FEDRAC PKT 09-28-2010<ITY Oi � Federal Way City Council Finance/Economic Development/Regional Affairs Committee AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBUC COMMENT 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS Action Topic Title/Description Presenter Page* or Discussion A. Approval of Minutes: August 24, 2010 K. Roe 2 Action B. August 2010 Report on State Lobbying Activities Farmer S Discussion C. August 2010 Report from Sirategies 360 on Federal Lobbying Farmer 7 Discussion Activities p. Contract Extension for Federal Lobbyist Farmer 10 Action 10/5/1p Council Consent ..__. _._.. ._.... ......... ......... _...__ _._. ......... E. Contract Extension for State Lobbyist Farmer 43 Action 10/5/10 Council Consent F. Review of the Schedule to Adopt the City's 201 1 Legislative Farmer 64 Discussion Agenda _ G_ Monthly Financial Reporf __ __ __ _ Kraus 66 Action 10/5/10 Council Consent H. Vouchers _ Kraus 81 Action 10/5/10 Council Consent __ __ __ _ _ _ _ ___ _ �. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Outreach Enge 1 12 Discussion *Additiorial materials may also be distril�uted(or revie�a�/action during the meeting 4. OTHER 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 6. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 COMMITTEE MEMBERS: CITY STAFF: Mike Park, Chair Bryant Enge, Financial Services Administrator Jeanne Burbidge Krystal Roe, Deputy City Clerk Jack Dovey 253.835.2541 � Federai Way City Council SUMMARY ional Affairs Committee 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Mike Park called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m. Committee Members in Attendance: Committee Chair Park and Committee Members Burbidge and Dovey. Councilmembers in Attendance: Deputy Mayor Duclos Staff Members in Attendance: City Manager/Police Chief Brian Wilson, Financial Services Administrator Bryant Enge, City Attorney Pat Richardson, Finance Direc#or Tho Kraus, Communications 8� Governmental Affairs Manager Linda Farmer, Recreation Supervisor poug Nelson, Community Center Fitness Athletic Coordinator Kimberly Shelton, Information Technology Interim Supervisor Thomas Fichfiner, and Deputy City Clerk Krystal Roe. 2. PUBIIC COMMENT: None. 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS Council Topic Title/Description Placement A. Approval of Minutes: July 27, 2010 N/A Discussion Only Motion and second to approve as presented. Discussion: Chair Park questioned whether two motions were made concerning agenda item "H - Distribution of $58,000 from the Redevelopment Fund". Committee Member Dovey and City Attorney Richardson stated a motion had been made by Committee Member povey which was not seconded. The minutes correctly reflect the motions made during the meeting. Motion carried to approve the minutes as presented 3- 0. __ _ __ -_ __ __ _ _ __.. _ __ _ B. July 2010 Report on State Lobbying Activities N/A Discvssion Only Ms. Farmer presented a brief overview of her report. She noted the success of the triangle project ribbon cutting ceremony and stated Doug Levy would soon return from vacation. _ __ _ __ __. . . ___ _ _ __ _ _ C. July 2010 Report on State Lobbying Activities N/A Oiscusslon Only Ms. Farmer remarked July and August are "quiet" months for congress. She announced a representative with Strategies 360 would be visiting Federal Way next week to discuss federal funding, and no action on SAFETEA-lU is expected until 201 1. The Committee asked for an update at the September FEDRAC meeting concerning the current transportation report being discussed regionally: Ms. Farmer also stated both the federal and local lobbying contracts are set to expire; one in August and one in September. The Committee discussed options for extending the contracts for a single year rather than two, sending the contracts out to bid given the current economic climate, and a consensus that the contract dollar amounts not be increased. The Committee also expressed displeasure with the limited amount of time between now and the contract expiration dates; they would have preferred advance notice. Ms. Farmer plans to re#urn to FEDRAC in September (followed by Council in October) with recommendafiions for contract extensions which wiU not include a cost increase for eifiher contractor. _ _ _ __ __ __. _ _ _. _ 2 FEDRAC SUMMARY quaust 24, 2010, Paae 2 of 3 _. ___--_ _.. _ __ D. City Website Improvements (Follow Up Topic fi�om 6%2Jt0 FEDRAC Meetin� Ms. Farmer reviewed the two policy questions presented for Council consideration in relation to acceptance or denial of the contest award for website-redevelopment. The Committee discussed the requirement by the provider to include two social media outlets in the web design and the problems associated with such. Ms. Farmer highlighted optional start-up and add-on costs for the website redevelopmenfi and the on-going maintenance fees beginning in 2012. Motion second and carried to accept the CivicPlus grand prize funding award of $32,320 for a website redesign and authorize the expenditure of up to $7,075 from the website maintenance reserve account for start up costs (options 1 a and 2a�. Carried 3- 0. ._ _ ._.___ __ _ . _._ __. __ E. Functional Fitness Equipment Purchase for the FWCC Mr. Nelson introduced Ms. Shelton who worked to secure bids for the equipment purchase. The Committee expressed support for the purchase but noted the equipment would be used to keep the Community Center current with fi#ness trends, not to compete with local businesses. The Committee inquired about the reason for bringing this item forward to Council given the relatively low expenditure cost. Ms. Kraus replied unbudgeted capital reserves funds are proposed to fund the purchase; thereby, requiring Council approval. Consent 09/07/2010 Consent a9ro�izoio Motion second and carried to approve the purchase of functional fitness equipment from Fitness Wholesale in the amount of $4,363.96 using capital reserve funds. Carried 3- 0. _. - - _._ . .. _. _. __ ___. _ __ _. F. Replace Steel Lake Beach Security Camera and Repair WiFi Equipment Consent 09/07/2p10 Mr. Fichtner briefed the Committee on the vandalism incident which resulted in the destruction of equipment at Stee� Lake Beach. Motion second and carried to approve replacement of equipment. Carried 3- 0. __._- - - _. __ _ _. __ __. __ __ G. RESOLUTION: Amendment Identitying Positions Authorized to Administer lnvestment Pool Consent 09/07/2010 Motion second and carried to approve the amended resolution and forward to full Council. Carried 3 - 0. _ _ __. _._._ _ _ _ _ ._ . H. Monthly Financial Report Ms. Kraus presented her reporf and stated not much has chonged from the prior month's report. However, the latest sales tax numbers were just received from the state and the news is good! With the latest numbers, the sales tax revenue is up more than $37,000 over projected figures. The Committee inquired about the areas of growth. Ms. Kraus has not received the details yet but will present the figures at the September FEDRAC meeting. Ms. Kraus also announced favorable Real Estate Excise Tax (REET) revenue with two major property sales. The City's targets have been met for the year; any additional REET revenues will be over and above budget projections. Regarding year-to-date red light revenue Ms. Kraus updated the Committee with the July ATS invoice payment of $42K resulting in year-to-date net revenues of $763,000 when payment is taken into consideration. The Committee inquired about the $4,674 budgeted for jail services in the table on page 44. Ms. Kraus replied the number should have been corrected and will revise the table. She apologized for the oversight. Motion second and carried to approve the Monthly Financial Report as presented/amended. Carried 3 - 0. _ _ __ . _ _ _ _ Vouchers __ Ms. Kraus stated severa! employee recognition/meal petty cash expenditures from the Municipal Court were inconsistent with Council policy. As of today, the City has been reimbursed for these expenditures and the issue is resolved. Consent 09/07/2010 Consent 09/07/2010 Motion second and carried to approve the vouchers as presented. Carried 3- 0. . _ __ __ __ _ . _ _ _. _ _ _ .. _ __ __ __ __ Chair Park agreed to change the order of the agenda to allow presentation o# the Community Weatherization Program before the budget discussion. _ _ _ _ 3 _ . _ __ fEDRAC SUMMARY Auaust 24, 2010, Page 3 of 3 _. _ __.. . __ --- - --- - . ..__ ___ _ _ . ...._ ___ _ _. _ _ _ K. Community Weatherization Program for Small Businesses and Homeowners RFP - Bid N/A AWqf(� Discvssion Only Mr. Enge introduced Steve Gelb, Executive Director of Sustainability Works, the City's contractor for administering weatherization grant funds for residential Mr. Gelb announced 230 residences signed up for energy audits, 34 have been completed, three contracts have been signed and severaf others are imminent. Mr. Enge stated he wiil return to FEDRAC at a later date concerning administration of the #und set aside for businesses. _ ___. _._ __ ___ _. _ _ __ _ _ _.. J. 2011-2012 Budget Process . . N/A . Discussion Only CM/PC Wilson first recognized the efforts of Tho Kraus and Bryant Enge in preparing information and detailed data for this process. Next, several handouts were distributed which included a PowerPoint slide show presenta#ion detailing his draft budget, a press release announcing the process/meeting dates, detailed information on accessing the information on the website, and a comments/suggestion form. CM/PC Wilson reviewed his materials in depth including information regarding staff reductions, program changes, contingent revenue sources, reallocation of established capital project budgets, effects of active initiatives, lost gambling revenue, increased medical insurance costs and one-time funding allocations. CM/PC Wilson announced his goal to provide Council with a finalized budget recommendation by October 19, 2010. CM/PC Wilson also explained the public outreach process/schedule and his efforts to solicit input from the public using a comment/suggestion form and by capturing comments made by citizens during the open house/service club meetings. The Committee direc#ed CMJPC Wilson to provide a brief input on the public feedback at the September FEDRAC meeting. __ _ __._. _ __ _ _ ___ _ __ . __._. - . _ 4. OTHER: None. __ _ _ __ 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: None. 6. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Meeting was adjo�rned at 7:07 p_m. Attest: � Krystal Roe, Deputy City Clerk COMMITTEE APPROVAL: Mike Park Jeanne Burbidge Jack Dovey Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member 4 COU�ICIL MEETING DATE: NA CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL [TEM #: SUBJECT: AUGUST 2010 REPORT ON STATE LOBBYING ACT[V[T[ES POL[CY QUESTION: NA COMM[TTEE Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ City Councit Business ❑ Resolution STAFF REPORT BY: Linda Farmer/Government Affairs MEET[NG DATE: Sept. 28, 2010 ❑ Public Hearing � Ot her DEPT: City Manager This report summarizes the City's State-level lobbying activities occurring outside of the Legislative Session. Attachments: The report for the month of August 2010 is attached for your review. No action is necessary. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: NA C[TY MAIYAGER APPROVAL• _�� COMM[TTEE RECOMMENDAT[ON: council q.io.io Council Committee Chair Committee Member Committ Memb (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BYCITYCLERKS OFFlCE) COUNCIL ACT[ON: ❑ APPROVED COUNC[L BILL # ❑ DEN[ED isr readiag ❑ TABLED/DEFE{2RED/NO AC"tION Enactment rcadiag ❑ �[OVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only� ORDINANCE # REV[SED-02/06/2006 RESOLUTION # DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ��' Comnuttee � CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE STAFF REPORT DATE: September 10, 2010 TO: Finance, Economic Development, Regional Affairs Committee VIA: Brian Wilson, City Manager/Police Chief FROM: Linda Farmer, APR, Communications and Government Affairs Manager SUBJECT: August 2010 report on State Lobbying Activities Dou� Lew on Vacation August is typicaily the slowest month for State lobbying activities and preparation. Doug Levy took a three-week vacation, and it was a mostly quiet month. On�oin� Proiects Phase I Triangle funds. Ensure that the Legislature directs $14M in teftover funds from the Phase I bid process to another portion of the project (instead of distributing it to other projects). � Meetings with regional leaders were set up for September. One-time Events/Meetin�s: None in August 6 COUIYCIL MEETING DATE: NA _ _ _. __ _ _ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: SUBJECT: AUGUST 2010 REPORT FROM STRATEG[ES 360 ON FEDERAL LOBBYING ACTIViT[ES POL[CY QUEST[0�1: NA COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ City Council Business STAFF REPORT BY: Linda Farmer, APR Attachments: ❑ Ordinance ❑ Resolution MEETING DATE: Sept. 28, 2010 � Public Hearing � Other DEPT: City Manager The City's Federal Lobbying Firm, Strategies 360, submits an activity report each month. The report for the month of August 2010 is attached for your review. No action is necessary. STAFF RECOMME(YDAT[ON: NA CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: i�-= �`'� �"'�'� DIRECTOR APPROVAL: � mnuttee Council Comrtdttee Council — Q 2 �I� COM1�i[TTEE RECOMMEtYDAT[ON: Committee Chair Committee Member Committe Member (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BYCITYCLERKS OFFlCE) COUIYC[L ACT[ON: ❑ APPROVED COUNC[L BQ,L # ❑ DEN[ED l reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACT[OY Enactment reading ❑ b10VED TO SECOND RE.AI)ING (or�linances only) ORDINAIVCE # REV[SED —02/06l2006 RESOLUTION # 7 MEMORANDUM _ ___ ___ _._ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ __- T0: City of Federal Way FROM: Tylynn Gordon and Melanie Mihara RE: Activity Report for August 2010 DATE: September 2, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL ACTIVITIES • Congress is out of session for August �ecess and will return the week of September 13tn. ► The House reconvened for a special session to pass the Senate approved Federal Medical Assistance program (FMAP) in August and then resumed its August recess. RECENT MEETINGS & HIGHLIGHTS ► Met with tiie City on Aug. 26 and discussed the FY2012 strategy for Triangle funding. > Answered questions from Councilmember Burbidge regarding the CLEAR Act (climate legislation). > Monitored federal storm water fees/taxes issue. > Monitored surface transpo�tation legislation. ► Tracked and provided information on federal grant opportunities. NEXT STEPS ► Continue to monitor the mid-term elections and provide advice on securing #unding for the Triangle Project. � Provide report on private grant opportunities for the Perfo�ming A�ts Center. > Continue to monitor the federal storm water fees/taxes issue. ► Continue to monitor and provide updates on SAFETEA-LU and the upcoming surface transportation reauthorization legislation. ► Continue to monitor and provide information on federal grant opportunities. NEWS KEY UPDATES ► A�ticle from August 10, 2010 Hotline House Passes FMAP With Two GOP Votes By Reid Wilson The House has passed a$26B package aimed at helping states address growing Medicaid budget deficits and avoid laying off thousands of teachers, moving the bitl to Pres. Obama's desk for a signature. � Strategies 360 • 3300 M Street, NW • Suite 20� • Washington, DC 20007 • 202.333.2234 • The bill would spend $16B to help states close gaps in Medicaid budgets and another $ l OB on education aid, money intended to prevent thousands of teachers from losing their jobs. It passed the House by a 247-161 margin. Dems praised the bill as a jobs creator, and one that's been paid for, while GOPers said the bill violates pay-go rules requiring new spending to be offset with other cuts. The Congressional Budget Office has said the bill will reduce the deficit by $ i.4B over 10 years. Only 2 GOPers -- Reps. Mike Castle (R-DE) and Anh "Joseph" Cao (R-LA) -- voted in favor of the package. Reps. Bobby Bright (D-AL), Jim Cooper (D-TN) and Gene Taylor (D-MS) were the only Dems to oppose the legislation. The bill now heads to Obama's desk, likely the last piece of significant legislation the president will sign before the midterm elections. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called her colleagues back into session this week after the Senate unexpectedly achieved cloture on the FMAP package before the upper chamber's Aug. recess began last week. House members, who had already left for their own recess, trudged back to DC for a one-day meeting in order to pass the bill_ • Strategies 360 • 3300 M Street, NW • Suite 202 • Washington, DC 20007 • 202.333.2234 • COUNCIL MEETItYG DATE: October 5, 2010 _ . __.. _ _ _ _ _ �__ ._... _ __ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: SUBJECT: CONTRACT EXTENSION FOR FEDERAL LOBBY[ST POLICY QUEST[OtY Should the City of Federal Way extend the federal lobbying contract with Strategies 360 for the current budgeted amount of $72,500 per year. COMM[TTEE Finance, Economic Development, Regional Affairs CATEGORY: � Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ City Counci( Business ❑ Resolution STAFF REPORT BY: Linda Farmer Government Affairs r Overview MEETING DATE Sept. 28 , 2010 ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Other DEe'r: City Manager The City has retained federal lobbying assistance for six years. The City hired Smith Alling Lane (now Gordon Thomas Honeywell) in March 2005 and extended the contract three times through January 2009. The City re-bid the contract in January 2009. Strategies 360 was the successful bidder and, in March 2009, the City of Federal Way entered into an 18-month contract with the firm. Per Council Member Mike Park's request—and as approved at the March 3, 2009, City Council meeting--the City entered into an 18-month contract with Strategies 360 with the purpose of considering a two-year contract extension during the City's biennial budget process for 2011-2012. It is also helpful to take care of contract issues and potential scope of work changes during the least busy times of the Congressional season (July/August). Cost Staff recommends the cost of the contract extension not exceed the budgeted amount of $72,500 per year ($145,000 per biennium). Highlights of the current contract with Strategies 360 In your packets is a report from Strategies 360 on work performed during this time period. Highlights inc(ude: • Orchestrated the City's annual lobbying trip to DC in March 2010. � Coordinated the FY2011 appropriations application process with three Congressional offices. Asked for $2.7M for the Triangle Project. Won support from Sen. Cantwell and Rep. Smith but the item was not ultimately included in the Senate's version of the THUD bill. • C(osely monitored the SAFETEA-LU reauthorization process, which has been extended through the end of 2010. • Helped facilitate the passage of the EB-5 Visa program Regional Center designation via Congressional letters of support and phone calls. 10 Provided the City with a list of federal grant opportunities for the PACC that can be pursued pending site control. Orchestrated representation by Rep. Smith at the Triangle groundbreaking event on Aug_ 1 l, 2010. Scope of work Staff recommends that the very specific 2009/2010 scope of work be changed to focus on more general guidelines for the new contract period. Specific legislative agenda items would be moved out of the scope of work section and into the City's annual Legislative Agenda document. This is the format that the City has been following with the State lobbying contract_ Attachments: � 2010 Accomplishments Report provided by Strategies 360 • Proposed contract amendment documents • Current 18-month contract with Strategies 360 Options Considered: 1) Authorize a two-year contract extension for Strategies 360 not to exceed the budgeted amount. 2) Authorize a one-year contract extension for Strategies 360 not to exceed the budgeted amount. 3) Reject the contract extension and provide staff with alternate direction. STAFF RECOMMENDAT[ON Council Member Mike Park recommends approval of Option 1. C[TY MANAGER APPROVAL: ��.�. y����� DIRECTOR APPROVAL: �� Committee Council ommitt Council ���.I� COMM[TTEE RECOMMENDAT[ON I move to forward the proposed Amendment to the October S 2010, consenl agenda for approval. Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNCIL MOT[OtY "I move approval of the Strategies 360 Arnendment, covering September 1, 2010 through September 30, 2012 with a total compensation of $145,000, and authorize the City Maraager to sign said agreement. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DEMED ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED — OS/12/2010 COUNCIL BILL # 1 reading Enactment reading ORDINA1�iCE # RESOLUTION # 11 � � � �� �_, _ �_ � . . . .. . . � F . . . . . . 4 � 3 � . .. . . . . � ` ` " - . .. . � y � , . .. .. . 4 E .. .. . . � � ._ � _ . ... . � - .. � � z 1� ���z� , � ... . . . . � ko�� . . . �� � f d ..� � "_ } � �, �. � . _ .. . .. . . " ...' '� x � 8 �, �� °��S X E � ^ ° - m . . .. ;�. � .f.:� ' .� e .a .i€ a� ts n � �. , ♦ ._ ��;: : z , . _ . � � . , r � - :g . � , , . . _:- y ' . u ., r . z . . . ..... . �r .. . .: . � -: '� : . . . _ . . ..� ' � . . . . . . . A kf ' - a „�.} } ; � , A < � M1 ' j : '� �, �� � � s _ : � _ " `� � f,' 6� "k . � � y 4 � k � � � � � _ . ��.� � -. � _ � - � v ��� �' _ . , - w _ a �� �. � - ' �, . �: ' �. _ ; : i�.: .- i : - : ;.. _ _ = ' � . __ _ a _ �� � . � � �;`� � � � { _ � . . _;- . . ; � . , ... _ ,�. . + . : �;� . , -..e. � � - � , . -;_ ., � . ', �. , �. �, .�u_ -- _ - , _ . �.. > : _ � _ ,, y �' � � � �_ � � � � � - _ . . ,. s ._ � . �, , ,'' -.. ; ��, �€ "'�-?�' ' - x � p-i � ' � i � � . � w : ; � � ., . . , , . , ,. :a � -, . , - . - . �< r .. � - - � _. ..-, � .. . , .., . _ ..r, ° ,�„ . � . .,:- „ .: f . ;:,,. . , _ — � y' -- , .. - ��.: �us "`- � ' _ � ".; 3'' _ ¢. G:'. 6 __ _ ,���_; _ „ . a'-�,=.��� `v� ��-sa��w-'�+'� �� - -T F"'- z'� `� r��`�,� - ; _,,.; . �_. „ , Vc_:� _.�—, m.N._,.c . .�..._ �_.-� _,. .. ='i �s X+= K� � �� _ ' � ... . . . ' � _ .. 'Y r . . . � - — � "' i^ � xw.. � � . . , � n T � ' . ° ry � _ __ ' x- n e , t _. •zp.'Mµ .. , . : h ^T ' '3�M' . _ " i > ��5tav.' .. � '� i '� �°� „1 �, ry� . -� s � 'h@ ,. v w-r"�_.i , . , . , . �- . - -.- . ._ ' . � Strategies 360 Proposal to The City of Federal Way July 29, 2010 Strategies 360, Inc. is pleased to submit this proposal to continue federal representation services for the Ciry of Federat Way. As a Seattle-based public affairs and strategic communications firm with more than a twenty-five year history representing a wide range of public sector, non-profit, and corporate clients, Strategies 360 is confident we offer an unparalleled level of service to the City of Federal Way. We look forward to discussing this proposal. OVERVIEW In March of 2009, Strategies 360 was hired by the City of Federal Way to provide federal government relations services. At that time tlie City of Federal Way had submitted federal appropriations requests to Sens. Murray, Cantwell, and Rep. Smith. S360 developed one-page handouts for each of the projects and set up meetings for the City of Federal Way with both the DC and Washington State offices of the Congressional Delegation. The City was successful in gaining the support of Sen. Murray for all three projects, and Rep. Smith for the Triangle project, but due to the competitiveness of the process the projects did not end up receiving funding. Since that time 5360 has worked c(osely with City of Federal Way staff to educate Members of Congress, Congressional staff, Federal Agency officials, and state offtcials on the City's priorities. S360 has promoted the Triang(e Project to Members oF Congress for funding through a variety of sources. The City of Federal Way's economic development initiatives have been introduced to both Members of Congress and Executive Branch officials. S360 has also closely monitored and provided advice to the Ciry of Federal Way on the pending Department of Justice case regarding federal agency use of municipalities' storm water systems. Furthermore, S360 has used its in-depth knowledge of the federal, state, and private grants system to provide regular updates to the Ciry of Federal Way on funding opportunities. The City of Federal Way has further developed their relationships with Members of Congress and their staff through the close relationships S360 holds with these offices. Moving forward 5360 proposes to assist the City of Federal Way in continuing to raise its profile on the federal level, compete more effectively for federal dollars, and protect and promote its legislative priorities. • Strategies 360 • 3300 M Street, NW • Suite 2q23 Washington, DC 20007 • 202.333.2234 • __ ., _____ . . --- -- �_ __ ___ . _.---- . ._-----_ __ _ �.._ m _._�.. ---..... _.__.. ___.._ __. .._... _ . __.. .._.._ .. TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC WORKS -- --- - -- ____-- --- ---------_ _.---------_-_ What Has Been Accomplished > The Triangle Project gained the backing of Senator Cantwell in 2010 and gained priority in Representative Smith's list, rising to the top of his transportation requests. � Members of Congress and their staff have been further educated about the project and its progress and have taken site visits with the City's Engineer. � Members of Congress, Governor Gregoire, the Office of Financial Management, and WSDOT have participated in meetings to discuss the opportunity to fund the Triangle Project through the next surface transportation authorization bitl. > The City of Federal Way has been updated and advised as to the progress of a case before the Department of Justice which involves the dispute of the federal government paying for the use of storm waker facilities that its agency buildings use. The City has supported the on-going payment of use fees by the federal government through the Association of Washington Cities. > Regular updates have been provided on funding opportunities from the Recovery Act, jobs bills, and regu(arly occurring grants programs. Looking Forward > Based on the gaining momentum of support for the Triangle Project, S360 recommends resubmitting the project for the FY2012 funding cycle. > S360 will closely monitor the surface transportation authorization bill and engage Members of Congress and their staff on opportunities to support the Triangle Project through that legislation. The current bi(1 has been extended through the end of 2010 and a new bill is expected to be taken up in either 2011 or 2012. + New grant programs, jobs and infrastructure bills, as well as remaining Recovery Act funding wil( be closely monitored to provide other opportunities to fund the Triang(e Project. > Members of Congress and their staff will be invited to the groundbreaking of the Triangle Project. ECONOMIC & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIVT . . _. ___ __ . _ __ . . _.. _ _. __ _ __ __ _ _ What Has Been Accomplished > The City of Federal Way successfutly applied for and received the Regional Center designation under the EB-5 visa program, allowing foreign nationa(s to gain residency through significant investment and job creation within the United States. S360 helped facilitate this process by securing a letter of support and phone ca(ls from Members of Congress. � S360 has opened doors Eor the City of Federal Way to coordinate with the International Trade Administration at the Department of Commerce on the proposed marketing trip to Korea. > Federal Way Mayor Linda Kochmar met with Housing and Urban Development Deputy Secretary Ron Sims and discussed the residential green-retrofit program. 4 S360 has provided a memo outlining grant opportunities for the construction of the Performing Arts Center. � Regutar updates have been provided on funding opportunities from the Recovery Act, the jobs bil(, and regu(arly occurring grants programs. The Ciry of Federal Way directly received nearly $1 million through the Recovery Act for energy efficiency programs and law enforcement. • Strategies 360 � 3300 M St�eet, NW • Suite 20�� Washington, OC 20007 < 202.333.2234 � � ------.__.. __.___._.-------_-__.._..__...__ ______ __..__.. Looking Forward � S360 will conrinue to engage the Department of Commerce about ways to enhance and promote the City of Federal Way's proposed marketing trip to Korea. � Grant opportunities for construction of the Performing Arts Center will continue to be closely monitored and updates will be provided. � S360 will strategize ways to engage federal officiats and secure funding for further economic and community development projects in the City of Federal Way. STRATEGIES 360: WHO WE ARE _ __ ___ ..__ _ __ _ . _ __ _. Today, Strategies 360 is the region's premiere strategic communications firm. We are focused on helping our clients succeed in today's complex business and public policy environment, providing comprehensive and coordinated expertise in public policy, government relations, business and marketing strategy, public relations, communications, and strategic positioning. The one-of-a-kind Strategies 360 approach offers clients the opportunity to combine an array of services that complement one another or to choose an effort focused in a particular service area. Either way, clients gain access to the complete S360 team of experts. Strategies 360 believes that the key to a successful government relations campaign is to integrate eFforts in Washington, DC and Washington state = to support talented federal lobbyists with powerful in-state resources. We field a team that embodies this belief and will help the City of Federal Way achieve success. The combined experience of the 5360 team provides unparalleted access to the Washington congressiona( delegation and other key leaders in Washington, DC. Strategies 360's experienced, robust, and deeply-connected team includes Ron Dotzauer in Seattle and Tylynn Gordon and Melanie Mihara in Washington, DC. ► ROIV DOTZAUER, CO-FOUNDER & CEO With sharply honed instincts in political ;; strategy and a winning track record, Ron #� ; � � Dotzauer is a hi hl sou ht olitical � g Y g P � ; ..., , strategist At Strategies 360, Ron provides - strategic counsel to a vast array of regiona( and international clients. Ron's more than 30-year career in politics started in 1974, when he became the youngest elected county official in the state of Washington. With an unbeatable track record for winning campaigns, Ron shares his insight and skills at campaign workshops all over the United States and beyond. In 1989, he traveled to the Baltic States to help prepare candidates for the region's first free e(ections. And in 2008, he spent time in Mongotia helping first-time female candidates campaign for office. [n 2000, Ron stunned national political observers by leading Maria Cantwell to a victory in the U.S. Senate over a three-term incumbent. Ron was an integral part of four national presidential conventions - both Democratic and Republican. He provided • Strategies 360 � 3300 M Street, NW • Suite 20�,Washington, DC 20007 • 202.3332234 • ___ __.__ _ __. __..._ _.__.------.-- ____----------. __�.___ _,— ----__..__ __....._ . ___ _ __.__ _ . .e around-the-clock political analysis for several media outlets. Ron is the person the media turn to for quick-witted and accurate commentary on politics at atl levels. ► TYLYNN GORDON, SENIOR VICE PRES[DEIVT FEDERAL RELATIONS Tylynn serves Strategies 360 as senior vice president of federal relations. With experience in strategic consulting, government service, and political campaigns, Tylynn provides superior service to S360 clients. She has ties to current Democratic leadership, including Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus, for whom she served as the former state finance director of his fundraising operation. Her government service includes time as the deputy state auditor for the state of Montana where she developed legislative strategy and guided passage of 21 pieces of key legislation. Tylynn also founded an independent consulting firm that handled strategic planning, recruiting and grassroots lobbying efforts at the national tevel. There, she created grassroots strategies for organizations seeking federal legislation on rural broadband access and helped the Competitive Long Distance Coalition gain approval far their federa( telecommunications initiative. She served on the campaigns of Senator Ben Nelson and Governor Kathleen Sebelius and maintains close ties with Senator Tim Johnson and Senator Jon Tester. Tytynn's mastery of grassroots po(itics and her network of federal government contacts enable her to lend crucial insight to 5360's clients. Tylynn earned her Bachelor of Arts in political science from Northern Arizona University. � MELAN[E MIHARA, SENIOR FEDERAL RELAT[ONS ASSOCIATE Grants and appropriations specialist Melanie Mihara serves as Strategies 360's Senior Federal � Relations Associate in the Washington, D.C. .�,. �- z� office. Melanie's in-depth knowledge of federal 3 � �� i <�� ��-,;`; funding programs allows her to give insightful, � well-informed advice to 5360 clients in Alaska, ��- "` Montana, Oregon and Washington State, helping `�g � clients find and apply for federal dollars. Melanie joined S360 after four years with Senator Maria Cantwelt, where she served as Appropriations and Grants Coordinator, advising on appropriations requests, drafting request letters and advocating for requests with the Senate Appropriations Committee. During her tenure, Melanie also assisted municipalities, tribes, educational institutions and non-profit organizations in finding and applying for federal grants and loans. Melanie also completed a Congressional Research Service institute program on the federal budget process. The seminar focused on budget resolutions and reconciliation, the appropriations process and the presidential budget. Melanie has also completed a series of grant writing classes from the Foundation Center on topics including proposal writing, proposal budgeting, and grantmaker relationship building. She graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in mathematics and political science. ° Strategies 360 • 3300 M Street, NW � Suite 20��Washington, DC 20007 = 202.333.2234 a r�r'� .rs� �� � �a � � G:T � !-� �Li .i _;: �''F =�. �1 � �.rF.Y"k - �:.e �iiY ' � ;p i �' :,. t- %i ?: 3:; �� . � ' f.c� ; o� -f;sus.; ...;:f:�:iy';::r::Ys-F�B.':Y�:_ ...i:� AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR FEDERAL LOBBYIST This Amendment ("Amendment No. 1") is made between the City of Federal Way, a Washington municipal coiporation ("City"), and Strategies 360, a Washington Corporation ("Contractor"). The City and Contractar (together "Parties"), for valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, agree to amend the original Agreement for Legislative Lobbying Services ("Agreement") dated effective March 13, 2009. 1. AMENDED TERM. The term of the Agreement, as referenced by Section 2 of the Agreement and any prior amendments thereto, shall be amended and shall continue until the completion of the Services, but in any event no later than September 30, 2012 ("Amended Tertn"). 2. AMENDED SERVICES. The Services or Work, as described in Exhibit "A" and as referenced by Section 2 of the Agreement, shall be amended to include, in addition to work and terms required under the original Agreement and any prior amendments thereto, those additional services described in Exhibit "A-1" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference ("Additional Services"). 3. AMENDED COMPENSATION. The amount of compensation, as referenced by Section 4 of the Agreement, shall be amended to include the following: In return for the Services during the Amended Term, the Ciry shall pay the Contractor an additional amount not to exceed One Hundred Forty-five Thousand and No/ 100 Dollars ($145,000.00). The total amount payable to the Contractor pursuant to the original Agreement and this Amendment shall be an amount not to exceed Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($250,000.00). 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS. All other terms and provisions of the Agreement, together with any prior amendments thereto, not modified by this Amendment, shall remain in full force and effect. Any and all acts done by either Party consistent with the authority of the Agreement, together with any prior amendments thereto, after the previous expiration date and prior to the effective date of this Amendment, is hereby ratified as having been performed under the Agreement, as modified by any prior amendments, as it existed prior to this Amendment. The provisions of Section 13 of the Agreement shal( apply to and govern this Amendment. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. [Signature page follows] 17 AMENDMENT 1 /2010 rii�� r � '�� . :' . �� � � .. . KK � . . .. �.:1"� �-StL :i%?G't �'Y �r 71 'rUY � �:.: ��iY �3? ic !=,?:9� �3 ' ., h . 3? ., :�: 3 � <'2� , o�a-f,s�{.: .. ,: 5v t;ij::i:t?ri�%i't':Y£r!�: c: :;:; IN WITNESS, the Parties execute this Agreement below, effective the last date written below. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY By: Brian Wilson, City Manager/Police Chief DATE: STRATEGIES 360 BY: Printed Name: Title: DATE: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) ATTEST: City Clerk, Carol McNeilly, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Patricia A Richardson On this day personally appeared before me , to me known to be the of that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said instrument to be the Fi and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the coiporate seal of said corporation. GIVEN my hand and offcial seal this day of 20 Notary's signature Notary's printed name Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires 18 AMENDMENT 1/2010 �'�?"'� r f �.T'i f �` � , z.-� r{ �1 �r�;Y^k �'�: E��y �s' � `:o � � � � t�;a;ia c�£ ..s, . 3t3.: ; �' � � j �.. �l . 4.�c.�'�, o�• ;�,Sai.�, .� S'if'::�:' �s?;j�.�:e3':Y�;>.:, r: :i;7 EXHIBIT "A-1" — SERVICES FEDERAL LOBBYIST CONTRACTOR will provide the City with comprehensive federal representation and will work with the City Manager or Mayor and/or staff designee to develop and implement both a short-term and long range federal relations strategy in support of City projects, policies and programs that are influenced or supported by federal policies and funding. Specific duties include: • Coordinate at least one visit per year of City of Federal Way officials to Washington, D.C. for lobbying purposes. • Coordinate at least one visit per year by the CONTRACTOR to the City of Federal Way to present at a mutually-agreed upon City Council meeting. • Coordinate the annual federal appropriations (earmark) application process. • Coordinate City requests for funding through major reauthorization bills such as SAFETEA-LU. • Identify opportunities and complete applications for federal grants appropriate to the City. • Seek federal support ttuough policies, regulation or funding for issues of concern to the City. • Design and implement an outreach plan to bring Members of Congress and Congressional staff to Federal Way for further discussion and education on the needs and opportunities for federal support of the City's priorities, as appropriate. • Provide regular status reports (email is acceptable) at least monthly; and a comprehensive written report at the end of each Session of Congress summarizing accomplishments, and recommending goals and strategies to guide the City and the CONTRACTOR in the next Session of Congress. • Provide updates, strategy development and coordination via regular email communications, phone calls and conference meetings with City staff, including phone conference presentations at the Finance, Economic Development And Regional Affairs City Council Committee when appropriate (meets 4`�` Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m.) 19 AMENDMENT 1 /2010 . !' 1 ` aTr oF �./ Federal Way 33325 8th Ave. South P.O. Box 9718 Fede�al Way, WA 98063-9718 VENDOR: 011356 STRATEGIES 360,-INC 1505 WESTLAKE AVE N., STE 1000 SEATTLE, WA 98109 �OB Point: Terms: Net 30 Req. Dei. Oate: Speciall�st: CM-AG09-048 EEDERAL LOBBYIST Cbt-AG09-048 EEDERAL LOBBYIST 3/9/D9 - 6/31/2-0i� CM-AG09-048 FEDERAL LOBBYIST 3/9/09 - 8/31/2a10 CM-AG09-048 FEDERAL LOBBYIST 3/9/09 - 6/31/2010 t 105,000.00 105,000_00 105, 000. 00- ILL TO: C I t Y OF c EDE�qL GIAY 33325 3TH Avc. SOUTH 20 BOX 9�'18 EEG�r�AL :^!=,"r, [4A 93003-9718 Account Number = E 00 c^, 300-4400-000-597-$4-552 R OpL Page 1 / 1 „,DATE. . : r : r ; PO.:NUIv18ER 3/27/2009 060422 SHIP TO: FEDERAL WAY CITY HALL 33325 $TH AVE SOUTH PO BOX 9718 FEDEftAL WAY, WA 98063-9718 Req. No.: Dept.: MUNICIPAL COURT START-UP Contact: LINDA FARMER Confirmi�g? Yes Amount LO5,000.40 105,000.00 -LOS,000.00 SUBTOTAL LOS,000.00 TAX 0.00 FREIGHT 0 . 0 0 TOTAL LO5,000.00 Amount 2 0 --- Authorized Signatu�e , Authorized Signature (over $1,000) � -� . EZET[I[ZN TO: �1135�0 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY LAW DEPARTIVIENT _— RCQUEST FOR COIYTRACT PREPARAT[01YJDOCUMELYT REV[EWIS[GNATU(ZE ROUT[lYG SLIP ORIGINAT[NG DEPT./D[V: C OfZIG[NAT(NG STAEE PERSON: L�� �� EXT: �, L_ 3. DATE REQ. QY:s2'//1� �/'� T r� .� 4. T E OE DOCUMEMC REQUESTED (CHECK ONE) ROEESS[ONAL SERV[CE AGREEMENT ❑ MAtNTE�lANCE/LABORAGREEMENT ❑ PUBL[C WORICS CONTRACT ❑ SMALL PUBL[C WORKS CONTRACT (LESS THAN T200,000) � PURCHASE AGREEMENT� (MATER[ALS, SUPPI.(ES, EQU(PMENT) ❑ REAL ESTATE DOCUMENT PROJECT NAME: NAME OF CONTRAC OR: ADDRESS_ � SD S �cST SIGNATURE NAME: F'h 0 SECUR(TYDOCUMENT(E.a�Ga�EhsENr& PERF/MAIN BOND; ASS(GNMENT OE FCJNDS IN L[EU OE BOND) ❑ CONT[tACTO[tSELECT[ON DOCUMENT (E_G.. RFB. RFP. RFQ) ❑ CONTRACT AMENDMENT AG#: ❑ CDBG ❑ OTHER 0 aG TELEPHOIVE � ATTACH ALL EXE[[B[TS AND CHECK BOXES [�SCOPE OF SERV[CES ❑ AI.L EXH(B(TS REFERENCED [N DOCUMEN�C �[NSURANCE CE[ZT(F(CATE ❑ DOCUMENT AUTHORIZING S[GNATURE 8. TERM: COMMENCEMENT�DATE: I"G�l(/Vt� �, (�� COMPLET[ON DATE: 3l � 2�l � �iP � `� — ����f� 9. T O T A L C O M P E V SA T[ O t� 1$ I� l J �-�/ `�' �[NCLUDE EXPENSES AND SALES TAX. [� ANY) ([F CALCULATED ON E{OURLY LABOR RGE -ATTACH SCHEDULES OF EMPLOYEES T(T'LES AND HOL[DAY RATES REIMBURSABLE EXPEIJSE: �Y ES ❑ NO [F YES, MAX(MUM DOLLARAMOUNT: $ �� ��(> � � iS SALES TAX O WEO ❑ YES NO [F YES, $ PAtD E3Y: O CONTRr1CTOR O C(TY ❑ PURCE[ASING: PLEASE CEIAR E TO: See 0.�'�� er�'ti � t0. C�o REV[e�v �'t'ROIEC`i' MA[�IAGER ❑ DIRECTOR ❑ RISK MAI�AGEMENT ([F neP[.[cng[.c) (� Lr1W 1 l. C NTRACT S[GNATURE ROUTING �LAW DEPAKTMENT C[TY MANAGER C[TY CLERK SIGI�( COPY BAC�C T�O O�RG,[NATING DEPT ❑ ASStGNED AGI# U / [�. COMMENTS IN[T[AL/DATE APP[ZOVED �- 3.�}.09 � e� � � � ' n9 c ,��tJs � 6e e-� �1 t�tc�e�c Qs l�y �`'° '' 5 E [NIT AL/DAT Al'PROVED�� b4" � '� , � c;r�m .�2 c� - o LN[T[AL/DATG APPRO V ED [N[T[AUDATE APPROL'ED ozios 21 PROFESS[OtYAL SERVICES AGREEMEIYT - FOR FEDERAL LOBBYIST This Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement") is dated effective this 9`�' dayof March, 2009. The parties ("Parties") to this Agreement are the City of Eederal Way, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and Strategies 360, a Washington Corporation ("Contractor"). A. The City seeks the temporary professional services of a skilled independent contractor capable of working without direct supervision, in the capacity of federal lobbying; and B. The Cont�-actor has the requisite skill and experience necessary to provide such services. - NOW, THEREEOEZE, the Parties agree as follows: Services Contractor shall provide the services more specifically described in Exhibit "A", attachetl hereto and incorporated by this reference ("Services"), in a manner consistent with the accepted practices for other similar services, performed to the City's satisfaction, within the time period prescribed by the City and pursuant to the dicection of the City Manager or his or her designee. Term The term of this Agreement sha(t commence upon the effective date of this Agreement and shall continue until the completion of the Services, but in any event no later than August 31, 2010. {"Term"). This Agreement may be extended for additional per�ods of time upon the mutual written agreemeat of the City and the Contractor. Termination Prior to the expiration of the Term, this Agreement may be terminated immediately, with or without cause, by the City. 4. Compensation_ 4.1 Totaf Compensation. In consideration of the Contractor performing the Services, the City agrees to pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed One E-Iundred Five Thousand and No/i00 Dollars ($105,000.00) calculated as fol(ows: [Zev t 2/08 22 � (i) Contractor's Fee. Five Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($5,000.00) per month, for an amount not to exceed the sum of Ninety Thousand and I�to/ l00 Dollars ($90,000.00) (ii) Reimbursabte Expenses. The actual customary and incidental expenses incurred by Contractor in performing the Services including long distance charges, copying charges, postage or other detivery charges, reasonable travel costs and necessary entertainment, and other reasonable costs; provided, however, that such costs shal( be deemed reasonable in the City's sole discretion and shal( not exceed Fifteen Thousand and No/ 100 Dol(ars ($i5,000.00)_ All expenses projected to be over Two IIundred and No/ L 00 Dollars ($200.00) sha(1 be presented to the Gity for pre-authorization. : �. 4.2 Method of Pa�n ent. Payment by the City for the Services wi(( only be made after the Services have been performed, a voucher or invoice is submitted in the focm specified by the City, and the same is approved by the appropriate City representative. Payment shall be made on a monthly basis, thirty (30) days after receipt of such voucher or invoice. 4.3 Contractor Responsible for Taxes. The Contractor shatt be sotely responsible for the payment of any taxes imposed by any tawfu( jurisdiction as a resu(t of the performance and payment of this Agreement. Compliance with Laws. Contractor shatl comply with and perform the Services in accordance with alt applicable federal, state, and City laws including, without limitation, all City codes, ordinances, resolutions, standards and policies, as now existing or hereafter adopted or amended. 6. Watranty The Contractor warrants that it has the requisite training, skill and experience necessary to provide the Services and is appropriately accredited and (icensed by all app(icable agencies and governmental entities, including but not (imited to being registered to do business in the City of Federa( Way by obtaining a City of Federa( Way business registration. [ndependent Contractor/Conflict of [nterest. 7.1 [t is the intention and understanding of the Parties that the Contractor sha(t be an independent contractor and that the City shalt be neither liable nor obligated to pay Contractor sick leave, vacation pay or any other benefit of employment, nor to pay any sociat security or other tax which may arise as an incident of employment. The Contractor shall pay all income and other taxes due. [�idustnal or any other insurance that is purchased for the benefit of the City, regardless of whether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to the Conh shall not be deemed to EZev l2/08 23 convert this Agreement to an emp(oyment contract. [t is recognized that Contractor may or wilt be perfo�ning professional services during the Term for other parties; provided, however, that such performance o f other services shall not conflict with or interfere with Contractor s abitity to perform the Services. Contractor agrees to resolve any such conflicts of interest in favor of the City_ 7.2 If the Contractor is a sole proprietorship or if this is a contract with an individual, the contractor agrees to notify the City and complete any required form if the Contractor retired under a State of Washington retirement system and agrees to indemnify any tosses the City may sustain through the Contractor's failure to do so. indemnification 8.1 Contractor Indemnification. The Contractor agrees to indemnify, defend and ho(d the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers hannless from any and all c(aims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (inciuding costs and a(l attorney fees) to or by any and al( persons or entities, including, without (imitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising Crom, resulting from, or connected with this Agreement to the extent caused by the neg(igent acts, errors or omissions o f the Contractor, its partners, shareholders, agents, employees, or by the Contractor's breach of this Agreement. Contractor waives any immunity that may be granted to it under the Washington State Industrial Ittsurance Act, Title 51 RCW. Contractor's indemnification shall not be (ir�ited in any way by any timitation on the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or programs. 8.2 City [ndemnification. The City agrees to indemnify, defend and hold the Contractor, its officers, directors, shareho(ders, partners, employees, and agents harmless from any and all claims, demands, losses, actions and liabilities (including costs and attorney fees) to or by any and all persons or entities, including without limitation, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected with this Agreement to the extent sotely caused by the neg(igent acts, errors, or ornissions of the City, its employees or agents. 8.3 Survival. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or tennination of this Agreement with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination. Equal O�po�tunity Emp(o ��er. [n a(l Contractor services, programs or activities, and a(t Contractor tliring and employment made possibte by or resulting from this Agreement, there shail be no discnmination by Contractor or by Contractor's emp(oyees, agents, subcontractors or representatives agaicist any person because of sex, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), race, color, creed, nationa( origin, maritai status or the presence of any disability, inctuding sensory, mental or physical handicaps, untess based Rev ( 2/08 24 upon a bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment. This requirement shalt apply, but not be limited to the fo(lowing: employment, advertising, layoff or termiaation, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Contractor shall comply with and shall not violate any of the terms of Chapter 49.60 RC W, Title V[ of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans With Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabi(itation Act of 1973, 49 CFR Part 21, 21.5 and 26, or any other applicable federa(, state, or local law or regulation regarding non-discrimination. Any material violation of this provision shall be grounds for termination of this Agreement by the City and, in the case of the Contractor's breach, may resu(t in ineligibility for further City agreements. 10. Confidentialitv. All information regarding the City obtained by Contractor in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidentiaL Breach of confidentiality by Contractor will be grounds for immediate termination. tl. Insurance. The Contractoc agrees to carry as a minimum, the foltowing insurance, in such forms and �vith such carriers who have a rating that is satisfactory to the City: i l.l Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance in amounts sufficient pursuant to the iaws of the State of Washington; I 1.2 Commercial general tiabi(ity insurance with combined single limits of liability not tess than $2,000,000 for bodi(y injury, including personal injury or death, products liabi(ity and property damage. The City shall be named as additional insured on all such insurance policies, with the exception of workers' compensation coverage(s) if Contractor participates in a state-run workers' comp program. Contractor sttall provide certificates of insurance, concurrent with the execution of tttis Agreement, evidencing such coverage and, at City's request, fumish the City with copies of all insurance policies and with evidence of payment o f premiums or fees o f such policies. All insurance policies shall contain a clause of endorsement p�oviding that they may not be terminated or materially amended during the Term of this Agreement, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. [f Contractor s insurance policies are "claims made," Contractor shall be required to maintain tail coverage for a minimum period of three (3) years from the date this Agreement is actually terminated or upon project completion and acceptance by the City. Contractor's failure to maintain such insurance policies shall be grounds for the City's immediate termination of this Agreement. The provisions of this Section sha(L survive the expiration or tennination of this Agreement tivith respect to any event occurring prior to such expiratioa or termination. Rev l2l08 25 12. Work Product Al( onginals and copies of work product, inc(uding plans, sketches, layouts, designs, design specifications, records, files, computer disks, magnetic media or matenal which may be produced or modified by Contractor while perfotming the Services shat( belong to the City. At the tertnination or cancellation of this Agreement, ail originals and copies vf any such work product remaining in the possession of Contractor shall be delivered to the City. 13. Books and Records The Contractor agrees to maintain books, records, and documents which sufficiently and . proper(y reflect atl direct and indirect costs related to the performance of the Services and maintain such accounting procedures and practices as may be deemed necessary by the City to assure proper accounting of all funds paid pursuant to this Agreement. These records shall be subject, at a(1 reasonable times, to inspection, review or audit by the City, its authorized representative, the State Auditor, or other governmenta( officials authorized by law to monitor this Agreement. (4_ I�ton-Appropriation of Funds. If sufficient funds are not appropriated or a(located for payment under this Agreement for any future fiscal period, the City wili not be ob(igated to make payments for Services or amounts incurred after the end of the current fiscal peciod, and this Agreement will terminate upon the� compietion of all remaining Services for which funds are allocated. No penalty or expense shall accrue to the City in the event this provision app(ies. l � _ General Provisions l5. ( Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains a(( of the agreements of the Parties with respect to any matter covered or mentioned in this Agreement and no prior agreements shal( be effective for any pucpose_ l 5.2 Modification. No provision of this Agreement, including ttiis provision, may be amended or modified except by written agreement signed by the Parties. 15.3 Eull Eorce and Effect. Any provision of this Agreement that is deciared invatid or itlegal shall in no way affect or invalidate any other provision hereof and such other Qrovisions shall remain in futl force and effect. 15.4 Assignment. Neither the Contractor nor the City shall have the right to transfer or assign, in whole or in part, any or a(L of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party. �ev 12/08 26 15.5 Successors in Interest. Subject to the foregoing Subsection, the rights and obligations of the Parties shall inure to the beneftt of and be binding upon their respective successors in interest, heirs and assigns. � 15.6 Attorney Fees. [n the event either of the Parties defaults on the performance of any teRns of this Agreement or either Party p(aces the enforcement of this Agreement in the hands of an attorney, or ftles a lawsuit, each Party shalt pay at( its own attorneys' fees, costs and expenses. The venue for any dispute re(ated to this Agreement sha(t be King County, Washington. 15.7 No Waiver. Fai(ure or delay of the City to declare any breach or default immediately upon occurrence shalt not waive such breach or default. Failure of the City to dectare one breach or default does not act as a waiver of the City's right to dectare another breach or defauit. 1 S_8 Govemin�Law. This Agreement shall be made in and shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 15.9 Authoritv. Each individual executing this Agreement on behalf of the City and Contractor represents and warrants that such individuals are duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor or the City_ 15.10 Notices. Any notices required to be given by the Parties shall be delivered at the addresses set forth below. Any notices may be delivered personal(y to the addressee of the notice or may be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth be(ow_ Any notice so posted in the United States mail sha(( be deemed received three {3) days after the date of maiting. t�.1 L Captions. The respective captions of the Sections of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shali not be deemed to modify or othenvise affect any of the provisions of this Agreement. l5. t 2 Performance. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and each and a(1 of its provisions in which performance is a factor. Adherence to completion dates set forttt in the descciption of the Secvices is essential to the Contractoc s perfortnance of this Agreement. l�. l3 Remedies Cumulative. Any remedies provided for under the terms of this Agreement are not intended to be exclusive, but sha(t be cumulative with a(l other remedies available to the City at iaw, in equity or by statute. 15.14 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number oC counterpa�ts, which countecparts shall cotLectiveiy constitute the entire Agreement. fZev 12/08 27 15. I S Comp(iance with Ethics Code. [f a violation of the City's Ethics Resolution No. 91-54, as amended, occurs as a result of the formation and/or perfQrmance of this Agreement, this Agreement may be rendered null and void, at the City's option. DATED the day and year set forth above. CITY OF FEDERAI. WAY BY: City Manager, Neal Beets 33325 8` Ave S P.O. Box 97i8 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 ATTEST: City Clerk, Car l M eil(y, APPROVED A RM: `- � City Attoc�tey, Patricia A Richardson Rev l2/Q8 28 STRATEGIES 360 BY: Eric Sorenson, President 1505 Westlake Avenue N. Suite 1000 Seatt(e, WA 98109 (206) 282-1990 STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF , � � On this day personally appeared before me Eric Sorenson, to me known to be the President of Strategies 360 that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknow(edged the said instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation, for the uses and putposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he/she was authorized to execute said instrument and that the seal affixed, if any, is the cocporate s�!�fS�ft�Y��rporation. ,,.��� J �S A.:.�lq y�%,, � GNEI�I cr����t�i s�al this ��' day of �� , 2pp� _ � U ���r � �, - � ; �� PUB�� .�,�o = � � w; 5 -- 4 ��'�,� (typed/printed na e of notary) ��'���,,F �F W�S��.�`��� Notary Public in and for the St te of Washington. »�iunn+� My commission expires S� � f Rev l2/OS 29 EXHIBIT "A" - SCOPE OF SERVICES CO�TRACTOR will provide the City with comprehensive federal representation and will work with City elected officials and staff to develop and implement both a short-term and long range federal relations strategy in support of City projects, policies and programs that are influenced or supported by federal policies and funding. Specifics include: Key Federal Priorities In consultation with the City Council and City Staff, develop and implement a strategy to secure Eederal funding and policy support for the following key federal priorities in 2009: • Transportation Funding. Coordinate and advocate for funding from the reauthorization of the Eederal Transportation Reauthorization Bill and through the yearly appropriations process* for two major transportation projects: o The Triangle: I-S / SR 161 / SR 18 interchange improvements o City Center Access Project: �ew freeway interchange at S _ 320 and I -S • Economic Stimulus Funding. Coordinate and advocate for Economic Stimulus funding for Federal Way for a variety of projects_ The seven projects on the City's current list and their requested amounts are (in no particular order): o Triangle Project: I-5/SR 161 Ramps {�34M1 o S. 348th at lst Ave S. intersection improvements ($3.SM) o Street light improvements: 17th Ave S. and 20th Way S. to S. 324th Street and S. 330 ($180K) o Easter Lake Flood Control Improvements ($728K) o Pacific Highway South HOV Lanes Phase IV ($3M) o Parking garage, property demolition, grading and clearing for PerEorming Arts Center ($SM) o City Center Access Project Phase 3: Turn lanes for I-S Southbound off-ramp ($2.65M) • Federal Support for Select Programs. Seek federal support through policies, regulation or Eunding for issues of concern to E'ederal Way including but not limited to: local law en�orcement and crime prevention (COPS, etc.), and human services {CDBG, etc.y. • Grant Opportunities. Assist City Departments with identiEying grant opportunities in support oF Cit�r priorities, including but not limited to: the arts, Rev 12/08 30 emergency management (particularly in the area of communications), economic development, human services, open space, law enforcement,. environmental and energy - conservation, and others. Administration and Communication In consultation with the City Manager's office, develop and implement a strategy to keep the City of Federal Way and the Washington Congressional Delegation in touch through 2009_ Pursuant to this, the CO�TRACTOR shall: • Coordinate at least one visit per year of City of Federal Way officials to Washington, D.C. for lobbying purposes. • Coordinate at least one visit per year by the CONTRACTOR to the City of Federal Way to present at a mutually-agreed upon City Council meeting. • Design and implement an outreach plan to bring Members o� Congress and Congressional staff to Federal Way for further discussion and education on the needs and opportunities for federal support o� the Federal way's priorities. • Provide updates, strategy development and coordination via regular email communications, phone calls and con�erence meetings with City staff, including phone conference presentations at the Finance, Economic Development And Regional Affairs City Council Committee when appropriate (meets 4 Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m.) • Provide regular status reports {email is acceptable) preferably every other week but at least monthly; and a comprehensive written report at the end o� each Session of Congress summarizing accomplishments and recommending goals and strategies to guide the City and the CO�TRACTOR in the next Session of Congress. *FY 2010 appropriations forms for Sens_ Murray and Cantwell and Rep_ Smith wi11 be completed and delivered to their offices by City staff by the February and early March 2009 deadlines. The CONTRACTOR will be responsible for follow up once the contract period begins. Rev ( 2J08 31 �t�'� •. �, ��il�Giiti � .�i .�Ti�[•� . ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LiABILITY INSURANCE � T��A. PROptX:ER Phone. 206-284-0070 Fac 206-2BI-7949 ROY POTTER INSURANCE, INC. THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUEO AS A MATT£R Of INFORMATION 412 QUEEN ANNE AVE. NORTH a'U.Y AND CONFERS NO RICHTS U?ON 7HE CERT�ICATE SEATTLE YYA 98109 HOL�ER TNIS CERTIfICATE OOES NOT AMEND, EX7EN0 OR INSURERS AFPOROING COVERAGE NAIC q INSUR£D INSURERA: ZURICHUS STRATEGIES �fi0, INC. INSURER 8. CIO ERIC SORENSON it�SURER C: 1505 WESTLAKE AVE N., STE 1000 SEATTLE WA 96109 INSURER D: INSURER E: COVERAGES TNE PO�iCIES OF ir6t,R.�f�E C�STED BELO�M tWVE BEEra iSSUEO i0 TFE �rSU2ED NAMED aBUVE FOfZ TFiE POUC� PERIGD ir�p�CATEO, nu�P�ii7HST�rdOirdG ANY Re�UIRcMcM. TERM OR COr1DITICN OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER OOCUMEM K9TH RESPECi T04Vti1CH iMS CERiIfICATE tvtqY BE ISSUEO OR MA'! P=RCAIN. iNE UI�RANCE AFFORDED B'! TF� POUCIES DESCRIBED HEREW IS SllBJECT i0 ALL TI£ TERhAS. EiCCLUSIONS APiO COtJpI(IOtJS OF SUCH POUCIeS AGvRECsAiEUtdliS SHOWN MqY HqVE BEEN REDUCEO 8Y PAIG QAlhi$. INSR /7p�L iyPEpf WSUfZANCE PflLICYNU!'�QER �OUCYEffEGfIVE POUCYE%PIRAi10N L1ldItS lrR v+SRO OAiE MMlpO/YY 041E MM/DO�YY �� �"���� PAS00196d883 10/12l08 10l12/09 ElJ�FI OCCURRE(JCc g 2,000.000 X r_.� G£rdERH1 LWBIL�TY W�.N.^,E rOP.eN(EO g 2,000, PP.EMIiE3(caoccurenca� c�a,iM� rnn,� O oca�a MEG. EXP (My una personl 3 10.000 ' . PERSOwU. & aDV ita,AiR'! S � GENERai AGGREGAiE Y 4,000,000 GEt.'L.V�GRE;AiEUPdITAPPUEJPER�. PROOUCfS-CGhtPlGPAr�. g 4,000,000 j � P7JCf �CT LOC I AUTOMOBLLE UABIIIN CONHIMCO �Ii�GLE LIMIT MlY AUTG (Ea aca0zrrt) 3 i�L� rfNP�EG :.UT•�S � . B�Ail1' v�iJlX2'! SCHEDtI'cD AUTOS (PerAarson) g � HIRtG AUTOS BOpIL'/ IN.R:RY i%Or.FOtivtJFD AUTGS (?etac�dert� $ PP.OPERTr D.L�wi,E y (Per aoa.]eri) GARAGE UAp1UN tiUTO Or.t" - c3, qrCiOEM $ � a;�i" AI�TO . . — - OTHER TH�u`� Ei�. ACC i At�TO Of.l'i � �� $ I EXCESSfUMBRELIAUABIUTY F�ICHOC=URRcidr_� 3 � CCCUR � C�AIMS t�N�1'iE .1GG�E�"4T_ g �J i I 3 I � CcO�.CTIBLE � g R�lENTr�N 5 3 IWOR1tERSCOMPENSATI0NAN0 t ��',iu��� OTMER � EMPIOYERS' lIAB�fTY I4NY iitOPR1ETpWP�(tiqER,'EKECUTNf t � CJ.l,f/ -'�.j�llit�`IT j OFi10E/LMEMBENEKClU0E0? -- - � c"L DIS;A� 3 �r yxs, aesu�ee unaer SPECIAIP�OVISIONSOeIOw t.l_ Olj�jr�.�__�.�yLIAi1T $ O iHER . I O SCRIPTION Of OPERATIONS/LOCA IONSNEHICLESIEXCL SIONS AOUEO BY NOORSEMENT/SPECIAI PROVISIONS The certificate holder is adAed as addtliooai insured whe� required hy w�(tte� contract. CERTIFICATE HOLOER CANCFI I AT1nN City o( Federal Way PO Boz 9116 Ferlera! Way, WA 9806]-9718 xrou�o arrr or rr� ,�ao�:� oESraia�o aouc;�s a� c.�ncE�iEO aEFOaE rr� EiCPIRA�ION DA� iHERE� mE ��SUVJG IN�7lRtR Ydl�_t, E��O[A!�i1�Z (O MAIL 10 DAYS YvRITTErI NOiICE ;O iHE CtR�IriCATE HOLO�R iU�!EG f0 TNE LEFT, BUf �A1LliRt i� � S�� ShU�LL IM?OSc rv0 GBLIGATRNI �UaBIU(Y Cr aPlv KIr:OIyON THE INSURcR, �T�S AGttJTS OR REPREScNi.4Tw�j . _..._____.__. __..__......_ Atte�tlo��_ Natalie,CityManage�s Otfice. fauc253-835-2409 ��C�� ACORO 25 (2001108► Certificate tt 10472 O ACORD CORPORATION �1986 32 License Detail License Info�matio�: E�tity Name: Firm Name: License Type: E�tity Type: U BI: Status STRATEGiES 360, INC. STRATEGIES 360, INC. Washington State Business P�ofit Corpo�ation 600530365 Business 10:001 Location ID:0001 To check the status of this compa�y, go to Secretary of State.. Location Address: 1505 WESTLAKE AVE N STE 1000 SEATTLE, WA, 98109 Governing Peopie: ERIC SORENSON RON (RONALD) OOTZAUER Registered T�ade Names: DMA, DON MCDONOUGH ASSOCIATES S360 STRATEGIES 360 New Seacch Page L ��f i � This site is limited to searching fo� business and p�ofessional licenses issued by the Depa�tment of Licensing o� through the Maste� License Service. You may wish to click on OTHER LICENSES to check fo� information on licenses issued by other age�cies. Department of �icensing Home Privacy Policy Other Licenses Contact Us Use of lists of i�dividuals provided on this site fo� commercial pu�poses is prohibited under Chapter 42.56 of the Revised Code of Washingto�. 33 Mai(ing �ddress: 1505 WESTLAKE AVE N STE 1000 SEATTLE, WA, 98109-6211 Information Current as of 0312312009 4_37AM Pacifc Time https://fortress_wagov/do(/dotprod/bpdLicenseQuery/tqsLicenseDetail.aspx?Sess[D=67 L &... 3/23/2009 License Detail H eip us improve this online service d ���;1������ � � PROVlDING STRATEGIC, COMPREHENSIVE REPRESENTATION T0 THE CiTY OF FEDERAL WAY trategies 360 is uniquely positioned to provide the City of Federal Way with unpa�apeled fede�ai govemment �elations seNices. Our unique approach of inerging wo�1d-class teams in Washington, DC and Washington State provides ou� client partne�s with access to the federal govemment and the Washington State Congressional delegation, as well as ongoing access and communication with our Seattle-based staff to keep you info�med of p�ogress. We a�e a Washington state firm with a history of seNing both public and p�ivate sector clients with a deep unde�standi�g of bo#h the �eeds and operating envi�onment the City faces. St�ategies 360 brings extensive experience wo�king with Congress and federal agencies to get �esults for our ciients. Successful govemment relations involves much more than marching into a DC office and making you� wishes known. We deveiop and execute integrated and comp�ehensive st�ategies tailored to the unique needs and demands of each case and each client. We offe� clients a full range of complementary seNices — lobbying, pubiicpolicy, public affairs, strategic business development and marketing seNices. We are a boutique gove�nment relations company with an elite ciientele, offering our client-pa�tners a refreshingly original public policy pe�spec6ve. While some larger firms take p�ide in stacki�g clients iike chord wood, we've eamed our reputation fior superior seNice th�ough �egula� communication with, and constant attention to, each of our clients and thei� specific needs. With more than 900 years of combined experrence working in and with Congress and federa! agencies, our team can call upon relationships builf on a solid, longstanding foundafion of trusf and honest in#eraction. Strategies 360 has the "two Washingtons" well-covered, with an experienced, �obust, deeply-connected fede�al relations team of Tylyn� Go�tlon and Dean Meinen in Washington, DC, and Ron Dotzauer, Eric Sorenson and Matf Steuerwalt in Seattle. POi.ICY SUPPORT e believe that effective rep�esentation is a daily task, and that achieving policy outcomes is the best measure of success. The City of Federal Way has identified a need for funding and policy suppo�t fo� key city priorities such as t�anspo�tation, economic stimulus, and community development. Our efforts would focus on building support for the specific requests the City has iden6fied by leveraging ou� existing long-term �elationships with the Washingto� State Congressional delegation, Cong�essional committee staff, the Obama administration, and ca�eer p�og�am staff in Washington OC. The Congressional stimulus conversation is likely to be finished by the time the City awa�ds this cont�act; • Strategies 360 • 3300 M Street, NW • Suite 200 • Washi�gton, DC 20007 • 202.333.2234 • 34 our unique ability to also work with state policy-make�s may be a decisive factor in achieving your goals. Our practice spans three other No�thwestem states and a diverse client list, enabling us to identify and fo�ge s#rategic _ alliances in suppo�t of the City's policy goals. The members of the S360 team have wo�ked with every Congressiona! office in the �egion and numerous Federal agencies. We are ext�emely familiar with the legislative regulafory n�le-making processes and understand how these processes a�e intertwined. We recognize the need to take both a"bottoms-up" and a"top-down° app�oach to Federal decision-making. While it is often impo�tant to contact and communicate with leade�ship, it is also impo�tant to engage ca�eer personnel so that everyone in the decision-making chain of the federal government is aware of and unde�stands the City's needs. Finally, we believe ou� clients a�e the most compeiling messenge�s. Wo�king to identify the very best oppo�tunities to have the City speak directly with Federal policy-make�s in Washington DC and i� Federal Way, S360 will provide preparation and suppo�t to ensu�e these meetings successful. CLIENT COMMUNICATION Strategies 360 is deeply committed to f�eque�t and inte�active commu�ications with ou� clients. Accessible via phone and email, the S360 team maintains constant communication with our clients. Additionally, we p�ovide monthly client memos detailing the wo�C unde�taken and p�ogress achieved. Regular communication ensures that #he City and the S360 team are coordinating effo�ts and are up-to-date on the relevant issues. We encourage our clients to contact us at any time and without �eseNation. Ou� presence in both Washington, OC and Washington State gua�antees someone is always available to assist ou� clients. In adtlition, we seek to work caope�atively with a�y othe� consultants the City of Federal Way may have to ensure consistent representation of the City by various pa�ties including, but not limited to, state and local rep�ese�tation, representatives to associations a�d o�ganizations, and attomeys. PROPOSED OUTLINE OF TASKS g Oraft strategic pla� and timeli�e within 15 days of awarding oi contract @ Wo�k with delegation on 2009 Federal Appropriations request � Strategies 360 will conduct thorough research, identifying fede�al prog�ams and grants that will meet the funding needs of the City of Federal Ways' p�ionty projects * Draft a talking points memo of the positive impact and advantages of funding the City's proposed projects s Plan annual visits for City of Federal Way to Washington, DC, including meetings with Washington Skate Cong�essional Delegation and various fedetal agencies s P(an annual t�ips to the City of Federal Way for S360 team members to present plans and accomplishments on securing funding fo� the City's p�ojects � Develop and implement strategy to secure fede�al funding on City's priorities thfough appropnations, gran#s and discretionary agency fu�ding a Engage in regular communicatio� with the City through e-mail, conference calls, daily legislative updates a�d monthly memos detailing S360's progress on the City's pnofities a�d ne� steps • St�ategies 360 • 3300 M St�eet, NW � Suite 200 • Washi�gton, OC 20007 � 202.3332234 • 35 �, STRATEGIES 360: WHO WE ARE Strategies 360 believes that the key to a successful government �elations campaign is to integ�ate effo�ts in Washington, OC and Washington state — to suppo�t talented federal lobbyists with powerful in-state �esources. We field a team that embodies this belief and will help Federal Way achieve success. The combi�ed experiences of the S360 team provide unpa�alleled access to the Washington state congressional delegation as well as congressional decision-makers outside Washington State and the Pacific No�thwest. WASHINGTON, DC TEAM $ TYLYNN GORDON, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT Tylynn serves S360 as senior vice president of federal relations. With experience in strafegic consulting, govemment seNice, and political campaigns, Tylynn provides superior service to S360 clients. She has ties to cu�rent Democratic leadership, including Senate Finance Chai�man Max Baucus, fo� whom she senred as the fo�rne� state finance directo� for fundraising operation. Her govemment seNice inciudes time as the deputy state auditor fo� the state ofi Montana where she developed legislative stra#egy and guided passage of 21 pieces of key legislation. Tylynn also founded an independent consulting finn that handled strafegic planning, recruifing and grassroots fobbying effo�ts at the national level. The�e, she created g�assroots strategies for organizations seeking federal legislation on rural broadband access and helped the Competitive Long Oistance Coalition gain approval for their federal telecommunications initiative. She seNed on the campaigns of Senator 8en Nelson {D-NE) and Governor Kathleen Sebelius (D-KS) and maintains ciose ties with Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) and Senato� Jon Tester (D-MT). Tylyn�'s mastery of grassroots politics and her network of federal government contacts enable he� to lend c�ucial insight to S360's clients. � DEAN MEINEN, VICE PRESIDENT Dean Meinen has 15 yeafs of political a�d public policy experience. in addition to working in the U.S. House of Representatives, he worked in the United States Senate for eight yea�s. As Se�ator Tim Johnson's Economic Development Director, he was ins#rumentai in assisting businesses, universities, mu�icipal leaders and Native American Tribes to achieve c�itical goals. Dean has extensive experience wo�king through the legislative and appropriations process, as we11 as collaborating with Fede�al Agencies and Departments. Before wo�king in Congress, Dean worked for grass�oots organizations and political campaigns. His political experience includes successful campaign management, fundraising, organizing, and persuasion outreach. � LAUREN PICKERING UNSWORTH, FEDERAI RELATIONS ASSOCIATE A senior Political Science student at The George Washington University in Washington, DC- Lauren brings a lifetime of experience in western state and federal politics to the S360 team. Lauren worked as a Finance Assistant for Senato� Max Baucus' (D-MT) 2008 campaign committee before coming to wo�k fo� S360. After one year of college, Lauren took time off school to seNe as the Political Directo� of the Montana Democratic Pa�ty during the 2006 campaign cycle to elect Jon Teste� (0-MT) to the US Senate. As the Montana State Chair of Freedom's Answer, Laure� helped lead a national youth voter tumout movement while a senior in high school. • Strategies 360 � 3300 M Street, NW � Suite 200 • Washington, OC 20007 • 202.333.2234 • 36 �. WASHiNGTON STATE TEAM a RON DOTZAUER, S360 CO-FOUNOER 8� CEO _ Ron shapes and informs the public policy sector of St�ategies 360 with his expertise in political st�ategy, keen instincts and vast netwo�C of contacts. He is widely �ecognized as one of the �egion's premier public affairs strategists. Ron began his political caree� in Clark County, serving as Cla�k County Audito� from 1974 to 1982. He has served both in public office and as a behind-fhe-scenes di�ector fo� nume�ous successfui Washington state Democratic campaigns including: Senato� Henry M. Jackson, Governor Booth Ga�dner, and most recently, Senato� Maria Cantwell. $ ERIC SORENSON, S360 CO-FOUNDER 8� PRESIOENT Eric brings his co�siderable knowledge and application of business p�actices to the business and marketing sectors of Strategies 360. He is regarded as one of the country's leading expe�ts in ma�keti�g and helped to pionee� some of the most significant developments in �etail and sales marketi�g over the last two decades. The foundation for Eric's business background was laid during the eight years he spent as a marketing professor at the Kellogg School at Northwestem University. E�ic has worked with a wide range of organizations worldwide to help imp�ove thei� marketi�g practices and capabilities. His client list includes: Black & Decke�, Bristol Myers Squibb, Ci��us, CVS, Coca Cola, Colgate Palmolive, Hallmark, Ito Yokado (Japan), Kodak, K�aft, Meiji (Japan), Microsoft, Quaker Oats, Redley (Brazil), S.C. Johnson, and Target Stores. • MATT STEUERWAIT, SENIOR VICE PRESiDENT Matt recently joined S360 after fou� years serving as an advisor to Govemor G�egoires on energy, climate change, telecommunications and financia( i�stitutions issues. He p�eviously seNed her in a simila� role for eight years in the state Office of the Attomey Gene�al. Matt has forged excellent relationships with local, state and fede�al officials and is equally e#fective with elected officials and agency staff thanks to his ability to unde�stand complicated technical material and translate it for decision-make�s. He b�ings ove� 18 years wo�king in public policy to bear on behalf of the firm's clients. Although you will have access to the full range of S360's �esources, Ms. Gordon will be your primary rep�esentative in Washington OC. Mr. Steusrwalt wi11 be you� primary �epresentative in Washington Stafe. Mr. So�enson wili be responsible fo� administering the cont�act. • Strategies 360 • 3300 M Street, NW • Suite 200 • Washington, DC 20007 � 202.333:2234 • 37 ��.�.� .�. STRATEGIES 360 SUCCESS STORIES MEETING CHALLENGES. DELIVERING RESU�TS. Ou� strategy all begins with a unique, in-depth understanding of our clienYs needs and ends with the leveraging of our relationships to achieve results. Tha#'s the Strategies 360 difference: we are not a lobbying factory, with a client list as long as Pennsylvania Avenue. instead, we are a boutique public affairs firm, with deep �oots in Washington State and cultivated relationships with key decision-make�s in Washi�gton, DC. At St�ategies 360, we don't merely heaf ou� clients-- we actually listen. To us, its not just a matter of understanding our clienYs wishes but instead, adopting their challenges as our own. We don't just point out oppo�tunities and solutions: we act on tfiem. He�e are just a fiew examples of Strategies 360's successes with VNashington State Communities in the 2007 federal legislative session: • Port of Tacoma Inte�change Improvement —$980,000 The Port of Tacoma Inte�change Improvement project wili provide road and interchange imp�ovements at the intefsection of Interstate 5, Pacific Highway East, a�d Po�t of Tacoma Road. • Northwest Maritime Cente� — $441,000 This funding will support the effo�ts of the city of Port Townsend and the Northwest Ma�itime Cenke� to �edevelop the fo�mer Thomas Oil 8rownfield site. This initiative is aimed at revitalizing Po�t Townsend's National Landmark Histo�ic District and creating new economic, tourist, educational, and recrea#ional oppo�tunities. � Mud Mowntain Dam Construction — $2,340,000 These funds will be used to replace the 100-year oid diversion dam on the White Rive�, and will enable the Corps to meet ongoing fish passage needs. The money will also be used for ope�ations ofi the current facility. � City of Fi#e, Washington — $3,720,000 These funds will be used fo� the lOm Avenue East widening and Valley Avenue East/SR 167 alternative. � City of SeaTac, Washington - $1,000,000 These funds will be used for imp�ovements for South 154�h Street in SeaTac; including sidewalks, bike lanes, cu�bs, gutters, and illumination. 2009 PROJECTS City of SeaTac, Washington — Main Street SeaTac p�oject Steven's Hospital; Edmonds, Washington — Eme�gency Department funding project Po�t Hadlock; Jeffefson County Washington — Waste Water System City of Spokane, Washington — T�anspo�tation app�opriations projecfs • St�ategies 360 • 3300 M Street, NW � Suite 200 • Washington, OC 20007 • 202.333_2234 • � � -- A COMPETITIVE RATE AND FEE SCHEDULE Should Fede�al Way wish to pu�sue federal relatio�s with Strategies 360, we propose a fair and competitive fee pe� month to cover all professional services rather than an hou�ly fee for seNice. Out-of-pockeC costs, including lang distance charges, copying cha�ges, postage or other delivery charges, �easonable t�avel costs, and necessary ente�tainment, shall be itemized and p�esented to Federal Way for reimbursement on a monthly basis. AH expenses over $200 will be submitted fo� p�e-approval. St�ategies 360 is highly sensitive to the need fo� confidentiality. All information that may be acquired in connection with or as a �esult of wo�1c perfo�med on behalf of Federal Way, would be kept in st�ictest confidence. Strategies 360 would not disclose any info�mation designated by the City of Federal V1lay as proprietary o� confidential. Strategies 360 wa�rants that there is no conflict of inte�est arising from its other contracts o� other employment and the activities that would be performed on behalf of Fede�al Way. Strategies 360 would advise Federal Way if any such conflict arose. PROPOSED FEES Strategies 360 proposes a monthly retainer fee �ange of $5,000 per month for federal representation. All of Strategies 360's fede�al legislative and client seNices are included within this fee. Because of St�ategies 360's business model, Federal Way will benefit substantially from the full-seNice S360 teams on the g�ound in Washington DC, and in Washington State. We are excited about the prospect of working with the City of Federal Way, and confident that we will deliver significant value #o the company. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. � Strategies 360 • 3300 M Street, NW • Suite 200 • Washington, OC 20007 • 202.333.2234 • 39 � PARTIAL CLIENT LIST � City of Marysville, Washingtoa • REC Silicon + Chelan PUD � Grant County PUD • Clipper Seafood � Puget Sound Energy g Sound Built Q Tulalip T�ibes • Voith Siemens Hydro Power Generation � US Ecology, inc. � Clove� Park School Oistrict � Apple Computers o City of Mukilteo, Washington � Washington State Oepa�tment of Transpo�tation � Waste Connections � Potelco � Stevens Hospitai � Everg�een Hospitai � Tetra Tech � City of Spokane, Washington • Strategies 360 • 3300 M Street, NW • Suite 200 • Washington, DC 20007 • 202.3332234 • 40 � CLIENT REFERENCES MARK QUEHRN Managing Partner - Pe�kins Coie One Bellevue Cente� 411 - 108th Avenue NE, Suite 1800 Bellevue, WA 98004 [425j 453-7307 mquehrn@perkinscoie.com TIM CULBERTSON General Manage� - Grant County Public Utility 30 C Street SW Ephrata, WA 98823 [509] 793-1400 OAVtO OYE Chief Opera6ng Officer/0eputy Sec�etary - Washington State Departme�t o# Transpo�tation PO Box 47300 DAVID ROBISON Executive Director—No�thwest Ma�itime Center 380 Jeffe�son Street Po�t Townsend, WA 98368 j360j 379-2629 JEFF BJORNSTAD Chief of Staff - Senato� Patty MuRay 173 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510 [202j 224-2621 GEORGE BEHAN Chief of Staff - Rep�esentative Norm Dicks 2467 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 [202j 225-5916 Olympia, Washington 98504 JACK KIRKMAN (360] 705-7000 �ce P�esident & Chief Development Office� - Stevens Hospita! ED SCHILO 21601 76� Avenue, West Di�ector Energy Produc#ion & Sto�age - Edmonds, WA 988026 Puget Sound Energy [425� 640-4009 PO Box 97034 jkirkman@stevenshospital.org PSE-09 South Bellevue, WA 98009 (425] 462-3022 edward.schild@pse.com • St�ategies 360 � 3300 M Street, NW • Suite 200 • Washington, DC 20007 • 202.333.2234 • 41 '� Caroi McNeiliy From: Natalie Rees Sent: Thu�sday, March 26, 2009 9:44 AM To: Carol McNeilly Subject: Accou�t Numbers Here are the 3 account numbers that need to be listed on the Strategies 360 contract: 001-0000-020-397-10-005 �-�"t-� 001-1100-021-513-10-410 -� � 306-4400-000-597-44-552 �� Natalie 42 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October S, 2010 _ . _. _ ..__. _._.. __ __ _. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: SUBJECT: CONTRACT EXTENS[ON FOR STATE LOBBY[ST PoL[CY QUEST[oN: Should the City of Federal Way extend the state lobbying contract with Outcomes by Levy for the current budgeted amount of $57,829 per year? COMMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development, Regional Affairs CATEGORY: � Consent ❑ Ordinance ❑ City Council Business ❑ Resotution STAFF REPORT BY: Linda Farmer Govemment Affairs Mat Overview MEET[NG DATE: Sept. 28, ZO 10 ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Other DEPT: City Manager The City of Federal Way has retained the services of Doug Levy (Outcomes by Levy), for lobbying assistance at the State Legislative level since January 2001_ The original contract was extended five times and then was re-bid. Outcomes by Levy was the successful bidder and the City entered into a new contract in 2003. That contract was extended four times and then was rebid in 2009. Outcomes by Levy was again the successful bidder. Per Counci( Member Mike Park's request--and as approved at the September 27, 2009, City Council meeting-- the City entered into a 9-month contract with Outcomes by Levy with the purpose of considering a two-year contract extension during the City's biennial budget process for 2011-2012. Proposed Cost Staff recommends the cost of the contract extension not exceed the current budgeted amount of $57,829 per year, for a total biennial amount of $115,658. Scope of work Staff recommends that the general scope of work from the 2009 contract remain the same. Each year the City Council adopts a new Legislative Agenda that outlines the specific items to be worked on for the upcoming Legislative Session. Highlights from the current contract with Outcomes by Levy With the assistance of Outcomes by Levy, the City has been successful at the state and regional legislative levels. Outcomes by Levy provided the attached 3-page report of accomplishments between 2001- 2010. Highlights include: Capital fundin�: • $103M for Triangle Interchange • $S.SM for the PACC $2.1M for Camp Kilworth $13M Regional Mobility funds for Paciftc $1.OM+ in Urban Vitality grants for S. 348 43 Economic Development: • Hetped enact LIFT and LRF legislation and secure funding under both. • Helped garner nearly $100K for Han Woo-Ri. Law Enforcement/Courts • Helped enact auto theft prevention legislation and secure funding. • Lead the enactment of stiffer penalties for look-alike gun legislation. Assistance with Regional Issues/Initiatives: • Spearheaded the effort to extend light rail to S. 272 as part of ST-2. Attachments: Accomplishments Report (2001-2010) provided by Outcomes by Levy Proposed contract amendment documents Current 9-month contract document (January to September 2010) Options Considered: 1) Authorize a two-year contract extension for Outcomes by Levy not to exceed the budgeted amount. 2) Authorize a one-year contract extension for Outcomes by Levy not to exceed the budgeted amount. 3) Reject the contract extension and provide staff with alternate direction. STAFF RECOMMENDATIOIY Council Member Mike Park recommends approval of Option 1. CITY MANAGER APPROVAL• �u"" �/� �l � u DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ��' CortvniUee Council fo 2'ttei n Council c.�• . �rti' COMM[TTEE RECOMMENDAT[OIV I move to forward the proposed Amendment to the October S, 2010, consent agenda for approval. Committee Chair Committee Member Co mmittee M PROPOSED COUNC[L MOTION "I move approval of the Outcomes by Levy Amendment, effective October 1, 2010, through September 30, 2012, with a total compensation of $115,658, and authorize the City Manager to sign said agreement. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY C/TYCLERKS OFFlCE) COUNC[L ACT[ON: ❑ APPROVED COUNC[L B[LL # ❑ DEN[ED lsT reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACCION Eaactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances onlyJ ORDINANCE # REV[SED — 08/t2/2010 RESOLUT[ON # 44 City of federal Way Contract for State Lobbying Assistance HlGHLIGHTS 2001-2010 Doug levy/Outcomes By levy OVERVIEW Outcomes by Levy is proud to have rep�esented the City of Federal Way at the State and Regional levels for nea�ly 10 years (contract began January 2001). Outcomes by Levy has provided yea�-round support that equates to 80 hours of work each mo�th (both for Federal Way specifically a�d in the form of informatio�, meetings, contacts on behalf of FW and all cities). A sample of my work and my commitment to Federal Way includes the following work performed under the direction of the City Manager: • State. Intensive work with State legislators, legislative staff, committee staff, state agency heads and agency staff. • Regional. Maintain ongoing relationships and contacts with Gover�or's office, AWC, SCA, PIC, and many other agencies. • City. Work with elected officials, department heads and senior staff on legislative, regulatory, and funding issues of concern to the City. HIGHLIGHTS Capital and Transportation Funding Seeking out infrastructure and project funding in the state's Capital and Operating budgets is always a team effort. That said, 1 have played an integra) role in helping the City develop, position, package and advocate its requests over the yea�s and the City now has a system in place to bring Capital and Transpo�tation requests forward. What has Federal Way received over the years? • $103 millio� for Triangle Interchange ($100m in 2005 — one of largest single appropriations outside of Viaduct and 405; and $3m in 2003). Also, over $65 million for SR-509. • $5.825 million for the PACC ($500,000 i� 2008 — we were the only p�oject among those seeking "Public Facility OistricY' (PFD) financing to receive any funding; $5 million i� 2009-11 Capital Budget funding and p�eserved "Building for the Arts" funding level to ensure $325,000 BFA grant) • $2.1 million for Camp Kilworth — 2007-09 • $1.3 million "Regiona) Mobility" funds for Pacific Highway — 2009-11 Transportation budget — was not funded in initial House budgets • "Urban Vitality" funding — 2009-11 Capital Budget -$9.531 million competitive funding statewide — FW landed $lm+ for 348` project! • $856,000 for Joe's Creek — 2005-07 Capital Budget • 2010 Session storm water fu�ding — several hundred thousand $$ for FW (direct allocation + opportunity to compete for g�a�t funding) • $350,000 for Hylebos Park boa�dwalk �2003-05 and 2005-07 budgets) • $140,000 for sea lettuce removal at Dumas Bay • $106,000 for Historica) Cabins project (2003 Session) ��� Economic Development Opportunities • I was one of the lead lobbyists on both 2006 "L1FT" legislation {Local Infrastructu�e Financing Tool) and 2008 "Local Revitalization Fina�cing" EIRF). • Federa) Way has received BOTH a LIFT grant and an LRF grant — one of only a few cities in the state pledged for funding under both programs. • t was one of the lead lobbyists in Z008 on hotel-motel tax legislation that codified the authority for Federal Way and other cities to allocate H/M tax toward "special events" (key to us being able to use these $$ towards Aquatics Center; for Han Woo Ri, etc.) • Worked on successful approp�iations for the Ha� Woo Ri festival —nea�ly $100,000 ove�all • Helped with $100,000 medical device incubato� funding i� 2010 Operating Budget — particula�ly i�'holding' the project in the fina) budget aftec Senator E+de got it in the Senate version Law Enforcement/Courts • One of the lead lobbyists for 2007 auto theft legislatio� that stiffened auto theft penalties and created the "Washington Auto Theft Prevention Authority" which granted $$ to regional auto theft prevention task forces. • Federal Way has rece+ved significant $$ for auto theft prevention a�d has driven auto theft �ates down over 70 percent • Lobbied successfu) enactment of 2009 legislation (SSB 5413) stiffening sentences for those who threaten police officers with look-alike guns • Lobbied successful enactment of SB 5953 in 2007 Session — stiffe�s penalties for DV cases that involve attempted st�angulatio�. • Lobbied successful�enactment of SSB 6384 in 2005 Session, a �ew fee autfiority for courts to assess/use against DV perpetrators • One of lead lobbyists for 2002 legislation that ensu�ed Federal Way and othe� King County cities could contract for jail services outside King County. • Helped with successful lobbying for over $4 million i� additional Basic Law Enforcement Academy (BLEA) training funds fo� police — 2006 Supplemental and 2007-09 Operati�g Budgets_ Overall Flexibility • Federal Way �eceived "design-build/GC-CM" alternative contracting autho�ity in the 2001 Session; • Federal Way and other King County cities are the ONLY cities in the state (outside of those with 'gra�dfathered' city-run transit agencies — Eve�ett; Yakima; Pullman) that have authority to contract with private or non-profit provide�s for intra-city transit service needs (SHB 2179 — 2010 Session) • Federal Way and other cities have authority to form T�ansportation Benefit Dist�icts (helped with this bill — ESHB i858 — 2007 Session). 46 Assistance with regional issues, initiatives ST-2: Initial proposals involving Sound T�ansit Phase II in 2008 would have exte�ded Light Rail Transit only from the SeaTac Airport to 200` Street. I helped spearhead an effort among city officials and Council Members to push for more. We met with numerous ST Board Members, had several meetings with ST se�ior staff and technical staff — and ended up with LRT extending to the northern gateway of Federal Way {272" as part of ST-2. Transportation and Fiscal ballot measures and initiatives: Over the last 10 years, whethe� it has bee� Refere�dum S1, the 9%-cent gas tax preservation, the RTID "Roads and T�a�sit" measure in 2007 (would have fully funded the Triangle,, o� a series of Initiatives impacting the City's general fund, I have been significantly involved "off the clock" and have assisted the City with information, positioning, development of Couneil Resolutions, etc. Fiscal • Federal Way received nearly $1 million in post-Initiative 695 "backfill" monies — Z001 • With ESSB 668b in 2006, for the first time eve�, the State Legislatu�e authorized financing assistance (state sales tax credit monies) to help cities move forward with la�ge annexations (10,000 population or more). • Given the unsuccessful election outcome in Federal Way, we also worked on 2009 (egislation tfiat extends the annexation "commencement" date until 2015. • I was:one of the lobbyist that worked o� ESHB 3179 provisions i� 2010 to preserve and codify the Broke�ed Natural Gas {BNG) tax -$50,000/year source of funds fo� Federal Way • I was one of the lead lobbyists fo� 2007 "Streamlined Sales Tax" {SST) legislation — a top priority for Fede�al Way (SSB 5089). , • Lobbied successful allocation of $150,000 in buildable lands funding for King County suburban cities — 2006 Supplemental Ope�ati�g budget_ Heading off Damaging 8ills In the nearly 10 years I have been (obbying for Fede�al Way, I am not aware of a single bill that led to significant fisca! implications or other 'ha�m' to the City of Federal Way. Some of the things we have headed off ove� the years: • Undoing water-sewer district assumption authority (defeated �umerous times) • 2001 Lakewood Theme Park special tax package, tax incentives (defeated) • Red-light camera authority compromised, (imited (defeated, 2010 Session) • 2007 attempt to require that all multi-family housing property tax exemption projects meet an "affordability" criteria (headed off and revised — E2SH6 1910). 47 �@Tti� �s� £::�fl' 1-#:iLL :i3�?[Pi �£�^ n�i8�1'� �;;�ElY'f1 < I��i B�;r g; ;o Y' � � S � :. :� � �' � :.i ° ;y.;::i�'42."" k yr �� � FQ��zit' . t, .o�� -�,'1s; .ii' �RZ . (.Z.�.rci� A�.i^7iS.,7i.�i :�1; :4'.C;i'y�S�ilHt `. C. AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR LEGISLATIVE LOBBYING SERVICES This Amendment ("Amendment No. 1") is made between the City of Federal Way, a Washington municipal coiporation ("City"), and Douglas R. Levy, DBA as Outcomes by Levy, a sole proprietor ("Contractor"). The City and Contractor (together "Parties"), for valuable consideration and by mutual consent of the parties, agree to amend the origina( Agreement for Legislative Lobbying Services ("Agreement") dated effective January 7, 2010: 1. AMENDED TERM. The tercn of the Agreement, as referenced by Section 1 of the Agreement and any prior amendments thereto, shall be amended and shall continue until the completion of the Services, but in any event no later than September 30, 2012 ("Amended Term"). 2. AMENDED COMPENSATION. The amount of compensation, as referenced by Section 4 of the Agreement, shall be amended to change the total compensation the City shall pay the Contractor and the rate or method of payment, as delineated in Exhibit "B-1", attached hereto and incorporated by this reference. The Contractor agrees that any hourly or �lat rate charged by it for its services contracted for herein shall remain locked at the negotiated rate(s) for the Amended Term. Except as otherwise provided in an attached Exhibit, the Contractor shall be solely responsible for the payment of any ta�ces imposed by any lawful jurisdiction as a result of the performance and payment of this Agreement. 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS. All other terms and provisions of the Agreement, together with any prior amendments thereto, not modified by this Amendment, sha11 remain in full force and effect. Any and all acts done by either Party consistent with the authority of the Agreement, together with any prior amendments thereto, after the previous expiration date and prior to the effective date of this Amendment, is hereby ratified as having been performed under the Agreement, as modified by any prior amendments, as it existed prior to this Amendment. The provisions of Section 13 of the Agreement sha11 apply to and govern this Amendment. The parties whose names appear below swear under penalty of perjury that they are authorized to enter into this Amendment, which is binding on the parties of this contract. [Signature page follows] AMENDMEI`iT 4 8 1 /2010 �iT'{ G'S� Ci�"'r` t"E;SLL � � :it•3[`� �� a a�EBi��:B ;^:rES€k'E � Y:�2 �.:X �3 � � o � Fr���r�# :;st,:� �'Ff; �3()�';-�' 38 f2�•a; o^'�u-7�� �'fY:YC;i)'�:i.ASYci't?S:tir�:: � :i;? IN WITNESS, the Parties execute this Agreement below, effective the last date written below. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY By: Brian Wilson, City Manager/Police Chief DATE: OUTCOMES BY LEVY By: Printed Name: Title: DATE: STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF 1 ATTEST: City Clerk, Carol McNeilly, CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney, Patricia A Richardson On this day personally appeared before me, , to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and on oath swore that he executed the foregoing instrument as his free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GIVEN my hand and offcial seal this day of 20_ (typed/printed name of notary) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires AMENDMENT 4 9 1 /2010 ��3''� �F G:TY� �S.KLL �:;:?i:� �ta U�Eetl'vS c:r_,•itYi� • F':�: &7?:'� � �o ^,`x �a � . � ! s»F3A ,i;i>; ��ri�1�:; 3 C 6. ^71 p7: _ l�`::�j V..:W^7�:1 .".��Y:YC;iy'i:::f?s1�Ft3f:L<cl� COi:? EXHIBIT B-1 ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION t. Total Compensation: In return for the Services, the City shall pay the Contractor an additional amount not to exceed One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Six Hundred Fifty and No/100 Dollars ($115,658.00). The total amount payable to Contractor pursuant to the original Agreement and this Amendment shall be an amount not to exceed One Hundred Fifty-nine Thousand Thirty and No/100 Dollars ($159,030.00). AMENDIV�NT 5 � U2010 ` CIiY OF � Federal Way Page 1 / 1 33325 8th Ave. South P:O. Box 9718 � Dl1TE '� � Pa':NtJMBER �� Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 1/11/2010 051a65 VENDOR: 005741 SHIP TO: EEDERAL WAY CITY HALL OUTCOMES BY LEVY 33325 8TH AVE SOUTH DO[lGLA5 R LEVY PO BOX 9718 15619 62ND PL NE EEDER�IL WAY, WA 98063-9718 KENMORE, WA 98028 FOB Point: Terms: Net 30 Req. No.: Dept.: Req. Oel. Date: Contact: NATALIE REES Confirming? Yes Speciai lnst: CM-AG10-001 LEGISLATIVE LOBBY SVC CM-AG10-001 LEGISLATIVE LOBBY SVC 1/1/2010 - 9/31/2010 i ILLTO:'�LTY OE EEDERAL WAY 33325 STE[ AVE SOUTH PO BOX 9718 FEDEfZSL WAY, GIA 98063-9718 Accounf Number E 001-ll00-021-513-10-410 Amou�t �3,372.00 Numbe� SUBTOTAL TAX FREIGHT TOTAL 43,372.00 43, 372.00 0.00 0_00 43,372.00 Amou�t 51 Authorized Signatu�e Authorized Sig�ature (over $1,000) _ � - �• RETURN TO: � / ^ I � l � VJ i[J 1 _,�� CITY OF FEDERAL WAY LAW DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR CONTRACT PREPARATION/DOCUMENT REVIEW/SIGNATURE ROUTING SLIP ORIGINATING DEPT./DIV: C�M OWGINATING STAFF PERSON: L� EXT: a�{ 6 Z 3. DATE REQ. BY: (2 2q � TYPE OF DOCUMENT REQUESTED (CI-IECK ONE) ❑ CONTRACTOR SELECTION DOCUMENT (E.G., RFB, RFP, RFQ) ❑ PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT ❑ SMALL PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT `�(PROFESSIONALSERVICEAGREEMENT ❑ MAINTENANCEAGREEMENT ❑ GOODS AND SERVICE AGREEMENT ❑ f[UMAN SERVICES / CDBG � REAL ESTATE DOCLJMENT ❑ SECURITY DOCUMENT �E.G. BOi�ID RELATEDDOCUMENTS) O ORDINANCE ❑ CONTRACT AMENDMENT (AG#): ❑ OTI�R PROJECT NAME: NAME OF CON" ADDRESS: SIGNATUR ❑ RESOLUTION I.eL � EXHIBITS .AND ATTACI�tENTS: ❑ scoPE WORK OR SERVICES ❑ COMPENSATION ❑ INSURANCE REQUIREh4BNTS/CGRTIFICATE U ALL OTHER REFERENCED EXH[B[TS ❑ PROOF OF AUTHORITY TO S[GN ❑ REQUIRED LICENSES O PRIOR CONTRACT/.M9ENQMENTS TERM: COMMENCEMENT DATE: _ �/�! O COMPLETION DATE: �I �� /�� � l O TOTAL COMPENSATION $ �� �,3 � p� i QC} �INCLUDE EXPENSES AND SALES T�?C, IF ANY� (IF CH.LCULATED ON HOURLY LABOR HARGE - ATTACH SCHEDULES OF EMPLOYEES TITLES AND HOLIDAY R4TES) REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE;�YES ❑ rro tF Yes, hfAaIMU?�t DOLLAR.AI�tOUNT: $ IS SALES TAX OWED ❑YES �TO IF YES, � PAID BY: O COrTIL4CTOR � C[TY ❑ PURCHASING: PLEASE CHARGE TO: UC� �• I \OQ � L�o�, l S I� �O �—\ �� )_ CONTRACT REVIEW INITIAL/ DATE REVIEWED INITIAI./ DATE APPROVED �PROJECT NtANAGER `��- �'j,.'L' O 9 ❑ DIRECTOR ❑ RISK MANAGEMENT (tF.aPPUCASLe) �Law Prjp (2 -2R-oq — �Y�(� �d"rr� � �(7cf'l.-Z' �X . CONT CT S[GNATURE ROUTING OY�- -� �^'S 1.�'�°�o SENT TO VENDOR/CONTRACTOR DATE SENT: /" � d DATE REC'D: /-_�_� ❑ ATTACH: S[GNATUREAUTHORITY, INSURANCE CERTIFICATE, LI ENSES, EXHIBITS ITIAL/ DATE S[GNED �AW DEPART NT , - �GNATORY c�� RDfRECTOR� .E�/ �t/Y) / � � CITY CLERK 1'\\• ZD �(� C�t'Y� �A SIGNED AG# AG# ��OC?l �'SIGNED COPY RETURNED DATE SENT: �•\\ • ZDt(7 Clry�_ OMMENTS �%9 52 ��a� zr� : �' � � � �ITY :-i;�.:..L :`���'L:i °fE� r..�, �;Ci;;t3 � r:.: ��;< :�: t i ,::, ��'a:c~.Fi'�' ::'2FS, f•.�'�Fi:�.^i.t•3?":$ i2:3;? ?�5 ,r;;r.cry:-:;;c'ec:: v;c,e�:� c. ::t: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR LEGISLATIVE LOBBYING SERVICES This Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement") is made between the City of Federal Way, a Washington municipal corporation ("City"), and Outcomes by Levy, a sole proprietor ("Contractor"). The City and Contractor (together "Parties") are located and do business at the below addresses which shall be valid for any notice required under this Agreement: INSERT CONTRACTOR'S CO. NAME: Outcomes by Levy 15619 62 Pl. NE Kenmore, WA 98028 425-424-9110 (telephone) 425-424-3105 (facsimile) lew4�msn.com The Parties agree as follo�vs_ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY: Linda Farmer 33325 8` Ave. S. P.O. Box 9718 Federal Way, WA 98063-9718 (253) 835-241 l (telephone} (253) 835-2409 (facsimile) 1 inda_ farmer(�a,citvo ffederalwav. com 1. TER1��1. The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the effective date of this Agreement, which shall be the date of inutual execution, and shall continue until the completion of the Work, but in any event no later than September 30, 2010 ("Term"). This Agreement may be extended for additional periods of time upon the mutual written agreement of the City and the Contractor. 2. SERVICES. The Contractor shall perform the services more specifically described in E�ctubit "A", attached hereto and incotparated by this reference ("Services"), in a manner consistent with the accepted professional practices for other similar services within the Puget Sound region in effect at the time those services are performed, performed to the City's satisfaction, within the time period prescnbed by the City and pursuant to the direction of the City Manager or his or her designee_ The Contractor ��ranants that it has the requisite training, skill, and experience necessary to provide the Services and is appropriately accredited and licensed by all applicable agencies and governmental entities, inctuding but not limited to obtaining a City of Federal Way business registration_ Services shall begin immediately upon the effective date of this Agreement. Services shall be subject, at all times, to inspection by and approvai of the City, but the n�aking (or failure or delay in making) such inspection or approval shall not relieve Contractor of responsbility for performance of the Services in accordance with this Agreement, notwithstanding the Cit��'s knowledge of defective or non-complying performance, its substantiality or the ease of its discovery. 3. TERM[NATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement, with or without cause, upon providing the other party thirty (30) days written notice at its address set forth above_ The City may terminate this Agreement iininediately if the Contractor fails to maintain required insurance policies, breaches confidentiality, or materially violates Section I 2; and such may resuit in ineligibility for further City agreements. 4. COMPENSATION 4. I Amount. In return for the Services, the City shall pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed a maximum amount and according to a rate or method as delineated in Exhbit "B", attached hereto and inco�porated by this reference. The Gontractor agrees that any hourly or flat rate charged by it for its services contracted for herein shdll remain locked at the negotiated rate(s) for a period of one (1) year from the effective date of this .Agreement. Except as otherwise provided in Exhibit "B", the Contractar shall be solely responsib(e for the payment of any taxes imposed by any la�vful jurisdiction as a result of the perforrr�ance and payment of this Agreement. 53 PROFESSION.ALSERVICES AGREEMENT 10l16/09 �� � �it� rr,; ;y':# r � �ei ,�': ; afl"`.' i :`��:i"L5 �ti 4 r'+.i3�>:Ef' ::�£li;:�i ° `r "f ; �c�X '. %"4 � F�>;er:�� , :.ay,'i�i%•. ��.?:s3•9s'& , �2a3i �:�5-7'�47.� ,lb`:r•.c:inic: r:id.'v; ;t?= 4.2 Method of Payment. On a monthly basis, the Contractar shall submit a voucher or invoice in the form specified by the City, including a description of what Services have been performed, the name of the personnel performing such Services, and any hourly �abor charge rate for such personnel. The Contractor shall also submit a final bill upon completion of all Services. Payment shall be made on a monthly basis by the City only after the Services have been performed and within thirty (30) days after receipt and approval by the appropriate City representative of the voucher or invoice. If the Services do not meet the requirements of this Agreement, the Contractor will correct or modify the work to comply with the Agreement. The City may withhold payment for such wark until the work meets the requirements af the Agreement. 4.3 Non-Appropriation of Funds. If sufficient funds are not appropriated or allocated for payment under this Agreement for any future fiscal period, the City will not be obligated to make payments for Services or amounts incurred after the end of the current fiscal period, and this Agreement will terminate upon the completion of all remaining Services far which funds are allocated. No penalty or expense shall accrue to the City in the event this provision applies_ 5, INDEMNIFICAT[ON 5_1 Contractor Indemnification. The Contractor agrees to release, indemnify, defend, and hold the City, its elected officials, officers, empioyees, agents, representatives, insurers, attorneys, and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediations, proceedings, judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, taxes, losses, fines fees, penalties expenses, attomey's fees costs, and/or litigation e�penses to or by any and all persons or entities, including, �vithout limitarion, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives; arising from, resuiting from, or in connection with this Agreement or the acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor in performance of this Agreement, except for that portion of the claims caused by the City's sole negligence. Should a court of comgetent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW 4.24. t I5, then, in the event of liability for damages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to properiy caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the Contractor's negligence. Contractor shall ensure that each sub-contractor shall agree to defend and indemnify the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, agents, representatives, insurers, attorneys, and volunteers to the extent and on the same terms and conditions as the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph_ The City's inspection or acceptance of any of Contractor's tivork when completed shall not be grounds to avoid any of these covenants of indemnification. �.2 Industrial Insurance Act Waiver_ [t is specifically and expressly understood that the Contractor waives any immuniry that may be granted to it under the Washington State industrial insurance act, Title S t RCW, solely for the pwposes of this indemnification. Contractor's indemnification shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount of damages, compensation or benefits payable to or by any third party under workers' compensation acts, disability benefit acts or any other benefits acts or programs_ The Parties acknowledge that they have mutually negotiated this waiver. 53 City Indemnification. The City agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold the Contractor, its officers, directors, shareholders, partners, employees, agents, representatives, and sub-contractors harmless from any and all ctaims, demands, actions, suits, causes of action, arbitrations, mediarions, proceedings, judgments, awards, injuries, damages, liabilities, tosses, fines, fees, penalties expenses attomey's fees costs, and/or (itigation expenses to or b}� any and al( persons or endties, including without limitarion, their respective agents, licensees, or representatives, arising from, resulting from or connected �vith this Agreement to the extent solely caused by the negligent acts, errors, or omissions of the City. �.4 Survival. The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or termination. 6. INSURANCE. The Contractor agrees to carry insurance for liability which may arise from or in connection widl the performance of the services or work by the Contractor, their agents, representatives, erry�loyees or subcontractors, as provided in E�:hibit "C'� , attached hereto and incorporated by this reference for the duration of the Agreement and thereafter with respect to any event occurring prior to such expiration or terminarion_ The provisions of this Section shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 54 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT 10/16l09 t,y ! i V F "vE l:� % V.�.F_ � � io3Z:3 �ilt�4l?S3�:ElP..aLisi?T3 � r�C:. �n;< ;%1 � �F :P.f3� `; :ds,'!�. %t `��: ^.3-�3�' $ '2r3� �'.•5-7��ii�t b`l.�1':�b'.Cshi::�:rLC:i�;:7c?Z'.i ;:1_ 7. CONF[DENTIAI,ITY. All information regarding the City obtained by Contractor in perforniance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential subject to applicable laws. Breach of confidentiality by the Contractor may be grounds for immediate ternunation. All records submitted by the City to the Contractor will be safeguarded by the Contractor_ The Contractor will fully cooperate with the City in identifying, assembling, and providing records in case of any public records disclosure request. 8. WORK PRODUCT. All originals and copies of work product, including plans, sketches, layouts, designs, design specifications, records, files, cornputer disks, magnetic media or material which may be produced or modified by Contractor while performing the Work shall belong to the City upon delivery. The Contractor shail make such data, documents, and files available to the City and shall deliver all needed or contracted for work product upon the City's request_ At the expiration or termination of this Agreement, all originals and copies of any such work product remaining in the possession of Contractor shall be delivered to the City. 9. BOOKS AND RECORDS. The Contractor agrees to maintain books, records, and documents which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs related to the performance of the Work and maintain such accounting procedures and practices as may be deemed necessary by the City to assure proper accounting of all funds paid p�suant to this Agreement_ These records shall be subject, at all reasonable times, to inspection, review or audit by the City, its authorized representative, the State Auditor, or other governmental officials authorized by law to monitor this Agreement. I0. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The Parties intend that the Contractor shalt be an independent contractor and that the Contractor has the ability to control and direct the performance and details of its �vork, the City being interested only in the results obtained under this Agreement. The City shall be neither liable nor obligated to pay Contractor sick leave, vacation pay or any other bene�t of employment, nor to pay any social security or other tax which may arise as an incident of employment. Contractor shall take all necessary precautions and shall be responsible for the safety of its employees, agents, and subcontractors in the performanee of the contract work and shall utilize all protection necessary for that purpose_ All �vork shall be done at Contractor's own risk and Contractor shall be responsible for any loss of or damage to matenals, tools or other articles i�sed or held for use in connection with the work. The Contractor shall pay all income and other taxes due except as specifically provided in Section 4. Industrial or any other insurance that is pwchased for the benefit of the City, regardless of �vhether such may provide a secondary or incidental benefit to the Contractor, shall not be deemed to convert this Agreement to an employment contract. If the Contractor is a sole propnetorship or if this Agreement is with an individual, the Contractor agrees to notify the City and complete any required form if the Contractor retired under a State of Washington retirement system and agrees to indemnify any losses the City ma}� sustain through the Contractor's failure to do so. i l. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. It is recognized that Contractor may or �vill be performing professional services during the Term for other parties; however, such perfont�ance of other services shail not conflict with or interfere evith Contractor's ability to perform the Services. Contractor agrees to resolve any such conflicts of interest in favor of the City. Contractor confirms that Contractor does not have a business interest or a close family relationship �vith any City officer or emp(oyee who was, is, or tiviil be involved in the Contractor's selection, negotiation, drafting signing, administration, or evaluating the Contractor's performance. 12. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. In all services, programs, activities, hiring, and employment made possible by or resulting from this Agreement or any subcontract, there shall be no discriminarion by Contractor or its subcontractors of any level or any of those entities employees, agents, subcontractors or representatives against any person because of sex, age (except minimum age and retirement provisions), race, color, religion, creed, national origin, marital status, or the presence of any disability, including sensory, mental or physical handicaps, unless based upon a bona fide occupational qualification in relationship to hiring and employment. This requirement sha(t apply, but not be limited to the follolving: emp(oyment, advertising, layoff or termination, rates of pay or other fornls of corr�ensation, and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Contractor shall comply with and shall not violate any of the terms of Chapter 49.60 RCW, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans With Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 49 CFR Part 2(, 2L� and 26, or any other applicable federal, state, or local la�v or regulation regarding non- discrimination_ 55 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT 10/16/09 ���� �� ._ . ..- �uea � � �� - . 13. GENERAL PROVISION5. :%�;3'L".� f�4 r;:t°�:EP :?�i1t:i�"f - f 3n;< :%1' ��::E.'f�� 1�:2F`�,'f':%�'�.S' i�?'S.�•y?�C'� ,2.^3� ?.-:5-?Glr� ;i ;�;t _c.r,:.�%:a.te: at�;z 13.1 Interpretation and Modification. This Agreement, together with any attached Exhibits, contains all of the agreements of the Parties with respect to any matter- covered or mentioned in this Ageement and no prior statements or agreements, whether oral or written, shall be effective for any purpose. Should any language in any Exhibits to this Agreement conflict with any language in this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. The respective captions of the Secrions of this Agreement are inserted for convenience of reference only and shall not be deemed to modify or otherwise affect any of the provisions of this Agreement. Any provisian of this Agreement that is dec:ared invalid, inoperative, null and void, or illegat shall in no way affect or invalidate any other provision hereof and such other provisions shall remain in full force and effect_ Any act done by either Party prior to the effecrive date of the Agreement that is consistent with the authority of the Agreement and compliant with the ternu of the Agreement, is hereby rarified as having been performed under the Agreement. No provision of this Agreement, including this provision, may be amended, waived, or modi�ed except by written agreement signed by duly authorized representatives of the Parties. 13.2 Assi�nment and Beneficiaries. Neither the Contractor nor the City shaIl have the right to transfer or assign, in �vhole or in part, any or all of its obligations and rights hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party. If the non-assigning party gives its consent to any assignment, the terms af this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect and no fiuther assignment shall be made without additional written consent. Subject to the foregoing, the rights and obligations of the Parries shall inwe to the benefit of and be binding upon their respective successors in interest, heirs and assigns_ This Agreement is made and entered into for the sole protection and benefit of the Parties hereto_ No other person or entity shall have any right of action or interest in this Agreement based on any provision set forth herein_ 13.3 Compliance with Laws. The Contractor shall comply with and perform the Services in accordance with all applicable federal, state, local, and city laws including, without limitation, all City codes, ordinances, resolutions, regu(ations, rules, standards and policies, as now existing or hereafter amended, adopted, or made effective. If a violarion of the City's Ethics Resolution No. 91-54, as amended, occurs as a result of the forn�ation or perfom�ance of this Agreement, this Agree�nent may be rendered null and void, at the City's option_ t 3.4 Enforcement. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and each and all of its provisions in which performance is a factor_ Adherence to corr�letion dates set forth in the description of the Services is essential to the Contractor's performance of this Agreement. Any notices required to be given by dle Parties shall be delivered at the addresses set forth at the beginning of this Agreement. Any norices may be delivered personally to the addressee of the norice or rnay be deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, to the address set forth above. Any notice so posted in the United States mail shall be deemed received three (3) days after the date of mailing. Any remedies provided for �mder the tec7r�s of this Agreement are not intended to be exclusive, but shall be cumulari��e with all other remedies available to the City at law, in equity or by statute. The failure of the City to insist upon strict performance of any of the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, or to exercise any option conferred by this Agreement in one or more instances shall not be construed to be a waiver or relinquishment of #hose covenants, agreements or options, and the same shall be and remain in full force and effect. Failure or delay of the City to declare any breach or default immediately upon occurrence shall not cvaive such breach or defau(t. Pailure of the City to declare one breach or defauit does not act as a waiver of the City's right to declare another breach or defau(t. This Agreement shall be made in, governed by, and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. (f the Parties are unable to settle any dispute, difference or claim arising from this Agreement, the exclusive means of resolving that dispute, difference, or claim, shall be by filing suit under the venue, rules and jurisdiction of the King County Superior Court, King County, Washington, unless the parties agree in �vriting to an alternative process. [f the King County Superior Court does not have jurisdiction over such a suit, then suit may be filed in any other appropriate court in King County, Washington. Each party consents to the personal jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in King County, Washington and waives any objection that such courts are an inconvenient forum If either Party brings any claim or lawsuit arising from this Agreement, each Party shall pay all its legal costs and attorney's fees and expenses incurred in defending or bringing such claim or lawsuit, including al( appeals, in addition to any other recovery or award provided by law; provided, however, however nothing in this paragraph shatl be construed to limit the Parties' rights to indemnification under Section 5 of this Agreement. 56 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT 10i16/09 ' ��v� �� �� � . � ::ST'�' : i,?�L ���'L5 � t�`t i;.i��":Ie :�ot�sl"s � f=�=; �r.f:< 9:1 ` F� :�^.F3� :':`�s.'�:'M ��?GS3'�3T'�£i ',2a3j ?�S-?;:i}3 � �;l.�b'::b.Cfii_`�:r:Jr'J;ciQ3i'?,_-:r:' . 13.5 Execution. Each individual executing this Agreement on behalf of the Ciry and Contractor represents and wanants that such individual is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement_ This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original and with the same effect as if all Parties hereto had signed the same document. All such counterparts shali be construed together and shalt constitute one instrument, but in making proof hereof it shall only be necessary to produce one such counterpart. The signature and acknowledgment pages from such counteiparts may be assembled together to form a single instrument comprised of all pages of this Agreement and a complete set of all signature and acknowledgment pages_ The date upon which the last of all of the Parties have executed a counterpart of this Agreement shall be the "date of mutual execution" hereof. [Signature page follows] 57 PROFESSIONALSERVICES AGREEMENT _ 10/16/09 c��� ra� ��� � � �'-?;i"L" U''E r'.:v�^iIg SF3t�%#"i > i�t_�; 3�':X :�: 'I ` F� ;P.E�= �;'i�s,'ti.n B�'a:?x�i-53??c'� ,2.:�i ��5•?•�C7J 7lrL`=F.Cifi+: r:: IN WITNESS, the Parties execute this Agreement below, effective the last date written below. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY By: Brian Wilson, y Manager/Police Chief DATE: `�17 -��1O OUTCOMES BY LEVY : Prin Title DATE: ��� � U STATE OF WASHINGTON ) ) ss. COUNTY OF �t(\ ) ATTEST: City Clerk, Carol McNeill , CMC APPROVED AS TO FORM: Si,gnature on�le �orm approved 3/31/2009 bv� City Attorney, Patricia A Richardsan �_ �,. � On this day personal(y appeared before me, ��� 1 —�--�� � , to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and on oath swore that he/she/they executed the foregoing instrument as his/her/their free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. GNEN my hand and official seal this �i��iiiii���� ,���� F ��'!'p" � � — � ��� O G � � o o Y�. ♦ p� v �► �t/� � � �� �..,. � ♦ : � PUg�.�G � � � . , � Nj� ,_ . ` ` 9� ') -j9^ �� , � , '�� ' ��� _,F �F W �s��� ���...�i� i� � day of ��,l�tr�l� , 20A! . � �l � i �. u, � (typed/printed name of nota�y) Notary Public in and for the State of Washington. My commission expires �— 1 c ( —( r '�- PROFESSIONAL SERV[CES AGREEMENT S8 10/16/09 �!g't' £�f �� � � a1Td 'sj::�L '�3�'L�� �fi� r:ti� r^;3Q : <oL�h � f�� ; �nX � r 1 ` �E� :?f 3'A� i ,'2Fr. �� �FIY�3,�. '��� � . i��Jf ?�.iJ' S•I. .`; t( C i hi+} %: r: f6!? � i23 4'l .: 9 t: EXHIBIT "A" SERVICES The Contractor shall do or provide the foliowing: In consultation �vith the City Manager and/or staff designee, lobby state and local governments and other organizations as necessary to pursue the City's 2010 legislative objectives as approved by Counci(. Lobbying is defined as attempting to pass, stop or amend legislation as desired by the City, as well as build a positive legislative presence for the City through face-to-face, written and electronic communications with appropriate persons. Help identify, prioritize and monitor problems and opportunities for the City with respect to issues under consideration by the State Legislature and State and regional agencies, especia(ly those issues defined in the City's Annual Legislative Agenda. Stay in touch with issues at the King County level, with the Suburban Cities Association and with the Association of Washington Cities. Speci�c duties include: - - -- _ • Assist in identifying and prioritizing City issues prior to the 2010 Legislative ssion, including meeting���,, with Department heads and managers, and meetings with the 30th District Legisl ors. • Work with City Manager andlor staff designee to prepare the City's 2010 egislative Agenda_ • Brief the City Council on the Legislative Agenda at the January 2010 State Legislative Breakfast. • Attend meetings of the City Council, City Council committees, and �vith City personnel as reasonably requested. • Complete in a timely and accurate fashion all forms and reports required of lobbyists by the state and other lawful jurisdictions. • Provide a brief plan for Off-Session work, if applicable, then subsequent follow up on that work. Provide correspondence to the City Manager and/or staff designee for the following: • Telephone or e-mail updates on pending issues as they arise • A brief weekly written status report dunng the Legislative Session • A final written report and in-person presentation at the end of the Legislative Session Off-session projects as they arise 59 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT 10/16/09 ���Y �� afTY �.?� � � :_`•?:i'L:, °th r±v�^:;�Q v�t3t .?�'i - #=� : �n:< :�%'# ` ��� F�•;eFu� .'�.at, �i'•i:A ��v��•9?''� i2a3i a�;.•?�t�`J ':l,�;'i�F'.CrAi:ii:rtfH: v:t:t3t!i s <:tc• EXHIBIT "B" COMPENSATION l. Total Compensation: In return for the Services, the City shall pay the Contractor an amount not to exceed Forty three Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-two and No/100 Dollars ($43,372.00). 60 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT 10/16/09 CBTY E4i� :^,IT': i-1r?? €. �a � � ' ;�"L"i °tt� i�i�=:Els_� :?�Ela?�"i > 'rzr_: �n;< :�: 'E:_ �� �r"c :�C.- )+:$ f,'/�i%1'�F:?:s:�-�3?":� ' i2�3�: �-�5-7�CE� S•1,�3':�t:C�?`i�: •::dc:jCf71c � t3t :? -: �%1; EXHIBIT "C" INSURANCE 1. The Contractor agrees to carry as a minimum, the following insurance, in such forms and with such carriers who have a rating that is satisfactory to the City: a. Commercial general liability insurance covering liability arising from premises, operations, independent contractors, products-completed operations, stop gap liability, personal injury, bodily injury, death, prope�ty damage, products liability, advertising injury, and liability assumed under an insured contract with limits no less than $1,000,000 for each occurrence and $1,000,000 general aggregate. b_ Workers' compensation and employer's liability insurance in amounts sufficient pui to the laws of the State of Washington; c. Automobile liability insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and leased vehicles with a minimum combined single limits in the minimum amounts required to drive under Washington State law per accident for bodily injury, including personal injury or death, and property damage. d. Professional liability insurance with limits no tess than $1,000,000 per claim and $1,000,000 policy aggregate for damages sustained by reason of or in the course of operation under this Agreement, whether occumng by reason of acts, errors or omissions of the Contractor. 2. Contractor's maintenance of insurance as required by the agreement shall not be construed to limit the liability of the Contractor to the coverage provided by such insurance, or othe�vise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity_ The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the City. Any insurance, self-insurance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shal( not contribute with it_ 3. The City shall be named as additional insured on ail such insurance policies, with the exception of any professional liability insurance and any workers' compensation coverage(s) if Contractor participates in a state-run workers' compensation program. Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance, concurrent with the execution of this Agreement, evidencing such coverage and, at City's request, furnish the City with copies of all insurance policies and with evidence of payment of premiums or fees of such policies. All insurance policies shall contain a clause of endorsement providing that they may not be terminated or materially amended during the Term of this Agreement, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice to the City. If Contractor's insurance policies are "claims made," Contractor shall be required to maintain tail coverage for a minimum period of three (3) years from the date this Agreement is actually terminated or upon project completion and acceptance by the City. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGItEEMENT 61 10/16/09 ' s�', - 1- I�:�iI1L•=SIc� � . '3����1�1 . 12/04/2009 17:15 4254246921 OUTCOMESBYLEW PAGE 02 Palfcy Numtier: 45059806-0 OOUGLAS R LEW TERE$A ) LEVY Page 1 MCCIAIN INS SERVICES t Od1Q 19TM AVE SE 101 EVERE]T, WA 98208 DOUGIAS R LEVY TERESA 1 I.EVif 15619 6ZN0 PL NE KENMORE, WA 98028 Pa�Ky number.1S4S9806-0 Undenvritten by- P�9�� Northwestem ins Co Detembe� 1. 2004 Potcy Perlod:Nov 30, 2009- Nrnr 30, 2010 Page 2 aZ5•379-9200 MCCLAIN INS SERVICES Conta4 your ayent k� personaiiied smice_ 800-925-2t86 To repat a dalm. Personal Umbreila tnsurance Coverage Sumrr�ary This is your Declarations Page Your coverage heginc on November 30, 2004 at the ►ate� af 12:01 a.m. � the effective time shown o� your applkacion. Tha poiicy period ends on Nuvember 30, IOiO ac t1:01 a.m. Your �nsuronce poticy and any poliq endasemenu contain a full explanacion of your coverage; The poGcy convact is form 9639 (�3/0(�. The rnnrr� Is moditied by lorms 7.31 J(03/061. Z321 �03/06), Z318 (03/a61, Z320 (03Po6). Z321 {03Ip61. Z319 (03/06), Z746 WA (01/09}, and 9869U WA (05I08). Outline of coverage Gene�al policy covenge ��,qs S!I( if15URd 1!1Mt10� Personal Umbrella Liablhry to others S 1,OOO,OpO per ocarre�a 525p . ........ ............... _ .... . .......... ..... .......- Ta�a112 month pokry p�lum Mernwm x 5T8 S S28 Requirement of underlying insurance By accepung the terms of thls pol�cy, you agree to mainwio the m�nimum requ�red undedying Iiabfliry Ilmlts as stated in the iollowing section for al� scheduled uehicles, scheduled watercrait and scheduled premises, Your failure to do so will cause yov to be iiable for payment oi such limru. iype of pollcy Minimum raqu"aed unde�ng liabdity Ilmiu ........ ... ..........__ ........ _ .. . ....... . ............. _ . 9 ......_.. � .............. omprehe�s�ve persooal IwbUH ...... ... . ... .. ...... . _.. ....... Y 300,000 combined sin !e Ilmit ............................ ........... ......... .................. ................................................_- -..._.. Vehlcle Iwbiliry �25�,000/�500.000 split Nmiis a E300.000 com6lned single limit .... -... ...................................... . . . .........- - ........................._..........,..----...................... Watercraft liabpfty E�SO,OOO/5500,000 spbt limia or 5300,000 combined single 11mit r-erm 6�89 wn (o5A81 62 �-.�-yua•�c+ �:i�i�l:�1�14%itil�]%' ��Y-���.� a 12/04/2009 17:15 4254246921 OUTCOMESBYLEVY PAGE 03 Pdiqr Number A5459806•0 OOUGtAS p lfVy TERESA 1 I,EVY Page 3 Drivers and household residents Addkbnai f�lNmatron ........... ......... . .... OOUGIAS R LEVY . ...... .. ...... ....... ........................ . ............... _... _ . ......... Named Inwred _ .................. _ ........ ........._ ... ............. _.... _ .............___ .._................_.............,. 1ERESAJLEW ..... .................................... .._. _.........._.. Named Inwred ................................ ..... ................ ZACHARVlEW __ _ ...... ........._................ - -• .._.._ ............ .. ..... ted_ _.. ......... .... .............. . Scheduled exposu�es We have issued thK �nwrance based upon the expowres listed in the foilowing seaion. If th¢re are �hanges in exposures, advise your agent immedlateay so chat we may consider those exposures fo� coverage. Fatlwe ro timely report dianyes in exposures in accordance w�th the terms aod condaions of the poticy wlll resutt in no insurance being atforded by this poGcy. Stheduled vehklls Automobiles, motar homes, and moto� coaches �cer Mekc MnEtl ..... _. VIN ............................... . 2000 DOOC�E ...... ................................. 2009 ............. MINI - - ....... . . . .....- - _ " ...... . . . . .... 164NS28ZSYFZ923J4 . .. .... __ _......,..... ....,. , . .._ ........_.._ ..................................................... ..................... . . .......... COOPER 5 WMWMfT3S74TX40749 ......_.. 2007 TOYOTA .......... . . ..............._._........_.. _.._..._._......_.._............................. PRWS 1TDK6ZOU97321454Q schedafed watarcreh Boats and persoeal wateraaft ��er Make ModN _ _. _......... _ ............. _ ...................... _.......... ............... _ IN .......... ...._ ........- -......_...... _ ................ .............. 001 BAYUMER 180 CAPAt 81YE60UKpp1 Stheduled premises Resldances 4ddrC55 (Strcet, Chy. 51ate, lip) 15619 62ND�Pl NE. icENMORE. INA 98028 . ..,. .... .. Premium discounts �, a5459806-0 .. .... _ _ _ ............ . ...... .. ...... -.-....__._........_ ._....... � mul�i-Po�kY _......._... _..... Company officers �� Secretary fam 6A89 WA (O�OB1 63 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: NA CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: SUBJECT: REV[EW OF THE SCHEDULE TO ADOPT THE C[TY'S 201 1 LEGISLATIVE AGENDA POLICY QUESTION: NA COMMITTEE: Finance Economic Development and Regional Affairs MEET[NG DATE: Sept. 28, 2010 CATEGOIiY: ❑ Consent ❑ City Council Business STAFF REPORT BY: Linda Farmer Overview: ❑ Ordinance ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Resolution � Other DEpT: City Manager Each fall, the Federal Way City Council adopts a Legislative Agenda for the upcoming year. The schedule for adopting the 2011 State and Federal Legislative Agenda is attached for review and consideration. No action is necessary. Attachments: • Proposed adoption schedule for the 2011 Legislative Agenda STAFF RECOMMENDAT[ON: 1�1A CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: � U�Y"�'�`��� DIRECTOR APPROVAL: d"} Committee Council Comnuttee Council COMNI[TTEE RECOMMEIYDAT[ON: . �O . � O Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BYClTYCLERKS OFFlCEJ COUYCIL ACT[ON: ❑ APPROVED COUNCIL 13[LLl� ❑ DEN[ED i reading ❑ TABLED/DEFEIZRED/lY0 ACT[OY Enactment reading ❑ MOVED TO SECO�iD READING (ordinances onlyJ ORDINANCE f# REVISED — 02/06/2006 RESOLUT[O�( # 64 � GTY OF ,'�. Federal Way Proposed Adoption Schedule for 2011 State & Federal Legislative Agenda �. • . � May-August . Meet with Dept. heads to review 2010 Session City staff and lobbyists • Work on Off-Session issues as needed • Compile prelimina�y issues list for 2011 Sept. 10 • Review Dept. head meetings, State Off-Session Brian/�inda/Doug issues list and preliminary priorities for 2011 with City Manager. Sept. 13-15 • C�eate draft 2011 Legislative Agenda Linda/Doug Sept. 15-21 City Manager Review of draft 2011 Legislative Agenda. Brian/Linda/Doug Make suggestions, version revised. Sept. 22 - Oct. 4 Management Team review MT • Sent to MT electronically on Sept. 22 • Meetings: September 27, October 4 Oct. 4-15 Using MT feedback, �nalize the 2011 Legislative Agenda Brian/Linda/Ooug October 19 FEDRAC packets due linda/Brian October 26 2011 Legislative Agenda to FEDRAC for consideration B�ian/Linda November 2 2011 Legislative Agenda to City Council for consideration Brian/Linda November/Dec. City staff meetings with and State Legislato�s Various January 5, 6, or 7 City CounciUState Legislative Breakfast at FWCC Council/State Leg. Additional item: Bring this Adoption Schedule to FEDRaC as an FYI on Sept. 28. Packets due Sept. 21. 65 COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 5, 2010 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL ITEM #: SUBJECT AUGUST 2010 MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT POLICY QUESTION: Should the Council approve the August 2010 Monthly Financial Report? COMM[TTEE: Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee MEETING DATE: September 28, 2010 CATEGORY: � Consent ❑ City Council Business STAFF REPORT BY: Tho Attachments: ❑ Ordinance ❑ Resolution Finance Director ■ August 2010 Monthly Financial Report Options Considered: ❑ Public Hearing ❑ Other DEPT: Finance I_ Approve the August 2010 Monthly Financial Report as presented. 2. Deny approvat of the August 2010 Monthly Financial Report and provide direction to staff. STAFE RECOMMENDAT[ON Staff recommends approval of Op tr o n 1. C[TY MANAGER APPROVAL: ,�`�.j,�/j� SId�I �(v D[RECTOR APPROVAL: � `'(�— Committee Council Committee Council COMM[TTEE RECOMMENDAT[ON: I move to approval oJthe August 2010 Monthly Financial Report to the October �, 20/0 consent agenda for approval. Mike Park, Committee Chair Jeanne Burbidge ,Committee Jack Dovey, Committee M em b er Member PROPOSED COUNC[L MOT[OIV "I move approva! of the August 2010 Monthly Financial Report " _ (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED 8 Y CLTY CLERIfS OFFlCE) COIJ�IC[L ACT[ON_ ❑ APPROVED COCI�ICIL BILL t� ❑ DEN[ED l reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERREU/�i0 ACT[ON Enactment reading ❑ htOVED TO SECOiYD READING (ordinances only) ORDIN:INCE # REV[SED-08/12/2010 RESOLUT[ON # 66 ` Federal Way August 2010 Monthly Financial Report GENERAL & STREET FUI�ID OPERAT[ONS The overall operations of the combined General and Street Fund showed a negative result of $405K. Overall revenue total $28.OM and is $140K or less than 1% above year-to-date budget of $27.8M. 2009 2010 BUDGET VS ACTUAL ENERAL 3 STREET FUND A�nual YTD YTD YTD Favorable (Unfavorable) Summary of Sources & Uses Budget Actual Actual 8udget Budget Actual s % Beginning Fund Balance $ 5,642,307 $ 5,642,307 $ 5,642,307 $ 8,345,195 $ 8,345,198 $ 8,345,198 n/a n/a OPERATING REVENUES Property Taxes 9,287,000 9,443,649 5,004,649 9,329,370 5,026,193 5,078,166 51,973 � po� Sales Tax 10,578,000 10,583,302 7,114,435 10,578,000 7,011,543 7,140,318 128,775 1.8°h riminal Justice Sales Tax 1,740,000 1,743,893 1,171,349 1,740,000 1,168,735 1,123,686 (45,049) _3 Intergovernmental 2,424,000 2,450,957 1,546,745 2,386,000 1,505,752 1,633,969 128,217 g.s/ Streamline Sales Tax - 3,362 - - - - n/a LeaseholdTax 4,000 4,999 4,010 4,000 3,209 4,209 7,000 3�.2/ Gambling Taxes 1,170,000 1,127,203 766,497 1,110,000 771,493 434,969 (336,523) -43.6% CouR Revenue 1,502,101 1,555,111 1,073.999 1,477,469 1,019,263 1,�70,810 51,547 5.1°/ Building PermitslFees-CD 1,245,000 1,248,470 907,402 1,251,000 900,001 932,641 32,640 3.go/ ROW Permits 8 Develop Svcs Fees-PW 341,000 355,328 250,005 349,000 236,576 220,708 (15,868) �_7 / Licenses 240,000 250,919 94,849 240,000 90,721 93,570 2,849 3.� / Franchise Fees 965,000 950,213 717,699 995,000 751,527 733,091 (18,436j _2 So Passport Agency Fees 73,000 68,865 50,415 73,000 53,442 48,775 (4,667) _8_7 / Park & General Rerseation Fees 779,000 806,278 626,781 775,000 602,466 719,086 116,620 19.4 k Police Services 761,000 789,543 459,510 761,000 442,898 490,754 47,SSfi 10.8 % dmiNCash Management Fees 628,424 628,887 419,324 639,755 426,571 427,073 503 p.� / Interest Eamings 72,250 84,437 Y6,413 72,250 65,384 30,995 (34,389) -52.6% MisdOther 247.789 269,168 192,261 247,000 176.427 209,010 32.583 18.5% oi il' Tax Tr fe in CelebrationParlc/PKM80 344,400 344,400 344,400 361,620 361,620 361,620 n/a Utility Tax-Kenneth Jones Pool - - - - - - - n/a Arts Comm/RW86 Festival 113,400 113,400 113,400 119,070 119,070 119,070 - n/a Police Positions 952,�68 952,168 952,768 1,002,862 7,002,862 1,002,862 - n/a Street Bo�d/Lights 459,486 459,486 459,486 482,461 482,462 482,462 n!a Ge�eral Fund Operations 4,632,152 4,632,152 3,015,500 4,126,652 2,900,000 2,900,000 - n/a Prop 1 Voter Package 3.399,168 3,318,163 2,351,779 3,396,049 2,204,355 2,204,355 - n/a n oin Traffic afe Transferin: CouNPolicelTraffic 830,000 830,000 580,000 830,000 500,000 500,000 - n/a Total OperaGng Revenues ' 42,728,338 43,074,352 28,293,075 42,346,558; 27,822,568 27,962,19$ 139,630 0.3% OPERATING EXPENOITURES City Council 436,493 436,859 331,448 432,645 345,993 344,742 1,250 0.4 % ityManager 1,844,694 1,762,952 1,275,436 1,604,325 1,160,674 896,518 264,157 22.8/ Municipal Court 1,505,133 1,660,809 954,451 1,488,253 959,975 953,389 6,587 p 7� Economic Development 488,961 354,993 176,708 404,921 201,561 146,571 54,991 z7_3 / Human Resources 7,027,476 951,290 607,885 1,148,879 748,181 571,922 176,259 23.g�/ Finance 970,847 898,863 � 622,885 979,647 I 659,853 642,133 17,721 2.7�/ Civil/Cnminal Legal Services 1,550,762 1,433,805 980,771 1,546,079 1,036,081 930,702 105,379 j 102% Comm. Development Svcs 4,067,399 3,770,864 2,414,718 3,786,427 2,491,548 2,336,617 154,930 g 2 � Jail Services 2,092,463 2,043,125 i 1,092,493 2,368,041 1,300,959 1,477,897 (176,938) -13-6% Police Services 23,249,152 22,408,255 I 74,696,743 22,359,965 14,841,941 14,820,159 21,782 p � � Parlcs and Recreatan 3,875,775 3,842,171 2,499,732 3,897,787 2,568,513 2,574,886 (6,373) -02% Public Worlcs 4,889,570 4,307,345 2,783,378 4,691,158 3,031,396 2,671,865 359,531 ��,g/ 1-time Savings/Unalloc IS Charges (818,106) (188,106) - 365,723 - - - n/a otai Operating Expenditures 45,180,619 43,683,224 28,436,451 45,0T3,850 29,346,675 28,367,403 979,274 Z_y% perating Revenues overl(uade� Operating Ezpenditures (2,452,281) (668,872� (143,376) (2,727,292) (1,524,107) (405,204) 1,118,904 , -167.J% THER FINANCING SOURCES j � One-Time Transfers lo\Grantl0ther 3,697.556 i 3,307,'192 I 2,085,757 747,735 519,946 519,946 - p � Interfund Loan Proceeds 65,000 ; 65,000 � 65,000 - - - - 0.0% Total Other Fi�ancing Sources 3,762,556 � 3,372,193 I 2,150,757 741,735 519,946 519,946 (1) 0.0 % I THER FINANCING USES � City Manager Contingency - I I - 1,200,000 - - - n/a One-Time Transfers\Other 10,319 I 429 I 429 904,028 i 212,556 212,556 - 0.0 % Total Other Financing Uses 10.319 � 429 I 429 2,104,028 � 212,556 212,556 - p,p / Totai Endin Fund Balance S 6,942,263 f 8,345,198 5 7,649,257 S 4,255,609 � S 7,728,487 S 8.247,381 n/a � n/a 67 DESIGNATED OPERATING FUI�iDS Designated operating funds revenue total $l6.IM and is $399K below year-to-date budget of $L6.SM. Expenditures of $14.7M is $1.4M below year-to-date budget of $16.1 M. 2009 2010 BUDGET YS ACTUAL OESIGNATEDOPERATINGFUNDS A�nual YTD YTD YTD Favo�able(Unfavorable) ummary of Sources 8. Uses Bud9et Adual Actual 8�dge[ Budge[ Actua! E °�e Begin Balanc�Design�ed Funds $ 9,219,725 $ 9,219.725 $ 9,219,726 $ 10.004,673 $ 10,004,667 $ 10,004,667 n/a n/ OPERATiNG REVENUES Intergovemmental 527,215 513,077 331,063 537.315 346.703 . 332.193 (14,510) �,2 � Utility Tau 10.636.098 10,489.908 7.418,306 10.811.614 7.647.094 6.900.441 (746.652) -9_8% UtilityTax-ProplVoterPackage 3,702,196 3,059,558 2,163,672 3,155,239 2,232,254 2,018,594 (273,659) -9.6k Hotel/MotelLodging Taz 180,000 154,145 95,688 165,000 101,259 86.088 (75,171) -15.0° eal Estate Exdse Tax 1,175,000 1,428,985 972,636 900,000 635,837 989,321 353,484 55.6% FWCommunityCenler-Operations 1,502,093 1,494,430 1,081,351 1.552,093 1,124,730 i.145.775 21,046 1.9% Red Light Phdo Enforcement Program 830,000 851,044 606,007 830,000 591,017 970,939 379,923 64.3 % PropertyTax-KCExpansionLevy 149.205 156,167 86,269 151,443 83,659 � 82,356 (1.303) -1.6 DumasBayCenKe 589,132 497,81t 330,477 603.786 400,830 359,800 (41.029) -10.2% utzen Family TheaVe 54.755 54.867 54.756 - - 322 322 n!a S1NM Fees . 3,314,714 3,397,265 1,854,993 3,338,969 1.822.376 1.829,661 7.285 0.4% Retuse Collectim Fees 270.732 272.641 204.480 278.854 209.747 208.054 (7.086) -0.5 Interest Eamings 149,719 55,062 54.055 750.526 147.719 19,171 (128.547) -87.0% MiscellaneouslOther 4,250 4.287 3,077 25.896 18,587 19.975 1 388 �_5^ n an tili T Transfers In: Knuhen Family Thealre 359,863 359,863 135,723 132,232 132,232 132,232 - 0.0% FWCC Ops/Reservesl0ebt 1,781,025 1,781,025 72f.576 1,817,264 506,634 506.634 - 0.0° ARerialSVeets 1,126,316 1,126,316 1,400,000 455,000 455,000 455,000 - 0.0% otal Operating Revenues 25,751,713 25,696,474 17,815,490 24,905,231 16,455,070 16,056,558 (398,512) -1.6% OPERATING EXPENOITURES CityOverlay Program 2,050,407 1,940,266 1,7&3,320 2,733,379 1,938,821 1,438,490 500,331 25.8 % Utiflly Tau-Admin/Cash Mgmt Fees 62,137 62,136 41,424 64,622 43,081 43,081 1 OA% Sdid Waste 489,233 448,872 299,160 447,016 . 297,923 296,500 1,422 0.5 % Hotel/Motd Lodging Taz 380,895 151,062 115,710 370,707 � 283,954 121,514 162,440 572% FWCommunilyCenter 2,056,859 2,057,096 1,456,436 2,110.626 1,465,954 1.354,892 111,0621 7.6% r�c Safery(Red LightPhoto) 50,000 2,258 � 400 50,000 8,864 2.938 5,926 66.9� Debt Service 1,203.385 1,733,287 338,918 1,203,805 360,007 345,389 14.618 4.1 % Surface Waler Management 3,372,083 2,880,616 2,003,796 3,554.563 2,472,603 2,044,200 428.402 17.3 % Dumas Bay CenVe 646,225 588,509 385,334 641.056 419,739 357,370 62.369 14.9 % KnutzenFamilyTheatre 192,789 190,932 159.914 762,849 136,393 48,924 87.469 64.1% On a� tili Tax Transfers ut FWCCOps/Reserves/Debt 1,781A25 1,781,025 721,576 1,817,264 506,634 506,634 - 0.0% Knutren Famify Theatre 359,863 359.863 135,723 132,232 132,232 132,232 - 0.0 % Arterial SVeets Overlay 1,126,316 1,726,316 1,400,000 455,000 455.000 455,000 - 0 0% 7ransportation GP 3,700,000 3,700,000 3,700,000 - - - - n/ General/SVeet Fund Operations 6,507,606 6,501,606 4,763,139 6,092,666 4,866,014 4,866,014 0.0 % Prop 1 Voter Package 3,399,168 , 3,318.163 2,314,279 3,396,049 2,264,355 2,204,355 -� 0.0 % n oin Traffic e Traosfer Out I CouNPolicelTraffic 830,000 830,000 580,000 830.000 500,000 500.000 0.0 % ToWI Operating Expenditures 28,207,992 27,072,008 20,179,128 21,461,834 16,091,574 14,717,534 1,374,040 5.1% perating Revenues over/tunder) Operating Expenditures (2,450,279►� (1,375,534) (2,363,638) 1,443,397 363,496 1,1J9,024 975,529 i -70.9% OTHER FINANCING SOURCES Grants/Mitigation/OtheATransfer 3.879.064 4,051,759 3,911,579 1.416.972 � 1,345,009 1.345.009 - 0.0 % Total Other Fina�cing Sources 3,879,064 4,051,159 2,480,483 1,416,972 i 1,345,009 1,345,009 0.0% THER FINANCING USES I One-TimeTransfe�sOuVOther 1,847,743 1,825,684 1,427,503 2,841,000 2.595,288 2,595,288 - 0.0% Interfund Loan RepaymenUFWCC 65.000 65,000 65,000 - - - - n/a TotalOtherFi�a�cingUses �.9�Z,�I3 1,890,684 1,492,503 2,841,000 2,595,288 2,595,288 - 0_0% ENDING FUND BALANCE Arterial Street 400,000 � 633.380 573,971 (2) - 526,476 n7a i n/ Utiliry Tax 1,992,467 2,131,040 1,743,200 3,457,015 2,534.774 n/a � n! UGlily Tax-Prop 1 Voter Package 1.158,186 899,580 7,007,579 899,580 - 71�.821 n!a i n/ SWid Waste & Recyding 92.817 151,639 125,899 103.805 - 765.579 n/a '��. nl Hotel/MotelLodgingTax -: 201,347 778,177 (t�, - 171.269 n/a' n7 FW Community Cenler 247,911 � 240 Oi 1 (53,195) 669,356 - 325,921 n/a , n/a Traffic Safety Fund 85,819 � 155.288 27,365 105,287 - 624.387 n/a I Na Paths & Trails 127,115 I 133.511 60,777 132.769 � - 60 079 nla ; n/ DebtServiceFund 3,884,320 4,164,480 3,144.180 2905,708 - 3,181,999 n/aj n/a Surface Water Management 535.815 ! 1,714,705 435,637 1.638,720 - 1.523.570 n/a � N Dumas Bay Centre Operations 182,676 � i49,071 (222,634) 111,805 - 151,504 Na ' n/ Knutzen Family Theatre 28,648 30,616 69.068 (1) - 174,246 nla n/ Total Endin Fund Balance E 8,735,767 j 10,004,667 S 7,090,22d j 10,024,041 f - S 10,093,425 n/a � n!a 68 Sa[es Tax Compared to year-to-date 2009 actua(, sales tax revenues are up $26K or less than 1%. August sales tax collection of $1.OM is $77K or 83% above 2009's August sales tax of $930K. Compared to 2010 year-to-date budget, sales tax revenues are up $129K or 1.8%. There is an overa(l increase in all areas with the exception of Retail Trade, Trans/Utilfty, Manufacturing, and Fin/Ins/Real Estate. LOCAL RETAIL SALES TAX REVENUES Year-to-date thru August 2009 2010 Change bom 2009 2010 Actual vs Budget Month Actua! Budget Acfual S % $ % Jan $ 854,156 $ 829,190 $ 824,040 $ (30,116) -3.5% $ (5,150) -0.6% Feb 1,207,836 1,155,376 1,171,625 (36,211) -3.0°/a 16,249 1.3% Mar 816,547 770,110 786,688 (29,859) -3.7% 16,578 2.0% Apr 800,565 761,718 837,813 37,249 4.7% 76,095 9.5% May 874,919 903,200 887,167 12,248 1.4% (16,033) -1.8% Jun 800,518 802,507 790,522 (9,995) -12% (11,985) -1.5% Jui 829,441 819,688 834,924 5,483 0.7% 15,235 1.8% Aug 930,454 969,754 1,007,538 77,084 8.3% 37,784 4.1% Sep 916,206 919,103 - _ _ Oct 879,431 890,241 - _ _ Nov 886,309 929,316 - - _ Dec 786,921 827,796 - - _ YTD Total $ 7,114,435 $ 7,011,543 $ 7,140,318 E 25,884 0.4°/a 3 128,775 1.8% nnua . ota $ �0,583,302 $ 10,5T8,000 n/a n/a nla � �/a n/a Sales Tar by SIC Group Overall, there is a decrease of $121K in Retail Trade and $68K in Manufacturing offset by $78K increase in Services, $SSK in Construction, $4SK in Information, and $44K in Government. In government, the increase of $44K is mostly due to Nonclassifiab(e establishments, which includes establishments that did not identify their component group (i.e. RetaiUServices/Construction/wholesaling etc) when filing sales tax with the State. The unfavorable variance in retail trade is due to a decrease of $43K in clothing & accessories, $41 K in misc. store retailers and the unfavorable variance in manufacturing is due to a decrease of $57K in wood product manufacturing. COMPARISON OF SALES TAX COLtECTlONS BY S1C GROUP Year�o-date tliru August Component Componentcomprised of the 2009 2010 Change f�om 2009 Group following major categories: Actual Actua! $ ^/, Generai mercha�dise stores, motor vehicle & parks dealer, building material/garden, and misc. store Retail Trade retaiters $ 3,926,786 $ 3,805,975 $ (120,810) -3.1°� Food services/d�nking places, professional, Services saenGfic, tech, a�d repair/maintenance 1,561,216 1,638,878 77,662 5.0% Construdion of buildings and specialty trade Const�uct contractors 552,150 607,200 55 ,050 I ' 10.0% Wholesale of du�able goods and non durable Wholesali�g goods. 283.742I 290,536 6,793 2.4% Transp/Utility Utilities 4,014 2,646 (1,369) -34.1% Telecommunications, publishing and motion Information picture/sound record � 348,375 393,402 45,028 � 12.9% Wood produd manufacturing, printing/related Manufacturi�g support, and fumiture related produds 167,221� 99,704 (67,517) -40.4% Econanic Programs, Executive7Legislative, I Justice/Public Order, Human Resources i ' Administration, Nondassificable Establishments � which indudes Liquor Stores and sales tax for establishments that did not classify their � Go�rt:rnment Componentgroup. 73,152 116,852 43,700 59.7% Rentalfleasing services, real estate, a�d credit I Fin/1nslReal Estate intertnediation. 184,954 160,057 (24,897)I -13.5% Mini�g, suppo�t activities of mining, and Other transportation services. 12,824 � 25,066 12,243 j 95.5% Year-bo-date Totall 5 7,114,435 5 7,140,318 $ 25,884 0.4% 69 ■ S 348�': Down $64K or 7.9°/a due to a decrease of $49K in Retail Apparel/Accessories and $15K in Retai( Electronics & Appliances offset by an increase of $6K in Retail General Merchandise. ■ The Commons: Down $32K or 4.6% mainly due to a decrease of $24K in Generai Retai( Merchandise. SALES TAX COMPARISON byAREA Year-to-date August Chg from 2009 Group 2009 2010 s °� Total Sales Tax $7,114,435 �,140,318 $25,884 0.4°k S 348th Retail 81ock $803,003 $739,206 (�3,798� -7.9% % chg from prev yr -15.6% -7.9% na na The Commons 699,330 667,043 (532,28]) -4.6°/a % chg irom prevN -5.6% -4.6% na na S 312th to S 316th 615,227 605,122 ($10,106) -1.6°/a % chg from Exev yr 1.6% -1.6% na na Pavilion Center 352,957 373,890 f20,953 5.9°k % chg 6om prev yr -3.6% 5.9% na na Hotels & Motels 90,351 83,131 (7,214) -8.0'k % chg from prev yr -26.3% -8.0°6 na na FYYCrossings 279,478 266,710 (12,768) -4.6°� % chg irom prev yr 61.9% -4.6% na na ■ 5312 to S. t6�': Down $lOK or 1.6% mainly due to decrease of $SK in Retail Food Stores. ■ Pavi(ion Center: Up $21K or 5.9% mainly due to an increase of $23K in Electronics & Appliances offset by a decrease of $3K in Misc Retail Trade. ■ Hotel & Motels: Down $7K or 8.0°/a due to one major hotel's decrease activity. • Federal Way Crossings: Down $L3K or 4.6% due to a decrease of $19K Retail Misc Store offset by an increase of $3K in Furniture and Fixtures. Utility Tax: (Total 7.75%) Total utility taxes received year-to-date 20i0 is $8.9M and is below year-to-date 2009's collections by $663K or 6.9%. Of the $663K decrease, $426K is due to a decrease in overall revenues for a major gas vendor. Compared to budget, net utilities tax revenues are below 2010 year-to-date projections by $960K or 9.7%. The utility tax rebate is a reimbursement from the City to any residents of Eederal Way who is 65 years of age or older, disabled/unable to work, and had an income during the calendar year. Any payments that these qualified individuals made towards the utility tax that is passed from the utility company ko the consumer is reimbursed by the City. l54 rebates totaling $20K have been processed for the year. UTILITY TAXES Yeai-to-date thru August 2009 2010 � Change from 2009 � 2010 Actual vs Budqet Monfh Actual Sudget i Actual $ Var % Yar $ Var % Var Jan � 1,23 9,336 $ i,276,825 $ 1.259,004 I$ 19,667 1.6% $ (17,821) -1.4°/ _ Feb 1,444,481 1,488,174 1,22 37 06 (217,175) -15.0% (260,868) -17.5°/ --- Mar — - 1.382.427 1.424.244 1.162.917 (219.511) -15.9% (261.327) -18.3°/ Apr 1,364,444 1,261,215 1,210,765 (153,679) -11.3% (50,449) -4.0°/ May 1,190.557 1.371,072 1 ,119,347 , (71,210) -6.0°/a (251.725) -18.4°/ ---- Jun 1,024,160 1,055, 1,0 150 18,855 1.8% (12,125) -1.1°/ --_ ---- Jul 1,010.788 -- 1.041.363� (29,910) -3.0% (60,485) -5.8°/ Aug 939,252 967,663 ! 936,258 _ (2,994) -0.3% (31,406) -32°/ Sep i 914.835 942.508 � ----- - - - - Oct 1,028,231 1,059,334 - - - � - ----- �87,442 1,017,311 _ --- - -- _ -- -- -- Dec I 1,036,986 1,068.353 - - I - _ YTD Total• a 9,595,446 = 9,885,695 I j 8,939,489 $ (655,956) -6.8°/. $ (946,206) -9.6°/ YTO Rebate (13.468) (6,348), (20,453) (6,986) 51.9% (14,105) 2222°/ Mnual Total $ 13,549,472 $ 13,966,853 i $ 8,919,036 $ (662,942) -6.9°/a (960,312) -9.7°/ 70 Sales Tax bv Area Comparing year-to-date 2010 to year-to-date 2009: Compared to 2009 - ■ E(ectricity is down by $72K or 22%. ■ Gas is down by $433K or 24.8% mainly due to decrease in natural gas rates effective October 2009 and decrease in consumption due to warmer weather when compared to 1 Quarter 2009. ■ So(id Waste is up by $25K or 5.0%. Starting March I�`, there was an average of a 17°/a increase in solid waste service rates. Comparing March 2009 to March 2010, there was a 14°/a increase in solid waste utility tax offset by decrease of 2% in the beginning of 2010 compared to 2009. ■ Cable is up $22K or 2.4%. • Phone is down $23K or 2.8%. UTILITY TAXES Year-to-date th�u August 2009 2010 Change from 200g Actual Actual $Var %Var 9ectric $ 3,355,523 $ 3,283,052 $ (72,471) -2.2% G2s 1,750,876 1,317,397 (433,479) -24.8% Solid Waste 491,882 516,498 24,616 5.0% Cable 920,692 942,860 22,168 2.4% Phone 818,151 795,489 (22,662) -2.8% Cellular 2,112,440 1,939,808 (172,632) -8.2% Pager 1,356 1,107 (248) -'18.3% S1MV1 144,526 143,278 (1,248) -0.9% Tax Rebate (13,468) (20,453) (6,986) 51.9% YTDTotal $ 9,581,978 $ 8,919,036 $ (662,942) -6.9% ■ Cellular phone is down by $173K or 82%. Of the $173K decrease, $70K is due to an audit of a major payor for back taxes between 1998-2009. When this is taken into consideration, ce(L phone is down $103K or 5.0% which is due to recession and bundling of services. [n addition, Voice over IP and prepaid cell phone cards are not taxed a utility tax. Update on ProposUion 1 Year-to-date 2010 prop 1 expenditures total $ t.9M or 61.5% of the $3.1M budget. An additional $300K was transferred for Police Overtime. Current life-to-date Prop 1 Utility tax collections tota( $10.5M and expenditures total $9.8M resulting in ending fund balance of $714K_ 2009 2010 P RO P 1 Annuai Annuai Annual YTD LIFE Budget Actual Budget Actual TO DATE Begin�ing Balance: $ 1,158,186 $ 1,158,186 $ 899,580 $ 899,580 $ - OPERATING REVENUES January ___ $ 277,578 $ 279,745 $ 288,315 $ 284,291 $ 836,176 Febnia 291,008 299,981 336,039 277,134 862,421 Ma�ch 339,134 337,484 321,603 262,594 1,161,007 April _ ___ 265,287 275,585 284,790 273,399 1,085,520 May 307,326 300,363 309,597 252,756 1,093,355 Ju�e 237,543 230,272 238,257 235,519 913,321 July 229,141 228,153 235,146 221,489 886,664 August 223,587 212,089 218,505 211,413 849,205 September 208,501 206,576 212,824 - 635,453 October 233,005 232,181 239,204 682,747 November 233,850 222,971 229,715 679,588 December 256,237 234,158 241,241 - 837,967 Totai UGiity Tax for Prop 1 3,102,196 3,059;558 : 3,155 2,018,594 10,523,423 OPERATING EXPENDITURES � Public Safety lmprovement Positions & Cosfs: Police Services (includes swom postions, records clerlc, and indirect Information Technology support costs) 2,384,409 2,319,335 2,340,772 1,445,191 6,764,802 Court Services (includes Judge, CouR Cle�k, Prosecutor, public defender contract, and indirect Information Techno�ogy su poR) 366,119 349,074 383,866 236,383 1,180,435 Total Public Safety lmproveme�t Positions 8 Costs 2,750,528 2,668,410 2,724,638 1,681,574 7,945,237 Community Safety Program Casts: Code Enforcement Officer 93,155 87,683 100,218 57,760 292,087 CodeEnforcement Civil Attomey 69,962 64,141 72,589 35,778 210,481 Park Maintenance 107,562 100,806 112,046 64,449 333,033 Total Cqmmunity Safe Improvement Program Costs 270,679 252,631 284,853 157,987 835,601 Indirect Support - HR Analyst 40,467 38,696 46,780 27,292 143,770 SafeCi M8�0 59,553 58,428 39,784 37,500 95,928 SubtotatOn oin Ex enditures 3,12'1,227 ' 3,018,165 3,096,049 1,904,353 9,020,536 SafeCity Start� - - - - 189,066 Other Transfer - Pro 1 OT for Police - 300,000 300,000 300,000 600,000 Subtotal Other Expenditures - � 300;000 300,000 30Q000 789,066 Total Pro 1' Ex eoditures 3,121,227 3,318;765 3,396;049 2,204,353 9,809,602 Tota1 Endin "fund Balances: $ 1;139,155 $ 899;580 $ 658;770 $ 713,821 S 713,821 71 Real Estate Excise Tax Compared to year-to-date 2009 actuals, collections are up $17K or 1.7°/a. August's receipt of $60K is $23K below August 2009's actuals and $4K below August 2010's projections. Compared to year-to-date 2010 budget, coltections are up $354K or 55.6°/a. There was 1 major transaction in August which was a sale of waterfront property located at 39�` Place S W for $ i. l M_ August 20t0 activities include 171 real estate transactions, of which 1 l6 were tax exempt. HoteUMotel Lodging Tax HoteUMotel (odging tax collections through August totat $86K. Compared to year-to-date 2009, lodging tax is $ lOK or 10.0°/a below the same period. Compared to year-to-date 2010 budget, lodging tax is $LSK or 15.0% below projections. 63% of the decrease from 2009 is due to a decrease in revenues for one major hotel in 2�1�. REAL ESTRTE IXCISE TAX REVENUES Year-to-date fhru August 2009 2010 Change Irom 2009 NJ10 Actual vsBudget Mon1h Actaal Budget Actua! EVar %Var SVar %Var Jan $ 60,134 $ 78,746 $ 79,389 $ 19,255 32.0°� $ 643 0.8% feb 44,975 71,576 47,571 2,596 5.8°� (24,005) -33.5°h PAar 93,877 87,215 230,191 136,314 1452°k 142,976 163.9°k Apr 60,007 92,279 125,035 65,029 108.4°k 32,756 35.5°k May 391,622 95,516 78,676 (313,005) -79.9°h (16,900) -17.7% Jun 105,997 74,658 87,441 (18.557) -17.5°� 12,783 17.1°h Jul 132,852 71;843 280,791 147,939 111.4°� 208,948 290.8% Aug 83.173 64,004 60,287 (22,886) -27.5% (3.717) -5.8% Sep 122,996 88,549 - - Oct 92,273 60,9i4 - - - - - Nov 113,843 66,651 - - - - Dec 127,237 48,049 - - - - YTD Totai f 972,636 S 635,837 S 989,321 16,685 1.7°� J53,484 55.6°h Annual Total ;1,428,985 S 900,000 n!a n/a nla nla nfa HOTEUMOTEL LODGING TAX REVENUES Year-to-date thru August 2009 2010 Change fiom 2009 2010 Actual vsBudqet Month Actual Budget Actual SVar %Var SVar %Var Jan $ 11,565 $ 11,593 $ 8.787 $ (2,778) -24.0% $ (2,806) -24.2% Feb 13,822 12,664 11,823 {1,999) -14.5% (841) -6.6% Mar 9,320 l0,330 8,134 (1,186) -12.7% (2,196) -21.3% Apr 12,025 9,602 10,617 (1,408) -117% 1,016 10.6% AAay 14,597 16,697 13,285 {1,312) -9.0% (3,412) -20.4 % Jun 9,910 11,443 9,489 (421) -4.2% (1,954) -17.1 % Jul 11,394 12,256 11,853 459 4.0% (403) -3.3% Aug 13,054 16,874 12,099 (954) -7.3 % (4,575) -27.4% Sep 17,093 14,088 - - - - - Oct 19,466 22,194 - - _ Nov 13,285 15,346 - - _ Dec 8,616 12,113 - - - - YTDTotal ; 95,688 ; 101,259 E 86,088 5 (9,599) -10.0% 5 (75,171) -15.0% An�ual Total E 154,148 S 165,000 n/a n/a nla Na Na Gambling Tax Year-to-date 2010 Gambling tax col(ection tota( $435K, which is down $337K or 43.6% compared to year-to-date 2010 Budget. In comparison to year-to-date 2009 collection, 2010's tax coltection is $332K or 43.3% below. The negative variance is due to two gambling venues closing, one of which is a major payor. The major payor is anticipating reopening - however a definite timeline has not been established_ Gambling tax rates were amended during the June 1 and June l�`� Regu(ar Council Meeting. The amended gambling tax rate are as follows: Card Rooms - rate from 20°/a to l0% effective date June 6`�, 2010 and Pulltabs - rate from 5% to 3% effective date August 1 2010. GAMSLING TAX REVEIYUE Year-to-date thru Au ust 2009 2010 Chan e from 2009 2010 Actual vs Budget Month Actual Budget Actual $ Var °/, Var S Var % Var Jan $ 78,383 $ 97,849 $ 68,015 $ (10,368) -132% $ (29,834) -3 0.5% Feb 80,408 98,819 84,8 4,468 5.6% (13,942) -14.1°� Mar 103,463 63,713 87,142 (16,321) -15.8% 3,429 36.8% Apr 102,780 132,02 96,8 (5,930) -5.8% (35,174 - 26.6°� May 103,143 82,277 11,7 (91.375 -88.6% (70,510) -85.7% Jun 99,118 92,326 51,860 (47,258) -47.7% (40 ,465) -43.8% _ Jul 107,752 93,556 21,983 (85,769) -79.6% (71,572) -76.5°/u Aug 91,449 110,930 12,475 (78,975) -86.4% (98,455) -88.8% Sep 92,060 78,609 - - - - Oct 87,880 83,131 -- - -- ------- - Nov 72,346 1 11.299 -- - - - Dec 108,420 65,468 - - - - YTD Total $ 766,497 $ 771,493 $ 434,969 $ (331,528) �3.3% a (336,524) -43.6% nnua o a $ �,�27,y03 $ 1,110,000 n/a n/a �/a nla n/a 72 State Shared Revenue Year-to-date 2010 distribution of $3.3M is above year- to-date 2009's activity by $41K or 13%. The favorable variance is due to increase all in areas with the exception of Local Criminat Justice Sales Tax. The City qualified for Criminal Justice High Crime distribution for the remainder of 2010 through the first half of 201 l. Year-end estimates for Criminal Justice High Crime for 20I0 is anticipated to be $200K. Criminal Justice High Crime wil( be reevaluated in June 2012 to determine if the City qualifies for the High Crime distribution for the following year. Permit Activiry Building, planning, and zoning permit activities are above year-to-date 2009's activity by $25K or 2.8%. Compared to year-to-date budget, permit activity is up $33K or 3.6%. The increase in permit activity compared to 2009 is due to increase in activity for construction of houses and commercial real estate in the City. Community Development's positive expenditure variance of $158K is due to under-spending of temporary help monies, timing of consulting for nuisance abatement, permit upgrade, and professional services. STATE SHARED REVENUES Year-to-date thru August 2009 2010 Change from 2009 Revenue Acfua/ Actual $ % Liquor Profits Tax $ 299,582 $ 368,196 $ 68,614 22.9% Liquor 6ccise Tax 318,549 328,129 9,580 3.0% Gim Just - Pbpuiation 68,041 70,491 2,449 3.6% Gimi�al Just Figh Gime 151,460 155,318 3,858 2.5°/a local Gim Just Sales Tax 1,171,349 1,123,686 (47,664) -4.1 % Fuel Tax` 1,236,102 1,240,320 4,218 0.3% OUI - Cities 12,006 12,350 344 2.9% YTD Total S 3,257,090 5 3,298,489 $ 41,399 1.3% 'Fuel tazis included in both general/street, designated operating funds, and transportation CIP. BUILDING & LAPO USE PHiINITS AND FffS Year-to-date thru August 2009 2010 Change from 2009 2010 Adual vs Budget Actual Budget Actual S % S % Jan 74.914 70,729 70,617 (4,297) -5.7% (112) -0.2% Feb 702,637 102,763 65,393 (37,244) -36.3% (37,370) -36.4% M3r 65,496 97,084 150,033 84,537 129.1% 52,949 54.5% Apr 118,447 144,274 112,032 (6,414) -5.4% (32,242) -22_3% Ahay 84,616 125,259 134,120 49,504 58.5% 8,861 7.1°h Jun 184,937 126,796 t42,582 (42,355) -22.9% 15,786 12.4% Jul 163,050 707,883 110,339 (52,711) -32.3% 2,456 2.3% Aug 113,306 125,212 147,524 34,218 302% 22,312 17.8% Sep 80,231 76,173 - - - Oct 95,358 103,133 - - - - _ Nov 53,465 84,960 - - - - _ Oec 112,013 86,733 - - - - _ YTO Total 907,CO2 900,001 932,641 25,238 2.8°k 32,640 3.6°k A�nual Total 1,248,470 1,251,000 n/a nla nla n/a n/a lZight-of-way permits and development services permit fees are down $16K or 6.7% when compared to year-to-date 20 L0 budget. Right-of-way permit activity and issuance is slightly down and the other permits such as residential, commercial and plats are down due to economic conditions in the market place. Owners/developers are not proceeding with new plats since there is a surplus of new homes, new tots, and other fmancial issues. This is the same for the commercial market, there is an excess of existing office space and banks are more stringent on lending practices. The Federal Way School Support Services Center west of S 333rd Street and 13th Avenue S is currently under construction and will continue thru 2011. This project includes the extension of l3th Avenue South, construction of S 332nd/333rd Street from 9th Avenue s to 13th Avenue South and widening S 336th Street and installing a new traffic signat. Pa�blic Works Operations year-to-date expenditures total $2.7M and is $360K or 11.9% below year-to-date budget of $3.OM mainly due timing of payments for emergency management, repair/maintenance for thermo plastic pavement markings/speed humps, road services, flashing yellow lights, and various repair/maintenance for maintaining the right of ways/traffic control services/noxious weeds controVtree replacement. ROW PERMITS 8 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES FEES Year-to<late thru August 2009 2010 Change f�om 2009 2010 Actual vs Budget Actual Budget Actual S % ; % Jan 21.536 25,042 11,036 (10,499) �8.8% (14,005) -55.9°/a Feb 20,293 28,143 30,655 10,363 51.1% 2,513 8.9% Mar 19,578 20,079 26,054 6,476 33.1% 5,976 29.8% Apr - - 54.982 � 39,211 35,290 (19,692) -35.8% (3.921) -10.0% Mey 51,768 30,232 26,709 (25,059) -48.4% (3,523) -11.7°/a JUn j 28.828 27,162 46.479 17,651 612% 19,317 71.1% Jul i 36,809 30,925 17,926 (18,884) -51.3% (12,999) -42.0% Aug -- 16,211 35,783 26,559 (9,224) -56.9% (9,224) -25.8% Sep 7,866 18,025 - - - Oct 26 ,622 i 32, 086 - - - - - Nov 32,461 I 28,018 - - - - Dec 38,375 34,295 - - - - YTD Total 250,005 236,576 220,708 (29,296) -11.7°/a (95,868) -6.7% Annual Total 355,328 349,000 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 73 Police Department Expenditures year-to-date August total $14.8M and is $22K or less than 1% below the budget of $14.8M mainly due to savings found in traveUtraining, one-time programs offset by overage for non-budgeted purchased made related to Animal Services which will be added as a housekeeping item at year-end. Through August, City overtime is $6K or 1.4°/a below last year. There is a 9.6% increase in overtime for contracted services and traffic schooL When the increase from the billable overtime is included, the total overtime increased $1 �K or 2.8%. The Overtime budget consists of $686K for City overtime, $87K for billable time, and $86K for grant overtime reimbursement. The increase in billable time compared to 2009 is due to the addition of the Registered Sex Offender Grant and Valley Narcotics contribution for 2010 which is reimburse to the City for overtime worked for re(ated cases. PD Ove rtime By Month 2009 2010 Change from 2009 2010 Actual vs Budget Actual Budget Actual 5 °� S °� Jan $ 46,441 $ 53,077 $ 57,368 $ 10,927 23.5°6 $ 4,291 8.1°,6 Feb 39,356 44,980 40,952 1,596 4.1% (4,028) -9.0°� A+�r 57,836 66,100 65,076 7,239 12.5% (1,025) -1.6°k Apr 59,767 68,307 57,612 (2,155) -3.6% (10,695) -15.7°k Nhy 58,365 66,704 53,154 (5,211) -8.9°k (13,550) -20.3°� Jun 53,747 61,426 43,915 �9,771) -18.2°,6 (17,451) -28:4°� ,k�l 64,707 73,953 60,583 (4,124) -6.4°,G (13,370) -18.1% Aug 55,534 63,469 63,193 7,659 13.8°,6 (276) -0.4� Sep 49,665 56,762 - - - - Oc# 43,615 49,847 - - - - - Nov 35,227 40,260 - - - - Dec 35,648 40,742 - - - - CityP�rtion $ 435,753 $ 498,016 $ 441,913 6,160 1.4°h (56,103) -11.3°� B�able 89,611 101,562 98,221 8,610 9.6% (3,341) -1.8°,6 YTDTotal 525,364 599,578 540,134 14,770 2.8°� �59,444) -9.9°� AnnualTotai S 752,118 S 858,137 nla nla nla nla nla Jail Services Jail Services year-to-date thru August is $1.5M and is above year-to-date budget of $13M by $177K or 13.6%. The 20 LO budget is based on 2009's trends. Compared to year-to-date actuals, Jail services are up $385K or 35.3% compared to 2009. Of the $38SK increase from 2009, $67K is due to refund from Yakima in 2009 for prepaid medical services which offset the expenses in 2009 and the remainder is due to increase in Jail services for ali jurisdiction with the exception of Fife and increased Medical Costs compared to 2009. There is a one-time lag in payments for Jail Services with the exception of King County which is closer to 2-3 month lag. -; .fail Services Year-to-date thru August Z009 201D 2009 vs 2010 Act 2010 Bud vs Act Month Acfual 8udget ' Actual $ % $ % Jan - - Feb_ __ 119,209 133,812 128,846 (9,637) -8.1% 4,966 ; 3.7% Mar 172,722 193,880 88,727 83,995 48.6% 105,153 54. 2% Apr 4,033 79,164 226,430 (222,397) -5514.9°/a (147,266) -186.0% May 237,898 267,040 348,808 (110,910) -46.6% (81,768)f -30.6 Jun � 203,530 228,462 272,187 (68,657) -33.7% (43,725)� -1 9.1% Jul �- 1 59,542 179,085 194,429 (34,888) -21.9% (15,344)I -8.6°/u Aug _ 195,561 219,516 218,471 (22,910) -11.7% 1,046 0.5% Sep 167,310 187,805 - - - � - Oct 164,706 184,883 - - - � - Nov 74,635 83,778 - - - i - --- -- -- - ---_ _ Dec 543,980 610,617 - - - - i - YTDTotal 1,092,493 1,300,959 1,477,897 (385,404) -35.3°/a� (176,938�� -13.6% nnual Totai 2,043,125 2,368,041 n/a � n/a n/a n/a � n/a 74 Traffc Safety/Red Light Photo Enforcement Traffic Safety Fund accounts for Red Light Photo Enforcement. 2010 year-to-date net Red Light Photo receipts are $1.3M, which is received for January thru August. Payments to ATS total $34lKand covers January thru July. There is currently a l- month lag for payments to ATS. The invoice for the month of August is $42,276 which wi(1 be paid in September. Currently there are 10 camera locations operating, 8 Red Light and 2 School Zone locations. 65% of year-to-date gross revenues were from the new cameras installed December 2009. Court Municipal Court expenditures of $953K is $7K or 0.7% below estimates. The positive variance is mainly due to the Court Administrator vacancy, which was filled in ear(y March 2010 offset by overage in temporary help. Excluding probation, year-to-date 2010 revenue is down by $ lOK or less than 1.0% compared to year- to-date 2009. When probation is included, the decrease is adjusted to $3K or less than (%. COURT REVBJUE Year-to-date thru August 2009 2010 Change from 2009 2010Actual vsBudget Month Actuai Budget Actual S Var % Var $ Var % Var January $ 101.503 $ 101,885 $ 111,414 $ 9.912 9.8°/a $ 9,529 9.4% February 155,225 111,713 156,784 1,559 1.0% 45,071 40.3% M2rch 152,207 120,402 159,493 7,286 4.8% 39,091 32.5% Ap�il 135,453 110,132 126,513 (8,940) -6.6% 16,382 14.9% AAay 122,986 119,678 104,487 (18,499) -15.0% (15,191) -12.7% June 125,491 118,829 117,509 (7.982) -6.4% (1,321) -1.1% July � 113,665 108,986 108,860 (4,805) -4.2% (126) -0.1% August 122,104 112,506 133,575 11,471 9.4% 21,069 18.7% September 109,082 112,744 - - - - October 121,057 125,009 - - _ November 97,465 113,339 - - - _ December 124,417 121,246 - - - - _ Subtotal E 1,028,633 S 904,131 S 1,018,636 S (9,997) -1.0% S 114,504 12.7°/a Robation Svcs 45,365 115,132 52,174 6,809 15.0% (62,958) -54.7% YTD Total S 1,073,999 S 1,019,263 $1,070,810 $ (3,189) -0.3% j 51,547 5.1% Annual Total 1,547,204 1,477,469 nla n/a n/a n!a n/a COI�T REV@�l� Year-to-date thru August 2009 2010 Change from 2009 Actual Actual $ Var %Var Civil Penalties $ 14,391 $ 16,224 $ 1,834 12.7% Traffic & Non-Parldng 730,855 686,816 (43,979) -6.0% Parking hfractions 62,722 33,712 (28,950) -46.2% DIJI & Other Nfsd 37,430 44,037 6,608 17.7% Giminal Traffic Wfsd 1,567 2,202 634 40.5% Q�iminal Costs 58,503 76,556 18,052 30.9% Interest I Other / Nisc 29,049 38,040 8,991 30.9% Criminal Conv Fees 13,496 18,574 5,078 37.6% Shared Court Costs 35,359 45,737 10,378 29.4°/a Services &Charges 45,261 56,618 11,356 25.1°/a Subtotal $ 1,028,633 S 1,018,636 S (9,997) -1.0% Probation SeNices 45,365 52,174 6,809 15.0% YTO Total a 1,073,999 E 1,0T0,810 S (3,189) -0.3% The major decrease in trafftc/non-parking and parking infractions is due to an overall decrease in court fi(ings. For traffic/non-parking filings have decreased 11% and for parking infraction filings have decreased 37% from year-to- date 2009. 75 Parks & Recreation Overall parks operations expenditures, including administration, parks maintenance and general recreation, through August 2010 totat $2.6M and is $6K or 0.2% above the year-to-date budget of $2.6M mainly due to timing of payments for one time programs. Savings of $110K in repairs and maintenance, $SK in professional services, $28K in intergovernmental and timing of internal services charges of $35K compared to 2009 is offset by overages of $23K in sa[aries and benefits and $1 �SK in temporary/seasonal help savings. It is expected that overall, parks operations witl not exceed their budget at the end of 2010. Genera! Recreation and Cultural Services Direct program expenditures total $671K or 89.3% of the total annual budget of $752K not including indirect costs. Including indirect administration costs, recreation expenditures total $862K and are 85.9% of the total annual budget of $1,003K. Recreation fees totat $716K and are 93.1% of the total annual budget of $769K. Recreation fees have recovered 106_7% of direct program costs and is 4.4% above the annual budgeted recovery ratio of 1023°/a. Considering indirect administration costs, the recovery ratio is reduced to 83.0% or is 6.4% above with the annual budgeted recovery ratio of 76.6%. General Recreation revenues projections were increased in 2010 by $175K without a corresponding increase in expenditures_ Disregarding this change, the budgeted recovery ratio wou(d be 59.2%, when this is taken into consideration; their recovery ratio is above budgeted_ It is expected the deparhnent will exceed their budget but will be offset by expenditure savings within the General Fund Budget. Total Parks revenues of $719K is $ l l7K or 19.4% above year-to-date budget of $602K. Compared to actual, general recreation is above year-to-date 2009's activity of �627K by $92K. Positive variance compared to 2009 year-to-date actuat is due to: • Adu(t Athletics - Revenues are up $SK from 2009 due to an increase in participation. Expenses are up $24K from 2009 due to cost associated with administering the leagues such as staffing, equipment and officials. Two new Men's soccer teagues will begin in September with an estimate of 20 teams and new volleyball teagues will statt at the end of September. ■ Youth Athletics - Revenues are down $SK from 2009, expenses are down $15K. This year there were (ower numbers in the Skyhawks sports camps than normal. Skyhawks Sports Academy is implementing new marketing strategies to increase the numbers for next year. • Senior Services - Revenues are up by $22K compared to 2009 and expenses are up $I 1K. The most dramatic reason for the success of the senior program has been the increased numbers of participants in each of the programs. This increase is due to several factors including the creation of a monthly calendar that goes out to all the participants and highlights upcoming events and opportunities for the seniors. One particular class to highlight would be the drop-in bridge program which has seen steady growth over the past year and current(y averages 40 people per day twice a week. ■ Community Recreation - Compared to 2009, revenues are up $37K and expenses are up $28K. The summer day camp program just finished and it was a very good year, averaging 140 kids per week. Staff is using contacts with those participants to build the no-school day programs, which are offered each day that the Eederal Way Schools are out. Several people are already registered for these programs. ■ Recreation [nc. - Revenues are up $lOK from 2009 and expenses are up $13K. Staff is experiencing success asking for donations. A recent success was obtaining free admission to the Seattle Aquarium and to a recent Mariner game. There are some programs upcoming that will be expense free featuring all volunteer stafftng. • Arts & Specia( Events - Revenues are up $3K and expenses are up $6K from 2009. Staff is working hard to create new sponsorship opporlunities to offset the difficulty experienced in obtaining event sponsors in 2010. Some large events upcoming this year are Canine Karnival, Fall Camival and Jingle Bel( Brunch. • Red White & Blaes Festival - Revenues are up $SK and expenses are down $7K. Staff has started planning for the 2011 event and is working on more sponsor perks to entice more large sponsors. The table below is a comparison of budgeted versus actual subsidy and recovery ratio by program. GENERAI RECREATION PERFORMANCE YeaiJo-dale fhru August Annua/ Budget Yeai to.date Actua/ Reeovery Recovery Va�iance Piogram Revenue" Expend Subs7dy Rafio Revenue Expend Subsidy Ratio Su6sidy GENERAI RECREATION Steel �ake Aquatics 2,000 � 20,360 18,360 9.89b 23,501 - n/a Na Arts & Special Events 93,000 722,17 29,174 76.1% 97 831 84,767 (12,864) 1152 % 4 2,038 Youth Athletics 42,450 99,100 56 850 42.8 % 28,255 47,497 13,242 68.1% 43,408 AdWtAth 202,9 147, 598 (61,362) 143.3 155,038 701,353 (53,685) 153.0% (7,677) .CommunityRecreation 299000 149,172 (149,828) 200.4% 304,537 235,223 (69,313) 129.5% (80,514) Recreatio� Inc � 48,850 64,407 15,557 75.8% 51 ,678 64,198 72,520 80.5% 3,037 Youth Commission - 1,800 1,800 n/a 303 539 235 n/a 1,565 Red, White & Blue 21,500 41,550 20 050 St7% 18,730 37,869 19, 740 n1a 910 Senior Services � 58,740 111,413 52 673 52.7% 59,476 61,884 22,468 72.6 % 30;206 SubWWI Direet Cost S 768,500 E 751,67 E (16,926) 102.3 % E 715,588 E 670,830 = (44,7fi8) 106.7% S 27,833 Administration 251,664 251,664 n/a - 190,972 190,972 n/a 60,693 o anera ecrea on i�cluding Indirect Cost y 768,fi00 S 1,003,240 E 234,740 76.6 % E 715,688 S 861,802 S '146,214 83.0 % E88.526 76 Genera! Recreation and Cultural Services (continuel #Annua! b:edgeted revenues of $768,500 dces not include $6,500 6udgeted for Ce(ebration Parks. When incfuded, total budget revenues jor Parks and General Recreation total $775K, which equals �he GeneraUS�reet Sunemary page jor Parks and General Recreation budgeted revenues. 20l0 year-to-date revenue of $7!>,�88 does not include $3, 498 for Arts Commission qnd Celebration Parks_ 6Vhen included, 1he total year-to-date revenues for Parks and Ceneral Recreation lota! $719,086, which equals the Genera!/Streel Summary page jor Parks and General Recreation year-to-date actua! revenues. Federal Way Communitv Center ' The Federal Way Community Center Fund was established as a speciai revenue fund supported by user fees and designated utility tax transfer. 2009 2010 BudgeYvs Actual' Fedeeal Way Annual YTD Y7'D' YTD Favorabie!(Unfavorable) Community Genter Budget Actual Actuai Butlget Budget Actual S °/, Beginning Fund Balance $ 984 $ 984 $ 984 $ 240,014 $ 240,014 $ 240,014 n/a n/a Reve�ues Daily Orop-ins $ 328,593 $ 322,697 $ 255,382 $ 353,593 $ 279,833 $ 248,722 $(31,110) -11.1°k Passes 630,000 617,481 413,170 630,000 421,547 479,011 57,464 13.6% City Staff Membership - Employee 43,500 54,352 44,227 43,500 35,397 28,030 (7,367) -20.8% City Staff Membership - Family - 5,323 2,474 - - 3,423 3,423 n/a Youth Athietic Programs 35,000 37,277 26.286 35,000 24,680 39,251 14,570 59.0% Open Gym/Indoor Playground 1,000 - - 1,000 - - - Na Aquatics Programs-Lessons/Classes 110,000 119,710 94,673 110,000 86,994 96,87i 9,876 11.4% Childcare Fees 10,000 8,833 6,337 10,000 7,175 6,054 (1,120) -15.6% Fitness Classes/Fitness Training 85,000 76,907 59,516 85,000 65,779 63,402 (2,376) -3.6°� ToweUequipment Rentals 8,000 6,146 4,625 8,000 6,020 3,999 (2,021) -33.6% Pool Rentals/Competitive-Lap Lanes 21,000 17,758 12,864 21,000 15,213 10,602 (4,611) -30:3% Rentals 185,000 199, 160 135,790 185;000 126,136 142,721 16,585 13.1 % Merchandise Sales 21,000 8,409 6,584 21,000 16,441 6,130 (10,311) �2.7% Concessio�sNending 24,000 19,541 18,606 24,000 22,851 3 (22,848) -100.0% Interest Eamings/Other Misc Revenues - 836 877 - - 892 892 n/a Gene�al Parks/Recreation - Facility use charge - - - 25,000 16,665 16,665 - 0.0% Totai Revenue 1,502,093 1,494,430 1,081,351 1,552,093 ' 1,124,730 1,145,775 21,046 1.9% Ezpenditures Personnel Costs 1,244,283 1.257,557 881,656 1,312,215 919,977 833,504 86,473 9.4% Supplies 159,250 147,099 105,204 151,468 ' 108,329 91,243 17,086 15.8% Other Senrices & Charges 133,232 174,165 118,365 124,716 84,759 108,959 (24,201) -28.6% Utility Cost 381,000 371,786 252,589 381,000 258,849 218,529 40,320 15.6% Intergovemmental 15,500 18,435 12,157 15,500 10,222 18,838 (8,616) -84.3°/a Capital - 3,246 - - - - n/a Intemal Service Charges 123,594 84,809 86,465 125,727 83,819 83,819 - 0.0% Total Expenditures 2,056,859 2,057,096 1,456,436 2,110,626 1,465,954 1,354,892 111,062 7.6% Ope�ating Rev Over /(Under Exp) (554,766) (562,666) � {375,085) (558,533) (341,224) (209,117) 132,108 38.7% --- - � ---- - -- Transfer in from: � UtilityTax-Reserves 311,927 i 311,927 - 319,727 � - - - n/a Utility Tax -Operations 554,766 , 554,766 419,410 582,504 209,118 209,118 - 0.0% CIP - Marketing Study 50 ,000 'i 50 ,00 0 - - - - n/a �-- -�--- ContributioNDonatioNTra�sfer in - Reserves �__ - 85,645 � 90,195 90,195 - 0.0% ToWlOtherSources 916,693 � 916,693 I 419,410 987,876 299,313 � 299,313 0.0% � � - -� -- -- Othe Uses ! Capital/Use of Reserves - -� - � 4,288 4,288 Na Other ServiceslCharges 5 0,000 50,000 33,503 - - - - 0.0°/a _ Total Othe� Uses 50,000 50,000 33,503 - 4,288 4,288 - 0.0% Net I�come 311,927 304,027 10,822 429,343 (46,199) 85,908 132,108 -286.0% Tem ora Interfund Loan - Paid 65,000 65,000 65,000 - - - - n/a Ending Fund Balance S 247,911 5 240,014 �$ �53,195) 5 669,356 ; 193,815 S 325,921 S 132,107 68.2% Operating Recovery Ratio - o . oi . a . aj . o . a n a ��a *?O(0 Yea�-to-date Budget is based oa 2009 treads. The operating revenue budget includes $L6M in user fees/program revenues, $�83K contribution from utility tax for operations, $320K contribution from utility tax for reserves, and $2�K use charge from General Fund Recreation for use of the facility. Through August, operating revenues tota( $1,1465K and is $21K or L_9% above year-to-date 2010 budget. [n comparison to 2010's year-to-date budget: 77 Federa! Wav Community Center (continued) • Daily Drop-in revenues are $31K below. This is primari(y due to conversions to Membership passes_ Daily Drop-in revenues are slightly behind ($7K) of 2009 YTD due to increased staff efforts to up-sell daily guests to membership passes. _ ■ Pass revenues are $57K or 13.6% above due to marketing and membership retention efforts. Monthly average pass numbers are tracking 300 more per month in 2010 versus 2009 YTD. In addition, changes to program offerings, along with improved customer service efforts are helping bring in new customers and retain current ones. ■ City Staff Membership revenues and enrollment numbers are down slightiy with the adoption of new Employee Pass guidelines that included an Employee Fee of $10/$25 per quarter. ■ Youth Athletic revenues are $15K or 59.0% above due to increased attendance and a greater variety of youth athletic programs such as basketball, climbing, soccer, FIT Camp, and Youth PE. ■ Aquatic Programs are $ l OK or t 1.4% above due to strong summer registrations in swim (essons, private lessons, (ifeguard classes, and swim team. Also, low competitive pool rentals has created more open space for more swim lessons. ■ Childcare fees were less than $ i K or 15.6% be(ow. ■ Fitness Class revenue were $2K or 3_6% below as compared to high numbers from Biggest Loser '09 due to programs being spread out a little bit more consistently throughout the year, but have moved closer to projections due to the recent success of smal( group training (i.e. Pump It Up! and Boxing). The steady revenues should meet projections by year-end. ■ ToweUequipment rentals are $2K below year-io-date budget due to elimination of climbing gear rental fees for Annual Pass holders. The daily climbing gear rental fee was eliminated and added as a membership benefit. This ne�v membership benefit has been well ceceived by new and existing household members_ � Competitive pool rental revenues are $SK below year-to-date budget. School district usage was reduced for their budget reasons, but club use is high right now, which is offsetting some of that loss in revenue. • Rental revenues are $17K or 13.1% above projections due to increased marketing and customer service efforts. Birthday party rentals are performing very wetl due to increased customer service support, increased awareness from web site, and bad weather outdoors encourage people to celebrate indoors. • Merchandise sales are not reaching revenue expectations due to delays in the design and purchasing of logo wear and other promotionat items. When the cafe opened, customers began focusing their point of sale purchasing toward the cafe items and away from front counter sales, which inc(uded merchandise. ■ Concession sales have shifted to the Splash Cafe and are now included in the rental revenue category_ Summer Sales for the Cafe were very strona. Through August, operating expenditures total $1,355K and is $11 lK or 7.6% below year-to-date 2010's budget. Federal Way Community Center has recovered 84.6°/a of operating expenditures compared to the year-to-date budgeted recovery ratio of 76.7°/a. In comparison to year-to-date 2010's budget: • Personnel costs were $86K or 9.4% below due to savings in ETE wages, and cost effective service level changes. • Supply costs were $17K or 1�.8°/a below budget due to better inventory controls, supplier price breaks, and staffing efforts to reduce spending. • Other services and charges were $24K or 28.6% above due to increased cost of Personal Training and other Fitness and Youth Athletics Professional contract fees, such as Kids Love Soccer. Service charges for marketing and advertising are a(so slightly higher because they are not covered under one-time funding in 2010. • Utility costs were $40K or 15.6°/a below the YTD budget, $20K of the savings is due to the timing of payments, the remaining is due to staff working hard to adjust (ighting, heating, and cooling schedules to improve energy efficiencies. • Intergovernmental costs were up $9K or 84_3°/a due mostly to paying sa(es tax for the biggest loser program &om 2009 thru March 2010. In addition, monthly sales tax remittance is up because revenues are up. City's contribution of $902K for the Community Center was scheduled to annually provide $583K for maintenance/operations and $320K for capital reserves. Through August 2010, $209K is needed to cover maintenance and operations. Da�mas Bay Centre Dumas Bay Centre operating revenue of $360K below by $4lK or 10.2% compared to year-to-date budget of $401K. The facility has been able to secure a large amount of overnight retreats in the Summer and Fa(l to offset the shortfall for day-use meetings. Dumas Bay Centre has a(so icnplemented a number of cost saving measures to reduce operating expenditures. Adjustments 78 Dumas Bay Centre�continued� include, but are not limited to securing lower contracted services for room linens and cleaning, using in-house services for maintenance and landscaping, reorganizing the menu setections and recommending the "chefs choice" option which will reduce food costs. Staff is in negotiations currently to produce a marketing and communications plan for the Dumas Bay Centre. This will assist in producing additional revenues for the facility. Other Departmental [�a�iances Ciry Counci! expenditures total $345K and is under budget by $( K mainly due savings found in one-time traveUtraining offset by minimum increase in food/beverage for additional meetings relating to the change of government. City Manager expenditures of $897K is under year-to-date budget by $264K mainly due City Manager vacancy and timing of one- time programs for Energy Efficiency Grant, Public Defender, and E-Newstetter start-up. Economic Development expenditures of $147K is be(ow budget by $SSK mainly due to savings found in timing of one-time programs which include one-time consu(tant cost and downtown redevelopment carry-forward. Human Resources expenditures of $572K is betow budget by $176K mainly due to savings of $22K in sataries/benefits, $9K in temp help, timing of $13K in professional services, and timing of $121K in election costs. Finance expenditures of $642K is below budget by $18K mainly due to savings in temporary help when compared to 2009's spending patterns. Law expenditures total $931K and is $IOSK below budget mainly due to savings in salary/benefits and temporary help and under spending of outside counsel compared to 2009's spending patterns. CASH & INVESTMENTS Currently all excess balances are invested in the State Investment PooL The average portfolio yield is 027%, which is above the average 6-month US Treasury Bilt (0.19°/a)_ The total invested balance at the end of August is $47.7M. The state pool is composed of Treasury Securities (13.60%), interest bearing banl: deposits (9J9%), agency floafing rate notes (16.02%), abency variable rate notes (8A l°/a), discount notes (36.06%), certificates of deposit (124%), repurchase agreements (13.86%), Agency Callab(es (0.29%), and N.O.W accounts (LL4%). SIP Average lnvested 8alance by Type August ZO10 6 Bank A �� Y qyency Oe osits Fl°ating Rate P Notes VariableRate 979% 16.02% � O7% Treasury Secwities 13 60% Agency / � Callables� i '� 029 % Repurchase �W Agreerrents Accounts 13.86 % 1.14% Certif�icates of DepoSit 1.24°6 Ctiscount Notes 36.06% f nte rest Rates Com pa rison For the Month of August 2010 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.0% 2.0% �.Q% �.�% � 6 Nbnth T-Bill ■ State Imestrnent Pool ❑ In-house ln�estrnent � �Portfolio A�erage � �L� Operating expenditures through August total $357K, which is $62K or 14.9% below year-to-date budget of $420K. Ending fund balance for DBC is a positive $152K, of which $70K is earmarked for marketing study and implementation. Staff continues to work with new rentals and increasing services with existing rental groups daily and are seeing a positive impact to the recovery ratio which is now 100.7% due to a combination of cutting back on expenses and revenues slowly growing_ 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 FUIYD ACT[VITY SUMMARY Beginaing Fund Net Income Ending:Fund Fund/Fund Name Balaace at 1H/2010 Revenue Expenditure Inl{Out) Balance at 8l31/20'10 General/Str�et Fundi S 8,345,198 S 29,716;932 S 29,814,749 $ (97,817) 3 8,247 381 Debt Service;Fund: 4,164,479 1,292,908 2,275,390 (982,481) 3,181,999 Specral Revenue 102 Arterial Street 633,379 1,331,586 1,438,488 (106,902) 526,476 103 Utility Tax (') 3,030,626 8,925,285 8,707,315 217,970 3,248,596 106 Solid Waste & Recycling 151,639 310,239 296,500 13,739 165,379 107 Speciai Contracts/Studies Fund 271,062 300,963 2,100 298,863 569,925 109 HoteUMotel Lodging Tax 201,347 91,435 121,513 (30,079) 171,268 110 2% for the ARs 293 - - 293 111 Federal Way Community Center 240,014 1,445,088 1,359,180 85,908 325.921 112 Traffic Safety Fund 155,288 972,037 502,938 469,099 624,387 119 CDBG (") - 11,141 53,684 (42,543) (42,543) 120 Path & Trails 133,511 87,568 161,000 (73,432) 60,079 Su6fotal Special Revenue Funds 4,817,159 13,475,342 12;642,719 832,623 3,549,782 Capital Projed: 301 Downtown Redevelopment 3,051,348 529,349 367,875 161,47 3,212,822 302 Muniapal Facilities 915,959 7,312 341,171 (339,859) 576,100 303 Parics 2,582,254 504,014 764,543 (260,529) 2,321,725 304 Surface Water Management 3,765,536 5,773 1,064,455 (1,058,682) 2,706,854 306 Transportation 16,384,794 4,179,462 3,313,008 866,454 17,251,248 Subtotal Capital Projects 26,699,891 5,219;909 5,851,051 (631;142) 26,068,749 Enterprise Funds 401 Surface Water Management 1,114,704 2,453,065 2,044,200 408,865 1,523,570 402 Dumas Bay 179,690 492,354 406,295 � 86,060 265,750 Subtotal Enterprise,FUnds 1,294,394 2,945;420 2;450,495 494,925 1,789,319 Internal Serv Funds 501 Risk Management 5, 337,573 745,821 752,686 (6,865) 5,330,708 502 Information Systems 3,015,537 1,540,456 1 ,199,764 340,693 3,356 ,230 503 Mail & Ouplication 294,044 135,761 78,265 57,496 351,540 504 Fleet & Equipment 4,291,127 1,525,575 991,825 533,750 4,824,877 505 Buildings & Fumishi�gs 1,204,763 513,420 237,206 276,214 1,480,977 Subtotal Intemai Service FundS 14,143,044 4,461,033 3,259,745' 1,201,288 ` 15,344,332 Total Al1 Funds ; 59,464;165 s 5T,111,545 $ 56,294,149 S 817,396 S 60,281,561 `Utility Tax ending fund balance of $3, 248, 596 includes $713, 821 reserved for Prop 1. "COBG Negative ending balance is due to timing of grant �eimbursements. � COUNCIL MEETING DATE: October 5, 20I0 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL - ITEM #: SUSJECT: VOUCHERS POLICY QUEST[ON Should the City approve the vouchers in the total amount of $2,992,448.48? COIVIMITTEE: Finance, Economic Development, and Regional Affairs Committee CATEGORY: � Consent ❑ City Councit Business STAFF REPORT BY: Tho ❑ Ordinance ❑ Resolution Finance Director MEET[NG DaTE: September 28 ,2010 ❑ Pubtic Hearing ❑ O DEPT: Finance I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claims are just and due obligations against the City of Federal Way, Washington, and that I am authorized to authenticate and certify said liens_ Finance Director Attachments: Voucher List Options Considered: NA STAFF RECOMMEIYDATIOIY: NA CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: LJ��h G ,�11�0 D[RECTOR APPROVAL: � �� Comrttittee Council Committee Council COMM[TTEE RECOMMEIYDAT[ON: I move to forward approva! of the voarchers to the October �, 2010 consent agenda for approval. Comm Chair Committee Member Committee Member PROPOSED COUNC[L MOT[Olv: "I move approva! ojthe vouchers perrsuant to RCW 42.24. " (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY ClTY CLERKS OFF(CEJ COUNC[L ACT[ON: ❑ APPROVED COUNC[[. BtLL # 0 DE�IIED l'' reading ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACi'[ON Enactment reading ❑ MO�'ED TO SECOND READING (ordinances onlyJ ORDINANCE # REV[SED-08/l2/2010 RESOLUT[ON � � City of Federal Way - Accounts Payable Check List Bank of America Check No. Date Vendor Inv Oate Invoice 219077 8/26/2010 005541 FRIENOS OF HYLEBOS WETLANDS. 6/8/2010 FW HF O1 219018 8/26/2010 005541 FRIENOS OF HYLEBOS WETLANDS 8/2/2010 FW HF OtA 219019 8/26/2010 005541 FRIENDS OF HYLEBOS WETLANOS 8J2/2010 FW HF 02 219020 8/30/2010 001276 FEOERAL WAY COMMUNITY COUNCIL, 8/23J2010 200 8/23/2010 200 219021 8/31/2010 012432 STH 8 9TH LLC, 8/23/2070 02-67136 REFUND 8/23/2010 02-67136 REFUND 219022 8/31/2010 000083 AARO !NC D8A THE LOCK SHOP, 8/18/2010 70469 8/1212010 70392 7/19/2010 69945 219023 8/3112010 000332 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS INC, 7/31/2010 MMFWA00613-9 7/31l2010 MMFWA00613-9 219024 8/31/2070 011322 ABELLA, C. ANGELO 8/12/2010 08/12/10 8/20/2010 08/20/10 219025 8/31/2010 004234 ABT TOVIANG OF FEDERAI WAY INC, 7/2712010 50285 7/27/2010 50286 219026 8/31/2010 001856 ACTION SERVICES CORPORATION, 8/5/2010 66519 219027 8/3112010 010423 AG ENTERPRISE SUPPLY, INC, 7/27/2010 50592 219028 8/31/2010 000568 AGRI SHOP INC, 6/25/2010 10971/1 B/2/2010 11621/1 8J9/2010 11752/1 8/10l2010 11769/1 219029 8/31I2010 005225 AIRGAS - NOR PAC INC, 7{31/2010 101658495 219030 8/31l2070 000475 ALARM CENTERS/CUSTOM SECURITY, 7/30/2010 770886 219031 8/37/2010 010929 ALLEGRA PRINT & IMAGING, 8l9/2010 67332 219032 8/31/2010 012411 ALLIED SAFE & VAULT, 8/11/2010 10-103369 REFUND 8/11/2010 10.103369 REFUND 8/11/2010 10-103369 REFUND 219033 8/31/2010 001285 AIPINE PRODUCTS INC, 7/29/2010 TM-109993 219034 8/31/2070 001012 AL'S TOWING. 8/18/2010 73906 219035 8/31l2010 001110 AMAYA ELECTRIC, 5/20/2010 8283-9 219036 8/37/2010 003269 AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTER CO, 7/29/2010 1854300 8/3/2010 1865695 219037 8/31/2010 001522 AMERICAN RED CROSS, 7/27/2010 11002312 279038 8/31/2010 005959 APPLIED CONCEPTS INC, 6/28/2010 191326-t 6l28/2010 191326-1 219039 8/31/2010 006211 AQUATECHNEX.INC.. 8/3/2010 2560 Description PARKS-HYLEBOS WETLAND PROJ AGt PARKS-HYLEBOS WETIAND PROJ AG1 PARKS-HY�EBOS WETIAND PROJ AG1 CM-SAND SCULPTURE EVENT AG10-1 CM-SAND SCULPTURE EVENT AG10-1 PW-02-67136 INSPECTION DEPOSIT PW-02-67136 1NSPECTION DEPOSIT FWCGLOCKSMITH SERVICES PWST-LOCKSMITH SERVICES FWCGIOCKSMITH SERVICES LAW-07/10 LEGAL MESSENGERS SRV LAW-07/10 LEGAL MESSENGERS SRV MC-INTERPRETER SVC MC-INTERPRETER SVC PD-VEHICIE TOW CASE 16-8520 PD-VEHICLE TOW CASE 10-8520 PWST-EMERGENCY SWEEP 324TH/HWY PWST-MANIFOLD VAVLE PWST-REPAIR STIHL SAW PKM-POWER SHEAR REPAIR PKM-TWO BACKPACK BLOWERS SWM-OIL FOR HAND TOOLS PD-NI7ROGEN PKM-SERVICE AIARM CO-PERMIT BACKERS CD-10-103369 REFUND PERMIT CD-10-103369 REFUND PERMIT CD-10-103369 REFUNO PERMIT SWM-DAPCO ADHESIVE PD-VEHICLE TOW CASE 10-10697 PKM-STLK SOCCER FIELO WIRE THE FWCC-SHOWER CURTAINS FWCC-SHOWER CURTAINS FWCC-FIRST AID TRNG PROCESSING PD-3 RADAR UNITS WfSC GRANT $1 PD-RADAR UNITS INV 191326-i US SWM-STIK AQUATIC PLANT MGMT AG 82 Page i of 30 Amo Check T 3, 881.46 3,881.46 7,684.50 7,684.50 3,408.40 3,408.40 36,906.33 2,830.41 34,075.92 135.00 540.00 -405.00 164.84 30.39 122.62 11.83 125.00 62.50 62.50 300.00 200.00 100.00 350.40 17520 17520 �5.00 75.00 310.52 310.52 i,185_93 28.08 12.72 1,040.14 104.99 19.45 19.45 142 35 142.35 555.31 555.31 77.00 3.00 3.00 71.00 14126 141.26 17520 175.20 1,879.33 1,879.33 447.64 271.19 176_45 114.00 114.00 4,977.37 4,993.20 -15.83 1,551.13 414-00 Bank of America Check No- Date Vendor Inv Date Invoi 8/3/2010 2561 8/13/2010 2589 8l13l2010 2590 219040 8/31/2010 010530 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES, 8/10l2010 655-5059062 6/17/2010 655-5070939 8/24l2010 655-5082757 219041 8/31l2010 010530 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES, B/9/2010 655-5056468 819l2010 655-5056469 219042 8l31/2010 003649 ARBUTHNOT, STEVEN 8/4/2010 ARBUTHNOT 2010 219043 8/31l2010 001233 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE, 12/6/2009 030 598 3151 001 12/6Y2009 030 598 3151 001 12/6/2009 030 598 3151 001 8/6/2010 030 598 3151 001 8/6/2010 030 598 3151 001 8/6/2010 030 598 3151 001 219044 8/31/2010 012352 AUTOADDITIONS,INC, 8l1712010 28808 8/17/2010 28809 219045 8l31/2010 012412 AVID IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS, 7/14/2010 280692 219046 8/31/2010 009011 BAKER, SIERRA D 8/19/2010 BAKER2010 219047 8J31/2010 001604 BA�L, GIGI Y 8/20/2010 08/20/10 219048 8/31/2010 006119 BASE�INE ENGINERRING, 1NC., 8/6/2010 12580 219049 8l31/2010 011589 BENNETT, LAUREL 8/20/2010 8 219050 8/31/2010 010185 BIRD, FERESIKA S 8/20/2010 08l20/t0 8/17/2010 OS/17l10 219051 8/31/2010 002645 BIRTH TO THREE DEVELOPMENT CTR, 7!9/2010 2ND QTR 2010 219052 8/31/2010 001630 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO INC, 6/17/2010 820160 219053 8/37/2010 012433 BORISHKEVICH, VES B/23/2010 8i3324 219054 8/31/2010 011359 C.A.T. DESIGN, 8/3/2010 CFVY2010-003 219055 8/31l2010 008331 CAPRI EVENTS CHICAGO, 8/2/2010 1000-2491 219056 8/31/2070 012371 CASCADE ENGINEERING SERVICES, 7/23/2010 ML-10072301621 279057 8/31/2010 012431 CASTLE70N, JENNIFER 8/20/2010 CAST�ETON 2010 219058 8/31/2010 010954 CEDAR GROVE ORGANICS RECYCLING, 7l3V2010 0000031677 219059 8/31/2010 004676 CENTERSTAGE THEATRE ARTS, 8/9/20t0 AUGUST9,2010 8/9/2010 AUGUST 9, 2010 219060 8/31/2010 012038 CERIUM NETWORKS INC, 9/t/2010 018470 9/112010 018470 9/1/2010 018470 219061 8/37/2010 011480 CHESAPEAKE REALTY ADVISORS LLC. 8/24/2010 AUGUST 2010 219062 8/31/2010 Ot 1595 CITY OF BUCKLEY, 8/1/2010 JULY 2010 Oescnption SWM-N.LK AQUATIC PIANT MGMT ST SWM-N.LK AQUATIC PLANT MGMT ST SWM-STLK AQUATIC PLANT MGMT AG DBC-LINEN SERVICE DBC-LINEN SERVICE DBC-LINEN SERVICE FWCGLINEN SVC FWCC-FLOOR MATS SVC PD-NTOA TACTiCAL CONF ARBUTHNO IT/ALL-12/09 IONG DISTAIVCE SVC IT/AlL-12109 IONG DISTANCE SVC IT/ALL-12/09 LONG OISTANCE SVC IT/ALL-07/10 LONG OISTANCE SVC IT/ALL-07/10 LONG DISTANCE SVC IT/ALL-07110 LONG OISTANCE SVC PWST-SAFETY LIGHTS TO RETROFIT PWST-SAFETY LIGHTS TO RETROFIT PD-ANIMAL SVC MINI TRACKER AVI PD-9MM HOISTER - S. BAKER MC-INTERPRETER SVC SWM-OM CALL SURVEYING AG10-062 CM-2010 ARTS ALIVE WRITING SVC MC-INTERPRETER SVC MPINTERPRETER SVC CDHS-Q2 2010 FAMILY SVCS PROG. PD-TILFORD BT ALLOW PRCS-REFUND RENTA� DEPOSIT CM-TOURISM BROCHURE & MAP GRAP CM-WOMEN'S TRIA7HLON SERIES AG PO-RAOAR CALIBRAT�ON LAW-DRE TRAINING J CASTLETON SWR-07/10 ORGANICS RECYCLING S OBC-08/10 KFT MANAGEMENT AG09- DBC-08110 KFT MANAGEMENT AG09- IT-09J10 PHONENOICE MAIL SYST IT-09/10 PHONENOICE MAIL SYST IT-09/10 PHONENOfCE MAiI SYST CM-08/10 C1TY CNTR CONSULTANCY PD-07110 PRISONER LODGING 83 Page 2 of 30 A moun t Check Total 414_00 500.63 222.50 289.14 19.10 " 153.67 416.37 129.26 34.49 94.77 400.00 400.00 i 58.05 54.45 50.09 4.36 24.58 22.61 1.96 7,060.44 3.505.37 3,555.07 358.89 358.89 112.52 112.52 100.00 100.00 11, 210.00 11,210.00 43.75 4375 200.00 100.00 100.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 60.17 60.17 100.00 100.00 662.50 662.50 8,000.00 8,000.00 1,568.76 1,568.76 229.52 229.52 40.65 40.65 5, 300.00 6,300.00 -1,000.00 988.22 49.41 494.11 444.70 973.00 973 00 8 664_00 8,664 00 Bank of America Check No. Date Vend Inv Date Invoice 219063 8/31/2010 004838 CITY OF ENUMCLAW, 8/4/2010 03056 219064 8/31/2010 000951 CITY OF FEOERAL WAY, 8/17/2070 AG10-072 #3 8J16/2010 AG10-109 #1 219065 8/31/2010 070360 CITY OF FEOERAL WAY, 8/13/2010 CK #1154 8l13/2010 CK #1154 219066 8/31/2010 010323 CITY OF SEATTLE, 8/19/2010 177624 R TOOT 219067 8/31/2010 003564 CLARY, JOHN 8/10/2010 CLARY 2010 219068 8/31J2010 003752 COASTWIDE SUPPIY OBA, 8/13I2010 T2219146 8/12/2010 VV2219279-1 8/9/2010 T2219938 8/9/2070 T2219978 8/6/2010 T2217005-t 8/3/2010 T22'17701 8/2/2010 W2216270 7/30/2010 T2217005 7/29/2010 W221386I-1 219069 8/31/2010 007591 COMMERCIAL SPACE ONLINE INC, 8/1/2010 74206 219070 8/31/2010 002863 COMPLETE COLLISION CENTER, 7/6/2010 8429 219071 8/31/2010 012006 CONSTRUCT COMPANY LLC, 8/17/2010 AG70-072 #3 8/17/2010 AG10-072 p3 219072 8l3112010 008445 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 8/6/2010 55932 B/18/2010 INV403942 8/19/2010 INV404343 219073 8J31/2010 000721 CORIISS RESOURCES INC, 7/26/2010 255248 219074 8/31l2010 012413 COSTA, KRYSTLE 8/13/2010 808593 219075 8/31 /2010 009505 D& L SUPPLY AND MFG.. INC, 8/512010 261616 8/Sl2010 261617 219076 8/37/2010 000854 0 J TROPHY, 8/17/2010 229943 219077 8/31/2010 012416 D. RIDDING EIECTRIC, 8/17J2010 04-02667 REFUNO 219078 8/31/2010 011297 DASH MEDICAL GLOVES, 7/23l2010 INV508138 219079 8/31/2010 707985 DAWN, 4/6/2010 iS7QTR2010 4/6/2010 2N0 QTR 2010 219080 8J31/2010 004461 DESTINATION HARLEY-OAVIOSON, 7/6/2010 96145030 219081 BJ31/2010 005341 DOOD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA 7/13/2010 07/13l10 8l17/2010 08l17/10 8/10/2010 08/10/10 8/20l2010 OB/20/10 219082 8/31l2010 000939 DS WATERS OF AMERlCA, LP, Bi1/2010 081029241185236041 219083 . 8/31/2010 000570 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (DBA), 814/2010 1076064 amzo�o �o�siz� 8/7/2010 1076127 Description PD-07/10 PRISONER LODGING AG10 PWST-348TH 8 1 ST AVE IMPROVEME PWST-PAC HWY S HOV PH IV AG70- PD-WSSO SCHL SAFETY TRNG SANDE PD-WSSO SCHL SAFETY TRNG SANDE FWCC-R TOOT BOILER LICENSE REN PD-NTOA TACTICAL CONF. J CLARY CHB-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLfES CHB-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES CHB-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES DBC-,IANITORIAI SUPPLIES PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES DBC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FVVCC-JANITORIAI SUPPLIES CM-08/10 PROPERTY DATABASE SER PD-REPAIR DOOR CASE 10-8060 PWST-348TH & 1STAVE IMPROVEME PWST348TH & 1STAVE IMPROVEME IT-TONER IT-OS/10 CANON IR 1025N IT-OS/10 CANON IRC5030 PWST-CONCRETE MIX PRCS-REFUNO ONE LEAGUE GAME FE PKM-PLUMBING SUPPLIES PKM-PLUMBING SUPPLIES CHB-NAME PLATE HOLDER FI-RIDDING ELECT. DUPLICATE LI PO-EXAM GIOVES CDHS-at 2010 CONTINUUM HOUSING CDHS-Q2 2010 CONTINUUM HOUSIN('i PO-CHECK THROTTLE MC-INTERPRETER SVC MC-INTERPRETER SVC MC-INTERPRETER SVC MGINTERPRETER SVC PKCP-WTR/C�R RNTL ACCT#2724118 PWFLT-GAS & OIL PWFLT-E�ECTRICAL WORK PWFLT-DODR WEATHER STRIPING 84 Page 3 of 30 Am o u nt Check T otal 605.00 605.00 24, 325.12 17,324.78 7,000.34 637.40 185.00 452.40 80.00 80.00 400.00 400.00 i ,378.33 160.83 71.42 204.55 65.44 87.73 407_ 12 102.10 222.38 56.76 100.00 100.00 871.40 871.40 330,260.07 347,584.85 -17.324.78 434.34 189.16 47.69 197.49 337.60 337.60 67.50 67.50 45.88 22.94 22.94 5473 54.73 75.00 75.00 778.80 778.80 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 13.66 13.66 611.50 186.50 162.50 125.00 137.50 13.14 13.14 864.68 178.45 98.06 62.84 Bank of America Page 4 of 30 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date in vo ic e Descnption Amount Check Total 8/7/2010 1076134 PWFLT-TIRES 411.69 8/6/2010 1076091 PWFLT-LOF 86.92 8/6/2010 1076091 PVVFLT-ELECTRICA� VVORK 26.52 219084 8/31/2010 010030 ECOIAB INC, 2p2.77 - 8l15/2010 3213802 DBC-08/70 DISHWASHER RENTAL 202.77 ' 219085 8/31/2010 004344 EMERGENCY FEEDING PROGRAM, 2,500.00 8/11/2010 2N0 QTR 2010 CDHS-Q2 2010 EMERG. FEEDING PR 2,500.00 219086 8l31(2010 001294 ENTERPRISE SEATTLE, 20,416.67 8J12/2010 2962 CM-07l10 HEALTHCARE INNOVATION 20,416.67 219087 8/31/2010 000328 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA), 11,590.09 Bl15/2010 0338710 PD-7l31-8/15/10 FUEL CHARGES 10,656.12 8/75/2010 0338710 PD-7/31-8I15/10 FUEL CHARGES 933.97 219088 8/31/2010 007748 EVERSON'S ECONO-VAC INC, 19,164.88 7/13/2010 065653 SWM-07/tOMAINT/SERVICEAGO&0 19,164.88 219089 8/31l2010 011726 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS, INC, 534.35 8/3/2010 2191661 PKM-SOLENOID FOR IRRIGATION 10923 8/5/2010 2204148 PKM-HERBICIDE 425.12 219090 8/31/2070 008939 FARRELL-MCKENNA CONSTRUCTION, 2,000.00 8/23/2010 02-73273 REFUNO PW-02-73273 REFUND BARKLEY RID 1,500.00 8/23/2010 OS-0f368 REFUND PW-05-01368 REFUND BARKLEY RID 500.00 219091 8/31/2010 002644 FEDERAL WAY BOYS 8 GIRLS CLUB, 3,250.00 7/15/2010 2ND QTR 2010 CDHS-Q2 2010 SAFE ZONE FOR KID 3,250.00 219092 8/31/2010 000229 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER COMMERCE, 8,473.33 8/18/2010 7556 CM-07/10 BUSWESS INCUBATOR AG 8.333.33 8131/2010 8816 CC-CHAMBER LUNCHEON COUNCIL BU 60.00 B/31/2010 8816 PW-CHAMBER LUNCHEON - BRIZENDI 20.00 8l31/2010 8816 CM-CHAMBER LUNCHEON - DOHERTY 20.00 8/31/2010 8816 MC-CHAMBER IUNCHEON FOR JUDGES 40.00 219093 8/31/2010 011222 FEDERAL WAY LIONS, 2,500.00 7/13/2010 1004 CC-2010 CFW LIONS SPONSORSHIP 2,500.00 219094 8/31/2010 000876 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC, 85.60 8!9/2010 1825572 FWCC-MAINT. SUPPLIES 85.60 219095 8l31/2010 002955 FERREI�S FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO, 1 74.43 8/12/2010 15516 PKM-RECHARGE FIRE EXTINGUISHER 114.43 219096 8/31/2010 010305 FIRST STUDENT, 1,245.00 8/3/2010 10422234 PRCS-DAY CAMP TRIP TO DASH PO� 1,245.00 219097 8/31/2010 012410 FIVE STAR ELECTRIC LLC, 208.50 8/i t/2010 10-103340 REFUND CD-7 0-7 03340 REFUND OVERPAYMEN 208.50 219098 8/31l2010 004366 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPANY DBA, 27_g7 8/20/2070 69922 PWST-CHANNEL IRON FOR FABRICAT 27.97 219099 8/31/2010 008860 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA, 1,868.56 8/18/2010 2411832 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 1,427.86 8/12/2010 2398297 OBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 440.68 279100 8/31/2010 006755 FUSION, � � 300.00 8/9/2070 11835 DBC-RENTAL DEPOSIT REFUND 300.00 219101 6131/2010 004566 G8M HONEST PERFORMANCE, s�.�Z 8/2/20t0 737330 PKM-LOCKEASE 51.12 219102 8/31/2010 012414 GEBREMARIAN, EPHRAIM 76.66 8/4/2010 803082 PRCS-MEMBERSHIP CANCEL REFUNO 76.66 219103 8/37/2010 010940 GOODYEAR WNOLESALE TIRE CNTR, q�7_2� 7/27l2010 146192 PD-NEW TIRES DEIIVERED TO SPAR 41721 219104 8/31/2010 002547 GRAINGER �NC, 824.68 8!4/2010 9375327610 FWCC-HOSE CLAMPS 4.69 8/2/2010 9312739874 FWCC-TILE DRILL CARBIDE TIPPED 27.02 8/2/2010 9312739882 FWCGPULL STATION COVER, UTIL1 7929 8/2/2010 9312739882 FWCC-PULL STATION COVER, UTIU 17.45 8/3/2010 9314118929 FWCC-IAMPS 110.11 8/3/2010 9314118937 FWCGCLEAR SCOOP & ALUM1Nl1M SC 21.31 8/3/2010 9314396798 FWCC-CEIIING FAN t 1328 7/2872010 9310080222 FWCC-EIECT. SUPPLIES 141.26 8/5/2010 9316588772 FWCC-SHOWER HEAD, DUST MOP 135.83 8l11/2070� 9321571268 FWCGRAOIAL BALL BEARINGS 3774 85 Bank of America Page 5 of 30 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Descriptio� Amount Check Total 8/10/2010 9319857265 FWCC-DRYWALL SUPPLIES 31.41 8/12l2010 9322643132 FWCC-STEEI WOOL & SCOUR PADS 105.29 219105 8/31/2010 010738 GREEN EFFECTS, INC, 2,'18628 7/1/2010 30925 FWCC-06/10 LANDSCAPING AG08-06 2,18628 219106 8/31/2010 012427 GRUBBS,CARISSA 500.00 8/13/2010 808594 PRCS-REFUND RENTAL OEPOSIT 500.00 219107 8l31/2010 000671 H D FOWLER COMPANY. 165.86 8/13/2010 12775940 PWST-IRRIGATION REPAIRS 165.86 219108 8/31/2010 012394 HARRIS, PHYLLIS 89.50 7/27/2010 10-103147 REFUND CD-REFUND HANSON 10-103147 89.50 219109 8/31/2010 012434 HAYNES, HEIDI 38.33 8/23/2010 813320 PRCS-REFUND AUGUST PAYMENT 38.33 219110 8I31/2010 011215 HD SUPPLY CONST SUPPLY LTD, 121.60 8/19/2010 30080614 FWCC-CAULK GUN, SHEAR HANGERS 121.60 219111 8/31/2010 001127 HEAITHPOINT, 3,975.00 7l7/2010 2ND QTR 2010 CDHS-Q2 2010 PRIMARY DENTA� PR 3,975.00 219112 8/31/2010 001487 HEWLETT-PACKARDCOMPANY, 11,105.50 8/3/2010 48047881 IT-RR PHASE III PC- 6,805.43 8/5/2010 48057588 IT-RR PHASE III LAPTOP- 3,68249 8/17/2010 48087608 IT-RR PHASE III DOCKING STATIO 617.58 219113 8/31f2010 012428 HIGH COUNTRY HOMES INC, 15,400.00 8/18/2010 OS-03376 REFUND PV�f-05-03376 RELEASE 70% ROW 80 15,705.00 8/18/2010 OS-03376 REFUND PW-OS-03376 RELEASE 70 % ROW 80 -305.00 219114 8/37/2010 010770 HONDA, SUSAN 94.40 8/18/2010 HONDA 2010 PRCS- BAKED GOODS FOR MC SHOW 13.56 8/18/2010 HONOA 2010 PRCS-COSTCO FOOD TRAYS FOR MC 80.84 279115 8/31/2010 003256 HURLEY ENGINEERING COMPANY, 69828 7/26/2010 23078 FWCGSEAL KITS ggg 219116 8l31/2010 002893 IBS, INC., 127.63 8/6/2010 463469-1 SWM-�UBRICANT & RUST INHIBITOR 127.63 219117 8/31/2010 000016 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS. 173.45 8/5/2010 5014701700 IT-OS/10 A�L FAX MAINT g_g7 815/2010 5014701700 IT-08/10 ALL FAX MAINT 86.73 8/5l2010 � 5014701700 IT-08/10 AlL FAX MAINT 78.05 219118 8l31/2010 012430 INTEGRITY NETWORKS, INC, 5,675.90 6/19/2010 W10795-1 IT-1MFI FIBER CAMERA EXPANSION 5,675.90 219119 8/31/2010 008555 INTERNATIONAL CODE COUNCIL, 35.00 8/2/2010 2788417 CD-ICC DUES WILSON #1044893 35.00 219120 8/31/2010 010737 INTERWEST DEVELOPMENT NW INC, 60.76 7/30/2010 69844 PKM-SOIL TURF BLEND 60.76 219121 8/31l2010 010359 INTL UNOERCOVER TRAINING, 500.00 8/20/2010 COURSE 0228-2 PD-SURVEILLANCE TRNG OTTO WSCJ 500.00 219122 8/31l2010 011711 J& D PRINTING INC, 4,802.09 8/6/2010 46900 CM-PRNTNG O� RACK CARD/ MAP BR 4,802.09 219123 8/31/2010 012345 J.R. HAYES 8 SONS. INC., 133,006.42 SJ16/2010 AG10-109 #1 PWST-PAC HWY S HOV PH IV AG10- 140,006.76 8/16/2010 AG10-109 #1 PWST-PAC HWY S HOV PH IV AG10- -7,000.34 219124 8/31/2010 009730 JACK, DRISKELL J 100.00 8/10/2010 08/10/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 219125 8/31/2010 010605 JACOBSON, EIIZABETH 507.60 S/18/2010 AUGUST 2010 PRCS-08/10 BALLROOM DANCE CLAS 501.60 219126 8/31l2010 005656 JIM'S DETAIL SHOP, �� �$ 8l71/2070 13426F PD-INTERIOft DETAIL WASH 71.1g 219127 8l31/2010 012436 KACHMAN, STEVEN & DEANN 96.50 8/24/2010 10-103614 REFUND CD-10-103614 KACHMAN OVER PMT 96.50 219128 8/31/2010 011472 KARIVKI, PAUL 200.00 8l20/2010 08/20/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 8/17/2010 08/17/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 219129 8/3112010 011736 KIM, CHUL JOON 425.00 8/17/2010 OS/17/10 MGINTERPRETER SVC 125.00 8/10/2010 OB/10/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 8/20/2010 08/20110 MGINTERPRETER SVC 100.00 86 Bank of America Check No. Date Vendor Inv Oate invoice 7l13/2010 07/13l10 219130 8/31/2010 010608 KINDERMUSIK WITH MAICA, 8117l2010 JULY-AUG 2010 219131 8/31l2010 000125 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION, 8/S/2010 7579144 8/16/2010 1579148 219132 8/31/2010 003374 KLINGELE, BRYAN 8/11/2010 KLINGELE 2010 219133 8/31/2010 005773 KOREAN WOMEN'S ASSOCIATION, 7/6/2010 2ND QTR 2010 219134 8l31/2010 001456 KUSTOM SiGNALS INC, 6/24/2010 256924 6/24/2010 256924 219135 8/31/2010 000096 LAKEHAVEN UTIIITY DISTRICT, 8/13/2010 2049903 8/13/2010 2832307 8/13/2010 2984001 8/13/2010 3278301 8l13/2010 3336101 8/13/2010 3364101 6113/2010 3488801 8l13/2010 3540201 B/13J2070 3540301 8/13/2010 3545101 8/13/2010 460602 8/73/2010 460602 8/13l2010 482303 8l20/2010 3088801 8/20/2010 3200201 219136 8/31/2010 004052 LEED, 8l14/2010 06761004 219137 8/31l2010 009537 LEHNERTZ, LARRY 8(23/2010 AUGUST 18. 2010 219138 8/31/2010 010672 LESNENKO, SERGEY 8/20l2010 02-71429 REFUND 8/20/2010 02-71429 REFUND 219139 8/31/2010 011909 LEXISNEXIS RISK, 7/31 /2010 147020420100731 219140 8/31/2010 Oi1393 LISITSYN,OLEG 8/24/2010 02-70776 REFUND 8/24l2010 02-70776 REFUND 219141 8/31/2010 000630 �LOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 8/9/2010 142418 8/10/2010 142439 8/10/2010 142441 7/20/2010 141819 7/20/2010 141819 7/12/2010 141538 7/12/2010 141545 219142 8/3112010 005339 LOVNE'S HIW INC, 6/11/2010 14183 7l28/2010 02781 7/28l2010 02781 7/2812010 02781 8/2/2010 a7322 8/2/2010 01327 8/3/2010 02853 8/10/2010 14310 8/10/2010 14339 8/10/2010 74339 8111l2010 02933 8/12/2010 01862 8/12/2010 23927 Description MC-INTERPRETER SVC PRCS-07/10-8/10 MUSIC CLASSES PKM-07/10 ALGONA TS-SOLID WAST PWST-07/10 ALGONA TS-SOLID WAS PO-TUITION REIMB KLINGELE CDHS-Q2 2010 WE ARE FAMIIY PRO PD-LIDAR UNITS-PRO UTE 1MSC G F�eight PKM-04/10-06/10 37531 1ST AVE PKM-04/10-06/10 30619 16TH AVE PKM-04/10-6/10 31850 7TH AVE S PWST-OS/10-07/1/10 32009 23RD PWST-05/10-07/2/10 3336101 PAC PVI/ST-05/10-07/2J10 1618 S 288T PWST-OSl10-07/2/10 31802 21 ST PWST-OS/10-07/10 29627 PAC HWY PWST-05/10-07/10 28719 PAC HWY PWST-OS/10-07/10 29102 PAC HWY PKM-5/10-07/?J10 2645 312TH ST PKM-5110-07/2/10 2645 312TH ST PWST-OS/10-07/2/10 28866 PAC H PWST-OS/10-07/10 2000 312TH ST PVYST-OS/10-07/10 32002 32RD AE PO-DUTY BELT FOR MCCONNELL PRCS-SUMMER SOUNDS PERFORMANCE PW-02-71429 ROW REFUND LESNENK PW-02-69000 ROW REFUND SEMESHC PD-06/10-07l10 LEXISNEXIS SVC PW-02-70776 ROW REFUND LISITSY PW-02-70776 ROW REFUND LISITSY SWM-GRAVEL SWM-TOPSOIL FOR IAURELWOOD SWM-GRAVELFORLAURELWOOD SWM-DRY FILL 8 CRUSH GRAVEL SWM-DftY FILL & CRUSH GRAVEL PKM-SAG FOOTBALI FIELD SOD PKM-DUMP SOD PKM-REFRIDGERATOR - BALANCE DU PKM-COFFEE MAKER SWM-COFFEE MAKER PWST-COFFEE MAKER PKM-CONCRETE/REBAR PiCNIC BENC OBC-EXTERIOR LIGHT REPAIRS DBC-EXTERIOR UGHT REPAIRS PWiR-DRIVE PIN, LUMBER CRAYON FWCGCABLE. TILEX, MISC SUPPU FWCC-CABLE, TILEX, MISC SUPPLI CHB-CHAMBER PROJECT SUPPUES CHB-MISC TOOLS CHB-CHAMBER PROJECT SUPPLIES 87 Page 6 of 30 Amount Check Total 100.00 567.00 567.00 63.79 37.80 25.99 2,280.00 2, 280.00 676.09 676.09 8,011.02 7,884.00 127.02 1,574.30 18.52 18.04 16.04 38.31 379.52 112.97 18.52 212.42 20.69 90.02 199.79 105.31 40.52 283.11 18.52 207.12 207.12 550.00 550.00 269.50 300.00 -30.50 941.70 941.70 599.50 . 630.00 -30.50 2,966.04 23225 312.35 2,094.47 104.19 128.70 51.11 42.97 1,695.34 359.04 66.91 58.05 58.05 187.03 153.98 42.35 22.16 1074 69.82 9.49 21.18 38.71 Bank of America Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Descnption 8/13/2010 02308 PKM-CORK TILES FOR FRENCH LAKE 8/16/2010 02603 PKM-�RRIGATION REPAIRS PALISAO S/16/2010 02650 CHB-KILZ UPSHOT AEROSOL 8/16/2010 14390 SWM-WASP 8 HQRNET SPRAY 8/16/2010 14396 SWM-WASP & HORNET SPRAY 8/17/2010 02853 CHB-HOME PEST PLUS SPRAY 8l5/2010 01504 PKM-STLK COMPACT FRIDIGAIRE 8/9/2010 02730 PKM-BATH FAN 8/5/2010 14675 SWM1A-SHRINK WRAP 8/18l2010 14949 FWCC-DRAWER IINER, SOAP DISH, 8/18/2010 14949 FWCC-ORAWER LINER, SOAP DISH, 8/18/2010 15924 PD-SOU BIKE CHAINS 219143 813'I/2010 700156 MACDONALD MILLER SERVICE INC, 8/5/2010 SVC006543 CHB-REPAIR CARRIER CONDENSING 279144 8/31/2010 001004 MAILMEOIADBAIMMEDIA, 8/10/2010 60182 PRCS-2010 AUTUMN REC BROCHURE 219145 8/31/2010 009433 MAKSIMOV, YURI 8/17/2010 08/17/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 6/1012010 08/10/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 219146 8/31(2010 009408 MANCHIK. YUR! 7/27/2010 10-102986 REFUND CD-10-102986 MUNCHIK REFUND 7/27/2010 10-102986 REFUND CD-10-102986 MUNCli1K REFUND 7/27/2010 10.102986 REFUND CD-10-102986 MUNCHIK REFUND 219147 8/31l2010 005406 MAYBERRY, MITCHEL 8/i6/2010 SUMMER 2010 PRCS-MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES AG09 219148 8/31/2010 072420 MCCLEAVE, KOLYA 8/19l2010 MCCLEAVE 2010 CDHS-07/10-08l10 REIMB MCCLEAV 219149 8/31/2010 011977 MCIENDON HARDWARE INC, 8/17J2010 410888/3 PKM-FRENCH IAKE PARK KIOSK INV 8/17/2070 410902/3 PKM-OAIS STEP REPAIR INV#41902 279150 8/37/2010 006008 MCIOUGHLIN & EARDLEY CORP, 8/5/2010 0113045-IN PO-SIREN CONTROL CENTER 219151 8731/2010 010256 MCMASTER-CARR, 8/12/2010 62544777 FWCC-CHAIR, CANE & CRUTCH TIPS 8/2/2010 61537466 FWCC-COMPRESSION TUBE FILLING 8/2/2010 61537466 FWCC-COMPRESSION TUBE FILLING 219152 8l31/2010 005176 MERINO STRAWE, BETTY 8/10/2010 OB/10/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 8/17/2010 08/17/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 219153 8/31/2010 001793 MICROFLEX INC, 8/6/2010 00019453 FI-07/10 TAX AUDI7 PROG. 219154 8/31/2010 009799 MLA ENGINEERING, PLLC, 6/10/2010 1531 PKM-EVALUATION OF LIGHT POLES 219155 8/31/2010 008029 MONTES DE OCA RICKS, MARIA B/20/2010 08/20/10 MC-iNTERPRETER SVC 219156 8/31/2010 002074 MOORE WALLACE, 7/19/2010 995130379 FI-TIME SHEETS 219157 8/31/2010 011965 MORRISON, BARRY RICHARD 7/21l2010 JULY 21, 2010 CM-07/10 CONFLICT DEFENDER AG1 8/10/2010 AUGUST 10, 2010 CM-08/10 CONFLICT OEFENDER AG1 219158 8/31/2010 010539 NARANBAATAR, KHULAN 7/22/2010 07/22/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 219159 8/31/2010 005561 NATIONAL TACTiCAI OFFICER'S, 8/16/2010 295111 SUMPTER PD-NTOA DUES K SUMPTER 219160 8/31/2010 000043 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE COMPANY, 8/16/2010 248790 PKM-DOCK/SIGN REPAIRS 8/17/2010 248806 FV�C-M1SC SCREWS/BOLTS, STAIN, 8/17/2010 248807 PWST-PAINT,MASK,PAINT SUPP�IES 8l17/2010 248816 PWST-PAINT 8/17/2010 248819 PWST-SUNRISE SPRAY, MISC HARDW 8/17l2010 248820 PKM-SHOP 8, SIGN SUPPLIES 8/13/2010 248755 SWM-ARMOR ALl 8 TIRE FOAM 8g Page 7 of 30 Amount Che Total 69.09 33.89 21.60 3.25 6.50 6.54 15221 86.51 44.63 26.59 5929 67.73 1, 759.67 t,759.67 1,246.61 1,246.61 250.00 150.00 100.00 80.00 3.00 3.00 74.00 1.185.60 1.185.60 110.01 110.01 84.67 65.56 19.11 377.35 377.35 52.88 36.50 6.57 9.81 325.00 150.00 175.00 210.73 210.73 484.20 484.20 100.00 100.00 365.99 365.99 500.00 250.00 250.00 100.00 100.00 40.00 40-00 7,468.54 47.18 224.37 90.61 3.93 67.39 22.57 1 7.31 Bank of America Page B of 30 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total e/10l2010 248632 PWST-SWIVEL CONNECTOR, MISC SU 6.88 8/10/2010 248644 SWM-CAPS FOR GAS CAN/HERBISIDE 4.68 8/10/2010 248645 PWST-EXT CORD, MISC SUPPLIES 10.62 8/10/2010 248658 PKM-BRIDGE REPAIR SUPPlIE5 98.47 8110/2010 248665 PWFLT-MISC SUPPLIES FOR FLA�L 18.90 8/10/2010 248667 PKM-BRIDGE REPAIR Sl1PPLIES 37.73 8/12/2010 248724 SWM-MISC SCREWS/BOLTS 4.67 8/17/2010 248671 PWST-lUM6ER 13.74 8/11/2010 248674 PKM-GRAFFITI CLEAN UP PAINT 118.11 8l11l2010 248690 SWM-PLASTIC TOOL BOX & KEY 26.44 8/11/2010 248682 PKM-NUTS/BOLTS FOR BRIDGE REPA 117.59 8/9/2010 248607 PWST-DftYWALL 4.72 8/9/2010 248608 FWCC-MIIDEW REMOVER, LIQUID NA 24.79 8/9l2010 248617 PWST-LUMBER 4.56 8/9/2010 248618 PWST-MAI� BOX, LUMBER. MISC SU 23.42 8/5/2010 246515 PKM-GORIILA TAPE. YELLOW JACKE 62.92 8/18l2010 248836 PWST-S 288TH PLUMBING REPAIRS 42.85 8J30/2010 248435 PWST-BLK PAINT 13.27 7lZi/2010 248067 SWM-1/2 DR 10 ° EXTENSION 11.82 6/30/2010 247459 PWST-HAMMER RIP, ROOFING MATER 53.09 8/3/2010 248447 PKM-TIRE SEA�ER, RAGS, SANDPAP 25.58 8/3/2010 248453 PKM-SPRAYEft CP 14.75 8/4/2010 248469 PWST-BLK P/i1NT 3.93 8/4/2010 248472 PKM-FIEID PAINT CP 251.83 8/4/2010 248503 PWST-FENCE TIE 5_88 219161 8/31/2010 003138 NORMED, 8/5/2010 12378-59317 3 219162 8/31/2010 001391 NORTH COAST ELEC7RIC COMPANY, 8/5l2010 S3527966.001 6/3/2010 S3522994.001 8/3/2010 S3524698.001 7130l2010 S3518079.001 219163 8/31/2010 005493 NORTHWEST EMBROIDERY INC, 7/29/2010 63766 219164 8/31/2010 010621 NORTHWEST PERMIT INC, 8l1ll2010 10-103249 REFUND 8/11/2010 10-103249 REFUND 8J11/2010 10-103249 REFUND 8l24/2010 10-103505 REFUND 8/24l2010 10-103505 REFUND 8/24/2010 10-103505 REFUND 219165 8/31/2010 011414 OFFICE DEPOT, 8/4/2010 1241461470 219166 8J31/2010 004292 OLYMPIC SECURITY SERVICES INC, 7/31/ZO10 SI�0023963 219167 8/31/2010 011651 OMAR, ABDULLAHI B/20l2010 08/20/10 219168 8/31/2010 004494 ONSET COMPUTER CORPORATION. 7/26/2010 52649 219169 8/31/2010 007444 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 7/29/2010 045156 8/5/2010 045320 219170 8/31/2010 000504 ORIENTAL GAitDEN CENTER, 8/Sl2010 43652 279171 8/31/2010 005741 OUTCOMES BY LEVY. 7/31J2010 JULY 2010 219172 8/31/2010 011805 PACIFIC OfFICE AUTOMATION, 8/17/2010 AZ7955 8i17/2010 AZ7955 8/17/2010 AZ7955 8/17/2010 AZ7955 8/17/2010 AZ7955 8/1 712 0 1 0 AZ7955 PD-REFILL FIRST AID KITS DBC-MOTION SEN. KIT DBPEIECTRICAL SUPPUES DBGELECTRICAL SUPPLIES DBC-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES PO-PSSA GROSSNICKLE UNIFORM CO-10-103249 OUPUCATE PMT CD-10-103249 DUPUCATE PMT CD-10-103249 DUPLICATE PMT CD-NW PERMIT REFUND OUP�ICATE CO-NW PERMIT REFUND DUPUCATE CD-NW PERMIT REFUND OUPLICATE SWR-BUSINESS RECYCLE HANDOUT MC-07/10 COURT SECURITY AG09-1 MC-INTERPRETER SVC (TELEPHONIC SWM-WATER QUALITY TESTING EQUt FWCC-POOL CHEMICALS MAINT AG09 F4VCC-POOL CHEMICALS MAWT AG09 PKM-GAS CAP FOR TILIER INV#436 CM-07/10 LOBBYIST SVCS AG03-19 IT-BN1/COPIER GROUP KIT AGO&2 IT-B/W COPIER GROUP KIT AG09-2 IT-B/W COPIER GROUP KIT AG09-2 IT-B/W COPIER GROUP KI7 AG09-2 IT-BM/COPIER GROUP KIT AG09-2 IT-B!W COPIER GROUP KIT AG09-2 119.19 119.19 341.19 52.94 78.12 i86.1 S 23.98 80.97 80.97 154.00 3.00 3.00 71.00 3.00 3.00 71.00 32.89 32.89 2,662.80 2,662_80 50.00 50.00 977.00 977.00 1,617.13 821.42 795.71 12.79 12.79 4,478.92 4,478.92 10,839.38 47.40 47.40 284.40 189_60 995.40 61620 89 Bank of America Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invofce 8/17/2010 AZ7955 8/17/2010 AZ7955 8/17/2010 AZ7955 8/17/2010 AZ7955 8/18/2010 AZ9273 8/18/2010 AZ9273 8/18l2010 AZ9273 8/18l2010 AZ9273 8/18/2010 AZ9273 8/18/2010 AZ9273 8/18/2010 AZ9273 8/18l2010 AZ9273 8l18/2010 AZ9273 8/18/2010 AZ9273 8l18/2010 AZ9375 8/18/2010 AZ9315 8/18/2010 RZ9315 8/18/2010 AZ9315 8l18l2010 AZ9315 8/18/2010 AZ9315 8/18l2010 AZ9315 8/18/2070 AZ9315 8/18/2010 AZ9315 8/16/2010 AZ9315 219173 8/31l2010 001814 PARAMETRIX �NC, 8/11/2010 03-49238 219174 8/31l2010 012007 PARK CHENAUR 8 ASSOCIATES INC, 8/6/2010 AUGUST 6, 2010 219175 8/31/2010 012424 PARK, SUZIE 6l22/2010 783371 219176 8131/2010 000885 PARKER PAINT MANUFACTURING CQ 8l10/2010 022004485 8/24/2010 022004850 219177 8/31l2010 012417 PATTON, �INOSEY 6/12/2010 807890 219178 8131/2010 006656 PETCO ANIMAL SUPPLIES (NC, 6/10/2070 OA024414 219179 8131/2010 010613 PETEK, PHD, THOMAS C 7/31/2010 7837 279780 8/31/2010 002557 PETTY CASH FUND-PARKS MAINT, 8/25J2010 PKM-8/25/10 8/25/2070 PKM-8/25/10 8/25/2010 PKM-8/25/10 8/25/2010 PKM-8725/10 219181 8i31/2010 Ot 1760 PETTY CASH-MC CHANGE FUND, 8/17/2010 MG8/17I10 8/17/2010 MC-8/17l10 219782 8l37l2010 006241 PETTY CASH-POLICE DEPT, 8/2J/2010 PD-8/23/10 8/23/2010 PD-8/23/10 8/23/2010 PD-8/23/10 8/23J2010 PD-8/23J10 8/23/2010 PD-8/23/10 8/23/2010 PD-6123/10 8/23/2010 PD-8/23/10 8/23/2010 PD-8l23/10 8/23/2010 PD-8/23/10 8/23/2010 PD-8/23/10 8/23/2010 PD-8/23/10 8/23/2010 PD-8/23/10 8/23/2010 PD-8/23/10 8l23/2010 PD-8/23/10 8/23/2010 PD-8/23/10 Description IT-B/W COPIER GROUP KIT AG09-2 IT-BNV COPIER GROUP KIT AG09-2 IT-BM! COPIER GROUP K�T AG09-2 IT-BNVCOPIER GROUP KIT AGO&2 IT-06/10 PRINTERiCOPIER MAINT IT-O6/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT IT-06/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT IT-06/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT IT-06/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT IT-06/10 PRINTERICOPIER MAINT IT-06/10 PRINTERlCOPIER MAINT IT-06/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT IT-06/10 PRINTERlCOPIER MAINT IT-06/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT �T-07l10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT IT-07/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT IT-07/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT IT-07/10 PRINTER/COP�ER MAINT IT-07/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT IT-07/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT IT-07/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT IT-07/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT IT-07/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT IT-07/10 PRINTER/COPIER MAINT PWST-07l10 HOV PH IV CONSTRUCT CM-07/10 CONFIICT DEFENDER AG1 PRCS-REFUND PICNIC RENTAL FEE CO-PAINT SUPPtIES CD-PAINT SUPPLIES PRCS-CANCEL CIASS REFUND PD-K9 SUPPLIES PO-RETURN TO DUTY EVAL PKM-WATERBGATORADE FOR CREW DO PKM-ZIP PORTFOLIO FOR IRRIGATI PKM-PARKS AND REC COMMISSlON 8 PKM-04/10-06l10 REIMB WRIGHT MC- STAFF TRAINING/f2ETREAT 7/1 MC-JURY FOOD 8/4/10 PO-FUEL:VEHICLE #6153 BETH MES PD-CIS INVESTIGATIONS INTERVIE PD-REPLACE DAMAGED K9LEAD:M PD-RAOAR GUN BATTERIES :PAM HA PD-DT fIRST-AIO KIT:PAM HALI PD-2-WAY RADIOS:ECAT PD-WATER FOR OFFICERS ON SHOOT PD-TERRY HOCH RETIREMENT - LYN PD-CALEA CONF LAURIE JACKSON S PD-CALEA CONF L JACKSON BAGGAG PD-CALEA CONF L JACKSON BAGGAG PD-BUILD THE BRIDGE MEETING:LI PO-VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION COFFE PD-FUEL FOR VEHICLE tt6033 FOR PD-BRIDGE TOLL OFFICER ASHLEY •� Amount 995.40 521.40 47.40 995.40 34.17 34.17 205.03 136.69 777.61 444.24 717.61 375.89 34.17 717.63 26.82 26.82 160.93 10729 56326 348.68 56326 295.04 zs.az 563.25 Page 9 of 30 Check Total 60,096.65 60,096.65 250.00 250.00 70.00 70 00 65.46 22.10 43.36 267]6 267.76 60.17 60.17 25Q00 250.00 178.93 25.62 38.31 75.00 40.00 49.90 39.91 9.99 532.83 5.00 7.50 24.02 SLOS 5.44 39.40 10.58 87.85 36.00 20.00 20.00 6.49 73.65 20.00 4.00 B of Am erica Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice 8/23/2010 PD-8/23/10 8l23/2010 PD-8/23/10 8/23J2010 PD-8/23/10 219183 8/31/2070 003537 PIERCECOUNTYSECURITY WC, 8/4/2010 212745 8/4/2010 212997 8!4/2010 213053 8!4/2010 213099 8/4/2010 213142 8/4/2010 213144 8/4/2010 213191 8/4/2010 213195 8/4/2010 213256 219184 8l31/2010 005941 PIONEER MANUFACTURING CO, B/3l2010 INV378252 8/3/2010 INV378252 279185 8/31/2010 000808 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, 8/12120l0 8147635 219186 8/31/2010 001411 POSTAI EXPRESS INC, 7/31/2010 BM10071004 7/31I2010 BM10071004 7/31/2010 BM10071004 7l31/2010 BM10071004 7/31/2010 BM10071004 7/31/2010 BM10071004 219187 813 V2010 011880 POWERS & ASSOqATES INC, 8/25/2010 AUGUST 25, 2010 219188 8J31/2010 005583 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC, 8/612010 37261119 712712010 37163239 219189 8/37/2010 012361 PROVIDENCE COMMUNITY, 7/71I2010 JULY 2010 219190 8l31/2010 005345 PUGET POSTINGS, 8/9/2010 2209 219191 813112010 000051 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC, 8/9l2010 131-066-100 2 8/17l2010 250-275-0389 8/17l2010 004-919-1000 8117/2010 004-919-1000 2�9192 8/31/2010 000990 PUGET SOUND REGIONAL COUNCIL, 7115/2010 201129 219193 8/31/2010 000533 PUGET SOUND SPECIALTtES tNC, 8l10/2010 22086 219194 8/31/2010 012423 PUUTANO, BEBE 7/29/2010 800399 219195 8/31/2010 012435 RENAUD, OEBRA 8/23/2010 813323 219196 8/31/2010 005508 SAFAROVA-DOUVNEY, ALMIRA 8/20/2010 08/20/10 219197 8/31/2010 003726 SAFEWAY SiORE #1555, 8111/201U 1991453 8l13/2010 1991459 8/6/2010 7990698 8/5/2010 1990694 7/30/2010 1990686 7/15/2010 1990677 219198 8/31/2010 Ot 1764 SBS LEASING PROG. OF DE LAGE. 8/7/2010 6832527 219199 8l31/2010 004811 SEATTLE STERLING MACK, 8/10/2070 CS81851 219200 8/37/2010 012422 SEATTLE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL IAW, 8/79l2010 DEYO REGISTER Descript PD-EXTRA KEYS FOR BELLY CHAIN PD-COFFEEVOIUNTEER RECOGNITIO PD-EARPLUGS FOR FIREARMS TRAIN PRCS-07/10 SECURITY SVC AT CP PKM-07/10 PARK CIOSING SECURIT PKM-G7/10 PARK CLOSING SECURIT PKM-07110 PARK CLOSING SECURIT PKM-07/10 PARK CLOSING SECURIT PKM-07/10 PARK CLOSING SECURIT PKM-07/10 PARK CLOSING SECURIT PKM-07/10 PARK CLOSING SECURIT PKM-07/10 PARK CLOSING SECURIT PKM-FIELD PAINT CELEBRATION PA PKM-FIEID PAINT FOR MISC PARKS PKM-LIGHT BALLAST INV#2147635 CHB/PD/MC-07l10 COURIER SVC AG CHB/PD/MC-07/10 COURIER SVC AG CHB/PD/MC-07t10 COURIER SVC AG CHB/PD/MC-07I10 POSTAGE CHRS A CHB/PD/MC-07/10 POSTAGE CHRS A CHB/PD/MC-07/10 POSTAGE CHRS A LAW-ECONOMIC STRATEGIES STUDY. PWST-DEMAND CHARGE CYLINDERS PKM-REFIIL CO2 FOR FIEID PD-07/10 SCRAM, EM BASIC - IND MG2010/2017 JURY SOURCE LIST PV1/�R-07/10 NON-METERED EIECT PWTR-07/10 106 SW CAMPUS DR. U SWM-07/10 324 STORAGE 80249197 SWM-07/10 9TH AVE FLOOD GATES CC-PSRC 2010 OUES ASSESSMENT PKM-F�ELD MARKING CHALK INV#22 PRCS-REFUND PASS CANCELLED PRCS-REFUND AUGUST PAYMENT MC-INTERPRETER SVC PRCS-WILO 8 CRAZY WEEK SUPPLIE PRCS-F OUB SPORTS NIGNT SUPPLI PRCS-IEWIS & CLARK SUPPLIES PRCS-LEWIS 8 CIARK SUPPLIES PRCS-F DUB KARAOKE SUPPLIES PRCS-WHIOBEY ILAND TRIP SUPPU IT-08/10 CD COPIER RPR, MNT, S PWFLT-MAINT SUPPLIES PD-DV SYMPOSIUM REGISTER D DEY 91 Page 10 of 30 Amount Check Total 10.90 97.30 19.65 2,365.50 940.50 150.00 250.00 150.00 250.00 150.00 175.00 150.00 150.00 2,648.00 1,324.00 1,324.00 20.09 20.09 5,85928 1,404.86 299.70 168.59 2,036.90 1,202.46 74677 20,000.00 20,000.00 74.55 46.17 28.38 884.00 884.00 492.75 492.75 16,505.53 16,003.48 120.82 339.85 41.38 26,738.00 26, 736.00 519.03 519.03 61.58 61.58 11.56 t 1.58 100.00 100.00 155.32 21.47 23.61 19 05 23.61 25.73 41.85 109.92 109.92 143.88 143.88 60.00 60.00 Bank of America Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice 219201 8/31/2010 010127 SEMESHCHUK, PETR 8/20/2010 02-69000 REFUND 8/20l2010 02-69000 REFUND 219202 8/31/2010 009260 SGS GLASS COMPANY INC, 8/12/2010 9073 8/12/2010 9073 219203 8/31/2010 001480 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. 8/18/2010 9582-6 219204 8/31/2010 012415 SIMS, JESSICA 8/12/2010 807889 8/5/2010 803752 219205 8/31/2010 004963 SOUNO PUBIISHING INC, 7l31/2010 309394 219206 8131l2010 004963 SOUND PUBlISH1NG INC, 7/31l2010 309442 219207 8/31/2010 004963 SOUND PUBLISHING INC. 7l31/2010 389167 7/17/2010 384843 7/3/2010 381755 7P/2010 382190 219208 8/31/2010 004963 SOUNO PUBLISHING INC, 7/10/2010 383055 7/24/2010 386888 219209 8I31/2010 001885 SPARKS CAR CARE, 8/6/2010 26430 8/512010 26422 8/5/2010 26423 8/S/2010 26423 8/9l2010 26428 8/9/2010 26428 8/9/2010 26428 8/9J2010 26428 8/9/2010 26428 snvzoio zsas� 8/11/2010 26445 8/17/2010 26481 8/19/2010 26496 8/79/2010 26501 219210 8/31/2010 007186 SPECIAL INTEREST TOWING, 7/31/2070 133565 219211 8/31/2010 004701 SPRINT, 8/18/2010 796588811-033 219212 8131/2010 007438 SPRINT/ROTHHAMMER INTL. 8/5/2010 68777A 219213 8/31/2010 011550 ST. VINCENT OE PAUL PARISH, 8/24/2010 02-74484 REFUND 8/24/2010 02-74484 REFUND 219214 8/31/2070 011356 STRATEGIES 360, INC. 8/5/2010 772-2997 8/5/2010 772-2997 8/5/2010 772-2997 219215 8/31/2010 000308 SUBURBAN CITIES ASSOCIATION, 7/26/2010 1702 219216 8/31/2010 012419 SUDDEN IMPACT GIRLS FASTPITCH, 8/23l2010 JUNE 2010 219217 8/31/2010 003896 Si1MMIT LAW GROUP. 8/19/2010 AG10-1311tt 8l17/2010 47637 219218 8/31/2010 007710 SUPERIOR LINEN SERVICE. B/9/2010 94400 8/16/2010 96369 8/23l2070 98345 PW-02-69000 ROW REFUND SEPAESNC PW-02-69000 ROW REFUND SEMESHC FWCC-REPLACE TEMPERED GIASS FWCC-REPLACE TEMPERED GLASS FWCC-FACILITIES PAINT SUPPLIES FWCC-EARLY CANCEL REFUND fWCC-MEMBERSHIP CANCEI REFUND FWCF07/10 FWM BANNER WEB AD SWR-07/10 WEB BANNER AD CD-ST �UKE ADOITION LEGAL NOTI CD-CODE AMENDMENT LEGAL NOTICE CD-CODE REVISION MTG LEGAL NOT CD-MITCHELL HEARING IEGAL NOTI HRCK-ORDINANCE 10-644 LEGAL AD HRCK-ORDINANCE 10-655 LEGALAD PD-LOF PD-LOF , PD-lOF PD-ELECTRICAL WORK PD-ALIGNMENT PD-BRAKE SERVICE PD-TIRE REPAIR PD-TRANSMISSION PD-lOF PD-INSPECT TIRES & WHEE�S PD-OlF PD-BATTERY PD-OLF PD-REPAIR AIRBAG INDICATOR LIG PD-VEHICLE TOW SVC IT-08/10 DATA CELLULAR FWCC-AQUATIC GOGGLES PW-02-74484 ROW REFUND ST. VIN PW-02-74484 ROW REFUND ST. VIN CM-08/10 FEOERA� LOBBYIST AG09 CM-08/10 FEDERAL LOBBYIST AG09 CM-08/10 FEDERAL �OBBYIST AG09 CC-JULY 2010 SCA NETWORKING DI CM-TOURISM ENHANCEMENT GRANT F LAW-GUILD NEGOTIATION LEGAL SV LAV�F-GUILD NEGOTIATION �EGAL SV DBGUNEN SERVICE DBGLINEN SERVICE DBGLINEN SERVICE 92 Page 11 of 30 Amount Check Total 672.27 702.77 -30.50 932.94 466.47 466.47 97.00 97.00 76.66 50.00 26.66 350.00 350.00 275.00 275.00 359.78 86.52 69.22 67.05 136.99 90.85 43.26 47.59 1, 529.76 39.08 34.99 4828 29.08 49.28 665.10 1977 100.32 34.99 56.94 34.99 220.26 39.08 157.66 17520 175.20 2,880.14 2.880.14 844.12 844.12 666 10 696.60 -30.50 5,000.00 5.000 00 5,000.00 -5,000.00 43.00 43.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 8.795.00 8,750.00 45.00 136.39 16.72 16.72 16.72 Bank of America Check No. Date Vendor Inv Dale 8/20/2010 S97384 219219 8/31l2010 009523 SYSTEMS FOR PUBIIC SAFETY, 8/10/2010 14609 8/9/2010 14584 279220 8/31/2010 007756 TAB PRODUCTS CO LLC, 8/17/2010 1937977 219221 8/31/2010 001187 TECHNOLOGY EXPRESS, 816/2U 10 166602 8/11/2010 166637 8/11 /2010 166637 8/11/2010 166637 8/17/2010 166637 219222 8/31/2010 005156 TELEDYNE ISCO INC, 8/2/2010 932488 219223 8/31/2010 009789 TERMINIX, 7/26l2010 297153251 219224 S/31/2010 012425 TESSIER, ISABEL 8/17/2010 810512 8/19/2010 810513 8/18/2010 811042 219225 8/31/2070 009936 THE ACTIVE NETWORK, 7/31/2010 11016206 7/31/2010 11016406 219226 8/31/2010 001424 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR INC, 8/1/2010 596965 219227 8/31/2010 oa4218 TIMCOINC, 7/28/2010 202037 7/28/2010 202037 7/28/2010 202037 219228 8/31/2010 012402 TOMAHAWK LIVE TRAP LIC, 8/2/2010 T-176587 219229 8/31/ZO10 008902 TRI-CITYMEATS, 8/18/2070 236444 8/11/2010 236259 8/6/2010 236t49 8/9/2010 236194 219230 8l31/2010 005549 TRINH, JAMES siioizo�o osi�or�o 8l17/2010 08/17/10 8/20l2070 08/20/10 7120/2010 07/20/10 219231 8l31/2010 006872 7RUSC0 MFG CO, 8!3l2010 8951 219232 8/31/2010 012429 TUNCAK KUTAY 8/2 012 0 1 0 OS(20/10 219233 8/31/2070 002426 UNITED GROCERS CASH & CARRY, 8/19/2010 191890 8/19/2010 192062 8/21/2010 192558 8/22/2010 192859 8/23/2010 193063 B/23/2010 193115 8/23/2010 193198 8l23I2010 193198 8/18/2010 191570 8/18/2010 191605 8/17/2010 191306 8/14/2010 190500 si�vzoio �asaoa 816/2010 188069 8/8/2010 188728 219234 8/31/2010 003837 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, Invoice Description DBC-LINEN SERVICE PD-REPLC CENCOM AMPAND PD-TROUBLESHOOT SIREN CONTROLL M�OFFICE SUPP�IES IT-RR HP LASERJET 9050DN PRINT IT-BARRACUDR MESSAGE ARCHIVER IT-BARRACUDA MESSAGE ARCHIVER IT-BARRACUDA MESSAGE ARCHIVER IT-BARRACUOA MESSAGE ARCHIVER SWM-LOW PROFILE VELOCITY SENSO PKM-7/26l10 PEST CONTROL PRCS-WITHDRAW REFUND PRCS-WITHDRAW REFUND PRCS-WITHDRAW REFUND FWCC-DATA CARDS FWCCARBIT SCANNER POWER SUPPL FWCG08l10-10/10 ELEVATOR MAIN PWST/SWM-PIPE COUPLINGS, HOSES PWST/SWM-PIPE COUPLINGS, HOSES PWST/SWM-PIPE COUPLINGS, HOSES PD-SIIDING DOG CAT CAGE DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES OBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBGCATERING SUPPLIES DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES MC-INTERPRETER SVC MC-INTERPRETER SVC MC-INTERPRETER SVC MC-INTERPRETER SVC PKM-PAINT SPRAYER PARTS MC-INTERPRETER SVC OBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBGCATERING SUPPIIES DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBGCATERING SUPPLIES DBC-CATERING SUPPUES PRCS-SPECIAL OLYMPICS SUPPLIES PRCS-SPECIAL OLYMPICS SUPPLIES DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBC-CATERING SUPPIIES D8C-CATERING SUPPLIES DBGCATERING SUPPUES DBGCATERING SUPPLIES 93 Page 12 of 30 Amount Check Total 86.23 172.60 86.30 86.30 962.67 962.67 25,882.82 7,346.66 8,334.70 5,556.47 2.786.99 1, 658.00 1,045.73 1,045.73 112.79 112.79 643.12 153.64 402.18 87.30 1,214.36 1,077.48 136.88 681.55 681.55 429.86 74328 143.28 143.30 64.40 64.40 953.95 521.44 178.89 175 00 78 62 400.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 59.91 59.91 100.00 100.00 1,363.87 128.06 104.40 129.43 41.8 S 206.98 46.88 4Z14 69-09 26.01 23.97 118.90 38.87 20.63 67.80 293 86 1.07 Ba of Am erica Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invo 8/14/2010 OOOOF80F48330 279235 8/31/2010 012316 UNSWORTH,RAYMONDA 8/11/2010 UNSWORTH 2O10 219236 8/31/2010 011540 US POSTMASTER, 8/24J2010 10-29625 219237 8/31/2010 001605 VADIS NORTHWEST, 7/31 /2010 17042 7/31/2010 17042 219238 8/31/2010 003563 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER, 8/16/2010 0011341 219239 8/31/2010 000094 WA STATE AUDITOR'S OFFICE, 8/9/2010 L84592 219240 8/31J2010 000567 WA STATE OEPT OF ECOLOGY, 8/2/2010 2001-OSKf101754 8/2/2010 2017-OSKI107747 8/2/2010 2011-DSKI101767 219241 8/31/2010 004258 WA STATE DEPT OF LICENSING, 7/29/2010 AUGUST 31, 2010 219242 8/31/2010 003825 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATN, 8/10/2010 RE-313-ATB00810056 219243 8/31/2070 003825 WA STATE DEPT OF TRANSPORTATN, 8l10/2010 RE 41 JA7053 L005 219244 8/31/2010 001379 WA STATE l$I ELEVATOR SECTION, 8/5/2010 116406 219245 8/31/2070 000851 WA STATE PATROL, 8/3/2010 111000399 8/3/2010 111000720 219246 8l31/2010 000537 WACE-WA ASSOC CODE ENfORCEMENT, 6J24/2010 KEIRSEY DUES 8/24/2010 LEMKE DUES 8/24/2010 VAUSE OUES 219247 8/31/2010 006007 WA�KER ACE HAROWARE, 7/29/2010 005467 219248 8/31/2010 000343 WASHDUP, LLC, 7/31/2010 80 219249 8/31/2010 012418 WASHINGTON AIARM INC, 8/13/2010 10-103276 REFUND 8/13/2010 10-103276 REFUND 8/13i2070 10-103276 REFUND 219250 8/31/2010 000783 WASTE MANAGEMENT, 9!1 /2010 1056287-1055-7 219251 8/31/2010 001241 WESTCOASTAWARDS, 8/10/2010 48454 219252 8J31/2010 000173 WEST PAYMENT CENTER, 6/i/2010 621052784 8/t/2010 821109224 219253 8/31l2010 000541 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORS, 7/23/2010 641528 279254 8/3112010 011523 WI-IpLESALE SPORTS. 8!1 Z/2010 150-00040 8/19/2010 150-00041 219255 8/31l2010 002204 WILBUR-ELtIS COMPANY, 8/11/2010 4889495 RI 8I2l2010 4868986 RI 8/3/2010 4871102 RI 279256 8/31/2010 005680 WILD WEST INTERNATIONAL LLC, 7l31/2010 6036 219257 8/31/2010 010720 WILDER, SAMANTHA 8/6/2010 VNECfW24 219258 8l31/2010 012426 WILSON, OARI 8113/2010 808754 8/13/2010 808755 Description IT-UPS TO VECTOR CORP. PD-TUITION REIMB UNSWORTH SWR-RECYCLE EVENT MAILERS POST SWR-07/10 LITTER CONTROL AG07- SWR-07/10 LITTER CONTROI AG07- PO-08/10 MDT USER FEE FI-07l10 STATE AUDITOR SVCS SWM-DAM SAFETY FEE FOR KITTS C SWM-DAM SAFETY FEE FOR PANTHER SWAA-DAM SAFETY FEE FOR S 336TH PD-08/10 REMIT CPL FEES PWST-07/10 S 320TH OFF RAMP AG PWST-SR99ISR161/352ND EXT REVI CHB-ELEVATOR OPERATING PERMIT HR-07/10 BKGRND CHECKKS PD-AUGUST 2010 CPL STATE PATRO CO-WACE DUES KEIRSEY CD-WACE DUES LEMKE CO-WACE DUES VAUSE FWCGGROUT, CLEANER, DUSTPAN PD-07110 CAR WASH SERVICE CD-10-103276 REFUND DUPLICATE CD-10-103276 REFUND DUPUCATE CO-10-103276 REFUNO DUPLICATE SUVR-08110-10110 LITTER D�SPOS PRCS-YOUTH T-SHIRTS AG10-099 ITMW-07/10 WEST lAW SVCS PD-07/10 AUTO TRACKXP SVCS PWFLT-OIL, FILTERS, BIADES PKM-WORK BOOTS AND PANTS FISHE PKM-WORK PANTS PRESNELL P06242 PWST-LANOSCAPE SUPPLIES d SWM-REPAIR PARTS FOR SPRAYERS PWST-LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES PO-07/10 RIF�E RANGE USAGE SWR-07/10 RECYCLING PROG AG10- PRCS-REFUND MOVING OUT OF STAT PRCS-REFUND MOVING OUT OF STAT 94 Page 13 of 30 A Check To 1.07 1,800.00 7,800.00 2.785.97 2.785.97 4,265.00 4,137.05 127.95 1,020.00 1,020.00 550.20 550.20 2,106.00 625.00 856.00 625.00 975.00 975.00 18,858.58 18,858.58 116.83 116.83 109.40 109.40 77375 100.00 673.75 120.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 34.21 34.21 1,181.41 1.181.41 114.00 3.00 3.00 108.00 25.11 25.11 255.14 255.14 1.794.28 1,696.89 97.39 395.65 395.65 458.70 285.73 172.97 1,040.54 217_60 126.04 696.70 241.55 241.55 658.25 65825 344.00 17.00 100.00 Bank of America Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice 8/13/2010 808756 8/13/2010 808757 219259 8/31/2010 000660 WOODWORTH & COMPANY INC, 8/2/2010 AG 10-054 #4 219260 8/37/2010 006647 WSASC, 7l22J2010 1 219261 9/212010 006402 SAMUEL FRENCH INC, 9/2/2010 140556 219262 9/2/2010 006402 SAMUEL FRENCH INC, 9/2/2010 140556 219263 9/3/2010 000051 PUGET SOUND ENEF2GY INC, 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8l19/2010 PARKS 2010 OS B/19/2010 PARKS 2010 OS 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19J2010 PARKS 2010 08 8l19/2010 PARKS 2010 OS 8l19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 OS 8J19/2010 PARKS20l008 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19/2010 RARKS 2010 08 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 OS 8/19l2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/79/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/79/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 OS 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19/2070 PARKS 2010 08 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 OS 8119/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/1912010 PARKS 2010 OS 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 OB 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8l19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 8/19l2010 PARKS207008 8/19/2010 PARKS 2010 08 219264 9/15/2010 007360 AABCO BARRICADE COMPANY INC, 7/12/2070 86715 219265 9/15I2010 000332 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS INC, 8131/2010 MMFWA00061300000010 8l31/2010 MMFWA00061300000010 219266 9/15/2010 011322 ABEILA, C. ANGELO 8/24/2010 OB/24/10 8/25Y2010 OS/25/10 279267 9/15l2010 004234 ABT TOhMNG OF FEDERAL WAY INC, 8l4/2010 50323 8/25l2010 50376 219268 9/15/2010 001856 ACTION SERVICES CORPORATION, 8I31/2010 66578 219269 9175/2010 049556 ADVANCING LEAOERSHIP, a�zsr2oio i �-ss 8/25/2010 11-68 219270 9/15/2010 010546 AFICNUK, SERGEY 9/1/2010 02-74315 REFUNO Descriptio� PRCS-REFUND MOVING OUT OF STAT PRCS-REFUND MOVING OUT OF STAT PWST-2010 ASPHA�T OVERLAY AG10 PRCS-SUMMER 2010 MARiNERS GAME PRCS-FRtENDSHIP THEATRE GREASE PRCS-FRIENDSHIP THEATRE GREASE PKM-08/10 2410 S 312TH STORAGE PKM-08/10 2410 S 312TH WOODSHO PKF-08/10 2645 S 312TH ANX-RR/ PKF-OSl10 2645 S 312TH SEWER l PKF-O8/10 2700 SW 340TH AlDERD PKF-08l10 28156 1/2 24TH HERIT PKF-08/10 31104 28TH AVE S HAU PKF-08/10 31104 28TH AVE S HAU PKM-08/10 31132 28TH AVE ST�K PKM-08l10 31132 28TH AVE S STL PKM-08f10 31207 28TH AVE SKATE DBC/KFT-OB/10 3200 SW OASH PT DBC/KFT-OS/10 3200 SW DASH PT DBC/KFT-OS/10 3200 SW DASH PT OBClKFT-OB/70 3200 SW DASH PT PKF-08/10 32730 177H AVE SW AL CHB-OBl10 33325 STH AVE Z00453 PKF-(78/10 33974 19TH AVE SAG F PKF-OS/10 34915 4TH AVE MARKX PKF-08/10 34915 4TH AVE S PALI PKF-08/10 600 S 333RD EVID. BL PKF-08/10 600 S 333RD EVID BlD FWCC-08/10 876 S 333RD Z002806 FWCC-08/10 876 S 333RD 0008456 FWCC-08/10 876 S 333RD ST. UG PKCP-08/10 S 324TH BLOG A- PKCP-08l10 S 324TH BLDG B- PKF-OSl10 7TH AVE HISTORICA� S PKF-08/10 7TH AVE HISTORICAL S PKF-08/10 21 ST AVE LAKOTA RR 8 PKF-08/10 2410 S 312TH STLK ST PKF-OB/10 SAC PARK RR FIELD LI PKF-08l10 1ST AVE & CAMPUS DR. PKM-08/10 2410 S 312TH BEACH R PRCS-RWB BARRICADE CONES LAW-OB/10 MNTHLY SRV FEE; 8/31 lAW-08/10 MNTHLY SRV FEE; 8/31 MC-INTERPRETER SVC MC-INTERPRETER SVC PO-VEHICLE TOW SVC PD-VEHICLE TOW SVC PWST-O8/10 STREET SWEEPING SVC CM-ADV LORSHP TUIT 8 LINDQUIST PD-ADV LDRSHP TUIT J MCCONNELL PW-02-74315 AFICHUK ROW REFUND 95 Page 14 of 30 A Check Total 95.00 132.00 330,138.05 330,138.05 610.00 610.00 100.00 100.00 2,1 12.00 2,112.00 54,182.55 14.00 64.89 1,550.32 11.11 10.11 24.05 26.26 15.55 352.78 42.30 10.11 1,008.40 496.67 181.03 89.16 10.11 13,572.96 4,267.58 12.74 10.11 572.25 45.65 16.818.98 5,31624 89.30 3,644_46 2,456.45 31.32 8.16 752.57 24.63 2,326.94 28.34 297.00 242.38 242.38 125.00 62.50 62. SO 200.00 100.00 100.00 350.40 17520 175.20 4,232.55 4,232.55 945.00 472.50 472.50 673.57 704.07 Bank o( America Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice 9!1/2010 02-74315 REFUNO 219271 9115/201D 000568 AGRI SHOP INC, 8/31 /2010 12185/1 8/25/2010 12090/1 8/12/2010 K12249/t 219272 9/15l2010 009460 AHO, SY�VIA FATIMA 8/24/2010 OB/24l10 219273 9/15/2010 005225 AIRGAS - NOR PAC INC, 8/16/2010 101685884 219274 9/15/2010 000475 ALARM CENTERS/CUSTOM SECURITY, 8/23/2010 714418 8/23/2010 714420 8/23/2010 714421 219275 9/15/2010 001285 A�PINE PRODUCTS INC, 8/25/2010 TM-110963 8/26/2010 TM-111010 9/2l2010 TM-111242 9/2/2010 TM-111242 8/30/2010 TM-111104 8/30/2010 TM-111110 219276 9/15/2010 005287 AMERICALL COMMUNICATIONS &, 8/21/2010 D6416-0810 8l21/2010 D6416-0810 8/21/2010 D6417-0810 219277 9/15l2010 001522 AMERICAN RED CROSS, 7/8/2010 11001771 219278 9/15/2010 011148 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SOLUTIONS INC, 8/31 /2010 INV00004254 219279 9/15l2010 000190 APA-AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOC. 8/20/2010 197326-100502 219280 9/15/2010 010530 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES, 8/23/2010 655-5080123 219281 9/15/2010 010530 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES, 8/31/2010 655-5094914 219282 9/15/2010 011555 AVEDiSYAN, RUBEN 9/7/2010 09/07/10 A 9/7/2010 09/07I10 219283 9/15/2070 001790 BARGREEN ELIINGSON INC, 8/i6/2010 6177157 219284 9/15/2010 002445 BATES TECHNICAL COILEGE, 8/27/2010 49785 219285 9/15/2010 070185 BIRD, FERESIKA S 9!7/2010 09/07/10 219286 9/15/2010 011489 BLACK DIAMOND GUN ClUB, 8/25/2070 28 219287 9/15/2070 012438 BORICUA GROUP LLC. 9/1/2010 Ot-81344 REFUND 219288 9/15/2010 011289 BOWMAN, JASON 9!8l2010 AUGUST 2010 219289 9I15l2010 011335 BROWN. JEFF 8/31/2010 2010-07 219290 9/15/2010 011282 CALKINS, NICHOLE 9/8/2010 AUGUST 2010 219291 9l15/2010 000991 CASCADE COFFEE INC, 8/30l2010 20619322 219292 9/15/2010 002351 CASCADE MOBIIE MIX, 7/27l2010 259928T 219293 9/1512010 008486 CASCADE SIGNAL CORPORATION, 8l212010 2714 219294 9l15/2070 005573 CDW GOVERNMENT INC, 9/2/2010 TTK1921 9/2/2010 TTKi921 Des PW-02-74315 AFICHUK ROW REFUND PWST-ENGINE OIL & BAR OIL PKM-CHAIN SAW CHAINS PWST-BLADE ASSY FOR HEDGE TRIM MC-INTERPRETER SVC PO-NITROGEN PKCP-09/10-11/10 ALRM MNTR PKM-09/10-11/10 ALRM MNTR STLK PKM-09/10-11/10 ALRM MNTR STLK PKM-ASPHALT CRACK AND JOINT SE PWST-ASPHALT SEALER PWST-ASPHALT SEALER & EAR PLUG PWST-ASPHALT SEALER 8 EAR PLUG PWST-SQUEEGEE BIADES PWST-STOP/SLOW PAODIE SWM-AFTER HR CALL-OUT SVC COST SWAA-AFTER HR CALL-OUT SVC COST PKM-AFTER HR CALI-OUT SVC ACCO FWCC-FIRST AID/CPR TRAINING MC-08/10 RED LIGHT PHOTO CD-APA DUES M HERRERA FWCC-FLOOR MATS SVC DBC-LINEN SERVICE MC-INTERPRETER SVC MC-INTERPRETER SVC SWR-RCYCL CONTAINER FOR SCHOOL MC-MGMT TRNG FOR STAFF MC-INTERPRETER SVC PD-08110 GUN RANGE DUES FI-Ot-81344 REFUND BL NOT NEE� FWCC-OSl10 PERSONAL TRAINER SV SWR-SWR COLLECTION REVIEW AG09 FUVCC-O8l10 PERSONAL TRNG SVCS HR-COFFEE SUPPLIES PRCS-ART WORK REPAIRICONCRETE PWfR-RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHIN IT/PO-RR-PH III ITRONIX LAPTO IT/PO-RR-PH 111 ITRONIX VEHICL 96 Page 15 of 30 Amount Check Total -30.50 466.55 52.90 66.75 346.90 100.00 100.00 81.41 81.41 270.00 120.00 75.00 75.00 4,393.91 56.94 2,049.84 28.75 2,049.84 75.50 133.04 327.80 58.48 58.47 270.85 100.00 100.00 42,275_50 42,275.50 110.00 110.00 94.77 94.77 92.32 92.32 200.00 100.00 100.00 21.34 21.34 111.00 ] 11.00 100_00 100.00 200.00 200.00 50.00 50.00 2.068.06 2,088.06 528.00 528.00 197.63 197.63 75.00 75.00 331.79 331.79 15.283.13 15,283.13 17, 001.42 13.541.82 2,34420 Bank of America Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice 9/2/2010 TTKt921 9/2/2010 TTKt 921 219295 9/15/2010 010954 CEDAR GROVE ORGANICS RECYCLING, 6/31l2010 0000033373 219296 9/1512010 004430 CESSC0.THE CUT&CORE STORE INC, 7/23/2010 210090 219297 9/15/2010 012457 CH�LDREN'S HOME SOCIETY, 9/10/2010 32241 219298 9/15/2010 012378 CHUCK'S DRUG, 8/1712010 149688 219299 9/15/2010 011595 CITY OF BUCKLEY, 8/31/2010 AUGUST 2010 219300 9/15l2010 004838 CITY OF ENUMCLAW, 9/2/2010 03076 219301 9/15/2010 000951 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, S/31/2010 AG1¢109 #2 219302 9/15/2010 010360 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, 9l2/2070 CK #1156 9/2/2010 CK #1156 9/3/2070 CK #1146 9/3/2010 CK #1146 9/3/2010 CK #1157 9/3l2010 CK #1157 219303 9/15/2010 005817 CITY OF FiFE, 8/10/2010 0005779 219304 9/15/2010 003752 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA, 8/6/2010 W2219279 8/13/2010 W2221947 8/18(2010 T2223002 8/18/2010 T2223098 8/20/2010 T2223098-1 8/24/2070 T2225374 8/26/2010 W2226 7 38 219305 9/15/2010 005102 COIE-PARMER INSTRUMENT COMPANY, 8/27/2010 7554531 8/27/2010 7555847 8/27l2010 7555847 8/10/2010 7537034 219306 9/15l2010 004395 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL, 8/26/2010 0220-531165 219307 9/15/2010 006649 CONTECH STORMWATER. B/16/2010 INV0000016874 219308 9/15/2010 0a8445 COPIERS NORTHWEST INC, 6/24/20 i 0 INV405568 219309 9/15l2010 000721 CORLISS RESOURCES INC, 6/10/2010 257222 8/11/2010 257313 219310 9/15/2010 000771 COSTCOIHSBC BUSINESS SO�UTIONS, 8/26/2010 AUGUST 2010 8126/2010 AUGUST 2010 8l26/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/26/2010 AUGUST 2010 8126l2010 AUGUST 2010 8/26/2010 AUGUST 2010 8l26/2010 AUGUST 2010 B/26/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/26/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/26/2010 AUGUST2010 8/26/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/26/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/26/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/26/2010 AUGUST 2010 Description ITlPaRR-PH 111 ITRONIX LAPTOP IT/PD-RR-PH III ITRONIX LAPTOP SWR-08/10 ORGANICS RECYCLING C PWFLT-OIL FILTER & CHOKE KIT DBC-CANCELLATION REFUND PD-08/10 PRISONER MED TREAT PD-08/10 PRISONER LODGING AG10 PD-OSl10 PRISONER LODGING AG10 PWST-PAC HWY S HOV PH IV AG10- PD-WSSO SCHOOL SAFETY ECKERT PD-WSSO SCHOOL SAFETY ECKERT PD-NAMOA CONF. SCHULZ PD-NAMOA CONF. SCHULZ PD-NARCOTIC OPS COURSE SCHWAN PD-NARCOTIC OPS COURSE SCHWAN PO-07/10 PRISONER LODGING FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FWCC-JANITORIAI SUPPLIES CHB-JANITORIAL SUPPIIES PKM-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES PKM-JANITORIAL SUPP�IES OBC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES FWCC-JANITORIAL SUPPLIES SWM-SCI LAB RESEARCH INSTRUMEN SWM-SCI LAB RESEARCH SUPPLIES SWM-TRANSPORT FEES SWM-WATER QUALITY SUPPLIES DBC-LIGHTING SUPPLIES SWM-PHASE III STORM FILTERS IT-08/10 CANON lR10251F PWST-CONCRETE SUPPL.IES PWST-CONCRETE SUPPLIES PRCS-OAYCAMP SUPPLIES PRCS-VIEW BINDER, VOICE MAII L PRCS-IAMINATING SHEETS & TAPE FWCC-FREEZER BAGS F1NCC-FRONT OESK CHAIRS FWCC-IAMINATING SHEETS & TAPE PRCS-STAPLES, WRITING PAOS, SU FNVCC-OFFICE SUPPLIES FWCGCURAO VINYL G�OVES FWCC-SANITIZING WIPES PRCS-OAYCAMP SNACKS DBC-CATEftING SUPPLIES PRCS/FWCGFIT CAMP SUPPLIES PRCS/FWCGFIT CAMP SUPPUES 97 Page 16 of 30 Amount Check Total 890.70 224.70 20.65 20.65 240.14 240.14 7,065.76 7,065.76 24.95 24.95 8,835.00 8,835.00 880.00 880.00 27,735.53 27,735.53 1, 933.36 185.00 34028 160.00 659.16 225.00 363.92 23,412.07 23,412.07 6,495.39 748.03 1,171.79 ] ,040.74 612.63 129.65 307_91 2,484.64 392.03 20.81 303.53 46.06 21.63 305.95 305.95 5,173.88 5,173.88 59.05 59.05 861.88 472.61 389.27 2,453.61 540.4a 51.45 66.69 1220 448.93 79.93 3823 47.19 247.47 67.01 29523 442.80 33.70 33.70 Bank of America Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice 8/26/2010 AUGUST 2010 219311 9/15/2010 003890 CRAZY QUILTERS OF FEDERA� WAY, 6/30/2010 JUNE 30, 2010 219312 9l15/2010 009696 CRESTWO00 ANIMAL HOSPITAL, 8l13/2010 14289 8/30/2010 14532 219313 9/15/2010 011315 CROP PRODUCTION SERVICES, INC, 8/24/2010 210155 8/24/2010 210155 219314 9115/2010 010015 CUTHBERT, GAIL 9/3/2010 AUGUST 2010 219375 9/15/2010 000854 D J TROPliY, 8131 /2010 230042 8/9/2010 229907 219316 9/15/2070 003033 DESIGN PLUS, 8/25/2010 10035 219317 9/15/2010 005922 DEX MEDIA WEST, 8l23/2010 650474119 219318 9/15/2010 005341 DODO, ESCOLASTICA ROSA 8J24/2010 08/24/10 B/31/2010 08/31/10 9/7/2010 09/07/10 219319 9/15/2010 008297 DOWNER CORP, 8/20/2010 39247 219320 9/15/2010 000570 EAGLE TIRE 8 AUTOMOTIVE (DBA), 8/13/2010 1076216 8/13/2010 1076226 8l14/2010 1076246 9/4/2010 1076595 914/2010 1076597 9/4/201a 1076608 � 9l4/2010 1076610 9/312010 1076585 219321 9/15/2010 006177 EARL, SHARYN LYNN 7/14/2010 10005 219322 9/15/2010 009021 EDWARDS, NOLAND A 8/24l2010 08/24J70 219323 9/15/2010 007919 EMPIRE FACIIITY SERVICES INC, 8/17l2010 15271 219324 9/15/2010 001046 EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATION SVC, 8/23I2010 5684908 219325 9/15l2010 000328 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA). 8/15/2010 0338709 8/37f2010 0339671 6/31f2010 0339672 8/31/2010 0339672 219326 9/15/2010 017726 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS, INC, 6/15/2010 1951476 6/16/2010 195880 8/13/2010 2243167 219327 9/15/2010 006645 EXPRESS TOWING LLC, 8/18/2010 12940 8/31/2010 12803 219328 9/15/2010 0002t7 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPORATION, 8/20/2010 7-19832504 219329 9/15/2010 001893 FEDERAI WAY SCHOOI DISTRICT, 9/7/2010 SIF-AUG 2010 9/7/2010 SIF-AUG 2010 219330 9/1512010 005213 FIFE PRINTING, 8/24/2010 20070 219331 9/15/2010 010305 FIRST STUDENT, 8/23/2010 10428337 FWCC-SWIM TEAM PHOTO PRINTS PRCS-KFT ART EXHIBITION 9/10-1 PO-K9 ROSCOE BOAROING PD-K9 ROSCOE BOARDING PKM-GRASS SEED PKM-GRASS SEED FWCC-08/10 PERSONAI. TRNG SVCS PD-VOLUNTEER PLAQUE ENGRAVING PRCS-SPORTS T-SHIRTS PKM-COUNCIL DIAS MODIFICATIONS DBC-08/10 DIRECTORY AOS MC-INTERPRETER SVC MC-INTERPRETER SVC MC-WTERPRETER SVC CHB-INTR RM SIGNS WITH SLIOER PWFLT-TIRES PWFLT-TIRES PWFLT-HEATI NG/COOIiNG PWFLT-LOF PWFLT-�OF PWFLT-LOF PWFLT-lOF PWFIT-ELECTRICAL WORK PRCS-FALL 2010 DESIGN 8 PRODUC MC-INTERPRETER SVC PD-HON UPRIGHT CABINETS PD-OSl10 CREDIT REPORTS PWFLT-07/31-8/15/10 FUEL CHARG PWFLT-8/15-8131l10 FUEL CHARGE PO-8l15-8/31/70 SIU FUEI CHARG PD-8/15-8/37/70 FUEL CHARGES PKM-TURFACE AT CP PKM-TURFACE FOR STLK PARK /INV PKM-IRRIGATION HEAOS PO-VEHICLE TOW SVC PD-VEHIC�E TOW CASE 10-11292 PD-FEDEX TO MHSC FI-08l70 SCHI IMPACT fEE & INT FI-OB/10 SCHI IMPACT FEE 8 INT MC-SUMMONS, NOTICE OF CASE SET FWCC-DAY CAMP FIELD TO CENTURY •� Page 17 of 30 Amount Check Total 48.66 200.00 200.00 572.00 704.00 _ 468.00 1,839.60 979.80 919.80 2, 502.45 2,502.45 607.54 10.00 597.54 14,300.70 14,300.70 552.94 552.94 400.00 175.00 112.50 172.50 543.12 543.12 7 , 353.49 392.51 392.51 329.68 5470 54.70 47:91 47.91 33.57 1,410.00 1,410.00 100.00 100.00 385.44 385.44 20.00 20.00 24,895.59 6,300.44 6,255.35 808.11 11, 531.69 1,244.62 561.42 532-64 150.56 350.00 175.00 175.00 94.56 94.56 15,330.62 15,328.00 2.62 1,048.24 1.04824 3,750.00 29Z00 Bank of Amenca Page 18 of 30 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date i�voice Description Amount Check Total 8/13/2010 10425648 FWCC-DAY CAMP TO HENRY MOSES A 1,104.00 8/13/2010 10425649 FWCC-DAY CAMP FIELD TO SAFECO 1,104.00 8/30/2010 10429786 FWCC-DAY CAMP WOODIAND PARK ZO 1,245.00 219332 9/15/2010 002664 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC, 288.30 8/31/2010 t69431 HR-08/10 FLEX PLAN ADM SVCS 288.30 219333 9I15/2010 004366 FLOYD EQUIPMENT COMPANY DBA, 852.02 9/3/2010 70136 PWST-MILD STEEI PLATE 610.05 8/1872010 69887 PWST-CHANNEL & FLAT BARS FOR T 241.97 219334 9/1 Sl2010 008860 FOOD SERVICES OF AMERICA, 3,678.34 8/24/2010 2427100 DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES 823.29 8/27/2010 2437237 D8C-CATERING SUPPLIES 900.06 9/1/2010 2447433 DBC-CATERING SUPPIIES 1,954.99 219335 9/15/2010 009242 FSH COMMUNICATiONS LLC, 80.00 9/1/2010 0003877i3 IT-09/10 FSN PAYPHONE SVCS 80.00 219336 9J15/2010 012134 FURGALA, MONIKA M 284.36 5/14/2070 MARCH 15, 2005 PRCS-N. LAKE ESTATES MITIGATIO 284.36 219337 9/15/2010 004566 G&M HONEST PERFORMANCE, 51.31 8i31/2010 138442 PWFLT-REPAIR SUPPLIES 24.85 8l20/2010 138095 PWFLT-WIPER BLADES 26.46 219338 9/15/2010 009729 GALAXY SPECIALTY CO., 30.15 8/26/2010 68009 MGCALENDAR PADS 30.15 219339 9/15/2010 011681 GINA M. DUNCAN LAW OFFICE PLLC, 1,000.�0 8/31/2010 1017 CM-08/10 CONFLICT DEFENDER AGO 250.00 8/31/2010 1018 CM-08/10 CONFLICT OEFENDER AGO 250.00 8/37/2010 1019 CM-08/10 CONFIICTDEFENDER AGO 250.00 7J10l2010 1016 CM-OS/10 CONFLICT DEFENDER AGO 250.00 219340 9/15/2010 010940 GOODYEAR WNOLESALE TIRE CNTR, 417 21 8/12/2010 146785 PD-NEW T�RES DELIVERED TO SPAR 417.21 219341 9l15l2010 004824 GOS PRINTING CORPORATION, 733.95 8/20/2010 75032 PD-NOTICE OF TRESPASS & SUPPLE 308.97 8/20/2010 75047 PD-ANIMAL CONTROI RECEIPT BOOK 424.98 279342 9/15l2070 002574 GRAHAM 8 DUNN, P.C., 454.00 8/16/2070 303538 PWST-SR99 HOV LANES PHASE IV- 419.00 8l16/2010 303539 PWST-SR99 HOV LANES PHASE IV- 35.00 219343 9/15l2010 002547 GRAINGER INC, 749.06 8/17/2010 9325944990 FWCGCIRCULAR SAW BI.ADES 2875 8/18/2010 9327375995 FWCC-92 OEG ANGLE 157.68 8/19/2010 9327647237 FWCC-CON7ROL 80X 293.18 8/23/2010 9330609430 FWCC-FILM TAPE 16.91 8/23/2010 9330609448 FWCGSPA7ULA 8 WHEEL BRUSH 30.67 8/23/2010 9330611220 FWCC-PULLER 5 TON 2/3 JAW 98.11 6/24/2010 9332230250 PKM-TOILET SEA? COVER DISPENSE 43.89 8/25/2010 9332915595 FWCGFURNACE BOILER BRUSH 13.66 8/26/2010 9334052702 FUVCC-STOP COLLAR SET 21.13 8l26/2010 9334052710 FWCC-WOOD SCREWS 22.10 8/26/2010 9334239523 FWCC-SNAPPY CNTRSINK SET 22.98 219344 9/15I2010 010738 GREEN EFFECTS, INC, 2,576.68 9!1/2010 31804 FUVCG08/10 IANDSCAPING AGOS-06 2,576.68 219345 9/15/2010 003831 GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES, 300.00 8/31/2010 10-017 PD-08/10 POLYGRAPH EXAMS 300.00 219346 9/15l2010 002590 HACH COMPANY, 21.56 8/23l2070 6872880 SWM-1NTR QITY TES7 CHEMICAIS 21.56 219347 9/15/2010 701936 HARRINGTON EIECTRIC, 86.50 913/2010 10-103676 CD-7 0-10 36 76 REFUNO DUPLICATE 3.00 9/3/2010 10-103676 CO-10-103676 REFUND DUPLICATE 3.00 9/3J2010 10-103676 CD-10-103676 REFUND DUPUCATE 80.50 219348 9/15/2010 003841 HEAD-QUARTERS PTS, 684J5 9!1/2070 23114 PKM-PORTABLE TOIIET SVCS AG06- 684.75 219349 9/15/2010 001487 HEIN�ETT-PACKARD COMPANY, � ��� 94 8/11/2010 48089753 IT-RR SERVER HP PROLIANT O138 12,770.94 219350 9/75/2010 002477 HOME DEPOT-DEPT 32-2500780030, 631.94 8/27/2010 AUGUST 2010 PWiR-TOTE FOR TRAFFIC COUNTER 78.59 99 Bank of America Page 19 of 30 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 8/27l2010 AUGUST 2010 FWCC-OCC SENSOR 3 CELL LAMP TU 89.75 8/27/2010 AUGUST 2010 FWCC-OCC SENSOR 3 CELL LAMP TU 1 L06 8/27/2010 AUGUST 2010 FWCC-OCC SENSOR 3 CELL LAMP TU 106.81 8/27/2�10 AUGUST 2010 SWM-CATCH BASIN INSPECT. EQUIP 65.67 8/27/2010 AUGUST 2010 PKM-OUCTWORK @ SFLK SHOP SUPPL 50.10 8/27/2010 AUGUST 2010 FWCC-POWER TAPE ' 1127 8/27/2010 AUGUST 2010 PD-FIREARMS VICE 54.72 8/27/2010 AUGUST 2010 PD-FIREARMS TRNG TAPE, STAPLES 24.88 8/27/2010 AUGUST 2010 FWCC-WET/DRY VAC, FILTERS. BUC 199.09 219351 9/15/2010 009785 HOWARD, TODD 562.50 8/30/2010 112 CM-08/10 CONFUCT DEFENDER AGO 250.00 9/1/2010 113 CM-12/09 CONFLICT DEFENDER AGO 312.50 219352 9/15/2010 003560 HUNTERS TREE SERVICE, 871.54 9J2/2010 2571 DBC-REMOVE FALIEN TREE 871.54 219353 9/15/2010 012446 HUYEN, MARTIN 200.00 8/31l2010 08/31/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 9!7/2010 09l07l10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 219354 9/75/2010 012444 HUYNH, SANG 50422 8/24/2010 813780 PRCS-REFUND CANCE�LED MEMBERSH 504.22 219355 9/15/2010 003211 IRON MOUNTAIN/SAFESITE INC, 3,052.31 8/31/2010 CHN8263 HRCK-OB/70 RECORDS STORAGE AG9 3,052.31 219356 9/15/2010 011711 J& D PRINTING INC, 203.67 9/17/2010 46952 CM-PRNT'WHATS HAPPENING' FAl 203.67 219357 9/15l2010 009079 J AND Y INVESTMENT ILC. 310.00 9/9l2010 SEPTEMBER ZO10 IT-09/10 WIFI SITE LEASE AGOS- 310.00 219358 9/15/2010 012345 J.R. HAYES & SONS,INC., 526,974.98 8/31/2010 AG10-109 p2 PWST-PAC HWY S HOV PH IV AG10- 554,710.51 8/31I2010 AG10-109 #2 PWST-PAC HWY S HOV PH IV AG10- -27,735.53 219359 9/15/2010 010838 JOHNSON, STEPHEN G 2,625.00 8/27/2010 AUGUST 27, 2010 CM-08/10 CONFLICT DEFENDER AGO 2,625.00 219360 9J75/2010 012356 JONES. SUSAN . 95.00 9J2/2010 817520 PRCS-CAMP 27142 REFUND 95.00 219361 9/15/2010 011472 KARIVKI, PAUL 100.00 9!7/2010 09/07/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 219362 9/15/2010 011004 KEIRSEY, CINDY 65.00 7/29/2010 KEIRSEY 2010 CO-WACE CONF. KEIRSEY 65.00 219363 9/1512010 011501 KIDZ LOVE SOCCER INC, 3,06525 7l29/2010 2010SU-F159 FWCC-SUMMER 2010 YOUTH SOCCER 3,065.25 219364 9/15/2010 011736 KIM, CHUI JOON 400.00 8/24Y2010 08/24/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 9!7/2010 09/07/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 8/31/2010 08/31/10 A MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 8/31/2010 08/37/70 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 219365 9/15/2010 011737 KIMMEL ATHLETIC SUPPLY CO. INC, 344.93 7/22/2010 0296437-IN PRCS-VOLIEYBALLS 344.93 219366 9/15/2010 001259 KING COUNTY CRIME VICTIMS FUNO, 1,919.05 9/10/2010 AUGUST 10 FI-08/10 REMIT CRIME VICTIM FE 1,9l9.05 219367 9/15/2010 000125 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIVISION, 127,389.47 8/20/2010 1579600 17-09/10 NET SVCS 41920 8/20/2010 1579600 IT-09/10 NET SVCS 104.80 8/20l2010 1579600 IT-09l10 NET SVCS 262.00 8/20l2010 1579600 IT-09/10 NET SVCS 262.00 B/20/2010 1580079 PD-07/10 PRISONER LODGING AG02 70,159.54 B/17/2010 1579260 PWTR-07/10 BSC SIGN/MRKNGS MTN 29,404.21 8/17/2010 1579261 RlSK-REPLACE DAMAGED POLES 10,402.03 8/17/2070 1579262 PD-RAOAR SIGN REPAIR/MAINT 1,334.27 8/77/2010 1579263 PWTR-07/10 BSC SIGN/MRKNGS MTN 327.33 8/17/2010 1579264 PWlR-07l10 DISC INVSTGTN TRFFC 6,21523 8/17/2010 1579264 PWTR-07/10 DISC INVST TRFFC-FY 987.60 8/77/20i0 1579264 PWTR-07/10 OISC INVST PED. SAF 588.82 8/17/2010 1579264 P1/VlR-07/10 DISC INVST NTS SCHL 2,474.45 8/17/2010 1579264 PWST-07/10 DISC INVST 2010 OVE 296.27 l�� Bank of America Check No. Da te Vendor Inv Date Invoice 6l17/2Q10 1579264 8l17/2010 1579264 8/17/2010 1579264 219368 9/15/2070 005568 KING COUNTY FIEET ADM OIVISION, 8/11/2010 204960 8/10/2010 204959 8/10/2010 204959 219369 9/15/2010 003898 KING COUNTY RADIO, 8l24l2010 4235 8/23/2010 00424049 8/23/2010 00424060 B/23/2010 00424165 219370 9/15/2010 000022 LAKEHAVEN UTI�ITY DISTRICT, 9/7/2010 SERVICE # 11300 219371 9/15/2010 000096 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRICT, 9l10/2010 2814401 9/8/2010 1768602 918/2010 1768602 8/20/2010 3033601 8/20/2010 822402 8/20/2010 824102 8/20/2010 824102 8/20/2010 888103 8/20/2010 888103 8/20/2010 888302 8/20/2Q10 886302 8/20/2010 896402 8/20/2010 899802 8/20l2010 899802 8/20/2010 101 8/20/2010 101 219372 9/15/2010 001939 LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC, 8/30/2010 27232 219373 9/15/2010 004052 LEED, 8/20/2010 08201002 219374 9/15/2010 010111 LEMKE. REBECCA 9/9/2010 LEMKE 2010 219375 9/15/2010 003157 LES SCHWAB T1RE CTRS OF WA INC, 8/2/2010 447588 219376 9/15/2010 012455 LEZARD, ROBERT 9/2/2010 817452 219377 9/15/2010 000630 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC, 8/31/2010 143101 8/9l2010 142419 8l71/2010 142533 8/12/2010 142595 8l12/2010 142595 8/13l2010 142605 8/1 J/2010 142605 8/20/2010 742920 8/16/2010 142649 8/ 17l2010 142692 8/18l2010 142770 8/18/2010 142772 8/16/2010 142774 219378 9/15/2010 005339 LOWE'S HIWINC, B/20/2010 14549 8/20/2010 02380 8/23/2010 02873 8/24/2010 02096 8/25/2070 01579 8/26/2010 02382 8/27/2010 02595 Description PWST-07f10 DISC INVST SR99 PH PWST-07/10 DISC INVST 348TH & IT-07110 KC DISC SAFE CITIES SiNM-OIL BOOMS & CABLE THROTTI.E SWR-LITTER BAGS FROM KC FLEET PWFLT-MOWER KNIFE BOOTS IT/PD-08/10 RAOIO ACCESS �T/PD-RADIO MAINT/REPAIR IT/PD-RADIO MAINT/REPAIR IT/PD-RADIO MAINT/REPAIR CD-ROGERS DEMO METER 83682050 PKM-05-06/10 2645 312TH ANNEX DBC-05/10-07/10 SEWER 3200 SW DBC-OSI10-07/10 KFT SEWER 3200 PKM-05-06/10 28159 24TH PL S# PKM-0S-06l10 30009 16TH AVE #8 PKM-05-O6/10 30000 14TH AVE S PKM-OS-06/10 30000 14TH AVE S PKM-05-06/10 31132 28TH AVE S PKM-05-06/10 31132 28TH AVE S PKM-05-06110 31 104 28TH AVE S PKM-05-06l10 31904 28TH AVE S PKM-OS-06/10 312TH ST #896402 PKM-05-06i10 2410 312TH ST p89 PKM-05-06/10 2410 312TH ST #89 PKM-05-06l10 31132 28TH AVE S PKM-05-06t10 31132 28TH AVE S SWM-07/10 ON CAIL ENVIRON SVC PD-SWAT HOLSTER FOR RIGGLES CD-WACE CONF. �EMKE PWFLT-NEW TIRES PRCS-COED CANCELLED - REFUND SWM-CONCRETE MIX SWM-LAURELWOOD BRUSH REMOVAL SWM-LAURELWOOD DITCHING TOPSOI PWST/SWM-CONCRETE 8 SOD PWST/SWM-CONCRETE & SOD PWST/SWM-CONCRETE MIX & SOD PWST/SWM-CONCRETE MIX & SOD SWM-DIG OUT PONDS - SOD SWM-MIRROR WOOD WASTE DISPOSAL SWM-DASH PT ROAD �ITCHING SOD PKM-SAND COMPOSIT MIX LAKOTA F PKM-DUMP DEBRIS PKM-SAND COMPOSIT MIX LAKOTA F PKM-lK KILIARNEY BENCH ftEPAIRS PWST-CRACK SEAL SUPPIIES PKM-fRENCH LK KIOSK REPAIRS PKM-WASP KIILER PO PARKING lOT PKM-TRUCK SUPPLIES PKM-POT HOLE REPAIR MATL PKM-CEILING TILES 1�1 Page 20 of 30 Amount Check Total 395.03 98.76 3 657.93 1.679.68 71.95 779.15 828.78 8,447.49 8,156.54 57.94 57.94 175.07 80.00 80.00 2.709.62 18.36 206.58 101.75 157.68 1.240.69 98.54 44.04 124.53 95.15 30.79 32.45 18.04 305.09 19119 20.59 24.09 4, 206.39 4,206.39 182.42 182.42 65.00 65.00 288.09 288.09 675.00 675.00 3,388.20 330.96 228.81 680.26 134.22 151.51 468.21 263.41 137.57 50.97 91.45 208.05 206.68 416.70 50.39 224.28 1075 8.11 63.10 6123 29.02 543.00 Bank of America Page 21 of 30 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 8/31J2070 02137 DBC-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE SUPPLIE 7.10 9!7/2010 02132 PWST-PAINT, ROLLERS, RUST TREA 89.02 219379 9/15/2070 005760 L-TECH ENTERPRISES INC. 100.20 8/23/2010 10198 PD-B.D.U. TOOIS 10020 219380 9/15/2010 005043 MACHINERY POWER 8 EQUIPMENT CO, � Z2�_�6 8/16/2010 32004295-0001 SWM-CAT RENTA� LAURELWOOD DITC 1,221.76 219381 9l15/2010 001004 MAILMEDIA OBA IMMEDIA, 864.00 9/10/2010 60348PA PRCS-FALL 2010 ARTS COMMISSION 864.00 219382 9/15/2010 009433 MAKSIMOV, YURI 200.00 9/2/2010 09/02l10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 8/31/2010 OB/31/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 219383 9/15/2010 001675 MCDOUGAI, MARY 100.00 8/25/2010 MCOOUGAL 2010 HR-WAPELRA CONF. MCDOUGAL 100.00 219384 9/15/2010 . 070256 MCMASTER-CARR, Z» �� 8/10/2010 62308697 FWCC-CAULK & PVC PIPE 65.72 8/10/2010 62308691 FWCC-CAULK & PVC PIPE 145.35 219385 9/15/2010 005176 MERINO STRAWE, BETTY 325.00 8/24l2010 08/24l10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 200.00 8/31/2010 08/31/10 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 125.00 279386 9/15/2010 004380 MICRO DATA BUSINESS FORMS, 3,748.55 B/18l2010 40890 PD-INFRACTION FORMS 3,748.55 219387 9/15/2010 008029 MONTES DE OCA RICKS, MARIA 100.00 9f//2010 09/07110 MC-INTERPRETER SVC 100.00 219388 9/15/2010 011965 MORRISON, BARRY RICHARD 250.00 8/24/2010 AUGUST 24, 2010 CM-08/10 CONFIICT DEFENDER AG1 250.00 219389 9/15l2070 003868 NATIONA� BARRICAOE COMPANY INC, 28 79 8/2612010 237583 SWM-SGN FOR LN CLOSURE WARNING 2879 219390 9/15/2010 010612 NATIONAI LAW ENFORCEMENT, 250.00 9/3/2010 1362 PD-LVNR RECERT. DAVIS & STRAY 250.00 219391 9l15/2010 000043 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE COMPANY, 82.43 9/1J2010 249277 SWM-CAULKING GUN Z,�g 8/25/2010 249025 FWCC-FELT PAPER 10.95 8/19/2010 248874 SWM-DUCT TAPE, SAFETY SNAP 8.16 8/20/2010 248903 SWM-CLP SCf2EW, MISC SCREWS 7.96 8/23/2010 248963 PKM-ABS PIPE LAKOTA IRRIG 53.18 219392 9/15/2010 012450 NILSEN, MYAH 300.00 8/31/2010 32192 DBC-RENTAL DEPOSIT REFUNO 300.00 219393 9/75/2010 001391 NORTH COAST ELECTRIC COMPANY, 110.66 8/12/2010 S3539139.007 PKM-EXT LGHTS FOR DUMAS BAY CE 69.81 8/13/2010 S3540638.001 PKM-EXT LGHTS FOR DUMAS BAY CE 40.85 219394 9/15/2010 008519 NORTHWEST EMERG PHYS INC, 522.00 B/16/2010 93593425l511 PD-08/10 PRISONER MED TREAT 522.00 219395 9/15/2010 003736 NORTHWEST T01MNG INC. 175.20 8/8/2010 404337 PD-VEHIC�E TOW CASE 10-01245 77520 219396 9/15/2010 003529 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES. 75.00 8/21/2010 340673-003 HR-HEP B VACCINE 75.00 219397 9/15/2010 000044 OGDEN, MURPHY. WA�LACE, PLLC, 8,255.17 8/31/2010 685987 MSC-07/10 HEX RHODES AG07-137- 800.00 8/31/2010 685988 MSC-08/10 HEX BRANCHES GARDEN 800.00 8/31/2010 685989 MSC-08/10 HEX LIFEWAY CHURCH A 950.00 8/31/2010 685990 MSC-08/10 HEX MIDWAY SAMOAN CH 81620 8/3112070 685991 MSC-OB/10 HEX JONES APPEAL AGO 800:00 8/31/2010 685992 MSC-08/10 HEX NORPOINT AG07-13 950.00 8l31/2010 685993 MSC-OSl31 HEX WSDOT TRIANGLE P 1,401.00 8/31/2010 685994 MSC-08/10 HEX VILLAGE GREEN AG 925.52 8/31/2010 685995 MSC-0B/70 HEX MASON UNFIT BLOG 812.45 21939B 9115l2010 009341 OMNI IANOSCAPE SERVICES, 2,844.50 8/1/2010 36557 PKMA8/10 LANOSCAPE SVC- 2,844.50 219399 9/15J2010 007444 ORCA PACIFIC INC, 1,158.26 8/11/2010 045449 FWCC-POOL CHEMICAIS MAINT AG09 63821 8/i9/2010 045550 FWCC-POOL CHEMICALS MAINT AG09 520A5 219400 9/15/2010 009920 OSAKA GARDEN SERVICE, INC, 22 9a9 3Z 1�2 Bank o f America Check No. O ate Vendor Inv Date tnvc 8/1/2010 26858 9!1/2010 27069 219401 9/15l2010 005741 OUTCOMES BY LEVY, 8/31/2010 AUGUST 201� 219402 9/15/2010 001814 PARAMETRIX INC, B/18/2010 03�9257 219403 9/15/2070 012007 PARK CHENAUR 8 ASSOCIATES INC. 8/17/2010 AUGUST 17, 2010 219404 9l15/2010 003594 PARKER, SCOTT 8/10/2010 PARKER 2010 219405 9/15/2010 010613 PETEK, PHO, THOMAS C 8/12/2010 7840 219406 9715/2010 012440 PETHEAITH SERVICES INC, 7l26/2010 S�UN0428840 219407 9115/2010 011624 pET7Y CASH - DBC, 9J7/2010 DBC-9(7/10 9l7/2010 DBG9/7/10 9/7/2010 DBC-9/7/70 9!7l2010 DBC-9/7/10 9/7/2010 OBC-9f7l10 219408 9/75/2010 012383 PETTY CASH- F1NCC, 9/7/2010 FWCC-9/7/10 9f7l2010 FWCC-9!7/10 9f7/2010 FWCC-9f7/10 9!7/2010 F1NCC-9/7/70 9!7/2010 FWCC-9/7/10 9l7/2010 FWCC-9/7/10 9/7/2010 FWCC-9/7/10 9/7/2010 FWCC-9!7/10 9I7/2010 FWCC-9!7/10 9(772010 FWCC-9/7l10 9f7/2010 FV1/CC-9/7/10 9!7/2010 FWCC-9/7/70 9/7/2010 FVVCG9f7l10 9/7/2010 FWCC-9f7/10 9!7/2070 FWCC-9/7/10 9/7/2010 FWCG9/7l10 9/7/2010 fWCG9/7/10 9/7/2010 FVVCC-9/7/10 9/7/2010 FV1/CC-9/7/10 9/7/2010 FWCC-9!7/10 219409 9/15/2010 007059 PNELPSTIRE CO. 8/24/2010 491554 8/24/2010 491611 8/24/2010 491685 279410 9/15/2010 006856 PHOENIX ASPHAIT MAINTENANCE, 9/3/2010 9813 219411 9/15/2010 000808 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY, Bl2/2010 8100357 219412 9/15/2010 012454 PRATT, MIA 9/3/2010 817864 219413 9/i5/2010 005583 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC, 6/20/2010 37335564 219414 9/15/2010 009363 PRO-TOW MAPLE VALLEY, 8/2112010 106261 219415 9/15/2010 000051 PUGET SOUNO ENERGY INC, 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 8/30l2010 PWiR 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS 8l30l2010 PWTR 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PYVfR 2010 08 8I30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 Description PKM-OS/tO IANDSCAPE MAINTAGIO PWST-OS/10 ROW LANDSGAPE MAINT CM-08/10 LEGISLATIVE LOBBY AGt PWST-348TH INTERSECTION IMPROV CM-OS/10 CONFLICT DEFENDER AG1 PD-CISM CONF S. PARKER PD-RETURN TO DUTY EVALUATION PD-PETPOINT SOFTWARE 08/10.08/ DBGCATERING GROCERIES-SAFEWAY D8C-CATERING GROCERIES-SAFEWAY DBC-PRINTING-BUILETIN BOARD DBGEMER. BACKPACK, GOODWILL DBC-CATERING GROCERIES-SAFEWAY PRCS-ADAPTER FOR SLIOESHOW PRCS-SPECIAL OLYMPICS SOFTBALI PRCS-SPECIAL OLYMPICS SOFTBALL PRCS-SPECIAL OLYMPICS SOFTBALL PRCS-SPECIAL OLYMPIC SOFTBALL FWCC-BIN FOR FREE WEIGHTS FWCC-GUEST PASS TO HAC FWCC-MOVIE RENTAL PRCS-IRON FOR DAY CAMP PRCS-FOOD FOR SUMMER CAMP PRCS-SUPPLIES FOR DAY CAMP PRCS-COPIES FOR ATS COMM FWCC-WAX FOR POOL SLIDE FWCC-PROPANE FOR KID ESCAPE PRCS-SUPPLIES FOR DAY CAMP PRCS-SUPPLIES FOR RW&B PRCS-OAY CAMP FIELO TRIP PRCS-FIT CAMP FIELD TRIP PRCS-FOOD FOft DAY CAMP FWCC-NATL FITNESS CONF DOUG N PWFLT-NEW TIRES PWFLT-NEW TIRES PWFLT-NEW TIRES PWST-BEARCAT RENTAI CRACK SEAL PKM-EXTERIOR IIGHTS FOR DUMAS PRCS-REFUNO SPRINT TRIATHALON PKM-OXYGEN FOR FIELD SPRAYER C PO-VEHICLE TOW CASE 10-10803 PWTR-OBl10 CRNR S 316TH ST & 2 PNlfR-08/10 HOYT RD & 340TH- PWTR-08/10 PAC HVLY S 8 S 330TH PWTR-OS/10 S 288TH ST & PAC HW PV1/TR-08/10 S288TH & 18TH AVE S PWiR-08/10 S 296TH PL & MIIITA PtMR-08/10 S 320TH 8. 23 AV S- 103 Page 22 of 30 Amount Che Total 2,42324 20,486.08 4,49Z 11 4,497. t t 70,976.99 70.976.99 562.50 562.50 180.00 780.00 250.00 250.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 146.65 35.49 84.51 6.56 4.37 15.72 387.04 5.34 2.24 29.56 9.85 51.96 5.47 10.00 1.10 8.75 31.90 38.58 6.71 29.98 9.82 49.58 9.84 t t .00 15.00 5.76 54.60 1,569.73 460_83 680.22 428.68 2.200.00 2,200.00 205.95 205.95 20.00 20.00 17.30 17.30 217.20 21720 13,105.99 69.68 88.44 73J6 464.35 112.12 27.44 28263 Bank of America Page 23 of 30 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 8l30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS PWT R-08110 S 322ND & 23 AVE S- 189.13 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS PWiR-08/10 S 336TH ST & PAC HW 653.84 8/30/2010 P1NTR 2010 08 PWTR-08J10 S 262ND 8 MILITARY 139.91 8/30/2010 PWfR 2010 OS PWTR-08110 S 316TH 8. PAC HWY S 58.91 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-08l10 SW CRNR S 312TH & P 208.35 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-08/70 SW 308TH 8 2ND AVE 10.t1 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS PV1/�R-OS/10 SW 329TH WAY & HOYT 10.11 8130/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-O8/10 VARIOUS IOCATIONS- 29.04 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 1TH WAY S& 334TH S 17.09 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS PWTR-08/10 7ST WAY S& 336TH S 92.11 8/30/2010 PWlR 2010 08 PWfR-08/10 1ST AVE S 8 S 330TH 60.90 8/30/2010 P1/VfR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 7000 SW CAMPUS DR- 141.11 8/30/2010 PIAliR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 115TH ST S 8 316ST 10.51 8/30/2010 PWiR 2010 OS PWTR-08/10 1300 S 344TH ST- 27.64 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS PWfR-OB/10 1403 SW 312TH ST PE 10.11 8f30/2010 PWfR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 1405 S 312TH ST.- 129.75 8l30/2010 PYVTR 2010 OS PWTR-08/10 1414S 324TH ST.- 33.52 8/30/2010 PWiR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 1790 SW 345TH PLACE 146.58 8/30/2010 PVYfR 2010 08 PWfR-08/10 18TH AVE & 5 312 ST 65.90 8/3 012 0 1 0 PWTR 2010 OS PWTR-08/10 199 SW 311TH PLACE- . 131.84 8 /3012 0 1 0 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-OBl70 21ST AVE SW 8 SW 33 �z2,57 8/30/2010 PWfR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 21ST AVE SW & SW 34 27g.gg 8l3012010 PYVfR 2010 08 PV1RR-08/10 21ST AVE S GRID ROA 84.45 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 21 ST AVE SW & SW 32 106.73 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 21ST AVE SW 8 356TH 86.71 8/30/2010 PWfR 2010 08 PWfR-08/10 2140 SW 356TH ST- 34_01 8/30/2010 P11YfR 2010 08 PWfR-08/10 23R0 AVE S& S 317T �gp_gg 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 23RD AVE S& 320TH 181.46 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 P1N�R-08/10 2510 S 336TH ST- 2Z,p7 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PVYfR-OS/10 2510 SW 336TH STREE 10.11 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OB PWfR-08/10 2613 S 275TH PLACE 25.80 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS PWTR-08/10 28516 24TH AVE S- 20.96 8/30/2010 PWfR 2010 08 P1N�R-OB/10 29600 PAC HWY S SIG 412.96 8/30J2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-OB/10 2999 SW 314TH ST- 70.68 8/30/2010 PYVTR 2010 08 PWiR-OS/10 30400TH PAC HWY S- 52.94 8l30/2010 PWiR 2010 08 PWiR-08/10 30800 PAC HWY S- 51.35 8/30/2010 P1NTR 2010 08 PWfR-08/10 31020 14TH AVE S- 37.19 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWiR-08/10 3173 27TH AVE SW- 86J7 8J30/2010 PYYfR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 31200 STATE RT 99 S 338.15 8/30/2070 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-OB/10 31455 28TH AVE S- 74.07 8/30/2010 PVVTR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 31600 STATE RT 99 S 99.�7 6/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-OB/10 31847 PAC HWY S- 237.43 8/30/ZOiO PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 31910 GATEWAY CNTR 43.47 8/30l2010 PWiR 2010 OS P1/VfR-OS/10 32000 PAC HWY S- 258.05 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 32400 STATE RT 99 N 105.54 8/30/2010 PWiR 2010 OS PWTR-08/10 21ST AVE SW 8 DASH 69.88 8/30l2010 PWiR 2010 OS PWTR-08/10 S 333ST & 1ST WAY- 68.51 8/30/2070 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-08J10 S 348TH HOV LANE- 216.91 B/30/2010 P4V�R 2010 08 P4VTR-08/10 32400 STATE RT 99 S 266.62 8/3 012 0 1 0 PWTR 2010 OS PWiR-08/10 32400 STATE RT 99 S 102.55 8/30l2010 PVYTR 2010 08 P1NiR-08/10 32932 7TH CT SW- 19.66 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 P1NTR-OSl10 32562 SW HOYT RO FL 10.11 8l30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWfR-08/10 32731 HOYT RO FIASH 1p.11 8/30l2010 PWfR 2010 08 PVYfR-OS/10 33099 HOYT RD SW- 241.85 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PVYrR-OB/10 3318 SW 346TH PLACE 35.64 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS PWTR-08/10 33220 ST WAY S- 47.79 8/30/2010 PVY�R 2010 08 PV1/rR-O8J10 33325 BTH AVE- 114.71 8l30/2010 PWiR 2010 OB PWTR-08/70 33401 38TH AVE S- 150.17 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OB PWfR-08110 33405 6TH AVE S- 40.58 8/30J2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 33507 9TH AVE- 75.25 8/�0/2070 PYVTR 2010 08 PWTR-OB/10 33645 20TH PIACE- 230.26 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-OS/10 33800 WEYHR WAY S- 233.76 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 PWTR-08/10 34010 20TH AVE- 105.84 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OB PWTR-08/10 34018 PAC HWY S- 49.95 104 Bank of America Check No. Oate 219416 9/15/2010 219417 9/15/2010 219418 9/15/2010 219419 9/15/2010 219420 9/15/2010 219421 9/15/2010 219422 9/75/2010 219423 9/15/ZO10 219424 9/75/2010 V endor In Oate Invoice 8/30/2010 PWfR 2010 08 8/�0/2010 PWTR 2010 08 B/30l2010 PWfR 2010 08 8/30/2010 PWfR 2010 08 8/30f2010 PWfR2010 OS 8/30/2010 PVNrR 2010 OS 8l30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 8/30/2010 PW�R 2010 08 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS 8130/2010 PWTR 2010 08 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 Bl30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 8l30/2010 PWiR 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 08 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS 8/3 0120 1 0 PWTR 2010 OS 8/30l2010 P1N�R 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWfR 2010 08 8/30/2010 PWiR 2010 08 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OB 8/30l2070 PVI/TR 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWi R 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWfR 2010 OS 8l30/2010 PWfR 2010 08 8/30/2010 PVVTR 2010 08 8/30/2010 PWfR 2010 08 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWTR 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWiR 2010 08 8/30/2010 PWiR 2010 08 8/30/2010 PWiR 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWiR 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWiR 2010 OS 8/30/2010 PWiR 2010 OS 000602 PUGET SOUND INSTRUMENT CO INC, 8l31/2010 446234 012442 RAMIREZ, LUI 8/24/2010 613781 012709 RASMUSSEN, COLLEEN A S/12J2010 MARCH 15, 2005 001139 RED WING SHOE STORE, 8/26/2010 887004408 005508 SAFAROVA-DOWNEY, ALMIRA 8/24/2010 OB/24/10 003726 SAFEWAY STORE 1t1555, 8/20l2010 1991465 5/13/2010 1932834 3/6Y2010 1841278 8/3112010 1991475 9J2l2010 1997477 B/27/2010 1991472 8/27/2010 1991474 012453 SAINT JACQUE, CHEYENNE 9/3/2010 817925 012443 SAUNAS, MARCO 8/24/2010 813786 006415 SASE CO INC, 9/3/2010 ORD137765 Description P4VTR-08l10 3420 SW 343RD ST- PWTR-08/10 34800 21 ST AVE SW- PUVfR-08/10 34836 WEYHR WAY S- PWTR-08/10 34801 76TH AVE S- PWTR-08/10 35007 ENCHANTED PKW PWfR-08/10 35106 21ST AVE SW- PV1�R-08l10 35202 ENCHANT PKWY- PWTR-08/10 35505 PAC HWY S- PWT'R-OB/10 29600 PAC HWY H0656 PWiR-08/10 35654 9TH AVE SW- PWTR-OBI10 35896 PAC HWY S- PWTR-08/10 35909 1 ST AVE SW FL PWiR-08/10 36111 16TH AVE S- PN/TR-08/10 36201 MIITON RD- PWiR-08/10 36600 PAC HWY S- PWiR-08/10 491 S 336TH ST- PVY�R-08/10 727 S 312TH ST- PV17tR-OS/70 8TH AVE S 8 DASH PT PWfR-OSl10 824 SW 361TH ST- PWiR-08/10 S 322N ST & 23 AVE PWTR-08/10 HWY 509 & 21ST AVE PWTR-08/10 NE CRNR 5 312TH & 2 PWTR-08/10 S 304TH 8 MILITARY PWTR-OS/10 S 312TH & 23 AVE S- PNV�R-08J10 S 314TH & 20TH AVE PWTR-08/10 S 320 SET & 32RD AV PWTR-08/10 S 320TH & PAC HUVY S PWTR-08/10 S 320TH & UVEYHR WAY PWfR-08/10 S 336TH ST & WEYHR PWTR-08/10 S 348TH ST & PAC HW PWTR-08l10 S 316TH & 20TH AVE PWl'R-08/10 SR 161 & 356TH NE C PV1/rR-08/10 STAR LK RD 8 MILITA PWTR-OSJ10 SW CAMPUS DR 8 6TH PWTR-08/10 SW 308TH ST 8 4 AVE P1NTR-08/10 SW 312TH ST & DASH PWTR-08l10 SW 324TH & 11TH PL PWTR-08/10 SW 340TH & HOYT RO P1NTR-OS/10 SW 340TH ST & 35TH PWST-BASESTATION FOR PKM BLDG PRCS-REFUND INSTRUCTOR CONFLIC PRCS-N. LAKE ESTATES MITIGATIO PKM-6007 ALOW B.HIGGINS MC-INTERPRETER SVC PRCS-DINNER & A MOVIE SUPPLIES PRCS-AROUNO THE WORLD SUPPLIES PRCS-PRESCHL SUPPLIES PRCS-BON VOYAGE SUPPLIES PRCS-COUNTRY HOEDOWN SUPPLIES PRCS-IT'S A JUNGLE SUPPUES PRCS-SUPERHERO BINGO SUPPLIES PRCS-REFUND 08/10 PAYMENT PRCS-RENTAL DEPOSI7 REFUND PWST-CONCRETE GRINDER REPAIR 1�5 Page 24 of 30 A mount C heck Total 26.04 82.95 5324 72.66 133.04- 31.03 235.26 266.93 28.04 20.16 137.12 10.11 90.77 138.12 10.11 58.91 184.63 49.46 176.56 89.10 31.63 »a.as 72.87 160.64 115_70 216.31 569.86 226.69 149.45 178.47 71.87 218.30 41.52 57.92 10.11 101.76 190.82 156.83 63.91 1,140.38 1,140.38 SQ00 50.00 284.36 284.36 176.83 176.83 100.00 700.00 219.42 24.37 40.66 31.17 22.77 23.42 5429 22.80 61.58 61.58 500.00 500.00 933.27 933.27 Bank of America � Page 25 of 30 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Tota� 219425 9/15/2010 010523 SBS OF AMERICA, 7,675.00 9!1/2010 25315 CHB-08/10 JANITORIAL AG07-194 3,850.00 9/1/2010 25315 PKM-08/10 JANITORIAL SVC AG07- 150.00 8/1/2010 25216 DBC-07/10 JANITORIAL SVC AG10- 3,339.00 8/1/2010 25275 PKM-07/10 JANITORIAL SVC AG10- 336.00 219426 9/15/2010 010962 SHARP BUSINESS SYSTEMS, 36.70 8/27/2010 00080477 IT-08l10 PK-COPIER RPR, MNT, S 36.70 219427 9/15/2010 001014 SKCSRA-SOCCER REFEREES ASSOC, 3,300.00 9/1/2010 SEPTEMBER 1, 2010 PRCS-SOCCER REFEREE SVC AG70-0 1,600.00 9/1/2010 SEPTEMBER t, 2010 A PRCS-SOCCER REFEREE SVC AG10-0 1,250.00 9/1/2010 SEPTEMBER 1. 2010 B PRCSSOCCER REFEREE SVC AG10-0 450.00 219428 9l15l2010 000714 SKYHAWKS SPORTS ACADEMY. 2,864.90 8/12/2010 2401022473 PRCS-07I10 SPORTS CAMP PROVIDE 308.70 7/29/2010 2401021026 PRCS-07/10 SPORTS CAMP PROVIDE 256.50 7/22/20'10 2401020326 PRCS-07/10 SPORTS CAMP PROVIDE 730.10 7/14/2010 2401019559 PRCS-06/10 SPORTS CAMP PROVIDE 313.60 8/24/2010 2401023610 PRCS-08/10 SPORTS CAMP PROVIDE 864.00 8119/2010 2401023174 PRCS-07/70-08/10 SPORTS CAMP P 392.00 219429 9/15/2010 011810 SMITH, DILLON 1,843.10 9/t/2010 5 CM-04/10-06/10 CONFLICT DEFEND 1,843.10 219430 9/15/2010 004963 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 6,877.64 7/29/2010 389741 PRCS-PRINT FALL 2010 BROCHURE 6,877_64 219431 9/15/2010 004963 SOUND PU$LISHING INC, 209.10 9/1/2010 383047 CM - COMMUNITY WEATHERIZATION 209.10 219432 9/15/2010 004963 SOUND PUBLISHING INC, 845]1 8/28/2010 398896 CD-COLTRIN PIER LEGAL NOTICE 136.99 8/74/2010 394862 COHS-CDBG FUNDING MTG IEGAL AD 167.99 8/14l2010 394867 CD-BC COOE AMENOMENT LEGAL AO 9878 8/4l2010 390188 CD-DUMAS BAY AIGAE LEGAL NOTIC 111.03 8/71/2010 393841 CD-TWIN IAKES SP NOA LEGAL NOT 131.20 8/17/2010 393845 CD-SMP HEARING LEGAL NOTICE 79.31 8/11/2010 393847 CD-CODE AMENOMENT HEARING LEGA 66.33 8/21/2010 396722 CD-COMP. PLAN LEGAL NOTICE 54.08 219433 9/15/2010 004910 SPACESAVER NORTHWEST, 199.07 8l26/2070 12001 CD-FILE FOLDERS & FIUNG SUPPL 199.07 219434 9/15l2010 001885 SPARKS CAR CARE, 3,951.73 8/27/2010 26482 PD-LOF 34.99 8/30/2010 26547 PD-LOF 55.83 8/30l2010 26551 PD-RADIATOR 56878 8/25/2010 26529 PD-ELECTR�CAL WORK 166.75 8/25/2010 26534 PD-BATTERY 224.42 8/25/2010 26536 PD-LOF 54.47 9/1/2010 26562 PD-TUNE UP 380.41 9/1/2010 26562 PD-WIPER BLAOES 48.92 9/1/2010 26562 PD-ALIGNMENT 49.28 8/31/2010 26553 PO-ELECTRICAL WORK 498.61 8/3112010 26560 PD-ELECTRICAL WORK 157.66 8/23/2010 26512 PD-EIECTRICAL WORK 68.04 8l20/2010 26505 PD-LOF 51.25 8/24/2010 26508 PD-TRANSMISSION 190.46 8l24/2010 26508 PD-ENGINE WORK 653.07 8l24/2010 26508 PO-LOF 34_99 8124/2010 26514 PD-LOF 39.01 8/24/2010 26514 PO-ELECTRICAI WORK 29.08 8/24/2010 26514 PD-TRANSMISSION 51922 8/24/2070 26514 PD-TIRES 28.48 8/24/2010 26524 PD-TIRE REPAIR �g_7� 8/24/2010 26526 PD-LOf 34.99 8/17/2010 26480 PO-1NHEELS/ftlM 43.31 219435 9/15l2010 008872 SPECTRA ANALYTICAL INC., DBA SPECTRA L 780.00 8/26/2010 59124 SWM-LAB TEST SVCS 180.00 219436 9/15/2010 004077 SPIRIT HALLOWEEN STORES, 25.00 8/26/2010 01-81259 REFUNO FI-PD FOR REGULAR BL S/B TEMP 25.00 106 Bank of America Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice 219437 9/15/2010 004701 SPRINT. 8/28/2010 400102318-105 6/28/2010 400102318-105 219438 9/15l2010 007438 SPRINT/ROTNHAMMER INT'L, 8/31/2010 687778 8/17/2010 69065A 219439 9/15/2010 012451 ST. MARK'S CATHEDRAL, 8/31 /2010 32195 219440 9/15/2010 005594 STANLEY,JEAN 8/24/2010 STANIEY 2010 8/24/2010 STANLEY 2010 219441 9/15l2010 011454 STAPLES ADVANTAGE, 8/31/2010 104233800 8/31/2010 194233800 8/31/2010 104233800 8/3�/2010 104233800 8/31/2010 104233800 B/37/2010 104233800 8/31/2010 104233800 8/31 /2010 104233800 8/31/2010 104233800 8131 /2010 104233800 8J37/2010 104233800 8/31 /2010 104233800 8/31 /2010 104233800 8l31/2010 10423380Q 8131 /2010 104233800 8/31l2010 104233800 8/37l2010 104233800 8131l2010 104233800 8l31/2010 104233800 8(3112010 104233800 8/31 /2010 104233800 8l31 /2010 104233800 8/31/2010 104233800 8/31 /2010 104233800 8/37/2010 104233800 8/31/2010 104233800 8131/2010 104233800 8/31/2010 104233800 219442 9/15/2010 009566 STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE, 8/28/2010 8016376742 219443 9/15/2010 010409 STEFOGLO, AIEX S/26/2010 Ot-72372 REFUND 8/26/2010 01-72372 REFUND 219444 9/15/2010 011134 STENDER ZUMWALT, PLLC, 9/3/2010 182 219445 9l1512010 005933 STUART PARKS ASSOCIATES, 9/4/2010 20577 219446 9/15/2010 000308 SUBURBAN CITIES ASSOCIATION, 3/31 /2010 1639 279447 9/75/2010 000341 SUNRISE SELF STORAGE, 9/4/2010 JULY 2010 219448 9/15/2010 007710 SUPERIOR LINEN SERVICE, 8/30/2010 00358 219449 9/1512010 002521 SUPERLON PLASTICS INC, 8/2612010 10F3023 8/31/2010 10F3078 7/20l2010 10F2429 219450 9/15/2010 009523 SYSTEMS FOR PUBIIC SAFETY, 8/13/2010 14590 8/13/2010 14591 8/20/2010 14639 Description IT-08/10 CELLULAR AIRTIME IT-08/10 CELLULAR AIRTIME FWCC-ANTIFOG GOGGLES FWCC-FLOAT TUBES FOR THE LAZY DBGRENTAL DEPOSIT REFUND HR-WAPELRA CONF. J STANLEY HR-WAPELRACONF. J STANLEY AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPP�IES STAPL AUG 2010 OFfICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OfFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFiCE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2070 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFfICE SUPPLIES STAP� AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPI AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES STAPL PO-AUG 2010 OFFICE SUPPLIES PW-Oi-72372 ROW DEPOSIT REFUND PW-01-72372 ROW DEPOSIT REFUND CM-06/10 PUBUC DEFENDER AGOS- PO-COMPOSITE DRAWING FOR PD CGSCA MARCH 2O10 NETWORKING D PD-OS/10-09/10 #A1008 STORAGE DBC-L1NEN SERVICE SWM-PIPE IRRIGATION SUPPLIES SWM-PIPE IRRIGATION SUPPUES SWM-IRRIGATION SUPPLIES PD-INSTALL JERK-N-RUN RAOIO PD-INSTALL CHARGE GUARD PD-REPLC SIREN CONTRO�LER 1�7 Page 26 of 30 Amo unt Check Total 6, 735.80 3.233.18 I 3,502.62 541.64 I 310.80 I 230.84 � 150.00 l i 150.00 I, I 294.89 ' 110.00 'i 184.89 � 3.289.43 I � 4221 57.32 21.02 17.97 78.14 17.79 17.79 88.04 66.59 771.90 35.42 59.72 34.24 44.42 13.88 115.30 56.30 74.02 962_26 666.19 2927 58_30 68.29 79.30 147.95 213.49 5.31 45.06 137.62 137.62 469-60 500.10 -30.50 30,442.50 30,442.50 695.00 695.00 86.00 66.00 540.00 540.00 17.53 17.53 6,694.57 1,819.79 4,350.14 524_64 1.118.04 680.42 275.90 96.99 Bank of America Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date 8/27/2010 14712 219451 9/15/2010 000588 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES, 8/24/2010 100048250 8/24/2010 100048250 219452 9l15/2010 002176 TACOMA SCREW PRODUCTS INC, 8/24/2010 10051072 219453 9/15/2010 010525 TEST AMERICA IABORATORIES. 9/1/2010 58060458 219454 9/15/2010 006033 THE FAB SHOP LLC, 8/25/2010 75792 8/25/2010 15793 8/25/2010 15794 219455 9/15/2010 012445 THE HUMANE SOCIETY FOR, 7/31/2010 JULY 2010 219456 9/75/2070 011186 THE WIDE FORMAT COMPANY, 9/2/2010 45129 219457 9l15/2010 010895 THERMAL SUPPLY, INC, 8/16/2010 297078 219458 9115/2010 009852 THERMO KING NORTHWEST INC, 8/12/2010 2061689-600 219459 9/15/2010 012447 THIRD ORDER SOCIETY OF, 8/23/2010 32136 8/23/2010 32137 219460 9/15/2010 004012 THOMPSON PUBLISHING GROUP INC, 8l7/2010 5638620 219461 9/15/2010 009280 THUNDERING OAK ENTERPRISES INC, 8/24/2010 4623 8/24/2010 4624 219462 9/15/2010 001424 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR INC, 8/1l2010 601238 9/1l2010 629990 219463 9/15/2010 008902 TRI-CITY MEATS, 9/i/2010 236759 9/1/2010 236760 8/27/2010 236658 8/24/2010 236561 219464 9/15/2010 010071 TWIN LAKES HOMEOWNER'S ASSOC., 8/26/2010 AUGUST2010 8/26l2010 AUGUST 2070 219465 9/15/2010 002426 UNITED GROCERS CASH 8 CARRY, 8/28/2010 194654 8/28/2010 194883 8129/2010 195001 8/30/2010 195224 8/25/2010 193677 9/2l2010 196063 8/31 J2010 195498 8/31/2010 195616 8/24/2010 193365 219466 9/15/2010 010516 UNITED METHODIST CONFERENCE, 8/31/2010 32193 219467 9/15/2010 003837 UNITEO PARCEL SERVICE, 8/21/2010 OOOOF6588V340 219468 9/15/2010 000769 UNITEO PIPE 8. SUPPLY CO INC, 8/17J2010 8549093 8l17/2010 8549094 8/17/T010 8549095 219469 9/15/2010 005019 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWEST INC, 8/31/2010 89505374-001 8/25/2010 89422993-001 219470 9/15/2010 011806 UNIVERSAL REFRIGERATION INC, 8l23/2010 S53831 Invoice Description PO-SWAP pUT POWER DOCK DBC/KFT-OSl10 DASH P7. RD- OBC/KFT-08/10 DASH PT. RD- PKM-MISC HARDWARE SWM-LAB SUPPLIES PWST-UNDER BODY BOX INSTALLED, PWSF- INSTALL ALL BOXES AS QUO PWST-REMOVE CRANE AND FUEL TAN PD-07/10 ANIMAI SHELTER SVC AG IT-08/10 KIP SCANNER MAINT CHB-REFRIGERANT FOR HVAC UNIT PWFLT-INSPECT & TROUBLE SHOOT DBC-RENTAI DEPOS7T REFUNO #517 OBC-RENTAL DEPOSIT REFUND #518 LAW-FAIR LBR STANDARDS HNDBK 1 SWM-COTTONWOOD TREE REMOVAL S1NM-COTTONWOOD TREE REMOVAL CHB-OS/10 ELEVATOR MAINT SVCS CHB-09/10 �EVATOR MAINT SVCS DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES OBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES PWEOC-08/10 EOC ASSISTANCE GRA PWEOC-EOC ASSISTANCE GRANT AGt DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES OBGCATERING SUPPLIES OBC-CATERING SUPPIIES DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBC-CATERING SUPPIIES DBC-CATERING SUPPLIES DBC-RENTAL DEPOSIT REFUND PD-DOCUMENT DELIVERY SERVICE FWCC-POP-UP ROTOR FWCGPOP-UP ROTOR FWCC-POP-UP ROTOR PWST-BOOM LIFT-TRIM LIBRARY HE PWST-PROPANE FWCC-REFRIGERATION REPAIRS 1�8 Page 27 of 30 Amount Chec T 64.73 1,083.84 726.17 357.67 10.31 10.31 130.00 130.00 7,373.70 7,493.83 4,240.37 1,639.50 5,419.79 5,419.79 215.51 215.51 491.85 491.85 263.44 263.44 300.00 150.00 150.00 480.16 480.1fi 1,100.48 613.20 48728 400.30 200.15 200.15 1,405.98 408.65 67.15 219.57 710.61 9,000.00 2,250.00 6,750.00 623.46 27.93 103.66 40.10 35.05 65.34 743.30 36.16 60.95 110.97 150.00 150.00 22.67 22.67 883.12 742.35 284.70 456.07 390.01 361.17 28.90 271.01 271 01 Bank of America Page 28 of 30 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Descnption Amount Check Total 219477 9/15/2010 001146 USSSAlSLO-PITCH SOFTBALL ASSOC, 175.00 9/1/2010 323 PRCS-SOFTBALL REGISTRATION FAL 175.00 219472 9l15/2010 003563 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS CENTER, 1,839.50 8/26/2010 0011354 PD-Q2 2010 IANGUAGE LINE USAGE 819.50 8/26/2070 0011420 PD-08/10 MDT USER FEE AG00-090 1.020.00 219473 9/15/2010 001124 VERIZON WIRELESS, 65.61 8/13/2010 0896834093 IT/PD-07l10 BOMB SQUAD CELIULA 65.67 219474 9/15/2010 003528 WA STATE CRIMINAI JUSTICE, 1,000.00 8/24/2010 2011-0666 PD-PATROL RIFLE INSTRUCTOR COU 1,000.00 219475 9/15/2010 006876 WA STATE POLICE CANINE ASSOC, 780.00 9/9/2010 NOVAK REGISTER PD-WSPCA CONF. NOVAK 180.00 219476 9/15/2010 000514 WA STATE-STATE REVENUES. 129,165.12 9/10/2010 AUGUST 10 FI-08/10 STATE PORTION REMIT F' S6,938.64 9/1012010 AUGUST 10 FI-08/10 PSEA COURT FEES #2 29,009.87 9/10/2010 AUGUST 10 FI-08/10 PSEA COURT FEES #3 383.56 9l10/2010 AUGUST 10 FI-08/10 ACCESSCOMMACCT 43328 9/10/2010 AUGUST 10 FI-08/10 MULTITRANSACCT 433.30 9l10/2010 AUGUST ]0 FI-O8/10 PSEA JIS FEES 22,537.08 9l10/2010 AUGUST 10 FI-08/70 TRAUMA VICTIMS FEES 5,760.82 9/10/2010 AUGUST 10 FI-08/10 SCHOOI ZONE SAFETY 575.62 9/10/2010 AUGUST 10 FI-OS/10 AUTO THEFT PREV. 11,061.33 9/10/2010 AUGUST 10 F�-08/10 BRAIN TRAUMA INJ 1,752.62 9/10/2010 AUGUST 10 FI-08/10 SBCC SURCHARGE 279.00 219477 9/15/2010 002717 WASHINGTON FIRM LTD, THE 625.00 8l15/2010 110046 HR-EXECUTIVE COACHING SVC 625.00 219478 9/15/2010 012448 WASHINGTON STATE CONVENTiON, 150.00 8/23/2010 32139 DBC-RENTAL DEPOSIT REFUND 150.00 219479 9/15/2010 012449 WASHINGTON, REMA�IAN 215.00 8/23/2010 32142 DBC-RENTAL DEPOSIT REFUND 215.00 219480 9/15/2010 000783 WASTE MANAGEMENT, 647.23 8/1l2010 1049851-1055-0 CD-SCHICK DEMO WASTE REMOVAL 199.09 9/9/ZO10 1056985-1055-6 SWR-08l10 LITTER DISPOSAL SVCS 448.14 279481 9/15/2010 009995 WATER MANAGEMENT, 137.00 9/1/2010 93891 SWM-LAB TEST SVCS 137.00 279482 9/15/2010 000541 WESTEftN EQUIPMENT DISTRIBUTORS, 1,056.07 9I1/2010 648050 PWFLT-CASTER ASSY & KIT 213.67 8/13/2010 646073 PWFLT-BOLT KIT 115.99 8l12I2070 645756 PWFLT-RAKE PRONG 249.00 8/12J2010 645797 PWFLT-AIR FILTER & C�EANER 471.57 8/24/2010 647051 PWFLT-BALL JOINT ASM 65.84 219483 9/15/2010 011523 WHOLESA�E SPOftTS, 366.32 8/19/2010 150-00042 PKM-WORK PANTS LDICKINSON 134.65 8/26/2010 150-00044 PKM-BOOT ALLOW T.DICKINSON 231.67 219484 9/15/2010 005805 WILLIAMS OIL FI�TER SVC CO INC, 62.25 7/12/2010 925363 ' PWFLT-FLEETRUNNER HD BEIT 62.25 219485 9/15/2010 012441 WOLFHEIM, LINDA M 999_30 7/30/2010 1607043 PD-NATL NIGHT OUT LIGHTBULBS 999.30 219466 9/15/2010 000660 WppDWOR7H & COMPANY INC, 47,351.14 8/11/2010 AG10-054 #5 PV1/ST-2010 ASPHALT OVERL.AY AG10 47,351.14 219487 9/1512010 000660 WppDWORTH 8 COMPANY INC, 616.36 8/17/2010 204662 P1NST-ASPNALT MIX 441.48 8/31/2010 204977 SWM-ASPHALT MIX 174.88 219488 9/75/2010 001206 WSSUA-WA STATE SOFTBALL UMPIRE, 9,759.00 9/1/2010 545 PRCS-SOFTBALL UMPIRES SVCS AG1 3,068.00 8/1/2010 521 PRCS-SOFTBALL UMPIRES SVCS AGt 6,691.00 219489 9/15I2010 001121 WWEE-WA WOMEN EMPLOY/EDUCATION, 150.00 8/�1/2010 32194 OBC-RENTAL DEPOSIT REFUND 150.00 219490 9/15/2010 005722 YAKIMA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF, 115,699.93 8l12/2010 JULY 2010 PD-07l10 PRISONER LODGING AG02 115,699.93 8103793 9/8/2010 009467 US BANK, 8/25/2010 . AUGUST 2010 PD-RIFIE SECURITY CA$INET KEYS 20.00 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 PD-GANG PREVENTION TRNG LANSIN 100.00 5,483.53 109 Ba of America Check No. Date Vendor 8104759 9/7/2010 009507 US BANK, Inv Date 6/25/2010 8/25/2010 B/25l2010 8/2$/2010 8125l2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25l2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 a�asizo�o 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8J25/2010 8/25/2010 8/ZSl2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25J2010 8/25(2010 8/25/2010 8/25l2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8l25/2010 8/25l2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8l25/2010 8/2512010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8/25/2010 8125l2010 8/25/2010 8125l2010 8/25l2010 8l25/2010 Invoice AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2oto AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2070 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 20t0 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 201 Q AUGUST 2070 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2070 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 AUGUST 2010 PD-ANIMAL CRUELTY INVESTIGATfN PD-CABLE TIES PD-NTOA CONF. ARBUTHNOT. CIARY PO-NTOA CONF. ARBUTHNOT, CLARY PD-NTOA CONF. ARBUTHNOT, CLARY PD-NTOA CONF_ ARBUTHNOT, CLARY PD-LINE OF OUTY DEATH SMNR BER PD-BEHIND THE BADGE SMNR LANSI PD-SIGHT POST FOR PATROL RIFLE PD-SWAT EQUIP. PD-LOCKING COURIER BAGS PD-MAJOR CASE MGMT TRNG ROBINS PD-NO HOMELESS PETS SMNR CROUC PD-FINGER PRINT SUPPLIES PD-NO HOMELESS PETS SMNR CROUC PD-NO HOMEIESS PETS SMNR CROUC PD-NCOA OV CONF. O. DEYO PD-W1PER BLADES & LIGHT BULBS PD-THERMOSTAT CAMERA FWCC-BASEBOARDS FWCC-SWIM TEAM MEDALS PRCS-DAY CAMP SUPPLIES PRCS-DAY CAMP SUPPIIES PRCS-CULTURES & CRAFTS SUPPLIE FUVCC-FITNESS EQUIPMENT REPAIRS PRCS-TORCHLIGHT PARAD� PRCS-DAYCAMP SUPP�IES PRCS-KID'S DAY ART SUPPLIES PRCS-KARAOKE MACHINE FWCC-GROUP POWER UCENSE PRCS-lEW1S & CLARK CAMP TRIP PRCS-STEWART HEIGFiTS POOL TRIP PRCS-LEWIS & CLARK CAMP TRIP PRCS-DAY CAMP MARINERS GAME FWCC-GROUP POWER QTR REIEASE FWCGTOOLBOX FWCC-KIO ESCAPE FOOD FWCC-FIT CAMP MOVIE TICKET FWCGUSP CHARGE R TOOT PRCS-BRUNCH & A MOVIE PRCS-LEWIS & CLARK CAMP TRIP PRCS-DAY CAMP MOVIE TICKETS PRCS-DINNER & A MOVIE PRCS-SOFTBALL AWARDS FI-ANNEXATION 101 C DONNELLY MC-08/10 LANGUAGE LINE USAGE FWCGPRCS-ICE SKATING FIT CAMP FWCC/PRCS-ICE SKATING FIT CAMP FWCC-LIFEGUAROING CLASS MATL PRCS-PT. TOYVNSEND SENIOR TRIP PRCS-BAINBRIDGE SENIOR TRIP FVVCGPRCS-FUN CENTER FIT CAMP FWCC/PRCS-FUN CENTER FIT CAMP PRCS-RAILWAY MUSEUM SENIOR TRI PRCSSUQUAMISH MUSEUM SR. TRIP FWCC/PRCS-SKYHIGH SPORTS FIT C F4VCC/PRCS-SKYHIGH SPORTS FIT C PRCS-PATTY'S PLACE SENIOR TRIP CGIUNCH MTGS KOCHMAR 8 WILSON CD-SAFETY VESTS - FIAGGING PWTR-URBAN 7RANSPORT SUBSCRIPT PW-TRIANGIE PROJECT IUNCH $WM-TROUT IN CLASSROOM SUPPLIE Page 29 of 30 Amount C hec k T otal 100.00 23.67 731.60 1, 819.44 -909.72 1,000.00 199.00 89.00 46.00 63.18 115.95 311.43 275.00 41.45 357.40 309.48 303.79 9025 396.61 10,102.92 85.41 154.38 160.99 68.99 103.35 588.87 11.95 219.90 93.17 144.51 685.00 217.78 600.00 19.41 1,456.00 29.00 299.58 48.03 24.00 13.42 161.00 206.02 7,026.00 30.00 89.68 125.00 169 85 20.00 20.00 528 4.00 13.10 95.82 95.81 108.00 27.00 49.50 49.50 179.94 4129 45.74 295.00 54.66 1,048.49 11� Bank of America Page 30 of 30 Check No. Date Vendor Inv Date Invoice Description Amount Check Total 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 CD-WA80IBC BOOKS 780.47 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 CC-O8/03/10 COUNCIL DINNER 96.63 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 IAW-ROZNOWSKI DEPOSITION PEARS 241.40 8109491 9!7/2010 011218 US BANK, 31544018 9/13/2010 000061 8/25/Y010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2oto AUGUST 2oto 8J25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST2010 8f25/2010 AUGUST 2070 8l25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8l2512010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8125/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 S/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8I25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2070 8/25l2010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 aizsi2o�o aucusr zo�o 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2070 8/25/2010 AUGUST20i0 8l25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8/25/2010 AUGUST 2010 8125/2010 AUGUST 2010 WA STATE REVENUE DEPARTMENT, 9/13/2010 601-223-5385 9/13/2010 601-223-5385 9/13/2010 601-223-5385 9/13/2010 601-223-5385 9113/2010 601-223-5385 9J73/2010 601-223-5385 9113/2010 601-223-5585 9/13l2010 601-223-5385 9l13/2010 601-223-5385 PWST/SWM-WATER PUMP PWST/SWM-WATER PUMP CDHS-GRANT MANAGEMENT TRNG PKM-FWCC ARi WORK UGHT REPAIR PKM-TOOLS FOR VOIUNTEER TRAILE PKM-TOOLS FOR VOIUNTEER TRAILE PKM-TRACTOR RENTAL LAURELWO00 PKM-LITTER GETTERS PKM-CORD/HOSE PROTECTORS CNB-FLAGS PKM-SAFETY SIGNS - DECK SIGNS CM-AWC LUNCH MEETING CM STAFf CM-BUDGET LUNCH MTG MGMT TEAM CM-BUDGET �UNCH MTG MGMT TEAM CO-O8/10 PASSPORT MAtLINGS CM-TELLY AWARD CERTIFICATE FRA HR-NPELRA ACADEMY J STANLEY HR-WAPELRA CONF. MCOOUGAL STAN HR-IPMA TRNG CONF. MCDOUGAL SWM-STORM FILTER MAINTlREPAIR SWM-STORM FI�TER MAINT/REPAIR DBC-PANIC ALARM BATTERIES DBGWIRED MICROPHONE PD-BAIT CAR WINDOW TtNTING WAT PWEOC-CERT QUICK SHELTERS PWEOC-CERT QUICK SHELTERS IT-UPS BATTERY BACKUP IT-HEAT SINK ARETIC SILVER IT-SAFE CITY POWER BOX FI-08/10 REMIT USE TAX - FI-08/10 REMIT SALES TAX FI-08/10 REMIT SALES TAX-FWCC FI-OS/10 REMIT SALES TAX OBC FI-O8110 REMIT SALES TAX FWCC FI-OS/10 REMIT SVC TAX/PW STOR FI-O8/10 REMIT SALES TAX DBC FI-08/10 REMIT SALES TAX DBC FI-08/10 REMIT EXC TAX (ROUNDI ToWI Checks Issued 478 Toty� EZ ggy qqg qg 111 53.49 53.49 50.00 126.49 250.43 122.41 273.31 339.46 691.50 17.05 79_63 53.13 50.77 9.95 17724 13.13 399.00 320.00 275.00 100.66 328.60 56.91 32.84 173.49 677.38 61.32 109.49 22.96 492.60 732.49 2823 9,960.71 6,007.11 1.819.81 622.71 3,333.23 -3,333.23 -0.01 5,411.73 19,171.05 COUNCIL MEETIIVG DATE: _ __.. _ _ _ __ CITY OF FEDERAL WAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA BILL [TEM #: _. _ . .. SUBJECT: ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND CONSERVATION OUTREACH PoiicY QuESTTON: NA COMMITTEE: FEDRAC CATEGORY: ❑ Consent ❑ City Council Business ❑ Ordinance ❑ Reso(ution MEETING DATE: 9/28/2010 ❑ Public Hearing � Other STAFF REPORT BY: B ant En e Financial Services Administrator DEPT CM ._.. _.....__ _._ _..__.._�' --�-- g-'-- -.-----.. _ _._..- —__..._ _ . ...__ ___...... ______...__ _ ----._ _____- -----_ __ __- Background: The City was awarded $777,700 through the direct funding formula from the federal government with respect to the Ame�ican Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 (ARRA). Funding from ARRA wil) be used for energy efficiency related p�ojects. The City will allocate a small portion of this funding, $10,000, to educate the Federal Way community about how to achieve a healthier, more environmentally sustainable future. The City and The Federal Way Mirror are developing a partnership to deliver this education. The focus of this partnership is a website—www.�reencityfederalway.com—that will capture basic and innovative ways for residents, builders, developers and consumers to minimize the impact of their daily activities on the natural environment. The concept is that the $10,000 will serve as initial capital to develop and implement the website. The Federal Way Mirror would be responsible for managing the content and for covering ongoing costs of the we6site after startup. The Federal Way Mirror anticipates marketing the website to sponsors and advertisers to raise funds to cover ongoing costs. The City would help provide content for the website, but the Mirror would be in charge of coo�dinating the effo�t. The City would provide information about City activities and the Federal Way Mirror would provide information from its resources in the community. STAFF RECOMMENDA'ITON: NIA �iI AH r""' CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: , ,� DIRECTOR APPROVAL.: Committee Council COMMITTEE RECONIlVIENDATION: N/A. Coinmittee Chair Comnuttee Member Council Committee Member 112 PROPOSED COUNCIL MOTION: N/A (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CfTY CLERKS OFFLCG) COUNCIC. ACT[ON: ❑ APPROVED ❑ DENIED ❑ TABLED/DEFERRED/NO ACTION ❑ MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) REVISED - 03/l2/2010 COU�CIL B[LL ik ;sz readittg Enachnent reacting ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION tl 113