FEDRAC PKT 01-28-2003 AGENDA 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PUBLIC COMMENT 3. COMMITTEE BUSINESS A. Approval ofthe December 3, 2002 Minutes B. Legislative and Regional Affairs Update (Matheson) C. City Council Compensation Commission (Matheson) D. Official Newspaper Selection Criteria (Green) E. Lodging Tax Advisory Committee Workplan and Budget (Doherty) F. 2003 Insurance Renewal (Wang) G. Quarterly Financial Report - December 2002 (Olson) H. Vouchers (Olson) Action Information Action Action Action Action Action Action 4. OTHER 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS A. Olympic Pipeline 6. SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING Committee Members: Michael Park,Chair Eric Faison Mary Gates City Staff: ¡wen Wang, Management Services Director Jason Suzaka, Management Analyst (253) 661-4061 H:\FINANCE\FINCOMMn2003\O128\O12803 Agenda.doc ¿,¡i;;:::;,:,; " '. ,: ,'" " ' '" '.. "~::',¡::~,, (,', , ," , " ".. 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CALL TO ORDER Member Mary Gates called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT None. 3. COMMITIEE BUSINESS a) Approval of the October 29,2002 meeting minutes Motion to approve the October 29, 2002 meeting minutes. Motion seconded and carried. b) Legislative and Regional Affairs Update Presented by Derek Matheson Mr. Matheson was unable to attend due to illness. Ms, Gates said that Mr. Matheson's update will be emailed to her and she will submit his report as part of the public record. Submitted by Mr. Matheson via email12/4/02: Legislative The Legislature has selected its leaders. Sen. Jim West (R-Spokane) will be the Senate majority leader. Sen. Lisa Brown (D-Spokane) will be the minority leader. Rep. Frank Chopp (D-Seattle) will be the House speaker and Rep. Cathy McMorris (R-Colville) will be the minority leader. Most House chairs will stay the same, except Rep. Ed Murray (D-Seattle) takes over Transportation and Rep, Steve Kirby (D-Tacoma) will lead Local Govenunent. The Senate will get all new chairs, Sen. Jim Horn (R-Mercer Island) will head up Transportation and Sen. Pam Roach (R-Aubum) will chair Govenunent Operations and Elections, which will handle local government issues. A-I Following the failure ofR-51 at the polls, the notion of an expanded regional solution is gaining traction. The idea is to give the Regional Transportation Improvement District the authority (with voter approval) to impose a local fuel tax of up to $.05 and to expand RTID tolling authority, plus a couple other things. Given the need for legislative action, a November ballot measure is more likely than a May one. In light of all the ideas out there, staff is monitoring the situation and will likely need to get Council direction on how to lobby whichever idea goes forth to the Legislature in bill format. The big legislative issue this session is, of course, the state's $2 billion budget hole. Staff is setting up our annual meeting between the City Council and our 30th District Legislators. The meeting will likely occur in early January. Regional The primary regional issue continues to be the county's budget, especially pools and human services. The county executive has appointed his Budget Advisory Task Force to look at the county's functions and suggest policy and operational changes. Bob Wallace of the Bellevue Chamber and John Warner, formerly of Boeing, will lead the group. The SCA appointments process is in full swing. The North and South caucuses will appoint elected officials to regional boards on Jan. 8. c) City Center Redevelopment Tools Presented by Patrick Doherty Mr. Doherty reviewed the memorandum and options with the committee, There are 3 main tools that staff has researched: Right of Way (ROW) Improvement Standards, Community Renewal Plan and Tax-Increment Financing, and City Participation in a Public Parking Structure. The purpose of this discussion is to have some sort of plan if and when a developer comes to the City with a proposal. It also helps set the ground rules when dealing with the developer. Notes on Community Renewal Plan: The sales tax revenue listed on page C2 is Federal Way's portion only, and does not include any state, county, or other jurisdiction's portion of the tax. Note on the Parking Garage option: If the City decided to provide some sort of subsidy for a parking structure, it must be made clear that the parking structure is for public use, and not solely for a certain merchant or group of. However, the City could enter into an agreement where a merchant could either buy parking stalls at market rates or rent them for their sole use during a certain time of the day (would revert to public use outside those hours). City of Auburn has done this with Sound Transit's parking structure, Mr. Faison stated that he would like to identify a funding mechanism, have some initial funding, and then look for roads that would both reduce traffic and encourage economic development. Although they may not necessarily spur economic development (such as in a residential area), the roads serve another purpose by helping to ease traffic congestion and make the City more livable. Concerning the parking garage, he prefers use of one-time funding instead of use of continuing funds. Ms. Kochmar asked how many grid streets there are in the city center. Mr. Moseley replied that there is a map in the City's comprehensive plan that shows this, but will look into exactly what the number is. IICfwmainIVOL I ldatalMs\FINANCEIFINCOMMT\2002\1203\ 1203 minutes.doc A-2 She also asked if staff has looked at the possibility of the City purchasing a level of the Sound Transit garage, Mr. Moseley said that the City hired a consultant to look into the feasibility of purchasing a level above the Sound Transit garage. However, it was determined that this action would be cost-prohibitive for the City, Ms. Gates stated that she would like staff to look into whether or not there is any way to provide full fmancial disclosure without going into bonding. She also would like to determine to what degree traffic would be dispersed with the street grids. Mr. Faison suggested a comparison of the costs of putting in a street grid versus not putting it in. Ms, Gates asked law to determine the legal issues surrounding using revenue nom the Real Estate Excise Tax to fund the street grids (mentioned as a possible source of funding in the memo). Mr. Faison stated that he would not support using general fund money to pay for these projects, but instead use capital funds. Ms. Gates asked staff to reword committee action #1 (page c5), using the word partnership to show that the City is working with the developer, and not as a solo action, She concurred with Mr. Faison's support for using money from the capital fund, rather than general, for the street grids. She would be more interested in a fmancing mechanism for grid streets than a parking garage. She also suggested an idea may be to start a pilot project, rather than funding the full project. Motion to direct staff to explore and develop further the following City Center redevelopment tools and present back to FEDRAC: 1. Rights-of-Way a, Analyze and prioritize grid street improvement, including an analysis of whether additional turn lanes on existing streets affects grid street improvement needs and/or prioritization, as well as what level of traffic improvement might be achieved as grid streets are developed; b, Explore alternatives for and ramifications of up-nont City improvement of grid streets or portions thereof as an incentive to desired redevelopment as contrasted with City participation in grid street improvement in partnership with private development projects; c. Explore fInancing potential mechanisms that would utilize one-time funding sources as opposed to general fund monies; d. Explore the potential creation of a revolving fund to finance street grid improvements, with reimbursement to the fund derived from property and sales tax increments in the redevelopment area. Include in this an exploration of potential late-comer reimbursement mechanisms, 2. Parking Garage a. Further analyze potential costs of City participation in a parking garage in conjunction with private development; b. Explore fmancing options, including use of one-time funding and bonding, among others. Motion seconded and carried. d) Tourism Enhancement Grant Awards Presented by Patrick Doherty Mr. Doherty reviewed the awards with the committee. When asked about the Tacoma-Pierce County Sports Commission, he said that the commission did not propose any events or focus on Federal Way (will be communicated to them as will all the other applicants). \\CfwmainIVOL 1 \datalMs\FINANCE\FINCOMMT\2002\ 1203\ 1203 minutes doc A-3 Motion to approve the Tourism Enhancement Grants. Motion seconded and carried. e) Federal Way School District Board Meeting Broadcasting Agreement Presented by Medhi Sadri Mr. Sadri reviewed the agreement with the committee. He added that the words "Recommend to full Council to" need to be added at the beginning of the committee action section in the memo. Fortunately, staffmg the broadcasts using MIS staff has not been a problem. They have been willing to help out (voluntarily), so there has always been sufficient coverage of the broadcasts. No one staff member has had to cover the whole load, providing all the coverage. The school district has been notified and sent a copy of the memo by City staff. So far there has been no indication that they want to discontinue; their cost of doing the broadcasts would be much higher if they did it themselves. The agreement was never intended to be a city subsidy, only a full cost recovery. Ms, Wang indicated that the school district is facing potential budget cuts - so potentially the program may be eliminated in the future. Motion to forward the amendment to full Council for approvaL Motion seconded and carried. f) Overation of Kenneth Jones Pool Presented by Jennifer Schroder Ms. Schroder reviewed the options with the committee (a summary is located on page F3). She mentioned that the reason the item has been sent to FEDRAC as instead of the Parks committee (of which Ms. Kochmar is the chairperson) is due to timing; the King County Council needs to know what direction Federal Way will be going (in terms of the three options) by December 4th in order to meet public notice requirements for their own Council meeting. The item is scheduled on tonight's Council agenda pending approval of the item by FEDRAC. What is the future of the old pool if/when the new pool is constructed? In her conversations with the school district, Ms. Schroder reported that at this time the school district is not interested in continuing it as a pool, but are interested in getting the structure. Mr. Moseley stated that the City would need to enter into an agreement with the school district and the County when the new facility is built. Ms. Schroder has requested a timeline regarding the transfer of the pool and Kenwood Pit from the County, She also noted that there is a six-rnonth transition period in which the County would continue to operate the pool to ease the transition between the two entities (would occur January- June 2003) and allow citizens to continue using the pool. Are there any anticipated fee increases for Federal Way residents who use the pool? Referring to the summary sheet, Ms. Schroder replied that as long as the County is operating the pool, fees would increase for all users of the pool by 50% under their proposaL Ms. Gates stated that she would like to see how much the fee increase is going to affect usage so that if/when the City does take over the pool, fees could be readjusted - 50% seems much too high, What is the value of the Court facility? Mr. Moseley replied that the tax assessment is $1.2 million, but the County values it at $2.5 million, which is what it will be placed on the market for. Motion to approve staff recommendation and forward to full Council at the December 3, 2002 meeting. Motion seconded and carried. IICfwmain\ VOL 1IdataIMsIFINANCEIFINCOMMT\2002\ 1203\ 1203 minutes. doc A-4 4. g) h) i) j) OTHER None. Before leaving for a scheduled meeting, Ms. Kochmar reported to the committee that Senator Cantwell and Congressman Smith will be appearing at the Lakehaven Treatment Plant tomorrow for a reception (media event). Lakehaven has received a federal grant for $8 million. 2002 Housekeeping Budget Adjustment Presented by Iwen Wang Ms. Wang reviewed the ordinance with the committee, Note: Under downtown revitalization, the $98,247 would be transferred from the Transfer Sign Incentive Program to the Sign Code Legal' Defense Fund (net-zero adjustment). Motion to approve the ordinance and forward to full Council for first reading. Motion seconded and carried. AT&T Wireless Franchise Presented by Pat Richardson Ms. Richardson reviewed the proposed franchise with the Committee. She noted that by law, the City cannot charge rent because it is located in a right-of-way. How visible are the sites from the streets? Referring to the map located on page H26, Ms, Richardson replíed that the poles would be no higher than 60 feet, and there would not be any additional ground equipment Motion to approve the proposed franchise agreement and forward to full Council for approvaL Motion seconded and approved. October 2002 MontWv Financial Report Presented by Michael Olson Michael Olson reviewed the October 2002 Monthly Financial Report with the Committee. Among the higWights: . Revenues are 7.7% over the year-to-date (YTD) budget of$33,5 million . Real Estate Excise Tax Revenues are 67.8% over the YTD budget . Sales Tax Revenues are 9.5% over the YTD budget . Hotel/Motel Tax is 0.7% under the YTD budget (dramatic improvement since earlier in the year) Correction: General operating expenditures are actually $2.4 million or 2.4% below the YTD budget, not above as previously stated in the report. Motion to approve the October 2002 Monthly Financial Report and forward to full Council for approvaL Motion seconded and carried. Vouchers Presented by Michael Olson Mr. Olson presented the vouchers for approval. Motion to accept the vouchers and forward to full Council for approvaL Motion seconded and carried. \\Cfwmaffi\ VOL 1 \dataIMsIFINANCEIFINCOMM1ì2002\ 1203\1 203 minutos,doc A-5 5. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS 6. NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING - TBA 7. ADJOURN Mary Gates adjourned the meeting at II :O7a.m. Recorded by Jason Suzaka \\Cfwmain\ VOLIldataIMsIFINANCEIFINCOMMTl2002\ 1203\ 1203 minutes,doc A-6 " DATE: TO: January 21,2003 SUBJECT: evelopment / Regional Affairs Committee David ele, i ager Derek Matheson, Assistant City Manager ~ City Council Compensation Commission VIA: FROM: Background During the budget review process, the City Council asked for information on city council compensation commissions. RCW 35.21.015 - adopted by the 2001 Legislature - allows cities to establish these citizen commissions that have authority to independently set salaries for elected officials, Bainbridge Island, Edmonds, Kent, Puyallup, and Vancouver have established compensation commissions. The law's basic provisions are as follows: . Commissioners are appointed by the mayor and approved by the City Council. Commissioners cannot serve more than two terms. They cannot be city officers/employees or immediate family members. . The Commission may increase or decrease elected official salaries. Increases take effect immediately; decreases take effect when each Council member's new term starts, The Commission's decision is fmal and cannot be reviewed or changed by the CounciL . The Commission's actions are subject to citizen referendum. The law does not address the number of commissioners, residency requirements, length of terms, or meeting dates/times. Staff recommends the following: . The Commission should consist of five members and two alternates. This is consistent with the Civil Service Commission, the other city commission that deals with employment issues. Commissioners should be residents of the city. They should serve staggered three-year terms, consistent with a majority of city commissions. . Commissioners should convene once per year in May and adopt any compensation changes by July 1. This would control the length of the process and ensure that staffhas adequate information for budget preparation. . The Commission should not set compensation for the municipal judge in the event the Council makes the judge an elected position, Council may wish to provide additional direction on whether the Commission should set Council benefits in addition to salaries. Though state law does not mention benefits by name, our city attorney opined that "benefits" fall within the statutory defmition of "salaries". Should the Council not wish to establish a formal Compensation Commission but still wish to review Council compensation, the Council could appoint a citizen task force to make non-binding recommendations to the CounciL However, the Council's action to change compensation levels would not take effect until each Council member's new term starts. Recommendation Provide direction to staff on whether to prepare an ordinance creating a City Council Compensation Commission. Staff would bring the ordinance back through FEDRAC at an upcoming meeting. ~:: ~:. ~,C:: ~ ~ :: P: ~ - _: ~ = - ~ _: Connnittee Member _n",_,,'~',- CI CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: To: Via: From: Subject: January 24, 2003 Finance, Economic Development and Regional Affairs Committee David H. Moseley, City M~nager ~~ Chris Green, City Clerk Official Newspaper Selec . BACKGROUND: Late last year, a group of stakeholders reviewed the City's current permit process and made recommendations for its improvement. One recommended change was regarding the City's designated official newspaper. The official. newspaper is used by the City to post required legal notices and display advertisements to the community. Currently, the City uses the Federal Way Mirror as its official newspaper. However, it is only published on Wednesdays and Saturdays, which could cause up to four days in delay of the public hearing process. The stakeholders group recommended that the City use a daily publication in order to reduce the time lag and expedite the permit process. Pursuant to RCW 65.16.020, a newspaper must meet the following criteria to qualify as a legal, "official" newspaper: I. Published regularly, at least once a week, in the English language, as a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Federal Way. 2. Published in the City of Federal Way for at least six months prior to the date of such application, 3. Compiled in whole or in part in an office maintained at the place of publication. 4. Contains news of general interest as contrasted with news of interest primarily to an organization, group, or class. 5. Holds a second class mailing permit. RCW 65.16.030 also requires that the legal newspaper is approved by order of the Superior Court of the County where it is published. In order to sufficiently address the recommendation given by the stakeholders group, an RFP (Request for Proposal) would need to be issued by the City for transition to the new official newspaper. Staff recommends the following as selection criteria in the RFP: I. Daily publication 2, Ability to meet requirements as a legal newspaper 3. Circulation number in Federal Way 4. Cost of placing legal notices and display advertisements Because the Federal Way Mirror does not publish daily, these criteria will prohibit them fÌom being considered as the City's official newspaper. One possibility of keeping the general public informed is to also publish abbreviated legal notices and displays ads in the Mirror as appropriate, The change of the official newspaper and use of a dual publication, if desired, will have some fmancial impact. Attached are both the current and projected costs of pursuing this option (using the Tacoma News Tribune as an example), based on 2002 activities. The flfSt table shows the City's 2002 costs of publication in the Mirror. The second analysis is the projected cost of assuming the Tacoma News Tribune as the official newspaper and placing abbreviated versions of advertisements and legal notices in the Mirror. The cost of placing these abbreviated notices is assuming 25% of the regular publications. The projected cost to do a dual publication would be approximately $44,752. However, please note that the rates given by the Tribune are general rates only and could possibly be lower through a competitive bidding process 11.1- should other publications also choose to submit proposals. If the Council decided not to publish abbreviated versions, the projected cost would drop to approximately $37,366, vs. $24,600 paid in 2002. With the Council's approval of the selection criteria for the official paper, staff will proceed with issuance of an RFP and selection of the official paper in February and March, The anticipated transition date to the new official paper is the beginning of April. COMMITTEE ACTION: Staff recommends the following to FEDRAC: 1. 2. 3. Approval of the selection criteria to be used in the Request for Proposal. Provide direction to staff on the option of providing abbreviated announcements in the Federal Way Mirror. Forward to full Council for approval at the February 4,2003 City Council meeting. APPROVAL BY COMMITTEE: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member 17.2- 2002 Legal Notice - Current Practice Publication by official paper Purpose Required By req'd CD Blockgrant Grant Availability Grantor Y CDHS Comm, Vacancies FWCC N CDPL Land Use RCW Y MS Clerk Ordinances RCW y MSHR Comm, Vacancies FWCC N MSHR Bid RCW N MS MIS Public Hrg. RCW Y PK Comm. Vacancies FWCC N PK - CIP Bid RCW N PS Bid RCW N PW - Overlay Bid RCW N PW - Street Bid RCW N PW - SWM Bid RCW N ~ PW - SWR Ad None N Rate Change Hrg. RCW Y ~ PW - TR Bid RCW N Law Comm,Vac./Bid FWCC/None N CM Comm,Vac./Bid FWCC/None N Muni. Fac. Cmte. N Federal Way Mirror # Inches Avg. Rate Cost 69.8 $ 13.18 $ 923.27 34.5 $ 13.27 $ 459,96 982.2 $ 13.20 $ 12,961.88 172.5 $ 13.51 $ 2,390.05 39 $ 14.08 $ 548.43 24 $ 12.97 $ 311.17 23.5 $ 13.91 $ 322.16 62 $ 14,68 $ 906.94 117.1 $ 13.19 $ 1,544.66 28 $ 13,02 $ 364.56 44 $ 12.65 $ 556,60 46 $ 13,02 $ 598.92 66 $ 12,71 $ 844.44 7.5 $ 22.00 $ 165,00 7.5 $ 13.28 $ 99.60 51.6 $ 12.40 $ 639.84 28 $ 13.53 $ 382.80 31.5 $ 13.89 $ 440.28 12 $ 13.85 $ 166.20 1846.7 $ 13.81 $ 24,626.75 1/24/2003 2002 Legal Notice - Projected Cost Publication by official paper Purpose Required By req'd CD Blockgrant Grant Availability Grantor I Y CDHS Comm. Vacancies FWCC N CDPL Land Use RÇW Y MS Clerk Ordinances RCW Y MSHR Comm. Vacancies FWCC N MSHR Bid RCW N MS MIS Public Hrg. RCW Y PK Comm. Vacancies FWCC N PK - CIP Bid RCW N PS Bid RCW N PW - Overlay Bid RCW N PW - Street Bid RCW N PW - SWM Bid RCW N ~ PW - SWR Ad None N Rate Change Hrg. RCW Y .-..Ç.. PW - TR Bid RCW N Law Comm.VacJBid FWCC/None N CM Comm.VacJBid FWCC/None N Muni. Fac. Cmte, N Federal Way Mirror Tacoma News Tribune (based on general rates) # Inches A vg, Rate Multiplier2 Cost # Inchesl Avg. Rate3 Cost 69.8 $ 13.18 0.25 $ 230.00 46,53 $ 27.84 $ 1,295.49 34.5 $ 13.27 0.25 $ 114.41 23,00 $ 47.79 $ 1,099,17 982.2 $ 13.20 0.25 $ 3,240.51 654.80 $ 27.84 $ 18,229.63 172.5 $ 13.51 0.25 $ 582.80 115,00 $ 27.84 $ 3,201.60 39 $ 14.08 0.25 $ 137,28 26,00 $ 47,79 $ 1,242.54 24 $ 12.97 0.25 $ 77,79 16.00 $ 27.84 $ 445.44 23.5 $ 13.91 0.25 $ 81.72 15.67 $ 27.84 $ 436.16 62 $ 14.68 0.25 $ 227.58 41.33 $ 47.79 $ 1,975.32 117.1 $ 13.19 0.25 $ 386.27 78,07 $ 27.84 $ 2,173.38 28 $ 13.02 0.25 $ 91.14 18,67 $ 27.84 $ 519,68 44 $ 12.65 0.25 $ 139.15 29.33 $ 27.84 $ 816.64 46 $ 13.02 0.25 $ 149.73 30,67 $ 27.84 $ 853.76 66 $ 12.71 0.25 $ 209,72 44,00 $ 27.84 $ 1,224.96 15 $ 17.64 0,25 $ 66.15 10,00 $ 47,79 $ 477,90 7,5 $ 13.28 0,25 $ 24.90 5,00 $ 27.84 $ 139.20 51.6 $ 12.40 0.25 $ 639.84 34.40 $ 27,84 $ 957,70 28 $ 13.53 0.25 $ 382.80 18,67 $ 47,79 $ 892.08 31.5 $ 13,89 0.25 $ 440.28 21.00 $ 47.79 $ 1,003.59 12 $ 13.85 0.25 $ 166.20 8.00 $ 47.79 $ 382.32 1854.2 $ 13.58 $ 7,388.25 $ 37,366.55 Footnotes: 1, Tacoma News Tribune charges at 12 lines per column inch vs, 8 lines per column inch for FW Mirror Multiplied # inches in FW Mirror by 8/12 to get comparable # lines fOf TNT 2, Assumes that if TNT become official paper, we would still publish abbreviated notices in FW Mirror - used 25% cost for comparative purposes / 3, TNT charges $27,84/column inch for legal notices; $47,79/column inch for classified display ads These rates are current rates; may be lower through competitive bid process Total Cost: I $ 44,754.81 I CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: To: Via: From: Subject: January 22, 2003 Finance, Econo . evelopment and Regional Affairs Committee David H. anager Patrick Doh puty Di ector, Community Development Services Lodging Tax dvisory Committee 2003-2004 Biennial Workplan and Budget BACKGROUND In July of last year the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee (L T AC) held a retreat to discuss its objectives and priorities as the basis for the development of a biennial workplan for 2003-2004. Over the past three months the Committee has worked on this workplan and the corresponding budget, culminating in its approval of the attached 2003- 2004 LTAC Workplan and Budget. The workplan is divided into three general categories: General Promotion/Marketing, Events Planning and Promotion, and Capital Projects. Expenditures are divided into two columns: one-time funding in 2003 (with possible carry-forward further in to 2004) and on-going funding per each year of the biennium. Due to the substantial amount of unspent funds anticipated to be available as of the end of 2002 to be carried forward into the 2003-2004 biennium (approximately $153,962), you will note that many of the line items are to be allocated funding from carried-forward, one-time funds. All currently projected, potential, one-time funding expenditures would total up to $117,250, leaving up to $36,712 unallocated. However, the Committee recommended that up to $15,000 of this balance be made available, as needed, to augment the Tourism Enhancement Grant program during the biennium, as its per-year allocation decreased to $34,000 from the previous year's allocation of $48,000 (although only $34,850 was allocated in 2002). The projected lodging tax revenue for each year of the biennium is $130,000, which is a simple, straight-line projection from the approximate year 2002 revenues. If economic conditions improve during the biennium, it is anticipated that this figure may increase. Of that $130,000 in yearly gross revenue, a 10% allocation has been made to cover staff support costs ($13,000) and another 10% allocation has been made to a contingency fund to address unforeseen opportunities ($13,000). That leaves a net, budgetable amount of $104,000, the entirety of which has been budgeted to the line items under the above- mentioned categories. EJ.-- Recommendation LTAC recommends approval of the 2003-2004 biennial workplan and budget, as approved at its 1/17/03 meeting and attached hereto. COMMITTEE ACTION APl~ROV AL BY COMMITTEE: Committee Chair Committee Member Committee Member f,¿ 2003-2004 LODGING TAX WORKPLAN BUDGET (as ..ecommended 1/17/03) f\\ \j~ WORKPLAN CAT-EGORY & ITEM ONE-TIME FUNDING AMOUNT IN 2003 ON-GOING FUNDING AMOUNT PER YEAR. 2003-2004 I. General PromotionlMarketing promoting FW amenities/events at venues/events (create brochure) $5,000 (initial set-up) $2,500 electronic kiosk (assumes use of up to $50,000 "Downtown Beautification Funds for acquisition and installation) $2,400 (yearly maintenance @ $200/mo) web site $5,000 (contribution to Econ Dev website, contingent on L T AC review) $3,000 (federalway.org maintenance by Chamber) magazine/radio ads (incl. W A visitors guide) + FW attractions video for hotels $5,000 $30,000 marketing brochure (inel postage) $25,000 SUBTOTAL - [ $40,000 $37,900 II, Events Planning and Promotion Events Planner - Combination consultant & half-time staff (staff: half.time first and later $29,250 (one-time, 1st-year increment of7.5 h/wk consultant time for initial planning, years; consultant: 10 h/wk I st year and 2,5 h/wk later years) recruiting, etc.) $32,350 (half.time staff plus 2.5 h/wk consultant time) Event Production Costs ($7-10,000/event) $25,000 Tourism Enhancement Grants (TEG) $34,000 Weekend Tour Packages. mktgipromotion (pilot 1st year) $3,000 Olympic trials bid fund (seed money) $20,000 SUBTOTAL -II $77,250 $66.250 SUBTOTAL 1 & II $117,250 $104,150 III, Capital Projects Field turf on soccer fields Fieldhouse SUBTOT AI. - III TOT AI. - I. II & III $117,250 $104.150 2003 PROJECTED REVENUE $130,000 2003 STAFF COSTS $13,000 2003 CONTINGENCY $13,000 2003 PROJECTED NET OPERATING BUDGET $104,000 2003 PROJECTED CARRY-FORWARD $153,962 BALANCE $36,712 <$150> NOTE Up to $15,000 of the one-time fund cany.forward balance may be used to augment the TEG program at any time during the biennium. CITY OF FEDERAL WAY MEMORANDUM Date: To: Via: From: Subject: January 24, 2003 Finance, Econo ic De elopment and Regional Affairs Committee David H. M sel, anager Iwen Wang, Man ement Services Director 2003 Insurance Renewal -PVJ The City's current insurance policy ends on January 30. W'e have been working on renewal options with Brown & Brown since September to get proposals for 2003. As in the past, proposals are sought from both the commercial market and insurance pools. This memorandum will provide the Council with the results of the search and staff recommendation. Renewal Options: The City received 3 proposals for the 2003 property and liability insurance program. 1. St Paul, our current carrier; 2. WCIA, a Washington cities self insurance pool we reviewed last year; and 3. ClAW (Cities Insurance Association of Washington), an insurance and risk management purchasing co-op pool. The table below provides a summary comparison of the 3 proposals. A more detailed comparison is also attached for your information. Insurance Proposals Expiration 2003 Proposals Policy St Paul ClAW WCIA Coverage (see attached detail): Deductible on Key Coverage Areas GeneralÆmployment/Auto and Public $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $-0- Official Liability Law Enforcement $5,000 $25,000 $5,000 $-0- Property $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 $10,000 Earthquake 5%/$ lOOk 5% per 2%/$50k 5%/$ lOOk buildingl$1 OOk Auto Physical Damage No No Yes No Cost: Base Premium $272,879 $364,511 $282,686 $528,139 Other costs (credits): Extended tail coverage (estimated) 47,000 Lower deductible levels (10,000) (25,000) Broker Service 22,500 22,500 -0- -0- Auto Physical Losses/Expenses 24,500 24,500 5,000 24,500 City defense counsel (rate difference) 25,000 25,000 25,000 * -0- Claim Adjusting Cost 2,000 2,000 -0- -0- Total Out of Pocket $346,879 $438,511 $302,686 $574,639 Value of Service Included in Premium: Improved Risk Management Services ($25,000) ($80,000) Total Cost $346,879 $438,511 $277,686 $494,639 \\cfwrnain\voll \data\ms\finance\fincomrnt\2003\insu renew,doc FJ- About CIA W: Because this is the fIrSt time we are reviewing a proposal from ClAW (the Pool), the following is a brief history and description about the program being provided by them. Originally established in 1988 for small cities and towns with less than 10,000 in population, the Pool has 3 basic purposes: 1) To leverage the insurance purcha~ing power in a hard insurance market; , 2) To increase deductible levels, retain and share the increased risks among members which would otherwise debilitate individual entities; and 3) Provide more cost effective group training and risk prevention services to minimize shared risks. The Pool's program is designed to assume those losses that are controllable and predictable, and purchase insurance for claims exceed $100,000 per occurrence with an annual total loss capped at $1,6 million. The annual loss below this "deductible" and total loss cap, plus the costs of insurance purchasing and pool administration are the basis for membership annual premium. Because of the limited exposure and full assessment of the anticipated losses, the risk is low and the chance of members being subject to additional assessments beyond the annual premium is extremely slim. In 1995 the Pool established an "associated member" class, allowing fire districts to participate. The associated member does not share equity interest or the liabilities of the Pool In 1998, the associated-member program was expanded to include special districts as well as cities too large to qualify as a regular member, The City of Lynnwood, Lakewood, SeaTac, and Oak Harbor are currently participating as associated rnembers. Lynnwood and Lakewood both became new members in 2001. If the City of Federal Way decides to join, they will participate as an associate member as well. The Pool hires a third party administrator, Canfield and Associates in Ephrata, who provides the day to day operations of all risk management activities. This includes managing the Pool's fmancial affairs, which are governed by a 10-member Board of Directors and a 12-member Management Committee. The associated members elect one of the Managernent Committee mernbers. As a quasi-municipal corporation, the State Auditor audits the Pool's financial statements every other year. In addition to ClAW, Canfield and Associates also administrates a rural county's insurance pool and a school district pool (of which the Bellevue and Puyallup school districts are members). Because their membership is almost exclusively small cities, staff had significant reservations of their capabilities in handling larger entities initially. After doing reference checks, reviewing their fmancial statements, insurance policies, training program. and meeting with them directly, we have gained more confidence in the Pool and their program.. Staff is still working with thern on the City's ability to retain the same defense counsel we currently use, which will give us additional stability and predictability. However, the addition of defense counsel requires Board approval, which will not convene again until February. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council approve participation in the ClAW as an associated mernber subject to the satisfactory resolution of the defense counsel selection question, and authorize a one-month extension of insurance coverage with St Paul to allow time for this transition. Attachment: Detail Proposal Comparison CIA W Interlocal Agreement Committee Action: Recommend full council approval to join the ClAW subject to the satisfactory resolution of defense counsel selection question, and authorize a one-rnonth extension with St Paul in the interim. , . .:'~::~Ji~!f1,;./t:~.t,I:í';~~;' Conlln\tt~e'!\e. .~~~!l~i'>i~;1 .: .:Ô , :::.:~.,',. :":".f~~g:~þ,~~;. ,::-'.. . ~'," """.'~.,m..,"'. . : ¡:l:'.. :\;:S.~..:~;g'i::;;~~;:: C . mi. .tt Cí.;.'~..'.."."'1i';!'1i.c'" ~.'~~' ".,,'. om ee ,,~x~r.;¡t~i'~,:: .~;;",; , /'. k:\finance\fincommt\2003\insu renew.doc t=2- Covera2e Property Inland Marine Flood Earthquake Auto Phys Boiler Subtotal-property related GL & Umbrella (2002 mcl above ground pollution) Public Official Employment Practice Auto Liability Law Enforcement Employee Benefit Plan Administration Subtotal-liability related Total Premium Optional: Underinsured Motorist Total Premium wlOption Pro DOser Premium Limit Deductible Premium Limit Deductible Premium Limit Deductible Premium Limit Deductible Premium Limit Deductible Premium Limit Deductible Premium Limit Deductible Premium Limit Deductible Premium Limit Deductible Premium Limit Deductible Premium Limit Deductible Premium Limit Deductible Premium Limit Deductible k\finance\fincommt\2003\insu renew,doc 2003 Insurance Renewal Proposal 2002 St Paul S20,806 $11.4 million $10,000 $3,879 $108k1$I,6 million & $50k data media $5,000 in Property $11.4 million $10,000 S14,735 $11.4 million 50/0/$ I ook NA S2,157 $11.4 million $2,500 $41 577 $82,400 $12/$12 million $5,000 S42,452 $51$5 million $5,000 in PO $51$5 million $5,000 S52,250 $11$1 million $5,000 S53,861 $12ISI2 million $5,000 $339 $250k SO $231 302 $272,879 S272 879 ~3 St Paul S23,244 $11.8 million, 90% co- insurance, no code upgrade if older than 30 yrs $10,000 S20,761 SI08k1$1.6 million & $50k data media $5,000 in Inland Marine $5 million $75,000 in Inland Marine $5 million 5% per building/$Iook NA SI,299 $250k sublimit $10,000 $45.304 S136,944 $12/$12 million $5,000 S9,456 $5/S5 million/claims made $5,000 $36,080 $11$1 million/claims made $5,000 $59,159 $11/$11 million $5,000 $77,176 $121$12 million $25,000 $392 S250k $0 $319,207 $364,511 S364 511 2003 ClAW (w/assessment*) S20,612 $15 million $5,000 $192 in Property $15 million $25,000 in Property $15 million 2%/$50k $3,446 Market value $1,000 $4,881 $10 million $2,500 $29,132 SI72,028 $12/$20 million $5,000 inGL $10/$10 million/claims made $5,000 inGL $51$5 million/claims made $5,000 $81,526 $121$12 million $5,000 inGL $121$12 million $5,000 inGL $5OOk/$1O0k $1,000 S253 5S4 $282,686 S7,560 $1 million $1,000 $290246 WCA $12,1 20 $250 n ilIion (Pool rnde) $5,Obo in Ik iler in Pro Þerty $250 n iIIion (pooh ¥ide) $10,( 00 in Pro þerty $250 n ilIion (poohrde) 50/0/$ ook N $1,3~ $50 m Ilion $10,(00 S14 1120 S514, 19 $14 m' lion $0 pack ge $14 m"lion $0 pack ge $14 mi lion $0 pack ge $14 mi lion $0 pack ge $14 mi lion $0 pack ge $14 mi lion $0 S514 19 $528, 39 S528 39 QUALITATIVE CONSIDERATIONS: St Paul CIA \\' \VCIA Coverage Less than current ' Broader coverage than current Broader coverage, potentially better than ClAW Risk Available but not on a Better risk control programs Excellent risk control programs Prevention proactive basis including some training and including training and assessment risk assessment Reporting Maybe. Maybe. Informative statistical reports help us benchmark Federal Way's loss experience with other cities. Policy form Claims made E&O and EPL Claims made E&O and EPL Occurrence based E&O and with full prior act with full prior act Employment Practice Liability (EPL) Control over St Paul decides Associated member - no seat Full mernber - if elected will be coverage and at the table. Can forward to on the board who makes other pool board members our concerns. policies Risk Sharing None. 8 Associated member will not 8 Share full risks of the pool share the risk beyond including potential additional premium and assessments assessment; 8 Low SIR ($ lOOk per 8 FW will be the largest member occurance/$I,6 million by population; annual aggregate) and low 8 Very high SIR ($3 million per risk occurance/$12 million annual aggregate) and high risk Transition Will be required to convert "claims made" policies into "occurrence" policies: 8 This will create a timing gap for coverages in 2 of the high risk areas - E&OÆPL 8 Proposal offers coverage for claims that the city has no knowledge of, occurred in the past 3 years, and reported to them within 12 rnonths only- i.e. a I-year tail coverage. 8 City could request for additional2-year tail (for a combined 3 years to cover the majority of statue of limitation for tort claims), cost to be determined. An estimated cost of$47k is used for comparison. 8 A 3-year extended tail coverage will substantially reduce but not necessarily eliminate the coverage gap. Termination Year to year. I year notice, minimum 2 I year notice, minimum 3 years years k\finance\fincommt\2003\insu renew.doc --py INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT OF CITIES INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON f~ 1. 2. 3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CREATING THE CITIES INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON Introduction .............................................................."""""""""""""""""" 1 Recitals..........................................................................,.............................1 Agreement """""""""""""""""""""""""""............................................. 1 Purpose of Agreement """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"............. 1 Parties to Agreement ..................................................................................2 Term of Agreement .....................................................................................2 Creation of Association ............................................................................... 2 Powers of the Association .............. .... ....,.. ..... """""""""'" ..... ...... .... ........ 3 Responsibilities of the Association .............................................................. 3 Responsibilities of Members .......................................................................4 Management Committee' Authority .............................................................4 Service Representative Relationship ..........................................................6 3.10 Effective Date of Pooled Insurance Purchasing Program ........................... 7 3.11 Contingent Liability and Retroactive Assessments .....................................7 3.12 New Members .............................................................................................7 ~ 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 3.20 3.21 3.22 3.23 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.27 3.28 4. Withdrawal ...................................................,..............................................7 Cancellation .................................................,............................................,. 7 Effect of Withdrawal or Cancellation """"""""""""""""""""""""""""'" 8 Termination and Distribution ...............................................,.......................8 Notices.......... ........,...........................,..... .....,......... .............,....... ...,.... ......" 8 Amendment ...............,.........................:......................... .....,..... ... ...............8 Enforcement......................,.................... ........ ........ .,. .........,..... ................" 9 Default and Remedies .............................................,..................................9 No Waivers ................."......... .............. ....... ..,.... ......"..... ............. """"""'" 9 Prohibition Against Assignment ..........................................,.......................9 Entire Agreement..... ...,.. ................... ""'" .... ....... .....,.. """""""""""""""" 9 Severability.. """"""""""""""""""""""" .........................,....................... 9 Time................. ...........,..... .................,. ......... ....... ....,................... .............., 9 Section Headings ...............................,................................,.......................10 Governing Law................. ................. .,...... ....". '0" ..... .................................., 10 Counterpart Copies. ............ """"""""""""""""""""""""0"'" ................., 10 Execution ...... ...................... ....,... ....................................................". ......... 10 ii F7 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CREATING THE CITIES INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON 1. Introduction. THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into in the State of Washington pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 39.34 Revised Code of Washington and Chapter 48.62 Revised Code of Washington by and among the Washington cities and towns listed in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Members"). 2. Recitals. 2.1 Chapter 48.62 Revised Code of Washington provides that two or more "local governmental entities" may, pursuant to Chapter 39.34 Revised Code of Washington, jointly purchase insurance (these activities are hereafter collectively referred to as a "Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool"). 2.2 Revised Code of Washington Section 48.62.020 defines "local government entities" to include cities and towns organized and existing under Title 35 or 35A Revised Code of Washington along with certain districts and municipal corporations. 2.3 It is to the mutual benefit of the Members and in the best public interest of the Members to join together to establish this Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool to accomplish the purpose set forth herein. 2.4 program. The Members have determined it is in their best interest to participate in such a 3. Agreement. In consideration of the foregoing and the mutual benefits to be derived herefrom, the Members agree as follows: 3.1 Purpose of Agreement. This Agreement is entered into by the Members pursuant to Chapter 39.34 Revised Code of Washington and Chapter 48.62 Revised Code of Washington for the purpose of authorizing the creation of the Cities Insurance Association of Washington (the "Association"), which shall be organized as a non-profit corporation under Chapter 24.03 Revised Code of Washington, to provide a Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool for the benefit of cities and towns in the State of Washington organized and existing pursuant to Title 35 or 35A Revised Code of Washington and districts and other municipal corporations as defined by RCW 48.62.021(1). The Association shall, in exchange for the payment of annual assessments and retroactive assessment by the Members, administer a Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool wherein the Members will pool their losses and claims and jointly purchase insurance and administrative and other services through the Association including claims adjusting, risk management consulting, loss prevention and related services at levels established in each annual budget. It is also the purpose of this Agreement to provide, to the extent permitted by law, for the inclusion at a subsequent date of such additional cities and towns organized and existing under Title 35 or 35A Revised Code of Washington and districts and other municipal corporations as defined by RCW 48.62.021(1) as may desire to participate in the Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool. It is also the purpose of this Agreement to provide, to INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT Pß 9/13/99 the extent permitted by law, that the Association may, at the discretion of its Management Committee, contract with other local governmental entities in the State of Washington to provide, at a reasonable charge, administrative and other services, including claims adjusting, risk management consulting, loss prevention and training. 3.2 Parties to Agreement. 3.2.1 Each party to this Agreement certifies that it intends to contract with all parties who are signatories of this Agreement on its effective date and with such other parties as may later be added to and become signatories to this Agreement pursuant to Section 3.12. Each party to this Agreement also certifies thal the withdrawal cancellation of any party to this Agreement, pursuant to Sections 3.13 or 3.14 shall not affect this Agreement or such party's intent to contract pursuant to the terms of this Agreement with the then remaining parties to this Agreement. 3.2.2 Types of Memberships There shall be two (2) separate memberships in the Association. Regular Members shall be made up of Cities and Towns. Associate Members are Public Entities approved for special membership as per the By-laws of the Association. 3.3 Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall become effective on September 1, 1988, and shall remain in force until terminated pursuant to the provisions of Section 3.16. 3.4 Creation of Association. 3.4.1 Pursuant to Chapter 48.62 Revised Code of Washington and Chapter 39.34 Revised Code of Washington, the Members authorize the incorporation of the Association as a non-profit corporation pursuant to Chapter 24.03 Revised Code of Washington and articles of incorporation substantially in the form attached as Exhibit B. The Initial Management Committee shall serve until the first annual election of management committee members, which shall be held no later than 180 days after the effective date of this Agreement. Each Regular Member shall become a Member of the corporation. The regulation and management of the affairs of the Association shall be governed by this Agreement, and corporate By-Laws substantially in the form attached as Exhibit C, which shall be adopted by the initial Management Committee immediately upon the incorporation of the Association. The Association's articles of incorporation and By-Laws may be amended from time to time as deemed necessary by the Members and Management Committee pursuant to the procedures set forth in Chapter 24.03 Revised Code of Washington and Article 17 of the By-Laws. 3.4,2 Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Management Committee shall have no power or authority to incur any obligations on the part of, or to be chargeable to, Members in excess of the requirement of each Member to compensate the Association or the insurance carrier with whom the Association has affected a transaction as authorized by this Agreement, for the individual Member's share or obligation for the purchase of insurance contemplated and authorized by this Agreement. The debts, obligations and liabilities of any Member shall not become the debts, obligations and liabilities of other Members except as provided by Section 3.11 of this Agreement. 3.4.3 The insurance afforded to each Member pursuant to this Agreement is limited to the insurance provided by any insurer of the Association and the coverages defined in the policies of insurance issued by any insurer of the Association. No coverage, benefit INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 2 f4 9/13/99 insurance in excess or different from that afforded by any insurer of the Association is offered or afforded to any Member by execution of this Agreement. 3.5 Powers of the Association. The Members hereby delegate to the Association the powers which are common to the Members and which are reasonably necessary and proper to carry out the purposes and terms of this Agreement. Such powers . shall include, but not be limited to, the power to: 3.5.1 Establish, and require compliance with, all terms of the Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool to be provided by the Association including the types and limits of the insurance coverage, the methodology to be used to allocate the Association's costs among Regular and Associate Members, and the amount of retroactive assessments to be paid by each Regular Member; 3.5.2 Make and enter into contracts; 3.5.3 Incur debts, liabilities or obligations; 3.5.4 Acquire, receive, hold or dispose of property, funds, services, and other forms of assistance from persons, firms, corporations and governmental entities; 3.5.5 Sue and be sued, complain and defend, in its corporate name; 3.5.6 Hire employees and agents; and 3.5.7 Employ a third party administrator to act in accordance with Section 3.8.6. The powers delegated to the Association shall be exercised pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and in the manner provided by law. 3.6 Responsibilities of the Association. The Association shall have the following responsibilities: 3.6.1 Within thirty days after the effective date of this Agreement, the Management Committee shall adopt a budget. A similar budget shall be adopted by the Management Committee prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, thereafter. Such budget shall specify the types and limits of the insurance coverage to be provided through the Association, the estimated annual assessment to be paid by each Member, and the methodology to be used to allocate the Association's costs, including deductible costs, administrative costs, and loss costs, to each Regular Member on a retroactive basis and to establish the amount, if any, of each Regular Member's retroactive assessment. 3.6.2 The Association will assist each Member's risk manager, upon request, with the implementation of risk management programs. 3.6.3 The Association may provide loss prevention, safety, and consulting services to Members. INTERlOCAL AGREEMENT 3 'ftD 9/13/99 3.6.4 The Association will provide claims adjusting and subrogation services fo claims covered by the Association's Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool. 3.6.5 The Association will provide loss analysis for the Members for the purpose of identifying high exposure operations and evaluating proper levels of self-retention and deductibles. 3.6.6 The Assqciation may conduct risk management audits to assess each Member's participation in the Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool. 3.7 Responsibilities of Members. Members shall have the following responsibilities: 3.7.1 The governing body of each Member shall designate in writing a representative who shall be authorized to exercise the Member's voting rights with respect to the Association and to act on behalf of the Member with respect to all matters pertaining to the Association, 3.7.2 Each Member shall maintain its own set of records, as a loss log, on all categories of loss to insure accuracy of the Association's loss reporting system and shall provide to the Association a written report to all potential claims or losses within 14 days after they become known to the Member. 3.7.3 Each Member shall pay to the Association when due all assessments and retroactive assessments established by the Association pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. After the withdrawal, cancellation, or termination of a Regular Member, such Regular Member shall continue to pay to the Association when due its share of any retroactive assessment established by the Association until all claims, losses, costs, and other unpaid liabilities relating to the Regular Member's period of membership have been resolved fully. 3.7.4 Each Member shall provide the Association with such information or assistance as may be necessary for the Association to carry out the Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool. 3.7.5 Each Member shall comply with all By-Laws, resolutions, and policies adopted by the Management Committee and shall cooperate with the Association, and any insurer of the Association in accomplishing the purposes of this Agreement. 3.7.6 Each member shall participate as provided herein in the selection of members of the Management Committee. 3.8 Management Committee' Authority. 3.8.1 The Association shall be governed by a Management Committee. The Management Committee shall consist of eleven members, to be selected from the Regular Membership and one (1) member elected from Associate Members. Beginning with the second election of members to the Management Committee, the regular members of that Committee shall be selected as follows. The area served by the Association shall be divided into seven geographic regions with each region represented by a number of representatives assigned to the region based on the number of Regular Members from that region. The Associate Member will be elected from a vote of all Associate Members. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 4 f/ll 9/13/99 3.8.2 To insure that consistent management is provided for the Association into the future, the initial Management Committee members shall have terms of one, two or three years. After the initial election, all Management Committee members will be elected for a three year term. Those terms will provide that four of the eleven committee members will be elected for full terms in two consecutive years and three of the regular committee members will be elected for full terms the third year and Associate member for a three-year term. 3.8.3 The Management Committee shall elect a Chair for each fiscal year. In addition, the Management Committee shall elect a Vice-Chair who will in the absence of the Chair or, in the event of the Chair's inability or refusal to act, perform the duties of the Chair. 3.8.4 Each member of the Management Committee shall have one vote. 3.8.5 A majority of the members of the Management Committee shall be required to transact the business of the Management Committee. 3.8.6 The Third Party Administrator shall have the general supervisory control over the day to day decisions and administrative activities of the Association. Activities shall include but not be limited to: (1) negotiations and placement for insurance coverage contracts, (2) disbursal billings to individual Members for their proportionate charges, (3) payment and management of claims sustained by Members of the Association and liaison with representatives acting on behalf of participating Members. 3.8.7 Administrative costs and charges to be paid to the Third Party Administrator shall be negotiated between the management committee and the Administrator. 3.8.8 Pool funds shall be administered by the Association Administrator under the control and supervision of the Management Committee. The Administrator will be authorized to disburse funds for the processing of covered claims and administrative costs. All parties having check writing authority on Association funds shall be bonded to the Association in an amount established by the Management Committee, 3.8.9 The Management Committee will provide for an audit of the accounts and records of the Association. When such an audit of the accounts and records is made by the Washington State Auditor's office, a report thereof shall be filed as a record with the office of the Administrator. Such reports shall be conducted and filed as required by law. Costs of this audit shall be borne by the Association and shall be considered as administrative costs. 3.8.10 Pursuant to the laws and regulations of the State of Washington, the Association elects to invest its assets in permissible investments in a manner which is permitted by law, such manner of investment to be selected from time to time by resolution of the Management Committee. 3.8,11 The Management Committee shall establish an annual budget for the Association. The Administrator shall submit a proposed budget for the following fiscal year sixty days prior to the end of each fiscal year to the Management Committee. Fiscal years for the Association shall be from September 1 through August 31 of the next calendar year. The Management Committee shall determine the estimated expenses and costs to be incurred by the Association for the next fiscal year and shall adopt a budget derived from the INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 5 r\2, 9/13/99 Administrator's proposed budget. The budget shall be in a form to provide the following information for the Association as a whole: (1) beginning and ending unreserved fund balance, (2) anticipated revenues in detail, and (3) appropriations in detail. The Management Committee shall apportion that budget cost among the Members. All payments due the Association from Members upon the basis of each budgeted assessment shall be paid as invoiced for the fiscal year for which the assessment is made. 3.8.12 The first budget and premium assessments shall be proposed by the Administrator and approved by the Management Committee' not later than thirty days after the effective date of this Agreement. 3.8.13 Any vacancies on the Management Committee that occur during a term of office shall be filled by an election of the Management Committee by a simple majority vote. Any replacement shall fill out the unexpired term of the Committee Member replaced. 3,9 Service Representative Relationship. 3.9.1 Each participating Member of the Association shall designate a servicing representative to act on their behalf in liaison with the needs of the Association Administrator. Should a participating member choose not to designate a local servicing representative, the Association shall supply such services in accordance with a fee schedule adopted annually by the Management Committee. Service representatives minimum duties and criteria will be established by resolution of the Management Committee and reviewed annually. Duties will include, but are not limited to the providing of local claims assistance, the securing of underwriting information, completion of applications, updating of vehicle lists and information and such other functions as the Management Committee may from time to time establish by resolution. 3.9.2 Any fees to be paid the servicing representative by each Member will be established and paid by the Member. 3.9.3 Each Member agrees to indemnify and hold the Association, its Administrator, employees and agents, harmless from and indemnify them against any claims, complaints, causes of action or judgments arising from any allegation of a failure of the performance or negligence on the part of the Member's servicing representative including a failure to communicate to or forward communications from the Association, the Association's Administrator or any Association insurer. The employment of a servicing representative and the scope of the services performed by that representative is completely within the domain of the Member. A Member acts upon the advise and actions or inactions of its servicing representative at its sole risk. 3.10 Effective Date of Pooled Insurance Purchasing Program. The Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool shall become effective on September 1, 1988 -or upon execution of this Agreement by two or more Members whichever occurs first. 3.11 Contingent Liability and Retroactive Assessments. 3.11.1 Pursuant to the provisions of Revised Code of Washington Section 48.62.060, each Regular Member shall be contingently liable for the liabilities of the Association in the event the assets or insurance of the Association are not sufficient to cover its liabilities. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 6 fl:) 9/13/99 Any actual or projected deficits of the Association shall be financed through retroactive assessments levied against each Regular Member in accordance with the following cost allocation methodology. 3.11.2 In the event the Association's assets should be insufficient to cover liabilities, the Management Committee shall direct the Administrator to reassess Regular Members an amount according to the following formula: Member Reassessment Amount (Liability Due and Not Serviced By Current Pool Assets) + (Required Reserve Account) Member Contribution or Assessments Since Inception = x TOTAL OF ALL Assessment or Contributions Since Inception The reassessment will be implemented only after a review of the circumstances surrounding the deficiency by the Management Committee and approved by the Management Committee. Should any Member leave the Association and subsequently a deficiency exist in the period that the entity was a Regular Member of the Association, the city or town in question shall be assessed the amount that the Association is held liable for the period in question, 3.12 New Members, Members admitted as Regular Members of the Association after one year from the effective date of the Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool may be required to pay a reasonable share of the unreserved fund balance of the Association and the costs necessary to analyze their loss data and determine their premiums. Any costs to be paid by the Regular or Associate new Members shall be determined by the Management Committee. 3.13 Withdrawal, Any Member may withdraw only at the end of the Association's fiscal year (August 31) and only after it has given the Association written notice prior to September 1 of the preceding calendar year of its decision to withdraw from this Agreement. . 3.14 Cancellation. The Association shall have the right to cancel any Member's participation in the Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool upon the affirmative vote of at least three-fourths of the whole Management Committee at any regular or special meeting. Any Member so canceled shall be given 180 days' notice prior to the effective date of the cancellation. 3.15 Effect of Withdrawal or Cancellation. Neither the withdrawal nor the cancellation of any Member shall cause the termination of this Agreement. No Member by withdrawing or having its membership canceled shall be entitled to payment or return of any assessment paid by the Member to the Association or any Association insurer, or to any distribution of the Association's assets. The withdrawal or cancellation of any Regular Member after the effective date of the Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool shall not terminate its responsibility to contribute its share of any assessments or retroactive assessments established by the Association until all claims, losses, costs, and other unpaid liabilities relating to the Regular Member's period of membership have been resolved fully and a determination of the INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 7 fit{ 9/13/99 final amount of payment owed by the Regular Member or credit due the Regular Member for the period of its membership has been made by the Management Committee. In making this determination, the Management Committee shall use the cost allocation methodology or methodologies established by the budgets adopted pursuant to the requirement of Section 3.6.1 hereof. It is the intent of this Agreement no assets of the Association shall be owned by Associate Members nor shall Associate Members be responsible for debts incurred by the Association other than insurance premiums, assessments and claim deductibles attributed to the Associate Members' membership. 3.16 Termination and Distribution. 3.16.1 Termination. This Agreement may be terminated at any time by the written consent of three-fourths of the Members. However, this Agreement and the Association shall continue to exist for the purpose of paying all debts and liabilities, disposing of all claims, distributing net assets, and otherwise winding up and liquidating the affairs of the Association. The Management Committee is vested with all powers of the Association during such winding up and liquidation, including the power to require Regular Members, including those Regular Members which withdrew prior to the termination date, to pay any retroactive assessments deemed necessary by the Management Committee to fully resolve and dispose of all claims, losses and liabilities covered by this Agreement. The retroactive assessment shall be determined on the basis of the cost allocation methodology or methodologies established by the resolutions adopted pursuant to the requirements of Sections 3.6.1 and 3.11.2 hereof. 3.16.2 Distribution. Upon termination of this Agreement and full satisfaction of all outstanding claims, losses, and liabilities of the Association, all assets of the Association shall be distributed among the Regular Members that were Members of the Joint Insurance Purchasing Pool, on the date action to terminate this Agreement was taken, in proportion to the cash payments made by each Regular Member during the term of this Agreement. The Management Committee shall determine such distribution within six months after the last pending claim or loss covered by this Agreement has been resolved fully. 3.17 Notices, Notices to Members hereunder shall be sufficient if mailed to the office of the last official address of the respective Member. 3.18 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the approval of three-fourths of the Members present or voting at any meeting of the Members. All amendments shall be in writing. Amendments may be proposed by the Management Committee. Any proposed amendment to this agreement adopted by three-fourths of the whole Management Committee shall be deemed adopted subject to review by the Members. If four- tenths of the Members present or voting at any meeting of the Members (called in accordance with Article 3 of the By-Laws) vote to repeal any amendment adopted by three-fourths of the whole Management Committee, that amendment is deemed repealed. 3,19 Enforcement. The Association is hereby granted the authority to enforce the terms of this Agreement. In the event action is instituted to enforce any term of this Agreement or any term of the By-Laws against any Member or previous Member, the Member or previous Member agrees to pay such sums as the court may fix as reasonable attorneys' fees and costs in said action including fees and costs on appeal. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 8 flS 9/13/99 3.20 Default and Remedies. If any Member fails to perform any term or condition of this Agreement and such failure continues for a period of sixty days after the Association has given the Member written notice of such failure, the Member shall be in default hereunder. Upon default, the Association may immediately cancel the Member's membership effective immediately without further notice, or exercise any remedies herein provided or otherwise provided by law. The rights and remedies of the Association are cumulative in nature and pursuit of any particular remedy shall not be deemed an election of remedies or a waiver of any other remedies available hereunder or otherwise available by law. 3.21 No Waivers. No waiver or forbearance of a breach of any covenant, term, or condition of this Agreement shall be construed to be a waiver or forbearance of any other or subsequent breach of the same or of any other covenant, term or condition, and the acceptance of any performance hereunder, or the payment of any sum of money after the same has become due or at a time when any other default exists hereunder, shall not constitute waiver of the right to demand payment of all other sums owing or a waiver of any other default then or thereafter existing. 3.22 Prohibition Against Assignment. No Member may assign any right, claim or interest it may have under this Agreement, except to a successor entity following a statutory reorganization. Should any Member reorganize in accordance with the statutes of the State of Washington, the successor in interest, or successors in interest, may be substituted as a Member or Members upon approval of the Management Committee. No creditor, assignee or third party beneficiary of any. Member shall have any right, claim or title to any part, share, interest, fund premium or asset of the Association. 3.23 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties, and they acknowledge that there is no other written or oral understanding or promise between them with respect to the matters addressed by this Agreement. This Agreement may not be altered, amended, or revoked except pursuant to the provision of Section 3.18. 3.24 Severability. If any term or provision of this Agreement shall to any extent be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision in this Agreement shall be valid and be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 3,25 Time. provision hereof. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and each and every 3.26 Section Headings. The section headings in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and are not intended to be used in the interpretation of the contents of the sections they introduce. 3.27 Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. 3.28 Counterpart Copies. This Agreement may be signed in counterpart or duplicate copies, and any signed counterpart or duplicate copy shall be equivalent to a signed original for all purposes. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 9 FI~ 9/13/99 4. Execution. The parties have executed this Agreement by authorized officials thereof. Name of City or Town or Public Entity Mailing Address Street Address (if different from above) City Zip Phone By Signature of Authorized Official (Print or Type Name) Title Date INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 10 f(Î 9/13/99 Flt CITIES INSURANCE ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON ASSOCIATE MEMBER AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the Cities Insurance Association of Washington is entitled under RCW 48.62 to include other municipal and governmental entities in the Cities Insurance Association of Washington; and WHEREAS, the Cities Insurance Association of Washington Board of Directors has approved by Resolution the inclusion of Special Districts to the Cities Insurance Associatio of Washington subject to the Board's individual approval of each district; and WHEREAS, the undersigned Special District is entitled under RCW 48.62 to participate in an insurance cooperative and by Resolution has chosen to apply for Associat Membership, the Cities Insurance Association of Washington, (hereinafter referred to as "ClAW"), 'and City of Federal Way (hereinafter referred to as "City"), agree to the followin . 1. The City agrees to provide all application information to the ClAW for consideration of membership. 2. The City agrees to pay all premiums when due as per statements issued by the ClAW on a direct basis to the ClAW. 3. The City agrees to retain the services of a licensed insurance broker within th State of Washington to serve as a Service Representatiye or utilize the ClAW to provide these same services. The ClAW agrees to provide General Liability, Public Officials Liability, Automobile Liability, Automobile Physical Damage, Property, Boiler and Fideli y coverages as per the policy overviews and policy provided to the City. 4. 5. The ClAW agrees to provide risk management services to the City and the Ci y agrees to utilize risk management recommendations as prudent. 6. f The City agrees to report all losses regardless of monetary amount or questio of liability as soon as possible through the assigned Service Representative t the ClAW. 7. The City agrees to pay deductibles as per the policy overviews. Pl~ 8. 9. The City and the ClAW agree the Cities membership in the ClAW is an Associate Membership and the City shall not have any ownership in the assets V of the ClAW nor shall the City be responsible for any shortfalls in claims reserves, if any, experienced by the ClAW. The City is subject to all terms and conditions specified for Associate Members in the Interlocal Agreement and By-Laws of the Cities Insurance Association of Washington. City of Federal Way ClAW By: Date: By: David A. Canfield, Director Date: ~tO ~ CITY OF~W~ Federa I Way MEMORANDUM Date: January 28, 2003 To: Finance, Economic Development & Regional Affairs Committee From: Via: Tho Kraus, Finance Manager David Moseley, City Manager Subject: December 2002 Quarterly Financial Report Action Requested: Accept the December 2002 Quarterly Financial Report and forward to the February 4th Council meeting for full Council approval. L OF COMMITTEE ACTION: eJ: Committee Member Hao ~~ K:\FIN\MFR\MFRFEDR\( 'CVR,l)OC -1 MEETING DATE: February 4, 2002 ITEM# CITY OF FEDERAL WAY City Council AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: December 2002 Quarterly Financial Report (Preliminary) CATEGORY: BUDGET IMP ACT: ~ CONSENT D RESOLUTION D CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS D ORDINANCE D PUBLIC HEARING D OTHER Amount Budgeted: Expenditure Amt.: Contingency Req'd: $ $ $ ......."............",-"",......, . .........."................... ..........,........"...."....... ......."....",........."......, ......."......."'..".."'..."'...........-....... ATTACHMENTS: December 2002 Quarterly Financial Report (Preliminary) SUMMARY /BACK GROUND: ......."..".........."....... CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Was reviewed and approved by the Finance Com ittee during their January 28th rneeting. PROPOSED MOTION: "I rnove for the approval of the December 2002 Quarterly Financial Report." CITY MANAGER APPROVAL: (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL ACTION: ~ APPROVE~ 0 DENIED D TABLEDID RREDINOACTION D MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordmances only) COUNCIL BILL # 1 ST reading Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # REVISED - 05/10/2001 CITY œ A Federal Way PreUmiøary Quarterly Financial Re , December, TQe Quarterly Financial Report is intended to provide an overview of fmancial activity that has taken place in the reporting eriod. This report focuses mainly on activity incurred in the following operating funds: General, Street, Arterial Street, Util ty Tax Projects, Solid Waste & Recycling, Hotel/Mòtel Lodging Tax, Paths & Trails, Surface Water Managernent, Debt Servi e, and Dumas Bay Center. The Summary of Sources and Uses (Attachment A) captures financial activity through December for e years 1997 through 2002. This is a preliminary year-end Quarterly Financial Report and includes all activity through period 12, including AP invoice posted through January 15,2003. It does not include accrual activity; a fmal report to be issued in February, 2003 will include all ccruals and any 2002 activity recorded subsequent to this report. ~~ij',..,,<~....;~ Ø'.~~' '. ,"""'~' " , -~:"f.¡:,:;~ '~,;~' , , .~~t ., ~~. .. .. ~~¡ffk~~ Economic Data December was a disappointing month for retail sales with grocery stores, building-supply outlets and department stores r orting sales declines. Automotive sales, however, increased 5% over November. The CPI increased just .1 % in December and e core rate of inflation for the year was just 1.9%. Energy costs, however, increased almost 11 % during 2002. Washington's jobl ss rate hovered around 7% during 2002, about a full percentage point higher than the national average. New Councilmember The Federal Way City Council has appointed former City Councilmember Jack Dovey to fill the City Council position vac ted by former Councilmember Michael Hellickson in November. Mr. Dovey previously served on the City Council for fiv years beginning in January of 1995. Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting The City of Federal Way received the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting for ts 2001 comprehensive Annual Financial Report. &J- Citv of Federal Waf December 2002 Quarlerlv Financial Reoorl .. "",~' "'é'Ii!"":.t;¡:.._'.':""'--~I.'iIi'i,g;.".~ . ::JØ~.:', ;::~'~,~,.,f':~;;H!._'(~,~ ::.' "',.' .".' '.!-¡-"-"",:'~~¡,"'{. ¡:".l?}:~r"'~'.:r;I/?;:' ;~Ù~~h':\ ;~!f f "..""'~~.., : ~~--- General governmental operating revenue collections through fourth quarter, 2002, total $44M, which is $2.1M or 5.1% above the YTD budget of $42M. Of this amount, $1.05M is related to Utility taxes and REET that are reserved for the payment of debt services. Attachment A provides a comparison of YTD revenues by major sources for 2002 with comparative figures for the past five years. REVENUE SUMMARY BY MAJOR REVENUE SOURCES Period Ending December 31,2002 :)::::)):::::::: ~ t} t (:::::)}:::::))} } t~ ;ä) ~ ~ ~ <} )~~è} ~ < > :~~: ~~~~~ :::~;~ ~::) ~ ~t::~ ~ ~ ~:) ~~~~Y:~~:~iJJ~~ ~ ~ $O¡;¡~$:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::Ai:i~.f:::::: ::::::j\Çtti~i::::::: :::::::Mi\ú~:::::: ':::~î:*mb.Qi::: :::~~,,:::: :::PöJ~i'.$:{$):::: : J.r~....t:(%): Property Taxes $ 6,976,972 $ 7,215,272 $ 7,724,021 $ 7,724,021 $ 7,623,615 (100,406) -1.3% Sales Tax 10,159,770 10,302,061 9,901,765 9,901,765 10,773,246 871,481 8.8% HotellMotel Lodging Tax 126,767 136,046 120,000 120,000 129,299 9,299 7.7% Criminal Justice Sales Tax 1,632,969 1,653,470 1,644,455 1,644,455 1,600;854 (43,601) -2.7% Intergovemmental 4,217,599 3,730,923 3,200,322 3,200,322 3,526,264 325,942 10,2% Real Estate Excise Tax 2,149,691 1,997,537 1,400,000 1,400,000 2,517,473 1,117,473 79.8% Gambling Taxes 1,668,094 2,222,870 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,925,139 225,139 13,2% Utility Taxes 5,524,330 6,073,931 6,226,974 6,226,974 6,156,679 (70,295) -1,1% Court Revenue 942,806 987,620 1,156,164 1,156,164 998,028 (158,136) -13.7% Building Permits/Fees-CD 1,062,094 1,051,463 1,216,734 1,216,734 1,489,129 272,396 22.4% Expedited Review Fees-CD 92,732 33,176 - - 130,001 130,001 nIa ROW PermitslFees-PW 260,401 364,569 263,477 263,477 299,479 36,002 13.7% Expedited Review Fees-PW 51,501 122,502 17,725 17,725 47,495 29,770 168.0% Licenses 137,180 98,650 177,432 177,432 157,127 (20,305) -11.4% Franchise Fees 496,418 591,965 575,935 575,935 616,668 40,733 7.1% Recreation Fees 495,490 547,718 625,264 625,264 629,195 3,931 0.6% Dumas Bay Centre 484,865 587,386 530,800 530,800 496,077 (34,723) -6.5% Knutzen Family Theatre 81,144 86,771 68,860 68;860 80,088 11,228 16.3% Interest Earnings 1,315,590 784,628 767,232 767,232 438,303 (328,929) -42,9% Admin / Cash Management Fees 170,588 476,302 474,027 474,027 480,748 6,721 1.4% SWM Fees 3,074,347 2,944,439 3,187,834 3,187,834 3,079,356 (108,478) -3.4% Refuse Collection Fees 154,365 149,514 155,308 155,308 187,725 32,417 20.9% Police Services 967,328 633,096 786,289 786,289 663,324 (122,965) -15.6% Other 54,164 116,861 99,113 99,113 133427 34,314 0.0% $Ubtot~n:)D_tiiJii)å:Re.ven~e$::::::::: :::::4'2;297','20Ø:: :::::42;9.0.6;:7:6$: :::::42;O'~¥731:: ::::42;Q1!J¡"~1: ::::44/J7'~,7;J:8.:: :::::::2'.15$;00:8:: :::::::::::::::$;'% Other Financina Sources 2,818,304 5,269,286 5,931,631 4,634;062 4,634,062 - 0,0% Tòbil:Reitenue&::&:OfherSòurcGS::::: ::$:45;H:S;510: ::S;4.8;118J¡86: ::$41;951;:362: ::I~i46:.ø83'1g.3: <$48;812:199:: :F2::t~;O08< :::::::::::::::4~6% 46500000 - 41500000 36500000 31500000 26500000 21500000 16500000 11500000. 6500000 1500000 Jan COMPARISON OF 2002 OPERATING REVENUES - BUDGET TO ACTUAL ~ ~ Total 2002 Budgeted Operating Revenues $41.899,731 & ~~ ~ i\ 'b' :::- Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec GZ\,- 2 Real Estate Excise Tax To date, actual collections of$2.5M exceed the year-to-date budget of$1.4M by $1.1M or 79.8%. The current month's re eipt of $420K is more than the monthly estimate of $1 09K by $311K or 285%. In December, there were a total of 297 real estate transactions, of which 132 were tax exempt and of the remaining 165, 8 were rnobile home sales. The largest transactions in December consist of$33M sale of three office buildings at East Campus C orate Park, 34709 9th Avenue South, and 33838 Pacific Highway South; an apartment building at 33020 10th Avenue SW for $20.7; Lumberman's Store at 34211 Pacific Highway for $899K; and a single family home at 616 SW 29~rd Street for $812. K. In addition to the high volume of real estate transaction throughout the year, other major sales include Wofld's Gym Building, Toyko Restaurant, Colony Apartments, Mirror Woods Manor, Chevron Gas Station, Office Medical Pavilion, Twin Lakes S pping Center, IHOP Restaurant, American Drug Store, Whispering Hills Duplex, and Emerald Glen Apartments. 146,326 $ 163,211 $ 289,269 $ 103,300 $ 92,006 $ 102,080 $ 114,439 $ 12,359 121o/c 94,719 119,717 65,939 103,388 80,019 61,537 112,868 51,332 83.4o/c 101,508 82,116 80,002 166,189 174,165 80,930 247,3fil 166,427 2O5.6"Æ 132,678 166,282 203,522 166,725 124,749 103,414 152,735 49,322 47.7"1e 186,187 189,800 169,610 183,110 139,014 114,666 329,252 214,585 187,1" 108,060 270,672 162,569 182,137 230,600 124,949 255,814 130,865 104.7"1e 120,432 ~,736 278,955 323,080 154,965 151,078 162,739 11,661 7.7"1e 231,911 324,962 194,853 203,678 168,149 148,165 263,742 115,577 78.0"1e 181,490 137,949 326,168 163,636 361,664 154,098 132,484 (21,614) -14.0"1e 151,333 204,439 279,424 299,621 148,307 140,338 210,334 69,006 49.9"Æ 216,381 143,877 209,096 101,804 155,743 109,731 116,037 6,305 5.7"1e 188,999 132,448 177,881 153,124 168,156 109,014 419,672 310,658 285.0"1e , .~ : ,': :'~ -~~ ":-,;, . $1,000,000 $- ;¡ ór 81 8 ?:; ...: ë; ;:: ~ ~ ~ ~ 47 .., b l!f s:: !:) Ñ ~ <:) ~ (;3 -' '\ 3 Citv of Federal Wa)' December 2002 Quarterl)' Financial Reoort Sales Tax YTD sales tax of $1O.8M is $871K or 8.8% above the YTD budget of $9.9M. YTD 2002 collection also exceeds YTD 2001's of $10.3M by $471K or 4.6%. Current rnonth's sales tax of$870K exceeds the rnonthly budget by $5K or 0.6%. 623,386 $ 638,862 $ 711,432 $ 764,071 $ 794,061 $ 740,238 $ 860,153 $ 119,914 16.2% 902,478 949,276 1,013,425 1,201,953 1,152,601 1,093,020 1,234,151 141,131 12.9% 640,967 714,640 717,005 759,673 834,652 769,611 750,503 (19,108) -2.5% 582,547 575,597 633,460 764,524 729,487 687,921 730,253 42,332 6.2% 660,733 655,396 783,051 859.218 927,767 811,806 911,658 99,852 12.3% 669,058 769,461 772,812 797,833 694,540 780,619 792,402 11,783 1,5% 678,567 645,475 727,701 798,587 798,287 765,777 840,945 75,168 9.8% 673,166 682,263 855,198 928,307 879,080 839,724 1,010,404 170,680 20.3% 725,798 850,295 896,291 778,483 908,664 875,083 935,760 60,677 6,9% 657,100 761,561 817,021 782,049 889,821 819,503 897,820 78,317 9.6% 687,585 739,326 880,787 908,800 858,019 853,426 938,959 85,533 784,301 800,018 856,762 816,270 835,083 865,037 870,238 5,201 "Budget Is projected based on past 5 yea(s history. 5,372,492 $ 5,638,913 $ 6,205,108 $ 6,595,604 $ 6,534.748 $ 6,666,872 $ 132,125 808,219 $ 856,596 $ 917,612 $ 970,113 1,130,669 1,368,367 237,698 645,397 $ 601,147 $ 984,931 $ 1,104,115 1,146,339 1,220,608 74,269 429,372 $ 512,808 $ 535,546 $ 651,677 601,832 552,979 (48,853) 354,606 $ 360,103"$ 397,800 $ 388,329 407,328 390,614 (16,715) 385,210 $ 447,030 $ 269,838 $ 122,791 134,170 186,019 51,849 115,882 $ 142,023 $ 142,910 $ 141,774 147,531 173,966 26,435 92,076 $ 117,114 $ 116,212 $ 110,025 106,858 122,894 16,037 82,432 $ 106,438 $ 94,988 $ 75,342 92,587 90,926 (1,660) Retail sales continue to remain the largest source of sales tax revenue, accounting for 62% of all sales tax collections, YTD 2002 collection is up $132K or 2% higher than YTD 2001. The increase is due primarily to a major retailer commencing business in the current year. Service industries account for 12.7% of the total sales tax collections through December. On YTDbasis, service sales tax is up $238K or 21% from YTD 2001. The majority of the increase is attributable to an information services company reporting $106K higher taxes. compared to previous year. This one-time increase is the, result of computer equipment installation for one of the city's principal taxpayers. Also, three other business service companies increased taxable sales and result in an additional $84K in taxes for year-to-date through December 2002. Construction and contracting activity, which accounts for 11.3% of sales tax collections is $74K or 6.5% above year 2001 activity, We anticipate tax from construction to increase as indicated by the rising number of building pennit applications received for new construction. Wholesale tax which accounts for about 5,1% of total sales tax collection, is $49K or 8.1% below year 2001 activity. A few major computer stores closed which accounts for 63% of the decline in sales tax. GLf 4 SALES TAX ACTIVITY BY SIC CODE YTD ThfoWh Deçem~~O2 Sales Tax Activity by Area The City's largest retail center, South 348th, which generates over 13.5% of the City's sales tax experienced an increase 0 $40K or 2.8% when compared to the year 2001. The mcrease is primarily due to sales increases at 2 major retail building terials stores and a large discount merchandiser. SeaTac Mall is showing a decrease of$92K or 9.3% when compared to year 2001 activity. On a year-to-date basis for tax spaid, four major department stores experienced a total decrease of $52K; retail eating & drinking decreased by $8K; taxes from j welry sales decreased by $7K; and the remaining decrease is due to an overall decline in SeaTac Mall's taxable sales. On a ontWy basis, tax received in December 2002 is $5K less than December 2001. Hotels & Motels sales tax collected through December total $121K, which is $9K or 7.1% below the sarne period in 001. About 50% of this decrease is due to delinquent tax on a couple hotels that have not remitted their October 2002 tax pa ents. The other 50% decrease is caused by an overall slowdown in the travel industry. 67 5 Citv of Federal Wav December 2002 Quarlerlv Financial Reoorl SALES TAX BY AREA YTD through December, 2002 Other 65.5% S 348th 13.5% Major Autos 4.2% Pavilion Center 3,6% Gambling Tax To .date, actual collections of $1.9M is $226K or 13.3% above the year-to-date budget of $1.71\1. In comparison to YID 2001, 2002's tax collection is lower by $296K or 13.3%. This decrease is mostly attributable to a $295K decrease in activity from the top five establishments. Of these five establishments, three are contributing to the decrease: one closed as of April 2002's but is partially offset by increases in another major card room establishment; and the third is reporting a 58% decrease in card room activity. Total year-to-date taxes receiv~d'by these five establishments in 2001 and 2002 were $2.05M and $1.755M, respectively, comprising 91% of total collections in each year. December's collection of $122K is $31K or 20.2% below the rnonthly budget estimate of$153K. The $1.7M total budget for 2002 may1:Je conservative when compared to 2001's actual revenue of$2.2M. Jan $31,616 $28,182 $90,611 $127,344 $193,344 $136,485 $210,579 $ 74,094 54.3% Feb 34,403 21,305 98,117 116,227 178,617 131,707 212,309 80,602 61.2% Mar 30,346 23,182 104,183 106,912 183,941 129,671 175,625 45,954 35.4% Apr 36,041 29,498 . 130,536 142,792 238,928 162,646 189,533 26,887 16,5% May 31,106 19,025 150,818 133,715 168,101 144,130 167,112 22,983 15.9% Jun 29,421 20,121 145,174 134,100 185,526 144,600 161,592 16,992 11.8% Jul 26,096 34,691 137,222 141,075 188,828 140,869 142,814 1,945 1.4% Aug, 17,016 36,336 110,081 103,991 150,734 117,133 150,984 33,851 28.9% Sap 18,454 36,915 111,146 143,483 183,070 128,366 139,851 11,485 8.9% Oct 23,907 50,005 115,324 156,436 174,314 156,634 134,904 (21,729) -13.9% Nov 20,591 51,544 118,762 143,530 188,392 154,983 119,265 (35,717) -23,0% Dee 19,766 48,147 118,390 152,094 189,073 152,777 121,874 30,903 -20.2% GlP 6 HoteVMotel Lodging Tax Lodging taxes collected through December total $129K, which is $9K or 7.7% above the YTD budget of$120K. The maj rity of the variance is due to back tax collection on one hotel not remitting for part of 200 1. The amount collected represents activi from November 2001 to October 2002. The month-to-month budget is our best estimate based on two full years of history. Jan 5,885 10,145 8,769 7,374 (1,395) -15.9% Feb 4,578 10,977 9,489 8,359 (1,130) -11.9% Mar 9,165 11,239 9,715 6,072 (3,643) -37.5% Apr 7,553 11,226 9,704 7,769 (1,935) -19.9% May 10,383 13,693 11,837 8,491 (3,346) -28.3% Jun 3,751 7,351 10,978 9,489 8,938 (551) -5.8% Jul 6,190 8,584 10,663 9,217 13,751 4,534 49.2% Aug 5,689 12,106 9,933 8,587 12,915 4,328 50.4% Sep 8,538 15,569 16,071 13,893 13,802 (91) -0.7% Oct 7,613 15,967 12,644 10,929 13,479 2,550 23.3% Nav 8,971 13,463 9,607 8,304 13,367 5,063 61.0% Dee 5,691 16,163 8,871 10,067 14,982 4,915 48,8% Table reflects cash basis accounting Utility Tax YTD taxes received total $6,16M, which is $70K or 1.1 % below the YTD budget of $6.23M. Compared to YTD 20 I, the increase is $83Kor 1.4%. Gas taxes exceed the YTDbudget of$772K by $146K or 19%. However, electricity is below th YTD budget of$2.23M by $225K or 10.1%. Cellular taxes also exceed the YTD budget of$814K by $287K or 35.3%, a gro trend consistent witþprior years. However, the increase in cellular tax is partially offset by a decrease in phone and pager tax. Jan 125,150 $ 432,114 $ 464,657 $ 494,362 $ 559,223 $ 562,245 $ 562,245 $ 568,968 $ 6,723 1.2"1. Feb 118,633 460,013 480,358 512,067 580,723 583,039 583,039 584,764 1,724 0.3"1. Mar 152,621 I 431,932 470,869 496,215 595,183 577,189 577,189 602,121 24,932 4.3% Apr 455,942 430,450 491,502 559,861 617,404 616,648 616,648 620,964 4,316 0.7"1. May 368,468 411,958 475,874 466,035 544,080 548,275 548,275 567,810 19,535 3.6"1. Jun 320,219 346,110 388,985 409,595 466,013 469,439 469,439 482,725 13,285 2.8% Jul 294,249 347,308 389,430 419,539 435,775 464,541 464,541 442,319 (22,222) -4.8% -. Aug 313,727 319,072 370,719 383,806 416.374 435,876 435,876 429,790 (6,086) -1,4"1. Sap 314,4461 325,780 394,041 428,707 428,486 463,149 463,149 429,090 (34,058) -7,4% Oct 358,366- - 380,445 435,017 462,901 468,293 508,640 508,640 481,552 (27,088) -5.3"1. Noy 360,550 . 314,389 426,991 446,614 466,773 495,564 495,564 456,405 (39,159) -7.9% --¡ -2,4oÆ Dee 370,514 328,501 412,635 444,629 495,606 502,368 502,368 490,171 (12,197) G7 I 7 I Citv of Federal Way December 2002 Ouarterlv Financial Reoort Utility Tax Revenue Thru December 2002 Pagers 0.14% . Cellular 17.89% Electric 32.59% Phone 15.94% $ 1,944,250 $ 1,977,055 $ 1,904,457 $ 2,231,382 $ 2,231,382 $ 2,006,554 $ (224,828) 601,714 677,259 974,993 771,995 771,995 918,478 146,483 329,964 341,039 362,788 401,860 401,860 394,437 (7,423) 476,864 521,992 591,605 581,640 581,640 600,052 18,412 1,069,707 1,062,954 1,093,815 1,249,363 1,249,363 981,575 (267,788) 615,191 794,266 998,819 814,296 814,296 1,101,560 287,264 9,415 5,242 9,271 26,438 26,438 8,435 (18,003) 153,973 144,522 138,183 150,000 150,000 145,588 (4,412) Table réftects reporting activity through December 2002 State Shared Revenue Distributions of$5.1M received exceeds the year-to-date budget of$4.8Mby $282K or 5.1%. The favorable variance is attributed to criminal justice high crime, fuel tax, vehicle licensing fees, and liquor excise tax. The city had not qualified for the criminal justice high crime funding since mid-1999 until this year. Based on the 2001 crime rate index of 66%, the city just met the threshold rate of 64.1%. Local criminal justice sales tax and liquor profits tax were both lower than budgeted. The City also' received revenues from the state under the City Hardship Assistance Program. The program sets aside I percent of citie$' share of the motor vehicle tax into a trust account and excess funds from the account are periodically distributed back to the cities to be used for city street purposes. Motor Vehicle Excise Tax 0,0% City Hardship Assistance 35 , 064 35 , 064 0.0% Camper Excise Tax 21,202 22,046 23,048 3,837 0.0% Liquor Profits Tax 419,545 547,578 412,576 466,746 442,941 459,682 458,749 (933) -0.2% Liquor Excise Tax 223.667 229,988 242,698 281,352 282,016 240,226 295,100 54,874 22.8% Grim JU6t lOW-Pop/oeD 181.095 127,827 142.293 73,200 76,903 65,929 75,563 9,634 14.6% Crim JU6t Hgh Crime 286.531 313,551 173,087 82,034 82,034 100,0% Equalization 386,185 384,423 433.576 24.103 0.0% local Grim Just Sales Tax 1.262.828 1,360.176 1,478,343 1,632,969 1,653,470 1.644,455 1,600.854 (43,601) -2.7% Fuel Tax 1,718,063 1,725,264 1,752,670 1,735.658 1,754,967 1.744,247 1.807.725 : 63,478 3,6% Veh Lie/I Fees 644,532 656.631 687,022 733.086 690,231 690,238 757.644 : 67.406 9.8% DUI - Oties 16,505 10.936 13,686 14.384 14.384 100,0% local Govt Fin Asst. 686,126 470.179 0,0% Gt) 8 Building Permits and Plan Check Fees . Overall Community Development YTD permit revenue of$1.49M is above the YTD budget of$1.22M by $272K or 22.40 , This does not include YTD pass-through revenue of $130K for expedited and environmental review. YTD building permits, in luding mechanical, plumbing and clear/grade permits total $1.36M, which exceeds the YTD budget of $1.081\1 by $276K or 5.6%. Electrical permits total $134K and is below the YTD budget by $4K or 2.9%. Plan check fees of $434K exceed the YTD udget by $123K or 39.7%. Major permits issued through the 4th quarter include Silverwood residential development, Federal Wa High Schools, St. Francis Hospital, Glenwood Place Apartments, South Campus Bible School Subdivision and Enchanted Parks. IIZONING FEES, SIGN PERMITS & SIGN CODE CITATIONS 9 G1 Citv of Federal Waf December 2001 Ouarterlv Financial Reoort The table below presents a synopsis of building permit activity as of December 30, 2002 for new construction between 2000 and 2002: Building Division - Permit Activity YTD Through December, 2002 2000 2001 2002 :::fi~:~trti~::::: !'io. Valul;' (S~ No. VIIIIII;' (S) No. \'¡Ihu~ ($) New Residential (Platted) 56 $ 9,370,177 28 $ 4,259,768 162 $ 34,875,607 New Commercial 20 25,807,541 24 35,786,760 25 36,573,251 New Multi-Family Units 12 3,819,904 6 1,789,927 1 0 NeW Public 0 0 0 0 0 0 ::: Su!;itQtt\l: ~N~:Çj)j¡~ç~\Qi)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::88::::::: :$:::: 38.991~();2:2:::::::: :5$:::::::: :$:: A~ ;ß~6;4$.5::::::: :¡:8~:::::: $::: 1t.#ß:;85:8.: Manufactured ,Homes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Residential Alterations 129 2,454,711 138 3,723,038 157 3,210,545 Commercial Alterations 230 12,815,413 267 24,013,537 368 22,501,565 Plumbing Only 68 .0 84 0 105 0 Mechanical Only 366 1,527,024 357 1,756,559 371 1,564,949 Misc. Building Pennits 0 0 0 0 0 0 :::Subtötål:~;Altéfåtiòiù;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::193:::::::$::::16;191~i4.8::::::::846:::::::$:::29)l9J'134::::::1:0(n::::::$:::'I1;1/J'J~:O59.: Electrical Pennits 1113 0 981 0 1311 0 : ::1:~~I:~q(l~IØi:r~~~::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::: :::::~~~::::$::: :~~i1~~11(t::::::}q$$:::::$: ::1)~~~~::: :::~!»Ø.: :::: :$: ::~~~'~$.~~1: Non-Building Permits: Sign. Pennits 357 1,059,815 271 . 523,846 237 887,344 : :::I:tAAl~::::::::::: :::::::: :::::::: ::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::: :::::: ~~ ::ë:::$: :::: ::~;o,~~;~:I:~: ::::::~n:::::::$::::::: ::~~~~&~:: :::::~~~:::::: $::: :::::: $$:r:.3.~: I~""""'(:"""""ë:"""'v."""'~"';"-:"""'""""::"""""'-:""""3"6""9""""""""'""""""""";"""'39"""""""""0;--:""" )"(I~'" . )~,t. ~J-: "aJu~ti )n-:-:-:.:::::::-:,:::::::-:.¡SO::-:,:$:-:-: ,3~ .2~ .54.:-:-:-:~".1:::-:-:$:::S9;3uø.Z? ..:::-:-: , .3:::,:-:$-:.$9." ' ,4;31(): ICOmmerdâj:¡tš:å: :%: of.:Totåi:::::: :::::::::::::::: ::::: i:3o/.~: :::::::::: ::: 69~i~: :::::::::: ::: :15%::: :::::::::: ::84%::::::::::::::: i:6°i~: ::: :::: ::: ::::(jQ%::: ::::::: ROW Permits and Fees Overall Public Works permits and fees collected through December total $299K, which is $36K or 13.7% above the YTD budget of $263K. The $36K favorable variance is comprised of: $33K decrease in ROW permits and $70K decrease in plan review fees offset by a $139K increase in inspection fees. January $ 7,041 $ 16,188 $ 19,293 $ 23,523 $ 44,253 $ 23,821 $ 39,039 $ 15,217 63.9% February 8,583 8,437 16,802 17,837 $ 29,361 $ 19,293 $ 13,302 $ (5,991) -31,1% March 26,504 12,347 38,782 22,290 $ 12,940 $ 26,907 $ 11,707 $ (15,200) -56,5% April 9,079 19,977 16,286 22,313 $ 23 ,964 $ 22,303 $ 23,975 $ 1,672 7.5% May 9,551 26,621 12,147 45,771 $ 32,040 $ 22,818 $ 51,651 $ 28,833 126.4% June 9,977 26.339 17,944 24,811 $ 37.544 $ 23.159 $ 17,263 $ (5,896) -25.5% July 12,353 21,002 10,644 13.887 $ 29,732 $ 20,320 $ 14,223 $ (6,097) -30.0% August 27,438 26,631 23,777 21,405 $ 49,974 $ 27,910 $ 36 .986 $ 9,076 32.5% September 26.180 25,233 10,346 22,846 $ 22,312 $ 23,573 $ 21,169 $ (2,404) -10.2% October 15,049 21,878 14,652 17,754 $ 17,687 $ 17,039 $ 11,332 $ (5,707) -33,5% November 18,019 28,332 18.508 19,801 $ 25,232 $ 21,865 $ 17,465 $ (4,400) -20.1% December 19,049 19,968 38,690 8,163 $ 39,532 $ 14,469 $ 41,369 $ 26,899 185.9% 10 GlO Court Revenue Court revenue is $161K or 35% below the YTD budget of$905K from fines and forfeitures. Total court revenue collected ough December arnounts to $998K, which is $158K or 13.7% below the YTD budget of$l.l6M, but is above last year's collec 'ons of $987K by $1 OK or 1 %. The base line court revenue is $71K or 8.7% below 200 I collections, primarily due to the reductio in all categories except criminal traffic misdemeanors. Dill and other misdemeanors collected through December total $140K, hich is $22K or 18.5% above the year-to-date budget of $1l8K, but, however, is below 2001 collections by $llK or 7.2%. Tra lC and Non-Parking are below the YTD budget of$595K by $164K or 27.5%. $36,405 $60,696 $62,565 $61,809 $78,577 68,397 $48,982 ($19,414) 37,783 66,750 66,562 83,491 70,573 73,693 57,256 (16,437) 46,373 84,382 84,643 83,707 74,074 85,053 69,769 (15,284) AprIl 49,917 57,631 82,673 74,273 77,631 78,529 72,609 (5,920) May 52,203 73,420 61,106 75,541 82,169 79,155 46,487 (32,668) June 50,138 64,260 72,121 73,046 73,812 76,608 49,004 (27,604) July 52,491 80,666 61,536 71,957 59,668 75,232 65,189 (10,043) August 65,123 61,751 71,255 97,179 71,793 84,720 68,659 (16,061) September 56,626 72,313 62,059 71,311 67,015 76,194 55,775 (20,418) October 56,176 74,540 58,199 60,635 62,650 72,550 79,013 6,463 November 45,710 56,501 64 ,346 71,783 52,340 66,795 67,344 550 December 67,590 55,893 58 ,863 65,100 45,386 68,950 64,671 (4,280) "Induded in Court Revenue am Probabation Selvices, Traffic School Admin Fee mvenue as well as mmittances from Disbict Court for "Shared Court Costs", "Court Record 5etvices" and other Court related miscellaneous mvenue. Traffic School Admin Fee.funds !he additional Court Clerk position, ."""" .. ."", ,., "",." ,.,'.'" """"""""'."""'", '" """"....".""..."""."..""" ., ,. ,.,.. ',. ,""""" """"".,.,." "".... ... ."'" '...,., """"',, ,.,. "" ,...."" ,"""" ,. ..,.".., ""',.. "","""'"" ,. ,""""" ,. ,. ".".."", , , , , , , . , . , . , . , . . , , , . , . , . . . . . , . , , ' . , , . . , , , ""', ,., ". ", '" "... ,."""'",, ,.,. , , , . , , , , . , . . , . . , . , . . , , , ' . , ' . , , . . , , . .... """""""""""""""" ..,., ".,..,.. ""..,."." ....",'.., "., ,.,.. ,'" ,..,.., ,." ,.,... ,.. ... "." ,.,. ,..,.,'., ,.,...,.,...... '" '" ,"'""", ,. "" ,.... ,.... .,.. ,..'" ,.....,...., ,... ,., ,.... "",. ,.,., ,. ,""..,.".. ,. ,"'"""" ".."",." "" "...."""., ,..,....,. Civil Penalties $2,144 $6,804 $4,760 $5,466 $6,749 $5,983 $5,983 $6,313 330 105.5% Traffic & Non-Parking 406,842 546,118 470,113 510,574 472,207 595,305 $595,305 431,351 (163,954) -27,5% Parking Infractions 23,877 32,276 52,902 54,151 58,207 35,157 35,157 31,984 (3,174) -9,0% DUI & Other Mlsd 74,580 87,048 108,769 163,025 150,651 118,010 118,010, 139,783 21,774 18,5% Criminal Traffic Mlsd 32,244 45,046 59,571 54,564 46,629 50,566 50,566 75,451 24,885 49,2"/. Criminal Costs" 30,651 67.946 101,263 94,612 74,136 59,504 59,504 54,926 (4,577) -7,7% Shared Court Costs 46,397 23,563 8,550 7,439 7,110 41,350 41,350 4,951 (36,399) -88,0% . Criminal costs indude screener fees. Probation services is the at Contract. &" :.., ) '-. 11 Citv of Federal Waf December 2002 Ouarterlv Financial Reoort General governmental expenditures through December total $39M or 90.7% of the annual operating budget of$43,08M. Operating expenditures are below the YTD budget of$43.08M by $4M or 93%. EXPENDITURE SUMMARY BY DEPARTMENT Period Ending December 31. 2002 '" '., ,.".... ".... ,.".",......" ,.....,.....,. .,............ :::::::ZO02:Rëvised:EhidOët::::::: :::::::Aë;tüáls:::::: :::::::::::::::::::Yariànçe:::::::::::::::::: .,...' "..,...,., ..., ,.""",.,.,.. ,."."....,.., .........,...., .,........,... .... ....".",.,...." .........,.... ......,.,..... . ,. ,. ,.,..,...... .....",.".,. ,.... )<:~~~~« ~:~;::::~~øM~:~:::~:~ . ,., ,.".,..., ,... ,...,.."".... ". :::::t.!\j~¡q;þ::::: <f.~v.~i~:it.. nfåv.~(~):: ..,. "......,.,.."...""...... ".. ::::::::::;:::::<::::::::: :::::rþ!~~g~(::: """"""""" ,..........,...,'. ,.".,.'..,...... ".,........,....,. ."", "..',..",.., """".""'" (;~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::~âl:::::::: ::::::::~~I:::::::: :::::::~~.F::: :::Øf~tn~r::: : A1f~tri~r::: ::::ÞolI~:($V :J:t.!k~t)lØ(Þ1 City Council 195,431 207,604 235,940 235,940 258,062 (22,122) -9.4% City Manager 405,195 654,896 751,349 751,349 702,765 48,584 6,5% Municipal Court-Operations 793,644 1,043,290 1,278,229 1,278,229 1,190,711 87,518 6.8% Management Services 1,613,592 1,662,975 1,834,304 1,834,304 1,747,702 86,602 4.7% CiviVCriminal Legal Services 1,225,375 1,167,796 1,367,070 1,367,070 1,143,436 223,635 16.4% Comm. Development Services 2,969,746 3,051,482 3,644,675 3,644,675 3,038,385 606,290 16.6% Police Services 12,899,772 13,024,013 15,030,129 15,030,129 14,217,460 812,669 5.4% Jail Services 1,492,341 1,333,515 1,610,844 1,610,844 992,299 618,545 38.4% Parks and Recreation 3,007,220 3,089,826 3,290,109 3,290,109 3,220,393 69,717 2.1% Public Works 3,140,923 3,176,155 3,869,227 3,869,227 3,514,203 355,025 9.2% City Over1ay Program 1,458,054 1,358,785 2,299,478 2,299,478 1,657,409 642,069 27.9% Snow & Ice Removal 9,711 - - - - - nla Solid Waste 294,540 355,471 373,998 373,998 296,354 77 ,644 20.8% HoteVMotel Lodging Tax 72,298 48,015 211,187 211,187 105,758 105,429 nla Surface Water Mahagement 1,533,594 1,709,298 2,094;742 2,094,742 1,835,915 258,827 12.4% Debt Service 4,328,241 4,498,092 4,520,792 4,520,792 4,485,280 35,512 nla Dumas Bay Centre 475,759 557,437 489,412 489,412 504,604 (15,191) -3.1% Knutzen Family Theatre 183,280 159,432 176,009 176,009 160,732 15,277 8.7% SUbtOtàl: OPëråt1i1ä: ExPëridltûi1JS:::: :::::36;O9~71:6:: :::::3:1;0'9~:O82:: :::::43;()11;49S: :::::43;071;495: :::::39:.o'(f;467:: ::::»4:001);018< ::::::::::::::::9~3o/, Other Financing Uses" 6,101,206 9,431,269 10,111,560 8,184.,384 8,184,384 - nla Total: EXDërüll.túi'åS: & Ofhili: Usës:::: ::$42~1:99;922:: ::$:48;529:'351:: :$53;119;055: :$U~26.1¡879: ::$47,:255;851:: ::$::4;008;028:: :::::::::::::::7;80/. $600,000 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov COMPARISON OF 2002 OPERATING EXPENDITURES -BUDGET TO ACTUAL $40,600,000 $35,600,000 $30,600,000 $25,600,000 $20,600,000 $15,600,000 $10,600,000 $5,600,000 GlZ 12 December 1001 City Council City Council expenditures total $258K, which is above the YTD budget total of $236K by $22K or 9.4%. The varianc primarily to timing of payments for PSRC dues which will reverse itself at year-end. Municipal Court Municipal Court Operations expenditures total $1.2M, which is below the YTD budget of$J.28M by $87K or 6.8%. The is due mainly to an increase in the budget for BI contract expenditures. ance City Manager: YTD activity total $703K, and is below the YTD budget of $751K by $48.5K or 6.5%, Savings can be found in expenditures for training contractor, postage, travel, printing, and miscellaneous services, One-time programs such as Lobbyist and City Newsletter are also below budget. CiviVCriminal Legal Activity through December total $1.l43M, which is below the YTD budget of$1.37M by $224K or 16.4%. Savings can b in the I-time program for outside legal services for telecomm lease negotiation; only 43% of the $35K budget has been e year-to-date. Savings Can also be found in the Domestic Violence program, which is grant funded by CDBG. Parks and Recreation Parks Operations expenditures through December total $3.2M, which is $70K or 2.1% below the YTD budget of$3.3M. avings can be found in the supplies and electricity accounts, Recreation I-time budgets for Sr. Services, Econnect, Arts Commissi n, and Klahanee unscheduled maintenance are approximately $1O4K or 98% below budget, in total. Recreation fees revenue of $629K is $4K or .6% above the YTD budget of $625K. YTD recreation expenditures of $1.4 Mare above the total annual budget of$1.38M by 72K or 5,2%. Dumas Bay Centre operating revenue total of $496K is $35K or 6.5% below the YTD budget of $531K Operating expendi es of $505K is above the YTD budget of $489K by $15K or 8.5%. Knutzen Theatre operating revenue total $80K, which is $ IK or 16.3% above the YTD budget of$69K. Total operating expenditure of$136K is $40K or 22.7% below the YTD budget of 176K. Celebration Park;revenues total $lO.5K (concession fees) while operating expenditures total $339K. Expenditures comp 'se of: personnel costs ($210K); supplies ($22K); utilities ($79K); repairs & maintenance ($IOK); other services & charges ($8K) d IS charges ($10K). Aquatics Arts & Special Events Youth Athletics Adult Athletics Community Recreation Community Center Special Populations Youth Commission Red, White & Blue Senior Services Celebration Park RECREATION & CULTURAL SERVICE PROGRAMS 2,000 2,221 111.0% 20,360 20,637 39,800 37,604 94.5% 77,035 118,339 60,500 63,521 105.0% 85,398 80,850 179,500 ,191,368 106.6% 96,823 135,285 213,714 227,543 106.5% 198,282 185,892 23,500 29,792 126.8% 54,055 67,879 16,850 28,742 170.6% 56,490 58,815 500 1,559 311.8% 1,800 2,263 24,700 24,321 98.5% 41,200 47,958 7,200 11,980 166.4% 78,036 53,177 57,000 10,544 18.5% 284,980 339,068 101.4% 153,6% 94.7% 139.7% 93.8% 125.6% 104.1% 125.7% 116.4% 68.1% 119.0% 9.8% 51.7% 70.8% 185.4% 107.8% 43.5% 29.8% 27.8% 60,0% 9.2% 20.0% 10.8° 31.8° 78.6° 141.5° 122.4° 43.9° 48.9° 68.9° nf 22.5° 3.1° Revenues do not include grants, interest earnings, or operating transfers, Expenditures do not include residual equity transfers or other interfund contributions, Gl3 13 Citv of Federal Wav December 2002 Ouarterlv Financial Report Community Development Community Development expenditures through December total $3.04M, which is $606K or 16.6% below the YfD budget of $3.64M. The favorable variance is largely due to I-time funded prograÎns: only 20.4% of budgeted consulting expenditures for the P AA Study, Code Amendments, and Planned SEP A study has been expended; none of the $114K budgeted for RE transfers for the permit tracking system or the $11.7K budgeted for the part-time intern for SCA Buildable Lands has been expended; $70K for Human Services contracts remains unused; and less than 20% of the Neighborhood Matching Grant budget has been expended year-to-date. Public Works Public Works Operations: Expenditures are below December's YTD budget of$3.87M by $355K or 9.2%. Savings can be found in various one-time funded programs approved in the mid-biennium and carryforward budget adjustments: none of the budget for the Aerial Photo, Parking Structure Study, Expedited Review Temp Help, or erR Grant programs has been expended year-to-date. In ongoing programs, the Traffic and Street divisions have only expended 63.7% and 59% of their other services & charges accounts, for a combined savings of$339K year-to-date. Solid Waste and Recycling Operations: Expenditures are below the YfD budget of $374K by $78K or 20.8%. Savings are attributable to timing of grant programs. Surface Water Management Operations: Expenditures are below December's YTD budget of $2.09M by $258K or 12.4%. Savings can be found in ongoing programs such as Watershed ILA, professional services and one-time funded programs such as ESA Gap Analysis and Steel Lake Wash Facility. Public Safety & Jail Services Police Services have expended $14.2M through December, which is below YfD estimated budget of $15M by $813K or 5.4%. Savings Can be attributed to the following: Support Services only expended $227K or 47% of its $483K total budget; Seizure expenditures were 85% below the budget total of$505K.; and only 29% of the totall-tirne budget of$850K was expended YfD. Jail Services: Jail Services is below the YfD budget of $1.6M by $618K or 38.4%. Explanation for part of the variance includes: booking counts for King County, Chelan, Okanogan, and Yakima experienced steep decreases during the year. Counts have increased toward the end of the year but are still significantly lower compared to the beginning of the year. December billings for all locations have not been received yet. 71,934 $ 60,188 $ 94,333 $ 120,003 $ 111,723 $ 120,587 $ 108,739 $ 11,848 9.8% 64,131 65,197 90,164 128,139 116,334 121,197 111,784 9,413 7.8% 69,494 70,915 121,485 144,080 120,793 136,236 99,516 36,720 27,0% 63,345 65,056 125,588 138,973 129,903 134,101 84,259 49,842 37.2% 56,243 83,468 149,750 160,082 121,097 144,553 75,759 68,794 47.6% 58,848 80,496 150,656 124,017 104,964 132,888 74,045 58,843 44.3% 57,751 118,741 183,945 122,690 102,848 150,516 92,830 57,686 38.3% 65,588 107,773 163,973 108,249 94,176 140,585 91,360 49,225 35.0% 75,498 104,243 108,393 104,715 115,010 136,077 89,959 46,117 33.9% 77 ,349 93,824 115,714 110,104 98,208 132,038 79,586 52,452 39.7% 98,104 97,708 113,844 114,645 76,611 136,379 84,463 51,916 38.1% 78,820 91,347 111,013 101,125 85,527 125,688 c;.~~ 14 Cwo( Federal Wav December 2002 Ouarterlv FinancialRe 'Ort ,.......,......,...,..........,.....,............,.., """"",""""""'" .......,.......... ,. .,...,........ 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TV) 124,882 2,218 19,634 (17,416) 10 ,465 HotellMotel Lodging Tax 150,549 132,172 105,758 26,414 17 ,963 2% for the Arts 28,114 - - - 2,114 COBG 4,140 93,795 117,353 (23,558) (1 .418) Paths & Trails 41,863 8,991 - 8,991 5 ,854 S;itjtOtal~âlRêvëÐÚÌ#:F.iirii4;:::::;::::: ::::;::::::::;:;:::1.ïoI,3J,s91: ::::::::;;:::::::::~Au.,:9t6; ::::::::::::::::;::Cf;8'2;3~3: ::::::::::::::;::t/~52i582: :::::::::::::::;::~1S ;189: Capital Project:. Public Safety FaCIlity 6,552,634 885,355 - Downtown Revitalization 1,303,986 21,196 295,311 Unallocated 1997 Bond Proceeds 19,969 8,763,542 - Celebration Park 126.466 5,312 20,555 Park Improvements 577,860 735,485 284,674 Surface Water Management 6,669,057 634,014 523,097 TransDOf1a6on 8,681,903 9,040,857 11,575,664 SúbtØlå#:CâålfJilPiiJ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::;:::::::~3;931;1J15.: :::::::::;:::;:::20;ðSS;16t: :::::::::;:::::::12,'.699;301.: Enterprise Funds: Surface Water Management 500,811 3,084,531 3,095,935 Dumas Bay Centre Operations - 496,708 504,604 Dumas Bay Centre Capital 300,808 56,587 178,482 Knutzen Family Theatre Capital 76,338 1,448 - Knutzen Family Theatre Operations - 181,753 160,732 ¡$Clþ~~.¡;n,~.~Ft!i1.ø.~:;:::::::;::::::::::::::: :;:::::::::::;:::;::::m¡~1:: :::::::::::;:::::::~';8.?'f;l)1.1:: :::::::::::::::::::i3;i:J?1:g;1~~ Internal Service Funds: (2) Risk Management 3,869,727 931,947 553,211 Information Systems 1,682,758 1,629,483 1,296,477 Mail & Duplication 182,117 217,517 221,457 Fleet & Equipment 1,841,648 1,296,621 961,730 Buildings & Furnishings 1,037,508 447,259 602,186 SùbfOtalbiterlial:SéiŸlü:FitiidS.:::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::8;613;1.5': :::::::::::::::::::4.:S2Z¡.821: :::::::::::::::::::3'635'061: .. """ ., 885,355 7,43 ,989 (274,115) 1,02,871 8,763,542 8,7S: ,511 (15,243) 11 ,224 450,811 1,02 ,670 110,917 6,77! ,974 (2,534,807) 6,14 ,096 ::::::::::::::::::l~31f6;il60: ::::::::::::::::31'3:1~ ;335: (11,403) 489,408 (7,896) (/,896) (121,895) 17f,913 1,448 7/,786 21,022 21022 '::;:::::;;:::;::::ittikmJ,:::::;:::::::;:::::::;t$$.~~: 378,736 4,248464 333,006 2,015764 (3,941) 178176 334,891 2,176539 (154,927) 882581 ::::::::::::::::SB7i16/f ::::::::::::::::::9;501. 524: ;:;:þt~AA~:~~~O;;~~~::;:::::;:::;:::::;:::; .,.::>:;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::>; .. " ,.. ,. :l'.otálAILFiliidi;::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::/:::::::::::: : ::::::::::::'ð5;911;70s.: ::$:::::::::::::13,1J9'7;~36.: ::J::::::::::::63,:993;33D.: :$:::::::::::::':9U4;0l16: ':$.::::::::::::'65;1115111: (1) Utility Tax and Debt Service fund balance is reserved for the payment of debt service. (2) Internal Service fund balance is comprised of accumulated replacement reserves for the purpose of fixed asset replacement, with the exception of Risk Management, which is comprised of accumulated reserves for self-insurance and strategic reserve, Gttj 15 ATTACHMENT A CITY OF FEDERAL WAY SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OPERA11NG FUNDS . Through December 2002 1"7-2002 $ 10,398,1" $ 15,128,342 $17,578,962 $15,694,065 $20,831,348 $ 22.849,496 $ 22,831,789 $ 22,831,189 $ 6,161.293 6,437,503 6,612,491 6,976,972 7,215,272 7,724,021 7,724,021 7,623,615 (100,406) -1. 8,285.687 8,782,172 9,664,944 10.159,770 10,302,061 9,901,765 9,901,765 10,773.246 871,481 8.8% 47.181 126,767 136,046 120,000 120,000 129.299 9.299 7.7% 1,262,829 1,391,186 1,476,343 1,632,969 1,653,470 1,644,455 1,644.455 1,600,854 (43,601) -2. 4,793,229 4,970,986 4,942,878 4,217,599 3,730,923 3,200,322 3,200,322 3,526,264 325,942 10.2% 1,860,023 2,231,269 2,438,148 2,149.691 1,997,537 1,400,000 1,400,000 2,517,473 1,117.473 79.8% 356,249 369,785 1,425,771 1,668,094 2.222,870 1,700,000 1,700,000 1,925,139 225,139 13 3.552,885 4,528,073 5,201,078 5,524,330 6,073,931 6.226,974 6,226,974 6,156,679 (70,295) -1.1% 616,536 808,801 805,928 942,806 987,620 1,156,164 1,156,164 998,028 (158,136) -13.7 735,269 966,090 1.288,040 1.062,094 1,051,463 1,216,734 1,216,734 1,489,129 272,396 22.4% 7,268 64,394 98,677 92,732 33,176 130,001 130.001 n/, 168,823 252,952 237,869 260,401 364,569 263,477 263,477 . 299,479 36,002 13.7% 54,971 66,242 51,501 122,502 17,725 17,725 47,495 29,770 168.0% 83,108 57,597 179,120 137.1~ 98,650 177,432 177,432 157.127 (20,305) -11,4% 471.313 462,647 469,923 496,418 591,965 575,935 575,935 616,668 40.733 7.1% 448,973 466,470 525,263 495,490 547,718 625,264 625,264 629,195 3,931 0.6% 341,277 354,094 492,702 484,865 587,386 530,800 530,800 496,077 (34,723) -6.5% 16,463 48,883 81,144 86,771 68,860 68,860 80,088 11,228 16.3 1,009,957 1,064,181 1,315,590 784,628 767,232 767,232 438,303 (328,929) -42. 165,989 168,480 170,588 476,302 474,027 474,027 480,748 6,721 1.4% 3,032,677 3,125,973 3,074,347 2,944,439 3,187,834 3,187.834 3,079,356 (108,478) -3.4% 147,101 147,062 154,365 149,514 155,308 155,308 187,725 32,417 17.3% 192,377 302,902 967,328 633,096 786,289 786,289 663,324 (122,965) -15.6 2075 19 153 075 54164 116,861 99113 99,113 133,427 34,314 34.6% . ':-:-::58;83f.m: -:,JIO;98S;154, :-:42;291',2Ø6: '.:-<&2;9Q8'.'169, :-:,:42,018-,131: :-:-:42,.O:tt;tat. ,:<.)(4'.11,8;7-38-: :-:-:-:2,,1G8-,øo8: :.:-:-:-:-:-:-5; rating Expendllunls Council 187,129 190,622 217,998 195,431 207,604 235,940 235,940 258,062 (22,122) -9.4% Manager 527,825 548,651 595,744 405,195 654,896 751,349 751,349 702,765 48,584 6,5% . 'pal Court.()peralions 369,031 793,644 1,043,290 1,278,229 1,278,229 1,190,711 87,518 6,8% ServIces 1,414,919 1,545,619 1,728,101 1,613,592 1,662,975 1,834,304 1,834,304 1,747,702 86,602 4,]'% ~riminallegal. ServIœs 1,321,723 1,557,525 1,261,989 1.225,375 1,167,796 1,367,070 1,367,070 1,143,436 223,635 16.4 Pd . Development ServIœs 2,469,003 2,669,939 2,768,211 2,969,746 3,051,482 3,644,675 3,644,675 3,038,385 606,290 16.6% Ice Services 9,827,866 10,951,028 11,950,812 12,899;772 13,024,013 15,030,129 15,030,129 14,217,460 812,669 5.4% !.JaR Services 779,103 980,938 1,399,403 1,492,341 1,333,515 1,610,644 1,610,844 992,299 6'18,545 38.4 Parks and Recreation 2,634,718 2,722,153 3,088,798 3,007,220 3,089,826 3,290,109 3,290,109 3,220,393 69,717 2.1 Public Works 2,978,999 3,257,037 3,285,979 3.140,923 3,176,155 3,869,227 3,869,227 3,514,203 355,025 9.2% CIty Overlay Program 1,606.804 1,800,717 1,764.443 1.458,054 1,358,785 2,299,478 2.299,478 1,657,409 642,Q69 27.9% Snow & Ice Removal 56,503 35,844 21;371 9,711 0.0% Solid Waste 496,742 282,044 233,635 294,540 355,471 373,998 373,998 296,354 77,644 20.8% HoœUMotellmlng Tax 101 72,298 48,015 211,187 211,187 105,758 105,429 49,9% SUrface Water Management 1,450,508 1,463,433 1,562,123 1,533,594 1.709,298 2,094,742 2,094,742 1.835,915 258,827 12.4% Debt Service 2,982,785 2,127,799 5,307.192 4,328,241 4,498,092 4,520,792 4.520,792 4,485,280 35,512 0.0% Dumas Bay Centre 415.891 405,298 487.164 475,759 557,437 489,412 489,412 504,604 (15,191) -3.1 Krutzen Famil Theatre 76412 147223 183,280 159,432 176,009 176009 160.732 15277 8.7% Total 0 29,150,518 30,615,059 36,189,318 36,098,716 37,098,082 43,077,495 43,077,485 39,071,467 4,006,028 U% 6 36,265 8,223,734 4,795,836 6,198.490 5,810,687 5,107,271 6,165,035 ~2.8% OCher FInancing Soun:es 3,524,944 2,822,839 5,381,058 2,818,304 5,269,286 5,931,631 4,634.062 4,634,062 0,0% OCher FInancing Uses 2,034.372 7,009,278 9,312,902 6,101,206 9,431,269 10,111,560 8,184,384 8,184,384 0.0% Ending Fund Balanc;e Solid Waste 296,991 294.316 299,842 196.303 192.137 138,660 233.773 nla Snow & Ice 73,358 103,530 100,000 95,575 ,100,000 nla Arterial Street 470,902 477,375 349,431 456,790 715,382 4,728 694,998 nla UtIlity Tax 2,1.20,030 2,830,1481 4,944,684 6,168,921 8,161,886 7,919,411 nla SWM 1.566,522 2,276,459 1,643,113\ 812,213 500,230 407,586 489,408 nla Path & Trails 6,153 12,555 22,353 31,474 41,848 50.863 50,854 nla Strategic Reserve 2,022,389 2,025,496 2,028,204 2,033,832 nla Debt Service 2.986.805 5,283,482 5'748'5081 4,561,433 6.505,879 4,765,510 5.539.811 nla OumasBay Centre 83,742 13,286 47,775 35,745 63.775 40,239 13,126 nla Police 1,082,207 786,441 748,150 800,229 604,131 669,334 475.908 nla P3 300.000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 nla Interfund loans 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 nla Unreserved ' 9,223 956 3532267 4,009,345 7,343,942 7,277 749 3 16 998 8 661 451 nla ", $ 18123025 $ 17 35 37 $18 136 869 $21 622 20 $22 480 052 . .'f .' :: ",',','.',','",,',', ,$', ., " 1 ' , . . , , , , , Gt<t> 7/17/02 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SWM DIVISION PROJECT STATUS REPORT Paul Buclch, Surface Water Division Manager CH2M HILL, the consultant firm for this project is proceeding with W, Hylebos Channel I 6/02 I 12/03 I 12/02 I 2/03 I 4/03 I 2/03 I 6/03 I 12/03 I design, Survey and conceptual I 747.868 I 217,113 Stabilization Design designs are done with 30% design drawings due 1/31/03. This project is funded for design, right of way acquisition, and construction. Preliminary design was completed in march 1999. &/II 356th Street Drainage I 1/99 I I I I I I I I Property acquisition Is under way Study/SW356th St Closed Land Acquisition 9/01 1/99 N/A 8/01 6/01 TBD N/A with a revised completion date of I 623,535 I 279,694 Depression Acquisition 4/03. Property acquisition Issues continue to delay the project, Condemnation has been initiated on 5 properties. Settlements have been reached on all but two properties. The status of this project remains SeaTac Mall Basin Drainage I 10/96 I 6/01 I I I I I I I the same. Completed but awaiting Improvements Phase II Design Construc~i~n Phase N/A 9/97 4/00 4/00 6/00 N/A potential court resolution on I 3,071,630 I 3;067,665 (Design/ROW/Construction) payment of subcontractors. C))' - ,~l9ro3 T~~ - . -=,T ~9~ This-project newly added to the CIP ..J list encompasses development of a Lakota Wetland Regional regional stormwater control facility at 3/03 10/04 the Lakota Wetlands adjacent to the I 720,000 I 0 Detention Pond City park. The project is being scoped by TtlKcm, the selected consultant Lakota Creek Restoration (two projects to be combined Into one) 7/02 12103 1/03 6/03 3/03 12/03 Annual Prograrm Minor CIP/Malor Maintenance Lake loren, Lake Jeane, and Easter Lake HSPF modeling; Mirror lake/Fisher's Bog modified outlet analysis; Other major maintenance projects RID Retrofit 6-9 ponds lake and Stream Steel Lake survey for noxious weeds in Spring 2003; water quality Improvements to discharges Into Steel Lake In summer of 2003, 1/01 12/01 NIA N/A N/A N/A NIA N/A Water Qualitv Stonn Drainage Hot Tape Stencil; Creek and pond temperature monitoring program; Catch basin insert evaluations K:\CIPlswmO71702.doc This project ~ ofres1ÓriíIò 1M main branch of Lakota Oeek.oo the west fork through Decatur High School. T\NO separate CIPprojects were combined Into one for efficiencies, The annual programs are used to correct deficiencies posing hazards In major conveyance systems, solve minor localized flooding problems improving water quality and habitat, reduce the liability aspects of publicly owned RID facilities, and restore lost functions and values of CIty's many streams and lakes,. Each year a list of projects Is developed for each of the following programs: 224,767 Minor CIP/Major Maintenance - RID Retrofit - Lake & Steam - WQ Improvement Projects Total 0 200,000 <Û ~ CITY OF Federal Way Date: January 22, 2003 Finance, Economic Development & Regional Affairs Committee To: From: Via: Tho Kraus, Finance Manager David Moseley, City Manager Subject: Vouchers Action Requested: MEMORANDUM Accept the vouchers and forward to the Next Council meeting for approval. ApPROVAL OF COMMITTEE ACTION: k:\fin\acctspay\checkrun\mfr cover,doc ~~r ~j..- ~ Committee Member Uto~J I I . . 1 MEETING DATE: -:-rÈÞíu¡;t1 Lt¡ 2,DO 3 ITEM#~£.') --- ..m.....m.._m,_,_"m,",_,"m,"...._mm.._.mm_mmm.m.mm....m,"m..._.m.__.mm.m..mm...__.m_._.................m'm..._.m...m.mm.m.m.._..-"'__'m_.._..,_...-....._.m.....__....m_"'..__.._..mmm..m"___'----"""""'----'-""" CITY OF FEDERAL WAY City Council AGENDA BILL SUBJECT: VOUCHERS CATEGORY: BUDGET IMP ACT: ¡g CONSENT D RESOLUTION D CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS D ORDINANCE D PUBLIC HEARING D OTHER Amount Budgeted: Expenditure Amt.: Contingency Req'd: $3,566,991.01 $3,566,991.01 $ .........m_...- m..m..._...._m.m._mm m m' ...... -... '...m. mmm.. '.......__m ._m.." ",,"..m.mm."""'" ......... ".._.m"_"""', m .....-..................-.. .....-...... mm.. _m..... .................. _.._m."" .._m.... .......n.m..__." ..m- mm.- ..-.......... - .--..........-...................m..m nm. ......m« mm.... .mm...mm..m....m..m" ATTACHMENTS: VOUCHER LIST ............_.......m.....m.. ..m.......m....mm..m.m .m...............mm..............m .....................-...-.........._m_......mm. ......-....................._m.m ....m.m......................_...mmm.m,"_.....m"","", """",,"'-"""""""""""-"""""'-'-" ,... SUMMARY /BACKGROUND: I, the undersigned, do hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the materials have been furnished, the services rendered, or the labor performed as described herein and that the claims are just and due obligations against the City of Federal Way, W shingto El at I a horized to authenticate and certify said claims. m..._m...............m_.m................. .. .m.........","""""" ..............,........--........., ......._......m.mm.mm. mm._.m.mm.m,',""",,,"..m CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Approve attached vouchers pursuant to RCW 42.24 .m.._....."""""""""""'" .....-........_.....mm m.m......'"",,""","-,,"", PROPOSED MOTION: I move approval of Vouchers. ~;:;~~~~~~~~:~;~~~:; ..~ ....m.m.mmm_...",,'" .....-.............-..........,. """'-""-""""m.._................m.m.... (BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY CLERKS OFFICE) COUNCIL AC~., : ..., APPRO V \D ~ DENIED " D T ABLEDfDEFERREDfNO ACTION D MOVED TO SECOND READING (ordinances only) COUNCIL BILL # 1ST d. rea mg Enactment reading ORDINANCE # RESOLUTION # ~t)1J REVISED - 05/10/2001 HZ, apChkLst 01/15/2003 2:07:45PM II;) 00 3 II Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 1 Bank: key us bank Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170740 01/09/2003 005288 AIRPORT COMMUNITIES COA33143 Voucher: 170740 170741 01/15/2003 005186 1033/1122 PROGRAM Voucher: 170741 17074201/15/2003000475 ALARM CENTERS/CUSTOM S259872 Voucher: 170742 259871 259870 170743 01/15/2003 700545 ALTERNATIVE ARTS PRODUC12775 Voucher: 170743 170744 01/15/2003 005715 ARCH WIRELESS HOLDINGS IM6163838A Voucher: 170744 170745 01/15/2003 004669 AT&T BROADBAND Voucher: 170745 170746 01/15/2003 000414 CAFE PACIFIC CATERING IN 6399 Voucher: 170746 6400 6403 6401 6420 6397 6396 6404 6422 6421 6398 6320588 :ç: ~ 16-1-1618 Inv Date Description ~ 12/15/2002 CD-2003 ACC CONTRIBUTIO 12/06/2002 PS-WA ST SURPLUS ADMIN f 12/20/2002 PKM-GR ALARM MONITORIN 12/20/2002 PKM-CP ALARM MONITORIN( 12/20/2002 PKKFT- ALARM MONITORING 01/07/2003 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DE 849834016036 12/27/2002 MSGAC-DMX MUSIC MTHLY ~ 01/02/2003 MSTEL-PAGER LEASE 1/03 17074701/15/2003 000756 CAREERTRACK INC Voucher: 170747 17074801/15/2003 004359 CENTURY SQUARE SELF-S 4405 Voucher: 170748 170749 01/15/2003 002640 CLASS SOFTWARE SOLUTIO M9663 Voucher: 170749 17075001/15/2003701001 DIOCESE OF OLYMPIA Voucher 170750 170751 01/15/2003 000964 GASB-GOVT ACCTNG STAND638230019 - Voucher: 170751 12757 01/02/2003 PKDBC JAN 2003 CATERING 01/02/2003 PKDBC JAN 2003 CATERING 01/02/2003 PKDBC JAN 2003 CATERING 01/02/2003 PKDBC JAN 2003 CATERING 01/07/2003 PKDBC JAN 2003 CATERING 01/02/2003 PKDBC JAN 2003 CATERING 01/02/2003 PKDBC JAN 2003 CATERING 01/02/2003 PKDBC JAN 2003 CATERING 01/07/2003 PKDBC JAN 2003 CATERING 01/07/2003 PKDBC JAN 2003 CATERING 01/02/2003 PKDBC JAN 2003 CATERING 12/18/2002 MSF- DE/CRITICISM/DISCIPL 12/16/2002 PWSWR-STORAGE FEE 1/ 01/01/2003 MSDP/PK-CLASS SOFTWAR 01/06/2003 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DE 01/14/2003 GASB COMPR PLAN-2003- Amount Paid 20,000.00 700.00 120,00 120.00 60.00 10,400,00 1,076.90 80.71 2,283,92 2,142,00 2,035.20 1,420.06 2,346.00 928,92 86,10 489.60 328.70 191.28 184.60 151.23 577,50 7,745.76 92.62 180.00 Check Total 20,000,00 700.00 300.00 10,400.00 1,076,90 80,71 12,436,38 151.23 577,50 7,745.76 92.62 180.00 Page: 1 apChkLst 01/15/2003 2:07:45PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 2 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 170752 01/15/2003 002574 GRAHAM & DUNN, P,C. 12002 12/18/2002 SWM-LEGAL FEES C~NNON 2,050.00 2,050,00 Voucher: 170752 17075301/15/2003 007134 GRANT WRITING USA GRANT WRITI 12/19/2002 PS- GRANTWRITING WORKS 249.00 249.00 Voucher: 170753 170754 01/15/2003 003596 HANSEN INFORMATION TEC SMAR100219 10/31/2002 MSDP-PWSWM HANSEN AN 2,200.00 2,200.00 Voucher: 170754 170755 01/15/2003 003908 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATI 17197 12/20/2002 PS-IAPE 2003 MEMBERSHIP [ 40.00 Voucher: 170755 16819 12/20/2002 PS-IAPE 2003 MEMBERSHIP [ 40.00 80.00 170756 01/15/2003 005231 10S CAPITAL INC 57543080 12/27/2002 MSMD-COPIER RENTAL 1/ 2,435,65 2,435.65 Voucher: 170756 170757 01/15/2003 000201 KINKO'S lNG, ACCOUNT #02051510066433 01/03/2003 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 391.68 391,68 Voucher: 170757 -s::. 17075801/15/2003 004149 LMI OFFICE SUPPLY NOTARY STAM 01/02/2003 MSF-PRE-INKED STAMP CI 38.00 38,00 ~ Voucher: 170758 170759 01/15/2003 005008 LORMAN EDUCATION SERV 1573271-1 12/20/2002 PS- POLICE LIABILITY COUR~ 289.00 289.00 Voucher: 170759 17076001/15/2003 000960 MATTHEW BENDER & COMP 55447937 12/13/2002 WAADMIN LAW PRAC, MANL 83.09 83,09 Voucher: 170760 170761 01/15/2003 000286 METROCALL 00096135 01/01/2003 MSTEL-PAGER SVC FOR JA 10.56 10.56 Voucher: 170761 170762 01/15/2003 001793 MICROFLEX INC 00014027 01/07/2003 MSA-TAX AUDIT PROGRAM J 300.00 300,00 Voucher: 170762 170763 01/15/2003 006200 NORTHWEST NEXUS INC 323/12287 01/25/2003 MSGAC-MTHL Y INTERNET S 500.00 500.00 Voucher: 170763 17076401/15/2003 001891 ON-HOLD CONCEPTS INC 094484 01/01/2003 MS-TEL-PHONE SYSTEM ON 228.00 228.00 Voucher: 170764 170765.01/15/2003 000504 ORIENTAL GARDEN CENTER 015889 01/03/2003 PKM-REPAI R/MAI NT SUPPLI 25.02 25.02 Voucher: 170765 17076601/15/2003 001166 PETTY CASH KLCC 1/7/03 01/07/2003 PRCS-PARKING FOR REC I 198.79 198.79 Voucher: 170766 17076701/15/2003001189 PETTY CASH CM 1/7/03 01/07/2003 POSTAGE FOR REGISTERE 157.59 157,59 Voucher: 170767 17076801/15/2003 007176 PRINCE/SF PRODUCTIONS 1/25/03 01/07/2003 PK-KFT - ENTERTAINMENT/C 2,500,00 2,500.00 Voucher: 170768 Page: 2 apChkLst 01/15/2003 2:07:45PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 3 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Vendor Invoice Date ~ S'> 17076901/15/2003 001993 RENTAL SERVICE CORPORA-14887988-001 Voucher: 170769 17077001/15/2003000790 SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENC50680432 Voucher: 170770 170771 01/15/2003 004738 SKAMANIA LODGE Voucher: 170771 170772 01/15/2003 007181 SOCIAL SERVICES LOBBYIST 12756 Voucher: 170772 17077301/15/2003 004889 VAN METER & ASSOCIATES I 00-4914 Voucher: 170773 170774 01/15/2003 007182 WA CHILD CARE RSRC & RE 12755 Voucher: 170774 170775 01/15/2003 004553 WA STATE OFFICE OF MINO OMWBE2003 Voucher: 170775 170776 01/15/2003 000076 WFOA-WA FINANCE OFFIC Voucher: 170776 170777 01/15/2003 001091 WMTA-WA MUNICIPAL TRE Voucher: 170777 CCETD 31303 03 WFOA MO 03 WFOA TK 03 MWT A TK 03 WMT A DC 03 WMT A MO 17077801/15/2003000375 WSBA-WA STATE BAR ASSO WSBA 19445 Voucher: 170778 Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 01/02/2003 SWMM-ASPHAL T/CO~CR. S 5,031.39 5,031.39 12/23/2002 PS-NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIP 37.70 37.70 01/01/2003 PS- POLICE LODGING: COMf'v 744.00 744,00 01/06/2003 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DE 150.00 150.00 01/07/2003 PS-TRAINING/DEVELOPMEN 95.00 95.00 01/06/2003 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DE 86,81 86.81 12/16/2002 MSF- OMWBE OPERATING C 25.00 25.00 12/15/2002 MSF - WFOA MEMBERSHIP 0 50,00 12/15/2002 MSF- 2003 WFOA MEMBERS~ 50,00 100.00 12/02/2002 MSF- 2003 WMTA CONFERE~ 30.00 12/02/2002 MSF- 2003 WMTA CONFERE~ 30,00 12/02/2002 MSF-2003 WMTA CONFEREN 30.00 90.00 01/02/2003 WA STATE BAR LICENSE F 381.00 381.00 Sub total for us bank: 72,218,38 Page: 3 apChkLst 01/15/2003 2:07:45PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 4 39 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks: ) 72,218,38 -:!=. ~ Page: 4 Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY d1f(J3 -.::::- - apChkLst 01/03/2003 3:41:32PM Bank: key us bank Check # Date Vendor Page: 1 Invoice - -- ~ 170721 01/03/2003 007112 AEGIS PROTECTION GROUP 6305 Voucher: 170721 170722 01/03/2003 004214 AWRA/AMERICAN WATER R P BUCHICH Voucher: 170722 170723 01/03/2003 002093 BROWN & BROWN OF WA, I 96932RIS Voucher: 170723 170724 01/03/2003 003366 CITY OF OLYMPIA Voucher: 170724 170725 01/03/2003 005008 LORMAN EDUCATION SERV 1567214-1 Voucher: 170725 17072601/03/2003001843 MORRIS PIHA REAL ESTATE ~874-JAN 2003 Voucher: 170726 876-JAN 2003 878-JAN 2003 877 -JAN 2003 2611-JAN 200 212181027 212111015 212121017 170728 01/03/2003 003001 SOUTH KING COUNCIL-HUMASKCHS-AM263 Voucher: 170728 17072901/03/2003 004582 STANLEY M SLOWIK INC Voucher: 170729 17073001/03/2003 003686 STEEL LAKE PRESBYTERIAN DEPOSIT Voucher: 170730 170731 01/03/2003 000341 SUNRISE SELF STORAGE UNIT A8 Voucher 170731 170732 01/03/2003 003606 WA STATE CRIME PREVENTI MEMBERSHIP Voucher: 170732 170733 01/03/2003 003528 WA STATE CRIMINAL JUSTI TRAINING Voucher: 170733 17073401/03/2003 001208 WA STATE GENERAL ADMIN 118-1-16669 Voucher: 170734 015536 17072701/03/2003000106 SELECT TRAVEL INC Voucher: 170727 SEMINAR Inv Date Description ) Amount Paid 750.00 130.00 5,250,00 150,00 289.00 6,646,00 4,571.40 3,106,00 13,334,60 499.41 683.00 325.50 261,50 50,00 325.00 100,00 165,00 150.00 50.00 2,000.00 Check Total 750,00 130.00 5,250.00 150,00 289.00 28,157.41 1,270.00 50,00 325,00 100,00 165,00 150.00 50,00 2,000,00 12/04/2002 PS-CRIME PREVENTION SErif 01/03/2003 SWM-2003 AWRA MEMBERSI 11/25/2002 MSHR-BROKER SVC FEES ( 01/03/2003 PS-MT BIKE SAFETY TRNG 1 12/05/2002 PS-POLICE LIABILITY SEMIN 12/19/2002 AG99-139A:MC BLDG LEASE~ 12/19/2002 AG98-212B:PS BLDG LEASE 12/19/2002 AG98-212B:PS BLDG LEASE 12/19/2002 AG98-212B:PS BLDG LEASE 12/19/2002 AG93-51 :KLCC PARKING LO 12/18/2002 PS-AIRFARE (2/24-2/27/03) C 12/11/2002 PS-AIRFARE (1/6-1/12/03) GR 12/12/2002 PS-AIRF ARE (2/16-3/3/03) ST 01/03/2003 CDHS-2003 MEMBERSHIP D 12/06/2002 PS-PRE-EMPLMT INTERVIE 01/03/2003 CDHS-FACILITY DEPOSIT V 01/03/2003 PS-MTHL Y STRG RENTAL F 01/03/2003 PS-WSCPA 2003 MEMBERSH 12/04/2002 PS-FIREARMS HANDGUN LV 12/01/2002 MSHR-STATE PURCHASING ( Page: 1 apChkLst 01/03/2003 3:41 :32PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 2 Sub total for us bank: 38,836.41 i :s::. cY Page: 2 apChkLst 01/03/2003 3:41 :32PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 3 14 checks in this report. ) Grand Total All Checks: 38,836.41 :s:: ~ Page: 3 apChkLst 01/03/2003 3:41 :32PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 4 Void Checks Bank code: key (none) ) ~ ..- d Page: 4 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY (/;) () O~ q Page: 1 Bank: key us bank 170735 01/09/2003 002998 FEDERAL WAY SIGN COMPA 11/21/02 Vouche~ 170735 170736 01/09/2003 007121 ATHLETIC FIELDS INC Voucher: 170736 170737 01/09/2003 007121 ATHLETIC FIELDS INC Voucher: 170737 170738 01/09/2003 000951 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Voucher: 170738 170739 01/09/2003 000951 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY, AG02-119:#2 Vouche~ 170739 170779 01/15/2003 702248 9280 PARTNERS LLC Voucher: 170779 170780 01/15/2003 000109 ACTIVE SECURITY CONTROL 13131 Voucher: 170780 170781 01/15/2003001012 AL'S TOWING Vouche~ 170781 170782 01/15/2003 007166 ALLEN, KAREN Voucher: 170782 17078301/15/2003001110 AMAYA ELECTRIC Voucher: 170783 17078401/15/2003003129 AMS LASER SUPPLY Voucher: 170784 Check # Vendor Date ¡:: ~ Invoice Inv Date Description ~ 11/21/2002 CD/HS NEIGHBORHOOD SIG AG02-119:#1A 11/30/2002 AG02-119:DUMAS BAY REST( AG02-119:#2 AG02-119:#1 02-45137 57540 112403 66/9-5 335066 335197 335067 324844CR 2822 38 39 17078601/15/2003000437 ASSOCIATED COURIERS INC 287357 Voucher: 170786 17078701/15/2003001233 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE Vouche~ 170787 170785 01/15/2003 002534 ARBORSCAN INC Vouche~ 170785 17078801/15/2003 005351 B & B AUTO PARTS -- m -Voucher: 170788 051 064 5149 051 071 4612 051 069 1538 883844 12/20/2002 AG02-119:DUMAS BAY REST< 11/30/2002 AG02-119:5% RET DUMAS B 12/20/2002 AG02-119:5% RET DUMAS B 12/30/2002 PW-REFD ADMN DEP BOND ~ 12/31/2002 PS-LOCKSMITH SERVICES 12/24/2002 PS-TOWING SERVICES 12/20/2002 PKRCS-REFUND FOR REC C 12/03/2002 PKM-FACILITIES ELECTRICA 12/18/2002 MSDP-PRINTER TONER- 12/20/2002 MSDP-PRINTER TONER 12/18/2002 MSDP-PRINTER TONER- 12/17/2002 MSDP-CREDIT MEMO 12/24/2002 PKMT/TREE PRUNING STEE 12/27/2002 PKMT-TREES PRUNING 12/27/2002 PKMT-TREES PRUNING 12/09/2002 COB - COURIER PLANS FOR 12/15/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 12/24/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 12/15/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 12/12/2002 AUTO PARTS/ACCESSORIES Amount Paid 2,500.00 Check Total 2,500.00 1,869.96 1,869.96 31,992.49 31,992.49 2,460.49 2,460.49 1,541.08 1,541.08 1,328.00 1,328.00 22.09 22.09 77,24 77,24 6.00 6,00 4,890,53 4,890.53 95.74 46.78 257.75 -130.51 1,648.32 707,20 544.00 25,50 269,76 2,899,52 25.50 27.99 21,19 16.95 28.59 66.13 28,59 Page: 1 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 2 Bank: key us bank (Continued) 170789 01/15/2003 000792 BARRY'S TRUCKING & LAND 8511 Voucher: 170789 8513 8509 8512 17079001/15/2003007167 BARTHOLOMEW, MARY ANN 112400 Voucher: 170790 170791 01/15/2003 007174 BERDECIA, VICTOR M Vouche~ 170791 17079201/15/2003 007159 BERRYMAN & HENIGARZ 0028028 Voucher: 170792 0027530 17079301/15/2003 005098 BIG 0 TIRES 4 LESS & AUTO ~255961 Voucher: 170793 256118 256007 255922 255923 255971 255960 255994 256121 84691-00 Check # Date Vendor ;:: ~ 170794 01/15/2003 003440 BILL HATCH SPORTS Voucher: 170794 Invoice 03-40935 Inv Date Description 12/24/2002 AG02-79:LANDSCAPIÞJG AND 12/24/2002 AG02-79:LANDSCAPING AND 12/24/2002 AG02-79:LANDSCAPING AND 12/24/2002 AG02-79:LANDSCAPING AND 12/20/2002 PKRCS-REFUND FOR REC C 01/03/2003 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 01/02/2003 CDB-PLAN CHECKER SVCS 1 11/27/2002 CDB-PLAN CHECKER SVCS 1 12/24/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 12/30/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 12/26/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 12/23/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 12/23/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 12/24/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 12/24/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 12/26/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 12/30/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 11/29/2002 PKRCS-ATHLETIC SUPPLIE Amount Paid - 272,00 228.48 462.40 217.60 5.00 50,00 9,321,12 5,433.40 126.90 16,81 88.13 16,81 16,81 16,81 16.81 16.81 16.81 201.28 Check Total 1,180.48 5.00 50.00 14,754,52 332,70 201.28 Page: 2 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 3 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 17079501/15/2003 001630 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 1276681-01 Voucher: 170795 273959 277757 276674-01 278405-80CR 276674-02 276216 275202-01 271800 274083-01 277294 276684-02 278405 276691-01 273825-02 271843-02 279479 275795 275860 276203-01 277292 85177557 ~ - J-' 17079601/15/2003000007 BOISE OFFICE SOLUTIONS Voucher: 170796 170797 01/15/2003 004315 BRENT'S ALIGNMENT & REP 004926 Voucher: 170797 004934 17079801/15/2003000414 CAFE PACIFIC CATERING IN 6416 Voucher: 170798 170799 01/15/2003 003950 CAR TOYS INC Voucher: 170799 170800 01/15/2003 000991 CASCADE COFFEE INC 30305607 Voucher: 170800 20310636 170801 01/15/2003005704 CASCADE ELEVATOR COMPÞ1216 Voucher: 170801 17080201/15/2003007161 CASTLE MEDICAL CENTER 43114255 ---'1ouctTer.-- -- 1 ro8ß2 - Inv Date Description 12/19/2002 PS-UNIFORM cLorrhNG MIC 12/19/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING GRC 12/19/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING LIS 12/17/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING ADP 12/20/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING KEE 12/20/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING ADP 12/14/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING EA 12/17/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING KRI 12/17/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING MEL 12/19/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING MAF 12/17/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING ROE 12/17/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING THC 12/19/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING KEE 12/17/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING JES 12/19/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING BRI 12/19/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING MAF 12/20/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING WHI 12/12/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING LAU 12/17/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING S. S 12/17/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING KIR 12/17/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING AN[ 12/30/2002 CM-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 12/18/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 12/19/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 12/30/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 07032FWYROH 07/02/2002 PS-COMMUNICATION DEVIC 11/25/2002 PKRCS~MTG COFFEE SUPP 12/30/2002 MSM&D-MTG COFFEE SUPP 12/01/2002 AGOO-171:ELEVATOR MAINT 12/07/2002 PS-MED EXAM-JAMES NELS Amount Paid 393,53 352,35 434.44 334,18 -120.99 315.41 291.04 265,96 234.90 234.90 185.40 130.51 120,99 115.05 81.55 48,91 40.53 27.74 20.67 10.34 4.90 66.95 278.59 74.26 424,34 79,90 72,00 67.05 145.68 863.00 Check Total 3,522.31 66.95 352.85 424.34 79.90 139.05 145,68 863.00 Page: 3 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Checklist CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 4 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 17080301/15/2003 005573 COW GOVERNMENT INC HM01244 Voucher: 170803 HG91015 170804 01/15/2003 001481 CH2M HILL NORTHWEST INC 3366739 Voucher: 170804 3365714 3365577 170805 01/15/2003 005889 CLEAN WATER TECHNOLOGI1118 Voucher: 170805 17080601/15/2003005507 CLIFTON, THOMAS E Voucher: 170806 170807 01/15/2003 003752 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA Voucher: 170807 T1152792 T1153210 T1143574-3 17080801/15/2003001969 CODE PUBLISHING COMPAN 19549 Voucher: 170808 170809 01/15/2003 007164 COLE, DAVE T Voucher: 170809 .-- 17081001/15/2003005208 COMMERCIAL CARD SERVI DEC 2002 ~ Voucher: 170810 ~. 170811 01/15/2003001127 COMMUNITY HEALTH CENT AG02~67:4QTR 12/09/2002 CDBG-DENTALACCESS PR Vouche~ 170811 17081201/15/2003004233 COMPUMASTER Voucher: 170812 DEC2&16,02 DAMAGES 6968027 6968026 6968028 Inv Date DescriPtion 12/30/2002 MSDP - SYMANTEC ciHOST S 11/26/2002 MSDP - SYMANTEC GHOST S 12/18/2002 AG02-8: PAC HWY HOV PHA 12/16/2002 AGOO-116C:PACIFIC HWY SO 12/13/2002 AG02-70:WEST HYLEBOS C 08/08/2002 SWM-WATER QUALITY SUP 12/02/2002 PKRCS-DANCE CLASSES 12 12/16/2002 PKRCS-JANITORIAL SUPPLI ,12/17/2002 PKCHB-JANITORIAL SUPPLI 12/17/2002 PKM-FAC JANITORIAL SUPP 01/02/2003 MSC-CODIFICATION SVCS 12/26/2002 RISK-COMP CASE#02-12059 ( 12/31/2002 PKM-CREDIT FOR NATL REC 11/04/2002 KLCC- GETTING THE MOST F 11/14/2002 PRCS-EXCEL COMPUTER T 11/14/2002 PKDBC-EXCEL TRAINING:.! Amount Paid 280.00 25.49 46,014.85 33,085,84 13,853,89 617.93 217.00 76,82 35.45 65.28 17.95 30.79 6,710,67 2,569,00 89.00 89,00 89,00 Check Total 305.49 92,954.58 617.93 217.00 177.55 17.95 30.79 6,710.67 2,569,00 267.00 Page: 4 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 5 Bank: key us bank (Continued) z:.: - <...r'I Check # Date Vendor Invoice 17081301/15/2003 000063 CORPORATE EXPRESS OFF 39042397 Voucher: 170813 39100450 39247207 39247208 39247209 39308675 39027011 39247194 39100456 38993361 39308663 38448966 39308421 CR 39247210 39308674 39308673 39285899 39100455 39285894 39247192 39220856 39285890 DEC 2002 17081401/15/2003 000771 COSTCO/HRS USA Voucher: 170814 17081501/15/2003004442 CRAWFORD, GARY Voucher: 170815 17081601/15/2003003536 CREATIVE OFFICE FURNISH 02-58268 Voucher: 170816 170817 01/15/2003 000939 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C923383 Voucher: 170817 170818 01/15/2003 000854 0 J TROPHY Voucher: 170818 170819 01/15/2003 005758 DAVID DREBIN REAL ESTATE02-113 Vouche~ 170819 208377 0 J TROPHY Inv Date Description . 12/18/2002 PKRCS-OFFICE SUP~LlES/E 12/19/2002 MSF-OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/27/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 12/27/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 12/27/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 12/31/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 12/17/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/27/2002 CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUI 12/19/2002 MSDP-OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/16/2002 PKRCS-OFFICE SUPPLIES/E 12/31/2002 PKRCS-OFFICE SUPPLIES/E 11/26/2002 CDHS-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 12/31/2002 MSF-OFFICE SUPPLlES- WR 12/27/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 12/31/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 12/30/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 12/30/2002 MSDP-OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/19/2002 PKA-OFFICE SUPPLY 12/30/2002 CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUI 12/27/2002 PKM-CIP-OFFICE SUPPLIES/ 12/26/2002 PKM-CIP-OFFICE SUPPLIES/ 12/27/2002 MSF-OFFICE SUPPLIES PEN 12/26/2002 COST CHRS FOR DECEMBE 12/30/2002 PS-REIMB:TRAFFIC UNIT AW 12/27/2002 MS/DP/POL - CHAIR FOR MIK 11/30/2002 PKRLS-WATER/CLR RNTL A 12/19/2002 PKRCS-NAMES PLA TES/PL 12/23/2002 SWM-MEJIAS APPRAISAL S Amount Paid 265,78 240.32 102,28 102.28 102,28 102.28 91,79 79.15 58.00 56.59 2,059,18 53.72 -0,76 51.14 51.14 51.14 38.90 26.34 13.51 8.40 4.86 0.76 520.55 112,28 823.10 25.46 103.36 2,037.50 Check Total 3,559.08 520,55 112.28 823,10 25.46 103.36 2,037.50 Page: 5 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 6 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid 170820 01/15/2003 003472 DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS I 223027 11/22/2002 MSDP/PS VRM REPAtR SER 186.05 Voucher: 170820 170821 01/15/2003 000773 DELS FARM SUPPLY 3075 07/23/2002 SAFETY EQUIPMENT & CLO 122.13 Voucher: 170821 17082201/15/2003006156 DESTINATION WIRELESS 8898 12/18/2002 PS-CELL PHONE REPLACEMI 132,92 Voucher: 170822 170823 01/15/2003 005399 DYNA SYSTEMS 10534542 12/12/2002 MSFL T- O-RINGS 239,63 Voucher: 170823 170824 01/15/2003 000570 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (1023598 12/26/2002 PS- AUTO REPAIRS 79,35 Voucher: 170824 1023626 12/27/2002 PS- AUTO REPAIRS 24.97 1023591 12/26/2002 PS- AUTO REPAIRS 18.49 1023689 12/30/2002 PS- AUTO REPAIRS 216.38 1023715 12/31/2002 PS- AUTO REPAIRS 18.49 1023479 12/19/2002 PS- AUTO REPAIRS 12,75 1023597 12/26/2002 PS- AUTO REPAIRS 13.32 170825 01/15/2003 006514 ENGINEERING BUSINESS SY 14522 01/06/2003 MSDP-SERVICE & MAINTEN 251.26 '1= Voucher: 170825 - 12/13/2002 PW-EXPR:AUTOZONE-NEW ( 358,89 b 170826 01/15/2003 000730 ENTRANCOINC 41799 Voucher: 170826 170827 01/15/2003 001046 EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATI6211547 12/24/2002 PS-CREDIT REPORTS DEC 2 25.34 Voucher: 170827 17082801/15/2003000328 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA) 0119382 12/31/2002 PS-FUEL FOR VEHICLES 4,283.87 Voucher: 170828 0118286 12/15/2002 MSFL T-FUEL FOR VEHICLES 1,218.32 170829 01/15/2003 002366 ESM CONSULTING ENGINEE 44758 12/25/2002 PKMT/SURVEY SVCS 11/10 754.67 Voucher: 170829 170830 01/15/2003 004840 EVAC-EMERGENCY VEHICLE 101649 12/23/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES ~ 133.28 Voucher: 170830 101652 12/23/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES ~ 117.49 101653 12/23/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES ~ 182,77 101660 12/26/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES ~ 65.28 170831 01/15/2003001131 EVERGREEN AUTO ELECTR 004259 12/19/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 117,50 Voucher: 170831 004301 12/30/2002 MSFLT-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 84.48 004267 12/21/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 56,61 004279 12/27/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 63.35 17083201/15/2003 000217 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPOR4-513-09350 12/20/2002 MSDP-DELIVERY SERVICES. 29,05 Voucher: 170832 4-513-83540 01/03/2003 MSHR- EXPRESS DELIVERY: 7,10 Check Total 186.05 122.13 132.92 239.63 383.75 251.26 358.89 25.34 5,502.19 754.67 498.82 321,94 36.15 Page: 6 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 7 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid 12/17/2002 CDED-TOURISM EN~ANCEM 5,000,00 17083301/15/2003001276 FEDERAL WAY COMMUNITY (2002 GRANT Voucher: 170833 170834 01/15/2003 004270 FEDERAL WAY MIRROR Voucher: 170834 j::: -- .-J 004444 12/21/2002 CDPL- LEGAL ADS DEC 2002 004443 12/21/2002 CDPL- LEGAL ADS DEC 2002 004459 12/25/2002 CDPL- LEGAL ADS DEC 2002 004433 12/18/2002 CDPL- LEGAL ADS DEC 2002 MIRROR 12/28/2002 CDHS-LEGALS DEC 2002 004445 12/21/2002 MSC-ORDINANCE ADVERTIS 004446 12/21/2002 CD/HS LEGAL AD FOR GONG 004359 11/13/2002 PWSWR-MIRROR PUB RATE 17083501/15/2003004690 FEDERAL WAY NUTRITION S 0106FWSDDEC 12/31/2002 PS-LUNCH:OFFICER PATRO Voucher: 170835 170836 01/15/2003 001893 FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DIS SIF-DEC 2002 12/31/2002 MSF-REMIT IMPACT FEES F Voucher: 170836 170837 01/15/2003 001055 FEDERAL WAY SYMPHONY 2002 GRANT 12/17/2002 CDED-TOURISM ENHANCEM Voucher: 170837 170838 01/15/2003 003066 FIRESTONE TIRE & SERVICE 024081 Voucher: 170838 024085 170839 01/15/2003 002664 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC 44292 Voucher: 170839 170840 01/15/2003 002870 FREEWAY TRAILER SALES I 017875 Voucher: 170840 170841 01/15/2003 007168 FRIDAY, MARY ANN Voucher: 170841 17084201/15/2003000923 FURNEY'S NURSERY INC Voucher: 170842 17084301/15/2003 004566 G&M HONEST PERFORMANC46397 Voucher: 170843 46357 17084401/15/2003003118 GALL'S INC 560700930 Voucher: 170844 17084501/15/2003007062 GONCHAROVA TRANSLATI 11/27/02 Voucher: 170845 170846 01/15/2003 002574 GRAHAM & DUNN, P.C. Vouche~ 170846 12/27/2002 PS-CITY VEHICLES TIRES & ~ 12/27/2002 PS-CITY VEHICLES TIRES & ~ 01/04/2003 MSHR- DEC 2002 MONTHLY F 12/19/2002 MSFL T-VEHICLE REPAIRS/S 112402 12/20/2002 PKRCS-REFUND RENTAL DE 1-13304 12/18/2002 PKM-TREES FOR STEEL LA 12/18/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/17/2002 MSFLT-REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/28/2002 PS- PARKA & REFLECTIVE L 11/27/2002 PWSWR-UKRANIAN TRANS E 196546 196548 196547 12/19/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS (SW356 R 12/19/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS (SW356 R 12/19/2002 LAW-LEGAL SERVtCES- 239.04 229.08 215.80 252,32 174.48 49,80 129.48 99.60 148,15 41,856,00 3,500,00 14.99 12,99 303.30 293,74 600,00 3,670.91 235,56 5.44 150,10 35.00 420.80 7,683,36 79.98 Check Total 5,000.00 1,389.60 148.15 41,856.00 3,500,00 27,98 303.30 293.74 600,00 3,670,91 241.00 150,10 35,00 8,184.14 Page: 7 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check list CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 8 Bank: key us bank (Continued) 170847 01/15/2003 003831 GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES 02-018 Voucher: 170847 170848 01/15/2003 000671 H D FOWLER COMPANY Voucher 170848 170849 01/15/2003 005087 HART HEALTH & SAFETY Voucher 170849 17085001/15/2003 007180 HAUK, MICHELLE Voucher: 170850 170851 01/15/2003 002477 HOME DEPOT Voucher 170851 170852 01/15/2003 001431 ICON MATERIALS INC Voucher 170852 170853 01/15/2003 002804 IDENTIGRAPHICS INC Voucher 170853 17085401/15/2003 004397 KDD & ASSOCIATES PLLC 12-2 Voucher 170854 17085501/15/2003 001259 KING COUNTY CRIME VICTIM DEC 2002 Voucher: 170855 17085601/15/2003 000125 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIV 1200085 Voucher: 170856 1186493 1202926, 17085701/15/2003005568 KING COUNTY FLEET ADM DI201474 Voucher: 170857 17085801/15/2003 000564 KING COUNTY PET LICENSE DEC 2002 Voucher: 170858 Check # Date Vendor :;!:: c::.c; Invoice 11240349 16393-401901 COUN51102 7030506 9030155 2032401 8030322 8230383 162124 112175 Inv Date Description 12/31/2002 PS-POL YGRAPH EX.4AS 12/18/2002 PKM-GD REPAIR/MAINT SUP 12/20/2002 PKMT/MEDICAL/FIRST AID S 10/04/2002 MSHR- TUITION REIMB COU 12/11/2002 MIS-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE ~ 12/09/2002 MIS-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE ~ 12/26/2002 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLI 12/10/2002 SWM-REPAIR/MAINTENANC 12/10/2002 MIS-REPAIR/MAINTENANCE ~ 12/02/2002 SWM-CLASS B ASPHALT 12/16/2002 CDB - STICKERS FOR INSPE( 03/27/2002 PWT-GOLDEN WOK 12/31/2002 MSF-REMIT CRIME VICTIM F 11/22/2002 PS-KING CO JAIL{OCT/02) 09/23/2002 PS-KING CO JAIL (AUG/02 A 12/17/2002 PWTR-BSC SIGN/MARKINGS 01/03/2003 PKM-MATERIALS/SUPPLIES ( 12/31/2002 MSF-REMIT KC PET FEES R Amount Paid 500.00 55.93 142,83 518.40 40,93 24.48 8.65 47,81 -2.74 74.26 172.32 590.31 1,081.42 42,847,66 52.27 18,282,17 1,569,11 688.00 Check Total 500.00 55.93 142.83 518.40 119.13 74.26 172.32 590.31 1,081.42 61,182.10 1,569.11 688.00 Page: 8 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 9 Bank: key us bank (Continued) ~ .....c Invoice 301950 37364 37433 36304 36403 37353 37368 37358 37407 36309 37354 17086001/15/2003 000302 KING COUNTY RECORDS-ELE11/30/02 Voucher: 170860 170861 01/15/2003 000376 KING COUNTY WATER & LAN ERS-ILA#1 Voucher: 170861 170862 01/15/2003 000201 KINKO'S INC. ACCOUNT #020515100065629 Voucher: 170862 515100066407 515100066173 515100065593 515100065607 515100066260 515100066009 515100065667 515100066385 515100060323 144977 Check # Date Vendor 170859 01/15/2003 003898 KING COUNTY RADIO Voucher: 170859 '- 170863 01/15/2003 001456 KUSTOM SIGNALS INC Voucher: 170863 170864 01/15/2003 000022 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRI 3179 Voucher: 170864 Inv Date Description 12/31/2002 MSTEL-RADIO SERVrbES - 12/31/2002 MSTEL-RADIO SERVICES - 12/31/2002 MSTEL-RADIO SERVICES- 12/31/2002 MSTEL-RADIO SERVICES - 12/31/2002 MSTEL-RADIO SERVICES- 12/31/2002 MSTEL-RADIO SERVICES- 12/31/2002 MSTEL-RADIO SERVICES- 12/31/2002 MSTEL-RADIO SERVICES - 12/31/2002 MSTEL-RADIO SERVICES- 12/31/2002 MSTEL-RADIO SERVICES - 12/31/2002 MSTEL-RADIO SERVICES- 11/30/2002 MSC-KC ELECTION FEES (1 12/30/2002 SWM-ECOSYSTEM RESTOR 11/04/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 12/31/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 12/11/2002 PKRCS-PRINTING SVCS- 10/31/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 11/01/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 12/17/2002 PKRLS-PRINTING SERVICES 12/01/2002 KLCC-RENTAL BROCHURE 11/07/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES' 12/30/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 12/10/2001 PKRCS-DUPLICATED PAYME 12/11/2002 PS-POLICE EQUIPMENT 12/10/2002 SWM-REQUEST FOR PLANS Amount Paid 4,297.50 938.40 45.82 620.50 481,50 174.46 89.41 89.30 85,00 47.65 46.80 65,212.74 2,815,99 178.90 130.56 122.33 114.86 1 00.76 34.82 8.62 6.92 369.92 -19,75 237,60 16.00 Check Total 6,916.34 65,212,74 2,815.99 1,047,94 237,60 16,00 Page: 9 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 10 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor 17086501/15/2003 000096 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRI Voucher: 170865 17086601/15/2003701250 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRI Voucher: 170866 17086701/15/2003 004052 LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIP ~ Voucher: 170867 b 170868 01/15/2003 005478 LEBEL, SHELLEY Voucher: 170868 17086901/15/2003 000630 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC Voucher: 170869 17087001/15/2003 005339 LOWE'S HIW INC Voucher 170870 Invoice 2814401 899802 824102 3200201 888103 888002 3088801 822402 101 3033601 896402 3033601 01-39161 12210203 015628 HOLL Y JOLL Y 63111 63010 63009 63112 002435183268 002436583769 002433782644 002435283315 002433882665 00243538344 002436083595 002436183615 002435283309 002436583747 002433982703 002433082376 002434582950 Inv Date Description 12/18/2002 PKM-FACIWATER SV£S 9/1 12/18/2002 PKM-FACIWATER SVCS 9/1 12/18/2002 PKM-FACIWATER SVCS 9/1 12/18/2002 PWS-WATER SVCS 9/23- 12/18/2002 PKM-MNT OFF WTR/SWR SV 12/18/2002 PKM-STL LK/WATER SVCS 9 12/18/2002 PWS-WATER SVCS 9/19- 12/18/2002 PKM-FACIWATER SVCS 12/17/2002 PKM-MNT OFF WTR/SWR SV 04/22/2002 PKM-FACIWATER SVCS 1/2 12/18/2002 PKM-FACIWATER SVCS 9/1 12/23/2002 PKM-FACIWATER SVCS 9/2 12/27/2002 CDPL-REFUND 00-102208-00 12/21/2002 PS-SAFETY EQUIPMENT 12/18/2002 PRCS-TAPE FOR ARTS COM 12/12/2002 PRCS-PLATES FOR HOLLY J 12/13/2002 PKM-STONE/GRAVEL SUPPL 12/11/2002 PKM-STONE/GRAVEL SUPPL 12/11/2002 PKM-STONE/GRAVEL SUPPL 12/12/2002 PKM-STONE/GRAVEL SUPPL 12/17/2002 PKKLC-REPAIR/MAINT SUP.P 12/31/2002 PKM-FACILITIES MAINT SUP 12/03/2002 PKDBC-REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/18/2002 PS-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLIES 12/04/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIE 12/19/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIE 12/26/2002 PK-CITY HALL & KLL MAINT S 12/27/2002 PWS-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 12/18/2002 PKCP-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 12/31/2002 PK-CITY HALL MAINT SUPPLI 12/05/2002 PK-CITY HALL MAINT SUPPLI 11/26/2002 PK-CITY HALL MAINT SUPPLI 12/11/2002 MS/PS-MAINT SUPPLIES Amount Paid 504.03 383.40 289.07 235.62 127.07 78,76 32.58 831,23 31,24 14.48 15.68 14.48 487,81 129.42 248,11 132.63 744.30 340,85 26,11 73.17 61.84 639.67 32.54 8.29 29.83 28,60 27.13 26.08 25.09 22.82 13.36 12,88 12.51 Check Total 2,557.64 487.81 129.42 380,74 1,184.43 940.64 Page: 10 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 11 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid 170871 01/15/2003 004431 MADRONA PLANNING DVLP 2772 12/30/2002 CD-EXPR: ENCHANT~D PAR 542.49 Voucher: 170871 2775 12/30/2002 CD EPR: ENCHANTED PARK 385.20 2776 12/30/2002 CD-ON CALL PLANNING SER 225.00 2774 12/30/2002 CD-EXPR:WEST CAMPUS L 95.40 2768 12/30/2002 CD-EXPR-EAST CAMPUS LO 33.00 2769 12/30/2002 CD EPR: U-HAUL FACILITY 21,78 2757 11/27/2002 CD-EXPR: ENCHANTED PAR 1,034,22 2770 12/30/2002 CD EPR: PAVILION CENTRE I 15.00 2773 12/30/2002 CD EPR: ENCHANTED PARK 4.41 170872 01/15/2003 004324 MARTIN, MARY KATE ICBO MARTIN 10/28/2002 CDB - ANNUAL CERTIFICATI 60.00 Voucher: 170872 z: 170873 01/15/2003 007165 MATTOON, STEVE SNIPER TRNG 10/22/2002 PS-SNJPER TEAM TRGN 10/ 1,050.00 ~ Voucher: 170873 170874 01/15/2003 005406 MAYBERRY, MITCHEL NOV-DEC,02 12/31/2002 PKRCS-MARTIAL ART CLAS 806.40 Voucher: 170874 170875 01/15/2003 004182 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC 125439 12/23/2002 PKM-PK LOT VACUUMING S 514.04 Voucher: 170875 170876 01/15/2003 007169 MCMORRAN, PATRICIA 112428 12/20/2002 PKRCS-REFUND FOR REC C 10,00 Voucher: 170876 112427 12/20/2002 PKRCS-REFUND FOR REC C 10.00 170877 01/15/2003 007170 MIN, KYUNG-MI 112250 12/17/2002 PKRCS-REFUND FOR REC C 147.00 Voucher: 170877 170878 01/15/2003 005470 MIRAI ASSOCIATES 6 07/24/2003 AG01-118A:TRAFFIC IMPACT 349.58 Voucher: 170878 17087901/15/2003 006388 MOE, AARON 5094674398 12/06/2002 PRCS-BLENDER FOR KLCC I< 107.71 Voucher: 170879 170880 01/15/2003 005004 MORRIS HANSEN ENTERPRI 11054 12/31/2002 PKCHB-WINDOW CLEANING 220,00 Voucher: 170880 11055 12/31/2002 PKRLS-WINDOW CLEANING: 103,00 170881 01/15/2003001843 MORRIS PIHA REAL ESTATE ~1344 12/26/2002 PKMT/PS: REPAIR PLUMBIN 269.81 Voucher: 170881 170882 01/15/2003 003352 MOTOROLA INC W0513035 12/27/2002 POLICE EQUIPMENT 851,90 Voucher: 170882 170883 01/15/2003 000984 MUZAK L TD PARTNERSHIP 122548 12/10/2002 MSGAC- REPAIR/ADJUSTME 142.80 Voucher: 170883 Check Total 2,356.50 60,00 1,050,00 806.40 514.04 20.00 147.00 349,58 107.71 323,00 269.81 851.90 142.80 Page: 11 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 12 Bank: key us bank (Continued) 17088701/15/2003 000089 NEWS TRIBUNE Voucher 170887 17088801/15/2003 004701 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 400102318013 12/29/2002 MSTEL-CELLULAR AIRTIME 1 Voucher: 170888 170889 01/15/2003 006669 NOVASTAR DEVELOPMENT I 02-39874 Voucher: 170889 17089001/15/2003 005678 OKANOGAN COUNTY JAIL NOV 2002 Voucher: 170890 Check # Date Vendor Invoice :r:: ~.., ~'- 17088401/15/2003001902 MYERS MASTER LAWN CAR 4171 Voucher: 170884 0526 0525 17088501/15/2003001018 NELSON TRUCK EQUIPMENT 307803 Voucher: 170885 17088601/15/2003000043 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 148977 Voucher: 170886 148626 149195 149219 148495 149197 148735 149149 148978 149236 148837 148217 149309 149151 148376 148556 148221 149234 149233 149038 149208 NEWS TRIB Inv Date Description 01/06/2003 AG01-66:LANDSCAPri MNT S 01/03/2003 AG01-66:LANDSCAPE MNT S 01/03/2003 AG01-66:LANDSCAPE MNT S 12/18/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SUPP 12/17/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/09/2002 PKM-GRD REPAIR SUPPLIE 12/24/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/26/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/05/2002 PKM-GRD REPAIR SUPPLIE 12/24/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/11/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/23/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/17/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/27/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/13/2002 PWSWM - REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/27/2002 PWSWM - REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/30/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/23/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/03/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/06/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/27/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/27/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES, 12/27/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/18/2002 PKM- REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/26/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 12/29/2002 MSHR-JOB AD 12/2/02-12 12/27/2002 CDPL-REFUND SEP98-0042 ( 11/30/2002 PS-JAIL SERVICES (NOV 200 Amount Paid 592.96 95.91 10,21 156.29 35.49 31.81 30.83 23.45 22.57 21.77 18.37 17.39 14.68 14,68 14.13 13.03 11.01 57,84 9.97 1.95 9.40 9.35 8.69 8.46 6.51 503,30 1,841.21 120.02 2,167,67 Check Total 699,08 156.29 381.38 503,30 1,841.21 120.02 2,167.67 Page: 12 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 13 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170891 01/15/2003 005741 OUTCOMES BY LEVY DEC 2002 Voucher: 170891 170892 01/15/2003 002545 PACIFIC AIR CONTROL INC 77762 Voucher: 170892 77854 77763 FOCS85378 ~ ~ 170893 01/15/2003 000112 PACIFIC COAST FORD INC Voucher: 170893 17089401/15/2003000315 PACIFIC NORTHWEST TITLE 1374673 Voucher: 170894 412454 446239 375403 374691 374690 374699 374697 374692 375412 36793 36763 36791 36792 2301367 170895 01/15/2003 004644 PACIFIC PLANTS INC Voucher: 170895 170896 01/15/2003 006440 PAPE MACINERY INC Voucher: 170896 170897 01/15/2003 001814 PARAMETRIX INC Voucher: 170897 03-42680 03-42633 03-42632 CK 7845 170898 01/15/2003 006832 PARLOVA, ERL Voucher: 170898 170899 01/15/2003 002557 PETTY CASH FUND-PARKS M PKM 12/31/02 Voucher: 170899 170900 01/15/2003 002024 PETTY CASH-WITNESS FEES DEC 2002 Voucher: 170900 170901 01/15/2003 007059 PHELPSTIRE CO Voucher: 170901 745625 Inv Date Description . Amount Paid 12/31/2002 AG01-9D: LEGISLATI~E LOB 3,216.97 12/18/2002 AG97-18D: HVAC SVCS-CITY 12/30/2002 AG97-18D: HVAC SVCS-CITY 12/18/2002 AG97-18D: HVAC SVCS-CITY 12/30/2002 PS-VEHICLE REPAIRS/MAIN 10108/2002 PWST-TITLE REPORTS 10/08/2002 PWST -TITLE REPORTS 08/06/2002 PWST-TITLE REPORTS 10/08/2002 PWST-TITLE REPORTS 10/08/2002 PWST-TITLE REPORTS 10/08/2002 PWST-TITLE REPORTS 07/30/2002 PWST-TITLE REPORTS 08/05/2002 PWST-TITLE REPORTS 08/02/2002 PWST -TITLE REPORTS 10/08/2002 PWST-TITLE REPORTS 12/18/2002 PKM-STYRAX JAPONICA TR 12/17/2002 PWS-11 STREET TREES; 21 12/18/2002 PKM-ACER RUBRUM OCTOB 12/18/2002 PKM-THUJA PYRAMIDALIS T 12/18/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT. SER 12/09/2002 AG02-109:CHRISTIAN FAITH ( 12/04/2002 AG02-113: 13 AVE 8114 AVE & 12/04/2002 AGOO-168A:SO 312/8TH AVE ~ 09/16/2002 COB - 2002 GROUNDING SE 12/31/2002 PKM- PETTY CASH FUND RE 12/31/2002 MSF-REIM WITNESS FUND P 12/06/2002 MSFL T-TIRES 1,059.14 783.77 669.69 34.76 734,98 0.66 728.96 283.46 239,94 239.94 152.90 . 109.38 44.10 44.10 1,842.80 1.728,98 724.11 1,691,04 551,69 23,996,83 7,121,57 809.48 115,00 48.91 522.00 96.83 Check Total 3,216,97 2,512.60 34.76 2,578.42 5,986.93 551.69 31,927.88 115.00 48,91 522.00 96.83 Page: 13 apChklst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check list CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 14 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice ~ ~ 170902 01/15/2003 005960 PHIL'S SOUTH SIDE CYCLER 5624C Voucher: 170902 17090301/15/2003000808 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 2477857 Voucher: 170903 170904 01/15/2003 001612 POLLARD GROUP INC Voucher: 170904 17090501/15/2003 005583 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 886398 Voucher: 170905 170906 01/15/2003 000049 PRESTON GATES & ELLIS LL 573627 Voucher: 170906 576386 17090701/15/2003000051 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC 311-112-7001 Voucher: 170907 398-842-1008 669-650-2001 487-650-2008 330-694-9979 895-405-1002 183-469-1006 252-150-2001 753-129-1008 727-469-1000 420-530-2005 699-699-1003 472-400-1005 359-540-2203 017-470-5400 303-218-1004 206- T02 -6518 60087 170908 01/15/2003 000202 aWEST Voucher: 170908 17090901/15/2003005922 aWEST DEX Voucher: 170909 17091001/15/2003 004093 aWEST INTERPRISE Voucher: 170910 170911 01/15/2003 006042 R & T HOOD & DUCT SERVICE27592 Voucher: 170911 01297846000 253-008-6046 Inv Date Description 12/11/2002 PS-BICYCLE #0572 REPAIRS 12/19/2002 PKM-LiGHTING SUPPLIES 12/20/2002 MSM&D-BUSINESS CARDS 12/16/2002 PKM-WELOING SUPPLIES 11/27/2002 AGOO-107C:LEGAL SVC (SI 01/08/2003 AGOO-107C: LEGAL SVC (SI 12/20/2002 PKDBC/KFT-ELECTRCTY CH, 12/10/2002 PKRCS-ELECTRICITY CHGS ( 12/13/2002 PWTR-ELECTRIC CHARGES- 12/13/2002 PWTR-ELECTRIC CHARGES- 12/13/2002 PWTR-ELECTRIC CHARGES- 12/13/2002 PWTR-ELECTRIC CHARGES- 12/17/2002 PWTR-ELECTRIC CHARGES- 12/17/2002 PWTR-ELECTRIC CHARGES- 12/20/2002 PWTR-ELECTRIC CHARGES- 12/20/2002 PKDBC/KFT -ELECTRCTY CH 12/13/2002 PWTR-ELECTRIC CHARGES- 12/18/2002 PWS-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 12/17/2002 PWTR-ELECTRIC CHARGES- 12/13/2002 PWTR-ELECTRIC CHARGES- 12/17/2002 PWTR-ELECTRIC CHARGES- 12/17/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCTY CHRG 12/16/2002. MSTEL-PHONE/DATA SVC ( 12/22/2002 PKDBC-DIRECTORY AD 12/19/2002 MSTEL-OATA COMM LINES ( 12/05/2002 PRLS-HVAC SERVICES Amount Paid 158.09 87.05 345.93 66.47 26,780.84 2.299.80 1,606.49 1.323,57 441.34 279.46 258.97 157.42 137.83 117,07 115,69 2.048.21 103.42 5.79 80.51 42,06 11.98 5,79 438.74 211.66 515.14 106,08 Check Total 158.09 87.05 345.93 66.47 29.080.64 6,735,60 438.74 211.66 515.14 106.08 Page: 14 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 15 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 00054385801 -I:: ~ 17091201/15/2003 004793 RADIOLOGY GROUP Voucher: 170912 170913 01/15/2003 007084 REBER RANCH INC Voucher: 170913 170914 01/15/2003 006873 REGENCY CLEANERS Voucher: 170914 17091501/15/2003007130 RESOURCES INTERNATION 4666 Voucher: 170915 17091601/15/2003 004598 RHITHRON BIOLOGICAL ASS #1 Voucher: 170916 170917 01/15/2003 004317 RITZ CAMERA ONE HOUR PH 1026081070 Voucher: 170917 17091801/15/2003 004518 RIVER OAKS COMMUNICATIC12/2-12/18 Vouche~ 170918 170919 01/15/2003 001503 ROTO-ROOTER SERVICE CO 21712064826 Voucher: 170919 170920 01/15/2003 004849 SAMS SANITARY & MAINTEN 72160 Voucher: 170920 170921 01/15/2003 003174 SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIPME552192 Voucher: 170921 552191 170922 01/15/2003 006415 SASE CO INC IN23335 Voucher: 170922 17092301/15/2003001988 SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY 1212/8204 Voucher: 170923 1219/4414 170924 01/15/2003 003697 SOUND SAFETY PRODUCTS 13025448-01 Voucher: 170924 3025938-01 17092501/15/2003 002548 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL 1-330476 Voucher: 170925 170926 01/15/2003 007171 STANHOPE, TAMARA Voucher: 170926 170927 01/15/2003 007172 STEFFENS, HARRY Voucher: 170927 170928 01/15/2003 003307 STERICYCLE INC Voucher: 170928 491457 MINV#18432 112401 112615 0001991676 Inv Date Description . Amount Paid Check Total 12/20/2002 PS-PRE-EMPMT MD ~XAM-JÞ 107,12 107,12 12/04/2002 PS-1/2" X 4 X 6 RUBBER MAT: 76.05 76.05 12/01/2002 AG02-98:PS DRY CLNG SVC 2,402.26 2,402.26 12/17/2002 PKM-MARINE LUMBER 2,197.13 2,197,13 12/31/2002 AG02-50:BENTHIC MCRNVRT 1,500.00 1,500,00 12/03/2002 PKDBC-CAMERA BAG:DIGI 36.68 36.68 12/23/2002 AGOO-74B: TELECOMMUNICA 128.85 128.85 12/30/2002 PKM-SERVICE SINKAT CITY 197.36 197.36 12/16/2002 PKCHB-JANITORIAL SUPPLI 91.06 91.06 12/17/2002 PS-POLICE EQUIPMENT-AMt-J 3,082.00 12/17/2002 PS-POLICE EQUIPMENT-AMt-J 1,541.00 4,623.00 12/04/2002 PWS-CONCRETE GRINDER F 326.40 326.40 12/12/2002 PKRLS-LiNEN SERVICES ÄC 35.23 12/19/2002 PKRLS-LiNEN SERVICES AC 30.84 66,07 12/20/2002 PWA-GORETEX BOOTS; GO 160.48 12/23/2002 SAFETY EQUIPMENT & CLO 106.62 267,10 12/02/2002 PKRCS-PEST CONTROL SVC 51.14 51.14 12/20/2002 PKRCS-REFUND FOR REC C 5.00 5.00 12/27/2002 PKRCS-REFUND FOR REC C 55.00 55,00 12/19/2002 PS-WASTE DISPOSAL FEES 181.60 181.60 Page: 15 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 16 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 170929 01/15/2003 005921 STL SEATTLE, SEVERN TREN58008515 12/26/2002 SWM-LABORA TORY;¡'ESTI 140.00 140.00 Voucher: 170929 170930 01/15/2003 005891 SUDDEN IMAGE INC 2828 01/04/2003 PS-PHOTO SERVICES 891.57 891.57 Voucher: 170930 170931 01/15/2003 005215 TAB NORTHWEST 1368635 12/17/2002 MC-MODULAR MOBILE 3,330.44 3,330.44 Voucher: 170931 170932 01/15/2003 000588 TACOMA PUBLIC UTILITIES 008-280-509 12/30/2002 PKDBC/KFT-PUBLIC UTILIT 191,12 Voucher: 170932 005-224-608 12/30/2002 PKDBC/KFT-PUBLIC UTILIT 346.26 008-227 -187 12/30/2002 PKKFT-PUBLIC UTILITIES 10 46.20 583.58 170933 01/15/2003 005970 TACOMA RADIOLOGY & MED 157070199 06/06/2002 PS-MEDICAL EXAMS-STACE 90.00 90,00 Voucher: 170933 170934 01/15/2003 001601 TAK INC 6008 12/30/2002 MSF-PRINTING SERVICES 750.12 750,12 Voucher: 170934 170935 01/15/2003 702243 TEAM SEATTLE NATIONAL E 2002 GRANT 12/17/2002 COED-TOURISM ENHANCEM 6,000.00 6,000.00 3:: Voucher: 170935 ~ 170936 01/15/2003 003085 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION2018946 12/09/2002 MS/PSIINET 2002 PROJECT - 2,333.78 Voucher: 170936 2018220 12/05/2002 MS/PSIINET PROJECT 2002 C 298.11 2,631.89 ,170937 01/15/2003 006033 THE FAB SHOP LLC 2-1230 12/10/2002 MSFL T -AUTO SERVICES 1,889.20 1,889,20 Voucher: 170937 170938 01/15/2003 005334 THE FRAUSE GROUP 1102-1518 11/30/2002 PWSWR-BROCHURE/DEVEL 2,176.00 2,176,00 Voucher: 170938 . 170939 01/15/2003 000670 THORSETT LANDSCAPING & [51162 12/19/2002 PKM-SALIX TRISTIS TREE 822.46 822.46 Voucher: 170939 170940 01/15/2003 007175 THRASHER, POK H. 03-40927 01/07/2003 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 50.00 50.00 Voucher: 170940 170941 01/15/2003 001267 TOP FOODS HAGGEN INC 316358 12/18/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIE 54.35 Voucher: 170941 333842 12/17/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIE 85,21 329894 12/12/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIE 40.49 326649 12/21/2002 PKRCS-PRGM SUPPLIES-H 9.79 189.84 170942 01/15/2003 001436 TREE RECYCLERS 21226 12/23/2002 PKM-TREE SERVICES/REMO' 1,305.60 Voucher: 170942 21230 12/30/2002 PKM- TREE SERVICES/REMO' 326.40 1,632.00 170943 01/15/2003 002426 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C 2356 12/12/2002 PKRCS-PROG SUPPLIES HO 130.69 Voucher: 170943 3739 12/20/2002 PKRCS-PROG SUPPLIES HO -14,16 1206 12/05/2002 PKRCS-PROG SUPPLIES HO 113.85 1475 12/06/2003 PKRCS-PROG SUPPLIES 61,04 291.42 Page: 16 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 17 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 170944 01/15/2003 003837 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 000F6588V522 12/28/2002 PS-DELIVERY SVCS tvsP MA 12.91 12.91 Voucher: 170944 170945 01/15/2003 000769 UNITED PIPE & SUPPLY CO I 5702300 12/09/2002 PKMT-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 1,430.63 Voucher: 170945 5713392 12/24/2002 PKMT-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 230.95 5703084 12/11/2002 PKMT-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 1,757,32 5702126 12/09/2002 PKCP-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 190.18 5703660 12/11/2003 PKMT-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 135.61 3,744,69 170946 01/15/2003 004339 WA STATE DEPT OF PERSON34838 12/23/2002 PWDS-TRAINING; ENTRY M 100.00 100.00 Voucher: 170946 17094701/15/2003000340 WA STATE INFORMATION S 2002120219 01/03/2003 MSTEL-SCAN SERVICE DEC : 847.87 847.87 Voucher: 170947 170948 01/15/2003 000851 WA STATE PATROL 00018269 12/15/2002 MSDP-DATA STATION SVC D 3,416.31 Voucher: 170948 10210114 01/03/2003 MSHR- BACKGROUND CHA 30.00 3,446,31 17094901/15/2003 000514 WA STATE-STATE REVENUE DEC 2002 12/31/2002 MSF-REMIT STATE FEES DE 52,807.36 52,807.36 Voucher: 170949 "):: 170950 01/15/2003 006021 WEIZEL & ASSOCIATES L TD 8105 11/25/2002 PS - SPITNETS W/O STRAPS 248.05 248.05 N Voucher: 170950 -1 170951 01/15/2003 001241 WEST COAST AWARDS 39237 12/23/2002 PKKFT-STAFF SHIRTS 419.10 419.10 Voucher: 170951 170952 01/15/2003 006116 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CE 803265581 11/30/2002 MSDP-DATABASE/COMM CH 1,130,68 1,130.68 Voucher: 170952 170953 01/15/2003 000541 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DIS 312414 12/09/2002 MSFL T-TORO MOWER REPA 233.50 233.50 Voucher: 170953 170954 01/15/2003 001990 WESTERN LlNEN/WELCOME 112/02/02 12/02/2002 PKRLS-CARPET RENTAL KL 90.05 90,05 Voucher: 170954 17095501/15/2003000119 WMCA-WA MUNICIPAL CLE WMCA03 GRE 12/31/2002 MSCC- 2003 MEMBERSHIP D 85,00 Voucher: 170955 WMCA03 S.C. 12/31/2002 MSCC- 2003 MEMBERSHIP D 45.00 130.00 170956 01/15/2003 004855 WST INC 16480dec 12/27/2002 MSGIS-OCE 32LB COLOR B 1,018,22 1,018.22 Voucher: 170956 170957 01/15/2003 000544 YMCA OF GREATER SEATTL AG02-56:4QTR 01/06/2003 AG02-56:BOILERPLATE 2002 9,894.37 9,894.37 Voucher: 170957 17095801/15/2003000947 YOUR INC 2892 12/20/2002 AGOO-48B:PKM JNTRL SVCS 650.00 650,00 Voucher: 170958 170959 01/15/2003 007173 ZALDIVAR, MELISA 112247 12/17/2002 PKRCS-REFUND DAMAGE D 5.45 5.45 Voucher: 170959 Check # Date Vendor Invoice Page: 17 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 18 Sub total for us bank: 612,743.47 ~ t: ~ ~ Page: 18 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check list CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 19 186 checks in this report. ~ Grand Total All Checks: 612,743.47 ~ ~ -....t) Page: 19 apChkLst 01/15/2003 3:30:25PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 20 Bank code: key (none) ~ :z::. ~ c Page: 20 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 1 Bank: key us bank Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170451 12/24/2002 007009 PACIFIC FLOWER INC Voucher: 170451 170452 12/31/2002 005659 A HIGHER PLANE Voucher: 170452 170453 12/31/2002 001856 ACTION SERVICES CORPORP44377 Voucher: 170453 44395 170454 12/31/2002 700084 ADT SECURITY SERVICES 02-104761-00 Voucher: 170454 170455 12/31/2002 001285 ALPINE PRODUCTS INC Voucher: 170455 170456 12/31/2002 003269 AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTE 2323772 Voucher: 170456 170457 12/31/2002 003645 AMERICAN JANITORIAL SVC 2570 Voucher 170457 2568 2562 2563 2569 2571 2566 2561 2565 2560 2564 2559 2567 17045812/31/2002 001746 AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS A647511 Voucher: 170458 170459 12/31/2002 005501 ANDREWS, AMY Voucher: 170459 170460 12/31/2002 002534 ARBORSCAN INC Voucher: 170460 170461 12/31/2002 004964 ARIA DANCE COMPANY Voucher: 170461 :s::: ~ ......... 212104-9025 R015665 TM-50933 12/10/02 12/17/02 2770 10/19/2002 Inv Date Description ~ Amount Paid 5,000.00 1,520.40 6,091,81 948.00 306,00 51.52 85,22 1,026.00 668.20 476.90 428.35 1,615.00 427,50 225.30 407.45 328.90 324.80 293.60 251.20 234.15 150.00 90.00 80.00 478.72 750,00 Check Total 5,000,00 1,520.40 7,039,81 306,00 51,52 85,22 6,707,35 150,00 170,00 478.72 750,00 12/17/2002 PWSCIP-RELOC. BENEFIT 2 12/31/2002 PRCS-REFINISH GYM FLOO 11/29/2002 AG02-76:0N CALL SVC VACU 11/22/2002 AG02-76:0N CALL SVC VACU 12/26/2002 CDB-REFUND ELEC PERMIT 08/06/2002 5 GAL FAST DRY WHITE TRA 11/25/2002 PKDBC-SHOWERHEADS:GU 12/05/2002 AGOO-50:JNTRL (DL Y-WKL Y) : 12/05/2002 AGOO-50:JNTRL (11/21-11/22) 12/05/2002 AGOO-50:JNTRL (11/4-11/10) S 12/05/2002 AGOO-50:JNTRL (11/6-11/12) S 12/05/2002 AGOO-50:JNTRL (DL Y-WKL Y) : 12/05/2002 AGOO-50:JNTRL (BI-WKL Y) S 12/05/2002 AGOO-50:JNTRL (11/19-11/20) 12/05/2002 AGOO-50:JNTRL (11/2-11/3) S 12/05/2002 AGOO-50:JNTRL (11/13-11/14) 12/05/2002 AGOO-50:JNTRL (11/2-11/3) S 12/05/2002 AGOO-50:JNTRL (11/7-11/10) S 12/05/2002 AGOO-50:JNTRL (11/1-11/3) S 12/05/2002 AGOO-50:JNTRL (11/20-11/21) 12/03/2002 APWA ONLINE CLASS - RISK 12/10/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 0026 12/17/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 2680 12/07/2002 PKMTITREE REMOVAL FRO 10/19/2002 PRCS-2002 ANNUAL REPERT Page: 1 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 2 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 0510661494 050 532 7646 0510714612 0510678441 0504916115 058 494 8549 0505320955 170463 12/31/2002 000075 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 1047-20405718 Voucher: 170463 25028069 49095524 03-40637 170462 12/31/2002 001233 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE Voucher: 170462 170464 12/31/2002 007147 BAILEY, SHAUN T Voucher: 170464 170465 12/31/2002 002386 BANHEGYI / PAWLAK, SUSAN 12/9/02 Voucher: 170465 12/12/02 12/18/02 12/9/02 PM 12/02/02 12/11/02 12/9/02 12/10/02 170467 12/31/2002 000792 BARRY'S TRUCKING & LAND 8508 Voucher: 170467 8505 8506 8507 12/19/02 .,;::: ~ ç! <: 17.&466 12/31/2002 005421 BARGER, KENNETH Voucher: 170466 170468 12/31/2002 007108 BASARU, FLORENTIN Voucher: 170468 17046912/31/2002 006206 BEST BUY COMMERICAL IN 004104190 Voucher: 170469 17047012/31/2002701893 BEVERLY ENTERPRISES INC 02-42558 Voucher: 170470 170471 12/31/2002 005098 BIG 0 TIRES 4 LESS & AUTO ~7804 Voucher: 170471 255634 255667 255632 255393 Inv Date Description 11/28/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTA'CE SV 12/09/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 11/24/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 11/30/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 12/10/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 12/13/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 11/25/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 12/02/2002 MSTEL-CELL AIR TIME 11/1 12/12/2002 MSTEL-CELL AIR TIME- APP 12/02/2002 MSTEL-CELL AIR TIME 11/1 12/06/2002 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 12/09/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 2488 12/12/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 2235 12/18/8002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 2468 12/09/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 2594 12/02/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 2700 12/11/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 0026 12/09/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 0025 12/10/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 2701 11/26/2002 AG02-79:LANDSCAPING&HA 11/26/2002 AG02-79:LANDSCAPING&HA 11/26/2002 AG02-79:LANDSCAPING&HA 11/26/2002 AG02-79:LANDSCAPING&HA 12/19/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 2522 12/17/2002 PS-SONY DIGITAL CAMERA # 12/04/2002 PW-REFUND ADMN DEPOSI 12/13/2002 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICEITIRE 12/16/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 12/17/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 12/16/2002 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICEITIRE 12/09/2002 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICEITIRE Amount Paid - 19.06 19.06 21.19 16.95 14.85 16,95 15.12 968.44 19.00 6,20 50.00 110,25 105.00 35,00 85.75 67.50 45.00 45.00 45.00 973,76 217.60 272,00 228.48 40.00 609.24 12,586.00 27.20 16.81 14.02 16.81 16.81 Check Total 123,18 993.64 50.00 336.00 202.50 1,691.84 40.00 609,24 12,586.00 91.65 Page: 2 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 3 Bank: key us bank (Continued) ;z:: ~ u-J Check # Date Vendor 170472 12/31/2002 004977 BLiMPIE SUBS & SALADS Voucher: 170472 170473 12/31/2002 001630 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO I 276674 Voucher: 170473 276681 273825 275202 276684-01 276684 274083 268280 276691 269047-01 276336CR 276200 269384-01 262776-01 270956 271843-01 273872 272970 268746-01 274957 276755 269980 276202 267700 274077 274785 274622 273825-01 273353 276333CR Invoice 923 --- -- ----- Inv Date Description . Amount Paid Check Total 12/05/2002 PKM-FOOD FOR CIT~ MTGS/ 78,97 78.97 12/09/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING ADP 1,634.29 12/09/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING MIC 1,615,84 11/14/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING BRI 1,531.80 11/27/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING KRI 950.07 12/09/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING THC 791.52 12/04/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING THC 603.40 11/27/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING MAF 499.07 11/21/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING STE 474.75 12/09/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING JES 1,680.09 11/14/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING MAl 404.74 11/27/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING KRL -86.44 11/27/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING FOF 308,34 11/20/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING ED I 239.31 11/20/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING JUL 239,25 11/20/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING MAF 235.99 11/27/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING MAF 146,72 11/20/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING CAF 130,51 11/20/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING JAW 117.45 11/20/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING STE 117.45 11/27/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING BRE 117.45 12/09/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING MlC 100.00 12/09/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING ED I 93.02 12/09/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING AN~ 90.47 12/09/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING SET 88.62 12/09/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING LOF 49.99 11/21/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING LIS 40.80 11/15/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING POl 34,76 12/09/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING BR 20.67 11/20/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING GRE 13.06 11/27/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING HA~ -66,59 12,216.40 Page: 3 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL W/s'Y Page: 4 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170474 12/31/2002 000007 BOISE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 614548 Voucher: 170474 807300 465926 239241 461937 725645 489071 777709 459270 766144 680887 96088 ,:: ~ -L 170475 12/31/2002 002093 BROWN & BROWN OF WA, I Voucher: 170475 170476 12/31/2002 005700 BUCICH, PAUL Voucher: 170476 170477 12/31/2002 007143 BUELL, NICHOLAS C Voucher: 170477 170478 12/31/2002 000414 CAFE PACIFIC CATERING IN Vouche~ 170478 EMP REIMB Y2-000343 6392 6364 6378 6391 6390 10/21-10/23 170479 12/31/2002 005825 CALHOUN, KARL Voucher: 170479 170480 12/31/2002 001399 CAPITAL LIGHTING COMPAN 74420 Voucher: 170480 170481 12/31/2002 005704 CASCADE ELEVATOR COMPP1221 Voucher: 170481 170482 12/31/2002 005573 COW GOVERNMENT INC HJ18860 Voucher: 170482 HH90024 170483 12/31/2002 004676 CENTERSTAGE THEATRE ARJAN-NOV/02 Voucher: 170483 170484 12/31/2002 001481 CH2M HILL NORTHWEST INC 3357949 Voucher: 170484 3365428 Inv Date Description 11/14/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/E<ÍUIPMEI 11/27/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEI 11/05/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEI 10/22/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/05/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEI 11/21/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEI 11/06/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEI 11/26/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEr 11/05/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEI 11/25/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEI 11/19/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEI 07/30/2002 PUBLIC OFFICIALS E&O INS 12/23/2002 SWM-WORK BOOTS PROCT 12/04/2002 N BUELL:SATISFACTION OF , 12/16/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 12/10/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS DA 12/12/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 12/16/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 12/16/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 12/11/2002 PS-MILEAGE REIMB:KARL C 12/02/2002 PWA-CHRISTMAS TREE LI 12/01/2002 AG01-61:CITY HALL ELEVATC 12/10/2002 MSDP-ADOBE ACROBAT V 5 12/03/2002 MSDP/POL NIKON COOL PIX 12/18/2002 AG02-29: THEATRE PRODUG 11/13/2002 AG02- 70:WEST HYLEBOS C 12/12/2002 AG01-133D:S 288TH/MILITAR Amount Paid 88.91 57.36 44.46 43.26 38,11 36,22 27.11 22.45 22.09 106.41 6,05 150.50 140,57 1,211.34 71.40 135.68 40.80 15.30 19.20 36.08 2,963.72 145,68 2,692,07 1,043.15 2,000,00 60,314.73 1,614,07 Check Total 492.43 150,50 140,57 1,211,34 282.38 36.08 2,963,72 145.68 3,735.22 2,000,00 61,928.80 Page: 4 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 5 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170485 12/31/2002 005622 CHELAN COUNTY TREASUREOO0544 Voucher: 170485 0000423 170486 12/31/2002 000951 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY #4:AG02-52 Voucher: 170486 170487 12/31/2002 005817 CITY OF FIFE Voucher: 170487 170488 12/31/2002 004412 CITY OF TACOMA/SURPLUS ~CITY OF TAC Voucher: 170488 170489 12/31/2002 003564 CLARY, JOHN Voucher: 170489 170490 12/31/2002 003752 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA Voucher: 170490 0000509 1123-01015 11/25/02 T1150523 t1143574-2 w1151362 170491 12/31/2002 001969 CODE PUBLISHING COMPAN CODE PUBLIS Voucher: 170491 170492 12/31/2002 005102 COLE-PARMER INSTRUMENT 4951411 Voucher: 170492 4949705 170493 12/31/2002 002863 COMPLETE COLLISION CEN JOB#3719 Voucher: 170493 170494 12/31/2002 004395 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICA 0220-416690 Voucher: 170494 170495 12/31/2002 000135 CORDI & BEJARANO INC PS 12/10/02 Voucher: 170495 170496 12/31/2002007113 CORESTAFF SERVICES LP Voucher: 170496 :t:: ~ V"\ 402014987 4 02014657 4 02015888 402015413 Inv Date Description . Amount Paid 12/04/2002 PS-JAIL SERVICES (?1/02) 11,712.00 11/07/2002 PS-JAIL SERVICES (10/02) 9,840,00 12/02/2002 PWTR-5% RET:SW DASH PT 1,599.98 12/09/2002 PS-JAIL SERVICES (11/02) 12/29/2002 PS-VEHICLE REPAIRS 11/22/2002 PS-REIMB:UNIFORM BOOT A 11/25/2002 PS-REIMB:K9 EQUIPMENT/SL 12/10/2002 PKCHB-JANITORIAL SUPPLI 12/05/2002 PKM-GRD MNT JANITORIAL ~ 12/12/2002 MC-JANITORIAL SUPPLlES- 12/30/2002 MSC-CODIFICATION SVCS 12/03/2002 SWMWQ- WATER QUALITY S 11/29/2002 SWMWQ-WATER QUALITY S 10/15/2002 LOSS DATE7/28/02 RISK FIL 11/20/2002 PKKFT-LiGHTING 12/11/2002 MC-PRO TEM JUDGE{12/10 11/17/2002 MSCK/CD - TEMPORARY CL 11/10/2002 MSCK/CD - TEMPORARY CL 12/01/2002 MSCK/CD - TEMPORARY CL 11/24/2002 MSCK/CD - TEMPORARY CL 18,900.00 1,275.21 100.00 81,59 135.23 39.95 12.93 4,071.95 56,26 21.22 1,181.70 20,13 100.00 572.00 555,50 330.00 550.00 Check Total 21,552,00 1,599.98 18,900.00 1,275.21 181,59 188,11 4,071,95 77,48 1,181.70 20,13 100,00 2,007.50 Page: 5 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 6 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170497 12/31/2002 000063 CORPORATE EXPRESS OFF 38593606 Voucher: 170497 38730982C 38893819 38855977 38993382 38855976 38855962 38855978 38362036 38893818 38893820 39063222 38624663 39063239 38733816 38893821 38781483 38660767 38781499 38696557 38855975 170498 12/31/2002 000939 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C923384 Voucher: 170498 923332 923330 923336 1017001 ~ v:I ç- 170499 12/31/2002 007058 CUB CLUB CUSTOM BEARS Voucher: 170499 170500 12/31/2002 000854 D J TROPHY Voucher: 170500 170501 12/31/2002 005169 DATABAR INC Voucher: 170501 170502 12/31/2002 005657 DATABASE TECHNOLOGIES Voucher 170502 170503 12/31/2002 000578 DETAIL PLUS Voucher: 170503 Inv Date Description 12/02/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPL8::S- 12/06/2002 OFFICE SUPPLlES/EQUIPMEr 12/12/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/11/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 12/16/2002 MSF-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 12/11/2002 MC-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 12/11/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 12/29/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 11/22/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEr 12/12/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/12/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/18/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUrPMEr 12/02/2003 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEr 12/29/2002 CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUI 12/06/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEr 12/12/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/09/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEr 12/04/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 12/09/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUrPMEI 12/05/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 12/11/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIPMEI 11/30/2002 MC-WATER/CLR RNTL ACC 11/30/2002 PKDBC-WATER/CL RNTL AC 11/30/2002 PKKFT-WATER/CL RNTL AC 11/30/2002 PKRCS-WATER/CL RNTL AC 11/24/2002 PS-PS CUSTOM BEARS:EXPL Amount Paid 196.71 -4.09 153.41 127.84 103.40 102,28 87.64 76.70 65.73 51.14 51.14 41,84 41,23 27.63 27.15 25.57 23.48 13,19 11.04 10.29 5,05 52,00 106.41 38.30 8,05 1,570.00 208375A 12/18/2002 NAMES PLATES/PLAQUES 101,80 208320A 12/16/2002 SELF INKING STAMP 60.38 21595 12/20/2002 MAILING/PRINTING SVCS 10,603.14 ABOOO0590806 11/30/2002 NOVEMBER 2002 AUTOTRA 75,00 11583 11/30/2002 VEHICLE DETAILING SVCS 1,028.16 Check Total 1,238,37 204.76 1,570.00 162.18 10,603,14 75.00 1,028.16 Page: 6 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 7 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 12/10/02 12/13/02 10530164 170504 12/31/2002 005341 DODD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA Voucher: 170504 170505 12/31/2002 005399 DYNA SYSTEMS Voucher: 170505 170506 12/31/2002 000570 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (1023342 Voucher: 170506 1023339 1023457 1023336 1023359 240373 170507 12/31/2002001879 EARTH TECH INC Voucher: 170507 170508 12/31/2002 000097 EDEN SYSTEMS INC 15410 Voucher: 170508 15409 :¡:: 170509 12/31/2002 003948 EDGEWOOD FIREPLACE SH 20939 I;;JoJ Voucher: 170509 .j 170510 12/31/2002 005443 EIDE, DONALD MARK Voucher: 170510 170511 12/31/2002007017 ELECTRONIC RESOURCING 1105170100010 Voucher: 170511 105170100020 170512 12/31/2002 000343 ELEPHANT CAR WASH 200 Voucher: 170512 170513 12/31/2002 001046 EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATI6099407 Voucher: 170513 170514 12/31/2002000328 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA) 0118287. Voucher: 170514 170515 12/31/2002007137 EVIDENT CRIME SCENE PROl12446A Voucher 170515 170516 12/31/2002 001297 FACILITY MAINTENANCE CO 039026 Voucher: 170516 039023 039024 039022 DEC 14&15/02 12/13/02 170517 12/31/2002 002571 FEDERAL WAY CHORALE Voucher: 170517 170518 12/31/2002004270 FEDERAL WAY MIRROR - Voucher: ~ ~ 170518 004342 Inv Date Description . Amount Paid 12/10/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CÀ# 2696 140,00 12/13/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:IA 61286 110,00 11/26/2002 PKM-SHOP SUPPLIES 202.63 12/12/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 12/12/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 12/17/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 12/12/2002 FLEET REPAIRS/MAINTENAN 12/13/2002 FLEET REPAIRS/MAINTENAN 12/04/2002 AG02-20: SURVEYING SERVI 11/30/2002 MSDP-EDEN SYSTEM UPGRJ 11/30/2002 MSDP-EDEN SYSTEM UPGRJ 12/12/2002 EQUIPMENT REPAIR SERVI 12/13/2002 PRO TEM JUDGE 10/30/2002 MSDP/PS-DIGITAL DISK REC 11/05/2002 MSDP/PS-DIGITAL DISK REC 12/30/2002 CAR WASH SERVICES 11/02 11/25/2002 CREDIT REPORTING SVCS F 12/15/2002 PS-FUEL FOR VEHICLES (12 12/04/2002 PS-25 JUMBO BAGS:EVIDENC 12/15/2002 AG01-59:PKS LNDSCP MNT S 12/15/2002 AG01-59:PKS LNDSCP MNT S 12/15/2002 AG01-59:PKS LNDSCP MNT S 12/15/2002 AG01-59:PKS LNDSCP MNT S 12/16/2002 AG02-65:CONTRACT FOR S 11/06/2002 PWSWR-AFFIDAVIT OF PUB 229.34 18.49 70.17 41.62 18,86 2,819.00 3,625,00 88.47 35,83 200.00 12,193,89 4,272.48 319,98 21.76 4,407,06 79.00 14.15 14.15 14.15 14.15 1,100,00 99,60 Check Total 250.00 202,63 378.48 2,819.00 3,713.47 35.83 200.00 16,466,37 319.98 21,76 4,407,06 79,00 56.60 1,100.00 99,60 Page: 7 apChklst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check list CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 8 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor 170519 12/31/2002 004302 FEDERAL WAY NEWS Voucher 170519 170520 12/31/2002 002998 FEDERAL WAY SIGN COMPA 11/21/02 Voucher: 170520 170521 12/31/2002 001055 FEDERAL WAY SYMPHONY DEC 7&8,02 Voucher 170521 170522 12/31/2002 001593 FEDERAL WAY TOWING INC 14345 Voucher: 170522 170523 12/31/2002 003066 FIRESTONE TIRE & SERVICE 023838 Voucher 170523 170524 12/31/2002 001686 FIRST CHOICE BUSINESS MAO0110721 Voucher: 170524 170525 12/31/2002 007086 FOAM RUBBER CITY Voucher: 170525 ::t= 170526 12/31/2002 001669 FOSTER PEPPER & SHEFELM725717 ~ Voucher: 170526 725716 (j> 170527 12/31/2002 001637 FRY'S WELDING INC 11547 Voucher: 170527 170528 12/31/2002 000923 FURNEY'S NURSERY INC Voucher: 170528 Invoice CFW- C M 18916 1-13171 1-13178 1-13203 01-0045963 170529 12/31/2002 702439 GABEL, JEREMY D Voucher 170529 170530 12/31/2002 007148 GAGNE-FONGEMIE, TRANG L03-40629 Voucher 170530 170531 12/31/2002003118 GALL'S INC Voucher: 170531 560298570 559793830101 558642580101 170532 12/31/2002005251 GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE SUP 063215 Voucher: 170532 170533 12/31/2002 004959 GLOBE TICKET & LABEL COM164910 Voucher: 170533 Inv Date Description 12/11/2002 CM-FEDERAL WAY NEWS S 11/21/2002 CD/HS NEIGHBORHOOD SIG 12/16/2002 AG02-74:CUL TURAL ARTS P 11/26/2002 PS-TOWING SERVICES:PRO 12/13/2002 PS-CITY VEHICLES TIRES & ~ 11/30/2002 MSHR-COPR RPR,MNT,SUP 1 11/12/2002 PS-BENCH SEAT FOAM & CA 11/27/2002 AG02-95A:LEGAL SVCS 10/ 11/27/2002 AG02-95A:LEGAL SVCS 10/ 12/16/2002 PKM-PIPE RAILING 12/09/2002 PKM-PLANTS FOR IITRAING 12/09/2002 PKM-PLANTS FOR IITRAING 12/11/2002 PKM-PLANTS FOR IITRAING 11/13/2002 REFUND ON TRAFFIC SCHO 12/06/2002 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 12/04/2002 POLICE CLOTHING/EQUIPME 11/12/2002 PS-CREDIT INV#5597938301 11/12/2002 PS-CREDIT INV#5586425801 11/26/2002 PS-30 MIN FUSES:PATROL S 11/26/2002 PKKFT-TICKETS:2003 KFT S Amount Paid 26.00 2,500.00 1,950,00 122,94 23,98 429.87 92.48 2,001.50 815.50 1,095.33 550.53 334.61 122.40 50.00 50.00 601.20 -57.65 -179.16 565.20 163.36 Check Total 26.00 2,500.00 1,950,00 122,94 23.98 429.87 92.48 2,817.00 1,095.33 1,007,54 50.00 50.00 364.39 565.20 163,36 Page: 8 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 9 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 195819 194952 194958 194955 195820 195817 194953 194956 194959 195821 195059 194960 195824 11238816 170534 12/31/2002002574 GRAHAM & DUNN, P.C. Voucher: 170534 ,::: ~ 170535 12/31/2002 000671 H D FOWLER COMPANY Voucher: 170535 170536 12/31/2002 002590 HACH COMPANY Voucher: 170536 170537 12/31/2002 005736 HANSON, SETH Voucher: 170537 170538 12/31/2002 005087 HART HEALTH & SAFETY Voucher: 170538 170539 12/31/2002 007144 HILDERMAN, JANET Voucher: 170539 170540 12/31/2002 007140 HOMES, SCHNEIDER Voucher: 170540 170541 12/31/2002003210 HOUGH BECK & BAIRD INC 4829 Voucher: 170541 170542 12/31/2002 003560 HUNTERS TREE SERVICE 1181 Voucher: 170542 170543 12/31/2002 005625 I/O SOLUTIONS LLC Voucher: 170543 170544 12/31/2002 000105 ICBO-INTERNATL CONFEREN913123671 Voucher: 170544 728929 170545 12/31/2002 000016 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS 16982922 -- Voucher: - 170545 16982923 3274098 17010532 00952-400927 111640 02-40487 C 1 0843A Inv Date Description . 12/11/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS (sÎv356 R 11/26/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS (SW356 R 11/26/2002 LAW-LGL SVCS PAC HWY S ~ 11/26/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS (SW356 R 12/11/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS (SW356 R 12/11/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS (SW356 R 11/26/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS (SW356 R 11/26/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS (SW356 R 11/26/2002 LAW-LGL SVCS PAC HWY S ~ 12/11/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS (SW356 R 11/27/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS (SW356 R 11/26/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS (SW356 R 12/11/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS (SW356 R 12/13/2002 PKM-GD REPAIR/MAINT SUP 12/04/2002 SWMWQ-WATER QUALITY S 08/31/2002 PS-REIMB:MOTOR UNIT GLA 12/09/2002 MSRM-FIRST AID SUPPLY B 12/09/2002 PKRCS-REFUND FOR REC C 12/16/2002 PWS-REFUND ROW PERMIT 12/01/2002 AG01-128:DUMAS BAY REST( 12/30/2002 PWS-TREE REMOVAL; REMO 12/03/2002 MSHR-PUBLIC SAFETY TES 11/30/2002 CDB - CODE BOOKS 11/01/2002 CDB - ANNUAL MEMBERSHI 12/05/2002 MSMD-COPIES MAINT (11/ 12/0512002 MSBP FAX MACHtNES MAtH Amount Paid 2,669.96 2,618,29 158.72 2,572.43 1,941,92 1,790,80 1,234,82 1,032,17 853.16 526.96 421.94 202.75 199.75 534.95 85.76 50,00 141,32 40.43 350.50 3,971.51 489.60 855,00 110.49 35,00 2,291,72 +9&.-99 Check Total 16,223.67 534.95 85,76 50,00 141.32 40.43 350,50 3,971.51 489,60 855,00 145.49 2;4&t,H Page: 9 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 10 (Continued) Bank: key us bank Check # . Date Vendor 170546 12/31/2002 005231 10S CAPITAL INC Voucher: 170546 170547 12/31/2002001129 J & K FOUNDATIONS INC Voucher: 170547 170548 12/31/2002 005893 J & K PLUMBING INC Voucher: 170548 170549 12/31/2002 007149 JACKSON, JR, HORACE Voucher: 170549 170550 12/31/2002 005272 JAMS COSTUMES/DBA DANS(930-006 Voucher: 170550 170551 12/31/2002 003514 JANUS GROUP, THE Voucher: 170551 ~ 170552 12/31/2002 003718 JENKINS, HARDY & ASSOC, PDEC 02 h Voucher: 170552 c:f 170553 12/31/2002 004096 JOHNSON CHRISTIE ANDRE 6597 Voucher: 170553 6565 6598 6596 03-40676 Invoice 56887429 CPSF 11/19/02 03-40569 02-PW-11 170554 12/31/2002 007150 JOHNSON, JACQUELYN K Voucher: 170554 170555 12/31/2002 004486 JONES & JONES Voucher: 170555 170556 12/31/2002 007151 JONES, MAUREEN 0 Voucher: 170556 170557 12/31/2002 005056 JONES, WARREN CASEY Voucher: 170557 170558.12/31/2002 003462 JUNKER, RYAN Voucher: 170558 170559 12/31/2002 000029 KING BELLMARK OF PUGET S023627 Voucher: 170559 170560 12/31/2002001898 KING COUNTY FINANCE OFF 7230021 Voucher 170560 170561 12/31/2002 005568 KING COUNTY FLEET ADM DI201458 Voucher: 170561 201457 11/25/02 03-40694 PD 01-13315 7615 Inv Date Description 11/27/2002 MSMD-COPIER REN-AAL 12 12/02/2002 PKMT: CELEBRATION PARK ~ 11/19/2002 PKDBC-PLUBMING SERVICE 12/06/2002 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 11/22/2002 PRCS-FALL 2002 DANCE CO 12/02/2002 AG02-128:MSHR-OUTPLCEM 12/31/2002 AG01-7:PUBLIC DEFENDER S 10/30/2002 AGOO-60B: PS LEGAL SERVIC 10/15/2002 AGOO-60B:PS LEGAL SERVIC 10/30/2002 AGOO-60B: PS LEGAL SERVIC 10/30/2002 LOSS DT:9/10/00 RISK FILE# 12/06/2002 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 11/25/2002 MSHR-FW LOGO SHIRT ITE 12/14/2002 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 12/17/2002 PS-REIMB:PER DIEM EXPEN~ 11/20/2002 PS-REIMB:REPLACEMENT S 11/20/2002 PKRCS-STAMP:APPROVING I 12/31/2002 KING COUNTY LIQUOR EXCI 12/10/2002 PWS-KING CO MATERIALS/ 12/10/2002 PKM-"NO BICYCLE" SIGNS Amount Paid 2,564,63 2,186.88 244.80 50.00 2,076.87 3,600,00 16,752.72 368.00 1,087,00 237.00 192.00 50.00 392.80 50.00 102.00 90.96 60,37 3,576.15 429.95 170.62 Check Total 2,564,63 2,186.88 244.80 50.00 2,076.87 3,600.00 16,752,72 1,884,00 50.00 392.80 50.00 102,00 90.96 60.37 3,576,15 600,57 Page: 10 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 11 Bank: key us bank (Continued) 170562 12/31/2002000201 KINKO'S INC, ACCOUNT #020 515100065584 Voucher: 170562 515100066172 515100065962 515100065586 515100065939 51510066277 515100066201 170563 12/31/2002 000201 KINKO'S INC, ACCOUNT #020515100066170 Voucher: 170563 515100066241 515100066178 515100066269 515100066187 ~ 515100006621 ~ 170564 12/31/2002 007129 KITTS CORNER PARTNERS L 202104-9069 .-- Voucher: 170564 170565 12/31/2002 002128 KLEINS COMMERCIAL DOOR 1601 Voucher: 170565 170566 12/31/2002 005064 KOCHMAR, LINDA Voucher: 170566 17056712/31/2002007152 KURNIK, LlSAJ Voucher: 170567 170568 12/31/2002005536 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC 1002725361 Voucher: 170568 170569 12/31/2002 000096 LAKE HAVEN UTILITY DISTRI Voucher: 170569 Check # Date Vendor Invoice 9/02-11/02 03-40261 2781401 2832301 2592802 2781501 2984001 001310-FINAL 170570 12/31/2002001939 LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC Voucher: 170570 170571 12/31/2002 004052 LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIP 12110205 Voucher: 170571 170572 12/31/2002005668 LAW OFFICES OF DESMOND 10/8-11/18 Voucher: 170572 Inv Date Description . 10/31/2002 CDPL - CD COPIES a\: COM 12/11/2002 CDPL - COMP PLAN COPIES I 11/25/2002 CDPL - COPIES OF GAP STU 10/31/2002 CDPL - CD COPIES OF COM 11/22/2002 CM-PRINT LEGISLATIVE AGE 12/18/2002 CDPL - COLOR COPIES FOR 12/13/2002 CDPL - COLOR COPIES FOR 12/11/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 12/16/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 12/12/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 12/18/2002 PKCHB-PRINTING SERVICES 12/12/2002 PKKFT-PRINTING SVCS 12/13/2002 PK-PRINTING SERVICES 12/18/2002 PWSCIP-PARCEL 30 ROW E 12/18/2002 PKCP-DOOR REPAIR SVCS- 12/04/2002 CM-MILEAGE REIMBURSEME 12/10/2002 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 11/29/2002 SWMWQ-WATER QUALITY S 11/20/2002 PKM-FAC/WATER SVCS 12/10/2002 FACILITIES WATER/SEWER ~ 11/27/2002 FACILITIES WATER/SEWER ~ 11/27/2002 FACILITIES WATER/SEWER ~ 12/10/2002 FACILITIES WATER/SEWER ~ 10/31/2002 CD-ENPR:LlNNE SVCS THR S 12/06/2002 PS-SAFETY EQUIPMENT 12/03/2002 LAW-PUBLIC DEFENSE SVC Amount Paid 2,643,84 1.407.49 22.67 186,57 184,14 55.19 47.45 214.02 544.00 130.56 2.34 37.88 9.79 1,690,00 563.58 62,05 50.00 84.64 295.84 14.48 82,95 16.25 15.01 1,995.65 258,84 1,800,00 Check Total 4,547,35 938,59 1,690,00 563,58 62,05 50,00 84,64 424.53 1,995,65 258,84 1,800,00 Page: 11 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 12 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor .,;::: ,.t... ~ Invoice 1 2 12/09/02 12/10/02 PS-NOT ARY 00002759 00002756 00002753 00002758 00002760 00002755 00002754 00002752 00002751 38432 170581 12/31/2002 001004 MAILMEDIA INC Voucher: 170581 170582 12/31/2002 007061 MALAND COMMUNICATIONS 4096 Voucher: 170582 170583 12/31/2002 004094 MATHESON, DEREK Voucher: 170583 170584 12/31/2002 000960 MATTHEW BENDER & COMP 54462444 . Voucher: 170584 170585 12/31/2002 001234 MCCARTHY CAUSSEAUX RO 9025-00M126 Voucher: 170585 170586 12/31/2002 004182 MCDONOUGH & SONS INC 124887 Voucher: 170586 124484 10/02-11/02 Inv Date Description Amount Paid 10/31/2002 AG02-120:CONFICT FtJBLlC [ 1,400.00 12/15/2002 AG02-120:CONFICT PUBLIC [ 623.50 12/09/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 2655 104.48 12/10/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 1895 12/05/2002 PKM-STONE/GRAVEL SUPPL 12/13/2002 $30,000,00 ERRORS AND OMI 12/03/2002 PS-TOWING FEES:CASE #02 11/27/2002 PKM-FINANCE CHARGE 11/27/2002 CD EPR: ENCHANTED PARK 11/27/2002 CD-EXPR: ENCHANTED PAR 11/27/2002 CDPL-EXP REV:GLENWOOD 11/27/2002 CD-EXPR:WEST CAMPUS L 11/27/2002 CD EPR: ENCHANTED PARK 11/27/2002 CD EPR: NEW HIGH SCHOO 11/27/2002 CD EPR: PAVILION CENTRE I 11/27/2002 CD-EXPR-EAST CAMPUS LO 11/27/2002 CD EPR: PAVILION CENTR~ I 11/22/2002 PRCS-REMAINDER OF POST 11/11/2002 MSGAC-DOCUMENT CAMER 11/27/2002 CM-MILEAGE REIMBURSEME 12/04/2002 WA APPELLATE RPTS BD V 11/30/2002 MSC-HEARING EXAMINER S 11/18/2002 PKM-PRK LOT VACUUMING ~ 10/31/2002 PKM-PRK LOT VACUUMING ~ 90.00 208,90 352,60 139.81 18.13 575.01 1,524,50 379.50 25.20 360.00 120.00 105.00 44.22 30.00 1,016,89 4,672,96 58,64 16.97 183.65 514,04 514.04 Check Total 2,023.50 104.48 90,00 208,90 352,60 139.81 18.13 3,163.43 1,016,89 4,672,96 58,64 16,97 183.65 1,028,08 170573 12/31/2002 007050 LAW OFFICES OF HAL GEIE Voucher: 170573 170574 12/31/2002 004934 LAYMAN, SANDRA Voucher: 170574 170575 12/31/2002 004594 LlM, VANNARA S Voucher: 170575 170576 12/31/2002 000630 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC 62930 Voucher: 170576 170577 12/31/2002 004149 LMIOFFICE SUPPLY Voucher: 170577 170578 12/31/2002 007135 MAC TOWING AKA: RUDY TO 276356 Voucher: 170578 170579 12/31/2002 005043 MACHINERY POWER & EQU 32PR0134401 Voucher: 170579 170580 12/31/2002 004431 MADRONA PLANNING DVLP Voucher: 170580 Page: 12 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 13 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170587 12/31/2002 700014 MEDICAL RE. SERVICES LLC 01-12584 Voucher: 170587 170588 12/31/2002 006017 MERGENTHAL, TONIA Voucher: 170588 170589 12/31/2002 001793 MICROFLEX INC Voucher: 170589 170590 12/31/2002 004128 MINUTEMAN PRESS INTERN 5016 Voucher: 170590 170591 12/31/2002 005441 MINZEL & ASSOCIATES Voucher: 170591 170592 12/31/2002 006664 MITCHELL, JAMIE Voucher: 170592 170593 12/31/2002 700827 MLK EVENT PLANNING COMr-vMLK2003 Voucher: 170593 ~ 170594 12/31/2002 003892 MONTGOMERY WATER GRO 2002-119 ....t. Voucher: 170594 ~ 170595 12/31/2002 007049 MOSQUITO FLEET Voucher: 170595 170596 12/31/2002 004285 MT RAINIER BLOWER SERVIC8481 Voucher: 170596 170597 12/31/2002 007141 MTS ASSOCIATES Voucher: 170597 170598 12/31/2002 003355 MURPHY, CARY Voucher: 170598 170599 12/31/2002 004854 MURRAY, LARRY TUITION REIM Voucher: 170599 12/8/02 170600 12/31/2002 000955 MUTUAL MATERIALS COMPA PK213452S Voucher: 170600 170601 12/31/2002 007128 NELSON, JESSICA Voucher: 170601 170602 12/31/2002 000089 NEWS TRIBUNE Voucher: 170602 170603 12/31/2002 001391 NORTH COAST ELECTRIC C 085477001 Voucher: 170603 085476301 96856 00013930 10/7 -10/13 6/26-8/7/02 40713 02-41800 1007680 413638 420708 Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 12/04/2002 PW-REFUND ADMN ~EPOSI 2,539.00 2,539,00 12/10/2002 MSHR-REIMB FOR FLOWER 53.27 53.27 12/03/2002 MSA-TAX AUDIT PROGRAM 81.65 81.65 12/12/2002 COED - POSTCARD FLYERS 199,96 199.96 10/18/2002 TEMP ATTORNEY/PARALEG.t 1,200.00 1,200.00 11/22/2002 PRCS-SUMMER SHOOTERS I 240.00 240.00 12/10/2002 CM-DIVERSITY COMMISSIO 588.00 588,00 10/31/2002 AG02-75:LAKOTA CREEK RS 20,140.59 20,140,59 10/07/2002 PRCS-SR SERVICE WHALE \f' 617.28 617,28 11/11/2002 PKMT: SAC. PARK MEDIUM F 1,778.89 1,778.89 12/16/2002 PW-REFUND ADMN DEPOSI 528.42 528.42 11/30/2002 PS-REIMB:UNIFORM BOOT A 95,00 95.00 11/22/2002 PS-REIMB:TUITION FEES:GU 563.68 12/08/2002 PS-REIMB:SRT MARKSMAN S 103.74 667.42 11/26/2002 SWMM-REINFORMENT WIR 71.48 71.48 11/09/2002 PS-REIMB:UNIFORM BOOT A 95.00 95,00 11/17/2002 PS-NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIP 30,00 30.00 11/22/2002 PKKFT-ELECTRICAL SUPPLI 30,94 11/22/2002 PKKFT-ELECTRICAL SUPPLI 10,31 41.25 Page: 13 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 14 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170604 12/31/2002 003529 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH SE 62345-001 Voucher: 170604 170605 12/31/2002 000891 OFFICE DEPOT CREDIT PLANNOV 2002 Voucher: 170605 170606 12/31/2002005678 OKANOGAN COUNTY JAIL OCTOBER 200 Voucher: 170606 170607 12/31/2002 005759 OMNI DISTRIBUTION INC Voucher: 170607 170608 12/31/2002 000504 ORIENTAL GARDEN CENTER 015083 Voucher: 170608 170609 12/31/2002 000034 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPA \465866333-01 Voucher: 170609 460265515-01 170610 12/31/2002 005741 OUTCOMES BY LEVY NOVEMBER 02 Voucher: 170610 .~ 170611 12/31/2002 002545 PACIFIC AIR CONTROL INC 76404 '~ Voucher: 170611 ;..r. 170612 12/31/2002 000112 PACIFIC COAST FORD INC Voucher: 170612 170613 12/31/2002 004004 PACIFIC COAST FORD INC Voucher: 170613 170614 12/31/2002 004644 PACIFIC PLANTS INC Voucher: 170614 170615 12/31/2002 000829 PACIFIC PLAYGROUND INC Voucher: 170615 170616 12/31/2002 007081 PALDO Voucher: 170616 17061712/31/2002 000920 PAPER DIRECT INC Voucher: 170617 170618 12/31/2002 007088 PARKER SERVICES Voucher: 170618 170619 12/31/2002 702372 PEP BOYS Voucher 170619 170620 12/31/2002 006656 PETCO ANIMAL SUPPLIES I 117001 Voucher 170620 13709 FOCS84743 257915 DECEMBER 02 36226 I NV37426 INV38150CR 0084 336734290001 218078 02-39445 Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 12/12/2002 MSHR-ON SITE FLU ~HOTS F 1,116.00 1,116.00 11/14/2002 OFFICE SUPPLIES 125,32 125.32 10/31/2002 PS-JAIL SERVICES (10/02) 2,886.09 2,886.09 12/10/2002 PS-SHOCK TUBE LEAD LINE 516,45 516.45 12/04/2002 PWST-MAINTENANCE/REPAI 8,40 8.40 11/25/2002 PRCS-RESIN HOLIDAY NECK 57,40 11/11/2002 PRCS-MISC SUPPLIES FOR F 47.35 104.75 11/30/2002 AG01-9D:LEGISLATIVE LOBB 3,173.38 3,173.38 11/15/2002 PRLS-FACILITIES HVAC SYS 629,95 629,95 12/10/2002 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/REF 86.82 12/05/2002 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE/REF 7,18 94,00 12/01/2002 SIU-VEHICLE LEASE CONTRJ 1,015.01 1,015,01 10/31/2002 PWS-STREET TREES; FRAX 7,588,00 7,588.00 12/05/2002 PKM-PARK PLAYGROUND E 754.36 10/04/2002 PARK PLAYGROUND EQUIPf\¡ -637.06 117,30 12/18/2002 CD-NMF:FOOD/KOREAN SEN 264.68 264,68 11/07/2002 CM-PAPER FOR PRINTING N 139.90 139.90 11/25/2002 TEMPORARY PARALEGAL - L 1,155,00 1,155.00 12/18/2002 PW-REFUND ADMN DEPOSI 2,405.25 2,405.25 12/03/2002 PTM-XL INDIGO DOOR 23,93 23.93 Page: 14 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 15 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Vendor Invoice Date 111639 170621 12/31/2002 007145 PETERSON, DIANE Voucher: 170621 170622 12/31/2002 007139 PETTIE, TONI Voucher: 170622 170623 12/31/2002 000101 PETTY CASH Voucher: 170623 170624 12/31/2002 001189 PETTY CASH Voucher: 170624 170625 12/31/2002002557 PETTY CASH FUND-PARKS M15671 Voucher: 170625 170626 12/31/2002 002822 PETTY CASH-DUMAS BAY CE DBC 12/19/02 Voucher: 170626 I:: 170627 12/31/2002 007132 PHYSICIANS IMMEDIATE CAR10304 ~- Voucher: 170627 V\ 170628 12/31/2002 000808 PLATT ELECTRIC SUPPLY 2400338 Voucher: 170628 170629 12/31/2002 005634 PORTLAND PRECISION INS 51088 Voucher: 170629 170630 12/31/2002 006218 POTELCO, INC. Voucher: 170630 170631 12/31/2002 000049 PRESTON GATES & ELLIS LL 574593 Voucher: 170631 573627 574593 573627 574593 6315641 6315640 1551 Inv Date Description , Amount Paid 12/09/2002 PKRCS-REFUND FO~ REC C 33.00 TUITION REIM 07/01/2002 MSHR-EDUC ASSNTITUITI CD 12/24/02 CM 121802 #4:AG02-52 170632 12/31/2002 000938 PRYOR RESOURCES INC Voucher: 170632 170633 12/31/2002 005345 PUGET POSTINGS Voucher: 170633 12/24/2002 P'Ì/\/T - INCENTIVES AT CTR B 12/18/2002 MILEAGE REIMB FOR ENOC 12/31/2002 PKM-TRAINING/MURRAY 12/19/2002 PKDBC-KEY FOR FAMILY BA 11/30/2002 PS-PRE-EMPLMNT PHSCL ( 12/04/2002 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 11/15/2002 PS-STAKE CHASERS:PATRO 12/02/2002 AG02-52:SW DASH PT AT 8 A 12/16/2002 AG02-73:LEGAL SRVCS-CONI 11/27/2002 AG02-73:LEGAL SRVCS-CONI 12/16/2002 AGOO-107C:LEGAL SVC (SI . 11/27/2002 AG02-124:LAW-LEGAL SERVI 12/16/2002 AG02-124:LAW-LEGAL SERVI 12/13/2002 PS-TRAINING SEMINARS:EXC 12/13/2002 PS-TRAINING SEMINARS:EXC 12/02/2002 PREPARE 2003 JUROR DAT 504.80 390,15 254.20 98.90 138,04 383.00 26.86 17.19 30,399,64 9,580.04 12,732.96 3,371.60 348.50 1,437.10 80.18 80,18 216,00 Check Total 33,00 504.80 390,15 254,20 98,90 138.04 383,00 26,86 17.19 30,399,64 27,470.20 160,36 216.00 Page: 15 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 16 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice ~ ,.C... r 170635 12/31/2002 000051 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC 131-066-1002 Voucher: 170635 504-228-1005 168-847-1000 376-488-6325 519-842-1009 439-922-1003 345-200-2003 980-132-1002 109-922-1002 128-255-2015 918-041-1002 625-940-2003 128-255-3948 604-130-2008 458-148-1001 141-467-1002 319-041-1003 536-673-1007 345-200-2003 112-722-1008 250-275-0389 241-985-1007 925-940-2007 225-650-2002 722-288-1000 525-940-2005 733-930-2007 373-087-1005 233-930-2008 720-429-1004 904-388-1003 996-289-0001 100-093-8728 246-499-2813 652-017-1007 r Inv Date Description 10/31/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICITY~HRGS 12/17/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/10/2002 PWST-CONST COST 23 AVE, 12/10/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/10/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/10/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/10/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/16/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/09/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 11/19/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/09/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/11/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/10/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICITY CHRGS 12/03/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/06/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/06/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICITY CHRGS 12/02/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/03/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/11/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/04/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICITY CHRGS 12/05/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/09/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/09/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS.F 12/10/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/09/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/09/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/09/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/06/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/09/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/05/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/03/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/11/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/04/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICITY CHRGS 11/04/2002 LOSS DT 12/26/01 RSK FI 02 12/10/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F Amount Paid 11,389.24 4,471.74 4,376,05 3,941.49 3,087.19 2,991.75 2,584.57 1,495.67 1,347.61 728.27 520.37 449.77 345.99 336,60 320.64 292.35 252,94 246.06 235.38 221.04 218.69 203.83 202,89 183,31 181,69 180.48 168.29 161,76 158,86 148.70 148.70 147.29 143.41 142.69 132.60 Check Total Page: 16 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 17 Bank: key us bank (Continued) ::t: ...Ç. -> Invoice 497-198-1008 786-203-1007 177 -437 -1007 319-041-1003 886-203-1005 131-066-1002 342 -691-1008 733-829-1003 638-448-1005 917-259-1001 755-430-2005 889-288-1007 504-368-1005 062-691-1002 738-448-1003 004-919-1000 352-691-1007 442-691-1006 002-141-1004 121-220-2004 657 -289-0009 102-141-1002 711-141-1000 221-220-2002 170636 12/31/2002 000602 PUGET SOUND INSTRUMEN 415357 Voucher: 170636 218925 170637 12/31/2002 000533 PUGET SOUND SPECIALTIES 17169 Voucher: 170637 170638 12/31/2002005977 PURE HEALTH SOLUTIONS I 31283 Voucher: 170638 170639 12/31/2002 000202 QWEST Voucher: 170639 Check # Date Vendor 206-tO2-8674 206-Z04-0609 253-815-9920 253 630 1529 253;.6ôt-9S33 Inv Date Description , 12/06/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY C~RGS F 12/10/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/06/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/09/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/10/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/03/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICITY CHRGS 12/03/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/05/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/03/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/05/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/05/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/11/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/06/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/03/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICITY CHRGS 12/03/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/10/2002 FACILITY ËLECTRICITY/GAS 12/03/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/03/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/09/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/12/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICITY CHRGS 12/04/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 12/09/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/09/2002 FACILITY ELECTRICITY/GAS 12/12/2002 PWTR-ELECTRICY CHRGS F 11/30/2002 MSDP/PW - MOBILE RADIOR 11/27/2002 MSFL T-RADIO SALES & REP 12/11/2002 PARKS MAINTENANCE SUPP 12/10/2002 WET INC 5 UNITS 12/16/2002 MC-FAX MCHN CHRGS (12/ 12/04/2002 206-Z04-0609 (12/4-1/4/03 12/04/2002 MC-FAX MCHN CHRGS (12/ 11/29/2002 MC-FAX MCHN CHRGS (12/ 12ttô12OO2MC-FAX MCttN-CrtRßS(t2f Amount Paid 126.21 122.59 120.41 119,69 112.14 11,858.64 99.68 5.79 82,72 80.37 67.83 66.00 63.84 63.33 62.04 37,76 27.34 27.34 17.81 6.51 6.44 5,85 5.85 5.79 81.60 81.60 649.75 391.68 555.28 4,316.58 63.50 21,00 -66-:'7-t Check Total 55,349,88 163.20 649,75 391.68 5,-Ð1T.ô7 Page: 17 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 18 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid 170640 12/31/2002 700015 R & F PROPERTIES 01-09889 12/16/2002 PW-REFUND ADMN IiEPOSI 1,800.00 Voucher: 170640 170641 12/31/2002 000667 RADIO SHACK 105973 11/19/2002 PKDBC-FUSES 2.49 Voucher: 170641 170642 12/31/2002 007136 RAFAEL. JOHN 172104 9097 12/30/2002 PWS-RELOC, BENEFIT, PAR 833.60 Voucher: 170642 170643 12/31/2002 005909 RAHAL, BRIAN EMP REIM 12/20/2002 SWM-STATE LICENCE RENE 100,00 Voucher: 170643 170644 12/31/2002 007146 REED,YATTA 112066 12/13/2002 PKRCS-REFUND DAMAGE R 250.00 Voucher: 170644 112067 12/13/2002 PKRCS-REFUND FOR REC C 45,00 170645 12/31/2002 004402 ROASHAN, MOHAMMED K 12/03/02 12/03/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# ADA 120.00 Voucher: 170645 170646 12/31/2002 005940 RUDDELL INTERNATIONAL TI-1229 12/06/2002 PS-1 CASE BULK NIMH BATT I 166.49 ç Voucher: 170646 170647 12/31/2002 006441 RYAN-CONNELLY, LESLIE TUITION REMB 06/24/2002 MSHR-EDUC ASSNT/TUITI 724,32 ~ Voucher: 170647 170648 12/31/2002 003174 SAN DIEGO POLICE EQUIPME551932 12/10/2002 PS-POLICE EQUIPMENT 4,669.10 Voucher: 170648 170649 12/31/2002 005149 SARAVIA, SUSANA 12/13/02 12/13/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 2681 45.00 Voucher: 170649 170650 12/31/2002 006241 SCHROEDER, JEANNE PS 12/20/02 12/20/2002 PS-REIMB:SRT EQUIPMENT: 113.75 Voucher: 170650 170651 12/31/2002 006858 SCREEN GRAPHICS OF FLA 36265 12/03/2002 PWSWR-MF CART LABELS.F 71.81 Voucher: 170651 170652 12/31/2002 000055 SEATTLE TIMES 1282460001 06/23/2002 MSHR-NEWSPAPER AD: 6/ 791.66 Voucher: 170652 1299488001 06/30/2002 MSHR-NEWSPAPER AD: 6/ 1,077,09 1245106001 06/09/2002 MSHR.NEWSPAPER ADVER 708.90 170653 12/31/2002 003251 SECURITY BARRICADE INC 6939 11/27/2002 MSFL T-ARROW BOARD LlG 52,22 Voucher: 170653 170654 12/31/2002 006000 SENECA REAL ESTATE GROL8737 11/30/2002 AG02-53:MUNI FACL TY PRPR 2,325.00 Voucher: 170654 170655 12/31/2002 005340 SENIOR SERVICES OF SEAT NOV 2002 11/30/2002 PRCS-SENIOR LUNCH PROG 407.75 Voucher: 170655 170656 12/31/2002 004180 SHAMDEEN, ABDUL KAREEM 12/13/02 12/13/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# IA80 40,00 Voucher: 170656 Check Total 1,800.00 2.49 833.60 100,00 295,00 120.00 166.49 724,32 4,669,10 45.00 113,75 71.81 2,577,65 52,22 2,325.00 407,75 40.00 Page: 18 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 19 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170657 12/31/2002002231 SHELDON & ASSOCIATES IN 96874 Voucher: 170657 96709 170658 12/31/2002 006728 SHOCKEY BRENT INC 1368 Voucher: 170658 1476 1516 170659 12/31/2002 000056 SIR SPEEDY PRINTING CENTI27999 Voucher: 170659 27919 170660 12/31/2002 003593 SIRCHIE FINGERPRINT LAB I 0296710-IN Voucher: 170660 170661 12/31/2002 005497 SKINNER, BILL Voucher: 170661 170662 12/31/2002 000714 SKYHAWKS SPORTS ACADE JULY 2002 Voucher: 170662 SEPT 2002 JULY 2002 SEPT 2002 AUGUST 2002 APRIL 2002 JAN 2002 AUGUST 2002 304 7= ~ -.c , , 170663 12/31/2002003340 SMITH PHD, DAVID H Voucher 170663 170664 12/31/2002 007142 SONG, MONO Voucher 170664 170665 12/31/2002 004963 SOUND PUBLISHING INC Voucher: 170665 01015175239 02-50251 012539 012244 012474 02-36939 170666 12/31/2002 700931 SOUND VENTURES INC Voucher 170666 170667 12/31/2002 001618 SPEEDY AUTO & WINDOW G 1051547 Voucher 170667 170668 12/31/2002 002548 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL Voucher: 170668 170669 12/31/2002 007153 ST PIERRE, SAMANTHA J Voucher 170669 1-330451 1-330511 03-40825 Inv Date DescriDtion . 11/30/2002 CDPL-ENV REV:ST LtKE'S ( 01/31/2002 CDPL-ENV REV: BLACKBERR 09/04/2002 AG02-68A:PERMIT PROCESS 11/05/2002 AG02-135:CODE AMENDMEN. 12/05/2002 AG02-135:CODE AMENDMEN' 12/12/2002 MSC-PRINTING SERVICES 12/03/2002 PKKFT-PRINTING SERVICES: 12/02/2002 PS-CRIME SCENE/EVIDENC 11/29/2002 PS-REIMB:UNIFORM BOOT A 07/27/2002 AG02-129:SPORTS CAMP CO 09/05/2002 AG02-129:SPORTS CAMP CO 07/11/2002 AG02-129:SPORTS CAMP CO 09/24/2002 AG02-129:SPORTS CAMP CO 08/23/2002 AG02-129:SPORTS CAMP CO 04/23/2002 AG02-129:SPORTS CAMP CO 01/31/2002 AG02-129:SPORTS CAMP CO 08/10/2002 AG02-129:SPORTS CAMP CO 12/04/2002 PS-PRE-EMPLOYMENT PSY ( 12/09/2002 PWS-REFUND ROW PERMIT 12/14/2002 MSHR-JOB ADVERTISEMENT 10/26/2002 MSHR-JOB ADVERTISEMENT 11/30/2002 MSHR-JOB ADVERTISEMENT 12/18/2002 PW-REFUND ADMN DEPOSI 11/22/2002 MSC-PRINTING SERVICES 12/30/2002 PKDBC-PEST CONTROL SVC 12/02/2002 PKM-PEST CONTROL SVCS 12/20/2002 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC Amount Paid 625.29 420.00 1,040.00 3,053.35 499,72 218,69 65.82 455.08 61.98 6,839.00 6,634.30 4,008.30 3,422.40 8,552.40 864,00 468.00 731.00 1,500.00 952,00 249.30 166.20 207.75 1,876.00 251.76 92.48 89.22 50,00 Check Total 1,045,29 4,593,07 284,51 455.08 61.98 31,519.40 1,500,00 952.00 623.25 1,876,00 251.76 181.70 50.00 Page: 19 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 20 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid 170670 12/31/2002 000872 STAR LAKE GREENHOUSE I 5191 12/11/2002 PKM-NURSERY SUP~LlES 220,32 Voucher: 170670 170671 12/31/2002 004200 STIEBEN, JOHN 560848950101 11/18/2002 PS-REIMB:PROTECTIVE GLA 50.00 Voucher: 170671 170672 12/31/2002 005921 STL SEATTLE, SEVERN TREN58008129 12/10/2002 LABORATORY TESTING SER 996,00 Voucher: 170672 58007989 12/05/2002 SWM-LABORA TORY TEST I 575.00 170673 12/31/2002 000308 SUBURBAN CITIES ASSOCIA 02655 12/12/2002 SCA MEMBERSHIP MTG 12/ 112.00 Voucher: 170673 170674 12/31/2002 006414 SUMNER VETERINARY HOS 229343 12/06/2002 PS-VET SERVICES:K-9 DOG- 116,89 Voucher: 170674 170675 12/31/2002 005215 TAB NORTHWEST 1365764 RI 11/27/2002 MC-OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,128.09 Voucher: 170675 170676 12/31/2002 001601 TAKINC 5994 12/06/2002 MSFIN-PRINTING SERVICES 918.00 ;:::= Voucher: 170676 ~ 170677 12/31/2002 000432 TAYLOR RENTAL 1-197508-09 09/12/2002 PWCIP-RIBBON CUTTING C 59.97 Voucher: 170677 170678 12/31/2002 006204 TEELER, JENNIFER EMP REIMB 12/19/2002 CD-CERT EQUIPMENT (RAD 108.07 Voucher: 170678 170679 12/31/2002 005623 THUILLlER, JENNIFER 200240 12/02/2002 PWSWR-OPTIONS BROCHU 260,00 Voucher: 170679 17068b 12/31/2002 001267 TOPFOODSHAGGENINC 329867 12/18/2002 CD-NMF:FOOD/KOREAN SEN 95.97 Voucher: 170680 333658 12/18/2002 CD-NMF:FOOD/KOREAN SEN 32,64 329830 12/15/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIE 8.01 170681 12/31/2002 005321 TOSCO/FLEET SERVICES 9370615 12/06/2002 PS-FUEL FOR VEHICLES 87,65 Voucher: 170681 170682 12/31/2002 002392 TRANSWESTERN PUBLISH DEC 2002 12/01/2002 PKDBC-YELLOW PAGES AD: 110.67 . Voucher: 170682 170683 12/31/2002 001436 TREE RECYCLERS 21220A 12/20/2002 PKM-REMOVE DEAD ALDER 489.60 Voucher: 170683 21220C 12/20/2002 PKM-REMOVE DEAD ALDER 489,60 21220B 12/20/2002 PKM-REMOVE DEAD ALDER 326.40 21216 12/16/2002 PKM-REMOVE DEAD ALDER 489.60 170684 12/31/2002 001715 TRUGREEN-CHEMLAWN 252038 12/05/2002 PKCp.PESTICIDE SVCS LAK 424.32 Voucher: 170684 Check Total 220,32 50.00 1,571.00 112,00 116.89 1,128,09 918,00 59,97 108,07 260.00 136,62 87.65 110,67 1,795.20 424.32 Page: 20 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 21 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170685 12/31/2002 002426 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C 2585 Voucher: 170685 99268 1250 170686 12/31/2002 000618 UNITED HORTICULTURAL SU 7930446 Voucher: 170686 170687 12/31/2002 003837 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Voucher: 170687 0000F6588V50 0000F6588V49 0000F80F4842 0000F6588V51 0000F80F4849 0000F6588V48 170688 12/31/2002 000769 UNITED PIPE & SUPPLY CO I 5706357 Vouche~ 170688 ' 170689 12/31/2002 005019 UNITED RENTALS NORTHWE30132673-001 Voucher: 170689 30136842-001 170690 12/31/2002 003563 VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS (0000381 Vouche~ 170690 0000368 0000464 0000389 0000401 0000426 0000395 0000407 0000413 0000419 1004-652615 170691 12/31/2002001124 VERIZON WIRELESS, BELLE Voucher: 170691 170692 12/31/2002 007154 VINTON, GRANT A Voucher: 170692 170693 12/31/2002 006857 VP CONSULTING INC Voucher: 170693 170694 12/31/2002 001061 WA STATE AGRICULTURE 0 2121 -IKERD 12/10/2002 PKM-STEVE IKERD PESTICI Voucher: 170694 55357 MURRAY 11/05/2002 PKM-ROBERT MURRAY PES 170695 12/31/2002004258 WA STATE DEPT OF LlCENS 10/10-11/20 12/05/2002 PS-REMIT CPL FEES 10/10 - Voucner: - 17069SFARRINGTON 121O512OO2PS-'ReMfT AltENFiREAAMS ~ ,\'\ ...-- 03-40590 0000S998 Inv Date Description . 12/13/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM stPPLIE 11/21/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIE 12/05/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIE 12/05/2002 PKM-DRY BLEND FERTILIZ 12/30/1102 DOCUMENT DELIVERY SER 11/12/2002 DOCUMENT DELIVERY SER 11/30/2602 DOCUMENT DELIVERY SER 12/10/2002 DOCUMENT DELIVERY SER 12/05/2002 DOCUMENT DELIVERY SER 11/21/2002 DOCUMENT DELIVERY SER 12/12/2002 PKM-RAIN GEAR/B MURRAY 12/06/2002 PWS-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 12/06/2002 PWS-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 10/31/2002 PS-WSPA ACCESS BILLIN 10/31/2002 PS-MDT MO MNTN FEE FOR I 11/25/2002 PS-MDT MO MNTN FEE (NOV 10/31/2002 PS-LANGUAGE LINE USAGE 10/31/2002 PS-LANGUAGE LINE USAGE 11/19/2002 PS-EMER DISPATCH SVCS N 10/31/2002 PS-LANGUAGE LINE USAGE 10/31/2002 PS-LANGUAGE LINE USAGE 10/31/2002 PS-LANGUAGE LINE USAGE 10/31/2002 PS-LANGUAGE LINE USAGE 12/05/2002 MSTEL-CELL AIR TIME 12/6 12/06/2002 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 12/01/2002 MSDP-IMAGING SOFTWARE Amount Paid 68,60 19.64 14.91 557,71 54,53 12.91 38.83 37.26 27.63 20.25 81,60 633,85 73,98 1,576.65 690.00 690,00 312,60 182.04 160,436.00 97,68 51,80 74,00 71.04 556,22 50,00 5,480.00 25.00 25.00 1,515.00 1-5-.00 Check Total 103,15 557.71 191.41 81,60 707.83 164,181,81 556.22 50,00 5,480,00 50.00 -1-;53&00 Page: 21 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 22 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170696 12/31/2002 004339 WA STATE DEPT OF PERSONO773-D Voucher: 170696 170697 12/31/2002 000280 WA STATE EMPLOYMENT S 537685754 Voucher: 170697 170698 12/31/2002 000340 WA STATE INFORMATION S 2002110224 Vouche~ 170698 170699 12/31/2002 000851 WA STATE PATROL Voucher: 170699 170700 12/31/2002 004628 WA STATE PATROL IDENTI Voucher: 170700 170701 12/31/2002 006853 WAHl, PRAN Vouche~ 170701 170702 12/31/2002 007155 WALLS, AARON Voucher: 170702 ~ 170703 12/31/2002 003209 WASHINGTON POLYGRAPH 02-009 oJ' Voucher: 170703 ~ 170704 12/31/2002000732 WASPC-WAASSOC SHERIF INV010385 Voucher: 170704 170705 12/31/2002 000783 WASTE MANAGEMENT Voucher: 170705 170706 12/31/2002 005392 WAYNE INVESTIGATIONS 0021 Voucher: 170706 0020 170707 12/31/2002 005565 WELCOME COMMUNICATIO 2411 Vouche~ 170707 170708 12/31/2002 001241 WEST COAST AWARDS Vouche~ 170708 170709 12/31/2002 006116 WEST GROUP PAYMENT CE 803048045 Vouche~ 170709 170710 12/31/2002 007138 WHITE, KEN Voucher: 170710 170711 12/31/2002 002087 WHITMAN GLOBAL CARPET (21248 Voucher: 170711 21247 21249 170712 12/31/2002 005680 WILD WEST INTERNATIONAL 1904 Voucher: 170712 10209565 Inv Date Description 10/21/2002 AG02-55:RETREAT F),CILITA 11/20/2002 PS-WORK HISTORY REPOR 12/03/2002 MSTEL-SCAN SERVICE FOR I 12/03/2002 MSHR-FEE FOR EMPLOYEE E 10/14-11/20 12/05/2002 PS-REMIT CPL(FINGERPRINl FARRINGTON 12/05/2002 PS-REMIT FBI/WSP FEES (F 12/13/02 12/13/2002 MC-INTERPRETER: IA 61190 EMP REIM 12/31/2002 LAW-AIRFARE: 12TH ANN DV 11/30/2002 PS-POLICE NOVEMBER 2002 11/23/2002 PS-WASPC CONF FEES KIR 002112310558 11/30/2002 PWSWR-LiTTER DISPOSAL ( 39060 12/17/02 12/13/2002 AGOO-79B:LEGAL PROCESS ~ 09/09/2002 AGOO-79B:LEGAL PROCESS ~ 12/09/2002 PS-STREAMLIGHT FLASHU 11/08/2002 PRCS-ADUL T ATHLETIC SHI 10/31/2002 MSDP-DATABASE/COMM CH 12/17/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 0026 12/09/2002 AG98-203C: CARPET CLEANI 12/09/2002 AG98-203C: CARPET CLEANI 12/09/2002 AG98-203C:CARPET CLEANI~ 11/30/2002 PS-FIRING RANGE USE (OCT Amount Paid 640,00 32,56 813.15 70,00 528,00 49.00 100,00 178.00 125,00 400,00 330.70 20.00 20.00 523,32 62.23 1,130.68 87.50 317.90 289,00 98,89 42.11 Check Total 640.00 32.56 813,15 70.00 577.00 100.00 178,00 125,00 400.00 330,70 40.00 523,32 62.23 1,130.68 87.50 705,79 42,11 Page: 22 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 23 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170713 12/31/2002 003380 WILSON, BRIAN Voucher: 170713 170714 12/31/2002 701265 WRPA Voucher: 170714 PS 11/19/02 16303dec :s.:: ~ "'" Inv Date Description Amount Paid 11/19/2002 PS-LUNCH MEETINdw/pss 53.36 12/18/2002 WA STATE BAR DUES- AARO 12/04/2002 MSGIS-CYAN INK SYSTEM F 12/17/2002 PWS-TRAINING; PESTICIDE 1 12/17/2002 PWS-TRAINING; PESTICIDE 1 12/09/2002 PS-JAIL SERVICES (NOV 200 11/08/2002 PS-JAIL SERVICES (OCT2002 12/20/2002 AG02-48:PS/JANITORIAL SV 100.00 125.00 80,00 125.00 379,21 992.51 150.00 150,00 7,084.43 4,429.49 1,656,60 Sub total for us bank: Check Total 53,36 305,00 125,00 379.21 992,51 300,00 11,513,92 1,656.60 748,467.18 WRPA 2003 12/10/2002 PRCS-WRPA ASSOCIATION [ WRPA HUTTO 12/10/2002 PRCS-ASSOCIATION DUES- WRPA LEBEL 12/10/2002 PRCS-WRPA ASSOCIATION [ 170715 12/31/2002 000428 WRPA-WA REC & PARK ASS WRPA SCHRO[ 12/10/2002 PKADM/wRPA MEMBERSHIP Voucher: 170715 170716 12/31/2002 000375 WSBA-WA STATE BAR ASSO 25266 Voucher 170716 170717 12/31/2002 004855 WST INC Voucher: 170717 17071812/31/2002004651 WSU CAHE CASHIER IPHM LYBECK Voucher: 170718 IPHM THOMAS 170719 12/31/2002 005722 YAKIMA COUNTY DEPARTMEINOV 2002 Voucher: 170719 OCT 2002 170720 12/31/2002 000947 YOUR INC 2887 Voucher: 170720 Page: 23 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 24 269 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks: ) 748,467.18 -r::= ~ Page: 24 apChkLst 12/31/2002 2:24:50PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 25 Void Checks Bank code: key Check # Date 170634 12/31/2002 ~ :¡: "" '" Page: 25 - \ " ' ~s" , , apChkLst 12/20/2002 10:30:06AM Bank: key us bank Check # Date Vendor Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 1 :s= (.f"\ -,j Invoice 170417 12/20/2002 005287 AMERICALL COMMUNICATIO D6417 Vouche~ 170417 170418 12/20/2002 005715 ARCH WIRELESS HOLDINGS IL6163838L Vouche~ 170418 170419 12/20/2002 005822 ARMOR HOLDINGS FORENS L01-048791 Voucher: 170419 170420 12/20/2002 005587 AVAYA INC 'Voucher: 170420 170421 12/20/2002 005098 BIG 0 TIRES 4 LESS & AUTO ~255392 Voucher: 170421 170422 12/20/2002 003093 CASCADE COMPUTER MAIN 9062348 Voucher: 170422 170423 12/20/2002 005817 CITY OF FIFE Voucher: 170423 170424 12/20/2002 004783 CITY OF RENTON Voucher: 170424 170425 12/20/2002 005208 COMMERCIAL CARD SERVI NOV 2002 Voucher: 170425 2715163551 0000483 00899 Inv Date Description ), Amount Paid Check Total 12/01/2002 PKM-AFTER HR CALL-OUT S 65.57 65.57 12/02/2002 MSTEL-PAGER LEASE 12/3 1,106.55 1,106.55 01/09/2002 PS-PORELON REFILL PAD 37.90 37.90 12/12/2002 MSTEL-SYS MAINT 1,703.84 1,703.84 12/09/2002 PS-REPAIRS #639 88,13 88.13 12/11/2002 MSDP-PRINTER MAINT 1/1 625.60 625,60 11/05/2002 OCTOBER 2002 JAIL SERVI 19,530.00 19,530.00 06/18/2002 JAIL HOUSING MAY 2002 75.00 75,00 11/29/2002 CITY PRO-CARD CHARGES ( 2,789.23 2,789.23 Page: 1 apChkLst 12/20/2002 10:30:06AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 2 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 38362050 11/22/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLlE$ 204.82 37821791 11/04/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 172.08 38362025 11/22/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 153.41 38042651 11/12/2002 MC-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 127.84 38212011 11/18/2002 MSDP-OFFICE SUPPLIES 125.35 38484382 11/27/2002 CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUI 102.47 38077426 11/12/2002 MSMD-PS: PAPER SUPPLIES 102.28 37963229 11/08/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 102.28 37963226 11/08/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 102.28 37963231 11/08/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 102.28 38362024 11/22/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 102.28 38362026 11/22/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 102.28 37522787 10/25/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 62,06 38410928 11/25/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 61,81 38042648 11/12/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 54.40 38114321 11/14/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 53,37 38042619 11/08/2002 MSMD-PS: PAPER SUPPLIES 51,14 38042650 11/08/2002 MSMD-PS: PAPER SUPPLIES 51,14 38362028 11/21/2002 MSMD-PS: PAPER SUPPLIES 51.14 38362029 11/21/2002 MSMD-PS: PAPER SUPPLIES 51.14 37963230 11/08/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 51.14 38362027 11/22/2002 MSMD-CH: PAPER SUPPLIES 51,14 38624656 12/03/2002 MSDP-ANCHOR. CABLE, PL 48,72 38448962 11/25/2002 MSHR EMPLOYEE SVC SUP 45,11 38362047 11/22/2002 PKRCS-OFFICE SUPPLIES/E 216.81 38448978 11/26/2002 PKRCS-OFFICE SUPPLIES/E 40.45 38136549CR 11/15/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- -26,92 38211995 11/18/2002 CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUI 34.80 37522799 10/25/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 31.00 38153323 11/15/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 29.27 38042627 11/12/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 22,81 38362037 11/22/2002 CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUI 22.57 37574158 10/28/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 22,36 37821812 11/04/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 19,91 38733814 12/06/2002 PKA-OFFICE SUPPLY 19.25 Page: 2 Check # Date Vendor 170427 12/20/2002 000063 CORPORATE EXPRESS OFF Voucher: 170427 - J- '-1"\ 0':' apChkLst 12/20/2002 10:30:06AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 3 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice ,:. .J"\ ~ 38211994 38114333 38362051 38410938 38448961 38410937 38397694CR 37810781CR 170428 12/20/2002 000939 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C923382 Voucher: 170428 965020 170429 12/20/2002 000570 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (1023136 Voucher: 170429 1023141 1023177 1023293 1023180 1023194 1022433 1023295 1023176 1022422 1023160 170430 12/20/2002 001046 EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATI6099406 Voucher: 170430 170431 12/20/2002 004840 EVAC-EMERGENCY VEHICLE 101584 Voucher: 170431 101579 101592 17043212/20/2002 000217 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPOR4-465-54732 Voucher: 170432 4-465-94021 4-512-30464 4-416-79437 Inv Date Description . 11/18/2002 MSC-OFFICE SUPPLI~S/EQU 11/14/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 11/22/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/25/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/26/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/25/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/25/2002 MSC-OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQU 11/04/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 12/30/2002 PKM-WATER/CLR RNTL ACC 12/30/2002 PKCP-WATER/CLR RNTL AC 12/02/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES #645 12/02/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES #630 12/04/2002 PS-TIRES #629 12/10/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 12/04/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES #646 12/05/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 10/31/2002 PS-TIRE REPLACEMENT AN 12/10/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 12/04/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES #510 10/30/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 12/03/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES #656 11/25/2002 PS-CREDIT REPORTS 12/03/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES 11/27/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES ~ 12/06/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES ~ 11/22/2002 PS- EXPRESS DELIVERY SVC 11/29/2002 PS- EXPRESS DELIVERY SVC 12/06/2002 PS- EXPRESS DELIVERY SVC 10/04/2002 MSDP-DELIVERY SERVICES Amount Paid 18.48 14.69 13.77 12.42 10,99 4.18 -6.79 -10.97 20.46 6.53 554.27 310,51 292.02 105.78 93.67 578.76 73.00 6,18 28,27 24.97 13,32 23.78 678.91 97.92 182.77 27.00 11.50 5,90 9.85 Check Total 2,621,04 26.99 2,080,75 23,78 959,60 54,25 Page: 3 apChkLst 12/20/2002 10:30:06AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 4 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor 170433 12/20/2002 004270 FEDERAL WAY MIRROR Voucher: 170433 r ~ 170434 12/20/2002 001893 FEDERAL WAY SCHOOL DIS <1: Voucher: 170434 170435 12/20/2002 002477 HOME DEPOT Voucher: 170435 Invoice 004287 000000 004365 004370 004350 004417 004403 004360 004378 004379 004351 004277 004364 004308 SIF-NOV 2002 Inv Date Description 10/09/2002 MSC-ORDINANCE AdvERTIS 12/11/2002 CDPL-LEGALS 16TH AVE S/S 12/16/2002 CDPL-LEGALS RES TARGET 11/20/2002 CDPL-LEGALS RES. TARGET 11/09/2002 CDPL-LEGALS DIAMOND PA 12/07/2002 MSC-ORDINANCE ADVERTIS 11/30/2002 MSC-ORDINANCE ADVERTIS 11/13/2002 CDPL-LEGALS DASH PT VIL 11/23/2002 CDPL-LEGALS CHEVRON EX 11/23/2002 MSC-ORDINANCE ADVERTIS 11/09/2002 CDPL-LEGALS NOTICE OF E 10/02/2002 MSC-ORDINANCE ADVERTIS 11/16/2002 CDPL-LEGALS PENA PRELIM 10/19/2002 MSC-ORDINANCE ADVERTIS 12/20/2002 MSF-REMIT IMPACT FEES F 9031950 0200231 9200247 1011202 3031324 170436 12/20/2002 003718 JENKINS, HARDY & ASSOC, PNOV 2002 Voucher: 170436 170437 12/20/2002000096 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRI 2906301 ' 11/27/2002 PKM-FAC/WATER SVCS Voucher: 170437 1014202 11/27/2002 PKM-FAC/WATER SVCS 170438 12/20/2002 003167 NATIONAL ASSOC PARLIAME NAP-GREEN 12/12/2002 PARLIAMENTARIAN ASSOC [ Voucher: 170438 NAP COURTNE 12/12/2002 PARLIAMENTARIAN ASSOC [ 11/19/2002 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLI 11/18/2002 SWM-REPAIR/MAINTENANC 11/19/2002 PKM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPLI 11/27/2002 MSF-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/15/2002 SWM-REPAIR/MAINTENANC 11/30/2002 AG01-7: PUBLIC DEFENDER ~ Amount Paid 261,72 219,12 202.52 194.59 185,92 174.48 174.48 172.64 146,08 132.80 129.48 261.72 99.60 92.96 128,184.00 23.90 21.41 19.45 60.86 18.46 16,752,72 545.66 123.45 55.00 55.00 Check Total 2,448,11 128,184.00 144.08 16,752.72 669,11 110.00 Page: 4 apChkLst 12/20/2002 10:30:06AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 5 Bank: key us bank Check # Vendor 170439 12/20/2002 000043 NEW LUMBER & HARDWARE 147133 Voucher: 170439 147846 147255 147301 147998 147287 147991 147882 147812 147899 147131 147657 147448 147440 148063 147172 147010 148000 147921 146964 147214 147294 147273 147983 147337 147366 147134 147697 147046 147007 147658 148071 S9415560000 Date ~ ~ ...... 170440 12/20/2002 000089 NEWS TRIBUNE Voucher: 170440 (Continued) Invoice Inv Date Description . 10/31/2002 PKM-FACILITIES RE~AIR SU 11/18/2002 PKM-FACILITIES REPAIR SU 11/04/2002 PWST-MAINT TOOL/SUPPLI 11/05/2002 PWS-MAINT TOOL/SUPPLIE 11/22/2002 PWST-MAINT TOOL/SUPPLI 11/04/2002 SWM-REPAIR/MAINTENANC 11/21/2002 PKM-GRD REPAIR SUPPLIE 11/19/2002 PKM-FACILITIES REPAIR SU 11/18/2002 PKM-FACILITIES REPAIR SU 11/19/2002 PKM-CH REPAIR SUPPLlES- 10/31/2002 PWSWM-REPAIR/MAINTENA 11/13/2002 PKM-GRD REPAIR SUPPLIE 11/07/2002 SWM-REPAIR/MAINTENANC 11/07/2002 PKCP-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 11/23/2002 PKM-FACILITIES REPAIR SU 11/01/2002 PWTR-MAINT TOOL/SUPPLI 10/29/2002 PWST-MAINT TOOL/SUPPLI 11/22/2002 SWM-REPAIR/MAINTENANC 11/20/2002 PWST-MAINT TOOL/SUPPLI 10/28/2002 PWS-MAINT TOOL/SUPPLIE 11/01/2002 SWM-REPAIR/MAINTENANC 11/04/2002 SWM-REPAIR/MAINTENANC 11/04/2002 PKM-FACILITIES REPAIR StJ 11/21/2002 PWS-MAINT TOOL/SUPPLIE 11/05/2002 PWST-MAINT TOOL/SUPPLI 11/06/2002 SWM-REPAIR/MAINTENANC 10/31/2002 PKM-FACILITIES REPAIR SU 11/14/2002 PKM-FACILITIES REPAIR SU 10/29/2002 PKM-GRD REPAIR SUPPLIE 10/29/2002 PWSWM-REP AI R/MAI NTENA 11/13/2002 SWM-REPAIR/MAINTENANC 11/24/2002 PKM-FACILITIES REPAIR SU 12/01/2002 MSHR-JOB AD 11/04/02 - 12 Amount Paid 69,78 44.30 39.16 39,16 39,07 30,52 22,71 135,12 20,32 1.84 20.05 19.54 18.49 15.74 14.94 14.13 13.70 12.72 10.66 10.36 10.13 9.78 8,66 8.08 7.82 7,52 6,85 6,55 6.16 5.85 3.91 2,69 402.64 Check Total 676.31 402.64 Page: 5 apChkLst 12/20/2002 10:30:06AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 6 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170441 12/20/2002 003138 NORM ED Voucher: 170441 170442 12/20/2002 001391 NORTH COAST ELECTRIC C 084457500 Voucher: 170442 170443 12/20/2002 000051 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC 177-159-1003 Voucher: 170443 170444 12/20/2002 003236 OFC CUSTOMER CHARGES- 565 Voucher: 170444 170445 12/20/2002 001618 SPEEDY AUTO & WINDOW G 1051561 Voucher: 170445 170446 12/20/2002 005602 SPRINGWOOD ASSOCIATES 10992 Voucher: 170446 .:..:..' 170447 12/20/2002 005891 SUDDEN IMAGE INC Voucher: 170447 170448 12/20/2002 001267 TOP FOODS HAGGEN INC 329890 ..,;; Voucher: 170448 r- 170449 12/20/2002 005253 U S BANCORP ~ Voucher: 170449 170450 12/20/2002 005254 U S BAN CORP Voucher: 170450 12378-400269 2845 NOV 2002 NOV 2002 Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 11/27/2002 PS-GLOVES/SAFETY~)uPPL 212.11 212,11 07/03/2002 PRCS-ELECTRICAL SUPPLIE 211.05 211.05 12/05/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCTY CHRG 5.79 5.79 11/07/2002 PS-PROGRAM SUPPLIES 58,81 58.81 11/26/2002 PS-WINDSHIELD REPAIR #65 258,15 258.15 10/30/2002 AG#00-155:CEL PK MTGTN M 4,479.39 4,479.39 12/05/2002 PS-PHOTO SERVICES 377,27 377,27 11/22/2002 PKRCS- FRIDAY NIGHT FUN I 20,26 20.26 12/18/2002 CITY VISA CHARGES FOR (N 1,061.60 1,061.60 12/05/2002 PS-CITY VISA CHARGES FO 1,791.42 1,791.42 Sub total for us bank: 189,651,05 Page: 6 apChkLst 12/20/2002 10:30:06AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 7 33 checks in this report. ) Grand Total All Checks: 189,651.05 1::- ~ w Page: 7 apChkLst 12/20/2002 10:30:06AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 8 Bank code: key Check # Date 170426 12/20/2002 ) -,::: .ç;-o ~ Page: 8 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 1 Bank: key us bank Check # Date Vendor Invoice ~ ç'" \f) 170186 11/27/2002001843 MORRIS PIHA REAL ESTATE ~776-0EC2002 Vouche~ 170186 170187 11/27/2002001843 MORRIS PIHA REAL ESTATE ~766-0EC2002 Voucher: 170187 170188 11/27/2002 001843 MORRIS PIHA REAL ESTATE ~784-0EC2002 Vouche~ 170188 170189 11/27/2002001843 MORRIS PIHA REAL ESTATE ~2359-0EC2002 Voucher: 170189 170190 11/27/2002001843 MORRIS PIHA REAL ESTATE ~759-0EC2002 Voucher: 170190 170191 12/06/2002 003464 KING COUNTY SUPERIOR CO19486-9 #67 Voucher: 170191 170192 12/09/2002 000564 KING COUNTY PET LICENSE OCT 2002 Voucher: 170192 170193 12/09/2002 001259 KING COUNTY CRIME VICTIM OCT 2002 Voucher: 170193 170194 12/09/2002 000514 WA STATE-STATE REVENUE OCT 2002 Voucher: 170194 170195 12/09/2002 002024 PETTY CASH-WITNESS FEES JUROR INCRE Voucher: 170195 17019612/13/2002000083 AARO INC DBA THE LOCKSH29444 Vouche~ 170196 , 170197 12/13/2002 000332 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS I 0053171-1 Voucher: 170197 754716 170198 12/13/2002 001856 ACTION SERVICES CORPORP44187 Voucher: 170198 170199 12/13/2002000109 ACTIVE SECURITY CONTROL 13072 Voucher: 170199 170200 12/13/2002001043 AOOPT-A-STREAM FOUNOATI1493 Voucher: 170200 170201 12/13/2002 000475 ALARM CENTERS/CUSTOM S 256055 Voucher: 170201 255951 170202 12/13/2002 001110 AMAYA ELECTRIC 6679-4 --- -- -- - -- --- Voucher: 170202 Inv Date Description ~ Amount Paid Check Total 11/27/2002 AG98-212B: PS BLOGS LEAS 13,334,60 13,334,60 11/27/2002 AG98-212B: PS BLOGS LEAS 4,571.40 4,571.40 11/27/2002 AG98-212B: PS BLOGS LEAS 3,106.00 3,106,00 11/27/2002 AG93-51: KLCC PARKING LE 499.41 499.41 11/27/2002 AG99-139A: MUN COURT BL 6,646.00 6,646.00 12/06/2002 PWS-ROW ACQUISITION (P 50,410,00 50,410.00 12/04/2002 MSF-REMIT KC PET FEES R 713.00 713,00 12/04/2002 MSF-REMIT CRIME VICTIM F 1,148,83 1,148,83 12/05/2002 MSF-REMIT STATE FEES OC 58,447,81 58,447,81 12/02/2002 MSF JUROR/WITNESS FEE P 500,00 500,00 11/15/2002 PKM-PAOLOCKS 57,37 57.37 11/29/2002 LEGAL MESSENGER SERVIC 96,00 11/18/2002 LEGAL MESSENGER SERVIC 40.00 136,00 11/30/2002 AGOO-6B:STREET SWEEPIN 2,961.20 2,961,20 10/09/2002 PKM-FAC MTN LOCKSMITH S 72,00 72,00 11/07/2002 SWM-STREAM EQUIPMENT; . 52.45 52.45 11/20/2002 PKCHB-ALRM MNTR SVC (0 103.00 11/20/2002 PKRCS-ALRM MNTR SVC (0 59.74 162.74 11/08/2002 PKM-FACILITIES ELECTRICA 2,236.53 2,236.53 Page: 1 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 2 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170203 12/13/2002 005287 AMERICALL COMMUNICATIO D6416 Voucher: 170203 170204 12/13/2002 000721 AMERICAN CONCRETE INC 0085079 Voucher: 170204 17020512/13/2002003129 AMS LASER SUPPLY Voucher: 170205 170206 12/13/2002 005501 ANDREWS, AMY Voucher: 170206 334103 170207 12/13/2002 004669 AT&T BROADBAND ~ Voucher: 170207 ~ 170208 12/13/2002 001233 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE ~ Voucher: 170208 CA#25174 CA#26191 CA#16473FW CA25749 CA#25794 CA#16473FW 849834016036 050 532 7646 058 494 8549 051 069 1538 051 0645149 050491 6115 170209 12/13/2002 000075 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES 125028069 Voucher: 170209 170210 12/13/2002 007121 ATHLETIC FIELDS INC Voucher: 170210 170211 12/13/2002 000755 ATTORNEY & NOTARY SUPP K CIMMER Voucher: 170211 170212 12/13/2002 000575 ATTORNEYS INFORMATION E052746 Voucher: 170212 49354 170213 12/13/2002 007098 A V ANT A C2239R 12577 Voucher: 170213 C2218R12579 170214 12/13/2002 007125 BAILADORES DE BRONCE PERFORMANC Voucher: 170214 170215 12/13/2002 001604 BALL, GIGI Y CA#21991 Voucher: 170215 CA#24926 170216 12/13/2002 002386 BANHEGYI / PAWLAK, SUSANCA#25990 Voucher: 170216. CA#02005 AG02-119:#1 Inv Date Description Amount Paid 12/01/2002 SWM-AFTER HR CALi-oUT S 159.25 11/25/2002 PWS-7/8 PU 11/19/2002 MSDP-PRINTER TONER- 12/03/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2651 11/12/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2206 11/04/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#1647 11/26/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2546 11/19/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2546 12/25/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#1151 11/27/2002 MSGAC-DMX MUSIC MTHL Y ~ 11/09/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 11/13/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 11/15/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 11/15/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 11/10/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 11/12/2002 MSTEL-CELL AIR TIME- 11/30/2002 AG02-119:DUMAS BAY REST( 12/10/2002 CDB-NOTARY RNWL/EMBS S 11/19/2002 LAW-JOE GREEN-INVOICE 5 11/30/2002 LAW-JOE GREEN-INVOICE 5 12/05/2002 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DE 12/02/2002 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DE 12/13/2002 CM-DIVERSITY COMMISSIO 11/26/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2519 11/12/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2492 11/14/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2208 12/12/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2577 35,36 394.56 120.00 80,00 40,00 150,00 40.00 40.00 75.43 19,06 16.95 16.95 30.73 14.85 19.00 49,209,67 73,39 37.38 24.00 6,000,00 1,150.00 200.00 35.00 35,00 222,25 85.75 Check Total 159.25 35.36 394.56 470,00 75.43 98.54 19.00 49,209.67 73.39 61,38 7,150,00 200.00 70,00 308.00 Page: 2 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 3 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170217 12/13/2002 005421 BARGER, KENNETH Vouche~ 170217 CA#26685 CA#20249 CA26065 CA#25346 CA#25227 CA#25227 02 -104850-00 :t; ~ -.J 170218 12/13/2002 007108 BASARU. FLORENTIN Voucher: 170218 170219 12/13/2002007117 BAUGH SKANSKA INC Voucher: 170219 170220 12/13/2002005098 BIG 0 TIRES 4 LESS & AUTO ~254909 Voucher: 170220 254683 170221 12/13/2002 001630 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 1274214 Voucher: 170221 170222 12/13/2002005032 BOBCAT NORTHWEST Voucher: 170222 170223 12/13/2002 004315 BRENT'S ALIGNMENT & REP 004875 Voucher: 170223 004772 004822 004779 004847 004837 004819 02562508,00 4695684 170224 12/13/2002007087 BROWN ELLS INC Voucher: 170224 170225 12/13/2002 007114 BUCHANAN, MARNI Voucher: 170225 170226 12/13/2002003839 BUSINESS TELECOM PRODUt144575 Voucher: 170226 144613 Inv Date Description 11/08/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:C~#2668 11/27/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2024 11/04/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2606 11/22/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2534 10/29/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2522 11/26/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2522 11/25/2002 CDB-REFUND APPLICATION \ 11/25/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 11/18/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 11/13/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING -JO 11/12/2002 MSFL T-REPAI R/MAI NT SERV 12/06/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 11/14/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 11/25/2002 MSFL T -REP AI R/MAI NT SVCS 11/15/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 11/27/2002 MSFL T -REP AI R/MAI NT SVCS 11/26/2002 MSFL T -REP AI R/MA! NT SVCS 11/22/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 11/06/2002 PS-WIND DRUM & TRIGGER ( M BUCHANAN 12/10/2002 PS-REIMB:UNIFORM BOOT A 11/26/2002 MS/DP-HEADSET ORATOR 0 12/02/2002 MS/DP-HEADSET ORATOR 0 Amount Paid 56.25 45.00 45.00 45.00 58.55 58.55 3,463.20 16,81 16.81 9,57 28.94 284.21 219.66 980.87 181.15 67,89 98.44 67.89 10,09 100,00 1,143,63 74.80 Check Total 191.25 117,10 3,463.20 33,62 9.57 28,94 1,900,11 10,09 100,00 1,218.43 Page: 3 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 4 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor 170227 12/13/2002 000414 CAFE PACIFIC CATERING IN Voucher: 170227 ¡;::. ~ CF 170228 12/13/2002 000991 CASCADE COFFEE INC Voucher: 170228 170229 12/13/2002 005573 CDW GOVERNMENT INC Voucher: 170229 Invoice 6322 6310 3608 6313 6311 6321 6307 6320 6309 6312 6345 6305 20306857 HA99201 HF21851CR HF74638 HF20767 HD87382 HB46935 HD91457 HB76773 HD97761CR HD97760GR CA25362 CAO026356 K CIMMER 170230 12/13/2002 005712 CHANG, JENNY Voucher: 170230 170231 12/13/2002 004713 CIMMER, KARl Voucher: 170231 170232 12/13/2002 000142 CITY OF FED WAY-ADVANCE CK# 1989 Voucher: 170232 CK# 1974 CK# 1990 CK# 1991 4066 170233 12/13/2002 000951 CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Voucher: 170233 Inv Date Description 11/26/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SfCS 11 12/02/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 12/02/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 12/02/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 12/02/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 11/26/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 11 12/02/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 11/26/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 11 12/02/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 12/02/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 12/06/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 12/02/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 12 12/02/2002 MSM&D-MTG COFFEE SUPP 10/24/2002 MSDP - PS PALM M500 POR 11/18/2002 MSDP- PS TARGUS UNIVERS 11/20/2002 MSDP - VIDEO STREAMING C 11/18/2002 MSDP - PS PALM M500 POR 11/11/2002 MSDP- PS TARGUS UNIVERS 10/28/2002 MSDP- PS TARGUS UNIVERS 11/11/2002 MSDP - PS TARGUS PDA UN 10/29/2002 MSDP- PS TARGUS PDA UN 11/11/2002 MSDP- PS TARGUS UNIVERS 11/11/2002 MSDP- PS TARGUS UNIVERS 12/03/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2594 12/02/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2635 12/10/2002 MSHR-SPIRIT AWARD:(DEC/C 11/07/2002 PS-TRAVEL EXP:CRIME ANAl 11/07/2002 PS-TRAVEL EXP:CALEA CON 11/13/2002 MIS-TRAVEL EXP:LAS VEGA 11/13/2002 PS-TRAVEL EXP:WASPC COt 11/27/2002 PKM-5% RET:COMMERCIAL I Amount Paid 705.90 407.04 394.20 357.00 329.10 850,82 318,76 19,92 177,68 102.00 68.88 53,64 122.53 3,174.27 -90.00 348,71 90.00 90.00 44.87 18.00 8,97 -8.75 -43.75 70.00 35.00 50,00 684,05 -164,00 432,50 245,02 2,371.10 Check Total 3,784.94 122,53 3,632.32 105,00 50,00 1,197.57 2,371,10 Page: 4 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 5 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Vendor Date Invoice 170234 12/13/2002 000650 COASTLINE TRACTOR W013479 Voucher: 170234 170235 12/13/2002 003752 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA Vouche~ 170235 T1143574 W1141376 T1143208 T1143574-1 170236 12/13/2002 001969 CODE PUBLISHING COMPAN 18581 Voucher: 170236 170237 12/13/2002 006996 COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL R 4066 Vouche~ 170237 170238 12/13/2002002935 COMMISSION ON ACCREDIT 14967 Voucher: 170238 14921 170239 12/13/2002001127 COMMUNITY HEALTH CENT C2295R12582 Vouche~ 170239 170240 12/13/2002 004395 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICA 0220-416676 Voucher: 170240 0220-416488 0220-416279 0220-416277 0220-416342 0220-416487 0220-416344 9005 ':J:,: E;' -S,) 170241 12/13/2002 002790 CONSTRUCTION TESTING L Voucher: 170241 170242 12/13/2002 000771 COSTCO/HRS USA Vouche~ 170242 170243 12/13/2002005180 CRISIS MANAGEMENT CONSl26 Voucher: 170243 170244 12/13/2002 000939 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C92334 Voucher: 170244 840875 840873 208101 208740 206903 170246 12/13/2002 003472 DAY WIRELESS SYSTEMS I 223027 - -- VöucneF~- - -- -1 70246 170245 12/13/2002 000854 0 J TROPHY Voucher: 170245 0002-0937 Inv Date Description Amount Paid 11/25/2002 MSFLT-REPAIR/MAI~ SVCS 1,141.46 11/20/2002 PKM-MNT JANITORIAL SUPP 11/14/2002 MC-JANITORIAL SUPPLlES- 11/20/2002 PKCHB-JANITORIAL SUPPLI 11/25/2002 PKM-FAC JANITORIAL SUPP 08/01/2002 MSC-CODIFICATION SVCS 11/27/2002 AG02-111 :ROOF MNT SYSTEI 11/26/2002 PS-POLICE CALEA CONFERE 11/19/2002 PS-BAL CALEA ON-SITE ASS 12/04/2002 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DE 11/21/2002 PKMCHB-LlGHTING SUPPLI 11/15/2002 PKMCHB-LlGHTING SUPPLI 11/19/2002 PKM-LiGHTING SUPPLIES 11/19/2002 PKMCHB-LlGHTING SUPPLI 11/12/2002 PKM-LiGHTING SUPPLIES 11/15/2002 PKMCHB-LlGHTING SUPPLI 11/12/2002 PKM-LiGHTING SUPPLIES 10/31/2002 PWCIP-8TH AND DASH TRA 11/26/2002 CITY COSTCO CHARGES (0 11/21/2002 AG99-149C:EMER MGMT CN 11/30/2002 PKCHB-WATER/CL RNTL AC 10/31/2002 MC-WATER/CLR RNTL ACC 10/31/2002 PKRLS-WATER/CLR RNTL A 11/02/2002 MSHR-PLAQUE/ENGRAVING 08/16/2002 PS-ENGRAVING SERVICES 04/09/2002 CD-NAMES PLATES/PLAQUE 11/25/2002 PS-RADIO REPAIR # 180,55 114.31 211.47 18.87 5.98 49,224.04 1,800.00 337,34 104,09 64.95 51.90 28,72 80.62 15.67 7.38 7.83 654.20 748.22 3,500.00 206,07 80.07 21,98 41.67 30,24 7.34 186.05 Check Total 1 ,141 .46 525,20 5.98 49,224,04 2,137,34 104,09 257,07 654.20 748.22 3,500.00 308.12 79,25 186.05 Page: 5 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 6 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170247 12/13/2002 005341 DODD, ESCOLASTICA ROSA CA#26879 Voucher: 170247 CA#24270 CA#24681 CA#26191 CA61015 2769 170248 12/13/2002001432 DON SMALL & SONS Oil 01 Voucher: 170248 170249 12/13/2002 005842 DPK INC Voucher: 170249 170250 12/13/2002 000570 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE (1022999 Voucher: 170250 1022938 1022890 1023092 1023116 1023034 1022448 1022871 1022908 1023077 1022858 1022875 1023030 1022995 15126 v. ~ 17:AG01-63C 170251 12/13/2002 000097 EDEN SYSTEMS INC Voucher: 170251 170252 12/13/2002 005639 ELLINGTON, THOMAS MARK 11/22/02 Voucher: 170252 170253 12/13/2002 002867 ENCHANTED PARKS INC Voucher: 170253 170254 12/13/2002 006514 ENGINEERING BUSINESS SY 14308 Voucher: 170254 170255 12/13/2002 000730 ENTRANCO INC Voucher: 170255 02-47692 41407 41624 41408 Inv Date Description 11/26/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:Ci\#2546 12/03/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2651 11/12/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA# 2468 11/12/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2206 11/15/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#5994 11/21/2002 PKM-STL LK ANNEX FUEL - 11/04/2002 AG01-63C:23RD AVE S RDWP 11/25/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11/22/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11/20/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11/29/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11/30/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11/26/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 10/31/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11/19/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11/21/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11/29/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11/19/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11/19/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11/26/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11/25/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11/15/2002 MSDP-EDEN SYSTEM UPGRJ 11/26/2002 MC-PRO TEM JUDGE{11/22 11/25/2002 PW-BOND REFUND FOR 2 P 12/03/2002 MSDP-SERVICE & MAINTEN 11/13/2002 AG01-48A: 23RD AVE S RD I 11/22/2002 PW-EXPR:AUTOZONE-NEW ( 11/13/2002 AG01-48A: 23RD AVE S RD I Amount Paid 200.00 200,00 80.00 90,00 90,00 196,63 54,914.85 698.33 10,54 270.56 244.90 178.85 79.17 59.11 55.64 48.93 41.62 18.49 18.49 18.49 13,32 62,50 50.00 1,000,00 259.97 1,297.90 1,089,00 312,27 Check Total 660,00 196,63 54,914.85 1,756.44 62,50 50,00 1,000,00 259.97 2,699,17 Page: 6 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 7 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170256 12/13/2002000328 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA) 0117205 Voucher: 170256 0116091 0116090 0117204 101862 :t= -1 170257 12/13/2002 006412 ESP PRINTING Voucher: 170257 170258 12/13/2002 004840 EVAC-EMERGENCY VEHICLE 101541 Voucher: 170258 101540 101535 101574 101575 101524 101553 170259 12/13/2002 001131 EVERGREEN AUTO ELECTR 004070 Voucher: 170259 004077 004149 004071 004145 004074 004151 004147 004148 004150 170260 12/13/2002 001297 FACILITY MAINTENANCE CO 038762 Voucher: 170260 170261 12/13/2002 007085 FAMILY PRACTICE CENTER 067664-00 Voucher: 170261 170262 12/13/2002 002644 FEDERAL WAY BOYS & GIRL AG01-22:3QTR Voucher: 170262 170263 12/13/2002 000229 FEDERAL WAY CHAMBER CO1635 Voucher: 170263 170264 12/13/2002 004270 FEDERAL WAY MIRROR Voucher: 170264 170265 12/13/2002 004302 FEDERAL WAY NEWS ----VoLTCh-er. - --17C2ô5 ~ 004349 FW-C M Inv Date Description . 11/30/2002 PS-FUEL FOR VEHICtES 11/ 11/15/2002 PS-FUEL FOR VEHICLES 11/ 11/15/2002 MSFL T-FUEL FOR VEHICLES 11/30/2002 MSFL T-FUEL FOR VEHICLES 11/11/2002 PWSWR-PRINTING SERVIC 11/15/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES 11/15/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES 11/11/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES 11/26/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES 11/26/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES 11/06/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES 11/19/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES 11/18/2002 MSFL T -REP AI R/MAI NT SVCS 11/18/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 11/29/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 11/18/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 11/29/2002 MSFL T-REPAI R/MAI NT SVCS 11/18/2002 MSFL T -REP AI R/MAI NT SVCS 11/29/2002 MSFL T-REPAI R/MAI NT SVCS 11/29/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 11/29/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 11/29/2002 MSFL T-REPAI R/MAI NT SVCS 11/15/2002 AG01-52:DBC LANDSCAPE S 11/06/2002 PS-PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYS 11/06/2002 CDHS-AG01-22:0PERA TING ~ 11/06/2002 CHAMBER LUNCHEON FOR 11/09/2002 PRCS/NEWSPAPER ADS; AR 11/21/2002 1 YR SUBSCRIPTION TO TH Amount Paid 4,637.50 5,119.62 1,427.87 1,218.96 1,048.83 182.77 110.98 104,88 192,58 83.78 32.64 65.28 158.07 143.03 42.85 32.59 158,68 32.59 32.59 32.59 32.59 32.59 1,711.97 216,00 3,750.00 105.00 174.48 26,00 Check Total 12,403.95 1,048,83 772.91 698.17 1,711,97 216,00 3,750,00 105,00 174.48 26,00 Page: 7 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 8 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170266 12/13/2002 004690 FEDERAL WAY NUTRITION S 1203-NOV02 Voucher: 170266 170267 12/13/2002 005987 FEDERAL WAY POOL Voucher: 170267 - 170268 12/13/2002 001183 FEDERAL WAY PUBLIC SCHOAR02706 Voucher: 170268 170269 12/13/2002 006406 FERNANDEZ, FERNANDO Voucher: 170269 170270 12/13/2002 004910 FILETEX LLC Voucher: 170270 170271 12/13/2002007011 FISHER BROADCASTING INC 3519-01 Voucher: 170271 170272 12/13/2002 002664 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC 43467 --:¡:::= Voucher: 170272 ~ 170273 12/13/2002 005857 FOILMASTER DESIGNS ~ - " Voucher: 170273 170274 12/13/2002 002870 FREEWAY TRAILER SALES I 017470 - Voucher: 170274 - :1-70275 12/13/2002 004566 G&M HONEST PERFORMANC45665 Voucher: 170275 170276 12/13/2002 003699 GARDNER & ASSOCIATES 2529 Voucher: 170276 170277 12/13/2002 001052 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY Voucher: 170277 170278 12/13/2002 001992 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS Voucher: 170278 103002 SWIM Inv Date Description 11/30/2002 PS-LUNCH:OFFICER PATRO 10/30/2002 PRCS-SWIMMING PROGRA 11/20/2002 PKM-1/2 IRRIG AT SAGHALIE F FERNANDEZ 12/10/2002 MSHR-SPIRIT AWARD:(DEC/C Amount Paid 133.40 187,20 3,257.94 50.00 171 .56 1,000,00 300.60 41,13 123.68 5.91 380.00 60,85 55.78 26.89 111.47 26.18 3.79 11.41 10.32 7.17 4,32 46,22 Check Total 133.40 187.20 3,257,94 50.00 171.56 1,000.00 300,60 41.13 123.68 5.91 380.00 318.18 46,22 02-872 4108 644312 652399 668707 662701 666210 635703 665706 666073 664550 649458 104946 11/04/2002 CDA - LASERPRINT COLORO 10/28/2002 PS-ADVERTISING RECRUITI 11/21/2002 MSHR-FLEX PLAN ADM SVC 11/16/2002 PRCS-CERTIFICATES FOR D 11/25/2002 MSFL T -VEHICLE REPAIRS/S 11/23/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/24/2002 PS-JR POLICE STICKER BADt 06/28/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES. 08/14/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/21/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/17/2002 MSFLT-REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/07/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 05/07/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/04/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/06/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 10/29/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 07/29/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/26/2002 MSFL T -REPAIR SUPPLIES Page: 8 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 9 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date DescriDtion . Amount Paid Check Total 170279 12/13/2002 003831 GSR POLYGRAPH SERVICES 02-016 11/30/2002 PS-POL YGRAPH ExJMs 500,00 500.00 Voucher: 170279 170280 12/13/2002 002590 HACH COMPANY 3256406 11/14/2002 SWM-TEST TUBE RACK 6.53 6.53 Voucher: 170280 170281 12/13/2002 003841 HEAD-QUARTERS PTS 6057 12/01/2002 AG01-109:PKM SANITATION ~ 382.50 382,50 Voucher: 170281 170282 12/13/2002 002866 HERMLE, JOAN J HERMLE 12/10/2002 MSHR-SPIRIT AWARD:(DEC/C 50.00 50.00 Voucher: 170282 170283 12/13/2002 005786 HERSHMAN, DANIEL 11/5/02 PHOT 11/05/2002 PRCS-PYMT FOR PHOTOGRJ 50.00 50,00 Voucher: 170283 170284 12/13/2002 006835 HILTON HOTELS 33812 11/20/2002 PS-LODGING:CALEA CONF 1 7,769.32 7,769,32 Voucher: 170284 170285 12/13/2002 003210 HOUGH BECK & BAIRD INC 4749 10/01/2002 AG01-128: DUMAS BAY REST 1,909.25 ~ Voucher: 170285 4789 11/01/2002 AG01-128:DUMAS BAY REST 1,395,00 3,304,25 170286 12/13/2002 007109 HUGHES, HARRY CA#402569 11/26/2002 MC-INTERPRETERCA#3933 17,50 17,50 ~ Voucher: 170286 ivJ 170287 12/13/2002 000846 ICMA 206941 11/21/2002 ICMA MEMBERSHIP DUES FC 942.40 942.40 Voucher: 170287 170288 12/13/2002 002137 INLAND FOUNDRY COMPAN 29479 11/14/2002 SWM/PKM DRAIN COVERS & 241,54 241,54 Voucher: 170288 170289 12/13/2002 003211 IRON MOUNTAIN/SAFESITE I E042508 11/30/2002 MSC-RECORDS STORAGE S 639,09 639.09 Voucher: 170289 170290 12/13/2002 007111 J/RANDALL ASSOCIATES 034 11/16/2002 PKCHB/ROOF INSPECTION; 3,480.00 3,480.00 Voucher: 170290 170291 12/13/2002 003462 JUNKER, RYAN 15156 11/04/2002 PS-REIMB:REPLACEMENT 0 210.00 210,00 Voucher: 170291 170292 12/13/2002 005934 K P TRANSLATION SERVICE CA#25389 11/26/2002 MC-INTERPRETERCA#2538 150.00 150,00 Voucher: 170292 170293 12/13/2002 004397 KDD & ASSOCIATES PLLC 27-1 12/01/2002 PW-EXPRCOTTAGES AT H 611,02 611,02 Voucher: 170293 170294 12/13/2002 001259 KING COUNTY CRIME VICTIM NOV 2002 12/09/2002 MSF-REMIT CRIME VICTIM F 1,134.79 1,134,79 Voucher: 170294 170295 12/13/2002 000125 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIV 1196304 11/19/2002 PWTR-BSC SIGN/MARKINGS 23,549.86 Voucher: 170295 1196305 11/19/2002 PWT-DISC INVESTGATION T 8,994,97 32,544.83 .-_u u- - Page: 9 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 10 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid 170296 12/13/2002 005568 KING COUNTY FLEET ADM DI201424 11/13/2002 PWS-ABSORB. RICE iiULL A 598.29 Voucher: 170296 201423 11/13/2002 PWS-BROOM, HANDLE AND ~ 198.57 170297 12/13/2002 000564 KING COUNTY PET LICENSE NOV 2002 12/09/2002 MSF-REMIT KC PET FEES R 288,00 Voucher: 170297 170298 12/13/2002 003898 KING COUNTY RADIO 301862 11/30/2002 MSTEL-RADIO SERVICES - 4,297.50 Voucher: 170298 170299 12/13/2002 003464 KING COUNTY SUPERIOR CO302104-9123 12/13/2002 SWM-ROW ACQUIS. PAR. # 22,010.00 Voucher: 170299 170300 12/13/2002 000376 KING COUNTY WATER & LAN 2002-2 11/01/2002 SWM-BILLING SERVICE; PR 14,422.89 Voucher: 170300 170301 12/13/2002 000201 KINKO'S INC. ACCOUNT #020515100065988 11/25/2002 PWSWR-XMAS RECYCLING F 114,78 Voucher: 170301 170302 12/13/2002 000201 KINKO'S INC, ACCOUNT #020515100063606 07/02/2002 PKRCS-PRINTING SVCS- 32,64 ~ Voucher: 170302 515100065231 10/10/2002 MSF-PRINTING SERVICES- M 26.93 515100066044 12/04/2002 PKRCS-PRINTING SVCS- 113,15 .-L 515100065500 10/25/2002 MSA-PRINTING SVC MANUA -26.93 .170303 12/13/2002 003399 KVASNYUK, NIKOLAY CA#25416 11/08/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#5780 250.00 Voucher: 170303 CA#61994 12/03/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2619 170.00 170304 12/13/2002 005536 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC 1002641704 11/05/2002 PS-LATEX GLOVES SUPPLY 168,01 Voucher: 170304 170305 12/13/2002 007115 LABRUM, RANDALL 02-47713 11/26/2002 PWS-REFUND ROW PERMIT 700.00 Voucher: 170305 Check Total 796,86 288,00 4,297.50 22,010.00 14,422.89 114,78 145.79 420,00 168,01 700.00 Page: 10 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 11 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 170306 12/13/2002 000096 LAKEHAVEN UTILITY DISTRI 2830801 11/15/2002 PKM-F AC/W A TER svts 8/1 615.72 Voucher: 170306 2798301 11/15/2002 PKM-F AC/W A TER SVCS 8/1 563.23 3042401 11/20/2002 PWS-WATER SVCS 8/15- 558.05 3075201 11/12/2002 PKCP-WATER/SEWER SVCS 459.56 3050801 11/12/2002 PKCP-WATER/SEWER SVCS 15,875.73 1639103 11/12/2002 PKM-CH WATER/SEWER SV 432,66 2957001 11/12/2002 PKCP-WATER/SEWER SVCS 14.48 2961501 11/20/2002 PWS-WATER SVCS 8/20- 420,35 3075401 11/12/2002 PKCP-WTR/SWR SVCS 8/6 - 1 312,12 80406 11/12/2002 PKRCS-WATER/SEWER SVC 265,56 2926402 11/12/2002 PKM-FAC/WATER SVCS 8/9 160.65 2926501 11/12/2002 PKM-FAC/WATER SVCS 8/9 119.07 3075301 11/12/2002 PKCP-WATER/SEWER SVCS 98,28 :r:: 2883701 11/12/2002 PKRCS-WATER/SEWER SVC 89,50 -J 3266301 11/12/2002 PKM-FAC/WATER SVCS 8/9 80.76 V\ 2890801 11/12/2002 PKRCS-WATER/SEWERSVC 19.78 99902 12/12/2002 PKM-FAC/WATER SVCS 8/7 14.48 101103 11/12/2002 PKM-FAC/WATER SVCS 8/8 14.48 3059601 11/25/2002 PKM-FAC/WATER SVCS 8/2 14.48 20,128.94 170307 12/13/2002 004052 LAW ENFORCEMENT EQUIP 12020201 12/02/2002 PS-SAFETY EQUIPMENT 270,91 Voucher: 170307 11210203 11/21/2002 PS-SAFETY EQUIPMENT 805,12 11210211 11/21/2002 PS-SAFETY EQUIPMENT 122,51 11210210 11/21/2002 PS-SAFETY EQUIPMENT 87.53 1,286.07 170308 12/13/2002 004934 LAYMAN, SANDRA CA#25899 12/02/2002 MC-INTERPRETERCA#2589 72.32 72.32 Voucher: 170308 170309 12/13/2002 003730 LE MONS, ROBERT C CA#58835 11/29/2002 MC-INTERPRETERCA#5883 120,00 120,00 Voucher: 170309 170310 12/13/2002 005478 LEBEL, SHELLEY KLCC11/18/02 11/18/2002 PRCS-NAPKINS, TABLE COV 60.30 60.30 Voucher: 170310 170311 12/13/2002003157 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF '230631 11/11/2002 MSFL T-TIRES 2,670.39 Voucher: 170311 230501 11/09/2002 MSFLT-TIRES 89.44 231336 11/23/2002 MSFL T-TIRE REPAIR 22,85 2,782.68 170312 12/13/2002 004594 LlM, VANNARA S CA#18957 11/19/2002 MC-INTERPRETERCA# 1595 90,00 90,00 Voucher: 170312 Page: 11 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 12 Bank: key us bank (Continued) 2432982327 2432382050 2432982325 2431181434 2432482093 2431781715 24300381050 2431781696 2432382037 2430481090 2430981352 2432382034 2432982330 170316 12/13/2002 703041 LUTHERAN COMMUNITY SERC2196R12581 Voucher: 170316 170317 12/13/2002007122 MALLOTT, JULIE Voucher: 170317 170318 12/13/2002 007126 MARIACHI AYUTLA Voucher 170318 170319 12/13/2002 004324 MARTIN, MARY KATE Voucher: 170319 170320 12/13/2002 007057 MARYELLEN MACCIO MD Voucher: 170320 170321 12/13/2002 000960 MATTHEW BENDER & COMP 52664619 Voucher: 170321 170322 12/13/2002 003329 MCCALL, STAN Voucher: 170322 Check # Date Vendor 170313 12/13/2002 000630 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC Voucher: 170313 170314 12/13/2002 005008 LORMAN EDUCATION SERV Voucher: 170314 170315 12/13/2002 005339 LOWE'S HIW INC Voucher 170315 ~r" J--> \ ~,: ~ Invoice 62682 62683 62577 62576 62681 1561248-1 110870 PERFORMANC ICOB 102802 535962323 PS 11/27/02 Inv Date Description 11/15/2002 PKM-STONE/GRAVE[)SUPPL 11/14/2002 PWS-MEDIUM BARK- 11/05/2002 PWS-MEDIUM BARK- 11/05/2002 PKM-STONE/GRAVEL SUPPL 11/14/2002 PKM-STONE/GRAVEL SUPPL 11/20/2002 PS-CONTINUING EDUCATIOf\ Amount Paid 106.52 78.34 26.11 128.69 18.04 558.00 Check Total 357.70 558,00 11/25/2002 SWM-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 130,12 11/19/2002 PKM-FACILITIES MAl NT SUP 77,15 11/25/2002 PKM-FACILITIES MAl NT SUP 73,98 11/07/2002 PKCP-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 65.56 11/20/2002 PKCP-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 47,72 11/13/2002 PWS-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 36,93 10/30/2002 PWS-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 31,55 11/13/2002 PWS-REPAIR/MAINT SUPPL 31.55 11/19/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIE 25.98 10/31/2002 PK-CITY HALL MAINT SUPPLI 14.79 11/05/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIE 386,10 11/19/2002 PKM-FACILITIES MAINT SUP 14.15 11/25/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIE 3,88 939.46 12/02/2002 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DE 150.00 150.00 11/22/2002 PKRCS-REFUND FOR SIGN. L 22.50 22.50 12/13/2002 CM - DIVERSITY COMMISSIO 350.00 350,00 10/28/2002 COB - EMPLOYEE REIMBURS 60.00 60,00 10/25/2002 PS-PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYS 15,00 15,00 11/08/2002 LAW-WA SUPREME COURT F 16,97 16,97 11/27/2002 PS-REIMB:PKG EXPENSES:C, 43,91 43,91 Page: 12 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 13 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Vendor Date Invoice 7754092 170323 12/13/2002 000286 METROCALL Voucher: 170323 170324 12/13/2002 006920 MGS ENGINEERING CONSUL AG02-105:#1 Voucher: 170324 170325 12/13/2002 005441 MINZEL & ASSOCIATES Voucher 170325 r=. -.J -.J 10/14 -10/20 10/21-10/27 11/4-11/10 34132 94089945 FOOD BANK S8728967000 12378-399995 Inv Date Description Amount Paid 11/23/2002 MSTEL-PAGER SVC ~OR (1 12.88 12/09/2002 AG02-105:HYDRAULIC ANL T 10/25/2002 LAW-TEMP PROSECUTOR 1 11/01/2002 LAW-TEMP PROSECUTOR 1 11/15/2002 TEMP ATTORNEY/PARALEGP 11/28/2002 PKM-ALARM MONITORING S 11/12/2002 PS-PORTABLE CHARGERS R 12/10/2002 CM-GRAND FOR FOOD BAN 11/11/2002 SWMM-WIRE FOR CB RIS 12/02/2002 AG01-66:LANDSCAPE MNT S 12/02/2002 AG01-66:LANDSCAPE MNT S 11/20/2002 PKM-SAFETY GOGGLES/INV 11/21/2002 PKM-SAFETY GOGGLES/INV 11/19/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SUPP 11/03/2002 MSHR-JOB AD (NOV/02)- 11/22/2002 PS-GLOVES/SAFETY SUPPL 11/13/2002 MC-UNIFORM COURT CLOT 11/22/2002 MSF-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/19/2002 PWST-MAINTENANCE/REPAI 5,220,00 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200,00 34,82 1,338,24 10,000.00 40.51 1,980,11 837.69 111.01 99.71 55.60 603,96 2,029.60 227,83 315.43 125.00 9.67 4,20 Check Total 12.88 5,220,00 3,600,00 34.82 1,338.24 10,000,00 40.51 2,817,80 210.72 55,60 603.96 2,029.60 227.83 315.43 125,00 9,67 4.20 170326 12/13/2002 003170 MODERN SECURITY SYSTE Voucher: 170326 170327 12/13/2002 003352 MOTOROLA INC Voucher: 170327 170328 12/13/2002 000228 MULTI-SERVICE CENTER Voucher: 170328 170329 12/13/2002000955 MUTUAL MATERIALS COMPAAB211474S Voucher: 170329 170330 12/13/2002 001902 MYERS MASTER LAWN CAR 0518 Voucher: 170330 0517 170331 12/13/2002 004445 NATIONAL SAFETY INC 0107939-IN Voucher: 170331 0108000-IN 17033212/13/2002001018 NELSON TRUCK EQUIPMENT 305788 Voucher: 170332 170333 12/13/2002 000089 NEWS TRIBUNE Voucher: 170333 170334 12/13/2002 004701 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 400102318012 11/29/2002 MSTEL-CELLULAR AIRTIME Voucher: 170334 170335 12/13/2002 003138 NORMED Voucher: 170335 170336 12/13/2002 005493 NORTHWEST EMBROIDERY 120484 Voucher: 170336 170337 12/13/2002007119 NW WASHINGTON SYNOD C2097R12578 12/10/2002 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DE Vol:Jcher: 170337 170338 12/13/2002 002623 OFFICEMAX CREDIT PLAN 9770J326 Voucher: 170338 170339 12/13/2002 000504 ORIENTAL GARDEN CENTER 014776 ---- VöucñeF:-- ----110339 Page: 13 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 14 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170340 12/13/2002 006396 OSW EQUIPMENT & REPAIR 12979 Voucher: 170340 170341 12/13/2002 004004 PACIFIC COAST FORD INC SEPT 2002 Voucher: 170341 170342 12/13/2002 007118 PACIFIC HEATING & AIR Voucher: 170342 170343 12/13/2002 004644 PACIFIC PLANTS INC Voucher: 170343 170344 12/13/2002 005025 PCCI - PROFESSIONAL COMf\¡20739 Voucher: 170344 20738 170345 12/13/2002 005293 PEOPLE'S TRANSLATION SE CA#25310 Voucher: 170345 z: 170346 12/13/2002 000101 PETTY CASH ~ Voucher: 170346 - 17034712/13/2002001166 PETTY CASH Voucher: 170347 170348 12/13/2002 002557 PETTY CASH FUND-PARKS MPKM 12/10/02 Voucher: 170348 PKM 11/26/02 170349 12/13/2002 002024 PETTY CASH-WITNESS FEES 12/9/02 Voucher: 170349 170350 12/13/2002001174 PNBOA-PACIFIC NW BASKET 11655 Voucher 170350 170351 12/13/2002001411 POSTAL EXPRESS INC Voucher: 170351 170352 12/13/2002 005583 PRAXAIR DISTRIBUTION INC 608067 Voucher: 170352 17035312/13/2002006067 PRIME BUSINESS SYSTEMS 10235 Voucher: 170353 170354 12/13/2002 005726 PRIZM ENGINEERING & SUR\;791 Voucher: 170354 170355 12/13/2002 007123 PROSY, SHALLAN Voucher: 170355 170356 12/13/2002 004439 PROFESSIONAL VIDEO & TA P22630 Voucher: 170356 Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 10/29/2002 PWS-PROVIDE AND rtJSTALL 1,775.40 1,775.40 09/01/2002 SIU-VEHICLE LEASE CONTRi 1,015.01 1,015,01 11/25/2002 CDB-REFUND ELEC PERMIT 30,00 30.00 11/12/2002 PWS-STREET TREES; (20) T 3,598,88 3,598,88 12/01/2002 AGOO-51B: CHB JANITORIAL ~ 1 797.00 12/01/2002 AGOO-14B:KLCC JNTRL SVCS 915.00 2,712.00 11/07/2002 MC-INTERPRETER:CA#2531 75,00 75.00 12/04/2002 PWDS - MILEAGE, TRAINING 389.69 389.69 12/05/2002 PRCS-PARKING FOR REC I 200.26 200.26 12/10/2002 PKM-MILEAGE/LEWIS 65,86 11/26/2002 PKM-PETTY CASH FUND RE 60,14 126,00 12/09/2002 MSF-REIM WITNESS/ JUROR 420.86 420,86 10/29/2002 AG02-110:BSKTBLL OFFICIA 3,070,00 3,070,00 10/31/2002 CITY MAIL PROCESSING/Gal 6,041.91 6,041.91 11/12/2002 PKM-10# CYLINDER CARBO 117,69 117,69 11/21/2002 MS/TEL- 24-PORT/ TWO WIR 3,216,50 3,216.50 11/25/2002 PKCP/SURVEYING SERVICE 600.00 600.00 11/21/2002 PKRCS-REFUND FOR REC C 30.00 30,00 10/24/2002 MSGAC-AUDIO ROUTER- 213,87 213.87 02-104003-0 36340 CD 12/4/02 KLCC 12/5/02 BM2210003 110849 Page: 14 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 15 Bank: key us bank (Continued) 1::- ~ -0 Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170357 12/13/2002 000051 PUGET SOUND ENERGY INC 504-228-1005 Voucher: 170357 411-836-4779 727 -469-1000 980-132 -1002 311-112-7001 398-842-1008 345-200-2003 398-842-1008 357-656-6131 888-389-1007 993-440-2000 483-657-3297 190-977 -0008 736-169-1004 183-469-1006 753-129-1008 128-255-2015 252-150-2001 472-400-1005 017 -470-1375 154-895-9392 168-847-1 000 017-470-5400 954-567 -1001 303-218-1004 699-699-1003 17035812/13/2002007105 QDOBA RESTAURANT COOP FOOD Voucher: 170358 170359 12/13/2002 703072 QUADRANT CORP Voucher: 170359 170360 12/13/2002 000202 QWEST Voucher: 170360 170361 12/13/2002005922 QWEST DEX Voucher: 170361 02-46705 206-T02-6518 253-630-1529 01272956500 - ~- ~-~~- Inv Date Description 11/15/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCT~ CHRG 12/12/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/20/2002 PKDBC/KFT-ELECTRCTY CH 12/12/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCTY CHRG 11/20/2002 PKDBC/KFT-ELECTRCTY CH 11/07/2002 PKRCS-ELECTRICITY CHGS ( 11/11/2002 PKCP-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 10/08/2002 PKRCS-ELECTRICITY CHGS ( 11/01/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS 8 11/07/2002 MC-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/25/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/18/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/27/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 12/02/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/15/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/20/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/20/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/15/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/15/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/20/2002 AG02-115:SCH 74 UNGD CNV 11/15/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/07/2002 PS-ELECTRICITY CHRS 11/15/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS'( 11/21/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCTY CHRG 11/15/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCTY CHRG 11/18/2002 PWS-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 12/13/2002 CM-FOOD FOR DIVERSITY, C 11/25/2002 PW-REFUND OF BOND 11/16/2002 MSTEL-PHONE/DATA SVC ( 12/12/2002 MSTEL-PHONE/DATA SVC ( 11/22/2002 PKDBC-DIRECTORY AD Amount Paid 4,032.66 3,605.65 2,275.38 1,942,79 1,483.38 1,239,38 865.31 754,89 610,21 321.32 208.41 184.11 171,85 140.72 125,00 124.03 123,25 109,76 76,52 52,984.43 14,86 5.68 11,79 5,85 5,79 5,79 1,220,63 3,984,00 445,54 21,00 230,40 Check Total 71,428.81 1,220,63 3,984,00 466.54 230.40 Page: 15 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 16 Bank: key us bank (Continued) 170362 12/13/2002 004093 QWEST INTERPRISE Voucher: 170362 170363 12/13/2002 005302 RAMSEY LANDSCAPE MAIN 3292 Voucher: 170363 170364 12/13/2002 001740 RENTON TECHNICAL COLLE 125956 Voucher: 170364 170365 12/13/2002004518 RIVER OAKS COMMUNICATIC11/4-11/19 Voucher: 170365 170366 12/13/2002 001503 ROTO-ROOTER SERVICE CO 21812061051 Voucher: 170366 170367 12/13/2002 005940 RUDDELL INTERNATIONAL TI-1088 Voucher: 170367 170368 12/13/2002 007124 RUSS, ALICIA M !:é Voucher: 170368 0 170369 12/13/2002 006657 S C I INFRASTRUCTURE LLC #5:AG02-58 Voucher: 170369 170370 12/13/2002 006241 SCHROEDER, JEANNE Voucher: 170370 170371 12/13/2002 000055 SEATTLE TIMES Voucher: 170371 170372 12/13/2002 000351 SEATTLE TIMES-SUBSCRIPT 30446434 Voucher: 170372 170373 12/13/2002001988 SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY Voucher: 170373 Check # Date Vendor Invoice 253-D08-6046 03-40394 PS 12/9/02 1624611001 1121/2088 1128/7420 1114/5732 170374 12/13/2002 000056 SIR SPEEDY PRINTING CENTI27929 Voucher: 170374 27807 170375 12/13/2002 001014 SKCSRA-SOCCER REFEREE SEPT -NOV2 Voucher: 170375 SEPT-NOV 170376 12/13/2002 004963 SOUND PUBLISHING INC 9458 Voucher: 170376 170377 12/13/2002 002548 SPRAGUE PEST CONTROL Voucher: 170377 170378 12/13/2002 005295 SPROUL, SCOTT Voucher: 170378 257100 323001 0-59772313 S SPROUL Inv Date Description 11/19/2002 MSTEL-DATA COMM ~INES ( 12/02/2002 AGOO-12B: ROW LANDSCAP 09/09/2002 SWM-FLAGGER TRAINING; A 11/27/2002 LAW TELECOM CONSUL TAN 11/14/2002 PKM-AUGER MENS BATHRM 09/12/2002 PS-POLICE EQUIPMENT/SUP 11/23/2002 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 11/27/2002 AG02-58:PAC HWY S HOV L 12/09/2002 PS-REIMBURSE MILEAGE:L 11/03/2002 MSHR-CLASSIFIED AD: 10/ 11/05/2002 CM-SEATTLE P-I NEWSPAPE 11/21/2002 PKRLS-LiNEN SERVICES AC 11/28/2002 PKRLS-LiNEN SERVICES AC 11/14/2002 PKRLS-LiNEN SERVICES AC 11/27/2002 MSC-PRINTING SERVICES 11/11/2002 PLEA FORM, 8.5x11 CARBON 11/15/2002 AG02-40:S0CCER REFEREE 11/15/2002 AG02-40:S0CCER REFEREE 11/13/2002 PRCS-PRINTING SERVICES F 11/04/2002 PKRCS-PEST CONTROL SVC 11/04/2002 PKRCS-PEST CONTROL SVC 11/08/2002 CDB - REIMBURSE SCOTT S 12/10/2002 MSHR-SPIRIT AWARD:(DEC/C Amount Paid 515,14 7,863.45 49,00 2,644.00 190,22 439,61 50.00 802,984,78 191.17 1,660,64 37,70 29.83 31.18 27,81 220.32 208.13 1,840.00 920.00 5,974.77 92.48 51.14 63.84 50.00 Check Total 515.14 7,863.45 49.00 2,644,00 190,22 439,61 50,00 802,984.78 191,17 1,660,64 37,70 88.82 428.45 2,760,00 5,974,77 143.62 113,84 Page: 16 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:S0:0SAM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 17 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170379 12/13/2002 007120 ST JOSEPH'S MEDICAL CENTC2302R12580 Voucher: 170379 170380 12/13/2002 003307 STERICYCLE INC Voucher: 170380 170381 12/13/2002 007127 STEWART, BRIAN Vouche~ 170381 170382 12/13/2002005921 STL SEATTLE, SEVERN TREN58007482 Voucher: 170382 58007964 170383 12/13/2002007116 STONE BROOK HOA 02-49516 Voucher: 170383 170384 12/13/2002 000308 SUBURBAN CITIES ASSOCIA 02629 Voucher: 170384 170385 12/13/2002 004637 SWINGWERK GOLF INSTR FALL 2002 Vouche~ 170385 :¡::. 170386 12/13/2002 003085 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION 700817 eø Voucher: 170386 .- 170387 12/13/2002 702305 TERRY JENSEN CONSTRUCT02-49941 Voucher: 170387 170388 12/13/2002 002819 THE FINISHING TOUCH Voucher: 170388 170389 12/13/2002 000581 TOOL TOWN INC Vouche~ 170389 170390 12/13/2002 001446 TRANSNATION TITLE INSUR 10057761 Voucher: 170390 170391 12/13/2002 001715 TRUGREEN-CHEMLAWN Voucher: 170391 170392 12/13/2002 002426 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C 97251 Voucher: 170392 98937 170393 12/13/2002 005920 URS CORPORATION 180531 Voucher: 170393 170394 12/13/2002 001805 VADIS NORTHWEST Voucher: 170394 170395 12/13/2002 001124 VERIZON WI RELESS, BELLE 1004-652615 Vouche~ 170395 0001921369 JUROR 6725 35842 247108 00012864 Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 12/02/2002 PKDBC-REFUND RE~TAL DE 124.42 124.42 10/31/2002 PS-WASTE DISPOSAL FEES 10,86 10,86 11/19/2002 MC-JUROR FEE: 11/18 -11/1 63,80 63,80 11/18/2002 SWM-LABORA TORY TESTI 337.00 11/27/2002 SWM-LABORATORY TESTI 25.00 362.00 11/26/2002 PWS-REFUND ROW PERMIT 1,680.00 1,680.00 11/05/2002 SCA MEMBERSHIP MTG 9/18 140,00 140,00 12/02/2002 AG02-39: GOLF LESSONS- F 1,255.50 1,255,50 11/04/2002 MSDP - KVM SWITCHBOX C 166.46 166.46 11/25/2002 PW-REFUND OF BOND 500.00 500,00 10/16/2002 PRCS-RUBBER TILES/ADH 266.56 266.56 11/19/2002 PKM-MISC TOOLS 134,92 134,92 09/23/2002 PKADM-SURVEYING SERvrc 217,60 217.60 11/12/2002 PKM-FAC:PESTICIDE SVCS F 103,36 103,36 11/08/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIE 208,91 11/19/2002 PKRCS-PROGRAM SUPPLIE 7.89 216,80 09/20/2002 AG01-91B: ESAlNPDES GAP ¡. 20,209.10 20,209.10 11/30/2002 AGOO-2B:LITTER CONTROL S 4,101.42 4,101.42 11/05/2002 MSTEL-CELL AIR TIME 598.09 598,09 Page: 17 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 18 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170396 12/13/2002 001061 WA STATE AGRICULTURE 0 54115 Voucher: 170396 63283 170397 12/13/2002 000469 WA STATE DEPT OF LlCENS K CIMMER Voucher: 170397 170398 12/13/2002 001162 WA STATE RECYCLING Voucher: 170398 170399 12/13/2002 005051 WA STATE SUPREME GaUR PROOOO0742 Voucher: 170399 170400 12/13/2002 000253 WA STATE TRANSPORTATIO ATB21112129 Voucher: 170400 ATB21112161 17040112/13/2002002475 WASTATETRANSPORTATIOATB21112050 Voucher: 170401 170402 12/13/2002 000514 WA STATE-STATE REVENUE NOV 2002 Voucher: 170402 ,:: 170403 12/13/2002 007106 WA WILDLIFE & RECREATIO 11-01-02 , Voucher: 170403 ~ 170404 12/13/2002 700130 WAEYC Voucher: 170404 170405 12/13/2002 006007 WALKER ACE HARDWARE 0007868916 Voucher: 170405 00077710 16 170406 12/13/2002 005565 WELCOME COMMUNICATIO 2338 Voucher: 170406 2399 170407 12/13/2002 001241 WEST COAST AWARDS 38984 Voucher: 170407 , 170408 12/13/2002 000173 WEST PUBLISHING CORPOR)6011908250 Voucher: 170408 6012015141 803201143 310350 087 C2282R12583 170409 12/13/2002 000541 WESTERN EQUIPMENT DIS Voucher: 170409 17041012/13/2002007110 WHITE, DOCK Voucher: 170410 170411 12/13/2002 007083 WOODLAND PARK ZOOLOG 21469 Voucher 170411 170412 12/13/2002 000375 WSBA-WA STATE BAR ASSO 16419 Voucher: 170412 WSBA 25436 PS 9/16/02 Inv Date Description Amount Paid 11/22/2002 PKM-PESTICIDE LlCEiNSE RE 25,00 11/14/2002 PKM-PESTICIDE LlC RENEW) 25.00 12/10/2002 COB-NOTARY LICENSING F 20.00 11/20/2002 PWSWR-DIRECTORY 20.00 Check Total 50,00 20.00 20.00 5.40 557.30 15,000.00 52,631.96 500.00 150,00 106.10 438.42 787,60 1,290,39 41.74 275,00 54.00 778,00 11/14/2002 BETTER FIN V, LAKESIDE IN 5.40 11/12/2002 PWS--SR-99 HOV LANES PH, 11/12/2002 PWS-SR-99 HOV LANES PH I 11/12/2002 AG01-125A:PWT-PRE-DESIG 456.06 101.24 15,000.00 12/09/2002 MSF-REMIT STATE FEES NO 52,631.96 11/01/2002 PKADM/MEMBERSHIP DUES 12/02/2002 PKDBC-REFUNÖ RENTAL DE 500.00 150.00 11/27/2002 PKM-HANDHELD SPRAYER 11/20/2002 PKM-PARKS MTC SUPPLIES 11/14/2002 PS-2200 MAH 6.3 VOLT NI-C 12/05/2002 MSDP CELL PHONE CASES 10/14/2002 PKRLS-PROGRAM SHIRTS. 67.37 38,73 406.77 31.65 787.60 11/14/2002 LAW-RCW ANNO 2003 PP 11/19/2002 LAW-WA CODE T9A (1-47) 2 11/25/2002 MC-WESTLAW ACCESS CHG 11/07/2002 MSFL T-TORO MOWER REPA 688.71 26.12 575.56 41.74 09/16/2002 PS-SIU-INVEST CLOTHING A 275,00 10/07/2002 PRCS-REC INC TRIP TO WOC 54.00 12/12/2002 KK - WA STATE BAR DUES - ~ 12/12/2002 KK - WA STATE BAR DUES - ~ 398,79 379.21 Page: 18 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 19 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170413 12/13/2002 004651 WSU CAHE CASHIER Voucher: 170413 170414 12/13/2002 001121 WWEE-WA WOMEN EMPLO AG01-19:3QTR Voucher: 170414 AG01-17:3QTR 170415 12/13/2002 000544 YMCA OF GREATER SEATTL AG02-56:3QTR Voucher: 170415 170416 12/13/2002 000947 YOUR INC Voucher: 170416 " ~ SS 727 2874 2871 Inv Date Description . Amount Paid 11/26/2002 PKM-PESTICIDE LlC~ECER 70,00 10/01/2002 CDHS-AG01-19:JOB READIN 10/01/2002 CDHS-AG01-17:COMPUTER P 11/12/2002 AG02-56:BOILERPLATE 2002 4,176,50 1,500.00 14,970.37 Check Total 70,00 5,676,50 14,970.37 1,310.00 1,570,189.44 11/20/2002 AGOO-15B:MC JANITORIAL S 11/20/2002 AGOO-48B:PKM JNTRL SVCS- 660.00 650.00 Sub total for us bank: Page: 19 apChkLst 12/13/2002 10:50:05AM Final Check List. / CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 20 231 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks: ) 1,570,189.44 ~ cSr' ..t. Page: 20 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PJ\I Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 1 Bank: key us bank Check # Invoice Date Vendor :s:: ~ ~ 170005 11/25/2002 001592 UNITED WAY OF KING COUN'UWKC 2002 Voucher: 170005 170006 11/25/2002 005648 UNITED WAY OF PIERCE COlLJWPC 2003 Voucher: 170006 170007 11/27/2002 000332 ABC LEGAL MESSENGERS I 00-35550 Voucher: 170007 170008 11/27/2002 000109 ACTIVE SECURITY CONTROL 13075 Voucher: 170008 13080 13077 13081 13096 13098 170009 11/27/2002 002899 ADOLFSON ASSOCIATES INC020010810 Voucher: 170009 170010 11/27/2002 001012 AL'S TOWING Voucher 170010 170011 11/27/2002 000475 ALARM CENTERS/CUSTOM S 252006 Voucher: 170011 251904 170012 11/27/2002005287 AMERICALL COMMUNICATIO D6417 Voucher: 170012 170013 11/27/2002 003269 AMERICAN HOTEL REGISTE Voucher 170013 170014 11/27/2002 003129 AMS LASER SUPPLY Voucher 170014 57268 2281054 2300446 332967 333919 258510CREDIT 333918 258668 CR 170015 11/27/2002 005822 ARMOR HOLDINGS FORENS L02-186781 Voucher: 170015 170016 11/27/2002 001233 AT&T BUSINESS SERVICE 051-067-8441 Voucher: 170016 170017 11/27/2002 000075 AT&T WIRELESS SERVICES I 047-20405718 Voucher: 170017 047-49095524 -~- -~- Inv Date Description ) Amount Paid 1,000.00 1,000.00 106,00 113.65 454.61 102.35 -113.65 66,26 10,02 188.13 178.64 103.00 59,74 71.50 85,22 42.61 834.22 420,89 -114.72 130.51 -95.74 183,67 16.95 327.45 6.20 Check Total 1,000.00 1,000,00 106,00 633,24 188,13 178,64 162.74 71,50 127.83 1,175,16 183.67 16.95 333,65 11/22/2002 AUCTION PROCEEDS FOR K 11/22/2002 AUCTION PROCEEDS TO PI 10/31/2002 LAW-MTHL Y SRV. CHRG; IN 10/10/2002 PKM-FACILITY LOCKSMITH S 10/15/2002 MSFL T-PADLOCK REKEYABL 10/14/2002 PKRCS-LOCKSMITH SERVIC 10/16/2002 MSFLT-PADLOCK REKEYABL 11/08/2002 PS-LOCKSMITH SERVICES 11/12/2002 PS-LOCKSMITH SERVICES 10/31/2002 PKPLlBPA WETLAND BIOLOC: 10/14/2002 FLEET TOWING SERVICES- 10/20/2002 PKCHB-ALRM MNTR SVC 11 10/20/2002 PKRCS-ALRM MNTR SVC 1 11/01/2002 PKM-AFTER HR CALL-OUT S 11/06/2002 PKDBC-SHOWER HEAD 11/14/2002 PKDBC-SHOWER HEAD 10/28/2002 MSDP-PRINTER TONER- 11/19/2002 MSDP-PRINTER TONER- 10/29/2002 MSDP-RETURNED 2 UNUSE 11/19/2002 MSDP-PRINTER TONER- 10/18/2002 MSDP-PRINTER TONER- 11/01/2002 PS-POLICE SUPPLIES 10/31/2002 MSTEL-LONG DISTANCE SV 11/02/2002 MSTEL-CELL AIR TIME 10/1 11/02/2002 MSTEL-CELL AIR TIME 10/1 Page: 1 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1:48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 2 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170018 11/27/2002 000575 ATTORNEYS INFORMATION E052137 Voucher: 170018 48567 17001911/27/2002007098 AVANTA C1870R12530 Voucher: 170019 170020 11/27/2002 005587 AVAYA INC Voucher: 170020 170021 11/27/2002 007090 BANUA, ROLAND Voucher: 170021 170022 11/27/2002 005645 BERTUCCI. MICHAEL Voucher: 170022 170023 11/27/2002 005098 BIG 0 TIRES 4 LESS & AUTO ~254659 Voucher: 170023 258863 254410 z:: 254219 <P' 170024 11/27/2002 001630 BLUMENTHAL UNIFORM CO 1267699 'è Voucher: 170024 267340-80 271843 269374 273430 272966 273498 272204 272320 270955 271709 272464 2714948447 0201352310 267 -11/7/02 Inv Date Description Amount Paid 11/14/2002 LAW - CHINKULI V si. OF W¡:' 54.72 10/31/2002 LAW - CHINKULI V ST. OF W¡:' 24,00 11/19/2002 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DE 150.00 11/12/2002 MSTEL-SYS MAINT 11/12 - 1 10/24/2002 MSRM-CLAIM PAYMENT/ROL 11/07/2002 PS-SNIPER RIFLE WORK:PAF 11/18/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 07/31/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 11/10/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 11/05/2002 PS-AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE/ 11/13/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING SE 11/08/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING SET 11/12/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING MAF 11/27/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING-HE 11/12/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING CAF 11/12/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING KE 11/09/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING SH 11/12/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING KEL 11/12/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING IŒ 11/01/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING SET 11/12/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING KE 11/11/2002 PS-UNIFORM CLOTHING TRÞ 1,986.91 32.48 491.68 43.72 32.31 14.02 20.07 535.19 -511.20 507.66 183,22 130.51 101.13 100.00 99.50 84.81 77.19 15.23 11.97 Check Total 78.72 150.00 1,986,91 32.48 491.68 110,12 1,335.21 .. Page: 2 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 3 Bank: key us bank (Continued) :z:: ~ Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170025 11/27/2002 000007 BOISE OFFICE SOLUTIONS 036408 Voucher: 170025 116330 010833 909329 182188 240900 237551 190448 133162 380900 295908 081376 055227 134733 184392 239034 801990 940900 134202 988877 181560 117022 326849 924577 989164 133245 153641 211481 184904 941843 170026 11/27/2002 004315 BRENT'S ALIGNMENT & REP 004709 Voucher: 170026 004737 170027 11/27/2002 002093 BROWN & BROWN OF WA, I 97083 Voucher: 170027 Inv Date Description . 10/09/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLlE~ 10/14/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/07/2002 MC-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 10/01/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/17/2002 PKDBC-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 10/22/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/18/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/18/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/15/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/30/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/24/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/10/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/09/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/15/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/17/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/22/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 07/18/2002 MC-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 10/02/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/15/2002 MSDP-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 10/04/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/17/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/14/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/28/2002 CDA-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/02/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/04/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/15/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/16/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/21/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/17/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 10/02/2002 PS-OFFICE SUPPLIES 11/04/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 11/07/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 11/13/2002 MSRM-PUBL OFFICIAL BON Amount Paid 503.10 -17,17 191.87 184.63 167.32 151.45 140,31 108,71 88,38 86.47 80,62 79.43 62.55 54.73 54,26 52,33 47,83 45.86 37,19 33,52 25.55 24.97 21.09 13.05 11.28 10,61 10,61 8.61 4,80 3.33 437.18 164.83 121.10 Check Total 2,287,29 602.01 121.10 Page: 3 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 4 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Vendor Date Invoice 170028 11/27/2002 000414 CAFE PACIFIC CATERING IN Voucher 170028 6288 6289 6286 6296 6263 9061091 170029 11/27/2002003093 CASCADE COMPUTER MAIN Voucher: 170029 170030 11/27/2002 005704 CASCADE ELEVATOR COMP Þ 1136 Voucher: 170030 . 170031 11/27/2002 002036 CASCADIA CONSULTING GR FWMF2002-6 <' Voucher: 170031 170D}2 11/27/2002 005672 CASTRO, HEATHER Voucher: 170032 ~ 170033 11/27/2002 001481 CH2M HILL NORTHWEST INC 3356961 œ Voucher: 170033 3357166 3358339 170034 11/27/2002 000142 CITY OF FED WAY-ADVANCE CK# 1994 Voucher: 170034 CK# 1992 CK# 1993 03-40204 EDUC REIMB 170035 11/27/2002 007099 CLARKE, ROY A Voucher: 170035 170036 11/27/2002 003752 COASTWIDE SUPPLY DBA Voucher: 170036 T1137055 T1137044 T1135366 T1135842 T1135366-1 T1137048 170037 11/27/2002001969 CODE PUBLISHING COMPAN 19031 Voucher 170037 Inv Date Description 11/19/2002 PKDBC-CA TERI NG stcs 11 11/19/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 11 11/19/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVC 11/ 11/19/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 11 10/31/2002 PKDBC-CATERING SVCS 10 11/11/2002 MSDP-PRINTER MAINT 12/1 - 11/01/2002 AGOO-171: ELEVATOR MAINT 11/08/2002 AG02-44:RECYCLING EDUCA 10/29/2002 PS-TUITION REIMBURSEMEt\ 11/07/2002 AGOO-116C:PAC HWY SO PH 11/07/2002 AG02-8: PAC HWY HOV PH 1 11/15/2002 AG01-133D:S 288TH/MILITAR 11/27/2002 PW-TRAVEL EXP:IMP PW C 11/22/2002 PS-TRAVEL EXP:BACKGROU 11/22/2002 PS- TRAVEL EXP: BACKGROU 11/13/2002 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 11/05/2002 PKM-GRD MNT JANITORIAL ~ 11/05/2002 PKM-GRD MNT JANITORIA[" ~ 10/31/2002 PKKFT-JANITORIAL SUPPLIE 10/31/2002 PKRLS-JANITORIAL SUPPLIE 11/04/2002 PKDBC-HOUSEHOLD SUPPL 11/05/2002 PKM-CITYHALL MNT JANITO 10/23/2002 LAW-FW CITY CODE, VOLS 1 Amount Paid 135.12 121.44 34.00 111,84 73.30 625.60 145.68 524.75 4,275,00 33,144.80 41,795.84 3,151.42 143.00 54.00 54.00 50.00 255.93 168.28 594.77 127.94 103.39 127.54 108,80 Check Total 475,70 625.60 145.68 524,75 4,275.00 78,092.06 251,00 50.00 1,377.85 108,80 . Page: 4 Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY apChkLst 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM Bank: key us bank Check # Date Vendor Page: 5 (Continued) Invoice 170038 11/27/2002 000063 CORPORATE EXPRESS OFF Voucher 170038 37609267 37925008 37290612 37925007 37574157 36664256 37681500 37855793 35532236 37574155 37924994 37821801 35532228 37644286 37208966 38114330 37770264 37377203 37821797 38114313 37483353 136079 X- ~ ~ 170039 11/27/2002004084 COUNTRY GREEN TURF FA Voucher: 170039 170040 11/27/2002 003536 CREATIVE OFFICE FURNISH 02-56778 Voucher: 170040 170041 11/27/2002 000939 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER C840816 Voucher: 170041 840872 629879 840814 840818 883807 840820 207688 170042 11/27/2002 000854 D J TROPHY Voucher: 170042 --- ---- Inv Date Description 10/29/2002 PKA-OFFICE SUPPL ~ 11/07/2002 LAW-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 10/17/2002 MC-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 11/07/2002 PK-OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUI 10/28/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 09/27/2002 CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUI 10/31/2002 CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUI 11/05/2002 MSF-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 08/19/2002 PKRCS-OFFICE SUPPLIES/E 10/28/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 11/07/2002 PKRCS-OFFICE SUPPLIES/E 11/04/2002 PKA-OFFICE SUPPLY 08/19/2002 PKRCS-OFFICE SUPPLIES/E 10/30/2002 CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUI 10/25/2002 MC-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 11/14/2002 MSF-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 11/01/2002 PKRCS-OFFICE SUPPLIES/E 10/21/2002 CD- OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUI 11/04/2002 PK-OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUI 11/14/2002 PKA-OFFICE SUPPLY 10/24/2002 PWA-OFFICE SUPPLlES- 10/30/2002 PWS-STREET TREE REPLAC 10/31/2002 PK/PL-INSTALLATION OF KE~ 10/31/2002 PKDBC-WATER/CL RNTL AC 10/31/2002 PKM-WATER/CLR RNTL ACC 09/30/2002 PKRLS-WA TER/CLR RNTL A 10/31/2002 PKKFT-WATER/CL RNTL AC 10/31/2002 PKCHB-WATER/CL RNTL AC 10/31/2002 PKCP-WATER/CLR RNTL AC 10/31/2002 PKRCS-WATER/CL RNTL AC 11/11/2002 PS-ENGRAVING SERVICES Amount Paid 309.78 141.13 127.84 113.64 105.91 84.10 73.79 73,14 51.90 341.71 51.90 4.01 42.50 24.90 21,35 18,09 15,25 15.13 13.84 8.77 8.42 1,428.79 201.23 127.30 41,35 25.46 20.89 . 252,96 6.53 4.57 7,07 Check Total 1,647.10 1,428,79 201,23 479,06 7,07 Page: 5 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1:48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 6 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid 170043 11/27/2002 005758 DAVID DREBIN REAL ESTATE 02-94 11/08/2002 SWMCIP-APPRAISAlisERVI 1,600.00 Voucher: 170043 170044 11/27/2002 000438 DELI SMITH & CHOCOLATE J 9468 10/25/2002 MC-JUROR FOOD 40.33 Voucher: 170044 170045 11/27/2002 005840 DUNN, GREG 11/8/02 11/08/2002 PKKFT-WIDE ANGLE LENS:D 156,40 Voucher: 170045 170046 11/27/2002 005048 DUPONT FLOORING SYSTE 3808 10/31/2002 PKDBC/KFT-CARPET CLEAN 442.00 Voucher: 170046 170047 11/27/2002 000570 EAGLE TIRE & AUTOMOTIVE 11022469 11/01/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 286.22 Voucher: 170047 1022766 11/15/2002 PS-REP AI R SERVICES 260.79 1022692 11/12/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 79.35 1022519 11/04/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 70,13 1022709 11/12/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 382.95 1022561 11/06/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 40.80 1022683 11/12/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICE-SPARE 8.82 "::I:: 1022765 11/15/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 18.86 ~ 1022530 11/05/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 18,49 ~j 1022746 11/14/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 11.64 1022611 11/08/2002 PS-REPAIR SERVICES 10.54 170048 11/27/2002 000097 EDEN SYSTEMS INC 14969 10/31/2002 MSDP-EDEN PROJECT MAN 125,00 Voucher: 170048 170049 11/27/2002 000343 ELEPHANT CAR WASH 200 10/31/2002 PS-CAR WASH SERVICE 468.78 Voucher: 170049 170050 11/27/2002 006514 ENGINEERING BUSINESS SY 14087 11/04/2002 MD-20# BOND 24"X500' FOR f 403.65 Voucher: 170050 14095 11/04/2002 MSDP-SERVICE & MAINTEN 277,43 170051 11/27/2002 004585 ENGINEERING DYNAMICS 1222-3 11/07/2002 MSDP/PS-H3D SYS SUPPOR 4,750.00 Voucher: 170051 170052 11/27/2002 007053 ENVIRO-SAFETY PRODUCTS 29595 10/09/2002 PS-SOFT BLASTS YELL-NEO 163.50 Voucher: 170052 170053 11/27/2002 001046 EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATI5987190 10/24/2002 CREDIT REPORTING SVCS F 21,76 Voucher: 170053 5987189 10/24/2002 PS-CREDIT REPORTS 20.51 170054 11/27/2002 000328 ERNIE'S FUEL STOPS (DBA) 0114956 10/31/2002 PS-FUEL FOR VEHICLES 5,561,20 Voucher: 170054 0114955 10/31/2002 MSFLT-FUEL FOR VEHICLES 2,102,33 Check Total 1,600,00 40.33 156,40 442,00 1,188.59 125.00 468.78 681,08 4,750.00 163.50 42.27 7,663,53 Page: 6 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 7 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 17005511/27/2002004840 EVAC-EMERGENCYVEHICLE 101521 Voucher: 170055 101522 101520 003990 170056 11/27/2002 001131 EVERGREEN AUTO ELECTR Vouche~ 170056 170057 11/27/2002003539 EXPERIAN Voucher: 170057 170058 11/27/2002 001297 FACILITY MAINTENANCE CO 038763 Voucher: 170058 038758 038757 038756 170059 11/27/2002 000217 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORPOR4-465-14445 Vouche~ 170059 170060 11/27/2002 000285 FEDERAL WAY FIRE DEPART 02-0175 ::t:. Voucher: 170060 ~ 170061 11/27/2002 004270 FEDERAL WAY MIRROR Voucher: 170061 0288555-1 N 004313 004312 004289 004328 170062 11/27/2002 004690 FEDERAL WAY NUTRITION S 1112-0CT 02 Vouche~ 170062 170063 11/27/2002 007011 FISHER BROADCASTING INC 1508-01 Vouche~ 170063 170064 11/27/2002 001669 FOSTER PEPPER & SHEFELM723414 Vouche~ 170064 170065 11/27/2002 005847 GLOCK INC Voucher: 170065 170066 11/27/2002 001992 GOSNEY MOTOR PARTS Vouche~ 170066 170067 11/27/2002 002590 HACH COMPANY Voucher: 170067 170068 11/27/2002 006481 HONOLULU MEDICAL GROUP2178915 Vouche~ 170068 170069 11/27/2002 003256 HURLEY ENGINEERING COM 412948 S -- -You-cneC ---- 170069 9/10/02 AC 099550 101763 3252047 Inv Date Description . 11/05/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SU~PLlES 11/06/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES 11/05/2002 PS-MISC REPAIR/SUPPLIES 11/04/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT SVCS 10/28/2002 MSDP/PS-NETWORK CHARG 11/15/2002 AG01-59: PARKS LANDSCAP 11/15/2002 AG01-59: PARKS LANDSCAP 11/15/2002 AG01-59: PARKS LANDSCAP 11/15/2002 AG01-59: PARKS LANDSCAP 11/15/2002 MS/PS-DELIVERY SERVICES 08/31/2002 PRCS-REMIT FIRE DEPT FE 10/23/2002 CDPL-LEGALS 10/23/02- 10/23/2002 CDPL-LEGALS 10/23/02 10/09/2002 NEWSPAPER ADS-HUMAN S 10/30/2002 CDPL-LEGALS 10/30- 10/30/2002 PS-LUNCH:OFFICER PATRO 10/07/2002 PS-ADVERTISING:PS RECRU 11/12/2002 AG02-95A:LEGAL SERVICES- 10/10/2002 OS-POLICE TRNG:GLOCK A 10/25/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/07/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/11/2002 SWM-TESTING SUPPLIES; T 02/28/2002 PS-PRE-EMPLOY PHYSICAL I 11/07/2002 PKMT/BOILER MAl NT. ANNE Amount Paid 65.82 2.18 65.28 129.75 724.83 765.95 541.00 429.77 479.26 50,05 100.00 345.28 136.12 126,16 136.12 138.85 3,400.00 88,50 85,00 251,83 12.75 90,50 112.32 799.89 Check Total 133.28 129,75 724,83 2,215.98 50.05 100.00 743.68 138.85 3,400.00 88.50 85.00 264.58 90,50 112,32 799,89 Page: 7 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 8 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 170070 11/27/2002 003670 IABTI MEMBER 11/23/2002 PS-IABTI MEMBERS~P DUE~ 50,00 50.00 Voucher: 170070 170071 11/27/2002 007002 lANDS C2200R12062 09/25/2002 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DE 500.00 500,00 Voucher: 170071 170072 11/27/2002 001431 ICON MATERIALS INC 148205 10/30/2002 PWS-CLASS B ASPHALT 45.32 45,32 Voucher: 170072 170073 11/27/2002 000016 IKON OFFICE SOLUTIONS 16942082 11/12/2002 MSMD-COPIES MAINT (10/ 1,981.37 Voucher: 170073 16943170 11/13/2002 MSDP FAX MACHINES MAIN 195.99 2,177.36 170074 11/27/2002 007018 IMAGE PERSPECTIVES 02-217 10/01/2002 CD/HS CERT SUPPLIES 27,08 27,08 Voucher: 170074 170075 11/27/2002002137 INLAND FOUNDRY COMPAN 29339 10/28/2002 SWM-25" COVER ONLY HVY I 70.72 Voucher: 170075 29328 10/24/2002 SWM-GRATE ONLY 55.00 125.72 170076 11/27/2002 005231 10S CAPITAL INC 56625402 10/28/2002 MSMD-COPIER RENTAL 11 2,700,65 2,700,65 Voucher: 170076 170077 11/27/2002 004605 IPTM-INST OF POLICE TECHt\2200214018 06/17/2002 PS-ADV TRF CRSH INV FOR \ 725.00 ~ Voucher: 170077 2200214017 06/17/2002 PS-ADV TRF CRSH INV FOR ~ 725.00 ~ 2200301510 09/04/2002 PS-ADV TRF CRSH INV FOR I 725,00 ~ 220031511 09/04/2002 PS-ADV TRF CRSH INV FOR I 725.00 2200301525 09/04/2002 PS-ADV TRF CRSH INV FOR \ 725.00 2200301508 09/04/2002 PS-ADV TRF CRSH INV FOR ( 725.00 4,350.00 170078 11/27/2002 001028 JET CITIES CHORUS 1/1-4/30/02 11/12/2002 AG02-126:CONTRACT FOR C 1,250.00 1,250.00 Voucher: 170078 170079 11/27/2002 005656 JIM'S DETAIL SHOP 10787F 09/03/2002 PS-DETAIL SVCS # 652 50,00 50,00 Voucher: 170079 170080 11/27/2002 007092 JOHNSON, CINDY 110621 11/13/2002 PKRCS-REFUND SLL 5.00 5.00 Voucher: 170080 170081 .11/27/2002 007096 JONES, THERESA C2138R12528 11/19/2002 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DE 30.54 30.54 Voucher: 170081 170082 11/27/2002 004397 KDD & ASSOCIATES PLLC 26-1 11/01/2002 PW-EXPR:COTTAGES AT H 315.98 315.98 Voucher: 170082 170083 11/27/2002 004770 KENYON DORNA Y MARSHAL 3422 11/06/2002 LAW-LEGAL SVCS-ORCHID L 2,036.30 2,036.30 Voucher: 170083 170084 11/27/2002 000029 KING BELLMARK OF PUGET S023519 11/06/2002 PKDBC-STAMP:APPROVING I 60.37 60,37 Voucher: 170084 Page: 8 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 9 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170085 11/27/2002 000125 KING COUNTY FINANCE DIV 1193383 Voucher: 170085 170086 11/27/2002 000201 KINKO'S INC, ACCOUNT #020515100065824 Voucher: 170086 515100065697 515100065375 515100065347 515100065452 515100065438 515100065848 515100065632 170087 11/27/2002 000201 KINKO'S INC, ACCOUNT #020515100065658 Voucher: 170087 170088 11/27/2002 000096 LAKE HAVEN UTILITY DISTRI Voucher 170088 170089 11/27/2002 007100 LAMBERT, CHAD J Voucher: 170089 170090 11/27/2002 001939 LANDAU ASSOCIATES INC 0013068 Voucher 170090 170091 11/27/2002 007101 LANDHOLM, JOSEPH M Voucher 170091 170092 11/27/2002 006009 LANIER HEAL THCARE INC 0090081018 Voucher: 170092 170093 11/27/2002 005076 LAW ENFORCEMENT TARGE 0036499-IN Voucher: 170093 170094 11/27/2002 007050 LAW OFFICES OF HAL GEIE OCTOBER 02 Voucher: 170094 170095 11/27/2002 003157 LES SCHWAB TIRE CTRS OF '228031 Voucher: 170095 228837 228407 228030 170096 11/27/2002 007026 LIFE SAFETY INNOVATIONS 0220-1 Voucher: 170096 ::!::. 4) \.J.) ~--- -- ------- -----~- 3238401 2573402 1768602 2961401 03-40243 0340321 Inv Date Description - 10/21/2002 PS-KING CO JAIL{SE~T 2002 11/15/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 11/07/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 10/18/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 10/17/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 10/23/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 10/22/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 11/18/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 11/04/2002 PS-PRINTING SERVICES 11/06/2002 SWMM-PRINTING SERVICE 11/12/2002 PWS-WATER SERVICE 8/6 11/12/2002 PWS-WATER SERVICE 8/8 11/12/2002 PKDBC-SEWER SVC 8/2-10 11/12/2002 PWS-WATER SERVICE 8/6 11/22/2002 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 10/31/2002 CDPL-ENV REV:COLELLA ES 11/22/2002 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 10/17/2002 PS-TRANSCRIBERS MAINTE 11/04/2002 PS-LAW ENFORCEMENT TAF 10/11/2002 LAW-LEGAL SERVICES 10/01/2002 MSFL T-TIRES 10/14/2002 MSFL T-TIRES 10/07/2002 MSFL T-TIRE REPAIR 10/01/2002 MSFL T-TIRES 10/11/2002 CD/HS ERT CERT KITS Amount Paid 57,404.25 556.51 340,00 15,23 316,72 266.56 54.40 34.71 29.92 9.43 91.80 64.26 641,58 23.87 50.00 1,288.17 50.00 561,36 27.09 910.00 108.23 1,112.76 80.19 65.75 62,04 Check Total 57,404.25 1,614,05 9.43 821,51 50.00 1,288,17 50.00 561,36 27,09 910,00 1,366,93 62.04 Page: 9 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 10 Bank: key us bank (Continued) 170097 11/27/2002 000630 LLOYD ENTERPRISES INC Voucher: 170097 170098 11/27/2002 005043 MACHINERY POWER & EQU Voucher: 170098 170099 11/27/2002 004431 MADRONA PLANNING DVLP Voucher: 170099 170100 11/27/2002 007102 MANDERVILLE, JESSICA L 03-40207 Voucher: 170100 170101 11/27/2002 005828 MARINE VIEW SAND & GRAV 1225 Vouche~ 170101 170102 11/27/2002 007057 MARYELLEN MACCIO MD Voucher: 170102 170103 11/27/2002 005406 MAYBERRY, MITCHEL z:: Voucher: 170103 :t 170104 11/27/2002 004881 MCALLESTER, MELANIE Voucher: 170104 170105 11/27/2002 000286 METROCALL Voucher: 170105 17010611/27/2002001793 MICROFLEX INC Voucher: 170106 170107 11/27/2002 005441 MINZEL & ASSOCIATES Voucher: 170107 170108 11/27/2002 007055 MOTOPORT Voucher: 170108 170109 11/27/2002 000089 NEWS TRIBUNE Voucher: 170109 17011011/27/2002005142 NHRMA Voucher: 170110 170111 11/27/2002 007093 NIEVES, LORI Vouche~ 170111 170112 11/27/2002 003138 NORM ED Voucher: 170112 170113 11/27/2002 003736 NORTHWEST TOWING INC FW6665-2 Voucher: 170113 Check # Date Vendor Invoice 62498 62259 G0134401 SCM02100211 00002740 535962323 SEPT -NOV02 11/19/02 7184117 00013880 M SNOW 121761 220280 NHRM11/14/02 110622 12378-398820 Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 11/04/2002 PWS-MEDIUM BARK4 158,24 10/18/2002 PWS-MEDIUM BARK- 39.12 197.36 10/29/2002 PKM-EQUIPMENT RENTAUE 1,208,77 10/31/2002 MSFL T-LATE PYMT CHARGE 15.72 1,224.49 10/30/2002 CD EPR: ENCHANTED PARK 275.40 275.40 11/08/2002 PS-REFUND TRAFFIC SCHOC 50,00 50.00 11/04/2002 PWST-MIXED INERTS 709.68 709,68 10/16/2002 PS-PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYS 135.00 135.00 11/18/2002 PKRCS-MARTIAL ART CLAS 2,778.00 2,778.00 11/19/2002 PS-REIMB:PARKING EXP:CA 54.00 54.00 10/26/2002 MSTEL-PAGER SVC FOR (1 12.88 12,88 11/04/2002 MSA-TAX AUDIT PROGRAM 38.00 38,00 11/09/2002 LAW-TEMP PROSECUTOR 1 1,200.00 1,200.00 04/17/2002 PS-CORDURA JACKET & Pl\t\ 405,69 405.69 11/03/2002 MSHR-JOB AD (9/30-11/3 364.68 364,68 11/05/2002 MSHR-NHRMA SEMINAR FE 75.00 75,00 11/13/2002 PKRCS-REFUND FOR REC C 8,50 8.50 11/07/2002 PS-GLOVES/SAFETY SUPPL 107.34 107.34 04/30/2002 PS-TOWING SVCS-PAID TAX 66.51 66,51 Page: 10 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1:48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 11 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice 170114 11/27/2002 006793 NOVAK, SANDY Voucher 170114 170115 11/27/2002000504 ORIENTAL GARDEN CENTER 014769 Voucher: 170115 014700 014602 014389 OCT 2002 :r:z.: ...:£ '^- 014604 OCT 1,2002 NOV 1,2002 118397 0062 2360500 2301156 Inv Date Description . Amount Paid 08/28/2002 L TAC - PHOTO CON~EST WI 400.00 11/18/2002 PKM-STIHL FIXED 11/15/2002 PWST-STIHL CHAIN 11/08/2002 PWST-STIHL BAR & CHAIN 0 10/31/2002 SWM-LM LABOR INSPECTIO 10/31/2002 AG01-9D:LEGISLATIVE LOBB 10/29/2002 PKDBC-REPROGRAM THER 10/01/2002 SIU-VEHICLE LEASE CONTRJ 11/01/2002 SIU-VEHICLE LEASE CONTRJ 10/24/2002 PWS-SIGNS; ROAD MACHINE 11/13/2002 PS-SRT PHYSICAL: BI LL SHOe 11/20/2002 CD-NMF-KOREAN SENIOR C 11/04/2002 PKM-EQUIPMENT RENTAL 10/29/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR/MAINT, SER 336643800001 10/30/2002 PKDBC-BLANK BROCHURES 03-42536 03-42556 03-42535 11/19/02 KLC 11/27/02 CM 110623 11/01/2002 AG02-113:13 AVE S/14 AVE&3 11/05/2002 AG02-109:CHRISTIAN FTH C 11/01/2002 AGOO-168A:S 312/8TH AVE S I 11/19/2002 PRCS-PARKING FOR KING C 11/27/2002 GROUND TRANSPORTATIO 11/07/2002 PKM-FIELD PAINT BRITE ST 11/13/2002 PKRCS-REFUND DAMAGE 0 216,34 64.15 5,64 27.15 3,257,17 130.56 1,015.01 1,015.01 1 ,197.93 39,70 429.08 384,24 329,20 154.90 3,198,02 20,568.01 827.53 219.67 294.91 801.00 50.00 Check Total 400.00 313.28 3,257,17 130.56 2,030.02 1,197.93 39,70 429,08 384.24 329.20 154.90 24,593,56 219.67 294.91 801.00 50,00 170116 11/27/2002005741 OUTCOMES BY LEVY Voucher 170116 170117 11/27/2002002545 PACIFIC AIR CONTROL INC 75830 Voucher 170117 170118 11/27/2002 004004 PACIFIC COAST FORD INC Voucher 170118 170119 11/27/2002002044 PACIFIC SAFETY SUPPLY IN Voucher 170119 170120 11/27/2002 007010 PAC LAB (PATHOLOGY ASSO 814736198 Voucher 170120 170121 11/27/2002 007081 PALDO Voucher: 170121 170122 11/27/2002 006440 PAPE MACINERY INC Voucher: 170122 170123 11/27/2002 006440 PAPE MACINERY INC Voucher 170123 170124 11/27/2002 000920 PAPER DIRECT INC Voucher 170124 170125 11/27/2002001814 PARAMETRIX INC Voucher 170125 170126 11/27/2002 001166 PETTY CASH Voucher: 170126 170127 11/27/2002 001189 PETTY CASH Voucher 170127 170128 11/27/2002 005941 PIONEER MANUFACTURING CINV132442 Voucher 170128 170129 11/27/2002 007095 PITMAN, ANNA ------Voucner:--- 170129 Page: 11 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 12 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 170130 11/27/2002 003725 POTTS, RONALD 11/19/02 11/19/2002 PS-PKG EXPENSES ~EIMB:C 95.01 95.01 Voucher: 170130 170131 11/27/2002 007097 PRATT, MD, DAVID V C2204R12529 11/19/2002 PKDBC-REFUND RENTAL DE 122.80 122,80 Voucher: 170131 170132 11/27/2002 007091 PRIMESTAR HOTEL INC 02-35643 11/18/2002 PW-REFUND 100% BOND D 2,567.00 2,567.00 Voucher: 170132 170133 11/27/2002 006079 PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER, IN 13602 IN 11/04/2002 PS-PEPPER SPRAY FOGGE 195.04 195.04 Voucher: 170133 :r:: ~ l:r- Page: 12 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 13 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice :r: -C -J 170135 11/27/2002 000051 PUGET SOUND ENERGY tNC 519-842-1009 Voucher: 170135 345-200-2003 439-922-1003 109-922-1002 918-041-1002 669-650-2001 625-940-2003 128-255-3948 458-148-1001 604-130-2008 141-467 -1006 487 -650-2008 330-694-9979 112-722-1008 733-930-2007 241-985-1007 722-288-1000 925-940-2007 250-275-0389 225-650-2002 525-940-2005 895-405-1002 233-930-2008 652-017-1007 373-087 -1005 376-488-6325 720-429-1004 221-220-2002 996-289-0001 100-093-8728 497-198-1008 004-919-1000 177-437-1007 786-203-1007 zt20~530~2ö05 Inv Date Description . 11/07/2002 PKM-CHB ELECTRIC~Y CHG 11/07/2002 PKCP-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/07/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCTY CHRG 11/06/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCTY CHRG 11/06/2002 PKM-MNT OFF ELCTRCTY C 11/12/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/08/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/07/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/05/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/07/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/05/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/12/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/12/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/06/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/06/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/06/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/06/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCTY CHRG 11/06/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/04/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/07/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/06/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/13/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/06/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS' ( 11/07/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/05/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/07/2002 PS-ELECTRICITY CHRS (10/ 11/04/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/11/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/08/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/01/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/07/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/07/2002 SWM-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/05/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/07/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/12t2002 PWT -EL ECT-RtCtT¥ -€-HRG& {. Amount Paid 3,159.49 2,930.91 2,377.85 1,284.49 442.93 415.15 366,34 329,22 304.36 286,73 267.40 266,90 261.45 211.27 201,67 197.26 195,68 190.23 185.68 173.29 166,77 161.99 157.23 150.98 150.38 3,398.4 7 131,06 5.79 129.84 124.26 121.13 120.57 119,00 116.78 1-'W-..a4 Check Total Page: 13 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 14 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor s::: ~ ~ Invoice 886-203-1005 319-041-1003 917-259-1001 504-368-1005 889-288-1007 755-430-2005 002-141-1004 359-540-2003 711-141-1000 121-220-2004 177-159-1003 954-567-1001 733-829-1003 102-141-1002 31283 17013611/27/2002005977 PURE HEALTH SOLUTIONS I Voucher: 170136 17013711/27/2002000202 QWEST 206-T02-8674 Voucher: 170137 206-Z04-0609 253-815-9920 253-661-9833 1320107880 170138 11/27/2002 001139 RED WING SHOE STORE Voucher: 170138 170139 11/27/2002 005939 RIGHT BRAIN UNLIMITED LL 22867 Voucher: 170139 , 170140 11/27/2002 004317 RITZ CAMERA ONE HOUR PH 102606710 Voucher: 170140 1026066950 1026062610 1026063120 170141 11/27/2002004518 RIVER OAKS COMMUNICATICSEP25-0CT29 Voucher: 170141 170142 11/27/2002 007094 SCHRODER, CAROL Voucher: 170142 170143 11/27/2002 006241 SCHROEDER, JEANNE Voucher: 170143 110624 11/18/02 PS Inv Date.. Description 11/07/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY dHRGS ( 11/06/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCTY CHRG 11/04/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/05/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/08/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/04/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/06/2002 PKM-STL LK ELCTRCTY CHR 11/12/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/06/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCTY CHRG 11/11/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/04/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCTY CHRG 10/22/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCTY CHRG 11/04/2002 PWT-ELECTRICITY CHRGS ( 11/06/2002 PKM-FAC ELECTRCTY CHRG 11/11/2002 PS-BOTTLED WATER SVC 11/16/2002 MSTEL-PHONE/DATA SVC ( 11/04/2002 MSTEL-PHONE/DATA SVC ( 11/04/2002 MSTEL-PHONE/DATA SVC ( 11/16/2002 MSTEL-PHONE/DATA SVC ( 10/29/2002 PKM-UNIFORM SAFETY FOO 10/11/2002 PKM-DISPENSER BOX FOR 0 11/06/2002 PKKFT -DIGITAL CAMERA 11/06/2002 PS-PHOTO SUPPLIES/SVC 10/28/2002 PS-PHOTO SUPPLIES/SVC 10/29/2002 PS-PHOTO SUPPLIES/SVC 11/04/2002 AGOO-74B:TELECOMM CNSL 1 11/13/2002 PKRCS-WE CANCELLED TH 11/18/2002 PS-REIMB:PARKING:COURT: Amount Paid 106.85 90.46 73.84 58.08 55.83 55.70 46.70 40.61 6.51 6,51 6.00 5.86 5,86 5.79 391.68 555.28 4,380.05 63,50 60.71 59.84 63.04 536.25 61.35 5.44 28.03 2,442.00 10.00 231.14 Check Total 19,777.46 391.68 5,059,54 59.84 63.04 631.07 2,442.00 10.00 231.14 Page: 14 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 15 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 170144 11/27/2002 004811 SEATTLE STERLING MACK CS54335 11/08/2002 MSFL T -REPAIR SUP~LlES 67,55 67,55 Voucher: 170144 170145 11/27/2002000351 SEATTLE TIMES-SUBSCRIPT 40680431 10/31/2002 PS-NEWSPAPER SUBCRIPT 29.25 29.25 Voucher: 170145 170146 11/27/2002 003270 SEBRIS BUSTO PS 33595 11/13/2002 AG99-29B: LEGAL SERVICES- 90.00 90,00 Voucher: 170146 170147 11/27/2002 005775 SECOND CHANCE BODY AR 0287762-IN 10/17/2002 PS-BULLETPROOF VEST:WI 828,12 828.12 Voucher: 170147 170148 11/27/2002 006000 SENECA REAL ESTATE GROL8707 10/31/2002 AG02-53:MUNI FAC PRTY CS 3,050.00 3,050,00 Voucher: 170148 170149 11/27/2002 001988 SERVICE LINEN SUPPLY 1024/7412 10/24/2002 PKRLS-LiNEN SERVICES AC 28.82 Voucher: 170149 1017/2186 10/17/2002 PKRLS-LiNEN SERVICES AC 27.81 1031/3859 10/31/2002 PKRLS-LiNEN SERVICES AC 30.17 1107/9077 11/07/2002 PKRLS-LiNEN SERVICES AC 27.81 114,61 -:¡:: 170150 11/27/2002 000056 SIR SPEEDY PRINTING CENTI27859 11/14/2002 MSC-PRINTING SERVICES 251.16 251,16 -.1) Voucher: 170150 -..J> 170151 11/27/2002 003340 SMITH PHD, DAVID H 286 11/03/2002 PS-GROUP & INDIVIDUAL DE 1,500,00 Voucher: 170151 298 11/06/2002 PS-GROUP & INDIVIDUAL DE 250,00 1,750,00 170152 11/27/2002 000379 SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL 1179791 06/02/2002 PRCS-SUMMER DAY CAMP 2 104,00 104.00 Voucher: 170152 170153 11/27/2002 002924 ST PAUL, THE 000149117 11/11/2002 MSRM-INS CLAIM DEDCT GP 5,000,00 5,000,00 Voucher: 170153 170154 11/27/2002 000872 STAR LAKE GREENHOUSE I 5119 11/13/2002 PKM-FLA T DEPOSIT 91,12 91,12 Voucher: 170154 170155 11/27/2002 004841 STEPHENS, SUSIE 33498900041 11/06/2002 PRCS-CRAFT SUPPLIES FO 81.18 81,18 Voucher: 170155 170156 11/27/2002 005891 SUDDEN IMAGE INC 2817 11/11/2002 PS-PHOTO SERVICES 568.03 568.03 Voucher: 170156 170157 11/27/2002000341 SUNRISE SELF STORAGE NOVEMBER 11/16/2002 PS-MTHLY STRGE RENTAL F 165,00 165.00 Voucher: 170157 170158 11/27/2002001601 TAK INC 5968 11/11/2002 MSF-PRINTING SERVICES 90.30 Voucher: 170158 5969 11/11/2002 MSHR-LETTERHEAD 2ND S 89.11 179.41 170159 11/27/2002 007056 TANANA VALLEY CLINIC 8652601 10/22/2002 PS-PRE-EMPL PHYSICAL:TH 166.00 166,00 Voucher: 170159 Page: 15 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 16 Bank: key us bank (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Invoice Inv Date Description Amount Paid Check Total 170160 11/27/2002 000873 TARGET STORES DIVISION, P1103247172 11/13/2002 PKRCS-PRESCHOoli SNACK 24.16 Voucher: 170160 1103119496 07/25/2002 PKRCS-DAY CAMP SUPPLIE 14.62 38,78 170161 11/27/2002 003085 TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION2004831 10/23/2002 MSDP - SCSI CONTROLLER- 4,526.08 Voucher: 170161 894184 09/24/2002 MSDP - CDRW DRIVES- 1,740.80 2003185 10/18/2002 MSDP - SCSI CONTROLLER- 137.09 6,403.97 170162 11/27/2002 007052 THE WIRELESS ADVISORS 14920 09/17/2002 PS-11000 PLUS CELL PHONE 59.84 Voucher: 170162 14923 09/17/2002 PS-11000 CELL PHONE BATTE 32.63 92.47 170163 11/27/2002 001267 TOP FOODS HAGGEN INC 0286 11/20/2002 CD-NMF:KOREAN SENIOR C 95.86 Voucher: 170163 329843 11/15/2002 PKRCS-FOOD-ALL NIGHTER 68.53 164,39 170164 11/27/2002005321 TOSCO/FLEET SERVICES 9271691 11/06/2002 PS-FUEL FOR VEHICLES 70.33 70.33 Voucher: 170164 170165 11/27/2002 005983 TRADER PUBLISHING CO 2115820 10/14/2002 PS-SEATTLE EG-JOB FAIR: 1,195.00 Voucher: 170165 2115821 10/14/2002 PS-SEATTLE EG-JOB FAIR: 150.00 1,345.00 :r:: 170166 11/27/2002 005254 U S BANCORP OCT 2002 11/05/2002 PS-CITY VISA CHARGES FO 5,124.71 5,124,71 - Voucher: 170166 C>' 170167 11/27/2002 002426 UNITED GROCERS CASH & C 98171 11/14/2002 PKRCS-COOKING CLASS FO 27.26 d Voucher: 170167 97092 11/07/2002 PKRCS-COOKING CLASS FO 16,36 95230 10/25/2002 PKRCS-PRG SUP-NACHOS' F 18.02 61.64 170168 11/27/2002 003837 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE F6588V452 11/09/2002 PS-DELIVERY SERVICES 60.60 Voucher: 170168 F6588V442 11/02/2002 PS-DELIVERY SERVICES 6.46 67.06 170169 11/27/2002006509 UP FOR GRABS JUGGLEMANIA 11/19/2002 PKKFT-JUGGLEMANIA GONG 1,850.00 1,850,00 Voucher: 170169 170170 11/27/2002 004258 WA STATE DEPT OF LlCENS SEP17-0CT9 11/26/2002 PS-REMIT CPL FEES (SEPT 1 861,00 861.00 Voucher: 170170 170171 11/27/2002 000340 WA STATE INFORMATION S 2002100225 11/04/2002 MSTEL-SCAN SERVICE (OC 1,037.61 1,037.61 Voucher: 170171 170172 11/27/2002 004628 WA STATE PATROL IDENTI SEP17-0CT9 11/26/2002 PS-REMIT CPL FINGERPRIN 504,00 504.00 Voucher: 170172 170173 11/27/2002 000253 WA STATE TRANSPORTATIO ATB21015084 10/15/2002 AG90-7A: WSDOT MAINT 8/ 15,878.40 15,878.40 Voucher: 170173 170174 11/27/2002 006007 WALKER ACE HARDWARE 76844 11/13/2002 PKDBC-CONST TOOLS/EQP f 63.59 Voucher: 170174 76862 11/13/2002 PKDBC-CONST TOOLS/EQP f 14.09 0007592816 11/06/2002 PKM-PARKS BUILDING MATE 18.27 95,95 170175 11/27/2002 002717 WASHINGTON FIRM L TD, TH 110002 10/31/2002 MSHR-SEXUIAL HARASSMEN 2,000.00 2,000.00 Voucher: 170175 Page: 16 apChklst 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM Bank: key us bank Check # Date Vendor Final Check list CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 17 (Continued) Invoice 17017611/27/2002003209 WASHINGTON POLYGRAPH 02-008 Voucher 170176 170177 11/27/2002 000783 WASTE MANAGEMENT Voucher: 170177 170178 11/27/2002 005565 WELCOME COMMUNICATIO 2323 Voucher: 170178 17017911/27/2002003500 WESCOM COMMUNICATIO Voucher: 170179 1055-0020172 ;¡;: 12930 12931 12932 12929 12933 12934 170180 11/27/2002 001990 WESTERN LlNEN/WELCOME 1113-0325 Voucher: 170180 113/0325 170181 11/27/2002 001427 WESTERN POWER & EQUIP F28097 Voucher 170181 170182 11/27/2002 002087 WHITMAN GLOBAL CARPET (21137 Voucher: 170182 17018311/27/2002003521 WILSON, GREG Voucher: 170183 170184 11/27/2002 000660 WOODWORTH & COMPANY 1150384 Voucher: 170184 17018511/27/2002000947 YOUR INC Voucher: 170185 - C> ---- 11/17/02 2872 Inv Date Description Amount Paid 10/31/2002 PS-PRE-EMPLOY pd. YGRAP 125.00 10/31/2002 PWSWR-LiTTER DISPOSAL 11/08/2002 PS-TWO-WAY RADIO BATTE 11/14/2002 PS-CALIBRATE RADAR SYST 11/14/2002 PS-CALIBRATE RADAR SYST 11/14/2002 PS-CALIBRATE RADAR SYST 11/14/2002 PS-CALIBRATE RADAR SYST 11/14/2002 PS-CALIBRATE RADAR SYST 11/14/2002 PS-CALIBRATE RADAR SYST 10/07/2002 PKRLS-CARPET RENTAL 9/ 11/04/2002 PKRLS-CARPET RENTAL 10 10/31/2002 MSFL T-REPAIR SUPPLIES 11/11/2002 AG98-203C:CARPET CLN SV 11/17/2002 PS-REIMB:PARKING @ CALE 11/12/2002 SWMM-MAINT. SUPPLIES; M 11/20/2002 AG02-48:PS/JANITORIAL SV Check Total - 125,00 330.70 330,70 1,361,25 1,361,25 163,20 163.20 87.04 163,20 87,04 54.40 90.05 90.05 1,155.03 718.08 180.10 1,155.03 789,89 789.89 122.25 122.25 73.11 73,11 1,575.00 1,575.00 Sub total for us bank: 334,885.08 Page: 17 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1 :48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 18 180 checks in this report. Grand Total All Checks: ) 334,885.08 -¡: - t3 Page: 18 apChkLst 11/27/2002 1:48:36PM Final Check List CITY OF FEDERAL WAY Page: 19 Void Checks Bank code: key Check # Date 170134 11/27/2002 » ~ -' ~ Page: 19 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STREETS DIVISION PROJECT STATUS REPORT 23rd Avenue So Road I 8/931 12/021 N/A I 1/00 I 7/961 12/981 6/01 I This project is under construction, the contractor is I 8,470,042 I 8,470,042 Improvements, So 317th St to DPK Jnc, So 324th, and So 32Oth Project was completed 10/30/02 Street double left turn lanes Design, ROWand Construction (Design/ROW/ (TEA 21, AlP) Construction) South 32Oth Street - 11th 1/98 12/02 1198 N/A N/A N/A N/A The streetscape project was completed, 1,923,930 1,923,930 Place South to 1-5, Utility The only remaining item to be completed on this project Underground and Streetscape is the undergrounding of over head utilities within I I (Design! private easements along S32Oth Street between 20th Construction) Design, ROWand Ave and 25th Ave. Staff are in negotiations with PSE for Construction the comoletion of this work. Pacific Highway South HOY 5/98 12/03 8198 7/99 9/98 3/00 7/02 This project is under construction. The contractor is SCI I ~~983,380 I 11,983,380 Lanes Phase I - So. 312th Infrastructure, LLC. Estimated project completion is Street to So, 324th Street October 2003, Design, ROWand I I (Design/ROW/ Construction Construction) (TEA 21, TPP) Pacific Highway South HaY 6/00 12/04 N/A 9/00 6/00 11/00 5/03 This project is fully funded for Design, ROWand I 13,049,000 I 4,309,000 Lanes Phase 11- So. 324th Street to So. 34Oth Street Construction. The Consultant is CH2M Hill, Inc" Design, ROWand currently working on project design and ROW I Construction acquisitions. Project construction Ad date is estimated I (Design/ROW) (TEA 21, TPP, AlP) to be May 2003 Pacific Highway South HOY 4/03 I 12/06 N/A 4/04 12/04 9/04 5/05 This project is fully funded for Design and ROW only. I 3,500,000 I Lanes Phase III . So. 284th 0.0 Street to Dash Point Road I Staffs are in the process of selecting a consultant for the Design, ROW design and the ROW acquisition of the project. (TEA 21, TPP) (Design/ROW) 2003 Asphalt Overlays 9/02 12/03 9/02 N/A 1/02 N/A 4/02 The City Council approved the list of streets for the 2,028,974 2,028,974 Design, Construction 2003 Asphalt overlay. Staff currently working on project design. S288th Street I 10/01 I 12/03 I 10/01 I 1/02 I 4/02 I 1/02 I SR99 to Military Road South 4/03 I This project is funded for Desir.' ROWand I 2,335,770 I 495,200 Construction. Consultant is CH2M Hi Wlnc., currently working on pr~ect desft and RO acquisitions, ProÓect constru ion Ad ate is estimated to be May Design, ROWand I I I I I I I 120 3 I I (Design & ROW) Construction (TIA, HES) K:\CIP\STRO1O3.doc 01/21/2003 RECENT ACTIVITIES (DEC-JAN) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM RELATED TO, OR OF PARTICULAR INTEREST TO, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE AGENDA Participation in Economic Development for a Growing Economy ("EDGE") legislation Code changes to accommodate economic development Work with SeaTac Mall purchasers Participation on staffteam for Economic Development marketing/publicity Letters to CEO's of 50 top local businesses Contributed majority of text and info for the Chamber's 2003 Economic Profile Funded and/or paid for South King County Economic Engine report and FW Market Profile Updated Greater Seattle InfoGuide RELATED TO L T AC AGENDA LTAC workplan and budget Tourism Enhancement Grant awards Fieldhouse subcommittee and work with All Star Fitness and their proposal Washington State Tourism website Tourism Information/Directional signage program RELATED TO PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WORK PROGRAM Multifamily housing tax exemption program and code amendments Comprehensive Plan - rewrite of Economic Development and City Cen~er chapters and presentation to Planning Commission and LUTC. Sound Transit design review committee Hired Intern City Center code amendment re: large-format retail; working with property owners SEP A Planned Action scope Participation on Municipal Facility staffteam RECENT MEETINGS/CONTACTS (DEC-JAN) December EVC EDC Sound Transit design review meeting Meeting with Sea Tac Mall purchasers Call from potential MF developer in City Center January Seattle/King County EDC Economic Forecast Conference "EDGE" interjurisdictional meeting (TIF) EVC Chamber Economic Forecast Breakfast Mitchell Place opening Woodstone Credit Union open house 2002 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PROGRAM General Economic Development Activities 0 Liaison with business community/groups, other communities, EDC of Seattle/King County 0 Assist permit applicants, potential applicants, businesses 0 Analyze codes, policies and procedures to identify potential hurdles to economic development and recommend potential changes 0 Respond to/follow up on inquiries from businesses wishing to locate/relocate/expand in FW 0 Create real estate database of available properties and tenant space by type, size, etc. 0 Explore creative ideas for unique cultural, institutional, commercial facilities/development (possibly intemational- or sports-related) as "magnets" and redevelopment generators . Web site 0 Research, assess needs/desires, create program 0 Professional services contract for web site/graphic design 0 Incorporate database of properties/tenant space . Lodging Tax-Related Activities 0 Multipurpose Field House - use consultant study to formulate next steps/actions 0 Business Improvement Area 0 Explore generation of festivals, events, intemational/farmer~ markets, etc., and use tax revenue as grant/seed money 0 Tourism promotion, branding process (w/ consultant), website, publication, etc. . Economic Development Component of the Comprehensive Plan 0 Update Economic Development Chapter 0 Liaison with Planning Commission, Economic Development Committee, Chamber's Economic Vitality Committee, LUTC, etc. 0 Public meetings Economic Development 2002 Work Plan Page 2 of 2 City Center-Related Activities . City Hall 0 Continue with exploration of possible sites 0 Participate in public involvement process 0 Eventually develop RFP 0 Work with development group, refine design, negotiate mixed uses, assist with processes, etc. . SEP A Planned Action 0 Manage consultants' work on EIS, etc. 0 Formulate desired development prototypes 0 Prepare code language, ordinances, process/procedures 0 Lead/facilitate public process . City Center Code Amendments 0 Tax exemption for residential development 0 Limit on megaretail/encourage mixed-use development 0 Parking structures, joint parking, etc. . Follow-up to City Center Redevelopment Workshop 0 Create mailing list of attendees/invitees 0 Create quarterly newsletter/update sheet 0 Meet w/ developers individually 0 Assist developers/property owners in understanding redevelopment potential, etc. 0 Explore process/code improvement issues suggested by stakeholders 0 Explore creative financing tools to create incentives for redevelopment DRAFT 2003 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PROGRAM General Economic Development Activities . Economic Development Website - to be completed Liaison with business community/groups, other communities, EDC of Seattle/King County Assist permit applicants, potential applicants, businesses Implement changes to codes, policies and procedures to overcome hurdles to economic development - Respond to/follow up on inquiries from businesses wishing to locate/relocate/expand in FW Reach out/contact developers in region Participation on staffteam for Economic Development marketing/publicity . . . . . . Lod~in~ Tax-Related Activities . Magazine/radio ads and video for hotels Marketing brochure Electronic informational kiosk Implement/install tourism directional signage Create flyer promoj:ing FW amenities/events at venues/events RFPlhire events plarÏñing consults; Yz FTE events planning staff at Çhamber Tourism Enhancement Grants Weekend tour packages Fieldhouse . . . . . . . . City-Center-Related Activities . Complete scope of SEP A Planned Action, create/publish RFP, hire consultants, manage EIS; prepare policy, code and procedure changes to implement Planned Action Ordinance Implement Multifamily Tax Exemption (application forms, procedures, roll- out brochure, etc.) Work with Sea-Tac Mall new owners/developers Implement code changes to encourage desired redevelopment Sound Transit design oversight . . . .