FEDRAC MIN 05-26-2009 . . ~ Federal Way MEETING SUMMARY Committee Members in Attendance: Committee Chair Park and Committee Member Duclos; Committee Member Faison excused. Councilmembers in Attendance: Mayor Dovey. Staff Members in Attendance: Interim City Manager Brian Wilson, Assistant City Manager Cary Roe, Assistant City Manager Bryant Enge, City Attorney Pat Richardson, IT Director Mehdi Sadri, Finance Director Tho Kraus, Public Works Director Marwan Salloum, Human Resources Director Mary McDougal, Communications & Governmental Affairs Manager Linda Farmer and Deputy City Clerk Krystal Roe. 1. CALL TO ORDER: 5:34 P.M. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: Chair Park requested that public comment be postponed until just prior to item G - Long-Range Financial Plan & Budget Adjustment Ordinance. 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS Topic Title/Description A. Approval of Minutes: April 28, 2009 Meeting Motion second and carried to approve the minutes as presented (carried 2-0). B. Legislative Briefing 1. Local Update by Doug Levy Mr. Levy distributed his session-end report which detailed legislative activity for this year's session. Mr. Levy spoke briefly about each major issue important to the City. The Committee inquired about the difference between the annexation legislation recently passed and the existing state incentive for annexation. Mr. Levy stated that the financial incentive offered by the state is still available. The new legislation, SB 5808 allows cities to annex areas by Interlocal agreement between agencies (in conjunction with other criteria) rather than by a vote of the citizens in the area. He noted that a citizen appears to be seeking an injunction based on their position that the bill title did not divulge the annexation aspect of the legislation. Mr. Levy noted that many legislators would argue that annexation was represented in the title. The Committee also discussed state funding for the Performing Arts Center (P AC). Mr. Levy clarified the state requires the city to obligate (not necessarily spend) the $5 million required by June 3D, 2011. These funds do not have to go toward constructing the PAC building itself, but could be used for infrastructure associated with the PAC. This could include parks, a plaza, etc. Forward to Council N/A N/A FEDRAC Meeting Summary May 26, 2009 - Page 2 of 4 . . The Committee also discussed the earning saving rates for the money set aside for the project and how to best use the funds invested between now and when they're actually spent. The Committee thanked Mr. Levy for his efforts this session and commented positively on the entire team - including Linda Farmer, Councilmembers and all other staff persons. They also expressed appreciation for the 30th District Legislators who worked hard for Federal Way during this tough session. 2. Federal Update for May Ms. Farmer distributed the May activity report from Strategies 360 pertaining to key federal lobbying activities and events. c. Use Automation Fees to Upgrade Permit, Application, and Business License Tracking System Mr. Sadri presented his staff report. He stated the funds for this purchase have been received from a $6 per permit fee which went into effect several years ago. The fund has now grown to $65,000 and is large enough to cover this $20,000 purchase and the on-going maintenance and support costs. In response to Committee inquires, Mr. Sadri stated the major benefits of this upgrade will be to streamline on-line permitting for activities such as deck construction. This new program will eliminate the need for staff to review basic permits (such as decks); something the current program does not allow. Also, this purchase will not negatively affect the budget as the funds are existing and have been set aside for improvements of this type. The fund will be replenished through the on-going $6 per permit assessment. Motion second and carried approve utilizing up to $20,000 of the permit automation fees to purchase and implement the CSDC and up to $3,000 annually for the software maintenance and support (carried 2 - 0). D. Approval for Purchase and Installation of the Automatic License Plate Recognition System (ALPR) Mr. Sadri presented the staff report and highlighted the purchase proposal. He noted staff recommends awarding the contract to the second-lowest bidder because of their more favorable warranting and on-going product support proposal. Specifically, if the City did not purchase the lowest bidder's on-going maintenance package, the program would terminate at the end of the initial contract. The second lowest bidder will not require on-going support; the City will still be able to fully utilize the program when the contract ends. Motion second and carried to approve the staff recommendation to award the project to PIPS Technology/Day Wireless Systems for an amount not to exceed $27,648.75 and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary contract documents (carried 2 - 0). E. Monthly Financial Report Ms. Kraus presented her financial report to the Committee for consideration and highlighted revenues, expenditures, and cash & investment performance. 6.2.2009 Consent 6.2.2009 Consent 6.2.2009 Consent FEDRAC Meeting Summary May 26, 2009 - Page 3 of 4 . . Motion second and carried to approve Monthly Financial Report as presented (carried 2 - 0). F. Vouchers Committee Member Duclos inquired about several expenditures for items such as dance costumes, movie tickets and prison lodging. Ms. Kraus replied that items such as dance costumes and movie tickets, when listed under Parks are for recreational activities where the cost is initially incurred by the City and then later reimbursed through the purchase of class/recreation activities by customers of the parks recreational program. The prison lodging was for inmates. Motion and second to approve the vouchers as presented (carried 2 - 0). G. ORDINANCE: Long-Range Financial Plan & Budget Adjustment PUBLIC COMMENT: Aaron Walls spoke in opposition to the proposed cut to the Law Department staff [Deputy City Attorney 1.0 FTE]. Mr. Walls expressed concern that the City would incur a greater expense by hiring outside legal counsel when necessary rather than keeping legal counsel in-house. Mr. Enge presented the staff report. The Committee inquired about the proposal to cut the Communication/Government Affairs position by .5 FTE. Chief Wilson stated the cut is just one option. He further stated that he's researched the duties and responsibilities of the position and feels confident the tasks could be accomplished with a .5 FTE or through a contract with an outside consultant. Another option would be to fully fund the 1.0 FTE position through one-time versus on-going. Committee Member Duclos voiced support for keeping the position funded as 1.0 FTE versus .5 FTE or contract-based consultant. The Committee also discussed the impacts to the Overlay Program if the utility tax funds currently allocated for capital projects (like the overlay) are moved to operating expenditures. Mr. Salloum addressed the Committee and stated a one or two year reduction would not significantly harm the City's pavement rating. However, an on-going depletion of five years could result in an reducing the City's pavement rating to as low as 75 versus the current 85 and up. The actual number would depend on weather conditions and other road wear factors. Mr. Salloum also stated that when overlaying a street because of pavement rating, the City must also bring that street into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) -a cost of roughly $500,000 per Overlay project. If the Overlay fund is severely reduced, the City will need to first pay the ADA improvement costs and then fund the actual overlay with any remaining funds. Another consideration is the cost of construction materials. In recent years, the cost of asphalt alone has grown from to $67 per ton - almost double the cost from a just few years ago. Mr. Enge stated he will present a report comparing the original capital plan versus the proposed capital plan at the next meeting so that Council may review them side-by-side before approving the budget adjustment. 6.2.2009 Consent 6.2.2009 Intro Ord. 1 st Reading FEDRAC Meeting Summary May 26, 2009 - Page 4 of 4 Motion second and carried to approve and forward the ordinance to Council for first reading at the June 2, 2009 regular meeting while revising the Government Affairs position as a 1.0 FTE one-time funded position for 2009-201 0 (carried 2 - 0) . . . 4. OTHER: None 5. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, June 23, 2009 @ 5:30 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Attest: fJ~. tJ~~ r Dini Duclos Committee Member EXCUSED Eric Faison CommiHee Member