LUTC PKT 05-05-2008 City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee City Hall Council Chambers May 5, 2008 5:30 p.m. MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 21, 2008 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program Criteria Revisions Action Pere:zJI0 min. B. Sterling Woods Final Plat Action Lee/15 min. C. Emergency Generator Supply Contract - Bid Award Action Miller/5 min. D. Citizen Survey Information Farmer/15 min. 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS 6. ADJOURN City Staff Cary M Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager/Emergency Manager Darlene LeMaster, Administrative Assistant II 253-835-2701 Committee Members Linda Kachmar, Chair Jim Ferrell Dini Duclos G:ILUTCILUTC Agendas and Summaries 2008\5-05-08 LUTC Agenda.doc City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee April 21, 2008 6:00 pm City Hall City Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Committee Chair Linda Kochmar, Council Member Jim Ferrrell, Committee Member Dini Duclos, Council Member Jeanne Burbidge, Assistant City Manager/Chief Operations Officer/Emergency Manager Cary Roe, Acting Deputy Public Works Director Marwan Salloum, City Staff Attorney Monica Buck, City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez, Surface Water Manager Paul Bucich, Surface Water Project Engineer Fei Tang and Administrative Assistant II Darlene LeMaster. 1. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Kochmar called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The April 7,2008 LUTC meeting minutes were approved. Moved: Duclos Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There were two public comments: Steve McWilliams wished to introduce himself to the Committee. Mr. McWilliams sent a recent letter to the City, urging Council to consider rezoning the SW 356/h Street area. Mr. McWilliams will be working with Margaret Clark on this request. Committee Member Duclos asked if this area were to be re-zoned, what price point would new homes cost. Mr. McWilliams answered approx. $400 thousand. Tom Heunisch, 152 S 293rd St, Federal Way - Mr. Heunisch would like to request that the City take over the maintenance and cleaning of the storm drains on this private road (S 293rd). The storm drains are currently clean and in good repair. Mr. Salloum will follow up with Mr. Heunisch regarding this issue. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. City Limit Entrance Signs Rick Perez provided background information on this item. Committee Chair Duclos asked for clarification on whether the$2,400 is the cost to replace all of the signs or is it the cost per sign. Mr. Perez confirmed that the cost to replace all signs would be approximately $2,400. There was brief comment on what the City logo represents. Council Member Burbidge asked about a population sign. Mr. Perez said that a separate plaque with the City's population would be installed underneath the entrance signs. Committee Member Ferrell asked what the size of the new signs are. Mr. Perez answered 24 x 36 inches. Darker colored signs hold up better to dirt and weather. Mr. Perez also noted that in his opinion, the sign with the white background would retain its color better as well as the County regularly inspects signs and replaces worn or damaged signs as necessary. Moved: Ferrell Seconded: Duclos Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 Committee PASSED Option 2 to the May 6, 2008, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. B. Lake Jeane/Lake Lorene Outlet Improvements Proiect Bid Award Mr. Bucich provided background information on this item. There was no discussion. Moved: Duclos Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 Committee PASSED Option 1 to the May 6, 2008, City Council Consent Agenda for approval. G:ILUTCILUTC Agendas and Summaries 2008\4-7-08 Minutes.doc Land Useffransportation Committee Page 2 February 25, 2008 5. FUTURE MEETING The next regularly scheduled LUTC meeting will be held May 5, 2008 at 5:30 PM. Please note the start time of the meeting is now 5:30 PM. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:14 PM. G:ILUTCILUTC Agendas and Summaries 2008\4-7-08 Minutes.doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: 20,2008 ITEM #:_ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program Criteria Revisions POLICY QUESTION: Should the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program criteria be revised? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation MEETING DATE: May 05, 2008 CATEGORY: ~ Consent D Ordinance D City Council Business D Resolution .~T AFl.!'_.~~ORT ~X_:__Rict~~_~~~L~ .E._~!!Y.mTra.:f.!!~mg!lg!!1_~~r.:.__~___._.._._mm_m.. Attachments: LUTC memo dated May 05, 2008 Options Considered: 1. Revise frequency of petitions policy 2. Do not revise the policy D Public Hearing D Other DEPT: Public Works CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: Council DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Place Options 1 on the May 20, 2008 Council Consent Agenda for approval. Linda Kochmar, Chair Jim Ferrell, Member Dini Duclos, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "] move to amend the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program criteria by revising the policies surrounding 'frequency of petitions'. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: May 5, 2008 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager, Chief Operations Officer, Emergency Manager Rick Perez, P .E., City Traffic Engineer If( NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC SAFETY PROGRAM CRITERIA REVISIONS BACKGROUND: The Committee requested that staff address two issues: (1) the status of the current proposal for an all- way stop at the intersection of 21 sl Avenue SW and SW 304th Street; and (2) review the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program policy with respect to the frequency with which petitions may be re-submitted. Status of Current Petition A petition was received requesting an all-way stop at the intersection of 21 sl Avenue SW and SW 304th Street. All-way stops are evaluated using two sets of criteria: the federal Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), as adopted by Washington State and the City; and the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program (NTSP) criteria. The evaluation was delayed by continued interference with data collection (tube counters), but we were able to complete a week's worth of data on all four legs of the intersection to properly evaluate the proposal. MUTCD criteria, which are based on traffic volumes, history of collisions that may be preventable by all- way stop control, and adequate sight distance, are clearly not met for all-way stop installation. NTSP criteria are a cumulative score based on traffic volumes, speed, collision history, and presence of schools, parks, or designated school safe walking routes. Since 21 sl Avenue SW is a minor collector, Table 2 is used for scoring. The 85th percentile speed of traffic approaching the intersection is 26.5 mph, scoring 0.5 point. The average daily traffic is 1035, scoring 0.5 point. The south leg of the intersection has a crosswalk for a designated school safe walking route, scoring 0.5 point. One injury collision was reported in 2004 at the intersection, scoring 1.0 point. (It should be noted that the collision occurred prior to the installation of speed tables and raised crosswalks on 21 sl Avenue SW, thus the one collision may not be representative of current safety conditions.) The total score is 2.5 points. A minimum score of 3.0 points is required to qualify for the program; thus the proposal does not qualify for the NTS program. Frequency of Petitions The current policy allows for resubmittal of petitions 12 months after the implementation of any previous traffic calming implementations in order to consider subsequent removal of same, in case the traffic calming devices were not operating as intended. The policy does not explicitly address a time period between unsuccessful attempts at obtaining a particular device. Staff has used the same 12-month time period to consider new petitions for previous unsuccessful proposals. C:\DOCUME-I \Defau1t\LOCALS-I \Temp\XPgrpwise\05-05-08 NTS Revisions.doc May 5, 2008 Land Use and Transportation Committee Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program Revisions Page 2 In the instant case, a citizen had submitted a petition for an all-way stop at a particular intersection in 2001 as part of a larger traffic calming proposal. The proposal was voted down by the neighborhood. A second petition was received in 2003 for which the consensus solution was installation of a mini- roundabout at the subject intersection, but this was also voted down by the neighborhood. A third petition was received in 2005, for which the consensus solution was the installation of speed tables and raised crosswalks, which was eventually approved and constructed. Subsequent studies show that this has reduced speeding, but as expected and indicated to the public; speeding has not been eliminated completely. In 2008, another petition was received requesting an all-way stop. This has triggered a volume of e-mails, phone calls, and public comment unprecedented in the NTS Program, requesting that the City not use any more resources to continue analyzing the intersection, holding neighborhood meetings, and attempting to reach consensus on what continues to be a divisive issue in the subject neighborhood. To address this issue, staff proposes policy language that increases the waiting period for subsequent submittals for new installations from one to three years. Exceptions would include instances in which implementation of a larger proposal is phased due to budgetary constraints, and if traffic conditions have changed significantly due to roadway improvements or land use changes. cc: Project File Day File ~ CITY OF' -7 Federal Way Neighborhood Traffic Safety (NTS) Program Existing residential neighborhoods in the City of Federal Way may be considered for the NTS program in order to control traffic speeds, reduce cut-through traffic and improve documented pedestrian and vehicular safety issues. Neighborhoods are defined by elementary school attendance areas. The NTS program should not be confused with other City processes required of new subdivisions or commercial developments. The NTS program consists of three phases (the three E's) in the following order: 1) Education, 2) Enforcement, and then 3) Engineering: I) Education: The education phase is intended to increase neighborhood awareness of local speeding issues. In many cases, a handful of speeders are known to the neighborhood and could use a reminder to change their driving behavior. A neighborhood watch program may be launched that could use the following tools: . Include a general article in your homeowner association's (HOA) and/or local school newsletters to remind residents about the importance of obeying speed limits, and to warn residents to be on the watch for speeding traffic. In many cases, the driver is unintentionally speeding and a friendly reminder would be effective. . Contact the Police Department at (253) 835-6775 to request placement of a speed trailer (speed reader board) in your neighborhood. Depending on the location and driver population, this device may change driver behavior for an indefinite time period. Volunteers willing to help the Police Department are always appreciated; please call (253) 835-6730 if interested in volunteering in this program. . Form a speed watch group to document incidents of speeding. Be sure to include any vehicle information: colors, makes, models, license numbers, and the dates and times they pass through a specific location. This information, when compiled for several weeks, should then be submitted to a selected speed watch program manager. Several reports of speeding for the same vehicle should then be reported to the Police Department for enforcement so that officers may more effectively target locations at specific times for emphases patrol. II) Enforcement: The second phase of the NTS program is special enforcement. It may take some drivers a more drastic method (speeding tickets) to change their driving behavior. This usually works for local residential speeds with minimum cut-through traffic. In some cases, the Engineering phase is needed to address the speeding issue. III) Engineering: Citizens that have any questions regarding the NTS program may call the Public Works Department at (253) 835-2700. The NTS program allows the installation of traffic calming devices such as speed humps, speed tables, raised crosswalks, traffic circles, chicanes, signing, pavement marking, or other approved devices. These devices shall only be installed when the following general conditions and criteria are met: A- General Conditions: 1. Less restrictive means of controlling speed (Education and Enforcement) have been attempted without success. 2. The proposed devices may be installed on residential streets functionally classified as local or minor collector. Some devices that do not severely delay emergency vehicles, such as speed tables or roundabouts, may be permitted on principal collectors as long as the posted speed limit does not exceed 25 mph. 3. No devices shall be installed within 600 feet of a traffic signal or 250 feet of a stop sign. As measured along the major roadway movement. 4. For vertical deflection devices, no adverse street characteristics exist, such as steep grades in excess of 8%. In all cases, sight distance standards must be met. 5. Storm drainage problems created by the installation of the proposed devices can be adequately addressed. 6. Each neighborhood may apply for traffic calming devices costing a maximum of $15,000 per year. If the proposed devices cost more than this amount, the neighborhood may form a Local Improvement District (LID) to fund the excess amount. Otherwise, the City may phase and fund the excess amount in a future year (minimum of 12 months from installation) and based on a first-come, first-serve basis. 7. The City will not fund the installation of traffic calming devices in cul-de-sacs that are less than 600 feet long. B- Installation Process and Criteria 1) To be considered for the installation of traffic calming devices, a City prepared or approved petition must be submitted to the City. The petition must be signed by owners or residents representing at least ten parcels within the affected area specifying the problem's nature and exact project location and limits. Petitions for proposals that were not successfully implemented due to failure to meet the NTS criteria or failure to pass a ballot proposal in previous attempts will only be considered in the following instances: a. The proposal was not implemented due to budgetary constraints and the criteria continue to be met: or b. As determined by the Public Works Director. traffic conditions have changed due to roadway improvements or land use changes: or c. At least 36 months has passed since the failure of a previous attempt. 2) A traffic study will then be conducted to see if the program technical criteria (severity score) is met. Currently, the City considers four criteria to qualify a street for traffic calming devices: a) Majority Speed: The 85th percentile speed averaged for both directions. b) Volume: The Average Daily Traffic total of both directions. c) Location: Half a point is given for streets fronting parks, schools, or designated school crossings. d) Collisions: A five-year reported collision history (frequency and severity) IS investigated for collisions that may be correctable by traffic calming devices. C:\DOCUME-l\Default\LOCALS-1 \Temp\XPgrpwise\NTS Program rev 05-05-08.doc 2/4 Depending on roadway functional classification, each criterion is scored on a scale of 0.0 to 3.0 points as shown in Tables I through 3 below. The total severity score is added for each category for a maximum 15.5 points. A three point minimum severity score is needed to continue with the program regardless of how the points were collected: Table 1 Local Residential Street NTS Criteria Point 85th Percentile Average Daily Location 5-Year Collision History Scale Speed Traffic (ADT) School/Park Total Injury Fatal 0.0 0-25 o - 500 No 1 - - 0.5 26 - 27 501 - 600 Yes 2 - - 1.0 28 - 29 601 - 700 - 3 1 - 1.5 30 - 31 701 - 800 - 4 - - 2.0 32 - 33 801 - 900 - 5 2 1 2.5 34 - 35 901 - 1,000 - 6 - - 3.0 36+ 1,001+ - 7+ 3+ 2+ Table 2 Minor Collector Street NTS Criteria Point 85th Percentile Average Daily Location 5-Year Collision History Scale Speed Traffic (ADT) School/Park Total Injury Fatal 0.0 0-25 o - 1,000 No 1 - - 0.5 26 - 27 1,001 - 1,800 Yes 2 - - 1.0 28 - 29 1,801 - 2,600 - 3 1 - 1.5 30 - 31 2,601 - 3,400 - 4 - - 2.0 32 - 33 3,401 - 4,200 - 5 2 1 2.5 34 - 35 4,201 - 5,000 - 6 - - 3.0 36+ 5,001+ - 7+ 3+ 2+ Table 3 Principal Collector Street NTS Criteria Point 85th Percentile Average Daily Location 5-Year Collision History Scale Speed Traffic (ADT) School/Park Total Injury Fatal 0.0 0-25 o - 5,000 No 1 - - 0.5 26 - 27 5,001 - 7,000 Yes 2 - - 1.0 28 - 29 7,001 - 9,000 - 3 1 - 1.5 30 - 31 9,001 - 11,000 - 4 - - 2.0 32 - 33 11,001 -13,000 - 5 2 1 2.5 34 - 35 13,001 -15,000 - 6 - - 3.0 36+ 15,001+ - 7+ 3+ 2+ 3) If a project does not meet the 3-point minimum severity score, the contact petitioner is informed about the study results and is asked to inform those who signed the petition of C:\DOCUME-l \Default\LOCALS-l \Temp\XPgrpwise\NTS Program rev 05-05-08.doc 3/4 the results. In such a case, additional education and enforcement would be the proposed solution. 4) If the project meets the above criteria, the City will hold a neighborhood meeting to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of various traffic calming devices and to develop a consensus solution. In addition to residents, staff from the School District, Police, and Fire Departments may also be invited. Public meetings are usually advertised by posting signs on the subject roads. 5) Ballots are sent to all properties abutting the streets and are within 600 feet (measured along street centerlines) of the proposed project location. Ballots are also sent to properties where the proposed devices would be located along their sole access route as determined by the Public WQrks Director. Only one ballot will be issued per housing unit address. A simple majority (more than 50 %) of returned ballots is necessary to carry the project forward to City Council for final approval. The ballots are only utilized to measure neighborhood project support and are advisory to Council who may modify the proposal. 6) The ballot results may be delivered to the neighborhood utilizing signs on the street or by conducting a second neighborhood meeting. 7) If a project's severity score is at least 6 points, staff may develop a proposal with citizen input and the balloting process may be bypassed. 8) If the ballot measure passes or if the total severity score is at least 6 points, the proposal is presented to the City Council sub-committee, and if passed, is then presented to the full Council for final approval. 9) If the ballot measure fails, a one-year waiting period is required to restart the process. 10) If approved by Council, the traffic calming devices would be installed as soon as budget, weather, and the contractor's schedule permits. C- Removal Process and Criteria Traffic calming devices may be removed when all of the following criteria are met: I) A City prepared or approved petition signed by owners or residents representing 10 or more lots within the affected area must be submitted to the City. The affected area includes properties abutting streets within 600 feet of the existing device location, measured along street centerIines, and properties which the existing devices are located along their sole access route as determined by the Public Works Director, and 2) Property owners and residents within the affected area shall be sent a City prepared or approved ballot by first class mail. More than 50 % of the returned ballots must vote affirmatively, concurring with the removal of devices. This ballot is advisory to City Council, who may modify the proposal, and 3) An adequate review period (minimum of 12 months from installation) and subsequent engineering analysis has been performed to determine the traffic characteristics along the route and the impacts to the remaining street system. C:\DOCUME-I \Default\LOCALS-I \Temp\XPgrpwise\NTS Program rev 05-05-08.doc 4/4 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 20,2008 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Sterling Woods Final Plat, File No. 07-106650-00-SU POLICY QUESTION: Shall the proposed 10-lot Sterling Woods Final Plat be approved? COMMITTEE: Land Use & Transportation Committee CATEGORY: I2?J Consent o City Council Business MEETING DATE: May 5, 2008 o Ordinance I2?J Resolution o o Public Hearing Other STAFF REpORT By: David i\ssociate Planner DEPT: Community Development Attachments: Final Plat Staff Report; Report and Recommendation by the Federal Way Deputy Hearing Examiner, Mark Hurdlebrink dated March 5, 2007; Preliminary Plat Resolution No. 07-495, dated March 20,2007; Final Plat Map; Draft Resolution for Final Plat. Options Considered: Approve, disapprove, or return to applicant. Decisional Criteria: Pursuant to FWCC 20-136(b), the City Council, in a public meeting, shall make written findings that the final plat is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat and is in conformity with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls; that all conditions of the Hearing Examiner and/or City Council have been satisfied; that the public use and interest shall be served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication, etc. ....--..........-.............-..-...............................--....--......-----.-....---.............................................-.......-..........-....-....--.......--..-.........-.......--..................-................................---..-..............-.....................................................-..........-........--..........--...............-...........--................ STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Final Plat CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: ~ DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ ~ Council Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move that the Land Use and Transportation Committee forward to the City Council, and place on the Mav. 20. 2008, City Council consent agenda, a recommendation approving the Sterling Woods Final Plat Resolution. Linda Kochmar, Chair Jim Ferrell, Member Dini Duclos, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "[ move approval of Sterling Woods Final Plat" (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o T ABLEDIDEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # Doc. J.D. ~ CITY OF'" _ !7 Federal Way CITY OF FEDERAL WAY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MEMORANDUM To: Linda Kochmar, Chairperson Land Use and Transportation Committee FROM: Greg Fewins, Director of Community Development Services David Lee, Associate Planner VIA: Cary M Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager ~ RE: Request for Final Plat Approval File #07-106650-00-SU DATE: April 29, 2008 I. RECOMMENDATION City of Federal Way staff has reviewed the Sterling Woods final plat for compliance with preliminary plat conditions and all applicable codes and policies, and recommends approval of the final plat application. II. INTRODUCTION Date: May 5,2008 Request: Request for final plat approval for Sterling Woods Subdivision. Description: The Sterling Woods Subdivision consists of 10 single-farnily lots on a 4.7-acre site. Access for the subdivision is frorn 6TH Ave SW. All required roads, sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, sewer lines, and water lines have been constructed in accordance with preliminary plat approval granted by the City Council on March 20, 2007. Owner/ Applicant: Mike Makker 12503 Bel-Red Road Suite 212 Bellevue, W A 98005 Engineer: DMP Inc. (Daley-Morrow-Poblete, Inc.) Attn: Gary Gill 726 Auburn Way North Doc. 1.0. Auburn, W A 98002 Location: 36205 6TH AVE SW Township 21 N., Range 4 E., West Meridian, Federal Way, King County (see Exhibit A - Vicinity Map) Sewer: Lakehaven Utility District Water: Lakehaven Utility District Fire Dept.: South King Fire and Rescue School Dist.: Federal Way School District Prepared By: David Lee, Associate Planner, City of Federal Way III. HISTORY AND BACKGROUND The Sterling Woods Subdivision is a proposed subdivision of 10 single-farnily lots on a 4.7-acre site (Exhibit B - Final Plat Map). The Sterling Woods Preliminary Plat, File No. 05-104193-00-SU (Exhibit C - Preliminary Plat Map) was granted approval by the Federal Way City Council on March 20, 2007, per Resolution 07-495 (Exhibit D - Preliminary Plat Resolution). Zoning for the site is RS 15.0 (Single-Family Residential) with a rninimurn lot size of 15,000 square feet. The final plat rnap and lot closure calculations were reviewed to ensure all lots rneet the minimum size requirement. The developer applied for final plat approval on December 10,2007. Irnprovernents installed under Engineering Application Number 07-101254-00-EN are now cornplete and/or bonded per Performance Maintenance Bond #07-103314-00-0P in the amount of $67,019.00. The final plat application was determined cornplete on April 21, 2008. Pursuant to RCW 58.17.110 and FWCC Section 20-136, the City Council is charged with determining whether the following requirements have been rnet: 1. The proposed final plat conforms to all terms of the prelirninary plat approval; 2. If the subdivision meets the requirernents of all applicable state laws and local ordinances that were in effect at the tirne of preliminary plat approval; 3. If all taxes and assessments owing on the property have been paid; and 4. If all required improvernents have been made or sufficient security has been accepted by the City. City of Federal Way staff has reviewed the Sterling Woods final plat application for compliance with prelirninary plat conditions and all applicable codes and policies. All applicable codes, policies, and plat conditions have been rnet. A proposed resolution of the City of Federal Way, Washington, to approve the Sterling Woods final plat is enclosed (Exhibit E - Draft Resolution of Final Plat Approval). IV. COMPLIANCE WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT CONDITIONS Doc. 1.D. The following lists conditions of preliminary plat approval in the same order referenced in Federal Way City Council Resolution 07-495. Required improvernents have been cornpleted as allowed by FWCC Section 20-135. The resolution adopted the findings of fact and conclusions of the Land Use Hearing Exarniner's March 5, 2007, Report and Recommendation. 1. Prior to approval of the final plat, the applicant must submit to the City of F ederal Way the fee- in-lieu of open space, calculated on 15% of the assessed value of the property based on an assessment that is no more than (1) year old at the time of final plat submittal. In the absence of an assessrnent that is no more than (1) year old at the time of the final plat submittal, the market value shall be based on an appraisal to be conducted by a MAl certified appraiser or another professional appraisal approved by the parks director. Staff Response: This condition has been rnet. Prior to recording of the final plat, the applicant will pay a $69,300 as a fee-in-lieu of providing on-site open space. This figure is based on 15% of the 2008 King County assessed value of $462,000.00 for the subject property, as obtained on April 28, 2008. v. SEP A A Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) was issued on July 22,2006, in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A). No comments were received and no conditions were made upon the approval ofSEPA file # 05-104199-00-SE. VI. DECISIONAL CRITERIA Pursuant to FWCC Section 20-136, if the City Council finds that the following criteria have been rnet, the City Council rnay approve the final plat for recording: 1. The final plat is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat. Staff Response: This criterion has been met, as the final plat is representative of the preliminary plat and the condition of preliminary plat approval has been rnet. 2. The final plat is in conformity with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls. Staff Response: This criterion has been met. The plat meets the zoning standards for the RS 15.0 zoning district, providing single-family dwelling unit lots of at least 15,000 square feet. 3. That all conditions of the Hearing Examiner and/or City Council have been satisfied. Staff Response: This criterion has been met in that the applicant has provided a King County assessment and prior to recording, shall pay $69,300 as a fee-in-lieu of providing on-site open space. This figure is based on 15% of the 2008 King County assessed value of $462,000 for the subject property as obtained on April 28, 2008. 4. That the pub'ic use and interest shall be served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication by determining if appropriate provisions are rnade for, but not limited to, the public health, safety, general welfare, open space, drainage ways, streets and roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, and schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students Doc. 1.0. who walk to and from school. Staff Response: This criterion has been met. The final plat is consistent with applicable zoning and subdivision regulations. Public health, safety, and welfare have been provided for. The applicant is providing a fee-in-lieu of open space, in accordance with FWCC 20-155. Prior to recording of the final plat, the applicant will pay a $69,300 as a fee-in-lieu of open space. This figure is based on 15% of a 2008 King County assessed value of $462,000 obtained on April 28, 2008 (Exhibit F). 5. That all required irnprovements have been rnade and maintenance bonds or other security for such improvernents has been submitted and accepted. Staff Response: This criterion has been met. All road, pedestrian pathway, and storm drainage irnprovements have been constructed and/or bonded per Performance Maintenance Bond #07- 103314-00-0P in the amount of$67,019.00. 70% of the rnaintenance bond has been released due to the installation and inspection of required infrastructure, and the remaining bond amount will be released in 2 years after the recording of the final plat documents. In addition, all water and sewer lines have been installed and approved by Lakehaven Utility District as identified in Lakehaven's "Letter of Substantial Cornpletion," dated April 24, 2008 (Exhibit G). 6. That all taxes and assessrnents owing on the property being subdivided have been paid. Staff Response: Prior to recording, King County Department of Assessments will ensure that all taxes and assessments have been paid. VII. CONCLUSION Staff recommends approval of the Sterling Woods final plat. Based on site visits, review of the final plat maps, construction drawings, and the project file, staffhas determined that the application for the final plat rneets all platting requirernents of RCW 58.17.110 and Section 20-136 of the Federal Way City Code. Plat infrastructure improvements have been substantially completed and/or financially secured to guarantee that the plat conditions and code requirements will be completed within two years of final plat approval as allowed by FWCC Section 20-135. The project has been developed in conformance with the preliminary plat approval, Resolution 07-495. EXHIBITS Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Vicinity Map Reduced Copy of Final Plat Map Reduced Copy of Approved Preliminary Plat Resolution 07-495, City of Federal Way Sterling Woods Preliminary Plat Approval Draft Resolution of Final Plat Approval King County 2008 Property Tax Information Lakehaven's Letter of Substantial Cornpletion Doc. r.D. ~ CITYOF ~ Federal Way Sterling Woods Zoning and Vicinity Map 362056th Avenue SW; Parcel No. 302104-9045 . Preliminary Plat File No. 05-104193-SU; SEPA File No. 05-104199-SE 35920 36008 36027 618 616 I ,1 ~a , I "i'il a 36108' fit 613 i /!) I ~ /o}f a 36130 768 RSl .0 . ii ~h 131i~' ~~r" 36206 tli c: ~ 0 .s:: ", e III ", e .a III J!! Q, III E (ij '0 c i:i ! I! III :;, CD '0 c .!!! Pi 4 .a J Q, III E - 0 c 0 "" " .9 till32 ~'..;;' _.~.,~;;:; f n~' '& Il'fll' ,. ~W_3.63.1':tDJ>-1.____.~ III ." · 11111. R815.0 111 36. j 364 II II If II ~~, " 38'424 . \iil 364" . iii 365H R89.6 .15 lli1 506 - 41" \1'2 366111 I fJ A G c D Pr....rtr Logand: C Federal Way Zoning Boundary . KIng COLnty Properties f:ID ~lIands (1998 CUy Survey) ~ landmatl<s _ Clly of Federal Way SWM Properties ':;ifl ~Fafliuy Properties _ CIty, COLnty and Stale Park Properties _ School Properties m; C11y of Federal Way Properties TractslPrivale Open .Space Zoning Designations: AS9.8 1 unitJ9,600 Sq. Feet .Welland Source: 1998 City survey. Boundaries are approximate and additional areas may exist. This is NOT a substitute for a field SUMly. IJ.. Scale: N 0 200 400 Feet I I This map ls accompanied by no warranties, and is simply a graphic representation. Source: City of Federal Way, Lakehaven Utility District, King County Governed by Development Agreement a R .~ I!! a. 'ii i B c III C 1'1 0 ai :5 c) c 'c ~ c ~ :> u QI :5 0> C :c .!!! :0 .!! UI QI Ql U C III C E 0 QI. :5 'C C 1\I a. 1\I E UI ;S c: QI QI ~ QI .c UI QI '0 c: .!!! 1Il 'ii) c: 8 .5 >- c: 1\I '0 C 4 ~ Ql QI ;; .5 .n 0 0; iD 1i 0 a. IV :! EXHIBIT 9 I/J ..... ~ STERLING WOODS A PORTION OF N.W.1/4, S.E.1/4, SEC. 30, T-21N, R-4E, W.M. City of Federal Way, King County, Washington I ~AI DESCRP110N THE NORlH HALF OF 1M[ SOU1HlAEST QUARtER OF THE NORm~ ClUARTER Of' lHE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SEcnON 30. TOWNSHIP 21 NORm. RANGE ... EAST. W.W.. IN KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON; EXCEPT 1HE EAST 30 F'EET THERfOF FOR ROAD PURPOSES. OECICAl1ON KNOW ALL PEOPlE BY 1HESE PRESENlS lHAT WE. THE UNDERSIGNED _ OF INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREBY SUBDIVIDED ClARE THIS PLAT 10 BE 1HE GRAPHIC REPRESENTA 1IDN OF THE SUBDIlolSlON IIADE HEREBY, AND TE TO 'THE USE OF 1HE PUSUC FOREVER AU. SlREETS AND AVENUES NOT SHOWN AS PRlVA DEDICAtE 1HE USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBUC PURPOSES NOT INCONSSlENT 'MlH THE USE PUBUC HIQHWAY PURPOSES, AND ALSO nlE RleHT TO MAKE AlL NECESSARY SLOPES FOR CUTS AND FlUS UPON tHE LOTS AND lRACTS SHOYtN lHEREo. IN nlE ORIGINAL REASONABLE GRADING OF SAID STREETS AND A\lENUES. _ FURlHER DEDICATE 10 1HE USE OF THE PUBlIC ALL THE EASEMENlS AND lRAClS SHDWN OH THIS PLAT FOR ALL PUBLIC PIJftPOSES AS INDlCAlEO THEREON. INCl.UllII/G BUT NOT UlIlTED 10 PARKS, OPEN SPACt, UTlUnES AND DRAINAGE UNLESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR lRACTS ARE SPECIF1CALLY IDENlFIED ON THIS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR CON\IEYEO TO A PERSON OR ENnTY OTHER THAN tHE PUBLIC. IN WHIOl CASE Y.E 00 HEREBY DEDICATE AND C<lNVEY stJal STREET$, EASalENTS, OR lRAClS 10 THE PERSON OR ENnTY 1DEN1IflED AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED. FURnlER. 'THE UNDERSIGNED O\\NERS OF 'THE LAND SUSDIW)E[). WAlW AND RElEASE FOR THDfSELVES. 'lHEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS AND ANY PERSON OR IVlNO lIlLE FROM tHE UNDERSIGNED. AAY AND ALL ClAIMS FOR DAMAGES AGAINST THE aTY OF ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS 'MilCH MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE DESIGN, ESTABUSHlAEHT. lION, FAILURE TO OPERATE. OR MAINTENANCE OF =R~:A~~n:~D1\1S1ONS OR 'MlHlN AN.r=~r~T~~n~~:&511O:S ~sr~Cfo OR TO RECEIVE OR ACTUAlLY RECEIVING DRAINAGE FROM THE SUBDMSIONS AND 'THE Q1Y OF FEDERAl WAY'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF PLANS AND PERNllS FOR SAME OTHER lHAN Q.AlWS RESULTING FRCN INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. FUR'lHER. THE UNDERSlGNEO OWNERS ~ lHE LAND HERERBY SUBDMDED. AGREE FOR lHEJdSElVES. THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS TO INOEUNlFY. HOLD HARMLESS. AND DEFEND THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY. ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. FROM AND AGAINST ANY DAMAGE; INQ.UOINGN4Y'COST$'OF DEFENSE. ClAIMED, BY-PERSONS, ""THIN OR 'MlHOUT THE SUBDI\lSlOHS 10 HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY THE DESIGN, ESTABUSHMENT. COHSlRucnDN. DPERAnoN. FAILURE 10 OPERATE. OR lIA1NTENANCE OF ROADS NlD/OR DRAINAGE S\'STDlS, AlTERAnOHS OF THE GROUND SURFACE. VECETAlION,. DRAINAGE. OR SURFACE OR SUBSURFACE WAlER FLOWS 'NIlHIN niE SUBDIVISIONS OR W1ntlN ANY DRAINAGE OR DETENlJON FA-CIUTIES DESIGNED TO RECEIVE OR AClUALLY RECEIVING DRAINAGE FROM 1HE SUBDIVISIONS AND 1HE CTY Of' FEDERAL WAY'S REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF PLANS AND PERMITS FOR SAME. PROVIDED. nilS WANER AND 1N00MNIFlCAlION SHALL NOT BE CONSTFtUED AS REt.EASlNG THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, FROlI UABIIJTY FOR D....AGES, lNCLUlllNC THE CDST OF DEFENSE. RESULnND FROII AND 10 THE EXTENT OF THE SOLE NEGUGENCE OF THE CITY OF FEDERAl WAY. 115 SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS. THIS SUBDIVISION. DEDlCAllON. RELEASE. INDEMNIFICATION OF a.AlMs. AND AGREEUENT TO HOlD HARUt.ESS 1$ MADE NlH 1HE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF SAID OWNERS. IN I'olTllESS IItlEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: MAKHAN SINGH MUKLESH MAKI<ER ACI<NOWI..ElXla. STATE OF WASHINGTON COUNTY OF ---:- I CERllFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE THAT WI<HAN SINGH IS THE PERSON WHO APPEARED" BEFORE ME. AND SAID PERSONS ACKNOWlEDGED THAT ....HE SIGNED THIS INSTRUl.4ENT AND ACKNOVt\.EDGEO IT TO BE H_ FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENlIONED IN THE INSTRUMENT. DATED (SlONATlJRE) (SEAL OR STAMP) 1ITtE MY APPOIN1UENT EXPIRES STATE Of' WASHINGTON COUNTY Of' _ I CERTIFY THAT I KNOW OR HAVE SAnSF'ACTORY E\1DENCE THAT t.tUKLESH NAI(J(ER IS THE PERSON WHO APPEARED BEFORE ME. AND SAID PERSONS ACKNO't\1.EOGED THAT -HE SIGNED THIS INSTRUUENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED IT TO BE H_ FREE AND VOLUNTARY ACT FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES MENllONED IN lHE INSTRUMENT. DATEn (SIGNATURE) (SEAl 011 STAlIP) nTU: MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES KIIlQ COUNlY ~AR'BA8\IT OF .. .cvra EXAt.lINED AND APPROVED 1MIS DAY OF' ,20_ I<ING COUNTY ASSESSOR DEPUTY KING COUNTY ASSESSOR ACCOUNT NUUBER: 302104-&04& KtIQ COUNTY FINANCE CMBION CERT1FICAlE I HEREBY CERTIFY tHAT ALL PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAID, niAT lliERE ARE NO DELINQUENT SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CERTIFIED TO THIS OFFICE FOR cou.ECTlON AND THAT ALL SPEaAL ASSESSMENTS CERl1AED TO THIS OFFICE FOR COLLECllON ON ANY OF tHE PROPERTY HEREIN CONTAINED DEDICAlED AS SlREETS, ALLEYS, OR FOR ANY OlHER PUBUC USE, ARE PAID IN FUlL. nilS _ DAY OF .20_ MANAGER, KING COUNTY F1NANCE DIVISION DEPUTY AECORDINQ CER11FICA1E RECORDING No. FILED FOR RECORD AT 'THE REQUEST OF THE FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL THIS DAY OF . 20_ . AT _ MINUTES PAST _M. AND RECORDED IN VOLUME _ OF PLATS, PAGES RECORDS OF' KING COUNTY. WASHINGTON. DIVISION rw ~Fr.n~O.c:: ANn I='Il!cnn....c:: MANAGER SUPERINTENDENT OF RECORDS FEDERAL WAY FLE No. 07-106650-8U APPROVAlS F'EDE:j:lAI WAY nr:'PARThA~NT OF' PUBLIC WORKS EXAtolINED AND APPROVED tHIS _ DAY or .20_ PUBUC WDRICS DIRECTOR FFOF:RAI WAY Ol;PARTMI;NT OF' COMMUNITY DI;VE:lOPMrnT EXAMINED ANDAPPRO\m n-nS _ DAY OF' .20---'... DIRECTOR OF' COUUUNITY DEVELOPMENT FEDE:RAl WAY CITY COUNCil EXAMINED AND APPROWD lHIS _ DAY OF .20_ MAYOR ATTEST: aTY Q.ERK ~lROl.UNG BOUNDARY DATA WAS OBTAINED BY ..RECT FlEUlllEASUREIIENTS EIIPLO'llNCl CDH\'ENMHAllRAVERSE PROCEDURES USING A TOPCON 2110 'DiE0D0UlE YomIINTEGRAL DISTANCE MEASURING ME'tER. FIELD WORK BY OMP. lNC. IN 2007. ALL MEASUREMENTS ARE IN U.s. SURVEY FEET. 2. PACIFIC NORlliWEST nTlE COMPANY or WASHINGTON, INe. PLAT CERTlFlCATE ,ORDER No. 842109. DAtED DECYEMBER ~B~O:VANO~~~~=~~~'Rtt:~~ ~:E:~=E~E~~C:JG ~~~J'=U: COUPRISlNCT)i1S SU9OMSl~. WHICH,~DINC TO SAID PLAT CER11FI~1E.1S SUBJECT 19 1H.E fOIJ.OWIN(;, AND OlHER. 'SPEClAl EXCEPnDIIS.'-- . .. . :: ~~~~ttl~SJEc.RE~o. Ntoo'f,==89. c. UCENSE TO ENTER, 2OO710080000s7. NO WARRNlTY IS HEREBY MADE. EXPRESS OR 11IPUED, AS TD 1HE ACCURACY AND/OR COMPlETENESS OF SAID ~T CER1IF1CATE. FOR THIS SUBDMSION EXcaD THE REQUNlEIIENlS OF WAf; 332-130-D9D. ESTABUSHlIENT OF LOT SURVEY PROCEDURE" Wl1H INDEPENDENT UEASURDlENTS. t A srmui ;J=GEv.v:J{4;SX..i:~~~CI~~It'::D~~~~~EDOF ~fL ~.229e2-. ~ ~~ :a>~W:~ lRACT. IS HEREBY DEDICATED AND CON\nm TO 1HE STERUNC WOODS: HOUEO'lotERS ASSOCIAnON. SAID ASSOCIAnOH SHALL BE RESPONSIBlE FOR THE MAINTENANCE THEREOF. 7. THE lD FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASElIENT DEPlClEO OH .015 5 AND B. SHEET 2 OF 2, IS HEREBY GRANTED NlD CON'v'EYED TO 'DiE OWNERS OF lOTS 4 AND S. THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. tHE OWNERS OF LOTS 4,: 5 AND 8 SHALL BE EQUAlLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINtENANCE OF tHE PRIVAtE DRAINAGE F'ACIUTIE$ \lMN SAIO: EASEMENT BENEFlnNG THEIR RESPEcnVE .015. a THE 5 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASEMENT DEPICTED ON LOT i. SHEET 2 OF 2, IS HEREBY GRANlEO AND CON~ 10 l1iE OWNERS OF lOT S. THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. THE O'ANERS OF LOT 8 SHALL BE'RESPONSIa.E FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF THE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FAClUnES 1M1HIN SAID EASEIIENT. s. THE 5 FOOT PRIVATE DRAINAGE EASElIENT DEPICTED DH LDT I, SHEET 2 OF 2, IS HEREBY GRANlEO AND CONVEYED TO THE OWNERS OF lOT 2. THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASStCHS. THE cw.wERS CYF LOT 2 SHALl BE1RESPONSI9LE: FOR lHE MAINTENANCE OF lHE PRIVATE DRAINAGE FA lHIN SAID EASEMENT. lD. THE 15 FOOT SEWER EASEMENlS DEPlClEO OH AND 6, SHEfT 2 OF 2, ARE HEREBY GRANlEO NlD - - ~Wt~~r::;: ~~~smr~g: ~ ,'SIi~~ 2. IS HEREBY CRANlED AND CONVEYED TO lAKEHAYEN UWlY DIStRICT, lHElR SUCCE~ AND ASSIGNS. 12. tRACT -C". A LANDSCAPE TRACT, IS TO REM.u. IN PRIVATE OWNERSHIP. 13. THE FENCE AN) lANDSCAPE EASOoIENT DEPtC1ED AS ~ ON LOTS 2 AND 3. SHEET 2' OF 2. IS HEREBY GRANTED AND CONVEYED TO THE OWNERS OF PARCEL T. KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT No. 874039. RECORDED UNDER: RECORDINC No. 7:105290760. IN KING COUNTY, WASHINGlON, n-IEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. t.. THE FENCE AND LANDSCAPE EASEMENT DEPICTED AS cz::zJ ON LOTS t AND 2, SHEET 2 OF' 2. IS HEREBY CRANlED AND CONVEYED TO THE OWNERS OF PARCEL -A-. KING COUNTY SHORT PLAT No. 674039, RECORDED UNDER RECOROING No. 750529D760, IN KlNC COUNTY. WASHINGTON, THEIR SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. LAKEHAVEN EASEMENr FlESERVA'IIONo , AN EASEUENT IS HEREBY IRREVOCASL Y R~ FOR AND GRANlED TO lAI<EHAWN U11lITY DISTRICT AND ITS AGENTS. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. FOR so LONG AS IT SHAlJ. OWN' AND MAINTAIN THE UnullES REFERENCED HEREIN UNDER AND UPON tHE AREA SHOWN ON 1HE PLAT AND cESCRIsm HEREIN AS -WAtERlINE EASEMDn- AND -SANITARY SEv.ER EASEIIENr 10 INSTALL. lIA1NTAIN. REPlACE. REPAIR AND OPERATE WATER NlD SEWER MAINS NlD APPURTENNlCES F1lR THIS SUBDIIolSlOH AND OTHER PROPERTY TOGETHER \11TH THE RIGHT 10 ENTER UPON SAID EASalENT AT ALL TIllES FDR PURPOSES INCIDENT THERETD. ND BUILD/NO. WALL. ROCKERY. FENCE. TREES 011 STRUC1URE OF ANY KIND SHALl. BE EREctED OR PlANTED, NOR SHAlL ANY FLL MATERIAL BE PLACED 'MnilN 1HE BOUNDARIES OF SAID EASEMENT MEA. NO EXCAVAnDH SHALL BE lIAIlE I'oIlHIN THREE (3) FEET OF SAID WATER OR SEYlER SERIolCE FAClUnES AND THE SURFACE lEVEt. OF 'THE GROUND WITHIN THE EASEUENT AREA SHAll BE MAINTAINED AT THE ElEVATION AS CURRENTLY EXlSlING. GRANTOR HEREBY AGREES THAT ND WATER AND/OR SEWER S'lSTElI FAClUTY OR APPURTENANCE OF ANY KIND SHALL BE CONSTRUCTEO OR LOCATED BY GRANTOR. OR ANY 1HIRD PARTY AClINC UNDER AUTHORITY OF ORANTCR. NTHlN OR PROXlMAlE TO SAID EASEMENT. UNLESS SUCH INSTAlLAnON IS APPROVED BY CRAN'I'EE AND 1$ IN CONFORMANCE MTH THE THEN-CURRENT EDITION OF THE -CRITERIA FOR SEWAGE WORlCS OESICN- PUSUSHED BY nlE WASHINGTON STAlE DEPARlMENT or ECOLOGY. GRANTOR HERESY FURTHER AGREES THAT NO OTHER UllUTY FACtlITY OR APPURTENANCE OF ANY KIND INCLUDING UTlUTY SERVICE CONNECTIONS. SHALL BE CONSTRIJCTED OR LOCATED BY GRANTOR, ~ ANY DlRD PARTY ACnNO UNDER AUtHORITY OF' GRANTOR. MlHIN THREE FEET (3'), MEASURED HORIZONTALLY FOR PARALlEL AUGNlIENTS, OR I'olTHIN SIX INCHES (5"). MEASURED VER'lICALLY FOR CRDSSING OR PERPEN"CULAR AUGNIIENTS, OF NlY POIInOH OF THE GRANTEE'S FAClUTlES. GRANTOR AOOlnONALLY GRANlS 10 THE LAKEHAVEN unuTY DtsTRlCT NlD 115 AGENTS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS notE USE OF SUCH ADDlllONAL AREA WMEDlAtELY ADJACENT TO SAID EASEMENT AREA AS SHAlL BE REQUIRED FOR THE CONS1RUQTCN. RECONSTRUCITON, MAINTENANCE AND OPERAllON OF SAID WAlER OR SEWER FAClUTES. THE USE or SUCH ADDIllONAL AREA SHAlL BE HElD TO A REASONABlE MINIMUM AND BE: RElURNED TO THE COHDlnOH EXlSllNG IlIl1EOlATELY BEFORE THE PROPERTY WAS ENTERED UPON BY THE LAKElIA\'EN unuTY D1S11llCT. ITS AGENTS, SUCCESSORS ANC ASSIGNS. IN ADDlnON TO THE OlHER RESTRICTIONS HEREIN, GRANTOR SHAll, NOT CON~y TO A 1HIRO PARTY ANY EASEMENT OR OTHER INTEREST OR RIGHT OF USE OF' PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE EASEMENT THAT WOULD IMPAiR OR UMIT THE USE OF THE EASEMENT RIGHTS GRANTED HEREIN. ~.6~AENT RESERVATION9 AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND CHAMlED TO PUGET SOUND ENERGY. QWEST COMMUNICATIONS'INTERNAlIOHAl. INC., LAKEHAVEN UTLlTY OIS'tRlCT AND COMCAST CABLE CONloIUNICAllONS. INe. UNDER AND UPON lHE EX1ERIOR 1EN fEET PARAU.EL WIlHAND ADJOINING 'THE STREET FRONTAGE OF All LOTS AND TRACTS IN WHICH TO INSTAll. LAY. CONSTRUCT. RENEW, OPERATE: AND MAINTAIN UNDERGROUND PIPE. CONDUIT. CABLES AND WIRES v.mt NECESSARY FAClUTlES AND OtHER EQUIPMENT FOR mE PURPOSE OF SERVING THIS SlJBOI\IISlON AND OlHER PROPERTY 'MiH RaAlED UllUlla.; TOGEiHER ~lHlHE RIGHT TO ENlER UPON THE LOTS AT AlL DUES FOR THE PURPOSES HEREIN STATED. lHESE EASEMENTS ENTERED UPON FOR THESE PURPOSES SHALL BE RESTORED AS NEAR AS POSSIBlE 10 THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION BY THE unuTY. ND UNES OR WIRES FOIl SAIll ununES SHALL BE PLACED OR PERlIITTED 10 BE PLACED UPON NlY LOT UNLESS THE S....E SHALL BE UNDERGROUND OR IN A CONDUIT ATTACHED 10 A BUILDING. ' LAND SURVEYOR'S CERT1FICAlEo I HERESY CERllFY THAT THIS "PLAT OF' SlERUNC WOODS IS BASED UPON AN ACTUAl SURVEY AND SUBOJ\1S1ON OF SECllON 30. TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST. W.W., THAT mE COURSES AND CWSTANCES ARE SHOY.tI CORRECTLY HEREON, mAT THE MONUMENTS WJU. BE SEEN SET AND THE LOT AND BLOCK CORNERS WILL BEDI STAKED CORRECTLY ON lHE GROUND AND lHAT I HAVE FULlY COMPUED WITH tHE PRO\1S1ONS OF nit PlATllNG REGULAllONS. PAUl E. MORROW P.LS.. CERTIFICATE No. 22962 DALEY-lIORROW-POBLETE. INC. 7.28 AUBURN WAY NORTH AUBURN, WASHINGTON, 98002 (253) 333-2200 (FAX) 333-2206 RESUBMIITED FEB 1 42008 ' CITY OF FEDERAL WAY SHEET 1 OF 2 ~ 05 FEB '08 EXHIBIT STERUNG WOODS A PORTION OF N.W. 1/4, S.E 1/4, SEC. 30, T-21N, R-4E, W.M. CIty of Federal Way, King County, Washington \U.JIlQ. LEGEM) ~) A<II!DO>OO ..-. VOL _/<.1-4$ (U) _ (R) RADIAl _ IMI.OING SETlIACK IJNE o SET -...orr .. CAS>: . ~8Il':~ ~~o~...~'1b.~ LOT ~ _ Ill: S>:T AS ll€Sallml .. "OTE 4 SHEET 1 f/f 4 I ""'IIl3/ff_PIII =~~~- ~y ~~1~1m-- I T I ---- at ~' ....' -~ i Ii --L_+' ----111 a~ t ~ ) Iii .-1 ,I r I I I &----~ --Jc 31 N88'l8'_ 26.4....- - - llII _..vr_l'lPE UP ..If liUIIDMSlClIl ", c.o&.C\MlDI __ {'oI$l1iIl .w. '07) 8.E 1/.1R ~ ~~A;1I WJ.I. PIll ~) _ 204/_ SCME; '..llOO' FII:I"l:FlOICE .. - COUtnY ASSESSOIl$ ..... OF S>: 30-21-04. DAlBl ~oe._ 2. PACI'lC _ mu: (tINP_ OF __..e. PUT a:R1lf1CATE 0ll0ER .... MZlO9, DAttI> _ 20. 2008 =..~:."~':~~=-~~ 2S, :J, _ OF SUIMY. Ilt:c, No. ~ .. _ OF lllIl'4Y. !lEe. No. 2OOI.0l09000tS. 5. P!.AT OF IIOSEYOOOO. VOL 204/<.1-45- Go P!.AT f/f S1LWIIWlXlO. _ 204/....51. 7. _ COUNTY SHORT PlAT .... $7<039. REC. No. _so. AOOFlESSES NlY _ _ ARt PO!IlJIlIllA/ft Clt<<.Y lUll) -.arr TO CiIAtIGt. MEfIIOIAN: IUT~~ BASIS OF BEARINQS: III. Ul.. s.E. 1/.... SEe. :lQ, T-21M. ft-$!. 'II.... AlI___H01'3f1'_ _1lO1'36'_ .., r-- -110.00'----, r- --110.00' , I I I I I , I r~ . . I t I "/ i ---..... .3 4 5 .,4 5.'11.930_ .... 15060 $f'j; I iw ~i I- ~ ~ ~ all N84'34'3O"IV 127.03' I i I I ~I ii: 18 I rw~ TRACT' 'A' SlCMI! ORAINAGE sa: HOlt $ SIEU , 01' 2 1$43$ $Ai: GFIAPHIC SCALE 50 0 25 50 100 ....~ ., I (Ill FtET) 1 tnct.. so ft. FEDERAL WAY FILE No. 07-1Q665O-SU SHEET 2 OF 2 RESUBMITTED FEB14Z008 WAY NOTES ~ ~ "" --.,. .., t I ., '------...---~ i ~~ I lal I' 3~. ~ .&~ I~! t i!~ ~~i .-...L m - ---- -'1;'- I I I .. . ! ._____./ ',o,-s , ", -, / " $ , \ , " , , a ,., _ rr :i.i III !I~; ~ I.;~ ~ ~ :11;1 ~ !;( 1Il !...~ i c ~ f!:il!=l Ii ci !!11".i~ m !~ ~ ~ tiN ~~ ~ 13~lr !~ .ht ~5 ~ ~ ~~ .... 8~ ";. ." c ~~ ~ ~~ ~" t~,,;".'"'' , . \ \ \'" I~ I~ I ! = I - ~ .. ~i ~i C') ~; - " ~ . " ,i.. .." \ l " I ",.fA.. , I ; 1 . 'lI' ~Ir I " ~ It:pt----~-----~ " / :!f~ ~ / '. .',I! ~ -....q,. ~I ... ~ "IT'" II'" r+...Llv ! 6 , I- IIIII11 '1'111.11 a ! ,ii:i!i,j',1 ja',i1iifi1i f I ! .I~iil .1.11 :~'ilhlalil i H,,':.I,fU1t'If'I'I"II.!a!r; ," ~ II ~ II'" II II" i IIHII"'; ".lItll.',1 if la,'; ,. '1 a.'f I I J !.i 'i'~II"ffla, : I I trlll.!'r" ;'. I, III I i,';:!lif:i1i I,.IU'II:: -, rdl'af ,:II!.I.l1 Wr!II!!!I'd !:I:ill:!il .'1 ,"1.,.1, 11I1,II'i:~ l.i!'I"".IIUi H!,:;!,i,"! 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I! <( tc I. . !Q" ~ ~ Ilill!lili iI~ .1 q ! ill"~ I i'liil!!II, <( ~ I tirirrlifii t::: a:1 :r:: ?;i t .1 ~------~~-_. ~. ...\..- . .....01' '" ~~ ~A>.~ '" ~'" ~~ ~'" '<i~ ~\SrIG NO. 0-7- '-/ qS- EXHIBIT _ ~ A RESOLUTION OF TUE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING STERLI~G WOODS PRELIMINARY PLAT, FEDERAL WAY FIL.E NO. 05- 104193-00 SU. WHEREAS. the owner(s). Mukesh "Mike" Makker and Makhan Smgh, applied to the City of Federal Way lor prehnunary plat approval to subdivide certain real property known as Sterllllg Woods and consisting of L U acres IOto tell (10) single-family residential lots located at 36205 6th A venue S W: and WHEREAS. on July 22,2006, an Environmental Determinatioll ofNot/\/gl/ificollce (DNS) was issued by the DIrector of Federal Way's Department of Community Development ServIces pursuant to the State El/vironmelllal Policy Act (SEPA), Chapter 43.2IC; RCW, and WIfERL\S. the Federal Way Hearing Exammcr on February 12, 2007. held a public hearing concernmg Stcrlmg Woods preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, following the conclusion of said hearing, on March 5. 2007. the Federal Way Hearing Exammer issued a written Report and Recommendation containing findmgs and conclusions, and recommending approval of Sterling Woods prelimlOary plat subject to condlttons set lorth therein; and WHEREAS. the Federal Way City Counei I has jurisdiction and authority pursuant [0 Section 20-127 of the Federal fVay City Code to approve, deny, or modify a preliminary plat and/or its conditions; and WHEREAS. on March 12,2007, the City Council Land Use and TransportatIOn Committee considered the record and the Hearing Examiner reconunendation on Sterling Woods preliminary plat. pursuant to Chapter 20 of Federal Way City Code, Chapter 58.17 RCW, and all other applicable City codes, and voted to forward a recommendatIOn for approval of the proposed Sterling Woods preliminary plat to the full City Council, with no changes to the Hearing Examiner recommendation; and WHEREAS, on March 20, 2007, the City Council considered the record and the Heanng Examiner recommendation on Sterling Woods preliminary plat, pursuant to Chapter 20 of Federal Way City Code, Chapter 58.17 RCW, and all other applicable City codes. Now THfREFORE. THEClTYCOUMILOF IHEClTYOFFEOERAL W.\Y. \\.ASIIIN\;/Oi\..DOFSI-IEREBY RESOLVE AslLVWS~ EXHIBITj) fa "" SecUQ~L . AdoptIOn of FlOdlfl~of Fact and Conclusions The findmgs of fact and conclusIOns of the Land Use Hearing Examlllef', l\larch 5. 20n7, Report and Recommendation, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by thIs rderence, are hereby adopted as the findings and conclusIOns of the Federal Way City CouncIl. Any findlllg deemed to be a conclUSIOn, and any conclusion deemed to be a finding, shall be treated as su~h 2. Based on, if/ler alia, the analysis and conclusions in the Staff Report and f leafing Examiner's recommendation. and conditions of approval as established therein, the proposed ,;ubdlVISIOO makes appropriate proVISIOns for the public health, satety, and general welfare, and for such open spaces, drainage ways. streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies. samtary waste, parks and recreation, play grounds, schools and schools grounds, and all other relevant facts as arc reqUIred by City code and state law. and provides for sidewalks and other planning features to assure sak walklllg condItions tor students who walk to and from school. 3. The public use and interest will be served by the preliminary plat approval granted herein. SectIOn 2. Application Approval. Based upon the reconunendation of the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Exammer and findings and conclusions contained therein as adopted by the City Councilunmediately above, Sterling Woods preliminary plat, Federal Way File No. 05-104193-00 SU, IS hereby approved, subject to conditions as contained in the March 5, 2007, Report and Recommendation of the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner (Exhibit A). Section 3. Conditions of Approval Integral. The conditions of approval of the prehmlllary plat are all integral to each other with respect to the City Council finding that the public use and interest will be served by the platting or subdivision of the subject property, Should any court having jurisdiction over the subject matter declare any oflhe conditions invalid, then, in said event, the proposed preliminary plat approval granted in this resolution shall be deemed void, and the preliminary plat shall be remanded to the City of Federal Way Hearing Examiner to review the impacts of the invalidation of any condition or conditions and conduct slIch additional proceedings as are necessary to assure that the proposed pial makes appropriate proviSIOns for the public health, safety, and general welfare and other factors as required by RCW Chapter 58.17 and applicable City ordinances, rules, and regulations, and torward such recommendation to the Clly Council for further actIOn. EXHIBIT \ Section 4. Severability. If any sectIon. sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution should be held to be Invalid or unconstitutional by a court ot competent jurisdiction, such mvahdlty or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause. or phrase of this resolutIOn Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and pnor to the effective date of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolutIOn shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City CounciL RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, THlSJtVbA Y OF .l'l/tvrL ~ ,2006 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY ~/~ MA YOR, MI L RK APPROVED AS To FORM: f~ti ~ CITY A lTORNEY , PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERIC PASSED By THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION No. 3/1,/07 , f J(do/)~ 'I ._ 07 - c;C;.s ~ EXHIBIT J RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, APPROVING THE STERLING WOODS FINAL PLAT, FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, FILE NO. 07-106650-00-SU WHEREAS, on February 12,2007, the Federal Way Hearing Examiner conducted a public hearing on the Sterling Woods prelirninary plat application resulting in the Recommendation of the Federal Way Hearing Examiner, dated March 5,2007; and WHEREAS, the Sterling Woods preliminary plat, City of Federal Way File No. 05-104193-00-SU, was approved subject to conditions on March 20, 2007, by Federal Way City Council Resolution No. 07- 495, which adopted the Hearing Examiner's findings of fact and conclusions; and WHEREAS, the applicant submitted the final plat application for Sterling Woods, within the required time of receiving approval for the above-referenced prelirninary plat; and WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied or guaranteed all of the conditions set forth in Resolution 07- 495; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way's Department of Community Development Services and Public Works Department staff have reviewed the proposed final plat for its conformance to the conditions of preliminary plat approval and final plat decisional criteria, and their analysis and conclusions are set forth in the Final Plat Staff Report, dated May 5, 2008, which is hereby incorporated by reference as though set forth in full; and WHEREAS, the City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee considered the application and staff report for the Sterling Woods final plat at its rneeting on May 5, 2008, and recommended approval by the full City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed and considered the Final Plat.Staff Report and the application for Sterling Woods final plat during the Council's meeting on May 20, 2008. Now TIlEREFORE, TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HEREBY RESOLVES AS Doc. I.D. '- ~ FOLLOWS: Section 1. Findings and Conclusions. 1. The Sterling Woods final plat, City of Federal Way File No. 07-106650-00-SU, is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat and is in conformance with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls in effect at the time the preliminary plat application was deemed complete. 2. Based on, inter alia, the analysis and conclusions in the Final Plat Staff Report, dated May 5, 2008, which are adopted herein by reference, and on the City Council's review of the application for final plat, the proposed subdivision makes appropriate provision for public health, safety, and general welfare, and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, and schools and school grounds as are required by City Code, or which are necessary and appropriate, and provides for sidewalks and other planning features to assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. 3. The public use and interest will be served by the fmal plat approval granted herein. 4. All conditions listed in Federal Way Resolution No. 07-945, dated March 20, 2007, have been satisfied, and/or satisfaction of the conditions have been sufficiently guaranteed by the applicant as allowed by Federal Way City Code Section 20-135. 5. All required improvements for final plat approval have been made and/or sufficient bond, cash deposit, or assignment of funds have been accepted as guarantee for completion and maintenance of all required plat improvements as identified in the Final Plat Staff Report. 6. All taxes and assessments owing on the property being subdivided have been paid or will be paid, prior to recording the final plat. Section 2. Application Approval. Based upon the Findings and Conclusions contained in Section J above, the Sterling Woods final plat, City of Federal Way File No. 07-106650-00-SU, is approved. Section 3. Recording. The approved and signed final plat, together with all legal instruments pertaining thereto, as required pursuant to all applicable codes, shall be recorded by the applicant in the King County Department of Records and Elections. The applicant shall pay all recording fees. Doc. 1.0. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority, and prior to the effective date, of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, THIS DAY OF , 2008. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Mayor, Jack Dovey A TI'EST: City Clerk, Laura Hathaway, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Patricia A. Richardson FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO: Doc. I.O. .a KCGIS Parcel Reports Property Report Districts and Development Conditions Report Find Your Council District Find Your Watershed KCGIS Center King County GIS Center King Street Center 201 S. Jackson St. Suite 706 Seattle, WA 98104 giscenter@kingcounty.gov + 47.59909 N - 122.33136 W + 470 35' 56.72" - 1220 19' 52.90" HOME NEWS SERVICES DIRECTORY CONTACT I KCGIS Center EXHIBIT www.KingCounty.gov/GIS Assessor information for parcel number 3021049045 Taxpayer name SINGH MAKHAN Parcel number 3021049045 ..................--.-...-..---...-.-..--.-.----.- ...---.--.-.....-.- Tax Account 302104904503 number Mailing address 36205 6TH AVE SW FEDERAL WAY WA 98023 ~m Rtint ~~E>e~!s~!l~~~_I':J Address(es) at this 36205 6TH AVE SW 98023 parc~.._________~.___. J:-.El.YLcode __~_~__~~=____________ Jurisdiction .__.___.______.n_.______.m___.......___..._..,___..._.....__..........._..m Present use Legal description N 1/2 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 LESS CO RD S I h' aes IStOry Sale date Sale Buyer Seller Excise Recording Instrument Sale price tax number type reason number 1----- _'m -- --~,- 10-13-2004 $430,000 SINGH MCASKILL 2QZZQOJ 29J21J0150020.3.2 Statutory None MAKHAN+MAKKER LINDA N Warranty MUKESH K Deed 10-13-2004 $0 MAKKER MUKESH MAKKER 2.Q:rlQ.o.~ 29lM_1J11g_Qj:)2.Q~~ Quit Claim Property K NEENA Deed Settlement 10-13-2004 $0 SINGH MAKHAN SODHI ~077.QQl! 2JlM1.Q1500.2.Q..3!l Quit Claim Property KAMALJIT Deed Settlement 11-23-1992 $0 MCKINNON LINDA MCKINNON 1281939 199212030893 Quit Claim Settlement N RICHARD Deed G Parcel description Property name Property type R - RESIDENTIAL Present use Single Family(Res Use/Zone) Lot area 205,167 sq. ft. (4.71 acres) Plat name Water _!l~ll~_'!l_______ Sewer system Access WATER DISTRICT Residential building description ~LJ~~irlQ~~____________ ~1_~~~! _____________ Year built 1950 . ......--..-......-..-----.....-....-.....-- .-.-....-..-...--..... -..--..-....-----....--.. Year renovated 0 -~~'.._-,--_._--_._-,'~ Stories 1 ~-_.,.~~._--~_..,.-.,- ~i1dirlQ_Q~ade __~:J:-~YI Average __ ~~~Jt~~__.__J~..vera{:l~..____._ Finished basement NONE OR UNKNOWN Plat block PRIVATE Plat lot PUBLIC Q-S-T-R SE-30-21-4 Street surface PAVED Total living sq. ft. 1,250 Bedrooms 3 ____._.._.._........__~_~____.._..______._....___.H _."..______.. Baths 1 1/2 baths 0 ___.__...~~___..__w 3/4 baths 1 ~~__,__u.._'_.._A. Single story 1 _~rf:lp.I~_c~_~___._~_~____._ Multi-story fireplac.El....Q..__._ ___ Free-standing 0 _~r.El.P!~~f:l....__..___ Percent brick or stone -.--..--.....-.....-.-..--....--..-..-.-..-.. g~~I_~Q~!~a~,rT1l:l.rlt.._ _X_ Heat system Forced Air -~-'-"--_..'-- -_..,..,.,~_.-_...._._..... Heat source Oil 1st floor sq. ft. 1,250 Half floor s.9:...f!:__ J?__ 2nd floor s9.:..~..Q..___ J:!pper f100!..!C!:...!.__ J!...___ Total basement sq. 670 ft. Finished basement 0 sq. ft. _~~ Basement garage 0 _s.9.:_!!:____.___...__._____ ......._______ Attached garage sq. 0 ft. _..~---~-~..._--~---- gP.E'lQRCl!:.l:hllCl:.!t: 0 Enclosed porch sq. 0 ft. o http://www5 .kingcounty .gov /kcgisreports/property _ report.aspx?PIN=3021 049045 4/28/2008 ~Ilg \.....uwuy rropeny uescnpuon lOr parcel numoer ')VL.IV~'V~J rage L. or L. EXHIBIT _peck sq. !to 560 Taxable value histo Tax year Tax status Taxable value reason -------..----...------ "--_._._.._.__._..._._-_......_,-_.._.,~._.... 2008 TAXABLE NONE OR UNKNOWN 2007 TAXABLE NONE OR UNKNOWN Appraised value Taxable value .--...-...-...-...,.........-.....-.--..-...---.-....--- .-------.--.....--..--.....-.--. $209,000 (land) $209,000 (land) + ~ (improvements) + ~ (improvements) $462,000 (total) $462,000 (total) $190,000 (land) $190,000 (land) + ~ (improvements) + ~ (improvements) $414,000 (total) $414,000 (total) $178,000 (land) $178,000 (land) + $138 000 (improvements) + $138.000 (improvements) $316,000 (total) $316,000 (total) 2006 TAXABLE NONE OR UNKNOWN Related resources King County Assessor: S!tbmi1J!.J'~q!J!l~ttQ_~Qn~(;tj!JfQfm!!ll~!L!!.!JtJJ.H.!lPort King County Assessor: .!l.Real PrODE!.rtYJ:~_EU~Qrt (PDF format requires Acrobat) King County Assessor:Q!J~!:t!lr.J3.!l.!<tiQ.!IM!!p (PDF format requires Acrobat) King County GIS: Prope!1Yl.nfor!It<!.tlon-E&Q_ King County GIS: Districts and Development Conditions ReDort (a detailed report about the location of this property) King County DOES: Permit Applications Report (for unincorporated areas only) King County Treasury Operations: E'r9-P_li!_rtYT!!lCJnformaJion f.Qr th~~ King County Recorders Office: Excise Tax Affidavits Report King County Recorders Office: Scanlled images of plats. King County Recorders Office: S_canl].!l.gjm....9!lJ!_9i~!JrY~~ and other maD doc!Jl!!.!l.l1t~-, Q~!:l~II!!AP.loJhiLPlQPli!_rtY (requires a high speed internet connection) Qp~n ~;lJ:!<~'iiew!lLto thilij!r2P.l!!1x (any connection speed, but less features than iMAP) Search: Address or parcel number: ~I Reset I D search by condo name example address: 8621 428TH AVE SE I example parcel number: 0942000860 This report was generated on 4/28/2008 1 :32:09 PM Home IPrtv<\Qy I AG.cJZ$$iQIlity I IeIJD$_QfJ,l$!;l, I ~!ll;ln;h Contact us at gj~Ci';)ntE'1r@kingG.QJJJ]ty~gQY. Links to external sites do not constitute endorsements by King County. By vi$iting this and other King County web page$, you expressly agree to be bound by terms and conditions of the site. @ 2008 King County http://www5 .kingcounty .gov /kcgisreports/property Jeport.aspx?PIN=3021 049045 4/28/2008 ...,.....IIYIUnllll.l~vL;c..vn.lL;nl Utdl'\nlMI:I'I1 APR 2 5 2008 LAKEHA VEN UTILITY DISTRICf i;W 31627 - 1st Avenue South · r.G. Box 4249 · Federal Way, Washington 98063-4249 Federal Way: 253-941-1516 · Tacoma; 253-927-2922 wwwJakehavenorg April 24, 2008 David Lee Community Development Dept. City of Federal Way P.O. Box 9718 Federal Way, W A 98063-9718 EXHIBIT -& RE: Final Plat Approval Status Sterling Woods Agreement No. 6306009 Dear Mr. Lee: This letter serves as a status report to advise the Federal Way City Council on final plat approval for the referenced project. The water distribution and sanitary sewer systems for this project are substantially complete. The developer has entered into a supplemental agreement with Lakehaven Utility District and Lakehavent accepted a guaranty for completion of construction of the water and sewer facilities for the project. We have reviewed the proposed final plat document dated April 15, 2008 from DMP, Inc. There are a couple of items of concern as indicated on the attached Final Plat Document Review Checklist. Lakehaven would recommend these items be addressed and clarified before the plat is recorded. Please do not hesitate to call me, if you have any questions. I may be reached by phone at (253) 946-5406, by electronic mail at jjensen@lakehaven.org, or by fax at (253) 529-4081. Sincerely, L~:n Engineering Technician c: Mukesh K. Makker DMP, Inc. ec: Development Services Supervisor Inspection Charles Gibson Commissioner Donald L.P. Miller Commissioner Ronald E. Nowicki Commissioner Ed Stewart Commissioner Beverly J. Tweddle Commissioner COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 20, 2008 ITEM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Community Center Building Generator Supply - Bid Award POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council award the Community Center Building Generator purchase to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: May 5, 2008 CATEGORY: IZI Consent 0 Ordinance 0 Public Hearing o City Council Business 0 Resolution IZI Other STAFF REpORT By: Ken Miller, P.E., Deputy Public Works Director DEPT: Public Works _...__.._........_..._.__._______.._._....__._~_!~~~~~!.~_L!>.~!.~~~~4..f~~i!.!!_~~Ma~~g~!........._.....____._._._..______.._....._....._______.______....._..._...._._.._......._..._._____...___ Attachments: Land Use and Transportation Committee memorandum dated May 5, 2008. Options Considered: 1. Award the Community Center Building Generator purchase to Cummins Northwest, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of Two Hundred Ninety-Three Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-Five and nollOO Dollars ($293,975.00) plus state sales tax. 2. Reject all bids for the Community Center Building Generator purchase, re-bid the item and return to Committee for further action. 3. Do not award the Community Center Building Generator purchase to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option 1. CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: ,11iW;) DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ Council ~ Committee . Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward staff recommendation for Option 1 to the May 20, 2008 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. Linda Kochmar, Chair Dini Duclos, Member Jim Ferrell, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: HI move awarding the Community Center Building Generator purchase to Cummins Northwest, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of Two Hundred Ninety-Three Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy-Five and no/l 00 Dollars ($293,975.00) plus state sales tax." (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLEDIDEFERRED/NO ACfION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: May 5, 2008 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, P. E., Assistant City Manager, Chief Operations Officer, Emergency Manager Ken Miller, P.E., Deputy Public Works Director ~~ Steve Ikerd, Parks and Facilities Manager Community Center Building Generator Supply - Bid Award ~ BACKGROUND At the July 17, 2007 City Council meeting, the Council approved the purchase of additional emergency equipment to assist the City in providing services to our citizens and businesses during emergency conditions. This included the purchasing and installation of an emergency generator for the Community Center which is also proposed to be used as an emergency shelter. Four (4) bids were received and opened on April 30, 2008 for the Community Center Building Generator Supply bid. Two of the bids received were not responsive due to discrepancies, therefore the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the generator is Cummins Northwest with a bid of $293,975.00 plus state sales tax. See Bid Tabulation below. Reference checks on Cummins Northwest by City staff indicates that the contractor has performed similar work in the past, including installations at City Hall and the Evidence Building. Therefore, staff recommends awarding the Community Center building standby generator to Cummins Northwest, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the amount of$293,975.00 plus state sales tax. BIDS RECEIVED: ~.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. . . 1 ; 1 ~ i Cummins Northwest $ 293,975.00* i NC Power Systems $ 307,530.64* * PLUS STATE SALES TAX cc: Project File K:\LUTC\2008\04-30-08 Community Center Generator - Bid Award.doc VI Q) Cl '" c. I -- o Eo< f;Iil f;Iil = rJ:J Z o .... Eo< < ...:l ;;;J = < Eo< ~ .... = ~ ~ - ~ OJ ..."C ~19J ~ '" ~ ., .. ~ ., <'I ~ 8 .~~ ~f;Iil ClO "0 ~ ..... "0 ~ 1.0 "0 ~ In "0 ~ i ~ ~<1 '1 ~ ',\ \l\ ) ~ ..1 \ '~ ~ '~~ ~ ~ ~~!% ~ ~ -t 1 ; - ~ '-. . == ~35 ~ <C)l- ~ ~ i ~ i ~~ fJ'i = ~~ ~ ~ :;: :;: Q.,Q., <:> <:> <:> - NJ~ .. @1\!! :;; S ~ ~ :::: :;: -1;0 ~ = ~ f'f") .~ " ::;;;;;:u~ ''J. ~ I-+=- ~~~ ~~J\ III l!::~ ::!! (J ~, ~ -.\,....--..> ~ \ .. s .. .. .. = .. '" c. ;:l .... '" ~ a;; w a .- WooE="" ~ ~ all ~ ~ .. ; ~ ~ ~ ~~~rg il ... .5 'il 'il :;: e s ~ " " _ Z i.u~~l ~ ~~~~~ COUNCIL MEETING DATE: May 20,2008 ITEM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: CITIZEN SURVEY POLICY QUESTION: Should the City utilize the National Citizen Survey to survey the community? COMMITTEE: LUTC MEETING DATE: 05/06/08 CATEGORY: o Consent t8l City Council Business o Ordinance o Resolution o o Public Hearing Other ~!~F1:J!~!.Q~!m!!r:~!!l~~.~~~~!.'...co.~!!I~!l!~~~~~~_~~g_?",'~~ff~i!.~~_'.l...~!:.!._m__..~~~~_:...~~.~.~.~~~.~c:_:~.<:>r.~~~m__._.._.__....m._...__ Attachments: · Memo to LUTC Council Committee regarding the National Citizen Survey. · Standard survey instrument from National Citizen Survey. · Edited survey instrument on Federal Way topics per FEDRAC direction on 4.22.08 Options Considered: General direction sought on use of the National Citizen Survey as well as topics and wording of customizable survey questions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: ~ ~ Council DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: iTiiiJ '~ Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Linda Kochmar, Committee Chair Dini Duclos, Committee Member Jim Ferrell, Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLED/DEFERREDINO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # City of Federal Way MEMORANDUM Date: April 29, 2008 To: Land Use and Transportation Committee Linda Farmt~, Communications and Government Affairs Manager Scott Pingel, MPA, ICMA Fellow'rf' From: Subject: Citizen Survey Introduction $30,000 was allocated in the 2007-2008 budget to survey the community. This survey will be the City's first comprehensive, statistically valid baseline survey. It will help us in our performance measurement efforts and budget process. Staff is recommending use of the National Citizen Survey through ICMA. The National Citizen Survey is a unique service to administer, analyze and report from a standard citizen survey. The National Research Center and ICMA are able to provide this service at a relatively low cost through careful standardization and automation of the survey process. Each participating jurisdiction can make a limited number of customizations for its locale. National Citizen Survey The base survey consists of a standard survey instrument plus three customized policy questions and one customized open-ended question. The survey will be statistically valid with a plus or minus 3% margin of error. The survey includes a comparison report with all other cities nationwide participating in the National Citizen Sux:vey. The survey will be administered in three ways: . Mail: The survey will be mailed to 3,000 randomly selected households in Federal Way. This hardcopy survey will also be available in Spanish, Korean and Russian. Also, respondents will have the chance to take the survey online instead of mailing back their hardcopy. . Phone: The National Research Center will complete 400 phone interviews. . Web: After the mailed survey takes place, the same survey will be posted on our website so that others outside the original sample group can answer the questions. This data will be tabulated for us in conjunction with the other results. 1 Cost Mailed survey and reports . Korean translation services . Spanish translation services . Russian translation services 400 phone interviews Web survey Total Other survey oDtions $17,100 $ 900 $ 1,450 $ 2,100 $ 6,000 $ 1.550 $29,100 At the direction of Councilmembers at the April 22 FEDRAC meeting, staff began researching the cost of a completely customized survey. Weare still awaiting this information. Process Staff will present the survey to each Council committee so that each Councilmember has an opportunity to provide feedback before the survey is presented to the full Council. Specific options for the customizable policy and open-ended questions are still undergoing staff review and will be handed out at the LUTC meeting. Timeline for National Citizen Survey April 22 May 5 May 13 May 20 June 2 July 14-Aug. 18 Sept. 8 Sept. 22 FEDRAC LUTe P/R/HSIPS Council decision Contract starts Survey conducted Draft report received Final report received Attachments: Survey Instruments 2 *-rhis IS ~~ ~r~. The XYZ of ABC 2008 Citizen Survey Please(:C)I1l~I~t~~.b~~questionnaire if you are Jlte~d...lt (age 18 or older)intb~h()~~hold who most recently .~ abil'1!h~~~~\~lte,~pult's year of birth does.Jlotmatter..Please selecUheresponse,.(by circling the numberorq' checkillgtfte,tl>Qx).that most closely represents your opinion for each 9uestion. Y()ur responses are anonym(),~ and will be,r~orted in group form only. .' 1. Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in ABC: Excellent ABC as a place to live .............................................................................. 1 yourneighbp;~~asa place to live .............................,................._........ 1 ABC as a place to raise children............................................................... 1 AB<:as;ClJplci~e.;t9-w()rk....... ................... ......... .:..... .................................. 1 ABC as a place to retire............................................................................ 1 Th~overalrqu~HtY.Qflife in ABC.. ..... ................ .......................... ",'" ...... 1 Good 2 2 2 2. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to ABC as a whole: Excellent Good Sense of community................................................................................. 1 2 ()P~~~~.(:E!Ptanceof the community~o~~rdsJr>eopleQf diverse b . gu.flds ............... ....................................... ................. ..,.....1 2 Overall appearance of ABC...................................................................... 1 2 Cleafllifl~~gfABC .,..................................... ... .... ...:.........3:........ ...... ...;;,.1 2 Overall quality of new development in ABC........................................... 1 2 v.ari~tyC.Qf...l1qu.~iQg.QpttQns Overall quality of business and service establishments in ABC................. 1 2 Sh()ppillgappoltuflities .............................. ........ .......... ................... ..... ......1 2 Opportunities to attend cultural activities................................................. 1 2 ~~!~Clt!Qfli;JJgr:ft1t')lttJhiti~S Employment opportunities ....................................................................... 1 2 E(ju.pi'ltiQml':QPPoftunQ:teS .............. "".; ..... .;........,.j. .,.;.,......C.;..... ,", ....,. .;,..t1 2 ~Pp?'t'll;)itig, tQ p.utkipatQ jl;) ,g~ial Q"Ql;)t, al'l~ acti"ities . .. .................. 1 :2 ~~fil~~~IRitiQ!;tQfilafti~if?t.ltQ il;) I'8ligiQ"'l;Qr~piri~aIQ"QR~aR~attivities . 1 2 Opportunities to volunteer....................................................................... 1 2 Opportuf)iti~st<:)pafticipate in community matters. .:......;................ ..,........;1 Ease of car travel in ABC...............,......................................................... 1 2 Ease ofbustr~vetin ABC .........................._................................. ................. 1 2 f"."i'" nf r?il Qr ~l1b"'ilY tril"li'1 i'l A Be 1 '1 Ease ofbitycletravel in AB~......... ......... ....... ...,........... ........................ .....1 Ease of walking in ABC ............................................................................ 1 2 Availability ofp-aths and walking trails ....................................................... 1 2 ~ie.f1ow on major.streets...............................;...........;...........................1 2 +;\Tl'qu(ltbf"Put;lI~"arking, :;.;...;........ .....;.:. ..;. :..i..i............ ..."....................1 ~'ffltlabffity-of affe>rdableqtlality housing .......;..;.............,,,.......,....,.......... 1 2 Availilb.Hityof aff()rdable quality child care .........,............,......................... 1 2 Availability'ofaffordilble quality health care ............................................ 1 2 Availability of aHordable quality food .,.................."................................. 1 2 A"-.ilasility gf flreveRtivc h8altlot scrvices .~............................................... 1 2 Air quality.......... ........ ............... ......... ............." ..... ...,,;.;.:.... :...... ;........,... 1 2 Quality of overall natural environment in ABC ........................................ 12 Overall imageorreputation of ABC.........................,.............................. 1 2 Fair 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 Fair 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 J .J J 3 .) 3 J 3 3 3 3 3 J 3 3 3 3 3 3 5", 3. Please rate the speed of growth in the following categories in ABC over the past 2 years: Much Somewhat Right Somewhat too slow too slow amount too fast Popul3rl'on growth .................. ......................................1 2 3 4 Retail growth (stores, restaurants, etc.)....................;....... 1 2 3 4 Jobs growth............................ ....................................... 1 2 3 4 Page 1 of 5 (j) Poor Don't know 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 Poor Don't know 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 <I. f :::X-:'.- 4 4 4 5 4 Ll " 4 5 4 5 4 4 .5..-. 4 ______.,;,.;5..~ ..4 . _.5.. ...... 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 "-- Much too fast 5 5 Don't know 6 6 6 5 l , C' .... '-J ;<0 '1}J'''' . ..... w _.."':' . ~ , ~ .... , ... -"'1 ('I". ..,.,\-.~.., )~. '.v J.'Iv~'V , , . ~. : l\~ ~ t( :_'t- '" j. ':" .. I .. . .;. J ..x::: ~ational Citizen SurveyTM 4. To what degree, if at all, are run down buildings, weed lots or junk vehicles a problem in ABC? o Not a problem 0 Minor problem 0 Moderate problem 0 Major problem 0 Don't know 5. Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel from the following in ABC: Very Somewhat Neither safe Somewhat safe safe nor unsafe unsafe Viol;nt~rime (e.g., rape, assault, robbery) ..................... 1 2 PrQP~!'W.crimes (e.g., burglary,thgft).,............................ 1 2 Environmental hazards, including toxic waste................ 1 2 3 Very unsafe 5 Don't know 6 6 6 4 4 4 5 3 o. Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Somewhat Neither safe Somewhat Very Don't safe nor unsafe unsafe unsafe know 2 3 4 5 6 2 4 6 2 3 4 5 6 4 6 Very safe Inyourneighborhood during the dar-............................. 1 InY911F lJ~ighborbood afte.rdarL...,......,......,..... .... ..... ..... 1 1~<.AB~os..d()""nto'Nn area du.~.i~.9.th~~ay....~.................... 1 In~~'sQowntown.area aft~r.qi:lfk."..~....:...................... 1 7. During the past twelve months, were you or anyone in your household the victim of any crime? o No ~ Go to Question 9 0 Yes ~ Go to Question 8 0 Don't know ~ Go to Question 9 8. If yes, was this crime (these crimes) reported to the police? o No 0 Yes 0 Don't know 9. In the last 12 months, about how many times, jf ever, have you or other household members participated in the following activities in ABC? Never Us~d..ABC.f~bliclibraries or their services .............................................. 1 UseQ~BG..fecreation in a recreation or activity........................................ 1 Once or 3 to 12 13 to 26 More than twice times times 26 times 2 3 4 5 2 3 5 2 3 4 5 -a-loccH ~jthjn ABC ................:;............;........."........;.............. 1 . local 2 3- 4 .. _ ...5._ 3 Watched a meeting of local elected officials or other local public on cable television .................................................................. 1 4 5 ~4;.~.*.~.5..,...... 4 5 4 5 4 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 J J 3 /1, -4 ~ 8 S !i Visited the XYZ of ABC Web site (at .com) ........................................ 1 Recycled used paper, cans or bottles from your home.............................. 1 Volunteered your time to some group or activity in ABC......................... 1 Pa.rc.ti@;j~ilte8 ift I'eligitHl:i afj~jfittttil 6l:ti. itie; ifl ,',BC ............................... 1 i:;t':t:;~ipAtQIo1 if.'! a dWB or civic grol:lp iA ..\BC............................................. 1 PnHdQr.fl:lQlp tQ A friQf.'!Q SF RQig~~Elr. .....i.............................................. 1 2 2 2 2 2 bout how often, if at all, do you talk to or visit with your immediate neighbors (people who live in the 10 hou that are closest to you)? OJust abou~ eve o Several times a week o Several times a month o Once a month o Sever year nce a year or less o Never (}) Page 2 of 5 ~ ~ . ii u . ~ :!J :;; ell: -t:j c 0 '~3 'Z ro 0 0 'i' 0 0 ". (~ , ->- OJ C :> V1 Q) .C::! 0 <ii c 2 rn z 1) t: The XYZ of ABC 2008 Citizen Survey 11. Please rate the quality of each of the following services in ABC: E xcelJent Police services .... ........ ................... ......... ....... .......... ...... ........ .... .............. 1 .FiFQt,~p'i~9' .. . ow. ...........n ....n............. .. .....u... 1 ~mhlll:lnrA nr Af'YlArgAnry modir::ll lQn./ic~, 1 Crime p~ve"tiql1..... .................... ..... .......... ............. ......... ..... .................. 1 ..n'1 f.HS"QRtiQR 3.R61 QEhlC3.tieR ................................................................. 1 Muni~ig~rc~tI;ri[.;............... ................. ... ....... n. ..... .;:............... ................ 1 Traffic enforcement... ............ ................... .............. .... ....... ............... ........ 1 1 Str~etcl;.a~i~Z"'..""""'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''' ....... ...... ....~.. ......................... ... 1 $treetJignti~g..~.:..,.... .;.................................. ....... ...... ..,.,....... ............... ....... 1 Snow removal............. ................... ............ ........................... ..... .............. 1 SiQ~W~II<!!iO~il1t~!'Il.ltlCe ............................... ........., .:;;;,S..................... ....... 1 Traffic signal timing ........_....... .......... ............. ........................... ........ ....... 1 B~s~;q:al)~i~s~rViCes................................. '" ........ .......... ...... ...............;..... 1 collection...................... .... ......................... ................ ........ ........ 1 1 Yard waste pick-up ..................... ............. ....... ........................ ..............m 1 Stol'~.~~i,n~g~l;~J1:;:~~... .................... .............. ..... ..... ..L..... .,..;... ... .............. 1 ~ri~l~i~~..:~~t~r.............................................. ....................................... .... 1 ~'~f~r::.,~~~,i:~ . .:;. ~~~.;.;. ~:.. ~......:;..-'~::'~']-~'_...~ ~~.~. u;.uo...;. u ~. .. .;.1 ~.~~(.~..I~J~ri:~~.~~/6r gas) I1tilit, ... .............. ...........~....;...... ....... ............... 1 XYZ 'parks.......:.;,:;..~............. .......... ......... .... .......... ......... ........ ......... ............. 1 Recr;ati~~gr8g~~~s orc/asses ........ ... ...... ..................!..... ...... .... ....... ........ 1 Rec~ati-f;)Il;<i~te:rs .or facilities......... ...... .......................... ..... ........ .............. 1 ~a~du.~~,~I~n~i?~ a~d. zoning ..... ..... .............. .........;............... .... .......... 1 C:~eelllf$!i.r~~e~~'~e.~s,. abandoned. buildings,.etc;).......,....,.. ...... ........ 1 Animal control........... ........... ..... ....... .......... .......... ............. .... ....... .......... 1 EconQniicid~*~I~~~~r\t .............. .......... ....,.........:....:....,........ .......... ........ 1 .w'ilJltb ~'ilP'i~Q~ . . .................................................................... 1 SelVkesft(-jf~~~iQ~~$,"-.. ....;....................... ...... ..... ...... i..;............................ 1 ... 'Services to youth...................................................................................... 1 SelVi9E~$!'1t~i~~~f~€qme people ...... .... ....;.............,....1.;......... ................... 1 i'uh liE lil3FaPI sefYiccs ......................... ........................ ........... .... .............. 1 j~lwli~iR~J~I~iit'~QrNices ........... ......... ....................'....................... ........ 1 .~..~ti~ ~<:p~~.lt'1'1.i . ... ......... ... .... ....... 1 _hl~..tef~yi~il3l'l' ............ ..... .......... ......... ... ...... ..... ..................... ....... '" ..... ... 1 Emergency preparedness (services that prepare the community for natur~I~.i~~sters or other emergency situations) ....;.............................. 1 preservationi~fi,'1 I areas such as open space,farilands and greenbe~ts..:,.::. ."......... ...... .................... ........ ........... ....,...,........................ 1 Good 2 2 '1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 '2 2 2 2 2 2 12. Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? Excellent Good The XYZ of ABC ...................................................................................... 1 2 The Federal/Gbvemment ......................... ................................................ 1 2 The State Government ............................................................................. 1 2 CCC COl.,lntyGo\l~rnment ......................................................................... 1 2 G) Page 3 of 5 Fair Poor Don't know 3 4 5 :3 <1 S - ] <l '} 3 4 5 3 <1 S 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 4 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 3 4 5 3 4 5 :3 <l 3 3 4 S L ) 4 ') 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 3 4 5 3 4 5 J 4 S 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 J 4 S 3 1 S 3 <1 '} 3 1 S 3 4 5 3 4 5 Fair Poor Don't know 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 3 4 5 13. Have you had any in-person or phone contact with an employee of the XYZ of ABC within the last 12 months (including police, receptionists, planners or any others)? o No -+ Go to Question 15 0 Yes -+ Go to Question 14 )~Wh~t was y~ur impression of the employee(s) of the XYZ of ABC in your most recent contactnRate each -. - - .-- characteristic below.)- . ~ --- Excellent Knowledge..... .... ........ _._.. .... _.......... _. _....._.................... _..... _...................... 1 Responsivel1~~S,;~...;...............................;;................................................ 1 Courtesy.................................. .... .................. ....... ........ ...... .... ..... ...... ...... 1 Overalli mpressipn,{,.............................;................................................... 1 15. Please rate the following categories of ABC government performance: Excellent ~hev~l~eof s~'0ic~sf?r the taxes paid to ABC ........................................ 1 The.()Vef-<lll.dir~()nffiatABC is taking ...................................................1 The job ABC g?ver?ment does at\Velcoming citizen involvement........... 1 Tlle ;obABC govefn~nt does.atlisteningto citizens .............................. 1 ..x:~ational Citizen Survey'" Good Fair Poor Don'r know 2 3 4 -s--- 2 3 4 2 3 4 S 2 3 4 Good Fair Poor Don'r know 2 3 4 S 2 3 4 2 3 4 S 2 3 4 16. Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very Somewhat Somewhat Very likely likely unlikely unlikely 1t"ecommend living in ABC to someone who asks........................... 1 2 3 4 ~~a~..,.ffl~8Cfd(tfj~.ijext fiv~years. .:...; ............... ......... .................1 2 4 --...----.-.. . . .. . . ..--- 17. What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 ~onths? 00 you thi~k the impact will be: o Very positive 0 Somewhat positive 0 Neutral 0 Somewhat negative 0 Very negative 18. Please check the response that comes closest to your opinion for each of the following questions: Don't know . "---~'- a. Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 Policy Question #1 o Scale point 1 0 Scale point 2 0 Scale point 3 0 Scale point 40 Scale .poiiii!i---- b. Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question #2 Policy Question~- --'-'0 Scale point 1 0 Scale point 2 0 Scale point 3 0 Scale point 4 . 0 Scale.point~-.. u --- _..--- . . c .."'- .PQIi$:y Question #3 Policy Question #3 Policy Question #3 Policy Question #3 Policy Question #3 Policy Questio:. :; . . . . ....1IIt Q) . #3 Policy Question #3 Policy Question #3 Policy Question #3 Policy Question #3 Policy Question #3 Policy ~ Question #3 Policy Question #3 Policy Question #3 Policy Question #3 Policy Question #3 Policy Question #3 ~ o Scale point 1 0 Scale point 2 0 Scale point 3 0 Scale point 4 0 Scale pointS ~ IV d. .oPTIONAL [See Worksheets for details and price of this option] Open-Ended Question Open-Ended Question Ji Open.Ended Question Open-Ended Question Open-Ended Question Open-Ended Question Open-Ended Question ~ .~ Open-Ended Question Open-Ended Question Open-Ended Question Open-Ended Question Open-Ended Question 1ii z co o o ~ o o N 9 ~ ~ >- Q) ~ V> C Q) N .., o ra c o -~ Z IV .L: r Page 4 of S Our last questions are about you and your hOlJsehold. Again, all of your responses 10 this survey are completelY. anonymous and will ber;eported in group form only. D1. Are you currently employed for pay? 07. Do any children 17 or under live in your household? o No -+ Go to Question 03 0 No 0 Yes O-Ves, full time -+ Go to Question 02 ~.Yes, part time -+ Go to Question 02 D2. During a typical week, how many days do you commute to work (for the longest distance of your commute) in each of the ways listed below? (Enter the total number of days, using whole numbers.) Motorized vehicle (e.g., car, truck, van, motorcycle,etc..) by myself .......... Mot()riz~dVel1icle (e.g., car, truck, van~ fl)()t~~}(de'ctc...) with other CI1.ildren Or adults Bus, Rail, Subway or other public transportation ................................. _ days Walk....::..;:::.:......,............................ ~ days - Bicycle.............................................. ____ days . Wor~..at.home,.................................. _________ days - Other ............................................... days The XYZ of ABC 2008 Citizen Survey D3. How many years have you lived in ABC? o Less than 2 years 0 1 J -20 years o 2-5 years 0 More than 20 years o 6- 1 0 years D4. Which best describes the building you live in? o One family house detached from any other houses O.t-louse attached to one or more houses (e.g., a duplex or town home) o Building with two or more apartments or condominiums O-Mobile home o Other 05. Is lnis house, apartment or mobile home... O'l<ented for cash or occupied without cash payment? o Owned by you or someone in this house with a mortgage or free and clear? D6. About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and homeowners' association (HOA) fees)? o Less than $300 per month o $300 to $599 per month o $600 to $999 per month o $1,000 to $1,499 per month o $1,500 to $2,499 per month o $2,500 or more per month days 08. Are you or any other members of your household aged 65 or older? o No 0 Yes 09. How much do you anticipate your household's total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include in your total income money from all sources for all persons living in your household.) o Less than $24,999 0$25,000 to $49,999 o $50,000 to $99,999 0$100,000 to $149,999 0$150,000 or more Please respond to both question 010 and 011: 010. Are you Spanish, Hispanic or latino? o No, not Spanish, Hispanic or Latino o Yes, I consider myself to be Spanish, Hispanic or Latino 011. What is your race? (Mark one or more races to indicate what race you consider yourself to be) o American Indian or Alaskan Native o Asian, Asian Indian or Pacifjc Islander o Black or African American o White o Other D12. In which category is your age? o 18-24 years 0 55-64 years o 25-34 years 0 65-74 years o 35-44 years 0 75 years or older o 45-54 years 013. What is your sex? o Female o Male 014. Are you registered to vote in your jurisdiction? o No o Yes o Ineligible to vote o Don't know 015. Many people don't have time to vote in elections. Did you vote in the last general election? o No o Yes o Ineligible to vote o Don't know Thank you for completil'}g t-his survey. Please rett.Jr;nthe(:ompleted survey in the postage paid envelope to: National Research Center, 11'}<:.,3005 30th St., Boulder, CO 80301 Page 5 of 5 @ The City of Federal Way 2008 Citizen Survey-Edited version ;. ~ki.e complete thisque!iUtmnair:ei it ,YQuare the adult (a: ,,!:!:1,,;>;1:';,,"'_ - - -,"i~d:>"~;'''j'i'~!'!<' _' . -'t ~~ ~ ~~~~~ay.. The adult's! ~~n ~f !~~~ QC:>es not matter.. f1>~ . . · ;' . ~~~ktng the box) thati mO'St~(~s:e,ly represents your 'opt . . ;i p:.fil~~~~?Hf)and will be report~~ 1. Please rate each of the following aspects of quality of life in ABC: Excellent 1 Good Fair Poor Don't Know 2 3 4 5 2 3 2 3 4 5 2 3 2 3 4 5 2 3 Federal Way as a place to live..................................................... YQUNl~gJ1borhood as a place talive... .,.;..... ........................... Federal Way as a place to raise children......................................... "F~ratjWay as a place to WOrki~...;;;.;;..;;......................... 0" Federal Way as a place to retire................................................... J~h~bver;;.l\quality of life in Federal Way.;.;.,..... ............. ........ 1 2. Please rate each of the following characteristics as they relate to Federal Way as a whole: Excellent Good Fair Sense of community.............. ......... ..... ............... ............. .............. ........ 1 2 3 eptance of th~i~ toward people of Unds ....................:.*'........... . . . - i'- ~.._."..:.. '".. "'.. ...... ~....... "!....... .a.... Overall appearance of Federal Way...................................................... CleanlineSs of Federal Way. ....;.?,.......;:..;;,;:,.......... ........... Ov~rall.,(Wality of new development in Federal Way..... ............ ........... ..\l:a~Mpfi~sing options.... '" ..._..... ._.................... Ov:~r~~.~~ality of b~~iness and service establishments in Federal Way... .S@pp1o.g\OpportuOIties........ ........ .................... ... ... ..... Opportunities to attend cultural activities.................... ........... ....... .~Eiq~QPi:lrOppOrtunities....... .-;':...... ........................................ Employment opportunities. .................. ............ . . ...... . . ... .. .......... ;Edd~~lfopportunities. ................ ..... Opportunities to volunteer. . . . ......... . ..... .... . . . .. . .. ... . .. . . . ... . .. . . . . . ...... Op()'o~tiities to participate in corilfnuAitymatters. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . '" Ease of car travel in Federal Way.......... ............... .. .... .......... . ..... Ease;Qfbus travel in Federal Way;.... ..... ............ '" ._.......... .... ..... Ease of bicycle travel in Federal Way.......................................... Ea~eQt\.vall~ing in Federal Way............. .................................... Availability of paths and walking trails...................... ...... .._.... ....... Traffic ffowon major streets.... ........ ....................... _............ ...... Amount of public parking. . _ . . .. . ... ... . .. . _ . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . _ .. Availabili,tyof affordable quality housing. ... ...................... ........ .... Availability of affordable quality child care................ ...... .............. A~lat:1ility~of affordable quality heal.th care....... ........................... Availability of affordable quality food.. ... ... ..................... ... _....... '" Air.qU<l~ty:...... ..;..-_............. .......... .u................................. ...... Quality of overall natural environment in Federal Way. ... .. . ... ... .... ... Overalt.lltiage or reputation of Federal Way,................................. Poor Don't Know 4 5 2 3 4 5 3 2 3 4 5 3 2 3 4 5 2 3 2 3 4 5 3 2 3 4 5 3 2 3 4 5 2 3 2 3 4 5 2 3 2 3 4 5 2 3 2 3 4 5 2 3 2 3 4 5 2 3 2 3 4 5 2 3 2 3 4 5 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 3. Please rate the speed of growth in the following categories in Federal Way over the past 2 years: Much Somewhal Right Somewhat Much Don't too slow too slow amount too fast too fast Know Population growth.. .. .. .. .... .. ... ... ..... .... ...... ...... .. .. .. . .. .... 1 2 3 4 5 6 Retail_~:(e.g. stores, restaurants)....;;.................... 1 3 4 Jobs growth.. .. .... .. .... . .. . .. '" .... .. .. ... .. ..... .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 4. To what degree, if at all, are run down buildings, weed lots or junk vehicles a problem in Federal Way? o Not a problem 0 Minor problem 0 Moderate problem 0 Major problem 0 Don't know (f) 5. Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel regarding the following in Federal Way: Very Somewhat Neither safe safe safe nor unsafe 123 1 2 1 2 The City of Federal Way 2008 Citizen Survey-Edited version Violent crime (e.g. rape, assault, robbery)...................... PropertycrilTles(e.g~ 'burglary, theft)............. .,. Environmental hazards, including toxic waste.................. 6. Please rate how safe or unsafe you feel: Somewhat Very Don't unsafe unsafe Know 4 5 6 4 5 6.... ' "', ;- 4 5 6 Somewhat Very Don't unsafe unsafe Know 4 5 6 5 4 5 6 5 3 In your neighborhood during the day................................ In yourneiQt!bortlOOGtiafter dark..... ............... In Federal Way's downtown area during the ................ In Fedei'aIW~y.s downtQwn after dark........... Very Somewhat Neither safe safe safe nor unsafe 2 3 2 123 ,1 7. During the past 12 months, were you or anyone in your household the victim of any crime? o No -+ Go to question 9 0 Yes -+ Go to question 8 0 Don't Know -+ Go to question 9 8. If yes, was this crime (these crimes) reported to the police? o No o Yes o Don't Know 9. In the last 12 months, about how many times, if ever, have you or other household members participated in the following activities in Federal Way? Used Federal Way public libraries or their services................................. Used FederalW~;recr~ation centers.. Participated in a recreation program or activity....................................... Visited a .n~gijQortl()gjj;;park or Federal Ridden a local bus within Federal Way........ ...... ....................... ........ Attel)deda;weeti\')g;ofk>~1 elected offICials or otheflocal!Ptd:l'ic~eting Watched a meeting of local elected officials or other local public meeting on cable television.... . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. ... . . . . . . . .. . ... Read a.Federal Wayoewsletter.... ............ ... ...... ........ .., Visited the City of Federal Way website (at www.cityoffederalway.com).. Recycledpq~r.; ~Ils,oribottles from your home, ,":':..:~.~~ ~~:;};.::..... Volunteered your time to some group or activity in Federal Way........... 10. Please rate the quality of each of the following services in Federal Way: Excellent 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Police services..... .... .............................. ............ ....... .......... ..... ....... ..... Crime preveritlQI)~,:_.:. .... ................................ ..........~....:.;....... ............. Municipal court.............. ................._..... .......... ......... .......... ................. Traffic enforcemerjL,;;:::....................... ...... Street repair..... . . . .. . ... . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . ... . . .. .. .. . . .. ... . . . . ........ Street c1eaniog'H:"~'~:;~';'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Street lighting........... ............................................................ ....... Snow removal......~:L.....:.. .~.................. .... Sidewalk maintenance.......... . ... ..... . .. . .... .. . .. . ... ...... ... ... . .. . .. ... ... . ... Traffic sign<illiming..~~,.i.: ............................. .... Bus or transit services........... ... ..... ............................................ Garbage ooHectiQn:.;:i;.;:.,.;................ ................. .......... Recycling.:.. :.:.. ',:" . ... .. ... ...... . ... ... . . . .. . ... ..... . ..... . ..... .... .. . .. . ... .. . ..... Yard waste plck-up~....:.... ,...................... ............. Storm drainage..... ......:........ .......................................... ........... Federal Way parks...;~.::::.. ...................... ..... Recreation programs or classes....................... ....................... ..... Recreation ceotersor-faeitities......._.................... Land use, planning and zoning........ ................................... .... ...... Code enforcement (e.g)weeds, abandoned buildings).... ,.;:.......... . .... Animal control......................... . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . ... . .... .... .. (j) Once or 3to 12 Never twice limes 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 Good Fair 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 :r 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 13to 26 Morelhan limes 26 times 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 Poor Don't Know 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 5 4 5 The City of Federal Way 2008 Citizen Survey-Edited version E<::dnorrjjp development. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Services to seniors.. ........................ .......... . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. ..... . .... . ... . Sel'\tic&slo youth.. ..... ....... ................. SE!rvices to low income people. ....;...... ... ............. ................. ...... ... ~~~~~IJPy preparedness (S~~~;tll. e the community tel.; natilfaJ disasters or other emergenyysi ).. ... ... ...... .. .., ... ....: ~ Preservation of natural areas such as open space, farmlands and greenbelts......................................... ........................................ 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 4 5 3 4 5 11. Overall, how would you rate the quality of the services provided by each of the following? Excellent Good Fair The City of Federal Way................................................................:...... " .1. .. 2 3 'j. .'Th&,iF'~~r60vemment.... ;.......,~~;(t(~~~.~o";~~~~:.;.....;.;... ......; .,.;...;;;;(;~~\;.~~€~~.f~~~i;ili'~~~~~jiil;;;. 2 3 State Government............................................................. 1 2 3 Poor Don't Know 4 5 4 5 12. Have you had any in-person or phone contact with an employee of the City of Federal Way within the last 12 months (including police, receptionists, planners or any others)? o No -+ Go to question 14 0 Yes ~ Go to question 13 13. What was your impression of the employee(s) of the City of Federal Way in your most recent contact? (Rate each characteristic below.) Excellent Knowledge. . . . . ., .... ... . . . . . .... ... . .............. .... ......... . .... ..... . . .. . . . . ... . .. ... .......... 1 Responsiveness.................. ..........~..;... .;.:.;;;i-~........ .................... .......~;~. j')' ;,;.t~<! ') Courtesy................ ............. ........ .......................... ......... .......... ............ 1 .overall impression.... .. .. ...... . Good 2 2 2 14. Please rate the following categories of Federal Way government performance: Excellent Good 1 2 ii' i;il~'lj;.; 2 1 2 2 The value of services for the taxes paid to Federal Way......................... -.The.overalldirection that Federal Way is tal(jQg.. .........................;!.::...:~. Courtesy. . . . . . .. ... . .. .... . . . ..... . .. .... .. ..... . ........ ..... .... .. .. . . . .. .. .... . . .. .. ... ............ Overall impression. ... .... .......... ................... 15. Please indicate how likely or unlikely you are to do each of the following: Very Somewhat likely likely R~c8m~E!ndliving in Federal Way to sO~~i~e who asks.....................:: 1 2, RemainJIJ.Federal Way for the nex;t5yeaf~;,.,................................... .. 'i";..).~1(!!;'(; 2 Fair Poor 4 Don't Know 5 3 3 3 4 5 Fair Poor Don't Know 3 4 5 3 3 4 5 3 Somewhat Very unlikely unlikely Don't Know 3 4 5 3 2 2 2 16. What impact, if any, do you think the economy will have on your family income in the next 6 months? Do you think the impact will be: o Very positive 0 Somewhat positive 0 Neutral 0 Somewhat negative 0 Very negative 17. Please check the response that comes closest to your opinion for each of the following questions: a. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements: Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don't Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Know 3 4 5 The City of Federal Way should use City funds, together with other public and private funds, to help pay for a 500-700-seat performing arts center in the downtown core. TheCitybfFederal Way should use CityftJl1ds.tobuild a jail within tohou~rFtlderal Way criminals. The City of Federal Way should continue to use City funds to develop a City Center that is more pedestrian friendly and that will have a greater array of shops and services, employment opportunities, housing/lodging, entertainment and civic and public uses. 1 1 1 @ 3 3 4 5 The City of Federal Way 2008 Citizen Survey-Edited version b. In the budget process the City must constantly balance keeping tax levels as low as possible with the rising cost of providing services. Which statement do you agree with most regarding the balance of taxes and services? (Choose 1) o The City should maintain its current levels of service, even if taxes must be raised. o The City should only raise taxes to maintain core services such as public safety, streets. zoning/building issues, and court and legal services. o The City should not raise taxes even if current levels of service have to be cut c. The City is considering ways to be more environmentally responsible or to "go green." To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding environmental sustainability? Strongly Somewhat Somewhat Strongly Don't Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Know Environmental sustain ability is essential. The City should invest public funds to study, develop and implement new green programs, policies and codes regarding City-owned and operated facilities and programs. EnVir<>rlm@~IS~S~~~i1itY-j~.iml)\)rtant. but. the Ci J.?f:~~fTl~;Tne8ti>p~nd publicfu i~~ctof Ci~~ facilities and '.frgm thecityv~1li Environmental sustain ability is important, but the City should not develop new programs. The City should wait for the green market to develop because current up-front costs for "going green" (even those that simply reduce emissions) are not justifiable yet for a local government. Fl'lvironment~1 ~~s. jlj.~~~.I'l()Umportant. The Ci funds on anygr~~n afTl$.,)policies and codes, ifTlpact fromCjty-oW~e anooperated facilities and 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 4 18. What is the single most important thing the City of Federal Way can do to make this a better place to live? @ The City of Federal Way 2008 Citizen Survey-Edited version .~ I~~~~l~"flflil#>>>>:afe about youa~d, !your~~~~~~~I~.M~in, a~1 oiY~{j ffl~.m~~$ ~~thi$ sunteY:~rftl Aftffim~m,~ . 'iq!i1l!h!HHiiliH!lIH anonymous'an~iwill!be{eported mgroupionn!Qnly.... . Ii; i!HHHHldnltrHi j jiJi11HHHUlililHIHH"::"':::'l,'j:'1'L!;"":" - - '-":,:1-~;';;":.: :': "';:,~q;l-:inll!HHI! 01. Are you currently employed for pay? 08. Are you or any other member of your household o No -+ Go to question 03 aged 65 or older? o Yes, full-time -+ Go to question 02 0 No 0 Yes o Yes, part-time -+ Go to question 02 02. During a typical week, how many days do you commute to work (for the longest distance of your commute) each of the ways listed below? (Enter the total number of days, using whole numbers.) Motorized vehicle (e.g., car, truck, van, motorcycle, etc.. _) myself.. .. .. .. .... .... .... truck, Bicycle....... ......................................... _ days Other.............. .................................... _ days 03. How many years have you lived in Federal Way? o Less than 2 years 0 11-20 years o 2-5 years 0 More than 20 years 06-10 years 04. Which best describes the building you live in? o One family house detached from any other houses o House attached to one or more houses (e.g., a duplex or town home ) o Building with two or more apartments or condominiums o Mobile home o Other 05. Is the place you live... o Rented for cash or occupied without cash payment? o Owned by you or someone in this house with a mortgage, or free and clear? . 06. About how much is your monthly housing cost for the place you live (including rent, mortgage payment, property tax, property insurance and homeowners' association (HOA) fees)? o Less than $300 per month o $300 to $599 per month o $600 to $999 per month 0$1000 to $1,499 per month 0$1,500 to $2,499 per month o $2,500 or more per month 07. Do any children 17 or under live in your household? o No 0 Yes 09. How much do you anticipate your household's total income before taxes will be for the current year? (Please include in your total income money from all sources for all persons living in your household.) o Less than $24,999 0$25,000 to $49,999 o $50,000 to $99,999 0$100,000 to $149,999 0$150,000 or more 010. What is your ethnic background? (Mark one or more if applicable) o American Indian or Alaskan Native o Asian, Asian Indian or Pacific Islander o Black or African American o Hispanic o Eastern European (e.g. Russian or Ukranian) o White o Other 012. In which category is your age? o 18-24 years 0 55-64 years o 25-34 years 0 65-74 years o 35-44 years 0 75 years or older o 45-54 years 013. What is your gender? o Female o Male 014. Are you registered to vote in Federal Way? ONo o Yes o Ineligible to vote o Don't know 015. Many people don't have time to vote in elections. Did you vote in the last general election? ONo o Yes o Ineligible to vote o Don't know @