FEDRAC MIN 09-28-2010, �,.. oF � Federal Way City Council Finance/Economic Development/Regional Affairs Committee SUMMARY 1. CALL TO ORDER Chair Mike Park called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m. Committee Members in Attendance: Committee Chair Park and Committee Members Burbidge and Dovey. Councilmembers in Attendance: Deputy Mayor Duclos Staff Members in Attendance: City Manager/Police Chief Brian Wilson, Financial Services Administrator Bryant Enge, Assistant City Attorney Amy Jo Pearsall, Finance Director Tho Kraus, Communications & Governmental Affairs Manager Linda Farmer, Recreation Supervisor poug Nelson, Recreation Supervisor John Hutton, and Deputy City Clerk Krystal Roe. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS To A. B. C Title/Description Approval of Minutes: August 24, 2010 Motion and second to approve as presented. Carried 3- 0. August 2010 Report on State Lobbying Activities Ms. Farmer presented a brief overview of her report noting very little ac#ivity occurred due to the lobbyist's vacation. However, efforts have been made to ensure the $13 million project savings "fior the Triangie Project remains with the project for future phases rather than being returned to the State's general fund. Councilmember Burbidge complimented Traffic Engineer Rick Perez on his recent presentation to SCATBd. Councilmember Burbidge also shared the Association of Washington Cities' top legislative concerns identified through recent meetings. August 2010 Report on State Lobbying Activities Ms. Farmer remarked August was a"quiet" month due the congressional recess. During the month, a representative with the City's federal lobbyist visited Federal Way for a short time to meet with Ms. Farmer. The meeting was beneficial and appreciated. Council Placement N/A Discussion Only N/A Discussion Only N/A Discussion Only �• Contract Extension for Federal Lobbyist Consent , ois�2o, o Ms. Farmer presented her staff report and noted there would be no increase in 2010 over the prior year's contract. She clarified the scope of work on page 30 was for the prior contract; the scope will be updated for any new contract. Councilmember povey expressed hesitancy in approving a contract for more than $70,000 with a federal lobbyist group versus maintained funding for existing, necessary City of Federal Way employees. He was unsure he'd be able to support a contract extension. Chair Park valued the return on investment he perceives has been achieved by having a federal lobbyist. He stated the ROI is positive when considering the cost of services versus the money brought into the City. Funds which likely may have been unattainable either because the firm helped the City directly lobby funding or because they made the City aware of available funding it may not have otherwise known of. Motion second and carried to authorize a two-year contract extension for Strategies 360 FEDRAC SUMMARY September 28, 2010, Page 2 of 3 .,__ _ _ _ __ not to exceed the budgeted amount (option 1). Carried 2- 0; Councilmember povey dissenting. E. Contract Extension for State Lobbyist Consent ioisi2oio Ms. Farmer presented her staff report. Motion second to authorize a two-year contract extension for Outcomes by Levy not to exceed the budgeted amount. Discussion: The Committee asked staff to clarify reimbursable expenses as the routing slip of the prior contract indicated allowed reimb�rsable expenses but without a dollar amount. Ms. Pearsall and Ms. Farmer both clarified there were no reimbursable expenses called out in this contract which uses an updated, standardized Law Department form. Motion carried 3 - 0. _ _ _ __ _ _ __ . . _ F. Review of the Schedule to Adopt the City's 2011 legislative Agenda N/A Discussion Only Ms. Farmer presented the schedule to adopt the City's 201 1 Legislative Agenda. It was ciarified this topic was for discussion only not action. _ _ _ __ - _ _ _ G. Monthly Financial Report Consent i oisizoi o Ms. Kraus stated the sales tax reported on page 69 has been increased significantly by two major one-time events brought about by field audits in the service industry (a local hospital and an information technology company�. Year-end estimate projections are for the City to come in on target for sales tax revenue. Ms. Kraus explained how timing differences for payments/billings and medical service charges affect the Jail Services table on page 74. CM/PC Wilson stated staff is working hard to establish contracts with other jail providers including the City of Buckley and Chelan County. The goal has been to keep inmates o�t of Yakima until the SCORE facility is up and running in order to better manage jaii service fees. Next, Ms. Kraus reported REET (page 72) revenues have already met the annual year-end budget projection with four months of the year still remaining. The Federal Way Community Center and the Parks & Recreation Department continue to experience favorable revenues. Parks & Recreation expenditures are anticipated to exceed budget but additional revenues are expected to capture some of the increase. CM/PC Wilson stated his community outreach budget presentations have included incorrect information he wished to correct and clarify. Specifically, he previously reported Proposition 1-funded positions wouid not be impacted by his draft budget recommendation. After further review, the City does not have sufficient funds in 201 1-12 to fund all the Prop 1 positions. Currently, the City is looking at three positions - potentially three police officers or a combination of two police officers and one code enforcement officer which is part of the original presentation. At his next outreach meeting on October 19 CM/PC Wilson will highiight this important difference. The Committee asked CM/PC Wilson to identify the positions Proposition 1 originaily funded. Councilmember povey stated Council may or may not approve CM/PC Wilson's budget proposal. CM/PC Wilson requested Council feedback/direction on this issue prior to finalization of his budget proposal. Next, CM/PC Wilson stated he is leaning toward not funding/restoring vacant positions that cannot be maintained with ongoing, long-term funding. However, current, filled positions may be retained through one-time funding (again, not vacant, and not for new- hires). These positions would be clearly identified in his budget proposal. The COPS grant decision is expected on or before September 30. Motion second and carried to approve the Monthly Financial Report as presented. Carried 3 - 0. FEDRAC SUMMARY September 28, 2010, Paqe 3 of 3 Vouchers Motion second and carried to approve the vouchers as presented. Carried 3- 0. Consent i oisi2oi o J• Energy Efficiency and Conservation Outreach N/A � Discussion Only Mr. Enge introduced Sound Publishing Editor Rudi Alcott. Mr. Enge and Mr. Alcott have worked together to identify the best public outreach tool to educate the community on "greening Federal Way". Initially, the plan was to produce a printed brochure/magazine for roughly $10,000 using ARRA grant funds, in conjunction with a green-tech expo. At this point, it is unlikely an expo is possible despite numerous attempts to partner with other agencies (including the Federal Way Chamber of Commerce). Because of the ever evolving nature of the green tech industry and opportunities, Mr. Enge and Mr. Alcott believe the best way to educate the community is through an interactive, dynamic website. The Committee began asking questions about the content of the website and their preferences for key aspects. CM/PC Wilson stated the purpose of the discussion is to understand whether or not the Committee is interested in the concept. If so, staff will return at a later date with specific concepts and details for Council review and approval. Consensus was reached to continue researching the best website model approach and return to the Committee with project proposals at a later date. 4. OTHER: SAND CASTLE COMPETITION: Mr. Alcott updated the Council on the success of the competition and on setbacks mostly due to poor weather. However, attendance has been remarkable with Saturday, September 25 being the best day. Families and individuals have travelled from all over the country including New Hampshire, Hawaii, Cal,ifornia and piaces in between. Crowds have been very pleased with the displays with many commenting they hope it will become an annual event. Due to good weather projections, the event has been extended by seven days. Unexpectedly, a local golf course has arranged to purchase the sand at the event's conclusion. Event organizers will be spared the expense of sand removal services - a savings of more than $2,500! 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: None. 6. NEXT MEETING: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 Meeting was adjourned at 6:36 p.m. Attest: COMMITTEE APPROVAL: � � Mik rk Jeanne Burbidge Com ee Chair Committee Member