PRHSPS MINS 09-16-1995 • .::..:.:;:.;:.;..;.:. .:... :.. ;..: t121t1 SUMMARY In attendance: Council Committee members Jack Dovey, Mary Gates, Hope Elder Staff members Jennifer Schroder, Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services; David Wilbrecht, Deputy Director; Jon Jainga, Parks Development Planner; Barbara Simpson, Parks Landscape Architect; Bonnie Lindstrom, Assistant City Attorney; Sue Floyd, Administrative Assistant Guests: Marty Lyon, Architect; Barbara Reid; Marion Bartholomew Chair Dovey called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENT None BUSINESS ITEMS • T.AKOTA MASTER PT.AN Marty Lyon, Landscape Architect, described in detail the four alternate plans that were presented to the neighborhood during two public meetings last March and May. The citizens preferred Alternate "C," as did the Parks and Recreation Commission. Cost estimates were done on Plan B & C only as they were the two original preferred plans. The cost for Alternate C is approximately $6,583,606. Fimding would be through bond issues. Dovey expressed concern that the field is being overused and it floods and needs to be fixed now. Dovey felt it prudent for the City Council to meet with the Federal Way School District Board prior to making a decision on an alternate plan to discuss the cost and the School District contribution to the project. The committee requested information on the cost to make the existing fields playable. Staff will determine the architect's time and fee to complete this task. A joint meeting will be scheduled with the School Board to discuss the four alternate plans. PARKS AND RFCRFATTON COMMTSSTON WORK PT .AN On September 5, the Parks and Recreation completed a draft 1997/1998 work plan. The prioritized work plan includes the following: 1) school field development - Lake Grove, Federal Way High School, Mark Twain; 2) development of a skateboard park; 3) Adopt -a -Park program; 4) Panther Lake trail/Klahanee Lake Community/Senior Center trail; 5) City beautification - gateways, neighborhoods, major thoroughfares, trails; 6) Blueberry Farm. Other items discussed but not prioritized include: Summer AmeriCorp volunteer to run a summer program for kids; community outreach presentations (community, neighborhood, PTA); wild flowers for beautification; develop community communications resource list; park and recreation survey; agreement between City and schools for after- school activities (supplements CARES); Adopt -a- Beach program. The committee expressed concern with two of the non-prioritized items; community outreach is presently being done by Ed Swan, Neighborhood Development Specialist, and the community resource list is an item staff is also working on. HOPE ELDER MOVED, MARY GATES SECONDED A MOTION TO APPROVE THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 1997/1998 WORK PLAN WITH THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONS: ELIMINATE "AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND SCHOOLS FOR AFTER- SCHOOL ACTIVITIES" AND AFTER "COMMUNITY OUTREACH PRESENTATIONS" ADD "OF COUNCIL /COMMISSION OBJECTIVES." • MOTION PASSED. Parks and Recreation Council Committee Page Two September 16, 1996 Summary T.AKR GROVF. Sf_HOOT, MELD TTPDATR • Staff and interested Parks and Recreation Commission members have been meeting with CPAC every Monday morning to discuss the Lake Grove Park improvement. The next step, after the permitting process, is to decide the responsibilities of both the contractor and CPAC volunteers. KING COUNTY T 1BRARY PROPF.RTY Per the Council Committee's request, Jennifer Schroder made contact with the King County Library System regarding possible improvement to the 320th Street library's undeveloped portion of property for a pocket park. The library is interested in improving the site. Schroder noted that the site is level, there are quite a few multi- residences surrounding the site and visibility into the site is good. Major concerns of staff include identifying funding sources for the improvements and the responsibility of maintenance. It was noted that there is a service organization interested in partnering on this proposed improvement. NEXT MEETING Monday, October 14, 1996 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:23 a.m. • II •