PRHSPSC MINS 07-14-1997 • .:: u tla .W py m MIBIARY In attendance: Council Committee members Jack Dovey, Hope Elder, Mary Gates Staff members: David Wilbrecht, Deputy Director; Jon Jainga, Park Planning and Development Manager; Bonnie Lindstrom, Assistant City Attorney; Sue Floyd, Administrative Assistant Guests: Parks and Recreation Commission members Barbara Reid, Bob Kellogg, Bobby Roach, alternate member Dini Duclos; Tom Sexton, Jerry Motamatsu Chair Dovey called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT None BUSINESS ITEMS • SKATE PARK Wilbrecht reported that as a result of last month's skate park public meeting, Tom Sexton and Jerry Motamatsu, interested citizens, designed a scale model of a preferred skate park. The public meeting focused on skate elements versus location. Other important factors that were looked at included restrooms, drinking fountain, bus routes, public access, visibility, possible lap track around the skate park for in-line skaters, safety and being able to provide a multiple use environment. Citizens have already begun to collect donations for the park. The model was design according to the wish list of those present at the public meeting, and accented the different terrain for skate boarders and roller bladers. Wilbrecht noted that the park would not be high maintenance; the users would contribute to the clean-up, with the exception of drainage, which would need to be cleaned on a regular basis. Fees and location are future subjects to be discussed. The estimated cost for the park would be between $150,000- 200,000. Mr. Dovey suggested that the model be available for the July 15 City Council meeting. MARK TWAIN SPORTS FIELD RENOVATION BID AWARD During the preparation of the original information presented to Council Committee, it was determined that the lowest bidder of the Mark Twain project was "nonresponsive." Of the four bid submittals, only one filled out the proper paperwork according to CDBG standards. Buckley Nursery was the responsive bidder, with a bid of 5134,294.20, which is within the project budget. MARY GATES MOVED, HOPE ELDER SECONDED A MOTION TO RECOMMEND AWARDING THE 1997 CDBG MARK TWAIN SPORTS FIELD RENOVATION BID TO BUCKLEY NURSERY IN THE AMOUNT OF $134,294.20 AND FORWARD TO FULL COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. MOTION PASSED. PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION BY -LAWS At the June 16 Council Committee meeting, the motion by the Parks and Recreation Commission to include alternate commissioners in voting after one year of service was discussed and tabled until the July meeting. After discussion on this issue, the committee members felt this item should be tabled as the City Council needs to discuss as a whole. CELEBRATION PARK UPDATE • Wilbrecht presented the most recent drawing of the sports field complex at Celebration Park. The project is currently in the two week appeal process for SEPA. Staff is preparing the Hearing Examiner report. Some materials on site need to be excavated and removed from the area next to the wrecking yard. Barbara Reid distributed the fund raising committee's "case book." Parks and Recreation Council Committee Page Two July 14, 1997 Summary • The committee will begin writing grad applications to applicable agencies from the foundation directory, and have asked for staff support to assist with the grants, i.e., make copies, gather documentation, mailing, etc. A mechanism for document signature needs to be developed. For example, for those foundations that accept applications from municipalities, Ken Nyberg, as City Manager, can sign. The committee will research a partnership with a non -profit 501(c)(3) organization, such as the Chamber of Commerce, to assist with the fund raising component. The committee would like to have a model of the park available prior to back -to- school shopping to display at SeaTac Mall. Discussion ensued on why the basketball court was eliminated from the plan. Wilbrecht explained that as mitigation progressed, more space became lost, and with the exception of eliminating the sand volleyball court, there was no more room. Staff felt that putting a basketball court next to the children's play area was not conducive due the nature and aggressiveness of the sport. HOPE ELDER MOVED, MARY GATES SECONDED A MOTION THAT THE CHAIR OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION COUNCIL COMMITTEE WORK WITH THE CITY MANAGER AND THE LEGAL DEPARTMENT TO RESOLVE GRANT APPLICATION SIGNATURE ISSUE. MOTION PASSED. LAKE GROVE PARK UPDATE Obana Nursery will begin the renovation project today, which was previously held up for four weeks by the construction bonding company. WEDGEWOOD NEIGHBORHOOD PARK UPDATE Ed Swan, Neighborhood Development Specialist, has been working with the Wedgewood neighbors on the park improvement project. After meeting with Mr. Swan, the neighbors will cleanup the site and possibly do work on the proposed trails. The neighborhood will apply for matching funds. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m. • •