LUTC MINS 08-02-2010 City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee August 2, 2010 City Hall 5:30 PM City Council Chambers MEETING SUMMARY Committee Members in Attendance: Committee Chair Dini Duclos, Committee Member Jack Dovey and Committee Member Jim Ferrell. Council Members in Attendance: Mayor Linda Kochmar and Council Member Burbidge Staff Members in Attendance: Director of Parks, Public Works, and Emergency Management Cary Roe, Deputy Public Works Director Marwan Salloum, City Traffic Engineer Rick Perez, Senior Traffic Engineer Jesse Hannahs, Senior Traffic Engineer Maryanne Zukowski, Planning Manager Isaac Conlen, Associate Planner Matt Herrera, Assistant City Attorney Peter Beckwith, and Administrative Assistant II Darlene LeMaster. 1. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Duclos called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. 3. BUSINESS ITEMS Forward Topic Title/Description to Council A. Approval of the July 12, 2010, LUTC Minutes Committee approved June 7, 2010, LUTC minutes as presented. Moved: Ferrell Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 N/A B. Nautilus NTS ’10 – 4th Ave S (S Dash Point Road to S 308th St) Senior Traffic Engineer Jesse Hannahs presented information on this item. There was one public comment. Bill Lee, 30661 4th Ave S – Mr. Lee has been a Federal Way resident for 45 years. 4th Ave S has been in need of speed humps for many years. Mr. Lee is requesting that the Committee forward this item to Council for approval. Committee Member Dovey asked if installing the speed hump on 4th Ave S will divert traffic down S 308th St, generating another NTS request on S 308th St. Committee Member Dovey suggested analyzing the entire system as residents will naturally travel along roads with no speed humps. Mr. Hannahs responded that the budge dictates how many qualifying and approved requests can be constructed and to what extent. The NTS program is set up to be citizen generated. City Traffic Engineer Perez also added that staff does not want it perceived as though the City is forcing speed humps on residents. 9/7/2010 Consent Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 2 August 2, 2010 G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2010\8-02-10 Minutes.doc Mayor Kochmar noted the ballot return rate of 34% and asked how this percentage can be improved. Mr. Hannahs responded that 34% return rate is average for the NTS ballots and suggested using accurate information and publicizing the ballot may make more residents aware of it, thus a higher return percentage. Committee forwarded Option #1 as presented. Moved: Ferrell Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 C. Lake Dolloff NTS ’10 – 33rd Pl S/S 334th St/38th Ave S/S 328th St (Weyerhaeuser Way S to Military Rd. S) Senior Traffic Engineer Jesse Hannahs presented information on this item. There was one public comment. Terry Thomas, 33467 33rd Pl. S – Mr. Thomas is president of the North Lake Improvement Club. Mr. Thomas complimented staff on their customer service and communication with residents throughout the NTS process. Mr. Thomas spoke in favor of speed humps and asked the Committee to forward this request to Council for approval. Committee Member Dovey asked if it made business sense to combine all NTS ballots into one bid schedule, bidding it at the end of the year and to be constructed the following year. City Traffic Engineer Perez explained that the City already has an “On-Call Services” agreement in place and has locked in on a lump sum per speed hump cost. Lump sums were bid with this contract. Council member Burbidge commented on the relative speeds along 33rd Ave S and 38th Ave S and asked if speed humps are the least expensive solution. Mr. Hannahs responded that yes, speed humps are least expensive at approx. $3,500 per speed hump. Committee Member Dovey requested that staff complete both phases of this NTS together in 2010. Committee forwarded Option #1 as modified to install all proposed traffic calming measures at the presented locations in 2010. Moved: Dovey Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 9/7/2010 Consent D. Residential Off-Street Parking Requirements Associate Planner Matt Herrera presented information on this item. There was no public comment. Committee Member Dovey asked for the history of this proposed code amendment. Mr. Herrera explained that the request for this code amendment was initiated by Code Compliance in their attempt to more clearly define “approved impervious surface” as it related to residential parking on the grass. Code Compliance is complaint driven. When a complaint is received, a code compliance officer will investigate the complaint. If out of compliance, the resident is given five days to comply until further action is warranted. Chair Duclos brought forth the example of washing your car on your lawn. Mr. Herrera clarified that this code amendment is dealing with cars that are permanently parked on grass. Parking your vehicle on grass for the purpose of washing the vehicle and then moving the vehicle to an improved impervious surface is acceptable and is not interfering with any City code. Mr. Herrera discussed the split vote amongst the Planning Commissioners and some of the concerns of the Commissioners. Mr. Herrera also wanted to clarify that ASTM standards have been adopted for right of way only. There is currently no standard for private property. 9/7/2010 1st Reading Ordinance Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 3 August 2, 2010 G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2010\8-02-10 Minutes.doc Mayor Kochmar offered to check with Lakehaven Utility District on their aquifers and if increasing parking pads for vehicles will result in less water draining. Mr. Herrera responded that there would not be a substantial impact to drainage. It was also noted that there is no reason to exempt large lots of this requirement at this time. Committee Member Dovey asked what if the pad is hard pan dirt. Mr. Herrera said that staff will be determining what to do about dirt and make a decision. Staff wants to make the definition clear but somewhat open-ended so as new LID materials are developed, they can be an option for this use. Chair Duclos asked at what point we limit the options available. Director Roe stated that given the proposed language, concrete follows the intention of the code. Dirt does not meet the intent. Committee Member Dovey asked for the ordinance to be clear as to what options are acceptable. Council Member Burbidge also noted that with new development, there are already provisions for stormwater runoff in place. Committee forwarded Option #1 as presented. Moved: Ferrell Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 E. 2010 Pedestrian Safety Projects – Preliminary Project List and Authorization to Bid Senior Traffic Engineer Maryanne Zukowski presented information on this item. There was one public comment. Jodie Zellerhoff, 32227 46th Pl SW – Ms. Zellerhoff requests that a pedestrian crosswalk be added to the project list at SW Dash Point Road at 47th Ave SW/SW 320th St to help pedestrians go from the parking lot to the trail head above Dash Point State Park. City Traffic Engineer Perez stated that at present the nearest intersection (formal crosswalk) is at SW 325th Way at Hoyt Road. Based on the adopted scoring criteria, this project would score relatively low; it could be added to the master list, but may not be funded any time soon. Ms. Zukowski suggested evaluating this additional location at SW 320th ST at Hoyt to see where this project falls within the master list of pedestrian projects. As well, staff would need to determine the safest location for a crosswalk may be. Committee Member Dovey asked how funds are available for this. Deputy Director Salloum stated that the elements of this project will be bid in schedules, as is the Asphalt Overlay Program. The schedules will be awarded within the available budget. The funds for this project come from capital funds/fuel tax that Council appropriated for pedestrian improvement projects. Council Member Burbidge asked if the project list was prioritized. Ms. Zukowski stated that the projects were taken from a list based on score. Council would make the final decision on projects that have scored the same, if not all schedules can be awarded within the available funds. Committee forwarded Option #1 as modified to include authorizing staff to analyze an additional location at Hoyt Rd SW and SW 320th St vicinity. Moved: Dovey Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 9/7/2010 Consent Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 4 August 2, 2010 G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2010\8-02-10 Minutes.doc F. Speed Limit Ordinance – Proposed Changes Senior Traffic Engineer Maryanne Zukowski presented information on this item. There was no public comment. There was brief discussion from the dais regarding sight distance around the parks and how that may influence speed limits. City Traffic Engineer Perez noted that statistically, lowering the speed limit does not necessarily modify a driver’s behavior. Committee forwarded Option #1 as presented. Moved: Dovey Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 9/7/2010 1st Reading Ordinance 4. OTHER Committee Member Dovey asked staff to look at the functionality of bicycle routes within the city. Ms. Zukowski noted that bicycle routes are part of the comprehensive plan amendments and will be addresses at some point in the not too distant future. 5. FUTURE MEETING The next LUTC meeting will be held Tuesday, 9/7/10 at 5:30 PM in City Hall Council Chambers, prior to the City Council meeting. Please also note that the 8/16/10 LUTC meeting has been cancelled and that Monday, 9/6/10 is a holiday. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM. Attest: Darlene LeMaster, Administrative Assistant II COMMITTEE APPROVAL: Dini Duclos, Chair Jim Ferrell, Member Jack Dovey, Member