Planning Comm MINS 04-16-1997 SUMMARY Commissioners present: Robert Vaughan (Chair) Diana Noble-Gulliford, Todd Suchan, Peter Morse, Lu Joslin, and Tim Carr. Commissioner absent: Dean Greenough. Staff present: Senior Planner Greg McCormick, Contract planner Penelope Bell, and Admin Assistant E. Tina Piety. Chair Vaughn called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was m/s/c to approve the minutes of April 2, 1997 AUDIENCE COMMENT None. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT Mr. McCormick introduced Penelope Bell, the contract planner working on the nonconformance code amendment. In addition, he gave a project update. Ms. Piety gave a presentation on parliamentary procedures. COMMISSION BUSINESS - Nonconformance Code Amendment Mr. McCormick handed out a working draft of the staff report. He gave a presentation of the current Nonconformance code. He went over the difference between legal and illegal nonconforming. He also went through the different types of nonconforming: use, procedure, parking, signs buffers, and any other. Discussion was held on parking, the Ross Plaza sign, water quality, and streets. The city is looking at this code because of problems the school district has had when placing portables at various schools and for housekeeping: making sure that the code reflects how the city is really doing things. The city is not currently recommending changes in thresholds, even though it is mentioned in the staff report. The staff report does give alternatives to bringing items up to code. ADDITIONAL BUSINESS None. AUDIENCE COMMENT None. ADJOURN It was m/s/c to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. 041697.SUM City of Federal Way PLANNING COMMISSION April 16, 1997 City Hall 7:00 pm Council Chambers