Res 09-567RESOLUTION NO. 09-567 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR 2010 AND REPEALING THE FEE SCHEDULE ADOPTED IN RESOLUTION NO.OS-537. WHEREAS, the City is authorized under RCW 35A.11.020, 35A.63.100(2), and RCW 19.27.040 to require licenses for the conduct of business, permits for the construction of structures and improvements, and to impose fees to recoup the costs of processing and/or providing services; and WHEI�EAS, the Federal Way City Code establishes the basis for the assessment and/or collection of such license, permit fees, and service charges; and WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it is advisable and necessary to provide gradual annual increases in Land Use, Mechanical, Plumbing, Public Works, Electrical, and Building permits and establish the mid-year Consumer Price Index for All Clerical Workers (CPI-W) for the Seattle- Tacoma-Bremerton area as the basis for such adjustments in Resolutions 98-281, 01-351, 02-377, 03-406, 04-435, OS-462, 06-490, 07-513, and 08-537. NOW THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, HEREBY RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Repealer. The Fee Schedule attached as Exhibit A to the City of Federal Way Resolution No. 08-537, is hereby repealed effective December 31, 2009. Section 2. Fee Schedule. The City of Federal Way hereby adopts the 2010 Fee Schedule as attached hereto, identified as Exhibit A and hereby incorporated in full by this reference, for the various licenses, permit processes, and other business activities of the City. Resolution No.09-567 Page 1 of 3 Section 3 Annual Inflationary Fee Adjustment Unless otherwise specified, all development services and permit fees under the Land Use, Mechanical Code, Plumbing Permit, Public Works, Electrical Code and Uniform Building Code, shall continue to be adjusted automatically each year thereafter in accordance to the percentage of inflation measured by the mid-year CPI-W for the Seattle-Tacoma-Bremerton area. Section 4. Severability. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution should be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or constitutionality of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this resolution. Section 5. Corrections. The City Clerk and the codifiers of this ordinance are authorized to make necessary corrections to this ordinance including, but not limited to, the correction of scrivener/clerical errors, references, ordinance numbering, section/subsection numbers and any references thereta Section 6. Ratification. Any act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of this resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 7. Effective Date. The fee schedule adopted by this resolution shall be effective January 1, 2010. An act consistent with the authority and prior to the effective date of the resolution is hereby ratified and affirmed Section 8. Savin�s Clause. Resolution No. 08-537, a portion of which is repealed by this resolution, shall remain in full force and effect until the effective date of this Resolution and shall remain in full force and effect in the event this resolution is invalidated in its entirety. Resolution No.09-567 Page 2 of 3 RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, WASHINGTON this 1 st day of December, 2009. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY M O, JACK D EY ATTEST: /i/�� i— ,i� APPROVED AS TO FORM: ���c��C�w� CITY ATTORNEY, PATRICIA A. RICHARDSON FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: 11-24-2009 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: 12-01-2009 RESOLUTION NO.: 09-567 Resolution No.09-567 Page 3 of 3 EXffiBIT A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2010 FEE SCHEDULE 0.50% Pursuxn[to King County Fee Schedule Operator License (in addition to business �icense)* $525.W $525.00 Manageror Entertainer License $75.00 $75.W If'the originul upplicution Jor licensr ts mude e'ubseyuent to June 3Q the licenseJee the remuinder aj'thut yeur shull be one-hu1J'aj'the unnuul licenee f'ee. Late Penalty: A lx[e penalty shall be charged on xll xppGcaUVns for renewxl of x license received la[er [han seven (7) days xfter Ihe expiraUUn da[e (being Duember 31 of exch year) of such license. The nmount uf penalry is culwln[ed as a percen[nge uf the 6ceuse: 8- 30 dxys past due 25%.......................:................. 25 ,°6 31 60 deys pnst due 50'Yo SU% 61 and over duys pmtit due 1W%......................................... 1W'Fo Genecal Business License: New Business, all categories unless otherwise identified herein $75.W $75.W BusinessRenewttl $SU.W $SO.W Duplica[eRegistration(replac:emen[) $IS.W $15.W Gambling: Business EsGtblishmen[s Authorized by the S[ate Gambling Cumrttisaiun ro Operare Sa:inl Cxrd Games and/ur exp�attded casl�vom activiQes: New Busiriess, Expnnsiun, ur Chtmge uf Ownerxhip $525.W 5525.W Renewal..................................................................................................................... $125.W $125.W Restaurants Taverns: Restauran[s per RCW 66.24.4W and Txvems per RCW 66.24.330 xuthorized ro sell spirits, beer, xnd wine or beer �wd wine only, by [he drink fur on-premises cunsumption with less [han 50% in dedica[ed dining areas: New Buyiness, Exp�nnsion, ur Change uf Ovmership $525.W $525.W Recewal..................................................................................................................... $SO.W $SO.W Adult Enterteinment Fstabtis6ments: New Business, @xpansion, or Chxnge of Ownership $525.W $525.W Renewa► $125.W $125.00 Late Penalty: Fuilure W pay any regis[ra[ion fee due within thirty (30) dxys after the day i[ is due �hall resul[ in a penelty of 5% on [he amuun[ of the re�s[ratiun fee but not less than $5, end an edditionxl penalty of 5% ur $5 whichever is higher fur each succeeding �nth of delinyuency ur part thereuf, not to exceed 25% uf the registration fee ur $25 dollar3. A. BUILDING Permit fee is besed on Wtul valuxtiun, xe [able, as fullows: NOTE: PrujecLi contnining new syuare�fiw[age may alw be valued using [he Building V ttluxtiun Da[x informa[iun.published in [he "Building Sufery" juumal. This dx[x is updttted biannuelly. $1 W $SW $33-5(� For euch xdditionel $1 W or fraceun thereof up to and inciuding $2,000 $35.5, Plus $4.50 $36, Plus For each xdditional $1,(Hw rn frxctiun thereof up to and including $25,(R)0 $103, Plus $�3�3U- $103.5, Plus For ettch additional $1,OW or frxcdon thereof up W and including $50,000 $597.5, Plus $d-3:E�- $598, Plus For each ttdditionel $1,(H� or fnu;tiun thereuf up to and including $1 W,(� $972.5, Plus S�F?-5f� $985.5, Plus For each eddi[iunal $I,UW or fractiun therwf up W and including $SW,WU $1497.5, Plus $l13E?� $I510.5, Plus Fur exch additionxl $I,OW or fracdun thereof up to and including $1,1H�,(R)0 $48�Y/.5, Plus $�SH- $491U.5, Plus Fur each additional $1,OW ur fraction thereof over $1,(AA),OW $8647.5, Plus $841Q5, Plus Note: Additionn► fees will apply to a permit, as noted here: All develupment permits (including building) are chazged an auWmufion fee. See 1. MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT-RELATED FEES for detnils. All building pennits are chxrged an SBCC surchuge. See I. MISCELI.ANEOUS PERMIT-RELATED FEFS for detxils. Some building permiw reyuire pinn review. See G. PLAN REVIEW for detnils. Some building permits reyuve plumbing fees. See E. PLUMBING fur deWils. Some building permits reyu've muhanicat fees. See D. MECHANICAL fur details. Some building pemti[s reyuire a digitizing Fee. See I. NllSCEL1.ANE0US PERMIT-RELATED FEES fur details. Some building permits reyuire xn impact fee. See 1. MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT-RELATED FEES for details. Some building permits reyuire a Suuth King Fire fee. See 1. MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT-RELATED FEES fur detuils. B. DEMOLITION Permit [ee is based on to[xl proju[ demolition valuation. See the Ixble in A. BUILDIN(G W cxlculxte fee. All develupment pemtits (including demoli[iun) ue chxrged an auWmxtion fee. See I. MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT-RELAY'ED FEFS fur deteils. All building permits are chuged an SBCC surchxrge. See 1. MISCELLANEOUS PERMlT-RELATED FEES for detxils. 0.50% U.50% O.SU� 0.50% 0.5096 O.SU�o O.SUWo $36.W 54.50 $21.SU $15.SU $10.50 $8.50 $7.W 55.50 1 of 11 EXHIBI'P A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 201U FEE SCHEDULE C.ELECTRICAL Note: All development permits (including electricxl) aze charged an automation fee. See I. MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT-RELATED FEES for deteils. 1. '7nspec:[ed with the service" mexns that a separa[e service inspection fee is included un [he same electricnl work pemtit. 2. "lnspee:ted at [he same time" menns ttll wiring is W be rexdy for inspection during the initial inspectiun Vip. 3. M'butbuilding" is x structure that serves x direc[ accessory fune[ion to the residence, such as x pump house, ur s[orage building. Ou[building does not include buildings used for cvrnmercixl [ype occupxncies ur additional dwelling occupnncies. 4. Syuare fuutxge is the crea included wi[hin the swrounding ex[erior wxlls of a building uf a building exclusive of any in[erior cou�ts. (This indudes xny fliwr uea in an a[[xched guage, basemen[, or unfinished living spaceJ (11 Residential (a) Single- and two-family residential (new construction) First13W syft Exch additionnl SW syft. or portion thereof Each outbuilding ur deteched guxge (inspected wi[h [he service) Eac;h uutbuilding or detxched gxrage (in�pa4eA xparutely) Exch swimming poul (inspu:[ed with [he service) Exe;h swimming puol (inspec[ed separately) Each hot tub� sptt, or sauna (inspec[ed wi[h [he xrvice) Each ho[ tub, spa, or sauna (inspec[ed separa[ely) Each septic pumping system (inspec ted with the service) Each septic pumping system (inspei:ted separately) (b) Multi-family residential misc. residential structures, services feeclers (new construction) Amoacitv 0�[u 2W, Servie,eJfeeder Additiunelfeeder 201 [0 4W Servicelfeeder Additionxlfeeder 401 to 6W, Service/feeder Addi[iunal feeder 601 W 8(�, Service/feeder Additional feeder OverSW, Service/feeder Additionalfeeder 0.50% $3l�- U.50% $3�(� U.SU% $l3�:Hfi U.SU96 0.50% $�3H:3EL 0.5U% �Hf� O.SO�o $�3H:H4� 0.50% $3}� U.SU�Ya sx�- o.s� $122.W $39.W $S1.W $BU.SU $80.50 $121.W $S1.W S8U.SU $SI.W Sxo.so $�3�-5FY $i�Fi3� S iS(�:HH- $�:HO- $�83:3E1 $�3�.-3F1 S4U8:3(a $3f�5:3{i O.SU�Yo 0.50% 0.50%n U.SU% 0.50% 0.50% O.S(�Yo O.SU96 U.SU�o U.5096 (c) Single or multi-family services or feeders, including circuifs (altered) 0 to 2W S�H:3E� 0.50% 2U1W 6W $�63:k�& U.SU% Over6W S�4sr.5& U.SU% Mas[ or meter repair (no alterations W[he service or feeder) $�-51�1-....................... 0.50% (d) Si�le or multi-family residential circuits oNy (no service inspection) Note: Altered ur ndded circuit fees are cxlculxted per panelbuard. Tutxi cwt uf the alterationx in an individuel pxnel should nv[ exceed the co5t of a cumplete xitered service or feeder of the sxme rxting, as shown in xub-sectiun (c) lis[ed abuve. C'vcui[s, 1[0 4(see nu[e etwve) $xH�kY 0.5090 Eac:h additional (see nute above) $�:H4� O.SO�o $132.SU $39.W $164.W $SOSO $224.W $111.SU $287.W $153.SU $410.50 $3(Y1.W $lO1.W $164.W $246.50 $60.SU $SU.50 sx.00 (e) Mobile homes, modular homes, mobile home parks, and RV parks Servic,�e or feeder unly $33N:Elfi O.SU�90 $8U.SU Service und feeder $•�3�3EY OSO% $13250 (t) Mobile home park sites and RV park sites First site service or site feeder SSH:E� O.SI�o Each xdditiunal site aervice; ur si[e feeder itupected xt [he same [ime xs [he first service or feeder t33:3& O.SI�o (2) Commerciai and industrial (a) New service or feeder additional new [eeders inspected at t6e same time, includes circuits. cit 0 to 1 W, Service/feeder 5�3�3f)- O.SI�o Additwnal feeder $�{H:�l4l U.50% 101 to 2W, Service/feeder $�b3-ElE)- O.SU%a Additional feeder $�H3(�- U.SU%a 201 W 4W, Service/feeder Addi[ionel feeder $3H�34Y U.SU% S�,3H:34) 0.50%a $xoso $52.50 E132.SU $soso $iea.00 $103.50 $307.W $121.W 2of11 EXHIBI'f A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2010 FEE SCHEDULE C. ELECTRICAL ConNnued (21 Commercial and industrial Con[inued 401 [u 6W, Suvicelfeeder Additionalfeeder 601 to 500, Service/feeder Additionxlfeeder 801 to 11HX1, Servicdfeeder Additionalfeeder Amnac:iN $33y;yf� U.50� $358.W $}q.�$(} 0.50% $143.50 $4yy3k� 0.50% $463.W $�yS(�Y_ 0.50% $196.W $36�.3(} 0.50% �565.W $�33-5E1 U.SU% $236.50 *Over 11�, Servicelfeeder $fr13.f� 0.50% Additional feeder $�:�fl O.SU% Mas[ ur me[er mxintenance or repair (no al[eratiuns to [he service or feeder) $�1-1-:Hf� 0.50°h "'NOTE: Services over 1 WU amps, and cerwin health care, educational, institutiunxl uxs reyu've plan review. See G. PI.AN REVIEW for details. (b) Altered services feeders, NO circuits AiI1ffdC1[V 0 to 2W, Service/feeder $�3�,3H- 0.50% 201 [u 6W, Servicelfeeder $3{�534Y 0.50%a 601 [0 1(�, Servicelfeeder 84HH:3fi 0.50% •Over IWO, Service/feeder O.SU90 sNOTE: Services over lOW amps, and certain heelth cxre, educational, insututional uxs reyuire plan review. See G. PLAN REVIEW for dewils. (c) Circuits only. Altered/ndded c'vcuits fees ue calculxted per pmelbuard. To[al cos[ of the altera[ions in panel(x) xhould not exceed the c�st uf new feeder(s) uf the sxme ampxcity re[ing: Circuits, 1 tu 5(see nute alwve)..... $�}3.{�f� U.5096 Each addi[ivnxl cin;ui[ (see no[e xlwve) $S:(�f�l U.SOR� (d) Over 600 volts surcharge per permit (3) Temoorarv Service(sl �See WAC 296-46B-5� for infornwtiun alwu[ temp�rary inxtallntionsJ Temporary servicev, temporary stage or concert productions Ampactitv 0 to 60, Service/feeder Addirionalfeeder 61 tu 1 W, Service/feeder Additiunelfeeder 1�1 to 2W, Service/feeder Additionnlfeeder 201 to 4U0, Servicelfeeder Additionalfeeder 5�3:(� $�:E� $3�:� $-�3�(� $3}:E�l $�E3.3EY $64:341 0.50% U.SORo 0.50% 0.5(NYa O.SU% U.SO�o 0.5090 U.50%a O.SU%a d.SU%, 0.50% U.SU% O.SU% 0.50� 0.50'90 O.SU% 0.50% 401 to 60U, Servi��e/feeder $iFi3(�& Additiunalfeeder $f3H:(� Over 6W, Servicelfeeder S�• Addi[ional Feeder $�:E� (41 Miscellaneous eauioment rnmmercisi. indu4trial, and residential (a) A Class 21ow-voltage thermostat md its assuc:iated cxble controlling x single piece uf utilization eyuipment or x single fumace and a'v conditio�r combinatioa Firs[ [hernwsta[ 86fY.39-....................... Eech additional inapeated xt the same time as the first $�3F� (b) Class 2 or 31ow-voltage system telecommunications systems. lacluden xll [elecommunicatiuns, installxtions, fire ularm, nurse call, energy management, industrial auWmatiun, end/ur lighting contrul sys[ems, xnd similar Class 2 or 31ow-energy c.inuits and eyuip�nt. Firs[ 25U0 syft. ur less S�- Each ndditionul 25W syft. or portion therwf 5�:� (cj Signs and outlim lighting First sign (no service included) Each add7 sign inspec[ed xt [he s:urie time on the same building or sVucture (d) Yard pole, pedestal, or other meter loops only Yud pule, PadesWl, ur o[her meter loups only Me[ers insWlled remute from service eyuipmen[ inspected a[ [he sxme [ime xy o[her ins[alla[iuns $by:3(� U.SU% $3�341 0.50'Ro $SSH:(� O.SU°k �}2F3(� 0.50% $616.W $328.50 $111.SU $132.50 S307.W $463.W $515.50 $1U3.50 $8.W $103.50 $71.00 $32.W $80.SU $39.W �1U3.50 $S1.W $121.W S60.SU $164.W $8U.50 $184.50 $92.00 $60.50 $18.SU $71.W $18.50 56050 $28.SU $80.SU $18.SU 3of11 EXHIBI'P A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2UlU FEE SCHEDULE C. ELECTRICAL Continued (e) Generators. Note: For permanentty installed generators, refer w the xppropriute residentinl or wmmercial new/al[ered service or feeder xec[ion. Portxble genera[ors, permanently instnlled vxnsfer eyuipmen[ for portxble generaturs........ $-H�3(�� Q50% (t) Annual permits i.Annualelectrical �SeeWAC296-46B-9W(14)J For cu�ntnerciaVindus[rinl la;ntiun employing full-time elec[ricxl muintenance stxff or hxving u yeudy maintennnce con[rxet with x licensed elec[ricnl contrxc[or. Note: All yearly maintenance contracts mus[ detxil [he number of conVnctur electricians nuessary W complete the work reyuired under the contract. This number will be used as a basis for cxlculttung [he xpprvpriate fee. �:ach inspection is besed un x[wo-hour maximum. U.50% Number uf inspections 1 to 3 plant elutricians ...........................................12.................................. S�lS-NN- U.50% $2,9(�.50 4 tu 6 plant electricians ..........................................24...:.............................. $3;7�3E� 0.50% $5,819.SU 7 to 12 plant electrictians .........................................36.................................. S�6&3-34L U.SU% $8,729.W 13 tu 25 plant electricians ........................................52................................. e� o<�c nn U.50% $12,609.W �P Over 25 plant electricians ........................................52................................. 5-1334G(�EY U.50°k $12,60y.W ii. Annual telecommunications �See WAC 2961i6B-9W(13)J For commere;iaVindustrixl la;atio� empluying full-time telecommunications maintenance s[nff ur having x yexrly maintenance contrae:t wi[h a licensed electric:il telecommunicx[iuns conVncWr. Twu-hour minimum of i�spution time $34�3� O.SU% Exch xdditiunnl hour or portion [hereof, vf inspection time $d3N3(� 0.50% (y� Permit requiring ditch rnver inspection only Eae;h 1 hour or portion thereof S�H:SE� O.SU% (h) Cover incpeMion for elevator comeyance installation Note: This item is unly available [o a licensed/regis[ered eleva[ur cuntracWr (i) Camival inspections i. �irst wrnival Tield insoection each calmdar vear Eac:h ride and generator truck Exe;h remote distribu6on eyuipment, concessiun, ur gaming shuw lf the cxlwlxted fee for the £ust camivttl field inspec[iun above is less than $140.0(1, the minimum inspution fee shall be ii. Subseauent carnival insoections eac6 calendar vear F'vst lU rides, concessiuns, generators, remote dist. eyuipment, ur gxming shuws Each xddidonal ride, concession, generaWrs, remote distribution eyuipment, or gxming shows iii. Concessio�sl or ride(sl not oart ot a carnival First field inspecUun each year of x single cuncession ot ride, not part uf a camivxl Subseyuent inspectiun of x single concessiun or ride, not part of a cumival $36:HE1 0.5090 $�kH� O.SO�Yo $�333{i 0.5U�➢o e, U.50% $lO1.W $242.SU $121.00 $121.W $1 U3.50 $26.SU $9.W $153.50 $153.50 U.50% $9.W $��2H:3EY U.50'90 $121.00 $�f}� O.SU% $8U.50 D. MECHANICAL Permit fee is baxd on Wtxl prujut ins[allati�n vxluetion. See the Wble in A. BUILDING [o cxlculate fee. All developt�nt permits (i�:luding mechnnicxl) are charged an nu[omation fee. See I. MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT-RELATED FEES for deteils. Some mec:hunicxl perenits reyuire plxn review. See G. PI.AN REVIEW fur details. E. PLUMBING Note: For the putpuse of this se�;[iun, a sanitxry plumbing uudet on or W which a plumbing fixture or appliance mxy be xt ur attac;hed shxll be construed to be x£ue[ure. Fees for rec:onnec[ion and re[e�[ uf exi�ting plumbing systems in relocn[ed buildings shall be based un the number uf plumbing fuc[ures involved. Permit fee is based on tot number of fuctures as noted in Fix[ure Fees below: Permit Issuance. Per permit charge when not pxrt of.a.building�emut $3-1-E�f� 0. 0% All development permits (irn:Wding plumbing) are chxrgeA an automatiun fee. See I. MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT-RELA7'ED FEES for de[ails. Some plumbing permi[s reyuire plan review. See G. PLAN REVIEW for de[ails. Fixture fees: 1. Fur each plumbing fix[ure of trnp or set of fix[ures on one hup (including �water, drninxge) piping and bacldluw protec:tion therefure 2. Rainwater systems, Per draiei (inside building) 3. For each water heater and ur vent 4. For each industrial was[e preVeu[ment intercepwr, including i[s trap and ven[ excepting in[erceptors functioning as fixture traps 5. Fur iustallariun, tdteration or repair uf water piping and/ur w�ater treating eyuiprt�ent 6. Ftx repair ur alterntiun uf dreinege orient piping 7. Fur each ]xwn sprinkler sys[em or any one me[er iex:luding backflow pru[ec;tivn device� 8. For vawum breakera ur backflow pmeee.tive devices on tanks, vats, eta, ur for instxllation un unprotee:[ed plumbing fix[ures including nece�sxry water piping: 1 to 5 Fixtures over fuctures $31.W $}H:3{3� O.SO�Yo $lU.SU $11�:3� 0.50% $1U.50 S�He3U U.50% $10.50 $�H34) 0.50% $10.50 $�N:3G} U.50% $10.50 S�H:3(� O.SU% $10.5U $�H3f� 0.50% $10.50 $�5{� 0.50°k $7.50 $4-313� U.50% $4.50 4of11 EXHIBII' A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2010 FEE SCHEDULE F. SIGN (D Permanentsien. Permit fee is bttsed on W[al project ins[allx[ion valua[ion. See [he table in A. BUILllING to cxlcula[e fee. Plan review. Most sign permits reyuire review. See G. PLAN REVIEW for de[uls. Electrical. Elecvical signs reyuire xddi[iunttl fees. See C. ELECTRICAL (4)(c) for de[ails. All development permits (including signs) aze charged nn xu[umation fee. See 1. MISCELLANEOUS PERMIT-RELATED FEES fur de[ails. Planning surchatge. To[al pertni[ fee includes tt per sign plenning surchazge, as follows: Fi�s[ sign $433�- 0.50% Each xdditionxl �ign un same applicatiun 0.5090 -�(2) Temoorarv si¢n. Note: [empurxry signs ue by sepnrx[e peimiC Permitfee $4�3fY O.SU�90 All development permi[s (including signs) are charged an auromation fee. See 1. MISCEI.LANEOUS PERMIT-RELATED FEES for de[eils. G. PLAN REYIEW The specified plxn review fees are separn[e from and in addidon W[he permit fees. The plan review fee is cullee[ed at application submittal. Building permit: 65% of the building permit fee Mechanical permit. 65% of the mechanicnl peanit fee Plumbing permit: 65% of the plumbing permit fee Sign permih 65% of the sign permi[ fee Electrical permit: 35% of [he elec:Vic xl work permit fee plus a plxn review fee uf S�E}3�- U.SI� Commercial building permits ONLY: 15% uf peimit fee goes to South King Fire Reu;ue plan review $42.50 $17.W 542.50 $IU3.50 Additionxl plan review reyu'ved by chxnges xdditions revisions W plans, per hour orpurtion thereuf $�H3.Hl�- 0.5070 $10550 Outside consultant plxn review Pu:[ual Custs Ac:tual Costs Actuul cosa m$/00.(X1 Oer hour ur portiun tkere�J. whichever is the leus�t. Note thut "uctuu/ costs" includr City rulministrutive und ovrrhrud costs. Note: F've prevention system plan review fees ure found in Section Si�c. Fire Code-Annual Permits fee x�:tion. H. INSPECTIONS Ot6er inspections fees, per hour: l. lnspectiuns outside of normxl business huurs $+�3-54Y U.50'i6 $74.W 2. Electricxl inspa4ions outside of num�al buxiness hours S� 0.50'k $1U5.50 3. Reinspection S�Sf�- O.SORo $74.W 4. Weekend, holidxy, xnd emergency call-out insputions (4-hour minimum) $�3:34� O.SU% $74.W 5. lnspectiuns fur which no fee is spee,tificully indicated (2-huur mini�num) $'�3-5H- 0.50% S74.W 6. lnspec:tions performed by outside consulWnts Actual C�s[s Actual Costs Actuul cosb� or $/1J0.(X) ver hour or portiun thereqf, whichever is the leue�t. Note thut "uctuu! custs"include City udministrative und ovrrheud costs. 1. M/SCELLANEOUS PERMIT-RELATED FEFS Adult family home facility inspe�xi�n $�3HE� U.5(N�o Automx[ion (xpplies [o all land use xnd developmen[ peimi[s)..........� Digi[izing, for single-farttily plans nu[ submitted in digitized form Digi[izing, for comrt�ercinl and mulU-fxmily plana nu[ submitted in digi[ized form Over-The-Cuunter (OTC) permit and review S�HEY O.SURo S3�}.3(� U.SU% $H�HfL OSO%a $3�:�- 0.50% Pernii[ Renewxl Pemti[s expired up W 360 days pes[ exp'vn[ion de[e or �t da[e uf las[ inxpu[ions are subjee:t [o Building Official'a discze[ion. The renew�al fee is one-half [he original pemut fee. Ree;urding Fee Ruording fee will be chazged per King County Records Elution fee schedule pursuant [o RCW 36.198.O1U md ns xmended and by KC Cude 1.1212U and as amended. SWte Building Code Council (SBCC) sun:httrge $4.50 For eac;h additional multi-fxmily huusing uni[ on the same pemti[ $2.W J.REFUNDS Permit aonlications: 7'he Building Offictix! muy xuthorize the refunding of not more thnn 80% of the permit plan review fees pstid pruvided the epplicant presents a written reyuest to wi[hdraw the applicatiun prior to the cummenc,emen[ uf staff review. The autumation fees are non-refundeble. �NOTE: 7'he Building Officiel does not heve purview over ano[her departmen[ or jurisdiction's feea. Please xpply fur them separa[ely, if npplicable. J Issued cermits: 7'he Building Official may authorize [he refunding of no[ more [han 80% uf uther, nun-plan review-rele[ed building permit fees paid pruvided [he applieant prexnL+ a written reyueat to cancel [he petmit prior [u [he cummencemen[ of my consRUC[ion work cvwered by the pemtit and/or prior W [he comple[ion of eny inspu[ions by City staff. The xuWmxtion fees are non-refundable. �NOTE: The Building Official dues no[ hxve purview over another depwtment or jurisdictiun's• fees. Please apply fur them separxtely, if epplicable.J K. PENALTIES Any person whu shall commence any work for which a permit is reyuired by this Code wi[hou[ first having obtained u pemtit may be reyuired to pay double the permit fee fixed by thix secdon for such work. Such dvuble permit fee shxll be in addi[iunxl [o any penalty for e violxuun uf the provisiuns of this Cude. 73.50 $6.00 $39.SU $118.SU $56.50 $4.50 $2.W 5of11 EXHIBIT A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2010 FEE SCHEDULE F alse Alarm Fee 4Ih and 5[h false xlarms in a registrn[iun year (J uly 1- June 30), each xlxrm 6th nnd successive false xlarms in a registrtttion yeur (July t- June 30), each nlarm RegistrationFee LateRegisVatiun Fee Penxl[y Late E'alse Alurm Payment Penal[y Appeal Hearing Cancellation Fee $SU.W $100.00 $25.W $50.(� $25.00 $IU.00 $50.00 $1110.00 $25.W $SO.W $25.00 I O.l� Carnivals or Fairs: I-lOBiwths/Displays $IW.UU $1W.W I1-20BuothalDisplays $I50.00 $150.W 20+Biw[hs/Dispinys $2W.00 $2W.W ParadeFluxts.:........................................................................................ $1W.W Tempurnry Memb�ane Structures, Tents and Cnnopies (per unit) $1 W.UO Flammable or Combustible Liquids, LP-Gas, Ha•rardous Materials, Misr. Cumpressed Medical Crasea $120.00 Generetor Fuel Tanks $120.00 HazxrdousMa[erixis(Cryogens,E[c) $2W.W Install, Remuve, Abandon ResidenUal Heating Oil Tank $SO.W LP-Ges No Dispensing (Cylinder Exchange, Hexting, Piwl Water Hex[ing, EtcJ $120.W OpenBuming Cryogens.............................................................................................. $2W.OU Fire Hydran[s and Wa[er ConQul Vxlves Dry Cleaning Plants $120.00 $1W.W $1W.W $SO.W $120.W $SO.Iri) $SO.W $120.W $SO.W $132.W $2W.W $132.W $SO.W $SO.W $12U.W $SO.W lVo Chuge No Charge $132.W $2W.W $132.W No Chuge No Charge $SO.W $120.W $SU.W Places of Assembly Oc�:upant luad SU 2� persuns $120.W $SO.W $120.W S80.W Oc:cupnntl.oxd3W-�9persons $15U.W $iW.W $15U.W $1W.W Occupnnt L,oad 1,OW or mure persuns $180.W $120.W $180.W $120.W Occupant l.oud 50-299 Cnndles/Open F1a� $210.W $140.W $210.W $140.W Oc:cupant L.oad 300 �J9 Candlea/Open F7ame $240A0 $16U.W $240.W $160.W Oc:cupantl.oadlUW+&Candles/OpenFlame $27Q00 $180.W $270.W $180.W Mall covered Annwil Fee $1,WU.W $1,(H�.W $1,WO.W $1,UW.W Repair Garage Combinations: Rep�a'v Garage Elammable/Cumbustible Liyuids $210.00 $140.W $210.W $140.W Repxir Cmrege Hot Work $21U.OU $14U.W $210.W $14U.W Repxir Garxge Flammxble/Cumbustible Liyuids LPG $3W.00 $2UU.W $3W.W $2W.W Repxir Garage F7ammxble/Combustible Liyuids Hot Work $3W.W $2W.W $3W.W S2W.(Hl Repair Guage Sprnying/Dipping Hot Work $3W.W $2W.W $3W.W $2W.W Repxir G:uage F7ammable/Cumbuspble Liyuids L.PG Hut Work $391S.W $260.W $3�.W $26U.W Repair Garage F7xmmable/Combustible Liyuids Sprxying/Dipping Hot Wurk.... $390.W $260.W $3�.W $260.W All Other Fire Cude Permits See lntemationxl Fire Code Sei:tion 105 $120.00 $80.W $120.W $80.W Note: Fire Depurhnent Annuul Permit Fee entitles upp[icunt m un initiul irupection and une}bllow-up insprction. All Other Permits (See Unifurm Fire G�de Section 105.8) -lnitiai Al1 Other Pemu[s (See Unifu[m Fire Cude Sectiun 105.8) Renewal Hourly Rate for Additional lnspec;tions Reyuired W Secure.Cumpliance.(mia.112.hr) $�33f� USO% $74.W Fire Depart�nent Review ttnd lnspee:tion uf Building Permits ..................:I S% uf Building 15Ro uf Building Pemti[�Fee, Permit Fee, min. $74 Fire Prevention System Permits Permit Fee (based un valuatiun) P.er.1BC Sec[ion 108.2 Per 16C Se�:tion 108.2 PlanReview Fee 65'90 of FPS 65% of FPS Permit Fee Permit Fee Notr: Ciry retuins $20.(X) of'total fer f'or procee�sing PublicDisplayPermit(Wgetherwith$1W.Wcashlwnd).--•.........---°°-----••-•••--°------°--° $IOO.W $1W.W A. Boundary Lice Adjustment $!L�"1Ft:� U.SU% $882.50 Plus Fue Review 5% 544,{�f� 0.50% $44.50 Plus Publie Wwks Review �47FiFk�- O.SU�Yo $47850 BindingSite Plan Plus Fire Review 5% PlusPublic Works Review O.SU% $1,340.W �.,o S�4:HfY U.50% $64.50 S843H41 U.50� $847.W 6of11 EXHIBIT A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2U10 FEE SCHEDULE Land SurFace Modificatiun PlusPer Acre Plus Public Works Review LotLine EliminaGon Plat, Pmliminary PlusPer Acae PlusFire Review 5% PlusPublic Wurks Review Plat, Final Plus Public W�rks Review Play Short PlusF`ue Review 5% PlusPublic Work� Review PreApplicationMeeting Process I- Applications (fur radio tuwer antenna struc;[ures for use by amateur radiu upera[ors reyuired by Federal Way City Cude, Secuon 22-I(W7(3)) Process 1- Director's Approval for interpretations Process 1- Othet minor site review at hourly rate Procccc 2- Site Plan Review (Base Land Use Feeb Plus over 25AW sy.fr uver SU,(H1� sy.fr over W,(M� sy.ft PlusFue Review 5% PlusPublic Wurks Review Pracess 3- Project Approval �Bnse Lxnd Use Feel, Plus over 25,000 sy.ft over SU,OW sy.ft over 1W,OW sy.f[ PlusFire Review 5 PlusPublic Wo�ks Review Process 4- Hearing Examiner's Decision, including vuriances �Base Land Use FeeJ, PI Plus PlusFire Review 5% Plus Public Works Review Process 4- Residential Variance (Base Land Ux FeeJ, Plus PlusFire Review 5% Process 5- Quasi-Judicial Rr�ones �Bese land Use EeeJ, Plus: to RS Zune PlusPer Ac7e Ma�cimum [o RM Zune PlusPer A�re Maximum............... Process 5- Compmhensive Plan Amendments �Bxse Land Use FeeJ, Plus PlusPer Acre Public NoGce Fee (for Pnx:eas 3- 6& SEPA dec,tisions) SEPA City Center Planned Action Plus Fire Review Fee 5% Plus Public Works Review SEPA Environmentai Checklist Only PlusFne Review Fee 5% Plus Public Works Review SEPA Checklist ac PaH of Projecl PlusF'u'e Review Fee 5% Plus Public Works Review SEPA Appeals Appeal of AdminisVative Decisiun* Appeal of Hearing Examiner Decision* S horeline Permit, �Base Land Use FeeJ, Plus over $15,(N)0 value $�F� $64 �1-7-�:3EY ra nc� cn aT �-�,-�e- $�E� a $�-5{�- x, cr. m r;o-r Q, v :,a $G4F�EY $li43d� $�3�:� �3� O.SU% 0.50% 0.50% D.50% 0.50%a 0.50� 0.50%a 0.50% 0.50% U.50� U.50%a 0.50% 0.50% O.SU% U.SU% N/A $�3:5[� 5393:9E1- $&38:(� $34,NGY $41-1-5H e, v r,=+-=-.,o- $343+E1E)- $HHN:N4Y $536:3F� Syea-.�r Q�.,�,. m $d-�S+H(� Sx3�38- O.SO.Wo O.SOWo 0.50% O.SU% U.50% 0.5090 0.50% U.SU.Wo 0.50% O.SU% O.SU% U.SU% osom� 0.5096 O.SO.Wo U.50% 0.50�90 U.SU�o $�3(� $4�3f $-�3EY c, „e c,. m :,::+-.,P c,a„cn $3I 5856:3E1 $BSEI(l $�-44E� $�47:8N- $a,{�E� $�4� $49:SEY $'3H4:3f� $3-1-9:3� $-1a-1:S1� $�33H:H(�- U.SU% 0.50% 0.50% U.50% U.5096 O.SU�90 O.SU% O.SU% O.SI�o O.SU� 0.50% U.50% O.SU�o U.50% O.SU% O.SU�Xo U.50� 0.50°k U.5046 O.SU% 0.50% O.SU°(o U.50% $1,405.W $15.50 $644.50 $172.50 $3,977.W $79.50 $198.50 $3,261.W $1,6�.W $1,232.50 $1,340.W $64.50 $847.W $458.W $172.5U N/A $74.W $1,083.W $344.SU 5603.W $862SU $54SU $916.W $1,277.SU $344.50 3C�3.W $861.W $64.00 aviiso $2,3W.W $115.50 $1,244.W $861.W $43.00 $775.SU $430.SU $18,955. W $1,120.W $1,378.50 $29,9}34.W $861.00 385.SU $145.W $147.50 $7.W $147.SU $1,(�3.W $49.50 $SU7.W $522.W $25.W $253.SU $12U.50 $172.SU $172.50 $1,537.SU $6�.W 7of11 EXHIBIT A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2U10 FEE SCHEDULE Shoreline Permit ConNnued over $SO,WO value over $1 W,000 vxlue over $SOU,OW value over $I,UW,IHH) vxlue Plus Public Wurks Review e, ,��P 0.50� ca 0.50% $�;54�H4Y 0.50% "�'-'�,-��-'�����'o` O.SU�90 $�4:�FY U.50% $2,ubx.00 $3,791 AO $7,582.50 1,372.W $�9.W $3,652.W $2,205.50 $85.50 $2,634.50 $1,242.50 Shomline Conditional Use Permit 0.50% Plus Public Works Review �"P_..................... Q50�90 Shomline (Exempt Detemtina[iun) $N3-H4�....................... U.SU% Shoreline Variance c� �P 0. 09fo Plus PubGc Works Review O.SU% MISCELLANEOUS: Accessory Dweliing Units Automation fee (Applies tu all Land use and Develvpment perrtti[s) Home Occupation: StandxrdPermit ImHome Day Care: l2 or fewer nttendees Signs, First Sign Exch Additional Sign Same Applicxtion TempurarySigns Zoning Fees Newsingle family Zuninginyuiries $1-Z�3EL 0.50;6 $�HE� U.SU%> $42� U.5096 $4�3H 0.5090 $423H- U.SU'7o S�(� U.SU.Wo $42:3{Y O.SU%a $343� O.SU% $34,3{� 0.5096 Note: 1. Appeal Fee shxli be reimb�vsed in [he event the reviewing authurity determines [hxt [he xppellant hns subs[endally prevailed in the appexl attiun. 2. T'he fue district admittistrative review fee in xn amount eyuxl [0 5% oF [he Ixnd use fee imp�sed is chttrged and collec[ed by the City xnd pxid W the fire distric[. 3. Additional fees will be reyuired w pxy for any time spent un Land Use Applications by the Department uf Public W urks abuve the number uf huurs cuvered by the bxse amount alla;xted tu Public Works for exch epp6ctt[ioa B. REFUNDS OF LAND USE FEES. The Filing Fees as set forth in the Fee Schedule for the City are established to defray the cust uf posting and proc essing nnd the pnx:eedings in cunnec:tion with a land use applicaUUn. 7'he Direc:tor of Communi[y Development Services may xuthurize [he refunding of n�t more [han 803'o uF [he [otal application fees paid provided the applicant presen[s x wri[[en reyuest [o wi[hdraw ur cancel priur W rou[ing of (he xppliwtion for s[aff review. $172.SU $b.W $42.SU $42.SU $42.SU $17.W $42.50 $SS.W $SS.W Miscellaneous Permits (Land Use, Public Works Building Permit Services): My public work, land use, building permits not covered by the fee schedule, if perfurmed by employee, is bnsed on actual hourly cos[, plus benefits uf 30%a, plus overhead of 25%. My pcivxte or public professional service cuntract needed will be billed 1 W%, plus 10% billing nnd adminis[ra[ive chazges. Maps,Plats, Miscella�reous Cost+ 10%......................................... Coat+ IU% Photocopies, Black and White Per Page .................._......�...........................r....._.....,...._,,...,....................... $0.15 $U.15 Photocopies, Color Per Page $0.25 $0.25 DSice Rolled Plan Copies, Per S6eet $S.W $S.W ESue Rolled Plan Copies, Per Sheet $7.W $7.W AudioDuplication,PerGD $10.W $IU.W VideoDuplication, Per DVD $25.W $25.W Cterk 'sCertifcation $S.W......................................... $5.W Facsimile Usage (incoming/outgoing) Ist Page $3.00 $3.W eachadditionalpege......................................................................................................... $1.W $I.W Itound Printed Documents Actual Cost Ac:tu:J Cost GIS Map and Data Requcsts 8 1/2 by I1 Paper- Color $4.W S4.W 8 1/2 by I1 Peper- Black White $3.W $3.W 8 1/2 by I1 Mylur Culur $S.W $S.W 8 1/2 by 11 Mylar Black White $4.W $4.W II by 1'7 Pxper Color $5.(Hl $S.W 11 by 1'7 Pxper- Black White $4.U0 $4.W llbyl7-Mylu-Color $6.W $6.W 11 by 17-Mylaz-Black& White $S.W $S.W Uptu34by44-Paper-Culur $IU.W $IO.W Up ro 34 by 44 Paper Blxck White $7.W $ZW Up to 34 by 44 Mylu Color $37.W $37.W GIS Map and Dats Requests Continued Up to 34 by 44 Mylur Black White $31.W $31.W 3'/x FIuPPY Disk or CD ROM (per disk/CD) $1 SO $1 SO 8of11 EXHIBIT A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2010 FEE SCHEDULE Maps that require extensive processing time or require additional ink and plotting supplies will be charged at a Bigher rate. Applicable sales tax will be added W the costs Staff Tune to Complete Reyues[, Per Hour........... $35.W Compu[er Usage, Per Hour $15.00 Nu[e: Staff time and cumputer usage will unly be chttrged on reyuests for custom produc[s. PawnbrokerLicense $325.W SecondhandDealer License $SO.W Late Penalty: A la[e penalty shall be chxrged on all epplications for renewxl of a Gcenx rec:eived la[er [hxn seven (7) dxys nfter the expiratiun dttte (being December 31 of each yeaz) of such license. The amuunt of penalty is calculated as x percentage uf [he license: Late Penalty: Contenued 8- 30 days past due 25% 31 60 dxys pest due 50% 6land over days past due 1W%a........................................ $35.W $IS.W $325.W $SO.W 25% 50% 100% Annualfee.................................................................................................................. $175.W $175.W M�ualfeeafterJulyl $lUO.W $1W.W PerEvent or Limited Permi�, Per day $SU.W $SO.W Renewallxtechargefee................................................................................................... $75.W $75.W Pruc:essing fee for applications received less thnn 30 dnys from the event $75.W $75.W Litter conUr�l sei:uri[y deposi[ cash ur lwnd $I,UW.W $1,UW.W Appealfee $75.W $75.W A. Building Moving and Oversize/Overweight vehicle PermiL 1. Building moving through City SS3=(� 0.50% $85.50 2. Building moving into or within City $S3.H(�- U.5(�o $85.SU Pre-muve inspec[iun, the higher of ac[unl cust ur $�{k.?(�El....................... 0.50%� $203.W 3. Oversize/uverweig}tt vehicle petmi[ SS3:E)E�....................... O.SU% $85.50 B. Street and/or Easement Vacation ApplicaGon I-30� lineal feet $539:(� U.SU% $833.50 everylW linexl feet thereafter, Par 1W LF 0.50°�6 $85.50 C. Right-ol-Way Use Permit, includes 1 inspection l. lndividual single funily hort�wner applicatiuns S�:3N- U.50% $189.W 2. All uther applications $3FiI.HN-...........:........... 0.50% $262.50 3. Supplement pU+n review fee for xny und all permits, Per huur U.50% $6iS.5U 4. Supplement coavUVC[iun inspectiun for xny and all permits, Per hour $6d-Hf�....................... O.SU% $61.W 5. lnspection outside uf nurmal business hours (xt sWndard lnspec;[iun ra[e times 1.5) $-�3�......................................... $11U.50 6. Weekend, huliday, and emergency call out inspec:[ion (4 huurs minimum) ................(4 hours minimum} 7. Re-inspee:tiun $11U.50 $11U.50 8. Jub start penalty fee $12U.W $120.W D. Right-of-Way Code Variance Request, plus recording tee'� E. Development Review Fee. 1. Single Family 2. Short Subdivi�ions ConsVUC[iun Plttns (Up tu 8 hours uf review [ime) x. Supplementai pinn review/consVuc[ion service fee, Per hour b. ConsVUC[ion lnspec:[ivn Fee, Per hour 3. Subdivisions and CummeniaVlndustrial Develupments Cynstruction Plans (up to 12 hours of review dme) a. SupplemenW plan review/construction service fee, per hour b. Constructiun lnspec:tion Fee, Per hour $FS3:E�1 0.50% $85.50 $6iFHEY O.SOWo $68.SU $346:3E� O.SU%a $549.SU S6fLHEL U.SU% $68SU S�:HH U.50% $61.W $i33E}:3d- 0.5096 $824.50 $6�4�-....................... U.50% $68.SU 0.50� $61.W F. Concurcency Trips generxted: If less then lU times (4 ho�us) $343.02 $343:N(> 0.50% $344.50 lf between 10 nnd SU times (16 hewrs) $1,576.65 S�rS7�3(� USO% $I,SE3450 If between SU uid 5 W times (32 hours) $3,357.85 5333l3-H8- 0.50'90 $3,374.SU lf greater than 500 times (48 hours) $5,289.50 $334�3E� O.SU% $5,576.SU G. Miscellaneous Public Works Permits and Services (Same fee sWMure under Section Nine/Miscellaneous Fees) Recording Fee per chapter 36.198.010 RCW aml as amended aml K.C. Code 1.12.120 and as amended Right of Way AMivity Permit Fee c "m-=.``' U.SU9fo $42.SU 9of11 EXHIBII' A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2U10 FEE SCAEDULE Pursuant to King County Nee Schedule MASSAGE BUSINESSES: 1. Mnssage Busine�s $75.00 3. MxssageManager $75.00 4. Late Penxlty: A late penalry shxll be charged on xll applicn[iuns for renewal of a license received later Ihan seven (7) days xf[er the expiratiun date (being December 31 of each yeaz) of sur,h license. The amuunt uf penxlty is cniculxted as n percentxge of [he license: 8- 30 days pxst due 25% 31 60 days pas[ due 50% 61 and over days pnst due 1 W%......................................... Proration: The entire annua! licrnxe fee shalt bepaidfor thr npplicnble calendaryeur regardless of when the applicatwn for licen.re es mude und shull not br prorated j'or uny purt oj'the year except thut if the ariginu! upplic•ution for license is mude subseyuent to June 3Q the license fee f'or thr remuinder oj'thut yeur shull be one-kulj'of'thr unnuul license Annuul license renewuls shull br seyuired to br o6tuined und puid in Jull by Junuury 3! oj'euch respective year. PUBLIC BATHHOUSE BUSINESSES: 1. PubGc Bathhuuse Business (in xddi[iun W business license) $75.W 2. Ba[hhuu�e Attendxnt $75.W 3. Bathhuuse Manager $75.W 4. Lttte Penalty: A la[e pennity shxll be charged on xll applica[ions for renewal of e licenx received lx[er [han seven days xfter the expirxtion dn[e (being December 31 of exch year) oF such liceatie. The amu�nt of penalty is exlculated as a percen[age of [he license: 8- 30 day� pest due 25% 31 60 dey� �t due 50'90 61 and uver days past due IW%a Pn�rofion: The entire annual6cense fee shall be paid fur the applicable culendur year regardleas of w6en the appltcation for license is mude und shufl not be proruted f'ur uny purt of the yeur except that iJ'the originul applicution f'or license is mude subseyuent to June 30, thr licenseJee j'or the renwinder of thut ycur shall be urse-hulj'oJ'thr unnuu( license j'er. Anrtuu[ dicense reneww[s siw/! be reyuired to be obtuined and puid in fu[/ by Junuury 31 of'euch reeyective yeur. $75.00 $75.W 25'Yo SU% I W�o $75.W $75.W $�S.W 25�0 SU4'o 1W96 School LnpaM Fee: SinglrFamily Residences, per dwelling unit $3.832.W .PlusCityAdministrativeFeeC�S%....�� $�6ti1-NF1-........................................... 5192.W Multi-Family Residences, per dwelling unit c 2,114.W Plus City Administrative Fee 5% $�-5�- $IW.00 7Y�e�c lmpact Fee Effective Date .lulv 1. 2010 Lend Use A. Residential SingleFamily (Detached) per dwelling Multi-Fxmily per dwelling SeniorHousing per dwelling MobileHume in MH Park per dwelling B. Commericel Services Drive-in Bank per sflGFA Hutelper room Motelper room IYayCare Center per sf/GFA Libraryper sf/GFA Pos[ Office per sflGFA ServiceStatiun per VFP ServiceSta[ion with Minimart per sf/GFA Au[o Cttre Center per �f/GLA MovieTheater per aeat He:tlth Club per sf/GFA C. Commercial-lnstiWtional ElementuySchuol per st/GFA Middle/Jr High Schiwl per sdGFA HighSchoul per �UGFA Assix[ed Living, Nursing Home per bed Churchper sf/GFA Huspitxlper sf/GFA D. Commercial Restaurant Restaurantper sf/GFA HighTwnover Re�tauran[ per sf/GFA Fas[ Fiwd Res[aurant per af/GFA Expressowi Urive-Thruugh per sf/GFA $3,111.94 $2,U19.46 $764.12 $1,454.29 $2U.46 $2,(Y77.56 $1,655.01 $16.45 $8.19 $12.48 $8,3U2.85 $43.59 $asx $120.47 $'723 51.45 $2.26 $2.53 $542.28 $1J9 $321 513.45 $13.55 $29.79 $26.41 10 of 11 EXHIBIT A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY 2U10 FEE SCHEDULE E. Commercial Retail Shopping Shopping per sflGLA Supermuketper sf/GFA Convenience Marke[ per sflGFA Free Standing Discount Sture per sf/GFA Hazdware/Pain[ Store per sf/GFA SpecialtyRetail Center per st%G�A FumitureS[ure per sf/GFA Hume Impruvement Supersture per sf/GFA Phxrmxcywith Drive-Through per �f/GFA CarSxles -New! Used per sflGFA E Commereial Oftice GeneralOffice per sflGFA MedicalOffice per sf/GFA G. Industrial Light lndustry/Manufacturi�g per af/GFA Hexvylndustry per sf/GFA lndustrialPuk per sf/GFA Mini-WarehouseJStorage per sf/GFA Werehousing per sf/GFA City Center ImpaM Fee Rates A. Residential Mtilti-Fatnily (CC) per dwelling SeniurHuusing (CC) per dwelling B. Commercial Services Drive-in Bunk (CC) per sf/GFA IYayCare Cen[er (CC) Per sf/GFA Library(CC) per sf/GFA PustOfFice (CC) per sf1GFA MuvieThea[er (CC) Per seat Healt6 (CC) per sf/GFA C. Commercial Restaurant Res[aurant �CC) Per sf/GFA High Tuenover Restaurnnt (CC) Per sf/GFA FastFtwd Restauran[ (CC) per sflGFA D. Commenial- Retail Shopping ShoppingCenter (CC) Per sf/GLA Supemixrket(CC) per sflGFA Pharmxcy with Drive-Ttuvugh (CC) Par sf/GFA E. Commercial Oftice GenernlOffice (CC) Per sf/GFA MedicelOffice (CC) per sf/GFA GFA Gross Flnur Area GLA Gross Lewable Area CC Gtity Center For uses with Unit of Meruure in �F, lrip rate ir given as drips per I,000 sF VFP Vehicle Fueling Positions (Maximum number of vehicles that can be fue[ed simulGrnrously) City Adwinistrative fee o[ 3% will be added to the total TrafCc Impact Fees charged. $5.01 $14.56 $26.99 $6.(� $2.� $2.03 $U.4U $3.07 $7.74 $730 $4.72 $9.14 $3.42 $2.39 $3.03 $0.92 $1.13 $1,453.68 $SSU.U8 $1432 $11.52 $5.73 $x.�a $84.W $S.U6 Sv.az Sv.ay $2U.85 $3.51 $1U.19 $5.42 $2.83 $5.4Ei CeseRepurt,ls[lUpagea $10.W......................................... $IU.W Trrffic Accident Report, ls[ 10 pages $lU.W $10.W Reputtv exceeding ten (lU) pagea, per pxge $0.15 $0.15 Phu[ograph Duplication (from film) $2 per photu/ $2 per phoW/ $lU minimum $lU minimum Vidwtxpes, per DVD Digi[ul eudio xnd image file�, un CD, Per disk F"mgerprint Cerd PhvwtD Card Concxe►ed Pis[ol License New Conce:tled Pistol Li�ense Renewxl Concexled Pis[ol License Duplicate/Reissuance Lunina[ion Concealed Pistol License Lxte Fee (if applicable) Tmffic Schuul (including Police nnd Court costs) $25.W $10.W $10 1sV$3 ench $IO.W $60.W $32.W $10.W $S.W $lU.(� $115.W $25.W $IO.W $lU 1sV$3 each $10.W $60.W $32.W $IU.W $S.W $10.W $i 15.W 1,1 of 11