PRHSPSC MINS 12-08-1997 • • • ;;:.:::::;: .:: :::::: raAMalike1tLliTIONITQi.. .. .: :: ....................................::.:::::.::::::::::;;: .;;;;;:: >: ::: : >::: » >::> :.;:.; :..:.::.:.:..................................................................................................................................................:. :::::.......................... SUMMARY In attendance: Council members Jack Dovey, Mary Gates, Hope Elder, Michael Park, Phil Watkins Staff members: Ken Nyberg, City Manager; Philip Keightley, Deputy City Manager; Jennifer Schroder, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; David Wilbrecht, Deputy Director; Londi Lindell, City Attorney; Bonnie Lindstrom, Assistant City Attorney; Sue Floyd, Administrative Assistant Guests: Laird Chambers, Barbara Reid, Dave Kaplan, Jerry Bollen, Bob Kellogg, Marion Bartholomew, Dini Duclos, Karl Grosch, Jeanne Burbidge, Linda Kochmar, Bruce Dees, Sean McCarthy Chair Dovey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. PUBLIC COMMENT None BUSINESS ITEMS CRLEBRATION PARK BID AWARD Mr. Wilbrecht explained that on November 26, nine bids were received and opened for the Celebration Park development projects. Mr. Wilbrecht then reviewed the two options available (see attached). Option No. 1 includes four soccer and four batting fields; option two includes three soccer and three batting fields at a lower cost. The goal of the fund raising committee is $350,000. Anything raised over that amount could be utilized for the alternate items. HOPE ELDER MOVED, JACK DOVEY SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVE OPTION NUMBER ONE: TO RECOMMEND AWARDING THE CELEBRATION PARK CONSTRUCTION PROJECT TO STAN PALMER CONSTRUCTION, INC., THE APPARENT LOWEST RESPONSIVE RESPONSIBLE BIDDER, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF EIGHT SPORTS FIELDS, NORTH ROAD, PARKING LOTS, TRAILS AND BRIDGES, WETLAND MITIGATION AND SIZE WORK, AND 9TH AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS FOR $6,721,146 INCLUDING SALES TAX, AND TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL ADVANCING $320,000 OF THE UNALLOCATED UTILITY TAX FUNDS TO THE PROJECT. MOTION PASSED. ui „ • :: .n Ju . J■P :.n 1 : t : r 1 'at. aid ta 1 • uliIrrr The revised Memorandum of Understanding was distributed to committee members, inclusive of the Exhibit "A," which describes the available funding opportunities for Celebration Park. MARY GATES MOVED, HOPE ELDER SECONDED A MOTION TO ACCEPT THE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING, INCLUDING THE EXHIBIT "A ", AS PROPOSED AND FORWARD TO FULL COUNCIL. MOTION PASSED. ADJOURNMENT 4111 The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.