PRHSPSC PKT 06-12-2000 (2) • r. City o f Federal Way CITY COUNCIL PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Monday, June 12, 2000 City Hall 12:00 p.m. Mt. Baker Conference Room AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC FORUM 3. COMMISSION COMMENTS 4. APPROVAL OF MAY 8, 2000 SUMMARY 5. COMMITTEE BUSINESS A. Business License Renewal /Enforcement Process Action Wang B. Agreement/Sacajawea Sports Field Improvement Action Schroder C. Bid Results /Sacajawea Soccer Field Improvement Action Jainga Project D. Wireless Communication Facility /Sacajawea Action Schroder E. Federal Way Youth Wall of Fame Action Schroder F. Parcours System/BPA Trail Phase III Action Schroder G. Celebration Park Procedure Guidelines Action Schroder H. State Funding/Historical Cabins Park Action Schroder 6. NEXT MEETING - July 10, 2000 7. ADJOURNMENT Committee Members: Staff: Jeanne Burbidge, Chair Jennifer Schroder, Director Mary Gates Sue Floyd, Administrative Assistant Dean McColgan 661 -4041 1111 11, City of Federal Way City Council PARKS, RECREATION, HUMAN SERVICES & PUBLIC SAFETY COUNCIL COMMITTEE Monday, May 8, 2000 12:00 p.m. SUMMARY In attendance: Council Committee members Jeanne Burbidge, Dean McColgan; Jennifer Schroder, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; Pat Richardson, Assistant City Attorney; Ron Wood, Director of Public Safety; Annette Spicuzza, Public Safety Commander; Stephen Clifton, Director of Community Development Services; Kathy McClung, Deputy Director of Community Development Services; Ann Guenther, Human Services Manager; Camron Parker, CDBG Coordinator; Mary Faber, Community and Cultural Services Manager; Sue Floyd, Administrative Assistant Guests: Peggy LaPorte, Dini Duclos, Betsy Czark, Dorothy Lengyel, Diane Gallegos, Charles Mandigo, Jim McCarty, employees of the Public Safety Department Chair Burbidge called the meeting to order at 12:03 p.m. - PUBLIC FORUM None COMMISSION COMMENTS None • APPROVAL OF SUMMARY The April 10, 2000 summary was approved as written. BUSINESS ITEMS PUBLIC SAFETY PRESENTATION A presentation was held honoring Detective Frank Cortez for his contribution to law enforcement. Jim McCarty of the Federal Protective Services presented a plaque to Detective Cortez. Charles Mandigo, special agent with the FBI, spoke about the privilege of working with Cortez. AFFORDABLE HOUSING PRESENTATION Diane Gellegos with Habitat for Humanity gave a brief summary of her organization, which is a non - profit group working in partnership with families, cities, churches, and the community, to provide affordable housing. A duplex is currently under construction on 308 Street that will house two families. Volunteers construct the homes and the families also put in approximately 500 hours of work before they move in. Habitat for Humanity holds the no interest mortgage. The three criteria used in selecting families includes 1) the need of the family, the housing they currently live in; 2) their ability to partner — can they volunteer 500 hours? and 3) whether they can afford the mortgage. Dororthy Lengyel gave a presentation on Home Sight, which has helped over 500 people become home owners. Their clients are primarily from the 50 -100% of median income level ($60,000 /year for a family of four). The organization uses standard criteria for selecting clients. They offer classes and one -on -one counseling to help clients with fmancial management. Westway was the basis for the beginning of their work m Federal Way. HUD asked them to purchase a six-plex unit from them, which had deteriorated. Home Sight renovated the unit at a cost of $40,000 per unit. Ms. Lengyel showed committee members other projects that have been completed. 2001 CDBG PASS - THROUGH ACCEPTANCE Mr. Parker reported that as part of the City's joint agreement with the King County Community Development Block Grant Consortium, the City must annually elect to receive a pass - through of CDBG funds. A signed form indicating 1 Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety Council Committee Page Two May 8, 2000 Summary voted unanimously to recommend to the Council accepting a pass - through of CDBG funds from King County for the year 2001 and earmarking $120,000 of capital funds for the Federal Way Home Repair Program. DEAN MCCOLGAN MOVED, JEANNE BURBIDGE SECONDED A MOTION TO ACCEPT STAFF AND COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TO ACCEPT A PASS - THROUGH OF CDBG FUNDS FROM KING COUNTY FOR THE YEAR 2001, EARMARKING $120,000 OF CAPITAL FUNDS FOR THE FEDERAL WAY HOME REPAIR PROGRAM. MOTION PASSED. RESOLUTION TO JOIN SOUTH KING COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES FORUM Ms. Guenther briefed the committee on the resolution for the City to become a member of the South King County Human Services Forum. No discussed ensued. DEAN MCCOLGAN MOVED, JEANNE BURBIDGE SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVE THE RESOLUTION FOR THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY TO JOIN THE SOUTH KING COUNTY HUMAN SERVICES FORUM AND FORWARD TO FULL COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL ON JUNE 6, 2000. MOTION PASSED. AGREEMENT /SACAJAWEA PARK SPORTS FIELD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - Ms. Schroder reported that the Sacajawea Sports Field Improvement Project involves the renovation of the existing natural grass field to a new synthetic turf - playing surface. The project budget, including the IAC grant funds of $150,000, is $565,000. This is a joint project between the City of Federal way, Federal Way School District and the Federal Way Youth Soccer Association. On April 18, 2000, Council authorized the project for public bid. The agreement acknowledges each party's financial contribution and responsibilities for the project. The ongoing responsibilities for the City in the area of maintenance and scheduling of the field reflect the current and past practices between the City and the other parties. The agreement, however, does emphasize that should this field in the future be improved by adding lights, the City reserves its right to schedule evening usage as a first priority. DEAN MCCOLGAN MOVED, JEANNE BURBIDGE SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE FEDERAL WAY YOUTH SOCCER ASSOCIATION FOR THE SACAJAWEA PARK SPORTS FIELD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. MOTION PASSED. PARK PROPERTY PUBLIC/PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS Ms. Schroder noted that over the course of the City's history, the department has received proposals for public /private partnerships. Most recently, over the last year, Ms. Schroder was contacted by organizations interested in building, on public property, ice arenas, an indoor soccer facility and a batting cage. Although the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Comprehensive Plan identifies the support for similar facilities, it does not include an evaluation or review of the existing inventory for potential public /private site suitability. The Parks and Recreation Commission's work plan includes recommending to City Council the parks Capital Facility Plan for 2001/2002 as part of the commission CIP review. Staff would like to work with the commission to review the current inventory of parks for potential site suitability for public /private partnerships. The outcome will provide the City with a proactive plan to respond to future inquiries and/or provide the framework to conduct a request for proposal to initiate interest in public /private partnerships with the City. RESOLUTION /AQUATIC LANDS ENHANCEMENT ACCOUNT Ms. Schroder reported on the Aquatic Lands Enhancement Account (ALEA). The purpose of ALEA is for aquatic lands enhancement projects, for the purchase, improvement or protection of aquatic lands for public purposes and for providing and improving access to such lands. In this grant cycle, the ALEA grant program is emphasizing habitai protection and restoration projects. Projects approved during this grant cycle will receive funds during the 2001 -2003 biennium (July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2003). The Dumas Bay Centre property experiences significant erosion yearly to its sandy banks. The erosion to some extent is contributed to the ongoing tide action, but more visibly, erosion is occurring from the southwest portion of the site's asphalt areas. The surface water runoff from this area caused a significant section of the bank to erode in 1996. As a result of the erosion that occurred, the fence on top of the bank directly behind the gazebo was moved by approximately 10 feet. I • Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety Council Committee Page Three May 8, 2000 Summary The project scope proposed is to remove existing asphalt and increase storm water infiltration to reduce erosion and help protect the existing aquatic habitat in Dumas Bay. A preliminary cost estimate to remove the asphalt and restore the areas in the southwest section of the site is $500,000 including A &E, 20% contingency and sales tax. The grant match requirement is 50% or $250,000. Applications are due June 1, 2000. A resolution authorizing the application is required. Staff recommends submitting the Dumas Bay Restoration project for ALEA funding. The City's 50% matching share for the project will be considered as part of the City's 2001/2002 biennium budget. DEAN MCCOLGAN MOVED, JEANNE BURBIDGE SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVAL SUBMITTAL OF THE DUMAS BAY RESTORATION PROJECT FOR ALEA FUNDING AND AUTHORIZE THE RESOLUTION BE PLACED ON THE CITY COUNCIL'S MAY 16 AGENDA FOR APPROVAL. MOTION PASSED. NEXT MEETING June 12, 2000 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m. 06/06/00 TUE 6:41 FA% 253.6614578 Fed WaY Police Admi 002 . ,. . . , . . 7, ___.. .. , .. , ..,,. page 2 Prosecutor's Office rimiimi nal, ' c providing and pay all fines, penalties , g cr that Atha business owner dots not comply (obtain registration subject to an additional fine of up o $g charges d up be filed within 90 days and he/she may be 5 . Prosecutor will then review cases for consideration of in jail; S[ c eco en __ m on Staff recommends Option .D reasons: City should for these rea We feel theCi preserve the flexibility of criminal enforcement administrative n a only be used in the most egregious cases where the business o repeated reminder letters and However, this option would repeated to achieve the desired telephone h one calls, independently e r failed i comply with Y oz in conjunction with other toots A writtedmini process provides predictability for both businesses following dmini P p p y g the Code; administering the Code as well as Unless enforced, legislation Loses its effectiveness over time. the law, creates fairness between the who co Code and brings the awareness of improves the efficiency in administering comply voluntarily and those who choose not to, and rutg the Code. Committee c ion: I APPROVAL BY COMMITTEE — — — _ Comrtuttce Chair — Committee Memb _ ■ — — er Committee Member KAmemoibusregistration prpshsc_doc t I 1 i . t k :\ finance \c ounciJlbusregistrari on prpshsc.doc i, . 06 TUE 16:0 FAX 253 661 4578 Fed Way Police Admin 001 ,,,, s a c a,bit uvrl.pr . psnsc.dvc .. „.. . „ _ Pale y ., ., , .. . _ ,.., -, • ... 1 Item 5A City of Federal Way Memorandum Date: June 6, 2000 To: Parks/Recreation/Public Safety/Human Service Committee Via: David H. Moseley, City Manager From: Iwen Wang, Management Services for 1 Lo ndi K. Liddell, City Attornc� Ron Wood, Public Safety Dir u? ector Z Subject: Business Registration Renewal/Enforcement Process This memorandum will provide Council information and a recommendation on enforcement options. Under the City's current business registration ty urrent code W eest to both civil and criminal � CC, Article II Registration) violators are subject penalties for non - registration or non-renewal of existing registrations. Bak r tend• The City adopted its business registration c proposed business location was i ompliance with compliance City's land use ldesignationsct dine whether determine 1 a whether or not a business registration should be issued based upon denial criteria set forth in the Cod The registration fees and late penalties were set at a minimum level to recover the cost of a dministcriag the program. The fee was initially set at $I5 for both new registrations and renewals and raised to S2 for renewal and $50 for new registrations in 1999. The Code also prescribes that the al renewal s annual due and payable on January 1 of each Y car, and a business ne al is delinquent penalty kicks in at the same time at 5% of l deemed delinquent h i s increased Feb a fee, or $1.25, which rse 1. The u � per month , but not to exceed the renewal 20 /o of the fee, or $5 in total. Neither the fee nor the late penalty provides 5 / sufficient motivation for businesses to comply. � . P ty ffi 1 1n 1996, staff recommended, and Council Finance Committee approved, that the City the civil penalty provision provided in the Code and to assess a $200 fine against those bus n sses who do not renew their registrations after two written notifications and one telephone contact. The for the telephone contact is to verify the business is still active. However, it is not always possible to establish the status of the business affirmatively through the process. The administrative urdose approved by Council provides for progressive action eve months tralrst procedure 1 notice at the end of February (60 days from the date the regis ation fe first becomes due), second notice in April, and phone contact in June with the $200 civil penalty notice sent to businesses in Jul b certified mail to those businesses we believe are in operation. Criminal citation or prosecution is '1 co to be the last resort. y y O tln o.c: p After a review of the current procedure by Law, Public Safety and Management Services De artme � the following options are identified for Council to consider: P nts, A. Do nothing, and leave the Code language "as is" allowing for both civil and criminal options; P B. Change the Code to allow only civil enforcement (civil fine up to $5,000 — delete FW27(a)); CC 9_ C. Change the Code to allow only criminal enforcement (criminal fine up to $5,000 and/or up to 6 p months in jail time — delete FWCC §9- 27(b)); D. Maintain the Code's civil and criminal options subject to the following: tr 1. Implement an administrative process consistent with prior Council direction, with defrni ' VC timelines during which period no criminal enforcement will apply; t 2. Amend FWCC §9-27 to decriminalize failure to obtain a business registration until on or after ' July 1 of each year to allow staff to implement the administrative notice process set forth in Section 1; 1 3. Upon exhaustion of the six -month administrative process, a letter will be sent from the k; \financcicounciltbusregistration prpshsc.doc L_ •Item 5B PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 18, 2000 4�v TO: PRHSPS Council Committe FROM: Jennifer Schroder, Directo VIA: David Moseley, City Man. , e SUBJECT: Agreement/Sacajawea Sport ' ield Improvement Project Background On May 8, staff presented to the Committee the Sacajawea Sports Field Improvement Project Agreement between the City of Federal Way, Federal Way School District and the Federal Way Youth Soccer Association for approval. The Committee moved to place the agreement on the June 6 City Council meeting for approval. After further review by the Federal Way Soccer Association (FWSA), the Association requested the agreement be corrected to identify the specific evening hours FWSA will have the field when lights become available. Changes to the Agreement Section I, No. 4 City of Federal Way Responsibilities: the last line is stricken: Should th,, F ..k1 be pi iui ity Section III, No. 3, changes are: where the phase "park closure" appears, it is stricken and "9:00 p.m." is added. Also a last sentence has been added that reads: All unused times will be returned to the City for their scheduling. The Law Department has reviewed the changes. These amendments do not change City programs as first priority. However, it does provide certainty to FWSA of the scheduling for youth soccer when field lights become available. Staff Recommendation Staff recommends accepting the agreement as amended by the Federal Way Youth Soccer Association. Staff recommends option one. Committee Recommendation Option 1: Motion to approve authorizing the City Manager to execute the agreement between the City of Federal Way, the Federal Way School District and the Federal Way Youth Soccer Association for the Sacajawea Park Sports Field Improvement project as amended and place on the City Council's June 6 agenda, under consent, for approval. Option 2: Motion to not approve the amendments, and to proceed with placing the Agreement approved by the Committee on May 8, 2000 to the City Council's June 6 meeting under consent. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Option No C ommittee Chair Committee Member Committee Member • • Item 5C PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Date: May 30, 2000 To: Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety Co it Committee From: Jon Jainga, Parks Planning and Development Manage Via: David Moseley, City Manager Subject: Sacajawea Soccer Field Improvement Project RFB N. /Oi -006 Background: On May 26, 2000, the City of Federal Way publicly opened and read aloud the Sacajawea Soccer Field Improvement Project bids. The City received bids from three local general contractors. The bids are as followed: Golf Landscaping Inc, Sumner WA. $617,000.00 Ohno Construction, Seattle, WA. $603,185.04 Tydico, Maple Valley, WA. $524,200.00 The engineer's estimate range for the project was listed at $510,000 to $530,000, which included a project contingency and Washington state sales tax. The project budget is $565,000 and the lowest responsible bid is within the project budget. Tydico Construction's total id amount of $524,200 includes Washington state sales tax, all government taxes, assessments and charges. This will leave the Parks and Recreation Department with a project contingency of $40,800 or 7.22 %. The Parks and Recreation Commission has reviewed the bids and has approved to move this project forward for City Council final acceptance. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends the acceptance of the public bid of $524,200 (including WSST, assessments and charges) from Tydico Construction of Maple Valley. Committee Recommendation: Motion to accept the Sacajawea Soccer Field Improvement public bid of $524,200 from Tydico Construction of Maple Valley. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member • • Item 5D PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT { MEMORANDUM DATE: May 17, 2000 TO: Parks, Recreation, Human Serv' :.. P ,. • afety Council Committee FROM: Jennifer Schroder, Director VIA: David Moseley, City M - SUBJECT: Wireless Communication F. A sties at Sacajawea Park Background: On April 13, the Parks and Recreation Commission received a presentation from AT &T to locate a wireless communication facility at Sacajawea Park. AT & T's proposal includes replacing all the ball field light poles on field 2 with a Musco Lighting system. The proposal provides the City with an improved lighting system and provides an antenna mount that is less obtrusive. In addition, the proposal includes adding onto the park's existing concession building the electrical equipment that would store the electrical equipment required for the system. Therefore, there would be no utility cabinets in the outfield next to the light pole selected to mount the antenna. The Parks and Recreation Commission's Policy and Procedure Committee further reviewed AT &T's proposal and forwarded the following recommendation to the commission on May 4, 2000. The Policy and Procedure Committee recommended that staff negotiate with wireless communication vendors to obtain benefits to mitigate the visual impact of the installation of panel antennas. The committee also recommended that a minimum design standard that would integrate the antenna with the light structure be established and for the Parks and Recreation Commission to review the final design standard. Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation: On May 4, the full commission accepted the Policy and Procedure Committee's recommendations and approved the following motion: "The Commission recommends staff negotiate with wireless communication vendors to obtain benefits to mitigate the visual impact of installation of panel antennas." Staff Recommendation: To provide opportunity for public review of requests to locate wireless communication facilities in City parks, staff initiated including the commission in the department's review of these requests. The wireless industry can provide, at no cost to the City, innovative opportunities to improve existing park facilities for the community while at the same time improve wireless communication coverage within the City of Federal Way. The AT &T proposal to replace the ball field lights on field 2 at Sacajawea Park will improve the quality of play and provides a system that is more energy efficient and reliable than the existing system that is more than 20 years old. The proposal to integrate the antenna system into the light pole is less visually obtrusive than the protruding antenna system. Staff concurs with the commission's recommendation. Staff recommends option one. Committee Recommendation Options: Option 1: Move to place under consent on the City Council's June 20 meeting approval of the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation to direct staff to negotiate with wireless communication vendors to obtain benefits to mitigate the visual impact of the installation of panel antennas in City of Federal Way parks. An application to locate wireless communication facilities within the City of Federal Way must be submitted for permit to the Depaitnient of Community Development and can only be approved based on the City's code requirements for such facilities by the Community Development Director. Option 2: Move to approve to place under consent on the City Council's June 20 meeting approval of the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation as amended by the Council Committee. Option 3: Return this item to the Parks and Recreation Commission for further review. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Option No. Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member • • Item 5E PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 22, 2000 TO: Parks, Recreation, Human Servii.: 'ublic Safety Council Committee FROM: Jennifer Schroder, Director VIA: David Moseley, City Mana - r 1 11 , r SUBJECT: Youth Wall of Fame Background: The Federal Way Youth Hall of Fame (FWYHF) came to the March 9 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to request the commission's support to locate a Youth Wall of Fame in a city park. The purpose of the Youth Wall of Fame is two -fold: • To honor Federal Way's outstanding young people and celebrate their commendable efforts and • To be actively involved in the community through volunteering efforts. The Commission agreed to review the proposal as part of their 2000 work plan. Capital Facilities Committee Recommendation: The Committee reviewed the FWYHF materials distributed on March 9. The Committee discussed the appearance of the wall and how to incorporate the youth's sense of art along with what would present a pleasing appearance to others. The committee felt that the Youth Wall of Fame should be placed in an area where the general public will pass by it on a regular basis and where there is some official acknowledgment of the recognition for our youth. Therefore, the Committee recommended the following: 1. A Youth Wall of Fame be included in the original design phase of the new City Hall. The wall could be free- standing so it can be adjusted as necessary. 2. In addition, there should be a combined group formed with members from the Arts Commission, Youth Commission and the Youth Wall of Fame to develop the artist guidelines for the fmal work. Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation: At the commission's May 4 meeting, they moved to accept the Capital Facilities Committee recommendation for the Youth Wall of Fame to be included in the original design phase of the new City Hall and a combined group be formed by members form the Arts Commission, Youth Commission and Federal Way Youth Hall of Fame to develop artist guidelines for the fmal work. Staff Recommendation: Given that the City Council has not approved any decision to build a new City Hall, it would be premature for the City Council to approve the proposed design element of a Youth Wall of Fame for a future City Hall facility. Staff recommends option one. Committee Recommendation Options: Option 1: To table the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation to locate a Youth Wall. of Fame in a new City Hall, until the City Council determines the need for and approves the funding to build a new City Hall. Option 2: To move to City Council on June 20, under consent, to approve the Parks and Recreation Commission recommendation to locate a Youth Wall of Fame in a future new City Hall facility, and when appropriate to form a committee comprised of members for the Arts Commission, Youth Commission and Federal Way Youth Hall of Fame to develop design guidelines for the fmal work. Option 3: To retum this item to the Parks and Recreation Commission for further review. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Option No. Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member II/ • Item 5F #' PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT. MEMORANDUM DATE: May 22, 2000 TO: Parks, Recreation, Human Se j s : Safety Council Committee FROM: Jennifer Schroder, Director VIA: David Moseley, City Manage i SUBJECT: PARCOURS SYSTEM/BP • T ` • IL P • SE III Background: At the April 10 PRHSPS Council Committee meeting, the committee asked the Parks and Recreation Commission to look at the possibility of adding a Parcours as a design element to the BPA Trail phase III project. Parcours is a trade name for a self - guided recreation and fitness course that combines jogging or walking with a sequence of exercise stations. The course is designed to provide participants of all ages with a comprehensive physical conditioning program. Capital Facilities Committee Recommendation: The Commission's Capital Facilities Committee discussed their personal use of the trails and their experience of existing Parcours systems in the areas of Renton, Kent, Tacoma and within the Southcenter area. After much discussion the committee unanimously agreed that a Parcours should not be the top priority for the BPA Trail Phase III project for the following reasons: 1. Security issue in the area of BPA Trail Phase III that would be appropriate for sighting 2. Lack of use of Parcours systems at other existing facilities 3. In era of "tight" money, this does not seem to be the best use of funds The Committee further recommends that any additional money be used to ensure that a trail system be master planned within the City of Federal Way which would include connecting trails to other trails outside the City. These trails would be targeted for walkers and bicyclists. Additionally, the committee recommends that benches be added to BPA Trail phase III and I. Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation: On May 4, the Parks and Recreation Commission passed a motion to accept the Capital Facilities Committee recommendation to not include a Parcours as part of the BPA phase III project. The Commission also supports the committee's recommendation to fund, when possible, a Trail Master Plan and to include benches in BPA phase III and I. Staff Recommendation: Staff concurs with the Parks and Recreation Commission's motion. As a point of information, as part of an Eagle Scout project, an exercise course was installed in Lake Grove Park in 1999. In addition, as part of another Eagle Scout project, two stretching stations were installed on BPA Phase I last year. Staff recommends option one. In response to a trail study, one was completed in 1991. The trail study was funded through an ISTEA grant and looked at the BPA corridor as a means to reduce transportation- generated emissions. The trail was a joint project between King County, Metro and the City of Federal Way. The outcome was a master plan for the City's portion of the BPA trail that connects the BPA Trail to the Interurban Trail system to the north. Committee Recommendation Options: Option 1: Move to accept the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation to not include a Parcours as part of the BPA Phase III project. Option 2' Move to approve the Parks and Recreation Commission recommendation as amended by the committee. Option 3: Return the item to the Parks and Recreation Commission for further review. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Option No. Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member • • Item 5G PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT • MEMORANDUM DATE: May 22, 2000 TO: Parks, Recreation, Human S r : Public Safety Council Committee FROM: Jennifer Schroder, Director VIA: David Moseley, City Mana SUBJECT: Procedure Guidelines for Ce e.ration Park Background: Last year, the Batting Cage proposal for Celebration Park was first presented to the PRHSPS Council Committee without first going to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Parks and Recreation Commission is an advisory body to the City Council. The Commission is concerned that any proposal to either add a facility or propose a change of use of a park should first come to the Commission. The Commission, after a thorough review of the proposal, including, but not limited to, a public meeting, would forward a recommendation to the Council Committee. To review this issue further, the Parks and Recreation Commission asked the Parks and Recreation Commission's Capital Facilities Committee to recommend a procedure on the review of proposed changes or installations at Celebration Park. Capital Facilities Committee Recommendation: The committee recommended that the process to consider any change in use or the installation of new facilities be the following: • Any changes in use of Celebration Park or change /installation of new structures or facilities beyond replacement of existing structures or facilities be reviewed and approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission, Parks and Recreation Council Committee, legal staff and City Council. Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation: On May 4, the commission passed a motion to approve the Capital Facilities Committee's recommendation and forward to City Council for approval. Staff Recommendation: Staff supports the commission's recommendation. However, the motion should be amended to read: "when legal review is appropriate, the Law Depaitnient will review the issue prior to forwarding the commission's recommendation to the Council Committee." This procedure, if approved, will not prevent, for example, a citizen, an organization or even a Council member from first presenting a proposal to the Council Committee. But it is the intent of the policy that the Council would not take action on the proposal without first receiving the commission's recommendation. Staff recommends option one. Council Committee Recommendation Options: Option 1: To move to City Council on June 20, under consent: to approve the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation on procedure guidelines to review changes of use and installations of new structures or facilities at Celebration Park as amended by staff. Option 2: To move to City Council on June 20, under consent: to approve the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation on procedure guidelines to review changes of use and installations of new structures or facilities at Celebration Park. Option 3: To not approve the recommendation. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Option No Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member • � ti Item 511 • 4i PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 22, 2000 /, � TO: Parks, Recreation, Human S ublic Safe ty Council Committee FROM: Jennifer Schroder, Director VIA: David Moseley, City Mana. SUBJECT: State Funds Background: • . In 1999, Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission earmarked 50 000 of the State building g $50,000 dm g , g construction account for parking and trail system improvements at West Hylebos State Park. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interagency Agreement between the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission and the City of Federal Way to accept the grant funds in the amount of $50,000 for the Historical Cabins Park project. The Law Department has reviewed and approved the agreement as to form. Staff recommends option one. Council Committee Recommendation Options: Option 1: To move to City Council on June 20, under consent: to approve authorizing the City Manager to enter into an Interagency Agreement between Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission and the City of Federal Way for the Historical Cabins Park project in the amount of $50,000. Option 2: To not approve the Interagency Agreement between Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission and the City of Federal Way for the Historical Cabins Park. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Option No. Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member . • Intag No. 00 -04 -20 Interagency Agreement Between Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission and City of Federal Way 1. PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT This Interagency Agreement is made and entered into by and between the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, hereinafter referred to as " Agency" and the City of Federal Way, hereinafter to referred to as "City", pursuant to the authority granted by Chapter 39.34 RCW. 2. PURPOSE The purpose of this Agreement is to describe the cooperation between the Agency and the City to improve public access to West Hylebos Wetlands State Park and the adjacent Historic Cabin Park, the latter owned by the City. Under the Capital Budget for the Washington State Parks and • Recreation Commission, as described in Chapter 379, Laws of 1999, Section 325 (3), it is stated thus: $ 50,000 of the state building construction account is provided for parking and trail system improvements at West Hylebos State Park. 3. STATEMENT OF WORK The Agency under the abovementioned budget appropriation agrees to compensate the City for work amounting to a maximum of Fifty Thousand dollars ($ 50,000). The work shall include parking improvements, trail improvements, and related interpretive, drainage, landscaping and other improvements appropriate to providing a continuous public access route from S 348th to the accessible trail currently leading to the wetland boardwalks in the West Hylebos Wetlands State Park. Project details shall be shown on plans and specifications to be prepared by the City or its agent(s), and approved by the Agency, which will not be unreasonably withheld. At a minimum, the project must include an accessible path from the parking area to the state park trail system. This will include construction on both City and West Hylebos State Park property. This path must be completed before the Agency reimburses the City for project costs. Deliverables Due Date No. Of Copies a. Plans for approval 2 b. Facilities as described above NA • • 4. PAYMENT OF REIMBURSEMENTS The Agency shall pay the City for the performance of all things necessary for, or incidental to, the work as set forth in the Statement of Work of this Agreement. Requests for payment under this Agreement shall be submitted by the City on properly executed progress invoices stating the work accomplished with supporting documents thereof, and the Agency will remit payments in a total amount not to exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars ($ 50,000). Invoices shall be forwarded to the attention of Randy Person, Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission at the following address: 7150 Cleanwater Lane, P.O. Box 42650, Olympia, WA 98504 -2650. 5. DISPUTES Disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved by a panel consisting of one representative from the Agency, one representative from the City, and a mutually agreed upon third party. The dispute panel shall thereafter decide the dispute with the majority prevailing. 6. CHANGES, MODIFICATIONS AND AMENDMENTS This Agreement may be waived, changed, modified, or amended only by written agreement executed by both parties hereto. 7. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE This Agreement shall become effective upon signature of last party and will expire on June 30, 2001 unless terminated earlier. 8. EXECUTION We, the undersigned, agree to the terms of the foregoing Agreement. WASHINGTON STATE PARKS CITY OF FEDERAL WAY AND RECREATION COMMISSION Name Name Title Title Date Date 33530 1st Way Federal Way, WA 98003 j • • Item 5G PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 22, 2000 TO: Parks, Recreation, Human S: ; ,,: Public Safety Council Committee FROM: Jennifer Schroder, Director VIA: David Moseley, City Mana: 71 SUBJECT: Procedure Guidelines for Ce e',ration Park Background: Last year, the Batting Cage proposal for Celebration Park was first presented to the PRHSPS Council Committee without first going to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Parks and Recreation Commission is an advisory body to the City Council. The Commission is concerned that any proposal to either add a facility or propose a change of use of a park should first come to the Commission. The Commission, after a thorough review of the proposal, including, but not limited to, a public meeting, would forward a recommendation to the Council Committee. To review this issue further, the Parks and Recreation Commission asked the Parks and Recreation Commission's Capital Facilities Committee to recommend a procedure on the review of proposed changes or installations at Celebration Park. Capital Facilities Committee Recommendation: The committee recommended that the process to consider any change in use or the installation of new facilities be the following: • Any changes in use of Celebration Park or change /installation of new structures or facilities beyond replacement of existing structures or facilities be reviewed and approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission, Parks and Recreation Council Committee, legal staff and City Council. Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation: On May 4, the commission passed a motion to approve the Capital Facilities Committee's recommendation and forward to City Council for approval. Staff Recommendation: Staff supports the commission's recommendation. However, the motion should be amended to read: "when legal review is appropriate, the Law Depaitnient will review the issue prior to forwarding the commission's recommendation to the Council Committee." This procedure, if approved, will not prevent, for example, a citizen, an organization or even a Council member from first presenting a proposal to the Council Committee. But it is the intent of the policy that the Council would not take action on the proposal without first receiving the commission's recommendation. Staff recommends option one. Council Committee Recommendation Options: Option 1: To move to City Council on June 20, under consent: to approve the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation on procedure guidelines to review changes of use and installations of new structures or facilities at Celebration Park as amended by staff. Option 2: To move to City Council on June 20, under consent: to approve the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation on procedure guidelines to review changes of use and installations of new structures or facilities at Celebration Park. Option 3: To not approve the recommendation. Opti `i'' 'ge +u.r n -to "PI -R !„ Cm Si rn s S�,n { 'O/ fu,rt he' rQ.V N/ , APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE RE ' e ' T: Option No. LI J° ,' fi r, , committee Chair a + mittee ember Committee Member • • • MEETING DATE: June 20, 2000 ITEM# CITY OF FEDERAL WAY City Council AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT: Procedure Guidelines for Celebration Park CATEGORY: BUDGET IMPACT: X CONSENT RESOLUTION Amount Budgeted: $ _ ORDINANCE _STAFF REPORT Expenditure Amt: $ — BUSINESS — PROCLAMATION Contingency Reqd: $ HEARING STUDY SESSION FYI OTHER ATTACHMENTS: Committee action form dated May 22, 2000 SUMMARY/BACKGROUND: Last year, the batting cage proposal for Celebration Park was first presented to the PRHSPS Committee without first going to the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Parks and Recreation Commission is an advisory body to the City Council. The commission is concerned that any proposal to either add a facility or propose a change of use of a park should first come to the commission. The commission, after a thorough review of the proposal including, but not limited to, a public meeting, would forward a recommendation to the Council Committee. To review this issue further, the commission as their Capital Facilities Committee to recommend a procedure on the review of proposed changes or installations at Celebration Park. The committee recommended that the process to consider any change in use or the installation of new facilities be the following: Any change in use of Celebration Park or change /installation of new structures or facilities beyond replacement of existing structures or facilities be reviewed and approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission, Council Committee, legal staff and City Council. On May 4, the commission passed a motion to approve the recommendation and forward to full Council for approval. Staff supports the commission's recommendation; however the motion should be amended to read: "when legal review is appropriate, the Law Department will review the issue prior to forwarding the commission's recommendation to the Council Committee." It is the intent of the policy that the Council would not take action on the proposal without first receiving the commission's recommendation. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: On June 12, 2000, the Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety Council Committee moved to approve the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation on procedure guidelines to review changes of use and installations of new structures or facilities at Celebration Park as amended by staff. CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: Motion to approve the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation on procedure guidelines to review changes of use and installations of new structures or facilities at Celebration Park as amended by staff. APPROVED FOR INCLUSION IN COUNCIL PACKET: (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: _ APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # DENIED 1st Reading _ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION Enactment Reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # I: \COVERCC- 5/14/96 • • Item 5E PARKS, RECREATION AND CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM DATE: May 22, 2000 TO: Parks, Recreation, Human Servilt 'ublic Safety Council Committee FROM: Jennifer Schroder, Director VW VIA: David Moseley, City Mana' -r It' SUBJECT: Youth Wall of Fame Background: The Federal Way Youth Hall of Fame (FWYHF) came to the March 9 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to request the commission's support to locate a Youth Wall of Fame in a city park. The purpose of the Youth Wall of Fame is two -fold: • To honor Federal Way's outstanding young people and celebrate their commendable efforts and • To be actively involved in the community through volunteering efforts. The Commission agreed to review the proposal as part of their 2000 work plan. Capital Facilities Committee Recommendation: The Committee reviewed the FWYHF materials distributed on March 9. The Committee discussed the appearance of the wall and how to incorporate the youth's sense of art along with what would present a pleasing appearance to others. The committee felt that the Youth Wall of Fame should be placed in an area where the general public will pass by it on a regular basis and where there is some official acknowledgment of the recognition for our youth. Therefore, the Committee recommended the following: 1. A Youth Wall of Fame be included in the original design phase of the new City Hall. The wall could be free- standing so it can be adjusted as necessary. 2. In addition, there should be a combined group formed with members from the Arts Commission, Youth Commission and the Youth Wall of Fame to develop the artist guidelines for the fmal work. Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation: At the commission's May 4 meeting, they moved to accept the Capital Facilities Committee recommendation for the Youth Wall of Fame to be included in the original design phase of the new City Hall and a combined group be formed by members form the Arts Commission, Youth Commission and Federal Way Youth Hall of Fame to develop artist guidelines for the fmal work. Staff Recommendation: Given that the City Council has not approved any decision to build a new City Hall, it would be premature for the City Council to approve the proposed design element of a Youth Wall of Fame for a future City Hall facility. Staff recommends option one. Committee Recommendation Options: Option 1: To table the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation to locate a Youth Wall of Fame in a new City Hall, until the City Council determines the need for and approves the funding to build a new City Hall. Option 2: To move to City Council on June 20, under consent, to approve the Parks and Recreation Commission recommendation to locate a Youth Wall of Fame in a future new City Hall facility, and when appropriate to form a committee comprised of members for the Arts Commission, Youth Commission and Federal Way Youth Hall of Fame to develop design guidelines for the fmal work. Option 3: To return this item to the Parks and Recreation Commission for further review. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE RE ' A ' T: Optio o. 3 0 z_. 4 o m Cha C m m i ttee Me ber Committee Member • • MEETING DATE: June 20, 2000 ITEM# CITY OF FEDERAL WAY City Council AGENDA ITEM SUBJECT: Youth Wall of Fame CATEGORY: BUDGET IMPACT: _X CONSENT RESOLUTION Amount Budgeted: $ _ORDINANCE _ STAFF REPORT Expenditure Amt: $ _ BUSINESS PROCLAMATION Contingency Reqd: $ _ HEARING STUDY SESSION FYI OTHER ATTACHMENTS: Committee action form dated May 22, 2000 SUMMARY/BACKGROUND: The Federal Way Youth Hall of Fame (FWYHF) came to the March 9 Parks and Recreation Commission meeting to request the commission's support to locate a Youth Wall of Fame in a city park. The purpose of the Youth Wall of Fame is 1) to honor Federal Way's outstanding young people and celebrate their commendable efforts, and 2) to be actively involved in the community through volunteering efforts. The commission agreed to review the proposal as part of their 200 work plan. After review, the commission's Capital Facilities Committee recommended a Youth Wall of Fame be included in the original design of the new City Hall. The wall could be free - standing so it can be adjusted as necessary. In addition, there should be a combined group formed with members from the Arts Commission, Youth commission and the FWYHF to develop the artist guidelines for the final work. At their May 4 meeting, the commission moved to accept the committee's recommendation. Staff recommends that given the City Council has not approved any decision to build a new City Hall, it would be premature for the Council to approve the proposed design element of a Youth Wall of Fame for a future City Hall. CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: On June 12, 2000, the Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety Council Committee moved to table the Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation to locate a Youth Wall of Fame in a new City Hall until the Council determines the need for and approves the funding to build a new City Hall. CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDATION: Motion to APPROVED FOR INCLUSION IN COUNCIL PACKET: (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERK'S OFFICE) • COUNCIL ACTION: _APPROVED COUNCIL BILL # _DENIED 1st Reading TABLED/DEFERRED /NO ACTION Enactment Reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # I: \COVERCC- 5/14/96 • CITY OF FEDERAL WAY PARKS, RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT Date: April 7, 2000 To: Parks, Recreation, Human Servi ublic fety Council Committee From: Jennifer L. Schroder, Director Subject: Skate Park Background: In 1998, Council approved $15,727 for architectural and engineering services to master plan a skate park. The Parks and Recreation Commission held public hearings to solicit the community's interest and ideas for a skate park. Several youth stepped forward to provide the commission with recommendations of the size and features the park should include. Federal Way youths, Tom Sexton and Jerry Motomatsu developed a clay model for a skate park design concept. As part of the department's 1999/2000 budget proposal,$250,000 was requested to build a skate park. This amount was determined from the construction costs incurred by neighboring cities who completed skate park projects. The majority of skate parks in the area are 3,000 square feet to 7,000 square feet and have cost between $65,000 to $130,000. The department's submittal for $250,000 was based on the community's comments that the park should be twice as big as the neighboring cities. The larger park can accommodate a wide range of ability from beginner to advance. The feedback on small parks was that advanced skaters dominate the park. The architects, Purkiss -Rose, compiled all of the comments received and produced two plans. On October 29, 1998, the Parks and Recreation Commission recommended the current plan (Plan B). On March 2, 1999, Council approved the proposed plan and directed staff to complete the design. On October 19, 1999, Council directed the City Manager to spend up to $250,000 to fund the skate park. With funding in hand to build the park, the project architect completed the drawings, incorporating site conditions and other permit requirements. On March 9, 2000, staff presented the Parks and Recreation Commission with the architect's cost estimate to build the full plan. Cost Estimate The skate park master plan is 19,608 square feet. The architect's cost of the structure and contingency is $361,224 (tax not included). The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed proposals that create two alternatives from the full plan (minutes attached). The alternatives divide the plan into two phases. Phase one is 12,800 square feet ($212,680), and phase two is 6,808 square feet ($148,544). PHASE I COST ESTIMATE Architectural/Engineering $8,000 Construction* $200,000 10% Contingency $20,000 Sales tax $17,500 2% for Art $4,500 $250,000 *Based on 10,000 SF PHASE II COST ESTIMATE Architectural/Engineering $8,000 Construction* $192,160 10% Contingency $19,216 Sales tax $16,525 2% for Art $3,850 $239,751 *Assumes Phase I @ 10,000 SF/Phase II @ 9,808 SF Parks and Recreation Commission Recommendation The commission held a special meeting on March 27 to discuss skate park and passed a motion recommending to full Council approval of the skate park plan at Steel Lake as presented, and for construction to occur in two phases. Phase I to proceed this year and Phase II to be funded when the need supports expansion. • Parks, Recreation, Human Services & Public Safety Council Committee Page Twp April 7, 2000 Staff Recommendation In order to move forward with Phase I, keeping within the $250,000 budget, the plan's fmal cost estimate must provide for sales tax, a 10% contingency and approximately $4,500 for 2% for the arts portion. Therefore, the skate park's final dimensions will most likely be between 9,000 to 10,000 SF. At 9,000 SF, this facility will still be larger than any other skate park currently built in King County. Staff recommends moving forward with Phase I as the final concept to develop a complete skate park project within the budgeted amount of $250,000. Committee Recommendation: Motion to approve to full Council Phase I Skate Park for construction in Steel Lake Park and authorize staff to proceed with the public bidding of the project. Total project budget not to exceed $250,000. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE REPORT: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member