LUTC PKT 06-16-2008 ORIGINAL City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee June 16, 2008 5:30 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers MEETING AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: June 2, 2008 3. PUBLIC COMMENT (3 minutes) 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Kim Short Plat - Project Briefing and Update B. Ming Court Final Plat C. Acceptance of Grant Funding for Transportation Improvement Projects D. 500 Gallon Above Ground Fuel Tank - Bid Award E. Setting the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) Hearing Date F. 2008/2009 Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Contract Amendment G. 1 Oth Ave S Stormwater Improvement Project, S 308th St Lateral Drainage Intercept Project, and Outlet Channel Modification Project Status Update and Request to Combine the Three Projects 5. FUTURE MEETINGS/AGENDA ITEMS 6. ADJOURN Information Appleton/I 5 min. Action Conlen/I5 min Action Salloum/5 min. Action Gross/5min. Action Pere:zJ5 min. Action Pere:zJ5 min. Action Tang/I 0 min. Committee Members Linda Kachmar, Chair Jim Ferrell Dini Due/os City Staff Cary M Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager/Emergency Manager Darlene LeMaster, Administrative Assistant II 253-835-2701 G:\LUTClLUTC Agendas and Summaries 2008\6-16-08 LUTe Agenda.doc City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee June 2, 2008 5:30 PM City Hall City Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Council Member Jim Fernell, Committee Member Dini Duclos, Assistant City Manager/Chief Operations Officer/Emergency Manager Cary Roe, Councilmember Jeanne Burbidge, City Staff Attorney Monica Buck, Planning Manager Isaac Conlen, Senior Planner Janet Shull, Director of Community Development Services Greg Fewins and Administrative Assistant II Darlene LeMaster. 1. CALL TO ORDER Acting Committee Chair Ferrell called the meeting to order at 5:31 PM. Committee Chair Kochmar was excused. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The May 19,2008 LUTC meeting minutes were approved. Moved: Duclos Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 2-0 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There was one public comment. James Madison _ 29827 23rd Ave S, Federal Way - Mr. Madison feels unsupported by the City regarding his ongoing complaints concerning damage to his property (yard, fence, sewer backup, etc.) from the proposed Kim Short Plat. The street has been torn up for over two years and the project has been going on almost four years. Mr. Madison would like to know how the City can help rectify this problem. After familiarizing committee members on the location of the project in question, Committee Member Ferrell asked ACM Roe to follow up on this topic, bringing a full update to include picture documentation and a time line of the project to the next LUTC meeting on June 16,2008. Committee Member Ferrell also requested that Mr. Kim/Chi Kim Construction be contacted about this topic being presented at the June 16, 2008 LUTC meeting. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS Prior to the staff report of the first item, Committee Member Duclos wished to disclose communication with the developer and remote interest regarding the project. The Federal Way Multi-Service Center (Dini Duclos, CEO) is the Managing Member of the L.L.c. that owns Mitchell Place, a low-income senior housingfacility on S 336th St.. The developer of Federal Way Village approached Mitchell Place, requesting an easement on their property for emergency vehicle use only. The easement is no value or gain to the Multi-Service Center; and the Multi-Service Center takes no position on the proposed development of Federal Way Village. In return for the easement, the L.L. C. is askingfor $10,000. This money is of no significant financial gain to Mitchell Place and is solely to cover any repair or maintenance to the portion of land in question. A. Federal Wav Village Preliminary Plat Janet Shull provided background information on this item. Committee Member Ferrell asked for clarification on "tot lots", which Ms. Shull identified as play areas for children. Ms. Shull also spoke more on the 200 sq. ft. of usable space for each residence, most likely in the form of patio or yard for private use. Committee Member Duclos inquired on a possible signal at S 336th St and 13th Ave S. ACM Roe responded that there is not a signal planned as part of this project; however, as property to the north of S 336 is developed, a signal will potentially be installed at 13th Ave, connecting S 336th St to Celebration Park. With the development of Federal Way Village there will be road widening and a left-hand turn lane in front of Mitchell Place. G:ILUTCILUTC Agendas and Summaries 2008\6-02.08 Minules.doc Land Useffransportation Committee Page 2 June 2, 2008 Council Member Burbidge asked if the developer is required to have a landscape plan and are if there any significant trees. Ms. Shull responded that yes, a landscape plan is required. Both the preliminary and fmal landscape plans must be approved prior to the construction phase. When the applicant submitted the tree plan, there was adequate tree retention, located within the wetland and buffer area. This exceeds the 25% significant tree retention minimum, required by code. The number of significant trees being removed is from the entire site. Credit is given to trees retained in sensitive areas. Moved: Ferrell Seconded: Duclos Passed: Unanimously, 2-0 Committee PASSED Option 1 to the June 17, 2008, City Council Consent Agenda for approval 5. FUTURE MEETING The next regularly scheduled LUTC meeting will be held June 16,2008 at 5:30 PM. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:02 PM. G:ILUTCILUTC Agendas and Summaries 2008\6-02-08 Minules.doc ..~.~~~IL ~!!!NG DAT~_:_...~~!!.....!..'....~!~_..--..-..........-....-........-...-....--._...-...............__......._.____......__...... _..!!~~ #:.....-.................--..-............... CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Chi Kim Short Plat - Informational Overview of Project POLICY QUESTION: N/ A COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: June 16,2008 CATEGORY: o Consent 0 Ordinance 0 Public Hearing o City Council Business 0 Resolution IZI Other ~T~!!.~~Q~!_ By..:.....W_i.!!i.~_~pp.1.~!.9._~?...Q~~~!~p.I.!?:~~!....~.~.I.:Yi.-<?.~~.M~~!:I:g..~~.~~~...g?-~.l..i.~...F or~~................____.......__ Attachments: LUTC staff Memorandum dated June 10,2008 Options Considered: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: >----~:~,~ (" X';! _ (;.ouncil DIRECTOR APPROVAL: CO~ Cotmcil COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: N/A. Item for information only. Dean McCol an, Member Jack Dove , Chair Linda Kochmar, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: No motion necessary. Item is for information only. (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM FROM: SUBJECT: June 10, 2008 Land Use Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager, Chief Operations Officer, Emergency Manager ~ William Appleton P.E., Development Services Manager ~ Chi Kim Short Plat - Informational Overview of Project DATE: TO: VIA: BACKGROUND At the LUTC meeting on June 2, 2008, Mr. James Madison, a resident of Federal Way, gave public comment regarding the Chi Kim Short Plat. Mr. Madison expressed concern about the performance of Mr. Kim and the City with respect to the construction of the Plat. The committee requested that staff give a presentation on the project, and that the presentation include discussion on the following topics: . An overview of the short plat configuration; . Required improvements; . Time line/chronology of construction; and . Enforcement tools available to the City to drive more timely completion of construction. Staff will give a presentation to the June 16th LUTC regarding the permitting, design and construction of the Chi Kim Short Plat in order to provide committee members a clear understanding of the project. cc: Project File Day File K:\LUTC\200B\06-16-0B Chi Kim Short Plat.doc a. m ~ ~ I · -- c: -- u -- > c o .. cu u o ..J Q) ..... .- m (J) I · -- en I · () (J) o. I- a.. - Q) (.) c: Q) "'C .- f/) Q) ~ c: o f/) .- "'C cu :E f/) Q) E cu ..., .... cu - Q.. ~ o J: tn E ~ .- J: o .-.. en +-' o .....J I ~ -- +-' CO - CL 1::: o ..c en E ~ ..c t) :J;E~i-~~':~;f#::::::::3 ' ( ii ., ,,g 0",,!t-1 ': 'Ii: 'j :1 iu . 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C/) $ Ci5.~ c o -- I · U :J L- I · CJ) c o () ~ E -- 0)1- c -- I · I · -- E L- ID a... ID c -- ID en ~ Q) -C :J 0-0 o Q) I · ..c u Q)CJ) ..c c CO 0 -CO -.-= > u CO 2 I · en en o c o 0 ~(j ....-.... E en '- ~~ E Q) Q; Q. a.. 0 +-' '+- o ~ C :J o == .- co +-'~ CO'-"" '- .- en Q.-c x C LU 0 co . . (f) c: o -- I · (f) (]) :J a COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1,2008 ......_..._.._.._....~-.--_.......~.._.........._.__._---...--.............----.............-.-.................--..........-..............---....--.....................-.....-......-.........-..-.........-................ ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Ming Court Final Plat, File No. 07-104450-00-SU POLICY QUESTION: Shall the proposed 15-lot Ming Court Final Plat be approved? COMMITTEE: Land Use & Transportation Committee CATEGORY: ~ Consent D City Council Business MEETING DATE: June 16,2008 D Ordinance ~ Resolution D D Public Hearing Other .~!~!"!..~p~~!_~.Y._~Q~_~_~~~~~L~~!1.~~~..I.:>.J_~~~..__.._....______..___............._........_........_....__...._ DEPT: Community Development Attachments: Final Plat Staff Report dated June 12,2008 including Preliminary Plat Resolution No. 05-442, dated March 15,2008; Final Plat Map; and Draft Resolution for Final Plat. Options Considered: Approve, disapprove, or return to applicant. Decisional Criteria: Pursuant to FWCC 20-136(b), the City Council, in a public meeting, shall make written findings that the final plat is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat and is in conformity with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls; that all conditions of the Hearing Examiner and/or City Council have been satisfied; that the public use and interest shall be served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication, etc. _m......_..............__.............._.._....._...___.____..............................___.__.............._...._...._....____._......__.....__.............._......_.___..__......__..._.........._...........__._..._......._...._._-_..__.._......_...._-_..._....~..-.----....._.-.-.-..---.--..---..-....------- STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of Final Plat CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: W-@ DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: I move that the Land Use and Transportation Committee forward to the City Council, and place on the Julv 1. 2008. City Council consent agenda, a recommendation approving the Ming Court Final Plat Resolution. Linda Kochmar, Chair Dini Duclos, Member Jim Ferrell, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: HI move approval of the Ming Court Final Plat application. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o T ABLEDIDEFERREDINO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED -- 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # Doc. I.D. 45788 ~ CITYOF~ Federal Way CITY OF FEDERAL WAY DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES MEMORANDUM To: Linda Kochmar, Chairperson Land Use and Transportation Committee FROM: Greg Fewins, Director of Community Development Services6f" Deb Barker, Senior Planner p1? VIA: Cary M Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager ~ RE: Request for Ming Court Final Plat Approval File #07-104450-00-SU DATE: June 12,2008 I. RECOMMENDATION City of Federal Way staffhas reviewed the Ming Court final plat for compliance with preliminary plat conditions and all applicable codes and policies, and recommends approval of the final plat application. ll. INTRODUCTION Request: Description: Owner/ Applicant: Engineer: Ming Court Final Pial Staff Report File 07-I04450"()()"SU Page 1 of7 Request for final plat approval for Ming Court Subdivision. The Ming Court Subdivision consists of 15 single-family lots on a 3.83-acre site. Access for the subdivision is from 8th A venue South. All required roads, sidewalks, storm drainage facilities, sewer lines, and water lines have been constructed in accordance with preliminary plat approval granted by the City Council on March 15, 2005. Norris Homes Inc. John Norris 2053 Faben Drive Mercer Island, W A 98040 CES NW, Inc. Attn: Eric Ohler 5210 12th Street East Fife, W A 98424 Doc. 1.0. 45786 June 12, 2008 Location: South 310th Street at 7th Place South, west of 8th Avenue South, NW Section 8., Township 21 N., Range 4 E., West Meridian, Federal Way, King County (see Exhibit A - Vicinity Map) Sewer: Lakehaven Utility District Water: Lakehaven Utility District Fire Dept.: South King Fire and Rescue School Dist.: Federal Way School District Prepared By: Deb Barker, Senior Planner III. HISTORY AND BACKGROUND The Ming Court Subdivision is a proposed subdivision of 15 single-family lots on a 3.83-acre site (Exhibit B - Final Plat Map). The Ming Court Preliminary Plat, File No. 00-I02793-00-SU (Exhibit C - Preliminary Plat Map) was granted approval by the Federal Way City Council on March 15, 2005, per Resolution 05-442 (Exhibit D - Ming Court Preliminary Plat Resolution). Zoning for the site is RS 7.2 (Single-Family Residential) with a minimum lot size of7,200 square feet. The fmal plat map and lot closure calculations were reviewed to ensure all lots meet the minimum size requirement. The developer applied for final plat approval on August 10,2007. Improvements installed under Engineering Application Number 06-1 02066-00-EN are now complete and/or bonded per Performance Maintenance Bond #06-105738-00-0P in the amount of $595,428.00. The final plat application was determined complete on June 11, 2008. Pursuant to RCW 58.17.110 and FWCC Section 20-136, the City Council is charged with determining whether the following requirements have been met: 1. The proposed final plat conforms to all terms of the preliminary plat approval; 2. If the subdivision meets the requirements of all applicable state laws and local ordinances that were in effect at the time of preliminary plat approval; 3. If all taxes and assessments owing on the property have been paid; and 4. If all required improvements have been made or sufficient security has been accepted by the City. City of Federal Way staffhas reviewed the Ming Court final plat application for compliance with preliminary plat conditions and all applicable codes and policies. All applicable codes, policies, and plat conditions have been met. A proposed resolution of the City of Federal Way, Washington, to approve the Ming Court final plat is enclosed (Exhibit E - Draft Resolution ofMing Court Final Plat Approval). Ming Court Final Pial Staff Report File 07-I04450-oo-SU Page 2 of7 Doc. J.D. 45786 June 12,2008 IV. COMPLIANCE WITH PRELIMINARY PLAT CONDITIONS The following lists conditions of preliminary plat approval in the same order referenced in Federal Way City Council Resolution 05-442. Required improvements have been completed as allowed by FWCC Section 20-135. The resolution adopted the findings of fact and conclusions of the Land Use Hearing Examiner's February 1,2005, Report and Recommendation. Based on review of this application, environmental record, and pertinent decisional criteria, the Department of Community Development Services recommended approval of the preliminary plat subject to the following conditions: 1. Clearing limits for the construction of the plat improvements (roads, pond, and utilities) shall be generally consistent with the clearing limits depicted on the Conceptual Drainage Plan ofMing Court, plan page C1.0, dated March 19,2004 and prepared by Sitts and Hill Engineers, Inc. (Exhibit A). The clearing limits on the plan sheet referenced above are the approximate clearing limits necessary for roads, utilities, and pond. The clearing and grading limits on the approved plan may be modified with the approval of the Community Development and Public Works Departments during final engineering plan review as required to reflect changes in road and utility designs, if any. Staff Response: This condition has been met. Engineering plans approved on June 18,2007 depicted clearing and grading limits consistent with the Sitts and Hill plan. In a June 18, 2007 letter (Exhibit F - Ming Court Modification Letter), the City approved a modification to the approved clearing limits oflots 4, 5 and 6 in order to install temporary yard drains on the western portions oflots 5 and 6 connecting to the right-of-way system in order to address citizens concerns about off-site drainage impacts. The Building Official authorized removal of two hazardous cottonwood trees on lot 12. Also, based on a request from the property owner, on February 19,2008 the Federal Way City Council approved a revision to Condition #1 of the Ming Court Preliminary Plat Resolution #05-442, and granted conditional approval to a request to remove the significant trees in advance of final plat approval. (Exhibit G -Ming Court Preliminary Plat Modification Resolution 08-521). To date, the applicant has not elected to pursue the tree removal options granted by City Council. The clearing of individual lots will be in conjunction with issuance of individual building permits issued after the final plat is recorded. 2. Prior to issuance of construction permits, the applicant shall in writing notify Lakehaven Utility District of the pending commencement of earth disturbance activities so that the District can monitor the adjacent well and water tower for sedimentary impacts. Staff Response: This condition has been met. The applicant sent a letter dated June 13,2008 to Lakehaven Utility District notifying them of the pending construction actions. A copy of the letter was forwarded to the city. 3. Prior to issuance of construction permits, a final landscape plan prepared by a licensed landscape architect shall be submitted for review and approval by the Director of Community Development Services, and shall include the following elements: (a) Street trees on internal plat streets. Ming Court Final Plat Staff Report File 07-104450-OO-SU Page 3 of7 Doc. J.D. 45786 June 12,2008 Staff Response: This condition has been met. A landscape plan depicting right-of-way landscape planter strips was approved by the Public Works department in conjunction with review and approval of engineering plans. While some of the street trees have been installed and inspected, the balance of the street trees have been bonded and will be installed upon completion of the homes in the plat. (b) Cul-de-sac landscaping. Staff Response: This condition has been met. A landscape plan depicting cul-de-sac landscaping was reviewed and approved in conjunction with engineering plans. The landscaping has been planted, inspected, and approved. (c) Storm Drainage Tract A screening. Staff Response: This condition has been met. A landscape plan depicting vegetative screening around Tract A was approved by the Planning department in conjunction with review and approval of engineering plans. The screening vegetation and irrigation has been installed, inspected and approved. The final plat depicts this landscaping to be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association. (d) Significant tree identification and replacement. Staff Response: This condition has been met. Significant trees were identified on landscape plans submitted and approved in conjunction with engineering plans. Tree replacement was not required for those significant trees removed from future right-of-way and utility easement areas. Significant trees were removed from lots 5 and 6 in conjunction with installation of infrastructure related to storm drainage systems. Retained significant trees located on individual building lots will be reviewed with each residential building permit. 4. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall widen the east side of the 8th Avenue South shoulder and install an extruded curb, north from the subject site to the South 308th Street as required by the Public Works Director. Staff Response: This condition has been met. In order to utilize an existing raised crosswalk across 8th Avenue South at South 304th Street, the Public Works Director modified the location of the widened shoulder from the east side of 8th A venue South to the west side of 8th A venue South. The applicant completed the widening ofthe shoulder along 8th A venue South and installed curbing to separate the walking route from the vehicular travel lane. 5. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall implement approved traffic safety measures for students walking to the junior and senior high schools as required by the Public Works Director. Staff Response: This condition has been met. Based on input from affected neighborhoods and the Federal Way School District, the approved engineering plans depicted a shoulder walkway route from the subject site along 8th Avenue South to South 304th for senior high students. Junior high students continue on along 11 th Avenue South, to South 304 th Street, to 13 th Avenue South onto school property. The applicant installed "No Parking" signs that limit shoulder parking during specific hours on the west side of 11 th Avenue South and 13 th Avenue South. Ming Court Final Plat Staff Report File 07-1 04450-00-SU Page 4 of? Doc. \.0. 45786 June 12,2008 Striping will be installed as weather permits. The existing width of South 304th and South 308th provided adequate walking area thus negating parking restrictions. 6. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall install a barricade as approved by the Federal Way Public Works Department at the southern portion of 7th Place South with signage to alert residents to the future extension of this road. Staff Response: This condition has been met. The sign noting the future extension of 7th Place South has been installed on the road barricade. 7. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant shall pay the alternative fee-in-lieu of providing on site open space, as proposed and accepted, which fee shall be calculated on the basis of 15 percent of the most recent assessed valuation or MAl appraisal at that time, subject to approval by the Directors of Parks and Community Development Services. Staff Response: This condition has been met. The applicant has opted to make an open space fee in lieu payment pursuant to FWCC Section 20-155. Based on the assessed land value of $308,000.00 (Exhibit H - 2008 King County Property Tax Assessment), and as provided by the Federal Way Parks Director, the applicant will make a payment to the City of $46,200.00, based on 15 percent of the assessed land value. The plat is within planning Area E of the Federal Way Parks, Open Space, and Recreation Comprehensive Plan. 8. If included in the final engineering design, retaining walls and rockeries design shall be harmonious with the residential use of the site and shall promote residential design themes through such means as terracing, orientation, natural material selection, use of vegetation, and textural treatment to be designed by the applicant and approved by the Community Development Services Department. Staff Response: The condition has been met. There are no rockeries associated with plat development, and the retaining walls associated with the pond are screened from the right-of- way and adjacent properties with landscaping established in Tracts to be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association. V. SEP A A Mitigated Determination of Non significance (MDNS) was issued on October 23,2004, in accordance with the State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A). The following conditions of approval were identified: 1. In order to mitigate potential flooding impacts, the proposed culvert modification and lowering at Fisher's Bog must be completed prior to initiating clearing and grading on the Ming Court site as required by the Public Works Director. Staff Response: This condition has been met. The developer of the Lakota Crest Subdivision installed the required culvert modification, which was inspected and approved by the City in advance of the clearing and grading activity on the Ming Court site. 2. In order to mitigate potential erosion impacts to Mirror Lake downstream of this project, clearing, grading, and street/utility work for the plat improvements will not be permitted from October 31 to March 30, unless approved in writing by the Public Works Director. Ming Court Final Plat 8taffReport File 07-104450-00-8U Page 50f7 Doc. J.D. 45786 J uoe 12, 2008 Staff Response: This condition has been met. This seasonal work restriction was included as a condition of the engineering approval based on the June 18,2007 Authorization to Proceed letter approved by the Public Works department. Four comment letters were received and the city received a timely appeal on the environmental determination ofSEPA file # 05-I04199-00-SE. On February 1,2005, the Hearing Examiner issued a SEP A Appeal and Report decision concluding that the appellant did not show that the threshold determination was erroneous, that any potential significant adverse effects to the environment were analyzed and properly dealt with in the MDNS, and that the SEP A appeal was denied. VI. DECISIONAL CRITERIA Pursuant to FWCC Section 20-136, if the City Council finds that the following criteria have been met, the City Council may approve the final plat for recording: 1. The final plat is in substantial conformance to the preliminary plat. Staff Response: This criterion has been met, as the Ming Court final plat is representative of the preliminary plat and the conditions of preliminary plat have been met or financially guaranteed through bonding. 2. The final plat is in conformity with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls. Staff Response: This criterion has been met. The plat meets the zoning standards for the RS 7.2 zoning district and provides single-farnily dwelling unit lots that range from 7,200 square feet to 9,347 square feet in size. As provided for in FWCC Section 20-135(b), a performance/ maintenance bonds is in place for the entire plat including streets and all infrastructure. 3. That all conditions of the Environmental Determination, the Hearing Examiner and/or City Council have been satisfied. Staff Response: This criterion has been met as noted in the staff comments above. All plat conditions have been met and/or are financially guaranteed to be completed within two years of final plat approval. All life safety improvements have been completed. 4. That the public use and interest shall be served by the establishment of the subdivision and dedication by determining if appropriate provisions are made for, but not limited to, the public health, safety, general welfare, open space, drainage ways, streets and roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, and schools and school grounds, and shall consider all other relevant facts, including sidewalks and other planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. Staff Response: This criterion has been met. The final plat is consistent with applicable zoning and subdivision regulations, and ensures the public health, safety, and welfare is protected. The plat infrastructure has been installed and adequately financially guaranteed as discussed above, including: safe walking routes of travel to schools and school bus stops, open space provided via fee-in-lieu of payment, drainage systems and water and sewer installed, and street improvements. As discussed above, the applicant is providing a fee-in-lieu of open space, in accordance with FWCC 20-155. Ming Court Final Plat Staff Report File 07-104450-00-SU Page 60f7 Doc. J.D. 45786 June 12, 2008 5. That all required improvements have been made and maintenance bonds or other security for such improvements has been submitted and accepted. Staff Response: This criterion has been met. All road, pedestrian pathway, and storm drainage improvements have been constructed and/or financially guaranteed. In addition, all water and sewer lines have been installed and approved by Lakehaven Utility District as identified in the May 7, 2008, letter of substantial completion from Lakehaven Utility District (Exhibit 1- Lakehaven Substantial Completion Letter). 6. That all taxes and assessments owing on the property being subdivided have been paid. VII. CONCLUSION Staff Response: Prior to recording, King County Department of Assessments will ensure that all taxes and assessments have been paid. Staff recommends approval of the Ming Court final plat. Based on site visits, review of the final plat maps, construction drawings, and the project file, staff has determined that the application for the final plat meets all platting requirements ofRCW 58.17.110 and Section 20-136 of the Federal Way City Code. Plat infrastructure improvements have been substantially completed and/or financially secured to guarantee that the plat conditions and code requirements will be completed within two years of final plat approval as allowed by FWCC Section 20-135. The project has been developed in conformance with the preliminary plat approval, Resolution 07-495. EXHIBITS Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E Exhibit F Exhibit G Exhibit H Exhibit I Vicinity Map Reduced Copy of Final Plat Map Reduced Copy of Approved Preliminary Plat Resolution 05-442, Ming Court Preliminary Plat Approval Draft Resolution of Final Plat Approval Preliminary Plat Modification letter Ming Court Preliminary Plat Modification Resolution 08-521 King County 2008 Property Tax Information Lakehaven Substantial Completion Letter Ming Court Final Plat Staff Report File 07-104450-00-SU Page 7 of? Doc. !.D. 45786 June 12, 2008 VIOINITY MAP MING OOURT FINAL PLAT ? i~21~r~ L~~ ~t~~ i~r---, l~g H J[:9:~>j-~-+-;,/ r' <:>"I~,~ ~- j",-,,~lm' ~j F-j d1t~-~ 1T!r~--'-1 ' Ll.J ITIlilJ I-L i r"I/NJt6=-r vr{ J ' c', r--I--...j " --I:! r-'~::; r >n--r =H u',:1 I L__j 'I' '-rrrrm (' !III f I r--rT-rl , ': ~~ I jJ I . ~: =REel' ~ ._~ .::~~ '--L-------.r'~U..L.' ,_~~_ 'L...L1..J :; t:'!I:tl-1 rtfnm~ .....+\ ~]~~It'w~' ~+-j+~f+--LI i.t++'+-Hm'- J-j ~=1.~-{W-80 m~p--------- -'- ~ -I I' ,--,-~ T'I (/TT'; t=1; +-I 11= --j ._L.LLLl.U u...Lu..J.' r--l, I _ , ~-:-G \~ E1J ,JJ.Jj ~ ~ - - 8J~ L i i]TillTJjTIdllJ f=t~~vl.~/ 1'>J---1 ~ ' I--~ -j.- LL/ I ;-.; , r-+- I I I' I ' r- L:cP L. L_ L .~ --,', L.J --j -l---j L_' -.L -~ / " ' I )~r' '--r I.J FEDERAL WAY -_-1-___ --1 L~ r - ,i f----l ~- --I t~-+------l Ct--i L- rr :=c:' (L~ ; ----....l..-~_' -L.....- N~ r- j ~~E3 f-f3 ttj g:q t~ ,~3 Ef=J I ill t, /, f=f3 t=t-1 F3 ~ ~ qj "C~ S HIGH SCHOOL -- - -j C-::-::' -: ,-R 1 I .-~i 1--1 ~- -1 i---j---J I -[ 1 i If -~ t--tJ Jj t--J :!Ltlj-<' r----r::j i -I ~ . -1 -' -I ,~-,-, CI- . i f- 1 f- .-: ..~-.j L 'r --.- L . j L"; ,I ~ L ~ N 2l--J I I c--t t1----1 ~r__ f'-I , ,:.::, ..b IT ~ " ., rj I: l" rer J :1 , i'::1rJ,;:,t! IU-W H Lf ~I ~ -J r I , , - ~.c...::'-,=.:':,==:, \ ,-c' ::'.: :~L:. ::;~ ~~J$.,._. ~t.nJ U::J ]diJi :mEET-.. ....._ .' , I 'I k ~ f j f:=Y ~ , -.. iJ)~ I=H-i--H I.' U I -'-/, I I L T-TTTi .- -'- . - ,-.--___ I i '---rT~ ~_L.L_ 1:1 'JL'--'r --;e ,1 I I '~-f-U-l .---;-L.-< r .....l...j i '-.. f-----I ~~{j~\,Vj:r;;:-,~::j_;Irl:'-- _!.~t:'-Cj ~IJ I~ -- ~~--+-I ,L'~---'-i~~ --:- I I IT' '.J.-.l--' -- , . , ~,.:j IJ '/t--. , I I I. . 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I ELEMENT ~ -- CLZr:::f 6:_, M -c -J~-l t:=~ : .~LL.L L1-_ I--- -- 'T LU0~- L__~.J I ~-----=-fl Li+JJ I LJTTm f---i ' I I : I -C-c.L~.LUJ J '.---~--I' 1 u.u----==J i.~ ,.l / ',/ \1 ! ill TTTlTl -- .::..-==:---::~ ~-.=-::.~-:__~ =c _. _ ___.=-. 1- !! fe'l mij Ff I rt1}:r;Irln~i~ ~ c:1=1.'. ,Ill:' C^:~ttlli 'if i " U " ; ~J r \ i---..~ ; : : i'~illl~.--=~-::, ~~-1---(1 :-~ ,Lc1:-; l'I.~L-t---=::1---r-- -.J::- Y'Il'jl. a'l =:-J11 i- 1 r-.--.-~- ~Cl ,,.:,1 ,TJFilc.L' V~fl: ,:r> j I ;r~~ l1i,illDet'~L i(-~! f~~'-=-U-... ~~.\ Vg " I i - M. -- l:tij tm ,-~~--- ~', Y-l::B;1 [-8t~\' , -I FEDERAL I -. ~~~! ~J-~ -..1-] , II ~TT!n'l ,Ti \~/ -"'- r ~-I... /(\: 2O~1il1 . WAY I I I .-,...." LLl l '-+ ',,-I. I' l' I <,)..,~ I II . I~T 1- ':""''1/"> STRI;ET SCHOOL I ,.!r'~ _ J =-t2 iLL.- ---...l...J L_. ---- - -~_ __J L _1_ (. -- T~-'- \': IB, RY DISTRICT flu.j L._ - L -T1~"T '-1 ,e--', .--.------ - S_JZOT _ STREE , .____ :.:.::::r 1 I ~:.:^::;::.LL--.L-.-._______.__I____LL_.TI --Q ,C::--S-\T1l11 I I', I -.--=-C~_'__==--.'o==_ 0.4 L o 0.4 0.8 Miles I Key Parks ~ N' EXHIBIT A PAGE--L-OF--L. _ Lakes \-. 'his map is intended for use as a graphical representation ONLY, The City of Federal Way makes no warrentyas to its aca.KaCy. MING COURT A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST OF THE W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON DEDICATION KNOW ALL PEOPlE BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE, THE UNDERSIGNE:D OWNERS OF' INTEREST IN THE lAND HEREBY SUBDMOEO. HERESY DECLARE THIS PLAT TO BE THE GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION OF THE SUBOMSION MADE HEREBY. AND DO HEREBY DEDICATE TO THE USE OF THE PUBlIC FOREVER ALl STREETS AND AVENUES NOr SHOwN AS PRIVATE HEREON AND DErnCATE THE USE THEREOF FOR ALL PUBLIC PURPOSES NOT INCONSISTENT WITH THE USE THEREOF FOR PU8UC HlCfofWAY PURPOSES. AND AlSO TWE RIGHT TO MAKE All NECESSARY SlOPE$ fOR CUTS AND FillS UPON THE LOTS AND TRACTS SHOWN THEREON IN THE ORIGINAl.. REASONABLE CRADlNG OF SAID STREETS AND AVENuES, AND FURTHER DEDICATE TO THE U'SE Of THE PUBlIC AU. THE EASEMENTS AND TRACTS SHOWN ON THIS PlAT FOR .ALL PVBUC PURPOSES AS INDICATED THEREON, INClUOlNG BUT NOT LIMITED TO PARKS. OPEN SPACE. lJTlUTlES AND DRAINAGE UNlESS SUCH EASEMENTS OR TRACTS ARE SPECifICAllY IDENTIFIED ON THIS PLAT AS BEING DEDICATED OR COHY'EYEO TO A PERSON OR. ENTITY OTHER TH.\N THE PUBlIC, IN WHICH CASE WE DO HEREBY OEOICATE AND CONVEY SUCH STREETS, EASEUENTS. OR TRACTS TO THE PERSON OR ENTITY IDENTIFIED AND FOR THE PURPOSE STATED. FURTHER. THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE lAND HEREBY SUBOMOED, WAIVE AND RElEASE FOR THEMSELVES, THEtR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS AND ANY PERSON OR ENTITY OERMNG TITLE FROM THE UNDERSIGNED, ANY AND ALL CLAIN$ FUR OAMACES AGAINST THE CITY Of FEDERAL WAY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WHtCH MAY BE OCCASIONED BY THE DESIGN, ESTABlfSHt.lENT. CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, FAILURE TO OPERATE, OR UAlNTENANCE OF ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTE~, ALTERATIONS OF" THE GROUND SURF'ACE, VEGETATION. ORAINAGE OR SURfACE OR SU8SURf"ACE WATER f'lOWS W1THtN THE SUBDMSIONS OR WfTHIN ANY DRAlNACE OR DETENTION FACILITIES DESIGNED TO RECEIVE OR ACl\lAll'r RECfMNG DRAINAGE fROM THE SUBDMSIONS AND THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY'S REVIEW AND APPROVAl. Of' PlANS AND PERt.f1TS fOR SAME OTHER THAN ClAIMS Rf:SULTING f"RO.... INADEQUATE MAINTENANCE BY THE CITY OF fEDERAL WAY. ruRTHER, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF THE LAND HERESy SUBOMDEO, AGREE FOR THENSE:LVES, THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS TO INDEMNIfY, HOLD HARMlESS, AND DEFEND THE CITY Of fEDERAL WAY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, FROM AND AGAINST ANY OAtdAGE. INClUDING Nt( COSTS Of DEFENSE. CLAIMED BY PERSONS WITlitN OR WITHOUT THE SUBOMSlONS TO HAVE BEEN CAUSED BY THE DESIGN, ESTABUSHMENT, CONSTRUCTION. OPERATION. FAIlURE TO OPERATE, OR MAlNTENANC( OF ROADS AND/OR DRAINAGE SYSTEl.lS. ~~:T~~S Se~~~OGN~~D ~:c~ ~~~'O~~~~R F~g:h,~~ ~~~~~ACJc:~ll'k FlOWS ACTUAlLY RECEMNG DRAINAGE FROM THE SUBDMSlONS AND THE CITY OF fEDEfW.. WAY'S REVIEW AND APPROVAl OF PlANS AND PERMITS rOR SAME. PROVIDED, THIS WAIVER AND INQ€UNIFlCATlON SHAI.l. NOT BE CONSTRUED AS RELEASING THE CIT'r OF FEDERAL WAY. ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS. FROM lJABIUTY FOR DAMAGES, INCLUOING THE COST or OErE~E. RESULTING fROM AND TO THE EXTENT OF THE SOLE NEGUGENCE OF THE CITY or FEDERAl WAY, ITS SUCCESSORS, OR ASSIGNS. THIS SUBOMStON, DEDICATION. RELEASE, INDEMNIF"lCATION Of CWMS, AND AGREEMENT TO HOLD HARMLESS IS MADE WITH THE FREE CONSENT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DESIRES OF SAID OWNERS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE SET OUR HANDS AND SEALS: JOHN B. NORRIS PRESIDENT NORRIS HOUES, INCORPORATED ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF' WASHINGTON ) )" ) COUNTY OF" KING ON THIS ___ DAY OF ______ 20_ BEFORE ME PERSON ALl Y APPEARED JOHN B. NORRIS, TO ME. I<NO'MII TO BE THE: ^UTHORIZED PRESIDENT OF NORRIS HOMES, INCORPORATED. THE CORPORATION THAT EXECUTED THE WITHIN AND FOREGOING lNSTfM.lENT AND ACKNOM..EDGED SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE F'REE AND VOlUNTARY ACT AND DEED Of SAID CORPORA llON FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREiN MENTIONED AND ON OATH STATEO THAT HE IS AUlHORIZED TO EXECUTE SAlD INSTRUMENT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND OfFICIAL SEAl THE DAY AND YEAR FlRST WRlnrN ASOVE. NOTARY PUBliC IN AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON RESlOING AT: MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES: DEED OF TRUST BENEFICIARY SIGN NALtF' PRINT NAME:: TITLE' SANK Of AMERICA ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE a:' WASHINGTON ) )" ) COUNTY Of KING ON THIS _ DAY Of _____, 20_ eErORE ME PERSONALLY APPEARED ~_________~, TO ME I<NOv.t.l TO BE THE AUTHORIZED OffiCER OF BANI< OF AMERICA, THE CORPORATION THAT E)(ECUTEO THE WllHrN AND FOREGOING INSTRUMENT AND ACI<NOM.EDCED SAID INSTRUMENT TO BE THE FREE AND VOlUNTARY ACT AND DEED OF SAID CORPORATION FOR THE USES AND PURPOSES THEREIN MENTIONED AND ON OATH STATED THAT HE/SHE IS AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE SAID INSTRUMENT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND OfFICIAL SEAL THE DAY AND YEAR FlRST WRfITEN ABOVE. NOTARY PUBliC IN.AND FOR THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 'RESIOING-AF - MY APPOINTMENT EXPIRES: GENERAL NOTES: 1. AlL LOTS SHAll. ACCESS FROM INTERNAl PLAT ROADS. 2. TRACT "A" IS DESlGNATED A PUBUC STORU DRAINAGE TRACT AND IS otDICATEO TO ntE aTY OF FEDERAL :l~~~~~~~;:~~:O:~~~NO~TOf~ ?M~~~;;AL~~~.:tL~:ElN. 3.. AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY RESERVED FOR AND CON~YEO TO PUCET SOUND ENERGY. INC.. LAI<EHAVEN UnuTY DiSTRICT. . _ Af::oIX _ TELEP.HClr'4CCOMP~Nr,. ANr.,c.4BLE. .,TEtEIJISlON ,cowPAN,Y, _THE__U...S.,.eOsIAluSE~YlCE..A:NQ ._ALL.JHEI~ RESPE~nVE SUCCESSMS AND ASStGNS UNDER AND UPON THE PRtVATE STREET(S), IF ANY, AND THE EXTERIOR TEN F'EET (10) OF AlL LOTS. TRACTS AND OPEN SPACES WlTHtN THIS PlAT lYING PARALLEL 'MTH AND ADJOINiNG THE SlREET(S) AND All SHARED ""tCESS AND PRIVATE UTIUTY EAsrUENTS IN VHCH TO CONSTRUCT. OPERAT(. MAINTAIN, REPAIR, REPlACE AND ENLARCE UNDERGROUND PIPES. CONDUIT. CABlES AND Y41RES WITH All THE NECESSARY OR CONVENIENT UNDERGROUND OR GROUND-MOUNTED APPURTENANCES THERETO FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERYlNG THIS SOBDI\1SION AND OTHER PROPERTY WITH ElECTRIC, CAS, TELEPHONE AND OTHER UWTY SER'.1CE; TOC[TH(R.. WTJol. THE RIGHT.. TO ENTER UpON THE STREETS. LOTS. . TRACTS, SPACES AND. EASEMENTS AT. ALL TIMES FOR THe PURPOSE HERElNSTATED. 4. THIS PLAT IS BENEFITED BY AN EASEMENT ovm TAX PARCEl NO. 082104-9178 AND AS DESCRIBED BY "DEED FOR EASEMENT FOR STORM PIPES" RECORDED UNDER KING COONTY AFN 120060927002083 AS SHOWN IN PARAGRAPH NO. 12 OF THE nn.E REPORT. 5. .THIS PLAT IS BENEFITED BY AN. EASEMENT OVER TAX.PARCEl NO. ,082104-9238 AND AS DESCRIBED BY "fEt,lPORAR'f. CONSlRUcnQN EASEMENT AGREEMENr RECORDED UNDER KING COUNTY AFN 120070614001559 AS SHOWN IN PARAGRAPH NO. 14 OF lIiE nTt.E REPORT. P:\05130.0\dW9\05130_f'P.dwq '06/11/2008 RECORDING CERTIFICATE: SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE: RECORDtNG NO. _________________ APPRO V ALS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS EXAMINED AND APPRQII(() ON TH1S ___DAY OF" ___________,20__. PUBlIC WORKS DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES EXAMINED AND APPRO\IEO ON THIS _DAY OF ____________,20_. DIRECTOR or COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCR. EXAMINED AND APPROVED ON THIS __DAY Of __________,20__. t.4A.YOR OF FEDERAL WAY ATTEST: CITY CLERK. KING COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENTS EXAIoffHED AND APPROVED ON THIS __DAY OF ,20_. KING COUNTY- ASSESSOR DEPUTY KINO- COUNlY ASSESSOR KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION CERTFICATE I HffiEBY CERTIFY THAT All PROPERTY TAXES ARE PAlO. THAT THERE ARE NO DElINOUENT SPECIAl. ASSESSMENTS CERTlFlEO TO THIS QFF'lCE F"OR COLLECTION ON ANY Of THE' PROPERTY HEREm CONTAINED, DEDICATED AS STREETS, AllEYS OR ANY OTHER PUBlIC USE, ARE PAlO IN FllU. THtS ____DAy OF ________,20_. MANAGER, fINANCE OMSION DEPUTY LAKEHA VEN UTILITY DISTRICT AN EASEMENT IS HEREBY IRREVOCABLY RESERVED FOR AND GRANTED TO lAKEHAVEN UTIUTY DISTRICT AND ITS AGENTS. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, FOR so lONG AS IT SHAlL OWN AND UAlNTAIN THE lITlLmES REFERENCED HEREIN UNDER AND UPON THE AREA SHOWN ON THE PlAT AND OESCRl9ED ~~~~:SR~~~~P~...JoNT"OP~~?t ~.on:"R~~EW[~~~N~~T~ THIS SUBDM$ION AND OTHER PROPERTY TOGETHER MTH THE RIGHT TO EHTER UPON SAID EASEt.4ENT AT AU TIMES FOR PURPOSES INCIDENT THERETO. NO BUILDING, WAlL. ROCKERY, FENCE. TREES OR STRUCTURE OF ANY KINO SHAlL. BE ERECTED OR PLANTED. HOR SHALL ANY f'1U. MATERiAl... BE PLACED WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF SAID EASEMENT AREA. NO EXCAVAl'lON SHAll. BE MADE WITHIN THREE (J) FEET OF SAID WATER OR SEWER SEfMCE FACIUTlES AND THE SURFACE lEVEL OF THE GROUND WITHIN THE EASEMENT AREA SHALl BE MAINTAINED AT THE ElEVATION AS CURRENTlY EXISTING. CRANTOR HEREBY AGREES THAT NO WATER AND/OR SEWER SYSTEM FAC1UTY OR APPURTENANCE OF ANY I<IND SHAlL BE CONSTRVCTED OR LOCATED BY GRANTOR, OR ANY THlRO PARTY ACTING UNDER AUTHORITY OF GRANTOR, WITHIN Oft PROX1MA.TE TO SAID EASEMENT, UNLESS SUCH INSTAlLATION IS APPROVED. BY GRANTEE ANO IS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE THEN-CURRtNT EOlTlON Of" THE wCRITERlA FOR SEWAGE WORKS DESfGN" PU9USHED BY THE WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOlOGY. GRANTOR HERESY FURTHER AGREES THAT NO OTHER UTILITY FAC1UTY OR APPURTENANCE: Of AN( KINO. INCUJO~NG UT!UlY SERVICE CONNECTIONS, SHAll. BE CONSTRUCTED OR LOCATED BY GRANTOR. OR ANY THlRO PAA'rY ACTING IJNOER AUTHORITY OF' GRANTOR. WITHIN THREE fEET (J'). MEASUREO HORIZONTALlY FOR PARALLEL AlIGNMENTS, OR WITHIN SIX lHCHES (6"). MEASURED VERTICAlLY FOR CROSSING OR P[RPENDlCULAR AI..IONWENTS. or ANY PORTION OF THE GRANTEE'S FACIUTIES. GRANTOR AODmONALlY GRANT'S TO THE LAKEHAVEN UTlUTY DiSTRICT AND ITS AGENTS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS THE USE OF SUCH AOO1TIONAL AREA. IhINEOIAllLY ADJACENT TO SAID EASEMENT AREA AS SHAlL BE REOU!RED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION. RECONSTRUCTION. MAINTENANCE ANO OPERATION OF SAID WAl'fR OR SEWER FACIUTlE'S. THE USE OF SUCH AODmONAL AREA SHAlL BE HElD TO A REASOtWU MINIMUM AND BE RETURNED TO THE CONomON ExISTING IMMEDIATELY BEFORE THE PROPERTY WAS ENTERED UPON BY THE lAKEHAVEN UT1UTY OlSTRJCT, ITS AGENTS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, IN ADDITION TO THE OTHER RESTRICTIONS HEREIN, GRANTOR SHAll. NOT CONVtY TO A THlRO PARTY Nf'( EASEMENT OR OTHER INTEREST OR RIGHT OF" USE or PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE EASEMENT THAT WOUlD IMPAIR OR LIMIT THE US( OF THE EASEMENT RIGHTS GRANTED HEREIN. SOUTH 310TH STREET DEOICA TION: SOUTH 310TH STREET IS DEDICATED TO THE OTY Of fEDERAl. WAY BY STAruTORY WARRANTY DEED, RECORO!HG NO. _________ THE CITY or FEDERAL WAY SHAU. 8E RESPONStSLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND REPLACEUENT Of THE It.IPROYENENTS CONTAINED THEREIN. SOUTH 310TH COURT DEOICA nON: SOUTH 310TH COURT IS QEmCArro TO THE ClTYOF FED(RAl WAY BY SlATUTDRY WAI$ANTY DEED, RECORDING: NO. _____ THE aTY Of' FEDERAl.. WAY SHAlL BE _ .RESP.ONSlBLE_F."OR..TIiE,. MAlNTENANCE...REPAlR .~O. REPlACEIofENT.. Of, .THE .lupRO.~EN~... CONTAINED THEREIN. 7TH PLACE SOUTH DEDICATION: 7TH PlACE SOUTH IS DEDICATED TO "THE QTY OF FEDE Y BY STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED, RfCOROlNG NO. ______. FEDERAL WAY SHAlL BE ~=~~nHIBiT.~ ~ mE ::;~~TTED PAGE---L-OF~~;~AY F1I..ED F"OR RECORD AT THE REQUEST OF' THE CITY' OF FEDERAL WA'r TI-WS _ DAY Of ___________, 20__, AT ___ MINUTES PAST _____ _' M. AND RECORDED IN VOLUM( __ OF PLATS AT PAGES _ THROUGH ____, RECORDS OF KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON. DMSfON OF' RECORDS AND ELECOONS. I HEREBY CERnFY THAT THIS PLAT IS a,t,SED ON AN ACTUAl. SURVEY DONE BY ME OR uNDER MY DIRECT SUPERvISION; THAT THE BEARINGS AND t>>STANCES ARE SHOWN CORRECTlY; THAT THE PERIMETER WONUMENTS HAVE BEEN SET AND THAT All OTHER MONUMENTS AND LOT CORNERS HAVE BEEN SET OR BONDED WITH THE COUNTY AND WILl. BE SET PRIOR TO THE RELEASE OF THE BOND: THAT I HAVE COMPUED WITH AlL STATE AND COUNTY REGULATIONS GOVERNING PLATIlNG AND THAT IT CONFORMS TO THE APPROVEO PREUMlNARY PLAT AND THE CONDmONS OF" APPROVAl THEREOF. ,....'.';E. SUPERINTENDENT or RECORDS 15210 J2TH ST B Fin. W" 16424 ~~ ~::l ::=:::: dhutchln.on8ceIllDwlne.cam MING COURT A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST OF THE W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON / rOUND :r BRASS IN CONCRETE IN CASED holONUfdENT AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF" SECTION 8 - DECEMBER 2005 ,.. ;-.. rOU.ND CASED, ,COHCRElt, MONU. ",ENT T-a , · SOUTH 304 TH STREET '. ~V.'-C=ER_ '1Mr"~ =" - - '----'-'- ~ ~~64.rs!:. ~ (gsL 5 7 . 1323.7.' I 13;:;:W- - - -r I I I~ '" I~ I I~ 1:2 ~I ~I ~I ~I 2843.61' ___90'- I~ -I; ::l :e: ,.' ~ eiib.9O' ---q>~ "'I /'" ~I~ [g ~ 21S ~ ~ o I ~ " 0 I.. :I: ~ ::J o CJ) W ::J Z W > < :I: ~ IX) FOUND CASED CONCRETE MONUMENT WITH 1/8- COPPER PtN AT THE 1/16TH CORNER - OECEMBER 2005, 0'.05' WEST or UNf. HELD FOR EAST/WEST AlIGNMENT rouND CASED CONCRETE MONUMENT Wf1'H LEAD AND TACK AT THE 1/16TH OVARTER CORNER - DECEMBER 2005, o.~. WEST OF UNE, HELD. FOR EAST,/WEST ALIGNI4ENT :I: ~ ::J;. O~ CJ)~ w"'L_ ~ ~ -r-/. w::: >0 <" ~ I ~ ~ S 88"53'.:r E ~80'- - - I , ~II> ,,~ ii~ zl 7~~ " "- FOUND CASED CONCRETe: MONUMENT WITH .1/2~ COPPER PIN AT THE WEST QUARTER CORNER - DECEMBER Z005 I , N ~..w :! 660.41~ ~ S;~E I> . ~ I~ ~r.. ,~ ~:::,. L ~I~ ----ll1!.~ _ _ _ ~92~ _ L ~.!?' N ~"'21' W 283...., - 23JII.89 (EES) - 233lI.'. (CJC) SOUTH 312TH STREET .41' igl ~I SCALE 1" = 400' LEGEND DID NOT F1NO CENTER SECTION . _ 2641.91' (CJO) ~ n - - -'-...0,'21' E 2&12.03' :3~!211..:g (~) ~~ME~T~~EIN~~N~~~~ 0) :''3 ;n,r ~ (.........) OF SECTION 8 - OECEIr.lBER2005 !111 .. z i, ,~~_~._._ 17 ~~~~ciN "1 ~EO~~~~R CORNER H' 400' 0 ~-- -- 200' ';00' , aoo' I (CJC) - KING COUNTY RECORD OF SURVEY, AFN 19606149002 (EES) ., KING COUNTY PLAT, EVERGREEN ESTATES SOUTH, AFN 17701110775 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THE NORTH HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OJ:' THE SOUTHO.ST QUARTER or THE NORTHWEST OUARTER or SECTION 8. TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH. RANCE 4 EAST. W,U., IN KINO COUNTY. WASHINGTON; EXCEPT THE EAST 30 FEET THEREOf CONVEYED TO KING COUNTY FOR ROAD BY DEED RECORDED UNDER RECORDING NUMBER 2597904; AlSO EXCEPT THE SOutH 300 FEET Of THE WEST 135 FEET or THE EAST 165 rttr. SURVEY NOTES: 1) BASIS Of BEARINGS: THE OST lINE or THE NQRlHWtST OUARTER or SECTION 8. TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANCE " EAST, WJIIt. AS SHOWN ON RECORD Of' SURVEY UNDER RECORDING NO. 9606149002 IS NORTH 0,'20'3'- EAST. 2) EQUIPMENT USED: TOPCON GTS 8254 TOTAl.. STATION WITH TDS RANGER OATA COLLECTOR. J) METHOD AND ClATE OF MONUMENT LOCATION: FIELD TRAVERSE IN DECEMBER Of 2005 4) THIS SURvEY COUPUES WI1'H THE STANDAROS AND GUtOruNES OF THE -SURVEY RECORDING ACr CHAPTER 58.09 RCw AND WN:; .3J2-1JO. 5) LEGAl DESCRIPTION AND EASEMENTS ARE FROM FIRST AMERICAN TITlE COMPANY'S SUBOMSlON GUARANTEE NO. 4268-766397, DATED JULY 1B, 2007. C.E.S, NW, INC. HAS NOT CONoueTED AN INDEPENDENT TITLE SEARCH NOR IS C,E.S. NW, INC. AWARE Of ANY nILE ISSUES AffECTING THE PROPERTY OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN ON THIS MJoP. C.E.S. NW, INC. HAS RElIED SOlUY ON THE IHF'ORJ.lATlON CONTAINED IN SAID GlJARANTEE IN REGAROS TO TiTlE ISSUES TO PREPARf: THtS PlAT AND OUAUflES THE MAP'S ACCURACY AND COMPI.ETENESS TO THAT EXTENT. EXHIBIT & PAGE 2. OP=~ INDEX OF SHEETS: CIlY OF FEDERAl WAY BUILDING DEPT. SHEET- I DEDICATION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT, APPROVALS SHEET 2 LEGAl DESCRIPTION, INDEX, SURvEYOR'S NOTES. AND SECTION BREAKDOWN SHEET J lW' PAGE SHEET 04 TRACTS "A-, "8" AND "r:;. DETAILS ~ ceSNW.bYe .J; CIYIJ. ENQAVEERlNO" $U/1YEY/NO ..."" ~ . 0 ~~~ ~=~ :g:~::: dhutebtnaon.cesnwlne.eom P:\051JO.O\dwg\OSlJO_fP.dwg 06/11/2005 RESUBMITTED JUN 112008 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY BUILDING DEPT. MING COURT A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST OF THE W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON f ADDRESSES' LOT 1 626 SOUTH 31 OlH COURT OR 31005 7TH PlACE SOUTH lOT 2 622 SOUTH 310TH COURT lOT.3 616 SOUTH 310TH COURT LOT ,'* 612 SOUTH 31 OTH COURT LOT 5 608 SOUTH 310TH COURT LOT e 60& SOUTH 3101H COURT lOT 7 603 SOUTH' 310TH COURT LOT 8 605 SOUTH 3101H COURT LOT 9 609 SOUTH 310TH COURT LOT 10 613 SOUTH 310TH COURT LOT 11 623 SOUTH 310TH COURT OR 31025 7TH PlACE SOUTH LOT 12 31028 7TH PlACE SOUTH L0113 31022 7TH PlACE SOUTH LOT 14 31016 7TH PlACE SOUTH LOr 1S 31010 7TH PLACE SOUTH SCALE 1. =20' O' 10' 20' 1 I I NW 1/4 SECTION 8 g' WATE~ EASEMENT PER KING COUNTY Am 16004030644 :r: ~",- 55:::: 10 01-9 .,.. "-1_ _l-_ ~o- 13:::: ~g , ~ .9 \~8 "-10:: > "-I\. \ \ \ ~ 115.32' ~,~~~tT\'i 29.17' (CJG) I I \ABERT MICHAEL ,. PARCEl ~J';~~ig-t-9205 I 3D I ------, l I I , I _____1 l I I I I I I I I I I I l I , I I I I I I ,8 ~~ 0.., i;;; -1 0 !" ;; z JOHNSON NORMAN PARCEL NO. 082104-$1187 UNPLATTED I . I ~20' (TYPICAL) 111/ I 14 : I I 7201 s.r. , . r" (TYPICAL) I LLs 88"~3'55~ E- lOS.90' _/ l 10::/ I 13 ~ : , 7207 S.F. ~ I L (TYPICAl)...J I s 6a-53'55" -=.J ~ILDI~~4~~K~El VFOUNO 1 1/1' lOON PIP( ; ~TYPICAl\J 0.65' SOUlH X 0.15 EAST Of V .. 12 ~ ~=:.e.-; AND 72.'32 S.F. ;; CORNER. REPIJCE[) WITH 5. I L 120.0' . ~~~~ '-cw.JNUNI{ FENcE IS 163.7' '-CORH:r CHoI!N\.H( ~ IS - Me: NA~OR~ PROPERlY I ~~ X 1.0' SOUTH Of PIQ'ERTY 8 (TYPICAl) 3 COOK KEW PARCEL NO. 082104-9045 UNPlATTED 5' BAKER MENA PARCEL No. 082104-9190 UNPLATI!D 10' PUBUC unulES EASEMENT - (SEE NOTE~~l) , --1 I VERIAN! ROBERT PARCEL. NO. 082104-9179 UNP1AITr;O VtRZANI ROfJERT PARCEL NO. 082104-9130 UNPLArrED SINGH JAG!NDAR PARCEL NO. 082104-9238 UNPLATTED 10' WATERMA/N EAsEMENT PER KING COUNTY Am 15639960 FEllER TERfSA PARCEL NO. 082104-9178 UNPUTrlD CORNER NOTES: UNE 11 l2 l3 l4 15 la THE FRONT CORNER BETWEEN LOTS 8 AND 9 IS OFfSET 1.00 fEET ONlINE SOUTHWEST OF TRUE POSITION. THE FRONT CORNER BETWEEN LOT$ .3 AND 4- AND LOTS 12 AND 13 ARE LEAD AND TACKS wtTH "PlS 36800" TAGS SET IN THE CONCRETE Of AN Eu:.CTRIAL BOX LEGEND CUR"" Cl C2 C3 C4 c. ca C7 ca c. Cl0 Cll C12 C13 C14 Cl. S to SET CITY OF FEDERAl.. WAY STANDAAO MONUMENT OR FOUND AS NOTED !J. "" DELTA ANGLE R "" AAOIUS L .. LENGTH SCALE 1" = 50' (R) ... RADIAL BEARING (CJG) "" K.C. RECORD Of SURVEY, AFN #9606149002. -0-0- ... CHAINUNK F'fJICE ALL lOT CORNERS AND ANGLE POINTS ARE MONUMENTEO WiTH A 1/2" REBAR AND yEllOW CAP STAMPED ~PLS 36800", WITH A 2~ )( Z" WHITE lOT BOARD SET NEAR BY AS A REFERENCE MARKER EXCEPT AS NOTto ABOVE UNDER CORNER NOTES. ~ CBS: MY INC .,j; C1Y/l ENSWEERlN8 ~ SURYEWN8 Lfo}t1): 6210 12TH ST E UVS: (2631 9:i:t-IS32 . -1/ FIFE. "A. 96424 FAX: (263 822'-1964 ! "h.lnaOll.hHIII,h. III 50' 0 25' 50' ~.... 100' , I ill ; _oil zl I .,/ :gl ~I "'/ :r . I- ;; 6 ~tI) 01 W Zl ~ I; co I I / MING COURT A PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 4 EAST OF THE W.M., KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON TRACT "A" 11,406 S.f. .~ ~ z 9 ~ ill ::i ill ~ 1ll ~ ~ 1ll to ~ 0 P: 05130. TRACT "A" 11.400 S.f. 5.88'53'55. E 161.35' t 3.00' SCALE ," = 20' eo' 0 10' ZO' ~..... ~ ;; if 1" 0 ~_... -- 0.5' IJ ~ z TRACT .C. 1,969 S.F'. SCALE ,. = " S 88'SJ'SoS. E" TRACT .C" 1,9159 S.F' 0513 F'P.d 06 11 2008 5.17' S 88"53'55' E. 183.92' t TRACT .B. 813 S.F'. SCALE '" - " l' (1 ~_... -- 0.5' I ... '''S''S8'53'5$'''E'''184.4iF- TRACT .A. 11,406 S.f. 10 11 4.43' S 88"5.J'55. E 183.92' S 88'53'55- E 184.48' TRACT "B" .'3 S,F, ~ '! w S 88"53'55- E 17.01' ~ ~ Z TRACT .A. 11,406 s.r ~ ;; s 88'SJ'S:r E 181..35' !l ~ SEE D~ 6ElOW~ TRACT .C" I.'.' S.F. ~ '!/ 193.9.)' S 88'54'1'. E 495.17' I gl. tIJ 8 lY '!;: </'" ~ ~ ~ ~ .... [g /z I j TRACT NOTES: ,) TRACT 'A' 18 DESIGNATED A PUBLIC STORM DRAINAGE TRACT AND 18 DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY UPON THE RECORDING OF THIS FINAL PLAT (SEE NOTE 2 ON SHEET 1) 2) TRACTS 'B' AND '0' ARE DESIGNATED PRIVATE LANDSCAPE TRACTS AND THE HOMEOWNERB ASSOCIATION SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, AND REPLACEMENT OF THE IMPROVEMENTS CONTAINI!D THEREIN 3) SINGLE FAMILY BULDlNG PERMIT APPLICATIONS FOR LOTS 5, 8, 7, AND 8 SHALL DEPICT THOSE LOTS ClRADED TOWARD THE PLAT ROAD. IN LIEU OF GRADING THE ENTIRE LOT TOWARD THE ROAD. THE APPUCANT SHALL aueMll PLANS FOR A PERMANENT STORM IlAAIlAGE SYSTEM THAT 18 DESIGNED TO SHOW THE BACK YARDS GRADED TO COLLECT STORM WATER RUNOFF FROM EACH BACK YARD. THE PERM_NT DRAINAGE SYSTEM SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE PLAT DRAINAGE SYSTEM. ADOITIONAL STORM DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS MAY APPLY. 4) MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE FOR EACH BUIl.DING LOT SHALL BE 3,100 SQUARE FEET. EXceeDING THIS IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE REQUIRES ADDITIONAL TECHNCAL REVIEW AND WRITTEN APPROVAL BY THE FEDEIlAL WAY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. ADOITIONAL STORM IlAAIlAGE IMPROVl!MENTS MAY APPL . ~ CES NW .lIVe .J; C/YIl ENSINEER1N8 '* 8URYEY1N8 J.AlIIl ~ In 90 ~~ EXHIBIT - PAGEKOF .(""r /\/,: i:l.Lk~ 5210 12TH ST E nFB. lfA 98424 ~ f=:l ===:f= dhutchlnaooecesnwino.com ~ a:: -::> o o ~CJ z - ~ -::;E s;.,- ui """"-- a: .z ~..,~,..,.,..... w~ Z ~I-O Ooot; ...JZZ WO- >i=J: ~O~ I-W~ <(00 ..J",," o...~ g O~::) WzO OOW() OJ:O a... I- Z ~LL~ 0...0 <(Z o i= a: Q a.. <( < 0IlII03/IlItlS .. ivlInI:lnlus,. ~ -ONI '$B33NI~N3 lllH 'i S.llIS aNI, OlAVO, c j! w a: r--, L__..J I I I .....' _ -7- L -- ,...-.., 'I L.J \1 ~ ~ ~i -.. + I I ,., ',--,1 :: I 'L;': 1"--'1 I I L.JIL_.J, ----L---L__.J__-.L -------------- Iii i~ s ~ ~I , ~O> I~ ~ ~~! I~ II g;~3~lt :: -~~ ~hiil~~ . ,/~ 3 IHnmi I~~I ~Ifi: I' 1'=_ : I~!;ii . -.11 I_'~ W~ ~Ib I II I! I ~ SII I~I~I!I.!I~I 1~11~~~i~;I;111111 ~"O o. j,lt~~o~oJlol:-!L ..--~"'-,...-.-.. ---., - - - I I " ! :! I. . 1 I . 1.1 .1111 I . i;111 I ~!U nlill 1IIIi~, II !t illl_I.. 1~1!i i ~!! 2 & II- I. "9 11/;;, I.; I!:~ . b.b i!' I~il ! dl~ nl '\ \ ~. I I . pU-Jootf RESOLUTION NO. 05-442 (t;(Q)[P)W A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, W ASIDNGTON, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS THE PRELIMINARY PLAT OF MING COURT, FEDERAL WAY FILE NO. OO-102793-00-SU. WHEREAS, owner David Ling applied to the City of Federal Way for preliminary plat approval to subdivide certain real property known as Ming Court and consisting of 3.83 acres into fifteen (15) single- family residential lots at South 31 Oth Street at 7th Place South located west of 8th Avenue South; and WHEREAS, on October 23, 2004, an Environmental Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance (MDNS) was issued by the Director of Federal Way's Department of Community Development Services pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), RCW 43.2IC; and WHEREAS, on November 22, 2004, Mr. Ronald Rassilyer appealed the SEP A Mitigated Determination of Nonsignificance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Federal Way City Code Section 20-115, the SEPA appeal hearing and preliminary plat application open record hearing shall be held sirnultaneously; and WHEREAS, the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner on January 18, 2005, held a public hearing concerning the Ming, Court preliminary plat and SEPA appeal; and Whereas, following the conclusion of said hearing, on February 1,2005, the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner issued a written Report and Recommendation containing findings and conclusions, and recommending a})pf,py~I,9.f the Ming Court preliminary plat subject to conditions set forth therein; and Whereas, following the conclusion of said hearing, on February 1,2005, the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner issued a SEP A Appeal Report and Decision concluding that the appellant did not show that the threshold determination was erroneous, that any potential SignifEXflfsltts t h environment were analyzed and properly dealt with in the MDNS, and that thepAtJeppel wasOPed' and ORIGINAL WHEREAS, the Federal Way City Council has jurisdiction and authority pursuant to Section 20- 127 of the. Federal Way City Code to approve, deny, or modify a preliminary plat and/or its conditions; ;..".~ '",'.....,~., ,...'" ~'~.../ and WHEREAS, on February 28, 2005, the City Council Land UsefIransportation Committee considered the record and the Hearing Examiner recommendation on the Ming Court preliminary plat, pursuant to Chapter 20 of Federal Way City Code, Chapter 58.17 RCW, and all other applicable City codes, and voted to forward a recommendation for approval of the proposed Ming Court preliminary plat to the full City Council, with no changes to the Hearing Examiner recommendation; and WHEREAS, on March 15,2005, the City Council considered the record and the Hearing Examiner recommendation on the Ming Court preliminary plat, pursuant to Chapter 20 of Federal Way City Code, Chapter 58.17 RCW, and all other applicable City codes. Now THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Adoption of Findings of Fact and Conclusions. 1. The findings of fact and conclusions of the Land Use Hearing Examiner's February 1, 2005 Report and Recommendation, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by this reference, are hereby adopted as the findings and conclusions of the Federal Way City Council. Any finding deemed to be a conclusion, and any conclusion deemed to be a finding, shall be treated as such. 2. Based on, inter alia, the analysis and conclusions in the Staff Report and Hearing Examiner's recommendation, and conditions of approval as established therein, the proposed subdivision makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety, and general welfare, and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary waste, parks and recreation, play grounds, schools and schools grounds, and all other relevant facts as are required by City code and state law, and provides for sidewalks and other planning features to assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. Res. # 05-442 , Page 2 EXHIBIT 1> PAGE.1-0F -'- 3. The public. use and interest will be served by the preliminary plat approval granted herein. Section 2. Application Approval. Based upon the recommendation of the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner and findings and conclusions contained therein as adopted by the City Council immediately above, the Ming Court prelirninary plat, Federal Way File No. 00-102793-00-SU, is hereby approved, subject to conditions as contained in the February 1,2005, Report and Recommendation of the Federal Way Land Use Hearing Examiner (Exhibit A). Section 3. Conditions of Approval Integral. The conditions of approval of the preliminary plat are all integral to each other with respect to the City Council finding that the public use and interest will be served by the platting or subdivision of the subject property. Should any court having jurisdiction over the subject matter declare any of the conditions invalid, then, in said event, the proposed preliminary plat approval granted in this resolution shall be deemed void, and the preliminary plat shall be remanded to the City of Federal Way Hearing Examiner to review the impacts of the invalidation of any condition or conditions and conduct such additional proceedings as are necessary to assure that the proposed plat makes appropriate provisions for the public health, safety, and general welfare and other factors as required by RCW Chapter 58.17 and applicable City ordinances, rules, and regulations, and forward such recommendation to the City Council for further action. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase ofthis resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall-be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. Res. # 05.,..442 , Page 3 EXHIBIT.J> --= PAGE~OF REsOLVED BY TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, TIllS 15 DAY OF March ,2005. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY A nEST: .t1-d.: 'JJ APPROVED As TO FORM: ~~ 4:.. ~ CITY ATIORNEY, PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 3/8/2005 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 3/15/2005 RESOLUTION No. 05-442 Res. # 05-442 , Page 4 EXHIBIT b PAGE~OF --'l...= RESOLUTION NO. ~.9~J:",. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASmNGTON, APPROVING THE MING COURT FINAL PLAT, FEDERAL WAY, WASmNGTON, FILE NO. 07104450-00-SU WHEREAS, on January 18,2005, the Federal Way Hearing Examiner conducted a public hearing on the Ming Court preliminary plat application resulting in the Recommendation of the Federal Way Hearing Examiner, dated February 1,2005; and WHEREAS, the Ming Court preliminary plat, City of Federal Way File No. 00-I02793-00-SU, was approved subject to conditions on March 15,2005, by Federal Way City Council Resolution No. 05-442, which adopted the Hearing Examiner's findings of fact and conclusions; and WHEREAS, the applicant submitted the [mal plat application for Ming Court, within the required time of receiving approval for the above-referenced preliminary plat; and WHEREAS, the applicant has satisfied or guaranteed all of the conditi9ns set forth in Resolution 05- 442; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way's Department of Community Development Services and Public Works Department staff have reviewed the proposed final plat for its conformance to the conditions of preliminary plat approval and final plat decisional criteria, and their analysis and conclusions are set forth in the Final Plat Staff Report, dated June 12, 2008, which is hereby incorporated by reference as though set forth in full; and WHEREAS, the City Council Land Use!Transportation Committee considered the application and staff report for the Ming Court final plat at its meeting on June 16,2008, and recomrnended approval by the full City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed and considered the Final Plat Staff Report and the application for Ming Court final plat during the Council's meeting on July 1,2008. EXHIBIT PAGE-LOF Now THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY HEREBY RESOL YES AS Section 1. Findings and Conclusions. l>~4):"/" The Ming Court final plat, City of Federal Way File No. 07-I04450-00-SU, is in substantial FOLLOWS: 1. conformance to the preliminary plat and is in conformance with applicable zoning ordinances or other land use controls in effect at the time the preliminary plat application was deemed complete. 2. Based on, inter alia, the analysis and conclusions in the Final Plat Staff Report, dated June 12, 2008, which are adopted herein by reference, and on the City Council's review of the application for final plat, the proposed subdivision makes appropriate provision for public health, safety, and general welfare, and for such open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, and schools and school grounds as are required by City Code, or which are necessary and appropriate, and provides for sidewalks and other planning features to assure safe walking conditions for students who walk to and from school. 3. The public use and interest will be served by the final plat approval granted herein. 4. All conditions listed in Federal Way Resolution No. 05-442, dated March 15,2005, have been satisfied, and/or satisfaction of the conditions have been sufficiently guaranteed by the applicant as allowed by Federal Way City Code Section 20-135. 5. All required improvements for final plat approval have been made and/or sufficient bond, cash deposit, or assignment of funds have been accepted as guarantee for completion and rnaintenance of all required plat improvements as identified in the Final Plat Staff Report. 6. All taxes and assessments owing on the property being subdivided have been paid or will be paid, prior to recording the final plat. Section 2. Application Approval. Based upon the Findings and Conclusions contained in Section 1 above, the !ding Court final plat, City of Federal Way File No. 07-104450-00-SU'~~~i.-h- Ming Court Final Plat Resolution File #07-104450-o0-5U Doc. 1.0. 45787 Page 2 Section 3. Recording. The approved and signed [mal plat, together with all legal instruments pertaining thereto, as required pursuant to all applicable codes, shall be recorded by the apPli~in the King County Department of Records and Elections. The applicant shaH pay all recording fees. ~A1):' Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution should be held to ~ be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution. Section 5. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority, and prior to the effective date, of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, THIS ,2008. DAY OF CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Mayor, Jack Dovey AITEST: City Clerk, Laura Hathaway, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Patricia A. Richardson FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO: EXHIBIT PAGE10F Mlng Court Final Plat Resolution File #07-104450-00-SU Doc. I.O. 45787 Page 3 (Q.-- ~/jJJt June 18, 2007 Mr. Eric Oehler CES NW Inc. 5210 12th Street East Fife, W A 98424 RE: File #07-103195-00-AD; MING COURT MODIFICATION TO PRELIMINARY PLAT Dear Mr. Oehler: This letter responds to your June 6, 2007 letter requesting to modify the previously approved Ming Court preliminary plat. No specific decisional criteria are provided in the subdivision code! for review of proposed modifications to approved preliminary plats. However, Federal Way City Code (FWCC) S20-127(d)(1)-(4), provides "benchmarks" for considering such requests. In addition, the proposed changes must be consistent with all conditions of the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEP A) and preliminary plat approval, and other applicable City codes, regulations, and provisions. Your request has been reviewed according to these parameters. As background, preliminary plat approval for the fifteen lot plat was granted on March 15,2005. Engineering plans submitted under file #06-1 02066-EN on April 26, 2006 are presently under review by City staff. Based on staff comments relating neighbor concerns about impacts from drainage runoff, you have requested to modify the approved preliminary plat by clearing portions oflots 4, 5 and 6 to order to install temporary yard drains on the western portions oflots 5 and 6. This clearing, which is an expansion of the clearing limits identified in the preliminary plat approval, would be done in conjunction with construction of preliminary plat infrastructure. The two yard drains would connect to the storm drainage system located in the future right-of-way. This request is consistent with the above-noted code benchmarks for modifying an approved preliminary plat, and can be approved administratively. Therefore, extended clearing limits are approved as depicted on drawing #C2, Ming Court Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan prepared by CES NW, Inc. revised dated May 31, 2007, in order to install temporary drainage systems on lots 5 and 6 and subject to the following condition: 1 Federal Way City Code (FWCC) Chapter 20, "Subdivisions" 1. The final plat for Ming Court shall identify permanent drainage systerns to be installed on lots 5 and 6, or other appropriate measures as approved by the Public Works Director in order to eliminate potential storm drainage impacts to adjacent properties to the west. """~XHIBIT f PAGE-L-OF _z, Mr. Oehler June 18, 2007 Page 2 If you have any questions about this letter, please contact Senior Planner Deb Barker at 253-835-2645, or deb.barker@cityoffederalway.com. Sincerely, Kathy McClung, Director Community Development Services Ene: Drawing #C2, Ming Court Erosion and Sedimentation Control prepared by CES NW, Inc. revised dated May 31, 2007 c: Greg Fewins, Deputy Director of Community Development Deb Barker, Senior Planner Ken Miller, Deputy Public Works Director Kevin Peterson, Engineering Plans Reviewer 07-103195-00-AD EXHIBIT f PAGE~Qf..v~ RESOLUTION No.D) .5J.{ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WA Y, WASHINGTON, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 05-442 AND MODIFYING CONDITION #1 Of THE APPROVED MING COURT PRELIMINARY I)LAT, FEDERAL WAY, FILE NO. 00-I02793-00-SU. WHEREAS, on May 12, 2000, the applicant, Mr. DaVId Ling, applted to the City of Federal Way for preliminary plat approval to subdivide certam real property known as Ming Court and consisting of 3.83 acres into fifteen (15) smgle-family residential lots located in the South 310ID Place at 7ID Place South; and WHEREAS, on October 23, 2004, a MitIgated Determinatiotl of NOflsignificatlce (MONS) was issued by the Director of Federal Way's Department of Community Development ServIces pursuant to the State Environmental Poli(v Act (SEPA). RCW 43.2IC; and WHEREAS, pursuant to CIty Councd Resolution 05-442, on March 15, 2005, the City Council approved the Ming Court IS-lot prelimlllary plat, in compliance with Chapter 20 of the Federal Way Cit)' Code, Chapter 58.17 RCW, and all other appltcable City Codes; and WHEREAS, the Ming Court SubdiVIsion is currently under construction; and WHEREAS, the new owner, Noms Homes, has requested to modify prclllTlInary plat condition of approval #1 and modify clearing limIts to remove existing vegetation from lots I through 15 pnor to issuance of building permits for new houses, including removal of most If not all significant trees from lots 7, 8, 9, 10, and II, removal of all other nonsignificant trees and vegetation on lots I through IS, and mitigation of removed significant trees with fourteen replacement trees located on lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 15; and WHEREAS, on February 4, 2008, the City Council Land Use and Transportation Committee (LUTC) considered the request for the modification to the preliminary plat condition of approval, and found that changing the condition altered substantial conformance with the approved preliminary plat, and voted to deny the applicant's request; and Ooc. /.D. 44164 EXHIBIT Q- PAGE-LOF -'- WHEREAS, on February 19. 2008, the LUTC recommendation to deny the apphcant's request came before the Federal Way CIty Councd and the City Council voted to grant the applicant's request to modify conditIOn #1 of the prellmmary plat approval as set forth III Resolution No 05-442; Now THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section I. Adoption of Findings of Factand _~onclusions. The findings of fact and conclusion of the Department of Community Development Services January 30, 2008, memorandum and recommendation to the LUTC, are hereby adopted as the findings and conclUSIOn of the Federal Way City Council. Any findll1g deemed to be a conclUSion, and any conclusion deemed to be a findlllg, shall be treated as such. ~~ction_LAQQfoyal_QLMod!ficatIJ)11Q.L~;~~!~ht!.on.Jtl Based upon the recommendatIon of the Department of Community Development Services and findmgs and conclUSion cOlltalfled therem as adopted by the CIty CounCIl immediately above, cOllchtioll It I of the prelinunary plat ten Mmg Court, Federal Way hie No. 00-102793-00-SU, is approved to be modifIed as follows: Clearing IImils for the construC{[()fl of the pIal improvements (roads. pond. and utilities) shall be generally consistent with the clearing limits depicted on the COllceplual Drainage Plan of Ming Courl. plan page CIJJ. dated March /9. 2004. and prepared by Sills a1ld fIilll:'ngineers. Inc. (Exhibit A). The clearing limits on the plan sheet referenced above are the approximate clearing limits necessary for roads. utilities, and pond. The-elcaring and gl'tJd.mg-limils--on the apfH'(wcd plan may he modifwd with tl'le approval-of the Community DewJo.pmenl--and Public Works Departments during final engineering plan re~'icw as requit=etl-iff--Fejlect changes in road ami utility designs. if an)'. Prior to final plat approval the developer may clear all vegetation from all building lots, provided that prior to commencement of any clearing activity, the ag!ilicant shall submit the following items to the City for review and apQfoval: (Ik~~~ion ;l!l<!sec!!!!1~!!!ation control plan consistent with KCSWDM Appendix D for the newtY_Qisturbed areas to demonstrate Doc. 1.0. 44264 site stabilization; (2) a written commitment to make every eftorLto COl!lJll~!!_<,:~J)9USe cgnstruction EXHIBIT Q PAGE Z. OF-!I- ~cti~I~Jthll1 9 !!lontl,!5 ofreceivlOg finafI2IilL<!lwro",-a! as~ell as ~$.LQ~QQQJ!.!Uc~p~'--<:!J.~Jhe 9.!YJL const!:l!ctlOn<!~h vlty .<!()cs not commen(;~_"Y!th!I!.!I!~.t.Lnl~line;D1Jo .!~Jk.(Luh~aQPJi<:.<!.!_ILi desire to reta!!!._?!'['l!!ticant 1fe~~ on th~5_@l~(;L~i!t.:L~!II_<!.!:boris~_.I.ep.Q_I1_J1rsrr'!!:~_(t .t() !"t:(;Q!T!.mell.Q what can be donc to maXimize the survIval of retained slgmficant trees and denotes~I.>eclfic tree protection methods, which shall also be deQicteg on the erosion control plan..;.J1kprotCssionallv prepared planting plan that depicts fourtecn {f41.!Splace!!lent trees, sized in accordance Wit!! FWCC replacement tree standards, planted on lots depicted on the Ming Court Significant Tree Removal/Replacement plan prepared by Norris l{om~i!!:19 in addition, withil!JoUl:t.<:.cn .Q'!Y~ from the effective date of this resolution Norris HOl!!..~s shall construct a tempora!Yience b~twecn the subiect site and the northem property line of 31104 61h A venue South and prior tQJIIl.'!LPlaJ . approval Norris Homes __shall constnlct 'LQ~!:!na!!cflt~!!(;cl2.C!\N"ee!!_Jh(;_ii.!t!)J(;cL5Ite_ '!!!~Lth~ northern p~Qpe-'1Y1I!:1t.:_i!1JJJ()4 ~ A ",-(;nue.sE>.I_lth~..1 and as modified, IS hereb~ found to be in conformance with the approved preliminary plat, and thIS modification IS hereby approved subject to all reqUirements of the Federal Way Cltv Code and other condItIOns contained and referenced III City Council ResolutIOn 05-442. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutIOnal by a court of competent JUrlsdictton, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this resolution. Section 4. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authonty and prior to the eftective date of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 5. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this resolution are authorized to make necessary corrections to this resolution including, but not limited to, the correction of any I This underline and strikeout fonnat deplCls the text of the CXlstlllg condtlloll, the text proposed to be eliminated and the tex! proposed to be added. Doc. 1.0. 44264 EXHIBIT Er PAGEJOF -L scnvener/cIerical errors, references, resolution numbering, sectIOn/subsectIOn numbers and any references thereto_ Section 6. Effectlve.Q(l!~. This resolutIOn shall be eftectlve Ifnmedlately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. RESOLVED BY TItE CITY COUNCIL Of THE CITY Of FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, HilS ~fi.oAY OF .;)" 10 rut". "(;_ , 2008. CITY OF FEDERAL \VA Y A T)T:ST: Y,CMC ApPROVED AS To FORM: ~~tf:~k__ CITY An'ORNEY, PATRfCIA A. RICHARDSON FU.ED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CfTY COlfNCIL RESOLUTION No. ~tr{of -Q 511 '5~L_____________~ Doc. to. 44264 EXHIBIT (t PAGE If OF-L King County Property Description for parcel number 0821049207 Page 1 of2 ta King County Assessor information for parcel number 0821049207 Taxpayer name NORRIS HOMES INC Parcel number 0821049207 Tax Account number 082104920705 Levy code _ t2D5 _____..____ Jurisdiction FEDERAL WAY Present use Vacant(Single-famlly) Appraised value $308,000 Mailing address 2053 FABEN DR MERCER ISLAND WA 98040 Address(es) at this parcel None Legal description N 1/2 OF SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 lESS S 300 FT OF E 165 FT lESS CO RD Sales/Quit Claims/Transfers Sale date Sale Buyer Seller Excise Recording Instrument Sale price tax number type reason number .---~- --~-, 07-07-2005 $1,110,000 NORRIS HOMES LING 213789.Q 20Q~Q711 0..01 Q.6.J Statutory None INC DAVID+CHIN- Warranty MEI Deed 04-06-1999 $260,000 OLD REPUBLIC SONG MYO 19lJtQ51 J999Q4t~298J Statutory None EXCHANGE 1M Warranty FACILITATOR Deed CO 08-29-1997 $0 SONG MYO 1M SONG PONG J59.618.4 .t~~09J.115Q.8 Quit Claim Property E Deed Settlement 09-29-1992 $0 SONG PUNG JOPLING 147.165.Q J..9lli2Q4Q20815 Warranty Correction E+MUO I REED D Deed (refiling) 09-25-1992 $250,000 SONG PUNG JOPLING 12ZQQ/ill .1992.Q9..30 1jQ4 Warranty None E+MYO I REED D Deed Parcel description Property name Property type R - RESIDENTIAL ._F.:l~~~~.t_ u~~_.._ .YCl~a_I:'~'<~~'!f:lle~~l!!iIYt... Lot area 167,!06 sq. ft,: (3.85 acres) Plat name Plat block ~~,-,,~ Plat lot Q-S-T-R NW-8-21-4 Water system Sewer system Access Street surface WATER DISTRICT PUBLIC PUBLIC PAVED Taxable value histo Tax status Taxable value reason TAXABLE NONE OR UNKNOWN TAXABLE NONE OR UNKNOWN , + iQ (improvements) $272,000 (total) $253,000 (land) + iQ (improvements) $253,000 (total) EXHIBIT ..J PAGE.l.-OF J 2006 TAXABLE NONE OR UNKNOWN Related resources http://www5.kingcounty.govIKCGISReports/property Jeport -print.aspx?PIN=0821 049207 6/10/2008 LAKEHA VEN UTILITY DISlRICT 31627 - 1st Avenue South · Po. Box 4249 · Federal Way, Washington 98063-4249 Federal Way: 253-941-1516 · Tacoma: 253-927-2922 www.lakehaven.org May 7, 2008 Deb Barker Community Development Dept. City of Federal Way P.O. Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 RE: Final Plat Approval Status Ming Court Agreement No. 6306016 Ms. Barker: This letter serves as a status report to advise the Federal Way City Council on final plat approval for the referenced project. The water distribution and sanitary sewer systems for this project are substantially complete. The developer has entered into a supplemental agreement with Lakehaven Utility District and Lakehaven has accepted a guaranty for completion of construction of the water and sewer facilities for the project. Please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions or need additional information. I can be reached, in order of preference, by E-mail at BAsbury@lakehaven.org, by fax at 253-529-4081, or by phone at 253-946-5407. Brian Asbury Engineering Technician III c: Norris Homes, Inc. c.E.S. NW, Inc. Development Services Supervisor Inspection RECEIVED MAY 082008 ec: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CDS ~ Charles Gibson Commissioner Donald L.P. Miller Commissioner Ronald E. Nowicki Commissioner Ed Stewart Commissioner Beverly J. Tweddle Commissioner .....-..--............-.....................-.---......................-...........--..................-......--.............-.........-..................- COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1,2008 ITEM #: ..-..-......-..................-............-...-...-........---...................--........--...........-.........-..-....... CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Acceptance of Grant Funding for Transportation Improvement Projects POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council authorize staff to accept grant funding for transportation improvement projects? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: June 16,2008 CATEGORY: [8] Consent D City Council Business D Ordinance D Resolution Public Hearing Other Public Works .~!~!.'!.~!9..~!._~~:.....M~.~...~~I..1..~~~?...~.~.!!.J:~K!?..~E.'l~f.~~1..!.~.~~~~~Qi~~~!g~ Attachments: LUTC Memorandum; Acceptance of Grant Funding for Transportation Improvement Projects. Options Considered: 1. Authorize staff to accept the following Federal grant funding: 2006 Regional and Countywide TEA21 (Federal) grant in the amount of $5,000,000 for the Pacific Highway S HOV Phase IV Improvement Project. 2. Do not accept grant funding and provide direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option 1. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: ................................-...-........................................--............ ..................................... ...............-....-......-..... ................--..-.--......-......-.... ..................................-..-.......................--....-...........-..........-.-............................--...... COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward Option 1 to the July 1st, 2008 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ Committee Council Linda Kochmar, Chair Jim Ferrell, Member Dini Duclos, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval to authorize staff to accept the Federal grant funding: 2006 Regional and Countywide TEA2l (Federal) grant in the amount of$5, 000, 000 for the Pacific Highway S HOV Phase IV Improvement Project. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLED/DEFERREDINO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: June 16, 2008 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, P. E., Assistant City Manager, ChiefOperatio Officer, Emergency Manager ~ Marwan Salloum, P.E., Acting Deputy Public Works Director Acceptance of Grant Fundinf[ for Transportation Improvement Pro;ects BACKGROUND: This memorandum provides the Council with the current status of the grant applications submitted in 2006, grant funding received to date, and required match. GRANT FUNDING REOUlRED MATCH Pacific Bwy S BOV Phase IV (Dash Point Rd to S 312th Street) (Design, Right otWay, and Construction) · 2006 Regional TEA21 (Federal) Received in 2006. $2,000,000 (Accepted by the City Council on 9/19/2006) · 2006 Regional and Countywide TEA21(Federal) Received in $5,000,000 2008 from available contingency fund. $312,138** $675,000** ** The required match has been satisfied with a grant from Tm cc: Project File Day File K:\LUTC\2008\06-16-08 Grant Funding for transportation Projects. doc ....ri....ri....ri......................._.................._......._..........._______...._......_.........._......____....._.......ri..._.._..._...__._..................................................._....-..-...................-...-..........-..-.-----.---...................................................--................-.......-...--...........--.-. COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1,2008 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: 500 Gallon Above Ground Fuel Tank - Bid Award POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council award the 500 gallon above ground fuel tank purchase to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: June 16,2008 CATEGORY: [8J Consent D Ordinance D City Council Business /6 D Resolution STAFF REpORT By: Ray Gross, Emergency Management Coordinator D Public Hearing [8J Other DEPT: Public Works Attachments: Land Use and Transportation Committee memorandum dated June 16,2008. Options Considered: 1. Award the 500 gallon above ground fuel tank purchase to ESE Corporation, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of fifty eight thousand seven hundred eighty-one and 30/1 00 Dollars ($58,781.30) including state sales tax and approve a 10% contingency of five thousand three hundred ninety-two and 37/100 ($5,392.37) for a total of sixty-four thousand one hundred seventy-three and 67/100 Dollars ($64,173.67) including state sales tax. 2. Reject the bid for the 500 gallon above ground fuel tank purchase, re-bid the item and return to Committee for further action. 3. Do not award the 500 gallon above ground fuel tank purchase to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder and provide direction to staff. ................--...........-............................-....................--. ........-...................-........-....-.......-.................... .. ..........-.-...-..-............... ................-..-..........................................--.................--. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option 1. CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: ~ t11ci? DIRECTOR APPROVAL: CO ttee \.. cn 01M( Committee " Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward staff recommendation for Option 1 to the July 1,2008 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. Dini Duclos, Member Linda Kochmar, Chair Jim Ferrell, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "] move awarding the 500 gallon above ground fuel tank purchase to ESE Corporation, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, in the amount of fifty eight thousand seven hundred eighty-one and 30/100 Dollars ($58,781.30) including state sales tax and approve a 10% contingency offive thousand three hundred ninety-two and 37/100 ($5,392.37) for a total of sixty-four thousand one hundred seventy-three and 67/100 Dollars ($64,173.67) including state sales tax. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02106/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: June 16, 2008 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, P. E., Assistant City Manager, Chief Operations Officer, Emergency ~ Manager~ Ray Gro~Emergency Management Coordinator 500 Gallon Above Ground Fuel Tank- Bid Award BACKGROUND In the 2007/2008 budget, the Council approved $74,000 for the purchase and installation of an additional 500 gallon above ground fuel tank to increase the run time of the City Hall generator. This included the purchasing and installation of a concrete slab and protective bollards. One (1) bid was received and opened on May 22, 2008 for the 500 Gallon Above Ground Fuel Tank. With the sole bid, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder for the 500 Gallon Above Ground Fuel Tank is ESE Corporation with a bid of$53,923.7l plus state sales tax. Reference checks on ESE Corporation by City staff indicates that the contractor has performed similar work in the past. Therefore, staff recommends awarding the 500 Gallon Above Ground Fuel Tank to ESE Corporation, the lowest responsive, responsible bidder in the amount of$53,923.7l plus state sales tax. BID RECEIVED: ESE Corporation State Sales Tax @ 9% 10% Construction Contingency TOTAL COSTS $ 53,923.71 $ 4,857.59 $ 5,392.37 $ 64,173.67 AVAILABLE FUNDING: TOTAL AVAILABLE BUDGET $ 74,000.00 cc: Project File K:\LlJTC\2008\06-16-08 Above Ground Fuel Tank - Bid Award.doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1,2007 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: Setting Public Hearing for 2009-2014 Transportation Improvement Plan POLICY QUESTION: Should City Council set a Public Hearing for adoption of the Transportation Improvement Plan on August 5th, 2008? COMMITTEE: LAND USEITRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: June 16,2008 CATEGORY: IZI Consent D Ordinance D Public Hearing D City Council Business IZI Resolution D Other .~!~~~m~!Q~!_~Y_:'m~.!~~I~r..~~.?...~.:.g.:,..g..~!y'.!!~ffl..~...E:.!.!g~~-~_~~....met:-___.._.....m.:..?~~!.:._~~~.~~..~.~?.~~_........m-..---............- Attachments: Memorandum to the Land Use and Transportation Committee dated June 16,2008. Options Considered: 1. Set Public Hearing for adoption ofthe Transportation Improvement Plan on August 5, 2008. 2. Set Public Hearing on an alternative date recommended by the committee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option 1. CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: ~. &:,Y."/,7J- DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~ Council ~ /cil COImmttee COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward staff recommendation for Option 1 to the July 1,2008 City Council Consent Agenda. Linda Kochmar, Chair Jim Ferrell, Member Dini Duclos, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: "I move approval of the resolution setting the date of a Public Hearingfor the 2009-2014 Transportation Improvement Plan on August 5, 2008. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: June 16, 2007 Land Use and Transportation Committee Neal Beets, City Manager ~ ,,-. Rick Perez, P.E., City Traffic Engineer IfiJ./ Setting Public Hearingfor 2009-2014 Transportation Improvement Plan POLICY OUESTION: Should City Council set a Public Hearing for adoption of the Transportation Improvement Plan on August 5th, 2008? BACKGROUND: In accordance with the requirements of Chapters 35.77 and 47.26 of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW), the City of Federal Way adopted its original Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) and Arterial Street Improvement Plan (ASIP) on July 23, 1991. The City is also required to adopt a revised TIP and ASIP on an annual basis to reflect the City's current and future street and arterial needs. The City is required to hold a minimum of one public hearing on the revised plans. Staff proposes that this occur at the August 5th, 2008 City Council meeting. Once the revised plans have been adopted by Resolution, a copy of the respective plans must be filed with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation and the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board. The attached Resolution sets the public hearing date for the August 5th, 2008 City Council meeting. The TIP will be presented to the Land Use and Transportation Committee on July 7th, 2008. OPTIONS: 1. Set Public Hearing for adoption of the Transportation Improvement Plan on August 5th, 2008. 2. Set Public Hearing on an alternative date recommended by the committee. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Option 1 to set the Public Hearing date for adoption of the Transportation Improvement Plan for August 5th, 2008. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward Option 1 to the July 1 st, 2008 City Council Consent Agenda. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE OF TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 2008 FOR ADOPTION OF A REVISED SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND ARTERIAL STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN. WHEREAS, pursuant to the requirements of Chapters 35.77 and 47.26 RCW, the City Council of the City of Federal Way must adopt a revised and extended Six-year Transportation Improvement Program ("TIP") and Arterial Street Improvement Plan ("A SIP") annually; and WHEREAS, the City of Federal Way's SEPA Responsible Official reviewed the TIP and ASIP under the State Environmental Policy Act, RCW 43.21C, and issued a Determination of Nonsignificance on ; and WHEREAS, a public hearing must be held prior to the adoption ofthe revised and extended Six-year Transportation Improvement Program and Arterial Street Improvement Plan; NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Public Hearing. A public hearing shall be held on the 2009-2014 Federal Way Transportation Improvement Plan and Arterial Street Improvement Plan at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 5, 2008, at the Federal Way City Hall Council Chambers. Section 2. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution should be Res. # , Page 1 held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution. Section 3. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 4. Effective Date. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Federal Way City Council. RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON this day of ,2008. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MAYOR, JACK DOVEY ATTEST: , CITYCLERK,LAURAHATHAWAY,CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY ATTORNEY, PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO.: Revised: 06/1 0/08 Res. # , Page 2 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1,2008 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: 2008/2009 Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Contract amendment POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve an amendment to the CTR agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) for CTR grant funding? COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: June 16,2008 CATEGORY: IZI Consent 0 Ordinance 0 Public Hearing o City Council Business 0 Resolution 0 Other .~!A!!..~!2!!.!.!l.!.:__..~!~~..:.I.>.~~~~?_~:~1.S::.i.!Y..Tr~f.fi~_!:.!1.gi.!1.~~~mm..~____m. DEP!..:_~u~.~~~__~ o.~~~__....._..... Attachments: Land Use and Transportation Committee memorandum dated June 16,2008. Options Considered: 1. Approve an amendment to the CTR agreement as proposed by WSDOT for the CTR grant funding allocation of $28,225.97 for July 1, 2008 through June 30,2009. 2. Reject the proposed amendment by WSDOT and implement CTR as required by state law and local ordinance using in-house staff and City's budget. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option 1. CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: (ffj!! tfj;:;Q) DIRECTOR APPROVAL: om e ~ 0Wt... Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Forward staff recommendation for Option 1 to the July 1,2008 City Council Consent Agenda for approval. Linda Kochmar, Chair Dini Duclos, Member Jim Ferrell, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: HI move that Council approves an amendment to the CTR agreement as proposed by WSDOT for the CTR grant funding allocation of $28,225.97 for July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACfION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED -- 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: SUBJECT: June 16, 2008 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager, Chief Operations Officer, Emergency Manager~ Sarady Long, Senior Transportation Plam*gYngineer~. Rick Perez, P.E., City Traffic Engineer UV1' 2008/2009 Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Contract Amendment BACKGROUND: The Washington Department of Transportation (WSDOT) provides technical assistance funding to the City for developing and implementing the Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) plans and programs. The CTR program requires a two-year agreement with WSDOT. The agreement capped funding allocation to the City at $28,225.97 for the first year (July 1,2007 through June 30,2008) and requires an amendment for additional funding for the second year. The first year of the agreement will expire June 30, 2008 and an amendment is needed to get additional funding for the second year from July 1,2008 through June 30, 2009. The amendment proposed by WSDOT would add the second year's funding allocation to the City at the same level as previous year ($28,225.97). As in the past, due to workload and expertise, the City will continue to use the technical funds from WSDOT to contract with King County for the CTR support services. Staff will present this contract to the Land Use and Transportation Committee and Council with King County at a later date. cc: Project File Day File K:\'I"RAFFIC\ctr\2007-08\2008-2009 Ammendment to (,TR Agreement with WSDOT.doc COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 1,2008 ITEM #: CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: 10th Ave. S. Stormwater Improvement Project, S. 308th St. Lateral Drainage Intercept Project, and Outlet Channel Modification Project Status Update and Request to Combine the Three Projects POLICY QUESTIONS: Should Council authorize SWM staff to combine the design and construction of the 10th Ave. S. Stormwater Improvement Project, the S. 308th St. Lateral Drainage Intercept Project, and the Outlet Channel Modification Project, modify the scope of the Outlet Channel Modification Project, allocate an additional $136,000 from SWM unallocated CIP fund into the combined project, and authorize SWM staff to proceed with the design and return to the LUTC at the 30% design completion stage for approval. COMMITTEE: Land Use and Transportation Committee MEETING DATE: July 1,2008 CATEGORY: IZI Consent D City Council Business D Ordinance D Resolution D D Public Hearing Other .~TAF!...~!.Q.~!, By..:..!':.~LI~g?-~.~.g:?_.~.~..~!.~j~~!...g!-1.g~~~~!__ F r_.__......... .....:I.?~.!!.~. PlJ.~.!i..~...~.9.~!\s._.._.................__..._.............__...._...... Attachments: Land Use and Transportation Committee memorandum dated June 16, 2008 along with Easter Lake Project map. Options Considered: 1. Authorize SWM staff to combine the design and construction of the 10th Ave. S. Stormwater Improvement Project, the S. 308th St. Lateral Drainage Intercept Project, and the Outlet Channel Modification Project, modify the scope of the Outlet Channel Modification Project, allocate an additional $136,000 from SWM unallocated CIP fund into the combined project, and authorize SWM staff to proceed with the design and return to the LUTC at the 30% design completion stage for approval. 2. Do not authorize combining the projects and provide further direction to staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Option 1. CITY MANAGER ApPROVAL: ~ ~ DIRECTOR ApPROVAL: ~ee ~ ~ Committee Council COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Place Option 1 on the June 17, 2008 Council Consent Agenda for approval. Linda Kochmar, Chair Jim Ferrell, Member Dini Duclos, Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: HI move to approve Option No. 1 above to authorize SWM staff to combine the design and construction of the 10th Ave. S. Stormwater Improvement Project, the S. 308th St. Lateral Drainage Intercept Project, and the Outlet Channel Modification Project, modify the scope of the Outlet Channel Modification Project, allocate an additional $136,000 from SWM unallocated CIP fund into the combined project, and authorize SWM staff to proceed with the design and return to the LUTC at the 30% design completion stage for approval. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: o APPROVED o DENIED o TABLED/DEFERREDINO ACTION o MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 02/06/2006 COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM DATE: TO: VIA: FROM: June 16, 2008 Land Use and Transportation Committee Cary M. Roe, P.E., Assistant City Manager, C.O.O., Emergency Manager (!/UIL. Fei Tang, P.E., Surface Water Project Engineer 7= r: Ken Miller, P.E., Deputy Public Works Director ~ ~ SUBJECT: 10th Ave. S. Stormwater Improvement Project, S. 308th St. Lateral Drainage Intercept Project, and Outlet Channel Modification Project Status Update and Request to Combine the Three Projects BACKGROUND: The following three surface water improvement projects are shown on the attached map. The 10th Ave. South Stormwater Improvement project (Project No.1) will install a new 24-inch concrete stormwater pipe along 10th Ave. S. between the Easter Lake outlet channel, located just south of S. 308th Street, and the outfall into Cold Creek, near S. 306th Street. This project will reduce flooding of properties around Easter Lake and flooding at a low point in the roadway located on S. 308th Street near Memorial Stadium. On February 19, 2008, the Council approved 85% design and authorized staff to proceed with the design of this project and return to the LUTC Committee at the 100% design completion stage for further reports and authorization. This project is currently waiting to obtain a permit from Washington State Department ofFish and Wildlife. The S. 308th St. Lateral Drainage Intercept project (Project No.2) will also help alleviate flooding of the low point in the roadway on S. 308t1i Street by constructing a new 24-inch diameter stormwater outfall pipe through the Federal Way Life Care Center (FWLCC) site into Easter Lake. In lieu of the budgeted Outlet Channel Improvement project (Project No.3), staff recommends modifying the scope of this project to create a new lake overflow outlet. The modified scope would include: 1) Constructing a new 30-inch diameter pipe along S. 308th Street to replace the existing failing and undersized stormwater system, and 2) Slightly modify the proposed 24-inch outfall pipe to be routed through the Federal Way Life Care Center (Project No.2). Modified pipe will route runoff from S. 308th Street into the lake when lake levels are low, and reverse flow direction when lake levels rise to an unacceptable level during large storm events and will become the lake's new overflow outlet. This scope modification would provide increased reliability compared to the existing privately-owned lake outlet channel located in a forested wetland which has been experiencing frequent clogging by woody debris, sediments, and other objects. The existing outlet channel from the lake would remain intact. Due to the close proximity of the above three projects, SWM is requesting to combine the design and construction of all three projects. This would reduce the costs of project management as well as to realize a potentially lower construction cost, and to minimize construction impacts to residents in the area. The combined project would be constructed in the summer of2009. K:\LUTC\2008\06-16-08 Easter Lake Storm Water Improvements - Status Update and Request to Combine Three Projects 1.doc June 16,2008 Land Use and Transportation Committee Easter Lake Stormwater Improvement Project Page Two The project cost data is summarized below: Proiect Proiect Bud!!et Estimated Pro.iect Cost Proiect No. I $430,000 $373,000 Proiect No.2 $165,000 $165,000 Proiect No.3 $180,000 $373,000 Total $775.000 $911.000 Increased cost in the outlet channel improvement project is due to adding the storm drainage pipe along S. 308th Street in lieu of improving the existing outlet channel through private properties, which would provide a more reliable lake outlet system. The combined project has a budget shortfall of $136,000. However this is based on estimated costs and staff will bring the project back to the Council at 30% and 100% design stages for review and approval. Weare anticipating that the budget shortfall would be funded from the SWM unallocated CIP fund. Attachment: Easter Lake Project Map cc: Project File Day File K:\LUTC\2008\06-16-08 Easter Lake Storm Water Improvements - Status Update and Request to Combine Three Projects. doc EASTER LAKE STORMWATER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Map Prepared by: Public Works, SWM Division 253-835-2700 N + Map Prlnted- June 10, 2008