LUTC PKT 01-14-2008 City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee City Hall Council Chambers January 14, 200S 6:00 p.m. MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 17, 2007 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. S 30Sth St Stormwater Facility Modification Project - Project Acceptance B. Wildwood NTS-S 29Sth Street (Military Rd to 25th Ave S) Action 5 min/Bucich Action 5 min/Tirhi C. NTS Policy Revisions Action 15 min/Tirhi D. Ming Court - Request to Amend Preliminary Plat Conditions Discussion 15 min/Barker 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS 6. ADJOURN City Staff Cary M. Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager/Emergency Manager Darlene LeMaster, Administrative Assistant II 253-835-2701 Committee Members Jack Dovey, Chair Linda Kachmar Dean McColgan G:ILUTCILUTC Agendas and Summaries 10081/-/4-08 LUTC Agenda.doc City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee December 17, 2007 5:30 pm City Hall City Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Committee Chair Jack Dovey, Committee Member Linda Kochmar, Committee Member Dean McColgan; Council Member Jeanne Burbidge, Assistant City Manager/Chief Operations Officer/Emergency Manager Cary Roe, Deputy Public Works Director Ken Miller, City Staff Attorney Monica Buck, Acting Deputy Public Works Director Marwan Salloum, Surface Water Manager Paul Bucich, 'City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez, Acting Direct of Community Development Services Greg Fewins, Senior Planner Margaret Clark, Associate Planner David Lee, Senior Traffic Engineer Maryanne Zukowski, Code Compliance Officer Greg Vause, Street Systems Project Engineer John Mulkey and Administrative Assistant II Darlene LeMaster. 1. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Dovey called the meeting to order at 5 :30 p.m. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The November 5, 2007 LUTC meeting minutes were approved. Moved: McColgan Seconded: Kochmar Passed: Unanimously 3. PUBLIC COMMENT Nancy Combs - Ms. Ccmbs expressed disappointment in the amount of overdevelopment, in her opinion, which has been allowed in Federal Way. Ms. Combs also expressed her reasons for supporting a strong-mayor form of government. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. 1 Oth Avenue S Stormwater Trunk Replacement Proiect - 30% Design Status Report Paul Bucich provided backg4round information on this item. There was no discussion. Moved: Kochmar Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 Committee PASSED Option 1 to the January 15, 2008, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. B. Acceptance of Grant Fi.mding for Transportation Improvement Proiects John Mulkey provided background information on the item. There was no discussion. Moved: McColgan Seconded: Kochmar Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 Committee PASSED Option 1 to the January 15, 2008, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. C. South 356th Street at SR99 Intersection Improvement Proiect - 100% Design Status Report John Mulkey provided background information on the item. Committee Member Kochmar asked for clarification between the TIB grant funding of $4.7 million and the grant money just approved in the prior item of $4.3 million. Mr. Mulkey explained that the difference in the figures, approximately $378,210 had been accepted from the TIB back in 2003, therefore making the total funding available $4.7 million. Committee Member Kocbmar asked where mitigation funds would be coming from. Mr. Mulkey answered that mitigation for traffic impacts would be generated from development of the surrounding area. Committee Chair Dovey asked for explanation on the project's bidding schedule. In a combined effort, both Mr. Mulkey and ACM Roe explained that design of the project is complete and project funding is in place. Due to a similar project that will be constructed in close proximity in mid 2008 (S 348th Street HOV), staff made a conscious decision to try to reduce impact to residents and commuters by not having both parallel east/west corridors under construction at the same time. Secondly, TIB funding for this project will not be available until August 2008. Waiting until March 2009 to bid the project will allow the G:\LUTCILUTC Agendas and Surrunaries 2007112-17-07 Minutes.doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 2 July 2, 2007 S 348th St project to be further along as well as be the best bidding climate for the project. Staff was congratulated by Council Member Burbidge for a job well done on this project as it was the TIB's top scoring project. Committee Member Kochrnar asked that although staff is waiting to bid this project in 2009, are the construction costs estimated in 2008 costs. ACM Roe explained that staff attempts to take into consideration growing construction costs, especially in this case, where it will be some time before bidding actually occurs. In the event that construction costs rise higher than anticipated or that bids are returned much higher than the engineer's estimate, staff will come back to the Committee for direction. ACM Roe said there is flexibility in when the project goes out to bid and when construction actually begins. Staffhas taken the unpredictable factors (weather, bidding climate, construction costs) into consideration when determining the best time to bid this project. Mr. Salloum added that should the S 348th St project be completed earlier than anticipated (S 348 St project completion anticipated for Oct.-Nov. 2008), bidding the S 348th St project sooner would be a good idea. Moved: Kochmar Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously; 3-0 Committee PASSED Option 1 to the January 15, 2008, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. D. City Center Access Studv Maryanne Zukowski provided background information on the item. There was one public comment on this item. H. David Kaplan - Mr. Kaplan expressed concern over whether or not the funding for this project is adequate for the project. So often it seems that unexpected tasks and costs surface. The budget does not have much flexibility if something unforeseen comes up. Committee Chair Dovey acknowledged that the consultant contract is not a bid contract, but wondered why there wasn't a spreadsheet, tabulating costs in comparison to other consultants. How does staff or the Council know if the negotiated contract compensation is average, high or low in comparison to other consultants? Ms. Zukowski answered that state law does not allow the hiring of engineers (professional service agreement) based on price. Staff selected the consultant based on qualifications. ACM Roe restated the selection process and state law that binds this process. ACM Roe also addressed Mr. Kaplan's comment, and stated that he is confident that this project will be completed within the approved budget. Staff will be continuously reviewing the budget and reevaluating tasks as necessary to stay within the budget. Committee Chair Dovey asked about a 7% contingency, rather than the typical 10% contingency normally seen in a construction contract. ACM Roe restated that the contingency allows for any unexpected tasks and that the 7% contingency should be adequate and allow for any unforeseen tasks/costs. Committee Member McColgan wonders if the $3.2 million that will be spent on studying the project is worth the possibility that parts of this project mayor may not ever be built. ACM Roe stated that this is a huge project that involves many, many smaller projects, environmental studies, traffic impact studies, etc. The smaller components are very important on their own. ACM Roe believes that the City has an opportunity to receive grant monies for many of the smaller components. Moved: McColgan Seconded: Kochmar Passed: Unanimously; 3-0 Committee PASSED Option 1 to the January 15, 2008, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. E. Resolution to Certify the Cost of Abatement for the Hoban Property Monica Buck provided background information on this item. There was no discussion. Moved: Kochmar Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously; 3-0 Committee PASSED Option 1 to the January 15, 2008, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. F. North Lake Pointe Preliminary Plat David Lee provided background information on this item. Committee Member Kocbmar inquired as to the age of the two existing homes that will remain part of the North Lake Pointe Plat as well as if there were any significant findings from the Hearing Examiner. Mr. Lee was did not have the exact ages of the two G:ILUTC\LUTC Agendas and Surrunaries 2007112-17-07 Minutes.doc Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 3 July 2, 2007 existing homes and said that the Hearing Examiner had no significant [mdings. Committee Chair Dovey asked if there are any significant trees. Mr. Lee said there were not. Moved: Kochmar Seconded: McColgan Passed: Unanimously; 3-0 Committee PASSED Option 1 to the January 15, 2008, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. G. 2008 Planning Commission and Long Range Planning Work Program Margaret Clark provided background information on this item. Council Member Burbidge's question regards the proposed changed in off-site signage. Council Member Burbidge requests that staff consider what may be necessary to have a banner stretched over/across a road for an even. Also, she would like staff to consider a kiosk to be placed in the City Center area. The kiosk would be an opportunity for additional signage and possible off-site signage. Council Member Burbidge would also like staff to review whether it is still necessary to require a Process 3 for organizations such as FUSION that are developing transitional housing. Ms. Clark will look into this. Committee Member Kochmar asked Ms. Clark to comment on Nancy Comb's earlier public comment, referring to trees cut down for new housing and commercial developments. Ms. Clark remarked on one particular plat development that after receiving their permit from the City, applied for a permit from the Dept. of Natural Resources that allowed the developer to take down the trees. ACM Roe gave additional examples of why we are seeing mass grading on the remaining developable land in Federal Way. Committee Member Kochmar inquired about cottage housing and access dwelling units (ADU's, formally known as mother-in-law apartments). Ms. Clark responded that ADU's can either be attached or detached from the main single-family home. The lot requirement for detached ADU's is 15,000 sq. ft. Staff is seeing a public interest in ADU's and if the requirements are met, the City allows them. As for cottage housing, the City had three developers apply for cottage housing. Two of the three are currently moving forward with their projects. Committee Member Kochmar wanted to make sure the Planning Commission hears back on how the LUTC and Council respond to their recommendations. Ms. Clark confrrmed that a portion of each Planning Commission meeting review and updates the Commission on any Committee or Council decision, question, request, etc. Committee Member Kochmar asked about the interest in high-rise building above 200 ft. Ms. Clark commented that the Symphony project may have been the catalyst, bringing lots of interest in bringing high-rise buildings into the City Center. Committee Chair Dovey noted that there is item on High Priority and on Medium Priority regarding building heights. He requested that the lists be revised to combine both items into one. He also asked that #7 on the Medium Priory list be reevaluated (allowing churches in all zones). Staff will then make every attempt to get through all items on the High Priority list in 2008, however with additional items on the High Priority list; items at the end of the list may have to be carried over into the following year. Added to the High Priority list are: banners and kiosks in the sign code, the transitional housing process, height issues in all commercial zones (currently the top priority) and churches in all zones. The Committee will only be recommending approval of the top priority items. Moved: McColgan Seconded: Kochmar Passed: Unanimously; 3-0 Committee PASSED the following recommendation: "Include those items required to be completed by state law (Section F of the 12/6/07 Staff Report) and other amendments that have been started but not yet completed (Section D of the 12/6/07 Staff Report) in the Planning Commission Work Program. Concur with the LUTC's prioritization of the remainder of the code amendments." 5. FUTURE MEETING 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 7:07 PM. G:\LUTCILUTC Agendas and Sununaries 2007\12-17-07 Minutes.doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 5, 200S ITEM #:_ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: S 30Sth St Stormwater Facility Modification Project - Project Acceptance POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council accept the S. 30Sth St. Stormwater Facility Modification Project constructed by Pivetta Brothers Construction, Inc. as complete? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE:, January 15, 200S CATEGORY: [8] Consent D Ordinance D Public Hearing D City Council Business D Resolution D Other .~!A!.~L~!g~_!_!'.:X:J~~~!.~:~~~.~.~~!.~:.~:.~~~fl:t.~~.~~~~~M~~~_8.~~~. DEPT: .~~blic W?~~.._._..__m._..__.__m._.__. Attachments: Land Use and Transportation Committee memo dated January 14, 200S. Options Considered: 1. Authorize final acceptance of the S 30Sth St Stormwater Facility Modification Project constructed by Pivetta Brothers Construction, Inc., in the amount of$104,704.79 as complete. 2. Do not authorize final acceptance of the completed S 30Sth St Stormwater Facility Modification Project constructed by Pivetta Brothers Construction, Inc., as complete and provide direction to staff. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends forwarding Option 1. DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: ee Council Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Place Option 1 on the February 5, 200S Council Consent Agenda for approval. Jack Dovey, Chair Linda Kochmar, Member Vacant PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: HI move approval of acceptance of the S 30Sth S. Stormwater Facility Modification Project constructed by Pivetta Brothers Construction, Inc., in the amount of $104,704.79 as complete. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o T ABLEDIDEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: January 14,2008 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager, C.O.O., Emergency Manager ~ Paul A. Bucich, P.E., Surface Water Manager/~/ S 30Sth St Stormwater Facility Modificati~~t - Project Acceptance BACKGROUND: Prior to release of retainage on a Public Works construction project, the City Council must accept the work as complete to meet State Department of Revenue and State Department of Labor and Industries requirements. The above-referenced contract with Pivetta Brothers Construction, Inc. is complete. The final construction contract amount is $104,704.79. This is $8,213.21 below the project construction budget of $112,918 (including contingency) that was approved by the City Council on June 4, 2007. cc: Project File COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 5,2008 ITEM #:_ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Wildwood NTS - S 298th Street (Military Rd to 25th Avenue S) POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the installation of three speed humps along S 29Sth Street? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: January 14, 2008 CATEGORY: IZI Consent D City Council Business D Ordinance D Resolution D D Public Hearing Other .~!~!!.~!,-Q~!_!J.X:.g,~~~_Ii!.?~-,_~:.~:z._~~~i.'?!.I!.'.l:f~~_~~gi..!1.~~!._.t_!.._I.?~!!.~.~~!?.!.i._~~~!.~_________.._..._._______......-.- Attachments: LUTC memo dated January 14,2008. Options Considered: 1. Authorize the installation of three speed humps along S 298th Street between Military Road and 25th Avenue S. 2. Do not authorize the installation of the proposed traffic calming devices and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option 1. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: Council DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Place Option 1 on the February 5, 2008 Council Consent Agenda for approval. Jack Dovey, Chair Linda Kochmar, Member Vacant PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: HI move to authorize the installation of three speed humps along S 298th Street between Military Road and 25th Avenue s." (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o T ABLEDIDEFERREDINO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: January 14, 2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager, C.O.O., Emergency Manager ~ Rick Perez, P.E., City Traffic Engineer fI/{ Raid Tirhi, P. E., Senior Traffic Engineer R-r Wildwood NTS - S 298'h Street (Military Rd to 25th Avenue S) BACKGROUND: Residents along S 298th St in the vicinity of 25th Avenue S have requested the installation of traffic calming devices in the area to control traffic speeds, minimize cut-through traffic. Currently, adopted NTS installation criteria are based on a point system as follows: 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.3-0.5 0.1 500-1100 26-29 0.5-0.7 0.2 1101-1700 29.1-32 0.7-0.9 0.3 1701-2300 32.1-35 0.9-1.1 0.4 2301-2900 35.1-38 1.1-1.3 0.5 2901-3500 38.1-41 More than 1.3 More than 0.5 More than 3500 More than 41 Notes: · Each fatal collision counts as two injury collisions, · A half additional point is given for corridors fronting parks or schools or on a designated school safe walking route crossing. A traffic study indicated that the subject location had an average daily traffic volume documented at 1,119 vehicles per day and the 85th percentile speed was reported at 40 mph. A total of 1 accident was reported within the last five years. The total severity score measures 3.5 points, which meets the 3.0 minimum severity score to qualify for the installation of traffic calming devices. In a neighborhood traffic safety meeting held on June 6th, 2007, the attending group requested the installation of traffic calming devices along S 298th St. Therefore, to be effective in reducing speeds along Wildwood NTS January 14,2008 Page 2 the street and to improve vehicular and pedestrian safety, the consensus was to install three speed humps near the following home addresses: a. 2621 S 298 St; b. 2437 S 298 St; and c. 2247 S 298 St. In accordance with established NTS policies, staff sent ballots to property owners and occupants within 600 feet of the proposed traffic calming device locations and also to those with the proposal located along their sole access route. The following table summarizes the ballot results: Traffic Calming Device A B C Total Ballots Sent 51 122 75 248 Ballots Returned 19 37% 35 29% 16 21% 70 28% Returned w/o Response 8 13 4 25 Yes Votes 8 73% 15 68% 8 67% 31 69% No Votes 3 27% 7 32% 4 33% 14 31% One of the installation criteria requires a 51 % majority approval of the returned ballots. Based on the ballot results represented in the above table, all locations met the balloting criteria with a 69% average approval rate. The estimated cost of this project is approximately $12,000, which would exceed the $10,000 per neighborhood per year budget limitation policy. However, adequate budget currently exists within the NTS program to fund this proposal. cc: Project File Day File K:\LUTC\2008\1-14-08 Wildwood NTS, 298s25.doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: February 5, 2008 ITEM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Neighborhood Traffic Safety (NTS) Program Revisions. POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the proposed NTS program revisions? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee CATEGORY: [gJ Consent o City Council Business MEETING DATE: January 14,2008 D Ordinance D Resolution o D Public Hearing Other STAFF REpORT By: Raid Tirhi, P.E., Senior Traffic Engineer p.:r DEPT: Public Works __........_........H..........__.........._......................................-............--.............................................................---.................................................-.....................................................................-................................................................................................................................................................-....--...-.... Attachments: LUTC memo dated January 14, 2008. Options Considered: 1. Authorize the proposed NTS program revisions. 2. Do not authorize all proposed NTS program revisions and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option 1. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: Council DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ omm1ttee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Place Option 1 on the February 5, 2008 Council Consent Agenda for approval. Jack Dovey, Chair Linda Kochmar, Member Vacant PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "] move to authorize the proposed NTS program revisions" (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLED/DEFERREDINO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: January 14,2008 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, Assistant City Manager, C.O.O., Emergency Manager ~ Rick Perez, P.E., City Traffic Engineer ~ Raid Tirhi, P. E., Senior Traffic Engineer ~ Neighborhood Traffic Safety (NTS) Program Revisions DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: BACKGROUND: Over the past few years, the Neighborhood Traffic Safety (NTS) program's criterion has undergone several changes. The most recent changes that were approved by Council on June 21, 2005 included additional points for location proximity to schools/parks, and accident severity. In order to better serve the citizens of Federal Way and answer common questions, staff felt a need to better define the NTS program, general conditions, process and minimum criteria. If approved, the proposed program information package changes will be on the City's website. In order to alleviate any misinterpretations to the NTS general conditions or installation/removal process, staff is proposing several minor language changes that will: 1) Clarify intent, such as noting that the balloting results are advisory to City Council; 2) Restructure the program package language; and 3) Streamline the process for both staff and the citizens. Please see the attached existing NTS and the proposed NTS information packages. Following are highlights to the major proposed changes: . Budget: Staff proposes to increase the budget limit per neighborhood per year from $10,000 to $15,000. This should allow the installation of approximately three to four traffic calming devices (depending on total number of active NTS projects) along one corridor. The price per hump increased from $2,000 to $4,200, including all associated signs, within the past five years. . The Balloting Process: The current process is unnecessarily complicated, expensive, time consuming, and confusing to the public. Generally, the proposed changes would not change the outcome of the balloting results but would tremendously reduce staff time in ballot preparation and processing. Most importantly, it would reduce most citizen confusion when they receive multiple ballots on the same Issue: a. Current language indicates to ballot each traffic calming device separately. But, with the absence of other traffic calming devices, one speed hump should not be installed on the street as it proves to be ineffective. A proposed change to the balloting process would be to send ballots to all residents affected by the proposed NTS project. Please see attached example maps 1, and 2. NTS Revisions January 14, 2008 Page 2 b. Staff currently sends a ballot to the property owner and another to the resident that is directly affected by a device. Instead, we propose to send ballots to the affected residents and compare that list to the property owner's list. If they are different, the owner of the property will also be added to the mailing list. . Criteria: There are no proposed changes to the location or accident technical criteria that were approved on June 21, 2005 other than better technical presentation in the tables. However, staff is proposing changes to the severity point scale regarding both speeds and traffic volumes: a. Staff received comments that the existing speed criterion does not have the appropriate point scale in calculating the overall severity score. The existing criteria indicate that the 85th percentile speed needs to be more than 41 mph to qualify for traffic calming devices. With the exception of short cul-de-sacs, staff feels that if the majority of the traffic is driving 10 mph over the speed limit, then the .speed limit should be investigated for revisions, or the road should be investigated for the installation of traffic calming devices regardless of traffic volumes. b. Traffic volumes on collectors are higher than local residential streets. The current criterion does not differentiate between traffic volumes based on roadway functional classification. This may lead to a collector street meeting the minimum criteria merely on traffic volumes without any speeding or cut through traffic issues. Staff is proposing to use the traffic volume criterion based on roadway functional classification (as defined in the Comprehensive Plan) and is proposing different point scales for each roadway classification. Attachments: Proposed NTS program package Marked up NTS program package Existing ballot procedure map Proposed ballot procedure map cc: Project Fi Ie Day File K:\LUTC\2008\1-14-08 NTS Revisions.doc CITY OF ~ Federal Way Neighborhood Traffic Safety (NTS) Program Existing residential neighborhoods in the City of Federal Way may be considered for the NTS program in order to control traffic speeds, reduce cut-through traffic and improve documented pedestrian and vehicular safety issues. Neighborhoods are defined by elementary school attendance areas. The NTS program should not be confused with other City processes required of new subdivisions or commercial developments. The NTS program consists of three phases (the three E's) in the following order: 1) Education, 2) Enforcement, and then 3) Engineering: I) Education: The education phase is intended to increase neighborhood awareness of local speeding issues. In many cases, a handful of speeders are known to the neighborhood and could use a reminder to change their driving behavior. A neighborhood watch program may be launched that could use the following tools: . Include a general article in your homeowner association's (HOA) and/or local school newsletters to remind residents about the importance of obeying speed limits, and to warn residents to be on the watch for speeding traffic. In many cases, the driver is unintentionally speeding and a friendly reminder would be effective. . Contact the Police Department at (253) 835-6775 to request placement of a speed trailer (speed reader board) in your neighborhood. Depending on the location and driver population, this device may change driver behavior for an indefinite time period. Volunteers willing to help the Police Department are always appreciated; please call (253) 835-6730 if interested in volunteering in this program. . Form a speed watch group to document incidents of speeding. Be sure to include any vehicle information: colors, makes, models, license numbers, and the dates and times they pass through a specific location. This information, when compiled for several weeks, should then be submitted to a selected speed watch program manager. Several reports of speeding for the same vehicle should then be reported to the Police Department for enforcement so that officers may more effectively target locations at specific times for emphases patrol. II) Enforcement: The second phase of the NTS program is special enforcement. It may take some drivers a more drastic method (speeding tickets) to change their driving behavior. This usually works for local residential speeds with minimum cut-through traffic. In some cases, the Engineering phase is needed to address the speeding issue. III) Engineering: Citizens that have any questions regarding the NTS program may call the Public Works Department at (253) 835-2700. The NTS program allows the installation of traffic calming devices such as speed humps, speed tables, raised crosswalks, traffic circles, chicanes, signing, pavement marking, or other approved devices. These devices shall only be installed when the following general conditions and criteria are met: A- General Conditions: 1. Less restrictive means of controlling speed (Education and Enforcement) have been attempted without success. 2. The proposed devices may be installed on residential streets functionally classified as local or minor collector. Some devices that do not severely delay emergency vehicles, such as speed tables or roundabouts, may be permitted on principal collectors as long as the posted speed limit does not exceed 25 mph. 3. No devices shall be installed within 600 feet of a traffic signal or 250 feet of a stop sign. As measured along the major roadway movement. 4. For vertical deflection devices, no adverse street characteristics exist, such as steep grades in excess of 8%. In all cases, sight distance standards must be met. 5. Storm drainage problems created by the installation of the proposed devices can be adequately addressed. 6. Each neighborhood may apply for traffic calming devices costing a maximum of $15,000 per year. If the proposed devices cost more than this amount, the neighborhood may form a Local Improvement District (LID) to fund the excess amount. Otherwise, the City may phase and fund the excess amount in a future year (minimum of 12 months from installation) and based on a first-come, first-serve basis. 7. The City will not fund the installation of traffic calming devices in cul-de-sacs that are less than 600 feet long. B- Installation Process and Criteria I) To be considered for the installation of traffic calming devices, a City prepared or approved petition must be submitted to the City. The petition must be signed by owners or residents representing at least ten parcels within the affected area specifying the problem's nature and exact project location and limits. 2) A traffic study will then be conducted to see if the program technical criteria (severity score) is met. Currently, the City considers four criteria to qualify a street for traffic calming devices: a) Majority Speed: The 85th percentile speed averaged for both directions. b) Volume: The Average Daily Traffic total of both directions. c) Location: Half a point is given for streets fronting parks, schools, or designated school crossings. d) Collisions: A five-year reported collision history (frequency and severity) IS investigated for collisions that may be correctable by traffic calming devices. Depending on roadway functional classification, each criterion is scored on a scale of 0.0 to 3.0 points as shown in Tables 1 through 3 below. The total severity score is added for each category for a maximum 15.5 points. A three point minimum severity score is needed to continue with the program regardless of how the points were collected: K:\ TRAFFIC\NTS\NTS Program Criteria, R VS 01-19-08 .doc. 2/4 Table 1 Local Residential Street NTS Criteria Point 85th Percentile Average Daily Location 5- V ear Collision History Scale Speed Traffic (ADT) School/Park Total Injury Fatal 0.0 0-25 o - 500 No 1 - - 0.5 26 - 27 501 - 600 Yes 2 - - 1.0 28 - 29 601 - 700 - 3 1 - 1.5 30 - 31 701 - 800 - 4 - - 2.0 32- 33 801 - 900 - 5 2 1 2.5 34 - 35 901 - 1,000 - 6 - - 3.0 36+ 1,001+ - 7+ 3+ 2+ Table 2 Minor Collector Street NTS Criteria Point 85th Percentile Average Daily Location 5- V ear Collision History Scale Speed Traffic (ADT) School/Park Total Injury Fatal 0.0 0- 25 0-1,000 No 1 - - 0.5 26 - 27 1,001 -1,800 Yes 2 - - 1.0 28 - 29 1,801 - 2,600 - 3 1 - 1.5 30 - 31 2,601 - 3,400 - 4 - - 2.0 32 - 33 3,401 - 4,200 - 5 2 1 2.5 34 - 35 4,201 - 5,000 - 6 - - 3.0 36+ 5,001 + - 7+ 3+ 2+ Table 3 Priucipal Collector Street NTS Criteria Point 85th Percentile Average Daily Location 5-Vear Collision History Scale Speed Traffic (ADT) School/Park Total Injury Fatal 0.0 0- 25 o - 5,000 No 1 - - 0.5 26 - 27 5,001 - 7,000 Yes 2 - - 1.0 28 - 29 7,001 - 9,000 - 3 1 - 1.5 30 - 31 9,001 - 11,000 - 4, - - 2.0 32 - 33 11,001 - 13,000 - 5 2 1 2.5 34 - 35 13,001 - 15,000 - 6 - - 3.0 36+ 15,001+ - 7+ 3+ 2+ K:' TRA FFIC\NTS'NTS Program Criteria, R VS 01- I 9-08 .doc. 3/4 3) If a project does not meet the 3-point minimum severity score, the contact petitioner is informed about the study results and is asked to inform those who signed the petition of the results. In such a case, additional education and enforcement would be the proposed solution. 4) If the project meets the above criteria, the City will hold a neighborhood meeting to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various traffic calming devices and to develop a consensus solution. In addition to residents, staff from the School District, Police, and Fire Departments may also be invited. Public meetings are usually advertised by posting signs on the subject roads. 5) Ballots are sent to all properties abutting the streets and are within 600 feet (measured along street centerlines) of the proposed project location. Ballots are also sent to properties where the proposed devices would be located along their sole access route as determined by the Public Works Director. A simple majority (more than 50 %) of returned ballots is necessary to carry the project forward to City Council for final approval. The ballots are only utilized to measure neighborhood project support and are advisory to Council who may modify the proposal. 6) The ballot results may be delivered to the neighborhood utilizing signs on the street or by conducting a second neighborhood meeting. 7) If a project's severity score is at least 6 points, staff may develop a proposal with citizen input and the balloting process may be bypassed. 8) If the ballot measure passes or if the total severity score is at least 6 points, the proposal is presented to the City Council sub-committee, and if passed, is then presented to the full Council for final approval. 9) If the ballot measure fails, a one-year waiting period is required to restart the process. 10) If approved by Council, the traffic calming devices would be installed as soon as budget, weather, and the contractor's schedule permits. C- Removal Process and Criteria Traffic calming devices may be removed when all of the following criteria are met: 1) A City prepared or approved petition signed by owners or residents representing 10 or more lots within the affected area must be submitted to the City. The affected area includes properties abutting streets within 600 feet of the existing device location, measured along street centerlines, and properties which the existing devices are located along their sole access route as determined by the Public Works Director, and 2) Property owners and residents within the affected area shall be sent a City prepared or approved ballot by first class mail. More than 50 % of the returned ballots must vote affirmatively, concurring with the removal of devices. This ballot is advisory to City Council, who may modify the proposal, and 3) An adequate review period (minimum of 12 months from installation) and subsequent engineering analysis has been performed to determine the traffic characteristics along the route and the impacts to the remaining street system. K:\TRAFFIC\NTS\NTS Program Criteria, RVS OI-19-08.doc. 4/4 ~ -~ CITY OF.~"",_ Federal Way TRAFFIC CALllflNG DEVICE INSTALLATION/ REAfOVAL CRITERIA Trtlffic Ctll1Hin~ !nshllltlno/'l Neighborhood traffic calming humps, traffic circles, requested by neighborhood ~ CITVOF ~ Federal Way Criteritl devices may inelude speed chicanes, or other devices residents and approved by Neh!hborhood Traffic Safetv (NTS) Pro2ram E, istin' residential nei 1hborhoods in the City Council. These devices shall only be installed \vhen f Federal \Yav mayJ2~ cQll?i<JIT~~JQ[ th~j:iI2--R@2E~rn.in order to control traffic speeds. reduce c t-through tratIie and im rove documented pedestrian and vehicular safety issues. Neighborhaods defined b' the nearest eclementarv school attendance areas. The NTS program should not be c nfused with other Cit, )rocesses ree uired :fFem-of new subdivisions or commercial developments. TeNTS ra'!Tam consists afthree phases (the three E's) in the following criteria are met order: ~ : JJj::i!!J~~!Ji~m,-:n!~llJor~_cmt:'!lL1!l!9-'-.h(:n .JHi.n.wee ring: TIle education phase is intended ta increase tlw-neighborhaod a\vareness of tbelocal speeding issues. In manv cases. t!le-a handful afspeeders are a handful of dri';ers that are kno-wn to the neighbarhoad and could use a reminder to change their driving behaviar. A neighbarhaod watch program may be launched that may-cauld usef the tollowing tools: · Include a general article in your homeowner association.s (HOA) and/or ~local school newsletters to remind residents abaut the importance of obeying speed limits" and to warn ffie-.residents to be on the watch for speeding traffic. -In many cases, the driver is unintentia!lallv_.dri':ing o\-er the g2eeding,.l-tmtt--~nd a Jbcndly reminder wouldtt be ~etTecti ve. -Form a speed '.vatch group to document incidents of speeding. Be sure ta include vehicle colors, make~;, license numbers, and the dates and times they passed throu~h a specific lacation. This information, ,,,,hen campiled for :;e\.cral weeks, shauld then be submitted to a selected ~;peed \,;atcl1 pragram manager. Several reparts 1.11' speeding far the same vehicle should be reported to the Palice Department far enforcement so that they may more effectively target :;pecific lacations at specific time~; tor special patrol. · Contact the Police Department at (253) -835-6775 to request placement of a speed trailer wee<J_!~der.J!~~~1<JLi11_Yml.L-'1t:jgh!>ilIhoQL {2~~D9 ing _..9_"_Jho IQcati9!LJ!!ld dr:i vel' population, thisstl€-!:l deVice may change driver behavior tor the day, a month of fef gBOOan indefinite time period. Volunteers willing to coordinate with thelp the Police Department are always v:elcome and are appreciated: please call (253) 835-6730 if m!ere_~~_d in ~:Ql!mt~ering it:Lilii1'ij)IQgr~lIt . Form a speed watch group to document incidents of speeding. Be sure to include any vehicle infonnation: colors. makes, models, license numbers, and the dates and times !h~y pass through 1L-;;Q..e~iJic lQ_~atiQD. This infOlwation. when cOill]2iled for several weeks, should then be submitted to a selected speed watch program manager. Several rcports of speeding for the same vehicle should then be reported to the Police Department fr~r enforcement so lhaU2fJig~I,,_!DAY.J:!lOre effectively targ~t locations at_sm;cific times for emphases patrol. II L--Ent"orcemellt: The second phase of the NTS program is special enforcement. It may take some drivers a more drastic metho<.Upay for a speeding tickets) to change their driving behavior. This usually works for local residential speeds with minimum cut--through traffic. In some cases, the EngiDeerjp-R-.I!-has.e i~Dee<-l~Q. to_ad~!:es~_ the speeding issue. U;;L -EIlf!inccrinf!: Citizem-.JJlat have any questionsEgarding the NTS program may call the Public Works Department at (253) 835-2700. The NTS program may-allows the installation of traffic ~almimLdevice~_sllch_ a~_g~~r,Lll!:llIm5~eed tables, r;1ised. crosswl1Ik", traffic circles, chicanes, signing, pavement marking. or other approved devices. These devices shall only be installed when the tollo\ving general conditions and criteria are met: K:\TRAFFrc:.NTS NTS Program Criteria. RVS (Il::L')-08.doc. 2/7 A- General Conditions:! General Conditions: L 1. Less restnctIve means of controlling speeding speed (Education and Enforcement) have been attempted without success~ (ob':iousi.e. public education, radar reader board, special enforcement, speed watch, :;igning, etc.). 2. 2. The proposed devices shall only !lli!Y-be installed on residential streets functionally classified as local or minor collector, except that. Some devices that do not ~everek_delay emergency vehicles, such as speed tables or roundabouts~ may be permitted on principal collectors as long as the posted speed limit does not exceed 25 mph. ......ith posted speed:; of 25 mph. 3. The proposed devices shall only be installed on streets ',yhich have no more than hvo lanes, or where the overall pavement width is not h'Teater than 40 feet. 1. The proposed devices shall only be installed on streets where legal posted speed limit doe:; not exceed 25 MPHmph. 3. 5. No devices shall be installed within '.vithin 600 feet of a traffic signal or 250 feet of a stop sign. As measured along the maior roadwav movement. 6. No device.:; shall be installed at locations ',vhichthat have less than the minimum safe stoppin;; :;ight di:;tance '.vRich is of 150 feet at 25 MPHmph. 4. 7. For vertical detlection devices, nNo adverse street characteristics exist, such as steep grades in excess of 8%%. In all cases, sight distance standards must be met. 6f :;eyere horizontal or vertical curves. 8. &5. Storm drainage problems created by the installation of the proposed devices can be adequately addressed. 9-:6.9. Each neighborhood may apply for traffic calming devices costing a maximum of $1 ()~,OOOf _ -per year, where a neighborhood is. Neighborhoods are de tined by the elementary school attendance areas. If the proposed devices cost more than this amount, thea neighborhood_ group must may form a Local Improvement District (LID) to fund the excess amount. Otherwise, the City may QtL;'!se and fund the excess amount in the~ following future year (minimum of 12 months from installation) and based on a first: come, first::-serve basis. Proccss: 7. 1. To be considered for The City will not fund the installation of traffic calming devicc~t.:.vi<;.rs iQsul.:.cle:sacs that are less than 600 feet 10[lg,program bude;et B- Installation H--Process and Criteria I K:\TJ1-~FFIC\J~'b"'TSJ'rogram Criteria. R\li.ill.::l2::08.doc 3/7 a) Installation: I) To be considered for the installation of traffic calming devices, a Citv prepared or mm!Q.~_~ipetition must be submitted 10 the C!!Y-,-.~Lh..u!etition m!!.~!J)c signed by owners or residents representing at least ten lots or parcels within the affected area. The affected area includes properties abutting streets within 600 feet of the proposed devices location, measured along street centerlines and properties which the proposed devices would be located along their sole access route as determined by the Pub lie VI orks Director specifying the -P..I9blem ' ~_natur~ and exactnroiect location gnd Jimi.t~. 2. The total 2) A traffic studv will then be conducted to see if the program technical criteria (severity score based on accident history, aceident severity, average daily trame, and ) is met. Currently. the Citv considers four criteria to qualify-et' a street for traffic calminj:!; i mpro vement:;devices: a)M'!ll)ritv SRecd: The 85th percentile speedJ!'y~rag~_<Lfor__both 9ircctions., b) Volume: The Avcrage Dailv Traffic total ofb01b.dire.f..tions. c) Location: Half a point is given for streets fronting parks, schools. or designated ~~ho~2.1 cr.9J>~L~, d) Collisions: A -five-year reported collision history (frequency and severity) is investigated for collisions that may be con'cctable bv traffic calming dcvicesfrequency and ~,e\'crity., Q-cpending on roadway functional classification, Beach criterion is scored on a scale of 0.0 to JJlpoin~~_shown on Table I shall be at least 3.0. in Tables I through 3 below) for a possible total of 12.5 point:;.. The total severity score is added tor each category tor a maximum 15.5 pointsall criterion points. A three point minimum severity score is needed to continue with the program regardless of how the points were collected:o I biRAFFIC\NTS\N1'S Pnlgram Criteria. RVS OI-19-08.doc. 4/7 Table I: Sew:rity Scorillg Poillt Scale -F€ ffits Acoidents,IV ear1\. verag 1\.','erage Daily Ifljffi=y 85th Percentile Speed e Daily Traffio Traffic8Sth Percentile Accident~; Per Injury l\ccidentsiYeur* (5 year history)(t'..;o ~ ffia.F (mph in either way total) (two "'lay total)(mph in (5 year history) direotion)(5 year either direction) , L-,) 0.3 0.5500 1100 500 110026 29 0.13 0.5 26 290.1 ,() 0.50.71101 1700 1101 170029.1 32 0.25 O. 7 29.1 320.2 ~ 0.70.91701 2300 1701 230032.1 35 0.37 0.9 32.1 350.3 ~,() 0.9 1.12301 2900 2301 290035.1 38 0.49 1.1 35.1 380.'1 t~ 1.1 1.32901 3500 2901 3S0038.1 /11 0.51.1 1.3 38.1 110.5 :: ,() More than 1.33500 l\tore than 3500/11 Morcthun More than 410.5 MH Table 1 Local Residential Street NTS Criteria * Note: Fatal collisions will count as tv,'o iniury collisions 3. ^ ,LA. Point 85th Percentile Avera~e Daily Location Scale S eed Traffic ADT School/Park Total 0.0 0-25 0-500 No 1 - - - - 0.5 26 - 27 501 - 600 Yes ~ - - - - .L.Q 28 - 29 601 - 700 - ~ 1 - - - ~ 30 - 31 701 - 800 - 1: - - - - - 2,0 32 - 33 801 c 900 - Q ~ 1 - 2.5 34 - 35 901 - 1 ,000 - Q - - - - - 3.0 36+ 1,001 + - 7+ 3+ 2+ - Table 2 Minot- Collector Street NTS Criteria Point 85th Percentile Average Dailv Location 5-Year Collision History Scale SDeed Traffic (AOT) School/Park Total In.lurY: Fatal 0.0 0-25 o - 1,000 No 1 - - 0.5 26 - 27 1 ,001 - 1 ,800 Yes 2 - - 1.0 28 - 29 1 ,801 - 2,600 - 3 1 - - 1.5 30 - 31 2,601 - 3,400 - 4 - - - - 2.0 32 - 33 3,401 - 4,200 - 5 2 1 K:ITR-\FFIC\NTS\NTS Prolo-'fam Criteria. RVS (, I-I 9-08.doc. 5/7 2.5 3.0 34 - 35 36+ 4,201 - 5,000 5,001+ Q 7+ 3+ 2+ Table 3 Principal Collector Street NTS Criteria Point 85th Percentile Average Dailv Location 5-Year Collision Historv Scale Sneed Traffic lADT\ School/Park Total Iniurv Fatal 0.0 0-25 o - 5,000 No 1 - - - 0.5 26 - 27 5,001 - 7,000 Yes 2 - - - 1.0 28 - 29 7,001 - 9,000 - 3 1 - - 1.5 30 - 31 9,001 - 11,000 - 4 - - - 2.0 32 - 33 11 ,001 - 13,000 - 5 2 1 2.5 34 - 35 13,001 - 15,000 - 6 - - - 3.0 36+ 15,001 + - 7+ 3+ 2+ - 3) If a proiect does not meet the 3-point minimum severity score. the contact petitioner is informed about the study _r~!llt~ anc:Lis askedt.<Linfi:!.lJTI those who signed the petition of the results. In such a case. additional education and enforcement wouldwill be the-fmly proposed solution, 4}If the proiect meets the above criteria. the Public W orl~s DepartmentCitv -will hold a neighborhood meeting will be held to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various traffic calming devices at the subject location.and to develop a consensus solution. In addition to residents, staff from the City-s Departments of Public Works and School District. Police '.",ill be at the meeting. Police, and Fire Department statf willDepartments will-may also be invited. -Public meetings are usually advertised bv posting signs on the subiect ~~ides of the roads in the vicinity of the projeot location, ~ 4. If the total sevcrity soore is at least 6.0. no balloting '"ill ooour and the proposal will be vreseflted to the City Council sub committee. as desoribed in Step 6 below. Otherwise. property o'lmers and residents within the affeoted area shall be sent by first class mail a city prepared or appro'/ed ballot. Property ovmers \",ho are also residents 'NiB receiye one ballot, although if returned, will be equivalent to two Yotes. Half (50%) of the returned ballots must vote affirmati'/ely, concun-ing with the installation of the proposed devices. 5) 5. Ballots are sent to all properties abutting the streets and are within 600 feet (measured along street cel}t~:lines )Qf the -2IQl?osed proiect location. Ballots-,1Ie also sent ,...aHd-to properties where the proposed devices would be located along their sole access route as detennined bv the Public Works Director. Each device is balloted separately, afld-aA simple maiority (51 % or more than 50 %) of retumed ballots is _necessary to carry the proiect forward to ~City Council for final approval. The ballots are only utilized to measure neighborhood project support and arc advisorY to Council who may modify the proposal. 1)11' a project's severity score reaches 6 or more points, staff would develop a proposal with citizen input and the balloting proce:;s may be bypas~;ed. I K:TRl\FFlC\NTS\NTS Program Criteria. RVS CU -19-08.doc, 6i7 fi6) The ballot results may be delivered to the neighborhood utilizing signs on the street or by conducting a A--second neighborhood meeting will be held to deli','er the balloting results. 7) If a project's severity score is at least 6:-- points, staff may develop a proposal with citizen iill2ut ang the ball.Q1ing process may be b}'Qassed..:. ID-If the ballot measure is passedpasses or if the total severity score is at least 6-:() points, the proposal is presented to the City Council 8$,sub-committee, and if passed, is then presented to the full Council for final approval. 9) 7. If the ballQt mea~~rej1li1s. a one-year waiting~Dod is r~quired t9 restart the process. lQ)Jf approved by the City Council, the traffic calming devices wHtwould be installed as soon as budget weather permits, and the contractor's schedule permitss. Traffic CtllmingC- Removal Process and Criteria b) Removal: I Neighborhood traffic calming devices located v/ithin the City of Federal Way may be removed when all of the following criteria are met: 11-1. To be considered for ~raffic calming devices removal, a uA City prepared or approved petition must be submitted signed by owners or residents representing 10 or -at least tentenmore -lots or parcels within the affected area.,.- must be submitted to the City. The affected area includes properties abutting streets within 600 feet of the existing device location, measured along street centerlines, and properties at-which the existing devices are located along their sole access route as determined by the Public Works Director, and 2.1-2. Property owners and residents within the affected area shall be sent by first class mail; a ~eity prepared or approved ballot by first class mail. Property O'l.'T:Iers who are also residents will receive one ballot, although if returned, will be equivalent to h,,+,o votes. Half (ballots. (. More than 50 % M-%}-of the returned ballots must vote affirmatively, concurring with the removal of devices. This ballot is advisory to City Council, who may modify the proposal, and 11 J.:.-An adequate review period (minimum of 12 months from installation) and subsequent engineering analysis has been performed to determine the traffic characteristics along the route and the impacts to the remaining street system. K:\TR.^.ffIC\NTS\NTSCRIT DRAFT REV '02.DocK:\TRAFFIC\NTS\Ruid\2003 NTS Program Criteria. doc RVS. 08 08 (g I K:\l'RAFFIC\NTS\NTS Program Criteria. RVS ell-I') 08.doc 7/7 8 E '" .., 8 ~ S'l '" ex; >- as m ~,: en R .! ..> "15 l!! 21 (I)~~r---~ ~ c:r::<.@~~ !!i~~~=s"'o tU_>5 o(l)!~€ ~~i5~~~lH ~o~G:c;s.f~~ Q) a.s.... ro :J ~~ (.) ......0 go: roC) me +:i CJ) .x w ~ ~ - ~ CU ~-C ~ICP ~ ~~ <!'" - ~ -- ... ~l:l ;;;:;: <!... -... "'- <!'" f---.-_._,_ " .." l::i:' !:I" rtr ~ n Ih~lil'" ~nt~f... ~~~ _ _,..-- f-i~ II) !l ill!l " 2~ ~" <!_~ ~:o:: <!8 "'''ill<! 1.;...." ":;: h- Is iSS 2~=-- ~ i~ ~ ~8 "0 ~...... " en is ~~"<!g 2~ _~~~ i ~\ en s~ ~ lillil " co..- r-o-....o ~~ ~~ :8 0') Sg ~~ <!8 fl:J~ - " lils !l8 ~ is ~8 fOS ~ft ~ 2 m ~i U) ~~ ..." 'OJ." !l !l8 S8 ~" lilOi '~"!l is " is o co 0 "'".R ~ 0 0 ..<! is' ..'" ~5! ill "':0:: ~ "is 8 "8 ~S 6\ " is ~~ ~ ~g ~re CO g-~ ;;;:;: ... ~8 ~~ ~~ /~V ~~. 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ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Ming Court Clearing Request, File number 07-1 03195-AD POLICY QUESTION: N/A COMMITTEE: LAND USE AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (LUTC) CATEGORY: o Consent o City Council Business MEETING DATE: Jan. 14,2008 o Ordinance o Resolution o ~ Public Hearing Other .~.!~I."F ~.!~9~!JJ.~.:..!;?EB B~ER!._~E:.~Q~.R~ANNE~_..__....oo......___._.___.._..._....!.?!.!.~.:oo.~~S _.__...._00____.__00 Attachments: January 8, 2008 memorandum, with attachments to City Council Land Use/ Transportation Committee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff seeks direction from the LUTC as to how to process a proposed clearing request, which exceeds conditions of preliminary plat approval. Staff sees two potential options for this request: (Option #1) LUTC reviews this request at a regularly scheduled meeting. City staff prepares a staff report about the request and makes a brief presentation at the LUTC meeting; the applicant could make a presentation as well. The public who were notified of the preliminary plat process are notified of this meeting. The LUTC could approve the request and forward a recommendation to the full City Council including a resolution regarding the request. (Option #2) LUTC reviews this request at a regularly scheduled meeting. City staff prepares a staff report about the request and make a brief presentation at the LUTC meeting; the applicant could make a presentation as well. The public who were notified of the preliminary plat process are notified of this meeting. The LUTC could deny the request and direct the applicant to continue development with the existin conditions. No recommendation would be prepared. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ Council Committee Council COMMITTEE RESPONSE: LUTC DIRECTS STAFF TO PROCESS THE REQUEST VIA THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: DIRECTION SOUGHT FROM LUTC, NOT FORWARDED TO CITY COUNCIL. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLEDIDEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # Doc. 1.0. 43338 ~ CITY OF" -7 Federal Way CITY OF FEDERAL WAY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MEMORANDUM To: Jack Dovey, Chairperson Land Use and Transportation Committee FROM: Greg Fewins, Interim Director of Community Development Services Deb Barker, Senior Planner a6 Neal Beets, City Manag~ Ming Court Clearing Request File #07-103195-00-AD VIA: RE: DATE: January 8, 2008 I. STAFF REQUEST Staff seeks direction from the Land Use and Transportation Committee (LUTe) as to how to process a modification proposed to the Ming Court preliminary plat conditions of approval as discussed below, in order to confirm that the modified preliminary plat remains in substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plat. II. SUMMARY OF PROPOSAL The developer has proposed modifications to the Ming Court preliminary plat approved by the City Council on March 15,2005 (Exhibit 1). Specifically, they request permission to modify the clearing limits of the approved preliminary plat and remove vegetation from lots 1 through 15 prior to issuance of building permits for new houses, including removal of all significant trees from lots 7 through 11; removal of trees believed to be diseased and/or dead and hazardous from lots 1 through 6 and 12 through 15; and mitigation of the 41 removed significant trees with replacement trees located on lots 1,2,3,4,5, 10 and 15 (Exhibit 2). III. BACKGROUND Preliminary plat conditions of approval for Ming Court Preliminary Plat included Condition #1 which states: 1. Clearing limits for the construction of the plat improvements (roads, pond, and utilities) shall be generally consistent with the clearing limits depicted on the Conceptual Drainage Plan of 07-103195 Doc. lD. 43343 Ming Court, plan page C1.0, dated March 19, 2004, and prepared by Sitts and Hill Engineers, Inc. (Exhibit A). The clearing limits on the plan sheet referenced above are the approximate clearing limits necessary for roads, utilities, and pond. The clearing and grading limits on the approved plan may be modified with the approval of the Community Development and Public Works Departments duringfinal engineering plan review as required to reflect changes in road and utility designs, if any. The Sitts and Hill plan depicts clearing only for construction of roadways, utility connections, and storm drainage facilities. All other vegetation including significant trees is to remain undisturbed on the majority of the future building lots. As provided for in Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Section 20-179(b), preservation of significant trees shall apply solely to the development of each single- family lot at the time a building permit is applied for. Clearing limits were accurately represented on engineering plans approved by the City in advance of infrastructure construction activities. The developer of the Ming Court plat, Norris Homes, would like to expand the clearing limits and remove vegetation from all lots in the plat in advance of issuance of residential building permit. This includes removal of all significant trees on lots 7 through 11, and all other trees believed to be dead or hazardous on lots 1 through 6 and 12 through 15. As discussed in a January 2,2008 letter from Norris Homes (Exhibit 3), the developer is currently installing plat infrastructure including right-of- way and storm drainage improvements. Once the required sidewalks are installed, removal of existing vegetation behind the new sidewalk will be constrained to a specific method that limits damage to the new sidewalk, and the result is that these trees would be removed via a docking method, where they are cut into smaller pieces and removed from the site as construction debris. According to the letter, the smaller logs are not usable to the timber industry, resulting in waste. Norris Homes wishes to remove significant tree timber in larger usable pieces in conjunction with plat construction. Norris Homes also notes that several large non-significant trees have recently fallen, resulting in damage to adjacent properties. During discussions with a contractor with tree hazard experience, he recommended that any and all hazard trees be removed as soon as possible. This clearing request exceeds the scope of clearing permitted under condition #1 of preliminary plat approval as the clearing requested in advance of building permit issuance is not related to any changes in road and utility design. The effect of the request is that more large trees are removed from the subject site in advance of the final plat and building permit processes, and the developer may save development costs. IV. REASON FOR BRINGING THIS TO LUTe Staff has brought this issue before the LUTC in order to obtain direction as to how to process this request. The developer has a final plat application in for review but the plat is not completed to allow processing of the final plat application, and no building permits can be issued until final plat approval is granted. Under final plat criteria, the City Council must find that a final plat is in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat. The proposed clearing of all vegetation on building lots exceeds that depicted on the preliminary plat and approved engineering plans, exceeds clearing and grading limitations currently found in the City's subdivision code, and is not related to any changes in road or utility design as required by preliminary plat conditions. If staff approved this request without council direction, the final plat would not be in substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plat. 07-103195 Doc. lD. 43343 However, the FWCC does provide some flexibility should the council determine that they can support this particular request. Criteria contained in FWCC Section 20-127 can provide a benchmark as to the significance of a proposed request or modification. Under FWCC Section 20-127, when the Hearing Examiner has forwarded a recommendation on a preliminary plat application to the City Council, the City Council may require or approve a minor modification to the preliminary plat if: 1. The change will not have the effect of increasing the residential density of the plat; 2. The change will not result in the relocation of any access point to an exterior street from the plat; 3. The change will not result in any loss of open space area or buffering provided in the plat; and 4. The City determines that the change will not increase any adverse impacts or undesirable effects of the project and that the change does not significantly alter the project. Although this section does not apply to the current proposal, it may provide reference for the City Council to consider regarding whether to approve or deny the request to modify the preliminary plat. v. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As previously noted, staff seeks direction from the LUTC as to how to process the proposed clearing request which exceeds conditions of preliminary plat approval. Staff sees two potential options for this request: (Option #1) LUTC reviews this request at a regularly scheduled meeting. City staff prepares a staff report about the request and makes a brief presentation at the LUTC meeting; the applicant could make a presentation as well. The public who were notified of the preliminary plat process are notified of this meeting. The LUTC could approve the request and forward a recommendation to the full City Council including a resolution regarding the request. (Option #2) LUTC reviews this request at a regularly scheduled meeting. City staff prepares a staff report about the request and make a brief presentation at the LUTC meeting; the applicant could make a presentation as well. The public who were notified of the preliminary plat process are notified of this meeting. The LUTC could deny the request and direct the applicant to continue development with the existing conditions. No recommendation would be prepared. EXlDBITS 1. Reduced Scale Approved Ming Court Preliminary Plat 2. Reduced scale drawing titled Significant Tree Removal/Replacement Proposed Hazard Tree Clearing Limit Revisions 3. January 2, 2008 letter from Jodey Odegard with Norris Homes 07.103195 Doc. J.D. 43343 ~ ~ uJ "i" eI: Z J- ~~ a:if~5 o~OcOd ....J -1 Z Z QWO- >-I W I- (f) 000<.( 1-~3: :S .::! ~ I ~ n... ..- z V@~5 Z~~g - n... I- Z lIIIIII::::: 0 u. Q ..:::: R: 0 <.(z o I- eI: ,.=~..=-,@-,,,,,,- n... <.( ! J: ~-I .111nOO llNIl'l :10 . 0 ~ Ill, .1 Vld AllVNIl'l11311d I"", · C? Ii] if' ~--h- l:g .,.. .111nOO llNIl'l .......1 \1..) ""'....... """'""..... ,.... -s '''"I t;tS-l9r (sot) ~Z 1&8 VM 'Jlll't'JS J.33~1S HJ.LO~ 3N .Lt6~ tlN~nS .. '~ru::>n~ .. 11A1:J ~::>NI 'Sl::I33NIE>N3 lllH i S111S llNI1 OIA VO / i I ;Y--I~~ I \ =VT I ] I 't - - -~[1,. a! 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W N - 9 00 _ 00 0 I ....I~ "" :D m C> !:: ~ a .... w aOOOOO Q ;2l ~h ~ ~~ :: ~ ~n ~ :-l~ 0 C> C> C> m x I CD ---f )> j1s:: 02 "1JG) 00 ~O OC I::O ~: ::OG) 02 ---f- ::011 mO m)> 02 r---f m---f ,)> ::0 ::om -m 2::0 G)m rs:: s::0 ---f~ ::Oc ~::o CJ)m _"1J (J)S; 00 2m (J)s:: m 2 ---f "1J );: 2 = !'Jp~~I~ 2053 Faben Orive Mercer Island, WA 98040 Tel 206.275.1901 Fax 208.275.1910 Email infoOOnorrishomesinc.com norrishomesinc.com January 2, 2008 Ms. Deb Barker The City of Federal Way Department of Community Development Services 33325 8th Avenue South PO Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063 Re: Ming Court Clearing Limits Dear Ms. Barker; Enclosed please find an exhibit and photos presenting our formal request to revise the clearing limits associated with preliminary plat recommendation #1 of the Hearing Examiner's Decision, dated February 1, 2005. Recommendation #1 states that a revision to the clearing limits can be made administratively by the community development and public works department as required to reflect changes to the roads and utility design. Because the basis of this revision is outside of the scope of what the recommendation will allow to be handled administratively, we are looking to council for approval of this proposed revision. Our proposal is to extend the clearing limits to fully clear lots #7 through #11 which include significant trees. As well as lots #1-6 and #12-15, due to diseased and/or dead and hazardous trees. We are proposing the removal of 41 significant trees on these lots in addition to removal of non significant trees and understory vegetation. We propose to meet the significant tree replacement ratio of 25% replacement value of significant trees removed per lot. Please refer to the map included and labeled as exhibit A, which shows the locations of the replacement trees. In an attempt to create a more appealing project, we are proposing to disperse the replacement trees throughout the lots within the plat rather than the replacement trees being clustered with multiple trees on one or two lots. Our proposal complies with the Federal Way City Code for Significant Tree Retention of one tree planted per four removed on a per lot basis (FWCC 22-1568(c)(1)a). While the calculation is based on a replacement ratio of 25%, the replacement tree will be dispersed throughout the plat in an attempt to place the trees in the best location possible. EXHIBIT 8 The contractor is ready to start constructing sidewalks on this project ve~~ Wp are ne 2. concerned that if the sidewalks were to be installed prior to the trees bei~~y ( RESUBMITTED I t>< JAN 0 3 Z008 '':' env (\1':" ,....-- - -., ",.. / instances we would have to "dock" the trees, meaning the trees will be cut in to smaller short lengths, making them unusable for lumber. We will have to then dispose of them in the landfills, instead of putting them to use as lumber. At Norris Homes we do our best to be environmentally conscious; and this sort of waste is not something we like to be a part of. The most efficient way to make good use of these trees is to take them out by full truck. loads in whole logs. As you can imagine the lumber industry is far from booming right now, meaning this motivation is not a monetary one but an environmental one. Our second concern, which is a more important concern, is that we have already had two situations at Ming Court where trees have fallen onto adjacent properties. In one case the tree damaged a large portion of fence, which we replaced for the homeowner at our expense. And the second which took out a shed and came down very near the home. We also repaired this shed, but are concerned that next time it could land on someone's home and possibly injure a person. These trees in some case's are left standing without aU the protection they may have once had prior to the surrounding stronger trees being removed making way for roads and utilities. These weaker trees are then more susceptible to strong winds knocking them down. I have personally walked the site with the contractor who has vast experience relating to tree hazards, and it is his recommendation as well to remove any and all tree hazards as soon as possible. Most of these trees are located on lots #12 - #15, with a few scattered dead or diseased trees dispersed throughout the site. Please see attached photos. These trees are not merchantable as our motivation to clear these trees is a safety concern. While we understand the intent of the code and in many cases agree with the intent, this situation is one that we feel can not only be managed more efficiently from a project stand point, but if approved will alleviate a possible detriment to the adjacent land owners and community. We appreciate the time taken to look at this situation more closely and the staff support we have received in regard to this matter. Thank you for your time. Sin~~ Jodey Odegard Project Coordinator/Land Planner Land Development Division Norris Homes, Inc. 206.423.4929 Jodey@norrishomesinc.com EXHIBIT 3> PAGE z. OF ~