LUTC MINS 05-19-2008G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2008\5-19-08 Minutes.doc City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee May 19, 2008 City Hall 5:30 PM City Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES In attendance: Committee Chair Linda Kochmar, Council Member Jim Ferrrell, Committee Member Dini Duclos, Assistant City Manager/Chief Operations Officer/Emergency Manager Cary Roe, Deputy Public Works Director Ken Miller, City Staff Attorney Monica Buck, Planning Manager Isaac Conlen, Senior Planner Janet Shull, Senior Financial Analyst Mark Turley, Director of Community Development Services Greg Fewins and Administrative Assistant II Darlene LeMaster. 1. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Kochmar called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The May 5, 2008 LUTC meeting minutes were approved. Moved: Duclos Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 3. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. 4. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Butko Notice of Intention to Petition for Annexation Janet Shull provided background information on this item. Committee Member Duclos asked if the additional seven parcel owners have indicated an interest in annexing. Ms. Shull responded that staff has no knowledge of whether or not neighboring parcel owners are aware of Butko’s petition of intent to annex or the option for them to annex as well. If this item is forwarded as recommended to include the additional seven parcels, each property owner will have to be made aware in order to signor not sign the petition to annex. Without including the other seven parcels, Mr. Butko will still go through the process of petitioning for annexation. If Council decides to approve the request, the item will still go before a public hearing where neighboring owners may want to be part of the annexation, but will have to go through the process all over again. Committee Member Duclos wants to accommodate the resident (Mr. Butko) wishing to incorporate but is cautious about the other parcels in question, especially after the last election where the annexation vote failed. Committee Member Duclos would like to make sure the other parcel owners would like to be annexed into the City prior to moving staff’s recommendation forward. Committee Chair Kochmar asked what about if others don’t want to annex into the City but Mr. Butko still does. Ms. Shull stated that staff feels that contiguous boundary lines are still preferred. Because of this, it will take some work on the part of Mr. Butko to communicate to his neighboring parcel owners to obtain their support and their signatures on the petition. If neighboring parcel owners don’t want to be included, it will ultimately be up to Council whether or not to accept the annexation request of just one parcel. Chair Kochmar inquired to the rush to make a decision on this issue. Ms. Shull responded that in the case of this notice of intent to petition for annexation by Mr. Butko, action is required by the City within 60 days of receipt of the notice. Committee Member Ferrell is in support of Option 2 and feels this proposal is very doable and could also be in the best interest for all of the parcel owners. When it comes to law enforcement and emergency response, it is important for responding agencies to know exactly where City boundary lines lie. The Committee supported this option with the caveat that all of the other seven property owners are contacted and informed of Mr. Butko’s petition for annexation and the option for their parcel to be included in the annexation prior to the Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 2 May 19, 2008 G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2008\5-19-08 Minutes.doc next Council meeting on June 3rd. If modifications are needed to the Committee’s recommendation after contacting all of the property owners, the recommendation can be amended at the June 3rd City Council meeting. Moved: Ferrell Seconded: Duclos Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 Committee PASSED Options 2 and 4 to the June 3, 2008, City Council Consent Agenda for approval, as amended to include contacting the other seven parcel owners prior to the June 3rd City Council meeting. B. Graham Short Plat – Side Sewer Easement Ken Miller provided background information on this item. There was no discussion. Mr. Miller addressed a revision to the motion on the agenda item. Moved: Duclos Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 2-0 Linda Kochmar recused herself. Committee PASSED Option 1 to the June 3, 2008, City Council Consent Agenda for approval, as amended to read, “ I move that the Assistant City Manager executes the attached easements for a sanitary side sewer across a portion of Tract B in favor of the Graham Short Plat and the adjacent single-family parcel to the south.” 5. FUTURE MEETING The next regularly scheduled LUTC meeting will be held June 2, 2008 at 5:30 PM. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:04 PM.