Council MIN 05-20-2008 Special FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL Council Chambers - City Hall May 20, 2008 Study Session/Special Meeting 5:30 PM MINUTES (www.cityoffederalway.com) .......................................................................... 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Dovey called the Special Meeting to order at 5:30 PM. Councilmembers Burbidge, Duclos, Ferrell, Kochmar, Park, and Deputy Mayor Faison present. 2. RETREAT ITEMS FOLLOW-UP DISCUSSION . Dumas Bay Conference Centre Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Services Director Donna Hanson reviewed several options for the Dumas Bay Conference Centre which include maintaining status quo, transitional overnight homeless center; non-profit office space, live-in artist colony and replacing the current building with a corporate retreat facility (with or without the Knutzen Family Theatre). Consensus was to direct staff continue to research into prepayment fees and the types of building repairs needed and comeback to Council at a later date with some definitive costs and recommendations. Council is inclined to pursue the first and last option. The time frame on this is not urgent; however, staff should get a building assessment done which will tell the Council how long the existing building systems will last. . Citizen Survey Community and Government Affairs Manager Linda Farmer reviewed three options for the citizen survey. The first option has all the questions originally presented; the second version is shortened and the third version is a customized version. Ms. Farmer reviewed the cost differences as well as the types of results the City would get with each version. She asked Council for direction on which version to use. Council agreed the original uncut version would be the most beneficial and the vote on the survey would take place at the regular meeting to follow. Federal Way City Council Special Meeting Minutes May 20, 2008 - Page 2 of 2 . Mayor Rotation Discussion City Attorney Pat Richardson reviewed three options: maintain status quo; ask voters to designate position #1 as the Mayor election by the citizens; or have the Mayor elected on a rotation basis upon criteria established in the Council Rules of Procedure. Councilmember Duclos stated this issue should only be pursued if it is brought about by the people. After discussion council consensus was at this time, this is a "non-issue" and they will maintain the status quo unless something warrants a change in the future. 3. ADJOURN Mayor Dovey adjourned the Special Meeting at 6:25 PM. ATTEST: Approved by Council on: ~