FEDRAC MINS 09-23-2008 ~, Federal Way City Council Finance/Economic Development/Regional Affairs Committee Tuesday, September 23, 2008 City Hall 5:30 p.m. Hylebos Conference Room MEETING SUMMARY Committee Members in Attendance: Committee Chair Park, Committee Member Faison and Committee Member Duclos Councilmembers in Attendance: Mayor Dovey, Council member Burbidge and Councilmember Kochmar. Staff Members in Attendance: Assistant City Manager Bryant Enge, Human Resources Director Mary McDougal, Police Chief Brian Wilson, Deputy City Attorney Aaron Walls, Finance Director Tho Kraus, Court Administrator Rae Iwamoto, Communications & Government Affairs Manager Linda Farmer, and Deputy City Clerk Krystal Roe. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 5:31 P.M. MOTION second and carried to add an agenda item as No. 3.a.1 - Establish a Traffic Safety Fund. (carried 3-0). 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: Marie Sciacqua voiced support of the City Sponsorship Policy and stated she is excited about providing underfunded non-profit organizations the opportunity to use the Community Center. 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS Topic Title/Description A. Approval of Minutes: August 26, 2008 Meeting Motion second and carried to approve the minutes as presented (carried 3-0). A.l Establish a Traffic Safety Fund (added item) Aaron Walls presented the staff report with Doug Levy joining the meeting via a conference call. The Committee made a minor modification to section 2 of the draft ordinance. They removed the word "funding" in the first line of the section and replaced the phrase "to enhance" with "related to" on the second line. Motion second and carried to approve the draft ordinance (as amended) and forward to Council for first reading on October 7(carried 3-0). Forward to Council N/A 10.7.2008 Intro Ord. 'J- FEDRAC Meeting Summary September 23, 2008 - Page 2 of 3 10.7 .2008 Consent B. Fall 2008 Tourism Enhancement Grant (TEG) Applications Mr. Doherty presented the staff report. He noted the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (LT ACJ wants to encourage more sponsors to participate. Therefore, the LTAC funding recommendations are lower than the amounts requested. The Committee debated the importance of awarding TEG funds to events which increase overnight visitors versus events which bring people in from nearby communities. Mr. Doherty further reported several organizations made an appeal to hold a third round of applications claiming they were unaware of the application deadlines. It was verified the application deadlines were well advertised and consistent with prior advertising campaigns. Therefore, LT AC declined the request to conduct another application opportunity. However, in an effort to improve communication with organizations, beginning next year the LTAC will move the deadline to the end of September to avoid summer vacations and back-to-school activities. Motion second and carried to approve the LTAC funding recommendation (carried 3 - 0). C. Draft SCORE Interlocal Agreement Discussion N/ A Aaron Walls presented the staff report. Discussion took place regarding the draft language, the history of the negotiation process, and points of concern with the current language. Mayor Dovey expressed concern that under the draft agreement the City would be a minority share holder, negotiating from a weak point. Deputy Mayor Faison and Council members Duclos and Kochmar concurred. Mayor Dovey asked why cities with lower populations have higher usage of the facility. The Committee discussed the differences between this agreement versus the structure of the ValleyCOm agreement. Chief Wilson discussed several possible changes to the agreement including increasing Federal Way's capital investment which might result in more votes for the City. Another possibility would be to structure the agreement so all jurisdictions would pay the same and have the same votes. Cities could then receive a rebate based on lower use. With Federal Way's current inmate population trends, the City may be able to lease its beds to other agencies. However, he indicated this would be an increased risk in start-up and under-utilizing beds initially. The Committee discussed that the draft agreement seems to have gone farther down the road than Council understood it would. The last Council update did not indicate negotiations would be taking place; instead, the update only indicated that interested agencies were being assessed. This draft agreement includes policy-based decisions Council has not yet discussed. The Committee concurred they were displeased with the draft agreement. Chief Wilson stated he would go back to the negotiation team and share 5 FEDRAC Meeting Summary September 23, 2008 - Page 3 of 3 Council's comments. Information item only; no action taken. D. Establishing Municipal Court Jury/Witness Fee Checking Account Tho Kraus presented the staff report and explained the reason for the change and noted the jury and witness fee processing would become much more efficient. No questions were posed; the Committee complimented Ms. Kraus and Ms. Iwamoto for making this change. Information item only; no action taken. E. City Sponsorship Policy The Committee discussed different ways to consider sponsorship requests, ways to award funding, and how much should be allocated for the policy. . After discussion, the Committee increased the amount of the policy from $20,000 to $30,000 to be administered by the City Manager. Motion second and carried to approve the sponsorship policy and procedures, as amended, and to authorize the City Manager to use the contingency fund for city sponsorship not to exceed $30,000 per year (carried 3 - 0). F. Monthly Financial Report Ms. Kraus noted two minor changes/corrections to the report. The first change was to include the utility tax transfer to debt service in the amount of $1,343,633; this figure was missing from the total operating revenue. Therefore, the total was updated to $18,840.761. The second change was to report the Federal Way Community Center opened in March 2007, not in June as referenced on page 46. Motion second and carried to approve the report as amended with the minor corrections (carried 3-0). G. Vouchers Ms. Kraus reviewed the vouchers and provided a brief summary of the items charged under the two Visa credit cards (page 65). Motion second and carried to approve the vouchers as presented (carried 3- D). N/A 10.7 .2008 Consent 10.7.2008 Consent 10.7 .2008 Consent 4. OTHER A. Councilmember Kochmar discussed two issues brought forward at recent Suburban Cities Association meetings regarding Tourism Promotion Areas and Urban Growth Area Expansion and Annexation. She encouraged Councilmembers to review the information in the two documents she distributed. '~ ~t&' 6rf6 ftt(~(\.t M1m 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: Draft SCORE Interlocal Agreement - Continued Discussion 6. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 @ 5:30 p.m. ;;g~~'~k- Mf fL 11 1 -wur I'Ll ~,~