FEDRAC MINS 05-27-2008 ~ FE;deral Way City Council Finance/Economic Development/Regional Affairs Committee Tuesday, May 27,2008 City Hall 5:30 p.m. Hylebos Conference Room MEETING SUMMARY 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. Committee Chair Park and Committee Member Faison present. Committee Member Ducios excused. t;~c.i\ ~@.:~m.~ 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. ~v..es~ ' ~ 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS: AGENDA TOPIC, DISCUSSION & ACTION A. Approval of Minutes: April 22, 2008 Meeting. The Committee M/S/C to approve the minutes as presented. Carried 2 - O. FORWARD TO COUNCIL N/A B. Fleet Maintenance Contract Award: Marwan Salloum presented the staff report and noted that the agenda bill and report should be changed to reflect an agreement of three years, not two. Mr. Salloum clarified that the bid documents specified the three-year agreement. The Committee M/S/C to approve Option 1 (award the 2008 Fleet Maintenance Contract, a three-year, non-exclusive fleet maintenance contract, to Pacific Coast Ford and authorize the City Manager to execute the contract). Carried 2- O. June 3 Consent Agenda c. Final Draft Approval: City Center LIFT - Request for Concepts Vision Statement and Process: Mr. Doherty presented his staff report and noted there were . several minor typographical correctipns that should be made. The Committee was agreeable to making minor revisions to the document, so long as it remained "substantially similar to form". In addition, Mr. Doherty asked the Committee to consider forwarding the item to the next Council meeting on June 3 (rather than June 17) so that the RFC could be published earlier and provide potential respondents with additional time to review and prepare. The Committee amended the motion to forward to June 3, 2008 Council Consent. The Committee M/S/C to approve the final draft of the City Center LIFT RFC: however, the RFC must remain substantially similar to form. The Committee approved sending the item to Council on June 3, 2008. Carried 2 - O. June 3 Consent Agenda May 27, 2008 FEDRAC Meeting Summary Minutes Page 2 of 3 June 3 Consent Agenda D. Spring 2008 Tourism Enhancement Grant Applications: Mr. Doherty briefly reviewed the list of grant applicants and summarized the decision-making discussion at the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee meeting. The Committee M/S/C to approve the TEG awards as recommended by LTAC. Carried 2 - O. E. Approval of Vouchers: No questions were posed. The Committee M/S/C to approve the vouchers as presented. Carried 2 - O. June 3 Consent Agenda _._.._~,...__...._.._......._-".._"_._-,._.. June 3 Consent Agenda F. Monthly Financial Report: Mark Turley introduced Phung Huynh to the Committee. Ms. Huynh reviewed her report. The CommitteeM/S/C to approve the report as presented. Carried 2 - O. G. utility Tax Allocation and Uses (INFO ONLY - NO ACTION): Ms. Wang presented her reportto the Committee and detailed the historical and current utility tax revenues and expenditures. She clarified that the 1.75% Proposition 1 revenue funds are tracked in a separate account. Any excess Prop 1 funds will be carried forward for that fund only. She noted that a substantial transfer (carry-forward) for the other 6% general utility tax will be necessary . Committee Member Faison asked staff to bring a copy of the ballot/ordinance language to the June FEDRAC meeting for review. Ms. Wang also announced that the City may realize a larger expenditure of Utility Tax revenue in 2009 because of a potential grant match requirement for the SR 99 HOV Lanes Phose 4 project. Mr. Roe and Ms. Wang also discussed the potential of using the revenue historically allocated for the overlay project (1 %) for other expenditures; REET revenue could be used in the place of Utility Tax revenue for the overlay project fund. A citizen inquired about historical overlay spending and questioned a seemingly-high contract award in recent years. Mr. Roe was asked to respond to the citizen's request at the June FEDRAC meeting. Ms. Wang made the following points regarding Proposition 1 funds: · The intention of Proposition 1 was to fund public safety for the long-term. Although short term revenues may exceed the expenditures, these funds will be carried forward for years with lower expenditures so that the level of public safety will remain the same. · The City will maintain the highest standards in accounting processes which will be audited annually by the State. · Council may have the right to authorize other expenditures of Proposition 1 funds toward related public safety programs - such os the Safe Cities Program. 4. OTHER: Mr. Roe and Council member Burbidge commented on the potentially evolving practice of awarding funds toward preservation projects rather than construction projects. Mr. Roe advised that Federal Way may need to begin positioning itself to be competitive for those types of grant- funding opportunities. May 27, 2008 FEDRAC Meeting Summary Minutes Page 3 of 3 The Committee directed staff to provide a briefing on the School District/Lakota Park project at the next Parks, Recreation and Public Safety Meeting. Mr. Roe will coordinate the briefing which will include the School Districts development plans and anticipated timeline for the project. Ms. Wang clarified for the Committee and audience that the Regional Justice Facility is not currently on the City's Capital Facilities Plan. The Committee directed staff to bring this issue to the June Parks, Recreation and Public Safety Meeting as well. Ms. Wang also announced that grant funds have been received to fully pay for the purchose price of Camp Kilworth; whether or not the City will be permitted to buy the property remains to be seen. However, the funds ($1.25 million) currently set oside for its acquisition can now be used for other capital projects. In closing, the Committee thanked Ms. Wang for all her years of service to the City and noted that her efforts were extremely appreciated; she will be missed here in Federal Way. 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Nothing further discussed. 6. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 @ 5:30 p.m. Chair Park adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. Attest: ;d~ Dini Duclos Committee Member TAl- Eric Faison Committee Member