LUTC MINS 04-19-2010 City of Federal Way City Council Land Use/Transportation Committee April 19, 2010 City Hall 5:30 PM City Council Chambers MEETING SUMMARY Committee Members in Attendance: Committee Chair Dini Duclos, Committee Member Jim Ferrell and Council Member Jack Dovey present. Council Members in Attendance: Mayor Kochmar Staff Members in Attendance: Director of Parks, Public Works, and Emergency Management Cary Roe, Director of Community Development Services Greg Fewins, Senior Planner Margaret Clark, Senior Planner Janet Shull, Associate Planner Matt Herrera , Deputy Public Works Director Ken Miller, Surface Water Manager William Appleton, Assistant City Attorney Peter Beckwith, and Administrative Assistant II Darlene LeMaster. 1. CALL TO ORDER Committee Chair Duclos called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM. 2. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. 3. BUSINESS ITEMS Forward Topic Title/Description to Council A. Approval of the April 5, 2010, LUTC Minutes Committee approved April 5, 2010, LUTC minutes as presented. Moved: Dovey Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 N/A B. Approval of Department of Ecology Pass-Through Grant Expenditures SWM Manager Will Appleton presented information on this item. There was no public comment. Committee Member Dovey asked if staff plans to train residents on rain gardens, are there grants available to residents who wish to build one. Mr. Appleton explained that to avoid the use of public funds to construct a rain garden on private property, staff is looking at the possibility of allowing residents to be trained on rain gardens, use public funds and help build the rain gardens on public property. An example might be to build a rain garden on school district property. A school site would be highly visible and would draw lots of attention. Committee forwarded Option #1 as presented. Moved: Ferrell Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 5/4/2010 Consent C. King County Conservation Futures Funds update, Authorization to Transfer Matching Funds From the SWM unallocated into the SWM 2010 Budget Upon Receiving Notice of Additional Conservation Futures Allocation and to Pursue Acquisition of the Bridges Property SWM Manager Will Appleton presented information on this item. There was no public comment. Mr. Appleton highlighted the cost of acquiring the Bridges property. Chair Duclos 5/4/2010 Consent Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 2 April 19, 2010 G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2010\4-19-10 Minutes.doc asked where the City’s matching funds would come from. Mayor Kochmar asked about how the property would be used once acquired. Mr. Appleton answered that the City’s matching funds portion will come from the SWM unallocated funds account. There are sufficient funds to purchase this property. The subject land will be used to potentially develop and tie into the existing parks/trails and may also be used from an educational outreach standpoint. Mr. Appleton added that the properties shown on the map in red are parcels of interest; staff is interested in purchasing these in the future for conservation purposes. Friends of the Hylebos have and will continue to partner with the City in this restoration project. Staff will be looking into the future connectivity of parks and trails with the Parks Department as well as how such a project could be funded. Committee forwarded Option #1 as presented. Moved: Dovey Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 D. Amendment to Exhibit A to the City Center Planned Action Ordinance Senior Planner Janet Shull presented information on this item. There was no public comment. Committee Member Dovey asked why the area on the map was not taken all the way to the freeway. Ms. Shull responded that staff evaluated that area and felt there would likely be no proposed redevelopment activity of any significance within the additional area prior to 2014, which is when the Planned Action EIS expires. Staff could always amend the ordinance at a later date should there be interest in developing any of the land closer to the freeway. Deputy PW Director Miller also stated that the size of the area in the Planned Action EIS was such that adding the additional land may trigger the need for analysis to determine impact that development may have. Committee forwarded Option #1 as presented. Moved: Dovey Seconded: Ferrell Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 5/4/2010 Ordinance 1st Reading E. Timing of Payments for Open Space Fee-in-lieu, Regional Stormwater Facility Fee, and Transportation Impact Fee Associate Planner Matt Herrera presented information on this item. Chair Duclos invited Mr. Garrett Huffman to make public comment: Garrett Huffman, Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties – Encouraged the Committee to approve Option 2. Mr. Huffman also thanked staff, the Committee and Council for their efforts in seeing this issue through. Committee Member Dovey asked what would happen if the developer goes bankrupt. Who is responsible for paying these fees? Mr. Herrera explained that a covenant would be recorded against the property once the home had been built. Fees would be paid at the point of sales transaction. Chair Duclos thanked staff and all outside representatives involved, who have worked on this topic and have found a solution that everyone is happy with. Committee forwarded Option #2 as presented. Moved: Ferrell Seconded: Dovey Passed: Unanimously, 3-0 5/4/2010 Ordinance 1st Reading F. Subdivision Application Materials for Land Use and Transportation Committee Packets Community Development Services Director Fewins presented information on this item. The committee concurred with Mr. Fewins presentation and thanked staff for following the Committee’s direction. No motion was required as this item was for information only. N/A Land Use/Transportation Committee Page 3 April 19, 2010 G:\LUTC\LUTC Agendas and Summaries 2010\4-19-10 Minutes.doc 4. OTHER Mayor Kochmar provided positive feedback from a new Subway. Owning multiple Subways in multiple jurisdictions, the Subway owners complimented Mayor Kochmar on how nice it was to work with Federal Way staff in regard to permitting and the entire process. 5. FUTURE MEETING The next regular LUTC meeting will be Monday, May 3, 2010, at 5:30 PM in City Council Chambers. 6. ADJOURN The meeting adjourned at 6:10 PM. Attest: Darlene LeMaster, Administrative Assistant II COMMITTEE APPROVAL: Dini Duclos, Chair Jim Ferrell, Member Jack Dovey, Member