed road improvements was measured from the plat map. 2.09 ac 1.71 ac 0.00 ac 0.00 ac 3.80 ac North lake Pointe Subdivision, Federal Way, WA D. Flow Control System and Performance Standards- The worksheets and computer analysis for the sizing of the storm drainage detention facility are attached to this report. The storm drainage detention system has been designed to comply with the conditions of the Surface Water Design Manual, where applicable. Stormwater detention for will be provided in a single cell combination water quality and detention pond and stormwater wetland. An outlet control manhole will restrict runoff to the existing downstream drainage course. The details for sizing the retention/detention facility are provided in the attached calculations and on the drainage plan sheets. Level 1 flow control analysis was used with the time series analysis to design the detention pond. level 1 flow control requires that the detention pond be sized with the orifice structure configured to match the duration curves from the developed site to the duration curves from the predeveloped site between the 2-year flow and the 10-year flow. E. Detention Facility - The KSRTS level 1 analysis and site design parameters allowed the design of a storm drain detention and water quality facility located at the southwest comer of the site. Details of the detention pond are summarized in the table. Table 4 Combination Detention and Wet Pool Facili Btm Dead Storage Btm live Storage Max WS Elevation Wet Pool Volume Reqd Wet Pool Volume Provided (prelim design) RID Volume Reqd (prelim design) RID Volume Provided ( relim desi n) 413.50 417.50 420.50 3,840 cf 6,370 cf 13,180 cf 14,985 cf F. Water Quality System - The BMP for storm water quality is the use of the Basic Water Quality Resource Menu. The most appropriate solution for this site was a storm water wet pond incorporated into the detention facility. SECTION 5 CONVEYANCE SYSTEM ANALYSIS Detailed calculations for pipe sizing will are attached. SECTION 6 SPECIAL REPORTS AND STUDIES No special studies have been prepared for this project. SECTION 7 BASIN AND COMMUNITY PLANNING AREAS There are no specific drainage development conditions that apply to this project. North Lake Pointe Subdivision, Federal Way, WA SECTION 8 OTHER PERMITS Construction of the road and drainage improvements require approval prior to construction. Construction of the single family residences will require separate building permits. A National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required for this project. This permit is obtained from Washington State Department of Ecology. There are no other permits that are required for this project. SECTION 9 EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS As part of the construction process, the entire subdivision will be cleared and regraded. This regrading includes the lots and the alignment of the roadways. It is proposed to construct the subdivision detention and water quality pond as part of the ESC/grading improvements. An additional sedimentation pond is proposed along the easterly boundary of the plat as required to intercept runoff until the permanent facilities are constructed. Detailed calculations for the ESC system are attached. SECTION 10 BOND QUANTITIES WORKSHEET, RETENTIONIDETENTION FACILITY SUMMARY SHEET AND SCHEMATIC AND DECLARATION OF COVENANT The bond quantity worksheet, and other forms will be submitted as part of the plan review process. SECTION 11 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS MANUAL The maintenance manual will be provided as part of the final plan submittal. "'Ie,,' ,:c,'~,-":;;,,i ',i":;" u__--,' ," ! :~A\Il!~_'_,ii.':., S ,OAV lASS ,.,~ ,j,' DI ~' . " '"... it ... t;;, __,cecil'! .-:; SlMV,!Il~__ Q52~~ve_~!. l~.;,' ! 8 . S2~_A~S -~ s~vlits""" -s~y~!tli' iIl"-; \\ -- ~.- 1 ~Il ~,.. /~..~~. ~... ~, _.;;;;;1 6.~'{V ~vP;/' ,p.,5FC~--'- ~_!~ ::,1~,,!P:<;~?9{?' i =~. \~<f' -.m ~(&'./ +llftAye s "'it, ."/ ::iil>~;f~ n__.f~:~S ~'. ./ _,- ,.-iSl ,.._,_, _.... . ~i, :' ,:~:":"0;~T;&~~~l~~:::::_~;'r--:~:e! ~ :l ~- "'\-'~-~~-""'- q' 1'\ ,..~""'--.......,"''';,- ii' Y> ~J ~ I. -___ ,;,( ",:R, ]r-"~ - :;;\~~~:;: ~~~,l · ~~. ~_!' 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I I o ; - .~_._~-------_. ..~.~ .- :Q! lir .,. d. I .~ iI: '" ~ I 0( u; i 81 j King County Department of Development and Environmental Services TECHNICAL INFORMATION REPORT (TIR) WORKSHEET - ',; - ...... ;,". .~.. <;.,~ Part 1 'PROJECrOWNERAND, PROJ~c::r~~G!NE:Erf\':,.'X\"'" " Address Phone Project Engineer ANDY J. RYKElS. P.E. Company: RYKElS ENGINEERING. INC. 28301-183RD AVE SE. KENT. WA 98102 ,Phone 253-631-6598 ,Pai1:-_3:..~,:;:rxPE -q'p J~~.E;RM,J.r,.~: APPllCATION);".'.... .... ...... ~ Subdivison I a ~ D .., S o Short Subdivision o Grading o Commercial o Other .c. . . . ,,-- Part 2PROJECTlOCATION AND DESCJ~IPiION.:C/ ,.~:~;: . ...... ....: ". .. ".;., ~" .... ".,.'" . Project Name M,....I-~.l.a ke location: Rt:lenll / ~.;r7 W'I Township 21N Range 4E ...... ...... .Section SW/4 OF SECTION 15 Part.4;orHERREVJEwsAN(j_PER.tvuJ~ .'.- . :',' - .-:.... ,.,.,- :. .. --"; -"-.. ':'," ';-"'.' ,-:" ,:.. :-: -'-: "-'.;-,.' ..::. 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':' REFERENCE o Ch. 4 - Downstream Analysis o o o o o o Additional Sheets Attached " .. ,. . ""<.~,::\'~'::--;...: :':'''", Part~ '.E,~9:~sR~t~~~t,~:r~. ............ MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION ~ Sedimentation Facilities 9t Stabilized Construction Entrance ~ Perimeter Runoff Control a.. Clearing and Graing Restrictions g:, Cover Practices ~ Construction Sequence o Other Erosion Potential m"~"'1!f ,I~ Erosive Velcoties LIMITATION/SITE CONSTRAINT MINIMUM ESC REQUIREMENTS AFTER CONSTRUCTION ~ Stabilize Exposed Surface Gl Remove and Restore Temporary ESC Facilities IX Clean and Remove All Silt and Debris ~ Ensure Operation of Permanent Facilities o Flag Limits of SAO and open space preservation areas o Other Part 1 0 SURFACE WATER SYSTEM .. , ,;.- ,..... . ". " ',' " '". . "'. :.r. '" , . -. 0 Grass Lined 0 Tank 0 Infiltration Channel 0 Vault 0 Depression ~ Pipe System 0 Energy Dissapator ~ Flow Dispersal 0 Open Channel 0 Wetland 0 Waiver 0 Dry Pond 0 Stream 0 Regional DJ Wet Pond Detention Method of Analysis ){C~ ,(91/.1... Compensation/Mitigati on of Eliminated Site Storage HI? Brief Description of System Operation Facility Related Site limitations Reference Facility limitation p.~rtj'f.~TRUC:rUM~:~~~~Y.S.I~'"""F.... . o Cast in Place Vault ri Retaining Wall o Rookery> 4' High o Structural on Steep Slope o other ;'-"~~':'''~'- :-.-.~ -." ,-.<>". ';"-._". Part 12 . 'EASEMJ:t{r~rr&\CTS . o Drainage Easement o Access Easement o Native Growth Protection Easement Kl Tract d nil, n ~.1 e -7rtPc:f o Other I or a civil engineer under my supervision my supervision have visited the site. Actual site conditions as observed were incorporated into this w heet and the attachments. To the best of my knowledge the' formation provided h . ac t. .paffi~SIGNAiuRE'QF;PROf'ESSIONAlENGjNEER.t"" . .' ':.: . -. . -; , '.- :.-',.,:" .;': ./'--~; <;-'~:,,~/,"""'<<'::''':''\':'-:_'~''':''.':;"'.\\:~:::'.:'-(\'~-;~:':":;'-?';:~ ,: ;;.-'- :::,,':,~ ":':"\'.', ;';:~~" -; ;,;_,_ ..:,_::0,,::" ". \_.__.{:)_ hie jJ City of , Federal Way Federal Way Drainage Basins' Cily of Federal Way. 33325 8lh Ave S. Federal Way. WA 98003 (253) 835-7000 www.cUederaJ.way.wa.us lG;!Pd: l'ltIJ nqp iJ 1IIltmdIdt... H ~ Scale: ~ ~",..,,:: OllLY, ;0 I-i)<iabOll Creel< . UII Cr4ltfr CIIy af IIdon' "m..... :~ 0 112 lMHe nll.......nty '.11 itc lICDIIrIIGJ- ~ N '.__.__m '. Lower G!Mfl At,,, E:J WIIiI8 J1lver A federal WilY 0 1/2 1 Kilometer II Lo.oer PUl)81 Sound Hole: 88l1n.ln P18n:e CoU!lIy .It nOU/lCM?l t.',/IlfOllilfik"im'''''llWnin.l1lll tp://WWW.cityoffederalway.cOmlfolderslhomelbusinesseconomicdevelopmentlcitymaps/environmental... 12/2812006 g;~~~~~CI)~~~~~ ... 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'I: - CIl$OCll Q. l! <0 :> >:oR'tl <q,CIl;::<(J!!..tJ ij'iil"i<>>:5SIO 0 11j'$u')(CO (')b a a '0 ~:Q ~ ~ '1($. ~!{l~q~lJ~ ::!C)OD.:(')u,u \,,/ (J) - 'E ::J ~ U ,----' . I i : : I ! I \-.......1 :it:: "'>' .e~ "i- -gl! SCll I:al '- u, .le ... a,O ~8 ~~ 'tJ c CD C) CD ..J ...~I;: ., . ~. L, j '" Ii Il 'tJ C ::J o (/) +- Q) 0> :J a. 10 Return Period 2 5 10 RDOUT.pks in Sea-Tac · EX.pks DEV.pks It) - en u. () -- CD e> 10 tl'J .c: 0 en Q . It) . . . . . . 10. 1 2 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95 98 99 Cumulative Probability Retention/Detention Facility Type of Facility: Detention Pond Side Slope: 3.00 H:1V Pond Bottom Length: 80.06 ft Pond Bottom Width: 40.03 ft Pond Bottom Area: 3205. sq. ft Top Area at 1 ft. FB: 6663. sq. ft 0.153 acres Effective Storage Depth: 3.00 ft Stage 0 Elevation: 417.50 ft RVl 0( Storage Volume: 13180. cu. ft ~ 0.303 ac-ft (. Riser Head: 3.00 ft Riser Diameter: 12.00 inches Number of orifices: 2 ~. v~. 0'" l't 'is! ~~. ) ~ v:> ve,.\ . tJee, t') ~ Orifice # Height (ft) 1 0.00 2 2.25 Top Notch Weir: Outflow Rating Curve: Diameter (in) 2.26 1. 63 None None Full Head Discharge (eFS) 0.240 0.062 Pipe Diameter (in) 4.0 Stage Elevation Storage Discharge Percolation Surf Area (ft) ( ft) (cu. ft) (ac-ft) (cfs) (ets) (sq. ft) 0.00 417 . 50 O. 0.000 0.000 0.00 3205. 0.02 417 . 52 64. 0.001 0.021 0.00 3219. 0.05 41 7.55 161. 0.004 0.030 0.00 3241. 0.07 417.57 226. 0.005 0.037 0.00 3255. 0.09 417.59 291. 0.007 0.043 0.00 3270. 0.12 417.62 390. 0.009 0.048 0.00 3292. 0.14 417 . 64 456. 0.010 0.052 0.00 3306. 0.16 417.66 522. 0.012 0.056 0.00 3321. 0.19 417.69 622. 0.014 0.060 0.00 3343. 0.21 417.71 689. 0.016 0.064 0.00 3358. 0.31 417.81 1028. 0.024 0.077 0.00 3431. 0.41 417 .91 1375. 0.032 0.089 0.00 3506. 0.51 418.01 1730. 0.040 0.099 0.00 3581. 0.61 418.11 2092. 0.048 0.108 0.00 3658. 0.71 418.21 2461. 0.057 0.117 0.00 3734. 0.81 418.31 2839. 0.065 0.125 0.00 3812. 0.91 418.41 3224. 0.074 0.132 0.00 3890. 1.01 418.51 3617 . 0.083 0.139 0.00 3969. 1.11 418.61 4018. 0.092 0.146 0.00 4049. 1.21 418.71 4426. 0.102 0.153 0.00 4129. 1.31 418.81 4843. 0.111 0.159 0.00 4210. 1. 41 418.91 5268. 0.121 0.165 0.00 4292. 1.51 419.01 5702. 0.131 0.170 0.00 4375. 1. 61 419.11 6143. 0.141 0.176 0.00 4458. 1.71 419.21 6593. 0.151 0.181 0.00 4542. 1.81 419.31 7052. 0.162 0.187 0.00 4627. 1. 91 419.41 7519. 0.173 0.192 0.00 4712. 2.01 419.51 7994. 0.184 0.197 0.00 4798. 2.11 419.61 8479. 0.195 0.201 0.00 4885. 2.21 419.71 8971. 0.206 0.206 0.00 4973. 2.25 419.75 9171. 0.211 0.208 0.00 5008. 2.27 419.77 9271. 0.213 0.209 0.00 5026. 2.28 419.78 9322. 0.214 0.212 0.00 5035. 2.30 419.80 9423. 0.216 0.215 0.00 5052. 2.32 419.82 9524. 0.219 0.220 0.00 5070. 2.33 419.83 9575. 0.220 0.225 0.00 5079. 2.35 419.85 9676. 0.222 0.232 0.00 5097. 2.37 419.87 9778. 0.224 0.238 0.00 5115. 2.39 419.89 9881. 0.227 0.240 0.00 5132. 2.49 419.99 10399. 0.239 0.253 0.00 5222. 2.59 420.09 10925. 0.251 0.264 0.00 5312. 2.69 420.19 11461. 0.263 0.274 0.00 5403. 2.79 420.29 12006. 0.276 0.284 0.00 5495. 2.89 420.39 12560. 0.288 0.293 0.00 5588. 2.99 420.49 13123. 0.301 0.301 0.00 5681. 3.00 420.50 13180. 0.303 0.302 0.00 5690. 3.10 420.60 13754. 0.316 0.618 0.00 5784. 3.20 420.70 14337. 0.329 1.190 0.00 5879. 3.30 420.80 14930. 0.343 1.930 0.00 5974. 3.40 420.90 15532. 0.357 2.720 0.00 6071. 3.50 421. 00 16144 . 0.371 3.010 0.00 6167. 3.60 421.10 16766. 0.385 3.280 0.00 6265. 3.70 421. 20 17397. 0.399 3.520 0.00 6363. 3.80 421. 30 18038. 0.414 3.740 0.00 6462. 3.90 421. 40 18690. 0.429 3.950 0.00 6562. 4.00 421. 50 19351. 0.444 4.150 0.00 6663. 4.10 421. 60 20022. 0.460 4.340 0.00 6764. 4.20 421.70 20704. 0.475 4.530 0.00 6866. 4.30 421. 80 21395. 0.491 4.700 0.00 6969. 4.40 421. 90 22097. 0.507 4.870 0.00 7072. 4.50 422.00 22810. 0.524 5.030 0.00 7176. 4.60 422.10 23533. 0.540 5.190 0.00 7281. 4.70 422.20 24266. 0.557 5.340 0.00 7386. 4.80 422.30 25010. 0.574 5.490 0.00 7493. 4.90 422.40 25764. 0.591 5.640 0.00 7600. 5.00 422.50 26530. 0.609 5.780 0.00 7707. Hyd Inflow Outflow Peak Storage Target Calc Stage Elev (Cu-Ft) (Ac-Ft) 1 1.25 ******* 1.05 3.17 420.67 14191. 0.326 2 0.60 ******* 0.40 3.03 420.53 13364. 0.307 f€.-~"'I'I'1I1~ 3 0.60 0.30 0.30 3.00 420.50 13178. 0.303 4 0.64 ******* 0.30 2.97 420.47 13013. 0.299 5 0.73 ******* 0.25 2.49 419.99 10408. 0.239 { i 6 0.37 0.18 0.19 1. 81 419.31 7039. 0.162 7 0.46 ******* 0.15 1.13 418.63 4082. 0.094 8 0.46 ******* 0.13 0.92 418.42 3268. 0.075 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:ex.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak (CFS) O. 302 3 0.165 7 0.319 2 0.106 8 0.177 6 0.298 4 0.274 5 0.577 1 Computed Peaks -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- - Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) Period 0.577 1 100.00 0.990 0.319 2 25.00 0.960 0-2Ql'~ /0/,.3 10.00 0.900 Ex tSf 0.298 4 5.00 0.800 0.274 5 3.00 0.667 1?VI1,{4: 0.177 2. y ... 6 2.00 0.500 0.165 7 1.30 0.231 0.106 8 1.10 0.091 - 0.491 50.00 0.980 2/09/01 1/05/02 2/27/03 8/26/04 1/05/05 1/18/06 11/24/06 1/09/08 15:00 16:00 7:00 2:00 8:00 16:00 3:00 6:00 Flow Frequency Analysis Time Series File:dev.tsf Project Location:Sea-Tac ---Annual Peak Flow Rates--- -----Flow Frequency Analysis------- Flow Rate Rank Time of Peak - Peaks Rank Return Prob (CFS) (CFS) Period 0.602 5 2/09/01 2:00 1.25 1 100.00 0.990 0.460 8 1/05/02 16:00 0.730 2 25.00 0.960 0.730 2 2/27/03 7:00 0.675 3 10.00 0.900 0.465 7 8/26/04 2:00 0.635 4 5.00 0.800 0.568 6 10/28/04 16: 00 0.602 5 3.00 0.667 0.635 4 1/18/06 16:00 0.568 6 2.00 0.500 0.675 3 10/26/06 0:00 0.465 7 1. 30 0.231 1.25 1 1/09/08 6:00 0.460 8 1.10 0.091 Computed Peaks 1.08 50.00 0.980 /0 'ty IJ..., e.1 l-01Yf~ _. c), 17'1-~ ~S o~ 30 z r::~ ~:s .., " ..~--- ,7- , ..",." -"-. 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I . t;4 i I i ----1 I B:3 !?gii ,1 {/ !--:~f ----1 .. n I \ I ~:~?I j ,"~'; 52 ) 1___// ./ ______"',J" WETPOND WATER QUALITY DESIGN - STORMWATER WETPOND 1 VOLUME FACTOR = 2 RAINFALL @= 3 AREA IMPERVIOUS 4 AREA TILL SOIL 3.0 0.47 2AC= 1.8 AC = 87,120 SF 78.408 SF Vr=(0.9*(Ai))+0.25*(Aimp)*R112 VR= 3838.725 WET POND VOLUME = 3.0*Vr = 11,516 cf ~ ~ 38 3S l.I~e ~ \lolul'Ue I;' ~I'tf)"""'-t &ell {Yo... c:S-f-o-~b-~-~'-.J.. Page 1 .-- School Access Analysis For Federal Way School District By Russell D. Millard Six Pointe Investments, LLC July 26, 2007 1 EXHIBIT ____ - RESUBMITTED JUL 3 0 2007 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY BUilDING DEPT. In this analysis we have paid special attention to the following: · Pathways that require students to cross the fe\vest number of streets to reduce vehicle-pedestrian exposures. · Pathways that allow students to walk on the sidewalk or paths where available. · Pathways that allow students to walk the shortest possible distance on streets without sidewalks or wide shoulders. · Pathways that allow students to walk on the left side of the street facing traffic on streets where practicable. · Pathways that avoid high speed, high volume roads and roads with high truck volume. · Pathways that make use of protective techniques (traffic control devises, existing crossing guards, and school patro Is). · Pathways that make use of easements with walk'rvays through parks or other available areas \vhere student safety is maximized. Walkways must be cleared of vegetation for maximum visibility. Our analysis includes the following information, where available: · School location · Description of sidewalk, pedestrian paths and shoulders, including: · Condition and width of shoulder and sidewalk. · Whether shoulders are paved, gravel or grass or oon- existen t. · Whether sidewalks and shoulders are immediately adjacent to traffic lanes or are separated by a planting strip or other means from moving traffic and · The location of drainage or irrigation ditches. · Location of all crosswalks, including type of crossing protection offered. · Medians, pedestrian refuge islands and other pedestrian safety features. · Posted speed I imits and warning signs and especially all 20 mph speeds limit zones. · All stop and yield signs · Traffic signals, including presence of marked sidewalk and pedestrian signal indication. Traffic signal and phasing for pedestrian crossing. · Bicycle lanes or paths. · Other relevant pedestrian safety factors observed. Pathways from Subiect to Bus stops for Lake Dolloff Elementary School, SeQuovah Middle School, Todd Beamer Hif!h School: Pathways from Subiect to 8us stop for Lake Dolloff Elementary School that is Located at 4200 South 308. Street, Federal Way 98001. The subject subdivision will provide a 5-foot wide sidewalk on the west boundary of the property fronting the east side of 38th Ave South. From that sidewalk the pedestrians will proceed north and transition to a 7-foot wide asphalt cement paved shoulder surface, which is immediately adjacent to the driving lane. There are not any drainage or irrigation ditches along this stretch of the pathway. The roadway is posted at 25 mph, with "No shoulder Driving" signs posed for each direction. There are no crossings for the subject to the buss stop. G.O()~,te M.3p~ 0 Start 33021 38th Ave S Auburn, WA 98001 End 33222 38th Ave S Auburn, WA 98001 Travel 0.1 mi ,. 33021 38th Ave S . Auburn, WA 98001 Drive: 0.1 mi 1. Head south on 38th Ave S , 33222 38th Ave S .' Auburn, WA 98001 These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic. or other events may cause road conditions to differ from the map results. Map data@2007 NAVTEQTM 0.1 mi Overview ~._.,..:::~.....~'~.?~.... ""''''''''''r- 1>4 ft Start &'3_ijt..;:. ......,-...,... ;'''''''t .-~,~ or" .~...... ~.t '.' ~. .", ~ (.,,' ~. '.' , "'- oS J:!,:'J~ .-:", r: .. (p Jl. :v-.: .,_~~"":li.<il..$>;_..____...._______.._ .... End [""-"';S' .~ .'} : :f- ,> J 1 , .:;.. i! ',:; ~.' S"-i1",i "'." .:b., , . ~".' . ...' .~, . .. ~_.... '-(.n .1 '! ' .. :2 '" 'sJ.i:lI!l.~~" . i~~~..=..^_ .......~.:-..~..... ..~.........~..'H_~_. Map data @2007 NAVTEQTM bttp.:l1m:lp~ eoagle_com/maps?f=d&hl=en&g..eocode=&saddr=33 02 I + 38th+Ave+South~+A... 7/2612007 Pathways from Subiect to Bus stop for SeQuoyah Middle School that is located at 34155 360'" Stree~ Federal Way 98001 The subject subdivision will provide a 5-foot wide sidewalk on the west boundary of the property fronting the east side of J 8th Ave South. From that sidewalk the pedestrians will proceed south and transition to a 7-foot wide asphalt-cement paved shoulder surface, which is immediately adjacent to the driving lane. There are not any drainage or irrigation ditches along this stretch of the pathway. The roadway is posted at 25 mph, with "No shoulder Driving" signs posed for each direction. There are no crossings for the subject to the buss stop. The pedestrian continues south along the pathway to the roundabout on a 5' wide Portland-cement concrete sidewalk. There are crossings in the roundabout, at the intersection of3Sth Ave South and South JJ4th, which also provides pedestrian refuge areas. As the pedestrians proceeds to the bus stop they will transition from the 5' wide sidewalk that has a 4' wide separated landscape buffer from the roadway at the terminat.ion of the round-about to 7to 9-foot wide asphalt-cement paved shoulder surface to the bus stop for about 200 feet Google Maps Start 36255 334th St Auburn, WA 98001 End 33222 38th Ave 5 Auburn, WA 98001 Travel 0.1 mi , 3625 5 334th St Auburn, WA 98001 Drive: 0.1 mi Overview 1. Head east on S 334th St . "-.' -"- .... ..-.----...... ----.. .'-'" "'_."_. _h_.__".. _.... ......._. _._..... 2. At the traffic cirde, take the 2nd exit onto 38th Ave 5 , 33222 38th Ave 5 Auburn, WA 98001 272 ft 387 ft .~ .. t-; ,J ......./ ~_ J l! . ~ 'I J r'l-\ \ ) , , I I \ \ \">\/~"') \~.-:;./ ~ .....-. ---..-......-.. ........-....--....- ..... -.._--..--. These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic, or other events may cause road conditions to differ from the map results. I I /1 I /f ~.-., Vi .l I 81M1j1 .'_'. r '--_.- Map data @2007 NAVTEQTM , ! I \\,\>,v< '\ "'. ....- ,,'" / / i l's~36ili~ L__, : _.il>I/ -'___ i I~" lL.IaL.-_. End .. t '. II ' i: i i \ \ \. !. \ } J ~/ " '" , Map data @2007 NAVTEQTM ~tttt1lmaps..google.comfmap..::?[=d&hl==en.&:~llllodQ=~nddc=16li.-l:SQlltb4- J.J4th+~tre@t, -!;.....?n(J2001 Pathways from Subiect to Bus stop for Todd Beamer Hi2h School that is located at 35999 16th Ave South~ Federal Way. WA 98001. The subject subdivision will provide a 5-foot wide sidewalk on the west boundary of the property fronting the east side of 38th Ave South. From that sidewalk the pedestrians will proceed north and transition to a 7-foot wide asphalt-cement paved shoulder surface, which is immediately adjacent to the driving lane. There are not any drainage or irrigation ditches along this stretch of the pathway. The roadway is posted at 25 mph, with "No shoulder Driving" signs posed for each direction. There are no crossings for the subject to the buss stop. Coogle' M:.ps Start 33000 38t1:1 Ave 5 Auburn, WA 98001 End 33222 38th Ave 5 Auburn, WA 98001 Travel 0.2 mi , 33000 38th Ave 5 . Auburn, WA 98001 Drive: 0.2 mi 1. Head south on 38th Ave S , 33222 38th Ave S Auburn, WA 98001 These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic. or other events may cause road conditions to differ from the map results. Map data @2007 NA VTEQ TN 0.2mi \~ f~{ :1 I I ! I \__'~3: ; j L___ End ---[~..-:;:_.. :.~-_. ! ." ~~'. .. ..... : I ')0,1 ' .... l, i!l: I' r~:~' :, \ i3Jl~v.i'l!' ""...L-~ ; .... ;~ )1 ;' ( i"'I.. I., ; / -~@..Sf:: ~_. .~~_~.~~:.:./r... I / / " '; i ... I.' .. , '1 "" v' ./ . I / .', . ! I \ ',. I' Ii 1 ~. t'._...,j , / l 13J6"'SC~_ 1 \ ~ \ ./ , Map data @2007 NAVTEQTM llttp:JJm..g9~8.QemJJR..!t?f=tlAhI.,MtgeeeMfr~baddrJ3000tJ8th 1Av~~()uth, :<'A.. 1fMI2f}f}'T Pathwavs from Subiect to Lake Dolloff Elemeotarv School. SeQuovah Middle School. Todd Beamer Hieh School: Pathways from Subiect to Lake DoDoff Elementary School. which is located at 4200 South 308. Street. Federal Way 98001. Pedestrians proceed east on South 333nJplace to 420d Ave South, along a 5-foot wide Portland-cement concrete sidewalk, which is on both sides of the roadway within the subdivision. The pedestrian continues north along 4200 Ave South to 33016 4200 Ave South, along a pathway through the subdivision as the roadway is blocked with a barricade, emerging on to the continuation of 42nd Ave South, walking on the sidewalk on the west side of the street, then stopping at South 32Stb Street and proceeding across 42nd Ave South at the stop sigrt Then continuing to the stop sign at Military Road along a 5' wide Portland-cement concrete sidewalk. The posted speed though this section of roadway is 25 mph. The pedestrian will turn to the north and cross at the stop sign at the comer. Then proceeding north along Military Road there is about 200 feet of 5-foot wide Portland-cement concrete sidewalk adjacent to the west side of the street. The sidewalk transitions to an asphalt-cement paved shoulder, which varies trom 6 to S feet in width along the pathway. Storm water is controlled by underground piping for the first 300 feet then changes to open trapezoidal ditch adjacent to the shoulder. The street is posted with traffic control signage at 45 mph. The asphalt-cement paved shoulder is S feet wide at 326lh. There is also overhead lighting at the intersection of 3261h and 3281h. The asphalt- cement paved shoulder is S feet wide on the east side and 7-feet wide on the west side and the ditches are 2 feet beyond the asphalt-cement paved shoulder. The asphalt-cement paved shoulder widens to 9-feet at 3241h, then proceeding North along the roadway, it is likely that pedestrian will seek an opportunity to cross the roadway at this street to allow the pedestrians to take a short cut through the Preasley Canyon Apartments to emerge at South 321 Street. There is sidewalk within the apartment complex. Otherwise, for those pedestrians that proceed North along Military Road at 324tb there is a 5' wide Portland cement concrete sidewalk on the east side of the street are traffic and pedestrian control devices at the intersection and a crosswalk with separations and overhead lighting. From the intersection the pedestrian proceeds easterly along the 8' wide Portland cement concrete sidewalk along South Preas ley Canyon Road. For about 100 feet then transition to a 2' and asphalt cement pavement shoulder with 6' of gravel shoulder beyond all of which are adjacent to the traffic lane. A traffic control devise and cross walk are located at South 321 Street that allows safe crossing at the crosswalk with the control of electronic pedestrian control devises and traffic signalization. After crossing South Preasley Canyon Road onto South 321 Street an 8' wide asphalt-cement paved shoulder exist on both sides until it narrows to 6' wide as the roadway crosses the creek. Pedestrians that are not on the north side would cross the street at 44 Ave South the southbound stop sign. The gravel shoulder is 8' wide and necks down to 4 feet at several places. There are also some limited stretches of 5' wide Portland cement concrete sidewalk on the east side of the roadway. The speed is posted at 25 mph until the pedestrians approach the school when the speed reduces to 20 mph. There are open ditches along this section of street as well. There is a stop sign and crosswalk at South JOStb Street at the entrance to the school. , . Pathways from Subiect to Sequoyah Middle School that is located at 34155 360th Street. Federal Way 98001 Pedestrians proceed east on South 333rd Place to 42nd Ave South, along a 5-foot wide Portland-cement concrete sidewalk, which is on both sides of the roadway within the subdivision. The pedestrian continues north along 42nd Ave South then turn to the east on 45lh Way South to Military Road. There are Portland-cement concrete sidewalks on both sides :within the entire pathway in the subdivi'sion. On Military Road' the pedestrian will proceed south on an 8' wide sidewalk adjacent to a bike path for a distance of about 200 feet. Then the pathway wilt transition across the bridge that crosses above Highway 18. The pathway has a 3' wide Portland cement concrete sidewalk as part of the bridge structure with a 2' wide Portland cement concrete shoulder that is adjacent to the roadway. The Portland cement concrete sidewalk is elevated above the shoulder. The pathway transitions to a 4' wide aSphalt cement pavement shoulder adjacent to the traffic lane~ The pathway then transitions to a 5' wide Portland cement concrete sidewalk for approximately 200 feet in front of a local Church with grass beyond. The pathway transitions to a 5' to 6'asphalt cement pavement shoulder that is adjacent to the traffic lane. There are o'pen trapezoidal ditches along this stretch of pathway beyond the shoulder area. [t is posted "No shoulder driving" along this stretch there is a stop sign at South 324lh to accommodate crossing. The shoulder widens to 6' at the King County Ball fields and there is a stop sign to allow crossing at South 354lh Street. The pedestrian turns to the west and continues along South 360lh Street along the asphalt cement pavement shoulder to the school. There is Portland cement concrete sidewalk on the south side of the roadway along the school property. 1.~.;:; ">,"'t. .__I.e...-..- "-VV", VI, .L...V...... H.. "-"''''v. IV. JJ~., JVLll 'L...... U.........., 'L...V...... "'L -''-''-'V. '... .....0"...... ~ . , Gooole Maps 0 ;~~ .-, _~:~:.i '1 .~. i, " .. " .. ii iup:II~IPf 8QQg1e ~(tq1JPs2{=dRrGI-AnR..fJ';ICj)Qod&-&uddr=34lS.5.+3Q1jth+St, -tj\",ybwm+... 1tl6/.2001 Pathways from Subiect to Todd Beamer Hi~h School that is located at 35999 16th Ave South.. Federal Wav.. W A 98001. The subject subdivision will provide a 5-foot wide sidewalk on the west boundary of the property fronting the east side of3Sth Ave South. From that sidewalk the pedestrians will proceed south and transition to a 7-foot wide asphalt-cement paved shoulder surface, . which is immediately adjacent to the driving lane; There are not any drainage or irrigation ditches along this stretch of the pathway. The roadway is posted at 25 mph, with "No shoulder Driving" signs posed for each direction. There are no crossings for tbe subject to the buss stop. The pedestrian continues south along the pathway to the roundabout on a 5' Portland-cement concrete sidewalk.. There are crossings in the roundabout, at the intersection of3Sth Ave South and South 334th, which also provides pedestrian refuge areas. As the pedestrians proceeds they will transition from the 5' wide sidewalk that has a 4' wide separated landscape buffer from the roadway at the termination of the round- about to 1to 9-foot wide asphalt-cement paved shoulder surface, hen continuing along '35thAve South ona 7'. to 8' wide asphalt cement pavement shoulder that is adjacent to the traffic lane. Then at the stop sign of33 Place South and 33Th the' pathway changes to a 5' wide asphalt cement pavement shoulder that is adjacent to the traffic lane, that transitions to a 5' wide Portland cement concrete sidewalk. There is a yield sign at this roundabout with pedestrian safety areas and crosswalks. Then proceeding along the roadway westerly to a crosswalk and continuing to the crosswalk at the Weyerhaeuser corporate entrance with a 5' asphalt cement pavement shoulder that is adjacent to the traffic lane to the roundabout with pedestrian control islands and crosswalks. Then transitioning to an 8'wide asphalt cement pavement shoulder that is adjacent to the traffic lane. Then continuing to the West entrance of the Weyerhaeuser Corporate office a crossing at the stop sign and proceeding along the asphalt cement pavement shoulder that is adjacent to the traffic lane under the freeway overpass. A new 8' wide Portland cement concrete sidewalk is being poured to allow pedestrians to move from this point to the intersection of Pacific Highway South. Along Pacific Highway South the area is highly developed with Portland cement concrete sidewalks and crossings at the stop signs and pedestrian islands and electronic controls at the intersection to the High School. j'.';: 1'0-: 1.-. . . .~. '~., t t Googlen Maps Start 3599916th Ave S Federal Way, WA 98003. End 33214 38th Ave S Auburn, WA 98001 Travel.3.3 mi - about 9 mins '-'! .'.. 'If' '" . http://maps.google.comlmaps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=&saddr=35999+ 16th+Ave+South+Fe... 7/26/2007 /@)" ~ ? -J Z-()~ Kia, Coaaty Dcpt. oCDcYdopment IDd IllIvlrolUllellfal Services Blllldlar Servlcea Divlsloa 900 Oalcesdale Avenue Southwest Reaton, Washington 980S5-1119 (206) 296-6600 TIY ('206) 296-7217 Alternative formats available upon request Jt1-IO King County Certificate of Sewer Availability This certificate prlWides the Seattle King County Department of Public Health and the Department of Development and Environmental Services with Information necessary to evaluate development proposals. I ~~::..."* name o Building Permit o Short Subdivision )( Prellmlmuy Plat or PUD o Rezone or other Appocanra name: ~tT'l M&M'T'" &7~p ItJ-W lAIC... I Proposed use: R..~ II>E.Hr,,'-L - /If:!: j,.1J77 location: '?-:>AJlt ae 1:5 IrVI€. ~ ~J. "/Jf~hO-{)~(7 1)611 tJ~7JD I I tv1 ft-IJ Ii-7Tit-CH E.b (attach map !lnd legal description If necess8/Y) Sewcr Qj0l1CY information: 1. 0 a. Sewer SeMcecNt~ -provided by side sewer connection only to an existing size sewer feet from the site and the sewer system has the capacity to serve the proposed use. OR ~ b. SeWer service win reqU~ Improvement to the sewer system of: /'4 (1) I;z./).:l:' feet of sewer trunk or lateral to reach the alte.i. andlot .. ~ ~ .J. .,.. . (1"0 "I. ~T t'1.."oo:. If J ~(2) The construction of a collection system on the site; and/or --- 5 3:S3,cp f(.A c~ ~ (3) Other(describe) ~ yO'i/'H.e MM Ia;;6JE ~IIJ ~ 11I-1T'ff , ;DWMle.."T" pl}l.ie V V" 2. ~ a. The sewer syStem Improvement /s In conformance with a County approved sewer comprehensive plan. OR _ C b. The sewer system Improvement wi/I require a sewer comp~ plan amendment. 3. Ilf a. The proposed project Is within the corporate HmIts of the district or has been granted Boundary RevIew /.... Board approval for extension of service outside the dlstrtct or city. OR o b. AnnIl8)(at/on or Boundary Review BOaM (BRB) approval will be necessary to provide service. 4.' Service Is subject to the following: ..,/ . a. Connection charge: ~ Bc!E- CA-l.c.Vt.~ . ", b. Easemenl(s): 11:2.~ c. Ottter:~..,g-PI!E:R... f!!JG~tW 14 6NI!PMIiIW'r- -A. /lElA..lJt~ "" · n. DlotrId, at ltI.... .a-.ao.. _ tIae rfchC .. deIaJ or d.., _ei- IervIce baled .po. capacity ..llalloula DIatrIct aa' Olber l'lIrYepor IadIlIkI. . . . I cert/l'y that the abow sewer agency information II tiue. ThIs certIIlcallon thai be vaBd for one year from date of signature. LAREHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT Agency name ENGINEERING'TECHNICIAN II 110e sewer lIVlIllabBlty brm.doc b-cert:-aewer .pcIf ~LEN CORNWELL "J IUA natoly~ ~ ~ i)7-:--~ II.. ,~..... """..7/"/6<: ........ I~ 02..07-2002 1UI'SAYaDAIIUIYOIC'bIICA1I~f 1 8Y1BB~WlDU8IMn1IlllIIt EXHIBIT 10 /~ . . ?-:r.'t.f?3_ .~ 7~1'i- ()b Kln9'~ty.. .... ,.' ';, " t1epartmlClt Of DMlopclieirt'md EnYlronmitnial a~ce. Sf.llIdlng SefVlcesDMslon 900 Oakesdale Avenue Southwest Renton, Weshlr1glon 88056-1219 206-296-6600' T1Y 208-298-7217 / -- --- - -- - -- - - ci,~ II~ 1[-" tt /- ")1" ;"\ ";~" 1-1~~ F'r. I~ l,~ ; I' ,~, ,':;-c -~. .' "".- Ai~f,J~ ,:kt'-2j;~%~l'~ ~\'t, ~""::J;l-::':, ~ j'J [L 1_!:':U~:; ~\U"',~'" ~)< -"".~...~ ,;;1,' i,~""'- T r'-\;'~,~l.,.-/ ;;Jlf't ~ '. ~''->-''_ ", {t L..,:.tE- ~!lt' /(J I r..'I.\V/111(,f~~1 >I~:f~>:;' '\L~~-I ~'-r5 ~.: ilij1fr,'tl;i R"t] ~G:J:~E}~a~~J:~~~~~~~~1 J~ ':~~,~~! ~t:::~~~; .~~~ ~~':~~Zt;~1~~ @ Alternative formats available upon request King County Certificate of Water Availability This certificate provides lhe Seattle KIng CountY Depqrtment of Public Heallh and lhe Department of DevelOpment snd EnvIronmentsl Selvlces with Information necessary to _Iuste development proposals. I Do ~::~ box ' name ./ M"/O [] Building penn/t [] Short Subdivision }Ii. Preliminary Plat or PUO [] Rezone or olher Appllcanfs name: /iE.f{:).OTi"l M~ ~-<J.uP N W iN e- . I . Proposed uSe: A.~(P~A-L .... /J.f :t= ./..{)7? .' location: ~"~I J.f "11 f1 ~ 1f1I# '7 if '- t.1'I7~{)-tJ617, ~~/'f J ()5~ 0 - Jl.1.~ ,+:p7t<H/iEl:> . (attach map and legal,descrlption If necessary) . W~ter purveyor information: 1.0 8.W~~:~~~~~coMectIai;~tolnexlsJlrig : (~)~niiiiR: .b ~~~~ ' II * OR -Tr,1e pP.4fJlJf.A aT ~A), "~ /4- 'rJ{ b . slllVlce wln re to lhe water system of ~f11{ 'T1M: Sl<tm#fj ~ II ~ A(tf-iAJ r. (1) - ofW8larmalnloreachfllesllo:andlor~llJt &4t/)~ i-r..,., . (2) The conllfrucllon of. d on system on file lite; and/or V' (3) other (descrfbe) 2. 'lid a The waler system Is In conformance with a ~unty approved water comprel1ensllle plan. I" O~ [] b. The waler aystem Improvement Is not In conform8nce with a County approved water complllhWive plan and wlU require a water comprehensive plan amendment (rhls tTI8Y cause a delay In Issuance of a pennlt or approval). . The proPOSl!d projeclls wIIhIn the corporate limits of file dlsIrlct, or has been granted Boundary Review Board approval for extension of service outside lhe d1slrtcl or city, or Is wIthln the County IIPProvecIlI8lVIce area of II jlrlvate water purveyor. 3. "a .OR o b. Annexation or Boundary Revjew Board (BRB) approval wlI be necessary to provide service. -t. "fJ. .. Water Is or wig be 8VlIIpblq el the re~ and dul8llon IndIcsIed below el no Ie8iI than 20 pG/ measured el the T ne&(llel file hydrant ...s..J1. ~ \ ~ from lhe bulldlnglproperly (or as marked on file alIached'map): Rat. o"'ow at Peak Dsmand DUnlf/on [] leas l1an 600 gpm (approX. gpm) [] less than 1 hour t600to lIlI8 gpm .J' g.:0 1 hourto 2 hours .J' 1000gpmormora""" " .hClll1lormore..... ftow lest of cmni olher ' [] calculation of gpm (Note: CommercIal buldlng parmIls which IncludesllIIiltlfamly lIfrucIuru requll8l1ow teat 01' caIcuI8flon.) OR . [] b. Water system b not capable of providing h 1Iow. 6.. -..I' a. Water system has certificates 01 W81ar right 01' water right claims suflIcIent to provide service. ~OR . [] b. Water system does not currently have necessary water rights or water right daIms. " Commenf&lcondJtlonl>~8~GIl... ~LtA/ ~J1JNttr ~fN;:;") '.",.. I C8I1Ify lhellhe IIbcMI WIder purwyor Int'olmatlon Ii IIue. 11Q cerftIcalJon shII be VlId... f'lIynrfrom clafe,of 1IgmIIunt. LAKEHAVBN UTILITY DISTRI~CTLENCORNWEL, L Agency name 118 ENGINEERING. TECHNICIAN II" 7-~~ TIle. III ~ Dalo 7/'Z'/~<' / tq 1/1 HULo Elevations of Prop8l1y It % +/. It ( >>f.l rP) Est. LoIIf( PI'IISSUN The DIstrict, .tlts sole discretion, reserves the right to delay or deny waterseMea bas.a upon . capacity IImltlltiOM In Dlstrlq and Other Purveyor facilities; . . wslWlIVIIIl8IIIIIrfanl\ ~.pdf Rev.05-1N003 WIlBAVIlNJrfAIISl<<J~1IM1' 1BIS AV'AD.ABJU1YalRTIPD'IIIJU;IBNXIPIID BY1BBAI'JU:ADLILAlGUIBBAVDPU'J'C ___ EXHIBIT /1 . ~ \N ~,':'.""""."""""'."".'.'" . .' .' .: ' . . .' .. z, 0................................ . '.. . . . . .. . (U. ~f 2'~ ~ ~., ~ ......... ........ .. . ..... . 11-'. ... C ... U ..... > c o ..",. rn ~> .- -c. " ..0 ...,.~............ ',j ~v rn ~ .. ..(U . .., -. 1: . 1ft ,.'.'. . ii_ UI . 0.. c. I ."~ ~-c to ~.I' ..J 0... .c: .t Q. Z "0 c- O) cu E 5 E Ow o 0- U U 0) 0) ,-"0 ~l.{) CUO) E c 0- '- 3: 0) 0 c_ -- - EJ2 CU 0) X..c UJ+-, O)~ c:~ -L: - C'O c: -- Q) 0 (j) I+-,3: CU 0 Q)a..() :E ~~ ~ Co (j) ucC'O '-".- 0) <OE'- N . - C'O T-Ci)(j) I '- C'O o 0.-- N"OCu - +-' U Q) '- Q) (j) '- C/)ou 0.0) Uo..c o 0.. f- SQ)~ u....c0) +-' E o '+- 0) +-'0 '- croC'O C'O > C'O :J 0 0- (J) '- '- '- 0.. 2 :J 0.'S:::: ," a.. co u . e CU - 0.. 0) > -- en e 0) ..c: 0) s- o.. E o u 0) ..c: -+-' ..c: -+-' '~ -+-' e 0) -+-' en ,- en e o t.) en -+-' U 0) '~ o s- o.. 0) ..c: ..... ~ 0) .!: -+-' ...... o 0) en.!: e-+-' ,Q E ,~ e >...... e 0) o.u 0) e -0) .0'- cu~ .~ 0) - '- ~>. cu.o - "'0 - 0) CU-+-, ..co. -+-' 0 . - "'0 ~ CU EO) 0) en -+-' 0 . .~ ..c e en -+-' C'O B go. 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U :J ~ ........ 00 c o u 0) ..0 ro ..c 00 (j) 0) > <( ..c +-' co M en c: o . ro c o C/) .- ............. c: u 0) Q) E~ 0) Q) > 0) o !.... ~+-' 0...C/) E ::; .- cp 0) 0) 0')0... ro ~ cl- 0-0 ~ ~ ........ ro 0)"0 0) C ~ ro ........ ........ (j)C/) N N L() '"" I N N . (.) 0) (j) o o S LL o ..... ..... C ro :J 00 !.... :::::l 0... ~ C/) ..... 0) Q) ~ ..... C/) ro C o "0 0) ~ :::::l 0- 0) ~ 00 0') C .- +-' ..c 0') ........ 0) 0) ~ ........ (j) S;-K, I Lf CITYOF ,~ Federal Way COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT TO THE FEDERAL WAY HEARING EXAMINER North Lake Pointe Preliminary Plat Federal Way File No. 06-106495-00-SU Related File No: 06-106496-SE PUBLIC HEARING NOVEMBER 14,2007 10:00 a.m. FEDERAL WAY CITY HALL CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 33325 81h Avenue Soutb Table of Contents I. Generallnfonnation ............. .... ... .............. ........................... .................... ............ .... ......................... ............. .... I II. Consulted Departments and Agencies .........................................................................:..................................... 2 III. State Environmental Policy Act............... ..........h. ..... ..... ....... ................. ........... ... ........... ........ ..... ............ .......... 2 N. Natural Environment .................................................................................... ......................... ............................. 2 V. Neighborhood Characteristics........................ ..... .................... ...... .................................... ............... ................... 3 VI. General Design ............................... ......... ............ ................. .... .... ............ ..... ...... ... .................. ......... .................3 VII. Transportation... .......... ............. .................... ....................................................... ......................................... ........ 4 VIII. Pubiic Services ... ....... .... ........ ...... ....... ................. ...... ................... ...................................................................... 5 IX. Utilities...... ......... .... ..................... ..................... ....... ........................................................................... ......... ....... 6 X. Analysis of Decisional Criteria ......................... ............ ............................. ............................ ............ .............. ... 6 XI. Findings of Fact ......................................... ........................................ ........ ........... ............ ...... .................. .......... 8 XII. Recommendation ...... ... ........ ........................... ......... .......................... .................. ....................... ........................ 9 XIII. List of Exhibits ................... ............................................................... ... ........... ..... ..... ............. ......... ........ ......... II Report Prepared by: David Lee, Associate Planner October 1, 2007 ~ '., File No: 06-106495-00-SU (SEP A Related File No: 06-1 06496-SE) Engineer: Andy Rykels, P.E. Rykels Engineering Group, Inc. 28301 183rd Avenue SE Kent, W A 98042 Phone: 253-838-6113 Owner: Russ Millard 24725 2301b Way SE Maple Valley, WA 98038 Action Requested: Preliminary plat approval of a 12-lot single-family residential subdivision as provided for under Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 20, "Subdivisions," and requiring approval pursuant to FWCC Section 20-110. Staff Representative: Associate Planner David Lee, 253-835-2622 Staff Recommendation: Preliminary Plat Approval I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. Description oJthe Proposal- The proposal includes the subdivision of 3.7 acres into 12 residential single-family lots. One existing single-family dwelling will be demolished or remodeled and another existing single-family dwelling will be preserved. Street improvements, water, s~wer, utilities, storm drainage control improvements, and other related infrastructure improvements will be installed to service the plat. The preliminary plat map, revised May 29,2007, along with a preliminary landscape plan; preliminary site and utility plan; existing conditions plan and preliminary landscape plan by Rykels Engineering Group are enclosed (Exhibit 1). B. Location - The subject property is located at 33214 38th Avenue South, Federal Way, WA (Exhibit 2). C. Parcel Nos. - 614360-0617,614360-0614,614360-0500. Legal description is on the plat map. D. Size oj Property - The subject site has a land area of 165,445square feet (3.7 acres). E. Land Use and Zoning - Direction Site North South Zoning RS9.6 RS 9.6 RS 9.6 Comprehensive Plan SF - High Density SF - High Density SF - High Density Existing Land Use Single Family Residential Single Family Residential Open Space NOJ1hlake Point Preliminary Plat St.afIB.t:pmLnt.W:..Eedw:aLJM~HA!:aring (:i'y ~rnln~r File #06-106495-OO-SU I Doc. 1.0. 42589 l!.age L.,. Direction East West Zoning RS9.6 RS9.6 Comprehensive Plan SF - High Density SF - High Density Existing Land Use Single Family Residential Single Family Residential F. Background-The preliminary plat of North Lake Pointe was submitted on December 29,2006 (Exhibit 3). The application was determined complete on January 17,2007. II. CONSULTED DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES The following departments, agencies, and individuals were advised of this application. A. Community Development Review Committee (CDRC), consisting of the Federal Way Community Development Services Planning and Building Divisions; Public Works Engineering and Traffic Divisions; Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Department; South King Fire and Rescue; Lakehaven Utility District; City of Tacoma; and Federal Way Public Schools. CDRC comments have been incorporated into this report where applicable. B. All property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the site were mailed notices of the complete preliminary plat application (Exhibit 4). The site was also posted and notice published in the newspaper and on the City's official notice boards. C. In accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) and FWCC Chapter 18, "Environmental Protection," all property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the site, and all affected agencies, were notified of the proposed action and the City's environmental decision. In addition, the site was posted and notice placed in the newspaper and on the City's official notice boards. III. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT An Environmental Determination of Non significance (DNS) was issued by the City of Federal Way for the proposed action on August 22, 2007 (Exhibit 5). This determination was based on review of information in the project file, including the environmental checklist (Exhibit 6), and staff evaluation of the environmental checklist for the North Lake Pointe Subdivision (Exhibit 7), resulting in the conclusion that the proposal would not result in probable significant adverse impacts on the environment. No comments or appeals on the SEP A decision were submitted to the City. IV. NATURAL ENVIRONMENT A. Soils - The 1973 King County soils survey map lists the soils type as Alderwood Gravelly Sandy Loam (AgB). Alderwood soils are characterized as moderately wen drained soils that have a weakly consolidated to strongly consolidated substratum at a depth of 24 - 40 inches. AgB soils are described as capable for urban development, runoff is slow, and erosion hazard is slight. Typical soils excavation will occur with the street construction, at the site of the proposed on-site water quality treatment facility, and for utility installation. The preliminary clearing and grading Northlake Point Preliminary Plat ~~'IflQ1:l~Ul&~w.a.r~ ~f File #06-106495-OO-5U I Doc. 1.0.42589 ~2"- plan depicts clearing limits for construction of the following facilities: street right-of-way, surface water pond, demolition of existing structures, and utility development. B. Topography - Rykels Engineering Group, Inc., has prepared a conceptual storm drainage analysis for the project (December 29, 2006, Exhibit 8). The soils characteristics are described in detail in the report. The City of Federal Way Environmentally Sensitive Areas Map does not reveal this site to be in a problem area relative to landslide, seismic hazard, erosion, steep slope hazards, or toO-year flood plain. C. Vegetation - The site is currently partially wooded with patches of grassy fields. A mixture of conifer and deciduous trees reside on the property. A tree survey (Exhibit l) was submitted with the application as part of the required landscape plan. There are a total of 66 significant trees on the subject property. The applicant has proposed to remove 18 of these trees from the interior of the site for infrastructure. Pursuant to FWCC Section 22-1568, no tree replacement is required. City policy and FWCC Section 20-179 state that existing mature vegetation shall be retained to the maximum extent possible. Retained significant trees outside of open space areas would be regulated under FWCC Section 22-1568, "Significant Trees," at the time of individual home construction. D. Wetlands - There are no wetlands on-site or within 200 feet of the subject property. No wetlands or surface waters are known to exist on or around the property, and no wetlands or streams are identified on the City's environmentally sensitive areas maps. E. Wildlife and Habitat - No wildlife species recognized as priority species are known to inhabit the site, or the nearby vicinity. v. NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTERISTICS Vicinity - The property is situated in the southeastern portion of the City, in a single-family residential area with RS 9.6 zoning encompassing the subject property. The site is currently developed with two single-family homes and accessory structures. One ofthe single-family homes will be demolished or remodeled as part of the development, and the other home preserved. The surrounding properties are developed with single-family homes. The land to the north and east of the subject site is developed as the cluster subdivision known as Northlake Ridge (RS9.6); the average lot size in this cluster subdivision is approximately 5,000 square feet. The property directly south of the subject site is dedicated open space and a part of the North Lake Shore Lands. The properties to the west of the subject site is developed single-family properties known as the North Lake Shore Lands. VI. GENERAL DESIGN A. Density and Lot Size - Pursuant to FWCC Section 20-153, all lots in conventional subdivisions shall meet the density and minimum lot size requirements-in this instance, 9,600 square feet per lot. The proposed 12 lots each meet this minimum size. Northlake Point Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the FedetaL W~ Hl:llring PYllminp.l. File #06-106495-OO-SU I Doc. J.D. 42589 ~ B. Lot Layout - With the exception oflots 4 and 5, all of the proposed lots are of rectangular shape. Lots 1 and 2 have direct access to South 33200 Place. Lots 3,4,5, and 6 have access to 39th Place South through a shared private access tract dubbed "Tract B." Lots 7 through 12 all have direct access to South 333rd Place (which turns into 39th Place South through the middle of the development). All building setback lines (BSBL) are depicted on the preliminary plat map, and each lot contains an adequate building area. A 30-foot wide utilities and access easement running east to west on the northern portion of the subject property in the right-of-way (transecting Lot 6) currently exists. The applicant will be required to vacate this easement prior to final plat approval. C. Open Space - To provide adequate recreational opportunities commensurate with new residential development, FWCC Chapter 20, "Subdivisions," requires setting aside land on-site for open space, or a fee-in-lieu payment. The applicant has proposed the fee-in-lieu option rather than providing on-site open space. The fee-in-lieu of open space shall be calculated on 15 percent of the assessed value of the property based on an assessment that is no more than one year old at the time of final plat submittal. In the absence of an assessment, the market value shall be based on an appraisal conducted by a MAl certified appraiser or another professional appraiser approved by the Parks Director. Again, the appraisal shall be no more than one year old at the time of final plat submittal. D. Subdivision Access and Roadway System - Access to the site is via South 332nd Place and 39th Place South (both streets yet to be developed) off of 38th A venue South and South 333rd Place respectively; both streets are existing minor collector streets. Section VII of this report provides a detailed description of the proposed roadway system and improvements. E. Pedestrian System - A sidewalk will be provided along the length of South 3320d Place and South 333rd Place. Specifically, half street improvements include a four-foot wide planter strip, five-foot wide sidewalk, and three-foot wide utility strip. The Federal Way School District has reviewed the plans and do not have any comments regarding school access paths or configuration. F. Landscape Buffers - In accordance with FWCC Chapter 20, "Subdivisions," landscape buffers are specified only when the plat is adjacent to an incompatible zoning district. The proposed plat is bordered on all sides by single-family residential zoning; therefore, no perimeter buffers are required. Street trees, when mature, and screening of the storm drainage tract will contribute to visual buffering. Street tree requirements are described in Section VII-A of this report. VII. TRANSPORTATION A. Street Improvements - With the exception of lots 4 and 5, all of the proposed lots are of rectangular shape. Lots 1 and 2 have direct access to South 332nd Place. Lots 2,3,4, and 5 have access to 39th Place South through a shared private access tract "Tract R" Lots 6 through 12 all have direct access to South 333rd Place (which turns into 39th Place South through the middle of the development). The City's Traffic Engineer has reviewed the project and concluded that the proposed street layout of the North Lake Pointe subdivision is consistent with the adopted codes and comprehensive plan in place at the time of the complete application. The northerly plat road connection to 38th Avenue South (shown as South 332nd Place on the plans), shall be constructed as follows: a 20-foot paved roadway with curb and gutter along the north margin, a four-foot planter strip with street trees, five-foot sidewalk, and a three-foot utility strip with streetlights, all within a 32-foot right of way. Northlake Point Preliminary Plat 'iIatfV"pnrt ~~~~ IDl:lmiJlif File #06-J06495-OO-SU I Doc. 1.0.42589 ~+ The remaining interior plat road (shown as 39th Place South/South 333rd Place on the plans) shall be constructed to City standard roadway section "U" as follows: a 32-foot paved roadway, with curb and gutter, four-foot planter strips with street trees, five-foot sidewalks, and three-foot utility strips with streetlights, all within a 56-foot right of way. Street frontage improvements along 38th A venue South shall be constructed to a City standard Type "S" street section, consisting of a 36-foot street with four-foot planter strip with street trees, five-foot sidewalks, and three-foot utility strip with streetlights, within a 60-foot right-of-way. The applicant's engineer needs to verify that a 30-foot right-of-way has been dedicated. Assuming a symmetrical cross section, frontage improvements are required and should be measured from the street centerline. Street lighting is required on all streets, pursuant to FWCC Section 22-1522. The Public Works Department and South King Fire and Rescue have approved preliminary roadway design and curve radii as proposed. B. Off-Site Traffic Mitigation - This proposal has been reviewed under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A). No mitigation for traffic impacts was identified in the SEP A review of the proposal. VIII. PUBLIC SERVICES A. Schools - As part of the City's initial review of the proposal, the preliminary plat application was referred to the Federal Way School District for comments. Comments from the school district indicate Lake Dolloff Elementary School, Sequoyah Middle School, and Todd Beamer High School will serve the proposed subdivision. There is school bus transportation to all three schools. The proposed walking path from the development will provide safe access to the following bus stops: bus stop for Lake Dolloff Elementary School is located at 4200 South 308th Street; the bus stop for Sequoyah Middle school is located at 34155 South 360th Street; the bus stop for Todd Beamer High School is located at 35999 16th Avenue South. The school district did not indicate any required improvements in its comments. B. The applicant provided on July 30, 2007, a School Access Analysis (Exhibit 10). The school access analysis identifies a safe path of travel for students walking. In summary, a safe route of school-related pedestrian travel will be provided by existing pedestrian pathways, of on average, five-foot asphalt walking path next to the driving surface. A full detailed analysis of each pedestrian pathway to the schools is provided for within the School Access Analysis. It should be noted however, due to the distance created by the location of the new subdivision and the existing schools; it is highly unlikely that pedestrian travel will occur with any frequency. Final location and design ofthe school access path shall be approved by the Federal Way School District and the Federal Way Public Works Department prior to issuance of construction permits for infrastructure improvements. School service areas are reviewed annually and may be adjusted to accommodate enrollment growth and new development. School impact fees, as authorized by City ordinance and collected at the time of building permit issuance, are currently $3, I 69.00 per single-family housing unit. School impact fees are determined on the basis of the district's Capital Facilities Plan and are subject to annual adjustment and update. Northlake Point Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Federal Way Hearin!tExaminer File #06-106495-OO-SU I Doc. I.D. 42589 Pa~5 C. Parks & Open Space - The applicant has chosen to satisfy the open space requirement of FWCC Section 20-155 via a fee-in-lieu payment, which is recommended to be approved by the City of Federal Way Parks Director. The fee-in-lieu of open space payment shall be calculated on 15 percent of the most recent assessed or appraised value of the property. On-site parks and open space requirements are discussed in Section VI of this report. D. Fire Protection - The Certificate of Water Availability from the Lakehaven Utility District indicates that water will be available to the site in sufficient quantity to satisfy fire flow standards for the proposed development. South King Fire and Rescue requires that a fire hydrant be located within 350 feet of each lot. The exact number and location of fire hydrants will be reviewed and approved by South King Fire and Rescue. IX. UTILITIES A. Sewage Disposal- The applicant proposes to serve the proposed plat by a public sewer system managed by Lakehaven Utility District. A July 21,2006 signed, Certificate of Sewer Availability (Exhibit II) indicates the district's capacity to serve the proposed development through a Developer Extension Agreement (DEA) between the applicant and the district. B. Water Supply - The applicant proposes to serve the subdivision with a public water supply and distribution system managed by the Lakehaven Utility District. A July 21, 2006 signed, Certificate of Water Availability (Exhibit 12) indicates Lakehaven's capacity to serve the proposed development. If additional hydrants or other fire protection systems are indicated, a Development Extension Agreement may be required. C. Drainage Facilities - Development of the site will create additional runoff from new impervious surfaces such as streets, driveways, and rooftops. Storm drainage facilities are being designed in accordance with the 1998 King County Surface Water Design Manual (KCSWDM) and the City's amendments to the manual. The applicant's December 2006, preliminary Conceptual Storm Drainage Analysis (Exhibit 13) by Rykels Engineering Group, Inc., was reviewed by the City's Public Works Department. The preliminary design proposes to collect and convey stormwater runoff through a series of pipes and catch basins into a private stormwater detention and water quality treatment facility located near the southeast portion of the North Lake Pointe site. The stormwater detention and water quality treatment facility will be located in a separate tract that will be dedicated to the City at final plat. Access to the facility will be via the existing pond access (Tract H of the plat of Northlake Ridge) located just east of the proposed North Lake Pointe Pond. Final review of the stormwater quality and detention pond will occur in conjunction with the plat improvement engineering plans. X. ANALYSIS OF DECISIONAL CRITERIA The FWCC establishes review procedures and decisional criteria for deciding upon various types of land use applications. Pursuant to FWCC Chapter 20, "Subdivisions," Section 20-110, preliminary Northlake Point Preliminary Plat SlaCf~llp9Jt kHH~~~~~ File #06.106495-<>O-SU I Doc. I.D. 42589 hgrlT plat applications are submitted to the Hearing Examiner for public hearing. The preliminary plat application and the recommendation of the Hearing Examiner are submitted to the City Council for approval or disapproval. Hearing Examiner Preliminary Plat Decisional Criteria - Pursuant to FWCC Section 20-126(c), the Hearing Examiner may recommend approval of the proposed preliminary plat only if the following decisional criteria are met Decisional criteria and staff responses are provided below. 1. The project is consistent with the comprehensive plan. Staff Comment: The application is subject to the adopted 2003 Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (FWCP), which designates the property as Single Family - High Density. The proposed land use, Single-Family Residential plat, with 9,600 square foot minimum lot size (RS-9.6), is consistent with density allowances and policies applicable to this land use as established in the FWCP. 2. The project is consistent with all applicable provisions of the chapter, including those adopted by reference from the comprehensive plan. Staff Comment: The preliminary plat application is required to comply with the provisions of the FWCC Chapter 18, "Environmental Policy"; Chapter 20, "Subdivisions"; Chapter 22, "Zoning"; and all other applicable codes and regulations. Future development of the residential subdivision will be required to comply with all applicable development codes and regulations. As proposed, and with conditions as recommended by staff, the preliminary plat will comply with all provisions of the chapter. 3. The project is consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare. StajJComment: The proposed preliminary plat would permit development of the site consistent with the current Single Family - High Density land use classification of the FWCP and map. Proposed access and fire hydrant locations must meet all requirements of the South King Fire and Rescue. Future development ofthe plat in accordance with applicable codes and regulations will ensure protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. 4. It is consistent with the design criteria listed in Section 20-2. Staff Comment: The proposed preliminary plat would promote the purposes identified in FWCC Section 20-2, and the standards and regulations therein, as identified in the staff report, including effective use of land, promotion of safe and convenient travel on streets, and provision for the housing needs of the community. As proposed, and with conditions as recommended by City staff, the preliminary plat application complies with all provisions of the chapter. 5. It is consistent with the development standards listed in Sections 20-151 through 157, and 20-158 through 187. Staff Comment: Development of this site is required to comply with the provisions of FWCC Chapter 18, "Environmental Protection"; Chapter 20, "Subdivisions"; Chapter 22, "Zoning"; and all other applicable local and state development codes and regulations. As proposed, and as recommended by City staff, the preliminary plat application complies with all applicable statutes, codes, and regulations. Northlake Point Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Federal Way Hearing"Examiner File #06-J06495-OO-SU I Doc. J.D. 42589 Pail< 7 XI. FINDINGS OF FACT Based on an analysis of the proposed action, environmental record, and related decisional criteria, the Department of Community Development Services finds that: 1. The proposal includes the subdivision of 3.7 acres into 12 residential single-family lots and a private stormwater detention facility. An existing single-family home (and all associated _ buildings on site) located in the northwest section of the subject property will be demolished and another existing single-family home located along the western property line will be retained. 2. The preliminary plat application is subject to the 2003 FWCP, and the codes and regulations in effect at the time the application was deemed complete, which was January 17,2007. 3. The subject property is designated Single Family - High Density in the 2003 FWCP. 4. An Environmental Determination ofNonsignijicance (DNS) was issued for this proposed action on August 22,2007. No appeals of the SEPA decision were submitted to the City. 5. Zoning for the site is RS-9.6 (minimum lot size 9,600 square feet). Properties to the north, east, south, and west of the subject property are also zoned RS 9.6. The proposed residential subdivision and density is consistent with applicable zoning and subdivision regulations. 6. Pursuant to FWCC Section 20-153, on this 3.7-acre parcel, the maximum number oflots allowed is 12. The 12 proposed lots comply with applicable density requirements. 7. As proposed, each lot contains an adequate size and shape building envelope to contain a future single-family residence. Building setback lines (BSBL) are identified on the preliminary plat map. 8. A significant tree survey was submitted with the application. There are a total of 66 significant trees on the subject property. The applicant has proposed to remove 18 of these trees from the interior of the site for the engineering phase of the project. Pursuant to FWCC Section 22-1568, no tree replacement is required. City policy and FWCC Section 20-179 state that existing mature vegetation shall be retained to the maximum extent possible. Trees that may be left on individual lots following the plat infrastructure construction may be, and likely will be, removed during individual home construction. However, any significant trees removed during individual home construction will be subject to the preservation and replacement standards of the FWCC. 9. The clearing and grading limits proposed on existing tree removal plan (Exhibit 1) will result in clearing and grading a portion of the site and removal of an existing single-family home in the northwest quadrant. 10. Development of the site will create additional runoff from new impervious surfaces such as streets, driveways, and rooftops. Storm drainage facilities are being designed in accordance with the 1998 KCSWDM and the City's amendments to the manual. The applicant's preliminary Conceptual Storm Drainage Analysis by Rykels Engineering Group Inc. (received December 29, 2006), was reviewed and has been preliminarily accepted by the City's Public Works Department. Northlake Point Preliminary Plat StaffRe,",'H&~~Way ~EJlA...;"U File #06-106495-OO-SU / Doc. 1.0.42589 ~~ Water quality treatment is required on site. The proposed stormwater detention options are in compliance with KCSWDM, as adopted by the City, and are adequate to serve the proposed development. Final review and approval of the private storm drainage facilities as shown on the engineering plan will occur in conjunction with full drainage review. The private stormwater tract shall be dedicated to the homeowners who shall be responsible for its maintenance. The maintenance agreement for the private storm drainage tract shall be included on the plat and the language approved by the City. The stormwater detention facility shall be accessed via the private access tract that is part of the plat. 1 I. The City's Traffic Engineer has reviewed the project and concluded that the proposed street layout of the North Lake Pointe subdivision is consistent with the adopted codes and comprehensive plan in place at the time of the complete application. South 333rd Place is designated as a minor collector. 12. Final location and design of the school access path (if required) shall be approved by the Federal Way School District and the Federal Way Public Works Department prior to issuance of construction permits for infrastructure improvements. 13. Water and sewer facilities are available from the Lakehaven Utility District and are adequate to serve the proposed development. It is the applicant's responsibility to secure all necessary water and sewer services from the utility provider. 14. The applicant has chosen to satisfY the open space requirement of FWCC Section 20-155 via a fee-in-Iieu payment, which has been recommended for approval by the City of Federal Way Parks Director. The fee-in-lieu of open space payment shall be calculated on 15 percent of the most recent assessed or appraised value of the property at the time of final plat approval. 15. The proposed preliminary plat is permitted by FWCC Chapter 20, "Subdivisions," and Chapter 22, "Zoning." 16. The proposed subdivision and all attachments have been reviewed for compliance with the FWCP; FWCC Chapter 18, "Environmental Protection"; Chapter 20, "Subdivisions"; Chapter 22, "Zoning"; and all other applicable codes and regulations. As proposed, and recommended by staff, the preliminary plat is consistent with the FWCP and all applicable codes and regulations. 17. Prior to final plat approval and recording, all required and approved improvements will be constructed, or the improvements appropriately bonded, per City code requirements. XII. RECOMMENDATION Based on review of this application, environmental record, and pertinent decisional criteria, the Department of Community Development Services recommends approval of the preliminary plat subject to the following conditions: I. Final plat approval shall require full compliance with drainage provisions set forth in the FWCC. Compliance may result in reducing the number and/or location of Jots as shown on the preliminary approved plat. Final storm drainage engineering plans shall comply with the following: Northlake Point Preliminary Plat Staff Report to the Federal Way Hearing Examiner File #06-I06495-00-SU I Doc. 1.0. 42589 Page 9 A. Drainage plans and analysis shall comply with the ]998 KCSWDM and amendments adopted by the City of Federal Way. City of Federal Way approval of the drainage and roadway plans is required prior to any construction. B. The combined detention and water quality facility shall be designed to the Level ] Flow Control and basic water quality treatment criteria of the 1998 KCSWDM, as amended by the City of Federal Way. Final review of the stormwater quality and detention facility will occur in conjunction with the plat engineering review. 2. The proposed subdivision shall comply with the current City of Federal Way Public Works Development standards for this project, including the following requirements: A. The private access tract shall be improved to the private access tract standard and shall be limited to serving Lots 2,3,4, and 5. Lots 2,3,4, and 5 shall have undivided ownership of the tract and be responsible for its maintenance. The maintenance agreement for the private access tract shall be included on the plat and the language approved by the City. Improvements shall include a 38-foot width tract and 24-foot pavement width with vertical curb, gutter, and a five-foot wide sidewalk on both sides of the street. B. The northerly plat road connection to 38th Avenue South (shown as South 33200 Place on the plans), shall be constructed as follows: a 20-foot paved roadway with curb and gutter along the north margin, a four-foot planter strip with street trees, five-foot sidewalk, and a three- foot utility strip with streetlights, all within a 32-foot right of way. The remaining interior plat road (shown as 39th Place South/South 333rd Place on the plans) shall be constructed to City standard roadway section "u" as follows: a 32-foot paved roadway, with curb and gutter, four-foot planter strips with street trees, five-foot sidewalks, and three-foot utility strip with streetlights, all within a 56-foot right-of-way. Street frontage improvements along 38th A venue South shall be constructed to a City standard Type "S" street section, consisting of a 36-foot street with four-foot planter strip with street trees, five-foot sidewalks, and three-foot utility strip with streetlights, within a 60-foot right- of-way. The applicant's engineer needs to verify that a 30-foot right-of-way has been dedicated. Assuming a symmetrical cross section, frontage improvements are required and should be measured from the street centerline. Street lighting is required on all streets, pursuant to FWCC Section 22-] 522. 3. Clearing for the construction of the plat improvements (roads, pond, and utilities) shall be generally consistent with the clearing limits depicted on the Preliminary Road Grading, Storm Drainage, and Utility Plan, Sheet 4, which was prepared by the applicant for the preliminary plat process. The clearing limits referenced above are the approximate clearing limits necessary for road, utility, pond, and necessary lot grading, and may be modified with the approval of the Community Development and Public Works Departments during final engineering plan review as required to reflect changes in road and utility designs, if any. Northlake Point Preliminary Plat ~~~ i1~~ Way. HeaJ.mg. E:+amHieJ- File #06-J06495-OO-SU / Doc. J.D. 42589 ~~ 4. An existing 30-foot wide utilities and access easement which runs east to west on the northern portion of the subject property (in the future right-of-way which also transects Lot 6) must be vacated prior to final plat approval. XIn. LIST OF EXHIBITS I. Preliminary Plat of North Lake Pointe revised 5/29/07, Existing Tree Removal Plan 5/29/07, Preliminary Road Grading and Utility Plan revised 5/29/07, Existing Conditions 5/29/07, all by RykeJs Engineering Group, Inc. 2. Vicinity Map 3. Master Land Use Application 4. Notice of Application 5. SEP A DNS for North Lake Pointe 6. Environmental Checklist for North Lake Pointe 7. Final Staff Evaluation for SEP A Checklist, North Lake Pointe 8. Conceptual Storm Drainage Analysis, received December 29,2006, Prepared by Rykels Engineering Group, Inc. 9. March 2003 (revised), School Access Analysis, prepared by Russell D. Millard, Six Pointe Investments, LLC 10. Lakehaven Utility District Certificate of Sewer Availability, signed July 20, 2006 11. Lakehaven Utility District Certificate of Water Availability, signed July 20,2006 12. Technical Information Report, prepared by RykeJs Engineering Group, Inc., December 29,2006 Note: Copies of exhibits are not enclosed with all copies of this report. All exhibits have been provided to the Hearing Examiner. TRANSMITIED TO THE PARTIES LISTED HEREAFTER: Federal Way Hearing Examiner Applicant Agent: Russ Millard 24725 230th Way SE Maple VaHey, WA 98038 Northlake Point Preliminary Plat SlaffReportlo the Federal Way HearingExaminer File #06-106495-OO-SU I Doc. 1.0. 42589 Pag.e I I 41ST Pl SOUTH ~j;~ (J) i!;11 i'l!ill~ :r IliI; .~~ :< m g -'Ii ~al:l~ m ;'1 -l ~ If ""Sir ~. ,- z ; Vi I ;;1- 0 .. z I m ~I <> 3; -l'~ Z _..J ;.'~'~" X 8 t~ ~ - i' '!if I '. l: .~ ) <5 I ::flH -,.I .N Ii I!I IR I!I 3 '~~M I!I ';, m IMICI Ie IIWM 'I~ ." ~.. II '-1- 1ii~1 ~I' !III~I -I' ,~" I~! I" . I Ii!I I., .' 'I J~ I:~ !~ ., j.~ I~ . .~. a or ~ii I- i . ~i!il: .~ ,~~ ~~ I,f 'ii il~! di Ii I !i: I ~; 11': I ~iSilq: . . ! t ~~WI JIii~ I" 1ft Ii ~ I ~hlli!i i:! ~; ~~I ! ,;~ I ~ ~Ig .~ 'I~ ,I 1~1ii IM~ . ~ ~ ~ I: i ~ .~ ~. ~ ~ ~ . ~I. . !11i 'I! " ~ ~.Ii ;: ~~~ M ;: I.il~ ~. II' Si . I 1 ~~: 1'1 , lft ~~ I~ il'M I I l PI! ~ ~ b Iii , ~ I Ii! Ii JI~ '. 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D WIllARD <06-941-3000 . ~;~~::~~~~ z o ;0 -I J: r- )> ^ ~m ~1J ~O z;~ z 6- -I ()~ m g~ en ;~c -<" - !::1 OJ :ei5 0 >'" - VJ:r < I- - z~ en c;)Z _ d~O ~~z >. -~ " ~m '0 m ~ r- ~ :< ~ en J: Z G) -I o Z -l ;;0 f"Tl 0 f"Tl ;;0 f"Tl s::: I 0 0 ~ .... !!! r i -0 i. );: z )> z 0 G) ;;0 )> S2 z G) ~n is ~i 1m r " "! Ii~ II:S, "*, I ~~m '~ i~ ~S ~ .~ ~~I!I@ =~ 5 II: !il J@ '. ~~ "1:5 ,I, I~ iw. ~ S alii - R " l ~~i ~ .Ii i;~, j ;1 sll I , . 1HJJ:; ~ r-)( EXISTING TREE REMOVAL AND PREUMlNARY GRADING PLAN = ~ ~ NO,RTH LAKE POlNTE 1HOT SUBDIVISION,FEDERALJrAY; WA q~~Jt\ll~A~'M~LE vAllE'!, WA 9803ll . . ' OIlNERS REP: RUSSEll D MllLARD.D6-941c3DDO 00 '" ~ ~ g) 00 '" NORTH AKE RIDGE fT1 . X tn ::::j z C) ;;d fT1 fT1 Vl . (") :::r: fT1 o C r fT1 -0 fT1 ::0 Vl C , ::0 r?i -< mnmmmmsmnumn. iiliiit1iiii~l;ii;i:ii:ip:fi ~m~~mmiijnj~j..mJJilf ""~~~~~~~,~~'l8~~~~~m' ~IPif~lillllll~:rlrtlml& 'i fI ~ I f . ~~;;~~:~:O:~~ N 00 z o :::0 -i J: !; ^ ",m ~ ...1J ~O 2S~ Z ~U; -I o:...m gi (IJ ~~C :<~ OJ :e; 0 )>~< - Ul:r :c- - Z~ en 0% - b~C :z~ 2 ~. :-<" ~m '0 m ~ r ~ -< ~ CIJ :r z CV -I o Z COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 15,2008 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: 2008 Planning Commission and Long Range Planning Work Program POLICY QUESTION: How should the 2008 Planning Commission Work Program be prioritized? COMMITTEE: Land Use Transportation Committee (LUTe) MEETING DATE: December 17,2007 CATEGORY: D Consent D Ordinance D Public Hearing D City Council Business D Resolution IZI Other "~.!~!!"~~_Q~!J~!~""M~garet~~~!s_~_~!?:io~.R!~~"~""_.".."._"__...."....."....."......"_"..._~~.!!..:._~?.~~~~."~"~~~~?~~~~~._........"_."_._."._...... ATTACHMENTS: December 6, 2007, Staff Report to the LUTC with Exhibit A OPTIONS CONSIDERED: See December 6, 2007, Staff Report to the LUTC STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Include those items required to be completed by state law (Section F of the 12/6/07 Staff Report) and other amendments that have been started but not yet completed (Section D of the 12/6/07 Staff Report) in the Planning Commission Work Program. Concur with the LUTC's prioritization of the reminder of the code amendments. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: Council Committee Council COMMITTEE REcO (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLEDIDEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 1:\2008 Planning Commission Work Program\121707 LUTC Meeting\Agenda BilL doc COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # ~ CITY OF ,~~ Federal Way CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT DATE: December 6, 2007 Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) Cary Roe, Assistant City Manager fJ41I'l. Greg Fewins, Interim Director of Community Development Services Margaret H. Clark, AICP, Senior Planner ~ TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: 2008 Planning Commission and Long Range Planning Work Program MEETING DATE: December 17,2007 A. POLICY QUESTION How should the 2008 Planning Commission Work Program be prioritized? B. BACKGROUND At the beginning of each calendar year, the Planning Commission's Work Program for that year is approved by the City Council. The purpose ofthis memorandum is to assist the LUTC and City Council in approving a work program. An update was presented to the Planning Commission on October 17, 2007, and they recommended for inclusion in the 2008 Work Program an amendment to Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 18, "Environmental Protection," in order to address carbon emissions associated with development. This memorandum includes the following information: 1. 2007 Planning Commission Work Program - Items Completed in 2007 (Section C of this staff report). 2. 2007 Planning Commission Work Program - Items to be carried over into 2008. Work items started in 2007, but not yet completed (Section D ofthis staff report). 3. Other Long Range Planning Responsibilities. We have included other long-range planning projects that are not part of the Planning Commission Work Program but are required to be done on an annual basis by King County or the State of Washington (Section E of this staff report). ( , 4. 2008 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - This is a list of citizen-initiated comprehensive plan amendment requests that will be presented to the LUTC on February 4, 2008, for a recommendation to the City Council on which ones should be selected for further study (Section F of this staff report). 5. Recommended Prioritization of Code Amendments for 2008 - This is a list of potential code amendments to be included as part of the 2008 Planning Commission Work Program. Since there are more amendments on the list than can be completed by staff during 2008, we have organized them by High, Medium, and Low Priority in an attempt to assist you in prioritizing them (Section G of this staff report). A staff recommendation is presented in Section I of this staffreport. 6. Other Long Range Work (Addendum and Supplement to the Planned Action SEPA) is described in Section H of this staff report. 7. Exhibit A - This is a list of potential code amendments that staff has been adding to over the years but have been unable to work on due to them not being a high enough priority or based on staff workload. C. 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION WORK PROGRAM - ITEMS COMPLETED IN 2007 The following is a list of items completed in 2007. 1. Flag Lots - Amended the zoning code to clarify how flag lots should be regulated. 2. 2006 Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Seven site-specific requests were approved. In addition, various chapters of the comprehensive plan were amended to address the BPIBC code amendments (see below). The BPIBC comprehensive map amendment also altered the boundaries of the Community Business (BC) and former Business Park (BP) zone and created a new Commercial Enterprise (CE) zone. 3. BPIBC Code Amendments - The City adopted a new Commercial Enterprise (CE) zoning district, which is based on the BP designation with expanded uses. 4. Height Increase - Allowed increased building heights for certain uses in the BC zone. 5. Housing - Allowed single-family units (small lot detached development) and zero-lot line townhouse development in multifamily zones. 6. Increased Short Plat and SEP A Thresholds - Amended FWCC Chapter 20, "Subdivisions," to increase the maximum number oflots in a short plat from four to nine lots. Amended FWCC Chapter 18, "Environmental Protection," to increase the SEP A residential categorical exemption threshold from four to nine lots and from four to nine residential units. 7. 2005-2007 Shoreline Master Program Update - The City updated the Shoreline Master Program (SMP). The SMP provides policy guidance and land use regulations for shoreline areas and adjacent upland areas within 200 feet of the shoreline within the City.l 1 Staff completed the Master Program Update. It has been submitted to the Department of Ecology for their review and approval. Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) Staff Report 2008 Planning Commission and Long Range Planning Work Program Meeting Date: December 17,2007 Page 2 8. Shoreline Stringline Setback - Amended FWCC Chapter 18, Article III, to add flexibility in measuring the shoreline stringline setback. This is being addressed as part of the SMP update. I D. 2007 PLANNING COMMISSION WORK PROGRAM -ITEMS TO BE CARRIED OVER INTO 2008 The following two amendments are part of the 2007 Planning Commission Work Program that were started in 2007, but are not yet completed. Work on these amendments will continue in 2008: 1. Significant Trees, Vegetation Retention, Clearing and Grading - This involves a review of and amendment to the current City of Federal Way zoning and subdivision code requirements related to the preservation of significant trees, vegetation retention, and site grading. Staff has conducted two study sessions with the Planning Commission to date. The next step is to invite developers, representatives from the Master Builders Association, Friends of the Hylebos, Puget Sound Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, and interested citizens to a Planning Commission Study Session. This study session is scheduled for January 16,2008. 2. South 356th Subarea Plan - This is a study to determine whether the Single-Family Residential (RS) 15.0 designated parcels located south of SW 356th Street and west of 1 st Avenue South should be considered for higher density. Potential impacts on drainage and traffic associated with increased density are being evaluated. The next step is to ,brief the LUTC on these findings. This briefing is scheduled for February 4, 2008. E. OTHER LONG RANGE PLANNING RESPONSIBILITIES The following table shows reporting or monitoring work required by King County or the State of Washington to be done on an annual basis. This is not part of the Planning Commission Work Program. Description Status Required by State Law ANNUAL REpORTS Office of Financial This is an annual report provided to the RCW 43.62.030 requires OFM to Management Yearly State Office of Financial Management annually determine the population of all Population Estimate Report (OFM). cities and towns of the State of Washington as of April 1 st. King County Benchmark This is an annual data request made of RCW 36.70A.130 required Countywide and Annual Growth all cities by King County to fulfill Planning Policies (CWPP's) to be Information Report requirements of the Growth adopted by King County by July I, Management Act (GMA). 1992. The CPP's set up the Benchmark Program to assess progress in meeting the CPP's. Track and Inventory Under the Buildable Lands Program, six RCW 36.70A.215 requires evaluation Buildable Lands counties, including King County, must of data collected under the Buildable annually collect data on land capacity Lands Program. and development activity from their cities and unincorporated areas. Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTe) Staff Report 2008 Planning Commission and Long Range Planning Work Program Meeting Date: December 17, 2007 Page 3 F. 2008 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS The City accepts applications on a yearly basis for amendments to the Federal Way Comprehensive Plan (FWCP) text and map. Pursuant to FWCC Section 22-523, after the September 30th deadline for accepting applications, the City Council shall hold a public hearing and select those amendment requests it wishes to move to the Planning Commission for further consideration. It is the City's practice that all City business be presented to a Council committee, in this case the Land Use/ Transportation Committee (LUTe), before Council deliberation. The following is a list of citizen-initiated comprehensive plan amendment requests that will be presented to the LUTC on February 4, 2008, for a recommendation to the City Council on which ones should be selected for further study: 1. Request from Mr. Un-Ha Shin to change the comprehensive plan designation and zoning of two parcels totaling 5.01 acres located east of Pacific Highway South at approximately the 27700 block and directly east of the Silver Shadow apartment complex, from Single Family High Density and RS 7.2 (one unit per 7,200 square feet) to Multi-Family and Multifamily Residential (RM 2400- one unit per 2,400 square feet). 2. Request from Federal Way Village LLC (developer of the Federal Way Village project at Kitts Comer) to change the comprehensive plan designation and zoning of 1.53 acres located at 33901 Pacific Highway South, from Multi-Family and Multifamily Residential (RM 2400 - one unit per 2,400 square feet) to Community Business and BC zoning. 3. Request from Ms. Trinh Nguyen to change the comprehensive plan designation and zoning of two lots totaling 0.3 acres located at the southwest comer of the intersection of South 288th Street and 18th Avenue South, from Multi-Family and Multifamily Residential (RM 3600 - one unit per 3,600 square feet) to Community Business and BC zoning. 4. Request from Mr. Peter J. Koszarek to change the comprehensive plan designation and zoning of the northern portion of a 19.86 acre-parcel located south and west of 21 st Avenue SW and directly south of the Lakota Palisades I and Lakota Ridge subdivisions, from Single-Family Medium Density and RS 15.0 (one unit per 15,000 square feet) to Neighborhood Business and BN zoning. 5. Request from Mr. Robert Velasco to change the comprehensive plan designation and zoning of 0.75 acres located at the northwestern comer of Hoyt Road SW and SW 340th Street from Single- Family High Density Residential and RS 9.6 (one unit per 9,600 square feet) to Neighborhood Business and BN zoning. G. RECOMMENDED PRIORITIZATION OF CODE AMENDMENTS FOR 2008 The following is a list of potential code amendments to be included as part of the 2008 Planning Commission Work Program. Since there are more amendments on the list than can be completed by staff during 2008, we have organized them by High, Medium, and Low Priority, in an attempt to assist you in prioritizing them. Land UsefTransportation Committee (LUTe) Staff Report 2008 Planning Commission and Long Range Planning Work Program Meeting Date: December 17, 2007 Page 4 High Priority 1. Amendment to increase the maximum allowable height in the City Center-Core (CC-C) and City Center -Frame (CC-F). 2. Amendment related to the 120-foot maximum fa~ade length requirement of the Community Design Guidelines. 3. Amendment to consider reducing how open space requirements are met in the CC-C and CC-F zones. 4. Amendment to delete the maximum allowable density for senior housing in the Community Business (Be) zone. This is a citizen-initiated request; however, it is one that would have been initiated by staff in the absence of being initiated by a citizen. 5. Amendment to FWCC Chapter 20, "Subdivisions," and Chapter 22, "Zoning," to incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) Techniques. Whether this remains a high priority depends upon obtaining technical assistance from the Puget Sound Partnership. A determination as to whether the City is successful in obtaining this assistance should be received by the end of 2007. 6. Amendment to allow home occupation day cares in an existing residential dwelling in commercial zones. This amendment is required to comply with state law. 7. Amendment to allow the Director of Community Development Services the flexibility to determine the allowable hours of construction on a case-by-case basis. 8. Amendment to adopt regulations allowing storage containers in non-residential and/or residential zones. Medium Priority 1. Amendment to FWCC Chapter 18, "Environmental Protection," to address carbon emissions. 2. Amendment related to development standards for adult family homes. 3. Amendment related to revising the Community Design Guidelines. It has been II years since the Community Design Guidelines were first adopted and it may be time to revisit them. 4. Amendment related to maximum lot coverage for single-family development. 5. Amendment to regulate the size of secondary/accessory buildings and to clarify how the size of an accessory dwelling unit (ADD) is calculated. 6. Amendment to adopt an approval process and criteria to locate heliports. 7. Amendment related to allowing churches in all zones. Currently, churches are allowed in all residential zones and the Community Business (BC), City Center-Core (CC-C) and City Center- Frame (CC-F) zones, but not in the Professional Office (PO), Neighborhood Business (BN), Commercial Enterprise (CE), or Office Park (OP) zones. 8. Amendment to allow increased building heights for certain uses in the Neighborhood Business (BN) zone and require buildings to be located adjacent to rights-of-way. 9. Amendment to allow increased building heights in the Community Business (BC) zone. Low Priority I. Amendment to FWCC Chapter 20, "Subdivisions," to simplify the submittal requirements for plats. 2. Amendment to FWCC Chapter 22, "Zoning," to require design standards and development requirements for essential public facilities. This is an omission in the current code. 3. Amendment to FWCC Chapter 22, Article XVIII, "Signs," to allow off site signs for special events. 4. Amendment to FWCC Chapter 22, "Zoning," to require applicants to hold traffic-related neighborhood meetings, when necessary, related to mitigation of traffic impacts. 5. Amendment to FWCC Section 22-952 pertaining to "Junk and Junk Yards" in order to clarify what constitutes junk, particularly on developed lots. Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) Staff Report 2008 Planning Commission and Long Range Planning Work Program Meeting Date: December 17, 2007 Page 5 6. Amendment to make FWCC Chapter 22, Article N, "Nonconformance," and Article XVI, "Improvements," consistent pertaining to who is authorized to conduct an appraisal of property. 7. Amendment related to revising the process for permitting cell towers and wireless facilities and their development standards. It has been 10 years since the regulations were first adopted and it may be time to revisit them. H. OTHER LONG RANGE WORK Recent proposals for residential development in the Planned Action EIS area have exceeded assumptions. In addition, the City is anticipating even more residential development in that area based on recent inquiries. Therefore, in the short term an addendum to the Planned Action EIS will be prepared and in the longer term, a Supplemental EIS may have to be prepared. Neither document is required to be presented to the Planning Commission, LUTC, or City Council. Staff may also be involved in the preparation of a strategic plan to address how we will use the money from the Lift Legislation. The City will receive up to $30 million over 20 years. This money can be used to construct grid streets, parks, and structured parking in the downtown. It is unclear at this time whether the Planning Commission will be involved. I. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the code amendments to be included in the 2008 Planning Commission Work Program be those listed under "High Priority" in Section G of this staff report. As in the past, it is the staffs intention to complete the adopted work program by the end of the calendar year; however, some items may have to be carried over to the 2009 Work Program if we are unable to complete them in 2008. J. COMMITTEE OPTIONS The LUTC and/or City Council may add additional items to the 2008 Planning Commission Work Program, or may modify the priority order recommended by staff. Staff can work with the LUTC to re- prioritize the list at the December 17th LUTC meeting, or come back to your next meeting with a prioritized list. K. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION Forward the LUTC recommendation to the , 2008, City Council Consent Agenda. 1:\2008 Planning Commission Work Program\121707 LUTC Meeting\LUTC StaffReport.doc/12/12/2007 2:59 PM Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) Staff Report 2008 Planning Commission and Long Range Planning Work Program Meeting Date: December 17, 2007 Page 6 EXHIBIT A LIST OF CODE AMENDMENTS CHAPTER 18 -- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Page Section/Title Explanation of ProblemlRational for Change 18-8 18-51(a) & (b) Amend the SEP A appeal process from Process IV to Process III. Process IV doesn't work well for an appeal (e.g. decisional criteria doesn't work; traditional 1724 processing is awkward). Also, clarify the process for different types of SEP A appeals. CHAPTER 20 -- SUBDIVISIONS Page Section/Title Explanation of ProblemlRational for Change NA Subdivisions in general Add provisions for plat corrections. These provisions would be for fixing minor typographicaVscrivners errors on recorded plats. We have had several recent requests and needs for these types of plat fixes. See document in Silverwood folder 01-1031 04-00-SU. King County has plat correction code provisions I have used as a guideline, see KCC 19A.08.120. 20 Preliminary plat Add criteria to define a major and a minor change to the preliminary plat. CHAPTER 22 -- ZONING Page Section/Title Explanation of ProblemlRational for Change Codify process and development standards for uses such as a mobile taco stand or outdoor accessory use that is in place just during working hours. Consider amending Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) provisions to eliminate setback requirements for critical areas when separated by an existing road or other physical barrier of a certain width or type. 22-21 22-33 Development application submittal requirements... (b) Contents... (8) Eight complete and bound sets of drawings... This section requests elevations, but does not request floor plans. We need to add "floor plans" to the list of required items because it is impossible to understand elevations without the corresponding floor plans. For site plans, we need "existing site plan" and "proposed site plan" in order to determine what is being changed. We also need "existing" and "proposed" for building elevations and floor plans. 22-42 22-351 Add provisions for an expiration period for Process I Director's Approval. Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTe) Staff Report Exhibit A - List of Code Amendments 2008 Planning Commission and Long Range Work Program Page 1 CHAPTER 22 -- ZONING Page Section/Title Explanation of ProblemlRational for Change 22-44.1 22-365 Process II Process II approval criteria list only some things from the design guidelines. approval criteria For example, it lists 1634, but not 1635. I think it should simply say, "(c) Community design guideline decisional criteria" and stop there. Here is the excerpt: 22-45 Process II Add provisions for an expiration period for Process II Site Plan Review. 22-65 22-488( c)(1)(b) These two principal criteria are too limiting for making a rezone decision. Add additional criteria-call Municipal Research to get other rezone criteria examples. 22-75 22-552 This code section allows for a 60 day temp use permit, with the possibility for an additional 60 days for a total of 120 days. However, Chapter 9 states that temporary business registrations are only issued for a maximum of 90 days without the possibility of an extension. These two duration periods should be coordinated one way or the other. Various Various Modify temporary use, outdoor activity exemptions for certain temporary uses, and temporary business registration provisions for consistency. Need to allow a broader range of temporary sales particularly by zone (e.g. pedestrian type sales in the city center; non-profit sales; school activities such as food sales at football games). 22-85, 22-601, Various The current development regulations governing church uses are unable to Various accommodate the modem day church facility/campus. Modem churches now have large secondary schools, daycares, youth services, and large office buildings on site. The current development regulations do not contemplate the mixed use nature of the modem church campus in terms of setbacks, heights, use process, etc. 22-249 22-967(5), PWSF 22-967(5), Standards for electronics equipment enclosures, lists the following as priority #3: "Equipment enclosures shall be placed above ground in an enclosed cabinet that shall not exceed six feet in height and occupy more than 48 square feet of floor area, including areas for maintenance or future expansion." This is becoming a problem because many proposals are calling for cabinets up to 7"6". One proponent has said that the manufacturer does not make that type of cabinet shorter, so they are proposing to build shed enclosures instead. However, a shed is more bulky and intrusive than a cabinet. Also, some of these sites are already developed with multiple carrier cabinets in a fenced enclosure, in which case building a shed for one carrier does not make sense. Proposed solution: Change the code to state, "shall not exceed eight feet." 22-259 22-1093 Consider adding new Land Surface Modification (LSM) exemption criteria (it would be #14) that would state that those noxious weeds, as identified on the Washington State Noxious Weed List, which are designated (which means the state requires their removal) are permitted to be removed outright. Those noxious weeds that are identified by the state but not designated for removal can be permitted to be removed with director's approval looking at scope and scale of removal, and potential need for remediation of disturbed area. Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTC) Staff Report Exhibit A - List of Code Amendments 2008 Planning Commission and Long Range Work Program Page 2 CHAPTER 22 -- ZONING Page Section/Title Explanation of ProblemlRational for Change 22-269 22-1248, Critical areas Homeowners who wish to add small additions or decks to their houses often exemptions face a major obstacle if the existing house was built in part of a critical area, such as a steep slope or stream buffer. The only provision of the code for allowing them to build an addition is a costly and time-consuming Process IV with the hearing examiner. Other cities have critical area exemptions for minor improvements in order to avoid situations like this. These exemptions could also apply to commercial and mixed-use projects. 22-296 22-1564(i) Code gives measurements for "small shrubs," "medium shrubs," and "large shrubs" but nowhere in the code is landscaping described as either "small" or "medium" - only "large." Perhaps we could simply say, "Shrubs in Type I, II and III landscaping shall be a minimum of 24 inches in height, shrubs in Type IV landscaping shall be a minimum of 12 inches in height." 22-299 22-1564 Need to clarify which requirement supersedes when there is a conflict between setbacks/required yards and landscaping requirements. 22-299 22-1566(c) Need to clarify landscaping requirements for single family uses in the Multifamily Residential (RM) zone. 22-1568(c)(I)(g) and One section requires a 12-foot replacement tree and the other requires a 10- (c)(5)(b) foot replacement tree. Is there a good reason for the different standards? 22-325 22-1634 and 22-1635 The design guidelines could use some revision and clarity overall. One thing that might help would be to combine the site design section with the building design section, because some things listed under "site design" apply to building design. For example: 22-1634(4), "Project designers shall strive for overall design continuity by using similar elements throughout the project such as architectural style and features, materials, colors, and textures." This is something that could apply, even ifthere is just one building on the site. 22-328 22-1635 Add a standard for screening exposed rooftop mechanical units with both new construction and remodels. This will provide a basis to require that pre-existing, ugly rooftop units are screened as part of major facelifts (as "reasonably related" to the remodeling). ESA section Delete reasonable use criteria from various Environmentally Sensitive Area modification sections. Consider using the SEP A approach as criteria that uses a priority order of avoidance, minimizing impacts, mitigation, etc. Various Principally 22- Separate single-family parking and driveway regulations into separate 1135(1)(a); and subsections; preclude driveways and parking from required side yards with 1134,1403, 1453, and modification provisions and decisional criteria (e.g. constraints, access to 1424 principal parking area! structure, use rights and privileges like others). Various Chapter 22, Article Create administrative review processes for rehabilitation activities within XIV, ESA all ESA's buffer areas. Refer to stream and wetland rehabilitation provisions as examples. Unknown Create new provisions to allow a second kitchen area in single-family homes under certain conditions without triggering Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADD) provisions. Land Use/Transportation Committee (LUTe) Staff Report Exhibit A - List of Code Amendments 2008 Planning Commission and Long Range Work Program Page 3