PRHSPSC MINS 01-17-1997 A City of Federal Way PARKS AND RECREATION COUNCIL COMMITTEE Monday, November 17, 1997 City Hall 8:00 a.m. Administration Conference Room SUMMARY In attendance: Council Committee members Jack Dovey, Mary Gates Council Committee member Hope Elder was excused Staff members: Jennifer Schroder, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; David Wilbrecht, Deputy Director; Jon Jainga, Park Planning and Development Manager; Mary Faber, Recreation and Cultural Services Manager; Bonnie Lindstrom, Assistant City Attorney; Brian Wilson, Deputy Director of Public Safety; Sunny Jackson, Recreation Leader /Public Safety; Sue Floyd, Administrative Assistant Guests: Parks and Recreation Commission members Barbara Reid, Dave Kaplan, Jerry Bohlen, Bobby Roach, Bob Kellogg; Ed Opstad, Dietrick Jones, Don Miller of the Historical Society Chair Dovey called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT • None BUSINESS ITEMS INTRODUCTION OF RECREATION LEADER POSITIONS Brian Wilson, Deputy Director of the Public Safety Department, gave a brief outline of the new Recreation Leaders' responsibilities, and explained that both positions are funded through a grant. Sunny Jackson has been lured and is currently working in the Westway neighborhood. A background check is being conducted on the second candidate. The positions will work closely with City staff and service organizations and will provide mentoring, tutoring and recreational activities. WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS LEASE AT SACAJAWEA PARK Nextel Communications presented the City with a lease agreement, which the Legal Department has reviewed and made revisions to. Nextel has not completed those revisions at this time, and there were a number of revisions they did not agree upon. The agreement to date states that Nextel will pay the City $600 per month for an annual total of $7,200, increased 4% /year, for six standard ESMR mobile phones. Nextel will put a metal roof on the Leased building as well as the restroom facility. MARY GATES MOVED, JACK DOVEY SECONDED TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO CONTINUE NEGOTIATIONS WITH NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS. MOTION PASSED. HISTORICAL SOCIETY LEASE /FISHER'S POND Staff distributed the most recent lease agreement for the Fisher's Pond residence. The Historical Society had been paying $75 per month for utilities when they were housed at the Dumas Bay Centre, and will continue to pay this amount until 1999 at Fisher's Pond, at which time the bills will be in their name. The City will work closely with the Historical Society in applying for grant money for repairs that may need to be done on the house. Mr. Opstad voiced his concern regarding the issue of a resident caretaker. Mr. Opstad felt that, upon reflection, businesses do not have caretakers on the premises, and felt that the property will be seen on a regular basis and has a security system in place. Staff will review the caretaker issue with the Historical Society. Staff will make application for a change in use for the property II with the Community Development Department. Until that time, the house can only he used for storage purposes. Mr. Miller noted that the Historical Society is out of operation for the holiday season due to the move, although they would like to set up their office at the Fisher's Pond house by the end of the year. Parks and Recreation Council Committee Page Two November 17, 1997 Summary Ms. Schroder will research if this is a possibility, as the City must abide by the Conununity Development Department's regulations pertaining to change in use. Their belongings are housed at both the old fire station and the Dumas Bay. Centre. MARY GATES MOVED, JACK DOVEY SECONDED A MOTION DIRECTING STAFF TO NEGOTIATE FURTHER WITH THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND TO BRING A FINAL AGREEMENT TO THE FULL COUNCIL ON DECEMBER 2 FOR APPROVAL. MOTION PASSED. RECREATION FEE RECOVERY UPDATE Staff reported that the actual recovery ratio through September is 49.3 %; the budgeted recovery for 1997 is 40 %. The recovery ratio in 1997 will decline during the months of October and November as fall quarter operational expenses continue to accumulate after the program revenues have been received. CEP STATUS As of November 17, completed projects include the following: BPA Trail Phase II, Heritage Woods Park, play structure at Mirror Lake Park, ballfields renovation at Lake Grove and Mark Twain Elementary Schools, Lake Killarney SEPA process, public restrooms at the Dumas Bay Centre. The parking lot expansion at Dumas Bay Centre will be completed this week. Four Eagle Scout projects will also be completed this month. An Eagle Scout volunteer will install the interpretive signs during the Thanksgiving weekend at Dumas Bay Centre. Mr. Jainga noted that the principals at Lake Grove and Mark Twain Elementary Schools were very cooperative in regards to their respective projects. CELEBRATION PARK STATUS The project is out to bid; the pre -bid meeting is today at 2:00 p.m. Remediation of the site has been completed, with the final inspection today. The bid opening is scheduled for November 26 at 2:00 p.m. "100 FIELDS" INITIATIVE Ms. Schroder explained that the "100 Fields" Initiative allows the County to develop and renovate 100 fields in six years. However, the money will go to unincorporated areas of King County. The ballfield initiative would be funded through • several sources: the County would leverage funding collected through the Real Estate Excise Tax by selling $10 million in bonds; King County Department of Parks and Recreation Department's capital improvement budget. The only way Federal Way can receive money is by applying through the Youth Sports Grant. Ms. Schroder will provide information on the Youth Athletics Facilities Grant program created from the Seahawks /soccer stadium project. This grant is estimated to be funded up to $2 million annually. CELEBRATION PARK FUND RAISING COMMITTEE Wilbrecht reported that the fund raising committee is creating a new body of individuals to raise funds for Celebration Park ($350,000). The Memorandum of Understanding has not been completed. Ms. Reid stated that the committee is working on a fund raising brochure. Volunteer work parties have been scheduled at Celebration Park each Saturday through December; however, for the most part, Parks and Recreation Commission members and the Audubon Society are the only ones attending. Staff has created a volunteer trailer equipped with coffee, tools and portable restroom. Mr. Dovey noted that John Morrison of Weyerhaeuser is looking for a volunteer project at Celebration Park, and will donate the salaries for the hours the employees work. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:02 a.m. •