FEDRAC MINS 08-26-2008 ~ Federal Way City Council Finance/Economic Development/Regional Affairs Committee Tuesday, August26,200a City Hall 530pm HylebosConferenceRoom MEETING SUMMARY Committee Members In Attendance: Committee Chair Park ond Committee Member Faison; Committee Member Duclos was excused Councllmembers In Attendance: Councilmember Kachmar. Staff Members In Attendgn<;:e: Assistant City Manager Cory Roe, Interim Assistant City Manager Mary McDougaL Police Chief Brion Wilson, Commander Sieve Neal, Deputy City Attorney Aaron Walls, Finance Director Tho Kraus, Senior Transportation Planning Engineer Sarady long, and Deputy City Clerk Krystal Roe. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 5:35 P.M. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS ToplcT1lle/Descripllon A. Approval of Minutes: July 22, 2008 Meeting Motion second and carried to approve the minutes as presented (carried 2-0). Forward to Council 'IA 9.2.2008 Consent B. WashlngtonAutoThellPrevenllonGranlProgrom Chief Wilson and Commander Neal presented the item tor approval. Af issue was whether or nof fo approve the City's participation in a multi- agency taskforce to reduce and prosecute auto thett. Under the agreement. federal Way will provide a Lieutenanl paid for by grant funds through Ihe Washinglon Auto Theft Prevention Aulhority. II was understood that the backup matenals included in the statf report naming "the City of Auburn" did not preclude Ihe city's participation. An Interlocal Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding may be executed in the future to clearly establish roles and responsibilities for each of the agencies. The Committee approved the staft recommendation to "Accept arid participate in the auto theft prevention grant program and forward to the September 2, 2008 City Council Consent Agenda." The motion was Clarified to state the documents presented at the Council meeting will remain substantially similar to form, but !J:J.QY require slight modification COMMlnEE MEMBERS' CITY STAFF' MikePork,Choir DiniDvdos Kryslal Roe, Deputy City Clerk Eric Faison 253.835.2541 "\>'''''AC\2O:)''"'''oo~,G-''.''''D'''D'-''T9JM"'R'.doc AugU,t26,2008fEDRAC5ummary poge2of3 (such as changing the agreement to "City of Federal Way" rather than "City of Auburn"). Motion second and carried to approve the interagency agreement (carried2-0j. C.2008-2009Flexl'assforCIlyHoIIEmployees Motion second and carried to authorize the purChase of RexPoss far Federal Way City Hall employees Icarried 2 -0). D. City Sponsorship Policy The Committee tabled the topic until the September FEDRAC meeting. They directed Ms. McDougal to solicit comments from 011 Counciimembers via e-mail so they may be discu,sed at the ne>ct Committee meeting. 9.2.2008 Coment NIA Tabled until 9.23.2008 E. MonthlyFlnanclalReporl Motionsecondandconiedtoapprovethereportaspresentedlcarrted2-0). F. Vouchers The Committee expressed an interest in receiving itemized credit cord expenditureSforlargepaymenfs. As itiscurrenflyreported,onlythe total of the bill is depicted, not fhe individual purchases. Ms. Kraus replied she will wor~ to incorporate those item, in the future as the report is reformatted and more information becomes available from the credit card companies. The Committee also inquired about safeguards in place to prevent an internal theflli~e the one at South King Fire and Rescue. Ms. Kraus reviewed the control measures in place and described the chec~s and balances to prevent Tnternal theft-all Of which hove been reviewed and approved by the Sfate Auditor's office. Motion second and carried to approve the vouchers as presented (carried2-0). 4. OTHER A. Review of Sound Transit TOO Project Pelmlts - follow up discussion from June 24 & July 22,2008meellngs. The Committee briefly reviewed the information attached to the stafl repOrl. Mr. Roe showed the minutes of the 2004 LUTC meeting clearly depict Councilmembers and former City Manager Moseley discussed woiving permit tees for TOD development projects. Subsequent CouncTl meetTng minutes show the agreement was approved unanimously. 9,2.2008 Coment 9,2.2008 Consent Noactionta~en. B. (ADDED IUM) Chair Par~ as~ed Ms. Kraus to review the e"mail she received today from Mr, PUrlon regarding Proposition I funds. Ms. Kraus read Mr. Purlon's e-mail which reiterates concerns about reporting the utility tax revenue. Ms. Kraus went on to state the City has reported the figures accurately and as~ed the Auditor's office to review the City's reporting practice. The Auditor's office found no concerns with the methods used to Irackthe expenditures ond revenues for this account. Alfgu,1 26. 2008 FEORAC Summary Paga3aJ3 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS September 23. 2008: CitySpomorshipPolicy 6. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 23, 2oo8@5:30p.m. Meeting was adjourned at 6:23 p.m. Attest: ~ ~~ DiniDuclos Committee Member